L - UNIVERSAL LAW, NATURAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY (The Russell Cosmogony) by WALTER RUSSELL, Sc.D., and LAO RUSSELL A Home Study Course [or the Transformation of Man UNIT IX - LESSONS 33, 34, 35, 36 Copyrighted 1951 by Walter and Lao Russell No part of this manztscript can be printed in any form wzthout pemiissh from the author, except by a reviewer who my quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper. ISSUED BY THE WALTER RUSSELL FOUNDATION SWANNANOA, WAY NESBORO, VIRGINIA -

Walter Russell's Home Study Course - Unit 9 - Lessons 33,34,35,36

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(The Russell Cosmogony)



A Home Study Course

[or the Transformation of M a n UNIT IX - LESSONS 33, 34, 35, 36

Copyrighted 1951 by Walter and Lao Russell

N o par t of this manztscript can be printed i n a n y f o r m wzthout p e m i i s s h f r o m the author , except b y a rev iewer who m y quote brief passages in a r e v i e w to be printed i n a magazine o r newspaper .





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Walter Russe l l , Sc. D . , and Lao Russe l l

L E S S O N N U M B E R 3 3

The Walter Russe l l Foundat ion, Swannanoa, Waynesboro, Virginia

I - - U - - O P P - ~ Y _ - - ~ - O O - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ ~ - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - ~ - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - - - - - - -


Copyrighted 1951 by Walter and L a o Russe l l


All of these l e s sons , p a s t and fu ture , have but one dominant purpose. Tha t

purpose is to give you the knowledge you need to live gloriously and abundantly

a s an individual unit of Crea t ion , and to l ive collectively, in peace and happi -

n e s s with all other human uni t s of Crea t ion .

These lessons a r e a SCIENCE O F LIFE, o r a SCIENCE O F HUMAN

RELATIONS, for the i r s u p r e m e pErpose is to give a l l mankind knowledge of

how to live together g l o r i o ~ s l y , and abundantly, in peace and happiness. M a n .?

h a s never ye t had that knowledge.

The t ime has come when the human r a c e m u s t have that knowledge and put k

i t into prac t ice , f o r the wor ld is now i n grave danger because of long p r a c t i c e

of' a cosmical ly c r imina l s y s t e m sf hurnan rela t ions which has bred hate and

f e a r into the ve ry warp and woof of the r a c e and made every man the e n e m y of

every other man.

Once again the world i s confronted with a swift plunge into long cen tu r i e s --

of Dark Ages. The human r a c e i s on i t s downward road to m a s s s l a -- -------

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UNIVERSAL LAW, NATURAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY P a g e 540 - - ~ - - - - - P - ~ O - O ~ P _ O I _ _ P - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

i s the f i r s t step toward tha t degradat ion and degeneracy too hor r ib le t o

descr ibe which swallowed mankind f r o m the 5th to the 12th centur ies . The

descent of man toward oblivion has inc reased with a la rming accelerat ion of

speed for fifty y e a r s . I t will i n c r e a s e i t s speed until the human race i s blotted

out by the dehumanization p r o c e s s begun by the new kind of enemy and the new

kind of war which he does not under s tand. It i s undermining the m o r a l f i b r e of -- -

the human race so quickly, however , and s o insidiously, that he m a y be too

weak to cope with i t when he a t l a s t does comprehend i t .

I t can be stopped, however , when the CAUSE of i t i s comprehended and

man has become enlightened with new knowledge needed for the t ransformat ion

of a l l mankind.

That new knowledge is h e r e . God sent i t to you in His Message to m a n

which has been par t ly r e c o r d e d in The Divine Iliad and these lessons . YOU have

r ead the mi rac l e of how The Message w a s sen t to you in Lesson NO. 7.

You can save the world f r o m another deep plunge into chaos if you l e a r n

God's way of life and put i t in to prac t ice in t ime --for you have but v e r y l i t t l e -5

t ime . YOU HAVE BUT NINE YEARS. 5 '7c.P f-lv /J- \ jPY I 1% 6 *'T/f i? ------ - -- --- _--. % .. _- ..- ?- ~ f i g . wt+ i~n , r & ~ r i ~ i l i 7l>Tx,(;<, f~\p,{; .;~-oip(& - c h i ; . 5 % Z - - , . ----- ---- .-/.-. , -, -.. ---. - 2 ---"Th two of these nine the end of 1 9 5 3 you m u s t put the en=; >

I. %S < sys t em of human relat ions into r e v e r s e by cational p r o c e s s 15 which will awaken the world t o i t s dange r . 1-6

rU,u $L,(yz.ydh'9" ' \TI

The next seven y e a r s will be r equ i r ed to gain s t rength f r o m the mighty ,A.

power of universal law which will then work WITH you instead of AGAINST


.I - By :I960 the world d l 1 s e e the dawn of a new day i.n i t s human relat ions if 7

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the world takes heed of Godg s saving Message Otherwise i t will be too la te . - (

X (7.7 F r o m 1953 to 1960 i s the -crucial period which will decide the destiny of man- -

We mus t make c rys ta l c l ea r to you why we have - but nine y e a r s .

It i s not war between nations that i s causing m a n ' s fall . War i s - 4 t 7 $' ..:

CAUSE -- i t is E F F E C T . The CAUSE l ies in MAN, Man i s divided against

himself. ' H e i s a t war with himself . Man is tEe enemy of man--every man, -- - everywhere, and alway's h a s been. He has never had the slightest inkling of the ---- -

meaning of UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD, nor that the GOLDEN RULE i s

Nature ' s inviolate and inexora-ble law. Man has been the prey of man f r o m the

beginning and still i s . Because every man made eve ry other man f e a r h im he


has built a world of f ea r a ~ d hake which always h a s been and sti l l i s . Love has

not yet en tered the world. Love i s law- -and law has never yet entered the -. --

world. Man has made his own law i.1: ,violation o f God's 1 . 2 ~ .

Love means halance - -and unity. The whole world is disunited. Man i s --

disunited. E v e r ~ element of m a n ' s human relations is d.isunited, his i n d ~ s t r y , PA-- - -

his government, r ideology, religion, education, language, r ace and cul ture . -- Every institution whicll man e-ver built i s divi.ded against i tself , just a s

every m a n who bu.ilt i t is divided against a l l other se lves , --man against man- -

nation against nation


War has always been the bas i s of human relat ions the world over . War -

of man against m a n and war of man against law, man-made law and Nature ' s . ~


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UNIVERSAL LAW, NATURAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY Page 542 - - - -_ - - - - - - -_ - - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - -

War i s universal. War between man and man i s not local, nor i s i t

national, nor i s i t cyclic o r periodic, with intervals of peace. War between

man and man i s continuous. It beg n when m a n brought his might over right . . h

methods from the jungle into his new stage of unfolding a s Consciousness

dawned in him.

There never have been intervals of peace without fear. There have been I

but truces between wars of nations, and between wars of men in their dealings -

with other men. These too have been but truces - -truces heavy with fear.

There never has been peace between natian or neighbor where nations could P. - ---

fearlessly disarm, or neikhbors could P&arlessly unlock their doors, or cities -- -

could withdraw their police .

F e a r of criminal aggression has kept nations heavily armed, cities

+ $'

heavily policed and neighbors doors securely locked.

F e a r of hunger and insecurity has bred anarchy, nazism, communism, and

Hitler -Mus solini-Stalin leaders of hate.

F e a r bred greed--and greed divided the world of man into master and

slave --ruler and subject - -aristocrat and commoner - -feudal lord and serf - - rich and poor --exploiter and exploited- -landlord and tenant --capital and labor - - a disunited world divided against itself.

That i s what war is--the EFFECT of FEAR. There i s no! time in human

history when there has been a cessation of *r, nor freedom from.. FEAR of


Nature i s now destroying man for man's defiance of Natural law. Nature -

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never -punishes. She but gives in kind for that which is given. Man has given

hate and f e a r to man, and Nature h a s given hate and fear back to him. Man

has always made war .to destroy, enslave, exploit o r take that which i s the

possession of other men--whether i t be h is life, f reedom, love, happiness or

securi ty. Might over right has always been the sole bas is of his dealings with -

other men

All of man! s empires have been built that way, in violation of God' s law- -

and God's law is now dismembering every empire that man has ever built fo r I)

God's law fulfil ls man ' s des i r e by giving back to him that which he gave

Man made war , and Na tu re ' s law is giving i t back to h im in kind, and in

equal m e a s u r e , just a s NatureP s l aw gives love back in equal measure when

love is given L-QLud--O, All through this whole s e r i e s of lessons you have fu1.l explanation of

Nature ' s law, but it will be well f o r you to begin again a t lesson one and review

them concentratively, and meditate upon them decer~trative1.y~ so your know1 -

edge will give you grea ter comprehension of what i s happeni.ng to the world of

man. Do this , f o r you a r e the seed which will save man from his own se l f -

suicide. Careful ly restudy l e s sons No. 15 - 29 - 30 and 31.


People who a r e fearing the probability of another world war a r e thinking

of a war of guns, bombs, bat t leships and marching men. Tradition and habit

have made them think that way. Such people a r e watching for the approach of

an enemy f r o m outside our b o r d e r s .

*~*".9 The enemy M"lT not come that way, nor y&&e come with guns. The enem!

ri /\

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fanatical hate --deep hat red in the hear t of the slave who has ar i sen to s lay -

his master .

& The world divided unto itself - -half m a s t e r - -half slave - -cannot s t and . r L.jq t...7 +.--t/ 6 e- $?2(&,&-i+yJ,_.- 4k-.#( A,..- & &W-.- ,

~ h e r e ' h a s never been any other kind of world. Call i t lord and ser f - -con-

queror and conquered- - r i ch and poor - -exploiter and exploited--privileged and

underprivileged- -or employer and employee - -it makes no difference. All a r e

master and slave when the interchange between the two i s unbalanced. When

interchange between the two opposites i s equal--they a r e then mates- -and their --

interchange gives power to each equally--instead of to one of the pa i r --unequally.

Both a re enriched- -instead of both being impoverished.

Under Nature's law of universa l brotherhood of man the cosmic' pendulum

swings both ways. The power wielded by the mas te r for centuries , generates

hatred of equal power in the slave. The cosmic pendulum then swings the other - - -

way to balance the action of inhumanity to man with i ts equal reaction of

inhumanity to man.

d That i s what i s happening in the world today. This war which has already -

been raging for yea r s is not a war of nation against nation to build g r e a t e r P

.' empires, i t i s a war of man against man within the borders of every nation. It - ------ i s a war of hate in man, hate r i sen f r o m the dead to give hate back to man to

degrade him completely.

.+ . .


Natural law is now swiftly giving back to world conquerors the agony which

they gave to the dead whom they have conquered by the sword. The dead a r e

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UNIVERSAL L A W , NATURAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY Page 545 _ - - - _ - _ _ - 0 ~ - - - - - 0 - 0 - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - -

ar is ing - -and behold - -the dead a r e swiftly advancing toward the living. And in

the hand of the mighty dead i s the same sword with which the dead were s la in .

All the atom bombs in the world will not r each the enemy which now

awaits t o des t roy the des t royer of man, f o r i t i s not man who i s the enemy,

nor i s it nations of men . The new insidious enemy i s hate - -hate in dehuman-

ized m a n who waits--and works while he waits--to dehumanize you.

i 't. + s i t s with you i n seeming friendship - -waiting --plotting - -hating. JLe s i t s

in your office, working against you- -in your government, stealing i t s s e c r e t s ,

opening doors f o r your enemies and closing them for your fr iends-- in your

church- -your home --your labor union- -your club--undermining- -destroying- -

lying - -vilifying - -stealing - -saying "yes" and doing "no" --practicing sabotage - - - -- t r eachery - - t reason. -

You do not know th i s enemy whom you a r e feeding, coddling, patronizing,

supporting and protecting in his right of f r e e speech, even though his speech

te l l s you plainly tha t h is a i m and purpose i s to overthrow your nationP s f r e e -

dom and enslave you behind his i r o n curtain.

It i s difficult for Chr is t ian people to understand the power of hate which

denies God and r idicules GOOD, but that power i s strong. It i s the power of

might over right which the f r e e half of the world used to enslave the other half .

It i s the same power which the enslaved half is now usin.g against i t s conqueror! -

to f i r s t enslave, then dehumanize until no semblance of divinity will be l e f t in

the human race .

You have had enough examples of that dehumanizing process which i s

awaiting you and a l l mankind in the dozens of t r i a l s of innocent m e n accused

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