8 BE SET APART by the Spirit 1 Be Taught by the Spirit | www.new-song.com 12 Be Taught by the Spirit | www.new-song.com LESSON 4 BE TAUGHT By The Spirit SECTION 1: A Story of Being Taught Read Acts 8:26-40 One day, an angel instructed a man named Philip, a deacon and evangelist in the early church, to go down to a desert area south of Jerusalem. Once there, he came upon a high- ranking Ethiopian official sitting in a chariot. The Holy Spirit instructed him to draw near to the chariot. Philip hurried to the man’s side and noticed that he was reading from the prophet Isaiah. He asked him if he understood the meaning of Isaiah’s prophecy. His response was that he didn’t and needed a teacher to guide him to understand its interpretation. He proceeded to invite Philip to sit with him and help him. Now, Philip was a man full of the Holy Spirit. He depended on the Holy Spirit to lead him and empower him in everything. This was one of the chief characteristics that caused him to be appointed as a servant-leader in the early church. Philip had been taught the Scriptures— especially as to their fulfillment in Christ— very well. He had listened intently at the feet of Christ’s apostles, who themselves had been taught by the Holy Spirit, as Jesus had promised. But he not only heard the truth taught by others, he himself had come to trust the Holy Spirit to bring illumination of the Scriptures as he read and studied them. Because of this, Philip was well able to help this Ethiopian “seeker” to understand what Isaiah meant when he prophesied concerning Christ’s sinless life and redemptive death. By the power and direction of the Holy Spirit, Philip took this man through the Scriptures, showing him his need for the saving work of Christ. The Holy Spirit brought clarity and conviction, which led to the Ethiopian’s confession of faith, conversion and baptism. The Holy Spirit suddenly took Philip away, and this new convert traveled for home filled with joy. As each one of us trusts the Holy Spirit to teach and train us, we will find that we have the capacity to grow spiritually, more and more, day-by-day. We can be confident that every time we open the Word to study and learn, the Holy Spirit, the Divine Guide and Teacher, will lead us powerfully and precisely into all truth. “Peter prophesied on the day of Pentecost when he spoke the brilliant message that brought thousands into the kingdom. He proclaimed the Word of God without any preparation or previous study; it was spoken by inspiration…This same thing happens to every person who gets filled with the Spirit of God. The Teacher comes to live in us, and

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8BE SET APART by the Spirit


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A Story of Being Taught

Read Acts 8:26-40

One day, an angel instructed a man named Philip, a deacon and evangelist in the early church, to go down to a desert area south of Jerusalem. Once there, he came upon a high-ranking Ethiopian official sitting in a chariot. The Holy Spirit instructed him to draw near to the chariot. Philip hurried to the man’s side and noticed that he was reading from the prophet Isaiah. He asked him if he understood the meaning of Isaiah’s prophecy. His response was that he didn’t and needed a teacher to guide him to understand its interpretation. He proceeded to invite Philip to sit with him and help him.

Now, Philip was a man full of the Holy Spirit. He depended on the Holy Spirit to lead him and empower him in everything. This was one of the chief characteristics that caused him to be appointed as a servant-leader in the early church. Philip had been taught the Scriptures—especially as to their fulfillment in Christ—very well. He had listened intently at the feet of Christ’s apostles, who themselves had been taught by the Holy Spirit, as Jesus had promised. But he not only heard the truth taught by others, he himself had come to trust the Holy Spirit to bring illumination of the Scriptures as he read and studied them.

Because of this, Philip was well able to help this Ethiopian “seeker” to understand what Isaiah meant when he prophesied concerning Christ’s sinless life and redemptive death. By the power and direction of the Holy Spirit, Philip took this man through the Scriptures, showing him his need for the saving work of Christ. The Holy Spirit brought clarity and conviction, which led to the Ethiopian’s confession of faith, conversion and baptism. The Holy Spirit suddenly took Philip away, and this new convert traveled for home filled with joy.

As each one of us trusts the Holy Spirit to teach and train us, we will find that we have the capacity to grow spiritually, more and more, day-by-day. We can be confident that every time we open the Word to study and learn, the Holy Spirit, the Divine Guide and Teacher, will lead us powerfully and precisely into all truth.

“Peter prophesied on the day of Pentecost when he spoke the brilliant message that brought thousands into the kingdom.  He proclaimed the Word of God without any preparation or previous study; it was spoken by inspiration…This same thing happens to every person who gets filled with the Spirit of God.  The Teacher comes to live in us, and the things of God become clearer.”2

“There is no college for holy education like that of the blessed Spirit, for He is an ever-present tutor, to whom we have only to bend the knee, and He is at our side, the great expositor of truth. But there is one thing about the suitability of this guide which is remarkable. I do not know whether it has struck you—the Holy Spirit can "guide us into a truth." Now, man can guide us to a truth, but it is only the Holy Spirit who can "guide us into a truth." "When He, the Spirit of truth, shall come, He shall guide you into"—mark that word—"all truth."… A Christian should do with truth as a snail does with his shell—live inside it, as well as carry it on his back, and bear it perpetually about with him. The Holy Ghost, it is said, shall lead us into all truth. You may be brought to a chamber where there is an abundance of gold and silver, but you will be no richer unless you effect an entrance. It is the Spirit's work to unbar the two leaved gates, and bring us into a truth, so that we may get inside it, and, as dear old Rowland Hill said, "Not only hold the truth, but have the truth hold us."3

26But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.”4


2 Drawing Near, John Bevere, Thomas Nelson, 2004, p. 1673 “The Holy Ghost—The Great Teacher,” Charles Spurgeon, from a Sermon preached on November 18, 18554 John 14:26, The Amplified Bible

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The Marks of Maturing

These are the Marks of Maturing as someone who is set apart by the Spirit. How well do they describe you? Use the journal pages provided to write your response.

A disciple is someone who allows the Holy Spirit to teach them how to live moment-by-moment.

A disciple is someone who looks to the Holy Spirit to help them recall and speak the truth of the Word of God in order to clearly and accurately present the gospel.

A disciple is someone who allows the Holy Spirit to take the Word and highlight what Jesus is speaking to them through the Word so that they can be transformed and empowered to do His will.


Go Further

Here are some additional readings for you as you are taught by the Spirit:

“But root and fruit are ever connected by a stem to their branches and leaves.  In the life of Christ this was so, too.  The connection between His hidden life rooted in God, and that life manifesting itself in the fruit of holy words and works, was maintained by His life of conscious and continual personal fellowship with the Father. In His waiting on the Father, to see and hear what He had to make known, in His yielding Himself to the leadings of the Spirit, in His submission to the teachings of the Word that He came to fulfill, in His watching unto prayer, and in His whole life of dependence and faith, Christ became our Example.” 1 The Definition

1 Full Life In Christ, Andrew Murray, Whitaker House, 2000, p. 237

What does it mean to be taught by the Spirit?

Read John 14:26 and Luke 24:45

Jesus told His disciples (and you) that the Father would send another Helper like Himself to teach them and remind them of all that He said, so that they (and you) could follow His commands. The Holy Spirit is the Helper—One who comes alongside to aide, assist and guide—who teaches all things! The Greek word for “teach” is “didasko” [dee-das-koe], meaning “to impart instruction, instill doctrine, explain or expound, or hold a discourse.”  This definition gives a wonderful clue into who the Spirit is, and what He does. Just as Jesus was always with His disciples and on-goingly taught them, so the Spirit is with you and teaches you.  This is how Jesus prepared and equipped His disciples: He taught them.  This is how the Spirit prepares and equips you: He teaches you and reminds you of the truth of the Word.  Just as Jesus opened the disciples’ understanding of the truth, the Holy Spirit now does the same for you.

The Holy Spirit is made of the same stuff as Jesus; He is God, just like Jesus. He comes alongside you daily and teaches you how to live moment-by-moment. He gives you understanding, helping you to see what Jesus is asking of you.  Why do I need to be taught by the Spirit?

Read Luke 12:12 and Hebrews 8:10-11

When you are in need of direction and clarity in life, the Holy Spirit is the One who is in you and with you, teaching you the will of Jesus.  When you are reading the Word of God, the Holy Spirit is the One who highlights the truth that you need to see at that time. He brings life to the written Word of God.  He makes it apply to where you are and what you need.

You know the Lord God through His Word and His ways.  His

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Word is written on your heart by the Holy Spirit as you read the Bible daily and then you are empowered by His Spirit to walk in His way. You are empowered to live the truth, to know His way, and ultimately to know Him.

The Holy Spirit will teach you what to say when you are before people giving a defense of your faith.  You need Him to help you recall and speak the truth of the Word of God.  When you are sharing your faith with someone, His Spirit will bring the truth of His Word to mind so that you can clearly and accurately present the gospel, as well as God’s character and identity.

How can I be taught by the Spirit?

Read John 16:13-15 and 1 John 2:27

As the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. He will guide you, step-by-step into the truth of the Word on a daily basis.  This shows that the Spirit is intimately involved in your life. He desires to guide you on-goingly throughout each day so that you live out the will of Jesus. You need Him to do this. 

The Spirit speaks on the authority of Jesus. He takes whatever the Lord Jesus speaks and speaks it to you.  He takes the Word and brings attention to what Jesus is speaking to you through the Bible so that you can be transformed and empowered to do His will.  The Spirit glorifies the Son and the Father by leading you by and guiding you into the Word.

You must read and study the Word so that you give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to illuminate the truth to you. As you abide in Him and His Word, you will be taught by the Spirit.


The Discussion

Use the journal pages provided to write your response to each of these questions in preparation for a group discussion.

What are your daily conversations with the Holy Spirit like? How do you see the Holy Spirit teaching you by illuminating the Scriptures and helping you apply them to your life?  Share how you presently are experiencing the Holy Spirit as your Helper and Guide.  If you are having difficulty hearing the Holy Spirit and need help, share this openly with

your small group so that they can pray and believe with you to be taught daily by the Holy Spirit.

Share a time that you needed clarity and direction in your life and how the Holy Spirit gave you understanding through the Word. Have you been in a situation where you didn’t know what to say and the Holy Spirit helped you give a clear defense of your faith?  Share a time when the Holy Spirit helped you to share the gospel with someone else.

As you go into this next week, expect the Spirit of truth, to guide you into all truth on a daily basis. Take time to thank Him in prayer

for being intimately involved in your life.  Share areas that you need to specifically know His will with others in the group.  Pray together believing that the Holy Spirit will reveal and confirm His will to you as you walk according to the Word.


The Memorizing of Scripture

Follow these guidelines as you commit John 14:26 to memory.

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1. Set aside the time you need each day to memorize scripture.

2. Pray and ask the Lord to help you commit scripture to memory.

3. In addition to the help you’ll receive from the Holy Spirit, the key to memorization is repetition, repetition, repetition!

4. After locating the scripture in your Bible, read out loud through the chapter and, if helpful, the book where the scripture is found so that you understand the context of the scripture.

5. Speak the scripture aloud several times, saying the scripture reference before and after.

6. You may find it helpful to break up the scripture into smaller portions, repeating those portions by themselves, and then putting them together. Or you might utilize the help of 3x5 note cards or sticky notes to write out the scriptures so that you can keep them before you each day.

7. Once you have memorized a scripture, dedicate yourself to living what the scripture says, as well as sharing the scripture with those in your sphere of influence.

Have you ever read one passage of scripture one day, and then, when you read it again at another time, something new stuck out to you that you had never noticed before? That was the Holy Spirit at work! Recall a recent time when the Holy Spirit illuminated

something to you (in the Word or in a conversation with someone) and write that down.

With gratitude, write a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Thank Him for sending you the help and illumination of the Holy Spirit. Declare that you can hear Him and you trust His leading. If you have difficulty hearing the Holy Spirit, there will be a time to pray about that in your discipleship small group.

Now that you know how the Holy Spirit teaches you, notice all the times that He shows you things. Thank Him for His partnership and faithfulness as He teaches you throughout the week.


The Study

This inductive Bible study will help you respond in obedience to the truth of God’s Word. Use the Inductive Bible Study Guidelines

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for Examine, Express and Exercise at the beginning of your handbook and the worksheets provided on the next pages to help you. As you look at each passage of scripture below, examine what it says, express what it means, and consider how you will exercise it in your life.

Read 1 Corinthians 2:12-14, write it down using the journal pages provided, and specifically follow the instructions at the beginning of your handbook entitled “Inductive Bible Study Guidelines: EXAMINE.”

Now read these scriptures aloud and declare your commitment to their truth in your life. Use the worksheets provided to rewrite these scriptures in your own words.

Write down 2-3 action steps that you will take based on the truth of 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 using the journal pages provided.

Inductive Bible Study WorksheetInductive Bible Study Worksheet

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Inductive Bible Study Worksheet Inductive Bible Study Worksheet

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Inductive Bible Study Worksheet SECTION 2:

The Study

This inductive Bible study will help you respond in obedience to the truth of God’s Word. Use the Inductive Bible Study Guidelines for Examine, Express and Exercise at the beginning of your

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handbook and the worksheets provided on the next pages to help you. As you look at each passage of scripture below, examine what it says, express what it means, and consider how you will exercise it in your life.

Read 1 Corinthians 2:12-14, write it down using the journal pages provided, and specifically follow the instructions at the beginning of your handbook entitled “Inductive Bible Study Guidelines: EXAMINE.”

Now read these scriptures aloud and declare your commitment to their truth in your life. Use the worksheets provided to rewrite these scriptures in your own words.

Write down 2-3 action steps that you will take based on the truth of 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 using the journal pages provided.

Inductive Bible Study WorksheetSECTION 3:

The Memorizing of Scripture

Follow these guidelines as you commit John 14:26 to memory.

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1. Set aside the time you need each day to memorize scripture.

2. Pray and ask the Lord to help you commit scripture to memory.

3. In addition to the help you’ll receive from the Holy Spirit, the key to memorization is repetition, repetition, repetition!

4. After locating the scripture in your Bible, read out loud through the chapter and, if helpful, the book where the scripture is found so that you understand the context of the scripture.

5. Speak the scripture aloud several times, saying the scripture reference before and after.

6. You may find it helpful to break up the scripture into smaller portions, repeating those portions by themselves, and then putting them together. Or you might utilize the help of 3x5 note cards or sticky notes to write out the scriptures so that you can keep them before you each day.

7. Once you have memorized a scripture, dedicate yourself to living what the scripture says, as well as sharing the scripture with those in your sphere of influence.

Have you ever read one passage of scripture one day, and then, when you read it again at another time, something new stuck out to you that you had never noticed before? That was the Holy Spirit at work! Recall a recent time when the Holy Spirit illuminated

something to you (in the Word or in a conversation with someone) and write that down.

With gratitude, write a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Thank Him for sending you the help and illumination of the Holy Spirit. Declare that you can hear Him and you trust His leading. If you have difficulty hearing the Holy Spirit, there will be a time to pray about that in your discipleship

small group.

Now that you know how the Holy Spirit teaches you, notice all the times that He shows you things. Thank Him for His partnership and faithfulness as He teaches you throughout the week.

You know the Lord God through His Word and His ways.  His Word is written on your heart by the Holy Spirit as you read the Bible daily and then you are empowered by His Spirit to walk in His way. You are empowered to live the truth, to know His way, and ultimately to know Him.

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The Holy Spirit will teach you what to say when you are before people giving a defense of your faith.  You need Him to help you recall and speak the truth of the Word of God.  When you are sharing your faith with someone, His Spirit will bring the truth of His Word to mind so that you can clearly and accurately present the gospel, as well as God’s character and identity.

How can I be taught by the Spirit?

Read John 16:13-15 and 1 John 2:27

As the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. He will guide you, step-by-step into the truth of the Word on a daily basis.  This shows that the Spirit is intimately involved in your life. He desires to guide you on-goingly throughout each day so that you live out the will of Jesus. You need Him to do this. 

The Spirit speaks on the authority of Jesus. He takes whatever the Lord Jesus speaks and speaks it to you.  He takes the Word and brings attention to what Jesus is speaking to you through the Bible so that you can be transformed and empowered to do His will.  The Spirit glorifies the Son and the Father by leading you by and guiding you into the Word.

You must read and study the Word so that you give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to illuminate the truth to you. As you abide in Him and His Word, you will be taught by the Spirit.


The Discussion

Use the journal pages provided to write your response to each of these questions in preparation for a group discussion.

What are your daily conversations with the Holy Spirit like? How do you see the Holy Spirit teaching you by illuminating the Scriptures and helping you apply them to your life?  Share how you presently are experiencing the Holy Spirit as your Helper and Guide.  If you are having difficulty hearing the Holy Spirit and need help, share this openly with

your small group so that they can pray and believe with you to be taught daily by the Holy Spirit.

Share a time that you needed clarity and direction in your life and how the Holy Spirit gave you understanding through the Word. Have you been in a situation where you didn’t know what to say and the Holy Spirit helped you give a clear defense of your faith?  Share a time when the Holy Spirit helped you to share the gospel with someone else.

As you go into this next week, expect the Spirit of truth, to guide you into all truth on a daily basis. Take time to thank Him in prayer

for being intimately involved in your life.  Share areas that you need to specifically know His will with others in the group.  Pray together believing that the Holy Spirit will reveal and confirm His will to you as you walk according to the Word.


The Marks of Maturing

These are the Marks of Maturing as someone who is set apart by the Spirit. How well do they describe you? Use the journal pages provided to write your response.

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A disciple is someone who allows the Holy Spirit to teach them how to live moment-by-moment.

A disciple is someone who looks to the Holy Spirit to help them recall and speak the truth of the Word of God in order to clearly and accurately present the gospel.

A disciple is someone who allows the Holy Spirit to take the Word and highlight what Jesus is speaking to them through the Word so that they can be transformed and empowered to do His will.


Go Further

Here are some additional readings for you as you are taught by the Spirit:

“But root and fruit are ever connected by a stem to their branches and leaves.  In the life of Christ this was so, too.  The connection between His hidden life rooted in God, and that life manifesting itself in the fruit of holy words and works, was maintained by His life of conscious and continual personal fellowship with the Father. In His waiting on the Father, to see and hear what He had to make known, in His yielding Himself to the leadings of the Spirit, in His submission to the teachings of the Word that He came to fulfill, in His watching unto prayer, and in His whole life of dependence and faith, Christ became our Example.” 1 The Definition

What does it mean to be taught by the Spirit?

Read John 14:26 and Luke 24:45

Jesus told His disciples (and you) that the Father would send another Helper like Himself to teach them and remind them of all that He said, so that they (and you) could follow His

1 Full Life In Christ, Andrew Murray, Whitaker House, 2000, p. 237

commands. The Holy Spirit is the Helper—One who comes alongside to aide, assist and guide—who teaches all things! The Greek word for “teach” is “didasko” [dee-das-koe], meaning “to impart instruction, instill doctrine, explain or expound, or hold a discourse.”  This definition gives a wonderful clue into who the Spirit is, and what He does. Just as Jesus was always with His disciples and on-goingly taught them, so the Spirit is with you and teaches you.  This is how Jesus prepared and equipped His disciples: He taught them.  This is how the Spirit prepares and equips you: He teaches you and reminds you of the truth of the Word.  Just as Jesus opened the disciples’ understanding of the truth, the Holy Spirit now does the same for you.

The Holy Spirit is made of the same stuff as Jesus; He is God, just like Jesus. He comes alongside you daily and teaches you how to live moment-by-moment. He gives you understanding, helping you to see what Jesus is asking of you.  Why do I need to be taught by the Spirit?

Read Luke 12:12 and Hebrews 8:10-11

When you are in need of direction and clarity in life, the Holy Spirit is the One who is in you and with you, teaching you the will of Jesus.  When you are reading the Word of God, the Holy Spirit is the One who highlights the truth that you need to see at that time. He brings life to the written Word of God.  He makes it apply to where you are and what you need.



A Story of Being Taught

Read Acts 8:26-40

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One day, an angel instructed a man named Philip, a deacon and evangelist in the early church, to go down to a desert area south of Jerusalem. Once there, he came upon a high-ranking Ethiopian official sitting in a chariot. The Holy Spirit instructed him to draw near to the chariot. Philip hurried to the man’s side and noticed that he was reading from the prophet Isaiah. He asked him if he understood the meaning of Isaiah’s prophecy. His response was that he didn’t and needed a teacher to guide him to understand its interpretation. He proceeded to invite Philip to sit with him and help him.

Now, Philip was a man full of the Holy Spirit. He depended on the Holy Spirit to lead him and empower him in everything. This was one of the chief characteristics that caused him to be appointed as a servant-leader in the early church. Philip had been taught the Scriptures—especially as to their fulfillment in Christ—very well. He had listened intently at the feet of Christ’s apostles, who themselves had been taught by the Holy Spirit, as Jesus had promised. But he not only heard the truth taught by others, he himself had come to trust the Holy Spirit to bring illumination of the Scriptures as he read and studied them.

Because of this, Philip was well able to help this Ethiopian “seeker” to understand what Isaiah meant when he prophesied concerning Christ’s sinless life and redemptive death. By the power and direction of the Holy Spirit, Philip took this man through the Scriptures, showing him his need for the saving work of Christ. The Holy Spirit brought clarity and conviction, which led to the Ethiopian’s confession of faith, conversion and baptism. The Holy Spirit suddenly took Philip away, and this new convert traveled for home filled with joy.

As each one of us trusts the Holy Spirit to teach and train us, we will find that we have the capacity to grow spiritually, more and more, day-by-day. We can be confident that every time we open the Word to study and learn, the Holy Spirit, the Divine Guide and Teacher, will lead us powerfully and precisely into all truth.

“Peter prophesied on the day of Pentecost when he spoke the brilliant message that brought thousands into the kingdom.  He proclaimed the Word of God without any preparation or previous study; it was spoken by inspiration…This same thing happens to every person who gets filled with the Spirit of God.  The Teacher

comes to live in us, and the things of God become clearer.”2

“There is no college for holy education like that of the blessed Spirit, for He is an ever-present tutor, to whom we have only to bend the knee, and He is at our side, the great expositor of truth. But there is one thing about the suitability of this guide which is remarkable. I do not know whether it has struck you—the Holy Spirit can "guide us into a truth." Now, man can guide us to a truth, but it is only the Holy Spirit who can "guide us into a truth." "When He, the Spirit of truth, shall come, He shall guide you into"—mark that word—"all truth."… A Christian should do with truth as a snail does with his shell—live inside it, as well as carry it on his back, and bear it perpetually about with him. The Holy Ghost, it is said, shall lead us into all truth. You may be brought to a chamber where there is an abundance of gold and silver, but you will be no richer unless you effect an entrance. It is the Spirit's work to unbar the two leaved gates, and bring us into a truth, so that we may get inside it, and, as dear old Rowland Hill said, "Not only hold the truth, but have the truth hold us."3

26But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.”4

2 Drawing Near, John Bevere, Thomas Nelson, 2004, p. 1673 “The Holy Ghost—The Great Teacher,” Charles Spurgeon, from a Sermon preached on November 18, 18554 John 14:26, The Amplified Bible