In sh ac tions r egard ing \ Yar Diaries and Intell igence WAR DIARY A .. rmy F orm C. 21 1. · Sum mar ies are con ta ined in F .S. Regs. , Vol. I. and the Staff Man ual respecti\·ely. Title page:; will be pre pa red in manuscript. or INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Uni t.. AI onth and Year ... .. ( Era se hea di 11 g u ot · requir,·d) Commanding Officer. Place Ee fe ren ces to Appendi ces ! I i Dat e 1 H our S ummary of EYents and Inf ormati on --·- - - -- -, Wo1dingham ; 1 Apr 41 ; Tralhning to-day was held up as it vvas too wet and snmvy to do .... --- --- ...... .. ___ --· -- ·---- --···------ -- - -- --- -- Surrey ······ ..... . ................. .. ... .. ..... . .. ... ' . any .... work.. .. on ... th .e . .. M inature .. Range . ,. ... L. ec .t:ur.es. .. we.r.e ... h.e.l.d .... in,.,.do.o.rs ....... . . ..... ... .. ..... . ..... .. .... . i instead. i Appx VII i' !••• I ! I ... . ...... .. ........ . ). All ... .Co.mpass.es ... an.d .. Binoculars. w.er.e .. d.rawn in to,.,.day .. to . .b.e .... held .... in ;.. l the Battalion Stores to be re-drawn as need ed • ...• 1 ... . ...••.. ... •. Capt .. .. C ... Letourneau ...t h e ... M. •. O ...... . a. tte. nd. ed .... a ... me.eting of .. the ... 1 ... Cd n • .... Divv . .. . 1 l£edical Society at Redhill to-day. !Ap px II .... .O .. ff . ic. er .... took .... sic.k .. t. o-day .. and ... I 1 .J I J. 2 Apr 41 · The Muster Parades \vhich weer to be held to-day were cancelled - b-ecause ·· ··''AII.Coy. .• ..... were --- an ··· S ··· Wiring ... .job --- at- --- Dover .... . .... . ........................ .. .. ........... ... .... ·····i Appx ·· VII ·· ········ l c.o. and all Coy. Comdrs. of the Unit attended an Address by 1 I ::r ···· ···· · ·· ····· .... !. the ·· ·G •. o .•c • .... . at -- the · Dri- ll · .. · ····· ....... ........ . .......... . .. . ......... ..... . .... .... ··· i App-x · IT ····· · .. · ! There was a Concert at the Y .M.C .A. to-ni ' ght- by a party from . .. ........ ;. London. · After the Gonc.ert the . P.layers -were en· tertained ·· in ··· the · · , · ...... .. ..... . .... . .. ..... .. ... · ! ... .... Mess by th _ e __ . ...... .. .. . · ..... ! Apt 41 · The Battalion is on one hour's notice to-day. :Appx III ··· ·· · ·· · The · .. Unit · less · 1 LA 11 ·· Go-y;; ·· who ··was- · wiring · ·at··· Dover to-day · were ··on · ; ··· ·· · an 18-mile Route March. ! Appx VII · ··· ··············. · The···· G ·mad·e ··· a: ·· -Re· cce ··· of· ··· s eve· ral ···· areas ··· a·t ···1···· the coast we will have some schemes in the future. 1 -Th·e ··· Unit ··· made ···· a ··· fine···· showing ··· on···our ·· 1 at Dorking. I · · ··· ... . ... ... · · .·· Lieut · ·J · werit ·· on 7···· days · Privilage ·· ·· to• ·day;;· ·· ··· ·· ·· ··· ··· ····· ···· ···+·· Lieut. C.R.Day proceeded on command to No. 2 Cdn. Inf. Holding ··· · ······ .. . . ..... ......... ... .... ··· ........... . .. · · · · ·· .... : .. ...... oJ(JJ . .... .. . .. . .. . ...... · ····· ....... ., ., ... ·


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Insh actions regarding \ Yar D iaries and Intelligence WAR DIARY A .. rmy F orm C. 21 1. ~ · Summaries are con tained in F .S . R egs. , Vol. I.

and the Staff Manual respec ti\·ely . Title page:; will be prepared in man uscript.



AI onth and Year ... .. (Erase headi 11g u ot ·requir,·d) Commanding Officer.

Place Eeferences to Appendices ! I

i Date 1 H our Summary of EYents and Information

--·-- - -- -, Wo1dingham ; 1 Apr 41 ; Tralhning to-day was held up as it vvas too wet and snmvy to do

.... --- --- ...... .. ___ --·- - ·---- --···------ --- -------

Surrey······ ..... .................. .. ... .. ........ ... ' .any .... work.. .. on ... th.e ... Minature .. Range.,. ... L.ec.t:ur.es. .. we.r.e ... h.e.l.d .... in,.,.do.o.rs ........ . ..... ..... ..... . ..... .. .... . i instead. i Appx VII

i' !•••

I ! I

... ....... .. ......... ). All ... .Co.mpass.es ... an.d .. Binoculars. w.er.e .. d.rawn in to,.,.day .. to . .b.e .... held .... in; .. l the Battalion Stores to be re-drawn as need ed •

...• • 1... . ...••.. ... •. Capt .. .. C ... Letourneau ... t h e ... M. •. O ...... . a.tte.nd.ed .... a ... me.eting of .. the ... 1 ... Cd n •.... Divv . .. .

1 l£edical Society at Redhill to-day. !Appx II ···· ·~-~~~-;~~- -~;H~~~ -i.~~- -- ~~~----~~~:al .... .O .. ff.ic.er .... took .... sic.k .. t .o-day .. and ... .wa& -·······i ·····~ ······~··· ·



.J I ··~

J. 2 Apr 41 · The Muster Parades \vhich weer to be held to-day were cancelled -b-ecause ····''AII.Coy. .•..... were ---an···S···Wiring ... .job--- at- ---Dover • ........................................................ ·····i Appx ··VII ··········

l c.o. and all Coy. Comdrs. of the Unit attended an Address by 1 I

::r ···· ···· · ······· .... !. the···G •. o .• c •..... at -- the· Dri-ll· HalllGaterham~ · .. ······ ............... . .......... ... .......... ..... ..... .... ···iApp-x · IT ······ .. ·

! There was a Concert at the Y .M.C .A. to-ni'ght- by a party from I· ·~ ... ........ ;.London. ·After the Gonc.ert the .P.layers -were en·tertained ··in ···the · · , · ...... .. ..... ..... . .. ..... ..... ·

! ... J.~~- ~ .... ?. ~ficers' Mess by th_e _Offi~e~_s __ ~f .:~ .e ~~i.to ....... .. .. . · ..... ! -~ Apt 41 · The Battalion is on one hour's notice to-day. :Appx III ··· ·~· ·· · ·· · The· .. Unit ·less ·1LA11·· Go-y;; ·· who ··was- ·wiring··at··· Dover to-day ·were ··on · ; ··· ··

· an 18-mile Route March. !Appx VII ···· ··············. ·The····G ~- O · ;,; ···· and·· the···Coy~···· Oomdrs · · ·· ·mad·e ···a: ·· -Re·cce ···of····s eve·ral····areas···a ·t ···1····

the coast '~Nhere we will have some schemes in the future. 1

. ·-Th·e ···Unit···made····a ···fine····showing···on···our·· Brid·gei·ng ··· E:x:e·rcise·s ····to-n·igh~ 1 at Dorking. I

· · ··· ... .... ... · ·.·· Lieut ~- · ·J ~-w·~-K;; ·Smeltzer· ·werit ·· on 7····days ·Privilage····to•·day;;··· ··· ·· ·· ··········· ···· ···+·· Lieut. C.R.Day proceeded on command to No. 2 Cdn. Inf. Holding

··· ······· · unt·t ·· ·· rar··· a ··· month· ~· ··· This ··· ts· ··· the··· ·sta:rt ···of····a ···mont·h1y ···switch·· · -vvhi·ch ········· : .. .

............... ....... ·· · .............. · · · ··· .... : tiri1ti6i·:ri;~ri!l~~;~~~~-l~~h:;: ~!~~:;~~2~-~-?.Er.~.? .. ~-~ --- - ~-~-- - - ~~-~ ---~?..~~~-~~ ...... oJ(JJ ..... ............... · ····· ....... ., ., ... ·


I nst ructions regarding \ \ ·a r D iaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. R egs., Vol. I. and the Staff Manual respect i\·ely. Title pages will be prepared in manuscrip t.



:\.rmy F orm C. 2 11 :'

Unit.. ...... ....... . ..... ... .


Month and Y ear .. .. .. ....... ........ .... .... .

Date I I

Hour 1


(E rase headi>tg u ot requir.·d ) Commanding Officer.

Summary of EYents and Information l(eferences to Appendices -------------~-- - - - - --

Woldingham 4 Apr 41 ! The men had the morning off to-day because they were late on Sur.r.e·y:. ....... . ....... ... ... .. .. .. . . ....... ... ...... i .. . the .... B.r.idgeing ... :Exercis.es .. las.t .. .. night .. .... .... ,.. .... .......... .. .. ........ . ....... ... ................................. .. .. ....... .. ....... .

jThe Unit carried out an "Attack11 Exercise in Marden Park this ···· ····· ······· ·~· · · · · · · · · ... ....... ... .. .

I I ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . I

··· ···· ···· ·· ····]·

--~ ~f~:~~~o~~s~ M~~ting . ~~~ . h~ici- .. t~-night ... i~ the I~~t;~·;t-lonai · ri~t--~ !~~~-- iii .... . . ; A Danc-e .. . was held at .. the . Y .111. C .. A • . for . the 'l

1soops to-night.. . . ! I 1

... .. . ........ ...... 0trenghh .. Ret.urns ... - .. . Offi-cers .... .... }6 .. ........ Other .. . :B.:anks .. ... . 738 --!A*V ' :5· Ap~ . 41 ! Comp-any----Insp-ect-ions .. wer-e ---held --this- morn-i -ng .. . The .c. o ..... spent--- one --- - ........... ....... .. ..

i and one-half hours inspecting "C" Company. There was a Trophy i ·· ··· · ·----·----· I up- -- --fo-r --the- --best ... Secti-on--- and-----i -t - vms .won --by. No .. .... 6 .S.ec-tion . ............. ... ....... ·.-~-

... ; -6 -Apli" -- 41 ···--·' The _--Ba-tt-ali-on is --on one-hou-r's -- no-t -ic-e to-d-ay .......... . ... .. ..... ...... ... ..... ... ........ ..... ....... !Appx ---IIT

... . .. .. .. .. . . . . .... 1 ...

i ............. ;--

.... . . .... . ... . !


Church Parades were held to-day at St. Paul's Church, Woldingh~, ···· -with -- --th-e Bandin--att-endanc-e-. ----- ... ....... ... .. ....... ····· ··· .. .. .. .... .. .. ... --.. .. .... .. .. ...................... --· -- :Appx -- TIT --

The 1 Cdn, Div. Boxing ~earn defeated a Team from the Guards Depqt, - · at ·· · · Ga-terham · · ·to-day · · ·by ·· · se-ven- · ··bouts · -··to ···f-ive~ ·--· The - - -W.N.S.R~-- -··had--- -f-o-urf ····· · ·· ······· · ·· ···· · I . i men on the 1 Di v Team and each man won his bout. They were : ' I / . ··· ····· .· ·Gp-l;; ·····Em.bree ·· ·F··A;, ·-; ···· L· ··cpl·· ·· · Fall s ····T.-A. ··;·· ··-P.te----Fowler ---W .-G. ··;· -- -and ······-- ··· ·:· ··· :Pte. Garnier A.F. !Appx VII , Lieut . J.K.Rhodes proceeded -- o-n command to -Wea-:pon Tra-ining -Sehoo -1 ,-: Dorking on a Course in Anti-Aircraft. IAppx II

-~~-~~I~~B~~~~a~~~-~=;~ame ·· · ·to --··the· · · Uni--t ·· · ·f·rihm--··the ···No.··· --2- · · · C·d·n·· ···· -Inf -. --·-·-- ·· ··· ·~- --··*

7 A;~ ·· ~-~ - .... ·;;~-~-~~~~ - ~~~~~;- ~~~-~~~~~~ -~~.-.·I·~~-; -~~ -~j_~~~-· -~; · :p·l~~~~~ - C-~~~~d-~;~ - ~ --r--········· · ·· -- --·Exerc·ise s ·· ··in ··Rec·ognition···of ··· ;,arget-s -, -·- ·and····J-udgeing···D·is tance.-·-·· ----······---iAppx· -VII Sgts' Mess held a Dance to-night at the Golf Cpurse. ~E~i~~~8~tl1~~i~~G'{fff~~Y~~~j~i~i~~~-~-j;~--~~~ - ~~~~~ -~r;~~~2·~·out ···of· · · ·t·h·e ·-- hosp-i-tal-- · wa-s · · ·: · ·~-- -· · · ·· · ····· · ···· .......... .. .. .. r·····



Instructions regarcling \ \"ar Diar ies and Intelligence Summaries are con tained in F.S . R egs. , Vol. I. and the Staff Manua l respect iYely. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript .

Month and Year .. .................. .

Place Date I Hour !


INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY (Erase headi1t.g uo t rt~ q u i1·,·d)

Summary of Events and Information

.-\.rmy F orm C. 2 1 1 ~


Commanding Officer ...... . .

Heferences to Appenclice~ - - .. -- . - ·--·· .. - . ........ ·- - ·- · ·-·-·--·-- --- - - ----

Vvoldingham i 8 Ap~ 41 ; A number of Rifles were called in to-day and Tomrny-Guns were Su~:r..~y · . i issued .. in their. .plac.e.. . . ...... .. .. .. .. .................... .. .. ..... ....... ..... ... .......................... . .. .. ...... ...... .. ...... . .. .. ....... .

; We supplied a Working Party of 1 Sgt. and 3 0 men to Epsom to-day

... ········! ~~j_~·~1k~~~G::~gtt~:~ . ~~n~~~~·~if~:6~i~ · · · i. T.i~;th·~~ ·t·~-~~i~y. . .. 'Appx .. II . ...... . .......... ··· ······ ·

; . . ~-

···················· ···r I I

I i

. . . . . L.t~.Col • ... M.F .. Gre.gg ... le.ft .... f.o.r. .. .S.co.tland ..... this .... morning .... to ... .sp.end .a ... . ............ ..... . : weeks leave fishing. RETVRIVE~> FI'(.OM

· Lie.ut ... .... D •. McG ... -4.r.c.hibald .... p±ne.s.enli!!!!iOL ... on .. .. command ... to .. . Small ... Arms .. School at Bisley to take a 6ourse in Platoon Weapons.

···: ····: !i:~~~·f"~~··;;;;B~~~~i;a~~~g·~~ar ... our .area . in.Warlingharn . .. last .... ··:··Q#··· ]···9A.p;·· 41 ····I Th~····Di~i~f";~~i ··E~·~;~f"~ ·~ ;;·H~~~,; ··· ~·t·~;t-~d .. t~~d~·y. The d~y ··~~·~ ................. ·,··················

.............. .. ,.. ···········j fl=~~i~O~·~i·:L~~·~·!~e!~cia[~~~~~·n6~·~·~~~:~·~~a~~~~.t~~e~;ig~d~· ·· ·····i Appx J ..

l .... , ....... ····· ·· ····i··to-ni.ght ... to .... get. ... Orders ... o.f ... our ... move .... for ... the .... ''.Har.e'.1 ... .Schem.e.¥...... ······!··cA.J···

...... ~Q. ... Ap-~ .. 41 ·······!·-The .. Unt.t ... c.rossed ..... the .. S.P ..... . .at .. .. th.e ... Godstone .. K.ights ... at. .... 09·3·0···hrs .......... . 1 · i this morning after being held up for about an hour waiting for

.. ... .... .. ... .. .i. the····C-ar •.... & ... York·· ·Regt - ~ ···· tO ·· · Cl·ear .... :t-he ... .s .. P . ., .... we ... ar riv.en ... at .... our ........ ... .. ... . : Position of Readiness at Rotherfield at 1200 hrs. As the T.c.c. !

··················· · ·· ··· ···· ······· ·wa.S···working ·· wit·h ··· the····2···.Cdn·· ···Div.····We ···were·····trans:porte·d ··· b.Y ··Bn ····················: . . English Bus Unit. We had dinner about 1400 hrs. and after a !

··· .·· ···· ····· ··[·qui·et ···afternoon···had ···supp·er···ab-out···· l8}0 ···hrs·······We ···lrec-eived···Ord·ers ········ ·i ··· ·· ··· ·············· ··············· : to move to our Forward Assembly Area at 1900 hrs. and crossed the i ; I

................... j·Start·ing···Line ···at ··· ElD"O- ··hrs.· -; ···arrin·ingo·n · foot··at· our ··new···area······· ····' ·····

.. . ··········· ·· ········· ; ~~.~~~ ..... ?.~ .~?. ... hTS • ... ..... ... .... .. .. .. ... ....... ..... .. . ......... . .. ... . .. ~~~ .. . . :.:. :

~1 Apt 41 !As we were in Reserve we didn't have very much to do and after . •.. . . . .. .. m m ••j r· ·········· r · r~,~;~±~~~ar~t~m;~r;;>g;~~~~i'~::';i~~~r~~~h~~:t~l~~~ · hrs. .. :t~~iJJ···· · · m•••·· ····


Instructions regarding \\ 'ar Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. I. and the Staff Manual respec ti \· ely . Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.



A.rmy F orm C . ..: I I '

Unit ........... .. .. .

Mont/1 and Year .. (Erase headitl g 11ot requir<d) Commanding Officer ...... .

, I ! Date 1 Hour Summary of £yents and Information l(eferences to Appendiu;~ I I i - ------ -··

-~vof(f:irigham-·!12 Apr 41--'1 Th~ usual Company Inspwctions were held this morn-iggby theC~-O~Appx VII Surrey · lA number of Officers and Other rlanks from the Unit along with · ·---···-··-···--· ··· ----------- ···---- ·1···o:rric·e:rs···· a:nCi·-- o tlie :r ··Rariks ····:r:rom ···tlie ···:s:r:tgacte ·--riiiiii e·· ··u::p ··· a: ··· t~ugb:y ·· Team

.J. ~A<'i ... P.~~Y€3.4. ... ~:tJ. -~ .... N~_-jj_ ;rgp_ q:L,tt.J~:g ___ ]:'_q_:L,t ~ -~ -- --~~----~~le? .~ - -- l'fi.~ _l9,:1E3J:!l.! ..... 'J:'h ~ --· J:'C?J:.t ~~- - -; ..... ... ................ ........ .. .. .


i ! won by a score of 24 to ;~ .:·After t.he game we were all treated ··j ...


.... .... ......... . : .t..O. .... Cl,. ___ cl,_t.;rm E3.:J:' ... P.Y ..... t.l:l.E3.. ro+..t.C::J3., .... €3.Y..E3.. !Y1:l .9.~.Y ... P~.Yi.:t:lg ___ ~--- --13- ~Y.V.:L,J: ... ~~E3. ~--

~13 Ap~ 41. i T.h~ Vnit. .. ~.\l.:PPJ:L.E3..cl, ... ~ . $.PE3. .GJ~J ?i.-.C::.CJY. et at Brigade to-day. This ! ' ' Picquet is to be at Brigade for :fi.ve Cia.ys~ ·· ....... · ··· .... ····· · 1 ·· · ···· ·-·------ i _ T.o :-::O.g,y __ b._~_ ing ___ E9,$ t.~r . $_®d,C3,y ___ l:l, .$.P E3.9. . t.~J . .Pr.w.nhE3..~.cl, __ .~ .E3.. :r.Yi. c:: e _ Vf.C3,$ ... P.E:3J.d, ..... ________ . , i on the Green at Woldingham. The whole Unit was paraded in a

J .. . .. I ~~~~~w~~~-~i!rib:;.o.~f~!~-~ ~~~r!~t..o.\l.Ghi.ng .. ~E3:r.Yt..G€l. 'liT~$ :rE3.ncl,E3.r.E3.4. .. P.Y ;Appx III

-~ · ····· ·· ··· ·· ·J i~~~tBd~~13~~~-;~r~~eh~:·t~;-~~da~ia~~~Civ.i~-~ ~~-i~~Y.s;~~mt~:~ 3 G_q_n~ '······ ··· ·········· ·· .. ···· I

········ · ······· ·· ·l ··! I ~!d~~~~~o~~~u~~~~~~gw~~et~r~~g!g-e;t·~;·d,~~ !"~-~ -- ~-~{~~q, _tblJ;e·;-~ive· : 1

............ ... .... ······[·· ........... .. : --! . .a .... new .... is.sue .... o.f .. maps .o.L.a ... lg,ter .. O.. !=l,.t .~....... . ............. . ......... ........... ....... .. ........ i--~········· . ~4 A:p* 41 J .. Training ... .to-.day . co.ns.is.te.d .. of Range .... :J?.ra .o.tJs.e~ a:o.d, . . ~ ... sho_rt Ro_l..J,te ........ .

: March under Company arrangements. IAppx VII .' .. This . .afternoon .. was. proclaimed. .a $p.ec..ial .... S.:po.r.ts. .P!=l,Y ... b.Y the . 0. 0. C.;

..................... .. :Appx II

, The Regimental Softball League was started. The results of the ..... , ... . ... : .. games .. were . .as . fol.lo.ws: .. I! .All . Goy. ... l9 ..... :-:: .... B.n .. H.Q. ... .7., ..... 11.HQ.II ..... C.o.Y. .... 3.0. ... ~. .:..... .. . .. . ......... . . ..

' 1

11 8" Coy o, 11 D11 Coy 9 - "C" Coy 8. The Officers of the Unit and I

.... . ...... .... -j-- . :the .. Vi •. O,.Js ... and ... .Sgts •. ... . pla.ye.d . .a ... garn.e., .. th.e .. . W.O •.. ' .. s. .... a.n.d. .... Sgt.s ..•.... Wi.Pni.Jg ............ .. ... . .. .

... ................ . .'.. 6~-f~~e.;~ .:. --~~ -·~~~~~ -- ~·-~- ·~~~~~~~- - --~-cor~~ ---~~-e f~~~ -~----~~~ - - - f~~ --~~~ ········· .... :.~---.... .......... ..... ............ ('''' ' '

22293 Wt. 330 96 /114 0 1.000m 1 2 /40-McC & Co ltd-51-8212 Forms C2118/ 22


In st ru ct ion s regard ; x epara tion of War D ia ries; (wh ich w ill be ,-~ t from firs t day of mobilization, creation o r embodiment) , are con­t ai ned in F.S . R egs. Vol. 1.


M . F. \1 11 ·111 1',\ ......

T itle pages w ill be prepared . INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Origi nal, dupli cate and triplicate to h v f <> r w:tc, lcd

to 0 . i/c 2nd Ech elon for d is po~a l.

Place Date H o ur

( R m s1' hcrul i 11 u 11 of rerJ?r. i rcrl )

Summary of Events a nd Inform at ion Re mark ,, rdn,·" ••·• t o App~ndi n·, '""!

i 11 il ial ' ------+---t------+------------------------------------------ ---- -----j---- --··------

Wo1dingham 15 A~r 41 Surrey

1_6 A r 4 1

This momning Bn. HQ, HQ Coy. and D Coy. were paid, while A Coy.,B Coy., and C Coy. went on a short Route March. This afternoon A Coy., B Coy., and C Coy., were paid whi1e Bn. HQ, HQ Coy., and D Coy. went on a short Route March. Lieut. McKinney from the Car. & York Regiment gave the Commanding Ufficer, the Intel,igence Officer and the Weapon '.!.'raining Officer a demonstration on the new sten-Gun to-day. This Gun is to take the p1ace of the Thompson Sub-Machine Gun ana seems to be a very formidable weapom • . It is very cheap to produce and has a high rate of fire power, so shou1 d prove ve-:ry usefu 1 •

The c.o. attendeQ1a conference by the G.o.c. at Division this morning where the recent nHare" Scheme was discussed. The C.O. held a confenence of the Officers at the Bn. Mess to-night where the poimts that came up at the G.O.C.'s conference were passed on to the Officers for discussion. ~he Brigadier was present and gave us his views as to how the scheme was carried out as he saw it.

Training to-day consisted of Range Practises, Grenade Throwing Practises, and Recognition and Inaication of Targets. Lt.-Col. L.T.Lowther went to Stratford-on-Avon to-day on 24-hours leave. He was accompanied by Capt. Butts , the Padre. The Unit went to Dorking to-night and carried out exercises in River Crmssing on the ama11 river there. The exercises were carried out very satisfactori1y. There was a heavy B1 itz on London to-night. At times around here the sky seemed to be alive with p1 anes. The show from this area seemed 1 ike a--Fourth-of-Ju1 y Fireworks Disp1 ay. Fires cou1d be plainly seen in the vicinity of London, Flares and Anti-Aircraft She 11 s seemed to be everywhere, and the odd H.E.Bomb and Incendiary Bomb came down in yhis area. The Night-Fighters of the R.A.F. seem to have so1.ved the prob1em of getting the Night­Bombers as an extremely heavy amount of Machine/Gun fire could be heard from time to time.



Appx VII

Appx II


Instructions regard' prepara t ion o f W ar WAR DIARY 1\1 I· .\1 l \

D iar ies; (w hich wi ll bt ,J t from firs t day of In I ' ·~ .._ ;'

m obilizatio n . creation or e mbodi m ent) , a re con­tained in F .S . R egs. Vol. 1. OR

Title pages will be prepared . INTELLIGENCE SUMMA RY O riginal. dupli cate and rripl ica tl' !e> 1 ... f,r" , ,.,~c-, •

to 0 . i,'c 2nd Echelo n for di , p!lsa l.

(Emsr• h ca rl inu not I'(' IJ11ircrl )

------------.-----.----.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------·----R t' tl l~Hi-- ..... r1 · l rt r th"C' ..

Place D ate H o ur

Wo, dingham 17 AIr 41 Surr ey

1.8 AIr 41.

20 A:tr .41

Summary of Eve nt s and Inform ati o n

Training to-day was all Range Work, and Weapon 111raining. The Unit supp1.ied a Specia1_ Picquet o~ one Cp1. and ten men at Brigade to-day. On account of the casualties in the recent London .Bombing Raids 48-hour passes to London have been cancelled for the remalinder of the month. One hundred Officers and Other Kanks of the Unit attended a Picture at the War1ingmam Hospita1 to-night.

t o .-\pp v tld lt r· !> ~ :h l

irtii H1h

~ppx VII ~ppx II

~ppx II

To-day the Unit ~s on one-hour's notice. Training to-day consisted of Practises on the Miniture and Grenade ~anges, and a

~p:x: III twe 1.ve-mi, e

Route March. .,.. "C" ana "Du Companies were at Dea, and Herne Bay to-day wireing. Lt.-CoJ.. -L.T.Lowther was at Seaford to-day to-discuss the scheme "Harett with the The Intel1igence P1atoon put on a very good Demonstration for the N.C.O.'s c1ass Recce Patro,.

~ppx VII V1-PPX I

G.O.C. ~ppx VII of a day

Strength Returns - Officers - 35 - Other Ranks - 743

Lt.-Col.L.T.Lowther inspected Companies.

the N.c.o . 's CJ.ass this morning, while the 2i/c inspected the

nc n and "D11 Companies returned from Dea1 and Herne Bay to-day A Dance was he1.d at the Y .M. C.A. to-night for the Troops. A1 1. enjoyab1.e time. There was a heavy B1itz on London to-night.

where they were wireing. who attended had a very

To-day being Sunday Church Parades were he1_d as usua l at St .• Pau1_' s Chursh, Wol.dingham , the Band in attendance . Lieut. A. B.Cooke proceeded on command to the Weapon Training -School at Dorking to-day , to attend a course in Platoon .Weapons.

The Unit was on one- hour's notice Training to- day consisted of Arms by P1.atoon Commanders . 1 -· - - - ... . ~.. -- ._..,.- . . ·"'> i•: .~ . ~- .. -~~ . _.i_. , _ '-}< · - · • .: • fs.~- ... t;> - . ,. • •

to-day. Dril l, Practi ses on the Miniature Range, and Insp~stions

' .


~ ~ppx !I I

~ppx VI !



Instructions regard ' 'J repara t ion o f War Diaries; (w t:.ich w ill be _ .pt fro m firs t day of mobiliza t ion . crea tion or e mbodiment) , are con­t ai ned in F.S . R egs. Vol. 1.


\-1. F .\1 i 1 1111 ',\ .... . •

Title pa:;es w ill be prepared . INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Origi nal. dupli ca te and triplica te to Ill' f"' "' '"'ln

to 0 . i/c 2nd E chelon for d isposal.

Place D ate H o ur

wo, d~ngham ~n A:r:lr 41


22 Ap,.. 41

23 Apr- 41

24 Apr 41

(X m sn heruli nu not rerJn ircd)

Summary of Events and Inform atio n

Lt.-Col. M.F.Gregg,V.C.,M.C. returned from leave in Scot1 and to-day. Capt. P.H.Stehe 1 in returned to the Unit to-day from the Junior War Col1ege where he has been on a Staff Course for the 1ast three months. Capt. E.M.Crouse went to H.Q..,l Cdn. Div. to-day where he is to be attached as a "G" learner The Inte11 igence Section started work on an Observation Post to-day. lv.hen this O.P. is comp1eted it is to be manned for a week , day and night. Tgere was a movie to-night in the Y.M.C.A. for the Troops.

The Unit was on a 22-mi le Route lvlarch to-day. The area for which we are responsible in the event of Paratroops was s 1 ight 1 y changed to-day The I. Sect. were sti11 working on the O.P. to-dayo Capt. C.E.Mi11er proceeded on command to 400 Sqdn.,R.C.A.F. at Odiham to-day on a week's Course in Air Liason Work. ·-Lieut. F.M.Reardon proceeded on command to the School of Signa1 s at Catterick on a seven weeks course in Signa1 s. -Lieut. G.L.McNeil proceeded on command to Shil 1 ing1 y Park on a Junmor Leader's Course. A number of the 'l'roops attended a Dance and Social at the Y .M. C .A. to-night.

Training in fol 1 owing a .barrage and in Patrol,ing was carried out by a11 Companies tp-day. The I.Sect. comp1.etted the O.P. this morning .and "D" Coy. started to man in at 1 200 hrs. Lieut. C.B.Higgins and Lieut. D.McG.Archibald proceeded to the Wescott Ranges on a recce. in preparation for the Unit carrying out Practises there Friday and ~aturday of this week. This afternoon was Sports afternoon. Softba11 games were p 1 ayed, the resu1 ts being: A Coy. 32- D Coy. 3, B Coy. 1 6- Bn HQ 6, H:~ Coy. 9- C Coy. O. Lieut. - C.B.Cochrane proceeded to H. ·~ . 1 Cdn. Div. as ADC to the General . Lt.-Col. M.F.Gregg was in for supper with us to-night. He ~.ri11 be back with the Unit as Commanding Vfficer in a day or two.

The Unit was on one-hour's notice to-day.

R e mark ' . rdnnh' <"'

to App <: nd i" '' ' :l:-: d i nil i:d '

:R~ II[

A~x VII Appx I


Appx VII

Appx III

Appx III Appx I A, B, c Goys. took part in a Battaal ion Exercise in the nAttack" to-day.

D Coy. carried on 1o~.rith the manning of the O.P. to-day. At 2400 hrs. to-night A Coy. tt>ok from them.

ove f.

Movies were held to-night at the Y.M.C.A. for the Troops. Appx I Appx I II



Instructions regard;- ·· preparation of War Diaries; (wh.ich will b< _Jt from first day of mobilization , creation or embodiment), are con­tained in F .S. Regs. Vol. 1.


M . t· .\l l l ~

11 I I ' ... :-- ;~

Original, duplicate and triplieat<' to he f••rw:1nkd

Title pages will be prepared. INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY to 0. i fc 2nd Echelon for disposal.

Place Date Hour

(1•; ro SI! ltcrul i 11 !I 11 of rerJ11 i red )

Summary of Events and Information Rt.' tll ~ lrh. :-. , r ,. f,·r c ncc,

tl> ApJ><'IHiit'"' ;liHI

------+-----if-----1--------------------------------------------------;--- -------Wo1 dingham 25 AIr 4, Surrey

26 AIr 41

27 Air 41

29 A:~;m 41

Lt.-Col. M.F.Gregg took over command of the Unit to-day. Everybri>dy was very pleased to see the Co 1 • back after his 1ong i11ness. Range Practises were he 1 d at '/vestcott Hanges to-day. 1 44 from the Unit were put through fiv:e practises. Training in L.M.G. and Rifle were carried out to-day by the remainder of the Batta1 ion. A Concert was he 1 d in the Y.M.C.A. to-night by the Canadian Legion.

Strength Returns - Officers - 35 - Other ~~nks - 741.

Training was carried out te-day in L.M.G. and Rif1.e. Range Practises were he,d to-day at . the Westcott nanges. 165 from the Unit were put throu~ five practises. An N.C.O. 's Course was started at the Guards Depot for a number of N.C.O.'s from the Unit. A Coy finished manning the O.P. at 2400 hrs. to-night. They were re1eived by B Coy. A Dance was he 1 d for the Troops at the Y.M.C.A. to-night.

To-day being Sunday the usual Church Parades were held at St. Pau1 's Church., Woldingham, with the Band in attendance. The Unit was on @ne-hour's notice to-day.

Practises were he1d to-day at the Miniture Range in Mortail 2" and .22 Rifle. A short Route march was carried out by all Companies to-day under ~ompany arrangementsc The I.Sect. were busy to-day constructing a Sand 'rab1 e for use in the .Lecture Room! Capt. H.P.Jefikins returned from Division ~o-day and was posted as 2i/c of D Coy. Capt. C.E.Miller retumned from off command the 400 Sqdn. R.C.A.F. to-day, where he has been for a week on a Liasion Course.

B Coy. was to Dover to-day wireing. C Coy. sent 144 men to the Westcott Hanges and they were put through five Practises. A Meeting of the Bay. Sports Gfficers vva.s held to-day in the Bn. Officer's Mess. Practises were carried out to-day on the Mortar Range and the .22 Rifle Range. The Unit found out for the first time to-day that they had been in Scot,and for a couple of months. We were under the impression we had been in Brighton but the Ha1.ifax He;_ra1 d insisted that it was Scot1and. We must have been using the wrong maps for those two months.

Appx I Appx VII Appx III

~XV A:ppx VII

Appx I Appx II Appx I Appx II ctM Appx III Appx III ~d Appx VII A,ppx VII

MM Appx 1 Appx I A,ppx III APPX VII



Instructions regarding preparation of War Diaries; (wh ich will be kept from first day of mobilization , creation or embodiment), are con­tained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1.


M. F.M I l. ·10/l' ,\· ~ .r:

Title pages will be prepared . INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Original, duplicate and triplicate to be forward<"!

to 0 . i jc 2nd Echelon for disposal.


Woldingham Surrey

(I~ms!! hcarlinu not I'Ctf1t·ircd)

Date Hour Summary of Events and Information

30 Apr 41 Exercises in "The attack on a Vi,_, age" were he1 d to-day by alJ Coys.execpt B Coy. The Unit was on one-hour's notice to-day. Pay Parades were he1d to-day. B Coy. was at Dover to-day wireing. The c~·,~ o. attended a lecture at .JI~.~.,1 Cdn. Div. by Brigadier Murison on the " Battle of the At1.antic ~

Remarks, n: fcrt:n c-c~

to Appcndict:s and initiah

Appx VII Appx III Appx III Appx I

.APpx II
