Warm UP Jamestown- The first permanent English settlement in North America. Colony- a group of people who leave their home country to form a new settlement

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1Warm UPJamestown- The first permanent English settlement in North America.

Colony- a group of people who leave their home country to form a new settlement.

Monarchy- a king or queen. A person who rules over a kingdom.

Charter- a document giving permission to do something.

Warm UPJohn Smith- a soldier and an adventurer that helped Jamestown survive because of his great leadership.

House of Burgesses- The representative assembly (government) in the American colonies.

Indentured Servant- people who could not afford the trip to America and worked to pay off the cost in the American colonies.

Warm UPCash Crop- a crop that can be sold for money!

Joint-Stock Company- when a group of people put their money together to make money.

House of Burgesses- The 1st representative government in the English colonies.

Warm UPWrite the question and answer:

Would you have traveled to Jamestown knowing what you know now? Why or why not?Warm UP (14-15)Colony- a piece of land outside a countrys borders that exist to benefit the country that owns it

Joint Stock Company- people pool their money together to form a company and then agree to split all profits-like a modern day corporation

House of Burgesses- The 1st representative government in the English colonies.

Charter- a document giving permission to do something.

AgendaMoving of the Era Frame CeremonyJamestown Notes (pg. 16 in your journal)

Weekly AgendaMonday: Jamestown NotesHomework: Primary Source HandoutTuesday: John Smith/Brown book/Newspaper Homework: Complete your newspaper storyWednesday: Peer Editing/Second StoryHomework: Complete drawingsThursday: Finish Newspaper/Gallery WalkTutoring: make up work if you were absentFriday: Quizzes/Organize JournalsColonyAn area or settlement controlled by a distant country.

To colonize means to set up a colony

I am the King and you listen to me..HardshipSomething that causes difficulty(weather, disease, lack of food, ect)

Royal CharterA document signed by the King that gives groups the right to perform a task.

Joint-Stock CompanyGroups of people who join together and invest in a company.

We are all partial owners of the Virginia companyGentlemenA man of refinement and high-class

I am a lazy gentlemanBefore Jamestown.a mystery

The ChartersKing James I granted two charters in 1606. One was for the Virginia Company of London and the other for the Virginia Company of Plymouth.Here is your charter (a official document) so that you can go create a colony for England in the New World. Hopefully this colony will be successfulRoyal Charter

1607The Virginia Company of London financed (paid) for an expedition to Chesapeake Bay that included 104 colonists.

JamestownThe colonists landed in the Chesapeake Bay, settled on the James River and named their town Jamestown in honor of King James.

Life in Jamestown

LocationThe settlement was in a swamp-like are and full of mosquitoes that carried the disease malaria.

The ColonistsThe colonists believed that gold was in the area. They spent all their time searching for gold and little time planting and building. Many were Gentlemen and unwilling to work.

Im too good to do hard workLet the servants do it.Just rocks. No gold! Lazy gentleman!IdentifyWhat was the motivation for settlement at Jamestown?SocialEconomicPoliticalGeographic

John Smith - 1608After a harsh winter and a long drought, many colonists die. Only 38 colonists were left. John Smith leads the colony by getting food from the Powhatan. Smith says No work, No food. 200 more colonists arrive from England.

1609Many colonists die during a period known as the starving time. Men resort to eating things such as bugs, rats, snakes, horses, and each other. Afterwards, 800 more colonists arrive.

We men didnt prepare well enough for the winter..1612 John RolfeJohn Rolfe developed a high grade tobacco that the colonists begin growing it (cash crop). Tobacco is very popular in England and the colony makes a lot of money.


America: The Story of US

1618- House of BurgessesThe House of Burgesses becomes the first to establish a colonial assembly. This is an example of representative government.

We need to set the price of tobacco!Agreed! All in favor?1619 (Slaves)Indentured servants had been used to make Jamestown economically prosperous. By 1619, slaves begin replacing indentured servants to keep up with the demand for tobacco.

Trans Atlantic Slave Trade16212,000 colonist have now settled in Jamestown.

DiscussionWhat were some reasons Jamestown was nearly a disaster?

What were some reasons it survived?

Explain the significance of 1607.

Jamestown FailurePoor settlement choice (swampy)

Mosquitoes that carry the disease Malaria

Angry native Americans

Hunger (unprepared)

Bad weather (no rain)

Lazy Gentleman, without survival skills.

Jamestown (3:00)Jamestown SuccessJohn Smith saved the colony from themselves with great leadership. He also convinced the Chief Powhatan to trade.

John Rolfe- He cultivated tobacco.

Pocahontas- Supposedly saved John Smith from death.

John Rolfe and Tobacco (7:00)Brown Book QuestionsRead and answer the questions about the Jamestown colony.

Horrible Histories!!!Jamestown - Horrible Histories (4:00)Jamestown NewspaperPretend you are living in Jamestown between 1607-1620. The Virginia Company has paid for you and a group of 103 men to travel to Virginia and help build the English colony of Jamestown.

Your job is to write a newspaper for the colony to tell people back in England what is happening in Jamestown. Using what you know about Jamestown, you will need to create 6 stories for the newspaper.

Example StoryStudents Caught in Mystifying Case (title of story)by ___________________ (your name here)

Readalot, Pencilvania (Where) According to numerous eyewitness reports, a major and shocking occurrence has happened in the community of Readalot, Pencilvania. (What, Who,When) The first reports indicate that on March 17, 2004, two unidentified students were caught holding and reading various textbooks and novels. (Why) An official investigation was launched yesterday to determine the truth about this matter. Since the investigation was announced, several witnesses have come forward to give testimony. (Interview) One parents comment was, It couldnt have been my child! My son is an underachiever, and only watches TV or plays video games. Someone must have forced those poor kids. Im sure it wasnt their fault.

(Facts)Statistics show that only twenty-two percent of American adolescents read voluntarily. The community is in disbelief that local children would independently do such a thing. The names of the suspects have not been released, and they have not been interviewed. Their parents, however, have been contacted. The adolescents, both students at a local middle school, were not in class at the time. An investigation is underway to determine the cause of this strange and unexplained event.

(Whats next?)Next week, a town meeting will be held to discuss the likelihood of future reoccurrences. Contact the local Reading Renegade Association for further information. Although the case remains unsolved, the community is keeping close watch on the students to determine the cause of this learning experience.

Where can I get information?Notes from your JournalBlue Book Pages 69-73Brown Book Pages 27-29Pocahontas Primary Source ReaderMr. Martins websiteTodays GoalCome up with a Newspaper Name (6 points)Split up the work ( 2 stories each)Split up the art portion (5 drawing total)

Homework: Complete your first news story. We will be peer editing tomorrow.