W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN

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  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Copyright Statement

    is the registered trademark of Shenzhen Tenda

    Technology Co., Ltd. Other trademark or trade name mentioned

    herein are the trademark or registered trademark of thecompany. Copyright of the whole product as integration,

    including its accessories and software, belongs to Shenzhen

    Tenda Technology Co., Ltd. Without the permission of

    Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd, indiidual or party is not

    allowed to copy, plagiarize, imitate or translate it into otherlanguages.

    !ll the photos and product specifications mentioned in this

    manual are for references only, as the upgrading of software

    and hardware, there will be changes. !nd if there are changes,

    Tenda is not responsible for informing in adance. "f you want to

    know more about our product information, please isit our

    website atwww.tenda.cn.

  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Pacage Contents

    #npack the packet and check the following contents.

    One $%& Wireless !'SL() &odem *outer

    One +uick "nstallation uide

    One -ower !dapter 'C/(01/!2

    One C'3*O& including #ser uide and Setup Wizard2

    One *4%$ 5thernet Cable

    Two *4// Telephone Lines

    One 0oice Splitter

    "f any of the listed items are missing or damaged, please contact theTenda reseller from whom you purchased for replacement


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    Chapter ! Product "#er#ie$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!

    /./ -roduct "ntroduction................................................./

    /.( -roduct 6eatures......................................................(

    Chapter 2 &ard$are Description%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4

    (./ -anel Layout.............................................................%(././ 6ront -anel....................................................%

    (./.( 7ack -anel.....................................................8

    (.( &inimum *e9uirements............................................:

    (.; "nstallation 5nironment...........................................:

    (.;./ 5nironment *e9uirements...........................:

    (.;.( *ecommended 5nironment.........................?< management methods make remote control

    possible. Therefore, managing the *outer becomes so easy,

    regardless where the users are.

    !%2 Product eatures

    Complies with "555:>(.//g1b, "555:>(.;, "555:>(.;u,

    !'SL, !'SL(, !'SL() standards

    5nhanced lightning3proof feature designed for lightning3

    intensie area

    Complies with mainstream 'SL!& deice #p to ?.$Dm transmitting distance supported

    "ncludes !'SL() &odem, Wireless *outer and 6irewall in


    #p to (%&bps downstream and /&bps upstream speed

    -roides one *4// port and one oice splitter

    -roides % L!@ ports and the fourth L!@ port can be used

    as a W!@ port

    Supports !'SL and L!@ access methods

    Supports "- filtering and 6irewall to preent hacker attacks


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Supports ?%1/(: bit W5-1 W-! and the latest W-!(

    encryption methods

    Supports 7ridge, ---o5, ---o!, dynamic "-, static "-,

    L(T-, --T- access methods

    Supports "-T0 access

    Supports automatic selection of wireless channel

    Supports *TS1CTS protocol and data partitioning function

    Supports bandwidth control oer specific computers

    Telephone, faE and surfing actiities proceed at one time

    Supports S@T-

    Supports backup and restore of configuration files

    Supports local1remote, Telnet and T*3>?< management


    Setup Wizard supported for easy and fast installation


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter 2 &ard$are Description

    2%! Panel Layout

    2%!%! ront Panel

    W54)D ront Panel Sho$

    There are nine indicators on the front panel of W$%:'. Fou can

    Gudge whether the deice is in good condition by checking the

    status of the indicators. The meanings of the indicators are

    described as follows.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router



    Color Status Signiicance

    -ower reen !lways

    On"ndicates it is powered on well

    Off "ndicates the power is

    disconnected or damaged

    !CT reen 7linking "ndicates the *outer is transmitting

    or receiing data packets

    On "ndicates the *outer has no data


    !'SL reen !lways


    "ndicates the connection is


    7linking "ndicates the connection is

    establishingOff "ndicates the connection is not


    L!@,W!@,iT0 reen !lways


    "ndicates the *outer is connected

    with the computer or other deice

    7linking "ndicates it is transmitting data

    Off "ndicates the connection is not


    WL!@ reen On "ndicates WL!@ is enabled

    7linking "ndicates it is transmitting data

    Off "ndicates WL!@ is disabled


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    W-S reen On "ndicates the terminal W-S is

    connected well. The indicator will

    be off after $ minutes.



    "ndicates WL!@ terminal is

    connecting W-S



    "ndicates WL!@ terminal has

    problem in connecting W-S

    Off "ndicates no W-S connection or

    terminal W-S connection eEceeds

    $ minutes


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    2%!%2 0ac Panel

    W54)D 0ac Panel Sho$

    /2 "/7"-ower Switch. -ress it in to turn on the power,

    press it out to turn off the power.

    (2 P"W6R-ower Socket. Connected with the power adapter

    to supply power.


    The standard power adapter is DC12V/1A and use of amismatched power adapter may cause damae.

    ;2 R6S6*eset 7utton. *estore the deice to default alue.


    !n"ess you want to c"ear the present information# do not

    press it. $f you rea""y want to restore to defau"t %a"ue# p"ease

    press the reset &utton three times with a spina" o&'ect. After

    a"" the indicators turn &riht# they wi"" e(tinuish "ater. Then

    the )outer wi"" re&oot and restore to defau"t %a"ue.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    %2 LA/ L!@ -ort. "t is used to connect the =ub, Switch, or the

    network adapter in L!@. L!@( port is used to connect "-

    Set3top boE. When the access way is changed into

    community broadband, L!@% is used as a wireless *outerHs

    W!@ port.

    $2 DSL Connect the &odem port of the oice splitter.

    2%2 Minimum Re8uirements

    7roadband "nternet Serice proided by "S- !ccess way

    is !'SL or Community 7roadband2

    @etwork !dapter Wireless network adapter or wirednetwork adapter2

    "nternet 5Eplorer $.$ or 6irefoE /.> aboe

    2%' *nstallation 6n#ironment

    2%'%! 6n#ironment Re8uirements

    -lace the deice horizontally.

    'o not wipe the deice with wet cloth.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Leae the deice away from hot instruments.

    -ut the deice in clean and dry enironment.

    'isconnect the power and other connections in thunder3

    showering weather for thunder3hit preention.

    2%'%2 Recommended 6n#ironment

    TemperatureI > 3%>



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    2%4 &ard$are *nstallation

    /. When you use !'SL 'ial3up to access the "nternet, please

    follow the diagram below to connect the deices.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    (. When you use the deice as a wireless *outer to access the

    "nternet, please follow the diagram below to connect the



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter ' Connect to the Router

    -lease follow the instructions below to configure the *outer.

    '%! Set the net$or conigurations o your


    /. *ight click B&y @etwork -laces on your desktop and select


    (. *ight click BLocal !rea Connection on the appearing window

    and select B-roperties.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    ;Select B"nternet -rotocol TC-1"-2 and click B-roperties.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    %Select BObtain an "- address automatically or select B#se

    the following "- address .

    !. BObtain an "- address automatically as the following


    7. B#se the following "- address


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    *P Address/


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    '%2 Login to the Router

    /To access the *outerHs Web3based interface, launch a web

    browser such as "nternet 5Eplorer and enter the *outerHs

    default "- address, httpI11/

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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    ;. "f you enter the correct user name and password, the screen

    will be the following one.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter 4 Setup Wi(ard

    #sing Setup Wizard, you can set the basic parameters needed

    for connecting the "nternet. Though you are not familiar with the

    network knowledge or the products, you can finish the setup

    easily according to the guide. Fou can also choose the 9uick

    setup menu to set the basic networking parameters.

    7ecause there are two system modes, there are two kinds of

    9uick setup interface. The configuration of the basic networking

    parameters in these two modes will be illustrated in details



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    4%! DSL ;plin Mode

    The system default mode is shown as belowI


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    your condition. "f you are not clear, please ask your "S- for help.

    6our configuration methods are introduced belowI

    4%!%! Conigure PPPoA

    "f you want to share an "nternet access line with other -Cs,

    please use this mode. W$%:' will finish the dial3up and connect

    the network automatically.

    Select ---o! and choose default alue for other options. Then

    click B@eEt as the picture shown below.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Choose a W!@ "- type. "f you are proided the static "- by your

    "S-, please fill it in the W!@ "- address. "f you are proided the

    dynamic "- by your "S-, please select B!utomatically obtain an

    "- address. "f you are not clear, please ask your "S- for help.

    Select default alue for other options and then click B@eEt.

    5nter the #ser @ame and -assword your "S- offered. "f you are


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    not clear, please in9uire your "S-. Choose default alue for

    other options and click B@eEt as the following picture.

    Al$ays "nConnect the *outer to the "nternet all along.

    Dial on Demand Connect or disconnect the "nternet according

    to the use of the network.

    Manually Connect5nable or disable your network connection


    This page shows your configuration information. Click B!pply to

    reboot the system and enable the settings.

    Congratulations on finishing the network setup

    4%!%2 Conigure PPPo6

    "f you want to share an "nternet access line with other -Cs,

    please use this mode. W$%:' will finish the dial3up and connect

    the network automatically.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Select ---o5 and choose default alue for other options. Then

    click B@eEt as the picture shown below.

    Choose a W!@ "- type. "f you are proided the static "- by your

    "S-, please fill it in the W!@ "- address. "f you are proided the

    dynamic "- by your "S-, please select B!utomatically obtain an

    "- address. "f you are not clear, please ask your "S- for help.

    Select default alue for other options and then click B@eEt.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    5nter the #ser @ame and -assword your "S- offered. "f you are

    not clear, please in9uire your "S-. Choose default alue for

    other options and click B@eEt as the following picture.Al$ays "nConnect the *outer to the "nternet all along.

    Dial on Demand Connect or disconnect the "nternet according

    to the use of the network.

    Manually Connect5nable or disable your network connection



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    This page shows your configuration information. Click B!pply to

    reboot the system and enable the settings.

    Congratulations on finishing the network setup

    4%!%' Conigure *P#4


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Select *6C/:%;"-%2 and default alue for other options. Click

    B@eEt as the picture below.

    Choose a W!@ "- type. "f you are proided the static "- by your

    "S-, please fill it in the W!@ "- address. "f you are proided the

    dynamic "- by your "S-, please select B!utomatically obtain an

    "- address. "f you are not clear, please ask your "S- for help.

    Click B@eEt as the picture shown below.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Cancel Click it to cancel all the set items.

    ApplyClick it to sae all the set items.

    Congratulations for finishing network configurations

    4%!%4 Conigure 0ridging


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Select 7ridging and default alue for other options. Click B@eEt

    as the picture below.

    Click B@eEt as the picture shown below.

    Cancel Click it to cancel all the set items.

    ApplyClick it to sae all the set items.

    Congratulations for finishing network configurations


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    4%2 6thernet ;plin Mode

    5thernet #plink &ode is also called the community broadband

    access mode. #sing this mode to access the "nternet, the

    W$%:' is e9ual to a wireless *outer with L!@% port as a W!@


    "n this mode, you only need to insert the eEternal network cable

    into L!@% port to access the "nternet with other users

    connecting L!@/3L!@; port and the wireless network. "t is

    shown as below.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    4%2%! Conigure *Po6 7 PPPo6

    !bout "-o5 1 ---o5 setting under 5thernet #plink mode,

    -lease refer to Chapter %./.( and Chapter %./.(.

    4%2%2 Conigure L2PL(T- connection is aailable only in 5thernet uplink mode.

    -lease click BSetup Wizard in the left column to entering the

    interface after you select 5thernet uplink mode.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Select L(T- as the connection mode and then click B@eEt


    Access ser#erThe "- address of the target serer L(T- will

    connect. This "- must be not on the same segment as the L!@


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    management "-.

    ;ser name7pass$ordThe correct user name and password

    accessed by the serer.


    &aEimum Transmission #nit.

    "f the network has a '=C- serer, and the "- address that

    assigned by '=C- serer is the same segment as the L(T-,

    you can select automatically obtain an "- address. Or else, you

    can select #se the following "- address and input W!@ "-

    !ddress, &ask and 'efault ateway.

    Click B@eEt to the neEt step.

    "n this page, you can check the information of L(T- connection."f there is no fault, Click B!pply to sae settings


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    The *outer will automatically connect. -lease refresh the Web

    page to iew the connection status of L(T-.

    "f you want to connect manually, or modify the user account,

    please click BConnect to connect manually.

    Confirm the 7roadband #ser @ame1-assword and clickBConnect.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    When the L(T- connections obtaining W!@"- address

    indicates *outer has been successfully connected to the L(T-


    4%2%2 Conigure PPP

    "n the 5thernet uplink mode, select --T- connection

    -lease refer to the L(T- configuration for other configurations.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    When the --T- connections obtaining W!@ "- address

    indicates *outer has been successfully connected to the L(T-



  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter 5 Status *no

    When you select BStatus "nfo on the menu, you can check the

    *outerHs current status information including deice basic info,

    W!@ interface info, L!@ interface info, WL!@ interface info,

    !'SL information, wireless connection information and !*-


    De#ice 0asic *no

    "t shows the *outerHs &!C address, firmware ersion, wireless

    ersion, system running time and system time information.

    WA/ *nterace *no in 6thernet ;plin Mode

    "t displays the Link name of W!@ interface, protocol, @!T and

    "- information.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    ADSL *normation in DSL ;plin Mode

    "t shows the 'SL link information when *outer works in 'SL

    uplink mode.


    hen the system mode is thernet up"in# AD+ information"ist hides automatica""y.

    LA/ *nterace *normation

    "t shows the L!@ interfaceHs current "- address, subnet mask,

    '=C- serer, etc.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    WLA/ *nterace *normation

    "t shows the *outerHs current wireless setup status, SS"',

    channel and security. "t will show as the following picture when

    you click wireless connection.Wireless /et$or

    "t shows the wireless connection information. Click B*efresh to

    refresh the current page.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    ARP List *normation


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter , System Mode

    Select BSystem &ode on the left menu. There are two system

    modes for you to selectI

    /. DSL uplin mode. 'SL port is used as the port

    connected to the "nternet. When the !'SL client deice -C or

    W$%:'2 initiates a dial3up connection, multiple computers can

    share with one !'SL broadband line.

    (. 6thernet uplin mode. L!@%1W!@ port is used as the

    port connected to the "nternet. 'SL port is not working at the

    moment. The function of this deice is the same as a wireless

    *outer. Fou can share a community broadband line with othercomputer users.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    The default system mode of the deice is 'SL uplink &ode. The

    following configurations take 'SL uplink &ode for eEample as

    shown below.

    Select the mode you want to use and click B!pply. !fter the

    system is rebooted, the settings are finished.


    After the !p"in mode is modified# the system wi"" re&oot

    accordin to the confiured mode and use the defau"t

    confiurations of the correspondin mode.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter . *nterace Setting

    .%! WA/ Setting

    .%!%! WA/ Setting

    Select B"nterface SettingM W!@ SettingM W!@ Setting on the

    left menu. !s there are two uplink modes for you to select Fou

    can choose the mode in Chapter ?2, two setup pages for W!@

    port are proided. The configurations in the two modes will be

    illustrated in details.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    The W!@ "nterface configuration in 'SL uplink mode is shown

    as below.

    The system has set 8 -0Cs from bridge/ to bridge8. Other

    -0Cs are set by you.

    AddClick it to enter the 9uick setup page in 'SL uplink &ode.

    -lease refer to chapter %./ for detailed settings.

    6dit Click it to enter the 9uick setup page in 'SL uplink &ode.

    -lease refer to chapter %./ for detailed settings.

    The W!@ port setup page in 5thernet uplink &ode is shown as



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    AddClick it to enter the 9uick setup page in 5thernet #plink

    &ode. -lease refer to chapter %.( for detailed settings.

    6dit Click B5dit to enter the 9uick setup page of 5thernet

    uplink &ode. -lease refer to Chapter %.( for detailed settings.

    .%!%2 MAC Clone

    Some "S- may re9uire binding &!C address. Then "S- will

    offer an effectie &!C address to the user. Fou must use &!C

    address clone function to share the "nternet with multiple

    computers. Fou are not recommended to modify &!C address,

    unless "S- has special re9uirements such as &!C address

    should bind with "- address.

    Select B"nterface SettingM W!@ SettingM &!C Clone on the

    left menu and you can set the &!C address on the setupinterface as the picture below.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    MAC"t is the *outerHs &!C !ddress to the W!@.

    The default &!C address is the *outerHs W!@ physical port

    &!C address.

    .%!%' P

    "t is used to map the traffic of one physical port to the specific

    -0C. The traffic of all the ports on L!@ can be sent to the same-0C. Select B"nterface SettingM W!@ SettingM -0C &apping

    on the left menu and you can configure the -0C &apping.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    LA/ PortThe L!@ ports used for mapping.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    click B!pply to finish settings. @ow you can access the

    "nternet while watching "-T0.


    The ,VC name on ,VC co"umn can &e any one defined &y you.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    .%2 LA/ Settings

    .%2%! LA/ Setting

    Fou can configure the L!@ port network parameters on the

    setup interface. "f needed, select B"nterface SettingM L!@

    SettingM L!@ Setting on the left menu and you can change

    the "- address of the L!@ port to match the practical network


    L!@ Setting

    *P Address"t is the *outerHs "- address to L!@. The default "-

    address is /

  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    M;The default alue of &aEimum Transmission #nit &T#2

    is /$>>. -lease ask your "S- to check whether it needs to be

    changed. "f it is not necessary, do not change it.

    Apply Click it to finish setting.


    1. $f your "oca" $, address is chaned# you must use new $,

    address to "o into the )outers manaement interface

    and the defau"t ateway of a"" the computers in A* must &e

    set at the new $, address.

    2. A"" the su&net mass of the computers in A* must &e the

    same as the settins in this item.

    .%2%2 *:MP Setting

    Select B"nterface SettingM L!@ SettingM "&- Setting on the

    left menu. 5nable "&- -roEy function to permit your local

    network users to display the multi3media from "nternet. 6or

    eEample, if you want to enable "-T0 in ---o5 mode.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    or$arding all&ulticast *outer forwards the receied packets

    to all the multicast groups.

    *nterace selectSelect the W!@ port or -0C you use.

    ast Lea#e When the multicast members leae the multicast

    group, the *outer will stop the data forwarding to the members.

    Source *P Address Pass hrough"f the item was enable, the

    @!T function will useless for &ulticast packets.

    ApplyClick it to finish settings.

    .%2%' D&CP Ser#er

    Select B"nterface SettingM L!@ SettingM '=C- Serer on the

    left menu. '=C- refers to 'ynamic =ost Control -rotocol. With

    an internal '=C- serer, the *outer can automatically distribute

    the "- address to the computers in L!@. "t is not easy for users


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    to configure the TC-1"- protocol parameters for all the

    computers in L!@. #sing '=C- serer these problems can be

    soled. Fou can set these parameters correctly according to the

    specifications of each sub3item.

    D&CP Ser#er Status'isplay the enable1 disable status of the

    '=C- Serer.

    Apply Click it to sae '=C- Serer Status setting.

    Lease ime "t indicates the alid time of the dynamic "-

    address which is distributed to the clientHs host computer by

    '=C- serer. 'uring this time, the serer will not distribute the

    "- address to the other host computer.Start *P7 6nd *P They are the "- addresses distributed by

    '=C- serer. !fter setting the two addresses, the "- address of

    the internal network host is between the two addresses.

    Apply Click it to finish the settings.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    $f you use the )outers D4C, ser%er function# the TC,/$,

    protoco" item of the computers in A* wi"" &e set as 5-&tain an

    $, address automatica""y6. )e&oot the )outer to ena&"e this


    .%2%4 D&CP Client List

    Select B"nterface SettingM L!@ SettingM '=C- Client List on

    the left menu. This page displays '=C- clientHs information

    such as host name, &!C address, "- address, and lease time.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter ) WLA/ Setting

    )%! 0asic Setting

    Select BWL!@ Setting7asic Setting on the left menu. Fou

    can set the basic parameter options of the wireless network on

    the interface webpage as the following picture. Wireless feature

    is an important function of the *outer. #sing this function, you

    can establish internal wireless networks. When the networks

    are being established, a wireless adapter is needed by the

    internal host computer to connect the wireless networks. SS"'

    Serice Set "dentifier2 and channel are the needed parameters

    of the *outerHs wireless function. The detailed setup

    specifications of each item are as follows.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    SS*D "t indicates the name of wireless network. "t is

    changeable. 6or eEampleI Fou can change the SS"' into Tenda

    as the picture shows aboe.

    &ide SS*D "t is used to broadcast the *outerHs SS"' to the

    host computer in the wireless network. Then the host computer

    can scan the SS"' and enter the signed SS"' wireless network.

    Select Wireless Woring Mode "t is used to choose the

    *outerHs working mode. There are :>(.//b mode of //&

    broadband and :>(.//g mode of $%& mode which is

    compatible with :>(.//b mode2.

    Wireless /et$or "f you want to use the *outerHs wireless

    function, please select this option. Then the host computer in


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    wireless network can access the wired network.

    Channel Mode Selection Fou can choose B&anual or B!uto

    for the channel matching mode. Fou are recommended to use

    the default alue. When there are other wireless channel

    influences in the enironment, it is better to use &anual setup


    Channel Selection"t is used to select the fre9uency range of

    wireless network. Fou can select from / to /;.

    ConirmClick it to finish settings.


    1. After the )outers wire"ess parameters are finished#

    if the host computer in wire"ess networ needs to connect the)outer# the wire"ess parameter confiuration "ie ++$D must &e

    the same as here.

    2. $f you are not professiona" in wire"ess settins#

    p"ease use the defau"t %a"ue.

    )%2 Ad#anced Setting

    Select BWL!@ Setting!danced Setting on the left menu.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Fou can set the adanced function and encryption mode on the

    adanced setting webpage as follows.

    WMM 5nable it to improe the wireless transmitting

    performance like steaming ideo on line. "f you are not familiar

    with W&& function, please enable it.

    Select Security "ptions

    There are fie encryption methods for you to select. The

    encryption intensity from high to lowI ?%3bit W5- N/(:3bit


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    W5-N W-!N W-! &iEedN W-!(. Fou are recommended to

    use W-!( encryption method to obtain a higher security leel.

    -lease select an encryption mode for the safety of your


    W-!, W-!(, W-! miEed modeI

    /. Select an encryption mode from BW-!, BW-! miEed mode

    or BW-!( in BSelect Security Options.

    (. Select default alue for other options.

    ;. 5nter the Dey word consists of :3?; numbers or letters2 in

    the BW-! Dey -hrase.

    %. Click BConfirm to finish settings.

    ?%3bit W5-, /(:3bit W5- encryption methodI

    /. Select a corresponding encryption mode from ?%3bit W5- or

    /(:3bit W5- in BSelect Security Options.

    (. Select the alue for BSelect Dey 6ormat.

    ;. 5nter !SC"" code or =eEadecimal number in BW5- Dey.

    %. 5nter the password in BW5- Dey. There are four formats for

    the password settingI

    Set ?%3bit W5-)!SC"" code 5nter $ digits or letters

    Set ?%3bit W5-) =eEadecimal digit 5nter /> =eEadecimal



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Set /(:3bit W5-) !SC"" code 5nter /; digits or letters.

    Set /(:3bit W5-) =eEadecimal digit 5nter (? =eEadecimal


    $. Select default alue for other options and click BOD to finish


    &o$ to ;se WPS 6ncryption

    6irstly enable the W-S and wireless function on W57 interface

    pageWhen you select BFes for B5nable W-S, the W-S

    function will be enabled after you submit.2. Secondly, press the

    W-S button on the side of the panel to enable the W-S

    negotiation function and detecting function of W$%:'. Thirdly,

    enable the W-S function of wireless adapter on your -C and

    connect the SS"' of W$%:'. Then W$%:' and network adapter

    will finish W-S negotiation on the password, encryption and


    &o$ to ;se WPS Pin6irst make sure that the W-S and wireless function are enabled

    on the Web interface page. Then enter the *outerHs W-S pin

    code into the pin column setting of the wireless network adapter

    on your -C. Click BConnect on the setup interface of wireless


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    network adapter to finish encryption and connection.


    1. $f the 789D uti"i:es wire"ess security settin# the hosts in

    wire"ess networ must &e confiured accordin to the

    security settins. The password must &e the same.

    -therwise# this host cant connect the )outer.

    2. A 5touch6 &utton for wire"ess on/off is on one side of the

    789D. ;eep pressin it for a "on time to ena&"e ordisa&"e the wire"ess function of 789D.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    )%' MAC ilter

    Select BWL!@ Setting&!C 6ilter on the left menu, you can

    set the &!C address filter items on this page. &!C address

    filter can allow or refuse the computers in WL!@ to access the

    W!@. Fou can add &!C addresses to increase the filter rules

    or delete the obsolete filter rules.

    &!C 6ilter

    Select MAC Authentication

    Disa9le 'isable the set &!C address filter rule.

    White list -ermit the set &!C address to pass the *outer.

    0lac list'isable the set &!C address to pass the *outer.

    Add MAC Address5nter the &!C address which needs to be

    filtered. 6or eEampleI >>(/:/>87:$:.

    Delete'elete the set &!C address alue.

    Apply Click it to finish settings.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    $f you ena&"e the MAC address fi"ter of the wire"ess networ#

    and se"ect 5hite ist6 for the fi"ter ru"e# when there is no

    effecti%e item in the fi"ter "ist# no host can access the wire"ess

    networ. 5"ac ist6 is 'ust the opposite.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter - Ad#anced Setting

    -%! Route Setting

    -%!%! Static Route Setting

    Select B!danced Setting*oute SettingStatic *oute

    Setting on the left menu, and you can set static routing on this

    page. Static *oute Setting is special. When you use proper

    static routing in networks, you can reduce routing select

    problems and improe the forwarding rate of the data packets.

    "- address, subnet mask and gateway can be set to specify arouting item. 'estination "- address and subnet mask can be

    used to specify an obGect network1 host. Then the *outer will

    send the packets to the specific obGect network1 host.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Click !dd to enter the following interface.

    Destination *P Address "dentifies the obGect "- address or

    obGect network you want to access.

    Su9net Mas "t is used to identify the obGect network with

    destination "- address.

    :ate$ay *P addressThe *outerHs or the hostHs "- address

    which the packets are sent to.

    *nterace 'isplays the interface which the packets are sent to.

    ApplyClick it to finish settings.


    hen you set the static routin items# dont set the destination

    $, address and the )outers A* / A* $, address at the

    same rane.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    -%!%2 Dynamic Route Setting

    Select B!danced Setting*oute Setting'ynamic *oute

    Setting on the left menu. Fou can configure dynamic routing for

    any eEisting interface using edit image link of the interface.

    Select the need *"- ersion and operation mode and then click

    B5nable in checkboE to open *"-.

    Click B5dit to enter the page like the following picture.

    *nterace /ame'isplays the interfaces which your dynamic

    route item is using.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Multicast Send ype This function must work in *"-(.

    6na9le'isplays the *outerHs enable1 disable state.

    Select the *"- ersion and operation mode on the dynamic

    route setting page. Then select B5nable to enable *"-.


    ,"ease use the defau"t dynamic route settin. Dont chane the

    settins un"ess necessary. -therwise# the wron dynamic

    settin wi"" damae the networ.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    -%2 ADSL Setting

    Select B!danced SettingM !'SL Setting on the left menu.

    The following picture shows the properties supported by !'SL.

    Fou can configure the !nneE and enable the items you need.

    DeaultClick default to restore the settings to default alue.

    Start Click it to finish settings.


    Dont chane the defau"t %a"ue un"ess necessary.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    -%' 0and$idth Control

    Select B!danced Setting7andwidth Control on the left

    menu. Fou can limit bandwidth of each "- in L!@ on this page.

    Combined with traffic statistics, it is effectie to control the

    bandwidth of each computer and distribute the whole networkHs

    traffic eenly.

    Start *P7 6nd *P"t is the "- address or address range restricted

    by this rule. 'ifferent rules should not be imposed on the same

    "- address or address range.

    DS Rate7 ;S Rate"t is the download rate1 upload rate of the "-

    address or address range restricted by this rule.

    6dit Click B5dit to enter the following page. Fou can change

    the "- address range and rate on this page.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    "f you want to control the hostsH bandwidth /2at $>D7 $>D71s$>P:%>>Dbps2 and the

    maEimum upload bandwidth at />D7 />D71s/>P::>Dbps2,

    you can configure the settings as the following picture. Click

    B!dd to finish settings.


    The unit of the down"oad/ up"oad rate is ;ps.

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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    2M&ps > 2089;&ps >27?;yte/s > 27? ;ps

    712;&ps > 712/9 ;yte/s > ?8 ;ps


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter !1/A Setting

    !1%! /A AL:

    Select B!danced Setting@!T Setting@!T !L on the left

    menu. !n !L proides a serice for a specific application.

    "ncoming packets are checked against eEisting @!T rules or

    6irewall filters, "- addresses are ealuated and detailed packet

    analysis is performed. "f necessary, the contents of a packet is

    modified, and if a secondary port is re9uired, the !L will open




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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    A"" of the a&o%e functions are ena&"ed in defau"t mode. e

    recommend you to use the defau"t %a"ue.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    AddClick it to enter the page as the following picture.

    Pro?deined There are some common serice types for you to

    select. "f you are not familiar with the serice port, we

    recommend you to use the default serice definition.

    ;ser Deined 0irtual serice defined by yourself. -lease enter

    the serice rule name you defined.

    WA/ *nterace Select the W!@ input1 output data serice



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Protocol ypeThe protocol used by irtual serer. Fou can

    select TC-, #'- and !LL. "f you donHt know protocol you use,

    you can select !LL.

    63ternal Pacet Port Start7 Port 6nd5nter the port range

    which the permitted eEternal packets come from.

    or$ard to *nternal &ost Port Start7 Port 6nd 5nter the

    hostHs port range which you permit to receie eEternal packets.

    or e3ample

    "f you want the internal -C at the "- address of /

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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    1. @ou can choose the defau"t %a"ue for A* interface. Tenda

    is not a must.

    2. $f you set a %irtua" ser%er at port 90# you need to set the

    5e& manaement port6 at any %a"ue e(cept 90# such as

    9090. -therwise there wi"" &e co""ision to damae the

    %irtua" ser%er.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    10.3 DMZ

    Select B!danced Setting@!T Setting'&Q on the left

    menu, you can set the '&Q 'emilitarized Qone2 on this page.

    When you set a '&Q host on your local network, the host can

    be accessed from the "nternet to accomplish

    intercommunication without limit.

    Click B5dit to enter the following page.

    Discarded The "- packets will be discarded that is come from

    W!@ interface.

    or$arded to the DM@ &ost

    The "- packets from W!@ interface will be forwarded to the


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    '&Q host.

    ApplicationClick it to finish settings.

    or e3ample

    "f you want to set the -C with the "- address of /

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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !1%4 ;PnP

    Select B!danced Setting@!T Setting#-n- on the left

    menu, you can search #-n- information on this page. 7y #-n-

    #niersal -lug and -lay2 function, the host in L!@ can re9uest

    the *outer to forward the port, thus the eEternal host can

    access the internal host for sources. 6or eEample, the &S@

    &essenger in Windows J- and Windows &e can utilize #-n-

    when it is communicating in ideo and audio, thus the function

    restricted by @!T can be used normally. 5nable #-n- to help

    support applications that would not otherwise work behind a

    *outer. 7oth #-n- "nternet ateway 'eice and @!T Traersalare supported.

    Select B5nable #-n- and then click B!pply. The settings will

    be finished after rebooting.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    1. ecause the security of current !,n, %ersion has not &een

    uaranteed# p"ease c"ose the !,n, function when you dont

    need it.

    2. -n"y the app"ications that support !,n, protoco" can use this

    function. M+* Messener may need the support of -peratin

    +ystem such as indows ,/ M.

    3. !,n, function needs the support of -peratin +ystem such

    as indows ,/M.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter !!Security Setting

    !!%! ire$all

    Select B!danced Setting6irewall on the menu, and you can

    set the *outerHs security options on this page. On this page you

    can enable or disable the *outerHs firewall. Then click B!pply to

    take effect.

    !!%2 *P ilter

    Select BSecurity Setting"- 6ilter on the left menu. Fou can

    check and add "- address filter item on this page. "- address

    filter can deny or allow the intercommunication between the

    computers in L!@ and the "nternet. "t can deny or allow the

    specific port number or all port numbers of specific "- address.

    Fou can add new items to increase new filter rules.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    "t displays the status and parameters of the configured "- filter

    rules. Click B!dd to enter the adding page as the picture below.

    ilter Rule /ame5nter the filter rule name you defined.

    Select policy

    "ut9ound6ilter the packets sent by the controlled computers


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    in L!@.

    *n9ound6ilter the packets sent by the controlled computers in

    W!@ to the *outer.

    0oth 6ilter all the packets sent by the controlled computers

    both in W!@ and L!@.

    Protocol Fou can select TC-, #'-, "C&-, *5 and !ll for the

    protocol type. "f you are not familiar with these protocol types,

    you are recommended to choose B!ll.

    ilter Action

    !llowI !llow the configured "- to pass the *outer and others are


    'enyI 'eny the configured "- to pass the *outer and others are


    Source *P Range The "- address of the computer which

    initiates a serice connection. "f it is null, it means to control all

    the computers which initiate the serice connection. Fou can

    enter an "- address range here. 6or eEample, Start

    ?/./%$.(;:.?2 3 5nd ?/./%$.(;:.%82.Destination *P Range The "- addresses of the computers

    which accept the serice connection passiely. "f it is null, it

    means to control all the computers which accept serice

    connection passiely. Fou can enter an "- address range here,


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    for eEample, Start /;>235nd (>>>2.

    Status 'isplays the enable1 disable status of this rule.

    ApplyClick it to finish settings.

    or e3ample"f you donHt want the internal computers at the "-

    address of /

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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Select B#'- for B-rotocol without changes to other settings.

    *epeat the aboe steps to finish settings.


    1. !se 5$, Bi"ter6 to for&id the T down"oadin. hen you use

    T to down"oad# you need to send a reuest to the 5seed6

    ser%er. hen the reuest passes throuh the )outer# the

    )outer can fi"ter it to pre%ent T connection.

    2. The ports used &y 5seed6 ser%er often conest &etween

    ?00 and 9100 such as ??# 9000 and E3E3. e can use

    this ru"e to for&id the ports at this rane. ut some other

    seed ser%ers e(cept T are usin 9090 port# so we often


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    di%ide them into two ranes?00F90E and 9091F9100.

    3. ecause it is the interna" ,C which initiates the T

    connection to connect the e(terna" $nternet ser%er# the data

    messae fi"ter is -ut&ound.

    8. The protoco"s which T used are TC,/!D,# so for&id the

    two protoco"s.

    !!%' MAC ilter

    Click BSecurity Setting&!C 6ilter on the left menu. !s the

    picture shows below, &!C 6ilter permits or refuses the

    computers in L!@ to access the W!@ by &!C address,controlling the users to access the "nternet efficiently. Fou can

    add new filtering rule by adding &!C address or delete old filter

    rule by deleting links.

    Select MAC Authentication

    Disa9le 6orbid the configured &!C address filter rule.

    White List-ermit the configured &!C address to pass the


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    0lac List6orbid the configured &!C address to pass the


    Add MAC Address5nter the &!C address you want to set,

    such as >>(/:/>87:$:.

    Apply Click it to finish settings.

    or e3ample

    "f you want to control the host in L!@ &!C address >>(/

    :/ >8 7: $:2 to access the "nternet, you can set the

    parameters as follows.


    $f you ena&"e the MAC address fi"ter function in A* and se"ect

    5"ac ist6 in fi"ter ru"e without any effecti%e item in fi"ter "ist# no

    host can access the $nternet. 5hite ist6 is opposite.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !!%4 ;RL ilter

    Select BSecurity Setting#*L 6ilter on the left menu. Fou can

    check and add domain filter items on this page. 'omain name

    filter can preent all the computers in L!@ accessing W!@. "t

    will deny all the re9uests which go to the specific domain name.

    Rule Action

    Allo$!llow computers in L!@ to access the domain name


    Deny 'eny computers in L!@ to access the domain name


    ilter /ame5nter the rule name you defined.Policy /ame

    63t?int PolicyControl the #*L connection which the internal

    L!@ host initiates to the "nternet.

    Domain /ame 5nter the domain name refused by L!@


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    Start ime7 6nd ime Set the alid time range.

    Add!dd the new rule to the rule list.

    or e3ample

    "f you donHt want the internal host to access the websites

    contain the string Bgame at : >>3/: >>, you can set the

    parameters as follows. Then click add and reboot to finish



    The 5ame6 entered into the domain name co"umn is wi"dcard#

    thus a"" the domain names contain strin 5ame6 can &e fi"tered.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !!%5 Remote Access

    Select BSecurity Setting*emote !ccess on the left menu.

    *emote access function enables users to configure the *outer

    from W!@ by Web browser and perform management task from

    remote host. Fou can set management "- address range and

    port on the interface webpage as the following picture.

    We9 0ro$ser5nter the W!@ "- address range which can

    access the *outer.

    We9 Ser#er Port on Wan *nterace 5nter the Web

    management port number used to access the *outer.

    ire$all *nteraceSelect it to enable the firewall.

    elent *emote login function. The W!@ "- address range


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    which can perform remote login function.

    Ping-ing function. The W!@ "- address range which can

    perform ping function.

    ApplyClick B!pply to finish the configuration.

    or e3ample

    "f you want the host at the "- address of $:./(.;%.$? to control

    the W$%:' and log on the web interface remotely ia port :>:>,

    you can set the parameters as follows and click B!pply to finish



    @ou can use the defau"t %a"ue for firewa"" interface. The

    correspondin ,VC name can &e others.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !!%, LA/ Access

    Select BSecurity SettingL!@ !ccess on the left menu. L!@

    access can allow or restrict L!@ side management access to

    the *outer. Fou can set the management type and

    management "- address range on the interface page as the

    following picture shows.

    We9 0ro$ser7rowse the Web page. The L!@ "- address

    range which can browse the Web page.

    elent *emote login. The "- address range in L!@ which can

    perform remote login function.

    Ping-ing function. The "- address range in L!@ which can

    perform ping function.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    /otice When the initial "- address is null, the default "-

    address will be all from >.>.>.>3($$.($$.($$.($$2.

    Apply Click it to finish the setting

    or e3ample

    "f you want to control the hosts at the "- addresses of


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter !2 Monitor *normation

    !2%! Statistics inormation

    Select B&onitor "nfoM Stats info and you can check statistics

    information of the current !'SL interface and WL!@ interface.

    "t is shown as the picture below.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !2%2 System Log

    Select B&onitor "nfoM System Log on the left menu, then you

    can check the *outerHs Log information. This page records the

    *outerHs system Log, so you can check the log to get the

    system eents taken place on the *outer. !fter you set the time

    range, click the BCheck button and you can check the system

    log during the time range you set. "f you click the BSae button,

    you can sae the system log in this time range. "f you click

    BClear button, you can cancel all the current log information.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter !'System ools

    !'%! CWMP Setting =R1,->

    CW&- C-5 W!@ &anagement -rotocol2 proides the

    common frame, message criterion, management method and

    data model which used to manage and configure the neEtgeneration family network deices. CW&- uses 'SL to access

    the network. When 'SL connects the network, user deices are

    too many and distributed separately and it is not easy to

    manage and maintain the deices on the userHs side, so CW&-

    proposed that use !CS !uto Configure Serer2 to manage theC-5 Customer -remise 59uipment2 concentrically in long3

    distance. This way can resole C-5 deicesH management

    problems, sae the maintenance cost and improe the

    efficiency to resole problems.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    WA/ *nterace Select your W!@ interface. "f you are not

    familiar with the interface, you are recommended to select

    B!uto. Click B!pply to take effect.

    ACS ;RL5nter the !CS #*L address of management serer.

    ;ser /ame7 Pass$ord -lease enter the #ser @ame and

    -assword you used to access the management serice.

    Periodic *norm"f you allow the deice to send data packets

    periodically to management serer to report the deiceHs status,


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    please select B5nable, otherwise select B'isable.

    Random *norm"f you allow the deice to send data packets

    randomly to management serer to report the deiceHs status,

    please select B5nable, otherwise select B'isable.

    -eriodic "nform "nteralI Set the periodic inform interal. @oticeI

    enter seconds.

    Periodic *norm imeSet the periodic inform time. @oticeI the

    time format must be correct.

    Connection Re8uest ;RLThe #*L address used to manage

    the serer connecting with this deice.

    Connection Re8uest ;sername7 Connection Re8uest

    Pass$ordI 5nter the correct user name1 password you used to

    manage the serer connecting with this deice.

    ;pgrades Managed5nable1 'isable upgrades managed.

    ACS Disco#ery 5nable1 'isable !CS #*L auto search

    function. "f you are not sure of the !CS #*L address of the

    management serer, you can choose auto search.

    ApplyClick it to finish settings.


    T)0? is pro%ided &y your $+,. $f you are not c"ear# p"ease

    inuire your $+,.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !'%2 S/MP Setting

    S@&- is the abbreiation for Simple @etwork &anagement

    -rotocol, it can monitor deiceHs status and set the parameters

    using the S@&- Client software, *outer can also automatically

    send trap information to the management host to report their


    "f you do not use S@&- to manage the network or you do not

    know whether it is necessary to run S@&-, then do not enable


    Select the RSystem Tool M S@&- settingR menu to enter the

    following interfaceI

    Read Community Set the key for reading *outerHs

    information.Write CommunitySet the key for modifying *outerHs setting.

    rap Community Set the key for reading Trap information.

    rap Manager *PSet the host "- address that receies Trap



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Click B!pply to sae the settings.

    !'%' DD/S Setting

    Select BSystem Tool''@S Setting on the left menu. Fou can

    set the corresponding configurations on this page. The main

    function of ''@S is to ealuate from static domain to dynamic

    "- address. When the user who uses dynamic "- addressobtains a new "- address on login, the dynamic domain name

    software installed on the host will send this "- address to

    dynamic domain name resolution serer proided by ''@S and

    renew the domain name resolution database. When other users

    on the "nternet want to access this domain name, dynamicdomain name solution serer will designate to the correct "-

    address. Thus, most of the users who donHt use static "-

    addresses can establish its own network system economically,

    efficiently by ''@S. This *outer proides three ''@S serices

    for you to select. When you are configuring it, please choose

    the serice type serice proider2 you need.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Dynamic D/S'isplays the 5nable1 'isable status of ''@S.

    Dynamic D/S Pro#iderSelect your ''@S proider. "f you

    haenHt registered on ''@S, please select the corresponding

    link website for register.

    *nternet ConnectionSelect your W!@ interface.

    ;ser /ame7 Pass$ord -lease enter the #ser @ame and-assword you registered on the ''@S.

    Domain /ame "t is the domain name you registered on the

    ''@S. -lease enter it correctly and you can enter more



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    ApplyClick it to finish settings.

    !'%4 Pass$ord

    Select BSystem Tool-assword setting on the left menu. Fou

    can change the user name and password on this page. 6irst

    enter a new user name, new password, and then confirm the

    new password. !fter that, click B!pply to sae the new username and password successfully.


    e recommend you to chane the administrators initia" !ser

    *ame and ,assword. $f you foret the system password#

    p"ease restore your )outer to factory defau"t %a"ue.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !'%5 ime Setting

    Select BSystem ToolTime Setting on the left menu and you

    can set the *outerHs S@T- Serer on this page. When your

    *outer connects to the "nternet and the S@T- Serer is

    correctly set, you can obtain standard time from the "nternet.

    &ost nameFou can select a default domain name for S@T-

    serer on the drop3down list or enter the S@T- serer name


    Add!dd your configured S@T- serer to the S@T- serer list.

    Delete 'elete the S@T- serer from the S@T- serer list.

    *P address5nter a -CHs "- address as timer serer for *outer.

    ime @one Select the time zone you are in and then enter the


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    corresponding time in BSystem clock blank.

    Click BSubmit button to finish the system time settings.


    1. hen you turn off the )outers power adapter# the time

    information wi"" &e "ost. hen you restart the computer and

    connect the $nternet ne(t time# the )outer wi"" o&tain +*T, time


    2. @ou must first connect to the $nternet to o&tain +*T, time or

    set the system time manua""y on this pae# thus the time

    confiuration in other functions "ie Birewa"" can tae effect.

    3. hen you se"ect 5+et the time manua""y6# if you want to

    chec the current system time# p"ease refresh the time setuppae.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !'%, irm$are ;pgrade

    Select BSystem Tool on the left menu and then click B#pdate,

    you can upgrade the firmware ersion of the *outer on the

    interface page as the following picture shows.

    Steps or upgrading irm$areStep "neLogin to our websiteI www.tenda.cn and download

    the latest firmware.

    Step $o5nter the full path of the file which you want to put

    the firmware in or click the B7rowse button to choose the file.

    Step hree Click 6irmware to upgrade it.

    Step our!fter the firmware has been upgraded, the *outer

    will reboot later.


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    1. ,"ease choose the firmware which is the same as the

    hardware %ersion. Dont power off the )outer when it is

    upradin# otherwise the )outer wi"" &e destroyed. After

    upradin# the )outer wi"" re&oot automatica""y.

    2. After the firmware has &een upraded# the )outer wi"" restore

    to factory defau"t %a"ue.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !'%. 0acup Restore

    Select BSystem Tool7ackup A *estore on the left menu, you

    can backup or restore the *outerHs configuration file. 7ackup

    function helps you to sae the *outerHs configurations on your

    computer for preparation. 7efore upgrading the *outerHs

    firmware or loading the new configuration file, please backup

    the *outerHs preious configuration to preent from losing data

    during the procedure. *estore function can help you to load the

    preious configuration files. "f you want to set the same

    configuration for multiple *outers, you can first set up a *outer,

    sae its configuration, and then load the configuration to theother *outers. 7y this way, you can sae much time in



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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    63ample !"f you want to backup the *outerHs configuration

    files, you can follow the steps below.

    Step "ne Click backup the configurations on the 7ackup A

    *estore page.

    Step $oClick BSae button on the page.

    Step hree Select the path to sae the file and click sae to

    finish backup.

    63ample 2"f you want to load the file config.bin to the *outer,

    you can follow the steps below.

    Step !5nter the full path of the file on the backup A restore

    page. Fou can also click the browse button to select the file.

    Step 2 Click Load button on the backupA restore page to load

    the configuration.


    1. After the confiuration fi"es are "oaded# the pre%ious

    confiuration information wi"" &e "ost# so p"ease &acup the

    pre%ious confiuration &efore "oad the new. $f there are

    mistaes for the confiuration fi"es you "oaded# you can "oad the

    &acup fi"es.

    2. Dont power off the )outer when you are "oadin the


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    confiuration fi"es# otherwise# the )outer wi"" &e destroyed. The

    si:e of the "oadin fi"e and its correctness of the confiuration

    commands affect the "oadin time. After the "oadin is finished#

    the )outer wi"" re&oot automatica""y. $f there is any mistae

    durin "oadin# you can se"ect the options accordin to the

    reminder information or re&oot the )outer.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    !'%) Re9oot

    Select BSystem Tools*eboot on the left menu. Fou can select

    B*eboot the *outer or B*estore to factory default alue on the

    drop3down list. Then click BConfirm to apply it. "t is shown as

    the picture below.

    *eboot the *outer

    When you select B*estore the *outer to default alue, all of the

    *outerHs configuration will be restored to default alue.

    Deault ;ser /ameadmin

    Deault Pass$ord admin

    Deault *P Address/


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Chapter !4Logout

    Select BLogout on the menu and click OD to 9uit the Web3

    based management interface.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Appendi3 !

    !% Set the *P o your PC manually

    Choose B#se the following "- address, and enter the "-

    addressI /,

    atewayI /

  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Click BOD to finish settings. Then click BOD on B-roperties of

    Blocal area connection to sae settings.

    (. 'SL #plink &ode ia Telephone line2 M Configure *6C

    /%:; "-%2


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    6na9le )12%!B

  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Select your W!@ "- type. "f you are proided the static "-,

    please enter the static "-, subnet mask, default gateway, '@S

    serer "- into the corresponding boE. "f you are proided the

    dynamic "-, please select obtain an "- address automatically. "f

    you are not clear, please in9uire your "S- serer and select

    default alue for other options. Click B@eEt to show the

    following window.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    Apply Click it to enable all the settings and return to the

    system status page.

    Fou hae finished *6C /%:; "-%2 settings.

    2% DSL ;pLin =#ia elephone Line> Mode Conigure



  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    The setup steps of ---o! are the same as ---o5. -lease

    refer to ---o5 steps to set the ---o! mode.

    ;. 6thernet ;plin Mode= Community 0road9and Access)

    Conigure PPPo6

    "n some communities, user name and password are needed to

    access the "nternet. "n this case, you only need to insert the

    network cable into the L!@% port of W$%:', and configure the

    ---o5 to access the "nternet.

    Configure ---o5

    The setup process of the ---o5 is the same as the ---o5

    settings in 'SL #plink &ode of Chapter %./. -lease refer to that

    Chapter for the detailed settings.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    4% WLA/ Setting

    Select wireless working modeI Fou can select :>(.//b mode of

    //& bandwidth, :>(.//g mode of $%& bandwidth complies

    with :>(.//b mode2 and b1g miEed mode.

    ransmitting Po$erI "t is used to set the wireless emission

    power. The default alue is />>.

    *:MP Snooping Multicast to ;nicast 5nable1 'isable "&-

    Snooping multicast to unicast function.

    ragmentation hreshold The fragmentation threshold is a

    way of limiting the size of packets frames2 transmitted oer the

    network. "f a packet eEceeds the fragmentation threshold set

    here, it will be diided into fragmentations. The size of the

    fragmentation and threshold is (;%?. Fou are not recommended

    to modify the default alue.

    RS hreshold*TS *e9uest to send2. When the size of the

    packet eEceeds this threshold, use CTS1*TS to reduce the

    clashing possibility. "t is not recommended to modify the default

    alue in SO=O, otherwise the !- performance will be affected./itro3m Piggy9ac 5nable1'isable @itroEm piggyback. We

    recommend you to use default settings.

    Select Security "ption W5- protocol is used to encrypt the

    wireless transmitting data between two deices to preent the


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    illegal user wiretapping or inading your wireless network. W-!

    is a WL!@ security enhanced solution which can improe the

    protection of the wireless L!@ system and access control leel.

    Select 6ncryption Protocol Select the data encryption type

    from !5S mode and TD"- mode.

    Appendi3 2

    !% rou9leshooting




    "ndicator Off Check if the power adapter is connected


    Check if the power adapter is matched.

    !'SL L"@D


    Check if the !'SL cable connection is


    &ake sure the telephone line is OD with

    your phone.

    Check the phone line cabling is right.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    L!@ L"@D


    Check the 5thernet cable is OD.

    &ake sure the -CHs @"C indicator is O@.

    &ake sure the @"C works normally.

    CanHt access

    the "nternet

    &ake sure the aboe troubles are clear.

    &ake sure the dial3up connection is

    established and set up.

    &ake sure the user name and password

    are right.

    "f the dial3up is OD, please make sure the

    "5 proEy serer is configured properly.

    -lease try opening multiple web pages


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    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    B-ing /

  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    connection is OD, the B!'SL3L"@D indicator of W$%:' will

    be always onU otherwise, it will be blinking. 7linking

    indicates the connection is troubled or wrong. -lease

    in9uire your "S- or connect your cables again.

    2% B *Gm an ADSL userH 9ut $hy sometimes * canGt access

    the *nternetF

    !I 7ecause !'SL adds high fre9uency digital signal to the

    low fre9uency audio of common telephone line, any deice

    added in the connection between the telephone company

    and the !'SL filter will Geopardize the normal data

    transmission. We recommend you aoid connecting

    telephone or other deices before filter.

    '% B * my place is ar rom the telecommunication oiceH

    can * install ADSLF

    !I !t present, !'SL() technology controls the distance

    under ?.$D&. 7ecause !'SL() has high re9uirements for

    the line, it is better to keep the distance under ;D& for good


    4% B Will ADSL 9e disconnected lie 5,E ModemF

    !I *egardless whicheer deice is, it might be troubled at

    times. !'SL line is also disconnected sometimes, but this

    good 9uality line can reduces the chance to be


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    5% B * opened ADSL ser#iceH 9ut can * use ADSL2+


    !I !bsolutely, !'SL() can comply with all the !'SL

    serices. When your "S- offers you !'SL() serice, you

    aoid buying another modem. "n addition, the price of

    !'SL() is almost the same as !'SL, so !'SL() is a

    reasonable choice.

    ,% B What are

  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


    ,"ease down"oad the uprade pacets from the Tenda


    -% B &o$ to restore my de#ice to actory deault #alueF

    !I There is a reset button on the *outer. 6ollow the steps

    below to restore the deiceI

    /2 Deep the deice in running status.

    (2 Deep pressing the reset button for about $ seconds with

    a tip obGect. When you release the button, the reset is


    !1% B &o$ to o9tain a correct D/S ser#er addressF

    !I /2 "n9uiry your "S- to obtain '@S parametersU(2 !fter the *outer successfully logins to the Web3based

    management interface, select B*unning Status on the

    menu and you can check the '@S parameters and


    !!% B Which actors aect the $ireless signalsF

    !I /2 The walls in the house are main obstacles. 7ecause

    wireless L!@ adopts wireless microwae fre9uency range,

    the signals receied by wireless receiing deices behind

    the obstacles will be rather weak.


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    (2 -hysical obstacles not only hold up the wireless signals

    but also absorb the electromagnetic power.

    ;2 The working fre9uency range of "555:>(.//b1g

    standard is (.%=z, but other electrical deices are also

    working in this fre9uency such as microwae oen,

    7luetooth deice, wireless telephone and refrigerator etc.

    "f there are strong magnetic fields beside, wireless

    network will be affected.

    %2 "f there are multiple wireless deices in wireless

    enironment, channel conflict and wireless signal

    interference may occur.

    $2 The strong signal interference resources such as

    wireless transmission tower, electric welding machine,

    electric car or electric transformer may disturb the wireless

    signals or deices.

    ?2 The weather may affect the outdoor wireless signals

    greatly. The signals attenuate sharply in lightning storm or

    gloomy weather. =oweer, the signals in sunny weather

    can transmit farther.

    !2% B &o$ to impro#e signal transmitting 8ualityF

    !I /2 Choose a proper place for wireless *outer. The

    re9uirements are as followsI


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    ISP VPI VCI Encapsulation

    rance 32 8 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    erman. 1 3, PPPoE LLC

    6ungar. - "ci-7etor 0 35 PPPoE LLC

    'celan& - 'slan&ssimi 0 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    'celan& - "iminn 8 $8 PPPoA VC-MUX

    'srael 8 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    'tal. 8 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    9amaica 12 8 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    9amaica ,2 0 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    9amaica 32 8 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    9amaica $2 0 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    :a*a+stan 0 33 PPPoA VC-MUX

    Me;ico 8 35 PPPoE LLC

    7et+erlan&s - 7E! 0 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    7et+erlan&s - MX "tream 8 $8 PPPoA VC-MUX


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    ISP VPI VCI Encapsulation

    "?ain - Al(ura/ Tiscali 1 3, PPPoA VC-MUX

    "?ain - Colt Telecom/ #la 'nternet 0 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    "?ain - EresMas/ %ete)ision 8 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    "?ain - Telefonica 12 8 3, PPPoE LLC

    "?ain - Telefonica ,2/ Terra 8 3, 1$83 %oute& 'P LLC

    "?ain - @ana&oo 12 8 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    "?ain - @ana&oo ,2 8 3, PPPoE LLC

    "?ain - @ana&oo 32 8 3, 1$83 %oute& 'P LLC

    "e&en - Telenor&ia 8 35 PPPoE

    "e&en - Telia 8 35 1$83 %oute& 'P LLC

    "it*erlan& 8 35 PPPoE LLC

    Trini&a& To(ago - T"TT 0 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    Ture. 12 8 35 PPPoE LLC

    Ture. ,2 8 35 PPPoA VC-MUX

    Unite& "tates - $!V>7et 0 3, PPPoA VC-MUX

    Unite& "tates - All Tel 12 0 35 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - All Tel ,2 0 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - August>net 12 0 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - August>net ,2 8 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - ell"out+ 8 35 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - Centur.Tel 12 8 35 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - Centur.Tel ,2 8 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - Co=ui>net 0 35 PPPoA LLC

    Unite& "tates - Co)a& 0 35 PPPoE LLC


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    ISP VPI VCI Encapsulation

    Unite& "tates - Eart+lin 12 0 35 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - Eart+lin ,2 8 35 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - Eart+lin 32 0 3, PPPoALLC

    Unite& "tates - Em(ar= 8 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - @' 0 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - B@est 12 0 3, PPPoALLC

    Unite& "tates - B@est ,2 0 3, PPPoA VC-MUX

    Unite& "tates - B@est 32 0 3, 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - "C 12 0 35 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - "C ,2 0 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - "C 32 8 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - "out+@estern ell 0 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC

    Unite& "tates - "?rint 12 0 35 PPPoALLC

    Unite& "tates - "?rint ,2 8 35 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - "ure@est


    0 3$ 1$83 ri&ge& LLC "na?

    Unite& "tates - "ure@est


    0 3, PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - "ure@est


    0 3, PPPoA LLC

    Unite& "tates - Toast>7et 0 35 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - U" @est 0 3, PPPoA VC-MUX

    Unite& "tates - Veri*on 12 0 35 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& "tates - Veri*on ,2 0 35 1$83 ri&ge& 'P LLC


  • 7/27/2019 W548D V2.0 User Guide_EN


    54M Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router

    ISP VPI VCI Encapsulation

    Unite& :ing&om 12 0 38 PPPoA VC-MUX

    Unite& :ing&om ,2 0 38 PPPoE LLC

    Unite& :ing&om - A#L 0 38 PPPoE VC-MUX

    Unite& :ing&om - :aroo 1 50 PPPoA LLC

    Vene*uela - CA7TV 0 33 1$83 %oute& 'P LLC

    Vietnam 0 35 PPPoE LLC

    Vietnam - V!C 8 35 PPPoE LLC

    Vietnam - Viettel 8 35 PPPoE LLC

    Vietnam - PT 0 33 PPPoE LLC

    "f you hae some problems, please contact our customer

    serice or isit our website.

    Tenda website I httpI11www.tenda.cn

    T5LI :?2>8$$3(8?$8/:> (8?$;>: