Want Ad. Rates. ., ONE CENT PER WORD when Mfd in advance. No Ad. taken for le* than TEN CENTS. NO ADS. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN TWENTY-FIVE CENTS when phoncd in or charged at tlie counter. FOR BUSINESS CONTRACTS Phone Monroo 1 for the WANT AD. MAN to call. Hotft anD jFountJ., Yf)vW^?v(\$i!^AX\oltf& 9 and 0:30, on Main and Broad Street car, golng west, gold eyeglasses, siightly cnlpped. Flnder wlll please leavo at 114 Ku.it Franklin Street. TxTht, thursday! IN BROAD .Street Bank, pocketbook, wlth slx, dollnr?. Flnder return to phono Madison 7135-J. for reward._ $elp jjKBanteH. JtMe. WANTED, A COMPETENT MAN FOR clerlcal work ln a bank ln a small town; state age, experlence, and ap¬ ply ln own handwritlng. Address B 303, care Tlmes-DIspatch. WANTEDJ I_ULWAY^LV1L CLERKSi Rlchmond <xamlnatlon November 12; prt-paratlon fr«-. FRANKLIN IN¬ STITUTE, Dept. 258 S. Rochester, N. Y._ WANTED, A BOOKKEEPER; PHE- fer ono who haa some knowledge of handllng a typewrlter. He must bo a man of lntegrity, sobrlety and en- ergy. Address A., Hampton, Va. WANTED, MRST-CLASS W HITE barber; ?13 per week and one-half over $19. Address J. C. KETCHIE, Box 44. Salisbury. N. C.__ WANTED; MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; new system; any one can learn; only fow weeks requlred; wages while learnlng; posltlon guar¬ anteed ln city or country. write for catalogue. MOLER'S BARUF.lt COL- LEGE, New York City. _ WANTED, AN EXPEKIENCED WOOD- turner. Apply M1LLER MFG. CO., INC._ WANTED, BXPERIENCED LICENSED drug clerk. SLOAN BROS., Green- vltle, S. C._ WANTED, YOUNG MAN AS STENQO- rapher, typewrlter and collector for whqlesale feed and seed house. Ad¬ dress, wlth references, statlng sal- nry expected. B &;",, care Tlmes-DIs¬ patch._ WANTED. A COLLECTOR. ADDRESS Box 503. City._ WANTlED. SALESMEN; CARBON paper and typewrlter* ribbons to con- sumers as slde line or othorwise; we pay regular weeklv commlsslon of 40 per cent. NEWARK RIBBON AND CARBON CO.. 297 Washlngton Street, Newark, N. J. WANTED. RAlLWAx MAIL CLERKS; government clerks at Washlngton; post-ofHce clerks-carrlers; Rle>mond examlnatlons September 24 and No¬ vember 12; ave.-ape salary. il.UO; annual vacatlons; short hours; com¬ mon educatlon sutllclent; lnlluc-nce unnecessary; preparation free; wrlte for EChedule. FRANKLIN INSTI¬ TUTE. Dept. 359 S. Rochester. N. Y. ttuatioi^-^antED^iTt a l e. i^E^TTsTERED DRUGGIST WANTED at once, with good reference, ln small town. Address Z 67. care Tlmes- DIspatch. "REGLSTERED DRUGGIST. EXPERI- enced, wants position as prescrip- tlonlst or manager. Address W. B. AGNEW. Burkev 11 le. Va._ WANTED; A POSITION BY YOUNG man; clerlcal work preferred; some knowledge of stenography; four years' experlence. Address II. E. BAYS, Bedford City, Va._ KEGISTERED ASSISTANT PHARMA- cist open for posltlon. Address D 159, cart; Tlmos-lLli.stia.tch. &Eip (Kliamto. jf tnmit. w_N^E13f'£Tr?t5R^>E"l?oT^ chlldren tn suburbs; good home for competent woman; references re¬ qulred. Telephone Madlson C9S6-J. YOUNG LADIES AND GIRLS WR1TH or au-ply to the WHITLOCK BRANCH. Twenty-thlrd and Cary Streets, Rlchmond, Va., ln regard to a situation learnlng to make and pack clgars; good pay; pleasant sur- roundlngs. AV ANTED, TO EMPLOY A COOK AND house cleaner. Apply to G. 11. CLARKE, US East Broad Street. Must have gori recommendatlons. WANTED. AT ONCE. TEN GIRLS: GOOD PA\'. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 131. WANTED, A SERVANT FOR GEN- eral house work; room on premlses. 1708 Park Avenue._ WANTED. DAY AND NIGHT NURSE for lnfant. MRS. LEARY, 1S09 West G race._ WANTED, A GOOD COOK. APPLY MRS. R. A. PATTERSON, Stop 14, Westhampton car line._ WANTED, A COMPETENT WOMAN to do clerlcal work ln a bank ln a small town; state age. experlence and salary wanted. Address H 67C, care Tlm-s-Dlspatch._. GIRL WANTED TO LEARN TO MAKE ladies' halr goods, swltches, pufts, etc. 214 North Fifth Street._ ..mi______ ¦¦. aniM_~. __»oltcit_C£( ano £»ale_m_n. i_r__SM_Sr^0LNTl_5^ exporlenced whiskey salesman, wlth established trade wlth the best sa- loons and cafes ln Vlrglnla and ad- Jacent torrltory; flrst-class rofer- ences requlred; good opportunity for the rlght party. THE STANDARD DISTILLING COMPANY, 213-215 E. Eighth Street, CIncinnati. O. EXPERIENCED LIQUOR SALESMAN wanted by largo house. Must be well acqualnted wlth the local trade. Splendld opportunity for reputable man. S. B.. 59 Fourth Avenuo, New York. ftumnwr iitoartitng;. gu^I__fK>^B^'X__l^&^BlR__?6^ Beach, Va.; Sayro Cottage, on- the beach front; all modern convenl- ences; send for clrculars. 3Profc5_tonaIJ^clp^lantci5. WAN'fEDT^A^^H-StCIAN FOR NICE country location ln railroad village of 350 inhabitants; good roads, schools, churches, etc. Address DR, M., care Tlmes-Plspatch._ THE VIRGINIA TEACHERS' BUREAU supplles prlvato and public schools wlth teachers of all grades on short notlce. Address REV. R. W. CRID- LIN, Manager, Manchester, Rlch¬ mond, Va._ jEoarUins^^^_ MlfsTcHARLES kTBOWERS. 115 EAST Franklln; handsomely appolnted rooms,, wlth board; large, well-ven- tllated dlnlng,room, openlng on Sec- ond Street; meals by day or week. WANTED. BOARDERS FOR LARGE. desirable rooms; also table boarders. 200 East Grace._ K'ICELY 'FURNISHED ROOMS' AND good board: phone nnd bath: Apply 508 North Fifth Street._ .'. A FEW BOARDERS; SUMatER rates; cheerful, alry roonis. Apply 308 East Main. WANTED. MEN OF IDEAS WHO'HAVE some tnventlve ablllty. GREELEY & McINTYRE, Patent Attorneys, Waah- *»utton_ D. c. aacal <£_tatc OTanteto. w^jNY^^i^rii^roRTiuvri^ or nlno-room modern house; west of Flrst; south of Broad! possesslon now or Bcptember, Address B sl, caro Tlmes-DlHp&tch, _ WANTED, COUSffif HTOTTe AT railroad Btntlon; not. over flfty Rllles from Kichmond. Address A 22, cure Tlmes-Dlspatch, YOUR BBNT ACCOUN* PLAOED AVITH N. W. BOWK & SON insures best ro- HUltB. FOR SALE, THREE NEW. DETACHED dwulllngu, near Chimborazo l'ark; Latrobes, slate and cablnet muutols: clectrlclty and gas; modern ln overy partloular; elegant homes. 316 N. Thlrty-ulxth HtreoL_ WRITE US AT ONCE IF YOU WANT to sell your farm; we havo oustoniors for a number of farms, and also for colonlal homoB. POLLARD & BAG¬ BY, 1102 East Maln Stroet, Rlchmond, Va. $150 FOH AVILLOUGHBY SPIT LOTS v Ocean View, \ra.; only $5 cash and $5 per month; no Interest or taxes. These lots aro beautlfully located between Chesapeake Bay and Wll- loughby Bay; on electric car line, between Norfolk and Old Polnt. Buy theso lots now, whlle they are cheap. For partlculars, address W S. MAT- T11KAVS. 18 AVest Rcdgato Avenue, Norfolk, Val_ FOR SALE, CLAY STREET HOUSE; near Second; paylng 10 per cent.; $1,000 will buy two houses rontlng for $20 per month. Call Madlson 14<i7._ FOR SALE. FIRST-CLASS RESIDEN- tlal property; best central locatlon; prlco, $9,500; returning 8 per cent. clear of taxes. lnsuranco and repalrs. Address L 368, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch. 'SACHIFICE.ONE OF THE BEST farms in Vlrglnla; 88 acres, very rlch boII; whole farm Inclosed; everv modern convenlence; close to depot. near Rlchmond. Klchly worth $15,- 000. Make us an offer. It has got to bo sold qulck. GAP.RETT &. CO.. 1009 E. Maln Street._ FOR SALE, RESIDENCE OF J. I_ ED- munds. oa Staunton Rlver, Charlotto county, Va., flvo mlles from Aspen, on Virglnian Railroad; 784 acres; 145 lowlands, most of them tllled; about 100 acres meadow; 200 acres in wood; splendid Improvements; one of the finest farms ln Virginia. Price, $30,000. Address JULIAN* MEADE, Danville. Va._ FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS.MY new cataiogue contains 400 farms and tlmber lands; best bargalns in Vlrglnla. i pay your railroad fare. AVrile for free cataiogue. Addre3s J. R. ELAM, Box 257. Charlottesville, Ara. j&eal Cstate for 3RcnL !l?5R~itl!8,?r~£A^^ equipped storo and dwelllng; one ot the best locatlons ln tho city. Ad¬ dress OWNER, B 82, caro Tlmes- Dlspatch. Jlottces. AVANTED''THE ^PVBLI^TtO^I^OXV that Jahnke Bros., Jewelers, S3 2 East Main Street, buy, sell ex¬ change and remount diamor.ds in the latest styles. Old gold and sil¬ ver taken In exchange._ FIRST STREET MARKET; THE cheapest. Phone number, Madlson 27,41. 1224 North Flrst Street. YOUR RENT ACCOUNT PLACED AVITH N. AV. BOWE & SON Insures best rc- aults._ WHITE OAK PILES AA'ANTED. 30 TO 50 feet long. Address THOMAS E. CAOLE LUMBER COMPANY. Frank- lln Bank Building. Philadelphla, Pa. A TABLE AND MEDICINAL WATER wlthout a peer.five gallons for 25c, delivered.Holly Sprlngs Llthla AVater. Phone Monroo 477._ $ers"onaIs*. _____ TTlOv_£T^E§TfLENT''AvER"M"lN OF THE law who infeat tho back stalrs of Henrlco and framo up accusatlon suits on speculatlon. one-haif for the other, may get thelr "frlendly set¬ tlement out of court" by merely slgnlng the typewrltten compounds ot menace and cajolery which they are maillng to CAPTAIN CUSSONS, of Glcn Allen._ HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at HUGHES'S, 209 North Thlrd. YOUR RENT ACCOUNT PLACED AVITH N. XV. BO\ATE & SON Insures best re¬ sults. &oom£ for 3&znL wT__N f6iT^65ii?^Fo^fcttZosb get a clean. comfortabie bed for 50c; phone. bath and Ice water free; ex¬ cellent meals served next door. 1002 East Clay._ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; HOME eomforts. 14 North Sixth, between Franklin and Slaln. ~^oal^nb^ioo^_M x^gH^hIFaTioTuXhthi'.w for sum- mer wood. Slabs for kindllng. oak, hickory and plne, sawed lengths to sult evory homo. It will advanc-j later as usual. My coal ls erolng at summer prices. Place order now. 1506 AVest Broad._ $1.50 BUYS ONE-HALF CORD PRE- pared plne klndllng wood, sultable for summer cooking. Why pay $3.25 when you can get the same results from thls? Try a load. SAMUEL H. COTTRELL & SON. Phone Maftison Ssutuattons", professional^ WAl5rT3DT^nf"Y^^ tion as governess, to teach small children English branches and mu¬ slc. References oxchaneed. Address MISS E. V. PIRKEY, Grottoes, Va. WANTED, POSITION TO TEACH IN graded or dlstrlct school; certlflcate ln full force. Address "STENOG- RAPHER," caro Postmaster, Gas- burg. Va. i_peip, itlale anb jFemale. WA^T_3bT^FlRS_rcLX^^ vegetable cook; good salary; good homo and permanent posltion to right party; roferencos requlred. Address CATAAVBA SANATORIUM, Catawba, Va._ iiiiiii ¦iiinnwiawmiriiiriiim»iii-minw.ai jrlats" for iB*nt Jrv^o^^NoWiS-Y^i&i^^ vidablo, 12 East Maln llats; base¬ ment; stables. 305 West Maln; slx- room dwelllng. 3Bytin_ mibjOeantng iSENT-liTMEN^s'SUITS CLE.-\nTbD~AND pressed, 75c; ladles' nnd gent's suits dyed llko new; mall ordors promptly attended to. Phone 4SG2. GILL'S, 325 North -iirh._ _^mit£oT_ W-a-ITED, TO BUY FORTCA_HTffOU_E" hold goods ln any quantlty. Phone Madlson 38,51. YOUR RENT ACCOUNT PLACED WITH N. AV. BOAVEi& SON insures best ro- sults. WANTED, A COPY OF LITTLE'S "Rlchmond"; also coples of Southern Llterary Messenger ns follows: sep¬ tember, 1834; January and Decem¬ ber, 1S3Q; Decemjier. 1851, and June, _18G4. Address A. Clty Hall. AVANTED, COTTAGE,_AVITH_STABLE; suliurbs preforred. Address B 07, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch. _ WANTED.WILL BOARD AND CARE for horso durlng summer months freo of chargo; to be used by good lady drlvor; flno placo to,graze horso; country homo, one mlle from clty llmlt; reforenoos exchangod. P. O. Box 655,_, __, AVANTED, TO BUY ODD VOLUMES and numbors of Southorn Llterary Messenger and other norlocllcals.- Ad¬ dress ,1. AV. CADLEY, 50, Grand fcrt., AlUiu__. J_. ._,.-- DAILY PUZZLES AVhat boys' name? ANSAVER TO YESTERDAY'S IM:/.7.I.H. Solo. jr'or gfcaie. IF YOU ANTICIPATE BUYING ANY- thlng ln furnlture, floor coverlngs, gas ranges, Btoves, wo will savo you money and make tho terms to sult; glvo us a call. THE PITTS FURNI¬ TURE CO.. 1429 East Maln Stroet, 117 West Broad. FOR WAGONS, GO TO RICHARDSON BHQS., 615 Brook Avenue. Madlson 1467. FOR SALE, SECOND-HAND GUARAN- teed machlnery of evory descrlptlon, Includlng bollers. englnes, wood- worklng machinery, beltlng, hang- ers, pulleys and Bhaftlng- I. BLU- FORD & CO._ FOR SALE, A NICE, CLEAN STOCK of groceries and rent premises; nlce atore, dwelllng and stable; good stand ln best part of clty; owner has other buslness. Address D 157, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch. BABY CARR1AGE; EXCELLENT; high grade. Apply 909 Cumberland _treoL BUY YOUR BUGGY OR SURREY Avhere quality ls evldent ln every partlcular; comfortabie seats, beautl¬ ful llnes and good servlce guaran¬ teed; prices tho lowest- A. MEYER'S SONS, 731 East Cary Street._ A NICE GROCER'S BUSINESS FOR sale; cheap; good cash trade. Ad¬ dress D 173, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. ^HtScdlaneousf. "riTb it"o__T" where\"er ache or pain is lo- cated.stlffness and soreness of mus- cles or Jolnts.rub in Frayser's Great Nerve and Bone Liniment, and the paln dlsappears; the greatest all- round liniment In use for man and beast; try lt.don't auffer.here ls tho right help; 25c bottles, at drug- glsts'. EXCURSION. YES! YES'. YES! AVE ARE GOING and we want vou wlth us to Buckroe August 10. Retail Groeers' Associa¬ tlon. Nothlng but a good tlme from beglnnlng to end._ FINE UPHOLSTERING AND MAT¬ TRESSES. FURNITLTRE REPAIIRED AND UP- holslcred; mattresses made over llko now; furntture and chlina packed and shtpped. JACOB UM.LAUF. Phone 329^._ SHOE REPAIRING SPECIAL. HEELING SHOES FREE, IF YOU brlng thls coupon wlth shoes and havo them htflf soled; men's, 75c; ladles', 60c, and chlldren's, 40c and up; whlte oak soles; sewed with waxed flax thread; rubber heels, 25c extra. DREAVS ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. 716 East Maln._ .3f lat_ HBantrtJ. AA'ANTED, SEPTEMBER 1, SMALL furnished flat or houso; must be on car line; state price. Address F. R., care Tlmes-Dlspatch. iflttttngs. THE REGULAR ANNL'AL MEETING of the stockholders of the AVatklns- Cottroll Company will be held Ir. the offlce of the company, 1311 East Maln Street, Rlchmond, Va., on AU¬ GUST 9, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon. C. S. FENSOM, Secretary and Treasurer. Cijurcf) _3ottce*. PRESBYTERIAN. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN" CHURCH.REV. F. T. McFADEN', D. D., paator..Preachlng at 11 A. M. Sunday School at 3:30 A. M. SECOND PKESBYTERtAN CHURCH- The Rov. RUSSELL CECIL, D. D.. pastor.. Preachlng at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Servlce AVedneeday at 8 P. M. Sunday School 9:43 A. M. GRACE STREET PRESBYTERIAN Church..Preachlng at 11 o'clock A. M. and 8:15 o'clock P. M. by the pastor, D. CLAY LILLY, D- D- W ESTM1XSTER PRESBYTERIAN Church..Preachlng 11 A. M. by Rev. A. D. P. GILMOUR, D. D.; S:15 P. M. by Rev. C. C. HERSMAN, D. D. AVelcomo. CHURCH OF THE COVENANT-REA'. J. CALVIN STEV.'AUT. D. D.. pastor..Preach¬ lng at Uo'clpck by REV. THORNTON AVIL- SON, D. D-. of tho Presbyterlan of the South. No servlce at nlght. Mldweek servlce AVed- nesday at 8:15 P. M. Sabbath school at 9:30 A. M. BAPTIST. PIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (BROAD AND nrwelfth Strcots)..Pastor, Rev. GEO. \V. McDANIEL. D. D. The Rav. JOHN ROACH SPATON, D. D., of Seventh Baptist Church. Baltlmore, will preach at 11 A. i^. and 8:15 P. M. Sunday School CA. AV. Patterson, Supt.), 9:30 A. M. A welcomo to all. SBCOND BAPTIST CHURCH (FRANKLIN and Adams Streets)..Morning servlce at 11 o'clock. Preachlng by Rev. AV. W. L.VN- DRl'.\[, D D., of Loulsville, Ky. Mlss Polly Robins will slng tho offertory. Sunday School at 9:30 o'clock. A called meeting of the church will be held Immediately after morning service to consider tlie reslgnatlon of Dr. XV. R. L. Smlth. GRACE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH (Grace and Fousheo Streets)-Rev. DAVID M RAMSAY. D. D.. pastor. Preachlng by tho pastor at U A M. No servlcoai night. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. (Charles R. Wlnston, Supt.) Prayer-meetlns Wednesday nt s-15 P M. A cordlal welcomo to all. GROVE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH (Grove Avenue and Harrlson Stroet)-Dr. GEO. B. EAGER, D. D., of Louisvllle, Ky., will preach at 11 A. M. No servlce at nlght. Sunday School at 9:lo A. M. (M. F. Cox, Supt.) AVednesday ovenlng prayer. meeting at 8:16 o'c'ack. El-SCOPAL. MONUMENTAL CHURCH (ERECTED 1SH on slte of Theatre burned 1S11, Broad Street below T\vo!fth).-Servlcos at U A. M. and S P. M. Seats free. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.-THK REV. AVM, E EVANS, D. D., rector of the Church ot the Advent, Blrmlngham, Ala., wll offlciato at 11 A. M.i and S:15 P. II. Visitors and Btrangers always cordlally wolcomed. GRACE EPISCOPAL (COR.VER FOU- shc-o and Maln Streets).Rev. LANDON R. MASON, rector. Sunday gui'Vlcoi at 11 A. M. and 8:15 1'. M. Pews aro free and all aro welcomo. Men's Blblo Class evory Sun¬ day morning 0:30 to 10.30, Hon. Eusene C. Mii-sli-, teacher. You are lnvlted, CHRISTIAN. SEVEN T H S T KEET OHRrsTIAN Church.-Preachlng at 11 A. M. by Rov. AA'. L. FISHBR, ot New York Clty. Subject, "A Royal Rule of Llfe." No servlcee ut nlght. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. LUTHERAN. F1KST ENGLISH EVANGELICAL LU- Ihcrnii-J. J. SCHERER, JR., pastor.-Sor. vlces hold In Rlchmond Collogo Chapel un. til complotlon ot new church. Smulay School i»;30 A. M. Morning servlca 11 A. M CHRISTIAN SCIENCE REGULAR SRRVICES OF FIRS'l Church of Chrlst, SclontUt, will be hold to ipori-ow morning ln church cdltlco (cornoi Park Avonuo und Meadow stroet) ut 11 o'clock. Subjoct, "Splrit." AA'ednesdnv even¬ ing teal.lmonlal and experionca moeiliig ut 4:30. .Tlie readlng-rooms ui-e located In tho Chambei- of Commerce building, and aro open overy day from 10 untll 2. All aro iO.-aiiiHy luviwd. i J ¦L LITTLE ACTRESS GOING GLIltD Mabel Hite Afflicted While in Europe, Now Home Under Care of Spccialists. MABEL HITE. New York. August 5..Mabel Hlte, tho actress, rnay never go on the stage again. At present she ls at her cot¬ tage ln Sheepshead Bay under the treatment of two New York eyeslght speciallsts. She ls wearing tho dark- est of dark glasses, keeplng out of the strong sunllght, and what she knows of tho world outsldo of what she hears ls what she has read to her The rehearsals 01' her company have practlc_lly been abandoned. and the openlng performanco ln New York postponed from August 15 to October ?. Thls postponament ls in the hope by that date her eyesight will permit her to resume her place on the stage. So grave ls tho condltlon of the young ¦woman that lt ls sald that Mlke Don- lln, her husband, who went from the baseball dlamond to the Btage after hls marrlage to her, is llmborlng vp a blt to be prepared to return to the dlamond in case Mlss Hlte cannot return to the stage. Returned Three Weeki Ago. Mlss Hlte mado her debut as a star last season ln a play called "A Cer- tain Party," written by E. M. Town- send and Frank O'Malley. There was not time after its production in the West to put the play on ln thls city after tho favorable lmpresslon it had made ln Chicago, CIncinnati, Boston and other places. It was arranged that the openlng this season should be in New York City. Feeling that she was certaln of a long run ln New York as a star, Mlss Hlte and Donlln salled for Europe at the close of the season. Three weeks ago they came back. Mlss Hlte was wearing dark glasses, but appeared cheerful. Those members of the com¬ pany that had been re-engaged from last season reported for rehearsals Then lt became known as the days dragged on that pomethlng was wrong. It was reported on Broadway yes¬ terday that Miss Hlte was totally blind. The rumor caused the utmost sorrow among tho theatrlcal profes- slon, for few persons aro more popu¬ lar than the Ilttle woman who robbed baseball of its star. Aflllcted AVklie Abroad. Miss Hlte was seen at her borne, Ocean and Voorhis Avenues, Sheeps¬ head Bay, last evening. "Oh, I thlnk I wlll be all rlght by October 1," sald she. "Thls camo on me while I was ln Europe. I go: up one day to dlscover I could scarcely see. I consulted a speclallst at once. He examlned my eyes and said the optlc nerve was affected. Ho said l must undergo treatment at once or 1 would go blind. "My husand and I hurrled home at once, and Dr. Grausman and Dr. Clayborne, of New York, are treallng me, and I believe I wlll recover. At present it is a little hard. We haven't stopped rehearsals. I have to have thlngs read to me, and I spend some tlme motorlng, and then Mlke reads and slngs to me. "It's a Uttlo hard, because we had been expectlng to bo such a hit in the new play." Mlke Donlln, asked in regard to the report that he was preparlng to go back to baseball in caso Miss Ilite's condition did not lmprove, sald: "No, I am not golng back to base¬ ball. I am golng to remaln on Tbe st_ge, and so ls Mabel. She ls golng to get well. Her doctors tell her so, and we all feel that she is." At the Sheepshead Bay cottage. in addltlon to the Donllns, are tho father and mother of the little actress. Couveution Diues Flxed. Chicago, 111., August 5..The Repub¬ llcan and Democratic State Central Commlttees of Illinois met in Chlcngo to-day to name places for holdlng the party conventions in conformity with the stato primary election law. Tho Democratic Stato convention will bo held in East St. Louls, 111., September 23. The Republlcan Stato conventlon wll] be held ln Springuold on tho same dato. No other business was transacted by the commlttees. Arrested on Serlous Charge. [Speelal to Tho Tlmes-DIspatch.] Blueileld. W. Va., August 5..At the point of a plstol John Balley. an ex-convlot, forc¬ ed Joe Radford and hle wlfe to follow him from thelr homo ot Pocuhontas Wednesdaj nlpht to a cemetery nearby, whero ho crlml- nally assaulted Mrs. Radford. Balley wai arrested, und is huld for Brand Jury. HIGH RECORD IS MADE IX NEWS PAPER TRADE Washington, D. C, August 5_Both ln production and in shipment of nows paper, Juno last was the high rocoru month slnoa statistlcs on thls subjoct have heen gathered by the Commis¬ sioner of Corporation, which began ln October, 1808, ln June the production was 101,2-11 tons, the prevlous reoord having been in June last year, when .the output was 12,82-1 tons. Thls year's June output is 103 per cent. on "nor¬ mal." The 1010 figures, howovor, iiu elude forty-nlne paper manufactiirlng concorns, while in 1909, they wero ro. celved from only forty-threo compa¬ nles. June shipments totolled 98.(167 tons, ns compurod wlth an a'varngo ot 80,000 tons for the procedlng flvo months. Stock on hand- at the close of June aiuounted to 23.713 tons, as ooiruiarcd With 19,593 tons nt tho close of May Last year, there were 17,200 tons 01 hand Juho 30. Durlng Juno G1.9B9 tons of bool paper wero made, whlch was once Uttlo under the high total for May when 52,217 tons wero made. BEATS COLLEGE DEAN AS HE GETS DIPLOM/ U. XV. l-'inin, of Sj-rnenne Crew, AImi IJelflliorM ProfeajMor Who Detnycil llls Urndiintlon. Syracuse, August 5..Ilerbcrt W Faus, commodoro of tho SyraoUSi (1900) crow, to-day assaulted Beat Shoppard, of tho Lyman C. Smltl College of Applled Science, at Syra¬ cuse University, and then attackcd Professor Paul C. Nugent, at the Iat- ter's homo. Faus, who la prominent sociaily or University Hlll, was not graduated last June as a clvll cngineer. Ho wai behlnd ln two subjects owing to hl« athletic and soclal actlvltles. Ho haj slnco made up the work under Pro. fessor W. P, Graham. When he called on Professor Nugent for a certlficatc for hls dlploma it was refused, al¬ though Professor Nugent admittcd the work was mado up, until Protessor Graham should telegraph from Can¬ ada. Yesterday Faus, who comes from Elysburg, Pa., walked into the dean's offlco for the sheopskln. As it was handed to hlm ho remarked to tho dean: "If you want to seo what I thlnl: of your instruction and the diploma, I will show you." He then touchcd a match to the diploma and started tc light a clgar wlth lt. "Don't try that, young man, ot thero will be trouble," said Dear Sheppard. "Take off your glasses lf that is what you mean." shouted Faus to tr.t dean. Dean Sheppard then struck Faus or the nose, drawlng blood, wlth a rln£ on hls finger. Then tho dean got s. severe beatlng at the hands of Faus Dean Sheppard called on men ln thi offlco for assistance, but none was of fered hlm. Faus dared hlm to sum mon tho pollce. Leaving the college, Faus went V the home of Pmfessor Nugent, and ad mlnlstered a severe beatlng to hln also. News of the battle ln the dean' ofllce and at Professor Nugent's creat ed a sensatlon in the University Hill section. At pollce headquarters lt was sah no report had been mado of the oc currence, and that no warrant hai ibeen requested. BLIND SINCE INFANCY, HER SIGHT IS REST0REE Doctor TransplantK Part ot Ere of Young Man to Wonion, and She Sccs Again. Phlladelphia, August 5..A rare op¬ eratlon lnvolving the transplantlng ol a portlon of the cornea from tho eye- bali of a man to that of a woman who had been blind since lnfancy, re- sulting ln the restoratlon of her sight, became known to-day. It was performed at thc Medlco- Chlrurgical Hospltal, end doctors are watchlng the case with much Inter¬ est. It wlll bo severai weeks before lt can be determlned deflnltely wheth¬ er the restoratlon wlll be permanent, but at present doctors say all indica- lions point to success. The operator was Dr. I_ Wobster Fox, professor of ophtalmology at the college, and ono of the leading eye speciallsts ln thls city. His patlents were two, a young man employed at Baldwin's Locomotive Works, one of whose eyes had been plerccd by a piece of steel. and the sight destroyed, and a young woman who had been blind since infancy. One of her eyes had been removed from its socket and she was unable to see wlth the other. The cornea of her eye had become opaque through dlsease. Dr. Fox decided to romovo a piece of the cornea from tho man's eye and place lt ln that of the young woman The operatlon was performed about twenty days ago. When tho bandages wero removed lt was found that tho young woman could see for tho first time ln her life. Her sight was not as good as that of the persons near by, but for a dls- tance of flvo feet she could seo dls- tinctly. DUN'S WEEKLY REVIEW New York, August 5..R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade to- morrow will say: "Business conditions are irregular and at some polnts unsatlsfactory, and yet, while falllng short in volume and protits of that state of buoyancy that existed at the beglnning of the year, it is better than the superficlal aspect of the leading markets makes lt au- pear. Reports from the principal trade centres are ln the main optlmlstlc. One declares that bellef ln falr activity in the fall ls more treneral. Another re¬ ports considerable lmprovement. nota- bly among iobbers of woolens and cot- tons. Another reports utilte an active wholesale movement in dry goods. Pia: iron production contlnues to diminisli. but the demand for steel products and products for wire, pig and structural is large. Prices as a rule show a little change, but tho tendency ls stlll downward. The low condltlon report on cotton was one of tho underlylne causes for a further hurdening of val¬ ues ln primary cotton goods and yarn markets. 'Curtallment of production hns be¬ come drastlc and Is also InfluenclnK prices. The demand from prlnters, con- verters and the manufacturlng trades, who must antlclpate thelr wants. ls better, but Jobbers stlll buy conserva- tively. "New orders for footwear come ln slowly, but New England plants are fairly well engaged and manufacturers have a considerable volume of reserve contracts on hand. The price question retards new business somewhat. The leather market ls stlll a waltlng one and business is obstructecl ln most quarters." World's Vlslble Supply. New Orleans, Auerust 5..Secretary Hester's statement of tho world's vlsl¬ ble supply of cotton lssued to-day shows tho total vlslble to be 1,790,062 bales, agalnst 1.195,580 last week and 2,285,159 last yoar, Of thls tlie total ot Amerlcan cotton ls. 951,002, agalnst 1.023,580 last week and 1,729,469 last year, and of all other klnds, including Egypt, Brazll, India. etc, S-15,000, agalnst 893,000 last week and 556,000 last year. Of the world's vlslble supply of cot¬ ton thore Is now alloat nnd hold in Great Brltaln and Contlnentat Europe. 870,000 bales, agalnst 1,017.000 last year: ln Egypt. RS.000, airalnst 57,000 last year; in India, 531,000. aaalnst 203,000 last year. and ln tho Unlted States. 312,000, agalnst 3VS.OO0 laBt year. I-'uttil K.xploiloil of lJollor. CSpeclal to Thu Tlmes-Dtsuutoli.] Roanoke, Va.. AugUBt 5.News reached here from Rich Valiey. nn Isolated'aoctlon of aniyth county, that a boller ot' u sawmlll, owned bv John O. Perry, explodt.-d TuejJay, klllliifc- outrlslit C, O. IlRltsar, l.uthor Han- ¦haw and Alex Crlsor, aiui probably fatally Injui-inir Soliuler Mi-C'lellau. ammoaaxs_»¦¦'- jtaaaaamaaat The Confederate Museum TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS OPEN 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M, ADMISSION 25o. 6ATURDAY S'REB. V JUDGE SUSTAINS '8 Suspension of Mr. Purdie Fron Norfolk Board of Control Upheld. [Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Norfolk, Va., August 5..ln th' Corporation Court thls morning .ludg' Allan R. Hanckel, ln a declslon hand ed down, Rtistalncd Mayor James 'f Riddlck In his suspension of Thorna S. Purdie, member of the Board o Control, on the following counts: "That the sale of water ..to the Nor folk County AVater Company was con trary to the laws of the clty. "The salo of scrap Iron and the fall uro to turn the proceods over to thi Clty Treasurer, but applylng lt to fit I' tlng up an offloe for tho water de partmcnt, v.-as a vlolailon of law. "The lettlng of alum contracts ani certaln other contracts wlthout com petltlve blddlng, was a vlolatlon o law." Tho court, In renderlng Its declslon sald it Avas slmply justice to Mr. Pur dle to say that thore was not a syl lable of testimony to show any dis honest intentlon on hls part, but tha the declslon was based on the fac that a public offlclal's acts must no be beyond the powers of hls ofllce. an. that It ls not enough to prove that public offlcial ls honest ln a transac tlon that vlolates tho powers give hlm by law. The real bombshell of the declslo rendered by Judge Hanckel was tha Mr. Purdie at least acted wlth th consont and concurrence of anothc member of the Board of Contro AVhether or not Mayor Rlddlck avI act on thls declslon of tho court an suspend thls member remalns to b » seen. When seen to-day Mayor Riddlc would only sa ythat in all of hla ac tlons he had been guided by what h thought was hls duty to tho citj namely, to investlgato alleged Ulega acts of a member of the Board of Con trol, and to punlsh hlm lf found gull ty. He denles that there was or li any personal feellng <n tho matter. J.t_al J^otixesL VIRGINIA.IN THE LAW AND EQUI TY COURT OF THE CITY OF R1CH MOND, THE 22D DAY OF JULY 1910: Blanche E. Holzbach.Plalntlf vs. In Chancery. James M. Holzbach.Defendan The object of thls sult ls to obtaln divorce a mensa et thoro by the plaln tiff from the defendant, upon th ground of cruelty. And lt appearlng by aflldavit flle aecording to law that James M. Holz bach, the above named defendant, 1 not a resldent of the Stato of VlrglnU lt ls therefore ordered that the sal James M. Holzbach do appear wlthl fifteen days after the puhllcatlon o thls order, ln the clerk's offlce of th sald Law and Equity Court, and d what is necessary' to protect his lnter est in thls sult. A Copy.Teste: P. P. AVINSTON, Clerk. J. S. Cohn, p. q. _S>ealeb $3ropo_al_. _E2a£_D-PRO^b^ATS^^HlT^RaA- Committee of Jeffersonvllle Magls terlal District, of Tazewell countj has on hand about $7,600 to be ex pended on the permanent Improve ment of the maln roads of sald dis trict. AA'e hereby advertlse for bld on tho repalrlng of tho macadam o that part of the old Flncustle anc Cumberland Gap Turnplke, formerl: macadamlzed. Sald blds must bi based on tho mlle. AVe also ask for blds for bulldlnj new macadam road, blds to be basec on the mlle. The speclflcatlons ai to how the old macadam road shal be repalred and how the new mac¬ adam road shall be bullt can bo seer at tho clerk's offlco ot Tazewell county. Any cltlzens who may deslro tc have tho money expended on any partlcular section of the maln roadf of Tazewell county, within thls dls¬ trlct, may have the same so appliec' by supplemontlng the above amount 33 1-3 per cent., and blds are ro- quested on any roads where suct supplement ls made. Any cltlzens desirlng to supple¬ ment the said fund must flle th< same with tho clerk of the Board ol Supervlsors on or beforo the 12tt day of August. 1910. And all blds must be filed wlth th( clerk of the Board of Supervlsors ot or before the 15TH DAY OF AU¬ GUST, 1910. The commlttco can fur¬ nish any contractor a ten-ton stean roller for a reasonable rental, to b< used on any of the work contractec for under thls advertlsement. The committee reserves the rtghl to reject any or all blds. F. THOMPSON. Chairman of Road Committee for Jeffersonvllle Muglsterlal Dls¬ trlct of Tazewell County, A'a. ^otels. mmmmM iNl.NEW YORK"; m HOTFL WOODWARD BROaDWAY AT 66TH STREET. Acceaajblllty._E-clu»lvo roflnement HOTEL ARLINGTON 18 WEST 23T1I STREET, NEAR IIHIHDWAY. Rooim S1.C0 per day. aud up; Wlth bath, $2.(. and un HOTEL BRISTOlT~ 122-121 AV. 19th Street. IIowIquurteis for Kouthernera -tniilo rooms $1.00 p*r clay and up. Sluglo roouiii anc l__uht2.0O por day uud up. HOTEL FLANDERS HERALD SQUARE HOTEL 3ITII STREET AND BROADWAY. $1.60 a day, uauotimthi $3.00 wlth bath. THE HOTEL PATTERSON HERMITAGE HOTEL BEVENTH AVENUE, BROADWAY. 421ND STREET. K.u ,'h (1.60 pur duy aud up. HOTEL WEBSTER WELLINGTON HOTEL SEVENTH AVENUE AND Wl'll STREET. Rootuand bat,S2.lX) por d.iy iiiulup. HOTEL SAN REMO 74TH-75T1I STS.. CKNTRAI. PARK WEST. FacliiBlluiitrnlP.-irk. SpucWl Sunitner ratua. Idsal nri-ominoilatloiu for fumllica. Huml for booklet. ADVERTISING Wo can make a Huocess of your pro¬ positlon thru our judlclous plana ot advertising. AA'o havo valuable In¬ formatlon and lulnlml-'-o »--nst. Ask for tii-o plans, Freeman AdvertiaingAgency Alutuat Uulldlnv, ltlcliutouil, -.-.« ^«.« VlrulnlM. 3RcflI t&tatt (or Betrt, &// Call for V\^» Rent List J.D.Camcal&Son 6N. 11th St. y «oOxV Madison /Vx'b FOR RENT, The best Flat. ln the city of Richmond, 220 SOUTH THIRD STRKET. About 12 rooms, 3 baths and evory convenlence. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR, 14 N. Eighth streot. POR RENT. 510 NORTH MEADOW STREET. A beautlful nlne-room gray-brlck houso. recently bullt, havlng all mod- ern'conveniences: heat by steam; Ilght- cd by elctrlclty and gas; detached on four sldes, havlng wlndows on four sldes: llghtest house ln the city. Pos¬ sesslon September 1. Rrnts $540; GREEN REDD. "3 $otel_. Special Dining Room for Automobile Parties. \ THE JEFFERSON] Richmond. Va. The most magBificent hotel inj. the South. European plan. Roora single and tn suite, with and with¬ out baths. Spacious sample roomsj Special summer rate, $t per daj* ] and UDward._ _. I Yellow Sulphur Springs* VIRGINIA. Spend AiiKiist at tho Yellow Sulphur. You cannot afford to pass the sum¬ mer wlthout taklng advantage of thesar celebrated waters. jf XV. D. l'AXTOX, Proprietor. !__».K SHADE INN. Most beautlful hotel and grounds ln South< west Vlrglnla. Perfectly equlpped for com< fort and pleasure. Ballroom, orchestra. ten* ni», pool, bllllards. The Heightti. Buena Vlsta. Va. In heart of Blue Rldge Mountalns. QraneX cllma*c, sconery and water. Bullding on« of tbe most beautlful and spacious In thc South. Large and plt-ns.int company. Spe» clal low rates for such advantag-es. Frea booklet. Box No. 550. CltOCKETT ARSEXIC - LITHIA SPRINGS AND BATHS. Opons June lst. Elevatlon 2,000 feet Cures nervous prostratlon, dyspepsla. rheumatlc and skin troubles, malaria, kldney and bladder dlsorders and femnlo Irregularltles. Clears and beautlfle3 the complexlon. Write for booklet and terms. M. C. THOMAS. Mgr., Crockett Springs, Va. VIRGINIA. Two Hotols, Ocean and Country Resort. Double natural advantages; good accom- modatlons; moderate rates. Seo ad. In B. Sun, July 6th, for routes, outlng, otc. Book* iets. A. H. O. MEXRS, tVachapreag-e, Eastern Shore. Va. Re'noh Entrance. Hot Sea Wator Batnl llot Cold Kunulne Wuter in IOO Room Pacific and Ark's Aves., near beach. Bathlng from house. Publlc and private baths. Specia* $1.50 to $3.50 daily; $8 to $17.60 weekly. incluilinaj choice table supnlied from our own farms. Whttil service. Music Booklet. PAUL C. ROSECRANS. ELBERON AND FIREPROOF ANNEX, Tennessee Av«-< nue, near beach. Central: open surround* lngs; opposlta Vrotestant and Cathollo Churches: capaclty 5C0; new throughout; runnlnir water ln rooms; private baths; metal beds; 4.000 feet of porches; excellenS tablo; fresh vegotables and poultry from our own farm; wlndows screened: whlte. servlce: booklet. Speclal, SS lo $17.50 week-. ly; $1.50 to {3 daily. R. B. LUDY. M. D. Hotel Shoreham, Ocean end Virginia Avo. A modern Hotol wlth every convenlence.elevator. private, baths. otc. Open lawns allow plenty of llsht and ah. Ideally located. Servlce and tanlu tho best. Rates. $12.50 up weekly. Booklet, W. B. COTTEN. HOTEL STICKNEY, Kentucky Avenue Second house from beach. Fireproof. Elevatori electric lights, rooms single or coramunjeating with cr without private baths. Ocean view. Splendid table. «up daily; S12toSI5r|^cKNEY Tennessee are.. uear Ueach; always open Private baths. elevator; excellenc tahle; white serrlce! $2 up daily: $S up wkly. Sat. to Mou.. 53. Dookleta. Marcaret Walsh Duneao. HOTEL IROQIUOS South Carolina Avenue and Beach. Capao. Ity, -100. Modern and up-to-date; 100 front, ocean slde rooms; prlvato baths; elevator; line porches; music; whito servlce; clegonC tablo. Spoctal rate. $12.50 up weekly; $2-50 and up daily. Booklet. W. F. SHAW. The Salt Breuth of tbe Sea lltUuca lio.tlu ioTEI_~SANAToRIUM£OTi Wlth us elegant comfort, Its superior Tabl< and Sarvlca and Curatlva aud Tonta Bath< wlth truincd nttenclants. Is an id'.al plac* for a lons or a short stay, F. L. YOUN'l Qsa'l Manager. CDCCGuldeel ATUNTICCWT wlth nups. tlds aad R. 8- tiautsblw, tto. UMW» HOTEL DUNIjOP Oceun Ave. »«d Bqardwalk, AtUntlo CUy, N. J. Refurnlsh«d and redeoorawd throughout, European plan. $1.60 per day and up. Flrst* class restaurant, Full orohe.tr*. Whlt« service. Open all year. R. E. BELANBY, l?lt)l», y, R, BOWMAN, Manaser.

Want Ad. DAILY PUZZLES LITTLE ACTRESS JUDGE ......Jrv^o^^NoWiS-Y^i&i^^ vidablo, 12 East Maln llats; base¬ ment; stables. 305 West Maln; slx-room dwelllng. 3Bytin_ mibjOeantng iSENT-liTMEN^s'SUITS

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Page 1: Want Ad. DAILY PUZZLES LITTLE ACTRESS JUDGE ......Jrv^o^^NoWiS-Y^i&i^^ vidablo, 12 East Maln llats; base¬ ment; stables. 305 West Maln; slx-room dwelllng. 3Bytin_ mibjOeantng iSENT-liTMEN^s'SUITS

Want Ad. Rates..,

ONE CENT PER WORD whenMfd in advance. No Ad. takenfor le* than TEN CENTS.

NO ADS. TAKEN FOR LESSTHAN TWENTY-FIVE CENTSwhen phoncd in or charged at tliecounter.

FOR BUSINESS CONTRACTSPhone Monroo 1 for the WANTAD. MAN to call.

Hotft anD jFountJ.,Yf)vW^?v(\$i!^AX\oltf&

9 and 0:30, on Main and Broad Streetcar, golng west, gold eyeglasses,siightly cnlpped. Flnder wlll pleaseleavo at 114 Ku.it Franklin Street.

TxTht, thursday! IN BROAD.Street Bank, pocketbook, wlth slx,dollnr?. Flnder return to phonoMadison 7135-J. for reward._


clerlcal work ln a bank ln a smalltown; state age, experlence, and ap¬ply ln own handwritlng. Address B303, care Tlmes-DIspatch.

WANTEDJ I_ULWAY^LV1L CLERKSiRlchmond <xamlnatlon November 12;prt-paratlon fr«-. FRANKLIN IN¬STITUTE, Dept. 258 S. Rochester,N. Y._

WANTED, A BOOKKEEPER; PHE-fer ono who haa some knowledge ofhandllng a typewrlter. He must boa man of lntegrity, sobrlety and en-ergy. Address A., Hampton, Va.

WANTED, MRST-CLASS WHITEbarber; ?13 per week and one-halfover $19. Address J. C. KETCHIE,Box 44. Salisbury. N. C.__

WANTED; MEN TO LEARN BARBERtrade; new system; any one canlearn; only fow weeks requlred;wages while learnlng; posltlon guar¬anteed ln city or country. write forcatalogue. MOLER'S BARUF.lt COL-LEGE, New York City.




WANTED, YOUNG MAN AS STENQO-rapher, typewrlter and collector forwhqlesale feed and seed house. Ad¬dress, wlth references, statlng sal-nry expected. B &;",, care Tlmes-DIs¬patch._


WANTlED. SALESMEN; CARBONpaper and typewrlter* ribbons to con-sumers as slde line or othorwise; wepay regular weeklv commlsslon of40 per cent. NEWARK RIBBONAND CARBON CO.. 297 WashlngtonStreet, Newark, N. J.

WANTED. RAlLWAx MAIL CLERKS;government clerks at Washlngton;post-ofHce clerks-carrlers; Rle>mondexamlnatlons September 24 and No¬vember 12; ave.-ape salary. il.UO;annual vacatlons; short hours; com¬mon educatlon sutllclent; lnlluc-nceunnecessary; preparation free; wrltefor EChedule. FRANKLIN INSTI¬TUTE. Dept. 359 S. Rochester. N. Y.

1©ttuatioi^-^antED^iTta l e.i^E^TTsTERED DRUGGIST WANTED

at once, with good reference, ln smalltown. Address Z 67. care Tlmes-DIspatch.

"REGLSTERED DRUGGIST. EXPERI-enced, wants position as prescrip-tlonlst or manager. Address W. B.AGNEW. Burkev 11 le. Va._

WANTED; A POSITION BY YOUNGman; clerlcal work preferred; someknowledge of stenography; fouryears' experlence. Address II. E.BAYS, Bedford City, Va._

KEGISTERED ASSISTANT PHARMA-cist open for posltlon. Address D159, cart; Tlmos-lLli.stia.tch.

&Eip (Kliamto. jf tnmit.w_N^E13f'£Tr?t5R^>E"l?oT^

chlldren tn suburbs; good home forcompetent woman; references re¬qulred. Telephone Madlson C9S6-J.

YOUNG LADIES AND GIRLS WR1THor au-ply to the WHITLOCKBRANCH. Twenty-thlrd and CaryStreets, Rlchmond, Va., ln regard toa situation learnlng to make andpack clgars; good pay; pleasant sur-roundlngs.

AVANTED, TO EMPLOY A COOK ANDhouse cleaner. Apply to G. 11.CLARKE, US East Broad Street.Must have gori recommendatlons.


WANTED, A SERVANT FOR GEN-eral house work; room on premlses.1708 Park Avenue._

WANTED. DAY AND NIGHT NURSEfor lnfant. MRS. LEARY, 1S09 WestG race._

WANTED, A GOOD COOK. APPLYMRS. R. A. PATTERSON, Stop 14,Westhampton car line._

WANTED, A COMPETENT WOMANto do clerlcal work ln a bank ln asmall town; state age. experlenceand salary wanted. Address H 67C,care Tlm-s-Dlspatch._.

GIRL WANTED TO LEARN TO MAKEladies' halr goods, swltches, pufts,etc. 214 North Fifth Street._..mi______¦¦.aniM_~.

__»oltcit_C£( ano £»ale_m_n.i_r__SM_Sr^0LNTl_5^exporlenced whiskey salesman, wlthestablished trade wlth the best sa-loons and cafes ln Vlrglnla and ad-Jacent torrltory; flrst-class rofer-ences requlred; good opportunity forthe rlght party. THE STANDARDDISTILLING COMPANY, 213-215 E.Eighth Street, CIncinnati. O.

EXPERIENCED LIQUOR SALESMANwanted by largo house. Must be wellacqualnted wlth the local trade.Splendld opportunity for reputableman. S. B.. 59 Fourth Avenuo, NewYork.

ftumnwr iitoartitng;.gu^I__fK>^B^'X__l^&^BlR__?6^Beach, Va.; Sayro Cottage, on- thebeach front; all modern convenl-ences; send for clrculars.

3Profc5_tonaIJ^clp^lantci5.WAN'fEDT^A^^H-StCIAN FOR NICEcountry location ln railroad villageof 350 inhabitants; good roads,schools, churches, etc. Address DR,M., care Tlmes-Plspatch._

THE VIRGINIA TEACHERS' BUREAUsupplles prlvato and public schoolswlth teachers of all grades on shortnotlce. Address REV. R. W. CRID-LIN, Manager, Manchester, Rlch¬mond, Va._

jEoarUins^^^_MlfsTcHARLES kTBOWERS. 115 EASTFranklln; handsomely appolntedrooms,, wlth board; large, well-ven-tllated dlnlng,room, openlng on Sec-ond Street; meals by day or week.

WANTED. BOARDERS FOR LARGE.desirable rooms; also table boarders.200 East Grace._K'ICELY 'FURNISHED ROOMS' ANDgood board: phone nnd bath: Apply508 North Fifth Street._ .'.

A FEW BOARDERS; SUMatERrates; cheerful, alry roonis. Apply308 East Main.

WANTED. MEN OF IDEAS WHO'HAVEsome tnventlve ablllty. GREELEY &McINTYRE, Patent Attorneys, Waah-*»utton_ D. c.

aacal <£_tatc OTanteto.w^jNY^^i^rii^roRTiuvri^or nlno-room modern house; west ofFlrst; south of Broad! possesslonnow or Bcptember, Address B sl,caro Tlmes-DlHp&tch,


WANTED, COUSffif HTOTTe ATrailroad Btntlon; not. over flfty Rlllesfrom Kichmond. Address A 22, cureTlmes-Dlspatch,


FOR SALE, THREE NEW. DETACHEDdwulllngu, near Chimborazo l'ark;Latrobes, slate and cablnet muutols:clectrlclty and gas; modern ln overypartloular; elegant homes. 316 N.Thlrty-ulxth HtreoL_

WRITE US AT ONCE IF YOU WANTto sell your farm; we havo oustoniorsfor a number of farms, and also forcolonlal homoB. POLLARD & BAG¬BY, 1102 East Maln Stroet, Rlchmond,Va.

$150 FOH AVILLOUGHBY SPIT LOTSv Ocean View, \ra.; only $5 cash and$5 per month; no Interest or taxes.These lots aro beautlfully locatedbetween Chesapeake Bay and Wll-loughby Bay; on electric car line,between Norfolk and Old Polnt. Buytheso lots now, whlle they are cheap.For partlculars, address W S. MAT-T11KAVS. 18 AVest Rcdgato Avenue,Norfolk, Val_

FOR SALE, CLAY STREET HOUSE;near Second; paylng 10 per cent.;$1,000 will buy two houses rontlngfor $20 per month. Call Madlson14<i7._

FOR SALE. FIRST-CLASS RESIDEN-tlal property; best central locatlon;prlco, $9,500; returning 8 per cent.clear of taxes. lnsuranco and repalrs.Address L 368, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch.

'SACHIFICE.ONE OF THE BESTfarms in Vlrglnla; 88 acres, veryrlch boII; whole farm Inclosed; evervmodern convenlence; close to depot.near Rlchmond. Klchly worth $15,-000. Make us an offer. It has got tobo sold qulck. GAP.RETT &. CO..1009 E. Maln Street._

FOR SALE, RESIDENCE OF J. I_ ED-munds. oa Staunton Rlver, Charlottocounty, Va., flvo mlles from Aspen,on Virglnian Railroad; 784 acres; 145lowlands, most of them tllled; about100 acres meadow; 200 acres inwood; splendid Improvements; one

of the finest farms ln Virginia. Price,$30,000. Address JULIAN* MEADE,Danville. Va._

FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS.MYnew cataiogue contains 400 farmsand tlmber lands; best bargalns inVlrglnla. i pay your railroad fare.AVrile for free cataiogue. Addre3sJ. R. ELAM, Box 257. Charlottesville,Ara.

j&eal Cstate for 3RcnL!l?5R~itl!8,?r~£A^^equipped storo and dwelllng; one otthe best locatlons ln tho city. Ad¬dress OWNER, B 82, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch.


that Jahnke Bros., Jewelers, S3 2East Main Street, buy, sell ex¬change and remount diamor.ds inthe latest styles. Old gold and sil¬ver taken In exchange._

FIRST STREET MARKET; THEcheapest. Phone number, Madlson27,41. 1224 North Flrst Street.



50 feet long. Address THOMAS E.CAOLE LUMBER COMPANY. Frank-lln Bank Building. Philadelphla, Pa.

A TABLE AND MEDICINAL WATERwlthout a peer.five gallons for 25c,delivered.Holly Sprlngs LlthlaAVater. Phone Monroo 477._

$ers"onaIs*._____TTlOv_£T^E§TfLENT''AvER"M"lN OF THE

law who infeat tho back stalrs ofHenrlco and framo up accusatlonsuits on speculatlon. one-haif for theother, may get thelr "frlendly set¬tlement out of court" by merelyslgnlng the typewrltten compoundsot menace and cajolery which theyare maillng to CAPTAIN CUSSONS,of Glcn Allen._



&oom£ for 3&znLwT__N f6iT^65ii?^Fo^fcttZosb

get a clean. comfortabie bed for 50c;phone. bath and Ice water free; ex¬cellent meals served next door. 1002East Clay._

NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; HOMEeomforts. 14 North Sixth, betweenFranklin and Slaln.

~^oal^nb^ioo^_Mx^gH^hIFaTioTuXhthi'.w for sum-mer wood. Slabs for kindllng. oak,hickory and plne, sawed lengths tosult evory homo. It will advanc-jlater as usual. My coal ls erolng atsummer prices. Place order now.1506 AVest Broad._

$1.50 BUYS ONE-HALF CORD PRE-pared plne klndllng wood, sultable forsummer cooking. Why pay $3.25when you can get the same resultsfrom thls? Try a load. SAMUEL H.COTTRELL & SON. Phone Maftison

Ssutuattons", professional^WAl5rT3DT^nf"Y^^tion as governess, to teach smallchildren English branches and mu¬slc. References oxchaneed. AddressMISS E. V. PIRKEY, Grottoes, Va.

WANTED, POSITION TO TEACH INgraded or dlstrlct school; certlflcateln full force. Address "STENOG-RAPHER," caro Postmaster, Gas-burg. Va.

i_peip, itlale anb jFemale.WA^T_3bT^FlRS_rcLX^^vegetable cook; good salary; goodhomo and permanent posltion toright party; roferencos requlred.Address CATAAVBA SANATORIUM,Catawba, Va._

iiiiiii ¦iiinnwiawmiriiiriiim»iii-minw.ai

jrlats" for iB*ntJrv^o^^NoWiS-Y^i&i^^

vidablo, 12 East Maln llats; base¬ment; stables. 305 West Maln; slx-room dwelllng.

3Bytin_ mibjOeantngiSENT-liTMEN^s'SUITS CLE.-\nTbD~ANDpressed, 75c; ladles' nnd gent's suitsdyed llko new; mall ordors promptlyattended to. Phone 4SG2. GILL'S,325 North -iirh._


hold goods ln any quantlty. PhoneMadlson 38,51.


WANTED, A COPY OF LITTLE'S"Rlchmond"; also coples of SouthernLlterary Messenger ns follows: sep¬tember, 1834; January and Decem¬ber, 1S3Q; Decemjier. 1851, and June,


suliurbs preforred. Address B 07,caro Tlmes-Dlspatch.


WANTED.WILL BOARD AND CAREfor horso durlng summer monthsfreo of chargo; to be used by goodlady drlvor; flno placo to,graze horso;country homo, one mlle from cltyllmlt; reforenoos exchangod. P. O.Box 655,_,__,

AVANTED, TO BUY ODD VOLUMESand numbors of Southorn LlteraryMessenger and other norlocllcals.- Ad¬dress ,1. AV. CADLEY, 50, Grand fcrt.,AlUiu__. J_. ._,.--


AVhat boys' name?ANSAVER TO YESTERDAY'S IM:/.7.I.H.



thlng ln furnlture, floor coverlngs,gas ranges, Btoves, wo will savo youmoney and make tho terms to sult;glvo us a call. THE PITTS FURNI¬TURE CO.. 1429 East Maln Stroet,117 West Broad.

FOR WAGONS, GO TO RICHARDSONBHQS., 615 Brook Avenue. Madlson1467.

FOR SALE, SECOND-HAND GUARAN-teed machlnery of evory descrlptlon,Includlng bollers. englnes, wood-worklng machinery, beltlng, hang-ers, pulleys and Bhaftlng- I. BLU-FORD & CO._

FOR SALE, A NICE, CLEAN STOCKof groceries and rent premises; nlceatore, dwelllng and stable; goodstand ln best part of clty; owner hasother buslness. Address D 157, caroTlmes-Dlspatch.

BABY CARR1AGE; EXCELLENT;high grade. Apply 909 Cumberland_treoL

BUY YOUR BUGGY OR SURREYAvhere quality ls evldent ln everypartlcular; comfortabie seats, beautl¬ful llnes and good servlce guaran¬teed; prices tho lowest- A. MEYER'SSONS, 731 East Cary Street._

A NICE GROCER'S BUSINESS FORsale; cheap; good cash trade. Ad¬dress D 173, care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

^HtScdlaneousf."riTb it"o__T"

where\"er ache or pain is lo-cated.stlffness and soreness of mus-cles or Jolnts.rub in Frayser'sGreat Nerve and Bone Liniment, andthe paln dlsappears; the greatest all-round liniment In use for man andbeast; try lt.don't auffer.here lstho right help; 25c bottles, at drug-glsts'.


YES! YES'. YES! AVE ARE GOINGand we want vou wlth us to BuckroeAugust 10. Retail Groeers' Associa¬tlon. Nothlng but a good tlme frombeglnnlng to end._


FURNITLTRE REPAIIRED AND UP-holslcred; mattresses made over llkonow; furntture and chlina packedand shtpped. JACOB UM.LAUF.Phone 329^._SHOE REPAIRING SPECIAL.

HEELING SHOES FREE, IF YOUbrlng thls coupon wlth shoes andhavo them htflf soled; men's, 75c;ladles', 60c, and chlldren's, 40c andup; whlte oak soles; sewed withwaxed flax thread; rubber heels, 25cextra. DREAVS ELECTRIC SHOEFACTORY. 716 East Maln._


furnished flat or houso; must be oncar line; state price. Address F. R.,care Tlmes-Dlspatch.


of the stockholders of the AVatklns-Cottroll Company will be held Ir. theofflce of the company, 1311 EastMaln Street, Rlchmond, Va., on AU¬GUST 9, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon.

C. S. FENSOM,Secretary and Treasurer.

Cijurcf) _3ottce*.PRESBYTERIAN.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN" CHURCH.REV.F. T. McFADEN', D. D., paator..Preachlngat 11 A. M. Sunday School at 3:30 A. M.SECOND PKESBYTERtAN CHURCH-

The Rov. RUSSELL CECIL, D. D.. pastor..Preachlng at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ServlceAVedneeday at 8 P. M. Sunday School 9:43A. M.GRACE STREET PRESBYTERIAN

Church..Preachlng at 11 o'clock A. M. and8:15 o'clock P. M. by the pastor, D. CLAYLILLY, D- D-W ESTM1XSTER PRESBYTERIAN

Church..Preachlng 11 A. M. by Rev. A. D.P. GILMOUR, D. D.; S:15 P. M. by Rev. C.C. HERSMAN, D. D. AVelcomo.CHURCH OF THE COVENANT-REA'. J.

CALVIN STEV.'AUT. D. D.. pastor..Preach¬lng at Uo'clpck by REV. THORNTON AVIL-SON, D. D-. of tho Presbyterlan of the South.No servlce at nlght. Mldweek servlce AVed-nesday at 8:15 P. M. Sabbath school at 9:30A. M.


nrwelfth Strcots)..Pastor, Rev. GEO. \V.McDANIEL. D. D. The Rav. JOHN ROACHSPATON, D. D., of Seventh Baptist Church.Baltlmore, will preach at 11 A. i^. and 8:15P. M. Sunday School CA. AV. Patterson,Supt.), 9:30 A. M. A welcomo to all.SBCOND BAPTIST CHURCH (FRANKLIN

and Adams Streets)..Morning servlce at 11o'clock. Preachlng by Rev. AV. W. L.VN-DRl'.\[, D D., of Loulsville, Ky. Mlss PollyRobins will slng tho offertory. SundaySchool at 9:30 o'clock. A called meeting ofthe church will be held Immediately aftermorning service to consider tlie reslgnatlonof Dr. XV. R. L. Smlth.GRACE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH

(Grace and Fousheo Streets)-Rev. DAVIDM RAMSAY. D. D.. pastor. Preachlng bytho pastor at U A M. No servlcoai night.Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. (Charles R.Wlnston, Supt.) Prayer-meetlns Wednesdaynt s-15 P M. A cordlal welcomo to all.GROVE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH

(Grove Avenue and Harrlson Stroet)-Dr.GEO. B. EAGER, D. D., of Louisvllle, Ky.,will preach at 11 A. M. No servlce at nlght.Sunday School at 9:lo A. M. (M. F.Cox, Supt.) AVednesday ovenlng prayer.meeting at 8:16 o'c'ack.


on slte of Theatre burned 1S11, Broad Streetbelow T\vo!fth).-Servlcos at U A. M. andS P. M. Seats free.ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.-THK REV. AVM,

E EVANS, D. D., rector of the Church otthe Advent, Blrmlngham, Ala., wll offlciatoat 11 A. M.i and S:15 P. II. Visitors andBtrangers always cordlally wolcomed.GRACE EPISCOPAL (COR.VER FOU-

shc-o and Maln Streets).Rev. LANDON R.MASON, rector. Sunday gui'Vlcoi at 11 A.M. and 8:15 1'. M. Pews aro free and allaro welcomo. Men's Blblo Class evory Sun¬day morning 0:30 to 10.30, Hon. Eusene C.Mii-sli-, teacher. You are lnvlted,


Church.-Preachlng at 11 A. M. by Rov. AA'.L. FISHBR, ot New York Clty. Subject, "ARoyal Rule of Llfe." No servlcee ut nlght.Sunday School 9:30 A. M.


Ihcrnii-J. J. SCHERER, JR., pastor.-Sor.vlces hold In Rlchmond Collogo Chapel un.til complotlon ot new church. Smulay Schooli»;30 A. M. Morning servlca 11 A. M


Church of Chrlst, SclontUt, will be hold toipori-ow morning ln church cdltlco (cornoiPark Avonuo und Meadow stroet) ut 11o'clock. Subjoct, "Splrit." AA'ednesdnv even¬ing teal.lmonlal and experionca moeiliig ut4:30. .Tlie readlng-rooms ui-e located In thoChambei- of Commerce building, and aroopen overy day from 10 untll 2. All aroiO.-aiiiHy luviwd. i J



Mabel Hite Afflicted While inEurope, Now Home Under

Care of Spccialists.


New York. August 5..Mabel Hlte,tho actress, rnay never go on the stageagain. At present she ls at her cot¬tage ln Sheepshead Bay under thetreatment of two New York eyeslghtspeciallsts. She ls wearing tho dark-est of dark glasses, keeplng out ofthe strong sunllght, and what sheknows of tho world outsldo of whatshe hears ls what she has read to herThe rehearsals 01' her company havepractlc_lly been abandoned. and theopenlng performanco ln New Yorkpostponed from August 15 to October ?.Thls postponament ls in the hope by

that date her eyesight will permit herto resume her place on the stage. Sograve ls tho condltlon of the young¦woman that lt ls sald that Mlke Don-lln, her husband, who went from thebaseball dlamond to the Btage afterhls marrlage to her, is llmborlng vpa blt to be prepared to return tothe dlamond in case Mlss Hlte cannotreturn to the stage.

Returned Three Weeki Ago.Mlss Hlte mado her debut as a star

last season ln a play called "A Cer-tain Party," written by E. M. Town-send and Frank O'Malley. There wasnot time after its production in theWest to put the play on ln thls cityafter tho favorable lmpresslon it hadmade ln Chicago, CIncinnati, Bostonand other places. It was arrangedthat the openlng this season should bein New York City.Feeling that she was certaln of a

long run ln New York as a star, MlssHlte and Donlln salled for Europe atthe close of the season. Three weeksago they came back. Mlss Hlte was

wearing dark glasses, but appearedcheerful. Those members of the com¬

pany that had been re-engaged fromlast season reported for rehearsalsThen lt became known as the daysdragged on that pomethlng waswrong.

It was reported on Broadway yes¬terday that Miss Hlte was totallyblind. The rumor caused the utmostsorrow among tho theatrlcal profes-slon, for few persons aro more popu¬lar than the Ilttle woman who robbedbaseball of its star.

Aflllcted AVklie Abroad.Miss Hlte was seen at her borne,

Ocean and Voorhis Avenues, Sheeps¬head Bay, last evening.

"Oh, I thlnk I wlll be all rlght byOctober 1," sald she. "Thls camo onme while I was ln Europe. I go: upone day to dlscover I could scarcelysee. I consulted a speclallst at once.He examlned my eyes and said theoptlc nerve was affected. Ho said lmust undergo treatment at once or 1would go blind."My husand and I hurrled home

at once, and Dr. Grausman and Dr.Clayborne, of New York, are treallngme, and I believe I wlll recover. Atpresent it is a little hard. We haven'tstopped rehearsals. I have to havethlngs read to me, and I spend sometlme motorlng, and then Mlke readsand slngs to me.

"It's a Uttlo hard, because we hadbeen expectlng to bo such a hit inthe new play."Mlke Donlln, asked in regard to the

report that he was preparlng to goback to baseball in caso Miss Ilite'scondition did not lmprove, sald:

"No, I am not golng back to base¬ball. I am golng to remaln on Tbest_ge, and so ls Mabel. She ls golngto get well. Her doctors tell her so,and we all feel that she is."At the Sheepshead Bay cottage. in

addltlon to the Donllns, are tho fatherand mother of the little actress.

Couveution Diues Flxed.Chicago, 111., August 5..The Repub¬llcan and Democratic State Central

Commlttees of Illinois met in Chlcngoto-day to name places for holdlng theparty conventions in conformity withthe stato primary election law.Tho Democratic Stato convention

will bo held in East St. Louls, 111.,September 23.The Republlcan Stato conventlon wll]

be held ln Springuold on tho same dato.No other business was transacted by

the commlttees.

Arrested on Serlous Charge.[Speelal to Tho Tlmes-DIspatch.]Blueileld. W. Va., August 5..At the pointof a plstol John Balley. an ex-convlot, forc¬

ed Joe Radford and hle wlfe to follow himfrom thelr homo ot Pocuhontas Wednesdajnlpht to a cemetery nearby, whero ho crlml-nally assaulted Mrs. Radford. Balley waiarrested, und is huld for Brand Jury.


Washington, D. C, August 5_Bothln production and in shipment of nowspaper, Juno last was the high rocorumonth slnoa statistlcs on thls subjocthave heen gathered by the Commis¬sioner of Corporation, which began lnOctober, 1808, ln June the productionwas 101,2-11 tons, the prevlous reoordhaving been in June last year, when.the output was 12,82-1 tons. Thls year'sJune output is 103 per cent. on "nor¬mal." The 1010 figures, howovor, iiuelude forty-nlne paper manufactiirlngconcorns, while in 1909, they wero ro.celved from only forty-threo compa¬nles.June shipments totolled 98.(167 tons,

ns compurod wlth an a'varngo ot 80,000tons for the procedlng flvo months.Stock on hand- at the close of Juneaiuounted to 23.713 tons, as ooiruiarcd

With 19,593 tons nt tho close of MayLast year, there were 17,200 tons 01hand Juho 30.Durlng Juno G1.9B9 tons of bool

paper wero made, whlch was onceUttlo under the high total for Maywhen 52,217 tons wero made.


U. XV. l-'inin, of Sj-rnenne Crew, AImiIJelflliorM ProfeajMor Who Detnycil

llls Urndiintlon.Syracuse, August 5..Ilerbcrt W

Faus, commodoro of tho SyraoUSi(1900) crow, to-day assaulted BeatShoppard, of tho Lyman C. SmltlCollege of Applled Science, at Syra¬cuse University, and then attackcdProfessor Paul C. Nugent, at the Iat-ter's homo.Faus, who la prominent sociaily or

University Hlll, was not graduatedlast June as a clvll cngineer. Ho waibehlnd ln two subjects owing to hl«athletic and soclal actlvltles. Ho hajslnco made up the work under Pro.fessor W. P, Graham. When he calledon Professor Nugent for a certlficatcfor hls dlploma it was refused, al¬though Professor Nugent admittcd thework was mado up, until ProtessorGraham should telegraph from Can¬ada.Yesterday Faus, who comes from

Elysburg, Pa., walked into the dean'sofflco for the sheopskln. As it washanded to hlm ho remarked to thodean:

"If you want to seo what I thlnl:of your instruction and the diploma,I will show you." He then touchcd amatch to the diploma and started tclight a clgar wlth lt."Don't try that, young man, ot

thero will be trouble," said DearSheppard."Take off your glasses lf that is

what you mean." shouted Faus to tr.tdean.Dean Sheppard then struck Faus or

the nose, drawlng blood, wlth a rln£on hls finger. Then tho dean got s.severe beatlng at the hands of FausDean Sheppard called on men ln thi

offlco for assistance, but none was offered hlm. Faus dared hlm to summon tho pollce.Leaving the college, Faus went V

the home of Pmfessor Nugent, and admlnlstered a severe beatlng to hlnalso. News of the battle ln the dean'ofllce and at Professor Nugent's created a sensatlon in the University Hillsection.At pollce headquarters lt was sah

no report had been mado of the occurrence, and that no warrant haiibeen requested.


Doctor TransplantK Part ot Ere ofYoung Man to Wonion, and

She Sccs Again.Phlladelphia, August 5..A rare op¬

eratlon lnvolving the transplantlng ola portlon of the cornea from tho eye-bali of a man to that of a womanwho had been blind since lnfancy, re-sulting ln the restoratlon of her sight,became known to-day.

It was performed at thc Medlco-Chlrurgical Hospltal, end doctors arewatchlng the case with much Inter¬est. It wlll bo severai weeks beforelt can be determlned deflnltely wheth¬er the restoratlon wlll be permanent,but at present doctors say all indica-lions point to success.The operator was Dr. I_ Wobster

Fox, professor of ophtalmology at thecollege, and ono of the leading eyespeciallsts ln thls city. His patlentswere two, a young man employed atBaldwin's Locomotive Works, one ofwhose eyes had been plerccd by apiece of steel. and the sight destroyed,and a young woman who had beenblind since infancy. One of her eyeshad been removed from its socket andshe was unable to see wlth the other.The cornea of her eye had become

opaque through dlsease.Dr. Fox decided to romovo a pieceof the cornea from tho man's eye and

place lt ln that of the young womanThe operatlon was performed abouttwenty days ago.When tho bandages wero removed lt

was found that tho young womancould see for tho first time ln her life.Her sight was not as good as that ofthe persons near by, but for a dls-tance of flvo feet she could seo dls-tinctly.

DUN'S WEEKLY REVIEWNew York, August 5..R. G. Dun &Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade to-

morrow will say:"Business conditions are irregularand at some polnts unsatlsfactory, and

yet, while falllng short in volume andprotits of that state of buoyancy thatexisted at the beglnning of the year,it is better than the superficlal aspectof the leading markets makes lt au-pear. Reports from the principal tradecentres are ln the main optlmlstlc. Onedeclares that bellef ln falr activity inthe fall ls more treneral. Another re¬ports considerable lmprovement. nota-bly among iobbers of woolens and cot-tons. Another reports utilte an activewholesale movement in dry goods. Pia:iron production contlnues to diminisli.but the demand for steel products andproducts for wire, pig and structuralis large. Prices as a rule show alittle change, but tho tendency ls stllldownward. The low condltlon reporton cotton was one of tho underlylnecauses for a further hurdening of val¬ues ln primary cotton goods and yarnmarkets.

'Curtallment of production hns be¬come drastlc and Is also InfluenclnKprices. The demand from prlnters, con-verters and the manufacturlng trades,who must antlclpate thelr wants. lsbetter, but Jobbers stlll buy conserva-tively."New orders for footwear come ln

slowly, but New England plants arefairly well engaged and manufacturershave a considerable volume of reservecontracts on hand. The price questionretards new business somewhat. Theleather market ls stlll a waltlng oneand business is obstructecl ln mostquarters."

World's Vlslble Supply.New Orleans, Auerust 5..Secretary

Hester's statement of tho world's vlsl¬ble supply of cotton lssued to-dayshows tho total vlslble to be 1,790,062bales, agalnst 1.195,580 last week and2,285,159 last yoar,Of thls tlie total ot Amerlcan cotton

ls. 951,002, agalnst 1.023,580 last weekand 1,729,469 last year, and of all otherklnds, including Egypt, Brazll, India.etc, S-15,000, agalnst 893,000 last weekand 556,000 last year.Of the world's vlslble supply of cot¬

ton thore Is now alloat nnd hold inGreat Brltaln and Contlnentat Europe.870,000 bales, agalnst 1,017.000 lastyear: ln Egypt. RS.000, airalnst 57,000last year; in India, 531,000. aaalnst203,000 last year. and ln tho UnltedStates. 312,000, agalnst 3VS.OO0 laBtyear.

I-'uttil K.xploiloil of lJollor.CSpeclal to Thu Tlmes-Dtsuutoli.]

Roanoke, Va.. AugUBt 5.News reachedhere from Rich Valiey. nn Isolated'aoctlonof aniyth county, that a boller ot' u sawmlll,owned bv John O. Perry, explodt.-d TuejJay,klllliifc- outrlslit C, O. IlRltsar, l.uthor Han-¦haw and Alex Crlsor, aiui probably fatallyInjui-inir Soliuler Mi-C'lellau.

ammoaaxs_»¦¦'- '¦ jtaaaaamaaat




Suspension of Mr. Purdie FronNorfolk Board of Control

Upheld.[Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.]

Norfolk, Va., August 5..ln th'Corporation Court thls morning .ludg'Allan R. Hanckel, ln a declslon handed down, Rtistalncd Mayor James 'fRiddlck In his suspension of ThornaS. Purdie, member of the Board o

Control, on the following counts:"That the sale of water ..to the Nor

folk County AVater Company was contrary to the laws of the clty."The salo of scrap Iron and the fall

uro to turn the proceods over to thiClty Treasurer, but applylng lt to fit

I' tlng up an offloe for tho water departmcnt, v.-as a vlolailon of law."The lettlng of alum contracts ani

certaln other contracts wlthout competltlve blddlng, was a vlolatlon olaw."Tho court, In renderlng Its declslon

sald it Avas slmply justice to Mr. Purdle to say that thore was not a syllable of testimony to show any dishonest intentlon on hls part, but thathe declslon was based on the facthat a public offlclal's acts must nobe beyond the powers of hls ofllce. an.that It ls not enough to prove thatpublic offlcial ls honest ln a transactlon that vlolates tho powers givehlm by law.The real bombshell of the declslo

rendered by Judge Hanckel was thaMr. Purdie at least acted wlth thconsont and concurrence of anothcmember of the Board of ControAVhether or not Mayor Rlddlck avIact on thls declslon of tho court ansuspend thls member remalns to b

» seen.When seen to-day Mayor Riddlc

would only sa ythat in all of hla actlons he had been guided by what hthought was hls duty to tho citjnamely, to investlgato alleged Ulegaacts of a member of the Board of Control, and to punlsh hlm lf found gullty. He denles that there was or liany personal feellng <n tho matter.


Blanche E. Holzbach.Plalntlfvs. In Chancery.

James M. Holzbach.DefendanThe object of thls sult ls to obtaln

divorce a mensa et thoro by the plalntiff from the defendant, upon thground of cruelty.And lt appearlng by aflldavit flle

aecording to law that James M. Holzbach, the above named defendant, 1not a resldent of the Stato of VlrglnUlt ls therefore ordered that the salJames M. Holzbach do appear wlthlfifteen days after the puhllcatlon othls order, ln the clerk's offlce of thsald Law and Equity Court, and dwhat is necessary' to protect his lnterest in thls sult.A Copy.Teste:


J. S. Cohn, p. q.

_S>ealeb $3ropo_al_._E2a£_D-PRO^b^ATS^^HlT^RaA-Committee of Jeffersonvllle Maglsterlal District, of Tazewell countjhas on hand about $7,600 to be expended on the permanent Improvement of the maln roads of sald district. AA'e hereby advertlse for bldon tho repalrlng of tho macadam othat part of the old Flncustle ancCumberland Gap Turnplke, formerl:macadamlzed. Sald blds must bibased on tho mlle.

AVe also ask for blds for bulldlnjnew macadam road, blds to be basecon the mlle. The speclflcatlons aito how the old macadam road shalbe repalred and how the new mac¬adam road shall be bullt can bo seerat tho clerk's offlco ot Tazewellcounty.Any cltlzens who may deslro tc

have tho money expended on anypartlcular section of the maln roadfof Tazewell county, within thls dls¬trlct, may have the same so appliec'by supplemontlng the above amount33 1-3 per cent., and blds are ro-quested on any roads where suctsupplement ls made.Any cltlzens desirlng to supple¬

ment the said fund must flle th<same with tho clerk of the Board ol

Supervlsors on or beforo the 12ttday of August. 1910.And all blds must be filed wlth th(

clerk of the Board of Supervlsors otor before the 15TH DAY OF AU¬GUST, 1910. The commlttco can fur¬nish any contractor a ten-ton steanroller for a reasonable rental, to b<used on any of the work contractecfor under thls advertlsement.The committee reserves the rtghl

to reject any or all blds.F. THOMPSON.

Chairman of Road Committee forJeffersonvllle Muglsterlal Dls¬trlct of Tazewell County, A'a.





HOTFL WOODWARDBROaDWAY AT 66TH STREET.Acceaajblllty._E-clu»lvo roflnement

HOTEL ARLINGTON18 WEST 23T1I STREET, NEAR IIHIHDWAY.Rooim S1.C0 per day. aud up; Wlth bath, $2.(. and un

HOTEL BRISTOlT~122-121 AV. 19th Street. IIowIquurteis for Kouthernera

-tniilo rooms $1.00 p*r clay and up. Sluglo roouiii ancl__uht2.0O por day uud up.


HERALD SQUARE HOTEL3ITII STREET AND BROADWAY.$1.60 a day, uauotimthi $3.00 wlth bath.



K.u ,'h (1.60 pur duy aud up.



Rootuand bat,S2.lX) por d.iy iiiulup.


FacliiBlluiitrnlP.-irk.SpucWl Sunitner ratua. Idsal nri-ominoilatloiu forfumllica. Huml for booklet.

ADVERTISINGWo can make a Huocess of your pro¬

positlon thru our judlclous plana otadvertising. AA'o havo valuable In¬formatlon and lulnlml-'-o »--nst. Ask fortii-o plans,

Freeman AdvertiaingAgencyAlutuat Uulldlnv,

ltlcliutouil, -.-.« ^«.« VlrulnlM.

3RcflI t&tatt (or Betrt,

&// Call for V\^»

Rent ListJ.D.Camcal&Son

6N. 11th St. y«oOxV Madison /Vx'b

FOR RENT,The best Flat. ln the city of Richmond,

220 SOUTH THIRD STRKET.About 12 rooms, 3 baths and evory

convenlence.DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR,

14 N. Eighth streot.POR RENT.

510 NORTH MEADOW STREET.A beautlful nlne-room gray-brlck

houso. recently bullt, havlng all mod-ern'conveniences: heat by steam; Ilght-cd by elctrlclty and gas; detached onfour sldes, havlng wlndows on foursldes: llghtest house ln the city. Pos¬sesslon September 1. Rrnts $540;


$otel_.Special Dining Room for

Automobile Parties. \


The most magBificent hotel inj.the South. European plan. Roorasingle and tn suite, with and with¬out baths. Spacious sample roomsj

Special summer rate, $t per daj* ]and UDward._ _.I

Yellow Sulphur Springs*VIRGINIA.

Spend AiiKiist at tho Yellow Sulphur.You cannot afford to pass the sum¬

mer wlthout taklng advantage of thesarcelebrated waters.

jf XV. D. l'AXTOX, Proprietor.!__».K SHADE INN.

Most beautlful hotel and grounds ln South<west Vlrglnla. Perfectly equlpped for com<fort and pleasure. Ballroom, orchestra. ten*ni», pool, bllllards.

The Heightti. Buena Vlsta. Va.In heart of Blue Rldge Mountalns. QraneXcllma*c, sconery and water. Bullding on«of tbe most beautlful and spacious In thcSouth. Large and plt-ns.int company. Spe»clal low rates for such advantag-es. Freabooklet. Box No. 550.


Opons June lst. Elevatlon 2,000 feetCures nervous prostratlon, dyspepsla.rheumatlc and skin troubles, malaria,kldney and bladder dlsorders and femnloIrregularltles. Clears and beautlfle3the complexlon. Write for bookletand terms.

M. C. THOMAS. Mgr.,Crockett Springs, Va.


Two Hotols, Ocean and Country Resort.Double natural advantages; good accom-

modatlons; moderate rates. Seo ad. In B.Sun, July 6th, for routes, outlng, otc. Book*iets. A. H. O. MEXRS,

tVachapreag-e, Eastern Shore. Va.

Re'noh Entrance. Hot Sea Wator Batnlllot Cold Kunulne Wuter in IOO Room

Pacific and Ark's Aves., near beach. Bathlngfrom house. Publlc and private baths. Specia*$1.50 to $3.50 daily; $8 to $17.60 weekly. incluilinajchoice table supnlied from our own farms. Whttilservice. Music Booklet. PAUL C. ROSECRANS.

ELBERONAND FIREPROOF ANNEX, Tennessee Av«-<nue, near beach. Central: open surround*lngs; opposlta Vrotestant and CatholloChurches: capaclty 5C0; new throughout;runnlnir water ln rooms; private baths;metal beds; 4.000 feet of porches; excellenStablo; fresh vegotables and poultry fromour own farm; wlndows screened: whlte.servlce: booklet. Speclal, SS lo $17.50 week-.ly; $1.50 to {3 daily. R. B. LUDY. M. D.

Hotel Shoreham,Ocean end Virginia Avo. A modern Hotolwlth every convenlence.elevator. private,baths. otc. Open lawns allow plenty of llshtand ah. Ideally located. Servlce and tanlutho best. Rates. $12.50 up weekly. Booklet,


HOTEL STICKNEY,Kentucky Avenue

Second house from beach. Fireproof. Elevatorielectric lights, rooms single or coramunjeating withcr without private baths. Ocean view. Splendidtable. «up daily; S12toSI5r|^cKNEY

Tennessee are.. uear Ueach; always openPrivate baths. elevator; excellenc tahle;white serrlce! $2 up daily: $S up wkly. Sat. toMou.. 53. Dookleta. Marcaret Walsh Duneao.

HOTEL IROQIUOSSouth Carolina Avenue and Beach. Capao.Ity, -100. Modern and up-to-date; 100 front,ocean slde rooms; prlvato baths; elevator;line porches; music; whito servlce; clegonCtablo. Spoctal rate. $12.50 up weekly; $2-50and up daily. Booklet. W. F. SHAW.

The Salt Breuth of tbe Sea lltUuca lio.tlu

ioTEI_~SANAToRIUM£OTiWlth us elegant comfort, Its superior Tabl<

and Sarvlca and Curatlva aud Tonta Bath<wlth truincd nttenclants. Is an id'.al plac*for a lons or a short stay,

F. L. YOUN'l Qsa'l Manager.

CDCCGuldeel ATUNTICCWTwlth nups. tlds aad R. 8- tiautsblw, tto. UMW»

HOTEL DUNIjOPOceun Ave. »«d Bqardwalk,

AtUntlo CUy, N. J.Refurnlsh«d and redeoorawd throughout,

European plan. $1.60 per day and up. Flrst*class restaurant, Full orohe.tr*. Whlt«service. Open all year.

R. E. BELANBY, l?lt)l»,y, R, BOWMAN, Manaser.