A REBELLION TO TRADITIONAL BEAUTY FORMS IN ADVERTISEMENT: EXPLICATION OF DOVE – CAMPAIGN REGARDING MY BEAUTY IS BEYOND NUMBERS ACCORDING TO ELABORATION LIKELIHOOD MODEL Gonca KÖSE 1 Introduction Advertisement has a great role in human life as a lifestyle transmitter, attitude and behavior shaper; purchasing and consumption guide. The advertisement presents remarkable images, ideas, and concepts in a very planned and conscious manner and presents them to target consumers in order to realize their goals and objectives such as buying, consuming, creating a new attitude, changing existing attitudes. For this reason, advertisement is the main way of communication between brands and their target consumers. In today's economic and social life, it is very difficult to achieve the attention of target consumers even to a few of the unbelievably intense and similar advertising messages. To cope with this situation, equipping the advertising messages with remarkable elements makes it easier to perceive the messages more easily, quickly and permanently. This conceptual phenomenon appears as an advertisement or message appeals in academic literature directly affects the continuity and frequency of communication between brand and its target consumers when it is designed effectively. Beauty has been the strongest element of attraction in the point of 1 Öğr.Gör.Dr. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Bergama MYO, [email protected]

  · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

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Page 1:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining




Gonca KÖSE1


Advertisement has a great role in human life as a lifestyle transmitter, attitude and behavior shaper; purchasing and consumption guide. The advertisement presents remarkable images, ideas, and concepts in a very planned and conscious manner and presents them to target consumers in order to realize their goals and objectives such as buying, consuming, creating a new attitude, changing existing attitudes. For this reason, advertisement is the main way of communication between brands and their target consumers. In today's economic and social life, it is very difficult to achieve the attention of target consumers even to a few of the unbelievably intense and similar advertising messages. To cope with this situation, equipping the advertising messages with remarkable elements makes it easier to perceive the messages more easily, quickly and permanently. This conceptual phenomenon appears as an advertisement or message appeals in academic literature directly affects the continuity and frequency of communication between brand and its target consumers when it is designed effectively. Beauty has been the strongest element of attraction in the point of attractiveness. Beauty is one of the unique factors that help the perception of the advertising message and reach the purpose of the advertisement. The body, in which beauty is represented by physical attraction, perfected and idealized, is used for many product advertisements because the perception of beauty reflected by physical attraction affects the power of advertising communication. From the past to the modern period, the phenomenon of beauty has been used within the framework of certain standards over women's representations. While the imposed traditional beauty perception associated with flawless beauty, ideal physical dimensions (90-60-90), woman/women with a sexy body is still used effectively in many advertising messages today, brands that reject the stereotyped standards and the tradition have begun to show up slowly, even though their numbers do not exceed five fingers of one hand. Dove comes first among these brands. The Dove brand completely refused the standardized beauty approach in marketing and advertisement strategies and reshaped the perception of beauty. 1 Öğr.Gör.Dr. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Bergama MYO, [email protected]

Page 2:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

In this context, in the first part of the study, the conceptual framework of beauty from past to present will be theoretically examined, and then Dove’s "my beauty is beyond numbers" campaign will be interpreted according to the elaboration likelihood model.

Concept of Beauty

Undoubtedly, beauty has been one of the important concepts that are thought, discussed, defined and interpreted in all periods of social life. During the ages, the phenomenon of beauty has been shaped according to the culture of the period it belongs to. Also, the fact that the concept of beauty is seen and used in advertisements as a consumption principle is a sales technique that has been used for a long time. The concept of beauty, which is both the subject and the object of life practices, which is affected by temporal changes and affects these changes, is defined in different ways in the literature.

The concept of beauty is considered as the study of the aesthetic history of man and the “body of the human as an aesthetic object” within this historical process (Kesim and Kar, 2016, 191). The definitions made about beauty are complex-looking and socially dependent on situational effects, ranging from a very broad spectrum to definitions based on concrete foundations, such as an example of what is better than a very peculiar philosophical definition, such as a phenomenon that pleases the senses or exalts the mind (Langmeyer and Shank, 1994, 28). In the Turkish Language Association’s Big Turkish Dictionary, descriptions such as easy on the eye and ear, admirable, opposite of ugly; good, nice; thing that conforms to what is expected and evokes the thought of success, beautiful girl or woman, queen of beauty; delightful used to describe beauty (cited by Uğur Bakır from tdkterim.com.tr, 2017, 21). According to Umberto Eco, beauty (2006, 122) consists of the appropriate ratio and the things that inspire us are called “beautiful” (cited by İnceoğlu and Kar, 2016, 81). On the other hand, the concept of beauty has different meanings in many languages. In English “beauty” means the desired, the long-awaited object, and in Greek “To kalon” means idea; ideal. In Hebrew “Yapha” means gloss; freshness, and in Japanese “Wabi-sabi” means modesty; imperfection (Sartwell, 2004, 12). Hence, due to the cultural structures of different countries, the phenomenon of beauty has been shaped.

According to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining with göz-eye and el-hand) to “güzel” (beautiful in Turkish) from time to time. For example; Plato dealt with the concept of beauty and nobility from the view of moral, which can be perceived by 5 sense organs, and he used these word for men. (Holliday and Taylor,

Page 3:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

2006, 230-231). While Plato tackled the concept of beauty during his youth with ethical values such as goodness and honesty, he defines this concept based on geometric proportions in his old age (Tunalı, 2001, 144). According to Lord and Putrevu (2009, 3), beauty, which refers to concepts such as elegance, position, sexuality, is intertwined with concepts such as prestige, image, beyond physical properties.

Scruton (2009, 9) expresses the effect of the phenomenon of beauty on human life as follows: “Beauty can be peaceful, disturbing, sacred, and abundant; it can be exciting, attractive, inspiring, chilling. It can affect us unlimitedly. Beauty has never been indifferent, beauty wants to be noticed, it speaks directly like the voice of a sincere friend. If there are people indifferent to beauty somewhere, it is certain that the beauty in that place is not actually noticed.” While Heraclitus defines beauty as accord, concord, and harmony, Socrates sees beauty as the same as good (Şentuna, 1997). At the same time, Socrates evaluated beauty in three sections as ideal beauty, spiritual beauty, and functional beauty; and explained that beauty is not only about what is apparent, but with the senses that allow a closeness between the artwork and the audience, that is, with the sight and hearing, rather than touching, tasting and smelling (Eco, 2006, 48). Aristotle also explains beauty with “mathematics”. According to him, beauty is a proportional order with a certain size. The objective criteria of the beautiful are order, proportion, and limitedness. Order is the harmonious union of the parts that make up the whole. The ratio is that the parts are in correct and appropriate proportion with each other (Tunalı, 2009, 169). In addition to the descriptions of the beauty in the ancient Greek and medieval philosophers; Sigmund Freud, who is accepted as the founder of psychoanalysis, accepted the concept of beauty (2000, 22) as a phenomenon fed sexual stimulation; and stated that the beauty is a sexual stimulus. As can be seen, the concept of beauty has been dealt with in many ways, both in terms of meaning and function; and it has preserved its place in personal and social life with a quality attributed to time, cultural values and conditions. Undoubtedly, the phenomenon of beauty, which has turned into a universal consumption object with its economic dimension, has turned into a big industry targeting women in the communication age we are in.

Advertisement, Media, Beauty and Consumption

The advertisements are an important object of the ideology of consumption and a marketing communication tool that contains irresistible promises for women of all ages and genders who aim to flourish. The understanding of beauty, which has been turned into a passion for women with attractive visual and audio advertising messages, aims to make women have aesthetic concerns for a better physical appearance. Beauty imposition that is seen, want to reached and

Page 4:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

unlimited desired is supported by the media serving the consumer economy and is a source of attraction for women who want to be in the foreground only with their appearance.

At this point, the media undertakes an important function by determining what is remarkable and what society should see and hear (Kaypakoğlu, 2004, 93-94). The media is a powerful producer/transmitter/carrier of today's beauty ideal, whose borders are predetermined, and it is the only way of providing mass communication (Sezgin and Şenol, 2010, 460). In advertisements prepared for newspapers, television, magazines and various digital platforms, many subjects from health to fashion, from business life to sexuality and motherhood are prepared by using the body appeal of women. The views of Timisi regarding the female image in the advertisements are as follows:

“While female body is identified with its individual identity in advertisements, having a beautiful and well-groomed body is also seen as a prerequisite for being a good mother and wife. While the slim, athletic and beautiful woman is presented as a social ideal, the image of “young women at all ages” created through the consumer products used to have this body is the key to individual success. Slimness is presented as an ideal that must be reached for women in advertisements, while it is emphasized that such women are successful, competitive, and go-getter. (1997, 40).”

Gorschenek (1994) states that as well as women who are shown in advertisements as a good wife and a good mother, there are women-only represented in beauty and sexuality and the only problem of these women in life is to be beautiful and to seduce all men. According to Bakır (2017, 141), beauty is linked to being in shape, to be well-groomed and young, to make up, to reshape the body if necessary, and to follow the fashion at all times. For example, when especially cosmetic ads are examined, the phenomenon of being beautiful is seen at the basis of brand promises (Oğuz, 2010, 188). However, whether the presented beauty is real beauty or not has led to discussions. For this reason, there are many criticisms that the beauty transferred through the media is not real and stereotyped (Küçükerdoğan, 2014, 49).

Therefore, women who aim to achieve the beauty criteria, which are considered to be perfect by reducing the beauty to the body alone, are provoked through mass media channeled to consumption culture. By transforming the absolute reality of beauty to pleasure, the phenomenon of beauty is shaped in the fictional world of advertisement and leads women to very serious consumption behavior.

Having this pleasure is continuing with the media in an endless cycle, and thus, the appeal of consumption is always kept alive. Thus, all the parameters that the woman can enjoy in the name of beauty are seen as a worthwhile persuasion phenomenon for the woman.

Page 5:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

Beauty Approach and Persuasive Communication in Advertisement

Advertisement is a communication practice focused on persuasion, which is blended with a variety of remarkable verbal, visual, and audio elements in order to provide information, change the existing attitude, create a new attitude, and guide it to purchasing behavior. The mentioned communication practice takes part, especially in advertisements. Advertisements aiming to influence and direct the emotional, cognitive and behavioral processes of individuals are built on creative strategies and take their place in social life directly and indirectly. Therefore, it is inevitable that every product, brand, service that is the subject of advertisement is associated with the concept of persuasion. Especially in the advertisement, the phenomenon of beauty is reflected by using physical attraction and individuals are trying to be convinced. Therefore, the concept of persuasion and persuasive communication, and persuasion theories will be included in the study in order to understand the relationship and importance of the persuasion concept with the beauty approach.

In this context, according to Aristotle, who discussed the phenomenon of persuasion for the first time, persuasion is defined as influencing and directing someone in the desired direction, using elements such as ideas, effective appeal, reliability and evidence (Ross, 1990). Persuasion is a process that tries to change the apparent values, aspirations, beliefs, and actions of others (O’Shaughnessy and O’Shaughnessy, 2004, 5), and it is intended to affect the attitudes of the individual with a positive or negative reactive tendency towards an object, person, institution or event (Ajzen, 2005, 3). According to Perloff (2014), persuasion, which is a psychological process that uses message information to change or maintain the behavior, intentions, emotions, opinions (Anık, 2000, 35), is a symbolic process that communicators try to persuade with message transfer by providing a free choice environment to change other people's attitudes or behaviors towards a particular subject. In this definition, 5 important points attract attention (Bir and Suher, 2017, 16, cited from Perloff, 2014):

“Persuasion is a symbolic process. The persuasion process includes symbols, words, pictures or non-verbal signs. Persuasion involves an effort to influence. Not all persuasion attempts may be successful, but persuasion is closely related to the effort to influence another person. People actually persuade themselves to change their attitudes and behaviors. Persuasion is about the transmission of a message. Persuasion is a communication activity, according to other forms of social effects, a message must be conveyed in order for persuasion to occur. Finally, the choice must be made freely during the persuasion process.”

Page 6:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

According to Gas and Seiter (2011), persuasion is the state of involvement in the act of creating, developing, reinforcing or eliminating beliefs, attitudes, tendencies, motives and/or behaviors within the limits of a certain communication context. Persuasion (Gerçik, 2015, 144), communication management that aims to influence people's choices without putting pressure on them, is an effort to influence individuals in a conscious and planned way (Madran, 2012, 15). Persuasion is actions to create a positive attitude and behavior about a particular subject or situation or to change the existing one (Babacan, 2015, 47). The realization of behavior in the desired direction means that persuasion/compliance behavior occurs. Persuasion, i.e. compliance behavior, is that an individual changes his behavior or beliefs with respect to other person or persons without any explicit request (Sakallı, 2016, 32).

Based on persuasion definitions, it is possible to state that advertisers use “persuasive communication” practices on consumers to create effective communication and advertising environment (Darıcı, 2013, 16). The effects of persuasive communication are also manifested by changes in the level of knowledge, attitude and open behavior of the buyer (Yüksel, 2013, 144). In persuasive communication, persuasive strategies can also be shaped through the source, message, channel, and target that form the basic elements of communication (Gürüz and Temel Eğinli, 2016, 97). In the persuasive communication process, McGuire made a classification in the form of input variables and output variables of communication (1984, 314-315):

Communication Input Variables:o Source variables: Reliability (Specialty, righteousness),

Attractiveness (Liking, similarity, sincerity), Power (Number, agreement, etc.)

o Message variables: Style (determinedness, swiftness, vividness, etc.) Type of charm, Specialty, Righteousness, Attractiveness, Disagreement, Single-Double Sided Message, Charm of Message, Type of Argument, Information, messages included or removed, organization, Recurrence

o Channel variables: Number and type of sensory methods, Direct or mediated, Verbal or nonverbal, Content

o Receiver variables: Number of Participants, Demography, Personality, Talents

o Target variables: Information - attitude-behavior, Instant or delayed, Change or resist

Communication Output Variables: o Exposure to communication,

Page 7:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

o Participation, o Liking, being interested, o Understanding (learning what is it), o Skill acquisition (Learning how to do it), o Transmitter (Attitude change) o Continuation of the change, o Research and acquisition of a new attitude, o Decision suitable for recovery, o Acting as decided, o Strengthening these actions, o Post-behavior reinforcement

When the literature is examined in order to explain the effect of persuasive communication in the advertisement, it is seen that there are various theoretical approaches developed by many researchers. Many of these approaches are based on the assumption that an individual's beliefs about some person, group, subject, object or behavior will determine the individual's attitudes and behaviors towards that person, group, subject, object or behavior. Understanding the models is a guide for setting communication goals, achieving these goals and creating message strategies (Donovan and Henley, 2010, 125). In Kenzie's work called "A Practitioner’s Guide to Persuasion: An Overview of 15 Selected Persuasion Theories, Models and Frameworks", it can be possible to see the theoretical categories of persuasion theories in Table 1.

Table 1: Theoretical Category of Persuasion Theories

Theoretical category Theories discussed

Message effects models Message learning approach

Yale Model of Persuasion Fear Appeals:

Protection Motivation Theory

Extended Parallel Process Model

Language Expectancy Theory

Attitude–behavior approaches Theory of Planned Behavior

Cognitive processing theories Elaboration Likelihood Model

Heuristic-Systematic Model

Social Judgment Theory

Consistency theories Balance Theory

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Page 8:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

Inoculation theory Inoculation theory

Functional approaches Functional approaches

Source: Cameron, K. A. (2008). A Practitioner’s Guide to Persuasion: An Overview of 15 Selected Persuasion Theories, Models and Frameworks. Patient Education and Counseling, 74, 310.

The theoretical categories above are the most commonly used categories in the creation of persuasive message strategies in advertisements. In accordance with the scope of our study, The Elaboration Likelihood Model, which is a functional approach from cognitive process models, will be examined in detail and then, the Dove’s “My beauty is beyond numbers” campaign will be interpreted according to the model of probability detailing.


Elaboration Likelihood Model

One of the important models focusing on the cognitive processes of the target consumers and contributing to their persuasion is the elaboration likelihood model This model which emerged with the work of Richard Petty in 1977 and later supported with the book written by Petty and Cacioppo (1981), was developed in the period when a single process was advocated in the realization of persuasion before 1980 and they claimed that there was more than one process that was effective in persuasion (Kıymalıoğlu, 2014, 170). One of the most important dual-process theories developed in 1980 and beyond is the elaboration/detailing likelihood model (Petty and Brinol, 2008). This model, which is also conceptualized as an elaboration likelihood model (ELM), is formulated to explain under which conditions and how different attributes of persuasion messages shape the effect of persuasion (Cameron, 2008, 312). In other words, this model is concerned with the processes underlying the change in object-related judgments, the variables that affect these processes, and the power of judgments that result from these processes (Petty and Wegener, 1999, 42). By nature, beyond the attention to or perception of the arguments in the message, the model of detailed examination likelihood model (Tam and Ho, 2005, 274), which involves the individual producing his own thoughts in response to the information he is exposed, predicts when, why and how variables are effective in attitude change (Keys et al., 2009, 191). There are two ways of processing in ELM that lead to detailing (Taillard, 2000, 158; Solomon et al., 2006, 196; Cameron, 2008, 312; Keys et al., 2009, 191-192). These two ways of processing are central processing and environmental processing.

Page 9:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

Central processing occurs when audience members are knowledgeable about a particular subject, motivated, believe that an argument has a personal interest, and can process this information in a message, and the recipient of the message goes into systematic thinking (Freeman and Spyridakis, 2004, 241; Cameron, 2008, 312). In central processing, viewers have the ability to process the message as well as being motivated and the change of attitude is the result of the process of handling the message logically. The important point in central processing is that this process includes detailed thinking (Kıymalıoğlu, 2014, 170-171). Detailing in environmental processing is very low and the recipient uses a cognitive/mental shortcut to evaluate the message (Cameron, 2008, 312). In other words, the target audience of the message tends to process clues that are not directly related to the message, rather than to consider the content of the message more comprehensively (Hill, 2015, 7). The clues may be the physical features of the communicator/source, the audio, verbal or syntactic characteristics of the stimulus, or other features of the persuasive attempt that are not argument related (Taillard, 2000, 158). In terms of environmental persuasion, environmental clues are the determinants of attitude change. These clues include enough factors to cause an attitude change without any active thinking activity related to the subject or object in the persuasion environment (Kıymalıoğlu, 2014, 171). (See: Figure 1)

Figure-1: Elaboration Likelihood Model

Source: Solomon, R. M. (2009). Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, s. 337.

Communication (Source, message, channel)Attention and comprehension

High-involvement processingCognitive Responses

Belief and attitude changeBehavior changeCentral Route

Low-involvement processingBelief Change

Behavior change

AttitudechangePeripheral route

Page 10:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

According to the elaboration likelihood model, there are two factors that determine how the person evaluates the persuasion message and makes the cognitive effort in this regard. These are motivation and ability (Kıymalıoğlu, 2014, 171). Petty and Cacioppo argue that data processing is determined by a variety of factors such as motivation, reliability of the resource, need for cognition, interest, and participation (Hill, 2015, 7). Motivation is that the target audience is prepared, willing and interested in the message process, and activates message processing and stimulation (Hallahan, 2000, 466). It can be said that someone with motivation will think and study in detail and therefore perform the detailed process (Sakallı, 2016, 152-153). Talent; highly skilled or knowledgeable individuals process more efficient and schematic information than low-skilled individuals (Hallahan, 2000, 466-467). The targeted factors affecting the detailing are the content of the message, the argument and information the message has, and the repetition of the message, the factors for the message are the source's expertise, authority, reliability, attractive and being a person recognized by the target audience (Durmaz, 2011, 48- 57).

According to the elaboration likelihood model, the physical attraction of the source in the persuasion process in the advertisements is accepted as the central or environmental hint. In this context, physical attractiveness may be an effective source-related quality in case of the high or low affinity of the consumer in the purchasing process according to the elaboration likelihood model (Bakır, 2017, 222).

In the light of the information so far, Dove’s "My beauty is beyond numbers" campaign will be interpreted based on the elaboration likelihood model. The biggest reason for the Dove brand to be included in the study is that this brand aims to change the stereotypical perception of beauty, which is a revolt to the traditional beauty approach. In this context, the aim of the study is to interpret the beauty according to the model of the type of cognitive meanings on Dove, which changes the beauty narrative by itself, which opposes the reflection of the beauty by limiting it to physical beauty criteria, and the possibility of detailing the radical change in the perspective of beauty. The reason for elaboration likelihood model to be preferred in the current study is that the researches that this model is used the most are in the fields of marketing and advertisement, that the feature that is the subject of the highest number of studies to influence the possibility of detailing is involvement and that the factors that are involved in the elaboration process and which are discussed in the highest number of studies are claim power and source credibility (Kıymalıoğlu, 2014, 187).

Page 11:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

Result of the Research

“Dove - My Beauty is Beyond Numbers” Campaign

Picture 1: A scene from the TV advertisement of the Dove

My beauty is beyond numbers campaign, launched by the Dove brand, was launched in 2018 (See: Picture 1). The advertisement narration of the campaign is as follows: The advertisement starts with a woman says: "34, the number of my tattoos, not my size," on a cobblestone street. Then the advertisement continuous with a woman walking down the school staircase says: “90-60-90 is my exam results, not my body size”; a woman carrying her baby in the home says: "9, the months I spent with my daughter, not the weight I lost”; a woman dancing in the entertainment venue says: “9/8, my favorite rhythm, not my score out of ten”; a woman celebrating henna night and taking a selfie says: “92, my friends who are with me on my happiest day, not my likes”; a woman celebrating her birthday says: “26, the age I feel myself, not my age”; a woman who goes on stage and plays an instrument says: “170, the songs in my repertoire, not my height”; a woman in front of the historical clock tower says: “35, the places I visited, not the place where my beauty came from” and then every woman’s job (student, officer, musician, store

Page 12:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

manager) is displayed on the screen and it ends with the discourse of “My beauty is beyond numbers”

The advertisement consists of women of different ages and physical characteristics who reflect their lives as they are. In the advertisement film, which is a revolt against the figures that identified with ideal beauty and creates social pressure on beauty, the ideal beauty patterns imposed on many women from different segments of society are emphasized regardless of education, age, socio-economic level. In the campaign, which is almost a revolt against the figures identified with ideal beauty, the standardize and perfect physical beauty perception was tried to be destroyed. The main idea of the campaign is emphasized that the numerical patterns imposed on women on a social basis have much more valuable meanings than physical beauty.

According to the elaboration likelihood model, the message source has great importance in terms of persuasive communication. The fact that the source, i.e. the women in the advertisements is from life, contributes to the sincere and real meaning of the target audience's attribution to the advertising message. Therefore, when the persuasion message that the source represents much more than the figures of the real beauty is evaluated in terms of central processing in elaboration likelihood model, the ability of the target audience to process the message cognitively evaluated the transmitted message logically and aimed at the change of attitude towards the perception of beauty. The fact that the target audience has a positive tendency towards the message source in terms of central processing increases the probability of processing the information in the message. Emotions and thoughts contrary to the perception of beauty imposed on women in the advertisement were associated with the personality of the Dove brand in target women and the level of involvement in the brand was tried to be increased. In addition, the relationship established by the target women between the brand and their own lives also affects their interest in the advertising message and the importance they give, and with the discourse of “My beauty is beyond numbers”, women are provided with stimulation, motivation, cognitive and emotional evaluation.

The fact that the Dove brand chooses women from different ages and professions in the advertisement includes trust, similarity, sincerity, naturalness and honesty for women who have similarities with these women in the advertisement considering the source variables. Therefore, the persuasive messages that destroy the beauty patterns linked to the source provide high involvement in the brand and strengthen the trust in the brand. The emphasis of attention and credibility in the advertisement by destroying the traditional perspective on beauty perception affects the depth of information processing of target women and supports their high

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interest in the brand.

It is an undeniable fact that beauty expresses inner importance and personal meaning for every woman. From this point of view, the content of the message, the repetition of the message in different ways with different sources, and the change of belief and attitude that the perception of beauty identified with the numbers is independent of the numbers are aimed. The discourse of “My beauty is beyond numbers” towards the current target is motivating the desire to process new information and elaboration processes at the point where women are exposed to advertising messages.

Conclusion and Evaluation

The trend towards consumption continues to increase day by day in the world of extremism we live in. Advertisement is undoubtedly one of the only tools to trigger consumer consumption and manipulate consumer attitudes and behaviors. Advertisement, which imposes the continuity and necessity of consumption, has an indispensable quality in which brands are passionately connected. Advertising messages encompassing social life create artificial needs beyond just fulfillment of basic needs and trigger the consumption of hedonic consumption. In fact, the phenomenon of beauty has always taken its place in the advertisement as an important consumption variable.

Until now, beauty has been reflected as the object of desire for women in the advertisement, and this has been limited only to physical beauty. When it comes to beauty, the effort to create a uniform female model with perfect skin and body perception still continues today and it is a known fact that beauty gives pleasure for every woman. The use of women whose physical dimensions are ideal, well-groomed and sexy in the advertisement creates charm and fuels the desire to be like women in the advertisement. This situation caused the models, which are admirable with their beauty and proper physics in all newspapers, magazines and television commercials, to appear in advertisements. Ultimately, the desire to be like, to look like, to be favorable like the beautiful and attractive model or actors seen in the advertisement, has brought along a transformation of the beauty created in the advertisement and imposed socially.

Many brands continue to use models and celebrities as a persuasion strategy to attract and arouse curiosity the attention of the target audience and turn it into a ritual. However, one of the brands trying to destroy the stereotypical traditional beauty perception in the advertisement is Dove. The Dove brand has redefined beauty and reflected its revolutionary perspective on beauty to its advertisements.

Page 14:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

In the study, Dove’s “My beauty is beyond numbers” campaign was handled and it was seen that the advertisement content and discourse about beauty are quite different from the standard beauty approaches. The most striking aspect of the campaign is that the numerical expressions used in the advertisement for age, weight, height and size more precious meanings and values rather than physical beauty. For example; expressions such as “334, the number of my tattoos, not my size”, “90-60-90 is my exam results, not my body size”, “9, the months I spent with my daughter, not the weight I lost” and the fact that women in advertisement are students, civil servants and musicians is beyond the definition of traditional beauty in the advertisement. Dove conveyed the knowledge and skills, talents and achievements of women with the symbolic figures she used in the advertisement and mentioned the real beauty.

Dove’s "My beauty is beyond numbers" campaign has been tried to be interpreted by taking into account the elaboration likelihood model, which is an important persuasion theory. Aiming to change the cognitive, affective and behavioral responses of women in beauty in the advertisement, Dove built the persuasive communication approach on the “beyond figures” discourse to attract and motivate different women. In the advertisement, remarkable, understandable and motivating verbal and visual appeal elements have been used in consideration of the features of the target audience, the quality of the advertising message, the environmental, psychological and cultural factors, thereby enabling target women to process and stimulate the advertising message and create high interest.

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Page 15:   · Web viewAccording to Eyupoğlun (1991, 308), the word "beautiful" followed a historical and linguistic adventure that turned from “gözel” (it is a Turkish word, combining

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