CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MANUAL Contents 1. The CCG Constitution 2. CCG Operational Structure 3. Management of CCG Committees 4. Terms of Reference for the Governing Body and its Committees 5. Management of CCG Policies 6. Business Case Approval Process 7. Further Guidance 8.Annexes 1. Committee remits 2. Committee agenda template 3. Committee paper template 4. Terms of Reference template 5. Terms of Reference timetable 6. Policy approval routes 7. Business case approval routes 8. Business case quality assurance process 1 V3 December17

€¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

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Page 1: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an



1. The CCG Constitution

2. CCG Operational Structure

3. Management of CCG Committees

4. Terms of Reference for the Governing Body and its Committees

5. Management of CCG Policies

6. Business Case Approval Process

7. Further Guidance

8. Annexes1. Committee remits2. Committee agenda template3. Committee paper template4. Terms of Reference template5. Terms of Reference timetable6. Policy approval routes7. Business case approval routes8. Business case quality assurance process

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Page 2: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

VERSION RECORDVersion Date Status Comment

V0.1 February 2016 Draft Draft for March Audit and Governance Committee

V0.2 March 2016 Draft Amended following Audit and Governance Committee

V1.0 April 2016 Final

V1.2 Dec 2016 Draft To combine and update manuals

V2 March 2017 Final Amended following review by Audit and Governance Committee

V2.1 September 2016 Final Update TORs included

V2.2 October 2017 Draft Personnel and ToRs updates

V3 December 17 Final For website

V3.1 February 18 Draft Updated to align with constitutions

V3.2 March 18 Draft Updated following feedback from Audit Committee and to note split ToRs

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Page 3: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

1. CCG Constitutions

The Constitutions set out the arrangements made by the NHS Mansfield and Ashfield CCG and NHS Newark and Sherwood CCG to meet their responsibilities for commissioning care for the people within our areas.

They describe the governing principles, rules and procedures that the CCGs have established to ensure probity and accountability in the day to day running of the CCGs to ensure that decisions are taken in an open and transparent way and that the interests of patients and the public remain central to the goals of the CCGs.

The Constitutions include:

The Standing Orders set out the arrangements for meetings and the appointment processes to elect the Group’s representatives and appoint to the Group’s committees, including the Governing Body.

The prime financial policies.

The Scheme of Reservation and Delegation, which sets out those decisions that are reserved for the membership as a whole and those decisions that are the responsibilities of the Group’s Governing Bodies, the Governing Bodies’ sub-committees, and individual members and employees.

Updating of the ConstitutionThe CCG’s Constitution is updated twice yearly in November and June, or where a variation is essential to the CCG being able to undertake its function lawfully. The application to accept the updated Constitution is made to NHS England following agreement by the CCG’s member practices and the Governing Body. Member practices receive an annotated copy of the Constitution with a covering note explaining the need for the variation, asking them to agree to the changes.

A link to the CCGs’ Constitutions can be found on their respective websites.

2. CCG Operational Structure

The Mansfield and Ashfield CCG is a collective of the 28 GP practices in the Mansfield and Ashfield area. Day to day running of the CCG is overseen by a Governing Body comprising 14 elected and appointed members.

The Newark and Sherwood CCG is a collective of the 13 GP practices in the Newark and Sherwood area. Day to day running of the CCG is overseen by a Governing Body comprising 13 elected and appointed members. The current membership is:

The current membership is:

Representing Mansfield and Ashfield CCG: Dr Gavin Lunn, Clinical Chair (voting)Dr Peter MacDougall, Governing Body GP (voting) Dr Carter Singh, Governing Body GP (voting)Dr Milind Tadpatrikar, Governing Body GP (voting) Vacant, Governing Body GP (voting)

Representing Newark and Sherwood CCG:Dr Thilan Bartholomeuz, Clinical Chair (voting)Dr Kerrie Wilkins, Governing Body GP (voting)Vacant, Governing Body GP (voting)Dr Kerri Sallis, Governing Body GP (voting)

Representing Both CCGs:Dr Amanda Sullivan, Chief Officer (voting)Mr Mick Cawley, Chief Finance Officer (voting)Dr Ben Pearson, Secondary Care Advisor (voting)

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Page 4: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

Professor Rachel Munton, Lay member (voting)Mr Shaun Beebe, Lay member and Chair of the Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee (voting)Mr Peter Robinson, Patient Participation Lay Member (voting)Mrs Elaine Moss, Chief Nurse and Director of Quality and Governance (voting)Mrs Sandy Hogg, Director of Turnaround (voting)Mr David Ainsworth, Director of Primary Care (voting)Mrs Lucy Dadge, Chief Commissioning Officer (voting)Mr Peter Clay, Lay member and Chair of Audit Committee (voting)

In Attendance: Mr Jon Towler, Chair of Primary Care Commissioning Committee (non-voting)Mrs Eleri de Gilbert, Chair of Quality, Risk and Safeguarding Committee (non-voting)Ms Dawn Jenkin, Consultant in Public Health (non-voting)Sue Batty, Nottinghamshire County Council (non-voting)Mrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting)

A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an overview of the purpose of the CCGs’ sub committees.

The CCGs’ sub committee structure is shown below.

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Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical and Newark and Sherwood Commissioning Groups’ Governance Structure

GP Member Practices

NHS Mansfield and Ashfield and NHS Newark and Sherwood CCGs’ Governing Bodies

Audit & Governance Committee



Clinical Effectiven



Quality, Risk and

Safeguarding Committee

Information Governance

Management & Technology Committee

Safeguarding Committee

Individual Funding Request


Primary Care Steering Group

Financial Delivery &

Performance Group

Shared Nottinghamshire/East Midlands Groups

Alliance Leadership


Remuneration & Terms of Service


Primary CareCommissioning


Clinical Senate

Operational Management

Auditor Panel

Affiliated Commissioning


Quality & Performance

Review Group

Education Forum

NHS England


Citizens’ Board

Operational Groups

Sustainability and Transformation Plan

Sustainability & Transformation Plan

Operational Oversight


Prescribing Committee


Mansfield & Ashfield/ Newark and Sherwood CCG committees of their Governing Bodies that meet in common and report to the Governing bodies

Patient and Public

Experience Committee

Alliance Governance Structures

QIPP Delivery Boards

Page 6: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

3. Management of Meetings

Declarations of InterestThe following points should be noted when chairing meetings where actual or potential conflicts could arise.

Conflicts of interest in relation to the agenda items must be reviewed by the chair in advance of the meeting and a review of the existing declarations by members must always be part of the agenda, before any business is conducted. The response of members must be recorded by the minute taker. When recording declarations of interest the following record should be made: Who is conflicted The nature of the actual or potential conflict The items on the agenda which the conflict relates to How the conflict was agreed to be managed and Evidence that the conflict has been managed as intended.

If there is any doubt as to whether a conflict of interest could arise, this is to be noted in the minutes.

The CCG’s Conflicts of Interest Policy can be found www.mansfieldandashfieldccg.nhs.uk/index.php/governance-and-policy .

QuoracyThe chair should retain a copy of the current terms of reference for the meeting for reference during the meeting. If the meeting is not quorate, a decision from the following options should be discussed and recorded accurately within the meeting:

1. Note that the meeting is NOT quorate, and continue the meeting, affirming that there are no decisions to be made in the meeting, and that discussions can be ratified at a subsequent meeting.

2. Note that the meeting is NOT quorate, and continue the meeting, referring any decisions to another committee for consideration and formal ratification, normally the subsequent quorate meeting, OR the Governing Body.

3. Defer the meeting until such time as quoracy can be maintained.

Risk ManagementThe Governing Body has overall responsibility for managing risks, however each sub-committee is responsible for the management and updating of risks that affect or impact on their respective portfolios, as detailed in the CCG’s Assurance Framework and Risk Register. The Risk Register should form a standing item on every sub-committee agenda.

The CCG’s Risk Management Policy can be found at www.mansfieldandashfieldccg.nhs.uk/index.php/governance-and-policy.

AdministrationThe corporate agenda template for CCG committees can be found at Annex 2.

All papers for committees should be drafted on a template (Annex 3) that alerts the committee members as to the purpose of the papers, the decision to be made, to note any potential conflicts of interest and to confirm the confidentiality of the material to be discussed.

The chairs and administrators of the governing bodies and its sub-committees can be found below:

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Page 7: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

Committee Chair Administrator

Governing Bodies Professor Rachel Munton Ruth Lloyd

Turnaround Board and Financial Recovery Group

Sandy Hogg Lisa Purvis

Audit Committee and Auditor Panel

Peter Clay Sue Bowskill

Patient and Citizen Engagement Committee

Peter Robinson Julie Andrews

Clinical Effectiveness Committee Dr Gavin Lunn / Dr Thilan Bartholomeuz

Rachel Bradley

IGM&T(Rushcliffe CCG)

Andy Hall Caroline Stevens

Primary Care Commissioning Committees

Jon Towler Ruth Lloyd

Quality, Risk and Safeguarding Committee

Eleri de Gilbert Sue Wass

Remuneration and Terms of Service

Shaun Beebe Sue Bowskill

Safeguarding Elaine Moss Liz Broomham

Individual Funding Request Panel(Nottingham West CCG)

Peter Robinson Jane Urquhart

Affiliated Commissioning Committee(CCG to be confirmed)

To be confirmed To be confirmed

The Memorandum of Understanding regarding Committees that meet in common with other CCGs can be found here.

4. Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference provide the purpose, objectives, remit and scope of the Governing Body and its sub-committees.

The Terms of Reference for each committee are updated on an annual basis or when there is a material change in the committee’s remit or membership; and consequently this manual will be updated as necessary. The Governing Body ratifies the sub-committees’ Terms of Reference. When the Committee has approved an updated Terms of Reference it should be sent to the Corporate Governance Team for inclusion in the papers for the next Governing Body meeting.

The template for committee Terms of Reference can be found at Annex 4 and the review cycle can be found at Annex 5.

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5. Development and Management of Policies

Once a policy or procedure has been drafted or updated it will require the approval and ratification of the relevant Committees for the policy area (see Annex 6). A database of CCG policies is maintained by the Corporate Governance Team to ensure that policies are renewed in a timely manner.

CCG policies can be found on the websites at:http://www.mansfieldandashfieldccg.nhs.uk/about-us/policies-and-procedures/http://www.newarkandsherwoodccg.nhs.uk/about-us/policies-and-procedures/

Guidance on drafting and approval of policies and the policy template can be obtained from the Corporate Governance Team.

6. Business Case Approval ProcessThe management of the business case process rests with the Turnaround PMO. All business cases are required to be discussed at the Financial Review Group, which gives authority to proceed to a decision-making Committee. See process map at Annex 7.

7. Further GuidanceFurther guidance on Corporate Governance matters can be sought from the Head of Corporate Governance, Ruth Lloyd ([email protected])

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Annex 1 Committee Remits

Committee RemitGoverning Bodies The purpose of the Mansfield and Ashfield CCG Governing Body is to

lead the commissioning of health care services for residents of Mansfield and Ashfield.

The Governing Body is established in accordance with NHS Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group’s Constitution. These terms of reference set out the working arrangements of the Governing Body.

The purpose of the Newark and Sherwood CCG Governing Body is to lead the commissioning of health care services for residents of Newark and Sherwood.

The Governing Body is established in accordance with NHS Newark and Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Group’s Constitution. These terms of reference set out the working arrangements of the Governing Body.

Turnaround Board The role of the Board is to oversee the Turnaround Programme. It is responsible for improving the CCGs’ operational and financial control framework and functional efficiency, through which the CCGs will deliver their short and long term recovery plans. This is a joint Board of NHS Mansfield and Ashfield and NHS Newark and Sherwood CCGs.

As part of the delegation for oversight of the Turnaround Process from the Governing Bodies, the Turnaround Board has delegated authority within the CCGs Standing Financial Instructions, and operational scheme of delegation to take decisions with regard to financial spend of up to £500,000.

Financial Delivery and Performance Group

To provide an executive forum to focus on day to day delivery of MACCG and NSCCG’s corporate plans, performance and finances.

The FRG provides ‘authorisation to proceed’ (ATP) of schemes to the next stage within the Operational Plan and/or Turnaround Plan throughout their project life cycle including Project Initiation Documents, Business Cases and decisions relating to the decommissioning of contracted services. The Group will make recommendations to other Committees as required.

The FRG will ensure that it fulfils its role as a gatekeeper for the business processes of the organisation ensuring that the onward approval process is clear for each business case given ATP, in line with the business processes of the CCGs.

Audit Committee The Audit Committee provides an independent and objective view on the areas set out in its responsibilities. The Committee oversees risk management and internal control, seeking assurance that the CCGs have robust assurance processes for financial and risk management reporting. It oversees the work of the internal audit function and reviews the findings of both internal and external auditors. It oversees the compilation of the CCGs’ annual accounts.

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Page 10: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

Auditor Panel The Auditor Panel is a non-executive committee of the respective Governing Bodies and convenes as necessary to appoint the CCGs’ external auditors. Membership is

Mid Nottinghamshire Patient and Public Experience CommitteeToRs under review

This is a new group bringing together the former M&A Citizens’ Reference Panel and N&S Stakeholder Reference Group. Its composition and Terms of Reference are under development.

Clinical Effectiveness Committee

The Clinical Effectiveness Committee acts as an assurance body in the review of CCG business cases containing a clinical element, giving constructive challenge and clinical assurance; providing recommendations to the Turnaround Board and Primary Care Commissioning Committees regarding the clinical and cost effectiveness of commissioned NHS services.

IGM&T(Nottinghamshire-wide Committee)(Rushcliffe CCG)

The purpose of the Committee is to support and drive the broader information governance (IG) and information management & technology (IM&T) agendas, including:

Ensuring risks relating to information governance and health informatics are identified and managed

Leading the development of community-wide IG and IM&T strategies

Developing IM&T to improve communication between services for the benefit of patients

Primary Care CommissioningCommittees

The Committees have been established in accordance with statutory provisions to enable the members to make collective decisions on the review, planning and procurement of primary care services in Mansfield and Ashfield and Newark and Sherwood under delegated authority from NHS England.

Quality, Risk and Safeguarding Committees

The Committee has responsibility for the oversight of the processes in place to assure the CCGs’ Governing Bodies that comprehensive and effective systems for quality, risk and safeguarding are in place. The Committee will ensure the CCGs meet their mandatory requirements, as well as bringing together all strands of governance to maintain a focus on both patient safety and quality of services.

Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee

To determine any matters on behalf of the Governing Body Bodies of NHS Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Newark and Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Group relating to the

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remuneration, terms of service, fees and allowances for very senior CCG managers, the Governing Body Bodies’ members and any other members providing services to the CCGs and staff (including any pensions arrangements if appropriate) and to consider and determine other issues in relation to staff employed by the CCGs.

Safeguarding Committee(Nottinghamshire-wide Committee)

To ensure that systems and process are in place to safeguard vulnerable adults and children as a core component of the services provided and commissioned by the following Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).

Individual Funding Request Panel(Nottingham West CCG)

The Individual Funding Request (IFR) Panel is hosted under a memorandum of understanding by NHS Nottingham West CCG in conjunction with NHS Nottingham North and East, NHS Mansfield and Ashfield, NHS Newark and Sherwood, and NHS Rushcliffe CCG. The IFR panel is constituted in accordance with the scheme of reservation and delegation of Nottingham West CCG. Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are required to have a process for considering funding for individuals who seek NHS commissioned services outside established commissioning policies. This may either be a request for funding treatment where there is no commissioning policy, where the medical condition is not included in a current policy or the request does not meet the criteria set out in the policy. The IFR Panel provides a robust mechanism for making decisions based on the best available evidence and in accordance with the CCGs commissioning principles.

Affiliated Commissioning Committee

(Rushcliffe CCG)

Nineteen East Midlands Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) have established a joint committee which enables the CCGs to work collaboratively on the development and maintenance of: Policies for services which CCGs have responsibility for

commissioning; and New policies identified as being appropriate for identical

implementation on a regional scale.

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Annex 2

Meeting of the NHS Mansfield and Ashfield / NHS Newark & Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Group [committee]


AGENDA AdministrationReference Title Paper

IncludedAction Presenter

Welcome and Introductions Yes Note Chair

Apologies for absence and quoracy No Note Chair

Declarations of interest Yes Note Chair

Minutes of the [last meeting] Yes Approve Chair

Matters Arising –Governing Body Actions Yes Note Chair


Meeting ConclusionAny Other Business No Discuss Chair

Identification of: Escalation of issues to the Governing Body or

other Committee Agreement of Key Messages for Feedback to

Governing Bodies Risks to be highlighted to the Governing body

No Agree Chair

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PURPOSE OF REPORT:Maximum 50 Words to include:

Why the report is coming to the Governing BodyAffirmation of consideration by the relevant sub-committeeAffirmation of the connection to QIPP, and Assurance of delivery of QIPP target

Any paper which makes direct reference to financial targets and delivery MUST be approved by the Turnaround Director PRIOR to being submitted to the Governing Body.


To endorse To approve To receive the recommendation (see details below) To discuss

Be explicit what actions you are requesting of the Governing Body. Where approval will generate an action plan delivery, the detail of the actions to be taken must be described.


Maximum 250 wordsThis provides the details of what the paper is asking of the Governing Body, including the details which are relevant and which you wish to draw to the attention of the Governing Body.This should include the view and recommendation of the sub-committee which have received this prior to the Governing Body, or an explanation as to why the paper has come direct to Governing Body.This should include the detail of the connection to and delivery of QIPP, providing assurance where available, and describing associated risks and mitigating actions.


This section should be used for the main body of the report, with the following headers observed:

QIPP Assurance and connection

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Financial Impact and Risks

Legal Impact

Risk Implications, Assessment and Mitigations

Consultation, Involvement and Engagement

Equality Impact

Evidence and Research (include where this informs why the paper is presented to Governing Bodies


Quality Health Financial Clinical Performance (tick as appropriate)


This is a recommended action to be agreed by the Chair at the beginning of the item. No conflict identified Conflict noted, conflicted party can participate in discussion but not decision (see below) Conflict noted, conflicted party can remain but not participate (see below) Conflicted party is excluded from discussion (see below)

Please state rationale for decision

Advice regarding conflicts of interest is available from the Corporate Governance Team, or here:



The CCGs are required to conduct the majority of their business in open session, as an accountable body for the use of public funds.

Where a paper is to be accepted onto the confidential agenda, this is to be agreed with the Chief Officer.

Is the information in this paper confidential? No Yes

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Page 15: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

If the paper is considered confidential, please tick the relevant box. Does it contain personal information e.g. regarding a patient, member of staff or another individual?

Is the CCG in commercial negotiations or about to enter into a procurement exercise and would the information in the report prejudice the CCG's position if made public e.g. by declaring the budget available for a particular contract in advance of a tendering exercise or indicating what the CCG's fall-back position might be in a negotiation situation?

Does the report include commercial in confidence information about a third party? - this would need to be relatively detailed information which could be argued to give a competitor an advantage if it was made available to them i.e. the total value of a contract awarded to a supplier or the value of a tender could not be considered commercial in confidence but details of how a supplier performs a particular process or the day rate for different grades of consultancy staff might be considered confidential.

Does the report contain information which has been provided to the CCG in confidence by a third party and is there a risk that the third party could take legal action for a breach of confidence if it was disclosed?

Does the discussion relate to policy development not yet formalised by the organisation and if the discussion were made public would this hamper full and frank discussion and therefore adequate consideration and development of proposal?  This is intended for matters that are considered at a Board meeting early in the process to obtain initial thoughts and to give officers a steer in developing the policy.  It would not be appropriate to use this argument where the governing body is being asked to approve a policy or initiative as this would be too late to argue that policy development was still on-going.

Has the document/report been produced by another public body which has chosen not to make the document publicly available and would not wish the CCG to do so?

Is the document in draft form which will publically available at a future date?

Note: Upon request for the release of a paper deemed confidential, under Section 36 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, parts or all of the paper will be considered for release by the CCG’s ‘Qualified Person’ based on the circumstances at that time.


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[committee name]Terms of Reference

1. Purpose

2. Membership

3. Chair and Deputy

4. Quorum and Voting Arrangements

5. Frequency of Meetings

6. Duties

7. Conduct of Business

The Committee will be expected to conduct itself as an exemplar organisation, working to the Nolan seven principles of public life, namely:• Selflessness• Integrity• Objectivity• Accountability• Openness• Honesty• Leadership

Members of the Committee have a collective responsibility for the operation of the Committee. They will participate in discussion, review evidence and provide objective expert input to the best of their knowledge and ability, and endeavour to reach a collective view.

The Committee may delegate tasks to such individuals, sub-committees or individual members as it shall see fit, provided that any such delegations are consistent with the parties’ relevant governance arrangements, are recorded in a scheme of delegation, are governed by terms of reference as appropriate and reflect appropriate arrangements for the management of conflicts of interest.

Members of the Committee shall respect confidentiality requirements as set out in the CCG’s Standing Orders.

8. Administration of Meetings

The Director responsible for overseeing the administration of the Committee is the

Agendas and supporting papers will be circulated no later than 5 working days in advance of meetings.16

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Any items placed on the agenda will be sent to the Committee Administrator no later than 7 working days in advance of the meeting. Items that miss the deadline for inclusion on the agenda may be added on receipt of permission of the Chair.

Minutes will be taken at all meetings and circulated to the members of the Committee. The minutes will be approved by agreement of the Committee at the next meeting. The Chair of the Committee will agree minutes if they are to be submitted to the Governing Body prior to formal approval.

The Committee will present its minutes to the Governing Body for information and consideration.

The CCG will also comply with any reporting requirements set out in its constitution.

9. Declaration of Interests

NHS Mansfield and Ashfield CCG and NHS Newark and Sherwood CCG have a Conflict of Interest Policy and have a register of member interests.

At the beginning of each formal meeting, members will be required to declare any personal interest if it relates specifically to a particular issue under consideration. Any such declaration shall be formally recorded in the minutes for the meeting in accordance with the provisions set out in the CCG policy.

Where a declaration of interest means that there is an actual or a suspected conflict of interest, the conflict must be identified by the Chair and Administrative Support at the agenda setting stage of meeting planning.  This will enable the consideration of the provision of papers in preparation of the meeting to prevent those with direct conflicts from having access to information which they are not permitted to act in their capacity within the meeting to discuss, or decide. 

All declared interests will be managed in line with the requirements of the CCGs’ Conflict of Interests Policy.

The CCGs will not award a contract for the provision of NHS healthcare services where conflicts, or potential conflicts, between interests involved in commissioning such services and the interests involved in providing them appear to affect the integrity of that award and the CCGs will keep a record of how it manages any such conflict in relation to NHS commissioning contracts it has entered into.

10. Reporting Responsibilities

The Committee will report items for consideration by the Governing Body and [insert] through submission of minutes, papers and reports to relevant meetings.

The Committee will provide an annual report to the Governing Body setting out progress made and future developments.

11. Review of Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference will be reviewed at least annually or when there is a material change to the contents of the Terms of Reference.

Any proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference will be submitted to the Governing Body for approval.



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NHS Mansfield and Ashfield and NHS Newark and Sherwood Committee Terms of Reference Review Cycle

Committee Last reviewed at Committee Last approved at Governing Body

Governing Bodies - October 2017

Turnaround Board October 2017 October 2017

Audit Committee October 2017 October 2017

Auditor Panel February 2017 March 2017

Clinical Executive November 2017 February 18 TBC

IGM&T June 17 July 17

Primary Care September 2017 September 2017

Quality, Risk and Safeguarding Committee

December 17 December 17

Remuneration and Terms of Reference

April 2017 April 2017

Safeguarding Committee October 2017 November 2017

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Annex 6 - Policy Approvals and Ratifications


R= Ratify



ng B



it C





nd B
















s of





, Ris

k an

d S









1. Regulation and Control

1.1 Prime financial policies R A

1.2 Detailed financial policies R A

1.3 Counter fraud policies R A

2. Human Resources

2.1 Disciplinary policies for all employees and other persons working in the group


2.2 Human resources supporting policies for employees and for other persons working on behalf of the group


2.3 Remuneration, terms of service and allowance policies for non-executives of the group


3. Quality and Safety

3.1 Policies to minimise clinical risk, maximise patient safety and secure continuous improvement in quality and patient outcomes


3.2 Policies specific to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults


3.3 Clinical commissioning policies R A

4. Operational and Risk Management

4.1 Risk management policies R A

4.2 Conflicts of interest policies R A

4.3 Gifts and hospitality policies R A

4.4 Complaints policies R A

4.5 Health & safety policies R A

5. Information Governance

5.1 Information governance supporting policies for ensuring appropriate safekeeping and confidentiality of records and for the storage, management and transfer of information and data


Page 20: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

Annex 7 – Business Case Approval Routes and Quality Assurance Process

20V3 December17

TAB are a decision point, and can authorise financial expenditure up

to the value of £500,000. The decisions with regard to service

decommissioning must be reported to the Governing Bodies.

PCCC make decisions for business cases relating to primary care monies and

also make decisions on the budget delegated for

primary care from NHS England. PCCC inform the

Governing Bodies of decisions taken

PCCC make decisions for business cases relating to primary care monies and also make decisions on the budget delegated for primary care from NHS England. PCCC inform the Governing Bodies of decisions taken

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Governing Bodies (Approval of cases

over £500k)

Primary Care Commissioning

Committee (Approve on behalf of the GB)

Turnaround Board(Approve up to


Clinical Effectiveness Committee

Financial Recovery Group

Clinical Effectiveness Committee provide assurance as to the clinical pathway and level of risk associated with

the clinical change proposed.

recommendation which may mean further work is undertaken prior to

submission to turnaround.

FRG make recommendations, and are the first receiver

business cases. Without a positive and quorate response

from FRG Business cases cannot move forward. FRG

can take decisions with regard to vacancy control

Page 22: €¦ · Web viewMrs Ruth Lloyd, Head of Corporate Governance (non-voting) A number of sub-committees support the Governing Body to discharge its responsibilities. Annex 1 gives an

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Governing Bodies

Quality Risk and Safeguarding Committee

Links to all other committees in relation

to risk management

Link to Arden Gem on HR issues

Nottinghamshire Information Governance

Management and Technology Committee

Patient Experience and Reference Group

Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Group

Quality in contracting meetings with Providers

Primary Care Commissioning


Primary Care Quality and performance review


Audit Committee (oversight and assurance on

behalf of the Governing Bodies)

Business Case Quality Assurance Process