The Little Rainbow Daycare 3350 Thomas St SPC 154 Fairbanks AK 99709 Lindsey Garrett ~ 799-8113 POLICIES AND REGULATIONS HANDBOOK We want you to feel comfortable and welcome in our daycare! Caring for children is our chosen profession. Children are very special to us and their well-being is our main concern. We truly enjoy talking and playing with each child, and meeting his or her physical and emotional needs. Your child will be loved and treated as a uniquely special person while in our care. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of care for your child in a home-based environment. Our child care policies and procedures will give you an insight into your child's day at The Little Rainbow Daycare and let you know what we do to provide the highest quality care.

Web viewGood communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns

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Page 1: Web viewGood communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns

The Little Rainbow Daycare3350 Thomas St SPC 154

Fairbanks AK 99709Lindsey Garrett ~ 799-8113


We want you to feel comfortable and welcome in our daycare! Caring for children is our chosen profession. Children are very special to us and their well-being is our main concern. We truly enjoy talking and playing

with each child, and meeting his or her physical and emotional needs. Your child will be loved and treated as a uniquely special person while in our care. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of care for your child in a home-based environment. Our child care policies and procedures will give you an insight into your child's day

at The Little Rainbow Daycare and let you know what we do to provide the highest quality care.

Page 2: Web viewGood communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns


We are always eager to speak with parent(s) about their child's daily experiences, growth, and development, or any other topic you may wish to discuss. Although The Little Rainbow Daycare does not hold formally scheduled conferences, information about your child's growth and development will be shared on an on-going basis. If you have special concerns, we will be happy to work with you to arrange a convenient time to discuss these issues by phone or in person. Please understand that nap time will usually be the best time for us to give the uninterrupted attention that your concern deserves. Feel free to request a conference at any time if you have a concern or feel that we need time to talk face to face without interruptions.

Good communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns or questions that may arise. It is important that there is a similar child care philosophy between the center and the parents. We welcome questions, feedback, or discussions of any kind that are oriented towards a positive outcome for the children. Sensitive issues will be discussed in private at a mutually beneficial time


All information about children and their families will be kept strictly confidential. If a communicable illness occurs, each family will be told of possible exposure, but not the name of the sick child. Please do not ask us any questions that could be a breach of confidentiality. If you need information about another family, please speak directly with that family.


There are several forms the make up The Little Rainbow Daycare’s enrollment packet. This enrollment packet must be completed and in our possession before we can assume the responsibility of caring for your child. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is to ensure that your child will get the very best care. All forms will be reviewed semi-annually. If there are changes to any of the forms in the enrollment packet, please notify us to update your records. The forms that are required are as follows:

Financial Contract Child Emergency Information/Consent For Emergency Transportation and Medical Care Medication Authorization Form Immunization records or exemption documentation Photo Authorization Form Service Agreement Form

If you have any questions regarding the completion of these forms, please feel free to ask us.


We ask that all children are dropped off between 7:30 and 9:00 am unless you have a scheduled Dr's appointment. We have found that a stable drop off time allows the children to more easily transition through the day. It also allows for us to provide more fun activities for the children if we don't have to wait for all the children to randomly show up. Coming in late can also drastically change the tone of the environment and has at times completely stopped planned events or projects, which later must be rescheduled or canceled altogether, which is clearly not fair to the other children that did arrive on time. 

Children are to arrive clean and fed (unless arriving just before a meal time). We will try our best to send your child home with a clean diaper, and would appreciate the same consideration when you drop off.It is normal for some children to have difficulty separating from parents, or cry when dropping off. Please make your drop off brief, the longer you prolong the departure, the harder it gets. A smile, cheerful good-bye kiss, and a reassuring word that you will be back is all that is needed. In our experience, children are nearly always quick

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to get involved in play or activities as soon as parents are gone.

We also ask that pick-ups be made in a timely manner. Occasional late pick-ups are expected and just a part of life; however habitual late pick-ups and considered both a stress on your children, because they are use to a specified time frame just like you at work, and also disrespectful to the staff who put a lot of effort into proving your children with a long day full of fun and engaging activities and would also like to stay within a specified time frame. 

Please be brief at pick-up times, as well. During arrival and departure, we expect parents to back up our rules. Please be in control of your child during pick up and drop off times.

Our normal procedure is to release the child only to his/her parents, or someone else the parents designate on the Authorized Pick up and Emergency Contact Form. If someone other than the parent is to pick up the child, please notify us ahead of time. A verbal notice is fine on that day, if this person is on the list of people who are authorized to pick up your child. If the person is NOT on that list, we MUST have written permission to release your child. Please inform emergency contacts, or people designated to pick up your child, that if we do not know them then we will need to ask for identification. This is not meant to offend them. This is simply a measure taken for the child's protection. Drop off and pick up are not good times to discuss serious problems. Little ears and minds hear and understand everything. We are more than willing to set up a time where any issues can be discussed in private.


The use of everyday signing in and out will be used on an as our way of tracking when you drop off and pick up your children.


Childcare fees are based on enrollment (a reserved space), not on attendance. To maintain a reserved space, fees must be paid during the absence of a child due to illness, holidays, vacation, or for any other reason.

The Little Rainbow Daycare staff reserves the right to use up to 4 paid sick days per year. Parents will be notified of daycare closure due to staff illness as early as possible.


We provide an annual form that will list all closure dates for the year at least 30 days before the first closure.

The following is a list of the holidays that The Little Rainbow Daycare will be closed:

Memorial Day Weekend4th of July WeekendLabor day WeekendThanksgiving Weekend Christmas Break (normally the week for Christmas and New Years)

In addition to these holidays The Little Rainbow Daycare will be closed for up to two weeks paid vacation every year in one week increments. Parents will be given 30 days’ notice before any vacation is scheduled giving parents ample time to find a substitute care provider for the allotted time.


Page 4: Web viewGood communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns

Our schedule can definitely vary depending on the amount or temperament of the children in care on any given day, but we do strive to maintain our schedule as often as possible.  

7:30-9:00         Arrivals/free choice activities8:30-9:00         Breakfast9:00-10:00       Naps for infants/music and exercise for everyone else10:00-11:30     Free play for infants and toddlers/Preschool lessons for 3-5 year olds11:30-12:00     Lunch12:00-12:30     Story time/transition to naps12:30-3:00      Naps/quiet time3:00-3:30         Wake up/clean-up 3:30-4:00        Snack/ Get ready for outside play4:00-5:00         Outside play (or active play inside, if inclement weather)4:00-5:00         Discovery play for infants/toddlers5:00-6:00         Free choice activities/departure


Monday – Friday 7:30AM – 6:00PM

NUMBER AND AGES OF CHILDREN SERVED:We can watch up to 12 children between the ages of Newborn to 12 years of age.


Infant: Birth thru 18 months FTM $825 PTM $495 DI $55

Toddler: 19 months thru 36 months FTM $888 PTM $533 DI $55

Preschool Age: 37 months thru 6 years FTM $675 PTM $405 DI $50

School Age: 7 years thru 12 yearsFTM $639 PTM $383 DI $50


FTM (Full-Time month) 13 or more full days of care during a calendar month, based on a five-day-a-week schedule PTM (Part-Time month) 13 or more partial days of care during a calendar month or care for one-half month of full days


Care Prior to Opening: $25 per week (cannot start before 6:00am and only if agreed upon in advanced)Late Pick-up Fee: $1 per minute per child starting at closing at 6:00 pm


Page 5: Web viewGood communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns

We have a. No pay, no play policy. Payments will be made in advance for childcare and are due no later than pick up time Monday (or whichever day is your first day of the week) each week. If you do not have your payment in hand at pick up Monday afternoon your account will be charged a $10 per day late fee until payment is received. If payment is not made by Friday pickup care will be suspended until the overdrawn account is paid in full. If your child will be absent for the week, payment must be made on the Friday prior to the scheduled absence. We will accept payment in the form of cash, personal check, or money order. Make checks payable to: Lindsey Garrett or The Little Rainbow Daycare.

The following are accepted payment plans: Monthly (payment due the first Monday of the month)Bi-Weekly (payments are due the first and third Mondays of the month)Weekly (payments are due each Monday)


Our main objective is to have fun, improve social skills, and encourage creative expression. We will utilize a variety of activities to accomplish this goal. Free play, reading, arts and crafts, music/singing, dancing, dramatic play/pretend, puzzles, and educational TV/videos (no more than 1.5hr daily) are just some of the activities we will be doing.

Music helps to develop young brains and will play a strong role in day-to-day activities. We may have special music activities and may also play music during other activities, for example, during arts and crafts or meal times. Some of the music we will be using may include, classical, children's songs (by a variety of artists), foreign language tapes and others.

The use of Television will not be an everyday activity. Television will be used as a tool to help children unwind and relax only. The exception may be on rainy days, or if we are having a particularly difficult day. Viewing will be limited to PBS and child-friendly, educational-style videos, such as Barney, Richard Scarry, Wee Sing, etc. We carefully screen everything the children watch and watch along with the children. We avoid any type of graphic images, potentially frightening images, unpleasant language, or anything of that nature, as we believe that young children are extremely impressionable. We prefer to err on the conservative side when choosing appropriate viewing.

Children over the age of 2 ½ yrs. will participate in a school year preschool curriculum. This will include a variety of activities ranging from art and craft projects to games, computer learning programs, songs, finger plays, storytelling, creative dramatics, exercises, science and much more. The goal of the preschool program is to have fun, and help prepare your son or daughter for school.


We are proud participants of the Fairbanks Daycare Food Program; we ask that all parents please fill out the required form for all children active in our care. If you choose to decline participation in the program, you will be responsible for bringing all of your child’s meals and snacks every day. Meals will consist of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. Children who arrive after meal times should be fed before they arrive. Menus will be provided to parents upon request. We will honor a parent's religious or philosophical objections to a menu item and the parent can substitute any objectionable item with an item from home.

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It is our belief that infants should be fed on demand. If parents have another feeding schedule in mind, we will need to discuss, so that the infant's needs will be adequately met.

Sample of our daily menu:o Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, milko Lunch: Hot dog on bun, apple slices, pear slices, milko Afternoon snack: crackers with peanut butter

If your child has allergies, and requires a modified diet, we must be notified of this in writing. An appropriate substitution will be made, if possible. If a child has so many allergies that he/she cannot eat from our menu, we may require the parents to provide his/her lunch and snacks.

We never force a child to finish what is on his/her plate, but we do encourage each child to try one or two bites of everything. Sometimes they are surprised by what they like! All eating patterns will be communicated to the parents.


There are certain center rules that all children will be taught and expected to follow. This is for the safety and well-being of everyone. In addition, we realize that we must expect a certain amount of wear and tear where children are concerned, we do not want to have our daycare "demolished".

There will be no running permitted in the daycare. Hitting, pushing, biting, grabbing, kicking, spitting, or pinching other children/infants/adults will NOT be allowed. No standing or climbing on chairs or tables. There will be no use of obscene, derogatory or disrespectful language.

Children may not walk around the daycare with food, cups or bottles. Respectful treatment of other people and all property, toys, and furniture is expected. Willful destruction of property will be charged to the parent at the cost to replace the item. Please support us in the enforcement of these rules, to create a better environment for all.

No smoking of any kind is permitted on the premises as per state law; this included parents and staff.


We maintain a positive discipline policy, which focuses on prevention, redirection, love, consistency and firmness. We stress two main patterns of behavior: respect for other people and respect for property. The children are explained the rules of the daycare frequently, so they are all familiar with the guidelines. Please keep in mind that there WILL be disagreements between children. Young children have a hard time expressing their feelings. Sometimes they hit, throw toys, bite, etc. We will try to prevent problems, redirect when appropriate, discuss inappropriate behavior, encourage making amends when offense involves another person, and sometimes withdraw privileges based on the principle of "natural consequences". An example might be where a child is misusing a toy then he/she will not be allowed to play with the toy for a period of time. Or when children are fighting or throwing toys, we will put the toy in a short time out, and then bring it back into circulation a little later.

In situations where the above solutions are not working we will give the child/children involved a verbal warning indicating that they are about to earn a timeout. If their behavior continues the child/children will be placed in timeout for up to one minute per their age (2-year-old will sit for 2 minutes, 3-year-old will sit for 3 minutes, ect). On the rare occasions that any child requires more than 2 timeouts for the same disrupting behavior in the same day parents will be notified upon pick up.

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Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will there be any spanking, physical abuse, verbal abuse, name calling or isolation used. Neither food nor sleep will ever be withheld from children as a means of punishment.

If a discipline problem arises that does not respond to the above-mentioned techniques, we will hold a conference with the parents. Together, we will try to find a solution. You may be called to remove your child if his/her behavior prevents us from being able to properly care for the other children. If the problem continues, other arrangements for the care of the child must be made, for the safety and well-being of all.


We do our best to maintain strict cleanliness and hygiene standards. Children's hands are washed before and after meals and after toileting. We use paper towels for drying hands, so children do not have to use the same towel. If parents provide a toothbrush and toothpaste, teeth will be brushed as well. All employees are required to wash their hands frequently and also use antibacterial gel.

Infants sleep in separate cribs or pack and plays, with clean sheets used only by them. Beginning at toddler age, washable nap mats/beds/or couch spaces are used. Each child has a separate nap area; with a sheet and a blanket that are washed weekly (unless soiled, then they are washed as often as necessary) and mats are wiped with disinfectant weekly.

Children use separate cups, plates, bowls and eating utensils that have been thoroughly washed. High chair trays, etc. are disinfected after each use. We disinfect toilet seats and clean potty chairs between each use.


We are required by state law to do one fire drill per month. We vary the time of day to help the staff and children prepare to evacuate the building quickly and safely. We will modify fire drills when the temperature is below -20 degrees.


When you feel your child is ready for toilet teaching, we ask that you begin this teaching at home during a weekend or vacation. We will follow through and encourage your child while in our care. The child must be showing signs of readiness. When a child is ready, the process should go pretty quickly. The child must be kept in pull-ups or 5-ply training pants at all times. Putting a child in diapers part time, and training pants part time, can be confusing and delay the training process. Please keep in mind that the activity level here can distract your child from responding to an urge to use the potty, more so than at your home. Therefore, we may continue to use diapers or pull-ups until your child can and will announce that he/she must use the bathroom (not just at home, but here, as well) and can control his/her bladder and bowels for a few minutes beyond that announcement.

Parents need to supply training pants with plastic pants or pull-ups, plus a couple of extra changes of clothing each day (don't forget the socks!).

During toilet training, we ask that the child be dressed in "user friendly" clothing, as much as possible. The best items are shorts and pants with elastic waists, or dresses. Try to avoid tight clothing, pants with snaps and zippers, and overalls. These are difficult for children to remove "in a hurry".

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There will be a designated nap/rest time each day. All children must nap, rest, read or play quietly during this period. Rest time gives children a much-needed break during the day. Without rest time, some children are argumentative in the afternoon, short-tempered with others, and not happy when they go home in the evening.

Infants nap at varying times and their schedules will be accommodated. Somewhere between 12 and 18 months, children usually drop down to one nap per day. At this time, we will attempt to put them on the scheduled nap/rest period.


We maintain an open-door policy for parents during daycare hours. This means that parents are always welcome to call or drop in to see their children. We would appreciate your taking into consideration our schedule when dropping in or calling, and remember that visitors usually cause children to react in an excited manner. If you call during the day, please be aware that we may be busy with the children and may not be able to answer the phone. If you would leave a message, we will call you back as soon as possible.



Parents must supply the following items to be kept at The Little Rainbow Daycare: Infants : Diapers, wipes, powders/ointments, pacifier, bottles, bibs, blanket for rest time, and two

complete changes of clothes (replace when soiled). Toddlers/Preschool : Diapers, pull-ups, wipes, binkies, powders/ointments, bibs, blanket for rest time,

and complete change of clothes (replace when soiled) sunscreen, bug spray in summer (only to be used with written permission).

All personal belongings should be marked with your child's name. Eating utensils, cups and dishes will be supplied. If any of these items are brought, they must be marked with your child's name, to avoid mix-ups with other children.


Please help us keep costs down, so if you have any of the following items on hand and are willing to donate them, it would be greatly appreciated. This is not mandatory.

Dress up clothing, costumes, jewelry, hats, etc. Paper of any kind, brown, white, colored, waxed, foil, etc. Crayons, water color paints, or any misc. art supplies, such as fabric scraps, glitter, pipe cleaners, paper

plates, etc. IDEAS! We welcome any ideas that you may have for fun activities or crafts!!!


Children's clothing should be clean, comfortable, allowing complete freedom of movement, washable, and suitable for daily indoor and outdoor activities. Since children spend time outdoors almost every day, parents should consider weather conditions when planning daily dress. To encourage development of independent bathroom skills, children's clothing should be easy for them to manipulate with a minimum of assistance.

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Children must wear shoes which are practical as well as comfortable. Sandals and flip-flops are prohibited. Girls should wear shorts under dresses and skirts. A complete change of clothing should be kept at the daycare.

Except for special items needed to smooth the transition from home, toys and personal belongings should remain at home. This will avoid lost possessions and hurt feelings. The Little Rainbow Daycare will make reasonable efforts to safeguard children's personal belongings and clothing, but will not be responsible for lost or damaged items.

Candy, gum, and money should never be brought.  Anything left at the center more than 30 days after termination of services will be discarded due to room space.


At The Little Rainbow Daycare, we strive to have outdoor play every day, all children must have appropriate winter gear (snow pants, coat, hat, boots, and mittens ect…). Unfortunately, there will be days when the weather is hazardous for outside play (freezing rain, and lower than -10 ect…) on these days’ outdoor play will be canceled and replaced with quality indoor play.


Indoor play : We provide a variety of age-appropriate toys for indoor play. Toys may be rotated or placed temporarily out of use so that the children do not become bored. Younger children have less-developed organizational skills and can get easily frustrated or upset when there are too many toys to choose from. It is also more difficult for them to help with clean up when there are toys everywhere, because it is so overwhelming to them. For this reason, during free play times, each child may select one or two things at a time to play with. They will be shown how to put those things away before selecting something else.

Outdoor play : We will be playing outdoors every day that weather permits. Please make sure that your child is appropriately dressed for outdoor play at all times. Our activities will include walks, playground, water play (sprinkler in summer), and others. During spring and fall, our outdoor play will probably range from 10 - 30 minutes, and in the summer it may be two or more hours long (maybe not all at once). We do not go outside when the temperature is below 0 degrees (including wind chill), or above 90 degrees (including heat index). We are mandated by state law to take the children outside. Parents, who wish to excuse their children from outside play, must have a doctor's note.


This daycare has Specialized Activity Plans in place for following moderate risk activities:

Riding bicycles on the road in front of the daycare, this plan has been approved for school age childrenonly. All children must wear appropriate safety equipment at all times during this activity.

Coloring chalk on the pavement directly in front of the daycare.

All children participating in these activities must have a signed consent form in file prior to participating.

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For any trips off daycare property a Permission Slip will be filled out with any needed details, and will be required to be returned signed on or before the day of the trip. All field trips from this daycare will be walking trips, please keep this in mind when picking clothes and shoes for your child the day of the trip, children with inappropriate gear will not be allowed to go.


At this time, we do not offer before or after school transportation.


This daycare currently has no pets, but reserves the right to change this at will.


Firearms and ammunition are not present at this facility.


Children will always be supervised around any plants located inside or outside of this facility, and at no time will children be allowed to eat any plant while in care.


This facility does not use substitute or volunteer care givers on a non-emergency basis. Parents must provide their own care when the provider is unable to work. Substitutes, if available, are used in emergency situations at the daycare location.


The Little Rainbow Daycare is required to have on file a copy of all required immunizations. Current information on immunization status must be maintained while the child is enrolled. If your child is behind on immunizations, The Little Rainbow Daycare has the right to refuse care until they are current. The parent is still responsible for tuition during this time.

Children that have a fever of 100.00 or higher, clearly don’t feel well from a prolonged cold/cough, have vomited, or have had 3 bouts of diarrhea will be sent home immediately and cannot return until they have met the below listed expectations.  If a child appears ill while in care, parents will be contacted and asked to pick up the child immediately. If the child remains at The Little Rainbow Daycare after one hour has lapsed, a sick child care rate of $15.00 per hour will be due at pick-up. The main reasons for excluding children from regular care are:

An illness prevents the child from participating in routine activities; An illness requires more care than the staff can provide without compromising the needs of the other

children in the group; A child's presence poses an increased risk to others with whom the child may come in contact. The Little Rainbow Daycare cannot admit any child appearing to be sick without a written statement

from a doctor or registered nurse certifying no contagious disease is present. Children should be kept at home when they meet the following exclusion criteria:

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o Rectal temperature of 100.4 or higher or underarm temperature of 99.4 or higher, in the past 24 hours.

o Conjunctivitis ('pink eye'), redness of the eye and/or lids, usually with yellow discharge and crusting.

o Bronchitis, which begins with hoarseness, cough, and a slight elevation in temperature. The cough may be dry and painful, but gradually becomes productive.

o A rash you cannot identify which has not been diagnosed. o Impetigo: red pimples, which become small vesicles surrounded by a reddened area. When

blisters break, the surface is raw and weeping. Look for signs in neck, creases, groin, underarms, face, hands, or edge of diaper.

o Diarrhea three or more times within 24 hours (watery or greenish BM's that look different and are more frequent than usual).

o Vomiting within 24 hours (more than usual 'spitting up'). o A severe cold with fever, sneezing, and nose drainage. o An unknown illness without obvious symptoms other than unusual paleness, irritability,

tiredness, or lack of interest.o A contagious disease, including measles, chicken pox, mumps, rosella, strep throat, etc.

       The Child must be clear of all symptoms for 24 hours before returning. (This means no Tylenol/Motrin during these 24 hours)

While we regret, the inconvenience caused by strict adherence to these guidelines, our concern for all the children dictates a very conservative approach when dealing with health matters. Because of conflicting medical opinions about the advisability of re-admitting children receiving treatment who still appear ill, The Little Rainbow Daycare will err on the side of safety when making such decisions and ask for your tolerance and understanding.  Should your child contact a contagious illness, please notify The Little Rainbow Daycare immediately so other parents can be alerted to the possibility of exposure.

Parents are encouraged to administer medication outside The Little Rainbow Daycare. At the discretion of the owner, a staff member may administer medication, on a 'best efforts' basis.  The Little Rainbow Daycare and its staff accept no responsibility or liability for any error or omission regarding administration of medication.  All medication including over the counter medicines must be furnished in the original prescription container, with an appropriate dispense, marked with the child's name, date, and directions for use; placed in a labeled plastic (zip-locked) bag, and handed to a staff member with a fully completed MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM.

Just a note: Many times child care may get blamed for the illness of a child, meaning that we have "allowed" sick children to come here. Parents may not stop to think that when sick children are brought to our center, our entire staff is also at risk of exposure. How would you feel if another parent brought their sick child and exposed your child? We STRESS this -- if you are not sure whether or not it is okay to bring your child, please call ahead to ask us. We may require a doctor's decision as to whether or not the child is contagious. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


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Minor bumps and scratches are inevitable, but we make every effort to keep the children safe through supervision and childproofing. In the event of an injury or medical emergency, trained staff will immediately administer first aid. If we believe the situation may call for parent involvement or professional medical attention, the daycare will attempt to contact a parent or other authorized emergency contact. If the condition is serious, the daycare will call 911 for an EMT response or will transport the child to a hospital Emergency Room.

Parents are responsible for all costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including emergency transportation, if required. The owners of The Little Rainbow Daycare will not be held liable for any sickness/injury of either parent/guardian or child while on these premises.


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act a child care program cannot discriminate based on a child’s disability. The facility administrator or designee will discuss your child’s strengths and reasonable accommodations that are needed to meet their needs with you before your child is enrolled in The Little Rainbow Daycare.

If your child has special needs, we will collaborate on developing and implementing a plan to meet your child’s needs before enrollment, including addressing reasonable accommodations, results of evaluations (if you agree to discuss them) specific services the facility will provide, medical personnel be available to perform prescribed services, functional outcome objectives, payment of special services required at the facility, and whether or not you want us to contact providers or additional services and the child’s IFSP coordinator. We will need these things on a Plan of Care to ensure all requirements are met and will need to conduct regular reassessments.

This facility is not qualified to provide medical supervision or nursing care to children who require such care.


We reserve the right to terminate a child for the following reasons (but not limited to): Failure to pay Routinely late picking up your child Failure to complete the required forms Lack of parental cooperation Failure of child to adjust to the center after a reasonable amount of time Physical or verbal abuse of any person or property Our inability to meet the child's needs Lack of compliance with handbook regulations Serious illness of child

We appreciate as much advance notice as possible when terminating, and will give the same courtesy in return. Parents are required to give two weeks written notice when they decide to terminate child care. The two weeks will be paid in full, regardless of whether or not the child is in attendance.

We will give two weeks’ notice of termination for which full tuition is due, whether or not the child is in attendance. The provider reserves the right to give written notice of immediate termination where there are extreme circumstances that affect the well-being of the provider or other children in attendance.

Anyone who terminates daycare and has a balance that is outstanding will need to have the account settled within 30 days. All accounts not settled within 30 days will be turned over to a collections agency regardless of amount owed. All accounts turned over to collections will have a $20 per week late fee plus 35% collections fee

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added to amount due.


As a child care provider we are mandated by the state of Alaska to report to the Office of Children’s Services if we feel a child is being abused or neglected. Always be sure to let The Little Rainbow Daycare staff know when you drop your child off if he/she has any unexplained cuts or bruises. All children that come to daycare with injuries will have them logged into the child's file.


If you ever feel that The Little Rainbow Daycare is not operating in a safe manner, please bring the matter to our attention. If you desire a copy of the state licensing guidelines, we will be happy to supply you one. We are proud to say we do our best to follow state licensing guidelines to the letter. Our staff is highly trained in knowing and complying with all applicable state and local laws. If you observe something that you know is a violation of state licensing laws, you can report the incident by calling the Department of Health and Social Services at (907) 451-3198. We pride ourselves in running one of the safest child daycares in Fairbanks.


There will be a yearly revision to this handbook and the accompanying contract. All families will sign a new contract each year. We reserve the right to make changes in rates and policies as we deem necessary. You will be notified, in writing, of any changes that may occur. Every attempt will be made to give at least two weeks’ notice of changes.


A waiting list is maintained and used to fill vacancies. Parents wishing to be placed on the waiting list need to provide information for the waiting list. When an opening becomes available families will be notified in the order that they were put on the waiting list, with priority given to siblings of children already enrolled and those families whose child care schedule most closely fits the available opening. Parents must submit a completed enrollment Intent/Acceptance and the enrollment fee within 24 hours of being notified, or the opening will be offered to the next family on the list.

NON-DISCRIMINATION: The Little Rainbow Daycare does not discriminate. Children and staff of all races, nationalities, and religions are welcome. This daycare respects cultural diversity and incorporates it into the daily curriculum.  We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Page 14: Web viewGood communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns

PARENTS' GUIDE TO LICENSED CHILD CARE Choosing care for your child is a significant decision.When you entrust the care of your child to another person, you are making an important decision. Visit, ask questions, and carefully compare several programs. Licensed care includes child care homes, group homes, and centers. Your choice depends on what you want and need for your child. Licensing is a key to quality child care.Licensing promotes good care by setting basic standards. Before a center, group home, or home is granted a child care license, it must meet minimum health, safety, and program requirements (see summary below). A licensing representative from the Department of Health and Social Services visits and inspects the facility and investigates complaints. The goal of licensing is to prevent risks to children; however, licensing cannot guarantee that a facility meets all requirements at all times. You as an informed parent are a key to quality child care.Parents are responsible for choosing and monitoring their child's care. Licensors generally visit once a year, but you visit each time you take your child. Visit unexpectedly sometimes or in the middle of the day. Keep an eye on the quality of care. What do you see when you visit? Is the environment safe? Are caregivers capable and nurturing? How many children are present? Are meals nutritious? Are activities appropriate? Watch how your infant responds to the program and listen to what your child says. You are the person best able to decide whether the child care program meets your standards for safety, health, and quality. If you have questions or concerns about your child's care.Discuss concerns with your caregiver. Talk to the caregiver if you observe health or safety problems or if you feel the program needs improvement. If you are still concerned, or if you believe children may be in danger or a standard is violated, contact your local licensing office. The Child Care Program Office will investigate your complaint. Your local licensing office address and phone number is:

Department of Health and Social ServicesChild Care Program Office542 4th Avenue, Suite 212

Fairbanks, AK 99701(907)451-3198 (or toll free within Alaska 1-888-268-4632 and ask for Northern office)

HOW MANY CHILDREN MAY HOMES, GROUP HOMES, AND CENTERS CARE FOR?(Children under the age of 13, including children related to caregivers under the age of 12)

CHILD CARE HOMESNo more than 8 children total under age 13, including caregiver’s own children under age 12No more than 5 children without Fire Marshal approvalNo more than 3 children under 30 monthsNo more than 2 non-ambulatory childrenAt least 1 adult caregiverNo more than 5 children in nighttime care including caregiver’s own children under age 18

Page 15: Web viewGood communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns

CHILD CARE GROUP HOMESNo more than 12 children total under age 13No more than 5 children under 30 monthsNo more than 4 non-ambulatory childrenNo more than 5 children in nighttime care including caregiver’s own children under age 182 caregivers required

Exception: one caregiver may care for

8 children if home requirements are met10 children if all are over 30 months,12 children if all are school age ANDcaregiver has completed one year of licensed home child care or the equivalent ORcaregiver meets the college credit, CDA, or Montessori credential requirements

CHILD CARE CENTERS13 or more children1 caregiver for every 5 infants(birth through 18 months)1 caregiver for every 6 toddlers(19 months up to 36 months)1 caregiver for every 10 preschool children (3 and 4 year olds)1 caregiver for every 14 kindergarten children (5 and 6 year olds)1 caregiver for every 18 school age children (7 through 12 years old)


Are responsible for selecting safe, appropriate care for their childAre responsible for monitoring their child's careProvide current emergency information and immunization records for their child, and update it at least semi-annuallyAre encouraged to visit their child anytime the child is in careReceive written child care policies

LICENSINGChild care license is required if more than 4 children (not related to caregiver) are in careLicense must be renewed every 2 yearsFacility (including building, staff and program) is assessed before a license is issuedComplaints are investigatedLicensing files are open to public review

CAREGIVERSAre required to care for children in a safe, healthy wayMay not have a physical, behavioral, or domestic violence problem that poses a significant risk to children in careAdministrator, caregivers of a facility, and those 16 or over having contact with children in the facility must have a valid criminal history check that is conducted by the State of Alaska Background Check Unit.Administrator, caregivers of a facility, and those 16 or over having contact with children in the facility must be fingerprintedCaregivers meet early childhood training requirementsCaregivers know the whereabouts of children at all times

Page 16: Web viewGood communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns

SAFETYChildren are always supervised by an adultCaregiver with First Aid and CPR training is always presentFacility is free of hazards inside and outMedicine and toxic materials are labeled and stored safely out of reachFirearms and ammunition are prohibited in a child care center. Firearms and ammunition must be stored as required in regulation for a child care home and group homeElectric outlets have child proof cover caps if children under age 5 are in careEmergency information is kept for each childFacility must meet specific requirements for transporting children

HEALTHFacility meets sanitation and safety standardsMeals and snacks are nutritious

Children are immunized or have a valid exemptionParents are notified if their child is exposed to a contagious or communicable diseaseFacility must meet regulations if caring for mildly ill childrenFacility may not care for a seriously ill child unless a medical provider approves attendanceDrinking water is safeSmoking is not allowedMedicine is given only with parent permissionFood preparation and handling are sanitary

EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIESFurniture and equipment are safe and durableInfant walkers are not allowedToys are adequate and variedChildren have storage space for their belongingsChildren under age 5 must have a cot/mat/bed and bedding that is clean and

sanitary for restingInfants must sleep in a safe crib or playpen without materials that could increase the risk of suffocation

PROGRAMPromotes children's healthy developmentIncludes quiet and active, group and individual, indoor and outdoor activitiesProgram includes minimum of 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity for every 3 hours facility is open between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.TV, movie viewing and computer and video game playing are limited to children's programs and do not exceed 1½ hours in a 24-hour periodComputer learning activities do not exceed 2 hours a dayHigh risk activities are not allowedParent permission is required for moderate risk activities (for example, field trips)

BEHAVIOR GUIDANCEIs positive, and never cruel, humiliating, or damaging to the childSets realistic expectations and clear and consistent limitsIs not related to eating, napping, or toiletingChild may not be removed from other children for more than 10 minutesCorporal punishment of children in care is not allowed. (Corporal punishment means “the infliction of bodily pain as a penalty for a disapproved behavior. It

Page 17: Web viewGood communication is of the utmost importance. When a new family is accepted into our care, we like to be sure that we can share openly about any concerns

includes shaking, spanking, delivering a blow with a part of the body or an object, slapping, punching, pulling or any other action thatseeks to induce pain.”)

FIRE SAFETYFacility meets fire safety standardsEmergency evacuation plan is practiced monthly and documented