THE WASHINGTON TIMES StiNJUY DECEMBER 7 1902 10 COLUMBIANS Hi fOOTBAll TEAM Revival of Interest in All Lines of Sport PLAYED A PLUCKY GAME Athletic Will Be Bacwinfwi by Lib- eral Beat of Directs Flayers and Managers The reoraaaiaaUov thla seaaoa of Ue- lirnblaa University football team mused considerable Interest la the body all thiasja coaaMere tIll new lore Made a creditable show Uu Tho drat of the season with t1 Westera Maryland University This vus th j oary game WOK by Columbian tire IS to A game was putted v t h Maryland Agricultural College Maryland 12 Columbian 10 Games v re played with Gallaudet Baltimore Miial College and Franklin and Mar Kill la eli of which Colombian acquit herself well although beats The rjriiipal object of the board ot of the athletic aasoclatlaa was to nko a atart and hold the team togeth r This been accomplished and ta unother year Columbian will have one of the beet football teams m this see and was t SOT t u lat pose e dire- ct rS has tmrn r ¬ Thore M no doubt ef the permaaeat revival of athletics at CoaamMan sad if is particularly grattfyttff to ihat this uniTeralty It oomplyiag to the lit i r with the Intercollegiate Athletic poritulon ntlea and la glrlag any ifMotic nchotarahipa or la any way de grading pare amateur athletics The faulty and alumni are however giving pat aaf is ranee along legitimate lines rent la due to Captain Ma grave Cuiiain Leach Mr Church Mr Irv and in fact all members of the t am Pr sident Houston sad tile hoard of directors Capt Orlaa Clyde Guiles Mr Summy Mr Lamb Mr Clark Xr- I por and others are laboring lard to jit track and field baseball and other All SOt not credit t arcs In field and hope to again t cure tb intercollegiate champloaahlp f r hamoitr throwing won by Mr Nel r r last ar Captain Cullen baa also rTfited haHonges from several of tfco Diplomatic Corps to fence 111s winlr both with foil rapier and tniadsword pad may repeat- I is Kiipcs 8 of last aeon The pltviTB who took part In most of tlic Kara are Musgrave captain and T ft Mcfiowan left tackle Cotta I guard Lewis center Heine jftga- tpoirl Kelly right tackle Poe cni Church right halt Oyster left raif R ldlngton quarter Garnett full n k Mr Thompson manager and Alex IJiusion coach Louis C Barley Nominated for Corporation Judge ALEXANDRIA Va Dee a iTjrtins of the Alexandria Bar Aaaoeta- Uon held at 3 oclock thJa aHarnota Jat- ih corporation courtroom C Jtrniy wti noaalaated for the position judge corporation court to 911 term l Judge J K M Norton The marMoery and stock la the piaa ir c mill of T N JUabeiU A Beau aovth t corner of Royal and Wltkee Street u offered at public aactioa today by F auctkinecfL and purchased I v M L RlahelU for ta sum of H472- v hi h includes a deed of trust for HMO Dtrember term of the circuit for thi city with Judge Caarioa- F Nlrol prff lng which has been ta siiie last Monday has adjourn Cl the rig the rs peT and t r ITEMS OF- GtHtH r IINTtR EST SAt t J Knot The jur meta- l 5 awt11R1A Tad the uncap ir i I r curt ion t > WASHINGTON SEAL MTATJE EXCHANGE TO KLKCT OFFICERS The rncnibers of the Waahtagton Real Exchange will meet In the Hotel Iirton 0 fork for the purpooe of selecting a ninaMn committee and to present tinme of tour members for election t board of governors aa provided t v h cot siitutloa and for the traaaac tMn of inch other buaiaew aa may I r riy before the meeting i ofli era will also report aa to the rnriition of the sad Ha luring the put year A r meeting a buffet type will b AMERICAN PRICKS IK LONDON Quotations for American securities on London market showed very baa e from yesterdays closing I h re Shortly before the opening ij i he New York Stock Exchange Erie Irmmm and list preferred and New k was quoted below parity Achison preferred Baltimore Ohio common Denver common Nan T x i Norfolk common vianla Southern Hallway common and nfrrod Inioa preferred and Mt stsrs steel eocaaaoa each rs were quoted below na lan ia ne Illlnola Central tad Killing first preferred were quoted M- P ovr parity and others were quoted fo- ttl lV Underwear Comfort i h l I hjl uot the AwrrlcaD milhv f- c comet w and of t CXIRRKCT rBKTA They 1 are TO fW Me KanMat Natural Wool radrrwcar Mnscat WARM GLOVfeU Mr nff P1 Me and J I NEW HATg d Ccllinaa E evenlsg at Df t Ese I1I S th I rued t 1 0 rod t Penn t t Ie I Wr Onset d h t made 1 an IIIc coadarL f f f Moore 2 7t11 St RA11D8 1 l IS TI t r nt n Wednesday nett 8 tart Come T rrh days s ali > t Gat Lid and d 4 r the course laser lheeaed Utads wear p- ass Swell Neckwear fist f 415 cmOa loo = COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY TEAM i I Photo by Reynolds Rice First row Orlaa Clyde Cnlioa if board of directors Smith Catts Caldw ell Uuagrave captain Leach Hecox and Sammy of board of directors T cond row McLala McGoxan Heine Lewis Kelly Snead Third row Poe Oys ter Oarnett Parish A ¬ GROWTH Frequent Requests for and Advice by the Commission AND SPREAD Information OFOIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM Re- ceived ¬ The growth and spread oC Ute civil service system m the vanes State of the Union alao ta the District of Oo- lumbla has been closely watched by the members of the Civil Service Comtals- sloa la this city While the system under the control of the Commta lion yet frequent requests tor Jafarma ties advice and suggestion aca rocotor- ed from State offleen aa to Aw best means of beginning regulating or firmly establishing civil service methods under statutes drawn by State LegJaia- hcres The growth of the United States civil aerrlce scheme bag been ao rapid dad the systems spread la tho States Maj been virtually overlooked except by persons directly interested Accadlag to statistics gathered m LiHgeJlgfr ice Commlaaioa there are at preaent only twelve States out of the fortyave comprising the Union without any civil service lawa whatever One of tbeee New Jersey Is now conaidertap the adoption of the system through the ef forts of Ooveraor Murphy and it la that action will be had m January by the Legislature looking to the exten- sion tile service over the Stateaouae- aaaloyea In several States the aervtce merely covera Are and police or school beards and teaches A number of States have laws applicable only to eit tea In Put few le- ant more remarkable the yeas tbnlt like- ly > ¬ ¬ < Service May BxUaoM The icdlcatioaa are that the service will be deeded In the District of Co- lumbia ftthu the next hew years math It covers every branch of the govemR it Already the police and Bremen ere under It sad but a tow week ago a milk and food Inepecor was appointed la accord with ita proviaioaa The District Commissioners have twice recommended in their annual reports that the service be extended to all local departments and the Civil Service Corn bit muacipal ¬ ¬ mission under whose directions appli- cants for positions la the District gov- ernment art examined lets concurred la- the recommendation Massachusetts bas thug far proven tile most of all the States with to civil service reform Aa far prom rd ¬ ¬ bash aa action was taken by tile Lagtalatare and a taw was paaaed hued largely epos the Federal act and on the New York State act paaaed la 183 The service Is applied to both State aad dry Kovemmeats under a State commiaaloa taller to tine United States Civil Serv- ice Commission and the work la carried on much the same aa by the latter body The procedure la therefore uniform and the law is economically administered all positions of a clerical character In Massachusetts an Included under the civil espies law The applies to the present fire ponce school 407 I0th Si N W Phase Mln hOSt FOsTTY YCAB Retail Deafer JtofM Old TJjil- PUVATK STOCK yam eU Us at tat bar 8BMWOOO 7 yean old N at me KUEGAVr POOL AHD- BILUAMD PABLOU Two antcha Mea to eater to your vmta 407 Ifth Sr N W lit Practically 0 0 0 0 0 I eo I f TilOliS Vi ALSII 1 i It f I I lit at t I f j 0 j them CeeWaosely Y Brieer hi L liar tbheeLti- erll110101 yeah 54 TIIOASALSII ¬ + + + + Janitor and other service la the city of Boston and to each cities aa may volun- tarily seek from the commissioners the extension of the system Last year the of Lowell Milton and Qutacy sought aad obtained such extension which bad previously been adopted by nearly all the mast aa otrw ir etttea te the SUM The Legislature last year also paaaed aa important general act apply inn civil service rules to the police and Ore departments of any town In the la which It should be ac coated by the voters Kotfliag General ia Ohio Civil service rules have meets of several cities but the political forces have been ao balanced asroj ti e adoption of any Two Ml have been Introduced In the Legislature one on the State plan modeled after the Massachusetts law of the Legislature ia 1898 the other bill was introduced hut never reached a vote A measararvpt latfiuji at lest Legislature for revision f the entire code of Ohia laeluded ia It were provisions for As yet Ohio no civil fee law been adopted by the lire poUce depart w iliad tbs other on the local option to one In use In Illinois The Ant of bills passed the Senate to lStS but the vote WU reconsldered and the resole At next t cities Com- monwealth has general aerv and pre- vent genera plan similar thine changed the session W municipal the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < of a commission to classify all city omcera and install a ayatem of civil aervtce or merit system The bill however never made any progress In June of last year the entire situ attoa la Ohio however suddenly under went a complete change Three decisions of the supreme court virtually swept front the statute book all special legia latloa paaaed since UeV Governor Nash called a special session of the Legisla tare which enacted a code providing for the government of all municipal corpor of the State This code goes into effect in May 102 By It provision la mate for the establishment of all of department of all cities to be adminis toted by respective boards of public safety therein murk in the Are and police appointment anon the system ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Strict ia CMeafc Among the cities Chicago hay the dis tinction of having tbe strictest civil ser vice law that exists It ia authorised un der the act of the Illinois Legislature of IMS which la applicable to cities which chose to adopt ft In Chicago the civil service board has the power to summon wJtaeaaea end ad minister oaths and to make investiga tions All powers which Involve the dis- missal of employes are held By the board In this respect the powers of the Chicago commission are unique Many dissatisfied employee who here f What In advertising Cannon Ball Whiskey we believe we are f f ferlng as good whiskey as can be I produced with not a haadacho i even la a barrel I Is what wo represent It to be f absolutely pure and xuaranteed ten years old Private delivery 1 Fut Quart Bottle 50c Fall Pint P CANNON I IO04 Penn Ave N W- t Taoae Mala aMY t WE SEll I We Advertise I I f f J r I i OLD GAIN BAll I f J- i f I T i f U t t hoes t i tt T t i I S i i a t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ been dismissed by the Chicago board have carried its decisions before the supreme court for review Thug tar the court bas sustained the board So aucooaafHlIy haa the civil service system ia New York proved that the aal- artea of tile of the State com haw been noted within tke past year treat M to Taken aa a whole UM progress ia civil service reform outside the domain of the United State Commission haa beer much greater than would actually ap pear on the surface due to aa extent to the work carried OB by the board GRANTED A Mr Florence Oeo waa yesterday granted a divorce from Ouatavus W Coon The decree which ia signed by Justice Hagaer states that the separa- tion was granted because of the deser- tion of Mis Coon by her husband DIVORCE II bds ever aaern era mip lon l dl sate 1 hive ¬ ¬ ¬ TO FEED ONE THOUSAND Preparations Under Way for Christmas Charity HOW WORK WILL BE DONE Baskets of Provisions To Be Sent From Local of Raising Money I The local breach of the Salvation Army Is making preparations to the hearts of the needy poor this ChrJst- mastide anti aid In allaying at least at that season some of the hunger and want within the city limits It Is the Intention of the members of the Salvation Army to send baskets of food to families and that they may be adequately equipped In doing so the assistance of the public of Washington ia solicited Appeals have Wen sent to merchants and prominent for contributions- of money and provMlon and those will be used ia a discretionary manner by members of the army The Society of Associated Charities has supplied them with a list of deterring families and in dividual efforts will b made to locate as many of the citys poor aa the army will be able to supply- It is proposed that this number shall reach at least a thousand Baskets of provisions sufficient to accommodate families conalatisg of five persons will be sent out from the local barracks MX Pennsylvania Avenue northwest Ba alga Sowers has charge of the work and all contributions will be distributed un- der his direction Contributions will be received on and after December IS and those who wish to assist by donations of money or provisions may either send them to the barracks or Inform Baalga Sowers who will send for Yom A now method of collecting the aeeea- ary funds for this worthy enterprise will be established in Washington with- in the next few days Pot resembling the legendary gipsy boiling pots will be distributed about the citys streets in which contributions of mosey may be made It ia the purpose of Ensign Sow ers and his assistants to place these unique collection pots la the shopping districts of Washington where the more fortunate residents of the city may be reminded ia their purchasing tours of homes that will be desolate and heart that are deprived of the happiness of Chriatmaatide The consent of the Commissioners of the District and Major Sylvester has already been obtained and all that re mains necessary Is to get the permission SALVATION ARMY PlANS BarracksMethods cheer fit out cl seas ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ of property holders ia those particular alatrlct No anxiety is felt ia that re- gard however aa It is thought that the support of every dtlzoa will be given the Salvation Army ia commendatory work The system of keeping the pot bon fog aa it i kaolin 1 aa oM one la other cities but has aster been Intro I dueod here The are ordinary cop- per ones and suspended from three tacked sticks The pot 1 covered with a wire netting with perforations large enough to allow a surer dollar to past through A uniformed member of the Salvation Army will be constantly ia charge gad the contests will be deposited 11 tho treasury until Christmas eve when the purchase will he mad CARDINAL GIBBONS PLACES DEED ON FILE A deed of trust was placed en lie yes terday by Cardinal Gibbon la pri vate capacity cad la his official capacity a archbishop of the diocese of Balti more Ja the office ef the Recorder oS Deeds to secure the payment of OM The property put of the tract known as and adjoins that recently purchased by the Slaters of Providence The trustees nested In the deed are G C Power of Philadelphia and Richard W Tyler of city 25c Coat Hangers 9c Best ever put out Gifts The mans store K logk- aljxijj ly bolt place to bay i I the mans gilt V Things to are good things jj to give Too Its pots his 11 Hedged Is rl1elMl lp Man tINt I t s his lob near I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < jj busy to lay much josh a few hints Tuxedo Suits 1650 Sack Suite 1375 Overcoats 1090 White Vests 110 Smoking Jackets 5 Lounging Dogskin Gloves 790 White Dress Shirts 79c Hats 190 And a store full of other useful gUts THE MANS STORE 0057 Pennsylvania Avenue 1 1u 1 n D KAUFMAN Robes Ja 9 WALFOBDS Two Stores thlaas la the taint and What maa key sot ilk Kate Skatr Con rtcT gin women aao Just Shears Razors Etc JubOee Reset s a Any MHI would like a of our Jubilee IMOM tfcey comr in cues f I for each dst of the CombiMUan Kaivrs Con Razors Nail Scissors Shot Omm- tGM Caae- sKollv Owtea- Ckana Billiard Tahks- Cww e RMfc Poker Bfaychs FOR MEN and BOYS of y- our too like or dote Of coupe there me hers for look MIIQMtio- naKhe Poctat Tales Itaaora ur wee I anti Xalea Xail I P p r tl18 Nanxae Sprllag Goads b sw Golf c re awl yeti Rides iIers Sob FRESENTS Theessdt able t a lane attept able below lei l t- V ita- inc1edayt na neckmaRed- speeaaase dace N o Nan cad rear and Knives boa t a PuathlaaDss- ltaaet yoabelk Leaner L5 le- iluataar Cab be- Sitatltig Piag Tables c lf = CAMERAS AS GIFTS A good fe a ptendM ga Jt pleases AH the bat Pe ai pl k Cameras of Mom make TteHtoftmg lard Mounts OPTICAL GOODS Teiwe MC Mkioncopoi FleW and Opera Mac S M sail SIMei Ilone MANY NOVBLT1ES FOR C3IRISTiIAS TWO STORES 909477 Penn Cot famous Golden Hop Beer tor jL Delivered la ualetttrrf ea a tine here y and A TrttM and Printing KeacII ape LaMer JIIoe 1fa eca ALFORDS Phone East for Beer s stem anti he boas tastes eets Comm Ave- r 25422 quart bottles of tat Brnvia axons > NO MAIN H4t I 0 f p- J ii i TIIARPS- r BERKELEY RYE f c I t P Street N W I I i TELEPHONE a a r r i J 1- R1 iIi t < > <

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-12 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1902-12-07/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · THE WASHINGTON TIMES StiNJUY DECEMBER 7 1902 10 COLUMBIANS

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Revival of Interest in All

Lines of Sport


Athletic Will Be Bacwinfwi by Lib-

eral Beat of Directs Flayersand Managers

The reoraaaiaaUov thla seaaoa of Ue-lirnblaa University football team

mused considerable Interest la thebody all thiasja coaaMere

tIll new lore Made a creditable showUu

Tho drat of the season witht1 Westera Maryland University Thisvus th j oary game WOK by Columbiantire IS to A game was puttedv t h Maryland Agricultural College

Maryland 12 Columbian 10 Gamesv re played with Gallaudet BaltimoreMiial College and Franklin and MarKill la eli of which Colombian acquit

herself well although beats Therjriiipal object of the board ot

of the athletic aasoclatlaa was tonko a atart and hold the team togethr This been accomplished and ta

unother year Columbian will have oneof the beet football teams m this see





u lat



dire-ct rS


tmrn r


Thore M no doubt ef the permaaeatrevival of athletics at CoaamMan sadif is particularly grattfyttff to ihatthis uniTeralty It oomplyiag to the liti r with the Intercollegiate Athleticporitulon ntlea and la glrlag anyifMotic nchotarahipa or la any way degrading pare amateur athletics Thefaulty and alumni are however givingpat aaf is ranee along legitimate lines

rent la due to Captain Magrave Cuiiain Leach Mr Church MrIrv and in fact all members of thet am Pr sident Houston sad tile hoardof directors Capt Orlaa Clyde GuilesMr Summy Mr Lamb Mr Clark Xr-I por and others are laboring lard tojit track and field baseball and other





t arcs In field and hope to againt cure tb intercollegiate champloaahlpf r hamoitr throwing won by Mr Nelr r last ar Captain Cullen baa alsorTfited haHonges from several

of tfco Diplomatic Corps to fence111s winlr both with foil rapier andtniadsword pad may repeat-I is Kiipcs 8 of last aeon

The pltviTB who took part In most oftlic Kara are Musgrave captain andT ft Mcfiowan left tackle CottaI guard Lewis center Heine jftga-tpoirl Kelly right tackle Poecni Church right halt Oyster leftraif R ldlngton quarter Garnett full

n k Mr Thompson manager and AlexIJiusion coach

Louis C Barley Nominatedfor Corporation Judge

ALEXANDRIA Va Dee aiTjrtins of the Alexandria Bar Aaaoeta-Uon held at 3 oclock thJa aHarnota Jat-

ih corporation courtroom CJtrniy wti noaalaated for the position

judge corporation court to 911term l Judge J K

M Norton

The marMoery and stock la the piaair c mill of T N JUabeiU A Beau aovth

t corner of Royal and Wltkee Streetu offered at public aactioa today by

F auctkinecfL and purchasedI v M L RlahelU for ta sum of H472-v hi h includes a deed of trust for HMO

Dtrember term of the circuitfor thi city with Judge Caarioa-

F Nlrol prff lng which has been tasiiie last Monday has adjourn

Cl the rig










J Knot







uncap ir i







The rncnibers of the Waahtagton RealExchange will meet In the Hotel

Iirton0 fork for the purpooe of selecting a

ninaMn committee and to presenttinme of tour members for election

t board of governors aa providedt v h cot siitutloa and for the traaaactMn of inch other buaiaew aa mayI r riy before the meeting

i ofli era will also report aa to thernriition of the sad Ha

luring the put yearA r meeting a buffet type will


AMERICAN PRICKS IK LONDONQuotations for American securities on

London market showed verybaa e from yesterdays closing

I h re Shortly before the openingij i he New York Stock Exchange ErieIrmmm and list preferred and New

k was quoted belowparity Achison preferred Baltimore

Ohio common Denver common NanT x i Norfolk common

vianla Southern Hallway common andnfrrod Inioa preferred andMt stsrs steel eocaaaoa each

rs were quoted belowna lan ia ne Illlnola Central tadKilling first preferred were quoted M-

P ovr parity and others were quoted fo-ttl lV

Underwear Comfort i

h lI hjl uot the AwrrlcaD milhv f-

c comet w and oft CXIRRKCT rBKTA They

1 are TO fWMe KanMat Natural

Wool radrrwcar MnscatWARM GLOVfeU Mrnff P1 Me andJ I NEW HATg

d Ccllinaa

Eevenlsg at


EseI1I S

t h I




0 rod

t Penn



Wr Onsetd


made 1an IIIc coadarLff

f Moore2

7t11 St RA11D8 1


t r

nt n

Wednesday nett 8




dayss ali

> t Gat


d 4




laserlheeaed Utads


assSwell Neckwear


f 415 cmOa loo



Photo by Reynolds RiceFirst row Orlaa Clyde Cnlioa if board of directors Smith Catts Caldw ell Uuagrave captain Leach Hecoxand Sammy of board of directors T cond row McLala McGoxan Heine Lewis Kelly Snead Third row Poe Oyster Oarnett Parish




Frequent Requests for and Adviceby the Commission






The growth and spread oC Ute civilservice system m the vanes State ofthe Union alao ta the District of Oo-

lumbla has been closely watched by themembers of the Civil Service Comtals-sloa la this city While the system

under the control of the Commtalion yet frequent requests tor Jafarmaties advice and suggestion aca rocotor-ed from State offleen aa to Aw bestmeans of beginning regulating orfirmly establishing civil service methodsunder statutes drawn by State LegJaia-

hcresThe growth of the United States civil

aerrlce scheme bag been ao rapid dad

the systems spread la tho States Maj

been virtually overlooked except bypersons directly interested Accadlagto statistics gathered m LiHgeJlgfrice Commlaaioa there are at preaent

only twelve States out of the fortyavecomprising the Union without any civilservice lawa whatever One of tbeeeNew Jersey Is now conaidertap theadoption of the system through the efforts of Ooveraor Murphy and it la

that action will be had m Januaryby the Legislature looking to the exten-

sion tile service over the Stateaouae-aaaloyea In several States the aervtce

merely covera Are and police or schoolbeards and teaches A number ofStates have laws applicable only to eittea

In Put few




remarkable the yeas tbnlt






Service May BxUaoMThe icdlcatioaa are that the service

will be deeded In the District of Co-

lumbia ftthu the next hew years mathIt covers every branch of thegovemR it Already the police andBremen ere under It sad but a towweek ago a milk and food Inepecor wasappointed la accord with ita proviaioaaThe District Commissioners have twicerecommended in their annual reportsthat the service be extended to all localdepartments and the Civil Service Corn





mission under whose directions appli-

cants for positions la the District gov-

ernment art examined lets concurred la-

the recommendationMassachusetts bas thug far proven tile

most of all the States withto civil service reform Aa far




bash aa action was taken by tileLagtalatare and a taw was paaaed huedlargely epos the Federal act and on theNew York State act paaaed la 183 Theservice Is applied to both State aad dryKovemmeats under a State commiaaloa

taller to tine United States Civil Serv-

ice Commission and the work la carriedon much the same aa by the latter bodyThe procedure la therefore uniform andthe law is economically administered

all positions of a clericalcharacter In Massachusetts an Includedunder the civil espies law Theapplies to the present fire ponce school

407 I0th Si N W

Phase Mln hOSt


Retail Deafer JtofM Old TJjil-

PUVATK STOCK yam eU Us attat bar

8BMWOOO 7 yean old N at me


BILUAMD PABLOUTwo antcha Mea to eater to your


407 Ifth Sr N W



0 0 0 0 0 I eo I

f TilOliS ViALSII 1


It f


lit at








CeeWaosely Y Brieer hi



tbheeLti-erll110101 yeah 54



+ + +


Janitor and other service la the city ofBoston and to each cities aa may volun-tarily seek from the commissioners theextension of the system Last year the

of Lowell Milton and Qutacysought aad obtained such extensionwhich bad previously been adopted bynearly all the mast aa otrw ir etttea tethe SUM The Legislature last year alsopaaaed aa important general act applyinn civil service rules to the police andOre departments of any town In the

la which It should be accoated by the voters

Kotfliag General ia Ohio

Civil service rules have

meets of several cities but the politicalforces have been ao balanced asroj

ti e adoption of anyTwo Ml have been Introduced In theLegislature one on the State plan

modeled after the Massachusetts law

ofthe Legislature ia 1898 the other billwas introduced hut never reached avote A measararvpt latfiuji atlest Legislature for revisionf the entire code of Ohialaeluded ia It were provisions for

As yet Ohio no civilfee law beenadopted by the lire poUce depart


iliad tbs other on the local optionto one In use In Illinois The Antof bills passed the Senate to lStSbut the vote WU reconsldered and theresole At next




has general aerv


pre-vent genera



changed the session








of a commission to classifyall city omcera and install a ayatem ofcivil aervtce or merit system Thebill however never made any progressIn June of last year the entire situattoa la Ohio however suddenly underwent a complete change Three decisionsof the supreme court virtually sweptfront the statute book all special legialatloa paaaed since UeV Governor Nashcalled a special session of the Legislatare which enacted a code providing forthe government of all municipal corpor

of the State This code goes intoeffect in May 102 By It provision lamate for the establishment of all of

department of all cities to be administoted by respective boards of publicsafety therein

murk in the Are and police



the system





Strict ia CMeafcAmong the cities Chicago hay the distinction of having tbe strictest civil ser

vice law that exists It ia authorised under the act of the Illinois Legislature ofIMS which la applicable to citieswhich chose to adopt ftIn Chicago the civil service board hasthe power to summon wJtaeaaea end administer oaths and to make investiga

tions All powers which Involve the dis-missal of employes are held By theboard In this respect the powers ofthe Chicago commission are unique

Many dissatisfied employee who here



In advertising Cannon BallWhiskey we believe we are f

f ferlng as good whiskey as can beI produced with not a haadachoi even la a barrel

I Is what wo represent It to bef absolutely pure and xuaranteed

ten years old Private delivery

1 Fut Quart Bottle

50c Fall Pint

P CANNONI IO04 Penn Ave N W-t Taoae Mala aMY


WE SEllI We Advertise I

I ff Jr


f J-

i fI






















been dismissed by the Chicago boardhave carried its decisions before thesupreme court for review Thug tar

the court bas sustained theboard

So aucooaafHlIy haa the civil servicesystem ia New York proved that the aal-artea of tile of the State com

haw been noted within tkepast year treat M toTaken aa a whole UM progress ia civil

service reform outside the domain ofthe United State Commission haa beermuch greater than would actually appear on the surface due to aa extent tothe work carried OB by theboard


Mr Florence Oeo waa yesterdaygranted a divorce from Ouatavus WCoon The decree which ia signed byJustice Hagaer states that the separa-tion was granted because of the deser-tion of Mis Coon by her husband



bds ever

aaern eramip lon

l dl

sate 1hive





Preparations Under Way forChristmas Charity


Baskets of Provisions To Be Sent FromLocal of

Raising Money

I The local breach of the SalvationArmy Is making preparations to

the hearts of the needy poor this ChrJst-mastide anti aid In allaying at leastat that season some of the hunger andwant within the city limits

It Is the Intention of the members of

the Salvation Army to send basketsof food to families and that they may

be adequately equipped In doing so theassistance of the public of Washingtonia solicited

Appeals have Wen sent to merchantsand prominent for contributions-of money and provMlon and those willbe used ia a discretionary manner bymembers of the army The Society ofAssociated Charities has supplied themwith a list of deterring families and individual efforts will b made to locateas many of the citys poor aa the armywill be able to supply-

It is proposed that this number shallreach at least a thousand Baskets ofprovisions sufficient to accommodatefamilies conalatisg of five persons willbe sent out from the local barracks MXPennsylvania Avenue northwest Baalga Sowers has charge of the work andall contributions will be distributed un-

der his direction Contributions will bereceived on and after December IS andthose who wish to assist by donationsof money or provisions may either sendthem to the barracks or Inform BaalgaSowers who will send for Yom

A now method of collecting the aeeea-ary funds for this worthy enterprise

will be established in Washington with-in the next few days Pot resemblingthe legendary gipsy boiling pots will bedistributed about the citys streets inwhich contributions of mosey may bemade It ia the purpose of Ensign Sowers and his assistants to place theseunique collection pots la the shoppingdistricts of Washington where the morefortunate residents of the city may bereminded ia their purchasing tours ofhomes that will be desolate and heartthat are deprived of the happiness ofChriatmaatide

The consent of the Commissioners ofthe District and Major Sylvester hasalready been obtained and all that remains necessary Is to get the permission






cl seas






of property holders ia those particularalatrlct No anxiety is felt ia that re-gard however aa It is thought that thesupport of every dtlzoa will be giventhe Salvation Army ia commendatorywork

The system of keeping the pot bonfog aa it i kaolin 1 aa oM one laother cities but has aster been Intro

I dueod here The are ordinary cop-per ones and suspended from threetacked sticks The pot 1 covered with awire netting with perforations largeenough to allow a surer dollar to pastthrough

A uniformed member of the SalvationArmy will be constantly ia charge gadthe contests will be deposited 11 thotreasury until Christmas eve when thepurchase will he mad


PLACES DEED ON FILEA deed of trust was placed en lie yes

terday by Cardinal Gibbon la private capacity cad la his official capacitya archbishop of the diocese of Baltimore Ja the office ef the Recorder oSDeeds to secure the payment ofOM The property put ofthe tract known as andadjoins that recently purchased by theSlaters of Providence The trusteesnested In the deed are G C Power ofPhiladelphia and Richard W Tyler ofcity

25c Coat Hangers 9cBest ever put out

GiftsThe mans

store K logk-aljxijj ly bolt

place to bayi I the mans gilt

V Things toare good things jjto give Too





Hedged Isrl1elMl lp















jj busy to laymuch josh afew hints

Tuxedo Suits 1650Sack Suite 1375Overcoats 1090White Vests 110Smoking Jackets 5LoungingDogskin Gloves 790White Dress Shirts 79cHats 190And a store full of other usefulgUts


0057 Pennsylvania Avenue

1 1u

1 n





thlaas lathe taint

andWhat maa

key sot ilkKate Skatr

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ShearsRazors Etc

JubOee Reset s aAny MHI would like

a of our JubileeIMOM tfcey comr in

cues f Ifor each dst of the

CombiMUan KaivrsCon Razors

Nail Scissors

Shot Omm-tGM Caae-sKollv Owtea-

CkanaBilliard Tahks-

Cwwe RMfc


FOR MEN and BOYSof y-

our toolike


Of coupethere me

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Poctat TalesItaaora ur



antiXaleaXail I P p rtl18Nanxae

Sprllag Goads

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neckmaRed-speeaaase dace

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rear andKnives

boat a PuathlaaDss-ltaaetyoabelkLeaner L5 le-

iluataar Cab



Piag Tables



A good fe a ptendM ga Jt pleasesAH the batPe ai pl k Cameras of

Mom makeTteHtoftmg lard Mounts


Teiwe MC Mkioncopoi FleW and OperaMac S

M sail SIMei Ilone




909477 Penn

Cot famous Golden Hop Beertor jL Delivered la ualetttrrf

eaa tine here

y andA TrttM

and Printing

KeacIIape LaMer

JIIoe 1fa eca


Phone Eastfor Beer


stemanti he boas tastes



Ave-r 25422 quart bottles of tat






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P Street N W












