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file · Web viewand rules as adopted by the Karate UWKF. 5. Ensure the provision of trained and qualified Karate UWKF officials at national and international tournaments

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Copyright by UWKF

All Rights reserved

Criteria for National Officials ....................................................................................4

National Officials Responsibilities - Kumite ............................................................ 5

National Officials Responsibilities - Kata .................................................................6

Minimum Test Scores - Kumite................................................................................. 7

Minimum Test Scores - Kata......................................................................................8

National Attendance Criteria ....................................................................................9

Minimum Performance Evaluation for Kata ......................................................... 10

Match area controllers (MAC) .............................................................................. 11

Experience at the National Tournament and Clinics for Officials ..................... 13

Provisions For Licensed Officials from UWKF Affiliates*................. 14

Appendix 2 - Attendance at International Events ............. 18_

Appendix 3 DOWNLOADS .................................................................................... 19

Appendix 4 - Karate UWKF : Amendments to UWKF Rules............................ 20

Appendix 5 - NKA Officials` Courses and Exams: Fees ........................................26

Appendix 6 - Code of Conduct................................................................................ 27

Appendix 7 Conflict of Interest Policy .................................................................29

Appendix 9 Conflict Resolution............................................................................36

Appendix 10 - Nutritional Aspects of Refereeing .................................................38

Appendix 11 - Forms for use by the UWKFOC.........................................................39


Officials Committee Objectives

1. Coordinate and proactively ensure the development and upgrading of

UWKF officials.

2. Provide participants with significant knowledge and understanding of

the relationship between officials and quality of competition.

3. Prepare individuals to function as officials in national and international competition.

4. Provide participants with the ability to implement UWKF competition

and rules as adopted by the Karate UWKF

5. Ensure the provision of trained and qualified Karate UWKF officials at national and international tournaments.

6. Design and develop training tools and aids for teaching officiating.

7. Design a framework for officiating legacy for the future.

8. Acquire and maintain international certification.

9. Maintain a current database of all qualified UWKF officials.

The Officials Committee oversees the training and development of all international level officials. It sets the standards for UWKF officiating, and supports provincial officials development. The members of the committee participate in international officiating seminars and tournaments to be current with the latest developments and interpretations in the rules of competition. In addition, they will monitor the progress of UWKF officials at all major international championships.

Email: www.unitedworldkaratefederation.com

C r i t e r i a f o r International O f f i c i a l s

K u m i t e

Officials must be Sandan, international referee and be supported by their, Continental, regional and national associations.

K a t a

Title Dan** Minimum Age

Judge A



Judge B



*Dan rank refers to UWKF Dan rank or UWKF approved style group rank.

N o e x c e p t i o n s c a n b e m a d e r e g a r d i n g m i n i m a l e n t r y l e v e l q u a l i f i c a t i o n s .

A t t e n d a n c e w i l l b e r e c o r d e d .

E x c e p t i o n s c a n b e m a d e s u b j e c t t o d e m o n s t r a t e d c o m p e t e n c e a n d a p p r o v a l b y a l l O C m e m b e r s .

National Officials Responsibilities - Kumite

Referee A

All officiating functions

Referee B

Referee and judge elimination, repechage and bronze medal matches

Judge A

Corner judge elimination, repechage and bronze medal matches

Judge B

Corner judge elimination matches

Scorekeeping, timekeeping and charting*

*As required.

Exceptions will be made according to circumstances and OC approval.

N a t i o n a l O f f i c i a l s R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s - K a t a

Level Function

Judge A Elimination, repechage and medal rounds

Judge B Elimination and repechage rounds

Scorekeeping, timekeeping and charting*

*As required.

Exceptions will be made according to circumstances and OC approval.

M i n i m u m T e s t S c o r e s - K u m i t e


Referee A 90% Pass/Fail

Referee B 90% Pass/Fail

Judge A 85% Pass/Fail

Judge B 80% Pass/Fail

M i n i m u m T e s t S c o r e s - K a t a


Judge A 90% Pass/Fail

Judge B 90% Pass/Fail

International A t t e n d a n c e C r i t e r i a

( M i n i m u m S t a n d a r d s )




Referee A At least once per year

At least one every year

Referee B

At least two per year for 2

years. At least once each year for 2


including qualifying year

Judge A (Kata & Kumite)

Judge B (Kata & Kumite)

At least two per year for 2 years

One national (qualifying)


At least once each year for 2 years including qualifying year

At least once each year for 2 years including qualifying year

A t t e n d a n c e w i l l b e r e c o r d e d .

E x c e p t i o n s c a n b e m a d e s u b j e c t t o d e m o n s t r a t e d c o m p e t e n c e a n d a p p r o v a l b y a l l O C m e m b e r s .

M i n i m u m P e r f o r m a n c e E v a l u a t i o n f o r K a t a

Level Kata Requirement


Judge A

Satisfactorily demonstrate shitei kata from own style Satisfactorily demonstrate shitei kata from another style

Choose the top three among tokui kata performed by


Judge B

Satisfactorily demonstrate shitei kata from own style Choose the top three among shitei kata performed by others

Candidates will perform Kata to the satisfaction of the UWKFOC.

Candidates may be asked to respond to questions posed by the OC members regarding only the performed kata. Such questions will not require quantitative responses.

Kata judgment will be scored according to the criteria in Appendix 12.

The standard reference text for the Shitei Kata part of the examination is the UWKF Kata Video.

Karate UWKFkata from all styles and all are Shitei Kata,

M a t c h a r e a c o n t r o l l e r s ( M A C )

MACs will be responsible for the smooth running of the competition in one ring in accordance with UUWKF rules (as modified by Karate UWKF).

Each ring will have a MAC, an assistant MAC and an Evaluator.

The MACs will be appointed by the UWKFOC and will not comprise

members of the UWKFOC.

The MACs may be appointed to the appeals jury.

The MACs should not officiate unless absolutely necessary.

The MACs will assign officials to each task as democratically as possible subject to performance and maintain a complete and legible record of all ring assignments under their jurisdiction.

The ring assignment record for each ring will be retained for review by

UWKFOC members at the end of each tournament day.

The Evaluators will prepare a confidential report at the end of each day on the performance of candidate officials using the appropriate forms.

The daily report will also include areas that require further education.

The MACs will guide, encourage and positively mentor the officials under their care.

The MACS will deliver positive feedback and practical advice in areas requiring improvement to all officials under their care.


The function of evaluators is to assess the practical and theoretical performance of candidate officials during the practical test and during the national championships using the appropriate tools.

Evaluators will include the observations of the