Persistent bacterial infections and persister cells Robert A Fisher, Bridget Gollan and Sophie Helaine* MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom *Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] Abstract Many bacteria can infect and persist inside a host for a long period of time. This can be due to immune suppression of the host, immune evasion by the pathogen and ineffective killing by drugs. Bacteria can survive antibiotic treatment if they are resistant or form persisters. Persisters are a subpopulation of transiently antibiotic-insensitive bacterial cells that are often slow- or nongrowing, and are able to resume growth after a lethal stress has passed. This fascinating but troublesome example of phenotypic heterogeneity has been linked to the recalcitrance and relapse of persistent bacterial infections. Persister formation is likely also used as a stepping-stone to adapt to a changing environment, increasing the risk of developing antibiotic resistance during treatment. Persister regrowth can trigger a relapse from a latent infection however if better understood, may also provide an opportunity to kill these refractory cells. Here we review the recent developments in the research of bacterial persisters and their potential implications on our understanding and treatment of persistent infections. Introduction Numerous bacterial infections persist for long periods in the host, even in the presence of antibiotic treatment. There are various reasons relating to both the pathogen and host as to why this persistence occurs; including immunosuppression and antibiotic resistance (BOX. 1). Another phenomenon that is steadily gaining recognition for its role in persistent infections is the presence of persister cells (BOX. 1). Persister cells are ubiquitous amongst bacterial species and have been well- described in Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus 1–3 . They lead to antibiotic treatment failure, are selected for with repeated doses 4,5 and likely aid the spread of 1

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Page 1: spiral.imperial.ac.uk · Web viewNumerous bacterial infections persist for long periods in the host, even in the presence of antibiotic treatment. There are various reasons relating

Persistent bacterial infections and persister cells

Robert A Fisher, Bridget Gollan and Sophie Helaine*

MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

*Corresponding Author

Email: [email protected]


Many bacteria can infect and persist inside a host for a long period of time. This can be due to immune suppression of the host, immune evasion by the pathogen and ineffective killing by drugs. Bacteria can survive antibiotic treatment if they are resistant or form persisters. Persisters are a subpopulation of transiently antibiotic-insensitive bacterial cells that are often slow- or nongrowing, and are able to resume growth after a lethal stress has passed. This fascinating but troublesome example of phenotypic heterogeneity has been linked to the recalcitrance and relapse of persistent bacterial infections. Persister formation is likely also used as a stepping-stone to adapt to a changing environment, increasing the risk of developing antibiotic resistance during treatment. Persister regrowth can trigger a relapse from a latent infection however if better understood, may also provide an opportunity to kill these refractory cells. Here we review the recent developments in the research of bacterial persisters and their potential implications on our understanding and treatment of persistent infections.


Numerous bacterial infections persist for long periods in the host, even in the presence of antibiotic treatment. There are various reasons relating to both the pathogen and host as to why this persistence occurs; including immunosuppression and antibiotic resistance (BOX. 1). Another phenomenon that is steadily gaining recognition for its role in persistent infections is the presence of persister cells (BOX. 1). Persister cells are ubiquitous amongst bacterial species and have been well-described in Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus1–3. They lead to antibiotic treatment failure, are selected for with repeated doses4,5 and likely aid the spread of resistance6. Persisters are therefore a major public health concern. They were described almost immediately after the discovery of antibiotics7,8. Joseph Bigger first used the term after finding that a culture of Staphylococcus aureus could not be sterilised even with extremely high doses of penicillin, and correctly supposed that this was due to their lack of growth rather than a heritable genetic modification as would be the case for antibiotic resistant mutants8. However, this hypothesis was not confirmed for 60 years until a seminal study identified that the bacterial cells surviving antibiotic treatment were not growing before the addition of antibiotics9. Many studies have since now confirmed this result1, however, whereas growth arrest or slow growth is commonly observed in persisters1,10,11, reduced metabolic activity is also required for the persister phenotype12.

The field is expanding extremely rapidly. In recent years, there have been numerous studies that have improved but also challenged our understanding of how these multidrug-insensitive bacteria form and have given us insights into the mechanisms behind their


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resumption of growth. Advances have been made in the methods used to study persister cells and multiple approaches to killing them have been proposed (BOX. 2). The ability of persister cells to survive antibiotic treatment without being genetically resistant is likely a key factor in many persistent bacterial infections, which are of increasing clinical significance. Despite the relevance of persisters to infection however, the bulk of research is still made in the context of laboratory strains studied in nutrient rich medium. In this review we discuss the most recent molecular advances in the field, namely in persister formation and persister regrowth, and place them back in the context of infection.

1. Bacterial persistence in the host

1.1 Persistent infections and their clinical implications

Many pathogenic bacteria establish persistent infections within various tissues in the host, avoiding clearance by the immune system (see Table 1). These infections can either be asymptomatic (subclinical) or symptomatic and both are associated with antibiotic treatment failure13,14. Asymptomatic persistent infections regularly escape diagnosis and can be divided into those caused by actively proliferating bacteria and latent infections without bacterial proliferation. Subclinical infections with actively growing bacteria may represent a burden on the host through sequelae while also conferring a risk of infection to others. Typhoid fever for example, caused by infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, can lead to an asymptomatic carrier state in 2-5% of patients with large amounts of bacteria being shed from the gallbladder15. This condition takes four times longer to treat than the acute fever and greatly increases the risk of gallbladder cancer 16. Treatment may still fail even after this long antibiotic course, requiring the removal of the gallbladder followed by a further round of antibiotic therapy17. Helicobacter pylori infection also often escapes diagnosis, but leads to the shedding of bacteria and an increased chance of stomach ulcers18 and gastric cancers19,20. Alternatively, if the infection is latent, it may be associated with a chance of relapsing acute infection, for example, 10% of those infected with latent M. tuberculosis following initial acute infection will relapse during their lifetime21. Typhoid fever recurs in 15% of patients after antibiotic treatment22 and following a UTI caused by uropathogenic E. coli, 27% of women will suffer a relapse23. Several other bacterial infections including streptococcal tonsillitis24 tend to recur after treatment and are likely to have periods of latency within the host.

Symptomatic persistent infections are characterised by a long period of infection associated clinical manifestations, often despite antibiotic treatment14. They can be life threatening and often follow the use of indwelling medical devices or the suppression of immunity during chemotherapy or HIV infection. Acute tuberculosis (TB) infection can take several months to successfully treat with antibiotics21, and lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) often caused by P. aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia, S. aureus and H. pylori become increasingly difficult to treat with time despite remaining apparently susceptible according to laboratory tests25. Eventually a lung transplant will be required to prevent the death of a CF patient from bacterial infection 26. If the patient is infected with B. cepacia however, even this drastic measure is usually not considered an option due to the likelihood of fatal bacteraemia following the operation27. Chronic infections associated with indwelling medical devices account for around half of all nosocomial infections and are notoriously recalcitrant to drugs28. The long courses or repetitive use of antibiotics due to recalcitrant or relapsing infections will not only have negative impacts on patient health, through side effects and impacts on the resident microbiota29, but also increases the probability of antibiotic resistance spreading


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through selection. The need for more effective treatments of these persistent infections is indisputable.

1.3 Why do infections persist?

1.3.1 Ineffective clearance by the host

In the absence of antibiotic treatment, a persistent infection is the result of the failure of the host immune system to clear the infection. This may be due to an inability of the host to detect the pathogen. Some bacteria have evolved strategies to passively avoid detection by the host, for example Borreliae spp. do so by varying the expression of surface antigens during infection30. Pathogens can also actively interfere with host immunity thereby triggering an inappropriate anti-inflammatory response, which decreases the chance of clearance. For example, M. tuberculosis and Listeria monocytogenes induce IL-10 production in macrophages to suppress the IFN-γ response that can restrict the growth of these pathogens31. Additionally, many pathogens, including M. tuberculosis, Legionella and Salmonella, have mechanisms of avoiding degradation following phagocytosis by host immune cells by inhibiting phagosome maturation32. Pathogens can also interfere with the adaptive immune response, for example the S. Typhimurium SPI-2 T3SS effector SteD was recently shown to inhibit MHC class II antigen presentation in dendritic cells33, likely influencing the host T cell response in favour of the pathogen. These are only a few examples of the numerous diverse strategies bacteria employ to evade host immunity; this expansive topic has been well-reviewed elsewhere34,35.

Even if the host detects the pathogen and an antibacterial response is mounted by the immune system, successful clearance is not guaranteed. For example, H. pylori escapes eradication despite inducing large amounts of inflammation in the stomach epithelium 36, this is dependent on many factors, including those involved in adherence, motility, ROS detoxification and toxin secretion37. Biofilm formation, the secretion of polysaccharides and DNA by bacteria to form a protective extracellular matrix, has also been linked to the persistence of many infections38. Biofilms can block complement-mediated and cell-mediated killing in many other chronic infections such as those associated with indwelling devices28,39,40. Furthermore, M. tuberculosis cells can be effectively ‘walled off’ in granulomas within lung tissue by macrophages. This restricts the proliferation of the bacteria, but the pathogen is not cleared. If immunity is subsequently suppressed, bacterial growth may resume and result in a relapse of acute TB41.

1.3.2 Ineffective clearance by antibiotics

Failure of antibiotic treatment can be due to several factors (BOX. 1). Low patient compliance and poor pharmacokinetics of drugs in infected tissues can promote treatment failure42,43. Additionally, antibiotic resistance acquired through genetic adaptation or horizontal gene transfer may allow survival and growth in the presence of a specific drug, even at concentrations that are toxic for the host44. In the absence of resistance bacteria may survive drug treatment at lethal concentrations either through antibiotic tolerance or the formation of persister cells45 (FIG. 1A). Tolerance is an increase in the time it takes for the whole bacterial population to be killed at a given concentration of a bactericidal antibiotic45. This is often caused by slow growth due to stress. Slow growth may increase the duration of antibiotic exposure needed to kill the bacterial population as metabolic targets will have decreased activity and bacterial uptake of the drug may be reduced. In contrast to antibiotic tolerance, persisters are a subpopulation of transiently multidrug-insensitive bacterial cells within an otherwise sensitive clonal bacterial population, likewise formed in response to stress. They are described as nongrowing bacteria that are able to re-establish growth once cellular stress pathways have become


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deactivated, but remain sensitive to antibiotics once growth has resumed1–3,46. Resistant, persistent, tolerant and susceptible populations of bacteria exhibit differential killing kinetics during antibiotic treatment in vitro (FIG 1B). S. Typhimurium cells in nutrient rich media display a classic biphasic kill curve after the addition of cefotaxime due to the presence of a mixed population of bacteria that are either highly susceptible to the drug or insensitive persister cells. Susceptible bacteria die rapidly resulting in a large initial drop in colony forming units (CFU), whereas persister cells remain viable, which is represented by the plateau in the curve. Salmonella released from macrophages after 30 min of phagocytosis and cultured ex vivo in the presence of cefotaxime display a similar biphasic kill curve. In this population of cells derived from macrophages the persister fraction is much larger due to the activation of cellular stress responses induced by the conditions inside the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV)47. Salmonella treated with antibiotics while inside macrophages are composed of tolerant slow-growing bacteria and nongrowing persisters. In this case, a more gradual drop in CFU is observed until only the persister fraction remains47. During clinical infection, antibiotic tolerant bacteria and persisters are likely to exist simultaneously. Differential growth dynamics as a consequence of differential sensitivity to antibiotics has been well-described by the Bumann group using the TIMERbac fluorescent reporter system during murine infection with Salmonella48. The focus of this review is on persisters and their role in persistent bacterial infections, it is important however to keep in mind that the reasons for antibiotic treatment failure in the host are complex and may be the result of the combination of some or all of the factors mentioned above.

1.4 Links between persisters and persistent infections

In recent years, evidence has been growing for bacterial persisters being involved in the relapse and recalcitrance of infection. Monitoring single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in invasive nontyphoidal (iNTS) Salmonella showed that in cases of recurrent fever, 78% were due to the same genovar as the original infection49. Similar observations have previously been made by sequencing uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) strains from patients suffering from UTIs50 and S. pyogenes strains from patients with streptococcal tonsillitis51. These findings show that the bacteria were likely never fully cleared from the host despite antibiotic treatment. Periodic treatment of the fungal pathogen Candida albicans with amphotericin B was also found to select for high persister (hip) mutants52, suggesting that the persister phenomenon is an important factor in the recalcitrance of these infections. Similarly, late isolates of P. aeruginosa from lung infections of CF patients were more likely to be hip mutants53. These results have been replicated in vitro, repetitive treatments with antibiotics led to an increase in hip mutants in E. coli and S. aureus4,5,54. These findings suggest that the persister phenotype may be an important first line of defence for pathogens against antimicrobials, before resistance can be acquired.

Several studies have now described the links between persister formation and biofilms52,55–58. The adoption of an intracellular lifestyle by bacteria has been linked to an increase in proportions of persisters. For instance, Salmonella and M. tuberculosis both increase persister formation inside macrophages47,59. Concurrently, evidence is building that both biofilm formation and the ability of bacteria to persist intracellularly are also associated with persistent infections14,38,47,60,61. P. aeruginosa forms biofilms during lung infections of CF patients62 while H. pylori forms biofilms and adopts an intracellular lifestyle during infection63,64. UPEC can form biofilms on the bladder epithelium as well as quiescent intracellular reservoirs that could act as a source of relapsing infection61. Salmonella can


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form biofilms on gallstones65 and Salmonella persisters have been found residing within macrophages in the spleens of infected mice days after the initial infection47. Considering the in vitro evidence for high levels of persister formation in biofilms and inside host cells combined with the prevalence of biofilm formation and the adoption of intracellular lifestyles by bacteria during persistent infections, persister formation is likely a significant factor in the relapse and recalcitrance of these infections.

2. Mechanisms of persister biology

2.1 Persister cell formation

There are now understood to be many environmental cues that enhance the formation of persisters in bacteria, most being various stresses such as nutrient limitation57, diauxic shift66, extreme pH47 and DNA damage67. Environments that are physiologically relevant to bacterial infection such as within biofilms and macrophages have also been shown to be associated with persister formation47,68. These complex environments likely induce persister formation by conferring some or all of the stresses described above on the bacterial cell. The intriguing nature of this phenomenon is that it only occurs in part of a clonal population. Why, if an environmental stress is placed on the whole population, does only a subpopulation form persisters? Stochastic gene expression across the population could contribute to phenotypic heterogeneity69, however the formation of microenvironments of greater stress such as those low in nutrients or high in toxic compounds could also contribute57. The centre of a biofilm is thought to be severely limited for nutrients, which could explain why only part of the population forms persisters. This is supported by the requirement for an active starvation response for persister formation in biofilms70. Additionally, macrophages may restrict nutrient availability and lower the pH to different extents in different cells or within different phagosomes. However, the exact mechanisms of how these environmental signals induce the formation of persisters are still a matter of debate.

2.2 Toxin-antitoxin modules and persister formation

By carrying out a chemical mutagenesis screen using ethyl methanesulfonate a hip mutant of E. coli that formed far greater proportions of persisters than the wild type strain was discovered71. The mutation was mapped to the gene hipA, which belongs to a toxin-antitoxin module. Around the same time, TA modules on plasmids were being studied for their role in plasmid stability and postsegregational killing 72,73. It was later realised that many of these toxin-antitoxin modules are encoded on bacterial chromosomes and may be involved in inhibiting metabolic processes to reduce growth in response to stress74,75. Toxin-antitoxin modules encode a stable toxin, which may inhibit any one of a diverse set of metabolic processes, and an antitoxin that neutralises the activity of the toxin under unstressed conditions. When stressed, the cell may degrade the antitoxin, allowing the toxin to inhibit the activity of its target76. Mathematical modelling of the regulation of toxin-antitoxin systems suggests a bistable state of expression is possible within a clonal population of cells – one resulting in the production of many free toxin proteins and another that results in the few toxin proteins present being tightly bound by antitoxins77,78. This bistability explains how it is possible for a clonal population to contain both growing and nongrowing cells. There are currently six different types of toxin-antitoxin module described, categorised by the various mechanisms of neutralisation by the antitoxin79. The best described types, I and II, are implicated in persister formation47,67,80–83, although this does not exclude the possibility of the other types being involved. In E. coli, the SOS response was found to induce the expression of the type I pore-forming toxin gene tisB, increasing persister formation67. The alarmone


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(p)ppGpp has been linked to the activation of type II and type I toxin-antitoxin modules through signalling cascades involving Lon protease and the Obg respectively57,83. Both of these proteins have central roles in bacterial metabolism, Lon protease is involved in the degradation of many cellular proteins84 while Obg is a GTPase that regulates translation and DNA metabolism85. This fascinating discovery suggests an intuitive overlap in the regulation of both types of toxin-antitoxin module with central metabolism in bacteria. In E. coli, the toxin HipA is a serine-threonine kinase capable of phosphorylating and inhibiting the activity of GltX, the glutamyl-tRNA synthetase86,87. The shortage of glutamyl-tRNA in the cell triggers an increase in (p)ppGpp that leads to the activation of further toxin-antitoxin modules. This further activation of toxin-antitoxin modules is required for the HipA-induced persister phenotype88.

There is a diverse range of activities amongst the toxins currently characterised (FIG.  2). These include inhibiting cellular processes such as translation86,89–94, DNA metabolism95–97, and decreasing the proton motive force67,83. Toxins that inhibit protein synthesis appear to be the most abundant with many targeting RNA, including mRNases such as RelE89–91, tRNases such as VapC92,93 and tRNA-acetylating toxins such as TacT98. There are also kinases such as HipA and Doc that phosphorylate GltX and EF-Tu respectively to inhibit their activity86,94. Pore-forming toxins such as TisB and HokB are known to reduce the proton motive force across the bacterial membrane and consequently lower the ATP synthesis of the cell67,83. Fic toxin from Bartonella, Vibrio and Pseudomonas was recently described to block TopoIV and DNA gyrase activity leading to growth arrest of the cell through the knotting and concatenation of the bacterial chromosome97.

There are several landmark studies that have linked toxin-antitoxin modules to persister formation. Firstly, transcriptomics carried out on E. coli persister fractions showed that toxin-antitoxin modules are upregulated in these subpopulations of bacteria when compared to growing bacteria80,81. Furthermore, it was shown that the deletion of five or more type II toxin-antitoxin modules from E. coli leads to a decrease in the formation of persisters during exponential growth in rich media82. Correspondingly, the overexpression of toxins in bacterial cells has been shown to inhibit growth and promote an antibiotic tolerant state that can be countered by overexpression of cognate antitoxins80,98–101. Type II toxin-antitoxin modules were also shown to be upregulated during macrophage infection by Salmonella47. In this system, deletion of single toxin-antitoxin systems was shown to lead to a significant decrease in the levels of macrophage-induced persister formation. This may be because a more physiologically relevant (and stressful) environment likely provides a greater trigger of derepression in toxin-antitoxin module expression than that of exponential growth in rich media.

2.3 Toxin-antitoxin module-independent persister formation

The model describing how TA module activation through (p)ppGpp signalling leads to persister formation is an attractive one, however there is evidence that toxin-antitoxin modules are not the only factors involved in persister formation (FIG. 2). While the deletion of multiple toxin-antitoxin modules or the absence of (p)ppGpp leads to much lower persister formation, it does not fully abrogate the phenotype57,82,102. It is possible that there is heterogeneity within the persister population, with different cells arriving at the antibiotic-insensitive phenotype using different pathways. A screen of E. coli single gene deletion mutants from the KEIO collection103 also did not find mutants lacking persisters, however it did identify several global regulators that are important for the phenotype104. An alternative model proposes that metabolic regulation is the


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main driver of persister formation and toxin-antitoxin modules are accessory to this control12. One study recently proposed this was the case for persisters that are formed through a diauxic shift between the carbon sources glucose and fumarate105. However, it is more difficult to establish how metabolism is central to persister formation in response to stresses unrelated to nutrition such as extreme pH. Another pathway involving nucleoid-associated proteins, trans-translation and the Clp protease system has also been described for the formation of diauxic shift-induced persisters106. The understanding of this pathway is currently incomplete, whether toxin-antitoxin systems are involved remains to be seen. Recent findings that show how metabolic flux could be linked to toxin-antitoxin regulation through signalling molecules like (p)ppGpp and proteins like Lon protease and Obg, suggest that there is a network in which they are all interlinked83,107. Additionally, there are other factors beside metabolic control and toxin-antitoxin systems, such as efflux pumps that have been shown to influence persister levels in E. coli and M. tuberculosis10,108. M. tuberculosis persister levels were found to be influenced by efflux pump levels during infection10, however expression of efflux pumps is a general response to an intracellular environment. In E. coli persisters it was found that efflux pump levels were increased, suggesting it could be a general feature of the phenotype and also relevant to persisters in extracellular environments108.

While most of the studies into the mechanisms of persister formation have been carried out in E. coli, a Gram-negative bacterium, much less is known about how Gram-positive bacterial persisters are formed. There is currently little evidence of toxin-antitoxin modules being involved in persister formation in Gram-positives. Deletion of the proteases clpP and clpC, which degrade antitioxins of toxin-antitoxin modules in S. aureus109, was found to reduce the levels of persisters110. However, deletion of the toxin-antitoxin modules did not affect persister levels in S. aureus111. Overexpression of the toxin mazFSA does induce stasis in S. aureus, while coexpression of the entire mazEFSA

module does not affect growth112. This suggests that toxin-antitoxin modules likely function in a similar fashion to those in Gram-negative bacteria and are likely still involved in the response to stress113, but they are perhaps not required for antibiotic insensitivity. It was recently described how persister formation in S. aureus is associated with a drop in ATP levels111, however, the causality between the two is not yet established.

There is an increasing number of examples of phenotypic resistance mechanisms to specific drugs that can lead to a subpopulation of bacteria growing in the presence of antibiotics (BOX. 1). These cells do not fit the traditional persister definition of nongrowing and multidrug tolerant, nevertheless it is an example of a bacterial subpopulation that is transiently insensitive to an antibiotic. A small fraction of M. tuberculosis cells were found to escape killing by isoniazid by expressing low levels of the enzyme KatG, which converts the pro-drug into its active form.11 One recent study described a subpopulation in Enterobacter cloacae that is phenotypically resistant to the colistin antibiotic114. This is dependent on PhoQ – the sensor in the PhoPQ two-component system. The phenotype was further enhanced inside macrophages and the resistant subpopulation was able to proliferate in the presence of the drug in vitro. Interestingly, the study described a strain of E. cloacae exhibiting this phenotypically resistant subpopulation that was found to be susceptible to the antibiotic by laboratory tests, whereas treatment of an infection by this strain in vivo would likely fail. Another example of phenotypic resistance could be related to a novel daptomycin resistance mechanism that has been recently described115. The study describes how S. aureus sheds lipids that sequester the antibiotic. However, the concomitant secretion of toxins, called phenol soluble modulins, under the control of


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the agr quorum sensing system116 interferes with this resistance mechanism, maintaining bacterial susceptibility to the drug. Interestingly, host signals are known to inhibit expression of agr117, which could give rise to phenotypic resistance to daptomycin during infection. These examples serve as a reminder that antibiotic treatment failure may be due to specific interactions between drug, pathogen and host and not necessarily to a general bacterial stress response.

2.5 Regrowth of persisters

2.5.1 Molecular mechanisms of regrowth research

One understudied area of persister biology that is how nongrowing persisters are able to switch back to a growing state. Understanding the mechanisms behind this process is of huge importance, as reinitiating growth – and thereby increasing drug susceptibility – may be an effective method of killing persisters when combined with antibiotics (BOX. 3). Persisters have been observed regrowing en masse as soon as an external stress is removed105, but they have also been observed to wake up spontaneously over time54. This may be due to the type of persister being studied in a particular experimental set up, or due to heterogeneity within the persister subpopulation.

It is known that activation of toxin-antitoxin modules can lead to persister formation in Gram negative bacteria, however very little has been reported on how this activation can be reversed (FIG. 3). Several type II toxin-antitoxin modules have been shown to autoregulate their expression as a consequence of conditional cooperativity79, which allows repression of the operon at equal or low toxin:antitoxin ratios and derepression with higher levels of free toxin118. Presumably, if antitoxin degradation stops – perhaps when a stress signal is alleviated - then the ratio of toxin:antitoxin may be able to return to a level that once again allows repression of the operon. Proteolytic degradation of the toxin could also occur, and as the antitoxin gene is typically found upstream of the toxin gene, a certain amount of RNA polymerase drop-off during transcription may also be involved in readjusting toxin:antitoxin ratios. It is difficult to imagine how the cellular pool of antitoxin can be replenished given that the toxin may have inhibited translation, however mathematical modelling of conditional cooperativity has predicted this to be possible78. Experimental evidence showing this transition from derepression to repression is currently lacking however. It is important to consider that not all toxin-antitoxin modules are regulated in this fashion and so other mechanisms must be involved in repressing toxin expression in these cases79.

Repression of toxin expression is not enough by itself to allow the bacteria to return to a growing state. Plasmidic CcdB and ParE toxins preferentially bind to their cognate antitoxins over their target; DNA gyrase95,96. A similar mechanism of detoxification may occur with their chromosomal homologues. The toxicity induced by RelE and MazF was found to be reversed by tmRNA, which rescued ribosomes after stalling on mRNA cleaved by the toxins90,119. However many toxins inhibit their targets through the addition of post-translational modifications, in these cases these modifications may need to be removed in order to reverse toxicity. It was recently shown that TacT (tRNA-acetylating toxin) in Salmonella blocks translation through the acetylation of aminoacylated tRNA molecules98. The ability of the toxin to inhibit growth was reduced however, when overexpressing pth, which encodes a peptidyl tRNA hydrolase previously reported to cleave peptide chains off tRNA molecules after ribosome stalling116,117. Pth is able to recognise and cleave acetylated aminoacids from tRNA molecules targeted by TacT, allowing them to be recycled. Experimental evidence is currently lacking on other remediation mechanisms, nevertheless it is possible to


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speculate as to what these might involve based on the activity of the toxin in question. Toxins that add post-translational modifications to their targets like TacT, may have their modifications removed by other cellular enzymes. Dephosphorylation of EF-Tu and GltX could reverse the toxicity of Doc and HipA respectively and deampylation (the removal of an adenylyl group) of TopoIV and DNA gyrase could relieve Fic toxicity.

2.5.2 Environmental restriction of growth

The possible mechanisms behind how persisters switch back to a growing state described above are internal factors, but bacteria also require an unrestrictive environment in order to grow. External factors determining the ability to regrow could include chemical cues, physical stresses or the limitation of an essential nutrient (FIG.  3). Compounds that have been found to ‘wake up’ persister cells may give us some clues as to how this regrowth occurs. The fatty acid cis-2-decanoic acid (cis-2-DA) produced by Pseudomonas spp. has been shown to be able to disperse biofilms of several bacterial species120 and reinitiate the growth of S. aureus persisters121. Understanding the mechanisms of action of these compounds will be of great interest. Other small compounds have been shown to stimulate metabolism in E. coli and Pseudomonas persisters122,123 (BOX. 3), however as they do not fully reinitiate growth there is clearly still some block to replication in these cells. In the case of biofilms, migration may be necessary to gain access to nutrients. One study recently described how a subpopulation of P. aeruginosa surviving colistin treatment used type IV pili and quorum sensing to migrate to the top of dead biofilms in order to recolonize124. In the case of host immune restriction, it has been known for a long time that immune suppression can lead to relapse of previously latent infections 125. If IFN-γ-mediated immune responses are alleviated, then M. tuberculosis, Salmonella and Chlamydia begin to resume growth126,127. This is especially important in respect to patients that are HIV-positive, undergoing chemotherapy or taking immunosuppressant drugs following a transplant. Alternatively, persisters may reawaken after changing host cell to one that is more permissive to growth47; cells harbouring persistent bacteria will eventually die and release their contents, allowing an opportunity for this to occur. Given this, it may be possible to ‘wake’ intracellular persisters by modulating host immunity. However, as this would potentially involve suppressing the immune system, it may not be a viable option depending on the condition of the patient.

2.5.3 State of regrowers

One important question to ask is what condition will persister cells be in once growth is reinitiated? One recent study in S. aureus showed that upon reawakening from a persister state, the bacteria are less susceptible to phagocytosis128. The mechanism behind this remains to be elucidated; perhaps it is due to lower levels of antigen in the bacterial membrane following a long period of reduced protein synthesis. It could explain how relapsing infection can gain a foothold within the host despite starting from low cell numbers and having likely previously stimulated the host adaptive immunity. It has previously been suggested that, as a result of the stress response being interlinked with the persister state, regrowing persisters may be primed for mutation and adaptation6. It is possible that regrowing persisters express higher levels of DNA repair mechanisms such as error-prone polymerases as these are associated with the stress and SOS responses129,130. These mechanisms could increase the mutation rate during replication, theoretically increasing the emergence of antibiotic resistance during persistent infections; especially if low levels of the drug are still present in the host. The SOS response, which has previously been shown to induce persister formation67,131, is also known to upregulate several mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer132. This could promote the spread of antimicrobial resistance factors upon recovery from a persister


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state. One recent study showed that DNA repair mechanisms and the SOS response are important during the recovery of persisters after ofloxacin treatment133. It would be interesting to know if this is a general feature of persister regrowth and is also the case for the recovery of persisters treated with other classes of antibiotics that do not target DNA specifically.

3. Conclusion

Persistent infections are the cause of high mortality and morbidity globally. With increasing populations of immunocompromised patients and the spread of antibiotic resistance these recurrent and recalcitrant infections are likely to become more common. Persisters are transiently antibiotic insensitive cells ubiquitously formed among bacteria that are linked to the relapse and recalcitrance of persistent infections, and likely aid the spread of antibiotic resistance. The phenomenon is also associated with eukaryotic infections and the treatment of malignant tumours. Increased understanding of the internal molecular and external environmental factors behind persister formation and their reawakening should allow the development of improved treatments for persistent infections.

Highlighted references

Allison, K. R., Brynildsen, M. P. & Collins, J. J. Metabolite-enabled eradication of bacterial persisters by aminoglycosides. Nature 473, 216–220 (2011).

This was the first paper to show a method of persister eradication and test it in an animal model.

Brauner, A., Fridman, O., Gefen, O. & Balaban, N. Q. Distinguishing between resistance, tolerance and persistence to antibiotic treatment. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 14, 320–30 (2016).

This opinion article elegantly explains the differences between antibiotic resistance, tolerance and persisters and proposes a quantitative indicator for tolerance (MDK) for use in the clinic.

Page, R. & Peti, W. Toxin-antitoxin systems in bacterial growth arrest and persistence. Nat Chem Biol 12, 208–214 (2016).

A comprehensive review of toxin-antitoxin systems in the context of persister formation.

Pu, Y. et al.. Enhanced Efflux Activity Facilitates Drug Tolerance in Dormant Bacterial Cells. Mol. Cell 62, 284–294 (2016).

This paper challenges the dogma of all persister survival mechanisms being passive by describing the active use of efflux pumps by E. coli persisters to escape antibiotic attack in vitro.

Verstraeten, N. et al.. Obg and Membrane Depolarization Are Part of a Microbial Bet-Hedging Strategy that Leads to Antibiotic Tolerance. Mol. Cell 59, 9–21 (2015).

This study describes the regulation of the hokB/sokB toxin-antitoxin system by Obg and (p)ppGpp in E. coli and suggests an overlap in the regulation of both type I and II TA modules and central metabolism.

Mulcahy, L. R., Burns, J. L., Lory, S. & Lewis, K. Emergence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains Producing High Levels of Persister Cells in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. J. Bacteriol. 192, 6191–6199 (2010).

A strong link between persister formation and persistent bacterial infections was uncovered in


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this seminal study.

Fridman, O., Goldberg, A., Ronin, I., Shoresh, N. & Balaban, N. Q. Optimization of lag time underlies antibiotic tolerance in evolved bacterial populations. Nature 513, 418–421 (2014).

This evolutionary study used the recently developed ScanLag technique to monitor bacterial regrowth after repeated antibiotic dosing and uncovered the importance of lag in the tolerance of bacterial populations.

Conlon, B. P. et al.. Activated ClpP kills persisters and eradicates a chronic biofilm infection. Nature 503, 365–70 (2013).

The development and use of ADEP4 as a treatment to eradicate a chronic biofilm infection represents a great leap forward in anti-persister therapies.

Key points

Many bacterial infections persist in the host for long periods of time despite antibiotic treatment

This persistence is an important medical concern as it leads to the overuse of antibiotics and therefore contributes to antimicrobial resistance

The role of transiently multidrug insensitive persister cells in the recalcitrance and relapse of bacterial infections has gained recognition in recent years

Persisters are often nongrowing bacteria with a reduced metabolism that are able to restart growth after a stress has passed

The numerous stresses bacteria encounter during host infection are triggers for the formation of this problematic subpopulation

Toxin-antitoxin modules are key, but not solely responsible, for the formation of growth arrested persisters

Understanding how nongrowing persisters resume growth is necessary in order to design better therapeutic strategies


We thank members of the Helaine lab for critical reading of the manuscript. R.A.F. is supported by an MRC CMBI studentship (MR/J006874/1). S.H. and B.G. are supported by an MRC Career Development Award to S.H. (MR/M009629/1).

Author biography

Sophie Helaine is a Senior Research Fellow of the Section of Microbiology and a member of the MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection at Imperial College London, London, UK. Her research focuses on the mechanisms of bacterial persistence notably that of Salmonella.

Robert A Fisher is a Ph.D. candidate in the laboratory of Sophie Helaine at the MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection at Imperial College London, London, UK. He received his MRes. degree from Imperial College London, London, UK.

Bridget Gollan is a research assistant in the laboratory of Sophie Helaine in the Section of Microbiology and a member of the MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection at Imperial College London, London, UK. She received her Ph.D. from Imperial College London, London, UK.


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Figure legends

FIGURE 1. Antibiotic killing kinetics of resistance, tolerance and persisters

A . Upon the addition of a bactericidal antibiotic (red asterisk) to a population of resistant bacteria (blue), growth still continues. Antibiotics are added at the start of the time course. A tolerant bacterial population (light grey) takes longer to be killed by an antibiotic when compared to a sensitive population (dark grey). The presence of persisters within a clonal population is revealed by a classic biphasic kill curve (orange) upon antibiotic treatment, with a period of rapid killing (of sensitive cells) followed by a much slower decrease in CFU (represented by the persister fraction).

B . Cefotaxime survival kinetics of Salmonella grown in LB medium (grey), LB medium after 30-min internalisation (orange) and intra-macrophage Salmonella (blue). Red asterisk indicates cefotaxime addition. The Salmonella treated only in LB medium (grey) are mostly made up of cells that are susceptible to killing by antibiotics, represented by the sharp decrease in CFU, with a small persister fraction that can be observed in the subsequent slower decrease in CFU. After 30-min phagocytosis in macrophages followed by release of the Salmonella into LB medium + antibiotics (orange), the curve is similar to that of Salmonella treated in vitro but with a larger persister fraction. The intra-macrophage Salmonella also have a large persister fraction, as seen by the slow decrease in CFU near the end of the curve. However the tolerant growing bacteria present display much slower killing kinetics than the highly susceptible fast-growing Salmonella in LB. Adapted from Helaine et al.. (2014)47.

FIGURE 2. Mechanisms of persister formation

Schematic depicting the various mechanisms known to be involved in persister formation. Toxin-antitoxin(TA)-mediated mechanisms of persister formation include the inhibition of protein synthesis, DNA metabolism and proton motive force. Protein synthesis is inhibited by various toxins through the phosphorylation of EF-Tu by Doc94 (pink), the acetylation of aminoacylated tRNA by TacT98 (light blue), the phosphorylation of GltX by HipA86 (dark blue), and the cleavage of mRNA by RelE89 for example (purple) or tRNA by VapC92 (orange). DNA gyrase and TopoIV activity is inhibited by Fic97 and pore-forming toxins such as TisB are able to reduce the proton motive force of the bacterial cell134. Non-TA-mediated mechanisms include a decreased metabolism (red), increased efflux pumps108 and possibly ATP depletion111.

FIGURE 3. Mechanisms of persister regrowth

Internal and external factors determine the ability of persisters to regrow. Internal factors include the repression of toxin-antitoxin (TA) modules regulated through conditional cooperativity by lowering toxin:antitoxin ratios78. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) added to cellular substrates by toxins will have these PTMs removed in order to recycle cellular components as is the case with TacT and Pth98. External factors include the addition of a previously limited nutrient such as glucose105 or the reduction in another limiting environmental stress. Signalling molecules like cis-2-DA shown to disperse biofilms can ‘wake up’ persisters through an unknown mechanism121 and a change in host cell has been shown to allow regrowth47.

TextBOX 1. Definition of field-specific terms


Page 13: spiral.imperial.ac.uk · Web viewNumerous bacterial infections persist for long periods in the host, even in the presence of antibiotic treatment. There are various reasons relating

PersistenceThe ability of bacteria to remain viable within the host for a prolonged period. Not to be

confused with bacterial persisters.

Antibiotic resistanceThe ability of a population of bacteria to grow in the presence of a specific antibiotic due to an

acquired genetic modification.

Antibiotic toleranceThe transient reduced susceptibility of a growing population of bacteria to killing by

bactericidal antibiotics due to the reduction in some essential metabolic process.

Bacterial persistersA subpopulation of nongrowing bacteria with a transient insensitivity to bactericidal

antibiotics within a clonal and otherwise antibiotic-susceptible population.

Phenotypic resistance - The ability of a subpopulation of bacteria to grow in the presence of a specific antibiotic within a clonal and otherwise susceptible population due to phenotypic variation.

TextBOX 2. Methods of studying persisters

The first methods used to study persisters relied on antibiotics selecting for the insensitive cells71. However in recent years, fluorescent reporters have allowed a much larger repertoire of techniques135 to be applied to persister studies without the interference of drugs.

Fluorescent reporters have been used as a read-out of the metabolic activity or proliferation of bacteria in order to study persisters. A fluorescence dilution reporter plasmid was used to distinguish between growing and nongrowing Salmonella within macrophages47,136. The Lewis group used a GFP reporter and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to isolate persister cells for transcriptomic analysis81 and metabolically active M. tuberculosis persisters were monitored in vitro and during murine infection using an unstable GFP rRNA gene fusion137.

Microfluidics have been used in combination with fluorescent reporters for example fusions with TA promoters57 or metabolic reporters137 to study persisters in vitro.

Transcriptomics has been carried out on persisters using fluorescent reporters using microarrays81. However, as the next-generation DNA sequencing is becoming more affordable, RNA-Seq is increasingly becoming the method of choice for transcriptomics. RNA-Seq has significantly increased sensitivity and dynamic range compared to microarrays138, making it especially useful for studying persisters, which are often a small subpopulation of cells with likely low levels of cellular RNA.

Expectations for the future development of persister research include the design of further techniques that are able to untie the factors associated with persister formation and persister regrowth from one another. Current methods using CFU to measure levels of bacterial persisters often do not differentiate between lower levels of persister formation or lower levels of regrowth of persisters – these are very different aspects of persister biology. One major issue with monitoring regrowth of persisters by FACS or


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microfluidics is that an experiment can be rapidly overrun with early-regrowing bacteria. One technique, ScanLag, developed by the Balaban group will likely prove valuable in monitoring the regrowth of persisters. The ScanLag method uses time-lapse imaging to monitor the appearance and growth of bacterial colonies on agar plates over time139.

TextBOX 3. Current methods of killing persisters

Persisters escape killing by antibiotics due to lower metabolic flux, target inactivity and low uptake or high efflux of drugs. Using antimicrobials that do not require a metabolically active target to kill bacterial cells is one strategy currently being investigated. Several small molecules and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been described that target the bacterial cell membrane to kill persisters140–143. The acyldepsipeptide ADEP4 was described to activate ClpP protease within S. aureus persister cells; leading to the unregulated degradation of many proteins and cell death58. Another strategy employed is re-sensitising persisters to traditional antibiotics by forcing them to reinitiate growth or increase metabolic activity. For instance, cis-2-DA can disperse biofilms and ‘wake up’ S. aureus persisters, them susceptible to antibiotics120,121. Saccharides have been used to increase the proton motive force in E. coli and S. aureus persisters, increasing the uptake of aminoglycosides122. Brominated furonones have been shown to sensitise Pseudomonas persisters to antibiotic treatment, although the mechanism is currently unknown123. Modifying antibiotics is producing promising anti-persister candidates. Pentobra is a tobramycin molecule that has been peptidylated to aid entry into the bacterial cell where it is able to effectively inhibit translation and kill the cell144. An antibody-antibiotic conjugate was designed that targeted S. aureus, opsonising the bacteria when extracellular, allowing phagocytosis. The conjugated drug is activated only inside the phagolysosome to kill the pathogen. This treatment was effectively used to stop cell-to-cell transfer of the bacteria during infection145. Bacteriophage endolysins are able to lyse Gram-positive bacteria and have also been fused with outer membrane-destabilising peptides to enable efficient killing of Gram-negative persisters146,147. The rise in number of anti-persister treatments is encouraging, however there is little translation from the laboratory to the clinical setting. This is due to the huge amount of time, money and effort required for drug development. Additionally, toxicity to the host is often an issue with many of the methods of killing persisters currently being reported. A greater focus on using cell culture and in vivo models in the laboratory in testing new anti-persister compounds will at the very least provide non-toxic drugs that are more attractive candidates for development.


Genovar - classification used for differentiating between strains of the same serovar that differ significantly based on genetic content.

Alarmone - an intracellular signalling molecule produced in response to stress

Proton motive force - the movement of protons down an electrochemical gradient across a membrane driving ATP synthesis and motility in bacteria

Type III Secretion System (T3SS) - A protein needle-like appendage used by bacteria to secrete effector proteins into eukaryotic cells in order to manipulate host cellular


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MHC class II antigen presentation – The process of cells presenting antigen on the plasma membrane bound to MHC class II for recognition by cells of the adaptive immune system

Bactericidal antibiotic - An antibiotic that kills bacteria, as opposed to a bacteriostatic antibiotic, which only inhibits growth

Diauxic shift - A shift in the metabolism of one carbon source to another

PhoPQ - A two-component system capable of detecting acidification that is a major regulatory of the expression and modification of lipids and proteins found in the outermsmbrane

Two-component system - A sensor and regulator capable of detecting environmental changes and mediating transcriptional changes in response


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Table 1. Examples of persistent bacterial infections and their causative agents


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Pathogen Site of infection Form of persistent infection

Mycobacterium tuberculosis36

Respiratory Symptomatic Asymptomatic (latent)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa53

Respiratory Symptomatic

Burkholderia cepacia27 Respiratory Symptomatic

Haemophilus influenzae148

Respiratory Symptomatic

Helicobacter pylori36 Gastrointestinal Asymptomatic (active)

Brucella abortus149 Gastrointestinal Asymptomatic (active / latent)

Escherichia coli150 Gastrointestinal Symptomatic

Clostridium difficile151 Gastrointestinal Symptomatic

Salmonella Typhi / Paratyphi36

Systemic Asymptomatic (active / latent)

Nontyphoidal invasive Salmonella152

Systemic Asymptomatic (active / latent)

Borrelia burgdorferi30 Systemic Symptomatic

Staphylococcus aureus153 Systemic Symptomatic

Streptococcus pyogenes51 Systemic Asymptomatic (latent)

Chlamydia trachomatis154 STI Asymptomatic (active)

Treponema pallidum155 STI Asymptomatic (latent)

Uropathogenic E. coli61 UTI Asymptomatic (latent)