RE-BUILDING THE TEMPLE OF BABAJI-JESUS The Israeli Temple Institute, an Ultra-Orthodox organization dedicated to rebuilding the Jewish Temple, is reported to have said; "the Ark is under the temple mount and will be revealed at the proper time - when the temple is rebuilt". According to Scripture, the Messiah (Jesus) cannot come (2nd time) until the Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem. The Temple would be unfinished without both the real Ark of the Covenant and ashes of the Red Heifer. And, the Lord will not come until Israel has a "spiritual awakening".

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The Israeli Temple Institute, an Ultra-Orthodox organization dedicated to rebuilding the Jewish Temple, is reported to have said; "the Ark is under the temple mount and will be revealed at the proper time - when the temple is rebuilt".

According to Scripture, the Messiah (Jesus) cannot come (2nd time) until the Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem. The Temple would be unfinished without both the real Ark of the Covenant and ashes of the Red Heifer. And, the Lord will not come until Israel has a "spiritual awakening".



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There has been a rumour for many years that the Ark of the Covenant is in the Saint Mary of Zion Church in Axum, Ethiopia. In recent years this idea has been popularized in the writings of Grant Jeffrey, a Canadian Bible prophecy writer.

This rumour is based on a bizarre story that the Ark was smuggled out of Jerusalem by Menelik I, the supposed son of a union between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. Supposedly, a replica of the Ark was left in the Holy of Holies in the temple in Jerusalem.

The Non-Essential Ark

The important point to keep in mind here is that the rediscovery of the Ark is not essential to the rebuilding of the Temple. After all, the Temple was rebuilt by Zerubbabel following the Babylonian captivity, and the Ark had already been lost by that time. There was no Ark in the Holy of Holies during the time when Jesus worshiped in the Temple.

SOURCE. /.COURTESY….http://christinprophecy.org/articles/the-ark-of-the-covenant/

#7 Table of Showbread Size: 2 feet long, 1 foot wide, and 4 feet high Made Of: acacia woodPurpose: The purpose was for them to eat the bread and then when they were done with it or it sat too long someone would change the loafs of bread out for new bread.

#6 Lampstand Made Of: Pure Gold Unique About It: Everything was pure gold and all its accessories from one talent was pure gold also and it was 75 pounds. Exodus 37:17-24

#8 Altar of Incense Size: 3 feet long, 6 feet long, 5 feet high Made Of: acacia wood for burning incense, horns, and gold. Purpose: Was for the holy people and was to be done at the same time of the daily burnt offerings .Exodus 30:1-10

Nor is the Ark needed for the Millennial Temple. Ezekiel describes the Temple in great detail (chapters 40-42), and he never mentions the Ark. There is a Holy of Holies (Ezekiel 41:4), but it is empty, and it is not separated from the Holy Place by a veil.

Tabernacle Purpose: the purpose of the Tabernacle is so ...thinglink.com


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REFERENCE…..Chapel of the Tablet in Aksum Ethiopia - Interior and Exterior COURTESY…..Photographs…gnomeplanet.com

The Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion is the most important church in Ethiopia, and claims to contain the Ark of the Covenant. It is located in the town of Axum, Tigray.

The original church is believed to have been built during the reign of Ezana the first Christian ruler of the Kingdom of Axum (Present-day Eritrea and Ethiopia)………..


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The Sufi dances to the tune of planets in motion,……. ‘The Harmony of Celestial Spheres,’

To the pattern of ‘The Sacred Enneagram.’‘It ran across the platform and I felt a thrill of delight. It was as though a tiny melody from the Cosmic Symphony had trilled joyously into the mind – a little stretch born forth from the

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Grand Harmony. And from this a wave of joy was distilled and pulsed through me.’ F.M. Wolf


READ MORE…… thelemapedia.orgTree of Life with the ten Sephiroth of the Hebrew Kabbalah. Each Sephiroth with number, attribute, emanation and Hebrew name.THE SEPHIROTH CODE -‘Adam and



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The Masonic Conspiracy (re-broadcast) 11/22 by The Hermetic Hour | Radio PodcastsTHE INNER VEIL OF THE SANCTUARY:


The inner veil that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place was to be opened only by the high priest (Leviticus 16:11-12), and even then only once a year (Leviticus 16:2 and 34) on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:29-30, 23:26-32). The significance of the veil is pictured in the body of Christ. He had to die before access to ADONAI was given to all. He opened a new and living way for us through the veil, that is, His body (Hebrews 10:20).

By His sacrifice, Christ has removed the veil of separation that existed between God and man. We, as believers, do not need a priesthood, a system of sacrifice, or a Tabernacle. All of those things were fulfilled in the coming of Christ. It is through Jesus, and only Jesus, that we have access to ADONAI.

REFERENCE / SOURCE……..http://jaymack.net

COUNCIL OF THE ELOHIM -‘Revelations of Adonai’


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Enliven your spiritual quest with a lavishly illustrated, clairvoyant revelation of man's untold journey to Earth from the Pleiades millions of years ago, and the struggles faced in ensuing eras as souls matured into their ultimate destiny and Divinity. This unusual book by Sat guru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami was actually read from the akashic in 1973 and spent 25 years entrusted only to his cloistered monastic order.

"The Lemurian Scrolls will enlighten all who read it and it will become a "Source" that will constantly be referred to by serious students, teachers, leaders and metaphysical and spiritual groups (Patricia-Rochelle Diegel, Ph.D)." Balinese style paintings are in colour.


The Golden Buddha represents the New Earth, for it brings forth abundance, prosperity, and wealth for all human beings on this planet.So please join us for this simply magical event, and help us to activate this profound Abundance Consciousness energy, which is available to each and every one of us on this planet.

Urban Temple Toronto…..Community

REFERENCE…Statue of Sitting Golden Buddha in Ancient Temple, Bagan, Myanma COURTESY……


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2 12 3 18

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The next arrangement shows the deepest and most mysterious elements in a woman’s personality – the ability to integrate her darker subconscious Nature – represented by the High Priestess (2).

As if the whole World is ‘turned upside down,’ like being within a deep well - is the Hanged Man card (12), a woman seeks personal validation – due the Divine Royal (3) aspects : ‘tell the truth at all costs!.’

Another revelation of great significance in the woman’s personality being connected to the hormonal cycle and the Moon (18), which attributes to the woman –‘the quality of maintaining a sense of peace.’

Again the numbers are reduced to a single digit as 2-12-3-18 which becomes-2-2-3-8, providing an enormous range of personality facets.




What are the five aggregates about?

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There are several schools of thoughts that teach the five aggregates. There is noticeably what we call "Buddhism" in a broad sense that we should rather call: "BUDDHISM (S) ". Likewise, there are also “HINDUISM (S) ".

In short, this is what, in Theravada, we call Brahmanism (s). That is to say religions, philosophies and systems of thoughts that conceive of an underlying unity, the ultimate and transcend truth. Those ones sometimes expound to us the five aggregates.

These five aggregates are divided between two categories. We find, on one hand, the category of purely material phenomena and the category of purely mental phenomena on the other.

The aggregate of matter.

There is therefore the aggregate of matter, the material aggregate, the aggregate of material propensities, material activities and phenomena. It is the sole representative of the material category. The other category is the one of mental, immaterial phenomena. There are four aggregates that take part into this second category of mental or immaterial phenomena.

The aggregate of sensations.

The first of the four aggregates is the aggregate of sensations, which is the capacity to feel what is pleasant, unpleasant or neutral.

The aggregate of perception.

The aggregate of perception is the faculty to perceive, to memorise. It is precisely at this stage that the memorisation process does begin.

The aggregate of formationsThen we find the aggregate of formations. We number fifty-two of them altogether. Formations, or volitional formations as we also sometimes call them, are properties of consciousness.

The aggregate of consciousness.Consciousness is the fourth immaterial aggregate, this is the faculty to know. As soon as consciousness comes to know an object, it does know it in a certain manner, it knows it to be endowed with certain properties. This way through which consciousness knows an object is the aggregate of consciousness.

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FIVE AGGREGATES -- What are they made of?

These five aggregates vanish as soon as they appear, they can't be dissociated from one another. Save very rare exceptions, they cannot appear separately, or possibly, in a very momentary fashion.

The aggregate of matter, we all have an idea of what it is about: heat, cold, hardness, softness, wet and dryness, etc. All this belongs to the category of the aggregate of material properties. Then we can find consciousness, which is the faculty to know, to experience. We are endowed with these faculties because there is a sensation and a memorisation, there is a perception, a type of "acknowledgement of receipt".

There is therefore an aggregate of sensations AND an aggregate of perception. As soon as consciousness comes to know its object, it is necessarily endowed with what we call the aggregate of volition or volitional formations.

What is interesting, what Buddha has discovered, contrarily to all these spiritual masters, all these philosophers, precisely lies in that, apart from these aggregates, nothing else does exist. We tend to imagine on one hand that these fleeting and changing aggregates do exist, appear and disappear, as soon as they do appear, in an endless succession.

From another viewpoint, we think that within or outside of these aggregates, there does exist a substance, a nature, a consciousness, a kind of knowledge, let's call it the way we like, we do imagine that there is something that lasts, beyond.

Sometimes we do imagine it to be existing apart from the aggregates, sometimes we do imagine it to be within them. "False!" does Buddha, the monk Gautama tell us. What he discovered is that there is nothing within or without these aggregates. He rejects this idea of what we call "buddhatatatha", that is to say the nature of that which rests upon itself, immanent, unconditioned, spontaneous, self-appearing, eternal, immutable, and needless to say, timeless.

It would be, for some of us, the intrinsic nature of the aggregates, or the substance out of which the aggregates came into being and into which they are merged. It would be at the same time what the aggregates are inclined to and originating from. According to them, the aggregates pertain to the ordinary world, "loka", the world of phenomena.

It would be essential that, by means of magic, by some type of purification, ritual or yoga, we succeeded in transcending them in order to attain this immutable nature that transcend them totally, which lies "beyond" them, within them.

The discovery that the monk Gautama did twenty five centuries ago, is disconcerting in many respects, as he has discovered that this doesn't really exist. He asserts that only the aggregates exist and there is nothing else save the aggregates that appear and disappear.But then, how it can be that Buddha has taught us a path towards liberation?

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A path of deliverance from the aggregates precisely.

How it can be that this monk did teach us that there does exist a possibility to reach a "stage" of steadiness, peace not subject to agitation or disturbances caused by the wind of aggregates?



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READING THE SEPHIROTH - ‘Curriculum Vitae for the Community Adonai’

1-10 1-10 1-10

Using the esteemed wisdom of a Great Master: Kuthumi – (Pythagoras in a former life): the Tree of Life is brought into daily use - by incorporating a three numbered display, to make another 1,000 possible combinations in the human personality.

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We begin to use the numerical ‘tree of life’ shown on the left side: but this time - three sets of numbers 1-10 are positioned inside the boxes (shown above). The relevant Tarot archetype positions are shown on the right side tree.

The numbers refer to the coloured tree and we begin again with the ‘story: the marital relationship suffers a downfall – and the Man wishes to escape to the cave, whilst his spouse is suffering from a peak in the hormonal cycle – 8-7-1.

The relevant Tower Tarot card is highlighted between the numbers 8 and 7, whilst the relevant Moon is in emphasis between 7 and 10 (which is reduced to the single digit as 1).


10COURTESY...... philosopherswheel.com

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The Venus aspect in the

relationship is in turmoil - as Lovers, and each person suffers to find self- autonomy, the Emperor: 3-6-2.

The wife enters the ‘deep and dark well’, and there is a contest of strength, a struggle between partners: 8-5-4.

The Man is in the cave – but feels guilty 6-4-2.

Emphasis is also placed on the mystical aspects of the Sephiroth – which is explained in detail in other subject.

Adonai upon the Tree of Life

Within Western Qabalah the name ADNI is also unique.

Drawing from the view of traditional Judaic practice, the name is not only (as all divine names are) a gateway to communion with an aspect of the One Being, but it also represents the One Being It / Him / Herself.

REFERENCE / COURTESY………http://www.soul-guidance.com/h




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It can therefore be referred to Kether upon the Tree of Life.

In addition the name, since at least the 17th century Gold and Rosy Cross Order, has been used within the Western traditions to refer to the Higher Self or Higher and Divine Genius.

The name can thus also be said to refer to Tiphareth. The name, via its traditional usage and roots also refers to the Earth and physical, solid existence.



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It thus refers also to the Sephira of Malkuth, leaving the single Sephira of Yesod on the middle pillar of the Tree not associated with the name.


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