Web Page Design Week 6

Web Page Design

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Web Page Design. Week 6. Mozilla Thimble. https://thimble.webmaker.org/en-US / Mozilla Webmaker 提供的 Tools 之一 線上 HTML 編輯器 有一些範例 Projects 可以參考學習或直接使用 可以直接發佈製作好的網頁. H yper T ext M arkup L anguage Markup language  Markup tags Tag  describes document content - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Web Page Design

Web Page DesignWeek 6

Page 2: Web Page Design

Mozilla Thimblehttps://thimble.webmaker.org/en-US/Mozilla Webmaker提供的 Tools之一線上 HTML編輯器有一些範例 Projects可以參考學習或直接使用可以直接發佈製作好的網頁

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*What is HTML?

*Hyper Text Markup Language*Markup language Markup tags*Tag describes document content

*HTML document = web page contains tags and plain text

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*Tag & Element

*Tag: <keyword> </keyword>

*Element: <keyword>HELLO WORLD</keyword>

*Where does the ‘browser’ come into play?*Reads HTML documents *Use tags to interpret content

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*Basic structure

<html> <body> <p>You see me?</p> </body></html>

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*Begin and end every HTML document with this tag pair*May declare DOCTYPE before it*HTML 4.01*<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

*HTML 5*<!DOCTYPE html>

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*Everything between this tag pair will be read and rendered on screen

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*Headings*Like what you see in Word*Higher number means bigger font size

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*Paragraph*Automatically adds space (1 line) before

and after the paragraph*Use <br> for a new line with out padding

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*Describe what font style to use*Attributes: provide additional

information about the HTML element*face,color,size…*“red”*rgb(x,x,x)*#XXXXXX

*Ex. <font size=“3” face=“arial” color=rgb(10,110,10)>DEPRECATE


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*CSS (FYI only)

*Cascading Style Sheets*Separated from HTML to manage element

styles, such as layout, font, color…

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*Anchors: hyperlink*<a href=“[destination]”>*A URL*A local HTML document*A file

*target*Specifies where to open the link into

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*Image*<img src=“[destination]”>*A local image file*A URL*http://


*alt*Specifies alternate text

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*Table, table row, table data/table header1. Declare table 2. Declare row3. Declare data cell/table header4. Close data cell/table header5. Repeat 3~4 to create more columns6. Close row7. Close table Can declare spanning data cells!

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*Unordered list (bullets)*Ordered list (numbers)

*List item

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瀏覽器元件檢閱器Google Chrome, Firefox皆有提供直接檢閱網頁上元素的原始碼也可以查閱 CSS和使用的 JavaScript套件

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Now & Future - HTML5Cut The Rope

http://www.cuttherope.ie/Apple Html5 Demo

