EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 Technology Request Internal reference: (Leave empty – will be filled by EEN-Latvia) CONTACTS (this information will be used only for communication purposes) Organisation: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Address: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contact person - name, surname: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Phone: :+371 xxxxxxxx Mobile phone:+371 xxxxxxxx E-mail address: xxx@xxxxxx Website: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Filling the fields with headings in bold red letters is mandatory. Filling the other fields with headings in black colour is not mandatory (can be left empty). Don’t delete field titles and comments/explanations on the gray background! Always avoid the use of “we/our”, instead use, e.g.: “The company …”. Avoid unnecessary capitalisation of words. Pay particular attention to spelling and grammar. No spelling mistakes should be present. Please use spell checker (preferably - United Kingdom English). DETAILS TITLE (mandatory field!) The title should be clear and meaningful for non-experts in the technology or application field. It should enable reader to see if the profile is interesting to him. Stand-alone acronyms, product names or trademarks are not allowed. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUMMARY (mandatory field!), maximum 500 characters! Summary should aim to answer the following questions: What sort of organisation is doing the requesting and where (geographically) is the request from? E.g.: “An enterprise from Latvia is seeking for …What is being requested (the emphasis on the “what”, not the “how”)? What should be the main advantages of the technology you are seeking? If relevant - who are the targeted partners/suppliers? What sort of deal is sought? Use character count (max. 500 characters) – space and punctuation marks each count for one character. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DESCRIPTION (mandatory field!), minimum 100 characters! Describe the relevant characteristics of the request. If relevant, provide background information or a short introductory text to the technology you are seeking (this can usually be found with an internet search). Describe the requested technology, try to indicate clearly the innovation you seek (provide quantitative data if possible and put the emphasis on explaining the “what” and not on the “how”). Elaborate on points covered in summary, but don’t use copy-paste. If possible back up descriptions with data. If use abbreviations, make sure that full names are given, as well as further explanation (if necessary). Make sure that the profile is understood by non-experts in this particular technology 1

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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018

Technology RequestInternal reference:(Leave empty – will be filled by EEN-Latvia)

CONTACTS (this information will be used only for communication purposes)

Organisation: XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAddress: XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxContact person - name, surname: Xxxxxxx XxxxxxxxPhone: :+371 xxxxxxxx Mobile phone:+371 xxxxxxxxE-mail address: xxx@xxxxxxWebsite: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFilling the fields with headings in bold red letters is mandatory.Filling the other fields with headings in black colour is not mandatory (can be left empty).Don’t delete field titles and comments/explanations on the gray background!Always avoid the use of “we/our”, instead use, e.g.: “The company …”.Avoid unnecessary capitalisation of words.Pay particular attention to spelling and grammar. No spelling mistakes should be present.Please use spell checker (preferably - United Kingdom English).


TITLE (mandatory field!)The title should be clear and meaningful for non-experts in the technology or application field.It should enable reader to see if the profile is interesting to him.Stand-alone acronyms, product names or trademarks are not allowed.Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

SUMMARY (mandatory field!), maximum 500 characters!Summary should aim to answer the following questions:What sort of organisation is doing the requesting and where (geographically) is the request from? E.g.: “An enterprise from Latvia is seeking for …”What is being requested (the emphasis on the “what”, not the “how”)?What should be the main advantages of the technology you are seeking?If relevant - who are the targeted partners/suppliers?What sort of deal is sought?Use character count (max. 500 characters) – space and punctuation marks each count for one character.Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

DESCRIPTION (mandatory field!), minimum 100 characters!Describe the relevant characteristics of the request.If relevant, provide background information or a short introductory text to the technology you are seeking (this can usually be found with an internet search).Describe the requested technology, try to indicate clearly the innovation you seek (provide quantitative data if possible and put the emphasis on explaining the “what” and not on the “how”).Elaborate on points covered in summary, but don’t use copy-paste. If possible back up descriptions with data.If use abbreviations, make sure that full names are given, as well as further explanation (if necessary).Make sure that the profile is understood by non-experts in this particular technology field.Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT – if selected, select only oneAny selections made in this field will need to be elaborated on in the “Comments regarding stage of development” field below and the selections should not contradict statements made elsewhere in the profile.

Already on the market Available for demonstration Concept stage Field tested/evaluated Project already started Project in negotiations - urgent Proposal under development Prototype available for demonstration Under development/lab tested


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 COMMENTS REGARDING STAGE OF DEVELOPMENTXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

PROFILE EXPIRES X DAYS AFTER PUBLICATION (mandatory field!), maximum = 365365TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OR EXPERTISE SOUGHT (mandatory field!)The processes should be briefly described and, if possible, the targeted prices and production output should be given.Clearly specify any technical requirements.What are the technologies/products the company believes could be suitable?What are the technologies/products the company is sure are not suitable?Are there some specific requirements to take into consideration (temperature, pressure, size, etc.)?Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

IPR STATUS, multiple selections allowedIf selected ‘Other’ - then provide clarification in the field “Comments regarding IPR status” below.

Copyright Design rights Exclusive rights Granted patent or patent application essential Other Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted Patent(s) granted Secret know-how Trade marks



TECHNOLOGY KEYWORDS (mandatory field!), select maximum 5 technology keywords!001 ELECTRONICS, IT AND TELECOMS001001 Electronics, Microelectronics001001001 Automation, Robotics Control Systems001001002 Digital Systems, Digital Representation001002 Electronic circuits, components and equipment001002001 Micro and Nanotechnology related to Electronics and Microelectronics001002002 3D printing001002003 Electronic engineering001002004 Embedded Systems and Real Time Systems001002005 High Frequency Technology, Microwaves001002006 Magnetic and superconductor materials / devices001002007 Nanotechnologies related to electronics & microelectronics001002008 Optical Networks and Systems001002009 Peripherals Technologies (Mass Data Storage, Displays)001002010 Printed circuits and integrated circuits001002011 Quantum Informatics001002012 Semiconductors001002013 Smart cards and access systems001003 Information Processing, Information Systems, Workflow Management001003001 Advanced Systems Architecture001003002 Archivistics / Documentation / Technical Documentation001003003 Artificial Intelligence (AI)001003004 Computer Games001003005 Computer Hardware001003006 Computer Software001003007 Computer Technology / Graphics, Meta Computing001003008 Data Processing / Data Interchange, Middleware001003009 Data Protection, Storage Technology, Cryptography, Data Security001003010 Databases, Database Management, Data Mining001003011 Electronic Commerce, Electronic Payment001003012 Imaging, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 001003013 Information Technology / Informatics001003014 Internet Technologies/Communication (Wireless, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth)001003015 Knowledge Management, Process Management001003016 Simulation001003017 Speech Processing / Technology001003018 User Interfaces, Usability001003019 Electronic Signature001003020 Building Automation Software001003021 Remote Control001003022 Smart Appliances001003023 Environmental and Biometrics Sensors, Actuators001003024 Cloud Technologies001003025 Internet of Things001004 IT and Telematics Applications001004001 Applications for Health001004002 Applications for Tourism001004003 Applications for Transport and Logistics001004004 ASP Application Service Providing001004005 e-Government001004006 Environment Management Systems & Documental Management Systems001004007 GIS Geographical Information Systems001004008 ERP - Electronic Resources Planning001004009 CRM - Customer relationship Management001004010 Quality Management System001004011 Maintenance Management System001004012 Operation Planning and Scheduler System001004013 Didactic System001004014 Serious Games001004015 ICM – Internet Content Management001004016 Analysis Risk Management001004017 Work Hygiene and Safety Management001005 Multimedia001005001 Cultural Heritage001005002 E-Learning001005003 E-Publishing, Digital Content001005004 Human Language Technologies001005005 Information Filtering, Semantics, Statistics001005006 Visualisation, Virtual Reality001006 Telecommunications, Networking001006001 Audio-visual Equipment and Communication001006002 Broadband Technologies001006003 Mobile Communications001006004 Narrow Band Technologies001006005 Network Technology, Network Security001006006 Radar001006007 Research Networking, GRID001006008 Satellite Technology / Positioning / Communication in GPS001006009 Signal Processing001006010 Hi-Fi001006011 Description to Sound and Music Computing001006012 Description Image / Video Computing001006013 Communications Protocols, Interoperability001006014 Residential Gateway001006015 VoIP telephony, remote access002 INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING, MATERIALS AND TRANSPORT002001 Design and Modelling / Prototypes002001001 3D printing002002 Industrial Manufacture002002001 Cleaning (sandblasting, brushing)002002002 Coatings002002003 Drying002002004 Erosion, Removal (spark erosion, flame cutting, laser / plasma cutting, electrochemical erosion,

waterjet cutting)002002005 Forming (rolling, forging, pressing, drawing)002002006 Hardening, heat treatment002002007 Joining techniques (riveting, screw driving, gluing)


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 002002008 Jointing (soldering, welding, sticking)002002009 Machine Tools002002010 Machining (turning, drilling, moulding, milling, planning, cutting)002002011 Machining, fine (grinding, lapping)002002012 Mixing (powder, etc.), separation (sorting, filtering)002002013 Moulding, injection moulding, sintering002002014 Extrusion002002015 Surface treatment (painting, galvanisation, polishing, CVD, PVD)002002016 Microengineering and nanoengineering002002017 Micromachining, nanomachining002002018 Microassembly, nanoassembly002002019 Micropositioning, nanopositioning002003 Process control and logistics002003001 Process automation002003002 Manufacturing plants networks002003003 Component integration002003004 Supply chain002003005 Information processing & Systems, Workflow002003006 Prototypes, trials and pilot schemes002004 Plant Design and Maintenance002005 Packaging / Handling002005001 Foil002005002 Laminate002005003 Packaging for machines002005004 Packaging for materials002005005 Plastic bags002006 Construction Technology002006001 Materials, components and systems for construction002006002 Construction methods and equipment002006003 Fire Resistance / Safety002006004 Installations related to construction (energy, lighting...)002006005 Construction maintenance and monitoring methods & equipment002006006 Construction engineering (design, simulation)002006007 Management of construction process & life002007 Materials Technology002007001 Adhesives002007002 Building materials002007003 Ceramic Materials and Powders002007004 Colours and varnish002007005 Composite materials002007006 Fine Chemicals, Dyes and Inks002007007 Glass002007008 Iron and Steel, Steelworks002007009 Materials Handling Technology (solids, fluids, gases)002007010 Metals and Alloys002007011 Non-ferrous Metals002007012 Optical Materials002007013 Paper technology002007014 Plastics, Polymers002007015 Properties of Materials, Corrosion / Degradation002007016 Rubber002007017 Stone002007018 Advanced Textile Materials002007019 Lightweight materials002007020 Biobased materials002007021 Carbon nanotubes002007022 Conductive materials002007023 Hybrid materials002007024 Nanomaterials002008 Transport Infrastructure002008001 Air Transport002008002 Intermodal Transport002008003 Logistics002008004 Railway Transport002008005 Road Transport002008006 Traffic Engineering / Control Systems


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 002008007 Transhipment Systems002008008 Water Transport002009 Transport and Shipping Technologies002009001 Design of Vehicles002009002 Hybrid and Electric Vehicles002009003 Railway Vehicles002009004 Road Vehicles002009005 Shipbuilding002009006 Traction / Propulsion Systems002009007 Artificial intelligence applications for cars and transport002009008 Navigation and embedded systems002009009 Sensors for cars and transport002009010 Lightweight construction002009011 Air pollution control for cars and transport002009012 Automotive engineering002009013 Body and main parts002009014 Automotive electrical and electronics002009015 Audio / video002009016 Charging system002009017 Electrical supply system002009018 Measurement devices002009019 Ignition system002009020 Lighting and signalling system002009021 Switches and wiring002009022 Security systems002009023 Interior equipment002009024 Powertrain and chassis002009025 Braking system002009026 Energy supply system002009027 Transmission systems002010 Traffic, mobility002010001 Planning and security002010002 Engineering002010003 System and transportation002011 Aerospace Technology002011001 Aeronautical technology / Avionics002011002 Aircraft002011003 Helicopter002011004 Satellite Navigation Systems002011005 Space Exploration and Technology002011006 Propulsion002011007 Guidance and control002011008 Thermal insulation for space applications003 OTHER INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES003001 Other Industrial Technologies003001001 Cleaning Technology003002 Process Plant Engineering003003 Apparatus Engineering003004 Chemical Technology and Engineering003004001 Agro chemicals003004002 Inorganic Substances003004003 Colours, dyes related to Chemical Technology and engineering003004004 Electrical Engineering and Technology / Electrical Equipment003004005 Man-made fibres003004006 Organic Substances003004007 Pharmaceutics003004008 Plastics and Rubber related to Chemical Technology and engineering003004009 Soaps, detergents003004010 Special chemicals, intermediates003004011 Care, Hygiene, Beauty003005 Textiles Technology003005001 Component adhesives for strengthening of seam003005002 Dry filling related to Textiles Technology003005003 Dyeing related to Textiles Technology003005004 Finisher related to Textiles Technology003005005 Non weaving related to Textiles Technology


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 003005006 Solvent based glues for strengthening of edges and seam003005007 Textile fibres003005008 Weaving related to Textiles Technology003005009 Woven technical textiles for industrial applications003006 Footwear / Leather Technology003006001 Dry filling related to Footwear / Leather Technology003006002 Dyes related to Footwear / Leather Technology003006003 Tanned leather process / Leather Technology003007 Sound Engineering / Technology003008 Mining Technologies003009 Printing003009001 Flexography003009002 Printed Reel Material003010 Household Goods & Appliances004 ENERGY004001 Energy storage and transport004001001 Heat storage004001002 Heat transport and supply, district heating004001003 Storage of electricity, batteries004001004 Transmission of electricity004001005 Transport and storage of gas and liquid fuels004001006 Transport and storage of hydrogen004001007 Power to gas technology004002 Energy production, transmission and conversion004002001 Fuel cells004002002 Hydrogen production004002003 Compression and liquefaction of gases004002004 Furnace and boiler technologies004002005 Generators, electric engines and power converters004002006 Heat exchangers004002007 Heat pump004002008 Cooling technologies004002009 Turbines004002010 Combined heat and power (CHP) engines004002011 Micro-generation and grid connection004002012 Other energy related machinery004002013 Smart grids004003 Fossil Energy Sources004003001 Gaseous fossil fuel004003002 Solid fossil fuel004003003 Liquid fossil fuel004003004 Mining and extraction004004 Nuclear Fission / Nuclear Fusion004005 Renewable Sources of Energy004005001 Geothermal energy004005002 Hydropower004005003 Liquid biofuels004005004 Photovoltaics004005005 Solar /Thermal energy004005006 Solid biomass004005007 Waste incineration004005008 Wind energy004005009 Energy from wastewater004005010 Integrated waste-energy processes004005011 Bio-refineries for energy004005012 Waste to energy - other004006 Biogas and anaerobic digestion (AD)004007 Energy efficiency004007001 Energy management004007002 Lighting, illumination004007003 Process optimisation, waste heat utilisation004007004 Thermal insulation004007005 Heat pipes004007006 Low, zero and plus energy rating004008 Other Energy Topics004008001 Combustion, Flames


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 004008002 Fuels and engine technologies004008003 Micro- and Nanotechnology related to energy004009 Carbon capture and energy005 PHYSICAL AND EXACT SCIENCES005001 Chemistry005001001 Analytical Chemistry005001002 Computational Chemistry and Modelling005001003 Inorganic Chemistry005001004 Organic Chemistry005001005 Petro-chemistry, Petroleum Engineering005002 Meteorology / Climatology005002001 Biosensor005003 Physics005003001 Vibration and Acoustic engineering005003002 Optics005003003 Vacuum005004 Separation Technologies005004001 Filtration and Membrane Processes005004002 Extraction005004003 Adsorption005004004 Distillation005004005 Sublimation005004006 Other Processes005005 Micro- and Nanotechnology006 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES006001 Medicine, Human Health006001001 Biostatistics, Epidemiology006001002 Clinical Research, Trials006001003 Cytology, Cancerology, Oncology006001004 Dentistry / Odontology, Stomatology006001005 Diagnostics, Diagnosis006001006 Human vaccines006001007 Emergency medicine006001008 Environmental Medicine, Social Medicine, Sports Medicine006001009 Gene - DNA Therapy006001010 Gerontology and Geriatrics006001011 Heart and blood circulation illnesses006001012 Medical Research006001013 Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering006001014 Neurology, Brain Research006001015 Pharmaceutical Products / Drugs006001016 Physiology006001017 Surgery006001018 Virus, Virology / Antibiotics / Bacteriology006001019 Stem cell Technologies006001020 Physiotherapy, Orthopaedic Technology006001021 Single Use Products and Consumer Goods006001022 Medical Textiles006001023 Medical Furniture006001024 Medical Biomaterials006002 Biology / Biotechnology006002001 Biochemistry / Biophysics006002002 Cellular and Molecular Biology006002003 Enzyme Technology006002004 Protein Engineering006002005 Genetic Engineering006002006 Synthetic Biology006002007 In vitro Testing, Trials006002008 Microbiology006002009 Molecular design006002010 Toxicology006002011 Bionics006003 Genome Research006003001 Bioinformatics006003002 Gene Expression, Proteome Research006003003 Population genetics


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 006004 Micro- and Nanotechnology related to Biological sciences006005 E-Health006005001 Safety & systems006005002 Sensors & Wireless products006005003 Health information management006005004 Remote diagnostics006006 Industrial Biotechnology006006001 Biobased Materials006006002 Bioplastics006006003 Biobased chemical building blocks006006004 Biopolymers006006005 Biobased high-performance materials006006006 Biological Nanomaterials006006007 Biolubricants006006008 Biotensides006006009 Ionic Liquids006006010 Bio- Composites006006011 Fermentation006006012 Bioprocesses006006013 Downstream Processing007 AGRICULTURE AND MARINE RESOURCES007001 Agriculture007001001 Agriculture Machinery / Technology007001002 Animal Production / Husbandry007001003 Bio-control007001004 Crop Production007001005 Horticulture007001006 Pesticides007001007 Precision agriculture007001008 Seed coating007001009 Veterinary Medicine007001010 Micro- and Nanotechnology related to agriculture007002 Sylviculture, Forestry, Forest technology007002001 Forest technology007002002 Paper Technology007002003 Pulp Technology007002004 Sylviculture, Forestry007002005 Wood Products007003 Resources of the Sea, Fisheries007003001 Aquaculture007003002 Fish / Fisheries / Fishing Technology007003003 Marine Science007003004 Micro- and Nanotechnology related to agriculture and marine resources008 AGROFOOD INDUSTRY008001 Technologies for the food industry008001001 Drink Technology008001002 Food Additives / Ingredients / Functional Food008001003 Food Packaging / Handling008001004 Food Processing008001005 Food Technology008002 Food quality and safety008002001 Detection and Analysis methods008002002 Food Microbiology / Toxicology / Quality Control008002003 Safe production methods008002004 Traceability of food008003 Micro- and Nanotechnology related to agro-food009 MEASUREMENTS AND STANDARDS009001 Measurement Tools009001001 Acoustic Technology related to measurements009001002 Analyses /Test Facilities and Methods009001003 Chemical material testing009001004 Electrical Technology related to measurements009001005 Mechanical Technology related to measurements009001006 Optical material testing009001007 Optical Technology related to measurements009001008 Other Non-Destructive Testing


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 009001009 Sensor Technology related to measurements009001010 Thermal material testing009002 Amplifier, A/D Transducer009003 Electronic measurement systems009004 Recording Devices009005 Reference Materials009006 Standards009006001 Quality Standards009006002 Technical Standards010 PROTECTING MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT010001 Safety010001001 Acoustic safety010001002 Assessment of Environmental Risk and Impact010001003 Fire Safety Technology010001004 Hazardous Materials010001005 Radiation Protection010001006 Protection against intoxication010002 Environment010002001 Indoor Air Pollution / Treatment010002002 Outdoor Air Pollution / Treatment010002003 Capture and Storage of CO2010002004 Climate Change mitigation010002005 Biodiversity / Natural Heritage010002006 Ecology010002007 Environmental Engineering / Technology010002008 Measurement and Detection of Pollution010002009 Natural Disasters010002010 Remote sensing technology010002011 Soil and Groundwater Pollution010002012 Remediation of Contaminated Sites010002013 Clean Production / Green Technologies010002014 Noise Pollution010002015 Life Cycle Assessment010003 Waste Management010003001 Biotreatment / Compost / Bioconversion010003002 Incineration and Pyrolysis010003003 Land and Sea Disposal010003004 Recycling, Recovery010003005 Radioactive Waste010003006 Waste disinfection / detoxification010003007 Waste to Energy / Resource010003008 Landfill mining010003009 Rare Earths Metals Treatment010004 Water Management010004001 Industrial Water Treatment010004002 Municipal Water Treatment010004003 Wastewater Recycling010004004 Drinking Water010004005 Rain Water010004006 Sludge Treatment / Disposal010004007 Desalination010004008 Water Resources Management010004009 Marine Environment010004010 Hydrology010004011 Flood Management010004012 Water in Buildings010004013 Underground infrastructure011 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONCERNS011001 Socio-economic development models, economic aspects011002 Education and Training011003 Information and media, society011004 Technology, Society and Employment011005 Infrastructures for social sciences and humanities011006 Citizens participation011007 Sports and Leisure011008 Creative services


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 011009 Creative products

MARKET KEYWORDS (mandatory field!), select maximum 5 keywords!001 COMMUNICATIONS001001 Commercial Communications001001001 Radio and TV broadcasting stations001001002 CATV and pay TV systems001001003 Radio and TV broadcasting and other related equipment001001004 Other commercial communications001002 Telephone Related001002001 Long distance telephone services001002002 Telephone interconnect and other equipment001002003 Message forwarding, queuing and answering systems, telephone management systems and PBXs001002004 Other telephone related001003 Facsimile Transmission001004 Data Communications001004001 Local area networks (including voice/data PBX systems)001004002 Data communication components001004003 Communications processors/network management001004004 Protocol converters and emulators001004005 Modems and multiplexers001004006 Other data communication components001004007 Network test, monitoring and support equipment001004008 Other data communications001005 Satellite Microwave Communications001005001 Satellite services/carriers/operators001005002 Satellite ground (and others) equipment001005003 Microwave service facilities001005004 Microwave and satellite components (including antennae and amplifiers)001005005 Other satellite/microwave001006 Other Communications Related001006001 Defence communications001006002 Mobile communications, pagers and cellular radio001006003 Streaming001006004 Communications services001006005 Other communications (not elsewhere classified)002 COMPUTER RELATED002001 Computers002001001 Mainframes002001002 Scientific computers002001003 Mini and microcomputers002001004 Fail safe computers002001005 Mini computers (small business)002001006 Micro computers (personal and very small)002001007 Other mini and microcomputers002002 Computer Related Graphics002002001 CAD/CAM, CAE systems002002002 Graphics systems002002003 Graphics software002002004 Graphics terminals002002005 Graphics printers/plotters002002006 Other graphics peripherals002002007 Other computer graphics002002008 3D002003 Specialised Turnkey Systems002004 Scanning Related002004001 OCR (optical character recognition)002004002 OBR (optical bar recognition)002004003 MICR (magnetic ink character recognition)002004004 Other scanning related (including optical mark sensing and image processing)002005 Peripherals002005001 Terminals002005002 Intelligent terminals002005003 Portable terminals002005004 Other terminals002005005 Printers


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 002005006 Data I/O devices002005007 Disk related memory devices002005008 Floppy disks and drivers002005009 Winchester disks and drives002005010 Optical disks and drives002005011 Other disk related002005012 Tape related devices002005013 Magnetic tapes002005014 Tape heads and drives002005015 Continuous tape backup systems002005016 Other tape related devices002005017 Other memory devices (excluding semiconductors)002005018 Other peripherals (not elsewhere classified)002006 Computer Services002006001 Time sharing films002006002 Computer leasing and rentals002006003 Computer training services002006004 Data processing, analysis and input services002006005 Big data management002006006 Computerised billing and accounting services002006007 Databases and on-line information services002006008 Data storage002006009 Other computer services002007 Computer Software002007001 Systems Software002007002 Database and file management002007003 Operating systems and utilities002007004 Program development tools/languages002007005 Communications/networking002007006 Other system software002007007 Applications software002007008 Business and office software002007009 Home software002007010 Education software002007011 Manufacturing/industrial software002007012 Medical/health software002007013 Banks/financial institution software002007014 Other industry specific software002007015 Integrated software002007016 Artificial intelligence related software002007017 Expert systems002007018 Natural language002007019 Computer-aided instructions002007020 AI programming aids002007021 Other AI related002007022 Software services002007023 Web semantics002007024 Programming services/systems engineering002007025 Consulting services002007026 Distribution, clearing house002007027 Other software services002007028 Other software related002008 Other Computer Related002008001 Voice synthesis002008002 Voice recognition003 OTHER ELECTRONICS RELATED003001 Electronic Components003001001 Semiconductors003001002 Customised semiconductors003001003 Standard semiconductors003001004 Other semiconductors003001005 Microprocessors003001006 Controllers003001007 Circuit boards003001008 Display panels003001009 Other electronics related (including keyboards)


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 003002 Batteries003003 Power Supplies003004 Electronics Related Equipment003004001 Semiconductor fabrication equipment and wafer products003004002 Components testing equipment003004003 Other electronics related equipment003005 Laser Related003006 Fibre Optics003007 Analytical and Scientific Instrumentation003007001 Chromatographs and related laboratory equipment (including spectrometers)003007002 Other measuring devices (including infrared gas analysers, moisture analysers)003007003 Other analytical and scientific instrumentation003008 Other Electronics Related003008001 Military electronics (excluding communications)003008002 Copiers003008003 Calculators003008004 Other electronics related (including alarm systems)004 GENETIC ENGINEERING / MOLECULAR BIOLOGY004001 Recombinant DNA004001001 Agricultural genetic engineering applications004001002 Industrial genetic engineering applications004001003 Medical genetic engineering applications004001004 Other recombinant DNA004002 Monoclonal Antibodies and Hybridomas004003 Gene Splicing and Manufacturing Equipment004004 Other Genetic Engineering004005 Biochemistry / Biophysics004006 Cellular and Molecular Biology004007 Enzymology/Protein Engineering/Fermentation004008 Genetic Engineering004009 In vitro Testing, Trials004010 Microbiology004011 Molecular design004012 Toxicology004013 Stem cells and biobanks004014 Bioinformatics004015 Gene Expression, Proteome Research004016 Population genetics004017 Micro- and Nanotechnology related to Biological sciences005 MEDICAL/HEALTH RELATED005001 Diagnostic005001001 Diagnostic services005001002 In-vitro diagnostics005001003 Differential diagnosis005001004 Forensic science005001005 Molecular diagnosis005001006 Prenatal diagnostic005001007 Other diagnostic005002 Medical imaging005002001 X-rays005002002 CAT scanning005002003 Ultrasound imaging005002004 Nuclear imaging005002005 Other medical imaging005003 Therapeutic005003001 Therapeutic services005003002 Surgical instrumentation and equipment005003003 Surgical implants005003004 Pacemakers and artificial organs005003005 Drug delivery and other equipment005003006 Other therapeutic (including defibrillators)005004 Medical equipment005004001 Electromedical and medical equipment005004002 Rescue and emergency equipment005004003 Laboratory equipment005004004 Medical instruments


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 005004005 Diagnostic equipment005004006 Surgical instrumentation and equipment005005 Clinical Medicine005005001 Allergy research005005002 Ophthalmology, ear, nose and throat diseases005005003 Endocrinology005005004 Gastroenterology005005005 Geriatrics005005006 Gynaecology005005007 Pulmonary medicine005005008 Internal medicine005005009 Paediatrics005005010 Cardiology005005011 Circulatory diseases005005012 Nephrology005005013 Emergency medicine005005014 Oncology005005015 Orthopaedics000005016 Environmental Medicine, Social Medicine, Sports Medicine005005017 Dentistry / Odontology, Stomatology005005018 Medical Physics, Physiology005005019 'Surgery and Anaesthesiology005005020 Forensic Medicine005005021 Medical computer sciences005005022 Other clinical medicine005006 Anatomy, Pathology, Immunology, Physiology005007 Other Medical/Health Related005007001 Disposable products005007002 Pharmaceuticals/fine chemicals005007003 Handicap aids005007004 Monitoring equipment005007005 Hospital and other institutional management005007006 Computer-aided diagnosis and therapy005007007 Other medical/health related (not elsewhere classified)005008 Agro and Marine biotech005008001 Marine products005008002 Food and feed ingredients005008003 Marine oils005009 Plant and animal health005009001 Food & feed ingredients005009002 Fish health005009003 Animal health005009004 Plant health005010 Welfare technologies005010001 Safety for the elderly005010002 Cognitive aid005010003 Patient rehabilitation & training006 ENERGY006001 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production006001001 Exploration services006001002 Production services006001003 Drilling, completion and stimulation006001004 Equipment and instrumentation006001005 Storage and transportation006001006 Chemicals and materials006001007 Other oil and gas006002 Power generation006002001 Oil, gas and coal006002002 Nuclear006002003 Power grid and distribution006002004 Hydro-electric006003 Alternative Energy006003001 Solar/thermal energy006003002 Photovoltaics006003003 Wind energy006003004 Marine energy


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 006003005 Geothermal energy006003006 Combined heat and power (co-generation)006003007 District heating006003008 Other alternative energy006003009 Biomass and Biofuels006003010 Distributed power and grid connection006004 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOI)006004001 Gas, liquid and chemical injection006004002 Heavy oil / shales006004003 Other Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOI)006005 Coal Related006005001 Coal mining006005002 Coal related equipment006005003 Other coal related006006 Energy Conservation Related006006001 Thermal insulation006006002 Metering and monitoring006006003 Heat recovery006007 Other Energy006007001 Other energy production006008 Energy Storage006009 Energy Distribution006010 Energy Supply and Retail006010001 Energy for private/domestic housing006010002 Energy for the community/public sector006010003 Energy for Industry006011 Energy for Transport007 CONSUMER RELATED007001 Leisure and Recreational Products and Services007001001 Movies, movie products and theatre operations007001002 Amusement and recreational facilities007001003 Toys and electronic games007001004 Sporting goods, hobby equipment and athletics clothes007001005 Sport facilities (gyms and clubs)007001006 Music, records, production and instruments007001007 Other leisure and recreational products and services007002 Retailing007002001 Drug stores007002002 Clothing and shoe stores007002003 Discount stores007002004 Computer stores007002005 Other retailing007003 Food and Beverages007003001 Wine and liquors007003002 Health food007003003 Soft drinks and bottling plants007004 Consumer Products007004001 Clothing, shoes and accessories (including jewellery)007004002 Health and beauty aids007004003 Home furnishing and housewares007004004 Housewares007004005 Furnishing and Furniture007004006 Garden and horticultural products007004007 Mobile homes007004008 Other consumer products007005 Consumer Services007005001 Fast food restaurants007005002 Other restaurants007005003 Hotels and resorts007005004 Education and educational products and materials007005005 Travel agencies and services007005006 Other consumer services (including photo processing)007006 Other Consumer Related (not elsewhere classified)008 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS008001 Chemicals and Materials008001001 Plastic fabricators


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 008001002 Homogeneous injections/extrusions008001003 Non-homogeneous injections/extrusions008001004 Fibre-reinforced (plastic) composites008001005 Other fabricated plastics008001006 Processes for working with plastics008001007 Coatings and adhesives manufactures008001008 Membranes and membrane-based products008001009 Speciality/performance materials: producers and fabricators008001010 Semiconductor materials (e.g. silicon wafers)008001011 III/V semiconductor materials (e.g. gallium arsenide)008001012 Speciality metals (including processes for working with metals)008001013 Ceramics008001014 Lubricants and functional fluids008001015 Other speciality materials008001016 Commodity chemicals and polymers008001017 Industrial chemicals008001018 Polymer (plastics) materials008001019 Speciality/performance chemicals008001020 Electronic chemicals008001021 Other speciality chemicals008001022 Agricultural chemicals008001023 Other chemicals and materials (not elsewhere classified)008002 Industrial Automation008002001 Energy management008002002 Industrial measurement and sensing equipment008002003 Process control equipment and systems008002004 Robotics008002005 Machine vision software and systems008002006 Numeric and computerised control of machine tools008002007 Other industrial automation008003 Industry Equipment and Machinery008003001 Machine Tools, other metal working equipment (excluding numeric control)008003002 Hoists, cranes and conveyors008003003 Mining machinery008003004 Industrial trucks and tractors008003005 Other industrial process machinery for textile, paper and other industries008003006 Power transmission equipment (including generators and motors)008003007 Other industrial equipment and machinery008004 Pollution and Recycling Related008004001 Air filters and air purification and monitoring equipment008004002 Chemical and solid material recycling008004003 Water treatment equipment and waste disposal systems008004004 Other pollution and recycling related008005 Other Industrial Products (not elsewhere classified)008006 Industrial Services008006001 Process control and logistics009 OTHER009001 Transportation009001001 Airlines009001002 Trucking009001003 Leasing of railcars, buses, cars, etc.009001004 Mail and package shipment009001005 Motor vehicles, transportation equipment and parts009001006 Airfield and other transportation services009001007 Other transportation009002 Finance, Insurance and Real Estate009002001 Insurance related009002002 Real estate009002003 Banking009002004 Security and commodity brokers and services009002005 Investment groups009002006 Other finance, insurance and real estate (including loan and mortgage companies)009003 Services009003001 Engineering services009003002 Advertising and public relations009003003 Leasing (not elsewhere classified)


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018 009003004 Distributors, importers and wholesalers009003005 Consulting services009003006  Media related services009003007 Other services (not elsewhere classified)009004 Manufacturing009004001 Business products and supplies009004002 Office furniture and other professional furnishings009004003 Textiles (synthetic and natural)009004004 Hardware, plumbing supplies009004005 Books, cards and other publishing009004006 Packing products and systems009004007 Printing and binding009004008 Other manufacturing (not elsewhere classified)009005 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry and Related Products009006 Mining (non-energy related)009007 Construction and Building Products009007001 Construction companies009007002 Manufacture of construction materials, components and systems009007003 Distribution of building products and systems009007004 Engineering and consulting services related to construction009007005 Facility management companies009008 Utilities and Related Firms009008001 Electric companies009008002 Water, sewerage, chemical and solid waste treatment plants009008003 Gas transmission and distribution009008004 Other utilities and related firms009009 Other (uncategorised)009009001 Conglomerates and holding companies

SECTOR GROUP (multiple selections allowed) Aeronautics & space Agrofood Automotive, transport and logistics Bio Chem Tech Creative industries Environment Healthcare ICT industry and services Intelligent Energy

Maritime industry and services Materials Nano- & micro-technologies Services and retail Sustainable construction Textile and fashion Tourism and cultural heritage Women entrepreneurship

DISSEMINATE TO SPECIFIC COUNTRIES (multiple selections allowed) ALL Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece

Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland

Portugal Romania Russian Federation Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Other:


TYPE AND SIZE OF PROFILE CREATOR (mandatory field!), select only one! Industry > 500 employees Industry > 500 employees, multinational enterprise Industry 250-499 employees Industry SME <= 10 employees Industry SME 11-49 employees Industry SME 50-249 employees Inventor R&D institution University


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018


NACE KEYWORDS (mandatory field!), max. 5 keywords!, reference web site: http://een.ec.europa.eu/tools/help/wh/mpug/appendices/c_nk/c_nk.htm(Copy-paste from the reference WEB-site!)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

TURNOVER (Euro), select one < 1 M > 500 M 1 – 10 M 100 – 250 M 20 – 50 M 250 – 500 M 50 – 100 M


ADDITIONAL COMMENTSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

CERTIFICATION STANDARDSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



TYPE AND ROLE OF PARTNER SOUGHT (mandatory field!)This is one of the most important fields. The following information should be addressed:• The type of partner sought (e.g. industry, academic, research organisation, business etc.).• The tasks to be performed by the partner sought (state clearly what you expect from your partner).Multiple types of partners and partnerships can be considered but at least some of the tasks to be performed should be consistent with the type of partnership you are discussing in the summary, description and other sections. Everything should conform!The type of partner sought: ...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The tasks to be performed by the partner sought: …xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

TYPE AND SIZE OF PARTNER SOUGHT All Industry > 500 employees Industry > 500 employees, multinational enterprise Industry 251-500 employees Inventor R&D institution SME <= 10 employees SME 11-50 employees SME 51-250 employees University


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EEN-Latvia LTC office – technology request template 2018

TYPE OF PARTNERSHIP CONSIDERED (mandatory field!), select one or more! Commercial agreement with technical assistance Financial agreement Joint venture agreement License agreement Manufacturing agreement Research cooperation agreement Services agreement Technical cooperation agreement

ATTACHMENTS (if necessary)

ATTACHMENTSYou can sent attachments as separate files clarifying technology request, e.g. pictures, graphs, etc.Make sure no names (brand, company's name…) are visible on the picture or in the title of the file.(Only jpg, gif, png, jpeg, pdf, doc, docx, xls and xlsx files are allowed).Maximum size per file: 4MB.File(s) attached, if necessary:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx