LITERATURSAMMLUNG November 26, 2013 MARTIN M ¨ OSSNER Warnung Die unten angef¨ uhrten Literaturzitate wurden automatisch aus der Literaturdatenbank des Autors erzeugt. Sie wurden als XML Datenbank eingegeben und automatisch in eine BibT E X und eine HTML Datenbank konvertiert. Die angegebenen Zitate wurden nur zum Teil auf Tippfehler bei der Eingabe kontrolliert. References [1] ISO 10037, Information technology - SGML and text-entry systems. Guidelines for SGML syntax-directed editing sys- tems, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1991, 1484, standard . [2] ISO 10179, Information technology - processing languages. Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1996, 1485, DSSSL, standard . [3] ISO 10180, Information technology - processing languages. Standard Page Description Language (SPDL), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1995, 1486, SPDL, standard . [4] ISO 10228, Cross-country skis. Binding mounting area. Requirements for test screws, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1991, 1463, standard . [5] ON ISO 10228, Langlaufski. Bindungsbefestigungsbereich. Anforderungen und Pr¨ ufschrauben, Austrian Standards Insti- tute (ON), Vienna, AT Austria, 1985, 1462, standard . [6] ISO 10646-1, Information technology. Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS). Part 1: architecture and basic multilingual plane, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1993, 1488, unicode, standard . [7] CEN 1069-1:2000, Water Slides of 2 m Heigth and more – Part 1: Safety Requirements and Test Methods, European Committee for Standardization, Brussels, BE, 2000, 999, CEN, standard . [8] ISO 10918-1, Information technology - digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images. Requirements and guidelines, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1994, 1474, JPG, standard . [9] ISO 10918-2, Information technology - digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images. Compliance testing, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1995, 1475, JPG, standard . [10] ISO 10918-3, Information technology - digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images. Extensions, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1997, 1476, JPG, standard . [11] ISO 10918-4, Information technology - digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images: registration of JPEG profiles, SPIFF profiles, SPIFF tags, SPIFF colour spaces, APPn markers, SPIFF compression types and registration authorities (REGAUT), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1999, 1477, JPG, standard . [12] ISO 11404, Information Technology - Programming Languages, their Environments and System Software Interfaces. Language-Independent Datatypes, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1996, 1487, SPDL, standard . [13] ISO 13673, Information technology - document processing and related communication. Conformance testing for Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) systems, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1489, SGML, standard . [14] ISO 13886, Information technology. Language-Independent Procedure Calling (LIPC), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1490, LIPC, standard . [15] ISO 14882, Programming languages - C++, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gen´ eve, CH, 1998, 1473, C++, standard . 1

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Die unten angefuhrten Literaturzitate wurden automatisch aus der Literaturdatenbank des Autors erzeugt.Sie wurden als XML Datenbank eingegeben und automatisch in eine BibTEX und eine HTML Datenbankkonvertiert. Die angegebenen Zitate wurden nur zum Teil auf Tippfehler bei der Eingabe kontrolliert.


[1] ISO 10037, Information technology - SGML and text-entry systems. Guidelines for SGML syntax-directed editing sys-

tems, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1991,1484, standard .

[2] ISO 10179, Information technology - processing languages. Document Style Semantics and Specification Language

(DSSSL), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1996,1485, DSSSL, standard .

[3] ISO 10180, Information technology - processing languages. Standard Page Description Language (SPDL), InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1995,

1486, SPDL, standard .

[4] ISO 10228, Cross-country skis. Binding mounting area. Requirements for test screws, International Organization forStandardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1991,

1463, standard .

[5] ON ISO 10228, Langlaufski. Bindungsbefestigungsbereich. Anforderungen und Prufschrauben, Austrian Standards Insti-tute (ON), Vienna, AT Austria, 1985,

1462, standard .

[6] ISO 10646-1, Information technology. Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS). Part 1: architecture andbasic multilingual plane, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1993,

1488, unicode, standard .

[7] CEN 1069-1:2000, Water Slides of 2 m Heigth and more – Part 1: Safety Requirements and Test Methods, EuropeanCommittee for Standardization, Brussels, BE, 2000,

999, CEN, standard .[8] ISO 10918-1, Information technology - digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images. Requirements

and guidelines, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1994,

1474, JPG, standard .[9] ISO 10918-2, Information technology - digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images. Compliance

testing, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1995,1475, JPG, standard .

[10] ISO 10918-3, Information technology - digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images. Extensions,International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1997,

1476, JPG, standard .[11] ISO 10918-4, Information technology - digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images: registration

of JPEG profiles, SPIFF profiles, SPIFF tags, SPIFF colour spaces, APPn markers, SPIFF compression types andregistration authorities (REGAUT), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1999,1477, JPG, standard .

[12] ISO 11404, Information Technology - Programming Languages, their Environments and System Software Interfaces.Language-Independent Datatypes, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1996,

1487, SPDL, standard .

[13] ISO 13673, Information technology - document processing and related communication. Conformance testing for StandardGeneralized Markup Language (SGML) systems, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH,

1489, SGML, standard .[14] ISO 13886, Information technology. Language-Independent Procedure Calling (LIPC), International Organization for

Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH,

1490, LIPC, standard .[15] ISO 14882, Programming languages - C++, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1998,

1473, C++, standard .


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[16] ISO 1539, Information technology, programming languages. Fortran, International Organization for Standardization

(ISO), Geneve, CH, 1991,1465, Fortran, standard .

[17] ISO 1539-1, Information technology - programming languages - Fortran. Part 1: base language, International Organiza-

tion for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1997,1466, Fortran, standard .

[18] ISO 1539-2, Information technology - programming languages - Fortran. Part 2: varying length character strings,

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 2000,1467, Fortran, standard .

[19] ISO 1539-3, Information technology - programming languages - Fortran. Part 3: conditional compilation, International

Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1999,1468, Fortran, standard .

[20] ISO 15580, Information technology - programming languages - Fortran. Floating-point exception handling., International

Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1998,1491, Fortran, standard .

[21] ISO 15581, Information Technology - Programming Languages - Fortran. Enhanced Data Type Facilities, InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1998,

1492, Fortran, standard .

[22] US Standard Athmosphere 1976, Technical Report NASA-TM-X-74335, National Oceanic and Athmospheric Admin-istration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States Air Force U.S. Goverment Printing Office

Washington, D.C., USA, 1976,

1823, standard athmosphere, barometric height formula .[23] ON S 4020, Ski und Skilauf; Begriffsbestimmungen, Austrian Standards Institute (ON), Vienna, AT Austria, 1990,

1444, standard .

[24] ON S 4022, Alpinski; Elastische Eigenschaften, Labormesverfahren, Austrian Standards Institute (ON), Vienna, ATAustria, 1977,

1446, standard .

[25] ON S 4023, Alpinski - Bestimmung der Masse und des Tragheitsmoments, Labormessverfahren, Austrian StandardsInstitute (ON), Vienna, AT Austria, 1977,

1448, standard .

[26] ON S 4024, Alpinski - Deformationslast und Bruchlast, Mesverfahren, Austrian Standards Institute (ON), Vienna, ATAustria, 1978,

1450, standard .[27] ON S 4025, Alpinski - Biegeschwingungen, Mesverfahren, Austrian Standards Institute (ON), Vienna, AT Austria, 1978,

1452, standard .

[28] ON S 4030, Alpinski - Bindungsbefestigungsbereich. Teil 1: Definitionen und Eigenschaften. Teil 2: Festigkeitsan-forderungen und Prufmethode, Austrian Standards Institute (ON), Vienna, AT Austria, 1977/78,

1454, standard .

[29] ISO 5902, Alpine skis. Determination of the elastic properties, International Organization for Standardization (ISO),Geneve, CH, 1980,

1447, standard .

[30] ISO 6003, Alpine skis. Determination of mass and polar moment of inertia. Laboratory measurement method, Interna-tional Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1984,

1449, standard .

[31] ISO 6265, Alpine skis. Determination of deformation load and breaking load, International Organization for Standard-ization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1992,

1451, standard .[32] ISO 6267, Alpine skis. Measurement of bending vibrations, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve,

CH, 1980,

1453, standard .[33] ISO 6289, Skis. Terms and definitions, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1985,

1445, standard .

[34] ISO 646, Information technology. ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange, International Organizationfor Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1991,

999, ASCII, standard .[35] ISO 7138, Cross-country skis. Determination of mass and location of balance point, International Organization for

Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1984,1459, standard .

[36] ON ISO 7138, Langlaufski. Bestimmung der Masse und der Lage des Schwerunktes, Austrian Standards Institute (ON),Vienna, AT Austria, 1985,

1458, standard .[37] ISO 7139, Cross-country skis. Determination of elastic properties, International Organization for Standardization (ISO),

Geneve, CH, 1984,1457, standard .

[38] ON ISO 7139, Langlaufski. Bestimmung der elastischen Eigenschaften, Austrian Standards Institute (ON), Vienna, AT

Austria, 1985,

1456, standard .[39] ISO 7798, Cross-country skis. Determination of fatigue indexes. Cyclic loading test, International Organization for

Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1984,1461, standard .

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[40] ON ISO 7798, Langlaufski. Ermudungsverhalten. Prufung mit zyklischer Biegebeanspruchung, Austrian Standards In-

stitute (ON), Vienna, AT Austria, 1985,1460, standard .

[41] ISO 7942, Information technology - computer graphics and image processing - Graphical Kernel System (GKS). Part

1: functional description, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1994,1478, standard .

[42] ISO 8364, Alpine skis and bindings. Binding mounting area. Requirements and test methods, International Organization

for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1999,1455, standard .

[43] ISO 8651-1, Information processing systems - computer graphics - Graphical Kernel System (GKS) language bindings.

Part 1: Fortran, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1988,1479, standard .

[44] ISO 8651-4, Information technology - computer graphics - Graphical Kernel System (GKS) language bindings, Interna-

tional Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1995,1480, standard .

[45] ISO 8879, Information processing - text and office systems. Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Interna-tional Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1986,

1469, SGML, standard .

[46] ISO 9069, Information processing. SGML support facilities. SGML Document Interchange Format (SDIF), InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1988,

1481, SGML, standard .

[47] ISO 9573, Information Processing - SGML Support Facilities. Techniques for Using SGML, International Organizationfor Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1988,

1470, SGML, standard .

[48] ISO 9573-13, Information Technology - SGML Support Facilities - Techniques for Using SGML. Part 13: Public EntitySets for Mathematics and Science, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1991,

1471, SGML, standard .

[49] ISO 9899, Programming languages - C, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1999,1472, C, standard .

[50] ISO 9945-1, Information technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX). Part 1: system Application Pro-

gram Interface (API) [C Language], International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1999,1482, POSIX, standard .

[51] ISO 9945-2, Information technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX). Part 2: shell and utilities, Inter-national Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneve, CH, 1993,

1483, POSIX, standard .

[52] Y.I. Abdel-Aziz and H.M. Karara, Direct Linear Transformation from Comparator Coordinates into Object Space Co-ordinates in Close-Range Photogrammetry, ASP Symposium on Close Range Photogrammetry (Falls Church, US-VA),

American Society of Photogrammetry (ASP), 1971, pp. 1–18,

1353, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT .[53] Hiroyuki Abe, Kozaburo Hayashi, and Masaaki Sato, Data book on mechanical properties of living cells, tissues, and

organs, Springer, Tokyo, JP, 1996,

1512, biomech, medcine, mechaical data, cells, tissues, organs .[54] Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical

Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, US-NY, 1972,

1003, table, formula .[55] Marko Ackermann and Antonie J. van den Bogert, Optimality principles for model-based prediction of human gait,

Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010), no. x, 1055–1060,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2009.12.012,

1920, simulation, musculoskeletal model, optimal control, gait .

[56] Jarmo Ahonen, Tiina Lahtinen, Marita Sandstrom, Guiliano Pogliani, and Rolf Wirhed, Sportmedizin und Train-ingslehre, Schattauer, Stuttgart, DE, 1999,

1614, sport, biomechanik, medizin .

[57] J.H. Ahrens, K.D. Kohrt, and Ulrich Dieter, Algorithm 599: Sampling from gamma and Poisson distributions, ACMTransactions on Mathematical Software 9 (1983), 255–257,

1023, probability, statistics, random number generation .[58] N. Aichner, Bodendruckverteilung und Formanderungswiderstand beim gleitenden Schi, Ph.D. thesis, Graz University

of Technology, AT, 1978,999, biomech, snow, pressure .

[59] Hiroshi Akima, A Method of Bivariate Interpolation and Smooth Surface Fitting for Irregularly Distributed Data Points,ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 4 (1978), 148–159,

1586, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .[60] , Algorithm 526. Bivariate Interpolation and Smooth Surface Fitting for Irregularly Distributed Data Points,

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 4 (1978), 160–164,

1587, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .[61] M. Akkok, C.M. Ettles, and S.J. Calabrese, Parameters Affecting the Kinetic Friction of Snow, Journal of Tribology

109 (1987), 552–561,999, biomech, snow, friction .

[62] Paul Allard, Jan A.F. Stokes, and Jean-Pierre Blanchi, Three-Dimensional Analysis of Human Movement, HumanKinetics, Champaign, US-IL, 1995,1753, biomech, human movement .

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[63] Hans Alten, Computersimulation eines Schisprungs, Ph.D. thesis, Fakultat fur Maschinenbau, Graz University of Tech-

nology, AT, 1987,1373, biomech, ski-jumping, simulation .

[64] Luis Alvarez and Jean Michel Morel, Formalization and computational aspects of image analysis, Acta Numerica 1994

(???, ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1994, pp. 1–59,1415, numerics, image processing .

[65] W. Ambach and B. Mayr, Ski Gliding and Water Film, Cold Regions Science and Technology 5 (1981), 59–65,

999, biomech, friction .[66] K. Parssinen and, Finite Element Method for the Calculation of Nominal Pressure Distribution Between Ski and Track,

Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 10 (1991), 1–8,

1708, numerics, finite elements, skiing .[67] Ed Anderson, Zhaojun Bai, Christian H. Bischof, James Weldon Demmel, Jack J. Dongarra, Jeremy du Croz, Anne

Greenbaum, Sven Hammarling, A. McKenney, S. Ostrouchov, and Danny C. Sorensen, LAPACK Users’ Guide, Society

for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, US-PA, 1992,1079, numerics, software, linear algebra, LAPACK .

[68] Frank C. Anderson and Marcus G. Pandy, A dynamic optimization solution for vertical jumping in three dimensions,Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2 (1999), 201–231,

1941, biomech, muscle, ground contact, vertical jump .

[69] T.W. Anderson and D.A. Darling, Asymptotic theory of certain goodness of fit criteria based on stochastic processes,Annals of Mathematical Statistics 23 (1952), 193–212,

1037, probability, statistics, komogorov test .

[70] , A test of goodness of fit, Journal of the American Statistical Association 49 (1954), 765–769,1244, probability, statistics, komogorov test .

[71] Robert S. Anderssen and P. Bloomfield, Numerical Differentiation Procedures for Non-Exact Data, Numerische Math-

ematik 22 (1974), 157–182,1241, approximation, numerical differentiation .

[72] R.M. Angulo and Jesus Dapena, Comparison of Film and Video Techniques for Estimating Three-Dimensional Coordi-nates within a Large Field, International Journal of Sport Biomechanics 8 (1992), 145–151,

1350, biomech, 3d-reconstruction .

[73] E.K. Antonsson and R.W. Mann, Automatic 6-d.o.f. kinematic trajectory acquisition and analysis, Journal of DynamicSystems, Measurement, and Control 111 (1989), 31–39,

1355, biomech, 3d-reconstruction .

[74] Luis Argerich, Wankyu Choi, John Coggeshall, Ken Egervari, Martin Geisler, Zak Greant, Andrew Hill, Chris Hubbard,James Moore, Devon O’Dell, Jon Parise, Harish Rawat, Tarique Sani, Christopher Scollo, Deepak Thomas, and Chris

Ullman, Professional PHP 4, Wrox Press Ltd., Birmingham, UK, 2002,

1658, programming, www, php 4 .[75] Vladimir Igorevich Arnold, Mathematical methods of classical mechanics, Springer, New York, US-NY, 1974,

1306, pysics, mechanics .

[76] Uri M. Ascher, J. Christiansen, and Robert D. Russell, A collocation solver for mixed order systems of boundary valueproblems, Mathematics of Computation 33 (1979), 659–679,

1170, numerics, BVP .

[77] , Collocation software for boundary-value ODEs, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 7 (1981), 209–


1169, numerics, BVP .[78] Uri M. Ascher and Linda R. Petzold, Projected implicit runge-kutta methods for differential-algebraic equations, SIAM

Journal on Numerical Analysis 28 (1991), 1097–1120,

1082, numerics, DAE, ODE, runge-kutta methods .[79] , The numerical solution of delay-differential-algebraic equations of retarded and neutral type, SIAM Journal on

Numerical Analysis 32 (1995), 1635–1657,

1416, numerics, DAE .[80] Uri M. Ascher and Raymond J. Spiteri, Collocation software for boundary value differential algebraic equations, SIAM

Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 15 (1994), 938–952,1171, numerics, BVP, DAE .

[81] Greg Astfalk, Applications on advanced architecture computers, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),

Philadelphia, US-PA, 1996,1073, computer architecture, parallel computers, application .

[82] Martin Aupperle, Die Kunst der objektorientierten Programmierung mit C++, Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, DE,

1997,1272, software, C++ .

[83] Neal Austin, Rachel Nilwig, and Walter Herzog, In Vivo Operational Fascile Length of Vastus Lateralis During Sub-

Maaximal and Maximal Cycling, Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010), 2394–2399,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2010.04.016,1832, biomech, muscle, force-length relationship, ultrasound, vastus lateralis, cycling .

[84] Arnold Baca, Precise Determination of Anthropometric Dimensions by Means of Image Processing Methods for Esti-mationg Human Body Segment Parameter Values, Journal of Biomechanics 29 (1996), no. 4, 563–567,

DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(95)00093-X,

1830, biomech, anthropometry .[85] Georg Bader and Uri M. Ascher, A new basis implementation for a mixed order boundary value ODE solver, SIAM

Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 8 (1987), 483–500,1419, numerics, ODE, BVP .

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[86] Georg Bader and Peter Deuflhard, A semi-implicit mid-point rule for stiff systems of ordinary differential equations,

Numerische Mathematik 41 (1983), 373–398,1321, numerics, ODE, mid-point rule .

[87] David H. Bailey, A portable high performance multiprecision package, Technical Report RNR-90-022, NAS Applied

Research Branch, NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA, 1993,1255, software, multiprecision arithmetics .

[88] , Automatic translation of Fortran programs to mulitprecision, Technical Report RNR-91-025, NAS Applied

Research Branch, NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA, 1993,1254, software, multiprecision arithmetics .

[89] , A Fortran 90 based multiprecision system, Technical Report RNR-94-013, NAS Scientific Computation Branch,

NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA, 1995,1256, software, multiprecision arithmetics .

[90] David H. Bailey and Paul N. Swarztrauber, A fast method for the numeric evaluation of continuous Fourier and Laplace

transforms, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 5 (1994), 1105–1110,1328, numerics, fourier transform, laplace transform .

[91] Kervin A. Ball and Michael R. Pierrynowski, A Modified Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) Calibration Procedure toImprove the Accuracy of 3D Reconstruction for Large Vols, Biomechanics XI-B (Amsterdam, NL) (Gert de Groot, A.P.

Hollander, P.A. Huijing, and Gerrit Jan van Ingen Schenau, eds.), Free University Press, 1988, pp. 1045–1050,

1354, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT .[92] Rainer Ballreich, Wolfgang Baumann, and Rudiger Preis, Modelle der sportmotorischen Technik, der mechanis-

chen Belastung des Bewegungsapparates und der Massentragheitscharakteristika der Korpersegmente, Grundlagen der

Biomechanik des Sports. Probleme, Methoden, Modelle (Rainer Ballreich and Wolfgang Baumann, eds.), FerdinandEnke Verlag, Stuttgart, DE, 1988, pp. 137–168,

1365, biomech, antropometry, body model .

[93] Y. Bard, Nonlinear parameter estimation, Academic Press, Inc., New York, US-NY, 1974,1289, numerics, optimization .

[94] Caroline Barelle, Anne Ruby, and Michel Tavernier, Experimental Model of the Aerodynamic Drag Coefficient in Alpine

Skiing, Journal of Applied Biomechanics 20 (2004), 167–176,1812, biomech, drag, aerodynamics .

[95] Jewel B. Barlow, William H. Rae, and Alan Pope, Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing, John Wiley & Sons, New York,US-NY, 1999,

1775, aerodynamics, drag, wind tunnel .

[96] Perry Bartelt, Ed Adams, M. Christen, R. Sack, and Atsushi Sato (eds.), Snow Engineering V, A.A. Balkema, Leiden,NL, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Snow Engineering, Davos, CH, 2004,

1722, snow engineering .

[97] E. Bauer and W. Wu, A hypoplastic constitutive model for cohesive powders, Powder Technology 85 (1995), 1–9,1901, powder, hypoplasticity .

[98] Michael D. Bauer, Sichere Server mit Linux, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., Koln, DE, 2003,

1667, operating systems, linux, server, administration .[99] L. Baurle, U. Kaempfer, D. Szabo, and N.D. Spencer, Sliding Friction of Polyethylene on Snow and Ice. Contact Area

and Modeling, Cold Regions Science and Technology 47 (2007), 276–289,

1755, numerics, biomech, ski, snow, friction .[100] Davig G. Behm and Digby G. Sale, Intended rather than actual movement velocity determines velocity-specific training

response, J. Appl. Physiol 74 (1992), 359–368,1609, biomech, muscle .

[101] James R. Bell, Algorithm 334: Normal random deviates, Communications of the ACM 11 (1968), 498,

1019, probability, statistics, random number generation .[102] Tone Bere, Tonje Wale Flørenes, Tron Krosshaug, Hideyuki Koga, Lars Nordsletten, Christopher Irving, Erich Muller,

Robert Cortas Reid, Veit Senner, and Roland Bahr, Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury in world cup alpine

skiing. A systematic video analysis of 20 cases, The American Journal of Sports Medicine 39 (2011), no. 7, 1421–1429,DOI: 10.1177/0363546511405147,

1911, injury, knee, acl .

[103] Tone Bere, Kam-Ming Mok, Hideyuki Koga, Tron Krosshaug, Lars Nordsletten, and Roland Bahr, Kinematics of anteriorcruciate ligament ruptures in world cup alpine skiing. 2 case reports of the slip-catch mechanism, The American Journal

of Sports Medicine 41 (2013), no. 5, 1067–1073,DOI: 10.1177/0363546513479341,1912, injury, knee, acl .

[104] L. Berg, Differenzengleichungen zweiter Ordnung mit Anwendungen, Dr. Dietrich Steinkoff Verlag, Darmstadt, DE,

1980,1285, analysis, algebra, difference equations .

[105] Lennart Berggren, Jonathan M. Borwein, and Peter B. Borwein, Pi: A source book, Springer, New York, US-NY, 1997,1311, pi .

[106] Schaefer Bergmann, Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik, Band 3: Optik, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, DE, 1993,1036, physics, optics, electrodynamics .

[107] Wolfram Bernhard and Klaus Jung, Sportanthropologie. Fragestellungen, Methoden und Ergebnisse am Beispiel der

Laufdisziplinen und des alpinen Skirennsports, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, DE, 1998,

1674, biomech, sport-antropology .[108] Gregory S. Berns, Maury L. Hull, and H.A. Patterson, Strains within the Anterior Cruciate and Medial Collateral

Ligaments of the Knee at Loads Causing Failure, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 9th vol., ASTM STP 1182 (Philadelphia,US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, C. Daniel Mote, and John Zelcer, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),

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1993, pp. 89–110,

1435, biomech, knee, forces .[109] Gregory Beylkin, On wavelet-based algorithms for solving partial differential equations, Program in Applied Mathemat-

ics. University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, US-CO, 19??,

1406, analysis, wavelets, PDE .[110] , Wavelets and Fast Numerical Algorithms, Program in Applied Mathematics. University of Colorado at Boulder,

Boulder, US-CO, 1993,

1399, analysis, wavelets, fast numerical algorithms .[111] Gregory Beylkin, Ronald R. Coifman, and Vladimir Rokhlin, Fast wavelet transforms and numerical algorithms I,

Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics XLIV (1991), 141–183,

1378, analysis, wavelets .[112] Bruce D. Beynnon and Braden C. Flemming, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Strain In-Vivo. A Review of Previous Work,

Journal of Biomechanics 31 (1998), 519–525,

1649, biomech, knee, ligaments .[113] Dario Bini and Victor Pan, Improved parallel computations with Toeplitz-like and Hankel-like matrices, Linear Algebra

and its Applications 188 (1993), 3–29,1050, linear algebra, Toeplitz and Hankel matrices .

[114] Z.W. Birnbaum, Distribution-free tests of fit for continuous distribution functions, Annals of Mathematical Statistics

24 (1952), 1–8,1245, probability, statistics, kolmogorov tests .

[115] G. Blanch, Numerical evaluation of continued fractions, SIAM Review 6 (1964), 383–421,

1039, approximation, special functions, continued fractions .[116] L. Blankevoort and Rik Huiskes, Validation of a three-dimensional model of the knee, Journal of Biomechanics 29 (1996),

no. 7, 955–961,

1937, biomech, knee .[117] L. Blankevoort, Rik Huiskes, and A. de Lange, The envelope of passive knee joint motion, Journal of Biomechanics 21

(1988), no. 9, 705–720,

1950, biomech, knee .[118] , Recruitment of knee joint ligaments, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 113 (1991), 94–103,

1936, biomech, knee .[119] L. Blankevoort, J.H. Kuiper, Rik Huiskes, and H.J. Grootenboer, Articular contact in a three-dimensional model of the

knee, Journal of Biomechanics 24 (1991), no. 11, 1019–1031,

1935, biomech, knee .[120] Frederick Bloom, Ill-posed problems for integrodifferential equations in mechanics and electromagnetic theory, SIAM

Studies in Applied Mathematics, vol. 3, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, US-PA,

1981,1501, numerics, integro differential equations, mechanics, electromagnetism .

[121] James L. Blue, A portable Fortran program to find the Euclidean norm of a vector, ACM Transactions on Mathematical

Software 4 (1978), 15–23,1068, numerics, linear algebra, norms .

[122] Hans Georg Bock, Recent advances in parameteridentification techniques for o.d.e., Numerical treatment of inverseproblems in diffferential and integral equations (Heidelberg, DE), Proceedings of an international workshop, 1983,

pp. 95–121,

1151, numerics, boundary value problem, ODE, parameter identification .[123] Wolfgang Boehm, Inserting new knots into B-spline curves, Computer Aided Design 12 (1980), 199–201,

1514, numerics, approximation, splines .

[124] P. Bogacki and Lawrence F. Shampine, Interpolating high-order Runge-Kutta formulas, Computers & Mathematics withApplications 20 (1990), 15–24,

1168, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .

[125] Ronald F. Boisvert, Sally E. Howe, and David K. Kahaner, GAMS: A framework for the management of scientificsoftware, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software ?? (1985), 313–355,

1008, numerics, software, classification .

[126] D.M. Bond and Stephen A. Vavasis, Fast wavelet transforms for matrices arising from boundary element methods,Center of Applied Mathematics, Engineering and Theory Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA and Department

of Computer Science, Upson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1994,1409, analysis, wavelets, fast numerical algorithms .

[127] Hanspeter Bopp and Herbert Krauss, A Simple and Rapidly Converging Orientation and Calibration Method for nonTopographic Applications, Proceedings of the ASP (Falls Church, US-VA), American Society of Photogrammetry (ASP),1977, pp. 425–432,

1352, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT .

[128] Max Born, Optick. Ein Lehrbuch der elektromagnetischen Lichttheorie, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1985,1035, physics, optics, electrodynamics .

[129] Max Born and E. Wolf, Principles of optics. Electromagnetic theory of propagation, interference, and diffraction oflight, Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, 1991,1220, physics, optics, electrodynamics .

[130] Jonathan M. Borwein and Peter B. Borwein, The arithmetic-geometric mean and fast computation of elementary func-

tions, SIAM Review 26 (1984), 351–366,1140, approximation, special functions .

[131] F.P. Bowden, Friction on Snow and Ice, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A217 (1953), 462–478,999, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

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[132] , Friction on Snow and Ice and the Development of some Fast-Running Skis, Nature 176 (1955), 946–947,

999, biomech, snow, ski, friction .[133] , Friction Between Ski and Snow, New Scientist 376 (1964), 275–279,

999, biomech, snow, ski, friction .

[134] F.P. Bowden and T.P. Hughes, The Mechanism of Sliding on Ice and Snow, Proceedings of the Royal Society of LondonA172 (1939), 280–298,

999, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[135] George E.P. Box and Mervin E. Muller, A note on the generation of random normal deviates, Annals of MathematicalStatistics 28 (1958), 610–611,

1018, probability, statistics, random number generation .

[136] Francesco Braghin, Frederico Cheli, Mauro Donzelli, Stefano Melzi, and Edoardo Sabbioni, Multibody Model of a Bob-sleigh: Comparison with Experimental Data, Multibody System Dynamics x (2010), xxx–xxx,

DOI: 10.1007/s11044-010-9218-7,

1818, multibody mechanics, nonholonomic constraints .[137] Francesco Braghin, Mauro Donzelli, Stefano Melzi, and Edoardo Sabbioni, A Driver Model of a Two-Man Bobsleigh,

Sports Engineering 13 (2011), 181–193,DOI: 10.1007/s12283-011-0066-3,

1851, bobsleigh, driver model .

[138] Siegmund Brandt, Statistical and Computational Methods in Data Analysis, North-Holland, Amsterdam, NL, 1970,1290, numerics, optimization, statistics .

[139] V. Brasey, HEM5 User’s Guide, Internal report, Dept. de mathematiques, Universite de Geneve, 1995,

1176, numerics, mechanics, DAE, software .[140] V. Brasey and Ernst Hairer, Half-explicit Runge-Kutta methods for differential-algebraic systems of index 2, SIAM

Journal on Numerical Analysis 30 (1993), 538–552,

1175, numerics, DAE, runge-kutta methods .[141] Richard P. Brent, An algorithm with guaranteed convergence for finding a zero of a function, The Computer Journal

14 (1971), 422–425,

1014, nonlinear equations, approximation, roots .[142] , Algorithms for minimization without derivatives, Prentice Hall International, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, US-NJ,

1973,1020, approximation, minimization .

[143] , Algorithm 488: A Gaussian pseudo-random number generator, Communications of the ACM 17 (1974), 704–

706,1021, random number generation, non-uniform .

[144] Kristan Bromley, Factors Affecting Performance of Skeleton Bobsled, Ph.D. thesis, University of Nottingham, UK, 1999,

176, biomech, skeleton, cfd .[145] Fred Brouns, Die Ernarungsbedurfnisse von Sportlern, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1993,

1569, sport, running, ernaehrung .

[146] Christopher A. Brown, Modeling edge-snow interactions using machining theory, Science and Skiing IV (Maidenhead,UK) (Erich Muller, Stefan Lindinger, and Stefan Stoggl, eds.), Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2009, pp. 175–182,

1811, biomech, snow, machining .[147] Christopher A. Brown, T.S. Bergstrom, and K.R. Rod, Load Modelling and ACL Injuries, Abstract Book, 15th Inter-

national Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (St. Moritz / Pontresina, CH) (Georg Ahlbaumer,

Marc-Herve Binet, J. Haury, B.H. Horterer, Veit Senner, Adrian U. Urfer, and W. Vogt, eds.), 2003, pp. D2–9,1654, skiing, ACL .

[148] Christopher A. Brown and John O. Outwater, On the Skiability of Snow, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 7th vol., ASTM

STP 1022 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, C. Daniel Mote, and Marc-Herve Binet, eds.), American Societyfor Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1989, pp. 329–336,

DOI: 10.1520/STP19480S,

1430, biomech, snow forces .[149] Robert L. Brown, A volumetric constitutive law for snow based on a neck groth model, Journal of Applied Physics 51

(1980), 161–165,

1893, snow, constitutive law .[150] K.A. Brownlee, Statistical theory and methodology, John Wiley & Sons, New York, US-NY, 1967,

1250, probability, statistics .[151] Leonard W. Brownlie, Aerodynamic Characteristics of Sports Apparel, Ph.D. thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby,

British Columbia, CA, 1992,

1772, aerodynamics, drag coefficient, reynolds number, sports, clothing .[152] Manfred Broy, Informatik. Eine grundlegende Einfuhrung. Band 1: Programmierung und Rechnerstrukturen, Springer,

Berlin, DE, 1998,

1636, informatics .[153] , Informatik. Eine grundlegende Einfuhrung. Band 2: Systemstrukturen unt Theoretische Informatik, Springer,

Berlin, DE, 1998,

1637, informatics .[154] Andrew Bruce and Hong-Ye Gao, WaveShrink: Shrinkage functions and thresholds, StatSci Division, MathSoft, Inc.,

Seattle, 1995,1397, analysis, wavelets, de-noising .

[155] Franz Bruck, Das dynamische Verhalten von Schi und Schnee im alpinen Schilauf. Modellbildung, Simulation, Vali-dierung, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology, AT, 2003,1673, biomech, skiing, simulation .

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[156] Franz Bruck, Peter Lugner, and Herwig Schretter, A Dynamic Model for the Performance of Carving Skis, Skiing

Trauma and Safety, 14th vol., ASTM STP 1440 (West Conshohocken, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, Michael K. Lamont,and Jasper E. Shealy, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 2003, pp. 10–23,

DOI: 10.1520/STP10958S,

1693, biomech, skiing, simulation .[157] Gert-Peter Bruggemann, Michael M. Morlock, and Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky, Analysis of the Bobsled and Men’s Luge

Events at the XVII Olympic Winter Games in Lillehammer, Journal of Applied Biomechanics 13 (1998), 98–108,

1799, biomech, bobsled, lillehammer .[158] E. Brun and L. Rey, Field Study on Snow Mechanical Properties with Special Regard to Liquid Water Content, Avalanche

Formation, Movement and Effects, Proceedings of the Davos Symposium (IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Walling-

ford, Oxon, UK) (Bruno Salm and Hansueli U. Gubler, eds.), no. 162, International Association of Hydrological Sciences(IAHS), 1987, pp. 183–193,

1861, snow, shear strength .

[159] Josef Brunner, Linux Security. Sicherheit unter Linux mit Open Source Tools, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,Munchen, DE, 2002,

1669, operating system, linux, administration .[160] Arthur E. Bryson and Yu-Chi Ho, Applied optimal control. Optimization, estimization, and control, Hemisphere Pub-

lishing Corporation, New York, US-NY, 1975,

1305, numerics, ODE, optimal control .[161] Albert Buckley and A. Lenir, Algorithm 630: BBVSCG. A variable storage algorithm for function minimization, ACM

Transactions on Mathematical Software 11 (1985), 103–119,

1243, optimization, minimization .[162] Roland Bulirsch, A. Miele, Josef Stoer, and K.H. Well, Optimal control, Birkhauser, Basel, CH, 1993,

1313, numerics, optimal control .

[163] Roland Bulirsch and Josef Stoer, Feherabschatzungen und Extrapolation mit rationalen Funktionen bei Verfahren vomRichardson-Typus, Numerische Mathematik 6 (1964), 413–427,

1319, numerics, extrapolation, error analysis .

[164] John C. Butcher, Coefficients for the study of Runge-Kutta integration processes, Journal of the Australian MathematicalSociety 3 (1963), 185–201,

1150, numerics, ODE, runke-kutta methods .

[165] , Order, stepsize and stiffness switching, Computing 44 (1990), 209–220,

1145, numerics, ODE, order, stepsize .

[166] Anatoliy G. Butkovski, Green’s functions and transfer functions handbook, Ellis, Chichester, UK, 1982,1180, PDE, Green’s functions .

[167] Sergiio Cabrera, Vladik Kreinovich, and Ongard Sirisaengtaksin, Wavelets Compress Better than all Other Methods: A

1-Dimensional Theorem, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Departments, University of Texas at El Paso, ElPaso, US-TX Department of Applied Mathematical Sciences, University of Houston, Houston, US-TX,

1405, analysis, wavelets, compression .

[168] Kurt Cagle, SVG Programming: The Graphical Web, Apress, New York, US-NY, 2002,1643, svg, programming, web .

[169] Stephen L. Campbell and Carl D. Meyer, Generalized inverses of linear transformations, Pitman, London, UK, 1979,1192, linear algebra, analysis, generalized inverses .

[170] Christian Camponovo and Jurg Schweizer, Rheological Measurements of the Viscoelastic Properties of Snow, Annals of

Glaciology 32 (2001), 44–50,1859, snow, vicoelasticity .

[171] L.W. Cannon, R.A. Elliott, L.W. Kirchhoff, J.H. Miller, J.M. Milner, R.W. Mitze, E.P. Schan, N.O. Whittington,

H. Spencer, David Keppel, and M. Brader, Recommended C style and coding standards, Revision 6.0, EECS, UCBerkley CS&E, University of Washington, SoftQuad Inc., 1991,

1086, software, c .

[172] B.C. Carlson, Algorithms involving arithmetic and geometric means, Amer. Math. Monthly 78 (1971), 496–505,1137, approximation, special functions, arithmetic geometric mean .

[173] Frederico Casolo and Vittorio Lorenzi, Relevance of Ski Mechanical and Geometrical Properties in Carving Technique:

A Dynamic Simulation, Science and Skiing II (Hamburg, DE) (Erich Muller, Hermann Schwameder, Christian Raschner,Stefan Lindinger, and Elmar Kornexl, eds.), Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2001, pp. 165–179,

1717, skiing, forces .[174] Frederico Casolo, Vittorio Lorenzi, A. Vallatta, and B. Zappa, Simulation Techniques Applied to Skiing Mechanics,

Science and Skiing (London, UK) (Erich Muller, Hermann Schwameder, Elmar Kornexl, and Christian Raschner, eds.),

Chapman & Hall, 1997, pp. 116–130,1700, skiing, simulation .

[175] John H. Challis and David G. Kerwin, Accuracy Assessment and Control Point Configuration when Using the DLT for

Photogrammetry, Journal of Biomechanics 25 (1992), 1053–1058,1142, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT .

[176] Tony F. Chan, Rank revealing QR-factorizations, Linear Algebra and its Applications 88/89 (1987), 67–82,

1052, numerics, linear algebra, rank revealing factorization .[177] Tony F. Chan and Per Christian Hansen, Computing truncated singular value decomposition least squares solutions by

rank revealing QR-factorizations, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 11 (1990), 519–530,

1047, numerics, linear algebra, rank revealing factorization, SVD .[178] Tony F. Chan and Kwok-Po Ng, Fast iterative solvers for Toeplitz plus band systems, SIAM Journal on Scientific and

Statistical Computing 14 (1993), 1013–1019,1335, numerics, linear algebra, toeplitz systems .

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[179] R.F. Chandler, Charles E. Clauser, John T. McConville, H.M. Reynolds, and John W. Young, Investigation of Internal

Properties of the Human Body, Technical Report AMRL-TR-74-137, Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory (AMRL),Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, US-OH, 1974,

1360, biomech, antropometry, body models, data .

[180] Shivkumar Chandrasekaran and Ilse C.F. Ipsen, On rank-revealing factorizations, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysisand Applications 15 (1994), 592–622,

1048, numerics, linear algebra, rank revealing factorizations .

[181] Julien Chardonnens, Julien Favre, and Kamiar Aminian, An effortless procedure to align the local frame of an inertialmeasurement unit to the local frame of another motion capture system, Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012), 2297–2300,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.06.009,

1896, motion capute system, alignment, inertial sensor .[182] Julien Chardonnens, Julien Favre, Benoit Le Callennec, Florian Cuendet, Gerald Gremion, and Kamiar Aminian, Auto-

matic measurement of key ski jumping phases and temporal events with a wearable system, Journal of Sports Sciences

30 (2012), no. 1, 53–61,DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.624538,

1895, ski jumping, gyroscope, accelerometer snow, vicoelasticity .[183] Julien Chardonnens, Julien Favre, Florian Cuendet, Gerald Gremion, and Kamiar Aminian, A system to measure the

kinematics during the entire ski jump sequence using inertial sensors, Journal of Biomechanics 46 (2013), 56–62,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.10.005,1897, ski jumping, wearable system, inertial sensors, fusion algorithm .

[184] Debao Chen, Extended families of cardinal spline wavelets, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas, Austin,

TX, USA,1404, analysis, wavelets .

[185] , Spline wavelets of small support, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA,

1377, analysis, wavelets .[186] Zhifeng Chen and Haisheng Fang, The Effects of Wind and Posture on the Aerodynamic Performance During the Flight

Stage of Skiing, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 133 (2011), 091001 1–5,1869, skiing, aerodynamic performance, computational fluid dynamics .

[187] Andrew L. Chiang and C. Daniel Mote, Translations and rotations across the knee under isometric quadriceps contrac-

tion, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 9th vol., ASTM STP 1182 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, C. Daniel Mote,and John Zelcer, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1993, pp. 62–74,

1426, biomech, skiing, snow forces .

[188] John W. Chow and Warren G. Darling, The Maximum Shortening Velocity of Muscle Schould be Scaled with Activation,J. Appl. Physiol 86 (1999), 1025–1031,

1840, biomech, muscle, hill model, maximum shortening velocity .

[189] Chen Chuanmiao and Shih Tsimin, Finite element methods for integrodifferential equations, World Scientific, Singapore,1997,

1551, integrodifferential equations, finite elements .

[190] Charles K. Chui and Jian-Zhong Wang, A cardinal spline approach to wavelets, Transactions of the American Mathe-matical Society 113 (1991), 785–793,

1376, analysis, wavelets .

[191] , On compactly supported spline wavelets and a duality principle, Transactions of the American Mathematical

Society 330 (1992), 903–915,

1375, analysis, wavelets .[192] Charles E. Clauser, John T. McConville, and John W. Young, Weight, volume, and center of mass of segments of the

human body, Technical Report AMRL-TR-69-70, Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory (AMRL), Wright-Patterson

Air Force Base, Ohio, US-OH, 1969,1359, biomech, antropometry, body model, data .

[193] C.W. Clenshaw and J.G. Hayes, Curve and surface fitting, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

1 (1965), 164–183,1095, numerics, approximation, splines .

[194] C. Clerc, R. Gaertner, and P. Trompette, Computer aided design of skis, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 5

(1989), 1–14,1535, biomech, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness .

[195] William James Cody, J.T. Connen, D.M. Gay, K. Hanson, D. Hough, William Kahan, R. Karpinski, J. Palmer, F.N. Ris,and D. Stevenson, A proposed radix- and word-length-independent standard for floating-point arithmetic, IEEE Mikro,


1338, software, floating-point arithmetic .[196] William James Cody and K.E. Hillstorm, Chebyshev approximations for the natural logarithm of the Gamma function,

Mathematics of Computation 21 (1967), 198–203,

1129, approximation, special functions .[197] William James Cody, Anathony J. Strecok, and Henry C. Thacher, Chebyshev approximations of the Psi function,

Mathematics of Computation 27 (1973), 123–127,

1128, approximation, special functions .[198] Albert Cohen and Ingrid Daubechies, Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets III. Better frequency reslolu-

tion, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 24 (1993), 520–527,

1381, analysis, wavelets .[199] Albert Cohen, Ingrid Daubechies, and J.C. Feauveau, Biorthogonal bases of compactly supported wavelets, Communica-

tions on Pure and Applied Mathematics XLV (1992), 485–560,1380, analysis, wavelets, biorthogonal bases .

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[200] Albert Cohen, Ingrid Daubechies, Bjorn Jawerth, and Pierre Vial, Multiresolution analysis, wavelets and fast algorithms

on an interval, Comptes Rendus, Academie des Sciences Paris Serie I, Math., 316 (1993), 417–421,1388, analysis, wavelets .

[201] Albert Cohen, Ingrid Daubechies, and Pierre Vial, Wavelets on the interval and fast wavelet transforms, Applied and

Computational Harmonic Analysis 1 (1993), 54–81,1389, analysis, wavelets .

[202] E.R. Cohen and B.N. Taylor, The fundamental physical constants, Physics Today ?? (1995), 9–13,

1122, physics, constants .[203] Ronald R. Coifman and David L. Donoho, Translation-invariant de-noising, Yale and Stanford University,

1393, analysis, wavelets, de-noising .

[204] Ronald R. Coifman, Yves Meyer, Stephen Quake, and Mladen Victor Wickerhauser, Signal processing and compressionwith wave packets, Numerical Algorithms Research Group, Department of Mathematics, Yale University, New Haven,

Conneticut, USA, 19??,

1410, analysis, wavelets, compression .[205] S.C. Colbeck, Errors in the Measurement of High-Speed Friction on Snow, US Army CRREL, Hanover US-NH,

1542, biomech, snow, ice, friction .[206] , The Kinetic Friction of Snow, Journal of Glaciology 34 (1988), 78–86,

1543, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[207] , A Review of the Processes that Control Snow Friction, Technical Report 92-2, Cold Regions Research andEngineering Laboratory (CRREL), Hanover, US-NH, 1992,

1698, biomech, snow, friction .

[208] , A Review of the Friction of Snow Skis, Journal of Sports Sciences 12 (1994), 285–295,1871, snow, friction .

[209] , An error analysis of the techniques used in the measurement of high-speed friction on snow, Journal of Glaciology

19 (1994), 19–24,1944, snow, friction .

[210] S.C. Colbeck and G.C. Warren, The Thermal Response of Downhill Skis, Journal of Glaciology 37 (1991), 228–235,999, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[211] Steven M. Conger and David M. McClung, Cmparison of Density Cutters for Snow Profile Observations, Journal of

Glaciology 55 (2009), 163–169,1862, biomech, snow, density .

[212] A.R. Conn, N.I.M. Gould, and Phillipe L. Toint, LANCELOT. A Fortran package for large-scale nonlinear optimization,

Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, vol. 17, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1992,1509, analysis, numerics, software, PDE, large scale .

[213] A. Constantinides, Applied Numerical Methods with Personal Computers, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1988,

999, numerics .[214] Convex, Fortran Optimization Guide, Convex Computer Corporation, Richardson, TX, = 1990,

1635, programming, fortran, optimization .

[215] Tomas A. Correa and Marcus G. Pandy, A Mass-Length Scaling Law for Modeling Muscle Strength in the Lower Limb,Journal of Biomechanics 44 (2011), no. x, 2782–2789,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.08.024,

1855, mucles, strength, scaling .[216] Martin Costabel, Monique Dauge, and Serge Nicaise, Boundary value problems and integeral equations in nonsmooth

domains, Lecture Notes in pure and applied Mathematics, vol. 167, Dekker (???), New York, US-NY, 1995,1502, analysis, PDE, inegral equations, BVP .

[217] Raymond Couture and Pierre L’Ecuyer, Linear recurrences with carry as uniform random number generators, Departe-

ment d’IRO, Universite de Montreal, CA, ????,1234, random number generation, univorm .

[218] M.G. Cox, The numerical evaluation of B-splines, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 10

(1972), 134–149,1098, numerics, approximation, splines .

[219] , Practical spline approximation, Topics in Numerical Analysis (P.R. Turner, ed.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics,vol. 965, Springer, New York, US-NY, 1982, pp. 79–112,

1099, numerics, approximation, splines .

[220] Peter Craven and Grace Wahba, Smoothing Noisy Data with Spline Functions. Estimating the Correct Degree of Smooth-ing by the Method of Generalized Cross Validation, Numerische Mathematik 31 (1979), 377–403,

1107, numerics, approximation, splines .[221] Roy D. Crowninshield and Richard A. Brand, The prediction of forces in joint structures: Distribution of intersegmental

resultants, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, 1980,

1437, biomech, distribution of forces .

[222] , A physilogically based criterion of muscle force prediction in locomotion, Journal of Biomechanics 14 (1981),793–801,

1442, biomech, distribution of forces .[223] Jane Cullum, Numerical differentiation and regularization, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 8 (1971), 254–265,

1240, approximation, numerical differentiation .

[224] A.R. Curtis, High-order explicit Runge-Kutta formulae, their uses, and limitations, Journal of the Institute of Mathe-matics and its Applications 16 (1975), 35–55,

1146, ODE, numerics .

[225] Frank E. Curtis, Olav Schenk, and Andreas Wachter, An interior-point algorithm for large scale nonlinear optimizationwith inexact step computations, 32 (2010), no. 6, 3447–3475,

1927, optimization, large scale, sparse, IPOPT .

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[226] Horst Czichos, Hutte. Die Grundlagen der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1991,

1188, formulae, mechancis, engineering .[227] James B. Dabney and Thomas L. Harman, Mastering Simulink 4, Prentice Hall International, Inc., Upper Saddle River,

New Jersey, USA, 2001,

1578, programming, simulink, matlab .[228] Peter Dabnichki and Eldad Avital, Influence of the Position of Crew Members on Aerodynamics Performance of Two-

Man Bobsleigh, Journal of Biomechanics 39 (2006), 2733–2742,

1778, aerodynamics, bobsleigh, computational fluid dynamics, cfd .[229] Matthias Kalle Dalheimer, Programming with Qt. Writing Portable GUI Applications on Unix and Win32, O’Reilly &

Associates, Inc., Koln, DE, 2002,

1577, programming, c++, gui, qt .[230] Jack Daniels, Daniels’ Running Formula, Human Kinetics, Champaign, US-IL, 1998,

1686, biomech, running .

[231] Jesus Dapena, Three-Dimensional Cinematography with Horizontal Panning Cameras, Sciences et Motricite 1 (1978),3–15,

1349, biomech, 3d-reconstruction .[232] D.A. Darling, The Cramer-Smirnov test in the parametric case, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 26 (1955), 1–20,

1044, statistics, kolmogorov tests .

[233] , The Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises tests, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 28 (1957), 823–838,1043, statistics, kolmogorov tests .

[234] Ingrid Daubechies, Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathe-

matics XLI (1988), 909–996,1383, analysis, wavelets .

[235] , Ten Lectures on Wavelets, CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics, vol. 61, Society for

Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, US-PA, 1992,1209, approximation, wavelets, functional analysis .

[236] , Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets II. Variations on a theme, SIAM Journal on MathematicalAnalysis 24 (1993), 499–519,

1382, analysis, wavelets .

[237] George J. Davis, Algorithm 598: An algoritm to compute solvents of the matrix equationAX2 + BX + C = 0, ACMTransactions on Mathematical Software 9 (1983), 256–254,

1070, numerics, linear algebra, solvents .

[238] Philip J. Davis and Ph. Rabinowitz, Methods of numerical integration, 2nd ed., Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, US-FL,1984,

1215, numerics, integration .

[239] Carl de Boor, FFT as nested multiplication with a twist, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 1 (1966),173–178,

1294, approximation, FFT .

[240] , On calculating with B-splines, Journal of Approximation Theory 6 (1972), 50–62,

1097, numerics, approximation, splines .

[241] , A Practical Guide to Splines, Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 27, Springer, New York, US-NY, 1978,1096, numerics, approximation, splines .

[242] Carl de Boor and Richard Weiss, Solveblock: A package for solving almost block diagonal linear systems, ACM Trans-

actions on Mathematical Software 6 (1980), 80–87,1081, numerics, linear equations .

[243] Frank R. de Hoog, A new algorithm for solving Toeplitz systems of equations, Linear Algebra and its Applications 88

(1987), 123–138,1324, numerics, linear algebra, toeplitz systems .

[244] Jos J. de Koning, Gert de Groot, and Gerrit Jan van Ingen Schenau, Ice Friction During Speed Skating, Journal of

Biomechanics 25 (1992), no. 6, 565–571,DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(92)90099-M,

1785, biomech, ice, friction, skating .

[245] Paolo de Leva, Adjustments to Zatsiorsky-Seluyanov’s Segment Inertia Parameters, Journal of Biomechanics 29 (1996),no. 9, 1223–1230,

1796, biomech, body segments, masses, inertia .[246] , Joint Center Longitudinal Positions Computed from a Selected Subset of Chandler’s Data, Journal of Biome-

chanics 29 (1996), no. 9, 1231–1233,1815, biomech, body segments, joint centers .

[247] , Anticrossproducts and Cross Division, Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008), 1790–1800,

1816, cross product .[248] A. Deak, J. Jorgensen, and J. Vagners, The Engineering Characteries of Snow Skis. Part 1: Static Bending and Torsional

Characteristics, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)) Journal of Engineering for Industry 97 (1975), 131–137,

1537, biomech, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness .[249] K. Deimling, Nonlinear functional analysis, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1985,

1286, functional analysis .[250] Scott L. Delp, Frank C. Anderson, Allison S. Arnold, Peter Loan, Ayman Habib, Chand T. John, Eran Guendelman,

and Darryl G. Thelen, OpenSim: Open source software to create and analyze dynamic simulations of movement, IEEETransactions on Biomedical Engineering 54 (2007), no. 11, 1940–1950,1934, biomech, simulation, mucles .

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[251] James Weldon Demmel and Nicholas J. Higham, Improved error bounds for underdetermined system solvers, SIAM

Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 14 (1993), 1–14,1069, numerics, linear algebra, underdetermined systems, error analysis .

[252] James Weldon Demmel and William Kahan, Accurate Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices, SIAM Journal on Scientific

and Statistical Computing 11 (1990), 873–912,1581, numerics, linear algebra, singular values .

[253] Wolfgang Demtroder, Experimentalphysik 3, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2005,

1727, physics .[254] , Experimentalphysik 4, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2005,

1728, physics .

[255] , Experimentalphysik 1, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2006,1725, physics .

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1726, physics .[257] Eric Desailly, Philippe Sardain, Nejib Khouri, Daniel Yepremian, and Patrick Lacouture, The Convex Wrapping Algo-

rithm: A Method for Identifying Muscle Paths Using the Underlying Bone Mesh, Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010),2601–2607,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2010.05.005,

1831, biomech, muscle, tendon, musculoskeletal modeling .[258] Peter Deuflhard, A Modified Newton Method for the Solution of Ill-Conditioned Systems of Nonlinear Equations with

Applications to Multiple Shooting, Numerische Mathematik 22 (1974), 289–315,

1010, numerics, nonlinear equations, Newton technique, ODE, BVP, multiple shooting .[259] , A Relaxation Strategy for the Modified Newton Method, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 477 (1975),


999, numerics, optimization, newton method .[260] , Order and Stepsize Control in Extrapolation Methods, Numerische Mathematik 41 (1983), 399–422,

1317, numerics, ODE, extrapolation methods, stepsize selection .[261] , Newton Techniques for Highly Nonlinear Problems. Theory and Algorithms, Academic Press, Inc., in press,

1009, nonlinear equations, Newton technique .

[262] Peter Deuflhard and Georg Bader, Multiple shooting techniques revisited, Numerical treatment of inverse problems indiffferential and integral equations (Heidelberg, DE), Proceedings of an international workshop, 1983, pp. 74–94,

1316, numerics, BVP, ODE .

[263] Peter Deuflhard and Ernst Hairer (eds.), Numerical treatment of inverse problems in differential and integral equations,Heidelberg, DE, Proceedings of an international workshop, 1983,

1308, differential and integral equations, inverse problems .

[264] Peter Deuflhard and Andreas Hohmann, Numerische Mathematik. Eine algorithmisch orientierte Einfuhrung, Walterde Gruyter, Berlin, DE, 1993,

1199, numerics .

[265] Peter Deuflhard and Werner Sautter, On rank-deficient pseudoinverses, Linear Algebra and its Applications 29 (1980),91–111,

1315, numerics, linear algebra, pseudoinverses, rank .[266] P. Devaux and P. Trompette, Letter to the editor: Modal Analysis of a ski by the finite element method, Shock Vib.

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1536, biomech, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness .[267] Ronald A. DeVore and George G. Lorentz, Constructive Approximation, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1993,

1201, approximation .

[268] Luc Devroye, Non-uniform random variate generation, Springer, New York, US-NY, 1986,1258, probability, statistics, random number generation, non-uniform .

[269] Yasin Y. Dhaher, Tae-Hyun Kwon, and Megan Barry, The effect of connective tissue material uncertainties on knee

joint mechanics under isolated loading conditions, Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010), 3118–3125,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2010.08.005,

1834, biomech, muscle, knee, finite element .

[270] Paul Dierckx, An Algorithm for Smoothing, Differentiation, and Integration of Experimental Data Using Spline Func-tions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 (1975), 165–184,

1102, numerics, approximation, splines .[271] , An algorithm for surface-fitting with spline functions, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 1 (1981), 267–283,

1103, numerics, approximation, splines .[272] , A Fast Algorithm for Smoothing Data on a Rectangular Grid while Using Spline Functions, SIAM Journal on

Numerical Analysis 19 (1982), 1286–1304,

1104, numerics, approximation, splines .

[273] , An Algorithm for Experimental Data Deconvolution Using Spline Functions, Journal of Computational Physics52 (1983), 163–186,

1105, numerics, approximation, splines, deconvolution .[274] , Curve and Surface Fitting with Splines, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1993,

1101, numerics, approximation, splines .

[275] J. Dieudonne, Grundzuge der modernen Analysis. Band 1: Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, Vieweg, Braun-schweig, Wiesbaden, DE, 1985,

1287, analysis, fucntional analysis .

[276] Wilfrid J. Dixon, Further contributions to the problem of serial correlation, ??? ?? (19??), ?/–??,1414, statistics, correlation .

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[277] Manfredo P. do Carmo, Differentialgeometrie von Kurven und Flachen, Vieweg, Wiesbaden, DE, 1983,

1093, analysis, differential geometry .[278] Andre Dolenc, Ari Lemmke, and David Keppel, Notes on Writing Portable Programs in C, CS&E University of Wash-

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1595, programming, C .[279] Florent Domine, Josue Bock, Samuel Morin, and Gerald Giraud, Linking the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Snow

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1863, biomech, snow, shear strength, density .[280] Zachary J. Domire, Rhonda L. Boros, and Javed Hashemi, An examination of possible quadriceps force at the time of

anterior cruiate ligament injury during landing: A simulation study, Journal of Biomechanics 44 (2011), no. x, 1630–

1632,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.03.001,

1929, biomech, simulation, landing, ACL .

[281] Jack J. Dongarra, Jeremy du Croz, Iain S. Duff, and Sven Hammarling, A Set of Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subpro-grams, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 16 (1990), 1–17,

1078, numerics, software, linear algebra, BLAS .[282] Jack J. Dongarra, Jeremy du Croz, Sven Hammarling, and Richard J. Hanson, An Extended Set of Fortran Basic Linear

Algebra Subprograms, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 14 (1988), 1–17,

1077, numerics, software, linear algebra, BLAS .[283] Jack J. Dongarra and Eric Grosse, Distribution of mathematical software via electronic mail, Communications of the

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1017, numerics, software .[284] Jack J. Dongarra, C.B. Moler, J.R. Bunch, and G.W. Stewart, LINPACK Users Guide, Society for Industrial and

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1080, numerics, software, linear algebra, LAPACK .[285] Jack J. Dongarra and David W. Walker, Software libraries for linear algebra computation of high performance computers,

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1074, numerics, lineare algebra, software, BLAS, LAPACK .[286] David L. Donoho, Smooth wavelet decompositions with blocky coefficient kernels, Department of Statistics, Stanford

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1007, approximation, wavelets .[287] , De-noising by soft-thresholding, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41 (1995), 613–627,

1396, analysis, wavelets, de-noising .[288] David L. Donoho and Iain M. Johnstone, Ideal denoising in an orthonormal basis chosen from a library of bases,

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1392, analysis, wavelets, de-noising .[289] , Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelet shrinkage, Journal of the American Statistical Association 90

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1394, analysis, wavelets, de-noising .[290] David L. Donoho, Iain M. Johnstone, Gerhard Kerkyacharian, and Dominique Picard, Wavelet Shrinkage: Asymptopia?,

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 57 (1995), 301–369,1395, analysis, wavelets, de-noising .

[291] J.R. Dormand and Pete J. Prince, A family of embedded Runge-Kutta formulae, Journal of Computational and Applied

Mathematics 6 (1980), 19–26,1157, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .

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67–75,1158, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .

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15 (1984), 203–211,1159, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .

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[295] , Practical Runge-Kutta processes, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 5 (1989), 977–989,

1161, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .[296] Edward R. Dougherty, Probability and Statistics for the Engineering, Computing, and Physical Sciences, Prentice Hall

International, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, US-NJ, 1990,1309, probability, statistics .

[297] Timothy Dowd and Robert L. Brown, A new instrument for determining strength profiles in snow cover, Journal of

Glaciology 32 (1986), no. 111, 299–301,

1889, snow, hardness .[298] Ariel V. Dowling, Julien Favre, and Thomas P. Andriacchi, A wearable system to assess risk for Anterior Cruciate

Ligament injury during jump landing: Measurements of temporal events, jump height, and sagittal plane kinematics,Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 133 (2011), 071008 1–7,1898, biomech, motion caputere, inertial sensors, ACL .

[299] Volker Drenk, Erarbeitung von photogrammetrischen Auswerteverfahren fur den Einsatz schwenkbarer Kameras in derLeistungssportforschung (Photogrammetric Analysis Methods for Pan and Tilt Cameras in Sports Research), Ph.D.

thesis, Forschungsinstitut fur Korperkultur und Sport, Leipzig, DE, 1988,

1549, biomech, DLT, film analysis .

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[300] Iain S. Duff, A.M. Erisman, and John K. Reid, Direct methods for sparse matrices, Monographs on Numerical Analysis,

vol. 5, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1986,1193, linear algebra, numerics, sparse matrices .

[301] Iain S. Duff, Roger G. Grimes, and John G. Lewis, Sparse matrix test problems, ACM Transactions on Mathematical

Software 15 (1989), 1–14,1049, numerics, linear algebra, sparse matrices .

[302] R. Dumas, L. Cheze, and J.P. Verriest, Adjustments to McConville et al. and Young et al. Body Segment Inertial

Parameters, Journal of Biomechanics 40 (2007), 543–553,1797, biomech, body segments, masses, inertia .

[303] Robert Eberle, Peter Kaps, Ulrich Filippi-Oberegger, Dieter Heinrich, Martin Mossner, Kurt Schindelwig, Armin

Niederkofler, and Werner Nachbauer, Damped Vibrations of Alpine Skis on Inelastic Foundations, 5th InternationalCongress on Science and Skiing, Book of Abstracts (St. Christoph am Arlberg, AT) (Erich Muller, Stefan Lindinger,

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221, simulation, ski, elastic beam, vibrations, foundation .[304] , Damped Vibrations of Alpine Skis on Inelastic Foundations, Science and Skiing V (Maidenhead, UK) (Erich

Muller, Stefan Lindinger, and Thomas Stoggl, eds.), Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2012, pp. 142–151,227, biomech, skiing, turns, turn radius, ski-snow contact .

[305] Bruce Eckel, Thinking in Java, 3ed ed., Prentice Hall International, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA, 2003,

1522, java, c++, programming .[306] Rainald M. Ehrig, William R. Taylor, Georg N. Duda, and Markus O. Heller, A Survey of Formal Methods for Deter-

mining Functional Joint Axes, Journal of Biomechanics 40 (2007), 2150–2157,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2006.10.026,1792, biomech, axis of rotation .

[307] Edda Eich, Convergence results for a coordinate projection method applied to mechanical systems with algebraic con-

straints, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 30 (1993), no. 5, 1467–1482,1899, numerics, DAE, mechanical systems .

[308] J. David Eisenberg, SVG Essentials, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., North Sebastobol, CA, 2002,

1642, svg, programming, www .[309] Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup, The annotated C++ reference manual. ANSI base document, Addison-Wesley

Publishing Company, Reading, US-MA, 1990,1276, C++, standard .

[310] Christian Engstler, Numerische Losung differentiell-algebraischer Gleichungen der Mehrkorperdynamik durch Extrapo-

lationsverfahren, Diploma thesis, Institute for Basic Sciences in Engineering, University of Innsbruck, AT, 1993,1179, DAE, numerics, extrapolation, mechanics .

[311] Roger M. Enoka, Neuromechanical Basis of Kinsiology, Human Kinetics, Champaign, US-IL, 1994,

1617, biomech, kinsiology .[312] Ahmet Erdemir, Scott G. McLean, Walter Herzog, and Antonie J. van den Bogert, Model-Based Estimation of Muscle

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1757, biomech, body model, muscles .[313] Ahmet Erdemir and Stephen J. Piazza, Changes in Foot Loading Following Pantar Fasciotomy. A Computer Modeling

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1762, biomech, body model, muscles .[314] Ahmet Erdemir and Scott Sibole, OpenKnee: A three-dimensional finite element representation of the knee joint, User’s

guide, Computational Biomodeling Core & Department of Biomedical Engineering, Lerner Research Institute, ClevelandClinic, Cleveland, US-OH, 2010,

1952, biomech, knee .

[315] A.M. Erisman and W.F. Tinney, On computing certain elements of the inverse of a sparse matrix, Communications ofthe ACM 18 (1975), 177–179,

1071, numerics, linear algebra, sparse matrices .

[316] J. Erkkila, T. Hamalainen, P. Pihkala, Sauli Savolainen, and Erik Spring, A Cinematographic Method for Determinationof the Kinetic Friction of Skis on Snow, Report Series in Geophysics, vol. 21, University of Helsinki, FI, 1985,

999, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[317] Andrew F. Huxley et al., Muscle contraction mechanism, ???,1623, biomech, muscle .

[318] Martin Mossner et al., Computer Simulation of a Combination of Carved Turns, Sachiko Yahashi Memorial Award,17th International Symposium of the International Society for Skiing Safety (ISSS), Aviemore, UK, 13-19 May 2007,191, simulation, skiing, turn radius .

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sium, Osterreichische Sportwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (OSG), Innsbruck/Hungerburg, AT, Nov 2006,

188, snow, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness, turn radius .[320] Carl F. Ettlinger, Robert J. Johnson, and Jasper E. Shealy, A method to help reduce the risk of serious knee sprains

incurred in alpine skiing, The American Journal of Sports Medicine 23 (1995), no. 5, 531–537,

DOI: 10.1177/036354659502300503,1907, injury, knee, acl .

[321] D.C.B. Evans, J.F. Nye, and K.J. Cheeseman, The Kinetic Friction of Ice, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London

A 347 (1976), no. 1651, 493–512,1783, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[322] G. Evans, Practical Numerical Integration, John Wiley & Sons, New York, US-NY, 1993,

1216, numerics, integration .

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[323] Gerald E. Farin, NURBS for Curve and Surface Design, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),

Philadelphia, US-PA, 1991,1571, projective geometry, nurbs, splines .

[324] , NURBS from Projective Geometry to Practical Use, A.K. Peters, Ltd., Natick, US-MA, 1999,

1570, projective geometry, nurbs, splines .[325] John A. Faulkner, Dennis R. Claflin, and Kevin K. McCully, Power Output on Fast and Slow Fibers from Human

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1621, biomech, muscle .[326] Mathieu Fauve and Hansueli U. Rhyner, Analysis and Optimization of the Sliding Properties of Luge Steel Blades on Ice,

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DOI: 10.1007/978-2-287-99054-0 68,1788, luge, friction .

[327] Julien Favre, B.M. Jolles, O. Siegrist, and Kamiar Aminian, Quaternion-based fusion of gyroscopes and accelerometers

to improve 3D angle measurement, Electronics Letters 42 (2006), no. 11, 612–613,DOI: 10.1049/el.20060124,

1894, quaternions, rotations, gyroscopes, accelerometers .[328] Peter Andreas Federolf, Finite Element Simulation of a Carving Snow Ski, Ph.D. thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of

Technology Zurich, CH, 2005,

1697, biomech, skiing, simulation .[329] , Quantifying instantaneous performance in alpine ski racing, Journal of Sports Sciences 30 (2012), no. 10, 1063–


DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2012.690073,1916, biomech, skating, performanc3 .

[330] Peter Andreas Federolf, Florian JeanRichard, Mathieu Fauve, Anton Luthi, Hansueli U. Rhyner, and Jurg Dual, Defor-

mation of Snow During a Carved Ski Turn, Cold Regions Science and Technology 46 (2006), 69–77,DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2006.06.006,

1716, biomech, snow, properties .

[331] Peter Andreas Federolf, Robert Mills, and Benno M. Nigg, Ice Friction of Flared Ice Hockey Skate Blades, Journal ofSports Sciences 26 (2008), no. 11, 1201–1208,

DOI: 10.1080/02640410802027360,1873, biomech, skating, ice, friction .

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1874, biomech, skating, ice, friction .

[333] Peter Andreas Federolf, Markus Roos, Anton Luthi, and Jurg Dual, Finite Element Simulation of the Ski-Snow Inter-action of an Alpine Ski in a Carved Turn, Sports Engineering 12 (2010), 123–133,

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1801, biomech, skiing, snow, fe simulation .[334] , Parameter Study Using a Finite Element Simulation of a Carving Alpine Ski to Investigate the Turn Radius

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1802, biomech, skiing, parameter study, fe simulation, turn radius .

[335] Peter Andreas Federolf, Peter Scheiber, E. Rauscher, Hermann Schwameder, Anton Luthi, Hansueli U. Rhyner, andErich Muller, Impact of Skier Actions on the Gliding Times in Alpine Skiing, 18 (2008), no. x, 790–797,

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1849, biomech, skiing, gliding, posture .[336] S.I. Feldman, D.M. Gay, M.W. Maimone, and N.L. Schryer, A Fortran to C converter, Computing Science Technical

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und Architekten-Zeitschrift (OIAZ) 144 (1999), 434–436,1696, engineering, hypoelasticity .

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1695, engineering, hypoelasticity .[339] Friedrich Fetz, Biomechanische Analyse alpiner Zieleinfahrtechniken (Biomechanical analysis of finishing techniques in

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999, biomech, skiing .[340] Friedrich Fetz and Erich Muller, Zur Bewegungsvorausnahme im Skilauf, Report, Department of Sport Science, ??,

1548, biomech, skiing .[341] , Abstimmung sportlicher Belastungen verschiedener Schifahrtechniken als Beitrag zur Unfallverhutung und

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DE, 1991,1279, biomech, skiing .

[343] Jerry L. Fields, Confluent expansions, Mathematics of Computation 21 (1967), 189–197,

1125, approximation, special functions, series, confluent expansions .[344] C. Fierz, R.L. Armstrong, Y. Durand, P. Etchevers, E. Greene, David M. McClung, K. Nishimura, P.K. Satyawali,

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hydrology, nr. 83, iacs contribution nr. 1, UNESCO-IHP, Paris, FR, 2009,

1878, snow, classification .[345] Jose M. Figueras, F. Escalas, A. Vidal, Rudolph Morgenstern, Joe M. Bulo, Jose A. Merino, and J.M. Espada-Gamisans,

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Skiers, Skiing Trauma and Safety 6th vol., ASTM STP 938 (Philadelphia,

US-PA) (C. Daniel Mote and Robert J. Johnson, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1987,pp. 55–60,

999, biomech .

[346] Jose M. Figueras, Miguel Llobet, Rudolph Morgenstern, and Jose A. Merino, The Evolution of Knee Injuries in SkiAccidents, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 5th vol., ASTM STP 860 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson and C. Daniel

Mote, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1985, pp. 141–148,

1431, biomech, skiing, snow forces .[347] Ulrich Filippi-Oberegger, Peter Kaps, Walter Kerber, Martin Mossner, Kurt Schindelwig, and Werner Nachbauer, Re-

action Forces and Moments in Carved Turns, Journal of ASTM International 7 (2010), no. 9, ???–???,

DOI: 10.1520/JAI102827,220, biomech, skiing, turns, dae .

[348] , Reaction Forces During a Carved Turn in Alpine Skiing, 18th International Symposium on Ski Trauma andSkiing Safety, Book of Abstracts (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, DE) (Veit Senner, Verena Fastenbauer, and Harald Bohm,

eds.), April 2009, p. 21,

203, skiing, carved turns, reaction forces .[349] Ulrich Filippi-Oberegger, Peter Kaps, Martin Mossner, Dieter Heinrich, and Werner Nachbauer, Simulation of Skiing

Turns with a Multibody Skier and a Ski-Snow Interaction Model, 5th International Congress on Science and Skiing, Book

of Abstracts (St. Christoph am Arlberg, AT) (Erich Muller, Stefan Lindinger, Thomas Stoggl, and J. Pfusterschmied,eds.), 14-18 Dec 2010, p. 60,

222, simulation, ski, elastic beam, vibrations, foundation .

[350] , Simulation of Turns with a 3D Skier Model, Oral Presentation at the 8th Engineering of Sport Conference,Vienna, AT, 14 Jul 2010,

214, biomech, skiing, simulation, ballance .[351] , The Balance Problem During Turns in Alpine Skiing, Book of Abstracts, European Comunity on Computa-

tonal Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2009 (Warsaw, PL)

(K. Arczewski, J. Fraczek, and M. Wojtyra, eds.), 2009, pp. 256–257,201, simulation, skiing, turns, balance .

[352] , Simulation of Turns with a 3D Skier Model, The Engineering of Sport 8 (Vienna, AT) (Anton Sabo, Stefan

Litzenberger, Patricia Kafka, and Christoph Sabo, eds.), International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA), 2010,pp. 3171–3177,

DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2010.04.28,

218, biomech, skiing, simulation, ballance .[353] , Validation of an Alpine Skiing Simulation Model with a Hypoplastic Ski-Snow Contact, Conference Book

Program & Abstracts, 23th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) (Brussels, BE) (Serge Van Sint

Jan, Veronique Feipel, Dirk Aerenhouts, Jean-Pierre Baeyens, Alain Carpentier, Erik Cattryssee, Jean-Pieter Clarys,Jacques Duchateau, Nathalie Guissard, Thierry Leloup, Steven Provyn, Marcel Rooze, Aldo Scafoglieri, Frederic Schuind,

Peter Van Roy, and Nadine Warzee, eds.), Universite Libre de Bruxxeles, 2011, p. 36,224, skiing, simulation .

[354] , Simulation of Skiing Turns with a Multibody Skier and a Ski-Snow Interaction Model, Science and Skiing V

(Maidenhead, UK) (Erich Muller, Stefan Lindinger, and Thomas Stoggl, eds.), Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2012, pp. 336–348,228, biomech, skiing, turns, turn radius, ski-snow contact .

[355] , Simulation of Turns with a 3D Skier Model, 8th Engineering of Sport Conference (Vienna, AT) (???, ed.), Jul

2010, p. ???,216, biomech, skiing, simulation, ballance .

[356] Ulrich Filippi-Oberegger, Peter Kaps, Martin Mossner, and Werner Nachbauer, A 3D Model for Turns of an Alpine

Skier, Poster presented at the 3rd International Congress on Mountain, Sport & Health, Rovereto, IT, 12-14 Nov 2009,210, biomech, simualtion, skiing .

[357] , A 3D Model for Turns of an Alpine Skier, Book of Abstracts, 3rd International Congress on Mountain, Sport& Health (Rovereto, IT) (Frederico Schena, Paolo Tosi, Carlo Capelli, Guido Ferretti, and Franco Impellizzeri, eds.),

2009, p. 51,

212, biomech, simulation, skiing .[358] Gerd Fischer, Analytische Geometrie, Leitfaden der angewandten Mathematik und Mechanik, vol. 69, Vieweg, Braun-

schweig, Wiesbaden, DE, 1979,1153, analytical geometry .

[359] George S. Fishman, Multiplicative congruental random number generators with modulus2β : An exhaustive analysis

forβ = 32and a partial analysis forβ = 48, Mathematics of Computation 54 (1990), 331–344,

1012, random number generation, uniform .[360] David Flanagan, X Toolkit Intrinsics Reference Manual, The Definite Guides to the X Window System, vol. 5, O’Reilly

& Associates, Inc., 1992,1497, programming, X-system, unix .

[361] R. Fletcher, Practical methods of optimization, John Wiley & Sons, New York, US-NY, 1987,

1291, numerics, optimization .[362] Max Fogiel, Handbook of Mathematical, Scientific, and Enginieering Formulas, Tables, Graphs, Transforms, Research

and Education Association (REA), New York, US-NY, 1986,

1187, table, formulae .

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[363] W. Forg-Rob and Werner Nachbauer, Use of Spline-Functions in the Smoothing of Film Data for Slalom Ski Racers,

International Journal of Sport Biomechanics 4 (1988), 166–177,1714, biomech, smoothing splines, slalom .

[364] George E. Forsythe, Von Neumann’s Comparison Method for Random Sampling from the Normal and other Distribu-

tions, Mathematics of Computation 26 (1972), 817–826,1022, random number generation, non-uniform .

[365] S. Freudiger and N.F. Friedrich, Critical Load Cases for Knee Ligaments at Skiing. An Enginneering Approach, Skiing

Trauma and Safety, 13th vol., ASTM STP 1397 (West Conshohocken, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, Paolo Zucco, andJasper E. Shealy, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 2000, pp. 160–174,

1694, biomech, skiing, forces, knee .

[366] Harald Friemann, Schub und Torsion in geraden Staben, Werner Verlag, Dusseldorf, DE, 1993,1559, physics, mechanics, engineering, torsion .

[367] Senshi Fukashiro, Dean C. Hay, Shinsuke Yoshioka, and Akinori Nagano, Simulation of Muscle-Tendon Complex During

Human Movements, International Jorunal of Sport and Health Science 3 (2005), 152–160,1826, biomech, muscle, simulation .

[368] Yuan-Cheng Fung, Biomechanic. Mechanical poperties of living tissues, Springer, New York, US-NY, 1993,1556, biomech, mechanics, tissues .

[369] Patrik W. Gaffney, The calculation of indefinite integrals of B-splines, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its

Applications 17 (1976), 37–41,1100, numerics, approximation, splines .

[370] I. Gagnon and J.M. Lina, Symmetric Daubechies wavelts and numerical solution of NLS euqations, Phys. A: Math. Gen.

27 (1994), 8207–8230,1391, analysis, PDE, wavelets .

[371] Paola Gardano and Peter Dabnichki, On Hydrodynamics of Drag and Lift of the Human Arm, Journal of Biomechanics

39 (2006), 2767–2773,1777, wind tunnel, drag, lift, swimming, computational fluid dynamics, cfd .

[372] Walter Gautschi, Computational aspects of three-term recurrence relations, SIAM Review 9 (1967), 24–82,

1040, approximation, special functuions, recurrence relations .[373] C. William Gear, Towards Explicit Methods for Differential-Algebraic Equations, BIT Numerical Mathematics 46 (2006),


DOI: 10.1007/s10543-006-0048-x,1814, numerics, DAE, explicit method .

[374] Wilhelm Gehrke, Fortran 90 - Referenz-Handbuch, = Carl Hanser Verlag, Munchen, DE, = 1991,1634, programming, fortran 90 .

[375] Guido Geisler, Biege- und Torsionssteifigkeit vier verschiedener Skitypen, Seminararbeit, Department of Sport Science,

2001,1554, biomech, skis, bending and torsional stiffness .

[376] W. Gellert, H. Kustner, M. Hellwich, and Herbert Kastner, Mathematik Ratgeber, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Zurich, CH,

1975,1560, mathematik .

[377] W. Morven Gentleman and Scott B. Marovich, More on algorithms that reveal properties of floating point arithmetic

units, Communications of the ACM 17 (1974), 276–277,1337, software, floating point arithmetic .

[378] Karin Gerarda Maria Gerritsen, Werner Nachbauer, and Antonie J. van den Bogert, Simulation of Landing Movement

in Downhill Skiing: Validation Using Experimental Data, Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference (Calgary, CA),Canadian Society for Biomechanics, 1994, pp. 192–163,

1986, skiing, forces .[379] , Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury During Recovery From a Backward Position, Book of Abstracts,

11th (?) International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (???) (??? and ???, eds.), International

Society for Skiing Safety (ISSS), 1995, p. ???,1596, skiing, forces, carving .

[380] , Computer Simulation of Landing Movement in Dwonhill Skiing: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries, Journalof Biomechanics 29 (1996), 845–854,

1684, biomech, forces, knee joint .

[381] Karin Gerarda Maria Gerritsen, Antonie J. van den Bogert, and Benno M. Nigg, Direct dynamics simulation of theimpact phase in heel-toe running, Journal of Biomechanics 28 (1995), 661–668,

1685, biomech, forces, knee joint .[382] V. Giavotto, M. Borri, P. Mantegazza, G. Ghiringhelli, V. Carmashi, G.C. Maffioli, and F. Mussi, Anisotropic beam

theory and applications, Computers and Structures 16 (1983), 403–413,

1539, biomech, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness .

[383] Phillip E. Gill and G.F. Miller, An Algorithm for the Integration of Unequally Spaced Data, The Computer Journal 15(1971), 80–83,

1046, numerics, integration, data .[384] Phillip E. Gill and Walter Murray, Numerical Methods for Constrained Optimization, Academic Press, Inc., London,

UK, 1974,

1214, numerics, optimization, nonlinear equations, constraints .[385] , Algorithms for the Solution of the Nonlinear Least-Squares Problem, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 15

(1978), 977–992,999, numerics, optimization, nonlinear least squares .

[386] Phillip E. Gill, Walter Murray, Michael A. Saunders, and Margaret H. Wright, Procedures for Optimization Problems

with a Mixture of Bounds and General Linear Constraints, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 10 (1984),

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1417, numerics, constrained linear equations .[387] Phillip E. Gill, Walter Murray, and Margaret H. Wright, Practical Optimization, Academic Press, Inc., London, UK,


1213, numerics, optimization, nonlinear equations, constraints .[388] Karl Girkmann, Flachentragwerke, Springer, Vienna, AT, 1963,

1259, physics, mechanics, engineering .

[389] B. Glenne, Mechanics of Skis, Handbook of Snow (Donald Maurice Gray and David Harold Male, eds.), Pergamon Press,Toronto, CA, 1981, pp. 741–765,

1809, biomech, mechanics, skis .

[390] , Sliding Friction and Boundary Lubrication of Snow, Journal of Tribology 109 (1987), 614–617,999, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[391] B. Glenne and B. von Allmen, Basic Mechanics of Alpine Skiing, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 3ed vol., ASTM STP ???

(Munich, DE) (Robert J. Johnson and ???, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1982, pp. 50–57,999, biomech, skiing .

[392] Peter Glinsky, Frank Gehrke, and Gunther Klappheck, Linux im office, Sybex Verlag GmbH, Dusseldorf, DE, 1999,1559, linux, star office .

[393] Roland Glowinski, Andreas Rieder, Raymond O. Wells, and Xiaodong Zhou, A preconditioned CG-method for wavelet-

Galerkin discrtizations of elliptic problems, Universitat des Saarlandes, Fachbereich Mathematik, BRD, 19??,1400, analysis, wavelets, PDE .

[394] , A wavelet multigrid preconditioner for Dirichlet boundary-value problems in general domains, Department of

Mathematics, Houston, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA, Computational Mathematics Laboratory, RiceUniversity, Houston, Texas, USA, Universite de Paris, Paris, France, and Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbrucken, DE,


1401, analysis, wavelets, PDE .[395] S. Goedecker, Remark on algorithms to find roots of poynomials, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing

15 (1994), 1059–1063,

1327, numerics, roots, polynomials .[396] Gene Howard Golub and Charles F. van Loan, An Analysis of the Total Least Squares Problem, SIAM Journal on

Numerical Analysis 17 (1980), 883–893,1056, numerics, linear algebra, total least squares .

[397] , Matrix Computations, 2nd ed., The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, US-MD, 1991,

1055, numerics, linear algebra .[398] Gerhard Goos, Vorlesungen uber Informatik. Band 3: Berechenbarkeit, formale Sprachen, Spezifikation, Springer, Berlin,

DE, 1997,

1640, informatics .[399] , Vorlesungen uber Informatik. Band 4: Paralleles Rechnen und nicht-analytische L”osungsverfahren, Springer,

Berlin, DE, 1998,

1641, informatics .[400] , Vorlesungen uber Informatik. Band 1: Grundlagen und funktionales Programmieren, Springer, Berlin, DE,

2000,1638, informatics .

[401] , Vorlesungen uber Informatik. Band 2: Objektorientiertes Programmieren und Alorithmen, Springer, Berlin,

DE, 2001,1639, informatics .

[402] B.A. Gopinath and C.S. Burrus, A tutorial overview of filter banks, wavelets, and interrelations, Proc. ISCAS ???

(1993), ??,1303, wavelets .

[403] A.M. Gordon, Andrew F. Huxley, and F.J. Julian, The Variation in Isometric Tension with Sarcomer Length in Verte-

brate Muscle Fibres, J. Physiol. 184 (1966), 170–192,1606, biomech, muscles .

[404] S.M. Gorlin, M.M. Maseev, W.A. Zyrjanow, and L.L. Remizov, Sliding Friction and Boundary Lubrication of Snow,

Teorija i praktika fizicheskoj kultury 2 (1972), 65–66,999, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[405] Siegfried Gottwald, Herbert Kastner, and Helmut Rudolph, Meyers kleine Enzyklop?die Mathematik, Meyers Lexikon-verlag, Bibliographishes Institut, Mannheim, DE, 1995,

1561, mathematik .

[406] Walter Greiner, Mechanik II, Theoretische Physik, vol. 2, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Thun and Frankfurt am Main, DE,1982,1261, physics, mechanics .

[407] , Mechanik I, Theoretische Physik, vol. 1, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Thun and Frankfurt am Main, DE, 1984,1260, physics, mechanics .

[408] W. Grobner and N. Hofreiter, Integraltafel, Erster Teil, Unbestimmte Integrale, Springer, Vienna, AT and Innsbruck,AT, 1949,1189, table, integration .

[409] , Integraltafel, Zweiter Teil, Bestimmte Integrale, Springer, Vienna, AT and Innsbruck, AT, 1950,1190, table, integration .

[410] Charles W. Groetsch, Inverse problems in the mathematical sciences, Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, DE, 1993,1510, analysis, numerics, optimizaton .

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[411] Edward S. Grood, Stewart F. Stowers, and Frank R. Noyes, Limits of movement in the human knee, Journal of Bone

Joint and Surgery 70 (1988), no. 1, 88–97,1949, biomech, knee, stiffness, laxity .

[412] William D. Gropp, Ewing Rusty Lusk, and Anthony Skjellum, Using MPI. Portable Parallel Programming with the

Message-Parsing Interface. 2nd ed., The MIT Press, Cambridge, US-MA, 1999,1661, parallel programming, MPI .

[413] H.J. Gros, Basic Mechanics and Aerodynamics Applied to Skiing, Science in Skiing, Skating, and Hockey: Proceedings

of the International Congress of Sport Sciences (San Diego, US-CA) (T. Terauds and H.J. Gros, eds.), Calif. AcademicPublishers, 1979, pp. 9–21,

999, biomech, skiing .

[414] Dietmar Gross, Werner Hauger, and Walter Schnell, Technische Mechanik. Band 1: Statik, Springer Lehrbuch, vol. 1,Springer, Berlin, DE, 1995,

1262, physics, mechanics, engineering .

[415] Dietmar Gross, Werner Hauger, Walter Schnell, and Peter Wriggers, Technische Mechanik. Band 4: Hydromechanik,Elemente der hoheren Mechanik, Numerische Methoden, Springer Lehrbuch, vol. 4, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1995,

1265, physics, mechanics, engineering .[416] Hansueli U. Gubler, On the Rammsonde hardness equation, Snow Mechanics. Proceedings of the Grindelwald Symposium

on Snow Mechanics, April 1974 (Adlard & Son, Ltd., Bartholomew Press, Durking, Surrey, UK) (John Nye, ed.), no.

114, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), 1975, pp. 110–121,1884, snow, rammsonde hardness .

[417] M. Gunther, Gerald Kielau, and Peter Maiser, Simulation von Fahrten gesteuerter Bobschlitten (Simulation of Runs of

Steered Bobsleighs), ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 74 (1994), no. 9, 434–435,DOI: 10.1002/zamm.19940740922,

1791, bobsleigh, simulation, steering .

[418] Bruno Habel, Uber die Bestimmung von Luftwiderstand und Gleitreibung beim Skilauf, Europa-Sport 20 (1968), 950–955,

1546, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[419] Wolfgang Hackbusch, Iterative Losung groser schwachbesetzter Gleichungssysteme, Leitfaden der angewandten Mathe-matik und Mechanik, vol. 69, B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, DE, 1991,

1194, linear algebra, numerics, sparese linear systems, finite elements .

[420] Goran M. Hagg, Interpretation of EMG spectral alterations and alteration indexes at sustained contration, ??? ???(1982), = 1211–1217,

1611, biomech, musle, EMG .[421] Christian Hainzlmaier, A New Tribologically Optimized Bobsleigh Runner, Ph.D. thesis, Technical University Munich,

DE, Munich, DE, 2005,

1782, biomech, bobsled, friction .[422] Ernst Hairer, A Runge-Kutta method of order 10, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 21

(1978), 47–59,

1165, numerics, ode, runge-kutta methods .[423] Ernst Hairer, Christian Lubich, and Michel Roche, The Numerical Solution of Differential-Algebraic Systems by Runge-

Kutta Methods, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1409, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1989,

1166, numerics, DAE, runkge-kutta methods .[424] Ernst Hairer, Christian Lubich, and Gerhard Wanner, Geometric Numerical Integration. Structure-Preserving Algo-

rithms for Ordinary Differential Equations, Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, vol. 31, Springer, Berlin,

DE, 2002,1670, numerics, ode, runge kutta methods, extrapolation methods .

[425] Ernst Hairer, Syvert P. Nørsett, and Gerhard Wanner, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I. Nonstiff Problems,2nd ed., Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, vol. 8, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1993,

1162, numerics, ode, runge kutta methods, extrapolation methods .

[426] Ernst Hairer and Gerhard Wanner, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II. Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems,Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, vol. 14, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1991,

1163, numerics, ODE, DAE, PDE .

[427] , Analysis by its history, Springer, New York, US-NY, 1995,

1164, general, history .

[428] George Hall and Desmond J. Higham, Analysis of stepsize selection schemes for Runge-Kutta codes, IMA Journal ofNumerical Analysis 8 (1988), 305–310,

1143, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .[429] J.P. Halloran, Ahmet Erdemir, and Antonie J. van den Bogert, Adaptive surrogate modeling for efficient coupling of

musculoskeletal control and tissure deformation models, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 131 (2009), 011014–1–7,

1939, biomech, foot, simulation, finite element modeling .

[430] T. Hamalainen and Erik Spring, The Influence of Snow Hardness on Ski Friction, Commentationes Physico-Mathematicae 76 (1986), ??–??,

999, biomech, friction .[431] Kenneth G. Hamilton, Pseudorandom number generators for personal computers, Computer Physics Communications

75 (1993), 105–117,

1228, random number generation, uniform .[432] , Pseudorandom number generators for personal computers II, Computer Physics Communications 78 (1993),

172–180,1229, random number generation, uniform .

[433] , Pseudorandom number genereators for Salford FTN77, Computer Physics Communications 81 (1994), 237–247,

1227, random number generation, uniform .

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[434] , A universal GFSR random number generator for personal computers, Computer Physics Communications 85

(1995), 127–152,1225, random number generation, uniform .

[435] R.W. Hamming, Digital filters, Prentice Hall International, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, US-NJ, 1983,

1203, approximation, digital filters, image processing .[436] Samuel R. Hamner and Scott L. Delp, Muscle contributions to fore-aft and vertical body mass center accelerations over

a range of running speeds, Journal of Biomechanics 46 (2013), 780–786,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.11.024,1880, human locomotion, forward dynamics, muslce, running .

[437] Samuel R. Hamner, Ajay Seth, and Scott L. Delp, Muscle contribution to propulsion and support during running, Journal

of Biomechanics 43 (2010), 2709–2716,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2010.06.025,

1879, human locomotion, forward dynamics, muslce, running .

[438] Samuel R. Hamner, Ajay Seth, Katherine M. Steele, and Scott L. Delp, A rolling constraint reproduces ground reactionforces and moments in dynamic simulations of walking, running, and crouch gait, Journal of Biomechanics 46 (2013),

1772–1776,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2013.03.030,

1880, human locomotion, forward dynamics, constraint, ground contact, walking, running, crouch gait .

[439] Ernest P. Hanavan, A Mathematical Model of the Human Body, Technical Report AMRL-TR-64-102, Aerospace MedicalResearch Laboratory (AMRL), Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, US-OH, 1964,

1743, biomech, body models .

[440] Beate Hanel, Bestimmung der Massentragheitsmomente des menschlichen Korpers nach Hanavan, Seminararbeit, De-partment of Sport Science, 1990,

1364, biomech, body-models .

[441] Andrew C. Hansen and Robert L. Brown, A new constitutive theory for snow based on a micromechanical approach,Avalanche Formation, Movement and Effects. Proceedings of the Davos Symposium, Sep 1986 (IAHS Press, Institute of

Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxon, UK) (Bruno Salm and Hansueli U. Gubler, eds.), no. 162, International Association of

Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), 1987, pp. 87–104,1892, snow, constitutive equation .

[442] Per Christian Hansen, Truncated singular value decomposition solutions to discrete ill-posed problems with ill-conditionednumerical rank, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 11 (1990), 503–518,

1051, numerics, linear algebra, integral equations, SVD .

[443] K. Hasegawa, A. Asaoka, and T. Miyazaki, A Dynamical Simulation Model of Skiing Turn, Monoski Model, Memoirsof the Faculty of Engineering Fukui University 35 (1987), 133–149,

999, biomech, skiing .

[444] K. Hasegawa, S. Shimizu, K. Asada, and K. Hashimoto, The Human Posture Appropriate to Stable Turning Around aHorizontal Circular Track, Jpn. J. Hum. Posture 10 (1990), 55–65,

999, biomech, skiing .

[445] Satoru Hashizume, Soichiro Iwanuma, Ryota Akagi, Hiroaki Kanehisa, and Yasuo Kawakami, In Vivo Determination ofthe Achilles Tendon Moment Arm in Three-Dimensions, Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012), 409–413,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.10.018,

1853, achilles tendon, moment arm .[446] Herbert Hatze, Die biomechanische und physikalische Grundlegung der Hangschragfahrtstellung im Schilauf,

Leibesubungen und Leibeserziehung 20 (1966), 1–3,

999, biomech, skiing .[447] , Mechanische Prinzipien von Bewegungsablaufen, Skriptum nach der gleichnamigen Vorlesung, Institut fur

Sportwissenschaften der Universitat Wien, 1982,999, biomech .

[448] , High-Precision Three-Dimensional Photogrammetric Calibration and Object Space Reconstruction Using a

Modified DLT-Approach, Journal of Biomechanics 21 (1988), 533–538,1341, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT .

[449] Edward J. Haug, Computer Aided Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems. Vol. I: Basic Methods, Allyn andBacon, Boston, US-MA, 1989,

1266, physics, mechanics, engineering .

[450] Werner Hauger, Walter Schnell, and Dietmar Gross, Technische Mechanik. Band 3: Kinetik, Springer Lehrbuch, vol. 3,Springer, Berlin, DE, 1995,1264, physics, mechanics, engineering .

[451] J.G. Hayes and J. Halliday, The Least-Squares Fitting of Cubic Spline Surfaces in General Data Sets, Journal of theInstitute of Mathematics and its Applications 14 (1974), 89–103,

1094, numerics, approximation, splines .

[452] Jiping He, William S. Levine, and Gerald E. Loeb, Feedback gains for corrrecting small perturbations to standing posture,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 36 (1991), no. 3, 322–332,1923, feedback, optimal control, standing posture .

[453] Oliver S. Heavens and Robert W. Ditchburn, Insight into optics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, US-NY, 1991,1221, physics, optics, electrodynamics .

[454] Eugene Hecht, Optics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, US-MA, 1987,

1034, physics, optics, electrodynamics .[455] Jochen Hein, Linux Systemadministration. Einrichtung, Verwaltung, Netzwerkbetrieb, Addison-Wesley Publishing Com-

pany, Munchen, DE, 2002,1668, operating system, linux, administration .

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[456] Dieter Heinrich, Berechnungen uber die Auswirkungen von ausgewahlten Einflussgrosen auf den Schwungradius, Semi-

nararbeit, Department of Sport Science, 2000,1525, biomech, skiing, turn radius .

[457] Dieter Heinrich, Peter Kaps, Martin Mossner, Herwig Schretter, and Werner Nachbauer, Computation of the Pressure

Distribution Between Ski and Snow for Turns in Alpine Skiing, 4th International Congress on Science and Skiing, Bookof Abstracts (St. Christoph am Arlberg, AT) (Erich Muller, Stefan Lindinger, Thomas Stoggl, and Verena Fastenbauer,

eds.), 14-20 Dec 2007, p. 34,

193, simulation, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness, turn radius .[458] , Calculation of the Pressure Distribution Between Ski and Snow, Science and Skiing IV (Maidenhead, UK)

(Erich Muller, Stefan Lindinger, and Stefan Stoggl, eds.), Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2009, pp. 229–241,

197, biomech, skiing, turns, pressure distribution .[459] Dieter Heinrich, Martin Mossner, Peter Kaps, and Werner Nachbauer, Calculation of the Contact Pressure Between Ski

and Snow During a Carved Turn in Alpine Skiing, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 20 (2010),

no. 3, 485–492,DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.00956.x,

207, biomech, skiing, turns, pressure distribution, euler-bernoulli beam .[460] , Optimization Method to Determine Stiffness Properties of Alpine Skis, Journal of Applied Biomechanics 27

(2011), no. 4, 81–86,

219, biomech, optimization, skis, stiffness .[461] Dieter Heinrich, Martin Mossner, Peter Kaps, Kurt Schindelwig, Herwig Schretter, and Werner Nachbauer, Calculation

of ACL-Force During the Landing Movement in Downhill Skiing, 18th International Symposium on Ski Trauma and

Skiing Safety, Book of Abstracts (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, DE) (Veit Senner, Verena Fastenbauer, and Harald Bohm,eds.), April 2009, p. 30,

204, simulation, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness, turn radius .

[462] Dieter Heinrich, Martin Mossner, Peter Kaps, Herwig Schretter, and Werner Nachbauer, Influence of Ski BendingStiffness on the Turning Radius of Alpine Skis at Different Edging Angles and Velocities, Oral Presentation at the 6th

Engineering of Sport Conference, Munich, DE, 10-14 Jul 2006,

178, skiing, ski-snow contact, simualtion, bending stiffness .[463] , Influence of Ski Bending Stiffness on the Turning Radius of Alpine Skis at Different Edging Angles and

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168, skiing, ski-snow contact, simualtion, bending stiffness .

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171, ski-snow contact, modeling, simulation, bending stiffness, carved turn .[466] Dieter Heinrich, Martin Mossner, Werner Nachbauer, and Herwig Schretter, Zum Einfluss der Biegesteifigkeit auf

dne Schwungradius von Alpinski, Kurzfassungen der Beitrage, 10-te Tagung, Osterreichische Sportwissenschaftliche

Gesellschaft (OSG) (Schladming/Pichl, AT) (M. Sust and S. Titze, eds.), 17-19 Nov 2004, p. ???,166, snow, skiing, bending stiffness .

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on Mathematical Modelling (Vienna, AT), 199?, pp. ?–??,1011, random number generation, uniform .

[468] Dan Heller, Paula M. Ferguson, and David Brennan, Motiv Reference Manual, The Definite Guides to the X WindowSystem, vol. 6B, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1993,

1499, programming, X-system, unix .

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1498, programming, X-system, unix .

[470] Michael Hennecke, A Fortran 90 interface to random number generation, Computer Physics Communications ?? (1995),???,

1233, fortran, random number generation, uniform .[471] Walter Herzog, Sheila K. Abrahamse, and Henk E.D.J ter Keus, Theoretical Determination of Force-Length Relations

of Intact Human Skeletal Muscles Using the Cross-Bridge Model, European Jornal of Physiology 416 (1990), 113–119,

1443, biomech, muscles, forces .[472] Walter Herzog and T.R. Leonard, Validation of optimization models that estimate the forces exerted by synergetic

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1439, biomech, muscles, forces, optimization .[473] Walter Herzog and Lynda J. Read, Lines of Action and Moment Arms of the Major Force-Carrying Structures Crossing

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1837, biomech, knee, ligaments, moment arms .[474] Walter Herzog, Lynda J. Read, and Megan Barry, The Effect of Connective Tissue Material Uncerntainties on Knee

Joint Mechanics Under Isolated Loading Conditinons, Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010), 3118–3125,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2010.08.005,1834, biomech, muscle, knee, finite element .

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[475] Walter Herzog, A. Stano, and T.R. Leonard, Telemetry system to record force and EMG from cat ankle extensor and

tibialis anterior muscles, Journal of Biomechanics 26 (1993), 1463–1471,1441, biomech, muscles, physics .

[476] Walter Herzog and Henk E.D.J ter Keus, Force-length relation of in-vivo human rectus femoris muscles, European

Jornal of Physiology 411 (1988), 642–647,1440, biomech, muscles, forces .

[477] Desmond J. Higham and George Hall, Embedded Runge-Kutta formulae with stable equilibrium states, Journal of Com-

putational and Applied Mathematics 29 (1990), 25–33,1147, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .

[478] Nicholas J. Higham, Fortran codes for estimating the one-norm of a real or complex matrix, with applications to

condition estimation, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 14 (1988), 381–396,1322, numerics, linear algebra, numerics, condition estimation, software .

[479] A.V. Hill, The heat of shortening and the dynamic constants of muscle, ??? ??? (1938), 136–195,

1603, biomech, muscles, physics .[480] Jonathan M.D. Hill, High Performance Fortran sorting library, The London Parallel Applications Centre, 1995,

1084, software, fortran, HPF .[481] Yoichi Hirano and Noritaka Tada, Mechanics of the Turning Snow Ski, International Journal on Mechanical Sciences

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1529, biomech, simulation, skiing, turn-radius .[484] Gentaro Hirota, Susan Fisher, Andrei State, Chris Lee, and Henry Fuchs, An Implicit Finete Element Method for Elastic

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[485] S.F. Hoerner, Fluid-Dynamic Drag, Practical Information on Aerodynamic Drag and Hydrodynamic Resistance, pub-

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[486] Allen I. Holub, Compiler design in C, Prentice Hall International, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, US-NJ, 1990,

1271, software, compilers, C .[487] H.G. Hopkins and M.J. Sewell, Mechanics of solids, Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, 1982,

1413, physics, mechanics, solids .

[488] Robert Hopler, Maximilian Stelzer, and Oskar von Stryk, Object-Oriented Dynamics Modeling for Legged Robot Trajec-tory Optimization and Control, [email protected], ???,

1754, mechanics, numerics, body model, robotics, simulation .

[489] Helmut Hotzinger, Kurt Schindelwig, and Werner Nachbauer, Bestimmung der Eindringtiefe – Belastungs-berucksichtigung von Pistenschnee, Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, 2003,

1692, biomech, snow properties .[490] J. Howe, Skiing Mechanics, Poudre Press, Laporte, US-CO, 1983,

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1715, biomech, skiing .

[492] Daisy Huang and Jonah H. Lee, Mechanical properties of snow using indentation tests. Size effects, Journal of Glaciology59 (2013), no. 213, 35–46,

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1890, snow, hardness .[493] Mont Hubbard, Michael Kallay, and Payam Rowhani, Three-Dimensional Bobsled Turning Dynamics, International

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1786, biomech, bobsleb, dynamics .[494] Wolf-Heinrich Hucho, Aerodynamik der stumpfen Korper (Aerodynamics of Blunt Bodies), Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wies-

baden, DE, 2002,1776, aerodynamics, drag .

[495] M.F. Hutchinson, Alogrithm 642. A fast procedure for calculating minimum cross-validation cubic smoothing splines,

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 12 (1986), 150–153,1331, numerics, smoothing splines, cross validation .

[496] M.F. Hutchinson and Frank R. de Hoog, Smoothing Noisy Data with Spline Functions, Numerische Mathematik 47

(1985), 99–106,1114, approximation, splines .

[497] Andrew F. Huxley, Muscle Structure and Theories of Contraction, Progr. Biophys. 7 (1957), 255–318,

1605, biomech, muscles .[498] Andrew F. Huxley and R. Niedergehrke, Structural Changes in Muscle During Contraction, Nature 4412 (1954), 971–


1607, biomech, muscles .[499] Andrew F. Huxley and R.M. Simmons, Proposed Mechanism of Force Generation in Striated Muscle, Nature 233 (1971),

533–538,1610, biomech, muscles .

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[500] Hugh Huxley and Jean Hanson, Changes in the Cross-Striations of Muscle During Contraction and Stretch and their

Structural Interpretation, Nature 4412 (1954), 973–976,1608, biomech, muscle .

[501] Tadeusz Inglot and Teresa Ledwina, On probabilities of excessive deviatins for Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Misses

anc chi-square statiistics, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 18 (1990), 1491–1495,1333, probability, statistics, kolmogorov tests, chi square test .

[502] Kazuhiko Itagaki, George E. Lemieux, and Niklaus P. Huber, Preliminary Study of Friction Between Ice and Sled

Runners, Le Journal de Physique Colloques 48 (1987), C1 297–301,DOI: 10.1051/jphyscol:1987142,

1787, friction, ice, steel, sled .

[503] Z. Jackiewicz and S. Tracogna, A general class of two-step Runge-Kutta methods for ordinary differential equations,SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 32 (1995), 1390–1427,

1330, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta method .

[504] J.D. Jackson, Klassische Elektordynamik, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, DE, 1983,1219, physics, electro dynamics .

[505] M.I. Jackson, M.J. Hiley, and Maurice R. Yeadon, A Comparison of Coulomb and Pseudo-Coloumb Friction Implemen-tations: Application to the Table Contact Phase of Gymnastics Vaulting, Journal of Biomechanics 44 (2011), no. x,


DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.07.022,1856, simulation, friction, vaulting .

[506] Kathleen M. Jagodnik and Antonie J. van den Bogert, Optimization and evaluation of a proportional derivative controller

for planar arm movement, Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010), no. x, 1086–1091,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2009.12.017,

1932, simulation, muscle, optimization .

[507] Abhinandan Jain, Unified formulation of dynamics for serial rigid multibody systems, Journal of Guidance, Control andDynamics 14 (1991), 531–542,

1904, multybody dynamics, operator algebra .

[508] Kurt Jakomet, Einfluss von Skitaillierung und Vorspannung auf den Kurvenradius von Alpinskiern, Seminararbeit,Department of Sport Science, 1999,

1691, biomech, skiing, turn radius .

[509] Leland Jameson, On the spline-based wavelet differentiation matrix, Institute for Computer Applications in Science andEngineering, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, 1993,

1304, wavelets .[510] Bjorn Jawerth and Wim Sweldens, Wavelet multiresolution analyses adapted for the fast solution of boundary value

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1407, analysis, wavelets, ODE, BVP .[511] , An overview of wavelet based multiresolution analyses, SIAM Review 36 (1994), 377–412,

1384, analysis, wavelets .

[512] Florian JeanRichard, Characterization of the Snow Properties under High Deformation Rates, Diploma thesis, SwissFederal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, Davos, CH, Feb 2003,

1721, snow .[513] Eva Jenner, Ausgewahlte Einflusgrosen auf den Kurvenradius von Alpinschiern unter spezieller Berucksichtigung

spezieller Fusstellungen, Diploma thesis, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, 1997,

1112, biomech, skiing .[514] Les S. Jennings, Simultaneous Smoothing of Time Series Using Cubic Splines, Internal report, Department of Mathe-

matics, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, AU, 1990,

1111, approximation, splines .[515] Ulrich D. Jentschura and F. Fahrbach, Physics of Skiing: The Ideal-Carving Equation and its Applications, Canadian

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1813, skiing, carving, turns .[516] Asker E. Jeukendrup, Nutrition for endurance sports: Marathon, triathlon, and road cycling, Journal of Sports Sciences

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1915, nutrition .[517] Jerome B. Johnson and Martin Schneebeli, Characterizing the Microstructural and Micromechanical Properties of Snow,

Cold Regions Science and Technology 30 (1999), 91–100,1712, snow .

[518] Richard A. Johnson and Dean W. Wichern, Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Prentice Hall International, Inc.,

Englewood Cliffs, US-NJ, 1992,1310, probability, statistics, multivariate analysis .

[519] Robert J. Johnson, Carl F. Ettlinger, and Jasper E. Shealy, Update on injury trends in alpine skiing, Journal of ASTM

International 5 (2008), no. 10, ???–???,DOI: 10.1520/JAI102046,1910, injury, knee, acl .

[520] N.L. Jones, Neil McCartney, and Alan J. McComas, Human Muscle Power, Human Kinetics, Champaign, US-IL, 1984,1612, biomech, muscle .

[521] R.T. Jones, Classical Aerodynamic Theory, Technical Report NASA Reference Publication 1050, National Aeronautics

and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, US-CA, 1979,1744, aerodynamics, drag .

[522] Nicolai M. Josuttis, Die C++ Standardbibliothek. Eine detailierte Einfuhrung in die vollstandige ANSI/ISO-Schnittstelle, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Bonn, DE, 1996,

1574, programming, c++, standard template library, stl .

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[523] , The C++ Standard Library. A Tutorial and Reference, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, US-MA,

1999,1573, programming, c++, standard template library, stl .

[524] Adriaan Joubert, Module HPFlib, The London Parallel Applications Centre, 1994,

1083, software, fortran, hpf .[525] Laszlo G. Jozsa and Pekka Kannus, Human Tendons. Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Human Kinetics, Champaign,

US-IL, 1997,

1615, biomech, medcine, tendon .[526] M. Kac, J. Kiefer, and J. Wolfowitz, On Tests of Normality and other Tests of Goodness of Fit Based on Distance

Methods, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 26 (1955), 189–211,

1332, probability, statistics, kolmogorov tests .[527] Voratas Kachitvichyanukul and Bruce W. Schmeiser, Algorithm 668: H2PEC: Sampling from the hypergeometric dis-

tribution, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 14 (1988), 397–398,

1237, random number generation, non-uniform .[528] Hiroyuki Kagawa, Takeshi Yoneyama, Daichi Tatsuno, Nathan Scott, and Kazutaka Osada, Development of a Measuring

System on Ski Deflection and Contacting Pressure in Turns, Science and Skiing IV (Maidenhead, UK) (Erich Muller,Stefan Lindinger, and Stefan Stoggl, eds.), Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2009, pp. 281–291,

1767, biomech, skiing, ski-deflection, pressure .

[529] William Kahan, IEEE Standard 754 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, Electric Engineering and Computer Science,University of California and Berkeley, http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/ wkahan/ieee754status/ieee754.ps, 1996,

1592, floating point evaluation, roundoff, ieee 754, programming .

[530] , The Baleful Effect of Coputer Benchmarks upon Applied Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, Elec-tric Engineering and Computer Science, University of California and Berkeley, http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/ wka-

han/ieee754status/baleful.ps, 1996,

1593, floating point evaluation, roundoff, ieee 754, programming .[531] , Miscalculating Area and Angles of a Needle-like Triangle, Electric Engineering and Computer Science, University

of California and Berkeley, http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/ wkahan/Triangle.pdf, 2000,1594, floating point evaluation, roundoff, ieee 754, programming .

[532] William Kahan and Joseph D. Darcy, How Java’s floating-point hurts evryone everywhere, Electric Engineer-

ing and Computer Science, University of California and Berkeley, http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/conferences/java98 andhttp://www.cs.berkeley.edu/ wkahan/JAVAhurt.pdf, 1998,

1531, floating point evaluation, ieee 754, java, c, programming .

[533] William Kahan and Melody Y. Ivory, Roundoff Degrades an Idealized Cantilever, Electric Engineering and ComputerScience, University of California and Berkeley, http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/ wkahan/Cantilever.ps, 1998,

1591, floating point evaluation, roundoff, ieee 754, programming .

[534] Werner Kahle, H. Leonhardt, and Werner Platzer, Taschenatlas der Anatomie. Band 1: Bewegungsapparat, GeorgThieme Verlag, Stuttgart, DE, 1991,

1503, medcine, anatomy, biomech .

[535] Gerald Kaiser, A friendly guide to wavelets, Birkhauser, Boston, US-MA, 1994,1508, analysis, wavelets .

[536] Peter Kaps, Simulation of Skiing, Public Lecture held at the Conference on Scientific Computation, Vienna, AT, 14-16Jun 1990,

102, biomech, simulation, friction .

[537] , Determination of Kinetic Friction and Drag Area in Alpine Skiing, Public Lecture held at the 10th InternationalCongress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS), International Society for Skiing Safety (ISSS), Kaprun/Zell am

See, Austria, 17-21 May 1993,

110, biomech, skiing, friction .[538] , Effect of Ski and Snow Properties on the Turning Radius, Public Lecture held at the 13th International Congress

on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS), Breuil Cervinia, Aosta Valley, IT, 2-8 May 1999,

132, skiing, elasto-mechanics, snow properties, turn radius .[539] , Pressure Distribution under an Edged Ski, Public Lecture held at the 2nd International Congress on Skiing and

Science (ICSS), St. Christoph am Arlberg, AT, 9-15 Jan 2000,144, biomech, skiing, forces .

[540] Peter Kaps, Martin Mossner, and Werner Nachbauer, Effect of Ski and Snow Properties on the Turning Radius, Book

of Abstracts, 13th International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (Breuil Cervinia, Aosta Valley,IT) (Arne Ekeland, Robert J. Johnson, and Paolo Zucco, eds.), International Society for Skiing Safety (ISSS), 1999,

p. 101,133, skiing, elasto-mechanics, snow properties, turn radius .

[541] , Kurvenradius bei geschnittenen Schwungen, Report 3-2000, Department of Engineering Mathematics, Geometry

and Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Feb 2000,145, biomech, skiing, turn radius, carving .

[542] , Messung von Gleitreibung und Luftwiderstand bei Hangschragfahrt, Report, Institute for Basic Sciences inEngineering, University of Innsbruck, AT, Mai 1992,

104, biomech, skiing, friction .[543] Peter Kaps, Martin Mossner, Werner Nachbauer, and Rolf Stenberg, Pressure Distribution under an Edged Ski, Abstract

Book, 2nd International Congress on Skiing and Science (ICSS) (St. Christoph am Arlberg, AT) (Erich Muller, RobinRoithner, Wolfgang Niessen, Christian Raschner, and Hermann Schwameder, eds.), 2000, pp. 48–49,

146, skiing, forces .

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[544] , Pressure Distribution Under a Ski During Carved Turns, Science and Skiing II (Hamburg, DE) (Erich Muller,

Hermann Schwameder, Christian Raschner, Stefan Lindinger, and Elmar Kornexl, eds.), Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2001, pp. 180–202,

153, skiing, forces .

[545] Peter Kaps and Werner Nachbauer, Analysis of Multibody Systems Using Index 2 Differential-Algebraic Equations, Bookof Abstracts, (?) (???) (??? and ???, eds.), ???, ???, p. ???,

1598, skiing, mechanics, multibody systems, DAE .

[546] , Maximal braking deceleration for Alpine Skiers and Snowboarders, Abstract Book, 15th International Congresson Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (St. Moritz / Pontresina, CH) (Georg Ahlbaumer, Marc-Herve Binet,

J. Haury, B.H. Horterer, Veit Senner, Adrian U. Urfer, and W. Vogt, eds.), 2003, pp. S2–5,

1651, skiing, acceleration .[547] Peter Kaps, Werner Nachbauer, Dieter Heinrich, Martin Mossner, and Ulrich Filippi-Oberegger, Skiing Turns, 8th World

Congress on Computational Mechanics, Book of Abstracts (Venice, IT) (B.A. Schrefler and U. Perego, eds.), 2008, p. ??,

199, simulation, skiing, turns, pressure distribution .[548] Peter Kaps, Werner Nachbauer, and Martin Mossner, Determination of Kinetic Friction and Drag Area in Alpine Skiing,

Skiing Trauma and Safety, 10th vol., ASTM STP 1266 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (C. Daniel Mote, Robert J. Johnson,Wolfhart Hauser, and Peter S. Schaff, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1996, pp. 165–177,

DOI: 10.1520/STP37926S,

120, biomech, skiing, friction .[549] , Snow Friction and Drag in Alpine Downhill Racing, Oral Presentation at the 4th World Congress of Biome-

chanics, Calgary, CA, 3-9 Aug 2002,

175, biomech, skiing, ski-snow contact, simulation .[550] , Snow Friction and Drag in Alpine Downhill Racing, Abstract Book, 4th World Congress of Biomechanics

(Calgary, CA) (???, ed.), ???, Aug 2002, p. ???,

157, skiing, drag, friction .[551] , Simulation in Alpine Skiing, Report, Institute for Basic Sciences in Engineering, University of Innsbruck, AT,

Mar 2003,159, biomech, skiing, snow properties .

[552] Peter Kaps, Werner Nachbauer, and Gunther Obkircher, Resulting Knee Joint Forces and Moments During Landing

in Downhill Skiing, Book of Abstracts, 11th (?) International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS)(???) (??? and ???, eds.), International Society for Skiing Safety (ISSS), 1995, p. ???,

1597, skiing, forces, carving .

[553] Peter Kaps, Werner Nachbauer, Kurt Schindelwig, Antonie J. van den Bogert, and Karin Gerarda Maria Gerrit-sen, Computersimulation von Strungen im alpinen Skilauf zur Berechnung von Kniegelenkskraften, Spectrum der

Sportwissenschaften 12/1 (2000), 6–26,

1683, biomech, forces, knee joint .[554] Peter Kaps, Hermann Schwameder, and Christian Engstler, Inverse dynamic analysis of take-off in ski-jumping, Science

and Skiing (London, UK) (Erich Muller, Hermann Schwameder, Elmar Kornexl, and Christian Raschner, eds.), E & FN

Spon Chapman & Hall, 1997, pp. 72–87,1361, ski-jumping, dynamics, simulation .

[555] Peter Kaps and Gerhard Wanner, A study of Rosenbrock-type methods of high order, Numerische Mathematik 38 (1981),279–298,

1144, numerics, ODE, Rosenbrock methods .

[556] Shigehiro Kawai, Keishi Yamaguchi, and Toshiyuki Sakata, Ski Control Model for Parall Turn Using Multibody System,The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal (JSME) 47 (2004), 1095–1100,

1703, biomech, digital image processing, multibody systems, skiing .

[557] Krzysztov Kedzior, Bohdan Macukow, and J. Ostrowski, Computer Simulation of Bobsled and Luge Downhill Run,Biology of Sport 5 (1988), 92–100,

1790, biomech, simulation, luge, bobsled .

[558] Hartmut Keller, Horst Stolz, Andreas Ziegler, and Thomas Braunl, Virtuelle Mechanik. Simulation und Animation vonMehrkorpersystemen, Bericht der Fakultat Informatik, Nr 8/93, Universitat Stuttgart, DE, 1993,

1600, mechanics, computing .

[559] H.B. Keller, Numerical methods for two-point boundary-value problems, Blaisdell Publishing Company, London, UK,1968,

1281, numerics, ODE, BVP .[560] , Numerical methods for two-point boundary-value problems, CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied

Mathematics, vol. 24, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, US-PA, 1984,1280, numerics, ODE, BVP .

[561] A. Kelly and Mont Hubbard, Design and Construction of a Bobsled Driver Training Simulator, Sports Engineering 3

(2000), no. 1, 13–24,

DOI: 10.1046/j.1460-2687.2000.00037.x,1784, biomech, simulatior, bobsled .

[562] P.W. Kennedy, D.L. Wright, and G.A. Smith, Comparison of Film and Video Techniques for Three-Dimensional DLTRepredictions, International Journal of Sport Biomechanics 5 (1989), 457–460,999, biomech, dlt .

[563] Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C programming language. 2nd ed.: ANSI C, Prentice Hall International,Inc., London, UK, 1988,

1277, C, standard .

[564] Thomas W. Kernozek and R.J. Ragan, Estimation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tension From Inverse DynamicsData and Electromyography in Females During Drop Landing, Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008), 1279–1286,

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DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinbiomech.2008.08.001,

1836, biomech, cruciate ligament, drop landing .[565] Gerald Kielau and Peter Maiser, Nonholonomic Multibody Dynamics, Multibody System Dynamics 9 (2003), 213–236,

1817, multibody mechanics, nonholonomic constraints .

[566] Anne-Marie Kietzig, Savvas G. Hatzikiriakos, and Peter Englezos, Physics of Ice Friction, Journal of Applied Physics107 (2010), no. 8, 1–15,

DOI: 10.1063/1.3340793,

1810, probability, statistics, kolmogorov tests .[567] Hyonny Kim and John N. Keune, Compressive Strength of Ice at Impact Strain Rates, Journal of Materials Science 42

(2007), no. 8, 2802–2806,

DOI: 10.1007/s10853-006-1376-x,1820, snow, compression .

[568] Miriam Klous, Erich Muller, and Hermann Schwameder, Collecting Kinematic Data on a Ski/Snowboard Track with

Panning, Tilting, and Zooming Cameras: Is there Sufficient Accuracy for a Biomechanical Analysis, Journal of SportsSciences 28 (2010), no. 12, 1345–1353,

DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2010.507253,1838, biomech, skiing, video analysis, kinematics .

[569] , Three-dimensional knee joint loading in alpine skiing: A comparison between a carved and a skidded turn,

Journal of Applied Biomechanics 28 (2013), no. 6, 655–664,1875, biomech, skiing, carving, skidding, knee joint loading .

[570] Fritz Kurt Kneubuhl, Repetitorium der Physik, B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, DE, 1982,

1191, formulae, physics .[571] Bernd Knunz, Werner Nachbauer, Martin Mossner, Kurt Schindelwig, and Fritz Brunner, Track Analysis of Giant

Slalom Turns of World Cup Racers, Poster presented at the 5th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport

Science (ECSS), Jyvaskyla, FI, 19-23 Jul 2000,149, skiing, forces .

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150, skiing, forces .[573] Donald E. Knuth, The art of computer programming. vol. 1: Fundamental algorithms, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley Pub-

lishing Company, Reading, US-MA, 1973,

1154, algebra, coding .[574] , The art of computer programming. vol. 3: Sorting and searching, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Read-

ing, US-MA, 1973,

1156, algebra, coding .[575] , The art of computer programming. vol. 2: Seminumerical algorithms, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing

Company, Reading, US-MA, 1981,

1155, algebra, coding .[576] S. Kobayashi and N. Nishimura, Boundary element methods. Fundamentals and applications, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1991,

1504, analysis, PDE, finite elements, boundary elements .[577] Cemal Koc, Recurring-with-carry sequences, Journal of Applied Probability 32 (1994), 966–971,

1239, random number generation, uniform .

[578] Michael J. Koehle and Maury L. Hull, A Method of Calculating Physiologically Relevant Joint Reaction Forces DuringForward Dynamic Simulations of Movement from an Existing Knee Model, Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008), 1143–


1760, biomech, simulation, knee model .[579] Anderew Koenig and Barabara E. Moo, Accelerated C++. Practical Programming by Example, Addison-Wesley Pub-

lishing Company, Boston, US-MA, 2000,

1572, programming, c++ .[580] Wolfram Koepf, Hypergeometric summation. An algorithmic approach to summation and special function identities,

Vieweg, 1998,

1212, approximation, series, hypergeometric functions .[581] Dimitrios Kolymbas, Introduction to Hypoplasticity, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, NL, 2000,

1805, hypoplasticity, soil, engineering, tunneling .[582] Helmut Kopka, LaTeX. Band 1: Einfuhrung, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Bonn, DE, 1995,

1273, desktop publishing, tex .

[583] , LaTeX. Band 2: Ergazungen - mit einer Einfuhrung in METAFONT, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,Bonn, DE, 1995,

1274, desktop publishing, tex .

[584] Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly, A guide to LaTeX. Document preparation for beginners and advanced users,Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Workingham, 1993,

1275, desktop publishing, tex .[585] G.A. Korn and Th.M. Korn, Mathematical handbook for scientists and engineers, McGraw Hill Book Company, New

York, US-NY, 1968,

1288, lexicon, formulae, table .[586] Arnold Krawietz, Maple V fur das Ingenieurstudium, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1997,

1307, software, algebraic calculus, maple .

[587] Janet L. Krevolin, Marcus G. Pandy, and John C. Pearce, Moment Arm of the Patellar Tendon in the Human Knee,Journal of Biomechanics 37 (2004), 785–788,

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DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2003.09.010,

1844, biomech, knee, patella tendon, moment arm .[588] Tron Krosshaug and Roland Bahr, A model-based image-matching technique for three-dimensional reconstruction of

human motion from uncalibrated video sequences, Journal of Biomechanics 38 (2005), 919–929,

1751, 3d-reconstruction, video analysis, image matching .[589] Tron Krosshaug, Atsuo Nakamae, Barry P. Boden, Lars Engebretsen, Gerald Smith, James R. Slauterbeck, Timothy E.

Hewett, and Roland Bahr, Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury in basketball, The American Journal of

Sports Medicine 35 (2007), no. 3, 359–367,DOI: 10.1177/036354656293899,

1921, injury, knee, acl .

[590] Tron Krosshaug, James R. Slauterbeck, Lars Engebretsen, and Roland Bahr, Biomechanical analysis of anterior cruciateligament injury mechanisms: Three-dimensional motion reconstruction from video sequences, Scandinavian Journal of

Medicine & Science in Sports 17 (2007), 508–519,

1752, ACL injury, 3d-reconstruction, video analysis, image matching .[591] Ta-Kang Ku and C.C. Jay Kuo, Preconditioned iterative methods for solving Toeplitz plus Hankel systems, SIAM Journal

on Numerical Analysis 3 (1993), 824–845,1325, numerics, linear algebra, toepitz, hankel systems .

[592] Keitaro Kubo, In Vivo Elastic Properties of Human Tendon Structures in Lower Limb, International Jorunal of Sport

and Health Science 3 (2005), 143–151,1824, biomech, tendon .

[593] D. Kuroiwa, The Kinetic Friction on Snow and Ice, Journal of Glaciology 19 (1977), 141–152,

999, biomech, snow, ice, friction .[594] Friedhelm Kuypers, Klassische Mechanik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, DE, 2005,

1699, physics, mechanics .

[595] Young W. Kwon and Hyochoong Bang, The Finite Element Method Using Matlab, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1999,1181, PDE, finite elements, matlab .

[596] Man Kam Kwong and P.T. Peter Tang, W-matrices, nonorthogonal multiresolution analysis, and finite signals of

arbitrary length, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National, Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA,1402, analysis, wavelets .

[597] Bernhard Lackinger, Schneekunde, Lawinen Handbuch (Land Tirol, Eduard Rabovski, and et al., eds.), Tyrolia Verlag,

Innsbruck, AT, 1994, pp. 39–75,1300, biomech, snow, lawinen .

[598] C. Lanczos, A Precision Approximation of the Gamma Function, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 (1964), 86–96,1133, numerics, approximation, special functions .

[599] T.E. Lang and J.D. Dent, Review of Research on Snow Pertaining to Surface Friction, Surface Resistance, and Surface

Flow, Canadian Workshop on the Properties of Snow, Snowbird, US-UT, 1981,999, biomech, snow .

[600] Hans Peter Langtangen, Computational partial differential equations, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1999,

1552, partial differential equations, solid mechanics, viscoplasticity .[601] Rachel Larman, Stephen Turnock, and John Hart, Mechanics of the Bob Skeleton and Analysis of the Variation in

Performance at the St. Moritz World Championship of 2007, The Engineering of Sport 7 (Paris, FR) (Margaret Estivalet

and Pierre Brisson, eds.), vol. 2, Springer, 2008, pp. 117–125,DOI: 10.1007/978-2-287-09413-2 14,

1771, bob skeleton, performance .[602] Charles L. Lawson, Richard J. Hanson, David R. Kincaid, and Fred T. Krogh, Alogrithm 539: Basic Linear Algebra

Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 5 (1979), 324–325,

1076, numerics, linear algebra, software, BLAS .[603] , Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 5 (1979),


1075, numerics, linear algebra, software, BLAS .[604] Alberto Leardini, J.J. O’Connor, F. Catani, and S. Giannini, A Geometric Model of the Human Ankle Joint, Journal of

Biomechanics 32 (1999), no. 6, 585–591,DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(99)00022-6,

1843, biomech, ankle, ligaments, four bar linkage .

[605] Pierre L’Ecuyer, Tables of linear congruential generators of different sizes and goot latice structure, Departmentd’Informatique et de Recherche Operationelle (IRO) Universite de Montreal, CA,1224, random number generation, uniform .

[606] , Efficient and portable combined random number generators, Communications of the ACM 31 (1988), 742–749,774,

1236, random number generation, uniform .

[607] , Combined multiple-recursive random number generators, Operations Research 44 (1996), 812–822,1222, random number generation, uniform .

[608] , Maximally equidistributed combined Tausworthe generators, Mathematics of Computation 65 (1996), 203–213,1030, random number generation, uniform .

[609] , Random number generation, In: Handbook on Simulation (Jerry Banks, ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York,

US-NY, (to appear, 1997),1015, random number generation, uniform, tests .

[610] Pierre L’Ecuyer and Terry H. Andres, A random number generator based on combination of four LCG’s, Mathematicsof Computers in Simulation ?? (1997), ???,1223, random number generation, uniform .

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[611] Pierre L’Ecuyer and Serge Cote, Implementing a random number package with splitting facilities, ACM Transactions on

Mathematical Software 17 (1991), 98–111,1235, random number generation, uniform .

[612] S. Lehner and Veit Senner, Computer Simulation to Evaluate the Effect of a Rear-Releasable Ski Boot for ACL-

Protection, Abstract Book, 15th International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (St. Moritz/ Pontresina, CH) (Georg Ahlbaumer, Marc-Herve Binet, J. Haury, B.H. Horterer, Veit Senner, Adrian U. Urfer, and

W. Vogt, eds.), 2003, pp. D1–5,

1656, simulation, ACL, ski-boot .[613] S. Lehner, Veit Senner, and M. Barone, Validation of a 3D knee model based on in vitro experiments, Abstract Book, 15th

International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (St. Moritz / Pontresina, CH) (Georg Ahlbaumer,

Marc-Herve Binet, J. Haury, B.H. Horterer, Veit Senner, Adrian U. Urfer, and W. Vogt, eds.), 2003, pp. B2–4,1655, simulation, knee-model .

[614] Arto Lehtovaara, Friction between Plastics and Ice, Tribology 4 (1895), 14–26,

999, friction, ice .[615] , Kinetic Friction Between Ski and Snow, Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica Mechanical Engineering Sries

No. 93 (1989), 1–52,1807, friction, ski, snow .

[616] Matti A.H. Leino and Erik Spring, Determination of the Coefficient of Kinetic Friction between Ski and Snow from

Gliding Velocity of a Skier, Report Series in Geophysics, vol. 19, University of Helsinki, FI, 1984,1544, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[617] Matti A.H. Leino, Erik Spring, and H. Suominen, Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of Air Resistance to a

Skier and the Coefficient of Friction of his Skis on the Snow, Wear 86 (1983), 101–104,1545, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[618] Sandra Lembert, Otto Schachner, and Christian Raschner, Development of a Measurement and Feedback Training Tool

for the Arm Strokes of High-Performance Luge Athletes, Journal of Sports Sciences 29 (2011), no. 15, 1593–1601,DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.608433,

1864, luge, start, training .

[619] Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv, On the complexity of finite sequences, IEEE Transactions on Information TheoryIT-22 (1976), 75–81,

1091, algebra, coding .[620] William J. Lentz, Generating Bessel Functions in Mie Scattering Calculations Using Continued Fractions, Applied

Optics 15 (1976), 668–671,

1132, approximation, special functions, continued fractions .[621] Sven Letzel and Robert Gacki, Jetzt lerne ich MySQL und PHP, Markt Technik Verlag, Munchen, DE, 2001,

1566, computing, mysql, php .

[622] Joseph L. Leva, A fast normal random number generator, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 18 (1992),449–453,

1025, random number generation, non-uniform .

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1026, random number generation, non-uniform, coding .[624] Randall J. LeVeque, Numerical methods in conservation laws, Birkhauser, Basel, CH, 1990,

1500, analysis, numerics, PDE, shocks .

[625] Peter A.W. Lewis, Distribution of the Anderson-Darling statistic, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 32 (1961), 1118–1124,

1045, statistics, kolmogorov tests .

[626] Roland Wynne Lewis and Bernard A. Schrefler, The finite element method in the static and dynamic deformation andconsolidation of porous media, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, 1998,

1553, finite elements, porous media .

[627] Roman Liedl and Kristian Kuhnert, Analysis in einer Variablen, BI Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim, DE, 1992,1568, analysis .

[628] Dennis K. Lieu and C. Daniel Mote, Experiments in the Machining of Ice at Negative Rake Angles, Journal of Glaciology

30 (1984), 77–81,1532, biomech, skiing, snow, ice .

[629] , Mechanics of the Turning Snow Ski, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 5th vol., ASTM STP 860 (Philadelphia, US-PA)(Robert J. Johnson and C. Daniel Mote, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1985, pp. 117–140,

DOI: 10.1520/STP46631S,1533, biomech, skiing, snow .

[630] J.S. Lim, Two-dimensional signal and image processing, Prentice Hall International, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, US-NJ,


1204, approximation, digital filters, image processing .[631] David Lind and Scott P. Sanders, The Physics of Skiing, Springer, New York, US-NY, 1996,

1513, biomech, skiing .[632] Linz, Analytical and numerical methods for Volterra equations, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),

Philadelphia, US-PA, ????,

1282, numerics, integral equations .[633] Alfred K. Louis, Peter Maas, and Andreas Rieder, Wavelets, B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, DE, 1994,

1210, approximation, wavelets .

[634] Jian Lu, , Dennis M. Healy, and John B. Weaver, Signal recovery and wavelet reproducing kernels, Department of Math-ematics and Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hannover, NH, USA, Center for Image Processing and Integrated

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Computing, University of California, Davis, CA, USA, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Med-

ical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA, 19??,1412, wavelets, image processing .

[635] Jian Lu and Dennis M. Healy, Contrast enhancement via multiscale gradient transformation, ?tr. for Image Proc. and

Integr. Comput., University of California, CA, USA and Department of Mathematics, Dartmouth College, Hanvoer, NH,USA, 19??,

1398, wavelets, image processing .

[636] Jian Lu, John B. Weaver, Dennis M. Healy, and Yanson Xu, Noise reduction with multiscale edge representation andpercentual criteria, ?hayer Scool of Engeneering, Department of Radiology, Department of Mathematics, Dartmouth

College, Hannover, NH, USA, 19??,

1411, wavelets, image processing .[637] T.W. Lu and J.J. O’Connor, Lines of Action and Moment Arms of the Major Force-Bearing Structures Crossing the

Human Knee Joint: Comparison Between Theory and Experiment, Journal of Anatomy 189 (1996), 575–585,

1841, biomech, knee, ligaments, forec direction, moment arm .[638] , Bone Position Estimation From Skin Marker Coordinates Using Global Optimisation with Joint Constraints,

Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999), 129–134,1690, biomech, 3d-reconstruction .

[639] Y.T. Lu, H.X. Zhu, S. Richmond, and J. Middleton, A Visco-Hyperelastic Model for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Under High

Strain Rates, Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010), 2629–2632,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2010.05.030,

1833, biomech, muscle, visco-hyperelastic, constitutive equation, finite element, strain energy .

[640] Christian Lubich, Extrapolation Integrators for Constrained Multibody Systems, Impact of Computing in Science andEngineering 3 (1991), 213–234,

1173, numerics, DAE .

[641] Christian Lubich, Ulrich Nowak, U. Pohle, and Christian Engstler, MEXX - Numerical Software for the Integration ofConstrained Mechanical Multibody Systems, Preprint SC 92-12, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fRur Informationstechnik Berlin

(ZIB), Berlin, DE, 1992,

1174, software, optimization, newton technique, nlscon .[642] Christian Lubich and Alexander Ostermann, Runkge-Kutta approximation of quasi-linear parabolic equations, Mathe-

matics of Computation 64 (1995), 601–627,1253, numerics, ODE, PDE, runge-kutta .

[643] Christian Lubich, I.H. Sloan, and V. Thome, Nonsmooth Data Error Estimates for Approximations of an Evolution

Equation with a Positive-Type Memory Term, Mathematics of Computation 65 (1996), 1–17,1320, numerics, integral equations, error analysis .

[644] Simon M. Luthi and Jachen Denoth, The influence of aerodynamic and anthropometric factors on speed in skiing,

International Journal of Sport Biomechanics 3 (1987), 345–352,1877, biomech, skiing, drag .

[645] Tom Lyche and Larry L. Schumaker, Computation of smoothing and interpolating natural splines via local basis, SIAM

Journal on Numerical Analysis 10 (1973), 1027–1038,1106, approximation, splines .

[646] C. Lydon, J.J. Crisco, Manohar M. Panjabi, and M. Galloway, Effect of Elongation Rate on the Failure Properties of

the Rabbit Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Clinical Biomechanics 10 (1995), 428–433,1647, biomech, knee, ligaments, elongation rate .

[647] Steve A. Maas, Benjamin J. Ellis, Gerard A. Ateshian, and Jeffrey A. Weiss, FEBio: Finite elements for biomechanics,Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 134 (2012), 011005 1–10,

1955, biomech, simulation, finite elements, hip, knee .

[648] Lukas Magerl, Untersuchungen zur Dynamik von Alpinschiern mit einem Mehrkorperdynmaik-Simulations-Programm,Diploma thesis, Institut fur Mechanik, Abteilung fur Angewandte Mechanik, Fakultat fur Maschinenbau, Vienna Uni-

versity of Technology, AT, 2003,

1679, biomech, skiing, simulation .[649] Puneet Mahajan and Robert L. Brown, A microstructure-based constitutive law for snow, Annals of Glaciology 18

(1993), 287–294,

1891, snow, constitutive law .[650] Faten Faheem Mahmoud, Nicholas J. Salamon, and Walter R. Marks, A direct automatted procedure for frictionless

contact problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 18 (1982), 245–257,1540, contact problems, finite elements .

[651] Michael A. Malcolm, Algorithms to reveal properties of foating-point arithmetic, Communications of the ACM 15 (1972),949–951,1336, software, floating point arithmetic .

[652] K.L. Markolf, A. Kochan, and H.C. Amstutz, Stiffness and laxity of the knee - the contributions of the supporting

structures. A quantitative in vitro study., Journal of Bone Joint and Surgery 58 (1976), no. 5, 583–594,1948, biomech, knee, stiffness, laxity .

[653] Ricardo A. Maronna and Victor J. Yohai, The behaviour of the Stahel-Donoho robust multivariate estimator, Journalof the American Statistical Association 90 (1995), 330–341,1390, analysis, statistics, wavelets .

[654] R. Maronski, Control Systems Approach to a Ski-Turn Analysis, Journal of Biomechanics 6 (1973), 267–279,

999, biomech, skiing, optimization .[655] , On Optimal Running Downhill on Skis, Journal of Biomechanics 23 (1990), 435–439,

999, biomech, skiing, optimization .

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[656] George Marsaglia, Expressing a random variable in terms of uniform random variables, Annals of Mathematical Statis-

tics 32 (1961), 894–898,1230, random number generation, uniform, non-uniform .

[657] , Generating exponential random variables, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 32 (1961), 899–900,

1231, random number generation, non-uniform .[658] George Marsaglia (ed.), A current view of random number generators, Elsevier, Computer Science and Statistics: 16th

Symposium on the Interface, 1985,

1027, random number generation, uniform .[659] George Marsaglia and T.A. Bray, A convenient method for generating normal variables, SIAM Review 6 (1964), 260–


1024, random number generation, non-uniform .[660] George Marsaglia, B. Narasimhan, and Arif Zaman, A random number generator for PC’s, Computer Physics Commu-

nications 60 (1990), 345–349,

1226, random number generation, uniform, ranmar .[661] George Marsaglia and Wai Wan Tsang, A fast, easily implemented method for sampling from decreasing or symmetric

unimodal density functions, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 5 (1984), 349–359,1013, random number generation, non-uniform .

[662] George Marsaglia and Arif Zaman, A new class of random number generators, Annals of Applied Probability 1 (1991),

462–480,1029, probability, statistics, random number generation .

[663] , Monkey tests for random number generators, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 26 (1993), 1–10,

1028, random number generation, uniform, tests .[664] Cenaro T. Marzan and H.M. Karara, A Computer Program for Direct Linear Transformation Solution of the Collinearity

Condition, and some Applications of it, ASP Symposium on Close Range Photogrammetry (Falls Church, US-VA),

American Society of Photogrammetry (ASP), 1975, pp. 420–449,1348, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT .

[665] Norio Masuda and Frank Zimmermann, PRNGlib: A parallel random number generator library, Technical Re-

port TR-96-08, Swiss Center for Scientific Computing (CSCS-SCSC), Via Cantonale, CH-6928 Manno, CH, URL:http://www.cscs.ch/Official/PubTR96.html, 1996,

1016, random number generation, PRNGlib, coding .[666] Matlab, The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, US-MA. email: [email protected] www: http://www.mathworks.com/,

999, software, numerics .

[667] Makoto Matsumoto and Y. Kurita, Twisted GFSR generators, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation2 (1992), 179–194,

1031, random number generation, uniform .

[668] , Twisted GFSR generators II, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 4 (1994), 254–266,1032, random number generation, uniform .

[669] Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura, A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number gener-

ator, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation ? (1997), ???,1033, random number generation, uniform .

[670] Markus Matthes, Berechnung der Verformungs- und Schnittgrosen am Timoshenko-Balken mit viskoplastischen Mate-rialverhalten unter stosartiger Belastung, Verlag Shaker, Darmstadt, 1994,

1267, physics, mechanics .

[671] Hans-Georg Matuttis, Optimierte Programmierung f”ur die naturwissenschaftliche Anwendung, Vorlesung, Univ. Re-gensburg, DE, 1994,

1584, programming, computers .

[672] Scott M. Maxwell and Maury L. Hull, Measurement of Strength and Loading Variables on the Knee During AlpineSkiing, Journal of Biomechanics 22 (1989), 609–624,

1794, biomech, skiing, snow forces .

[673] , Measurement of Strength and Loading Variables on the Knee During Alpine Skiing, Skiing Trauma and Safety,7th vol., ASTM STP 1022 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson and C. Daniel Mote, eds.), American Society for

Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1989, pp. 231–251,1423, biomech, skiing, snow forces .

[674] B. Mayr, Ein Beitrag zur Physik des Schigleitens: Elektronische Messung des Wasserfilms beim Gleitvbib-

tex:organization, Ph.D. thesis, University of Innsbruck, AT, 1979,999, biomech, snow, friction .

[675] Scott G. McLean, A. Su, and Antonie J. van den Bogert, Development and Validation of a 3-D Model to Predict Knee

Joint Loading During Dynamic Movement, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering(Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)) 125 (2003), 864–874,

1742, biomech, simulation, knee, muscles .

[676] Walter Meile, Windkanaluntersuchungen zur Ermittlung von aerodynamisch gunstigen Rennanzugen und zur Opti-mierung von Schuhen fur Abfahrtslaufer (Wind Tunel Investigations for the Determination of Aerodynamical Suit-able Race Suits and for the Optimization of Ski Boots for Downhill Skiers), Report, Institut fur Stromungslehre und

Warmeubertragung (Institute for Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer), Graz University of Technology, AT, 2008,1847, drag, wind tunel test, luge .

[677] Walter Meile, E. Reisenberger, M. Mayer, B. Schmolzer, W. Muller, and G. Brenn, Aerodynamics of Ski Jumping:Experiments and CFD Simulations, 41 (2006), 949–964,DOI: 10.1007/s00348-006-0213-y,

1866, biomech, drag, lift, simulation, ski jumping .[678] Malcolm Mellor, A review of basic snow mechanics, Snow Mechanics. Proceedings of the Grindelwald Symposium on

Snow Mechanics, April 1974 (Adlard & Son, Ltd., Bartholomew Press, Durking, Surrey, UK) (John Nye, ed.), no. 114,

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International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), 1975, pp. 251–291,

1541, snow .[679] M. Eugene Merchant, Mechanics of the metal cutting process. I. Orthogonal cutting and a type 2 chip Orthogonal

Cutting, Journal of Applied Physics 16 (1945), no. 5, 267–275,

1953, engineering, metal cutting, shearing .[680] , Mechanics of the metal cutting process. II. Plasticity conditions in orthogonal cutting, Journal of Applied

Physics 16 (1945), no. 6, 318–324,

1954, engineering, metal cutting, shearing .[681] Gunther Meschke, Changhong Liu, and Herbert A. Mang, Large Strain Finite Element Analysis of Snow, Journal of

Engineering Mechanics 122 (1996), no. 7, 591–602,

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1996)122:7(591),1701, snow, mechanics, finite elements .

[682] Joachim Mester, Ralph Roth, and Florian Seifriz, Modelling of Slope and Trajectory in Alpine Skiing, Abstract, German

Sport University Cologne, Cologne, DE, 2002,1582, biomech, skiing .

[683] Michael Metcalf and John K. Reid, Fortran 90 explained, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1994,1002, programming, standard, Fortran 90 .

[684] , Fortran 90/95 explained, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1996,

1001, programming, standard, Fortran 95 .[685] Michael Metcalf, John K. Reid, and Malcolm Cohen, Fortran 95/2003 explained, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK,


1677, programming, standard, Fortran 95/2003 .[686] Kurt Meyberg and Peter Vachenauer, Hohere Mathematik 1, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2003,

1723, math .

[687] , Hohere Mathematik 2, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2006,1724, math .

[688] C.A. Micchelli, T.J. Rivlin, and Shmuel Winograd, The optimal recovery of smooth functions, Numerische Mathematik26 (1976), 191–200,

1339, numerics, approximation, smoothing .

[689] Michael Mielewczik and Thomas Drilling, Linux und Multimedia. Multimedia-Applikationen nutzen und -Hardwarekonfigurieren, Software & Support Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, DE, 2002,

1666, operating system, linux, multimedia .

[690] Dmitrey Mikhailov, NTFS file system, http://www.digit-life.com/articles/ntfs/, 2003,1671, windows, ntfs .

[691] Norman R. Miller, Robert Shapiro, and Thomas M. McLaughin, A Technique for Obtaining Spatial Kinematic Parame-

teres of Segments of Biomechanical Systems from Cinematographic Data, Journal of Biomechanics 13 (1980), 535–547,1347, biomech, 3d-reconstruction .

[692] Ross H. Miller, Brian R. Umberger, and Graham E. Cladwell, Limitations to maximum sprinting speed imposed by

muscle mechanical properties, Journal of Biomechanics 44 (2012), no. x, 1092–1097,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.04.040,

1942, biomech, muscle, simulation, running .[693] , Sensitivity of maximum sprinting speed to characteristic parameters of the muscle force-velocity relationship,

Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012), no. x, 1406–1413,

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.02.024,1943, biomech, muscle, simulation, running .

[694] Kiyonori Mizuno, Jack T. Andrish, Antonie J. van den Bogert, and Scott G. McLean, Gender dimorphic ACL strain

in response to combined dynamic 3d knee joint loading: Implications for ACL injury risk, The Knee 16 (2009), no. 6,432–440,

DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2009.04.008,

1940, biomech, knee, acl .[695] C.B. Moler, Algorithm 423. Linear Equation Solver, Communications of the ACM 15 (1972), 274,

999, linear algebra, coding .

[696] T.J.A. Mommersteeg, Rik Huiskes, L. Blankevoort, J.G.M. Kooloos, and J.M.G. Kauer, An inverse dynamics modelingapproach to determine the restraining function of human knee ligament bundeles, Journal of Biomechanics 30 (1997),

no. 2, 139–146,DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(96)00069-6,

1829, muscle, knee, ligaments .

[697] T.J.A. Mommersteeg, Rik Huiskes, L. Blankevoort, J.G.M. Kooloos, J.M.G. Kauer, and P.G.M. Maathuis, A globalverification study of a quasi-static knee model with multi-bundle ligaments, Journal of Biomechanics 29 (1996), no. 12,1659–1664,

DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(96)00069-6,1938, muscle, knee, ligaments .

[698] William T. Moody, Approximations for the Psi (Digamma) function, Mathematics of Computation 21 (1967), 112,

1127, approximation, special functions .[699] D.F. Moore, Principles and Applications of Tribology, Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, 1976,

999, tribology .

[700] Michael M. Morlock and Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky, Factors Influencing Performance in Bobsledding: I: Influences of theBobsled Crew and the Environment, International Journal of Sport Biomechanics 5 (1989), 208–221,

1800, biomech, bobsled, calgary .

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[701] Martin Mossner, Datenerfassung und Auswertung von Riesentorlauf- und Carving-Schwungen., Oral Presentation at

HTM Tyrolia, Schwechat, Austria, 10 Dez 1999,142, biomech, skiing, snow properties .

[702] , Einfluss der Einstellung der Tyrolia Power Select Bindung auf das Schwungverhalten, Oral Presentation at

HTM Tyrolia, Schwechat, Austria, 10 Dez 1999,140, biomech, skiing, snow properties .

[703] , Reaktionskraft und Abscherfestigkeit von Pistenschnee, Oral Presentation at HTM Tyrolia, Schwechat, Austria,

10 Dez 1999,141, biomech, skiing, snow properties .

[704] , Modellierung mittels DAE’s, Oral Presentation Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT

(Biomechanische Modellierung im alpinen Skilauf, Benno M. Nigg, Human Performance Laboratorium (HPL), Calgary,CA and Werner Nachbauer, Department of Sport Science), 14-18 Jun 1993,

111, biomech, DAE .

[705] , A Method for Obtaining 3-D Data in Alpine Skiing Using Pan and Tilt Cameras with Zoom Lenses, Public

Lecture held at the 10th International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS), International Society

for Skiing Safety (ISSS), Kaprun/Zell am See, Austria, 17-21 May 1993,109, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT .

[706] , 3-D Reconstruction of 2-D Video Data. The F3D Software Package, Poster presented at the XVth Congress of

the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB), Jyvaskyla, FI, 2-6 Jul 1995,116, 3d reconstruction, DLT, F3D .

[707] , Investigations on the Ski-Snow Contact in Alpine Skiing, Ph.D. thesis, University of Innsbruck, AT, 2006,

176, biomech, dlt, skiing, snow, pressure, simulation .[708] , 3D-Filmanalyse von Skischwungen bei mitgeschwenkter Kamera, Public Lecture held at the Department of Sport

Science, University of Innsbruck, AT (Lectures for guest professor Benno M. Nigg, Human Performance Laboratorium

(HPL), Calgary, CA), 22-27 Mar 1992,103, biomech, DLT .

[709] , Reaktionskraft und Abscherfestigkeit von Pistenschnee, Oral Presentation at the Department of Mechanics andMechatronics, Vienna University of Technology, AT, 23 Mai 2000,

147, biomech, skiing, snow properties .

[710] , 3D-Filmauswertung bei mitgeschwenkter und gezoomter Kamera, Report, Institute for Basic Sciences in Engi-neering, University of Innsbruck, AT, Aug 1992,

107, biomech, film analysis, DLT .

[711] , Berechnung der Biegesteifigkeit von Skiern, Internal report, Department of Sport Science, University of Inns-bruck, AT, Jan 2001,

154, bending stiffness .

[712] , Fast Generation of Nonuniform Random Numbers, Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Inns-bruck, AT, Jun 1997,

127, random number generation .

[713] , Digitize, Version 3.0, Deutsche Version, Instruction manual, Department of Sport Science, University of Inns-

bruck, AT, Mai 1999,

131, software, digitization .[714] , Ski-Modellierung, Internal report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Mar 1998,

129, biomech, skiiing, elastic beam .

[715] , Druckverteilung bei aufgekanteten Ski, Instruction manual, Department of Sport Science, University of Inns-bruck, AT, Nov 1998,

130, software, skiing, elastic ski properties, snow model, turn radius .

[716] , Investigations on the Ski-Snow Contact in Alpine Skiing (Untersuchungen zum Ski-Schnee Kontakt im Skilauf),Oral Presentation (Rigorosumsvortrag), University of Innsbruck, AT, Nov 2006,

185, biomech, dlt, skiing, snow, pressure, simulation .

[717] , Fourierreihen nach Eigenfunktionen regularer Sturm-Liouvillescher-Randwertprobleme und deren Anwendungzur Berechnung von Fehlerabschatzungen fur Separationslosungen partieller Differentialgleichungen, Diploma thesis,

Institute for Basic Sciences in Engineering, University of Innsbruck, AT, Okt 1988,101, analysis, PDE, ODE, BVP, eigenfunctions, fourier analysis .

[718] Martin Mossner, Michael Hasler, Werner Nachbauer, and Toni Giger, Berechnung der Fahrzeitdifferenz durch den

Luftwiderstand, Osterreichischer Skiverband (OSV), 18 Dec 2008,196, biomech, simulation, drag .

[719] , Berechnung der Fahrzeitdifferenz durch den Luftwiderstand, Report, Department of Sport Science,

Osterreichischer Skiverband (OSV), University of Innsbruck, AT, 2008,

195, biomech, simulation, drag .

[720] Martin Mossner, Michael Hasler, Kurt Schindelwig, Peter Kaps, and Werner Nachbauer, An Approximate SimulationModel for Initial Luge Track Design, Conference Book Program & Abstracts, 23th Congress of the International Societyof Biomechanics (ISB) (Brussels, BE) (Serge Van Sint Jan, Veronique Feipel, Dirk Aerenhouts, Jean-Pierre Baeyens,

Alain Carpentier, Erik Cattryssee, Jean-Pieter Clarys, Jacques Duchateau, Nathalie Guissard, Thierry Leloup, StevenProvyn, Marcel Rooze, Aldo Scafoglieri, Frederic Schuind, Peter Van Roy, and Nadine Warzee, eds.), Universite Libre

de Bruxxeles, 2011, p. 153,

225, luge, simulation .[721] , An Approximate Simulation Model for Initial Luge Track Design, Journal of Biomechanics 44 (2011), no. 5,

892–896,DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2010.12.001,223, luge, simulation, equation of motion, drag and friction, acceleration .

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[722] , An Approximate Simulation Model for Initial Luge Track Design, Poster presented at the 23th Congres of the

International Society of Biomechanics (ISB), Brussels, BE, 3-7 Jul 2011,226, biomech, simualtion, luge, acceleration, drag, friction .

[723] Martin Mossner, Michael Hasler, Kurt Schindelwig, Peter Muller, Minh Andreas Becker, Peter Kaps, and Werner

Nachbauer, Simulation of Speed and Normal Acceleration in Luge, Oral Presentation at the 3rd International Congresson Mountain and Sport, Rovereto, IT, 14 Nov 2009,

211, biomech, skiing, ski-snow contact, simulation .

[724] , Simulation of Speed and Normal Acceleration in Luge, Book of Abstracts, 3rd International Congress onMountain, Sport & Health (Rovereto, IT) (Frederico Schena, Paolo Tosi, Carlo Capelli, Guido Ferretti, and Franco

Impellizzeri, eds.), 2009, p. 76,

213, luge, simulation, normal acceleration .[725] Martin Mossner and Dieter Heinrich, Projekt: Fahrwerk. Jahresbericht 2005, Oral Presentation at HTM Tyrolia,

Schwechat, AT, 16 Dez 2005,

173, biomech, skiing, ski-snow contact, simulation .[726] , Projekt: Fahrwerk. Jahresbericht 2005, Oral Presentation at HTM Head, Kennelbach, AT, 27 Jan 2006,

174, biomech, skiing, ski-snow contact, simulation .[727] Martin Mossner, Dieter Heinrich, Peter Kaps, Herwig Schretter, and Werner Nachbauer, Effects of Ski Stiffness in a

Sequence of Carved Turns, 4th International Congress on Science and Skiing, Book of Abstracts (St. Christoph am

Arlberg, AT) (Erich Muller, Stefan Lindinger, Thomas Stoggl, and Verena Fastenbauer, eds.), 14-20 Dec 2007, p. 86,192, simulation, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness, turn radius .

[728] , Computer Simulation of a Combination of Carved Turns, Oral Presentation at the 17th International Sympo-

sium of the International Society for Skiing Safety (ISSS), Aviemore, UK, 17 May 2007,190, simulation, skiing, turn radius .

[729] , Effects of Ski Stiffness in a Sequence of Carved Truns, Oral Presentation at the 4th International Congress on

Science and Skiing, St. Christoph am Arlberg, AT, 18 Dec 2007,194, simulation, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness, turn radius .

[730] , Comuter Simulation of Consecutive Ski Turns, Journal of ASTM International 5 (2008), no. 8, ???–???,DOI: 10.1520/JAI101387,

200, biomech, skiing, turns, edge angle, forward/backward lean .

[731] , Computer simulation of consecutive ski turns, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 17th vol., ASTM STP 1510 (WestConshohocken, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, Jasper E. Shealy, and Mike Langran, eds.), American Society for Testing

and Materials (ASTM), 2009, pp. 126–136,

DOI: 10.1520/STP47474S,200a, biomech, skiing, turns, edge angle, forward/backward lean .

[732] , Effects of ski stiffness in a sequence of ski turns, Science and Skiing IV (Maidenhead, UK) (Erich Muller, Stefan

Lindinger, and Stefan Stoggl, eds.), Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2009, pp. 374–388,198, biomech, skiing, turns, turn radius, ski stiffness .

[733] , Simulation of Ski Turns with a Sledge on Skis versus a Skier Model, Oral Presentation at the 18th International

Symposium of the International Society for Skiing Safety (ISSS), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, DE, 26 Apr 2009,206, simulation, skiing, turn radius, angulation .

[734] , Simulation of Ski Turns with a Sledge on Skis versus a Skier Model, 18th International Symposium on SkiTrauma and Skiing Safety, Book of Abstracts (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, DE) (Veit Senner, Verena Fastenbauer, and

Harald Bohm, eds.), April 2009, p. 22,

205, simulation, skiing, ski turns, sledge on skis, skier model .[735] , Computer Simulation of a Combination of Carved Turns, 17th International Symposium on Ski Trauma and

Skiing Safety, Book of Abstracts (Aviemore, UK) (Robert J. Johnson, Jasper E. Shealy, and Mike Langran, eds.), May

2007, p. ???,189, simulation, skiing, snow, turn radius .

[736] Martin Mossner, Dieter Heinrich, Kurt Schindelwig, Peter Kaps, Peter Lugner, Heinz-Bodo Schmiedmayer, Herwig

Schretter, and Werner Nachbauer, Improvement of the Model of the Ski-Snow Contact for a Carved Turn, Oral Presen-tation at the International Congress on Mountain and Sport, Rovereto, IT, 12 Nov 2005,

169, biomech, skiing, ski-snow contact, simulation .[737] , Modeling the Ski-Snow Contact for a Carved Turn, Oral Presentation at the 6th Engineering of Sport Confer-

ence, Munich, DE, 14 Jul 2006,

179, biomech, skiing, ski-snow contact, simulation .[738] , Modeling of the ski-snow contact for a carved turn, The Engineering of Sport 6 (Munich, DE) (Eckehard Fozzy

Moritz and Steve J. Haake, eds.), vol. 2, International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA), 2006, pp. 195–200,DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-46051-2 35,182, skiing, ski-snow contact .

[739] , Modeling of the Ski-Snow Contact for a Carved Turn, Book of Abstracts, International Congress on Mountain

and Sport (Rovereto, IT) (Frederico Schena, Guido Ferretti, Paolo Tosi, Carlo Capelli, and Guido Fumagalli, eds.), Nov2005, p. 64,

172, ski-snow contact, modeling, simulation, carved turn .[740] Martin Mossner, Dieter Heinrich, Kurt Schindelwig, Peter Kaps, Herwig Schretter, and Werner Nachbauer, Modeling the

Ski-Snow Contact in Skiing Turns Using a Hypoplastic vs an Elastic Force-Penetration Relation, Scandinavian Journal

of Medicine & Science in Sports xx (2013), no. x, xxx–xxx,DOI: 10.1111/sms.12035,

229, biomech, skiing, simulation, contact model .

[741] Martin Mossner, Dieter Heinrich, Herwig Schretter, and Werner Nachbauer, Einfluss der Biege- und Torsionssteifigkeit

von Skiern auf das Schwungverhalten, Oral Presentation at the 11. Symposium, Osterreichische Sportwissenschaftliche

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Gesellschaft (OSG), Innsbruck/Hungerburg, AT, 24. Nov 2006,

187, snow, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness, turn radius .[742] , Einfluss der Biege- und Torsionssteifigkeit von Skiern auf das Schwungverhalten, 11. Symposium,

Osterreichische Sportwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (OSG) (Innsbruck/Hungerburg, AT) (Inge Werner, Lukas Matosevic,

and Gunther Mitterbauer, eds.), Nov 2006, p. ???,186, snow, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness, turn radius .

[743] Martin Mossner, Gerhard Innerhofer, and Werner Nachbauer, Reaktionskrafte und Abscherfestigkeit von Pistenschnee,

Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Dez 1999,139, biomech, skiing, snow properties .

[744] Martin Mossner, Gerhard Innerhofer, Kurt Schindelwig, Peter Kaps, Herwig Schretter, and Werner Nachbauer, Mea-surement of mechanical properties of snow for simulation of skiing, Journal of Glaciology 59 (2013), no. 218, 1170–1178,

DOI: 10.3189/2013JoG13J031,

231, biomech, skiing, simulation, contact model, snow .[745] Martin Mossner, Peter Kaps, Michael Hasler, and Werner Nachbauer, Computation of the Trajectory and the Reaction

Force for a Turn in Luge, Oral Presentation at the 8th Engineering of Sport Conference, Vienna, AT, 14 Jul 2010,

215, biomech, luge, simulation .[746] , Computation of the Trajectory and the Reaction Force for a Turn in Luge, 8th Engineering of Sport Conference

(Vienna, AT) (???, ed.), Jul 2010, p. ???,

217, biomech, skiing, simulation, ballance .[747] Martin Mossner, Peter Kaps, and Werner Nachbauer, Smoothing the DLT-Parameters for Moved Cameras, Book of

Abstracts, XVth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) (Jyvaskyla, FI) (Keijo Hakkinen, Kari L.Keskinen, Paavo V. Komi, and Antti Mero, eds.), University of Jyvaskyla, 1995, pp. 642–643,

117, 3d-reconstruction, DLT, smoothing .

[748] , A Method for Obtaining 3-D Data in Alpine Skiing Using Pan and Tilt Cameras with Zoom Lenses, SkiingTrauma and Safety, 10th vol., ASTM STP 1266 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (C. Daniel Mote, Robert J. Johnson, Wolfhart

Hauser, and Peter S. Schaff, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1996, pp. 155–164,

DOI: 10.1520/STP37925S,119, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT .

[749] , Smoothing the DLT-Parameters for Moved Cameras, Poster presented at the XVth Congress of the International

Society of Biomechanics (ISB), Jyvaskyla, FI, 2-6 Jul 1995,115, 3d-reconstruction, DLT, smoothing .

[750] , Instruction Manual for F3D, ver. 3.02, Instruction manual, Department of Sport Science, University of Inns-

bruck, AT, Jan 1996,122, software, film analysis, DLT, smoothing .

[751] Martin Mossner and Werner Nachbauer, Druckverteilung des Atomic Beta Ride und des Head Cyber Cross bei geschnit-tenen Schwungen, Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Aug 2000,

151, biomech, skiing, snow properties .

[752] , Dehnungseigenschaften von Bandern, Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Aug2003,

162, biomech, ligaments .

[753] , Einfluss der Einstellung der Tyrolia Power Select Bindung auf das Schwungverhalten, Report, Department ofSport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Dez 1999,

138, biomech, skiing, turn radius, bending stiffness .

[754] , Reaktionskraft und Abscherfestigkeit von Pistenschnee, Report, Department of Sport Science, University ofInnsbruck, AT, Jun 2000,

148, biomech, skiing, snow properties .[755] , Reaktionskraft von Pistenschnee. Bericht II, Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck,

AT, Nov 2001,

156, biomech, skiing, snow properties .[756] , Versuche mit dem Skischlitten: Materialdaten (Experiments with the Sledge on Two Skis: Construction Data),

Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Sep 2000,

152, biomech, skiing, snow properties .[757] Martin Mossner, Werner Nachbauer, Gerhard Innerhofer, and Herwig Schretter, Mechanical Properties of Snow on

Ski Slopes, Abstract Book, 15th International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (St. Moritz /

Pontresina, CH) (Georg Ahlbaumer, Marc-Herve Binet, J. Haury, B.H. Horterer, Veit Senner, Adrian U. Urfer, andW. Vogt, eds.), 2003, pp. P–1,161, snow, skiing, reaction force, ultimate shear pressure .

[758] , Mechanical Properties of Snow on Ski Slopes, Poster presented at the 15th International Congress on SkiingTrauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS), St. Moritz / Pontresina, CH, 27 Apr - 2 May 2003,

160, snow, skiing, reaction force, ultimate shear pressure .[759] Martin Mossner, Werner Nachbauer, and Kurt Schindelwig, Einfluss der Skitaillierung auf Schwungradius und Belastung

(Influence of Ski-Waist on Turn Radius and Load), Sportverletzung Sportschaden 11 (1997), no. 4, 140–145,

DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-993385,126, skiing, carving, turn radius, ski-radius, reaction forces .

[760] Martin Mossner, Werner Nachbauer, Kurt Schindelwig, Fritz Brunner, Gerhard Innerhofer, and Franz Bruck, Versuche

mit dem Skischlitten in Stuben, Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Mai 2001,155, biomech, skiing, snow, trace, schlitten .

[761] Martin Mossner, Werner Nachbauer, Kurt Schindelwig, Fritz Brunner, Franz Rainer, and Christoph Wurm, Versuche

mit dem Skischlitten am Kaunertaler Gletscher, Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Nov2002,

158, biomech, skiing, snow, trace, schlitten .

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[762] Martin Mossner, Werner Nachbauer, Kurt Schindelwig, Gerhard Innerhofer, and Herwig Schretter, Mechanical Properties

of Snow on Ski Slopes, Abstract Book, 5th International Congress on Snow Engineering (ICSE) (Davos, CH) (Ed Adams,Walter Ammann, Erik Hjorth-Hansen, Harald Norem, Mike J. O’Rourke, Atsushi Sato, and Jerry Johnson, eds.), 2004,

p. ???,

163, snow, skiing, reaction force, ultimate shear pressure .[763] Martin Mossner, Norbert Netzer, and Jorg Pfleiderer, Approximations to the Distribution Function of the Anderson-

Darling Test Statistic, Internal report, Institut of Astronomy, University of Innsbruck, AT, 1997,

114, probability, statistics, special functions .[764] Martin Mossner and Jorg Pfleiderer, Automatic Analysis for Time-Series with Large Gaps, Poster presented at the

5th ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis Workshop, European Southern Observatory (ESO), Munich/Garching, DE, 26-27 Apr

1993,108, astronomy, time series, optimization .

[765] , Automatic Analysis for Time-Series with Large Gaps, Proceedings of the 5th ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis

Workshop (Munich/Garching, DE) (P.J. Grosbøl and R.C.E. de Ruijsscher, eds.), European Southern Observatory(ESO), Sep 1993, pp. 197–202,

112, astronomy, time series, optimization .[766] MotionAnalysis, Motion Analysis Corporation, Santa Rosa, US-CA. email: [email protected] www:


1719, software, numerics .[767] S. Mukherjee, A. Chawla, B. Karthikeyan, and A. Soni, Finiete Element Crash Simulation of the Human Body: Passive

and Active Muscle Modelling, Sadhana, India 32 (2007), 409–426,

1741, biomech, finite elements, muscles, tissue, crash simulation .[768] Erich Muller, Biomechanische Analyse alpiner Schilauftechniken, Innsbruck, AT, 1987,

999, skiing .

[769] Erich Muller, Fritz Brunner, Elmar Kornexl, and Christian Raschner, Biomechanische Analyse von Starttechniken imalpinen Skirennlauf (Biomechanical Analysis of Starting Techniques in Alpine Ski Racing), Biomechanik der Sportarten.

Band 2: Biomechanik des alpinen Skilaufs (Friedrich Fetz and Erich Muller, eds.), Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart,

DE, 1991, pp. 112–123,999, biomech, skiing, simulation .

[770] Paul-Edouard Munch, Aktive Minderung von Biegeschwingungen an Ski, Ph.D. thesis, Technische Universitat Darm-stadt, Darmstadt, DE, 2005,

1709, biomech, skiing, vibrations .

[771] Ander Murua, PHEM56 user’s guide, Internal report, Konputazio Zientzia eta A. A., Informatika Fakultatea, EHU/UPVDonostia/San Sebastian Spain, 1995,

1177, numerics, mechanics, DAE .

[772] , Partitioned Half-Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Differential-Algebraic Systems of Index 2, Computing 59(1997), 43–61,

1769, dae, runge-kutta method, phem56 .

[773] Werner Nachbauer, Fahrlinie in Torlauf und Riesentorlauf (Line in Slalom and Giant Slalom), Leistungssport 17 (1987),17–21,

999, biomech, skiing .[774] , Determination of Kinetic Friction in Downhill Skiing, Public Lecture held at the 8th Meeting of the European

Society of Biomechanics (ESB), Rome, IT, 21-24 Jun 1992,

105, biomech, skiing, friction .[775] , Gutachten zum todlichen Skirennunfall von Ulrike Maier am 29. 1. 1994 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Depart-

ment of Sport Science, Aug 1994,

113, biomech, medcine, forces .[776] , Verstellbare Bindungsplatte, Report, Department of Sport Science, Osterreichischer Skiverband (OSV), Univer-

sity of Innsbruck, AT, Jan 1997,

123, biomech, forces, skiing .[777] Werner Nachbauer and Peter Kaps, Fahrzeitbestimmende Faktoren beim Schusfahren, Biomechanik der Sportarten. Band

2: Biomechanik des alpinen Skilaufs (Friedrich Fetz and Erich Muller, eds.), Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, DE, 1991,pp. 101–111,

1340, biomech, simulation, friction .

[778] Werner Nachbauer, Peter Kaps, Dieter Heinrich, Martin Mossner, Kurt Schindelwig, and Herwig Schretter, Effects of Skiand Snow Properties on the Turning of Alpine Skis – A Computer Simulation, Journal of Biomechanics, 39: Abstractsof the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, DE (Rik Huiskes and Farshid Guilak, eds.), 2006, p. S188,

183, skiing, ski-snow contact .[779] Werner Nachbauer, Peter Kaps, and Martin Mossner, Determination of Kinetic Friction in Downhill Skiing, Book of

Abstracts, 8th Meeting of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) (Rome, IT), 1992, p. 333,

106, biomech, skiing, friction .[780] , On the Accuracy of Video Data Obtained During an Alpine Skiing Competition, Book of Abstracts, 11th (?)

International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (???) (??? and ???, eds.), International Society

for Skiing Safety (ISSS), 1995, p. ???,1599, skiing, video, dlt .

[781] Werner Nachbauer, Peter Kaps, Martin Mossner, Dieter Heinrich, Kurt Schindelwig, and Herwig Schretter, Effects ofSki and Snow Properties on the Turning of Alpine Skis – A Computer Simulation, Oral Presentation at the 5th World

Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, DE, Jul/Aug 2006,184, biomech, skiing, ski-snow contact, simulation .

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[782] Werner Nachbauer, Peter Kaps, Benno M. Nigg, Fritz Brunner, Alexander Lutz, Gunther Obkircher, and Martin Mossner,

A Video Technique for Obtaining 3-D Coordinates in Alpine Skiing, Journal of Applied Biomechanics 12 (1996), 104–115,

121, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT, inverse dynamics .

[783] Werner Nachbauer, Elmar Kornexl, Gerald Daringer, Martin Mossner, and Armin Niederkofler, Einrichtung eines Mess-platzes zur Technikanalyse von Skispringern an der Skisprungschnaze Bergisel, Report, Department of Sport Science

Osterreichischer Skiverband (OSV), University of Innsbruck, AT, 2004,

165, biomech, ski-jumping, forces .[784] Werner Nachbauer, Martin Mossner, Martin Burtscher, and Kurt Schindelwig, Estimation of the Load on the Skier

During Carving, Book of Abstracts, 13th International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (Breuil

Cervinia, Aosta Valley, IT) (Arne Ekeland, Robert J. Johnson, and Paolo Zucco, eds.), International Society for SkiingSafety (ISSS), 1999, p. 100,

134, skiing, forces, carving .

[785] Werner Nachbauer, Martin Mossner, Dieter Heinrich, Kurt Schindelwig, Herwig Schretter, and Peter Kaps, Simulationof Skiing Turns, Poster presented at the 22th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB), Cape Town,

ZA, 5-9 July 2009,208, skiing, simulation .

[786] Werner Nachbauer, Martin Mossner, Dieter Heinrich, Herwig Schretter, and Peter Kaps, Simulation of Skiing Turns,

Book of Abstracts, 22th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) (Cape Town, ZA) (??? and ???,eds.), ???, 2009, p. ??,

209, skiing, simulation .

[787] Werner Nachbauer, Martin Mossner, Kurt Schindelwig, and Herwig Schretter, Mechanical Properties of Snow on SkiSlopes, Oral Presentation at the 5th International Congress on Snow Engineering (ICSE), Davos, CH, 5-8 Jul 2004,

164, biomech, skiing, ski-snow contact, simulation .

[788] Werner Nachbauer, Kurt Schindelwig, and Martin Mossner, Zur Auswirkung der Standhohe auf Verletzungen im alpinenSkirennsport, Report, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, Apr 1997,

125, biomech, skiing, forces .

[789] , Standhohe und Kniebelastung im alpinen Skilauf, SKI. Mitteilungen des Osterreichischen Arbeitskreises Skilauf

an Schulen & Hochschulen 20 (Mar 1997), 18–19,

124, biomech, skiing, forces .[790] Werner Nachbauer, Kurt Schindelwig, Martin Mossner, and Peter Kaps, Forces and Moments at the Boot Sole During

Carving, Book of Abstracts, 17th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) (Calgary, CA) (Walter

Herzog and Azim Jinha, eds.), University of Calgary, CA, 1999, p. 54,137, skiing, forces .

[791] Werner Nachbauer, Peter Schrocksnadel, and Bernhard Lackinger, Effects of Snow and Air Conditions on Ski Friction,

Skiing Trauma and Safety, 10th vol., ASTM STP 1266 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (C. Daniel Mote, Robert J. Johnson,Wolfhart Hauser, and Peter S. Schaff, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1996, pp. 178–185,

1872, snow, friction .

[792] Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG), NAG Ltd., Oxford, UK. email: [email protected] www: http://www.nag.co.uk/,999, software, numerics .

[793] Akinori Nagano, Shinsuke Yoshioka, Taku Komura, Ryutaro Himeno, and Senshi Fukashiro, A Three-DimensionalLinked Segment Model of the Whole Human Body, 3 (2005), 311–325,

1839, biomech, simulation, body model, dynamics .

[794] Alan M. Nahum and John W. Melvin, Accidental injury. Biomechanics and prevention, Springer, New York, US-NY,1993,

1511, biomech, medcine, accidents .

[795] Tsutomu Nakamura, Osamu Abe, Ryuhei Hashimoto, and Takeshi Ohta, A Dynamic Method to Measure the ShearStrength of Snow, Journal of Glaciology 56 (2010), 333–338,

1860, snow, shear strength .

[796] A. Nardonne, C. Romano, and M. Schieppati, Selective Recruitment of High-Threshold Human Motor Units DuringVoluntary Isotonic Lengthening of Active Muscles, J. Physiol. 409 (1989), 451–471,

1625, biomech, muscle .

[797] R. Al Nazer, T. Rantalainen, A. Heinonen, H. Sievanen, and A. Mikkola, Flexible Multibody Simulation Approach in theAnalysis of Tibial Strain During Walking, Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008), 1036–1043,

1746, simulation, multibody model, muscles, strain analysis .[798] B. Nemec, O. Kugovnik, and Matej Supej, Influence of the Ski Side Cut on Vibrations in Alpine Skiing, Science

and Skiing II (Hamburg, DE) (Erich Muller, Hermann Schwameder, Christian Raschner, Stefan Lindinger, and ElmarKornexl, eds.), Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2001, pp. 232–241,1749, skiing, skidding, vibrations .

[799] R.R. Neptune, I.C. Wright, and Antonie J. van den Bogert, A method for numerical simulation of single limb ground

contact events: Application to heel-toe running, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 3(2000), 321–334,

1931, biomech, muscle, ground contact .[800] Wolfgang Niessen, Strukturdynamischer Ansatz zur Verbesserung des Fahrverhaltens von Alpinskiern beim Schwingen,

Ph.D. thesis, Department of Sport Science, University of Salzburg, Austria, 1999,

1681, biomech, skiing .

[801] Wolfgang Niessen and Erich Muller, Carving - biomechanische Aspekte bei der Verwendung stark taillierter Skier underhohter Standflachen im alpinen Sport, Leistungssport 29 (1999), 39–44,

1526, biomech, skiing, turn radius .

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[802] Benno M. Nigg and Walter Herzog, Biomechaniks of the Musculo-Sekeletal System, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester,

UK, 1994,1644, biomech .

[803] Ralph Nisell, Mechanics of the Knee. A Study of Joint and Muscle Load with Clinical Applications, Acta Orthopaedica

Scandinavica 56 (1985), 1–42,1429, biomech, muscles, knee .

[804] Marc Noe, The calculation of distributions of two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov type statistics, Annals of Mathematical

Statistics 43 (1972), 58–64,1246, approximation, special functions, kolmogorov tests .

[805] Marc Noe and Georges Vandewiele, The calculation of distributions of Kolmogorov-Smirnov type statistics including a

table of significance points for a particular case, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 39 (1968), 233–241,1247, approximation, special functions, kolmogorov tests .

[806] Wolfgang Nolting, Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 4. Spezielle Relativitastheorie, Thermodynamik, Springer, Berlin, DE,

2003,1736, physics, special relativity theory, thermodynamics .

[807] , Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 7. Vile-Teilchen-Theorie, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2003,1740, physics .

[808] , Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 3. Elektrodynamik, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2004,

1735, physics, electrodynamics .[809] , Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 5/1. Quantenmechanik, Grundlagen, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2004,

1737, physics, quantum mechanics .

[810] , Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 6. Statistische Physik, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2005,1739, physics, statistical physics .

[811] , Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 1. Klassische Mechanik, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2006,

1733, physics, mechanics .[812] , Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 2. Analytische Mechanik, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2006,

1734, physics, mechanics .[813] , Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 5/2. Quantenmechanik, Methoden und Anwendungen, Springer, Berlin, DE,


1738, physics, quantum mechanics .[814] Alison A. Nordt, Design of Alpine Skis, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University,

US-CA, 1999,

1523, biomech, skiing, simulation .[815] Alison A. Nordt, G.S. Springer, and L.P. Kollr, Computing the Mechanical Properties of Alpine Skis, Sports Engineering

2 (1999), no. 2, 65–84,

DOI: 10.1046/j.1460-2687.1999.00026.x,1524, biomech, simulation, skiing .

[816] , Simulation of a Turn on Alpine Skis, Sports Engineering 2 (1999), no. 3, 181–199,

DOI: 10.1046/j.1460-2687.1999.00027.x,1718, biomech, simulation, skiing .

[817] Victor Norton, Algorithm 631: Finding a bracketed zero by Larkin’s method of rational interpolation, ACM Transactionson Mathematical Software 11 (1985), 120–134,

1242, approximation, root finding .

[818] Ulrich Nowak and L. Weimann, A family of Newton codes for systems of highly nonlinear equations. Algorithm, im-plementation, application, Technical Report TR 91-10, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fRur Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB),

Berlin, DE, 1991,

1323, software, sources, nlscon, Newton technique .[819] Gunther Nurnberger, Approximation by spline functions, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1989,

1208, numerics, approximation, splines .

[820] Henri J. Nussbaumer, Fast Fourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms, Springer Series in Information Sciences,vol. 2, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1982,

1202, approximation, FFT .

[821] Adrian Nye, Xlib Programming Manual, The Definite Guides to the X Window System, vol. 1, O’Reilly & Associates,Inc., 1992,

1493, programming, X-system, unix .[822] , Xlib Reference Manual, The Definite Guides to the X Window System, vol. 2, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1992,

1494, programming, X-system, unix .[823] Adrian Nye and Timothy O’Reilly, X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual. OSF/Motif 1.2 ed., The Definite Guides

to the X Window System, vol. 4M, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1992,

1496, programming, X-system, unix .

[824] Robert Oberacher, Biokinematische und biodynamische Untersuchung von Carvingschwungen, Diploma thesis, Depart-ment of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, 2000,

1520, biomech, skiing .[825] Michael Oberguggenberger and Elemer E. Rosinger, Solution of continuous nonlinear PDEs through order completion,

Mathematics Studies, vol. 181, North-Holland, Amsterdam, NL, 1994,

1183, functional analysis, PDE .[826] Gunther Obkircher, Resultierende Krafte und Momente im Kniegelenk nach Landungen im Abfahrtslauf, Diploma thesis,

Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, 1995,

1428, biomech, skiing, body model, forces, jumps in skiing, landing phase .[827] Toshiaki Oda, Hiroaki Kanehisa, Kentaro Chino, Toshiyuki Kurihara, Toshihiko Nagayoshi, Emika Kato, Tetsuo Fuku-

naga, and Yasuo Kawakami, In Vivo Length-Force Relationships on Mucle Fiber and Muscle Tendon Complex in the

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Tibialis Anterior Muscle, International Jorunal of Sport and Health Science 3 (2005), 245–252,

1825, biomech, muscle, tendon .[828] T. Ohnishi, Die physikalischen Eigenschaften des Schibretts, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) 3 (1964),


999, biomech, skiing .[829] Dianne Prost O’Leary, Estimating matrix condition numbers, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 1

(1980), 205–209,

1067, numerics, linear algebra, condition number .[830] Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall International, Inc., Englewood

Cliffs, US-NJ, 1975,

1207, approximation, digital filters .[831] Alexander Ostermann, Ramliche Mehrkorperprobleme, Department of Engineering Mathematics, Geometry and Com-

puter Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, 19??,

1318, numerics, ODE, PDE, runge-kutta methods .[832] Alexander Ostermann, Peter Kaps, and T.D. Bui, The solution of a combustion problem with Rosenbrock methods, ACM

Transactions on Mathematical Software 12 (1986), 354–361,1142, numerics, ODE, Rosenbrock methods .

[833] Alexander Ostermann and Mechthild Thalhammer, Non-Smooth Data Error Estimates for Linearly Implicit Runge-

Kutta Methods, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 20 (2000), 167–184,1141, numerics, ODE, PDE, runge-kutta methods .

[834] John O. Outwater, On the Friction of Skis, Medicine and Science in Sports 2 (1970), 231–234,

999, biomech, skiing, friction .[835] Christopher C. Paige and Musheng Wei, Analysis of the generalized total least squares problemAXHBwhen some columns

ofAare free of error, Numerische Mathematik 65 (1993), 177–202,

1057, numerics, linear algebra, total least squares .[836] Oscar Palacios-Velez and Baltasar Cuevas Renaud, A Dynamic Hierarchical Subdivision Algorithm for Computing De-

launay Triangulations and Other Closest-Point Problems, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 16 (1990),

275–292,1630, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .

[837] C.T. Pan and Kermit Sigmon, A bottom-up inductive proof of the singular value decomposition, SIAM Journal on Matrix

Analysis and Applications 15 (1994), 59–61,1072, numerics, linear algebera, SVD .

[838] Marcus G. Pandy, Computer modeling and simulation of human movement, 3 (2001), 245–273,DOI: 10.1146/annurev-bioeng-070909-105259,

1924, biomech, simulation, muscle, gait, locomotion .

[839] Marcus G. Pandy, Frank C. Anderson, and D.G. Hull, A parameter optimization approach for the optimal control oflarge-scale musculoskeletal systems, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 114 (1992), 450–460,

1930, biomech, simulation, muscle, optimization .

[840] Marcus G. Pandy and Thomas P. Andriacchi, Muscle and Joint Function in Human Locomotion, 12 (2010), 401–433,DOI: 10.1146/annurev-bioeng-070909-105259,

1865, biomech, simulation, muscle, gait, locomotion .

[841] Marcus G. Pandy, Jonathan S. Merritt, and Ronald E. Barr, Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system, Biomedicalengineering and design handbook (McGraw Hill Book Company New York, US-NY) (Meyer Kutz, ed.), 2009, pp. 153–


1925, biomech, musculoskeletal model, simulation .[842] Marcus G. Pandy and Kotaro Sasaki, A three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the human knee joint. Part 2:

Analysis of ligament function, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 1 (1997), no. x, 265–283,

1947, muscle, knee, ligaments, modeling .

[843] Marcus G. Pandy, Kotaro Sasaki, and Seonpil Kim, A three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the human knee joint.Part 1: Theoretical construction, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 1 (1997), no. x,


1946, muscle, knee, ligaments, modeling .[844] Marcus G. Pandy and Kevin B. Shelburne, Dependence of cruciate ligament loading on muscle forces and external load,

Journal of Biomechanics 30 (1997), no. 10, 1015–1024,DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(97)00070-5,1945, muscle, knee, isometric contractions, ligaments .

[845] Manohar M. Panjabi and Augustus A. White, Biomechanics in the Musculoskeletal System, Churchill Livingstone, New

York, US-NY, 2001,1665, physics, mechanics .

[846] Won J. Park and Yoon G. Kim, Gooodnes-of-fit tests for the power-law process, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 41(1992), 107–111,

1249, probability, statistics, kolmogorov tests .[847] Thomas W. Parks and C.S. Burrus, Digital Filter Design, John Wiley & Sons, New York, US-NY, 1987,

1205, approximation, digital filters .

[848] Heinz Parkus, Mechanik der festen Korper, Springer, Vienna, AT, 1966,

1312, mechanics, solid bodies .[849] B.N.J. Pearson, Theory of friction and boundary lubrication, Physical Review B 48 (1993), no. 24, 18140–18158,

1917, friction, boundary lubrication .[850] Peak Performance, Vicon, Los Angeles, US-CA. email: [email protected], www: http://www.peakperform.com,

1718, software, numerics .

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[851] R.I. Perla and B. Glenne, Skiing, Handbook of Snow (Donald Maurice Gray and David Harold Male, eds.), Pergamon

Press, Toronto, CA, 1981, pp. 709–740,1808, biomech, skiing, snow .

[852] Eduard Pestel and Jens Wittenburg, Technische Mechanik. Band 2: Festigkeitslehre, BI Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim,

DE, 1992,1270, physics, mechanics .

[853] Noemi Petra, Hongyu Zhu, Georg Stadler, Thomas J.R. Hughes, and Omar Ghattas, An inexact Gauss-Newton method

for inversion of basal sliding and rheology parameters in a nonlinear Stokes ice sheet model, Journal of Glaciology 58(2012), no. 211, 889–903,

DOI: 10.3189/2012JoG11J182,

1882, snow, glacier, ice flow, navier stokes eq, newton-gauss method .[854] Victor F. Petrenko and Robert W. Whitworth, Physics of Ice, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2002,

1774, ice .

[855] J.J. Petrovic, Mechanical Properties of Ice and Snow, Journal of Materials Science 38 (2003), no. 1, 1–6,1821, snow, compression .

[856] Linda R. Petzold and Per Loetstedt, Numerical solution of nonlinear differential equations with algebraic constraintsII: Practical implications, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 7 (1986), 720–733,

1178, numerics, DAE .

[857] Jorg Pfleiderer and Helmut Gratl, The ring around SN 1987 A,, Anzeiger der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wis-senschaften. Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse ?? (1993), ??,

1119, astronomy, super novae, image restoration .

[858] Jorg Pfleiderer and Martin Mossner, Detection of Weak Periodic Signals from Irregularly Spaced Observations, Astro-nomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 83 (1995), 283–284,

118, astronomy, time series, optimization .

[859] Jorg Pfleiderer and Michael Ortl, Deconvolution of multiexponential fluorescence spectra with MIM, Jornal of Colloidand Interface Science 164 (1994), 503–505,

1118, astronomy, deconvolution, image restoration .

[860] Jorg Pfleiderer and J. Reiter, Biplizit numerical integration of partial differential equations with transversal method oflines, Mathematisches Institut, Technische Universitat Munchen, DE, 1991,

1422, numerics, PDE, method of lines .

[861] Les A. Piegl and Wayne Tiller, The NURBS Book, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1997,1567, computing, mysql, php .

[862] Robert Piessens, E. de Doncker-Kapenga, Christoph W. Uberhuber, and David K. Kahaner, QUADPACK. A subroutinepackage for automatic integration, Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, vol. 1, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1983,

1275, software, integration, numerics .

[863] Dominique P. Pioletti, Viscoelastic Properties of Soft Tissues. Application to Knee Ligments and Tendons, Ph.D. thesis,Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, CH, 1997,

1650, biomech, knee, ligaments .

[864] Dominique P. Pioletti, Lalaonirina R. Rakotomanana, J.F. Benvenuti, and P.F. Leyvraz, Finite Element Model ofthe Human Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Computer Method in Biomechanics and Biomechanical Engineering 2 (???)

(J. Middleton, M.L. Jones, and G.N. Pande, eds.), 1998, pp. 561–568,

1663, biomech, knee, ligaments, viscoelastity, finite elements, acl .[865] , Viscoelastic Constitutive Law in Large Deformations. Application to Human Knee Ligaments and Tendons,

Journal of Biomechanics 31 (1998), 753–757,1646, biomech, knee, ligaments, viscoelastity, acl .

[866] Dominique P. Pioletti, Lalaonirina R. Rakotomanana, and P.F. Leyvraz, Strain Rate Effect on the Mechanical Behavior

of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Bone Complex, Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999), 95–100,1662, biomech, knee, ligaments, acl, finite elements, simulation .

[867] Sergio Pissanetzky, Sparse matrix technology, Academic Press, Inc., London, UK, 1984,

1196, linear algebra, numerics, sparse matrices .[868] Hans-Peter Platzer, Christian Raschner, and Carson Patterson, Performance-Determining Physiological Factors in the

Luge Start, Journal of Sports Sciences 27 (2009), no. 3, 221–226,

DOI: 10.1080/02640410802400799,1798, luge, start, physiology, start velocity .

[869] Wolfgang Plitz, Volker Kuhn, Anderas Maier, Christian Carl, and Frank-W. Hagena, Injury mechanisms of the anklejoint in high ski boots: Photoelastic and mechanical investigations on the human bone specimen, Skiing Trauma and

Safety, 9th vol., ASTM STP 1182 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, C. Daniel Mote, and John Zelcer, eds.),

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1993, pp. 150–161,1436, biomech, ankle, ski-boots, forces .

[870] Robert Wichard Pohl, Mechanik, Akustik und Warmelehre;, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1983,

1268, physics, mechanics .[871] Louis Poirier, Edward P. Lozowski, Sean Maw, Darren J. Stefanyshyn, and Robert I. Thompson, Experimental Analysis

of Ice Friction in the Sport of Bobsleigh, Sports Engineering 14 (2011), 67–72,

DOI: 10.1007/s12283-011-0077-0,1850, bobsleigh, friction .

[872] Gerald H. Pollack, Muscle contraction mechanism: are alernative engines gahtering steam?, Cardiovascular Research

29 (1995), 737–746,1620, biomech, muscles .

[873] Andrei D. Polyanin and Alexei I. Chernoutsan, A Concise Handbook of Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences,CRC Press, Boca Raton, US-FL, 2011,1857, formulae, tables, mathematics, physics, engineering .

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[874] John Pomeranz, Algorithm 487: Exact cummulative distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic for small samples,

Communications of the ACM 17 (1974), 703–704,1124, approximation, special functions, probability, kolmogorov tests .

[875] James E. Porter, Josef W. Coleman, and Albert H. Moore, Modiefied KS, AD, and C-vM tests for the Pareto distribution

with unknown location and scale parameters, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 41 (1992), 112–117,1248, probability, statistics, kolmogorov tests .

[876] Florian A. Potra, Implementation of linear multistep methosds for solving constrained equations of motion, SIAM

Journal on Numerical Analysis 30 (1993), 774–789,1257, DAE, multistep mehtods .

[877] Rudiger Preis, PHANA, Fortran Program to Compute the Inertia Parameter according to Hanavan, Tech. report,

Department of Sport Science, University of Frankfurtm, Frankfurt am Main, DE, 1983,999, biomech, hanavan model .

[878] , Computersimulation zur Entwicklung sportmotorischer Techniken, Sportwissenschaft und Sportpraxis, vol. 59,

Verlag Ingrid Czwalina, Ahrensburg bei Hamburg, DE, 1987,1358, biomech, antropomery, body model, simulation .

[879] William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes in C. The Artof Scientific Computing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1992,

1004, numerics, software, sources .

[880] , Numerical Recipes in Fortran. The Art of Scientific Computing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK,1992,

1005, numerics, software, sources .

[881] Albrecht Preusser, Algorithm 626. TRICP: A Contour Plot Program for Triangular Meshes, ACM Transactions onMathematical Software 10 (1984), 473–475,

1632, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .

[882] , Computing Contours by Successive Solution of Quintic Polynomial Equations, ACM Transactions on Mathe-matical Software 10 (1984), 463–472,

1631, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .[883] , Algorithm 684.C1- andC2-Interpolation on Triangles with Quintic and Nonic Bivariate Polynomials, ACM

Transactions on Mathematical Software 16 (1990), 253–257,

1589, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .[884] , Efficient Formulation of a Bivariate NonicC2-Hermite Polynomial on Triangles, ACM Transactions on Math-

ematical Software 16 (1990), 246–252,

1589, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .[885] Pete J. Prince, Runge-Kutta processes and global error estimation, Ph.D. thesis, Teesside Polytechnic, Middlesbrough

Cleveland, UK, 1979,

1252, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta method, error analysis .[886] Jan PrRuss, Evolutinary integral equations and applications, Monographs in Mathematics, vol. 87, Birkhauser, Basel,

CH, 1993,

1505, analysis, numerics, integral equations .[887] Valerie Quercia and Timothy O’Reilly, X Window System User’s Guide. OSF/Motif 1.2 ed., The Definite Guides to the

X Window System, vol. 3M, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1993,1495, programming, X-system, unix .

[888] B.M. Quigley and B. Chaffin, A Computerized Biomechanical Model Applied to Analysis of Skiing, Medicine and Science

in Sports 3 (1971), 89–96,999, biomech, skiing .

[889] Timoty P. Quinn and C. Daniel Mote, Optimal Design of an Uncoupled Six-Degree-of-Freedom Dynamometer, Skiing

Trauma and Safety, 8th vol., ASTM STP 1104 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (C. Daniel Mote and Robert J. Johnson, eds.),American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1991, pp. 94–111,

DOI: 10.1520/STP17635S,

1425, biomech, skiing, snow forces .[890] , Prediction of the Loading Along the Leg During Snow Skiing, Journal of Biomechanics 25 (1992), 609–625,

1795, biomech, skiing, snow forces .[891] , Prediction of the Loading along the Leg During Snow Skiing, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 9th vol., ASTM STP

1182 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, C. Daniel Mote, and John Zelcer, eds.), American Society for Testing

and Materials (ASTM), 1993, pp. 128–149,DOI: 10.1520/STP25565S,

1427, biomech, skiing, snow forces .[892] Timoty P. Quinn, C. Daniel Mote, and Harry B. Skinner, Three-Dimensional Loading of the Knee During Internal-

External Rotation: The Effect of Ankle Constraint, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 8th vol., ASTM STP 1022 (Philadelphia,

US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, C. Daniel Mote, and Marc-Herve Binet, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials

(ASTM), 1989, pp. 252–266,DOI: 10.1520/STP19474S,

1424, biomech, skiing, snow forces .[893] Lawrence R. Rabiner and Bernhard Gold, Theory and application of digital signal processing, Prentice Hall International,

Inc., Englewood Cliffs, US-NJ, 1975,

1206, approximation, digital filters .[894] Eduard Rabovski, Lawinen Handbuch, Tyrolia Verlag, Innsbruck, AT, 1994,

1301, biomech, snow, lawinen .

[895] David L. Ragozin, Error Bounds for Derivative Estimates Based on Spline Smoothing of Exact and Noisy Data, Journalof Approximation Theory 37 (1983), 335–355,

1113, approximation, splines, error bounds .

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[896] A.E. Raine, Aerodynamics of Skiing, Science Journal 21 (1970), 16–30,

999, skiing, drag .[897] Franz Rainer, Auswirkungen der Biege- und Torsionssteifigkeit auf das Fahrverhalten von Riesentorlaufski, Diploma

thesis, Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, AT, 2004,

1682, biomech, skiing .[898] Franz Rainer, Werner Nachbauer, Kurt Schindelwig, and Peter Kaps, On the Measurement of the Stiffness of Skis,

Science and Skiing III (Oxford, UK) (Erich Muller, Dave Bacharach, Riggs Klika, Stefan Lindinger, and Hermann

Schwameder, eds.), Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2005, pp. 136–147,1750, bending and torsional stiffness .

[899] G. Rauchs, Optimization-based Material Parameter Identification in Indentation Testing for Finite Strain Elasto-

Plasticity, ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 86 (2006), 539–562,1747, numerics, strain, stress, hypo-plasticity .

[900] Lynda J. Read and Walter Herzog, External Loading at the Knee Joint for Landing Movements in Alpine Skiing,

International Journal of Sport Biomechanics 8 (1992), 63–80,999, biomech, muscles, knee .

[901] Michael Redinger, Einfuhrung in Linux, Skriptum, Zentraler Informatikdienst (ZID), University of Innsbruck, AT,1688, Linux .

[902] Lothar Reichel, Fast QR decomposition of Vandermonde-like matrices and polynomial least squares approximation,

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 12 (1991), 552–564,1334, numerics, linear algebra, least squares .

[903] Robert Cortas Reid, , , , and Gerald Smith, Force and Energy Characteristics in Competitive Slalom, Science and

Skiing V (Maidenhead, UK) (Erich Muller, Stefan Lindinger, and Thomas Stoggl, eds.), Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2012,pp. 373–384,

1858, biomech, skiing, turns, turn radius, ski-snow contact .

[904] Christian H. Reinsch, Smoothing by spline functions, Numerische Mathematik 10 (1967), 177–183,1515, numerics, approximation, splines .

[905] , Smoothing by spline functions II, Numerische Mathematik 16 (1971), 451–454,1516, numerics, approximation, splines .

[906] E. Reisenberger, Walter Meile, G. Brenn, and W. Muller, Aerodynamic Behaviour of Prismatic Bodies with Sharp and

Rounded Edges, 37 (2004), 547–558,DOI: 10.1007/s00348-004-0840-0,

1868, biomech, drag, lift, ski jumping .

[907] J. Reiter, Numerische Behandlung von Sternaufbau und Sternentwicklung, Institut of Astronomy, ???,1117, astronomy, stellar evolution .

[908] , A biplizit spectral-collocation-type ansatz for the numerical integration of partial differential equations with

transversal method of lines, Mathematisches Institut, Technische Universitat Munchen, DE, 1991,1421, numerics, PDE, method of lines, collocation .

[909] , Stellar structure and evolution: Equations and model physics, Mathematisches Institut, Technische Universitat

Munchen, DE, 1992,1420, astronomy, stellar evolution .

[910] L.P. Remizov, The Optimal Tactics in Downhill Course, Teorija i praktika fizicheskoj kultury 2 (1974), 16–19,999, biomech, skiing, optimization .

[911] , Optimal Running on Skis in Downhill, Journal of Biomechanics 13 (1980), 941–945,

999, biomech, skiing, optimization .[912] Robert J. Renka, Algorithm 624. Triangulation and Interpolation at Arbitrary Distributed Points in the Plane, ACM

Transactions on Mathematical Software 10 (1984), 440–442,

1588, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .[913] , Algorithm 751. A Constrained Two-Dimensional Delaunay Triangulation Package, ACM Transactions on Math-

ematical Software 22 (1996), 1–8,

1626, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .[914] , Algorithm 790. CSHEP2D: Cubic Shepard Method for Bivariate Interpolation of Scatterd Data, ACM Trans-

actions on Mathematical Software 25 (1999), 70–73,1627, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .

[915] , Algorithm 791. TSHEP2D: Cubic Cosine Series Shepard Method for Bivariate Interpolation of Scatterd Data,

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 25 (1999), 74–77,1628, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .

[916] Robert J. Renka and Ron Brown, Algorithm 792. Accuracy Tests of ACM Algorithms for Interpolation of Scatterd Datain the Plane, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 25 (1999), 78–94,1629, numerics, interpolation, triangulation .

[917] Anthony A. Renshaw and C. Daniel Mote, A Model for the Turning Snow Ski, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 8th vol.,

ASTM STP 1104 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (C. Daniel Mote and Robert J. Johnson, eds.), American Society for Testingand Materials (ASTM), 1991, pp. 217–238,

DOI: 10.1520/STP17648S,1534, biomech, skiing, snow .

[918] Robert Riener and Thomas Edrich, Identification of Passive Elastic Joint Moments in the Lower Extremities, Journal

of Biomechanics 32 (1099), 539–544,DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(99)00009-3,

1835, biomech, muscle, knee, finite element .

[919] R.D. Ripley, Thoughts on pseudorandom number generators, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 31(1990), 153–163,

1232, random number generation, uniform .

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[920] C.C. Roberts, Numerical Modeling of the Transient Dynamics of a Skier while Gliding, Biomechanics in Sport - A

(E.D. Rekow et al., ed.), The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, US-NY, 1987, pp. 77–82,999, biomech, snow .

[921] D. Gordon E. Robertson and James J. Dowling, Design and responses of Butterworth and critically damped digital

filters, 13 (2003), 569–573,1883, digital filters, butterworth .

[922] James Roche, Stephen Turnock, and Sandy Wright, An Analysis of the Interaction Between Slider Physique and Descent

Time for the Bob Skeleton, The Engineering of Sport 7 (Paris, FR) (Margaret Estivalet and Pierre Brisson, eds.), vol. 2,Springer, 2008, pp. 101–109,

DOI: 10.1007/978-2-287-99056-4 12,

1770, bob skeleton, performance .[923] G. Rodriguez, Abhinandan Jain, and K. Kreutz-Delgado, Spatial operator algebra for multibody system dynamics, Journal

of Astronautical Sciences 40 (1992), no. 1, 27–50,

1903, multybody dynamics, operator algebra .[924] David F. Rogers, An introduction to NURBS with historical perspective, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, US-CA, 2001,

1562, image processing, computing, splines, nurbs .[925] Hans-Gorg Roos, Martin Stynes, and Lutz Tobiska, Numerical methods for singularity perturbed differential equations.

convection-diffussion and flow problems, Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, vol. 24, Springer, Berlin, DE,

1996,1182, PDE, singular, perturbed problems, convection, diffusion .

[926] J. Ben Rosen, Haesun Park, and John Glick, Total least norm formulation and solution for structured problems, SIAM

Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 17 (1996), 110–126,1053, numerics, linear algebra, LS, structured total least squares, STLS .

[927] Elemer E. Rosinger, Parametric Lie Group actions on global generalised solutions of nonlinear PDEs., Mathematics

and its Applications, vol. 452, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999,1182, functional analysis, PDE, lie groups .

[928] R. Rost, Lehrbuch der Sportmedizin, Deutscher Arzte Verlag, Koln, DE, 2001,

1613, sport, biomechanik, medizin .[929] Gerhard Ruedl, Ingrid Linortner, Alois Schranz, Christian Fink, Kurt Schindelwig, Werner Nachbauer, and Martin

Burtscher, Distribution of injury mechanisms and related factors in ACL-injured female carving skiers, Knee SurgSports Traumatol Arthrose 17 (2009), no. 11, 1393–1398,

DOI: 10.1007/s00167-009-0860-7,

1908, injury, knee, acl .[930] Gerhard Ruedl, M. Webhofer, Ingrid Linortner, Alois Schranz, Christian Fink, Carson Patterson, Werner Nachbauer,

and Martin Burtscher, ACL injury mechanisms and related factors in male and female carving skiers: A retrospective

study, International Journal of Sports Medicine 32 (2011), no. 10, 801–806,DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1279719,

1909, injury, knee, acl .

[931] Toshio Sahashi and Shoji Ichino, Method for Drawing Locus of a Sliding Ski as Observed from Direction Perpendicularto Snow Surface, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) 34 (1995), 674–679,

1704, skiing, cinematography .

[932] , Experimental Study of the Mechanism of Skiing Turns. III. Measurement of Edging Angles of Skis on Snow

Surface, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) 35 (1996), 2377–2382,

1705, skiing, cinematography, edging angle .[933] , Coefficient of Kinetic Friction of Snow Skis during Turning Descents, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics

(JJAP) 37 (1998), 720–727,

1706, skiing, cinematography, kinetic friction .[934] , Carving-Turn and Edging Angle of Skis, Sports Engineering 4 (2001), 135–145,

1707, skiing, cinematography, edging angle, skidding, friction .

[935] Toshiyuki Sakata, Consideration on Mechanical Properties of Skies, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 6th vol., ASTM STP938 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (C. Daniel Mote and Robert J. Johnson, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials

(ASTM), 1987, pp. 86–99,999, biomech, ski .

[936] Eugene Salamin, Computation ofUsing Arithmetic Geometric Mean, Mathematics of Computation 30 (1976), 565–570,

1139, approximation, special functions, arithmetic geometric mean .[937] Bruno Salm, A constitutive equation for creeping snow, Snow Mechanics. Proceedings of the Grindelwald Symposium

on Snow Mechanics, April 1974 (Adlard & Son, Ltd., Bartholomew Press, Durking, Surrey, UK) (John Nye, ed.), no.

114, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), 1975, pp. 222–235,1888, snow, continuum mechanics .

[938] J.M. Sanz-Serna and M.P. Calvo, Numerical Hamiltonian problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 7,

Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 1994,1283, numerics, ODE, mechanics .

[939] Shivani Sathasivam and Peter S. Walker, A Computer Model with Surface Friction for the Prediction of Total Knee

Kinematics, Journal of Biomechanics 30 (1997), no. 2, 177–184,DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(96)00114-5,

1828, muscle, knee, kinematics .

[940] Sauli Savolainen, Theoretical Drag Analysis of a Skier in the Downhill Speed Race, International Journal of SportBiomechanics 5 (1989), 26–39,

1803, biomech, skiing, drag .

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[941] Carlo Scapozza and Perry Bartelt, Triaxial Tests on Snow at Low Strain Rate. Part II. Constitutive Behaviour, Journal

of Glaciology 49 (2003), 91–101,1711, snow, avalance, constitutive equation .

[942] Peter S. Schaff and Wolfhart Hauser, 3-D Video Motion Analysis on the Slope - A Practical Way to Analyze Motion

Patterns in Alpine Skiing, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 9th vol., ASTM STP 1182 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (Robert J.Johnson, C. Daniel Mote, and John Zelcer, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1993, pp. 165–


1346, biomech, 3d-reconstruction .[943] , Influence of ski boot construction on knee load - a biomechanical investigation of safety and performance aspects

of ski boots, Skiing Trauma and Safety, 9th vol., ASTM STP 1182 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson, C. Daniel

Mote, and John Zelcer, eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1993, pp. 75–88,1433, biomech, ski boots, forces .

[944] J. Pieter M. Schalkwijk, An algorithm for source coding, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IT-18 (1972), 395–

399,1089, algebra, coding .

[945] Ruprecht Schattner, Wolfhart Hauser, and Ernst Asang, Basic Mechanics of Boot/Skier Interaction, Skiing Traumaand Safety, 5th vol., ASTM STP 860 (Philadelphia, US-PA) (Robert J. Johnson and C. Daniel Mote, eds.), American

Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1985, pp. 151–158,

1432, biomech, skiing, snow forces .[946] Florian Scheck, Theoretische Physik 4. Quantisierte Felder, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2001,

1732, physics, quantum fields .

[947] , Theoretische Physik 1. Mechanik, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2003,1729, physics, mechanics .

[948] , Theoretische Physik 1. Klassische Feldtheorie, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2006,

1731, physics, field theory .[949] , Theoretische Physik 2. Nichtrelativistische Quantentheory, Springer, Berlin, DE, 2006,

1730, physics, quantum mechanics .[950] Robert Scheiring, Die Geschwindigkeitsabhangigkeit des Gleitreibungskoeffizienten zwischen Ski und Schnee beim Ski-

fahren in der Falllinie, Seminararbeit, Department of Sport Science, 1990,

1547, biomech, friction, snow .[951] W. Schiehlen, Technische Dynamik, Teubner Studienbucher, ???, 1986,

999, physics, mechanics .

[952] , Multibody Systems Handbook, Springer, ???, 1990,999, physics, mechanics .

[953] Michael Schiestl, Peter Kaps, Martin Mossner, and Werner Nachbauer, Calculation of Friction and Reaction Forces

During an Alpine World Cup Downhill Race, Oral Presentation at the 6th Engineering of Sport Conference, Munich,DE, 10-14 Jul 2006,

177, skiing, friction .

[954] , Friction During Alpine Ski Racing, Poster presented at the International Congress on Mountain and Sport,

Rovereto, IT, 11-12 Nov 2005,

167, skiing, friction .[955] , Calculation of Friction and Reaction Forces During an Alpine World Cup Downhill Race, The Engineering of

Sport 6 (Munich, DE) (Eckehard Fozzy Moritz and Steve J. Haake, eds.), vol. 1, 2006, pp. 269–274,

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-46050-5 48,180, skiing, friction .

[956] , Snow Friction and Drag During the Downhill Race in Kitzbuhel, Book of Abstracts, International Congress on

Mountain and Sport (Rovereto, IT) (Frederico Schena, Guido Ferretti, Paolo Tosi, Carlo Capelli, and Guido Fumagalli,eds.), Nov 2005, p. 54,

170, snow, friction, drag .

[957] Kurt Schindelwig and Florian Hellberg, Dynamisches Skiverhalten: DMS Messungen, Report, Technologiezentrum Ski-und Alpinsport, University of Innsbruck, AT, 2006,

1713, biomech, ski, bending .[958] Kurt Schindelwig, Martin Mossner, Michael Hasler, and Werner Nachbauer, Determination of the Field of View with

Respect to Speed in Alpine Skiing, 18th International Symposium on Ski Trauma and Skiing Safety, Book of Abstracts(Garmisch-Partenkirchen, DE) (Veit Senner, Verena Fastenbauer, and Harald Bohm, eds.), April 2009, p. 27,202, simulation, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness, turn radius .

[959] Kurt Schindelwig, Werner Nachbauer, Thomas Schliernzauer, and Martin Mossner, Prediction of the Moments at the

Knee Joint for Carving and Parallel Turns Technique, Book of Abstracts, 17th Congress of the International Society ofBiomechanics (ISB) (Calgary, CA) (Walter Herzog and Azim Jinha, eds.), University of Calgary, CA, 1999, p. 667,

136, skiing, forces .[960] , Force and Moment at the Knee Joint for Carving and Parallel Turning, Poster presented at the 17th Congress

of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB), Calgary, CA, 8-13 Aug 1999,

135, skiing, forces .[961] , Forces and Moments at the Knee Joint for Carving and Parallel Turning, Poster presented at the 2nd Interna-

tional Congress on Skiing and Science (ICSS) St. Christoph am Arlberg, AT, 9-15 Jan 2000,

143, skiing, forces .[962] Kurt Schindelwig, Wolfgang Reichl, Martin Mossner, and Werner Nachbauer, Safety assesment of jumps in downhill ski

racing, 20th International Symposium on Ski Trauma and Skiing Safety, Book of Abstracts (Bariloche, AR) (Othmar

Brugger, Mike Langran, and Richard M. Greenwald, eds.), Aug 2013, p. 57,230, simulation, skiing, jumps, safety .

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[963] H. Schlichting, Grenzschichttheorie, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, DE-BW, 1958,

999, physics, mechanics .[964] Richard A. Schmidt and Timothy D. Lee, Motor Control and Learning, Human Kinetics, Champaign, US-IL, 1999,

1616, biomech, muscle .

[965] Walter Schnell, Dietmar Gross, and Werner Hauger, Technische Mechanik. Band 2: Elastostatik, Springer Lehrbuch,vol. 2, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1995,

1263, physics, mechanics .

[966] I.J. Schoenberg and A. Whitney, On Polya frequency functions III., Trans. AMS 74 (1953), 246–259,1550, approximation, splines .

[967] A. Schoenhage and V. Strassen, Schnelle Multiplikation groser Zahlen, Computing 7 (1971), 281–292,

1293, approximation, FFT, multiplication .[968] Linus Schrage, A more portable Fortran random number generator, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 5

(1979), 132–138,

1238, random number generation, uniform .[969] Herwig Schretter, Werner Nachbauer, Kurt Schindelwig, and Gerhard Innerhofer, On the Development of an Electronic

Alpine Ski Binding, Abstract Book, 15th International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety (ICSTSS) (St.Moritz / Pontresina, CH) (Georg Ahlbaumer, Marc-Herve Binet, J. Haury, B.H. Horterer, Veit Senner, Adrian U. Urfer,

and W. Vogt, eds.), 2003, pp. D2–7,

1653, skiing, bindings .[970] Hermann Schwameder, Robin Roithner, Erich Muller, Wolfgang Niessen, and Christian Raschner, System zur Berechnung

und Visualisierung von Kniegelenkskraften in Echtzeit, Spectrum der Sportwissenschaften x (1999), 65–70,

1804, biomech, knee, forces .[971] Hans Rudolf Schwarz, Numerische Mathematik, B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, DE, 1986,

1185, numerics .

[972] , Methode der finiten Elemente, 3ed ed., Teubner Studienbucher: Mathematik, Leitfaden der angewnadten Math-ematik und Mechanik, vol. 47, B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, DE, 1991,

1186, numerics, PDE, finite elements, linear algebra, elasto-mechanics .[973] Nathan Scott, Takeshi Yoneyama, Hiroyuki Kagawa, and Kazutaka Osada, Measurement of Ski Snow Pressure Profiles,

Sports Engineering 10 (2007), no. 3, 145–156,

DOI: 10.1007/BF02844186,1748, skiing, snow, pressure .

[974] G.A.F. Seber, Linear regression analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York, US-NY, 1977,

1284, numerics, statistics, linear regression .[975] Robert Sedgewick, Algorithms in Java. Part 1-4: Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching, 3ed ed., Addison-

Wesley Publishing Company, Boston, US-MA, 2003,

1675, informatics, algorithms, java, data structures, sorting, searching .[976] , Algorithms in Java. Part 5: Graph Algorithms, 3ed ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Boston, US-MA,


1676, informatics, algorithms, graph algorithms .[977] Florian Seifriz, Simulation im alpinen Skirennsport. Ein Modell zur Analyse der biomechanischen Einflussgr”o”sen

und Optimierung der Fahrlinie auf realen Rennpisten mit Genetischen Algorithmen, Ph.D. thesis, www.dissertation.de,Deutsche Sporthochschule Koln, DE, 2000,

1583, biomech, simulation, skiing .

[978] Helene Seroussi, Hachmi Ben Dhia, Mathieu Morlighem, Eric Larour, Eric Rignot, and Denis Aubry, Coupling ice flowmodels of varying orders of complexity with the Tiling method, Journal of Glaciology 58 (2012), no. 210, 776–786,

DOI: 10.3189/2012JoG11J195,

1881, snow, glacier, ice flow, navier stokes eq .[979] Ajay Seth, Michael A. Sherman, Peter Eastman, and Scott L. Delp, Minimal formulation of joint motion for biomech-

anisms, Nonlinear Dynamics 62 (2010), 291–303,

1905, biomechanics, simulatiom, multibody dynamics .[980] Craig M. Shakarji, Least-Squares Fitting Algorithms of the NIST Algorithm Testing System, Journal of Research of the

National Institute of Standards and Technology 103 (1998), 633–641,

1761, numerics, least squares, line and circle fitting .[981] Lawrence F. Shampine, Quadrature and Runge-Kutta formulae, Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 (1976), 161–

171,1149, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .

[982] , Some practical Runge-Kutta formulae, Mathematics of Computation 46 (1986), 135–150,1148, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .

[983] Lewis H. Shapiro, Jerome B. Johnson, Matthew Sturm, and George L. Blaisdell, Snow Mechanics. Review of the State

of Knowledge and Applications, Technical Report 97-3, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL),

Hanover, US-NH, 1997,1302, biomech, snow .

[984] Robert Shapiro, Direct linear transformation method for three-dimensional cinematography, ??? (???) (???, ed.), ???,1978, pp. 197–205,1356, biomech, 3d-reconstruction, DLT .

[985] Milton C. Shaw, Metal Cutting Principles, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1984,1269, physics, mechanics, metal cutting .

[986] Milton C. Shaw, N.H. Cook, and P.A. Smith, The mechanics of three-dimensional cutting operations, Transactions of

the ASME 74 (1952), 1055–1064,1913, cutting, oblique .

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[987] Frances T. Sheehan, The 3D In Vivo Achilles’ Tendon Moment Arm Quantified During Active Muscle Control and

Compared Across Sexes, Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012), 225–230,1852, achilles tendon, moment arm .

[988] Kevin B. Shelburne and Marcus G. Pandy, A musculoskeletal model of the knee for evaluating ligament forces during

isometric contractions, Journal of Biomechanics 30 (1997), no. 2, 163–176,DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(96)00119-4,

1827, muscle, knee, isometric contractions, ligaments .

[989] Michael A. Sherman, Ajay Seth, and Scott L. Delp, Simbody: Multibody dynamics for biomedical research, ProcmediaIUTAM 2 (2011), 241–261,

1906, biomechanics, simulatiom, multibody dynamics .

[990] M. Shimbo, Friction on Snow of Ski Soles, Unwaxed and Waxed, The Society of Ski Science (Ed.), Scientific study ofskiing in Japan, Tokyo, JP ?? (1971), 99–113,

999, biomech, skiing, friction .

[991] Dave Shreiner, OpenGL Reference Manual, 3ed Ed. The Official Reference Document to OpenGL, Version 1.2, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, US-MA, 1999,

1564, computing, opengl .[992] Kermit Sigmon, MATLAB Primer, Manual, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 1992,

1041, software, Matlab .

[993] Abraham Silberschatz, PBGalvin, and Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts. 6th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York,US-NY, 2003,

1660, operating systems, windows, linux .

[994] C.D. Sinclair and B.D. Spurr, Approximations to the distribution function of the Anderson-Darling test statistic, Journalof the American Statistical Association 83 (1988), 1190–1191,

1038, approximation, special functions, probability, kolmogorov tests .

[995] S.K. Singh and I.J. Jordaan, Constitutive Behaviour of Crushed Ice, International Journal of Fracture 97 (1999), 171–187,

1822, snow, ice, compression .

[996] D. Slotfeldt-Ellingsen, Hvorfor er is og sno glatt (Why are Ice and Snow Slick)., SIF Rapport, Oslo, SE 79 (1979),??–??,

999, biomech, skiing .

[997] D. Slotfeldt-Ellingsen and L. Torgersen, Water in Ice, Influence on Friction, Proceedings of the 6th InternationalSymposium on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Rolla, US-MO) (??? and ???, eds.), 1982,

999, biomech, friction .[998] T. Spagele, A. Kistner, and A. Gollhofer, Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization of a Human Vertical Jump, Journal

of Biomechanics 32 (1999), 521–530,

1758, numerics, mechanics, body model, muscles .[999] Helmuth Spath, Spline-Algorithmen zur Konstruktion glatter Kurven und Flachen, R. Oldenbourgh Verlag, Munchen,

DE, 1983,

1209, numerics, approximation, splines .[1000] Peter Spellucci, Numerische Verfahren der nichtlinearen Optimierung, Birkhauser, Basel, CH, 1993,

1292, numerics, optimization .

[1001] Jorg Sporri, Josef Kroll, Hermann Schwameder, Christian Schiefermuller, and Erich Muller, Course setting and selectedbiomechanical variables related to injury risk in alpine ski racing: An explorative case study, British Journal of Sports

Medicine 46 (2013), no. x, 1072–1077,

DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2012-091425,1928, turn radius, injury .

[1002] Erik Spring, Sauli Savolainen, J. Erkkila, T. Hamalainen, and P. Pihkala, Drag Area of a Cross-Country Skier, Interna-tional Journal of Sport Biomechanics 4 (1988), 103–113,

999, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[1003] Werner A. Stahel, Statistische Datenanalyse, Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, DE, 1999,1217, probability, statistics .

[1004] Maximilian Stelzer and Oskar von Stryk, Walking, Running and Kicking ov Humanoid Robots and Humans,

[email protected], ???,1756, numerics, mechanics, body model, muscles .

[1005] , Efficient Forward Dynamics Simulation and Optimization of Human Bodey Dynamics, ZAMM - Journal ofApplied Mathematics and Mechanics 86 (2006), 828–840,

1759, numerics, mechanics, body model, muscles .[1006] D.A. Stephenson and S.M. Wu, Computer models for the mechanics of three-dimensional cutting processes. Part 1:

Theory and numerical method, Transactions of the ASME 110 (1988), 32–37,

1914, cutting .

[1007] David E. Stewart, Rigid-body dynamics with friction impact, 42 (2000), no. 1, 3–39,1902, rigid body dynamics, contact .

[1008] E. Stiefel, Multivariate interpolation at arbitrary points made simple, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics(ZAMP) 30 (1979), 292–304,1329, numerics, multivariate interpolation .

[1009] Josef Stoer, On the numerical solution of constrained least-squares problems, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 8(1971), 382–411,

1418, numerics, linearly constrained linear least squares .

[1010] Josef Stoer and Roland Bulirsch, Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Springer, New York, US-NY, 1980,1200, numerics .

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[1011] Thomas Stoggl, Jonas Enquist, Erich Muller, and Hans-Christer Holmberg, Relationships Between Body Composition,

Body Dimensions, and Peak Speed in Cross-Country Sprint Skiing, Journal of Sports Sciences 28 (2010), no. 2, 161–169,DOI: 10.1080/02640410903414160,

1854, biomech, cross-country skiing, body composition .

[1012] Andreas Stoye, Uber die raumliche Trassierung von Rennschlitten und Bobbahnen und ihre Querschnittsprofilierung(About the 3D Alignment and the Cross Section Design of Luge and Bobsleigh Tracks), Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Forest,

Geo, and Hydro Sciences, Technical University Dresden, Dresden, DE, 1990,

1768, luge, bobsleigh, tracks, construction .[1013] Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen, Wavelets and Filter Banks, Wellesley - Cambridge Press, Wellesley, US, 1996,

1211, approximation, wavelets, digital filters .

[1014] Gerhard Stricker, Peter Scheiber, Elke Lindenhofer, and Erich Muller, Determination of Forces in Alpine Skiing andSnowboarding: Validation of a Mobile Data Acquisition System, European Journal of Sport Science 10 (2010), no. 1,


DOI: 10.1080/17461390903108141,1793, biomech, force plate, skiing .

[1015] Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ programming language, 3ed edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, US-MA, 1997,

1278, C++, standard .

[1016] Aleksandar J. Subic, Patrick Clifton, Jordi Beneyto-Ferre, Arnaud LeFlohic, Yoshiki Sato, and Victor Pichon, Analysisof Snowboard Stiffness and Camber Properties for Different Riding Styles, The Engineering of Sport 7 (Paris, FR)

(Margaret Estivalet and Pierre Brisson, eds.), vol. 1, Springer, 2008, pp. 319–327,

1763, skiing, snowboard, stiffness .[1017] Matej Supej, Differential Specific Mechanical Energy as a Quantity Parameter in Racing Alpine Skiing, Journal of

Applied Biomechanics 24 (2008), 121–129,

1845, biomech, skiing, kinematics, energy dissipation .[1018] Matej Supej and Hans-Christer Holmberg, How Gate Setup and Turn Radii Influence Energy Dissipation in Slalom Ski

Racing, Journal of Applied Biomechanics 26 (2010), no. 4, 454–464,

1846, biomech, skiing, kinematics, energy dissipation .[1019] Matej Supej, R. Kipp, and Hans-Christer Holmberg, Mechanical Parameters as Predictors of Performance in Alpine

World Cup Slalom Racing, 21 (2011), no. 6, e72–e81,

DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2010.01159.x,1848, biomech, skiing, kinematics, energy dissipation .

[1020] Matej Supej, L. Saetran, L. Oggiano, G. Ettema, N. Sarabon, B. Nemec, and Hans-Christer Holmberg, Aerodynamicdrag is not the major determinant of performance during giant slalom skiing at the elite level, 23 (2013), no. 1, e38–e47,

DOI: xx.1111/sms.12007,

1876, biomech, skiing, kinematics, drag, energy dissipation .[1021] Wim Sweldens and Robert Piessens, Wavelet sampling techniques, Catholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and Univer-

sity of South Carolina, 1993,

1385, analysis, wavelets .[1022] , Assymptotic error expansion of wavelet approximations of smooth functions II, Numerische Mathematik 68

(1994), 377–401,1386, analysis, wavelets, approximation, integration, error analysis .

[1023] P. Swider and J. Lacroix, Parametrix Optimization of Composite Structures. Application to Alpine Skis, Communications

in Numerical Methods in Engineering 13 (1997), 139–149,1702, optimization, ski construction, bending stiffness .

[1024] Noritaka Tada and Yoichi Hirano, Experimental Determination of Snow Resistance Forces Acting on a Turning Snow

Ski, The Engineering of Sport (Steve J. Haake, ed.), Blackwell Verlag, Berlin, DE, 1998, pp. 423–430,1518, biomech, simulation, ski turn .

[1025] , Simulation of a Turning Ski Using Ice Cutting Data, Sports Engineering 2 (1999), no. 1, 55–64,

DOI: 10.1046/j.1460-2687.1999.00020.x,1689, biomech, simulation, skiing, snow .

[1026] , In Search of the Mechanics of a Turning Alpine Ski Using Snow Cutting Force Measurements, Sports Engi-neering 5 (2002), no. 1, 15–22,

DOI: 10.1046/j.1460-2687.2002.00092.x,

1530, biomech, simulation, skiing, snow .[1027] Daichi Tatsuno, Takeshi Yoneyama, Hiroyuki Kagawa, Nathan Scott, and Kazutaka Osada, Measurement of Ski Deflec-

tion and Ski-Snow Contacting Pressure in an Actual Ski Turn on the Snow Surface, Science and Skiing IV (Maidenhead,UK) (Erich Muller, Stefan Lindinger, and Stefan Stoggl, eds.), Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2009, pp. 505–515,1766, biomech, skiing, ski-deflection, pressure .

[1028] A.A.M. Tax, J.J. Dinier van der Gon, and C.J. Erkelens, Differences in coordination of elbow flexor muscles in force

tasks and in movement tasks, Experimental Brain Research 81 (1990), 567–572,1624, biomech, muscles .

[1029] Nico M. Temme, On the numerical evaluation of the modified Bessel function of the third kind, Journal of ComputationalPhysics 19 (1975), 324–337,1138, approximation, special functions .

[1030] , On the expansion of confluent hypergeometric function in terms of Bessel functions, Journal of Computationaland Applied Mathematics 7 (1981), 27–32,

1131, numerics, approximation, special functions, hypergeometric function .[1031] , The numerical computation of the confluent hypergeometric functionU(a, b, z), Numerische Mathematik 41

(1983), 63–82,

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1130, numerics, approximation, special functions, recurrence relations, hypergeometric function, confluent expan-

sion .[1032] Clive Temperton, A note on prime factor FFT algorithms, Journal of Computational Physics 52 (1983), 198–204,

1296, approximation, prime factor FFT .

[1033] , Fast mixed-radix real fourier transforms, Journal of Computational Physics 52 (1983), 340–350,1297, approximation, mixed radix FFT .

[1034] , Self-sorting mixed-radix fast fourier transforms, Journal of Computational Physics 52 (1983), 1–23,

1295, approximation, mixed radix FFT .[1035] , Implementation of a self-sorting in-place prime factor FFT algorithm, Journal of Computational Physics 58

(1985), 283–299,

1298, approximation, prime factor FFT .[1036] T. A. Tesch, G.A. Dudley, M.R. Duvoisin, B.M. Hather, and R.T. Harris, Force and EMG Signal Patterns During

Repeated Bouts of Concentric or Eccentric Muscle Actions, Acta Physiol. Scand. 138 (1990), 263–271,

1622, biomech, muscle, EMG, force .[1037] T. Theile, D. Szabo, Anton Luthi, Hansueli U. Rhyner, and Martin Schneebeli, Mechanics of the Ski-Snow Contact,

Tribology Letters 36 (2009), no. 3, 223–231,DOI: 10.1007/s11249-009-9476-9,

1819, snow, compression, hypoplasticity .

[1038] Darryl G. Thelen, Frank C. Anderson, and Scott L. Delp, Generating dynamic simulations of movement using computedmuscle control, Journal of Biomechanics 36 (2003), no. x, 321–328,

DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(02)00432.3,

1922, musculoskeletal model, simulation, optimal control, pedaling .[1039] H. Thomann, Einfache Regel fur den Einfluss des Luftwiderstandes bei Abfahrtsrennen, Leistungssport 6 (1976), 87–90,

999, biomech, skiing, drag .

[1040] B.E. Thompson, W.A. Friess, and K.N. Knapp, Aerodynamics of Speed Skiers, Sports Engineering 4 (2001), 103–112,1745, speed skiing, aerodynamics, drag .

[1041] I.J. Thompson and A.R. Barnett, Coloumb and Bessel functins of complex arguments and order, Journal of Computa-

tional Physics 64 (1986), 490–509,1136, approximation, special functions, recurrence relations, continued fractions .

[1042] , Modified Bessel functionsI (z)andK (z)of real order and complex argument, to selected accuracy, ComputerPhysics Communications 47 (1987), 245–257,

1135, approximation, special functions .

[1043] Doug Tidwell, XSLT. Mastering XML Transformations, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 2001,1575, xslt, xml, www .

[1044] Ulrich Tietze and Christopph Schenk, Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, 11. auflage ed., Springer, Berlin, DE, 1999,

1521, electronics, physics, semi-conducters, digital filters .[1045] K. Tittel and H. Wutscherk, Sportantropometrie. Aufgaben, Bedeutung, und Ergebnisse biotypologischer Erhebungen,

Sportmedizinische Schriftreihe der Deutschen Hochschule fur Korperkultur, vol. 6, Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig,

DE, 1972,1366, biomech, antropometry .

[1046] M. Togneri, Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling of the Flow Around a Bobsled, Diploma thesis, Lehrstuhl furAerodynamik (Institute for Aerodynamics), Technical University Munich, DE, 2006,

1780, biomech, bobsleigh, cfd .

[1047] L. Torgersen, Good Glide. The Science of Ski Waxing, Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc., US-IL, 1985,999, biomech, skiing, friction .

[1048] D.E. Toutoungi, A.B. Zavatsky, and J.J. O’Connor, Parameter Sensitivity of a Mathematical Model of the Anterior

Cruciate Ligament, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part H 211 (1997), no. 3, 235–246,1842, biomech, knee, ligaments, ACL .

[1049] N.E. Tovmasyan, Boundary value problems for partial differential equations and applications in electordynamics, World

Scientific Publ. Corp., Singapore, 1994,1506, analysis, PDE, BVP, electrodynamics .

[1050] S.M. Townend, Downhill Skiing, Mathematics in Sport, Ellis Horwood Limited, ???, 1984,

999, math, sport, biomech, skiing .[1051] Aydin Tozeren, Human Body Dynamics. Classical Mechanics and Human Movement, Springer, New York, US-NY,

1999,1687, biomech, dynamics .

[1052] William F. Trench, Inversion of Toeplitz band matrices, Mathematics of Computation 28 (1995), 1089–1095,

1326, numerics, linear algebra, toeplitz systems .[1053] P. Trompette and R. Gaertner, Dynamic behavior of composite layered beams by the finite element method, Shock Vib.

Bull. 53 (1983), 151–157,

1538, biomech, skiing, bending and torsional stiffness .[1054] Cameron Tropea, Alexander L Yarin, and John F. Foss, Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Springer, New

York, US-NY, 2007,

1773, fluid dynamics, aerodynamics .[1055] Katutosi Tusima, The temperature dependence of hardness of snow, Snow Mechanics. Proceedings of the Grindelwald

Symposium on Snow Mechanics, April 1974 (Adlard & Son, Ltd., Bartholomew Press, Durking, Surrey, UK) (John Nye,

ed.), no. 114, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), 1975, pp. 103–109,1887, snow, temperature, hardness .

[1056] Katutosi Tusima and Z. Yosida, Melting of Ice by Friction, Hokkaido University, Low Temperature Science Report A,

28-30, 1969,999, ice, friction .

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[1057] Masami Ueda and Suresh Lodha, Wavelets: An elementary introduction and examples, ?askin Center for Computer

Engineering and Information Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA,1374, analysis, wavelets .

[1058] E. Usui and A. Hirota, Part 2: Chip formation and cutting force with conventional single-point tool, Journal of Biome-

chanical Engineering (Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)) 100 (1978), 229–235,1121, engineering, mechanics, cutting theory .

[1059] E. Usui, A. Hirota, and M. Masuko, Part 1: Basic cutting model and energy approach, Journal of Biomechanical

Engineering (Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)) 100 (1978), 222–228,1120, engineering, mechanics, cutting theory .

[1060] Florencio Uteras, Natural spline functions, their associated eigenvalue problem, Numerische Mathematik 42 (1983),

107–117,1115, approximation, splines .

[1061] Antonie J. van den Bogert, Dimitra Blana, and Dieter Heinrich, Implicit methods for efficient musculoskeletal simulation

and optimal control, Procedia IUTAM 1 (2011), no. 2, 297–316,1933, biomech, musculoskeletal model, dynamics, real time, optimization .

[1062] A. van der Sluis, Stability of the solutions of linear least squares problems, Numerische Mathematik 23 (1975), 241–254,1066, numerics, linear algebra, least squares, error analysis .

[1063] B. van Gheluwe, Computerized Three-Dimensional Cinematography for any Arbitrary Camera Setup, Biomechanics VI-

A (E. Asmussen and K. Jorgensen, eds.), University Park Press, Baltimore, US-MD, 1978, pp. 343–348,999, biomech, 3d-reconstruction .

[1064] Sabine van Huffel and Joos Vandewalle, An efficient and reliable algorithm for computing the singular subspace of a

matrix, associated with its smallest singlular values, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 19 (1987),313–330,

1064, numerics, linear algebra, total least squares .

[1065] , The partial total least squares algorithm, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 21 (1988), 333–341,

1062, numerics, linear algebra, total least squares .[1066] , Algebraic connections between the least squares and total least squares problems, Numerische Mathematik 55

(1989), 431–449,

1059, numerics, linear algebra, total least squares, least squares .[1067] , Analysis and properties of the generalized total least squares problemAXHBwhen some or all columns inAare

subject to error, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 10 (1989), 294–315,

1060, numerics, linear algebra, total least squares .[1068] , The Total Least Squares Problem. Computational Aspects and Analysis, Society for Industrial and Applied

Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, US-PA, 1991,

1063, numerics, linear algebra, total least squares, least squares .[1069] Sabine van Huffel and Hongyuan Zha, The restricted total least squares problem. Formulation, algorithm, and properties,

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 12 (1991), 292–309,

1058, numerics, linear algebra, total least squares .[1070] Gerrit Jan van Ingen Schenau, The Influence of Air Friction in Speed Skating, Journal of Biomechanics 15 (1982),

449–458,999, biomech, snow, ice, friction .

[1071] Charles F. van Loan, Computational Frameworks for the Fast Fourier Transform, Society for Industrial and Applied

Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, US-PA, 1992,1633, numerics, software, FFT .

[1072] Arthur J. van Soest and Maarten F. Bobbert, The contribution of muscle properties in the control of explosive moments,

Biological Cybernetics 69 (1993), 195–204,1619, biomech, muscle .

[1073] Arun Verma, A note on expansions involving Meijer’s G-functions, Mathematics of Computation 21 (1967), 107–112,

1126, approximation, special functions .[1074] James Hamilton Verner, Explicit Runge-Kutta methods with estimates of the local truncation error, SIAM Journal on

Numerical Analysis 15 (1978), 772–790,1152, numerics, ODE, runge-kutta methods .

[1075] Steve Verrill and Richard A. Johnson, Tables and Large-Sample Distribution Theory for Censored-Data CorrelationStatistics for Testing Normality, Journal of the American Statistical Association 83 (1988), 1192–1197,1251, probability, statistics, testing .

[1076] David C. Viano, Albert I. King, John W. Melvin, and Kathleen Weber, Injury Biomechanics Research: An Essential

Element in the Prevention of Trauma, Journal of Biomechanics 22 (1997), 403–417,1558, skiing, carving, turn radius, ski-radius, reaction forces .

[1077] LMS Virtual.Lab, LMS International. Leuven, BE. email: [email protected] www: http://www.lmsintl.com,1720, software, numerics .

[1078] A. Vogl, Messungen von Einflussen auf die Fahreigenschaften am Ski, Biomechanik des Schilaufs, F. Fetz (Hg.), Inn

Verlag, Innsbruck, AT, 15-26 (1977),

1602, biomech, skiing .[1079] N.I. Volkov, L.P. Remizov, and E.A E.A. Chirkovets, The Criterion of the Best Tactics in the Alpine Ski Racing, Teorija

i practica fizicheskoj kultury 12 (1971), ??–??,999, biomech, skiing, optimization .

[1080] Raimo von Hertzen, Ulf Holmlund, and Matti A. Ranta, On the velocity maximization in dwonhill skiing, Journal of

Biomechanics 30 (1997), no. 5, 525–529,1900, biomech, skiing, optimization, hill shape .

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[1081] Richard von Mises, Mathematical theory of probability and statistics, Academic Press, Inc., New York, US-NY, 1964,

1042, probability, statistics .[1082] Markus von Moos, Perry Bartelt, Adrian Zweidler, and Ernst Bleiker, Triaxial Tests on Snow at Low Strain Rate. Part

I. Experimental Device, Journal of Glaciology 49 (2003), 81–90,

1710, snow, avalance, experiments .[1083] Andreas Wachter, An interior point algorithm for large-scale nonlinear optimization with applications in process engi-

neering, Ph.D. thesis, Carnegie Mellor University, Pittsburgh, US-PA, 2002,

1919, optimization, large scale, sparse, IPOPT biomech, 3d-reconstruction .[1084] Andreas Wachter and Lorenz T Biegler, On the implementation of an interior-point filter line-search algorithm for

large-scale nonlinear programming, 106 (2006), 25–57,

1918, optimization, large scale, sparse, IPOPT .[1085] H.J. Wagner, Verkehrsmedizin, Springer, Berlin, DE, 1984,

1557, biomech, medcine, accidents .

[1086] Grace Wahba, Smoothing Noisy Data with Spline Functions, Numerische Mathematik 24 (1973), 383–393,1108, approximation, splines .

[1087] , Practical Approximate Solution to Linear Operator Equations when the Data are Noisy, SIAM Journal onNumerical Analysis 14 (1977), 651–667,

1109, approximation, splines, fredholm integral equation .

[1088] , Spline Models for Observational Data, CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics, vol. 59,Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, US-PA, 1990,

1116, numerics, functional analysis, approximation, splines .

[1089] Gorow Wakahama, The role of meltwater in densification processes of snow and firn, Snow Mechanics. Proceedings ofthe Grindelwald Symposium on Snow Mechanics, April 1974 (Adlard & Son, Ltd., Bartholomew Press, Durking, Surrey,

UK) (John Nye, ed.), no. 114, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), 1975, pp. 66–72,

1886, snow, density .[1090] James M. Wakeling, Vincenz von Tscharner, Benno M. Nigg, and Pro Stergiou, Muscle Activity in the Leg is Tuned in

Response to Ground Reaction Force, J. Appl. Physiol 91 (2001), 1307–1317,

1779, muscle activity, ground reaction force .[1091] Robert A. Walpert and Chester R. Kyle, Aerodynamics of the Human Body in Sports, Journal of Biomechanics 22

(1989), no. 10, 1096,DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(89)90503-4,

1781, aerodynmaic, drag coefficient .

[1092] James Stephen Walton, Close-Range Cine-Photogrammetry: A Generalized Technique for Quantifying Gross HumanMotion, Ph.D. thesis, The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), US-PA, 1981,

1343, biomech, 3d-reconstruction .

[1093] Yazhen Wang, Jump and sharp cusp detection by wavelets, Biometrica 82 (1995), 385–397,1379, analysis, wavelets, sharp cusp detection .

[1094] Brian Ward, Der Linux Problemloser. Die haufigsten Administrationsprobleme und wie man sie lost, dpunkt.verlag

GmBH, Heidelberg, DE, 2002,1576, operating system, linux .

[1095] A.J. Ward-Smith and D. Clements, Experimental Determination of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Ski-Jumpers,

Aeronautical Journal 1025 (1982), 384–391,999, biomech, ski-jumping, drag .

[1096] G.C. Warren, S.C. Colbeck, and F.E. Kennedy, Thermal Response of Downhill Skis, Technical Report 89-23, ColdRegions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), Hanover, US-NH, 1989,

999, biomech, snow, friction .

[1097] K. Watanabe, Running Speed of Skiing in Relation to Posture, Biomechanics of Sports and Kinanthropometry, Interna-tional Congress of Physical Activity Sciences, Quebec City, CA, 1976,

999, biomech, skiing .

[1098] , Skiing Research in Japan, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 13 (1981), 205–209,999, biomech, skiing .

[1099] K. Watanabe and T. Ohtsuki, Postural Changes and Aerodynamic Forces in Alpine Skiing, Ergonomics 20 (1977),121–131,

999, biomech, skiing .

[1100] , The Effects of Posture on the Running Speed of Skiing, Ergonomics 21 (1978), 987–998,999, biomech, skiing .

[1101] Andrew Watt, Chris Lilley, Daniel J. Ayers, Randy George, Christian Wenz, Tobias Hauser, Kevin Lindsey, and NiklasGustavson, SVG Unleashed, SAMS, Indianapolis, IN, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, DE, 1993,1657, analysis, numerics, optimizaton .

[1102] H.A. Watts, Starting step size for an ODE solver, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 9 (1983), 177–

191,1167, numerics, ODE .

[1103] Klaus Wehrle, Frank Pohlke, Hartmut Ritter, Daniel Muller, and M. Bechler, Linux-Netzwerkarchitektur. Design undImplementierung von Netzwerkprotokollen im Linux-Kern, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Munchen, DE, 2002,1576, operating system, linux, kernel, ipv6 .

[1104] Musheng Wei, Algebraic relations between the total least squares and least squares problems with more than one solution,Numerische Mathematik 62 (1992), 123–148,

1054, linear algebra, numerics, total least squares .

[1105] , The analysis for the total least squares problem with more than one solution, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysisand Applications 13 (1992), 746–763,

1061, numerics, linear algebra, total least squares .

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[1106] J.A.C. Weidmann, Computation of the complex error function, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 31 (1994), 1497–

1518,1123, approximation, special functions, error function .

[1107] Hans Felix Weinberger, A first course in partial differential equations with complex variables and transform methods,

John Wiley & Sons, New York, US-NY, 1983,1184, PDE, fourier series, error estimates .

[1108] Joshua Weinhandl, Jennifer E. Earl-Boehm, Kyle T. Ebersole, Wendy E. Huddleston, Brian S.R. Armstrong, and Kris-

tian M. O’Connor, Anticipatory effects on anterior cruciate ligament loading during sidestep cutting, Clinical Biome-chanics 28 (2013), 655–663,

DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2013.06.001,

1951, biomech, simulation, mucle, knee .[1109] Jeffrey A. Weiss, John C. Gardiner, and Carlos Bonifasti-Lista, Ligament Material Behavior is Nonlinear, Viscoelastic,

and Rate-Independent under Shear Loading, Journal of Biomechanics 35 (2002), 943–750,

1648, biomech, knee, ligaments, shear, viscoelastity .[1110] Terry A. Welch, A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression, IEEE Computers June (1984), 8–19,

1090, algebra, coding .[1111] Raymond O. Wells, Multiscale applications of wavelets to solutions of partial differential equations, Department of

Mathematics, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA,

1403, analysis, wavelets, PDE .[1112] S. H. Westing, J.Y. Seger, and A. Thorstensson, Effects of Electrical Stimulation on Eccentric and Concentric Torque-

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