Interdisciplinary Learning: We are exploring ethical trading around the world and how people’s basic needs are met. As part of this, we are learning about Fair Trade and the role companies play in ensuring their products are traded responsibly. We will be focusing on my World of Work and encouraging pupils to consider skills used in life, learning and work, as well as considering how these skills are used in different careers. Finally, we will be focusing on enterprise and different roles within business. What I will be learning in P5 Term 4 2020 Successful Learner Effective Contributor Confident Individual Responsible Citizen Health & Wellbeing Focusing on taking care of our health and wellbeing, in what is a challenging time, is more important than ever. Through our new unit of The Building Resilience programme – we will focus on ‘Making a Difference’ in our own lives and the lives of others, including comparing our lives with those of children around the World then investigating charities and how they work. Below please find a list of online resources that may help support home learning: , , , , , , If you have any technology issues, forgotten passwords or any other questions/difficulties related to your child’s learning please email us at: . questions to develop comprehension and evaluation skills as well as encouraging pupils to engage in independent reading for enjoyment. Writing – We are focusing on genres of writing and their features to produce creative writing. Pupils will be using prior knowledge and applying structure and punctuation skills to each text. Maths and Numeracy Maths – We are exploring Data Handling and how to accurately analyse, organise and display data in a variety of ways for example bar graphs, line graphs and frequency tables then draw conclusions. We are also devising ways of collecting data and displaying in the most suitable way depending on the given task. Finally, we are investigating the Ideas of Chance and Probability and exploring the language of probability to describe the likelihood of events occurring such as fifty-fifty and so on. Numeracy – We are revising our knowledge of Number and Number Processes and recalling strategies to problem solve across a range of contexts such as measure and money. We are revising our knowledge of telling the time in both 12-hour and 24-hour notations and converting the two then interpreting timetables. Modern Foreign Languages French – We are revising months of the year and practise ordering from a menu. German – We are learning how to talk about our family and name common classroom items. Technology/ICT - We will be using technology across all of our learning with Microsoft Teams as well as Education City and Sum Dog. PE – We are consolidating our skills and knowledge using PE grids and online links to ensure 30 mins per day of mindfulness and fitness activities. Music – We are listening to music from a range of cultures, analysing musical lyrics and recognising rhythm and beat. STEM – We are exploring engineering skills by creating models and researching scientific information. RME – We are learning about Ramadan and Eid and exploring other religious celebrations around the World.

eastcraigsprimary.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web view04/05/2020  · 2m. Interdisciplinary Learning: We are exploring ethical trading around the world and how people’s basic

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Page 1: eastcraigsprimary.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web view04/05/2020  · 2m. Interdisciplinary Learning: We are exploring ethical trading around the world and how people’s basic
Page 2: eastcraigsprimary.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web view04/05/2020  · 2m. Interdisciplinary Learning: We are exploring ethical trading around the world and how people’s basic