IRIOS-2 Use Cases and Testing Plan (D4.1) Version 1.0 Revision Who When Comments 0.1 Ryan Henderson 20/09/2012 First Draft 0.2 Ryan Henderson 10/10/2012 Additional Content

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IRIOS-2 Use Cases and Testing Plan (D4.1)Version 1.0

Revision Who When Comments0.1 Ryan Henderson 20/09/2012 First Draft0.2 Ryan Henderson 10/10/2012 Additional Content1.0 Ryan Henderson 22/10/2012 Changes

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Table of Contents1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................4

Related Deliverables..........................................................................................................................4

2.0 Testing Plan.....................................................................................................................................5

3.0 User Guide.......................................................................................................................................8

0. Preface..............................................................................................................................................9

1. Overview.........................................................................................................................................10

1.1 User Interface............................................................................................................................11

1.2 Home Page................................................................................................................................12

2. Grants.............................................................................................................................................13

2.1 Browse/Filter.............................................................................................................................14

2.2 View...........................................................................................................................................15

2.3 Export to CERIF..........................................................................................................................16

2.3.1 Web service.................................................................................................................16

2.4 Business-to-Business Proposals.................................................................................................17

2.4.1 Circulate a Business-to-Business Proposal...................................................................17

2.4.2 Respond to a Business-to-Business Proposal...............................................................18

3. Outputs...........................................................................................................................................20

3.1 Browse/Filter.............................................................................................................................21

3.2 View...........................................................................................................................................22

3.3 Import........................................................................................................................................23

3.3.1 Import Publications from CERIF...................................................................................23

3.3.2 Import Non-standard Outputs from Excel...................................................................24

3.4 Edit Open Access Information...............................................................................................25

3.5 Export to CERIF..........................................................................................................................27

4. Link Grants and Outputs.................................................................................................................28

4.2 Link a Grant to Multiple Outputs...............................................................................................29

4.3 Link an Output to Multiple Grants.............................................................................................32

4.4 Link Multiple Grants to Multiple Outputs..................................................................................33

5. UNIS Concepts................................................................................................................................34

5.1 Saved Filters...............................................................................................................................34

5.1.1 Create Grant Filter.......................................................................................................35

5.1.2 Run Grant Filter...........................................................................................................36

5.1.3 Share Grant Filter.........................................................................................................37

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5.1.4 Edit Grant Filter............................................................................................................38

5.2 MyCollection..............................................................................................................................39

5.3 Archiving Records......................................................................................................................39

5.4 Security and Permissions...........................................................................................................40

5.4.1 Project Access Rights Example.....................................................................................41

5.5 Confirming Records...................................................................................................................42

6. UNIS Record Views.........................................................................................................................43

6.1 Contact View.............................................................................................................................43

6.1.1 Information Panels.......................................................................................................43

6.1.2 Tabs..............................................................................................................................44

6.2 Project View...............................................................................................................................45

6.2.1 Information Panels.......................................................................................................45

6.2.2 Tabs..............................................................................................................................46

6.3 Output View..............................................................................................................................47

6.3.1 Information Panels.......................................................................................................47

6.3.2 Tabs..............................................................................................................................48

7. Support and Feedback....................................................................................................................49

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1.0 IntroductionThis document describes the use cases and testing plan for the IRIOS-2 service.

Section 2 describes the use cases and testing plan Section 3 is the user guide for testing

Related Deliverables IRIOS-2 Functional Specification (D1.2) describes the IRIOS-2 service and user scenarios IRIOS-2 Evaluation Report (D4.2) presents the test results and evaluation for the IRIOS-2


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2.0 Testing PlanThe following testing plan was defined based on the user requirements identified at the beginning of the project. Testing was carried out at each of the partner HEI’s using an account with appropriate access rights for that institution.

The Testing plan covers the following key system areas:-

Grants CERIF import and export Outputs Collaborative Opportunities

Access to data in the system concerning publications is restricted to accounts related directly to a specific institution. Unrestricted, read only, access is given to the RCUK user account to enable them to see links between outputs and grants.

Grant and output data is generally searchable, but the capacity to create links between the two is restricted to those who have specific edit access.

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The following lists the user tests carried out:-

Module/Area Use Case Scenario

Test Description Result Expected

Grants 2.3 Select 'Filter Grants' from 'Grants' main menu on IRIOS2 system. Select HEI 'Your HEI'

Shows only 'Your HEI' grants

Grants 2.3 Search facility user friendly. Try using without reading the instructions.

Able to obtain sensible search results with on screen navigation

Grants 2.3 User instruction easy to follow Able to perform actions succssfully by following user guide

Grants 2.3 Select 'Filter Grants' from the 'Grants' menu and use the parameters presented to filter by 'Your HEI' and by 'Funder Reference'

Shows only grants by the specified funder held by your HEI

Grants 2.3 Select 'Filter Grants' from the 'Grants' menu and use the parameters presented to try different filters such as output type, author, date published.

Results filtered to users expectations.

Grants 2.3 Click on the title of a grant. See the summary, organisations, contacts, and finance details for the grant.

Grants 2.3 Select 'Filter Grants' from 'Grants' main menu. Filter by 'Date' and select the date of the award

Shows all grants recently imported through the automated GoW import

Grants 2.1 Select 'Filter Grants' from 'Grants' main menu. Filter by 'Date' and select date of the award

Check to see If any grant which involved more than one organisation are included

CERIF Export 2.4 Select 'Export to CERIF' to export grants in xml format. A CERIF zip file is generated and user is prompted for a place to store the file.

CERIF Export 2.4 Open the CERIF zip file Open and view the xml file. It should include all the awards and any outputs selected in your filter.

CERIF Export 2.4 Validate the CERIF xml CERIF xml is valid

CERIF Export 2.4 Import the CERIF xml file to a system at your organisation File imports successfully

CERIF Import 2.5 In your institutional system select some awards with linked outputs of types supported by IRIOS2. Create a CERIF export.

XML file produced from institutional system.

Research Outputs

2.6/2.7 Select 'Filter Outputs' from 'Research Outputs' main menu on IRIOS2 system and enter author’s name.

A list of all outputs on the system for this author is presented

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Research Outputs

2.7 Select 'Export to CERIF' to export research outputs in xml format.

A CERIF zip file is generated and user is prompted for a place to store the file.

Research Outputs

2.7 Open the CERIF zip file Open and view the xml file. It should include all the outputs selected in your filter

Research Outputs

2.7 Validate the CERIF xml CERIF xml is valid

Research Outputs

2.6 Tick checkboxes beside outputs to link to a grant. Click 'Add Selected Outputs'

Boxes are ticked and when 'Add Selected Outputs' is clicked a list of potential grants and roles are shown.

Research Outputs

2.6 Select the grant that you wish to attach the outputs to. Click 'Link Outputs'.

All outputs previously selected are then linked to the grant with the relevant role. The grant is presented on screen. If you select the 'outputs' tab you will see a list of all of the outputs you have just linked.

Open Access Payments

  Select 'Filter Outputs' from 'Research Outputs' main menu on IRIOS2 system and select 'Open Access' check box

A list of all Open Access outputs is presented

Open Access Payments

  Select the 'Attribution' option from the 'Licenses' dropdown box A list if all 'Attribution' open acces outputs will be displayed

Identification of Collaborative Opportunities

2.9 Select 'Filter Grants' from the 'Grants' menu. Select one grant of interest. Select the 'summary' tab and click 'circulate' . Enter a question for the recipients and specify a response date. Select users from another organisation to contact.

The selected contacts at another HEI receive emails.

Identification of Collaborative Opportunities

2.9 If you receive an email from IRIOS2 asking if you are interested in collaborating in an award answer positively or negatively in the responses tab of the grant view.

The originator of the email receives an email summarising the responses.

Web Service 2.2/2.10 Go to the online web service via the address in the user manual and enter the desired parameters to search the IRIOS system

CERIF xml is displayed to the user

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3.0 User GuideThe following section provides a walk-through for the service, demonstrating the key functionality.

Revision Who When Comments1.0 Paul Cranner 05/09/2012 Initial version1.1 Paul Fairley 10/09/2012 Proof read + minor changes1.2 Paul Cranner 17/09/2012 Updated 3.3.1 and 4 to reflect the changes made to the “Import outputs from CERIF” wizard (which

now supports pre-linked grants and visibility of output records to all IRIOS users)1.3 Paul Cranner 20/09/2012 Updated 3.4 to reflect minor update to the “Edit Open Access” wizard

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0. PrefaceIRIOS-2 is a project funded under Strand 3 of JISC's Research Information Management Programme.

The IRIOS-2 consortium comprises the following six partners:

University of Sunderland University of Glasgow University of St Andrews Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) euroCRIS

For further information on the project visit the website at: ir io s 2 . w o r dp ress . c o m

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1. OverviewIRIOS-2 is built upon the Universities for the North East Information System (UNIS).

UNIS is a collaborative project/client relationship management system which is used by the five universities in the North East (Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Sunderland and Teesside) to manage internal and collaborative projects.

The IRIOS-2 system is located at: ir i o s 2 . un is4n e - s y s te m . n et

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1.1 User InterfaceThere are four primary types of record in the system – project (grant), contact, organisation and output (publication/non-standard output). When viewing any of these types of record, the screen layout is the same:






1. Main menu – Main menu options. However over an option to see submenu.2. Quick search – Search for any type of record in the system by key fields (e.g. title)3. Record type and title – The type of record (e.g. contact, organisation, output) and the actual title of the record.4. Summary panels – Key information relating to the record. E.g. for a contact: their job title, telephone number, postal and email addresses, and the

organisation to which they belong.5. Detail tabs – Show more detailed information relating to the record, including links to other records in the system. E.g. a contact can be related to

projects (grants where they are Principal/Co-Investigator) and outputs.6. Action Menu – Related to the current tab. If there are more than two actions available, the first two will be shown and the rest listed under a “See

more actions” drop-down menu.

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1.2 Home PageIn UNIS, every contact belongs to an organisation, and every contact has a home page. When you first log into the system, your own contact page will be displayed:

You can navigate to your home page by clicking Actions Home from the main menu.

See section 6.1 for further information on this screen.

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Pending Funding AmountAwarded Funding Amount

OECD 2002 Frascati ClassificationEurostat 2007 NABS Classification

Abstract Actual Start Date NERC ENRIs Classification URI Actual End Date RCUK Grant Reference Announced Start Date Related Organisations RCUK Institution Reference Announced End Date Partner Institutes Funding Submission Type Proposed Start Date Funders Status Proposed End Date Stage Received Date Related Contacts

2. GrantsGrants are automatically imported from Research Councils UK (RCUK) on a weekly basis. The RCUK import currently includes grants from NERC and EPSRC, where Glasgow, St Andrews, Sunderland, Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria or Teesside are either the grant holder or grant partner.

The import includes, but is not limited to, the following information:

Stage Status Resubmission Invited? Rejection Reason

RCUK Overall Classification RCUK Research Topics RCUK Research Areas

Principal Investigator Co-investigators

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2.1 Browse/Filteri. To browse all grants in the system, select Projects Grants (IRIOS) from the main menu.

ii. Enter filter parameters as you desire.

iii. When done, click Search and the page will refresh with matching grants.

It is possible to create saved search filters – see 5.1 for further information.

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2.2 Viewi. Having filtered the list of grants (see 2.1), to view the details of a grant simply click its reference, title, status or value in the list.

Clicking P.I. in the list will display the contact record of the Principal Investigator. Similarly, clicking Institution or Department will display the relevant organisation record.

ii. You will then see the project details screen:

For further information on this screen, see 6.2.

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2.3 Export to CERIFTo export multiple grants to CERIF, from the grant filter screen (see 2.1) simply click Export to CERIF from the action menu.

To export a single grant to CERIF, from the project details screen (see 2.2) simply click Export to CERIF from the action menu.

When viewing a contact, if that contact has any grants (as either Principal Investigator or Co-investigator), you can also export those grants to CERIFfrom that screen – see 6.1.

You can also use MyCollection (see 5.2) to build up a list of grants, and then export those grants to CERIF.

2.3.1 Web service

A web service is available at: h t t p : / / ir i o s 2 . un is4 n e -s y st e m . n e t / ws / ir i o s W e b Se r v i c e.cfc ? wsdl

This service has a parameterised getGrants method which returns a list of grants in CERIF.

Although this web service is intended to be consumed programmatically via third party software, a test page has been made available to try it out:ir i o s 2 . un is4 n e -s y s t e m . n e t/ ws t e s t.c f m

You must specify your UNIS user name and password and an institute. All other parameters are optional.

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2.4 Business-to-Business Proposals

2.4.1 Circulate a Business-to-Business Proposal

UNIS allows you to circulate projects to other users of the system. In the context of IRIOS-2, you can use this functionality to identify a grant with potential for a follow-up bid, and then circulate your proposal to other users of the system in order to gauge interest.

Not all users are able to circulate proposals. This function is subject to a security role which must be assigned by the system administrator.

To circulate a proposal:

i. From the project view (see 2.2) click Circulatefrom the action menu.

ii. You will then see the screen opposite:iii. You must specify a Responses Required By

date and select at least one recipient. (The recipient list includes all members of the project team so that you can include them in your proposal, if required.)

iv. Click Next.v. Each selected recipient will receive an

automated email which contains a link to the project and the details you entered above.

vi. To see the generated email, from the Communications/Email tab click the email subject (screenshot overleaf).

vii. Recipients will then be able to post responsesto your proposal via UNIS (see 2.4.2).

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2.4.2 Respond to a Business-to-Business Proposal

If you have received a circulated proposal you will be able to post a response. To do this:

i. Click the Responses tab of the project view (see2.2)

ii. Click Add Response from the action menu iii. You will see the screen opposite:iv. You must specify a Primary Institute (which will

default to your own), whether your response is positive (you are interested in the proposal), negative (not interested) or tentative (potentially interested), and also Further Information

v. When finished click Save

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vi. You will then see your response listed:

You will only see the Add Response option if you have been sent a B2B proposal by another user.

When you post a response, the user who made the proposal will automatically receive an email to notify them. When all responses have been received, it is then up to the proposer to act upon them.

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3. OutputsOutputs include standard outputs (papers, journal articles, books, etc.) and non-standard outputs. IRIOS-2 supports six non-standard output types:

Conference specification Exhibition Impact Key findings Performance specification Public Lecture

Outputs must be manually imported into the system (see 3.3).

Whereas grants are visible to all users of the system, outputs are only visible to users from the institute which imported them. For example, if aSunderland user imports outputs, those outputs will only be visible to users from Sunderland.

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3.1 Browse/Filteri. To browse all outputs in the system, select Search Outputs from the main menu.

ii. Enter filter parameters as you desire.iii. When done, click Search and the page will refresh with matching outputs.

It is possible to create saved search filters – see 5.1 for further information.

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3.2 Viewi. Having filtered the list of outputs (see 3.1), to view the details of an output simply click its name in the list.

Clicking the name of a contributor in the list will display the contact record of that person.

ii. You will then see the output details screen:

For further information on this screen, see 6.3.

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3.3 ImportOutputs must be manually imported into the system.

Whereas some systems are able to export standard outputs in CERIF (e.g. PURE, ePrints), none are able to export non-standard outputs in CERIF (as these mappings have yet to be formalised). As a consequence, IRIOS-2 supports the import of standard outputs from CERIF, and non-standard outputs from Excel.

Not all users are able to import outputs. This function is subject to a security role which must be assigned by the system administrator.

3.3.1 Import Publications from CERIF

i. From the main menu, click Actions Import Outputs from CERIFii. You will see the following screen:

iii. Select the CERIF file to import and specify whether you want all IRIOS users to see them

The CERIF file must be valid CERIF 1.4, containing at least one cfResPubl tag. If it does not, the file will be

rejected. IRIOS currently supports the import of publications from ePrints and PURE.

By default, when you import publications from CERIF, those publications will only be visible to other users from your own institute. You can, however, opt to make them visible to all IRIOS users (as read-only). You might do this if the publications are readily available from other onlinesources, for example.

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iv. Click Nextv. You will then see a summary of the outputs that have been imported:

If the CERIF includes linked cfPers entities (i.e. authors), these will be imported as contact records.

If the CERIF includes linked grants and these grants already exist in IRIOS (i.e. they have been imported from Research Councils UK – see section 2), they will be automatically linked. If linked grants do not already exist in IRIOS, the links will not be imported.

If the outputs contained in the CERIF have previously been imported into UNIS, the records will simply be updated.

3.3.2 Import Non-standard Outputs from Excel

i. From the main menu, click Actions Import Non-standard outputs from Excelii. Select the appropriate output type from the drop-down list (i.e. Conference Specification, Exhibition, Impact, Key Findings, Performance

Specification, Public Lecture)iii. Select the Excel file to import and click Next

The Excel file must contain all columns listed in the following specification for the selected output type, otherwise it will be rejected:irio s2 .files.wo rdpress.com /2 01 2/ 08 /com bined_spec_ irios _2 .xlsx

iv. You will then see a summary of the outputs that have been imported.

If the outputs contained in the Excel file have previously been imported into UNIS, the records will simply be updated.

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3.4 Edit Open Access Information

It is possible to set the Open Access (OA) status of outputs which have been imported into the system. You can do this from the output view (see 3.2):

i. From the Open Access tab, click Edit Open Access Information from the action menu:

ii. You will then see the following screen:

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iii. If you select either ‘No’ or ‘Unknown’ your changes will simply be saved. If you select ‘Yes’ you will then be prompted to enter further information:

iv. Enter the OA information as required then click Nextv. You will be prompted to confirm the details

vi. Click Save to confirm

By default, whenever an output is imported into the system, the OA status will be set as “Unknown”.

When you export outputs to CERIF (see 3.5), OA information is included. Note, however, that the CERIF representation of OA information has yet to be formalised, so the IRIOS-2 representation should not be considered as definitive.

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3.5 Export to CERIFi. To export multiple outputs to CERIF, from the output filter screen (see 3.1) simply click Export to CERIF from the action menu.

ii. To export a single output to CERIF, from the output details screen (see 3.2) simply click Export to CERIF from the action menu.

When viewing a contact, if that contact has any outputs, you can also export them from that screen – see 6.1.

You can also use MyCollection (see 5.2) to build up a list of outputs, and then export those outputs to CERIF.

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4. Link Grants and OutputsIRIOS allows grants to be manually linked to outputs. With just several mouse clicks it is possible to:

Link a single grant to a single output (and vice versa) Link a single grant to multiple outputs (and vice versa) Link multiple grants to multiple outputs

In addition, as part of the standard publication import routine, it is possible to import pre-linked grants and outputs (i.e. where grants have been linked to outputs via an institutional CRIS) – see 3.3.1.

4.1 Link a Grant to an OutputTo link a grant to an output, navigate to a project view (see 2.2).

i. From the Details tab, click Link to Output from the action menu

The Link to Output option will only be available if the grant belongs to your institution (which you can see from the left information panel).

ii. You will then be prompted to enter a search term – this should be the title (or part thereof) of the output to be linked iii. You will then see a list of outputs which match your search criteria:

iv. Select the output you would like to link, then click Nextv. You will be prompted to confirm your selection:

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vi. Click Save and the output will then be linked

You can also navigate to an output view (see 3.2) and link a grant in exactly the same way as outlined above.

4.2 Link a Grant to Multiple OutputsYou can use MyCollection (see 5.2) to link a single grant to multiple outputs with just a few mouse clicks:

i. From the main menu, activate MyCollection by clicking MyCollection Activate

If you now hover over the same main menu option, you will see several options available including: View, Save, Clear, Add Selected and RemoveSelected

ii. Navigate to the output filter by clicking Search Outputs from the main menuiii. You will notice that there is a checkbox alongside each output in the list:

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iv. Tick the outputs you would like to link to a grantv. From the main menu, click MyCollection Add Selected to add your chosen outputs to MyCollection

If you click Add All instead of Add Selected, ALL outputs in the list will be added to MyCollection, regardless of whether you selected them or not.

vi. Once you have done this, you will notice a number appear alongside MyCollection in the main menu – this number indicates how many records are currently in MyCollection:

vii. Once you have added all required outputs, from the main menu select MyCollection Viewviii. Click the Details/Output tab:

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ix. Click Link All To Single Project from the action menux. You will be prompted to enter a search term – this should be the grant reference or title (or part thereof) of the grant to be

linked xi. You will then see a list of grants which match your search criteria:

xii. Select the grant you would like to link all of the outputs to, then click Nextxiii. You will be prompted to confirm your selection:

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xiv. Click Save and all outputs in MyCollection will then be linked to your chosen grant

4.3 Link an Output to Multiple GrantsYou can use MyCollection (see 5.2) to link a single output to multiple grants with just a few mouse clicks.

Simply follow the same steps outlined in 4.2 – i.e.

Activate MyCollection Use the grant filter (see 2.1) to add a selection of projects to MyCollection View the Projects tab of MyCollection and select Link All To A Single Output from the action menu Search for the output you would like to link all of the grants to, then confirm and save

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4.4 Link Multiple Grants to Multiple OutputsYou can use MyCollection (see 5.2) to link multiple grants to multiple outputs with just a few mouse clicks.

i. Add a selection of outputs to MyCollection as outlined in 4.2, steps i.-v. ii. Similarly, add a selection of grants to MyCollection

iii. View MyCollection by clicking MyCollection View from the main menuiv. From the Details/Summary tab, click Link All Projects To All Outputs

v. You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to link ALL outputs in MyCollection to ALL projects in MyCollection:

vi. Click Save

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5. UNIS Concepts

5.1 Saved FiltersA saved filter allows you to specify a set of search parameters once, and then run that search with a single click, using those parameters. This is useful if you have a search that you run often, as it saves you from having to specify the search parameters every time you want to run that search.

The following saved filters are available in IRIOS-2:

Grant Output Contact Organisations

Saved filters are available from two different places in the system:

The My Report Filters tab of your home page (see 1.2) The Filters tab of the relevant filter search (see 2.1 and 3.1)

Sections 5.1.1 – 5.1.4 describe how to create, run, share and edit a grant filter. The exact same procedures apply to output, contact and organisation filters.

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5.1.1 Create Grant Filter

i. Navigate to your home page by clickingActions Home from the main menu

ii. Click the My Report Filters My Grant Filterstab

iii. Click Create Grant Filter from the action menu iv. You will then see the screen opposite:v. You must specify a Filter Name, which is used

to remind you of what the filter does - e.g. "Sunderland grants only"

vi. You can also enter a longer Filter Description if required

vii. Once you have entered your search parameters, click Save

viii. Your search filter will be saved and yoursearch run using those parameters

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5.1.2 Run Grant Filter

i. Navigate to your home page by clicking Actions Home from the main menu ii. Click the My Report Filters My Grant Filters tab

iii. Click the Run icon alongside the relevant filter to run it:

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5.1.3 Share Grant Filter

By default, any filters you create are only visible to you. However, if you would like other users to have access to any of your filters, you can share them. To do this:

i. Navigate to your home page by clicking Actions Home from the main menu ii. Click the My Report Filters My Grant Filters tab

iii. Click the Share icon alongside the filter you would like to shareiv. From the resultant list, select the users you would like to share the filter with:

v. Click Save and you will see that your filter has been shared:

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5.1.4 Edit Grant Filter

i. Navigate to your home page by clicking Actions Home from the main menu ii. Click the My Report Filters My Grant Filters tab

iii. Click the Edit icon alongside the filter you would like to shareiv. Enter your changes then click Save

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5.2 MyCollectionMyCollection is a clipboard which allows you to build up a collection of records (projects, outputs, contacts and organisations) in UNIS.

Before you can use it, you must activate it by clicking MyCollection Activate from the main menu. Once active, the following options are available:

View – see the current contents of MyCollection Save – save MyCollection for later use

To view a list of saved collections, click Search Collections from the main menu.

Clear – removes everything from MyCollection Add Selected – when viewing a list of records you will notice a checkbox alongside each; if you tick several checkboxes, then Add Selected, those

records will be added to MyCollection Add All – when viewing a list of records, selecting this option will add all of them to MyCollection, regardless of whether you have selected them or not Remove Selected – when viewing MyCollection, if you have added any records in error you can select them then click this option to remove them Deactivate – closes MyCollection

5.3 Archiving RecordsAs UNIS is a collaborative platform it is necessary to maintain a complete audit trail of all transactions. If a record was deleted, there would be no way of knowing it ever existed. As a result, any unwanted or old records are archived instead.

By default, archived records are not included in search results. However, all searches offer an option to include archived records in search results, excluding the quick search (see 1.1).

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5.4 Security and PermissionsEvery individual record in UNIS has a set of access rights. The access rights define which users are able to see the record. There are four levels of access to a record:

Level Type Description1 None Record is invisible.2 Summary Only basic information is visible; enough to make the user aware of the existence of a record, without exposing

potentially confidential details (e.g. financial information). The record is also read only.3 Read only All information relating to the record is visible, but the user is unable to edit the record.4 Full All information relating to the record is visible, and the user is able to edit the record.

Access rights are applied to a record at four separate levels:

Level DescriptionGlobal This level is visible to all UNIS users. For example, if the global access level to a project is summary, this means that all users will be able to see

only the basic project details, but they will not be able to edit the project.Owner The owner of a record will ALWAYS have full access to that record.Contacts Individual users can have access to a record. For example, User A could have full access to a project, whereas User B could have read only

access.Collections I.e. groups of users. Individual collections of users can have access to a record. For example, one collection could have full access to a project,

whereas another could have summary access.

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5.4.1 Project Access Rights Example

The following screenshot, taken from the live UNIS system, illustrates the access rights for a Sunderland project.

Global is set to no access. This means that, by default, the project is hidden from all UNIS users. The owner is Val Ely, who has full access. This means that Val can see all project details, and is able to edit the record. Contacts

o As the owner, Val Ely has full access to the project.o Paul Cranner has read only access to the project. This means that Paul can see all project details, but is unable to edit the record.

Collectionso Sunderland Business Development Team has full access to the project. This means that all individual users within this collection can see all

project details, and are able to edit the project.o KH Central Users has summary access to the project. This means that all individual users within this collection can see only the basic project

details, and are unable to edit the project.

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5.5 Confirming RecordsUNIS uses a perpetual inventory method to ensure that records are kept up-to-date as a function of simply using the system. Any records which have not been updated within the past 12 months are considered to be “unconfirmed”. If a user views an unconfirmed record but knows its details are correct, they can simply “confirm” it.

The screenshot below shows an unconfirmed contact. Notice the “Data unconfirmed” label and Confirm Contact option in the right-hand information panel:

The system administrator is able to view a report of “unconfirmed” records to help identify old data which could potentially be archived to improve system performance.

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6. UNIS Record Views

6.1 Contact View

6.1.1 Information Panels

In UNIS, every contact “belongs” to an organisation. The left information panel lists the address of this organisation along with the contact’s job title.

The right information panel includes key contact details and also shows whether the record has been confirmed (see 5.5).

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6.1.2 Tabs

Tab/Sub tab Overview ActionDetails/Summary All additional attributes which are not shown in the information panels. Edit General Info Edit basic contact

information (telephone, email, etc.)

Edit Details Edit additional contact infoincluding date of birth and gender

Change Password Change your password – onlyvisible if you are viewing your own contact record

Confirm Details See 5.5Archive See 5.3


In UNIS it is possible to associate a contact with multiple organisations. However, this functionality is not utilised in IRIOS-2

Grants Lists all projects (i.e. grants) where the contact is a Principal/Co-Investigator. Export Grants to CERIF Exports all listed grants toCERIF

Outputs Lists all outputs with which the contact is associated. Export Outputs to CERIF Exports all listed outputs toCERIF

Actions Actions are to-do tasks which can be assigned to one or more users (including you).Although not utilised by IRIOS-2, this functionality is still available. See the following link for further information:

h t tp : / / s upp ort .un i s 4 n e - s y s t e m . n e t/ t rac / U N IS / w iki/U N I S / a ctio n s# A ctio n s

This tab is only visible when viewing your own contact record. Other users cannot see your actions.

Collections Collections are groups of records (projects, contacts, organisations and outputs). Thisfunctionality is not utilised in IRIOS-2.

My Report Filters See 5.1. This tab is only visible when viewing your own contact record.User Info/User Details Shows your username, login details (e.g. when you last logged in, and how many times

you have logged in). This tab is only visible when viewing your own contact record.Change Password Change your password

User Info/Preferences Lists your user preferences. These user preferences are not utilised by IRIOS-2. Edit Preferences Edit your user preferencesSecurity See 5.4

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6.2 Project View

6.2.1 Information Panels

The left information panel shows the name and address of the department the project belongs to. The right information panel lists Principal Investigators.

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6.2.2 Tabs

Tab/Sub tab Overview ActionDetails/Summary All additional attributes which are not shown in the information panels. Link to Output See 4.1

Export to CERIF See 2.3Circulate See 5.5Archive See 5.3

Related Grants Lists all related grantsTeam Lists all Principal and Co-investigatorsOutputs Lists all outputs which are linked to the grant Link to Output See 4.1

Export Outputs to CERIF Exports all outputs inthis list to CERIF

Collections Collections are groups of records (projects, contacts, organisations andoutputs). This functionality is not utilised in IRIOS-2.

Communications/Emails Lists emails which have been generated as a result of circulating Business-to-Business proposals. See 2.4.1.

Responses Lists responses to circulated Business-to-Business proposals. See 2.4.2. Add Response See 2.4.2Security See 5.4

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6.3 Output View

6.3.1 Information Panels

The left information panel shows the output type and any associated dates (which vary depending upon the output type). For example a publication has a published date, whereas an exhibition has start and end dates.

The right information panel lists the first five contributors (authors). All contributors are listed under the Contributors tab.

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6.3.2 Tabs

Tab/Sub tab Overview ActionDetails/Summary All additional attributes which are not shown in the information

panels.Link to Grant See 4.1Export to CERIF See 3.5Archive See 5.3

Open Access Open Access information Edit Open Access Information See 3.4Grants Lists all related grants Link to Grant See 4.1

Export Grants to CERIF Exports all listed grants toCERIF

Contributors Lists all contributors (authors) including roles and orderSecurity See 5.4

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7. Support and FeedbackThe IRIOS-2 development team welcomes comments, suggestions and error-reports relating to the system via:

ir i o s@ un is4n e - s y s te m . n et

When contacting us, please include the URL of any page you are referring to. This will help us to promptly deal with your comments. The developers will be automatically notified by email in the unlikely event you encounter an error whilst using the system.