Stor ybook Village Pr eschool Family is the first school for young children, and parents are powerful models. -Alice Sterling Honig W aiting List Packet

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Storybook Village Preschool

Family is the first school for young children, and parents are powerful models. -Alice Sterling Honig

Waiting List Packet


28 Maxwell Court, Santa Rosa, CA 707-843-7704 www.storybookvillagepreschool.com

"I f it hasn't been in the Hand... and the Body... I t can't be in the Brain." BEV BOS

Each program?s scheduled hours and daily rout ines allow us to honor our values to provide quality care and educat ion and create responsive, strength-based relat ionships with families while promoting teacher retent ion. We value engaging families and focusing on meaningful relat ionships to support social/emotional growth and limit ing challenging behaviors. We have designed Storybook Village Preschool to do just that as we partner with WestEd as a Teaching Pyramid Mentor Site for preschool-aged children and PITC Partners for Quality in the infant and toddler programs.


This tuition schedule is from August 23, 2021, to August 19, 2022. Children are enrolled in a primary learning group three to five days a week: the behavioral support needs of a child and primary group?s availability determine a child?s schedule, including an extended hour option for the preschool room.

Infant Room (Birth to 24 months old* & 1:4 care teacher-infant rat io)

Full-Day Primary Group Hours: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm*Infants move up into the toddler program is based on developmental readiness and the toddler room availability.

3-days: $285 / 4-days: $315 / 5-days: $345

Toddler Room (18 months* to 3-year-olds: Diapering and potty training & 1:6 care teacher-toddler rat io)

Full-Day Primary Group Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM OR 9:00AM - 5:00 PM 3-days: $249 / 4-days: $272 / 5-days: $300

Preschool & Pre-k (3-year-olds to enrollment in Kindergarten: must be both three & mastering potty training; 1:12 teacher-child rat io)

Part -Day Hours: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM3-days: $157 / 4-days: $181 / 5-days: $205

Full-Day Primary Group Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM* OR 9:00AM - 5:00 PM* 3-days: $217 / 4-days: $241 / 5-days: $265 *Preschool families can add an hour to their child's day for an addit ional weekly fee of $12.00.

Preschool Transit ional Room (Transitioning toddlers* to young preschoolers & 1:6 teacher-child ratio)

Full-Day Primary Group Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM * Toddlers turning 3 years old will be moved up to this group if there is no availability in the Preschool Room.

3-days: $249 / 4-days: $272 / 5-days: $300

A $100 annual registration fee ($50 for each additional sibling) is required for enrollment. When you enroll your child(ren), you are reserving the time, space, staffing, program materials, and nutritious meals for your child(ren) whether he or she attends or not. The $50 waiting list fee will be applied to the registration fee, including the one-time Emergency Kit fee of $20.00.

Application for Enrollment & Waiting List

Thank you for choosing to add your child to the Storybook Village Preschool waitlist. To secureyour child’s spot on the list, we ask that you submit a completed application along with anon-refundable $50 Application Fee. The non-refundable application fee will be applied towardsyour child’s registration fee when an opening becomes available for the enrollment process.

You may submit your waitlist application via mail or email. The application fee can be submittedvia mail or submitted to the school directly. Please make a check or money order payable toStorybook Village Preschool. If you need more information or have questions, please contactNicole Monachello at 707-843-7704 or by direct email. NOTE ONE WAITLIST APPLICATION WITHA $50 FEE PER CHILD.

Child's Name

Child's Birth Date / /

Guardian's Name

Phone (Cell)


Guardian's Name

Phone (Cell)


Desired Start Date / /

Please ✔ Box: Choose Your Child's Program

☐ Infant Program (Birth to 24 months old* & 1:4 care teacher-infant ratio)

☐Toddler & Twos Room (18 months* to 3-year-olds & 1:6 care teacher-toddler ratio)

☐ Preschool & Pre-k (3-year-olds to enrollment in Kindergarten)


Please ✔ Boxes: Desired Enrollment Schedule

☐ Full-time (5 Days/week)

Part-time (3-4 Days/week); circle days needed:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

If preferred days are not available, will you consider other days? ☐ Yes ☐ No

☐ Morning Session 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (PS/PK ONLY)

☐ Primary Group #1 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

☐ Primary Group #2 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

☐ Extended hour (Preschool/Pre-k Only):7:30 am - 4:30 pm for a later pick-up time, or 8:00 am - 5:00 pm for an earlier drop-off time.

Have you had a tour of Storybook Village Preschool? ☐ Yes ☐ No

How did you hear about us? ____________________________________________________

Please initial each of the following:

______ I understand that openings are offered as they become available.

______ I could be offered a start date that is different from my desired date.

______ Part-time openings do not guarantee my preferred choice of days and hours.

______ SVP cannot hold an unpaid space; we'll only be able to have an offered space for 48 hours.

______ I need to call SVP immediately with any changes to any of the above to keep our spot andunderstand our family may need to wait longer due to availability.

______ I understand and agree to Storybook Village Preschool fees and tuition, which are subject tochange before enrollment.

______ I will stay connected by visiting the preschool’s website and reading newsletters for schoolupdates and policy changes.

_________________________________________ _____________

Parent / Guardian Signature Date
