Let ‘s Remember ! “Shoah” is a Jewish word and it means “catastrophe” or “extermination”. It refers to the extermination of more than ten millions of Jewish and Slav, gypsies and disabled people. Adolph Hitler wanted this extermination because for him German race was the best one. Shoah is celebrated on 27th January and it is used to remind all people of this sad event and to avoid other sufferings like those.

Web view“Shoah” is a Jewish word and it means “catastrophe” or “extermination”. ... Primo Levi. Se questo è un uomo . Voi che vivete sicuri

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Let ‘s Remember !“Shoah” is a Jewish word and it means “catastrophe” or “extermination”. It refers to the extermination of more than ten millions of Jewish and Slav, gypsies and disabled people. Adolph Hitler wanted this extermination because for him German race was the best one. Shoah is celebrated on 27th January and it is used to remind all people of this sad event and to avoid other sufferings like those.

The Dream Trish McAllister

She prepares the table, the colors are so bright! Her daughter will be so surprised, delighted. This will be her first party. What fun! Six is a wonderful age....I shiver in the cold, my stomach aches with hunger. I stare at my children as they sit lethargically. They used to play with such abandon.

Now their eyes - so hollow. No more tears. She serves the cake, Laughs as her birthday girlTries to blow out candles that won't extinguish. How carefree, and happyShe never thinks of her freedom. It just is. My skin feels dry and clammy, all at once. Fear is my constant companion. How grateful I'd be, To give myself over to The Monsters, If only my little ones were spared. The children bang on the tableAnxious for their piece. Anxious to move on to games and the clown! Precious and lovedThey are so cared for, spoiled, revered. The banging on the door -My heart stops. (Oh how I wish it would!) Are the camps as bad as they say?? They couldn't hurt the children!!

She wakes up to the pounding. The dream of parties and running and laughing is over. Her children cling to her, roughly pushed Toward the train, toward the end. I wake up with the sun It was just a nightmare. Now I have a party to prepare for But a tear falls - for her. I am her. She is me. Wake up.


You who live safeIn your warm houses,You who return in the evening to findHot food and friendly faces:Consider if this is a manWho works in the mudWho does not know peaceWho fights for a scrap of breadWho dies because of a yes or a no.

Consider if this is a woman,Without hair and without nameWith no more strength to remember,Her eyes empty and her womb coldLike a frog in winter.Consider that this has been:I commend these words to you.Engrave them on your heartsWhen you are in your house, when you walk on your way,When you go to bed, when you rise.Repeat them to your children.Or may your house crumble,Disease render you powerless,Your offspring avert their faces from you.at them to your children.Or may your house crumble,Disease render you powerless,Your offspring avert their faces from you. Primo LeviSe questo è un uomo

Voi che vivete sicuri nelle vostre tiepide case, voi che trovate tornando a serail cibo caldo e visi amici:Considerate se questo è un uomoche lavora nel fangoche non conosce paceche lotta per mezzo paneche muore per un si o per un no.Considerate se questa è una donna,senza capelli e senza nomesenza più forza di ricordarevuoti gli occhi e freddo il grembocome una rana d'inverno.Meditate che questo è stato:vi comando queste parole.Scolpitele nel vostro cuorestando in casa andando per via,coricandovi, alzandovi.Ripetetele ai vostri figli.O vi si sfaccia la casa,la malattia vi impedisca,i vostri nati torcano il viso da voi.

A6893 by Anna Sotto She didn't cry when they removed her clothes, her ring, her shoes, her hair. But when they took away her name She wept.

A6893By Anna SottoLei non piansequando le tolsero i suoi vestiti, il suo anello,le scarpe, i capelli.Ma quando le portarono viaIl suo nomePianse.

Thanks to the Holocaust I understood what the suffering, the hatred, the fear and the pain mean and how precious is our life.

Francesca Bisogno II E