Weaving of Words Part the IV

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  • 8/14/2019 Weaving of Words Part the IV



    ItsAweaving of wordsPart the IV


    Caleb Alan Kestner

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  • 8/14/2019 Weaving of Words Part the IV



    ItsAweaving of words

    Part the IV


    Caleb Alan Kestner

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    This book is dedicated to my MomWho gave me words.

    Thank you.

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    Copyright 2009 by Caleb Kestner.

    All Rights Reserved.


    Story PressMinneapolis, Minnesota

    Printed in the United States

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    IiiXXXX. I are . . . I am

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~12

    iiXXXXI. If

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~14

    iiiXXXXII. Its

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~17

    iiXXXXIII. Fallen

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~18

    iiXXXXIV. Ode to an Ode

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~21

    iiiXXXXV. Once Upon a Time

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~22

    iiXXXXVI. What happens once youve fallen?

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~24

    iXXXXVII. Wall~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~27

    XXXXVIII. Mountain

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~28

    iiXXXXIX. Who am I?

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~30

    iiiiiiiiiiiiiL. Pro Crastinator

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~33

    iiiiiiiiiiiiLI. Blessed About the Author

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~35 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~39

    iiiiiiiiiiiLII. Goodnight my Love Acknowledgments

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~36 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~41

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    If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

    Lewis Carroll

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    I are shattered I are . . . I amfragment

    splinterI am the cold


    winterI are inferno


    ashesI am shackles

    chains andlashes

    I are heartachewailing

    sorrowI am future

    past andmorrow

    I are hopelessweeping

    sadnessI am passion

    rage andmadness

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    are beautyfleeting

    shallowI am careless

    stark andcallow

    I are conqueredcringing

    choice-lessI am silent

    mute andvoiceless

    I are teardropssoftly

    cryingI am the dead

    doomed anddying

    I are humanbroken

    grievingI am my own


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    If poems were of poetry as woods were of trees

    If sound were of music as air is of breeze

    If joy was of laughter as hurt was of tears

    If hope were courage as hate is of fear

    If food was of hunger as thirst was of drinkIf taught were of learning as thought is of think

    If life were of living as dead was of death

    If heart was of blood as lung is of breath

    If angels were of heaven as demons were of hell

    If touch were of feeling as taste was of smell

    If people were of right as humans were of wrong

    If beauty were of souls as rhyme was of song

    If give was of giving as took was of take

    If words were of truth as build was of make

    If this was of that as that was of this

    Then the world would be perfect and all of life bliss

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    Peace isnt quiet; its noise you dont hear

    Courage isnt brave, its pain you dont fear

    Mercy isnt weak; its the strength to forgive

    Hope isnt assurance; its the will to live

    Good isnt perfect, its striving to rise

    Honesty isnt truth; its exposing the lies

    Wisdom isnt knowledge, its understanding why

    Belief isnt comfort; its willingness to die

    Leading isnt commanding, its serving those you lead

    Charity isnt handouts; its helping those in need

    Faith isnt knowing, its acting when you dont

    Love isnt if they do, its even when they wont

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    By: Caleb Kestner

    Falling mirror, slipping through the sky

    Dead reflections, never think to question why

    Spilling spirals, shattered glass evokes no tears

    Greed and hatred, serving banquets of their fears

    Murder Martyr, fallen people die to live

    Victim Target, hearts too broken to forgive

    Once forgotten, memory forgets once more

    Perceptions clouded, lives wrapped up in pointless war

    Hate breeds death and death breeds hate

    Never ending circle, self-fulfilling fate

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    Ode to an Ode

    O ode thou wondrous words amaze

    And lyrical lines astound

    From Grecian days long lost in time

    Resounds your pulsing sound

    Poetic verse from days of yore

    A voice that echoes still

    Crash like waves on histories shore

    A synthesis of will

    Melodic beauty sweet and pure

    The music of the spheres

    Tragic pain that dares endure

    The basis of our fears

    The power of the mind made free

    Laid out upon a page

    Vision even blind men see

    The workings of a sage

    O ode thy legacy still stands

    Though years have gone and come

    The majesty of all that is

    Existence's very sum

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    Once upon a time: (Poetry from Photography class)

    By: Myself and mmmcoffee

    (Recomposed by: Me)

    Once upon a time,

    a time so long ago

    There lived a thing called pumperfumps

    that liked to stand in rows

    These curious things (called pumpfs for short)

    could come in kinds of every sort

    Hardly old or softly new

    polka dotted, pink or blue

    Turquoise, yellow, short or tubby

    mauve or mink or tall or stubbyWearing charms or maybe roses

    on their arms or tween their toeses

    They paint a quite perplexing picture

    these pumpfs that come in such a mixture

    Dancing, bouncing throwing ducks

    (If you rub them they bring luck!)

    Falling up and hopping down

    Making noise (without a sound)

    See them running up the tree

    Then right back down (they quickly flee)Watch them roll among the flowers

    Back and forth for many hours

    Tossing tulips, squishing daises

    Chasing stars (theyre very lazy)

    And of course when days are done

    to their gumdings they will runWhat are Gumdings? You may ask

    Answering thats mmmcoffees task

    Gumdings are things very hard to explain

    Theyre totally different but all still the same

    Theyre kind of like beds and they smell really sweet

    They have nice looking hands for the rubbing of feet

    Gumdings are spun from big sugar canes

    And they all smell like brownies if ever it rains

    But enough about Gumdings

    lets us move on

    To talk of a frog and a small pumpf named Ron

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    The frog was tiny (about 50 pounds)

    The pumpf was squishy (and incredibly round)For something named Ron it made quite a weird sound

    Ron what a word

    Its amazingly flatIt sounds like a monkey

    That looks like a hatNow a Ron thats named pumpf

    Or a pumpf that named RonAre interiorly different

    (Except for in song)

    When explaining them both

    Or explaining them one

    You must start at the start

    And go till your doneNow the problem with me

    (As you well may not know)

    I forgot where I start

    And dont know where to go

    So explaining them both

    I could never well do

    And explaining them one

    Is a big problem too

    Theres much more to write

    But I fear I must quitFor the rest of this poem

    Was quite lacking in wit

    In our rush to waste time

    We both overextended

    So the half a page left

    is too much to be mendedSo with that and with this

    Ill now call it a day

    Ive re-said what I said

    And Ive naught left to say

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    What Happens

    OnceYou've fallen?

    What happens once you've fallen?

    What happens once you fail?Success no longer possible

    your heart in shame is veiledWhat happens when you've given up

    and ceded to your fears?When hope fades like the morning mist

    and pain transforms to tears.What happens when you lose the fight

    and know you've lost much more?When the battle finally gets you

    in this never ending war.And how are you supposed to cope

    when you know it's all been lost?When you pay the price for what you want

    and it isn't worth the cost.

    Where do you go or turn towhen the world has turned on you?When all you've givens not enough

    and there's nothing more to do.You recognize that all will fall

    though each in their own way.You stand with calm assurance

    that they've not yet won the day.And though it seems that all is lost

    and hope itself has fled.As long as you've the strength to rise

    redemption isn't dead.

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    Once upon a midnight dreary

    Came a traveler wet and weary

    His cloak was sodden through and through

    Upon his feet more holes then shoe

    The road was rough the ground was stony

    The man was thin and rather bony

    Then all at once the road just ended

    His journey stopped his quest suspended

    A giant wall stood in his way

    As tall as night as long as day

    So there he sat to ponder and wonder what to do

    To pass this insurmountable obstruction of his view

    There was no wood within this wall, nor brick or rock or steel

    For it was made of stronger things then those material

    This wall was made of all in life that strives to make you fail

    Of pain and lies and hardship of dead and rot and stale

    At first the man was locked with fear immobilized by shameA thousand things that hed done wrong all rushed to fill his brain

    Then as he sat there shaking a shudder shook the wall

    Its surface started cracking and chunks began to fall

    Then with a sigh of effort the man rose to his feet

    Hed come too far and worked to long to let himself be beat

    So with a mighty crash the wall did rend its self-apart

    And the man strode once more onward through the walls now broken heart

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    Wrinkled stone sags gently down the mountain's aged face, tufts of snowy hair

    stream down his craggy chin and pool softly at his feet

    Cavernous lungs pull moist air in through limestone teeth and moss-lined nostrils

    to feed his golden veins

    All across the mountain a cloak of life blooms and flourishes, entire lifetimes

    cascading in and out of existence between the beats of his heart

    The mountain sleeps; a giant who dreams of far off places and tells himself that in

    a moment he'll rise from the cradle of his birth, stretching out the ridges of his skin

    and the granite peaks of his spine

    In a moment his eyelids will crack open with a rumble, pine tree lashes fluttering

    as he looks with sliver eyes at the world for the first time

    In a moment he'll shake off the residue of his creation and with thundering steps

    go explore this place that gave him life just moments before

    In a moment he thinks to himself as his heart continues its steady beat

    In a moment he thinks as he slips slowly back into his dreams

    In a moment, as all around him life rushes on

    In a moment

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    Who am I?

    Who am I? I wonder.and whence from have I come?

    What is it Im doing?

    and when will I be done?

    Where to am I going?and when will I arrive?

    What for am I living?

    and what for should I strive?

    What is it Im writing?and have yet still to write?

    What is it Im fighting?

    and have yet still to fight?

    When will true love find me?and how then will I know?

    Where is love to lead me?

    and will I dare to go?

    Who am I affecting?and whos affecting me?

    What then is my blindness?

    and what is it I see?

    What have I to finish?and what have I to start

    What was it that made me?And brought to life my heart?

    Who am I? I wonder.and what will be the sum?

    of all that Ive accomplished,when at last my time has come.

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    Pro Crastinator

    Yet again behind I scramble

    Even my mad dash an amble

    Moments left I still waste timeSpinning pointless bits of rhyme

    Always later I endeavor

    Striving then, achieving never

    Running just to keep from movingMaintenance consumes improving

    All again commitments makingEver then again them flaking

    Of the future ever dreaming

    Time betwixt my fingers streaming

    Late and lacking deadline loomingMe myself I'm quickly dooming

    Always just a moment more

    Till the effort I endure

    Until there is no time to wasteMy hands lethargic move to haste

    Wishing that I could better be

    and cure these faults that lie in me

    Hoping that I might find someway

    to work before the final day

    But as I wish and hope such things

    time flits away on gilded wings

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    I pray for Gods blessing on all that you do

    Clear sight for your eyes and a path ever true

    I pray you accomplish each task your soul gets

    Content with your work when the sun finally sets

    I hope for your dreams that youll always aspire

    That you still feel Gods presence though the times may be dire

    That you live every moment and spend every day

    That you hoard up lifes treasures then give them away

    I pray for you safety until you return

    That you grow from lifes lessens and teach what you learn

    Remember that while you may be far from here

    Through the memories you leave you will always be near

    And as time marches on of this always be sure

    The love that you give will forever endure

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    Goodnight my love

    Goodnight my love its time to sleep

    and leave the world behind

    To free yourself from all lifes pain

    and clear your burdened mind

    Goodnight my love its time to sleep

    and rest forevermore

    To fly beyond the gleaming stars

    and dance on heavens floor

    Goodnight my love its time to sleep

    the angels wait for you

    Youll never be forgotten

    for the life you lived was true

    Goodnight my love its time to sleep

    your work at last is done

    And though the day is finished

    the dream is just begun

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    About the Author

    Caleb Kestner was born on his birthday and has been himself ever since. He iscurrently residing where he is and will most likely stay there until he goes somewhere

    else. He, like most people, never reads the parts of a book that start with Preface,Afterword, Introduction, Foreword, Acknowledgements, or About the Author. Therefore

    he has decided to not waste his time and will instead provide you with an excerpt fromEbenezer Cunninghams On the Electromagnetic Mass of a Moving Electron It is

    perhaps worth noting that "the principle of relativity" propounded by Bucherer in thePhil. Mag. of April 1907 is in essence identical with the statement made in the beginning

    of this paper. The principle referred to may be stated thus : that in the sequence ofelectromagnetic phenomena the giving of an additional uniform translational velocity v to

    the whole system of electric and magnetic bodies will not affect the phenomena observed

    if this velocity v is at the same time given to the observer. The transformation of spaceand time variables mentioned above shows a means of explaining this dependence of theelectromagnetic phenomena on relative motion only; and conversely it is a comparatively

    simple matter to show that it is the only means. For it is required, among other things, toexplain how a light-wave travelling outwards in all directions with velocity C relative to

    an observer A, may at the same time be travelling outwards in all directions with thesame velocity relative to an observer B moving relative to A with velocity v. If at this

    point you are still reading you are to be commended (but probably wont be), unless ofcourse you skimmed to the end, realized that at some point Id begun writing again and

    just backtracked until you found where Id started up again. In that case you should beflogged for blatant disregard of superfluous-section-of-the-book reading etiquette (but

    probably wont be). This is Calebs first literary work and like most of his endeavors isthe result of many years worth of seemingly endless effort and consternation that came to

    a rapid conclusion about a day after he actually started working on it. That being said,much effort, time, thought, and most importantly inspiration, went into creating this work

    of words and he would be remiss if he didnt acknowledge the many manifold minds whohelped him along the way. Please turn the page. Unless the you just skipped down to

    this point to see if the discussion of electromagnetic electron masses went all the way tothe end, then you should go back and work your way through like everyone else. If I can

    take the time to copy and paI mean, write it you can take the time to read it!

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    First off let me just say if I forget to mention you, its probably because youdidnt matter enough for me to remember, no Im sure you matter . . . to someone ;P.

    Honestly though, Im only going to focus on people who effected, influenced andinspired my writing (that I was able to remember, ok, ok, Ill stop). Anyway here goes,

    thank you with all that I am for all that youve been.Joanna for being the rubber wall I could bounce my concrete ideas off of. Jill for

    believing I could measure up to my imagination, and in doing so giving me theconfidence to try. Jeremiah for being a porcupine patch farming communist and the

    perfect devils advocate. David N. for getting paper cuts. Natalie for the magnificencethat is The Duo!. The Joshness for believing our genes combined can conquer the

    world! (Provided yours dont by osmosis.) John for being an outgoing, hilarious,

    musical genius, so that I didnt have to, and could just use you. James for wanting toread my stuff more then I wanted to write it. Molly for proving that Disco isnt dead.Nathan for being a Kestner (seniority or not). Josh Anderson for moving up here, getting

    five jobs, and giving me all the money so I can kick start my writing career (wink, wink,nudge, nudge). Dayna for being so agreeable when it comes to disagreeing. Naomi for

    being the smartest person I know . . . who thought Canada was a state. Ben for giving metwo nephews and another brother. April for buying this book (on the off chance I ever

    find away of selling it to you). Marcus Dee, you better get your butt moving and starthanging out with me so Ill have something to mention in vol. 2. Raquel and Aunt Betsy,

    how could one not be influenced by you. Cheri for the support and affirmation, now, andas far back as I can remember. And for creating a family as awesome as my own

    (Keitzells forever!). Calli for giving me somebody to confuse. Rachael Metcalf-Bernard,for commenting, encouraging, and being Metcalf. The OConnor Clan, and all the other

    Kestners (including the honorary ones) for giving me a legacy to be part of. Finally, andmost importantly Mary Jane and Kevin Jay, not only are you the reason I exist, youre the

    reasons for my existence. You are all that I am, and all that I aspire to be. Dad you arethe greatest user of words I know, but even if you werent youre strength of character

    gives more worth to youre words then the most brilliant of wordsmiths could ever hopeto achieve. Youve shown me ways to use words that I never dreamed were possible

    (most of them probably shouldnt be). You are the giant upon whose shoulders Imstanding. Mom, Dad may have given me something to aspire to but you gave me

    something to aspire with. Every great achievement in my life is built on the foundations

    of your efforts. You have poured more blood, sweat and tears into my life then any couldever dare to hope for. From the very depths of my soul thank you. And thank you onceagain to those mentioned, unmentioned and to be mentioned. This Oscar means the

    world to me, oh wait crap, wrong speech.

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    Its Over!

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    Seriously, thats it I didnt write anything else for you to read.

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    Why are you still here! I told you theres

    nothing else. Go away!

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    Ok, you know what, fine, keep flipping pages,I dont even care.

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