2041 A Videogame Concept for Xbox One, PS4, and PC By Gunnar Washington 1. Concept 1.1 Introduction Constant survelience. An endless war over resources. An uneducated public placated by trivial technological trinkets. A world controlled by mega-state corporations. This is Earth in 2041. Out of the ashes of the crisis-filled 2000s, this new world has risen. You begin as Jon Novac, an inconsequential citizen of what was once called Los Angeles, California, now known as Metro 7. As the game continues, you get drawn into a clandestine resistance unlike any other, performing missions to undermine the state’s every move. In doing so, you will get to know a few key members of the Movement. As the game progresses you will finally be confronted by a grave secret that could mean the end of life as you know it. 1.2 Concept A bored everyman becomes embroiled in a secretive rebellion against a totalitarian government. 2041 is a first person, stealth-adventure game focused on performing assassinations and subversive acts against

gunnarwashington.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewThe game presents an interesting mix of gameplay, taking influence from Dishonored, Deus . Ex, Halo, and Half Life 2. The levels

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A Videogame Concept for Xbox One, PS4, and PC

By Gunnar Washington



Constant survelience. An endless war over resources. An uneducated public placated by trivial technological trinkets. A world controlled by mega-state corporations. This is Earth in 2041. Out of the ashes of the crisis-filled 2000s, this new world has risen. You begin as Jon Novac, an inconsequential citizen of what was once called Los Angeles, California, now known as Metro 7. As the game continues, you get drawn into a clandestine resistance unlike any other, performing missions to undermine the state’s every move. In doing so, you will get to know a few key members of the Movement. As the game progresses you will finally be confronted by a grave secret that could mean the end of life as you know it.


A bored everyman becomes embroiled in a secretive rebellion against a totalitarian government. 2041 is a first person, stealth-adventure game focused on performing assassinations and subversive acts against the state. The player would start out as an average man with only their own fists to complete missions. As the game continues, the player’s arsenal gains in size yet, is always restricted to reflect their underdog status. In addition, the player would gain numerous cyborg-style upgrades along the way a la Deus Ex. These upgrades would go along several different paths, from dermal plating to hacking. The objective would be to complete missions quietly, taking out or bypassing guards without being seen. Despite this goal, more action-oriented players could attempt to go in guns or fists blazing using a first person view. The game presents an interesting mix of gameplay, taking influence from Dishonored, Deus Ex, Halo, and Half Life 2. The levels would be expansive, with numerous points of entry and ways to complete your mission. For example, the player could sneak in a back entrance or find a way in the front at its most simple. The later levels would present numerous options, with the more upgraded player ready to solve them.

1.3Target Audience

The target audience for the product would be male/ female core gamers of anywhere to 17-45 years old. The solid, accessible yet deep experience would appeal mostly hardcore gamers. Its even-handed and developed portrayal of female and minority groups would appeal to both groups. It would also appeal to those who like triple A shooters because of its shootings mechanics. Fans of deep storylines would love 2041’s interesting narrative based off of Orwell’s seminal 1984.


The PS4 would be the greatest starting platform for 2041 because it has the largest user base of the new gen consoles. In addition it would be easy to port it over to PC.

1.5Major Features

Futuristic Stealth-Action (think Dishonored/ Deus Ex meets Half Life)

RPG Like Character Progression

ultiple Upgrade Trees

· Massive, complex levels

Immersive Storyline

1.6Story Overview

John begins as a bored everyman, unhappy with his menial and restricted existence. This all changes with a chance meeting between him and a stranger, Emma, who reawakens a passion inside him that he long thought lost. As he begins to enter her world, he becomes embroiled in the storied “Movement”, a resistance movement that has sworn to destroy the all-seeing State. John is soon turned into the greatest assassin of the resistance. The player controls John as he attempts to bring an end to the oppressive government that rules over him. He’ll need luck…

1.7Competitive Analysis

2041 can best be compared to Dishonored, Deus Ex, and Half Life. The stealth aspect of 2041 will overshadow both Deus Ex and Dishonored because of the many sci-fi gadgets at the players disposal and large, complex maps. The assassination and stealth aspects of 2041 will be vgreater than Dishonored because of the sheer amount of options that the player has to complete their goals.

2.Main Game Screen [Tuesday assignment - stop here if it's Monday]

The main game screen is from the typical first person view. The HUD would have a:

1. Health Meter

2. Battery Power for Tech Abilities

*The Tech Abilities are unlockable cybernetic upgrades that the player receives throughout the game. They enable the player to perform superhuman feats like slowing time or lifting great weights. The player has only a limited (yet refillable) source of power for these abilities, forcing them to choose the correct one for each occasion. Terminals and other energy sources scattered throughout the environment refill the player’s power. Power can also be bought from merchants.

3. Equipped Tech Ability

*This indicates the current tech ability selected by the player from the equipment/ability menu. It can be switched at will.

4. Crouch Indicator

5. Player Choices when sneaking up on guards

*The player has multiple choices when silently approaching guards. They can perform a violent lethal takedown, but risk leaving suspicious blood or they can perform a non-lethal takedown and risk them waking up.

6. Equipment Menu Icon

*The equipment menu contains all of the items the player has gathered on their travels: weapons, story materials, power ups, etc. In addition, the menu also houses the player’s library of tech abilities.

7. Objective Marker

3.Story Elements [Wednesday assignment - stop here if it's Tuesday]

The "story elements" are those elements that make up the story that surrounds your game. Characters, world/environment, and the backstory/situation.


Who are the main characters in your game? For this assignment, all your characters must have names (you are not permitted to design a game in which the players create their own characters).

3.1.1.[John Novac]

John Novac is the game's protagonist and the only playable character. He is, at first, just a bored, disinterested citizen of Metro 7. He works as a drone in the State’s overreaching propaganda machine. Over the course of the game, he evolves into the Resistance’s greatest agent. He begins the game as a cypher for the player, but develops a charming and talkative personality over time. Being in his 30s, John vaguely remembers the changes that lead to the state of the world. These memories haunt him throughout his journey, becoming a plot point.


Bracken works in the same building as John, yet holds such a high position that John rarely sees him. He is revealed to be the leader of the underground resistance movement. Over the course of the game him and John become close friends, with Bracken filling in for the father that John never had. He is an older man, in his 50s or 60s with a robotic arm. He assigns John and the other agents their missions in a base under a nearly abandoned antique store in one of the city’s many poor districts. He has a gruff, friendly voice that gives of a sense of wisdom. He maintains a small collection of books, a rarity in these times.


Emma is a neighbor of John’s that works in an office nearby his. The two begin an illicit relationship when they run into each other in the poor district. She introduces John to the Resistance already being a member herself. Her secret hate for the State causes her to become a Resistance agent. She is an effective member of the team, but less subtle than she thinks. She seeks to return to her family’s traditions, which have been all but disappeared. She has a decent, if oddball sense humor.

3.1.4. [Qin]

Qin is a happy-go-lucky member of the team that performs the more sordid missions of the team. While the others are in it for the ideology, Qin is in it because he likes to blow stuff up. He is a consummate mercenary who takes jobs from the highest bidder, who just happens to be Bracken…


The world of 2041 is a futuristic dystopia set in the ruins of Los Angeles. The city is now known as Metro 7 and stretches across much of SoCal. The mega-city is broken up into numerous districts by class, race, and occupation. In general, there are the upscale, main, and poor districts. The upscale districts are where the richest of citizens live in opulent clean, white surroundings. Many of them are shareholders in Wehron, the conglomerate that owns most of North America and most of the Western world. Unlike the other districts, the upscale district is mostly newly constructed. The main district is nominally middle class but is in fact barely above poverty. Most live a harsh existence, always watched by the state. This district is made up of barely renovated early 21st century buildings. The poor live an even worse existence, living in horrifying squalor and bombed by enemy rockets. Brutal, unfeeling robotic policemen patrol the streets enforcing order.

On the international level, the world is divided into several superpowers engaged in an endless war for their mutual benefit. Each of the superpowers is a conglomerate of corporations that both sell goods to the population and govern. There are a few main powers:

Wehron- North America/ Western World

People’s Servants- China/ Eastern World

Federation- Russia, surrounding area

The Middle East, South America, and much of Africa is “unclaimed”, with all powers exerting influence over them.


The world of 2041 is formed out of the ashes of the early 21st century, when a series of crises caused a third world war. Luckily, nuclear weapons were used sparingly, killing only a couple thousand in proxy countries. During and after the war, a major business executive was elected to president. He successfully united the major businesses and formed an unquestionable monopoly on the market as a whole. Using the war as an excuse, he passed bills slowly extending his power and the amount of surveillance legal in the states. Besides a few major riots and the purging of some high level dissidents, the revolution was bloodless. The leader, affectionately known as Number One, has now become legendary for his actions and is the nominal head of Wehron, the totalitarian state that he helped create.

By 2041, the former United States have become a totalitarian, surveillance business-state. Though it is capitalist, it has all the aspects of a police state.

4.Controls [Thursday assignment part 1]

A- Any direction on the D-pad can be used to quick select equipment/ abilities.

B- Pressing the select button allows the user to share gameplay on Youtube or Facebook.

C- Pressing or Holding the Touch Screen performs contextual actions throughout the game.

D- When the player character is injured or receives an upgrade a contextual noise plays over the controller’s microphone.

E- Pressing the start button brings up the options menu, allowing the player to save, exit, etc.

F- 1. Pressing Triangle quickly switches weapons.

2. Pressing Square reloads the player character’s weapon. Holding it causes the player character to hide their weapon.

3. Pressing X makes the player character jump. Holding it, with the correct upgrades, activates a super jump.

4. Pressing O makes the player character crouch.

G- Using the Right Stick makes the player character look around in any direction.

H- Pressing the PS button exits to PS Home.

I & J – These two ports are not used in gameplay.

K- Using the Left Stick allows the player to walk in any direction.

A- Pressing the Right Button activates the player character’s melee attack.

B- Pressing the Right Trigger causes the player to use the primary mode of their weapon.

Ex: Firing a gun’s primary ammunition, simply stabbing with a knife, etc.

C- The Glow screen changes colors contextually depending on the player character’s condition.

D- Holding the Left Button brings up the equipment/ablilities menu. Pressing it activates the player’s selected ability.

E- Pressing the Left Trigger causes the player to use the secondary mode of their weapon.

Ex: Looking through a scope, shooting a grenade launcher, etc.

5.Audio Design [Thursday assignment part 2]

Game audio consists of three main components: sound effects, music, and voice-over. Discuss each one briefly.

5.1.Sound Effects

The hustle and bustle of the city provides much of the game’s ambiance. I.E. Honking cars, walking pedestrians, etc. In addition Wehron propaganda is almost ever-present, making it another common noise amongst the crowded streets. Many robotic, inorganic noises should also play to match the theme of synthetic overtaking the real world.


The general theme would be a sad, orchestral tune that reflects the poor state of the world and the main cast’s futile mission. The music of Wehron would be patriotic, moving, and multifaceted, combining traditional sounds with an electronic theme. Each distinct area in the game has its own theme reflecting its attitude and style. Ex: The destitute slums have a morose, simple theme reflecting the area’s mood.

5.3. Voice-over

John Novac- His voice must feel, at first, average and unimportant. As he evolves over the course of the game he develops more of a personality, bantering with other cast members. The actor must be able to handle both of these personalities. Troy Baker, Nolan North, or Yuri Lowenthal.

Emma- Her voice conveys a sweet kindness. Though she understands the poor state of the world, she has an unshakable optimism that things will improve. This must be well portrayed. She has a non-subtle voice, making emotion leak into much of what she says. Think a Merle Dangridge (Alyx in HL 2) type voice.

Bracken- His voice is warm and comforting. He has a fatherly tone that implies great wisdom. Think Burton’s performance in the 1984 film mixed with Brad Dexter’s performance in Magnificent 7. He has a hint of mystery in his voice, suggesting a troubled past.

Qin- His voice encapsulates his raucous, unruly, and charismatic attitude. A voice actor must be able to bring these qualities to the character and more. His voice gives of an aura of charm, though he is something of a bad person. The player character must be able to like him. Think Nolan North, Troy Baker, Michael Mando, or Steven Ogg.

6.Gameplay Walkthrough [Friday's assignment; stop here if it's Thursday]

“Finally, after a long walk, you arrive at your destination: the Bay of the Giants. The titular Giants are massive flying installations with the power of several ships. The bay is a repair yard for Wehron’s fleet, housing ships from all over their Empire. Their greatest vessel, Peacemaker, is stationed here with its heroic captain Charles Milligan on board, your target. He is said to be a fierce fighter, but with luck and skill, you can surprise him.

“From a secluded outlook, let’s say the player presses up on the D-pad, activating the binocular-like camera mode that they’ve unlocked. Sweeping left and right with the Right Stick, you scout out the area. The complex is heavily guarded, with numerous security bots, drones, and their human handlers. Let’s say you sweep from left to right with the right stick, marking each enemy a la Far Cry 3 so that you can better avoid them. You view several different entrances: The locked front door which you’d need correct identification for, the more open and dangerous dock entrance, or the south sea wall which is under repair after an accident.

For the sake of this walkthrough, you choose to enter from the damaged wall. Pressing O to crouch you make your way from cover to cover, inching closer and closer to the wall. To add drama and display abilities, let’s say that you make it within feet of your goal when an unseen guard emerges just to your right. You immediately activate your active camouflage by pressing the left button, cloaking yourself from view. Though the guard doesn’t see you now, it won’t last. The energy that powers your ability is running out fast. You duck behind cover, now inside the complex but not yet safe.

You pause behind cover and plan your next move. You spot two possible entrances: an elevator straight to the Peacemaker or a more dangerous series of jumps from ship to ship. Wanting a greater challenge, let’s say you move toward the adjacent ships, planning to hop from one to the other to get to the Peacemaker. You make your way toward the first and lowest ship when you encounter a guard. You won’t be able to pass him so you approach him from behind. As you get closer you are presented with two options, short circuit or hack the robo-guard. For the sake of this walkthrough you press right button and command the droid to cause havoc.

With the droid attacking its counterparts, you use the chaos as cover and jump towards the first ship. You quickly hold left button while in the air to bring up the equipment/ ability menu. You scroll to the right to select jet-jump. Jumping back in the action, you press left button, giving you a small boost in the air. With this added boost you quickly make your way from ship to ship. By this time, you have been spotted and flying drones descend on your position. In addition, Milligan has shifted the Peacemaker to begin firing on your position.

You quickly hold square, bringing up your custom pistol, and use it to dispatch the small drones. Paranoid, Milligan begins firing the Peacemaker’s main cannons at your position. Barely dodging the fire, you continue towards his ship, sticking to cover when necessary to avoid the cannons. Soon enough you have boosted your way up to the front of the Peacemaker. Scared, but not totally mad, Milligan aims the ships cannons where you land, yet doesn’t fire, refusing to destroy the ship.

On the Peacemaker’s deck you are surrounded by guards in close proximity. You press right button to knock the closest one off balance and fire a few shots into his chest with your pistol. To heighten drama, let’s say you run out of ammo in your clip, forcing you to flee the approaching mob in the bowels of the ship. You have many choices of escape, but let’s say you hide in a small janitor’s closet to escape them. Anticlimactic I know but, let’s continue.

Now free to continue your mission, you navigate through the dark interior of the ship by using your in built GPS in the equipment/ abilities menu, activated by holding left button. You quietly lurk your way to Milligan’s quarters and find them well guarded. You notice a ventilation system that overlooks his room.

To add a thrilling conclusion, you press square to open the vent and enter the system. You silently make your way to the terminus of the system directly above Milligan and his men. You then kick the vent, falling directly above Milligan. Time slows as you equip your shotgun from your equipment menu by holding left button. You quickly kill his guards and hold him at gunpoint. As Milligan desperately pleads for his life, you are presented with two options: assassinate him or take him in for questioning. To end the play through in a vengeful fashion, you point your gun at him. As he backs away, you fire by pressing the right trigger. Milligan falls backward hitting the ship’s control panel. This causes the cannons to misfire directly on the deck.

You equip your fast running speed by going to the equipment/abilities menu and attempt to escape the falling Peacemaker. You sprint past injured or distracted guards to get on deck. As you emerge out into the light, the ship is fast approaching the ground. You dive off deck and equip your jump jet just in time to glide off the deck for a short time. As you hover for a second, the Peacemaker collides with the ground, destroying most of the installation bellow and sucking you into the immense flame…”