Warm Up Take out your Primary Source Packet & Primary Source Questions

Warm Up Take out your Primary Source Packet & Primary Source Questions

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Warm Up

Take out your Primary Source Packet & Primary Source Questions

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The Slave Trade

• Triangle Trade

• Middle Passage

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African Slavery

• Slavery in Africa was mostly domestic

• Conquered kingdoms enslaved by conquerors

• Most African slaves were able to earn freedom or became part of the family that they owned

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Chattel Slavery

• A Slave was not a person, but property

• Slaves were owned much as work animals were

• No rights to themselves, to movement, to fruits of their own labor

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• Many slaves worked from birth to death

• Suffered from their masters

• What are some examples from what you read?

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The Southern Economy

• Driven by Cotton boom

• Dependent on Slave Labor

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A Northern Institution?

• Original slavers were Northern shippers

• Then later Northern textile Industry caused demand for Southern cotton

• Northern Economy caused intensification of southern institution

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Slave Rebellions

• Stono Rebellion

• Nat Turner

• Gabriel Prosser

• Denmark Vesey

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No Rights

• Many states had strict slave codes

• Kept slaves from leaving plantation

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Fugitive Slave Acts of 1793 and 1850

• Used to prevent people from aiding escaping slaves

• Allowed Southern states to have slaves returned

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• Wanted end to slavery

• Mostly Christian Northerners

• William Lloyd Garrison

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Slavery in Congress

• Divisive issue

• Slave Trade (importation) outlawed in 1808

• Missouri Compromise

• Gag order in effect for many years • 1836-1844

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Manifest Destiny

• More territory means more debate over slavery and its expansion

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Primary Source Work