44° 11' ### North 25° 48' 48.54136'' East 44° 11.28399' 44° 11' 9.48757'' North 25° 48' 57.6122'' East 44° 11.15813' 44° 11' 8.30314'' North 25° 48' 55.70759'' East 44° 11.13839' 44° 11' ### North 25° 48' 46.87524'' East 44° 11.26094' 45° 0' 0.0'' North 27° 0' 0.0'' East 45° 0' Latitude (DMS) Longitude (DMS) Latitude (D MM.MMM) Degrees (Lat DMS) Minutes (Lat DMS) Seconds (Lat DMS) North/ South (DMS) Degrees (Lon DMS) Minutes (Lon DMS) Seconds (Lon DMS) East/ West (DMS) Degrees (Lat DM) Minutes Decimal

Way Point Workbench

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Page 1: Way Point Workbench

44° 11' ### North 25° 48' ### East 44° 11.28399' 25

44° 11' 9.48757'' North 25° 48' 57.6122'' East 44° 11.15813' 25

44° 11' 8.30314'' North 25° 48' ### East 44° 11.13839' 25

44° 11' ### North 25° 48' ### East 44° 11.26094' 25

45° 0' 0.0'' North 27° 0' 0.0'' East 45° 0' 27



Latitude(D MM.MMM)

Longitude(D MM.MMM)

Degrees (Lat DMS)

Minutes (Lat


Seconds (Lat DMS)

North/ South (DMS)

Degrees (Lon


Minutes (Lon


Seconds (Lon DMS)

East/ West


Degrees (Lat DM)

Minutes Decimal

Degrees (lon DM)

Page 2: Way Point Workbench

Latitude Longitude UTM (WGS84)* UK Grid

Degrees Decimal Degrees Decimal Zone Easting 6 8 or 10 Figure

48.80902' 44.188067° 25.813484° 35 405173 4893446 N/A

48.9602' 44.185969° 25.816003° 35 405371 4893210 N/A

48.92846' 44.18564° 25.815474° 35 405328 4893174 N/A

48.78125' 44.187682° 25.813021° 35 405135 4893404 N/A

0' 45.0° 27.0° 35 500000 4982950 N/A

Longitude(D MM.MMM)

Minutes Decimal

Northing*Northern UTMs

(ie the USA & UK) must begin with a 1

Page 3: Way Point Workbench

Description Waypoint Reference

Description Waypoint Reference

Waypoint 1 g1

Waypoint 2 g2

Waypoint 3 g3

Waypoint 4 g4

Waypoint 5 WAY5

Page 4: Way Point Workbench


Distance Bearing Check Map Quest StreetMap Geocaching.com MultiMap

Check It Mapquest #REF! MultiMap

308 Meters 139.26° Check It Mapquest #REF! MultiMap

313 Meters 149.54° Check It Mapquest #REF! MultiMap

56 Meters 220.82° Check It Mapquest #REF! MultiMap

130.21 KM 45.73° Check It Mapquest #REF! MultiMap

FAQs Help WebSite

Distance from First Waypoint

Bearing from First


Page 5: Way Point Workbench

North East

South West

Page 6: Way Point Workbench


Q. How does the option to convert to UTM work?A.







Q. Where do I get the latest version of this Spreadsheet?A.


Back to Mass Input Sheet Help

Absolutly no idea! I came across a spreadsheet that seems to do the work & have imported it wholesale. If you want to understand more about UTM conversions I suggest you take a look at:


I need to enter -0 in the longitude field but it won't let me. Help?

If you live as close to Greenwich as I do this is a real pain. Excel (quite logically) treats -0 as equal to 0 and ignores the minus. Enter zero into the degrees decimal box and W or West into the East West box and it works OK.

I have found a bug or have an improvement I would like. Who do I contact?

Just Mail me (Chris Shepherd) at [email protected] and I will see what I can do.

This is just the best bit of software on the planet. I must pay you something for it?

This is Freeware, provided as is with no guarantees of accuracy and no right to sue me if it gives the wrong locations. If you must put your hand in your pocket make a donation at www.geocaching.com and support the worlds best hobby.

This is a work in progress and just as soon as I work out how to do it I will add extra conversions. Existing users will be sent them automatically as they are released. If you didn't get your version from me - that's Ok. Just Mail me (Chris Shepherd)

Chris will you stop sending me the latest version of this Spreadsheet?

Page 7: Way Point Workbench




Q. Conversion from OS seems to be a bit inaccurate?A.


Q. I need to convert Waypoints to a different file format?A.


A. No idea! It just works that way.



Q. What is the Reference column for?A.

Q. How do I get distances in Statute not Metric?A.

Just Mail me (Chris Shepherd) at [email protected] and I will remove you from the mailing list.

I thought you said there wasn't going to be any macros?

There are 2 versions of the Sheet Lite and the Waypoint Workbench. In order to provide the functionality of exporting and importing it was necessary to use macros. If you don't like me having this access to your PC then please use the Lite version whic

I have tested the conversion and it seems to be OK for 6 figures. The extra digits seem to vary a bit between conversion system - I will try to get it more accurate when I get time. 6 Digits puts you in a square 100meters wide. Which is good enough to

I have a problem with the sheet?Click the help link at the top of this page for our website and more help.

Try Geobuddy (http://www.geobuddy.com/) or GPSBabbel (http://gpsbabel.sourceforge.net/)

Why when entering UTMs for northern latitiudes do I have to put a 1 in front ?

I'm trying to read in a multicache and not all the points are being recognised

The system attempts to track down co-ords bassed on them being in standard Decimal Minutes format.If you discover a problem please mail me ([email protected]) with the details of the page you are trying to input & I will attempt to fix the problem

The reference column is a free text field. It is only Exported in the QLD import/Exports which are provided for a specific user.

If you go to "Show/Hide" columns you can change the option if you show the distance column.

Page 8: Way Point Workbench

Q. How do I Import the PCX5 file into Mapsource?A.



Choose Import... in the File Menu of MapSource and specify the name of the PCX5 file.

When I clear the screen I get a single line of coordintes appear - why?

Goto Settings, Distance Tab and uncheck the setting "Always add home coordinates to first line of Waypoint Workbench. Or change these to your home coords.

Page 9: Way Point Workbench

Release Notes

Release 1.0 - 30/Jan/2002Initial Release to the Geocaching community

Release 1.1 - 1/Feb/2002

Release 2.0 - 4/Feb/2002

Added UTM conversions in both directions

Release 3.0 - 7/Feb/2002

Added Conversions to UK National Grid

Release 3.1 -19/Feb/2002

Added Links Based on UK National Grid

Added Link to UK National Cycle Network

Changes to Resolve Problems with Docs to go

Bug fix for problems with Negative longitudes (thanks for pointing it out Wade).

Release 3.2 -5/Mar/2002

Release 3.3 -6/Mar/2002

Release 3.4 -8/Mar/2002Split sheets into 2 versions for use on Palm & desktop

Page 10: Way Point Workbench

Release 4 -11/Apr/2002

Release 4.1 -28/Jun/2002

Release 5.0 -9/Aug/2002

Release 5.1 -20/Aug/2002Fixed Problem With East/West Dropdowns

Release 5.2 -21/Aug/2002

Added browse buttons to export Dialog.

Release 6 -18/Oct/2002Fixed bug when trying to export only 1 waypoint

Added Show/hide columns buttonFixed bug with OS References in Luton.

Release 3.5 -5/Apr/2002Added Conversion from UK National Grid. Link to OS site had changed - Fixed. Changes to get palm version working with QuickSheet.

Bulk version added which allows multiple waypoints and export toEasyGPS.

Added Export to CSV and fixed bug with UTM conversion in Southern Latitiudes

First Mass Conversion Sheet Created - hope you like

Added Import Waypoints File (EasyGPS,CSV,Multicache, WaypointPlus)

Page 11: Way Point Workbench

Added Import/Export for QLD P&W & Waypopint Plus)Added Distance Column

Release 6.1 -20/Oct/2002

Changed WebPage Import to include encrypted clue.Fixed incompatibilities with Excel97.Fixed bug in Maual Entry Screen.

System Will now create missing directories on Export

Switch Round UTM East & NorthingsAdded Option for Metric/Statute DistancesAdded Export to MapsourceAdded Import for ExpertGPSAdded Straight Through Processing OptionNew Name - The Waypoint WorkBench

Release 6.2 - 10/Jan/2003Fixed bug in MemoryMap ExportFixed bug in CSV Export (No Titles)Fixed bug in PCX5 export (Waypoint truncating)Improved Speed on GPX Import (honestly!)Added Minimum Recalc to improve performanceAdded the option for distances in Nautical MilesAdded Antipodal PointsAdded ProjectionsAdded Waypoint+ imports in Lat/LongAdded NEMA ImportBrought all Settings under 1 Settings Button Added Option for Memorymap Export Symbol

Release 6.5 - 17/July/2003Made Loc export more XML compliant.Added coordinate stripping to GPX files.GPX now imports cache Type.

Complete reworking of HTML import code.

Added ability to import multiple files.

Fixed bug when importing Webpage with lowercase & quotes in tags.

Added Option for Distance/Bearing to be between Waypoints or from First Waypoint.

Memory Map option allows different icons for main waypoints to stripped waypoints.

Page 12: Way Point Workbench

Added Clear before import OptionAdded MultiMap.com linkAdded Export to EasyMPSAdded Home Coordinates

Release 6.5.1 - 20/Nov/2003Fix for compatibility Issue with Excel97Fix for GPX files with trackpoints in them.Fix for HTML import of Mozilla FilesFix for Geocaches with waypoints > GCFFFFFix for New GC.Com Page Layout

Release 6.5.2 - 26/Jan/2004Fix for new Loc file formatsRestored the help hyperlink which had gone missingAllow import of *.html files the same as *.htmBetter Error Message When EasyMPS file is missing.Added Import of Speedcamera filesImproved UK Grid conversions.

Release 6.5.3Fix for E/W in GPX Stripping