************** HIT THE RECORD BUTTON *********************** Hey! This is Dan here at my office in beautiful Newport Beach, California, where it never, ever rains and all the girls are gorgeous. We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a lot of fun, I hope you are too. Can you hear me? And can you see my slide? Before we jump in here… type in the chat box what you expect to learn from this class… <read a few> Are you ready? Put in the chat if your ready! 1

We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

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Page 1: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

************** HIT THE RECORD BUTTON *********************** Hey! This is Dan here at my office in beautiful Newport Beach, California, where it never, ever rains and all the girls are gorgeous. We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a lot of fun, I hope you are too. Can you hear me? And can you see my slide? Before we jump in here… type in the chat box what you expect to learn from this class… <read a few> Are you ready? Put in the chat if your ready!


Page 2: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

If you’ve ever wanted to peak inside the best trading minds in the world and understand what makes them different, then this is the workshop for you. It’s a story of success, failure and redemption. It’s a true story. My story. I spent tens of thousands of dollars and thousands of man hours discovering the unwritten rules of America’s top traders. What I discovered saved my sanity and my investing. While I don’t have time to share everything I learned, you’ll get the three most powerful lessons I learned. Apply them – starting today – and I promise it will revolutionize your investing. That sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Oh, and at the end of the session, I’ll hang around and answer questions for about 30 minutes. If you have questions I don’t answer, save those questions for the Q&A. Now, before we get rolling, I want you to ask you for something, OK? I think this is an awesome story, and it deserves to be made into a movie. So, I’m asking you to promise me this. If they ever decide to make a movie of my life story, please Please PLEASE…


Page 3: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

Do not let them cast Steve Buscemi in the lead role. (I am sooo much better looking.) OK, all kidding aside, let’s dive in.


Page 4: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

When I first started trading, I had a dream. And I know this about every single one of you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where we <click> no longer worry about money, <click> or about retirement, or about taking care of our children, <click> and about helping those less fortunate than us. We all believe that dream is possible, yet only a few actually achieve it. It seems like there’s a handful of brilliant investors, and then there’s everyone else. Right?


Page 5: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

Well, that’s why we’re here today – to find out what the brilliant ones do, and how to copy them. Albert Einstein said, “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” These “unwritten rules” can seem confusing at first. So I’m going to make it very simple. Like “E=MC squared” simple. Understand these rules, use them in your trading, and you’ll see instant, amazing changes. I did it. You can do it too. If you want unusual results, you can’t do the usual stuff, right? In the next 60 minutes or so, you’ll witness me cramming 18 years of experience and knowledge into a single hour. I expect this to be the most profitable hour you invest this year.


Page 6: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

America’s Top Traders have their own rules for trading. That’s what this next hour is all about. My goal for this online workshop is pretty simple. When we’re done, you’ll know what changes you need to make to invest like the best. You’ll know and understand the unwritten rules. Now, if I am able to do that, will you then give me permission to show you a product that I passionately believe in, that I am thoroughly convinced will help you achieve your financial goals and that I stand behind 100%? If that sounds like a fair trade, then type YES into the chat tool there. <wait> Thanks.


Page 7: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

Now, put away your mobile phones, close your email and shut down your other browser windows. You’ll need to give this class your full attention to get the most value out of it. I’m going to tell you some things that - frankly - are completely counter-intuitive. Your brain is gonna go “Huh?” the first time you hear some of these things. So whatever you do, don’t shortchange yourself by splitting your attention with something else. Remember, if you have a question that I don’t answer during the class, stick around for the Q&A afterwards and I’ll do my best to get to it. All right, is everybody ready to go? Ok, let me tell you a little about my journey…


Page 8: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

In 2007, after working as a trader for about 10 years, I was finally making a great living. My trading system was generating ninety thousand dollars a month for me. No lie. I was a million dollar-a-year trader. And I lived like it. Flying Lessons. New Cars, Vacations… Of course, I wrote a book as well - and it became an Amazon best-seller. Naturally I did what any other over-confident, under-experienced trader in the same situation would do: I started a subscription newsletter service and sold trading advice to people as eager and foolish as me. And the customers flocked to me, eager to get on the gravy train. I was making money in the market. Why shouldn’t they, right?


Page 9: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

I was successful. I was an expert. I was loved and respected. <joking> Women wanted to be with me and men wanted to be me, right? And then it all just <click> quit working. That “bullet-proof” trading system that was gonna make me rich, and was making my clients rich, and was getting me the love and approval and respect I craved? One day it just quit working. And I had absolutely no idea why. Just when everything seemed to be going so well, it blew up in my face. My dreams were almost within my grasp and then it all just went “poof!”


Page 10: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

My golden goose had quit laying golden eggs and I didn’t know why. Even worse - people who had trusted me and paid good money for my advice - they had lost - because of me. I felt lower than a snake’s belly. Most of my customers were understanding. A couple were really pissed off. They complained quite publicly.


Page 11: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

I was called a shyster and a crook and a lot of other ugly names. In a way, I don’t blame them. I’ve learned the hard way that this industry is chock full of scam artists, con men and just plain bad people. Being lumped in with them… Well, that was probably the worst I’ve ever felt.


Page 12: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

I knew I wasn’t a shyster or a con man. I absolutely believed in the advice I gave my customers. I mean, I put my money where my mouth was. After all, I was trading that system, too. But my inexperience and overconfidence led me to believe I could outsmart the markets.


Page 13: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

My systems failed, my advice backfired and I was back to square one - deeply humbled. I was crushed and dazed and lost. I had hit rock bottom.


Page 14: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

I knew I had to remake myself. So I decided to model myself after the best traders in the world. I started by reading the Market Wizard books by Jack Schwager. <click> That’s when the lights really came on. Now, these great traders don’t talk about their secrets, and they certainly don’t publish them. I knew if I was gonna figure out their secrets, I’d have to do a LOT of work. However, my way wasn’t working, so I asked…


Page 15: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

Why not try? What did I have to lose?


Page 16: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

These amazing traders started from nothing and built monster portfolios. They all built trading systems using software - not chart patterns, indicators or analysis. And they are all absolutely crushing it. <click> They’ve made billions of dollars for themselves and their investors.


Page 17: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

I wanted to succeed like they succeeded, so I knew I’d have to do what they did. And the one thing they all did very different from the gurus and the talking heads was test. They tested everything. Obsessively. <click> The most successful traders in the world gather as much data as they can get their hands on and then test the bejeebers out of their ideas. They test and test and test and test and test some more. That kind of diligence takes time, money and persistence.


Page 18: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

But I was absolutely determined. If the best traders in the world test as much data as they can find, then that’s what I was gonna do. I found a book of stock market data going back to 1926. It cost me over $20,000, but it was worth it. I knew 88 years of data would give me awesome tests. So I started reading, researching and testing like crazy.


Page 19: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

It was hard, time-consuming and very expensive. You wanna know the details? <click> I Read (and reread) over 48,000 pages of interviews & trade strategy books. <click> I spent around $2500 a year for subscriptions to financial newsletters. <click> I spent about $4000 a year for access to trading rooms and trading tools. <click> I invested $20,500 for almost 9 decades of historical data. <click> All that money, plus thousands of test and trade simulations using that old data. Those tests consumed over 10 man-years in back-testing my ideas with that old data.<click>


Page 20: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

I researched and tested everything. I tested technical indicators. Guess what? <click> They failed. Technicals are lousy predictors. <click> I tested fundamental analysis. <click>That failed too. Lousy at predictions. <click> I tested Fibonaccis and Andrew’s Pitchforks. <click> Those failed to provide an edge. <click> I tested Elliott Waves and K-Waves. <click> They failed to predict anything useful. <click> I tested conventional strategies like “Buy Low Sell High” or “Sell in May and Go Away”. <click> They all failed. Every single one. <click> I even tested crazy strategies based on moon cycles and astrological signs. <click> And those failed too.


Page 21: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

All told, it cost me over $60,000 of my own money and over 30,000 hours of time Would you agree that all that work I did sounds pretty hard? It was. And it was totally worth it.


Page 22: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

Looking back, I needed that painful failure and the humility that came with it. Without it, I never would have been driven to work as hard as I did, or as long as I did to learn the lessons I did.


Page 23: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

I’ve done a lot of things right and <click> I’ve also made a lot of mistakes. Ironically, it was the mistakes that led directly to the breakthroughs you’ll learn about today. As you saw, fixing those mistakes and making those great changes took a lot of time, effort and money. Far more than I ever would have believed. But it paid off.


Page 24: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

Now I’m going to show you how it’s possible to achieve in only a few hours what took me thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars to figure out!


Page 25: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

It took a lot of time, work and money, but I learned why I had failed. More importantly, I learned how America’s Top Traders think. So I adopted their way of thinking. It changed my results, and it will change yours too. Today, you get to cheat and do it the easy way.


Page 26: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

These simple rules will work for anyone – not just for me, not just for hedge fund billionaires. They will work for anyone. These rules are the difference between “getting rich” and “getting by”, between making a fortune and making rent. So, if you’re still with me, just type “Go” there in the chatbox and we’ll dive in. Yep, looks like you all are eager for more. Teresa in Santa Fe typed “Show Me The Money”. OK, Teresa. Hang on. These are the rules that separate the Great Ones from everybody else. Grab your notepads, and jot these down.


Page 27: We’re going to have a great time… I’m planning on having a ... · you – you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t share the same dream. We’ve all dreamed of a life where

The 3 unwritten rules are <click> 1. The Less you think, the more you make <click> 2. The More you trade, the less you make <click> 3. The less you diversify, the more you make Now let me unpack those one by one.