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Was American foreign policy during the 1800’s motivated more by realism or idealism ? FOREIGN POLICY = the set of goals, principles and practices that

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  • Was American foreign policy during the 1800s motivated more by realism or idealism ? FOREIGN POLICY = the set of goals, principles and practices that guide a nation in its relations with other countries Foreign Policy: Setting a Course of Expansionism
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  • The Brief History of American Foreign Policy How is Foreign Policy conducted? The State Department (led by the Sec. of State) advises the President and carries out the details of U.S. policy Congress debates and can vote on foreign policy issues Treaties with other nations do not become legally binding until the Senate approves it by a two-thirds vote Tools of the Trade Diplomacy and financial aid and the threat of armed force Realism versus Idealism Realism: based on our self-interest If it benefits us, it is good policy Idealism: promote Americas founding ideals to ensure a better world for ALL not just for us Democracy, liberty, rights
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  • 1796 and George Washingtons Farewell Address It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible. This is known as isolationism or unilateralism The United States will go it alone Neutrality protects us from taking sides Great Britain vs. France in the early days Realism (economics) vs. Idealism (principles)
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  • Defending Neutrality in the War of 1812 Both France and Great Britain seized ships and kidnapped American sailors Neither respected our neutral rights James Madison made progress with France but declared war on Britain Idealism: free trade and our rights Realism: land (in the West and maybe even Canada) Treaty of Ghent in 1815 ended the war No territory was ceded or lost It was a tie
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  • Monroe Doctrine 1820s Russia threatening to expand in North America Spain and Britain were colonizing in South/Central America 1823: The Monroe Doctrine states a policy of non-colonization and non- interference in the Western Hemisphere The American continents are closed to future colonization by any European powers Monroe Doctrine
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  • A History of American Expansion Through Diplomacy 1803: T. Jefferson buys the Louisiana Territory from France for $15,000,000 (3 cents an acre) 1819: We negotiate for Florida from Spain 1846: Britain signs a treaty dividing the Oregon Territory at the 49 th parallel 1867: $7,200,000 for Alaska from Russia
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  • A History of American Expansion Through War 1821: Moses Austin establishes a colony in Texas which was part of Mexico at the time The Americans and Mexican government did not get along Americans held slaves, official documents were in Spanish 1836 Texas declares itself an independent republic, names Sam Houston as commander in chief and revolts against Mexico Santa Anna recognizes the Lone Star Republic Statehood in 1845 1846 President Polk goes to war with Mexico over our southern border Mexican War ends in 1848 (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) Mexican Cession oRio Grande as the southern border of the U.S. oTerritory from Texas to California Realists: Great new territory, secure borders Idealists: An unjust land grab with no regard for the rights of Mexico
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  • The Beginning of Imperialism Empire Building Expanding to the West beyond our borders Across the Pacific Ocean to China and Japan Hawaii and other islands as coaling stations Protectorates = nations controlled by stronger nations Moral not just economic empire building Strong Civilize and Christianize Empire Building through a strong navy Alfred T. Mahan World powers need world class navies
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  • Differing Viewpoints: Should the U.S. become an imperialist power? Henry Cabot Lodge (1895)Carl Schurz (1896) Small states are of the past and have no future. The modern movement is all toward the concentration of people and territory into great nations and large dominions. The great nations are rapidly absorbing for their future expansion and their present defense all the waste places of the earth. In its dealings with other nations, the United States should have scrupulous regard, not only for their rights, but also for their self-respectIt should seek to influence mankind, not by heavy artillery, but by good example and wise counsel. It should see its highest glory, not in battles won, but in wars prevented.
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  • Uncle Sam and People from His Colonies, Postcard, ca. 1900
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  • Why did the United States go to war against Spain in 1898 and why was the outcome significant? The Spanish-American War
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  • Trouble in Cuba One of only two remaining Spanish colonies Much American investment in sugar plantations amid political instability Two previous rebellions for independence had failed Valeriano Weyler was sent to put down the rebellions Created prison camps (reconcentration camps) Thousands die in overcrowded, unsanitary, poorly equipped camps Foreign Policy Realism: we must protect our investments and property Foreign Policy Idealism: we must help the Cubans realize their noble dream of independence and freedom President William McKinley hoped to maintain neutrality.
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  • Imperialism, The Role of the Media and a Call to War with Spain Newspapers Joseph Pulitzer and the New York World versus William Hearst and the New York Journal Yellow journalism = sensational exaggerated news stories
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  • Causes of the Spanish-America War The DeLome Letter Enrique Dupuy DeLome: Spanish ambassador in Washington Describes President McKinley as weak and catering to the rabble, and, besides, a low politician. Outrage and indignation in the United States Remember The Maine!! February 15, 1898 the American battleship blows up Probably not a mine, probably not sabotageremember yellow journalism?
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  • Congress Declares War! McKinley hopes for an armistice = cessation of hostilities Close the camps Grant Cuba independence Spain agrees to close the camps, will not grant independence April 25, 1898 Congress formally declares war on Spain Teller Amendment When Cuba is liberated and peace restored, the United States will leave the government and control of the Island to its people.
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  • A Splendid Little War with Spain First, the Philippines (their other colony) Emilio Aguinaldo had been fighting against the Spanish there Commodore Dewey storms Manila Bay Aguinaldo with American reinforcements takes Manila Then Cuba The First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry The Rough-Riders led by Teddy Roosevelt After taking San Juan Hill the war went quickly Peace on August 12 5500 died mostly from disease (malaria and yellow fever) Poorly equipped, poorly supplied troops (wool uniforms in the tropical jungle!) win Americas first overseas war
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  • America on the World Stage Treaty of Paris 1898 Independence to Cuba Puerto Rico and Guam ceded to the United States Philippines to the U.S. with a payment to Spain of $20,000,000 Ratification Debate Anti-Imperialist League Imperialism violates the countrys founding principles of freedom and democracy Supporters of the Treaty An empire is crucial for the future success of the United States Platt Amendment The U.S. is allowed to intervene in Cuban affairs and to buy or lease naval bases there By 1913, 60% of Cubas land was owned and controlled by American business interests
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  • Three Presidents, Three Foreign Policies: Teddy Roosevelt National Interests- political, economic, military, and cultural goals that a nation considers important Roosevelt- Speak softly and carry a big stick: you will go far Big Stick Policy- Roosevelts strong arm approach in working quietly and patiently to achieve goals overseas but using force if necessary. Roosevelt Corollary- a proposition that is a logical extension of the Monroe Doctrine where the United States would act as international police power to preserve peace and order in the western hemisphere and protect American interest.
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  • Three Presidents, Three Foreign Policies: Taft and Wilson Taft continued Roosevelts goals and his Big Stick Policy but also started to focus on the economy Dollar Diplomacy- to encourage and protect trade and investment in Latin American and Asia. Woodrow Wilson tried to take a moral approach to foreign affairs. Moral Diplomacy- democratic ideals rather than economic investment or military force. Self-determination- the right of people of other nations to determine their own government, free of outside influence
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  • Panama The US helped Panama overthrow Columbia in 1903 and recognized them as an independent nation. Panama Canal- The United States build a 51 mile canal which connected the Atlantic and Pacific oceans over a ten year time period. The canal opened on August 15 th 1914. The Canal was an engineering feat of the time. Although recently in 1999 the US returned ownership of the canal back to panama.
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  • Mexico Revolution in Mexico in 1911- Revolt led by Victoriano Huerta Wilson and Huerta did not get along War almost occurred in 1914 when Wilson sent troops to Veracruz, a port on the Gulf of Mexico to keep weapons from reaching Huertas army. A battle broke out killing 90 Americans and 300 Mexicans. A lot of people opposed Wilsons actions and the troops were pulled out. Months later Huerta resigned and Carranza gained power.
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  • Puerto Rico After the Spanish American War the U.S. set up a military government, schools, and a postal service Puerto Ricans grew frustrated with American rule because they were neither U.S. citizens nor Independent Jones Act- 1917 Wilson made Puerto Rico a U.S. territory but still no rights Puerto Rico remains a U.S. commonwealth- Puerto Rico has control over their laws and finances but decisions on defense and tariffs are in the U.S. hands
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  • Philippines After the Spanish American War Filipino Emilio Aguinaldo called for independence from the U.S. February 1899, fight broke out between U.S. and Philippines and the U.S. sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers to put down the revolt. After battles the Filipino army was defeated The U.S. set up a central government and built schools. The U.S. controlled the Philippines until 1946.
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  • Hawaii Ruled by Queen Liliuokalani as a Monarchy 1893- U.S. military forces overthrew the queen and annexed Hawaii, making it part of the United States as a territory in 1900. Hawaii became a state in 1959, the only one that is not part of North America.
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  • China China was a huge nation rich in resources Spheres of Influence- areas in which a single nation controlled trading rights, many foreign powers did this in china in the late 1890s Open Door Policy- a U.S. policy issued in 1899 stating that foreign nations must allow free trade in China, Issued by Sec. of State John Hay Boxer Rebellion- 1900 a group in China led a insurrection (rising up to expel the foreign devils from China). Boxers killed thousands of foreigners including Christian Missionaries and Chinese Christians, but the U.S., Japan, and European Powers crushed the uprising. China remained open to Trade and influence because of Hay and the Open Door Policy.
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  • The United States' entry into World War I came in April 1917, after two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States neutral during World War I. Americans had no idea that war was imminent in Europe in the summer of 1914, and tens of thousands of tourists were caught by surprise. The U.S. government, under Wilson's firm control, called for neutrality "in thought and deed" At the beginning of 1917 Germany decided to resume all-out submarine warfare on every commercial ship headed toward Britain, realizing that this decision would almost certainly mean war with the United States. Germany also offered a military alliance to Mexico in the Zimmermann Telegram. Publication of that offer outraged Americans just as German U-boats (submarines) started sinking American ships in the North Atlantic. Wilson asked Congress for "a war to end all wars" that would "make the world safe for democracy", and Congress voted to declare war on Germany on April 6, 1917. On December 7, 1917, the US declared war on Austria-Hungary
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  • The Treaty of Versailles (French: Trait de Versailles) was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919 The treaty forced Germany to disarm, make substantial territorial concessions, and pay reparations to certain countries that had formed the Entente powers. In 1921 the total cost of these reparations was assessed at 132 billion Marks (then $31.4 billion or 6.6 billion, roughly equivalent to US $442 billion or UK 284 billion in 2015)concessions reparations Axis powers ; Japan, Germany Italy were hostile.
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  • America's isolation from war ended on December 7, 1941, when Japan staged a surprise attack on American military installations in the Pacific. The most devastating strike came at Pearl Harbor, the Hawaiian naval base where much of the US Pacific Fleet was moored. In a two-hour attack, Japanese warplanes sank or damaged 18 warships and destroyed 164 aircraft. Over 2,400 servicemen and civilians lost their lives. Though stunned by the events of December 7, Americans were also resolute. On December 8, President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war against Japan. The declaration passed with just one dissenting vote. Three days later, Germany and Italy, allied with Japan, declared war on the United States. America was now drawn into a global war. It had allies in this fight--most importantly Great Britain and the Soviet Union.
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  • The war solved some problems, but created many others. Germany had been the dominant power on the European continent, while Japan had held that role in Asia. Their defeat in World War II left open positions of leadership. The Soviet Union moved in quickly to replace Germany as the most powerful country in Europe and also aimed at taking Japan`s place as the dominant power in Asia. The Communists under Mao Zedong defeated the forces of Chiang Kai-shek and took over mainland China by the fall of 1949. With China, France, and Great Britain devastated and financially exhausted by the war, the United States and the Soviet Union became the two major powers of the world. The Allies were determined not to repeat the mistakes of World War I, in which Allies had failed to set up an organization to enforce the peace until after World War I ended. In June 1941, nine European governments-in-exile joined with Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries in signing the Inter-Allied Declaration, which called for nations to cooperate and work for lasting peace. In 1944, an idea emerged to create a postwar international organization. The United Nations was born on October 24, 1945. Its first sessions were held the following January in London.
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  • Cold War: The Soviet Union and the United States had fought as allies against Nazi Germany during World War II. But the alliance began to crumble as soon as the war in Europe ended in May 1945. Tensions were apparent in July during the Potsdam Conference, where the victorious Allies negotiated the joint occupation of Germany. The Soviet Union was determined to have a buffer zone between its borders and Western Europe. It set up pro-communist regimes in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Albania, and eventually in East Germany. As the Soviets tightened their grip on Eastern Europe, the United States embarked on a policy of containment to prevent the spread of Soviet and communist influence in Western European nations such as France, Italy, and Greece.
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  • France, England, and the United States administered sectors of the city of Berlin, deep inside communist East Germany. When the Soviets cut off all road and rail traffic to the city in 1948, the United States and Great Britain responded with a massive airlift that supplied the besieged city for 231 days until the blockade was lifted. In 1949, the United States joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the first mutual security and military alliance in American history. The establishment of NATO also spurred the Soviet Union to create an alliance with the communist governments of Eastern Europe that was formalized in 1955 by the Warsaw Pact.
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  • In 1949, the communists triumphed in the Chinese civil war, and the world's most populous nation joined the Soviet Union as a Cold War adversary. In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, and the United Nations and the United States sent troops and military aid. Communist China intervened to support North Korea, and bloody campaigns stretched on for three years until a truce was signed in 1953. In 1954, the colonial French regime fell in Vietnam. The United States supported a military government in South Vietnam and worked to prevent free elections that might have unified the country under the control of communist North Vietnam. In response to the threat, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was formed in 1955 to prevent communist expansion, and President Eisenhower sent some 700 military personnel as well as military and economic aid to the government of South Vietnam. The effort was foundering when John F. Kennedy took office. Closer to home, the Cuban resistance movement led by Fidel Castro deposed the pro- American military dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1959. Castro's Cuba quickly became militarily and economically dependent on the Soviet Union. The United States' main rival in the Cold War had established a foothold just ninety miles off the coast of Florida.
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  • The First Indochina War (called the Indochina War in France and the French War in Vietnam or Khng chi n ch ng Php) began after World War II ended in 1945 and lasted until the French defeat in 1954. After a long campaign of resistance against the French and the Japanese, Viet Minh forces had claimed a victory (the August Revolution) after Japanese and Vichy French forces surrendered in the North on 15 August 1945. In the War in Vietnam (19451946), British forces temporarily occupied the South, starting from 13 September 1945, only to restore French colonial control in 1946. In the United Nations and through their alliance with the United Kingdom and the United States, the French demanded return of their former Indochina colony prior to agreeing to participate in the NATO alliance (founded in 1949) opposing Soviet expansion beyond the countries of the Warsaw Pact (founded in 1955) in the Cold War. The communist/nationalist Viet Minh, whom the Allies had supported during the war, continued fighting the French with support from China and the Soviet Union, ultimately forcing the NATO-backed French out of Indochina (1954).August Revolution
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  • The Second Indochina War (called the Vietnam War in the West or the American War in Vietnam - Cu c khng chi n ch ng M , c u n c) began as a conflict between the United States-backed South Vietnamese government and its opponents, both the North Vietnamese-based communist Viet Cong (National Liberation Front) and the North Vietnamese Army (NVA), known officially in North Vietnam from 1950 as the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN). The conflict began in the late 1950s and lasted until 1975 when the North Vietnamese came to a peace agreement ending the war.The United States, which had supported France during the first Indochina war, backed the South Vietnam government in opposition to the National Liberation Front and the Communist-allied NVA. The North benefited from military and financial support from China and the Soviet Union, members of the Communist bloc. Fighting also occurred during this time in Cambodia between the US-backed government, the NVA, and the Communist-backed Khmer Rouge (known as the Cambodian Civil War, 19671975) and in Laos between the US-backed government, the NVA, and the Communist-backed Pathet Lao (known as the Laotian Civil War or Secret War, 19621975).Vietnam WarWestViet CongKhmer Rouge