Grade 7 Activity Guide

stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

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Page 1: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

Grade 7

Activity Guide

Page 2: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,
Page 3: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

How to Use the Activity GuideENGAGE WITH THE CHAPTER

1) After reading or working through the online lesson, ask your child to tell back what they’ve heard, noting anything particularly interesting or any questions it may raise for them. This mental work to articulate what they just studied is what will help it to stick.

For the student new to listening and responding (commonly referred to as narrating), have them only read one section at a time before commenting. They may grow towards being able to narrate the whole chapter, or may continue working in small sections. Either is fine!

You might have them write their summary OR speak it aloud to you while you record it so you have a record of the year’s content. We’ve chosen not to provide workbooks this year as often times that kind of wrote engagement doesn’t leave as lasting an impression as wrestling with a section of text in whatever way speaks to your particular child.

2) Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses, catechism references, or details about or sketches of art they found inspiring. Commonplace books were common devices used for hundreds of years before the internet—a sort of pinterest board or Instagram before those were things-- and for the written word instead of visuals. Many famous presidents and writers have used this tool to record impactful thoughts and to keep a record of their study. Simply the act of taking the time to painstakingly write something down does wonders to help it stick. We recognize this is likely a new exercise for most, but invite both parents and children to try it—and to trust the process.

3) Only one part of our role as parents and church passing on the faith from one generation to the next is intellectual understanding. The other crucial part is figuring out what it has to do with our lived lives. The questions and discussion points in this section are meant to help you think more deeply about the material in the text, and to challenge your kids to do something about it, in the way they live as Catholics. These also can be used as part of a time set-aside for lessons, or incorporated into family life elsewhere.

KEYPOINTA quick summary of the main point of this lesson. Use it to help keep you focused.

DISCUSSION/JOURNALING PROMPTSTake a few minutes sometime during the week to chat about something real-life. Let them see you as human and striving to live your best Catholic life right alongside them. If you’re not sitting down for lessons with your child, you could have this conversation over a meal or in the car—just about anytime, really! Use them all or just pick one or two to focus on.

Page 4: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

**Consider keeping the Parent Guide by a breakfast or dinner table to pull out as you sit down to eat. Pick a question to talk about now and again; or a “Pick 2 Activity” to try before anyone is excused.

You Pick 2This section is full of further ideas for engaging with the material in a wide variety of ways, to suit all kinds of learners, and folks with all kinds of interests. It is the “how-to” give your kids a close-up encounter with the face of Christ. This is really the heart of this year. The content in the book and online is great, so far as it goes. The ideas here is what will bring the faith alive. We hope you’ll give it some priority attention, fitting it into your family life wherever you can. One on a weekend here, another on a day off there, a few others before bedtime or elsewhere as a regular part of your weekly rhythm. The goal is 2 each week. You might even give one to your child as an assignment when they have some downtime they’re not sure what to do with!

Here are a few of the many types of activities you can expect to see, and a little additional guidance on how to implement them…

ReadReadings will most often be about a saint or a scripture. We recommend each family acquire a great anthology of saints lives appropriate for children. We can recommend Glory Story CDs (as a set, a significant investment, or you may choose to buy one here or there over a number of years); and Once Upon a Time Saints (3 volumes, much more cost effective, and with really interesting and lively versions of the stories!). When a saint is recommended, you simply look him or her up… or find an online snippet to share about them. Google works too—just look for hits from catholic.org OR franciscanmedia.org OR loyolapress.com.

If you’re reading a scripture passage, and we hope you do often, try the ancient method of Lectio Divina. There is one short guide here: https://bustedhalo.com/ministry-resources/lectio-divina-beginners-guide and if you’d like a longer read, Fr Basil Pennington’s small book titled Lectio Divina is excellent.

If you choose to read no further than here, just try a simplified version…

1) Light a candle. 2) Invite the holy spirit to come. 3) Then read the passage. (Invite the people listening to close their eyes while you do--just helps

block out distractions!)4) Consider any words or phrases that stood out to you. Share amongst any who are listening.5) Then read again. Listen. 6) Consider why God may be bringing this to your attention. 7) And then read a last time. 8) Consider whether there is anything God may want you to do as a result of your listening.

Simple yet so meaningful. An exercise your kids will keep with them and value through life.

Page 5: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

MemorizeA scripture verse and catechism questions from the back of each lesson in the text are included each week. Your child has the option of working toward memorization of either or both of these. Occasionally a prayer will also be suggested for memorization. It’s truly AMAZING how easy memory work comes to little minds. You know they so easily pick up all the lyrics to the songs on the radio; why not challenge them to try something different?

The three children from each grade who memorized the most scripture verses at the end of the year will be invited to a celebration and recognition dinner with Monsignor Royal and the other clergy. Like wise for those who are able to write accurate answers to the most catechism questions.

MakeSome weeks there will be recommendations for crafts or projects for those whose forte is hands-on. Feel free to make these as basic or pinterest-worthy as you and your child are inspired to do—no pressure. Just the act of thinking about and engaging with the material, especially for a more kinesthetic learner, is valuable. Trust the process.

SingFor some this is a total stretch, and if that’s you, skip this one. If, however, music is your thing, don’t be afraid to sit in your living room—or car!-- and sing an old familiar or completely new hymn with your kiddos. You can google the title and many options will come up—instead of singing, you may just listen to a beautiful rendition sung by someone else. There are lots available on YouTube. Plug in & enjoy!

Reflect (Picture Study)The concept of Picture Study has been popularized by British educator Charlotte Mason. It is an exercise of close and intentional looking at a great work of art. In the case of the pictures we will recommend this year, it may also be a prayerful encounter with the person of Christ. The process is very simple and you and your child will likely both quickly come to enjoy spending a few minutes doing it.

First, have your child look carefully at the image. Ask them to notice as many things as they can about the painting. Then have them close their books.

Invite them to tell you all about what they’ve seen. What do they think the image is depicting? Let them paint a picture with words, including as much as they can remember.

Then look at the image again. Notice any details you may have missed the first time. Talk about them, and whether or why they might matter.

Lastly, share the title, artist, and/or any pertinent details about the painting, as provided in the guide.

You may choose to end your time in prayer. Your child may choose to try to re-create the image; or to write about it in his or her commonplace.

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Closing NoteThis year is not about perfection. And it’s not for competition or comparison. As you know, children grow in their own time. Some crawl earlier and others later; some read earlier and others later; some can sit through a conversation with no problem and others wiggle (try your lessons with your child on a trampoline, or laying flat on the floor!); some will make a frameable cardboard creation and others you will be embarrassed not to slip into the trash—and all of these things are ok! Your child is beautiful, just as he or she is. The many ideas you will find herein are simply to help you engage with the faith in fresh ways this year so that at the end of it, your child may know the beautiful heart of Christ more deeply. Nothing else matters. So please, before you jump in, breathe a sigh of relief. Try to stretch yourself a little, into unknown territory. Try something new. Stretch your child. But not too thin. Healthy, whole, Christ-like adults is what we’re looking to grow. Be gentle and positive; your enthusiasm (or lackthereof!) will be contagious.

Saint Catherine of Siena, patroness of homeschoolers, pray for us!

Saint Monica, patroness of mothers, pray for us!

St Joseph, patron of fathers and families, pray for us!

St Don Bosco, patron saint of youth, pray for us!

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Lesson 1: Knowing God Through Creation

“The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself... This invitation to converse with God is addressed to man as soon as he comes into being. For if man exists, it is because God has created him through love, and through love continues to hold him in existence.”

-Catechism of the Catholic Church #27

Read Ch 1 or work through the online Lesson 1. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…


Man can know of God’s existence by reason. Through faith we can believe in God and respond to his love for us.

Human souls have two special powers: intellect and free will. Man is the highest in the material world but lowest in the spiritual world. All men are created with equal dignity.

The Blessed Trinity is the central teaching of our Faith. The Blessed Trinity is a relationship of persons.

DISCUSSION/JOURNALING PROMPTS Can you name a time when you came to know God through reason? Can you give an example of something that you believe by faith? Do you know anyone who does not believe in God? Why do you think he does not believe? Is

there anything you could do to help strengthen their faith? When you look at the world that God has made, what does it tell you about Him? If God forced us to love him, do you think it would be real love? How much would our world change if everyone’s God-given dignity always and everywhere was

recognized and honored?

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YOU PICK 2Pray the Act of Faith on p. 175.

Go on a hike to enjoy God’s creation. Take some time to sit and look, and reflect on its beauty, and what it reveals about God.

Research St Thomas Aquinas’ Proofs for the Existence of God.

Plan a pro-life project benefiting the unborn or the aged to show how every human being shares in equal dignity.

Make a list of some attributes of God. Make an artwork, sculpture, or something else that illustrates one of His attributes.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Daniel 3:52.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 16 & 17.

Sing or Listen to All the World is God’s Own Field

Look at the artwork on page 14. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This photograph is titled “Earth and Moon”

This photograph of the earth from the moon reminds us of the magnificence of God’s creation and man’s ability to use reason and science. We have faith that God created the earth. This vantage point of God’s creation brings to mind that reason and faith work together and cannot contradict one another.

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Lesson 2: Divine Revelation“God, who creates and conserves all things by his Word, provides men with constant evidence of himself in created realities.”

-Catechism of the Catholic Church #56

Read Ch 2 or work through the online Lesson 2. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…


The Old Testament teaches how God prepared his people for their Savior, Jesus Christ. The New Testament records the life and teachings of Jesus and shows us how he fulfilled Old Covenant promises. Salvation history is the summary of God’s saving actions since Creation.

Revelation is handed on through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Revelation is safeguarded by the Magisterium.

Sacred Scripture is the inspired Word of God, recorded in seventy-three books. The Old Testament books consist of the historical books, wisdom books, and prophetic books. The New Testament books include the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, letters to Saint Paul, letters to all Christians and the Book of Revelation.

DISCUSSION/JOURNALING PROMPTS What is our ultimate goal in life? What do you think would happen if the truths of our Faith could be changed or adapted t certain

cultures or times? Which teachings of the church do you not quite fully understand? Spend some time trying to

find out more about this teaching, and why it exists. What have you learned from the Bible that helps you understand the world better? What have you learned from the Bible that has helped you love God, yourself, and others

better? What would you ask Jesus if he were in the room?

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YOU PICK 2Try this: The most important books of the Bible are the Gospels because they recount the life and teaching of Christ. Pick one of the gospels and spend some time reading it.

Read about Saint Jerome.

Research two times the Pope has taught ex cathedra: When he defined the doctrines of the Immaculate Conception and the bodily Assumption of Mary into Heaven.

Talk to a priest or deacon that you know; ask him to tell you his vocation story.

Make a timeline of salvation history using events from your own life that will help you get to heaven—your parents wedding, your baptism, etc)

Write out the Books of the Bible, starting with those in the Old Testament, moving through the New. Learn pronunciations for each of them you are unfamiliar with.

Pray the Act of Love on p. 176.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Daniel 3:52.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 21-23.

Sing or Listen to Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken.

Look at the artwork on page 19. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This window is the South transept rose and lancets at the cathedral in Chartres, France.

Chartres Cathedral is a medieval Catholic cathedral located in Chartres, France. The south transept rose symbolizes Christ Triumphant. The center lancet (a type of window) shows the Virgin Mary carrying the infant Jesus. On either side, we see the four great prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel) carrying the four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) on their shoulders. This reminds us that the New Testament builds upon the Old Testament.

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Lesson 3: Creation“God wills the interdependence of creatures. The sun and the moon, the cedar and the little flower, the eagle and the sparrow: the spectacle of their countless diversities and inequalities tells us that no creature is self-sufficient. Creatures exist only in dependence on each other, to complete each other, in the service of each other.”

-Catechism of the Catholic Church #340

Read Ch 3 or work through the online Lesson 3. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…


There is only one God. God created from nothing and created out of love. All that God has created is good.

Man is created in the image and likeness of God. God tested Adam and Eve. Adam’s sin is called Original Sin because Adam is the father of mankind. All of mankind inherits the sin. With Original Sin, man lost his gifts. The most serious loss was the loss of grace and union with God. God promised to send a Savior who would save us from sin.

DISCUSSION/JOURNALING PROMPTS What gifts have you received from God? How can we receive and use grace? How can we receive it and not use it?


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Read Revelation 12:1-10. Light a candle while you listen. Close your eyes. Read it 2 or 3 times. Does anything strike you as important, helpful, or challenging?

Make a picture or other artistic representation of the angels (or archangels).

Write a prayer thanking God for your existence, creation, and all of your blessings.

Pray the Saint Michael Prayer on p. 179.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Genesis 1:1.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 27-29.

Sing or Listen to When Morning Fills the Skies.

Look at the artwork on page 24. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This mosaic is called Creation of the Birds.

On the fifth day God said, “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens.’ So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, ‘be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth’” (Genesis 1:20-22).

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Lesson 4: God’s Plan of Salvation“God who ‘dwells in unapproachable light’ wants to communicate his own divine life to the men he freely created, in order to adopt them as his sons in his only-begotten Son. By revealing himself God wishes to make them capable of responding to him, and of knowing him, and of loving him far beyond their own natural capacity.

-Catechism of the Catholic Church #52

Read Ch 4 or work through the online Lesson 4. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…


God established a covenant with Abraham, promising him land, descendants, and blessings. Abraham agreed to be obedient and to trust in God.

Jacob obtained his brother’s birthright and blessing. Jacob was given a new name, Israel. Joseph was the beloved son of Jacob. Joseph was an interpreter of dreams. By God’s providence

he was sold into slavery and was elevated to the second-highest position in Egypt. Joseph was able to save his family from a famine. Joseph prefigures Jesus.

DISCUSSION/JOURNALING PROMPTS Have God ever asked you to have faith, to trust or to obey him? How can we strengthen these virtues in ourselves? Whom have you made sacrifices for? What kinds of sacrifices can you offer to God out of love? Are there any ways you can identify God’s providence in your own life? Has God ever brought

good things out of a bad situation for you?

Page 14: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

YOU PICK 2Read Genesis 22:1-8. Light a candle while you listen. Close your eyes. Read it 2 or 3 times. Does anything strike you as important, helpful, or challenging?

Pray the Act of Faith on p. 175.

Look up paragraphs 25-27 from the city of God by St Augustine, and read it.

Choose one of the following people and write an account of the events of the sacrifice of Isaac from his perspective: Abraham, Isaac, the angel, Sarah, the servant, God.

Make a timeline of salvation history. Identify a few covenants and what God promised to do in each.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of 1 Chronicles 16:32.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 34.

Sing or Listen to All Creatures of Our God and King.

Look at the artwork on page 32. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled Stories of Joseph: His Sale by His Brothers by Raphael

Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob. Because of this, Joseph’s brothers were very jealous and wanted to throw him into a cistern; however, instead they sold him to slave traders. Later, through God’s providence he became second in command in all of Egypt. Even though Joseph’s treatment by his brothers and others was unjust, his faithfulness was rewarded because he loved God. Through this story, we can see that God always provides for those who love him. God can always take an evil situation and turn it into good.

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Lesson 5: The Holy Prophet Moses“…he calls Moses to be his messenger, an associate in his compassion, his work of salvation. There is something of a divine plea in this mission, and only after long debate does Moses attune his own will to that of the Savior God. But in the dialogue in which God confides in him, Moses also learns how to pray: he balks, makes excuses, above all questions: and it is in response to his question that the Lord confides his ineffable name, which will be revealed through his mighty deeds. ‘Thus the Lord speaks to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.’”

-Catechism of the Catholic Church #2576, Exodus 33:11

Read Ch 5 or work through the online Lesson 5. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…


God always provides for his people. He protects them and gives them leaders and laws for their own benefit.

DISCUSSION/JOURNALING PROMPTS Has anything ever happened in your life, like Moses’ burning bush, that caused you to pay more

attention to God? Is God calling you to do anything in your life right now? Name a time that you placed your trust in God. What came of it? Do you ever find yourself struggling to trust God or doubting his goodness? How can

remembering the history of God and the Israelites help you through that struggle? God is the King of our lives. Have you ever placed other gods before the one true God?

Page 16: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

YOU PICK 2Read a Psalm from the Old Testament. David composed many psalms to praise God, to thank him, to ask for help, and to soothe wearied souls. Write a psalm of your own.

Find some oil (not motor!) somewhere in your house—olive oil in the kitchen or baby or skincare oil… Oil is a symbol of beauty, strength, nourishment, and consecration (being set apart for God). Holy oils are used for various purposes in the Church. Look up these: Oil of Catechumens; Sacred Chrism; Oil of the Sick.

Reflect: Just as God prepared Moses to fulfill his purpose, he also prepares us. It’s not always easy to figure out God’s plan for us. How can we learn God’s plan and be able to follow it?

Examine your Conscience using the guide on p. 181-183.

Journal on these points:

How do the Ten Commandments play a part in your moral decision making? Give an example. What are some other gods you have been tempted to worship in your life?

How do you honor your parents now? How do you think you will honor them as an adult?

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Exodus 3:4.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 40.

Sing or Listen to Faith of Our Fathers.

Look at the artwork on page 36. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This statue is of “Moses”

Moses was a great prophet in the Old Testament, through whom God established his covenant with the Israelites and gave them the Ten Commandments.

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Lesson 6: God’s Spokesmen“Through the prophets, God forms his people in the hope of salvation, in the expectation of a new and everlasting Covenant intended for all, to be written on their hearts. The prophets proclaim a radical redemption of the People of God, purification from all their infidelities, a salvation which will include all the nations.”

-Catechism of the Catholic Church #64

Read Ch 6 or work through the online Lesson 6. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…


God sent prophets as witnesses to the truth. Prophets call men back to the ways of God. Two very important prophets were Elijah and Elisha. Elijah was important because he wanted to

prove to the people that God was the one true God. Elisha was important because he lived with the holy prophet and worked many miracles.

Isaiah, another great prophet, helps men to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. John the Baptist was the bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament. He

baptized people with a baptism of repentance.

DISCUSSION/JOURNALING PROMPTS The prophets called men back to the ways of God. Is their message still needed today? Do you

know anyone who is like a prophet? What would God’s message be today? Have you ever thought about what your vocation will be? Do you think it was easy or hard for the prophets to be God’s messengers? Why? Have you ever turned away from God? Has God ever sent someone into your life to help you

turn back to God? Have you ever refused to listen to someone who was trying to help you? Name a time you stood up for the truth in word or action. Did this cost you anything? Has anything happened in your life that totally gave you a new sense of faith in God?

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YOU PICK 2Read the story in 1 Kings 18:17-46.

Research the Carmelite Religious Order. Elijah and Elisha are especially important to the Catholic Church because one of its greatest religious orders, the Carmelites, owes t’s existence to the disciples of these prophets.

Research the Brown Scapular.

Pray the Prayer for Vocations on p. 178.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Matthew 3:3.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 44.

Sing or Listen to Most Ancient of all Mysteries

Look at the artwork on page 36. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is Elijah Taken up in a Chariot of Fire by Giuseppe Angeli.

The artist Giuseppe Angeli captures 2 Kings 2:11: “Behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them (the prophets Elijah and Elisha). And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” This entire sight was not visible to the other prophets who stood at a distance watching. But God allowed Elisha to see it, more than likely as a sign that God was answering his request to have a double portion of God’s Spirit. Elisha had been a wonderful and humble servant to Elijah. Even though this was a miraculous moment, Elisha was upset to see his master taken away. He tore his own clothes as a symbol of his great sadness and mourning. Elisha loved, admires, and respected Elijah, the great prophet of God. But, Elijah had to leave in order for Elisha to take his place.

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Lesson 7: Jesus“The unique and altogether singular event fo the Incarnation of the Son of God does not mean that Jesus Christ is part God and part man, nor does it imply that he is the result of a confused mixture of the divine and the human. He became truly man while remaining truly God. Jesus Christ is true God and true man.”

-Catechism of the Catholic Church #464

Read Ch 7 or work through the online Lesson 7 & 8. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…


Jesus became man to redeem mankind from sin. Jesus was sent by the Father into the world to fulfill his threefold office of priest, prophet, and king.

The mystery of God made man is called the Incarnation.

DISCUSSION/JOURNALING PROMPTS How can we follow Jesus’ teachings? Discuss various situations and what this would look like. If you had been alive during Jesus’ time on earth, which of his miracles would have convinced

you he was God? Why? Can you relate to any of the images of Christ? How does God call you to be a prophet in our world that is in many ways contrary to the

teachings of Christ? How can we be witnesses to the truth in our actions? Are you master of your words and deeds or are you sometimes ruled by the culture around you?

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YOU PICK 2Read about Saint Maximilian Kolbe.

Read the Nicene Creed. Identify the phrases that show that we believe that Jesus is true God and true man.

Journal in your own words about why man needed a Redeemer, or why the Incarnation is so important to you personally.

Pray the Angelus on p. 176.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of John 1:14 OR Galatians 4:4-5.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 50-51.

Sing or Listen to At the Name of Jesus

Look at the artwork on page 46. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is The Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico

In the painting, there are many images that teach us about Jesus; one of them is the crumbling walls. The crumbling walls represent the end of the old pagan order by the birth of Jesus. Here we see the Magi bringing gifts to the newborn Child, Immanuel, meaning “God is with us.” Finally, after years of waiting, Jesus Christ entered into time to save mankind.

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Lesson 8: The Priesthood of Jesus

“Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.” -Hebrews 5:8-10

Read Chs 9 & 10 or work through the online Lesson 8. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…


Jesus is the perfect sacrifice offered to the Father and is our one mediator with God. Jesus, who is the source of all grace, dispenses his grace through the Church.

Through the sacraments Jesus continues his saving mission.

DISCUSSION/JOURNALING PROMPTS Do you know a priest on a personal level—a family member or friend? Has he ever spoken to

you about his call to the priesthood? How can we ensure we always look to the Church and the Sacraments as the source of our grace

and redemption? Have you ever participated in a particularly memorable or meaningful sacrament? What was it,

and what made it memorable? What are some examples of sacrifices you have made? Have you ever made one that you

offered up to God? Could you make a sacrifice for a wrong reason? Name a sacrifice that you made for another and a blessing that came from it. Have you ever made a sacrifice to God, but did not give him your best? Can you think of one sin that you committed, that led to another?


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Read and reflect on Genesis 4:1-8.

Read about saint John Mary Vianney.

Write a prayer of affirmation (encouragement) to a priest.

Pray some prayers of thanksgiving!

Research St Louis de Montfort and consider making a prayer of consecration to Jesus through Mary.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Hebrews 5:8-10.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 58.

Sing or Listen to Most Ancient of All Mysteries.

Pray the Anima Christi on p. 179.

Look at the artwork on page 55. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled The Sacrifice of Noah by Raphael

Offering sacrifices to God is part of God’s plan of salvation. Noah is on the right with his hands clasped in prayer, offering a sacrifice to thank God for having spared his family during the great flood.

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Lesson 9: The Church“So with yourselves; since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the Church.” -1 Corinthians 14:12

Read Chs 11 & 12 or work through the online Lesson 9. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINT Jesus built his Church on Saint Peter and other Apostles in order to spread the gospel

throughout the world.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS Where would you like to bring the gospel? What challenges would you face? What gifts will you

need? For what things are Catholics in our culture persecuted? Have you ever been persecuted by

anyone for any of those reasons? Do you think you ever will be? Name a time that you have battled against evil in the world. Did you or should you have prayed

about this? Of the four marks of the Church—One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic—which do you like best? Why? What gifts of the Holy Spirit would you like to have strengthened in you? Name a time that the Holy Spirit convinced you of a truth, gave you hope, made you holy, or

gave you courage, etc.

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YOU PICK 2Read and reflect on Matthew 16:16-19.

Read about Saint Therese of Lisieux

Make a poster or illustrating depicting one (or some) of the titles & symbols of the Holy Spirit-- Titles: Paraclete, Advocate, Counselor, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Adoption, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of God, Spirit of Glory; Symbols: Dove, Fire, Light, Clouds, Hand of God, Powerful wind, Water

Write a list of each of these offices of the hierarchy of the Church and find out who fulfills which in your parish/community/world… Pope; Cardinal; Bishop; Priest; Deacon; Religious; Laity. Find as many names as possible, and photographs, if possible.

Look up these words: infallibility; indefectibility.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of 1 Corinthians 14:12.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 67-68, 72.

Sing or Listen to The Church’s One Foundation

Pray the Apostles Creed on p. 175.

Look at the artwork on page 64. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled The Tribute Money by Masaccio

In this painting from the Gospel of Matthew, the artist depicts a story about Saint Peter. A tax collector demands money from Jesus and the Apostles who don’t have the money to pay. Jesus directs Peter to catch a fish, then open it’s mouth, and he will find a coin to pay the tax collector. Notice Jesus in the center of the painting; he is completely calm as he is about to perform a miracle.

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Lesson 10: Grace & Sacraments

“For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men.”

-Titus 2:11

Read Chs 13 & 16 or work through the online Lesson 10. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINT Sanctifying grace is a supernatural gift from God that is a share in his own life and necessary for

salvation. The seven Sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ to be visible signs that confer grace.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS Name a time you remember grace working in your life. What is so amazing about grace for you

personally? How should we demonstrate the importance of the Eucharist? Of Penance? Think of a time you made a choice not to cooperate with God’s grace and you chose to do

something you should not have done. Think of a time you made a choice to cooperate with God’s grace, a time you did something that was difficult, but you allowed God’s grace to work in you to do what was right…

Have you ever noticed that the more you pray and receive the Sacraments, the more likely you are to follow God’s will?

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YOU PICK 2Read and reflect on one of the following introductions to the Sacraments in scripture: Matthew 28:19 (baptism); Acts 8:14-17, 19:6 (Confirmation); Luke 22:19-20 (Eucharist)

Read about Saint Augustine or Saint Thomas Aquinas.

Make a poster or illustration using images only (no words)—for the 7 sacraments.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Titus 2:11.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 77, 89-90.

Sing or Listen to Amazing Grace.

Pray the Abandonment Prayer by Saint Ignatius of Loyola: Take, Lord, receive / All my liberty / My memory, my understanding / All my will / All that I have, all that I possess / Lord, you have given all to me. / Now I give it back to you. / All is yours. / Give me only your love / And your grace / These are enough for me.

Pray the Prayer for Vocations by Saint John Paul II on p. 178.

Look at the artwork on page 87. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled Pentecost (detail of the Seven Joys of Mary) by Hans Memling

This painting is part of a much larger painting depicting parts of the New Testament. There are twenty-five scenes beginning with the Annunciation of Christ’s birth and continuing to the death and Assumption of Mary. This details shows Pentecost, the Virgin Mary stead with an open book and the Holy Spirit above her, surrounded by the Apostles raising their hands. The rays of light signify the power of the Holy Spirit descending upon Mary and the Apostles.

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Lesson 11: Virtue“Make love your aim, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.”

-1 Corinthians 14:1

Read Chs 14 & 15 or work through the online Lesson 11. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINT The theological virtues are gifts infused in us by God that bring us into union with him. The

cardinal virtues are the foundations of a good life, which leads to a beatific life.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS Think of an example of faith, hope, and love and how we can nurture each of these. What are some ways we can grow in faith? What are some ways that we can grow in hope? Name a time that you were able to love as God loves when it was difficult. What are some ways you can strengthen your love for God, for your neighbors, for yourself? Which of the capital sins do you struggle with the most? How could you combat it with the

opposing virtue?

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YOU PICK 2Read about Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, Saint Clare, Saint Thomas More or Saint Maria Goretti. How does he or she illustrate one of the cardinal virtues?

Think of some examples of prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude, in your own life. In the lives of others? Be inspired!

Look at the symbols for the virtues on p. 81. Why do you think they were chosen? Re-create one of the symbols in your own artwork, for a virtue you’d like to grow in more.

Make a collage that depicts the three theological virtues using magazines or your own drawings.

Make a card for someone you know that could use a message expressing faith, hope, or charity.

Gather with some friends and choose one of the cardinal virtues—then come up with a scene depicting that virtue, and act it out. Make a video and share it.

Create a charity project that does not require materials goods (such as writing letters to people in senior living centers or hospitals).

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of 1 Corinthians 14:1.

Choose a vice and then write four actions it could lead to. For example, cloth could lead to cheating on a test, allowing others to cheat from you, eventually getting caught and suffering a great consequence, etc.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 80-81, 85-86.

Sing or Listen to To Jesus Christ, Our Sov’reign King.

Pray the Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love on p. 175-176.

Look at the artwork on page 78. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled Theological Virtues: Faith by Raphael

Faith is represented by a woman who is raising the chalice and the Host prompting us to have faith in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Through the virtue of faith, we have the grace to believe in God. We say yes to the truth even if we don’t fully understand it.

Look at the artwork on page 83. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled Theological Virtues: Hope by Raphael

Hope is symbolized by a woman in prayer. We pray with hope for God’s blessings and hope for eternal life.

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Lesson 12: Reconciliation with God

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

-John 3:5

Read Chs 17 & 18 or work through the online Lesson 12. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINTIn Baptism, our sins are washed away and grace is poured into our souls. We receive an indelible seal that identifies our souls as untied to Christ.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS What do we mean by “to be reconciled” with someone? Is there anyone you need to be

reconciled with? The greatest gift your parents can possibly give to you is your faith. Why do you think this is so?

Have you ever thanked your parents for making this gift available to you? Why is the Great Commission to baptized so important? How do you think you are different because of your Baptism? What might you be like if you had

never been baptized and never knew who Jesus was?

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YOU PICK 2Look up the following scriptures where the Holy Spirit is revealed: Genesis 2:7; Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 2:16; mar 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32-34; 14:25-31; 16:12-15; 20:22-23.

Read the Examination of Conscience on p. 181-183. List ways you would like to have the Holy Spirit work in your life.

Pray a Novena—perhaps the novena to the Holy Spirit, the oldest in the church; or one of these, for some special intention: Divine Mercy Novena; Saint Jude Novena; Little Flower Novena; Novena to the Sacred Heart; Saint Benedict Novena; Novena for Priests; Saint Joseph Novena.

Write a prayer to your patron saint asking for their intercession and aid to be mature Catholics.

Write some questions about the Faith that you would like to ask your Sponsor or a Church leader.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of John 14:26.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 104-105.

Sing or Listen to Come Down, O Love Divine.

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Lesson 13: Confirmation“Now when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they

sent to them Peter and John, who came down and prayed for them that hey might receive the Holy Spirit; for the Spirit had not yet fallen on any of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.”

-Acts 8:14-17

Read Ch 19 or work through the online Lesson 13. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINT The Sacrament of confirmation strengthens God’s grace within us to assist us in living our

Christian faith and being witnesses of Christ.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS What do you know about the Holy Spirit? What kind of power does the Holy Spirit have? Do you

pray to the Holy Spirit? What is one thing you can do to open your heart more fully to the grace of the Holy Spirit every

day? Which title for the Holy Spirit speaks to you most? Why? Is there anyone in your life who has a deep relationship with Christ? What do they do to

continually grow in faith? How do they stand out as a good Catholic?

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YOU PICK 2Read and reflect on Luke 15:11-32.

Read about Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, Saint Clare, Saint Thomas More or Saint Maria Goretti. How does he or she illustrate one of the cardinal virtues?

Describe a beautiful Church you have seen. What does it look like? Describe in detail… These are nothing in comparison to the beauty of a soul filled with grace!

Write a letter to God expressing your love and renewing your commitment to live in relationship with God.

Write an action plan for living out your baptismal duties.

Renew your baptismal promises.

Write a letter to your godparents and/or parents to thank them for their role in having you baptized.

Look at pictures of your baptism day.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Matthew 28:19-20.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 95-96, 99-100.

Sing or Listen to There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy.

Look at the artwork on page 98. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled The Baptism of Jesus

Jesus, who was sinless and had no need to be baptized, came in full humility and submitted himself to being baptized by John the Baptist. Jesus is baptized to show us the necessity of Baptism. All three Persons of the Blessed Trinity were present at the baptism of Jesus.

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Lesson 14: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

“You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?”

-Matthew 7:16

Read Ch 20 or work through the online Lesson 14. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINT The gifts of the Holy Spirit helps us to recognize and respond to God’s will.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS What does it mean to be a temple of God? Name some examples of self-giving love for God and others? What kinds of fruit would a good tree or a good Christian bear? Which of the fruits of the spirit do you see in your life? Which do you need tow ork on?

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YOU PICK 2Read about Saint Teresa of Avila.

List the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and try to identify one person in your life who exhibits this gift in his or her life.

Pray the Apostles Creed on p. 175.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Matthew 7:16.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 108.

Sing or Listen to Come Down, O Love Divine.

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Lesson 15: Holy Eucharist

“For as long as you eat this bread and drink the chalice, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”

-1 Corinthians 11:26

Read Ch 21 or work through the online Lesson 15. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINTThe Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS Do you have faith that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist? What things help you believe? Have you ever doubted the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? Discuss the importance of spiritual food—to nourish, sustain and make us healthy and strong.

Do we sometimes place more importance on nourishment for our bodies that for our souls? Which is ultimately more important?

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YOU PICK 2Read and Reflect on the Bread of Life discourse in John 6:22-59.

Research some miracles of the Eucharist.

Read about Saint Anthony of Padua.

Pray the Apostles Creed on p. 175.

Make an illustration of one of the Titles of the Eucharist…

Go to the adoration chapel and spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament, praying and meditating on this great mystery.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of 1 Corinthians 11:26.

Pray O Sacrum Convivium: O sacred banquet, in which Christ is received, the memory of his Passion is renenwd, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us.

V. Thou didst give them bread from heaven:

R. Containing in itself all sweetness.

Let us pray. O God, who under a wonderful Sacrament hast left us a memorial of thy Passion; grant us, we beseech thee, so to reverence the sacred mysteries of thy Body and Blood, that we may ever feel within ourselves the fruit of thy redemption, who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 112-114.

Sing or Listen to Godhead Here in Hiding.

Look at the artwork on page 110. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled The Last Supper by Duccio

This painting is one of the twenty-six narratives from Duccio’s Stories of the Passion. The Last Supper shoes Jesus celebrating the Passover feast, which will be completed the next day when Jesus dies on the Cross as the Lamb of God. In the center of the table we see the Paschal lamb. Jesus institutes the Eucharist at the Last Supper. John, the beloved disciple, is next to Jesus.

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Lesson 16: The Eucharist in Our Lives“And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”

-Hebrews 10:10

Read Chs 22-23 or work through the online Lesson 16. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINTThe Mass is the greatest form of worship that we can offer to God. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS Have you ever heard anyone say, “I don’t get anything out of Mass?” What does that person

mean by that? Do you ever feel that way? Do you look at Mass attendance more as an obligation or a privilege, or both? How present are you to Jesus at Mass? How can you improve? How should we show reverence for the Eucharist during Mass? Outside of Mass/ What would be some benefits of attending daily Mass?

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YOU PICK 2Read about Saint John Newmann or Blessed Miguel Pro.

Pray the Apostles Creed on p. 175.

Go to Mass.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of 1 Corinthians 11:26.

Pray the Prayer before a Crucifix.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 118, 122.

Sing or Listen to Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All.

Look at the artwork on page 115. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled The Descent from the Cross by Rembrandt

This painting is located in the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. The scene is very crowded, and each person’s facial expression is one of emotion. We see Jesus being taken down from the cross; his body is slumped and motionless. Light is focused on Jesus’ body, emphasizing that through his sacrifice on the Cross we receive new life.

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Lesson 17: Sin & Mercy

“I confess my iniquity, I am sorry for my sin.”

-Psalm 38:18

Read Chs 24-25 or work through the online Lesson 17. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINTEven though we suffer from an inclination to sin, God gives us a conscience that, if well-formed, guides us in judging right from wrong. God is merciful and offers forgiveness to the repentant sinner.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS Concupiscence can weaken us, and we choose ourselves and desires over God and his will. Can

you think of an example of this? What are some examples of mortal and venial sins? What are some temptations you face? How would you go about forming your conscience? Can you think of a time in your life that you turned away from God? Did you turn back to him? What can you do each day to turn more closely to God, or have a more God-centered heart? How can you give God’s mercy in the world today?

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YOU PICK 2Read about Saint John of the Cross.

Draw a picture of the Crucifixion as a meditation to become aware of God’s love and your need for conversion.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of Psalm 38:18.

Pray an Act of Contrition on p. 176.

Reflect on an Examination of Conscience on p. 181-183.

Write a prayer for your own ongoing conversion.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 126, 130.

Sing or Listen to Love Divine, All Loves Excelling!

Look at the artwork on page 124. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled Annunciation (detail) by Fra Angelico

This detail of Fra Angelico’s painting is in the upper left-hand corner of the painting. This detail reminds us why mankind was in need of a Savior; it is because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Here se see the angel casting Adam and Eve out of Paradise, where they learned of the consequence of their sin. What we cannot see in this painting is the moment Mary becomes the Mother of God; it is Jesus who redeems us from sin.

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Lesson 18: Sacraments of Healing“The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you heal all his infirmities.”

-Psalm 41:3

Read Chs 26-27 or work through the online Lesson 18. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINT The Sacraments of Healing are the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of the

Anointing of the Sick. Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Penance as the ordinary means for the forgiveness of sins committed after Baptism. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick helps a person prepare for death by healing him from sin, and if it is God’s will, brings about physical healing.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS How do you usually feel before going to Confession? After? What happens during the Sacrament of Penance?

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YOU PICK 2Read and reflect on John 20:19-23.

Read about Saint Damien de Veuster.

Go to Confession.

Write a prayer to God asking for particular healing (spiritual or physical) in your own life or the life of someone you know.

Memorize OR Make an Illuminated Scripture drawing of 1 John 1:9 OR Psalm 41:3.

Pray an Act of Faith on p.175.

Pray an Act of Contrition on p. 176.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 134-136.

Sing or Listen to To Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Look at the artwork on page 124. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled Raising of Lazarus by Fra Angelico

Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “’Lazarus, come out’ The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with bandages, and his face wrapped with a cloth” (John 11:43-44). The raising of Lazarus is a miracle in which Jesus brings Lazarus back to life after four days of burial. Jesus teaches us that if we have faith, he will heal us.

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Lesson 19: Holy Orders“I became a minister according to the divine office which was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now made manifest to his saints.”

-Colossians 1:25-26

Read Ch 28 or work through the online Lesson 19. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINT Holy Orders is the Sacrament by which men become ordained ministers.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS How do you think it helps the Church to have men who have dedicated their whole lives to

serving the Church? Have you ever considered whether you are being called by God to become a priest? How can you use your talents and gifts to serve the Church? Why is it so important to show respect for priests and bishops? How can we help our priests serve the Church?

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YOU PICK 2Read and reflect on these passages on God’s call to the priesthood: Hebrews 7:24-25; 10:11-15; John 13:1-20.

Read through the Rite of Ordination OR attend an ordination.

Talk to a priest, deacon or seminarian. Ask about the vocation story.

Write a thank-you note to your parish priests, deacons and/or bishop.

Make a special dinner or some other gift for your parish priests.

Pray a Prayer for Vocations on p. 178.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 146-147.

Sing or Listen to Ubi Caritas.

Look at the artwork on page 143. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled The calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew by Duccio

In this painting, Duccio depicts Jesus calling to the Apostles. He is calling them to share in his ministry, as in Matthew 4:18-20.

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Lesson 20: Matrimony“As the Church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”

-Ephesians 5:24-25

Read Ch 29 or work through the online Lesson 20. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINT Marriage was instituted by god at the time of Creation and made a Sacrament by Jesus.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS Have you ever heard the expression, “no man is an island”? What does that mean? Why would God create a woman for the man instead of a similarly strong co-worker? Can you think of a couple whose marriage you admire? Can you think of some reasons why the devil would attack the Sacrament of Matrimony? How is marriage attacked by the media and others? How is the culture making it harder for

people to have strong and lasting marriages? How can we go about choosing the right spouse?

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YOU PICK 2Write down the qualities you would like in a spouse.

Read about Saint Rita of Cascia.

Read about St Therese’s parents, Saints Louis & Zeile Martin. Ask for their prayers for the married couples you know.

Talk to a priest, deacon or seminarian. Ask about the vocation story.

Write a prayer asking blessings for your parents.

Make a list of things you can do now to prepare for marriage.

Journal: If God calls you to marriage, describe what your ideal family would be like. What are some challenges that might be involved in raising a Christian family? Ask a married couple to tell you about some.

Pray the Prayer for Families by Saint Teresa of Calcutta: Heavenly Father, you have given us a model of life in the Holy Family of Nazareth. Help us, O loving Father, to make our family another Nazareth, where love, peace, and joy reign. May it be deeply contemplative, intensely Eucharistic, and vibrant with oy. Help us to stay together in joy and sorrow through family prayer. Amen.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 151.

Page 47: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

Lesson 21: Sacramentals“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in every one.”

-1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Read Ch 30 or work through the online Lesson 21. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINTSacramentals are sacred signs established by the Church to bestow grace on those who use them with the right disposition. We honor the saints and ask them to pray for us.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS What are some special traditions or habits your family enjoys together that has brought you

together as a family? Can you think of any pictures or paintings of a scene from the Bible that has inspired you? What is your favorite sacramental and why? Who is your favorite saint and why?

Page 48: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

YOU PICK 2Identify the nationalities of your families. Do any popular pieties come from these cultures?

Research some images and titles of Mary and write or tell someone you know about it.

Research the approved Marian apparitions.

Ask a grandparent or older person from the parish to tell you about popular pieties from when he or she was a child.

Make a rosary.

Pray a rosary.

Research the Battle of Lepanto and the Rosary.

Ask a priest or deacon to bless some object that is important to you—or spend some time in prayer with an object your family already has had blessed.

Borrow a book of blessings and read some of it.

Pray the Stations of the Cross.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 154.

Sing or Listen to Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow.

Look at the artwork on page 152. Make your own re-creation or written reflection based on it.

This painting is titled Polyptych of the Dominicans with Madonna and Child and Saints Dominic, Nicholas of Bari, John the Baptist, Catherine of Alexandria and Annunciation (detail) by Fra Angelico

A polyptych is a painting consisting of several panels joined by a hinge that folds. This panel is a picture of the Madonna and Child. This painting can help us focus on the love Mary had for Jesus and the love she has for us today. Mary is surrounded by a structure that reminds us of the Church. Both Mary and Jesus have gold halos, which indicate their holiness.

Page 49: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

Lesson 22: Mary, Mediatrix of Grace“And the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.’”

-Luke 1:30

Read Ch 31 or work through the online Lesson 22. Afterwards, tell about or write down something interesting or important you’ve heard, and any questions you have…

KEYPOINTJesus gave us Mary, his Mother, to be the Mother of the Church. As the Mother of God, Mary was given special privileges.

DISCUSSION & JOURNALING PROMPTS Do you think of Mary as your spiritual mother? Why or why not? What does Mary’s example teach us about coping with our disappointments and suffering? What can you learn from Mary about trusting God? How can we invite Mary into our homes?

Page 50: stmarysridgefield.org · Web viewJan 07, 2021  · Invite them to add to their commonplace book anything they would like to remember from this lesson—things like scripture verses,

YOU PICK 2Write what would you do if Jesus introduced you to Mary and asked you to care of her today.

Hold a crowning ceremony for Mary at a statue you’re familiar with. Pray the rosary and sing Marian hymns.

Learn about the Brown Scapular.

Make an act of Total Consecration to Mary.

Pray the Memorare on p. 179.

List ways you can imitate Mary to be faithful disciples of Christ in your daily lives.

Find a Miraculous Medal. Pray: O Mary, conceived without Original Sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee” as it is printed on the medal.

Study and try to memorize some of the Catechism answers on page 157.

Sing or Listen to Salve Regina.

Learn to sing Hail Mary, Gentle Woman.