Bell UH-1 Helicopter

Weapons in Vietnam War

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These are some of the weapons that were used in the war in Vietnam.

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Bell UH-1Helicopter- Type: Utility Helicopter- Overall Length: 53 ft.- Height: 14 ft.- Max Spee: 13! ".p.h.- Loa: #even f$lly e%$ippe troop#& or 3&''' l(#.- )r"a"ent varie& ($t co$l incl$e: one or t*o M+' ,.+-"" "achine g$n#& .M15, roc/et la$ncher *ithhigh-explo#ive or pho#phor$# roc/et#& 4'"" grenae la$ncher#B-52Stratofortress- Type: 0o"(er- Length: 15, ft. , in. - Height: 4' ft. ! in. - Loae *eight: 5'5&''' l(#. - Maxi"$" #pee: 515 ".p.h.- )r"a"ent: fo$r cali(er "achine g$n#- 2ayloa: )(o$t +'&''' po$n# of (o"(#& attache to the *ing#3-4 2hanto"3ighter 2lane- Maxi"$" #pee: 1&4'' ".p.h.- 4r$i#ing #pee: 51' ".p.h.- 4eiling: 51&+'' ft.- )r"a"ent: Up to 1+&''' l(#. of externally carrie n$clear or conventional (o"(#& roc/et#& "i##ile#& or-'"" cannon po# in vario$# co"(ination#M4! Tan/- The "o#t co""on U.S. tan/- 1'"" t$rret-"o$nte "ain g$n- ,.+-"" "achine g$n - .5' cali(er "achine g$n- Maxi"$" #pee# of a(o$t 3' ".p.h. Mar/ 5 2.0.6.- 2o*ere (y a --' hor#epo*er 7eneral Motor# engine- 2ropelle (y a 8ac$99i 0rother# *ater :et- Spee# of a(o$t -!.5 /not#- .5' cali(er "achine g$n#- ,.+-"" "achine g$n- Mar/ 1! grenae la$ncher- -'"" cannon.Artillery- M60 General-Purpose Machine Gun (Machine un!- "e#eye Anti-Aircraft Missile (Missile launcher!- M1$ 60%% Mortar (Mortar!- 105%% Ho&it'er (Support un!(ypical)nfantry%an- Hea#ear- Unifor%- "i*e (M16!- Mar+ 2 Anti-Personnel Han#-"i*e Grena#e- M1,A1 -lay%ore Anti-Personnel Mine- -anteen- .oo#- Bac+pac+- .oot&ear-he%ical - Aent Blue (Spraye# on crops to #eny foot to /orthern %ilitary forces!- Aent 0rane (1efoliate certain areas of hi#in /orthern forces!