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Was - were

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El passat de “TO BE”: WAS / WERE

El verb to be és l’únic verb en passat que té dues formes segons la persona a qui es


Forma de present Forma de passat

I am (Jo sóc o estic)

You are (Tu ets o estàs)

He is (Ell és o està)

She is (Ella és o està)

It is (Això o allò és o està)

We are (Nosaltres som o estan)

You are (Vosaltres sou o esteu)

They are (Ells són o estan)

I was (Jo era o estava)

You were (Tu eres o estaves)

He was (Ell era o estava)

She was (Ella era o estava)

It was (Allò o això era o estava)

We were (Nosaltres érem o estàvem)

You were (Vosaltres éreu o estàveu)

They were (Ells eren o estaven)

També té la seva forma negativa i interrogativa.

Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa

I was

You were

He was

She was

It was

We were

You were

They were

I was not

You were not

He was not

She was not

It was not

We were not

You were not

They were not

Was I ?

Were you ?

Was he ?

Was she ?

Was it ?

Were we ?

Were you ?

Were they ?



Anglès Català

I was at home.

You were happy.

He was sick.

She was in Atlanta.

It was a mistake.

We were hungry.

You were tired.

They were sad.

Jo era o estava a casa Tu eres o estaves feliç. Ell estava malalt. Ella estava a Atlanta

Allò era un error. Nosaltres teníem gana. Vosaltres estàveu cansats. Ells estaven tristos.

Page 2: Was - were


Anglès Català

I was not at home.

You were not happy.

He was not sick.

She was not in Atlanta.

It was not a mistake.

We were not hungry.

You were not tired.

They were not sad.

Jo no era o estava a casa

Tu no eres o no estaves feliç.

Ell no estava malalt. Ella no estava a Atlanta. Allò no era un error. Nosaltres no teníem gana. Vosaltres no estàveu cansats. Ells no estaven tristos.


Anglès Català

Was I at home?

Were you happy?

Was he sick?

Was she in Atlanta?

Was it a mistake?

Were we hungry?

Were you tired?

Were they sad?

Estava jo a casa?

Eres o estaves feliç?

Estava ell malalt? Estava ella a Atlanta? Era un error? Teníem gana? Estàveu cansats? Estaven tristos?