ttCERSillE K SONDiGLEIlNyP- Traffic Law Violators in Larga Grist Snxomoaed to Appear I for Pnnishment ^ : ' , .• Rati More than 80 Tiol*U>r» of trolflo or ■dbaneeB were Satnrdiiy imd yeaterflay . Bummoned to appear in eitbor the pro- j„ , bate or tbo j>olU&-eoart for hearinst. ther As A congoqnesce both departments hdd ‘fontJnuons heariage ■tartlng early on ITOnday., Tlio poKce, It !• aald, loft d card citations In'more tban 2S automO' mss: ^SUi, and arrestail^Teral persona in the rj-in s nrt.of offending against the law. lho county officers nearly met thU mark OcU during the. amo period. J ' 0 ^ ' 8 amxnnn*« ■ ^ chai Chiefly thfl summonses to appear for ''a'*, • hoaring were made in the form of cards • fctt*chSd to sleorlng wheel# of th# cars, “ the police leaving • card of ordJiwry -.white variety,’ while that of the c<iin* tv is re^ ' TJiose Bppcorlog bnforc Judgo DuvaJJ for hearing this morning, all of ^hom n«re flnod-tlO'ore: O. E. Holmes, A. m J. rcsenMr,-W. D. Tally, H. B, Tuck.r, I I I 3v. B. Lycni>erger, Charles Bolter, George llll EdJnger, E. J>. U tt ond E. A, S h aw .j|||j Tbo first named five wore operating! cars having onlj( ono license plate, thel rrmnlnder having an InBuffietent num- I her of lights. I .Hacxlaon Most Explain Z. II. North was summoned to appear L at fnr having .only one Ught on hls esr, q nhlle Porter Harrlsoit must explain to Judgo Dnvall wby he had neither li* • i-rnic -tor operation, and no license plati. Ts'olther hnd'ahown op wben tbe early Tl itriit of offenders hnd been disposed of on i in tbe probate eonrt. aent If ono must offend ngainat the traf^ 1 |„. , fie law it is cheaper to havo tho poUceT acpartment take charge of tho caso '‘J.” thnn to have to nppear In a county vnurt. The minimum flno In the latcer ' <-ourt Is »10, whllo In tho municipal tribunal it IS *2^50. ' Responding to an order to oppear be* **”" Yore tho poUee magistrate following sr* ' 7 ', rest by the^llce, P 07 A. B«ad this m orni^ paid a fine of »2.M for operat- ing a car not carrying sufficient lights. 11 Charlea Ry«n; .L. A. Warner, Cortia tiHo Adams u a L. W. Cbleniaa piOd a like I’ort amonnt for sdmllar offeosat. J a e lf Vi»C' Smith •'waa ftoeA-WW-^apwdtog. ^ Th» W magistrate has a deep pile of flnaa* SnUs Kirered eonrplaints b e^re him at noon. c<»U VIOLATE THESE [J; RULES AND PAY PENALTY OF LA W "S; ____ ' >K 'n City and County Traffic fiegu- lations are Cited in Brief ""jj ' Form i.iini, In conneotion with tbe campaign to jiruji ^atop traffic law violations the co-op* mncli crating departments, police and shorlffs, fimi; n'nkos.the. following jp.xplanatlon of fhe traffic reflnlrements in the county and TirJn Ftalls eityj ' / , Cars mnst be equipped with two haad- • liKhts and dlnmera. . ' Cars mu«t be eqoipped with a red toO llRht. Cara^mnat bo equipped with a tall ,,,, Uaiht so arranged u to shed full r*di- ‘j , iinrc pn the rear Ucenae plate. > Lieenso plates must be kepr clean and , free from dirt or grease. ' One licenae plate must be displayed ^ rorispicuously OJT the front of the ma* dun? and oie on the rear. J’T , Speed limit in tbe city Is 15 mUes , ‘ ' an hour on streets and eight on cross- ’"speed limit In the eountry 1s 30 mU?s nn hour on straight roads. * ^ Cars most slow down .to pass over' ^ rond crossings. . Cara must slow down to make turns . ^ wbore view to the ne»t road Is ob- If a. ileenso plate is lost owner of P |]| CUT mnst immodlatciy apply lo the ptfijv UUI vr connty authority for a doplleate. In town ears muat not be allowed to Hand at Main avenue curb* longer tl.nt. three minutes between 6 a. m. and 6 Between 6 p. m. nnd fl a. m. tho limit for standing at curbs is off oa-Maln J Mrcft. On narrow ajweta cars must, park jjar- nllel with tho cn>bs. Parked cars must-bo protected' by a red warning light at the rear. Irrij Ttescrlbed soaei are narked abont > > fire pings. nnd TaCHfflSl™ - 1; OFmilCCIDENT's nml miss Jnlia Hilringer Enstains a Broken Collarbone on. * to r Pike’s Peak ____ puw ______ •' tlnti From Denver comes, word of a aerl- rns accident which will.prevent on® of "W'." tu teachers In >6 a Twin FaUa pnblle M-hools roiter reporting for work sooa. * The teacher is Miss Jnlia M. Hiltinger. who last year tanght In the seventh and rifihth g ^ e s the Bickel schooL . A Mlas HJlxingrr, according to the r». duri TX>rt, oa September T was In an antomo- was hiJe accident «hUa drlTing dowa Pika’s a d Peak aad iBstalaod a broken coOorboM. agai A sister, who was with the party, aa- Mrt i-nr«d withont lajnrr. Miss BOoUgtt 000. <a In a hoapltaL Att( W M fEeilNS OF FORMED Qj WllfiSENTEBMB'i' ree, with All. the Trimmings, p liven^by Legion for the. Former Soldiers Ani igionnalres numbering nearl>' SOO ered in Elies hall Friday nlgbt for a 0 iu entertainment of veterans of D Civil and tho Spanish' wnr. Guesta Bur !io ovoning wore well provided for p ,, tie way of entertainment features, ) being a number of musical selcc- I, daneo classics and nn appotitlnif coui icon was served. Several good* ; addresses were given. iring tho business period of tho P'®** on plnnaf woro considered for car- fout r out tiio coming Horvpet Home i«.ci Ival, which Is to be held early in ber, and Is designed to bo n bcnu- . ffair io help tbo Legion, ball fund Committees wivo named to bnvij {0 of the concessions at the feati* Herbert Loutcrbaugh, gcocrnl ' man pf tho celebration plana," gavo *J«i' tailod roport on arnmgomcnts for festival mndo to date. . Decision ent<^ roaehod for n legion booth lo bn trirl ilished at tho count,'* .fair noxi for - A com'mlttiJP in cbnrgu of tliln fnrc solicit Aeml>vTthip8. • In ITiffllCT I ’E T T I E D F D B S downers Urge Stops for reating 50,006 Acre Reo- lamation Section c Twin Fnlla county commissioners Inturda.v-rccelvod a pe'tUbii pro- d by Iniidlioldera uffectod nixing f„r he Inking of steps toward crcallnu slicc u projioaed Murtnugh irrigation di«- * . Thev have m-t Mondny, October a lho dnlo for final hearing on lho P n ion nnd whieli timo dccIsion ia tu | achcd a.<i to'whether or nnt nn dec- will bo'eallod for the purpose if Ig on crcallon of the proposed ills- Expect Long Hoaxing., - csentntlun aud roceptlon of thu pc> 1 was without iaeidont. Jamea W. « :r, attorney for the petlUoners,*ad- i that the hflaring might 'Ixi ,11 by one and.tuggestoil that the co'm- ^ oners mnko arrangements for Us it.v, iiuanre over a period of three ot suVh dny*. gene intion of tho propoaed district Is lo lion, n inilini stop toward reclamation Tl Plirosimutclv 50,000 ucres of Innd cotir ted nbovo the mnin cnnal of tlio »>e i Kalis caual system between Han* *•" 1 Hid ililner. ' der plans adopted bv the petition* nd indicnted ig tho petition, rcch- )n of tbis Innd would bo neeoni. ",'C ' fd at nn estimated cost of MO iwr Ar/nngements for financing ilm [j"* et arc understood to hnve been " p , by the pelltlonors nnd a Dcnvi-r ^ iri.il concern. To U ft Watar - - gnrd rposes of the petitioners in purri- Tl nf tboir plans for reelaiming iMs >n°d< as set out iu this petition incliido nRtallntlon of pumps to lifl irnler Snnko rlviT at n point 350 fed Th* of tho Milnor <lnm to n height af feet ond to ncquiro. by purchase, ^mnatlon or otherwise a power sHe • , le polat of separation of tho hitjti „|„ low lino cannis of tho Twin Falta I s\atcip and crect them a poirer to producQ power to operate the eont (iposcd wnter supply for tho diitru-f outs ven as 600 cubic feet per seeoad pcm Snake rivor under application foi whl< it No. 1864:2, and from storngo cn- rred y to bo purciinscd from the federiil tent: rnment in fho American Fall* r*s- tbe r to fhe extent of three ncro feet Tl nier fi.r enrb nere within the .li>- per - witli BSM m SMIIH I icGEPrs iH iin ; ; 10 Statesman will Address leelamation Congress in . Seattlo this Month ,.r n Mai ngressman Add’snn T. fiinith has prei: itetl an invitation to ntten'rtbL* L ’oo ation and Roeiamation rongress to the eld nt RenUlr on Sei.t'-mber ir.-17 ^Yhl Irllvor an address>n the bill^hieh Pi as Introdueed providing for ntst.’ fion fe<leral cooperation In financing neet mation projoets The, propoaed lho lation. wliirh !■ known aa tbo I.anj h-neteher hill has been favorsbl.v .isrt r»ed by thp repiildiean state eoa- K»rl on anil numerous rommerclal eliib^ Tl reelamation nnsnriatinn*: and al»o tl.e 10 seerelarv of the Inferior. of t .Sm ith-left for Boise Friday .Inv infer with the officers of the re- i.oin ean state -central eommittee and in i eand’dates in regard to the coa- men: of tbe campaign which will b* worl e«l at Boise on llie I7th intUat at Tl h (toveraor Hording of Iowa will )e prlneipal speaker.-' |jcs * It p PH7SZCXAK IS 8XJZO. Pnii leging negligence and eArelesmess nia. ig a period of treatmsat when she mar! Ul Mrs. V. G. Swanson bas brought post noce action la the district court for u Dr. T. e. WosMin of Twia FalU M Swaason aska Jndgment for IIO,* peet Tbe paperi were filed today by to 't niey Homer C. Mills. a P< LS W TWm PAI* 8 , IDAHO, TKOa 1EEP DIPPING ' w ROGRESS N O TED .. . , ______ ' , H mai Indnstry Blan Finds 'leasing Conditlbns Among District Herds buUdi r. J. D. Adams, dirootor. of tho Idaho ^nu of Animal Industry, was in Twin ouart s Friday looking ovor tbo prog- ^i-Ida of tho shcop scnb eradication in the Ity. W5iile aomo delays have ba-n untcred ho expressed himself as »cU from sod with tho ultimate outlook -lud s]ioke id tbat all ranch sheep will have ' I'dipped within len dnys fr «wo ks. ble. . juatico to tho farmera nnd to pic* cuss . any infcctlon from entering this ,|,„i t ion’alkshccp coming from tho rang* nrrru II tills county, othor jwirts of the n„i. f • or from nny othor state, or for- Tin couutEy, must be dipped before A'onJ ring tho TivIn Falls Irrigated dis- raMix , or nrrflugemcnts..mu8t be mjdo of th dipping at point of unloading bo- going to food lots. ||rii tlie ovent nn owner, who runs b1 »ooi> jy i l l * djnuDt ranges, owns n vat’within IslUl county, and finds It' impossible to - *1 ou the rango, lio.maV apply to Jinj ?ctor to take his sheep to said vai > ninicdialo dipping, provided the,In- tor, nftor a'rigld Inspection, :finds Wini anininis freo-from Infeotlon. utton shoop may bo shipped.for Im- nto slaughter without dipping If inpanicd by n certiflcato indlRUt* that some arc froo front infeotion. ('l.'l shocp going out of tbo county or Ameri I for feeding or brooding purposes 'Vlios« bo jccoro'panlod by an interstnte ficato bearing a notation tbat samo been properly dipped and giving of same. Tbo usual atato feos nro ■'““'‘f ijed for later shipments as well aa 1{ the dipping of Infsctod aheep or ;i tlint hnvo been mixed with lnfect> Mmm. TIlKENByOFFlClllLSjl .ck Farm East of Town is i> .'’ « cene of Sunday Bald—Ko “H^^otch” Found ■ «comc —_ .. Colon 16 nppardtus hna not a large eapae- tbn e but still it is n “ still,'’ and a< ' if s jKissespIon rom.'« under the T fl I rnl bead of prohibition law viola- ([| [ lis Htlll is ou exhibition nt thn fy sheriff's office, nnd is, perhaps, loatcftt nnd most complete affair of inrtlciibr sort yet gathered in bv rabnnd niitbnr<tie«. Enrique Gon- AIl(>n I. a Spaniard, ia l.eld In the founty in eonnertlor. with thb eonriseat- Die still. He is said to havo been operator nnd the (ase hns been ro- 'd direeUv to tho ftdoral author! .m,„ for action. i„y,] iri^iuo Gonxnlps owns nnd condiiets .i,af* 1 e-nere tm ct of Innd about a half ,viirrn cnit of-Twin Fnlls. Uc vs a trncl. ener-b.v • oeeitpation. ......... - f„nn 1 10 nrrest nnd eonfiaeation were .i,.„ > Sundny by Dop.it.v Hheriff oon ;rt F. Redmon anO a'member nf ^ police foree at Iho Gonrjile* plaee. apparatiis, when faken, gave every y 8 atlofl of having been In recent _,„i _ ,ce for the disfillatlou of a fruit ,A . The sberlV admits no “ mash'’ Istilled liquor wen- found witb tli.> nnying tho owner bad evidmtiv xh- “ tipped off” to tbe movements „ J e le authorities. An empty 10-gallon ,,nnpc was found ni'nr the still, but tbi.i ained no contraband.' On the ground _i,. ; Idc of tbo house, howevw. the off. “ ," ' dseovered n wet spnee, part of •h hnd apparently been baxtilv cov- «r« i witb dirt. II is believed tbe eon *t„,:J « of the keg had been emptied on X approach of the officers. le still is fompose.1 of a small roo- retort eouneeting Its long spout n eopiH-r worm in n biirket of JT d t t n gallon capacity. The machin- T, ia Well eonstrncted aud amply ppcd. 1 attempt was made this mornln? btnia bail for.ponrJiles but failed. _ ------------- Z------------- Law DWERS OF WHEAT ' ti< PLftN ORGANIZATION --------- r>is loklng* toward early fonniag here Hvcst 11 orcanizsfinn to be known as the o Wheat Growers' association, a minarv meeting attended b.v nearly .0 ii,« rarniers, wna held Friday evening in Parish ball hero with Dr. John E. fe in charge. , and s ir7>oses of tho proposed organiea; >n,i , "Whieh is to link the Twin Fall.’ „{ tj,, on with ft growers’ movement in counc northwrsL, were explained by Bruce p»on, Power county agricultural .onm'l ,t. and l.y Dnn Pish.-r. hanker, of linnd, Idaho. le -necting delegntcd to Pr. Whit? I,uteh work of completing 'organltatiuu .ntm lie association here. Dr. White to- h„ur« announeed that hn cxpeeted to ap- n-cek. f for eaeh of the U shipping points A he cwioty, a eommittee of three 1 berrffo proceed with nrBaniratloft ic pr^^sed organization which hss endors^ent of the sUte universi- of Idaho. Washington aad Oregoa, AI tanned ou the order of the Citrus Tra t CJrowers’ association of Califor- rareil It is designed to better produce an thi ^iLng'cooditions. and so far as the A ible, to rt^ la te the market pricc west, produce. was r embers of the association are ex- end i ed. lo|turs over their wheat crop* compn •^moweled by the assoeiatioa for the s^ ■riod bf-slx year*. ease. ®EKI aSDAY,,flBP»5MBBBT6,19^ flS ISHEIlBO ON ^ Qj NEWRftWO PLIirJ •sident of Idaho OentriU || Solds Interesting Confab with Boards r t a general meeting of Jbe railroad dlog advisory committco held joint- rlth tho Twin Falls directors of tbe |m lo-Kevada Holding company in thi rters of tho chamber of commerce lay evening Geo. L. Davis, president lie Maho Central Bailroad company incd hia comi>au^ Vpoaltlon with ro- t to the sehemo for constructing :» llogersou. to .Wells, Ncvkda. He EC of the car ahortago, and express* I I belief that a aouth outlet for Twin kill 8 would have a cogent inlluenco in fi,o ging about a remedy for Ihla trou- lie spoke of Uie prospects of sue* L for tbe rail lino building urojoct „ tuld-of tbo advantagu likely to bo t-"* ui*d from tho operation of a i.mili In from here Hoi lie eommitlces will meet ngiin on iday and completo a progmm for *’*^1 ing- tho bonus of <i200,000 rciiiired hi# scction of tbo country. wliiiiiiEs HIIEtECiOll’liSilESTSs mers of Congressional Med- eiln) I of^Honor to Attend the Cleveland Convontion .KVI-;LAX1). 0.. (;P)—Outstanding * ’«•' ririlii IjoMcs of tbe world wnr Uior i« brnvcry won for tbem tlie cou- jroo <ionat medal of honor said to tio we tnnat difficult to obtnin of all mill- viot deeoratlons, will be tbe guosts of reed r af tbo si-eond nationnl .eoiiven- thot of the American Ii<‘glon to be held off Sepfcmber 27,20. An organlration pile; ho men probably will be effortcd We le .-4 Am.-rieaim slill living of.the >1 vho n-ere nwardcd the medal for „o,n N In tbo world war havo been In- wor I'to rome to Cleveland at fho eon- a U ion's'cxpense nnd bo entertained thnl t. while bere. This Is said fo b.- the U n nttempt to get tiigofher.the coun- ** 4 highest ^lonur men. re<li A few months ogo they were hailed dud I proud country as horoc-s of tho iJpu est tyjw, but wllh Ibe signing of Kus armistice and domoblllcation.^ey. are led to drop Into ohscnrlty," said thn nei,-C. C. . Chambers,--fhnlrman of loti eotivenllon reeentfy. wbl w iiir s onennciiEE iged Bootlegger is Now Ac- Art used of Threatening to Mnrder Ohabez oiitd It be found wI..mi tbe Span- a Kneriqiu' nonnli-s, is nrrnigned, .15 tbo evidence Is not siiffieient to nfte nnt trial on clinrgo of owning and tnln ating a private dlslillorv outfit the 6bl( will be hold by the stnte aufbori- and nn n chnrge <-6n«idered more grave. A inxalca,' who wns arrested on Sua- fror by jrolice nnd aheriff'a officers, tho be arraigned tbis afternoon befor<* ent< . Commissioner Powers, w itb'a fed- and prohibition officer'eondtieting tho tacV irj', tbe charge being illegal pos- amo n of a contraband liquor-mokli^ jaw -®- cnr( le other charge is threat to commit ler, and wns Instituted at the In A re and upon statements made to tho acci iy authorities hv Antonio .Cliabet, nf Spanish extraction. Cbaber. ii ^ras ;ed lo hnve stated that Gonsales of ntly attempted, an assault upoi/ ceiv Cbabex, and to bave thrvatensd to wbi «r kill Chaber. in cas.- he reporteil wlii alleged offenso lo tbe authorities, nev nve him murdered by friends. «cei rmers May Sell Uninspected Meat >iu. to the Consumers IS V is Specific but £xamina> ' ion is Urged as Matter of Protection for All Kdi ______ feu Istrirt farmers mav vend meat from •lock raised and' butchered them- direct fo the rnn»uracr without JT required to submit the carcasses , ^ lie municliml meat inspector for e* lation. If the meat la to be re- T”-l the cnrcawea must be intpcctra K'O' stamped. its is Ihe eitv council's eonslnicflu.i tie terms of the meat ordinanee. The icil*nnd inspector recommend,-how- " r-that for the prot''ction of all per ****“ involved meat should be inspected re sold to anvone. l '“< >r the benefit of farmers who taki her their own stuff for sale in 1 arrangements arc to hC msde for * of Inspection on ccrtain days eneV dc«i c. On theae dava the inspector. Dr. e“t ^. Faloon, wilt establlsli heodfiuar- tti a central plaee. C&Ttasses for taki :h iiiapeetion is aaked, most eon- certain etemenla of the viscera P*"*' their natural aftaehments. PPEAxTtBiANM^IPT JtEADT. * T -anirript of appeal has beea pre* ed d tiy Court Cletk CUrenee Bowen froi be case of C. A.-Robinsoa'agalaat hort Adams Fruit eompanv of the nortb- eee< In thla ease default jndgtaent of 1 readci'ed la the diatriet e^art sev- algi months aigi> ai^lsst the defendant the ;>any. The latter has appealed to eha supnmi' court for a re-Uial of the coa chu W m i l M r s f IILL P E B li M QDCZraLE^ leriallsm Spells Doom <if ^ Sway of Lenlne In Russia, *:o \ccordlng to Esthonlan Tor- S f iign Minister In t.ondon . ■ S --------- Tb ONDON, aa imperialism toda; ■d crarisot so will imiwrlalism be and death of Russian soviotism, is tho Uctlon mado to The Associated IS correspondent b.v M. Pilp, tbo Ionian foroign minister In London, char] inatvring tbe consequoneea of tlic .Wt Jicvlk offcnaivo In Poland. ot ix hilo foreign minister, last year M. this 1 pitted bln agalnat: tho Bolsheviki B«v. Dorpat aad ho is regarded as ono rotur ho bost authorlttos lu Europe on Mant linn political and cconomle condi- 0 - ^ *• conimoH with reprcsontallvcR hero Falls, ther ltiin<<lnn bonlor states, M. PIIp. J- W atciiing. with profound concern,the Ister lo|imcnls in Poland. M. 8 riic Bolshoviki ore fighting Po* Ore., witb Ibe allies ammunition wblen goes enptur<«il from Donlklno oad Knl- »• D< 111 - snid. “ Thia Is now'almbsf B. Mi iialoil nnd Uuasin,cannot rehew .lt'* _ ‘ seiisslng tbo ]>us8lbilltr of an at fllU b y the Dnisbcvlkl on Eathonia, M. r f l | >Vo nro'reftdy for them. Tho Es* lau frontier Is now <^ 8 'ed-by our pxcejit the gatelT through whlcb >ro trading witb Russia. The aor government must know If U ne- CoUl a In obtaining a foothold In Ea- la tho nlHos would Instantly cut ^ Itussia from tbe vitally noedod aup- It is now receiving through na. might perish but soviet Russia , De< d go down with us." _.„,i . PHp nsacrfed that Bussia's ero* ,, . ir-.‘..iidltiou wns rnpldly gotUng 0 bcenuso this season’s crop was fer ^ iluro. Ho said It was not valikely year. llie cities will soon be wholly di‘* Tbe soviet'govornmont dare not fo Us onormous nrm v," he con- i>d. “ Unemployment Is now a erl- be problem throughout tho wholo of iln nnd if lho mon who, as soldic's comparatlvoly woll eared for, wore wn on theit own resoureoa a revo- As in would' w ult, Thia chief terror p«yn ■It' tbo soviet rulers hnve to face Is WP«' r nnd dcmoblHxntion." shut » is re: neher of Eden w .“n Victim of Attack “ j;,” by Vicious Horse bur Shields, Veteran of Two 7ars, in Serioos Condition and at Hospital •tliiir Sliielils. un Eden farmer, aged , .as brought to Twin Falls.Salur.Iay moon to be treated for injuries siis !iiin nn attack by a vieious horse, t.rial Id was.attacked.early this morning is aald to be still unconscious. i,»nlf ■eordlng to meagre reports coming . 1 IMen, Shield, who is a veteran of • ^ Bpanish-Amorican and tho late wars red a corral on bis ranch a mUo , ft half south of Edon and was nt- •„ ed by tbo borsc. Ho sustained, ag other major Injuries, a broken ir, l,r«..ch. f» Twi» F.I). in W of Dr. H. w. CloHcbek. •Ibur Garfield Shields, victim of on lent at Eden last Balurday moralnR In a locnl t>o-.pital Mou.loy. Deatb tho imme.llale result of a fractur*> , 5. he skull, wllh outer Injuries, ro- pd wbon he struck by a horso 'h sprang over n corral fence, near v h .Mf. mtcT.Ts Btiort. Decedent " J r regninrd eonsciousnes. after Ihe rthur Sbields was ft veteran of tho wnr nnd a aingl.' man. IIo serve«l , 1 tlic One Hundred Focty sixth ar- ry in atl of tho major eagagcmenfs bodv of Amorican soldiers partiet* d in ngalnst Germany in Idie 18 tlia of ser\-ien abrosd.' He returne<3 I'll lie United States June 28. 1910. He urvived bv his pareots, Mr. end . Jamea Shields of Boise; a brother, ard Shiebls, of Romeo. Colo., and sisfera, Mrs. Alice Lawrence ami R. E. Leighton of Eden; Mrs. F. Mcfl L’amtnack of Boise and Mrs. Nan ntosh of Brandon. fiiuenii was betd In DeW itt’s M 'l Ul i o'clock p. m. Tuesdav wiiti ti Falls poat. No. 7, American Le- Tli , .assisting Ix-o Flora post of Eden, meat nl wos in Twiu f^lt* cemetery. toir , fo b MOST KEEP THB PEACE. ; free neriijue Goniales, who was placed Th ■r arrest l.ist Sundav on charge of port atlng an ililelt distillery on bis Mon< e enat of Twin Falls, was- Tuesday m<*at n before Judm O. P. Duvall of a se< probato coiift and placed tmder Twin I tn keep the peacr. This bond Is eoso jncd lo prevent Gonrales carrying of co an atteeed threat td kill Antonio woa >cz, a Mexiean. No actloa - was Th n by Ihe state prohlbiUoa authori- with on fhe “ moonshine’'-Charge. The thori t- bond is #S50 cash. elty ------------- -- ------ .. vestl NEW PASTOB ABEIVEa lacip le Rev. and Mra. E. L. White reach- lent rwin Falls WednesdaT overland m e I Great Falls, MonU to make their here. Tho Rev. Mr. White sue- s the Bev. A- O. Beaaett as pastor , De he First Methodist ehareh aad to- «zeet t will attend Ws first meeting of railtt members of his eoagregatioa la the to de eh psrlor*. Tho aew minister,will the t latt aU-servkes at the Methodist «t»xt th next Sunday. rlgoi M S : lOMmiEET INIIN FULLS1321 ron City OonferenofrAacepts Avitation to Come Here Next Year ’ - ' la Falls Is to be the eonvention for the next annual meeting of dajio Methodise conference. Thla 0 word brooght hero by tho Rev, , Bonnott, of Twin Falla, who pr^- d tho lavltatloa at a eonforonco elosod at Caayoh City,Ore. Tbi ation waa unanimously accepted mt eonteat. e Bov.- Mr, Bennett and family are [• In Kimberly, tlie gnesta of Mr. Mrs. J. W. Hardin. They wlU te- to TwIn'Falls and bo at home to ds this evening. Tomorrow they for tholr now Borne la Great PaUs whero tho minister will have re of the First Methodist ohnroh. - •rd of tho following appolntinents.'-«^ terest to tho Methodiat people of dty and vielnlty, ia brought by ths Mr, Bennett: The Ber. II. Proyor oed to Caatloford; tho Bov. P. M ling, rotumed to Hansen; the Bev. . Barnes, rotumod to Rupert; tbe -E. • O. Keith, forni.Jrly ef Twin gooa lo Emmett, Idaho; tho Bov: . Parker, also at one time a min- hero, retumed to Nampa; the Bev. Hawk, formerly of I a Grande, to Buhlj the Rev. 0. 0. Heath to Burloy from Duhl; the Rov. C. lal.returned to Filor; the Bov. 0. * tngum returns to Kimberly. FoelilBSI iVE wne CUTOFF Ig U Orders Bills Bendered r'Half the Obst of ,Heas- . nring Device ilslon was readied hy olty council lers Mondny night to imme' y' Innbgurato a plan of eolloetloaa rater motors Installed daring tbe Tho'superintendent of water;-., 1 has beta Instructed to make col- n of one-half the total amount of nt this time, tho otheiA half to iollccted at a later pe^d. Tbo nt will bo added to the‘regular bly sen’iee. bill. \ . a penalty for foUor'e-to meet .this -f' eot .«ithin^«,reaaoaaue perior tho- Intoadent bas been authorized tu off water ser\-ieo until settlement lehed. . nday's meeting, without Major . Eldridgo In charge, brooght forth matter of an espoclally'Important 0. A numbor of bills wero sub- d for approval and warrants were od draiwa In payment. ■rieades at the ends of alloys be- i Sixth and Soventh avenue north Sixth nnd Seventh avenues east, ordered removed to permit pass- ' tf garbogo sragtjns for tbo collec- :if garbogo said to have beea ac- ' latlng tho,^pjist six weeks. Thn I'hnvo been prepared with a rock for paving, bot tho surf 0 clDg ma- ' has not been poured. As long Is condition obtains tllo 'garbage ra mny use the alleys la pMng vocatioas. young man claiming to havo a n arm, appeared with' aa ap}>eal roe permit to sell a ataplo article B streets. He s^d ho was ia part Ip with a cripple who eould not r. tbe npplifatloa was-rcferrod s mayor. n Koto, restaurateur, presented a for <47.75, sold to be the amount mago sustained to hia property by ’ from the breakbig of a mala dur- nne, 1919. The cl^m was allowed, offir; made by"E. M; Barria, for ellvery to tbo city of a triangular of property on Third avenue west )ark purposes, wa* xejected, the rty being too small to be of eenrlce, M deemed. Tbe elty ongineer was icted to make Immediate arrange- I for taking earo of surplus roof ’ from tho. Colonial apartments, water will bo rua throngh a dralu e .liter. tgue Infects Big Proportion of Swine Herd t Inspector Beports 34 Ont ' 46 Hogs Slaughtered to be Tubercular Irfy-four hogs oul of a conslgn- nf 45 delivered at a loco] aBat* for alaiightef Mnnday were found 5 tubercular. The o’ther 11 rwers from itio disease.' Is consignment, according to a re- rendered at citv eonncil meeting lay nlgbt \,y Dr. Faloon, dly and ttbottolr Inspector, eome from lion not more thaa 10 mUea from ' Falls. In some instaaees the dls- Is said to have shown up In a atate atlderable advsncfment. The meat eondesnned. Is report was made la eonneetion a reqaest of^h« iasp*et4t foe on- ty to—have ths Berrleea-ef th>? chemist a t his-disposal ia the in- cation of suspected casa^. of an lent sort, and to detemioe tie 'ex': of diMOse’s derelopmeat and Its nature. BOLD DP FUND DBIVB. vision has been reoehod by th«< tlve eommittee la eharge of the od boUdlag guaraatee And drive fer campaign aeUviUea nstiU ^ter onaty fair period. Work wlB be »d early aest wmV w itb T«aaiwed oad interest, it is daclared.

W M LS W®EKI W m M Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · BSMm SMIIH I- witli icGEPrs iHiin ;; 10 Statesman will Address leelamation Congress

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  • t t C E R S i l l E K SONDiGLEIlNyP-

    T r a f f i c L a w V i o l a t o r s i n L a r g a G r i s t S n x o m o a e d t o A p p e a r

    I f o r P n n i s h m e n t ^: ' , .• Rati

    • More than 80 Tiol*U>r» o f tro lflo or■ dbaneeB w ere Satnrdiiy imd yeaterflay. Bummoned to appear in e itbor th e pro- j„ ,

    ba te o r tbo j>olU&-eoart fo r hearin st. ther As A congoqnesce bo th departm ents h d d

    ‘fontJnuons heariage ■tartlng early on ITOnday., Tlio poKce, It !• aald, lo ft d card c ita tions In 'm ore tb an 2S automO' mss: ^SUi, a nd a rre s ta il^ T e ra l persona in th e rj-in

    s n r t .o f offending aga inst th e law. lh o county o ffice rs nearly m et thU m ark OcU d u ring the. a m o period. J

    ' 0 ^ ' 8 amxnnn*« ■ ̂ chaiChiefly thfl summonses to appear fo r ''a'*,

    • hoaring were m ade in the form of cards• fctt*chSd to sleorlng wheel# o f th# cars, “

    the police leaving • card o f ordJiwry- .w h ite v arie ty ,’ while th a t o f the cerger, Charles B olter, George l l l l EdJnger, E. J>. U t t ond E . A, S h a w . j | | | j Tbo f ir s t named f iv e wore operating! cars having onlj( ono license p late, the l rrm nlnder having a n InBuffietent num-

    I her o f lights. ‘ • I.Hacxlaon M ost Explain

    Z. II. North w as summoned to appear L a t fn r hav ing .only one Ught on h ls esr, q n h lle P o rte r H arrlsoit m ust explain to Judgo Dnvall wby he had neither li* • i-rnic -tor operation, and no license p la ti. Ts'olther hnd 'ahow n op wben tb e early Tl itr i i t o f offenders hnd been disposed of on i in tbe probate eonrt. aen t

    I f ono m ust o ffend ngainat th e tra f^ 1| „ . , f ie law i t is cheaper to havo tho poUceT acpartm en t tak e charge o f tho caso '‘J . ” thnn to have to nppear In a county vnurt. The minimum flno In the latcer ' K'nC i t y a n d C o u n t y T r a f f i c f i e g u -

    l a t i o n s a r e C i t e d i n B r i e f " " j j ' F o r m i.iini,

    In conneotion w ith tbe campaign to jiruji ^ a to p tra ff ic law v iolations the co-op* mncli

    c ra tin g departm ents, police and shorlffs, fimi; n 'nkos.the. follow ing jp.xplanatlon of fhe t ra ff ic reflnlrem ents in the county and TirJn Ftalls e ity j ' / ,

    Cars m n st be equipped w ith two haad-• liKhts and dlnm era. . —' Cars mu«t be eqoipped w ith a red toOllRht.

    C ara^m nat bo equipped w ith a ta ll , , , , Uaiht so arranged u to shed fu ll r*di- ‘j , iinrc pn the re a r Ucenae p late. >

    Lieenso p la tes m ust b e k e p r clean and , free from d ir t o r grease. '

    One licenae p la te m ust be displayed ^ ” rorispicuously OJT the fro n t o f the ma* d u n ? an d o ie on the rear. J’T ,

    Speed lim it in tb e c ity Is 15 mUes , ‘ ' an hour on s tree ts and eigh t on cross-

    ■ ’"speed lim it In the eountry 1s 30 mU?snn hour on s tra ig h t roads. * ^

    Cars m ost slow down .to pass over' ^ rond crossings. .

    Cara m ust slow down to make tu rns . ^ wbore view to the ne» t road Is ob-

    I f a. ileenso p late is lost owner of P | ] | CUT m nst im modlatciy apply lo the ptfijv UUI v r connty au tho rity fo r a doplleate.

    In town ears muat no t be allowed to H and a t M ain avenue curb* longer tl.nt. th ree m inutes between 6 a. m. and 6

    Between 6 p. m. nnd fl a. m. tho lim it fo r standing a t curbs is o f f oa-M aln J M rcft.

    On narrow ajw eta cars must, park jjar- nllel w ith tho cn>bs.

    P arked cars m ust-bo protected' by a red w arn ing ligh t a t th e rear. Irrij

    Ttescrlbed so ae i a re n a rk e d abont >> fire pings. nndTaCHfflSl™ - 1; OFmilCCIDENT's

    • nmlm i s s J n l i a H i l r i n g e r E n s t a i n s a

    B r o k e n C o l l a r b o n e o n . * to r P i k e ’s P e a k ____ puw

    ______ • ' tln tiFrom D enver comes, word of a aerl-

    rn s accident w hich w ill.p reven t on® o f "W'." t u teachers In >6 a Tw in FaUa pnblle M-hools ro ite r repo rting for work sooa. * The teacher is M iss Jn lia M. H iltinger. who la s t y ea r tan g h t In the seventh and rifihth g ^ e s the B ickel schooL . A

    Mlas H Jlxingrr, according to the r». duri TX>rt, oa Septem ber T w as In an antomo- was hiJe accident «hU a drlTing dow a P ik a ’s a d Peak aad iBstalaod a b roken coOorboM. agai A siste r, who w as w ith the party , aa- M rt i-nr«d w ithont la jn r r . M iss B O oU gtt 000 . ' SOO ered in Elies hall F rid ay nlgbt for a0 iu en tertainm ent o f veterans of D Civil and tho Spanish ' wnr. Guesta B ur !io ovoning wore w ell provided fo r p ,, tie w ay of enterta inm ent features,) being a num ber o f musical selcc- I, daneo classics and nn appotitlnif coui icon was served. Several good*; addresses were given. iring tho business period of tho P'®** on plnnaf woro considered for car- fout r ou t tiio coming Horvpet Home i«.ci Ival, which Is to be held early in ber, and Is designed to bo n bcnu- . f f a i r io help tbo Legion, ball fund

    Committees wivo named to bnvij {0 o f the concessions a t the feati*

    H erbert Loutcrbaugh, gcocrnl ' man pf tho celebration plana," gavo *J«i' tailod roport on arnmgomcnts for festival mndo to date . . Decision entvTthip8. • In

    I T i f f l l C T I ’E T T IE D F D B Sdowners Urge Stops for reating 50,006 Acre Reo-

    lamation Sectionc Twin Fnlla county commissioners Inturda.v-rccelvod a pe'tUbii pro- d by Iniidlioldera uffectod nixing f„r he Inking o f steps toward crcallnu slicc u projioaed M urtnugh irrigation di«- *. Thev have m-t Mondny, October a lho dnlo for final hearing on lho P n ion nnd whieli timo dccIsion ia tu | achcd a.1 was w ithout iaeidont. Jamea W. « :r, atto rney fo r the petlUoners,*ad-i th a t the hflaring m ight 'Ixi ,11 by one and .tuggesto il th a t the co'm- ^ oners mnko arrangem ents for Us it.v, iiuanre over a period of three ot suVh dny*. geneintion of tho propoaed d istrict Is lo lion, n in ilin i stop toward reclamation Tl Plirosimutclv 50,000 ucres of Innd cotir ted nbovo the mnin cnnal of tlio »>e i

    Kalis caual system between Han* *•" 1 Hid ililn e r. 'd e r plans adopted bv the petition* nd indicnted ig tho petition, rcch- )n o f tbis Innd would bo neeoni. ",'C ' fd a t nn estim ated cost of MO iwr

    Ar/nngem ents for financing ilm [ j" * e t arc understood to hnve been " p ,

    by the pelltlonors nnd a Dcnvi-r ^ iri.il concern.

    To U f t W atar - - gnrdrposes o f the petitioners in purri- Tl nf tbo ir plans for reelaiming iMs >n°d< as se t ou t iu this petition incliido nRtallntlon o f pumps to lifl irnler

    Snnko rlviT a t n point 350 fed Th* of tho Milnor - per

    - witliB SM m SMIIH IicGEPrs i H i i n ; ;10 Statesman will Address leelamation Congress in .

    Seattlo this Month ,.r nMai

    ngressman A dd’snn T . fiinith has prei:itetl an inv itation to ntten'rtbL* L’ooation and Roeiamation rongress to theeld nt RenUlr on Sei.t'-mber ir.-17 ^Yhl Irllvor an address>n the b ill^h ieh Pias Introdueed providing for ntst.’ fionfe jy ill* d jn u D t ranges, owns n v a t ’w ithin Is lU l county, and finds It' impossible to - *1 ou the rango, lio.m aV apply to Jinj ?ctor to take h is sheep to said v a i > ninicdialo dipping, provided th e ,In tor, n fto r a 'r ig ld Inspection, :finds Wini anininis freo -fro m Infeotlon. utton shoop m ay bo sh ipped .for Im- nto slaughter w ithout dipping If inpanicd by n certiflcato indlRUt* ‘ th a t some arc froo front infeotion. ('l.'l shocp going o u t o f tbo county or Ameri I fo r feed ing or brooding purposes 'Vlios«

    bo jccoro'panlod by an in terstn te ficato bearing a no tation tb a t samo

    been properly dipped and g iving ‘ o f same. Tbo usual a tato feos nro ■'““ '‘f

    ijed fo r la te r shipm ents as well aa 1 { the d ipping o f Infsctod aheep or ‘ ;i tlin t hnvo been mixed w ith lnfect>

    Mmm.TIlKENByOFFlClllLSjl.ck Farm East of Town is i>.'’ « cene of Sunday Bald—Ko

    “H^^otch” Found ■ «comc— _ .. Colon

    16 nppard tus hna not a la rge eapae- tbn e but s till it is n “ s t i l l , '’ and a< ' i f s jKissespIon rom.'« under the T f l I

    rnl bead o f prohibition law viola- ( [ | [

    lis Htlll is ou exhibition n t thn fy sh e r if f 's office, nnd is, perhaps, loatcftt nnd most complete a f fa ir of in rtlc iib r so rt ye t gathered in bv rabnnd niitbnrn I. a Spaniard, ia l.eld In the founty in eonnertlor. w ith thb eonriseat-

    Die s till. He is said to havo been operator nnd the (ase hns been ro- 'd direeUv to tho ftdo ra l author! .m,„ fo r action. i„y,] iri^iuo Gonxnlps owns nnd condiiets .i,af* 1 e-nere tm c t of Innd about a half ,viirrn c n i t of-T w in Fnlls. U c vs a trncl.

    ener-b.v • oeeitpation. ......... - f„nn 110 n rrest nnd eonfiaeation were .i,.„> Sundny by Dop.it.v H heriff oon ;rt F . Redmon anO a 'm em b er n f ^police foree a t Iho Gonrjile* plaee. apparatiis , when faken, gave every y 8 atlofl o f hav ing been In recent _ ,„i _ ,ce for the disfillatlou of a fru it ,A . The sberlV adm its no “ m a sh '’Istilled liquor wen- found w itb tli.>

    nnying tho owner bad ev idm tiv x h - “ tipped o f f ” to tbe movements „ J e

    le au thorities. An em pty 10-gallon ,,nnpc w as found ni'nr the s till, b u t tbi.i ained no contraband.' On the ground _ i , . ; Idc of tbo house, howevw. the o ff. “ ," '

    dseovered n wet spnee, pa rt of •h hnd apparen tly been baxtilv cov- « r« i w itb d irt. II is believed tbe eon * t„ ,:J

    « o f the k eg had been emptied on X „ approach o f the officers. le still is fompose .1 o f a small roo- re tort eouneeting Its long spout „

    n eopiH-r worm in n biirket o f JT d t t n gallon capacity . The m achin- T , ia Well eonstrncted aud amply

    ppcd.1 a ttem p t was made th is mornln? btn ia bail fo r.pon rJiles b u t failed. _

    ------------- Z------------- L a w

    D W E R S O F W H E A T ' ti<

    P L f t N O R G A N I Z A T I O N

    --------- r>isloklng* tow ard early fonn iag here Hvcst11 orcanizsfinn to be known as theo W heat G row ers' association, a m inarv m eeting attended b.v nearly .0 ii,« rarniers, wna held F riday evening in Parish ball hero w ith Dr. John E.fe in charge. , and sir7>oses o f tho proposed organiea; >n,i, "Whieh is to link the Twin Fall.’ „{ tj,,on w ith ft g row ers’ movement in counc northwrsL, were explained b y Brucep»on, P ow er county agricultural .onm'l ,t. and l.y Dnn Pish.-r. hanker, of linnd, Idaho.le -necting delegntcd to P r . W hit? I,uteh work o f com pleting 'o rgan lta tiuu .ntm

    lie association here. Dr. W hite to- h„ur«announeed th a t hn cxpeeted to ap- n-cek.f fo r eaeh o f the U shipping points Ahe cw ioty, a eommittee of three 1 b e rrffo proceed w ith nrBaniratloft

    ic p r^ ^ s e d organization which hss e n d o r s ^ e n t o f the sU te universi- o f Idaho. W ashington aad Oregoa, A I tanned ou th e order of the C itrus Tra t CJrowers’ association o f Califor- rareil

    I t is designed to be tte r produce an thi ^ iL n g 'c o o d itio n s . and so fa r as the A ible, to r t ^ l a t e the m arket pricc west, produce. was rembers o f th e association a re ex- end i ed. l o | t u r s over the ir w heat crop* compn •^ m o w e led by the assoeiatioa fo r the ŝ ■riod b f-s lx year*. ease.

    ®EKIaSD A Y ,,flB P»5M B B B T 6,1 9 ^

    flS IS HEIlBO ON ̂ Qj NEW RftWO PLIirJ•sident of Idaho OentriU || Solds Interesting Confab

    with Boards rt a general m eeting o f Jbe railroad dlog advisory committco held joint- rlth tho Twin F alls d irectors of tbe |m lo-Kevada Holding company in th i rters o f tho cham ber o f commerce lay evening Geo. L. D avis, president lie M aho Central Bailroad company incd hia comi>au^ V poaltlon w ith ro- t to the sehemo fo r constructing :» llogersou. to .Wells, Ncvkda. He EC o f th e car ahortago, and express* I I belief th a t a aouth ou tle t for Twin kill 8 would have a cogent inlluenco in fi,o ging about a remedy for Ihla trou-

    l ie spoke o f Uie prospects o f sue* L for tbe ra il lino building urojoct „

    tu ld-of tbo advantagu likely to bo t-"* ui*d from tho operation o f a i.mili In from h e re Hoi

    lie eom m itlces will m eet ng iin on iday and completo a progmm for *’*̂1 ing- tho bonus o f a i^ ls s t th e defendant the

    ;>any. The la t te r has appealed to eha supnm i' cou rt fo r a re-U ial o f th e coa


    W mi l M r s fIILL P E B l i M Q D C Z r a L E ^leriallsm Spells Doom d. “ Unemployment Is now a erl- be

    problem throughout tho wholo o f iln nnd i f lho mon who, as so ld ic 's comparatlvoly woll eared fo r, wore wn on th e it own resoureoa a revo- As in would' w u l t , Thia chief te rro r p«yn ■It' tbo soviet rulers hnve to face Is WP«' r nnd dcm oblHxntion." ■ shut

    » is re:

    neher of Eden w.“nVictim of Attack “ j;,”

    by Vicious Horsebur Shields, Veteran of Two 7ars, in Serioos Condition and

    a t Hospital•tliiir Sliielils. un Eden farm er, aged , .a s brought to Twin Falls.Salur.Iay moon to be treated fo r injuries siis ! i i in nn a ttack by a vieious horse, t.r ia l Id w as.a ttacked .early this m orning is aald to be s till unconscious. i,»nlf

    ■eordlng to meagre reports coming .1 IMen, Shield, who is a veteran o f • ^ Bpanish-Amorican and tho la te warsred a corral on bis ranch a mUo , ft half south of Edon and w as nt- •„ ed by tbo borsc. Ho sustained, ag o ther m ajor Injuries, a broken

    i r , l,r«..ch. f» Twi» F . I ) . in W of Dr. H. w. CloHcbek.

    •Ibur Garfield Shields, victim of on len t at Eden la st Balurday moralnR

    In a locnl t>o-.pital Mou.loy. Deatb tho imme.llale result o f a fractur*> , 5. he skull, w llh ou ter Injuries, ro- pd wbon he struck by a horso 'h sprang over n corral fence, near v h .Mf. mtcT.Ts Btiort. Decedent " J r regninrd eonsciousnes. a f te r Ihe

    rthur Sbields was ft veteran o f tho wnr nnd a aingl.' man. IIo serve«l ,

    1 tlic One Hundred Focty six th ar- ry in a tl o f tho major eagagcmenfs

    bodv of Amorican soldiers partiet* d in ngalnst Germany in Idie 18 tlia of ser\-ien abrosd.' He returne? chemist a t his-disposal ia the in- cation of suspected casa^. o f an lent sort, and to d e tem io e t i e 'ex': ‘ o f diMOse’s derelopm eat and Its nature.

    BOLD D P FUND DBIVB. vision has been reoehod b y th«< tlve eommittee la eharge o f the od boUdlag guaraatee A n d drive fe r campaign aeUviUea n s t iU ^ te r onaty fa ir period. W ork wlB be »d early a e s t w m V w itb T«aaiwed

    oad in terest, i t is daclared.

  • ■ - . ' t w o , ' ' .

    OieiBICTBEElS ^ S iS H R E C O I

    'Held, Best in ffistory of Ootm ' try, WiQ Bring Nesrfy'

    ^ 1 , 0 0 0 » 0 0 0

    T tc m 4800 acres o f Tirlix IW U dii t r i e t la ad a Korroat o f 07,600 tons ol

    . ■ugiir boQta is expoeted tbla fall. Th< . stand and crop all over tbe d is trie t, «o

    co rd in s to Jnm es iSeiUoy. d is trie t ag ri cu ltn ria t fo r ' tho Ama]fnusated 'Sogai company In 'Idaho , . i s 'a record breaker, and f a r rxceeds prospocts aad expoeto-

    * tlons la s t spriaff.31r. Seilloy is concluding his firs t

    y e a r ’s nupervisoiy w ork w ith the Amal< {ramated Sugar eotnpoay of Idalio, and

    , explains th a t tbo y e a r 's resulta as to crop and tho education o f d is tric t growers la raU lng beots fo r suear havo be?n most g ra tify in g . .Mr. Scilloy eamo to tho Amalgam ated la s t spring from an-

    ' o'thor eompany.Po in ting o u t tbo various fields and

    stnnds on a t r ip through tho planted neroago contiguous to tho Amalgamated plnn t M r. Scilloy told o f a promised cro> averag ing 12 tons to the aero throughout th is soetion. Ho sold tes ts showed somo of tho fields would rnn25 tons and .ovor, whilo others would bo oonstdrrahly lower than th a t in point o f yield, according to quality of land and tho m ethods employed in cu ltivation. Tlio fields run in siso from th ro j to OO acrcB. B()ot« w ill probably soli a t $15 por ton a t the mill th is fall. Thus from tho sugar boot industry olone growers o f tho Tw in F a lls soetion w ill rcccivo nnproxim atcly $804,000 fo r tho uso o f tho ir lands th is season.. P lans of tho Amalgam ated eompany

    nro for'ihQ;pIctnUng o f 'a a acroago doable fh a t of th is year, or appronching lfl0,000-aeivs« Theso p lans also oon- tm p la to a foctory of double’ tho capas- it>Krf-1010. In fa e t the p lan t capncit.v

    ■ has beon greatly increased th is year,• and nuxlliary in stitu tions, too, have

    b ren incroascd.L ast yonr tho m ill 's daily grinding

    capacity was approxim ately 800 tons o f sURar beets, produclsg nbout 2150, bogs ojr-sugar o f iOO pounds each.

    W ith tho addiUon to th e mill th is y e a r ’s dolly grind ing capacity I s '1000 tons of sugar boots,- o r an ou tput to ta l o f 300 bags ofSrogar.

    H arvesting o f sugor beets w ill s to rt nbont October 1 this, y cnr ond tho f ir s t o f th e 1020 crop should bo produced nbout October 8 or 10. I t Is said tho

    ' . q ua lity o f th is y e a r ’s beets excels the ‘ prodnet o f o ther years in sugor-eon* i te n t, rnnning abotit 17. per e c n t t

    County Reduces ' Tax Levy Total '

    for N ext Year I'Decrease of 26 Cents on Doi- j

    l&r is Ordered by Board t of Oommissioners s

    County taxes fo r s ta to and county porposes, w ill bo 30 cents por 1100 lesr th is y ea r than l a s t Levies fo r the ensu ing y e a r on th is basis woro annoano- i, od b v tho board o f connty commlssloa ©rs WeUnowlay. L ast y e a r ’s (otnl .was P $2.20; thin year i t is tl.OO. ti. Tho low ering of the to ta l levy is oe- c

    • couated fo r in ' reductions in fonr do- ^ pttrtm enta, a ra ise being mado ia ono {, departm ent whllo in tw o others th e —Babe R oth knock- ,wo home m a s in tho f ir s t p a rt ot game here today betw eea the lo Q w w will telljroa

    1/ Kp £a two sirUs

    tobaccor is a short-cut tobaccfl. 3

    lY; S e p t e m b e r 16,192

    ;I^IIKEDDIH11» r STHSlTillllll PmE!r- ^

    > S o g g e s t e d ' L e g i s lo U o n H e e t i w i t b A p p r o v a l a n d P r o t e s t

    !; -.-' i n T w o O iu n p s ' .

    0 BOME, (/Py— A low to perm it dTvorcc1 in I ta ly proposed b y the sceloliat dep- " u ty , U orongonl, has roused botb prO'

    te s t and approval in the clorieol and 'I socialist camps. T be bill bos now bom ^ cxam laod by o 'porliam entoiy commis- J sion which boa amended i t I ' Under th e proposed low divorce ' would be perm itted in eonscqnonco of

    separation for threo yeors in tlio co*.i ' o f those V ho have children, tw o yoara

    in tbo coBe of thoao who hovo none.Dissolution o f m arriage conld also bo

    nsked by a husband who, having beon absent ou m ilitary service, o r fo r tbo execution o f civil o r philontliroplo du^ ties on the occasion of somo notional calam ity, could prove th a t during his abaenco his w lfo committed adultery. Reasons for separation of m arried per-

    I sons legallzo(i by th e proposed law In- I cludo: M ental Infirm ity, declared to

    bo ineum blo rendering m arried - life ' dangerous o r intolerable; desertion on

    tho p a r t o f huaband or w ifo; inflietlbn . o f a penal sontenco carrying tho inter^

    diction o f civil rig lits; nnd habitual I crlmo or Immortality* injurious to the

    honor uf the fam ily.Tho proposed law also regulates the

    Irg ltim ntien of ehildron born out oC m ntrim ony; settles th e 'q u es tlo n -d l alimony, the reatllu tlou of *tho dot and tho nrrnngem ents regnrding property held in common by iiiau.and w ife; prov ides for tho cducntlon nnd muinte- iinnco of chlinrcu nnd for the Inatltu- tion called a “ fnm ily council” to whicli

    •^vhlch Itn llnns fa irly now often havi; recouno n m atrim onial trouhk's.

    H owcvfr, thu Idea of tho Institution o f divorce is ho stm nge tu mnny ItuI ians, nnd ia no atrongly opposed liy Ihe Boman Catholic chureii, th n t many nro o f tho opinion th a t i t has but a slight chaneo of beeoming a law, althonKli ll la s ^ p o r te d w ith some fervor by fhe

    fl01LESTIlTETIIiSFER5|Foxnlsbed B y th e Twin F U li T ltl*

    ond A bstroe t C ompuiy ,

    Keel, 'Wllklaon, S tronk Lbr. Co., to E. Frcdoriksen $400, lo ts 45 and 40, bloek 1, Ehstlaw n E xt., T w in Foils.

    I. E. Tato to C. M. Pisher, $1200, lo ts 10, 0, 1], block 24, Kimborly.

    Georgo Bioiin to Roy Gibson $5S0, lot17, bloek 15, Castleford.

    Deed, IToIIlater Land Co. to M. B . Jeg- l^m ot al, $10,850, S 1-2 23^12-15 oxo. S E SE SW 23-12-15. '

    Roy Gibson to E . B. Wubb, $73-!, samo lot.

    Low W. BaT^linn to A. J . Flnko, $4000 S 1-2 8W 0-11-20. ;

    R Bunch to .L A. Billupa i ovor W 1*2 * N’W 30-10-17.

    Pced^ Wm. Cloveland to Jos. P rieat, j 5r',5W, Slime load . .

    Peed , Pocatello cc^ Tr. Co. to D. B. « Schlatter, $1,S50, lo ts 80, 37 a td 38, block 5, B lue Lokes Add. T . P . ' {

    Deed, Grovcr M cSow n to C. V. Paekn, j ►2,500, lot 5, block 127, Twin Polls. t

    G O V E R I

    BLAN>Jew N e w

    OHv< 3 n e s D r& l:

    DO NOT confuae theae w ith “ Reel Jvery b lan k e t offered hero is NEW and is f fo r no others buy/ NEW blankets.

    ' U. a O Ure D iob o r Khafcl B lknke ts- ■ool; w arran ted never n ^ . Tho very, bc acll. postpaid.

    U. a O ’m ’l B lanke t ITo. 605— New Wo rdors filled from original bales bearing eavy grey blankets—ideal quality fo r hon

    N«w Mtaa KItaP'O'Inc I'iin and p u to of aluminUnc m l tnr cuintM-nt and U«y Scouta; nil lio ■w. S.'.c complclo. poainiild. mN«w Cantatna—Hom««hln« «-vcn' Hoy , ■out iin.l camper atiouia Imvr., t!. .S. nny Aluinlnuiit Canlccna. (n«*w Imuir lo iTh arrrw top), 75c each, poatpald.'Old laaue C«nt*«nt: ovni «hnpe; OR CASHIER'S CHECK

    wpi^aented. a*tlafactlon »piy won t laat lonff.

    [ b u t i n g C o .n m fM uiBTti triTU

    . SAN ANTOmO,

  • V r , ' ■


    T HA P

    Gonsideri of Sealsk coat—-are Fall and

    ■ 1 1' ’ r

    / f - a a

    A n e l e g a n t , (

    s i b l e c o a t a d ’

    a n d w a r m t h

    a n d t a i l o r i n g

    s a t i s f a c t o r y

    t h a t t h e s e c c

    b e c a u s e t h e 1

    t h e w i l d s i l k


    Our conne^tio really surprisii

    . mers’ sample i one-fourth off.

    A t t r aLiterally hu: been severa

    . Be .

    B o


    E W ]i le F a b r i c[ig the marked Inette, Peco P bound to be

    Sprinter of 1 9 2 0 ,

    i e e p - p i l e p l u s h w r a ;

    v a n t a g e — u l t r a - s m a

    w i t h o u t e x t r a w e i

    , a n d - . - - b e s t o f a l l

    s e r v i c e . I t s h o u l d

    a t s a r e o f r a d i c a l l y

    ) a s i s o f t h i s p l u s h ' i i

    w o r m ' o f C h i n a .

    R e m a r k s ' $35.0 '

    n with tHe largest ma ig that such coats can ;oats—not damaged i

    W'e price them ac(

    c t iv e P r i cidreds to choose fror 1 seasons since w e cc

    C o m p a r e V i:onvinced “Another

    o t h“Anot]



    ^ A P 1) C o a t P r i cI scarcity of gO( lush, and Yuk< “ THE THINC and even more

    p h a s e v e r y p o s - .

    r t s t y l e , c o m f o r t

    g h t , p e r f e c t f i t

    - y e a r s o f g o o d ,

    b e b o r n e i n m i n d

    ■ s u p e r i o r m a k e ,

    5 o b t a i n e d f r o m

    N o t b e i n g c u l t i -

    ib le S a l e o 0, $45 ,00 , ^iker of plush coats in t be offered at such pri-

    n the least way, in faci :ordingly. Don’t dela

    e s o n C lo thn—pretty models in ve )uld offer as low price% lues W i t h Y o i iPackage From Booth’i

    M e r <tier Packagc


    L t J X l:e d to M ec>od furs this onseal—aristoc] Gr” for fashioi popular than e

    v a t e d , a s a r e t h o f

    m e r c i a l r a w s i l k ,

    h a r d i e r v a r i e t y , i ;

    m e n d o u s v i t a l i t y

    l e n t f e a t u r e o f t h

    f e e d o n s i l k p l u a

    c a r e f o r t h e m d u :

    h a v e t h i e c o a t s a b

    >f T h e s e I $55.00 an<the world enables us ices at this time. Ar ;t you can’t tell the di »y—get in.early for yo

    1 C o a t s a nflours, bolivias, silver 5S on these qualities.i r M a i l O r d e r (’s" is a package wortl

    c a n lB From Boo

    EPTEMBER 16; 1920

    j R i at Y o u r Pu:winter, beautif •atic rivals of table jvear dui ver.

    ̂ M m Im ' ih . f j \ > \

    l e p r o d u c i n g t h e o r d

    t h e i r s i l k f i b r e s a r e <

    n p a r t i n g a h i g h l u s t

    t o t h e p l u s h . , A n o i

    e s e c o a t s , i s t h a t m o

    1 . T h i s m a k e s i t i

    • i n g t h e s u m m e r m i

    v a y s o n h a n d . .

    • lu s h C o a t 1 u p;o offer these special v long these coats are a fference. W e bougl ur size.

    d L a d i e s ’Sones, tinseltones, etc.,

    'C a ta lo g u e s1 more for less money

    t i l e CthV* ^

    r s e111 coats th,e fur ing the

    i n a r y c o m -

    ) f a m u c h

    r e a n d t r e - '

    : h e r e x c e l -

    t h s d o n o t

    s i m p l e r , t o

    5 n t h s , a n d

    S . .

    alues. It’s few drum-

    it. them at IJ

    u i t setc. it s ■


    TONICHOLSOIResent Slur which They.ContW

    er Deslener "nirows on Th*l Efficiency and Make Coui te r Charge

    BOnTKAM PTON, E n g , (/P>— W),c M r, N!thol®on, the dMitfocr o l Shan rock IV ., arrivod in E sg lu id , ho place

    . tbfi superior M « m u ih ip o f tb e B«K' lu te s’ cap tain nnd crew among ^he re t

    - Boofl fo r the challengor’o fallo ro io lifth ^ A m erica'a onp. .........

    2£embcrs of th e S ham rock 's crow wb bavo returned to England, resen t tb B)ar wbJcb t b r / eoaSder M r. Jilehol son boa thrown npon tbo ir efflrlene; as jrnobtsmen and doclafe th a t th Sham rock 's fao lty handling w a s ’U rg t )y doe to the intorforenco o f M r. Nieb olson.

    A rthu r Diaper, one o f Uie crew , »al< in all Intorvlow w ith th e ' Asaoeiate< P fc ts correspondent i t wns a caso o . CHIOAOO, iff)—Botofjw today fre I 8100 out o f 6737 preclneta iii the ata .■ gavo. leAda fo r the Thompwin (repnb• ean ). eandldatea.> I n 1621 precincts in Cook county ai ̂ 1C80 preeioets outside, F ran k L. Smi

    I was leading in the j-ace fo r Uniti . S ta te s M oator w itb ISi^OO votes ov ' 170,455 fo r Congrossmnn "W. B. M ' K inley and 29^8£ fo r B. M. Chipe [ field.

    Roturna from 1620 preeincta in Co< r couirty nnd 1020 precincts outside ga’ I Len Small 105,088 fo r govornor ni : 170,.IOD fo r Jobn G. Oglesby; 15,540 f< ' Oscar E. Corlstrom nnd 144*8® for E

    wnrd N. W oodruff. Tho additional r ! tiirna were nil from c ity precincts. Tl : rojuitry preclneta which wero expect* [ to re turn heavy voles for Qovorm ' Lowden y enndldntes, wero slow I

    coming In.I ■“ =I N S W T O B E C L E 0T 0B 8 VOTS.

    TO n u . SO O IA U ST S ' SB A I.VEU’ VORK, (/p)—Spee/nJ oJcetlor

    wcr slnto assembl cauHcd by tho expulsion of tho fivo s< clnllats lit A lbany Inat spring. Tho si clnlist osaemMymci), who w ere ouste a f te r n long trla f on charges n f dislo^ nlty sought, vlndlrnllon a t . t h e ham] of tlic lr conntituonfs by iippearing n eandldatea fpr ro-eleetinn.

    They nre Snmuel A. Dowitt, Samu< Orr, Loula Waldmnn, A ugust Clacssen nnd Charlea Solomon. *

    111 ndilition tho suclal party has nam ed N nt Rubin ns a cnndidnte a t nnothe speeial. election in K in g ’s county fo tJjo vaennry eauaed by tho de fea t o Aasemblyninn John Damico, republican

    In a ll'th o d istric ts, the socialists wen opposed by fiininn cnndidates. M ndica tiona pointed to a heavy vote.

    Assertions hnvo boon mndo by aomi of th e assembly lenders of bo th pnrtlci thnt i f th o ousted soein llstB wero ro elected stops would be tnkon ngnin t( prevent thom from M king fhoir seats.


    DENVER, Colo., (/P)—R eturns fron Tueaday prlm arj- compiled by tbo Den ver Times up to 0 o ’clock today includ cd I12a*preciiict« out o f 1532 prcelnct< io th e s ta te , giv© K nrl C, Schuyler oJ this c ity , a lend o f 230 votes over Sam uel D. NIebolson o f L^adville, fo r th i republican n oa lnd tlon < fo r United S ta tes senator.

    lE J f i lC O iC I L MEETS TO T W

    ovehpiioblenisAaland Island Controversy First

    to be Discussed a t Paris Session; Poland and Lithuania Called to B a r .

    PA R IS, (yp>--Tho council of tho league of nations, which waa ezpeeto«llo begin Its nin th session hero on Sat- trday, mot th is morning, iho f ir s t m a ter discussed boing the conflic t between 3woden nnd Fin land relative to tho A land islands.

    Poland and L ithuania havo been ask- (1 to send delegates to Paris fo r the 'urpose of a ttending a session of tho ouncil. T his step was taken n t the iistanre o f tlie Polish governm ent, rhich asked th a t the fro n tie r contro -1 ers.v whleh has threatened serious unred WedncRdry in an address a t .nsbrurk.“ The league o f-n a tio n s ,” he added, is th e rc fu g e 'o f the im perlallft Mea, iwevrr, and as long as im perialist ance plays a leading role In i ts poll's we shal lobtain lUtle. We ean ob- In nothing n t all by -riolenee. ao we ]st have pa tience. A n n e x a ^ n lo rm any must aad will come a f n t , f o r t whole p ro le ta ria t becaoso th a t dy desires th a t union jind Is p repared fig h t fo r it. •

    Lifne W ater Bread.Lim e I» lack ing In tb e tropica. r e » ally fpcaklnfc and fo r th a t rtiuWB m edical au tho rity ttrgM th e M ttog

    b read m ade of lim e -w ater a s a >ao8 of stjpplylng th e necefsary e l ^ rot to the system,

    rhe tide rises about te a feot In the uth of th e river Elbe.

    I T W I N F A L L S W E E ]

    BETOKENS WANE 5 O F T O iS ’ BOLEIB Badge Supposed to he Worn b i le All Ottoman. Subjects is Rapr )r idly 'DisaiipearIng from Con

    stantinoplem CONSTANTINOPLE, - — W Jti

    tho crum bling of Turkish au U o rity and ,, influence, the fez , tbe badge w hieh all

    Turkiah subjects, Chrlatlaas, Jew a and T urks alike, are auppoaed to w ear, ie

    id rnpldly dlaappearisg. AUboagb - tbe (I, Moslems s t i l l w ear tlie ir f e u e s i s the . s treets, they no longer eling to tbem

    slavishly indoors. Soon the Torka m ay fr Jm irca rlag h a ts 'w i th brims In Con- e- slantinople. Moslema in other p a r ts o f f . Turkey insist tho Mohammedans in tho

    cap ita l lost the ir religion long w through tke lr desire to im ita te th e in-ro. As all heads m ust remain covered in

    tho mosques and i t is 'q u ite Impossible . to touch one’s forehead-to a p rayer m g . while weoring a hnt w ith brim, tho fes

    ia idispcDsablo to tho fa ith fu l Moalem . who p ray s dail y to JJecca. Even niili-

    ta ry and iiaval o fficers must w ear via- oriels cops. . - •

    Tho fe s s till 'p ro v n ils Ir̂ A natolian 'elties. I n .f a r t i t Is ttnnnfc fo r foreign-

    - e rs to w ear' a h n t In mnny of thom iiulcsR ho desires to n tirn c t n crowd of

    ® hooting smnll boys nnd run the risic ,a n f s ta rtin g n .rio 'f. Osmnn Aghn, the y te rro ris t governor of Korrnssundc, ro y ecn tly checked the tendency of non- 1. Moslems in thn t c ity to get nwny from ,. old customs.i] ' An Armenian who had Just roturne

    er, w tth December ^ 7 to 8 .88 oad U ^ e h * 233 1-2 . - ' L ibera l receip t* w eakened eom ., Af-

    , ter. opening l 4 to 8 4 e o ff , iaelod lsg December a t * L U 1-8 i o 1J 8 tb e m a ^

    ; ke t fe ll rapidly. ,D eferred dellve>7 tooehsd th e lowest

    > fignros o f th is -aeason. The close w as •L nervons 8-8e to 3 l>2e a e t lower, w itb I December ».116n t o y o u - ^ h o b o u g h t t h e a e

    \ L L S U I T S A T A S P E O -

    > U C T I O jS’ w h ic h w e a r e o f -

    y o u f o r

    75, $ 4 9 .7 5 ’̂9 .7 5ch suit of $10 to $25.

    S H O P= = B U R L E Y

    ! W om en’s W e a r Shop '

    V -


  • 2,4112 SfODENTSlp I N l tS C m i l L S .

    W i t h o u t S e v e n t h a n d S i g h t b O r a d e r s E n r o U n e n t i s P a r -

    . t l c n l a r J y H e a v y• > / ■ . ■ ’ ■Joi

    Up tb tbu clOM o f jesM rd ay th e fon r L i edneatioaal iaatito tloB s o f Tw in F i l ls K .- h sd oarolled 2402 popUa in th« h ish tioi; Mbool u d th e firs t, s ix grades o f th e ed ; jrrsm m ftr Mbools. N ex t M onday, s'e* the cordinff to L . B , B ear, p riaeipal c i th e anw M veatS and eigh th grades, a t le a s t 4S0 to ] o thers should b e taken Sato tb a sehools. tbrc PnpUs f o r the ju n io r high school w ere pW a o t perm itted to eo ro ll th ia week o a 1) acconat o f lack ing fae illties. hroi

    D Iatributed am ong th e schools th e a t- mas tendaaee to laa t id g a t i raa : E ig h achool w bl 070; Lineoln achool, 710} B iekel school, f i ra 37S; W a a h t e ^ n sehoo), 436. ^ a s. W ith th e expected 480 fo r tho sev* out

    e n tb aad eigh th grades the schools w l'J sgo have a t I d̂ S6A2 pupils w hich figure b rai

    _ Is oa ly 03 ahort o f th e peak o f l a s t dira y e a f ’s-earoU m ant^ w h e n . th e n a rk 8; reaehod waa 2948 Q all^achools. the

    The to ta l num ber o f pupils tak ia jt Ed w ork In l h e elem oatary g rades la s t su it y ea r waa S270. W ith th e jn n io r high hy . .papUa o n t tho to ta l g r o ^ pupDa thns wife f a r enroUcd th is year ia rt3 2 . w ith thn Johi expectcd 400 fo r tho M venth and war( e ich th gradea th e to ta l w ill bo 2183. men

    In tho high achool thero a re 102 ae- od c . nlorn enrolled, 107 Juniorir, IGO aopho- lo ro

    more#, 07 frcshmon, 1C7 beginning had frcahtncn, C8 unclaaaifiod and fou r post- «nlcj graduatca.

    l i B i m i PROMISE OF H G illlS sbeen

    . ^ h o r t L i n e S n p e r i n t e n d e n i ’s M e s s a g e i s B ^ a i s f o r O p - pany

    t i m l s m ' ■

    Asauranpo th a t c a rs w ill be m ade Cli nvailablo to th e Tw in Falla highw ay enaoi d is tr ie t fo r iho m ovem ent of cm ahed roek to perm it o f proaocotion o f th e road bnildlng program in dlatrie ta of pt w here economical delivery cannot bc torae n iade b y truck tran sp o rta tio n is given ^1*“ in a tologram received today b y th e trac t Tw in FaUs Chamber o f Commorco from terodF . H . K nickerbocker o f th e Oregon *ho 1 S h o rt L ine R ailw ay company. befoi

    Optimlam th a t needed re lie f in th is premiaea w ill bo forthcom ing soon w a i ^

    -(Sxpreaaod b y cham ber o f commerce of- ac f ic la la on receip t o f tho telegram , w hich tfJct la aa followa: .

    “ Tho m a tte r o f accuring cara fo r " i g ravel and aand loading h as been n p J“ug» fo r somo tim e and h i convcTaation.w ith on a p a rtie s who load gravel they have and agreed, i f wo foralbh f la t cars, they oecn w ill fu ra ish tho . b alance o f equipm ent on re fo r the. reeson th o t w e havo no men to equip c a n aa wa would like. I am 'O B . h av ing ' a ll availab le f la t eara apottcd Let fo r .a ta k c a as same w ill be forw arded dato tb Uie T w in F a lls b ranch aa aoon aa a tate pbiwlble.” • Tortc

    ........................................ th o ° t- F . r

    E dited b y 'M rs . E. B. wnilamB • ! • Telephone 390

    Tho N in th Avenue club wos enter- •ta ined WedacBday afternoon n t the Fmhome of M rs. C. Ix Bowmi. Thoae pres- Grossen t wero Mra. C. I>. W eaver, M rs. T. for IT , M urray , M rs. EHlzabeth H ibbnrd, o f MiM rs R M. S u te llf/e , M rs. E d T olbert, SouthMisa Irene Kellogg, Mra. C. L. Bowen, TuesilMr*. W. T. Combs, Mra. B. H. C rist, W. AM rs. B,- B. Hughes, M rs. E . F . M iller, p . J .M rs. D. B. Churchill, M rs. Emilia Bnlrd, in Tw and Miss Anderaon.

    ---------- DOThe O. E. S. held th o ir in itial meet- 6HE1

    Ing fo r Iho acason Tucaday evening n t yearath e MSsonie temple. A. largo num ber now.w ere preacnt and tho n iu a l work waa milcapreabnted followed b y a aoclal hour Southand ligh t rcfrcahm ents. —odv

    The home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F.M agel wna tlio accno o f a p re tty wed- Joai d ing yeaterday afternoon a t which Merci th e ir daughter Frances, beeamo bride womei o f L aurie W all. Tho r in g ceremony waa perform ed b y tho E or. A. Q. B ennett, The nnd Mias M arian F a r ra r ■ played tho a t th w edding mnrch. Tho brido *s gown w as and 1 bJ w hite silk ne t over w hite salin , w llh • = b ridal TeIl~^w om cap-ahhpe anil ■■■■ ■ho carried ft shower bouquet of w hite sweet peaa, and wore a strin g of pearls f tho g if t o f tho groom. M rs. Ja c k Clai- [ bomo slater of the groom, wna m atron ■ of honor nnd woro a gown o f p ink or- — fondlo w ith a p ic tu re h a t in t io Same solor, and carried a bouquet o f nlnk roie b u d a .iM r. Jack 'C la ib o m w as beat man- The bride aad groom atood under X largo w hite bell over which p ink and ivblto ' flowera fell gracefully and ttrcamera o f tullo in tho same colors frere evtcnded acroia tho colonade and irero tied in bows on o ith er aide. Pink u td w hite candlea In r a t glass candle irtlcka ndorned tho- tab le, b u ffe t an J t llano whilo vnsca and baakcts o f p ink ^ ind whito flowers wero used w ith ,iharming cffcc t thronghout th e room*.^ f te r tho ceremony a two courao w ealing supper was served. Th e cooplo e f t on tho evening tra in lo^- S a lt Lnke — rhero they w ill spend th e ir honeymoon. I i rho b rid e ’s going aw ay snIt waa .of » Jii iTown w ith h a t aad boota to m atch. IX, >nly relatives and in tim ate ' frienila re re present, a s follows: Conrad Ma- to i g ran d fa th er of th e bride; M ra famca W all, m other o f tho groom; Mr. • . Lad M rs, W ylnnd, Mr. and Mra. J a d : V. . nalbom e, Mr. and Mrs. E. W all, Mias- ; : . nabcl ShoUt, M rs. O. Davlsoa, Ml*a Herle >;ewlan. Mias M arian F arra r , d n . K elly and WUllam Anderma^. . ^


    Teacher of Violin , .Studio N ow Opened A t

    ;4S2 THffiD. AVB. NO.

    M ic n in ls iE ' I' n M n mX« and Jennie P. P eterm ui Bring Suits against Bd.

    . . Jobnson— . ]

    u e d upon a su it iaa titu ted ta the hot riot conrt receaUy, fa whieb posses- _ h of a a auto tru c k w as lavolvsd, C

    ’eterm aa, through A ttorney T nraer l u a a e k m a a 'th is m orning s tartod a«- t “ fo r the recovery o f tlO.OOO, claim- Sf

    « damages from E d 8 . Johason of Johaaon A uto Sales compaay. Tho ont is said to.'repreaeat. the In jury . • . l a ia t i f f ’s character a a d re p u titio i Qgh w hat ia term ed in th e eom' i t ad ‘ 'm alleioas p r e ^ t i t io a .^ ' 5?' yfendaat Johnson some tim e ago g h t a replevin a e tio a ag ain st P e te r fo r th e recovery o f a a an tq truOc ^

    ll had been sold by th e Johnson to p la in tiff, a a d which. P eterm aa

    alleged to have ualawfuUy ta k e a t of th e state. Peterm an two w eekt _ was released from custody oa ha- * , ^ c o ^n s proeoedlngs, aud tho ease

    nchronixlng w ith tbo s ta r tin g of action by C. L. P o term aa agnlnat 3. Johnaon fo r $10,000 damagoa, a , was filed w ith tho couaty clerk / ennio P . Peterm an; paid to bo the o f C. Ii. Peterm an, againat tho

    son Auto Salea compony a a d Ed- *S. Johnaon aeeking damago judg- „ fo r 94000. Thla amount ia claim-

    a the ground th a t tho a ^ ^ truck, ved in tho Johnson r e p l a n suit, boon unlawfully withheld b y th s S ta compiuiv and-M r! Johnaon. ' , f

    L - : -------- --------------- 185OALIXD IN TO OOOBT.

    0 E lite ^ ll l ln e ry company o f Tw in F is Rindo defendant in a auit filed

    D diatrie t epurt by J . Bothachild & plu eastern roneom ing, ask ing judg- . fo r $402.1t!. alleged to bo duo on

    n t. The account ia said to haveentered into betw een Jan u a ry 12,’ —and Mnrch 18, 1D20. Taylor Cum- , „ i .la .atto rney fo r tho p la in tif f com- ‘

    -------------• - .— PiALLEOES ORUBLTT.

    irgfng cruelty and habitual drunk- £ a-L Illian Q ilbratli hna atnrtcd ac In tho d ia tric t court fo r dlvorca _ GeorgQ W alter Gllbroth'. Thb bill ' E, Ttlcutara waa filed today b y A t.

    H . W . L o ck h a rt o f Pocatello. p j t if f allogea th a t tho m arrlago con- whlch &ho wnnta annulled, w as en- into on Ju ly 10, 1919, and th a t Oi

    ;ved w ith defendant five mon»W Wai5 being forced to leavo him. Beat

    r . . . ... BioiB O A N TinB OOBIPANT SU ED ,,T 1 loii hns been brought In .th o d li- Uca court by HUla b ro tbon , a mor- 1S3-I Islng corporation, agalnat tho FII- • ' rcnntllo company o f Pilor, aeeking lent fo r 11893.88, said to bo dno ;count of jnerchandise aupplied, p j 'or which fu ll paym oat has Hot jjg o retnm ed. Tho papers wero placed :ord b y W nltera. llodg ln & Bailoy. p j

    X B W ITH SK A W S F B O U BACBving only ono dem ocratle caodl*.in the field from th is county fo r FI legislator A tto rn ey Jam es W.

    th is m orning filed w ith tho F i;* clcrk notieo o f w ithdraw al from Sccket. ■ A short time ago Dr. W. T llj

  • ; V- •• •Six',

    • ' . TWIfl FALLS WEEKLY NEV' £ 0tab]i«bed 1004^

    • V-win Nowa P n b lU ^ r C o m p *^ P n b lU h er^ ̂ •

    , M B A inN O W H I o i?

    ii/iviutr^oxocl tlitf poUtjeal cojnp. ia 'llio pant fovr montba tho* Twin F . Timi-’it tflvui* twldolTcc of a re tu rn tc form er iiinnd on tlio progrotu nud pt cii‘s 0 / tlio nvpubtlcon t>ftrty.

    TliiB ovidenco is woleomod b / 1 ^iiwa na Itt evidence a f any cojj«->r.v toward oppreclntlgn o f tlio do#irabU of tho 8UCC0#* of tbo RcpubUcnn pa» ' The Timi'B’ nunoiiucca Hh purpose BuppOTt ^ i in to r W nrron 0 . H ard ing I'rcaideiit, nnd Oovernor Calvin Coolit o f MnwachuaottB, fo r Vlco-ProBidoi nnd its subsequent utteruncoa leavo •qu(;stiftn n» to ita prcacnt purpoao to ju st thAt to tho .best o f ita ab ility .

    ' T h o Ncwa vouturea to aufi^eroat, lu ever, th n t somoihing moro th a n tho cl tion of IlnMllnK nnd .CQ^idjjo la oss tlnl i f tho pollciCH fo r which they stu nro to bo cnrricd into czoeutiou.

    I t in (Kjuall/ Jieceaanry 'th n t.J i Son nnoct lo th is a ltu iit iu n . I t a 1 Icncu lit omiiioufl,■ I f The. Times is gonulnoly nnd wh.v

    .lienrtedly deairouu"of. tho auceeaa o f Itcpublicau n a tio n a l ' adminbitrn(4on, hna g o t to declare fo r tho Olcction of Itopubllcun Senator and Kopublisi Roprcaenfntlvcn In Conip-csa from Idal) to Bay nothing a s a wliolo of tbo Bopn llean tiokot in the S ta to and 'O ouuty.

    Unloaa I t dooa ao the a ttitu d e o f X: Times m ust bo rcgardod, a t t)ie b o UB m aking fo r continuation o f tlie c iating aituation in tho national go ornm ent whero n P resident and Congro atnod a t lof^gurlicadH nnd in com Hucuco b f which tJ ie 'N n tin n ia Incr culnbl.tt the loser.

    ..The T lm cs.haa v«»t declare fo r tl clL'ction' o f ' a Itopubllcan Senator ai Bepubliean Itopreacntativca iu Congrc from Idaliu; and u n til i t doos so t concluaiun m uat bo th a t ita vaunted 1 bapitsni a t the fouain in of Bepublica ism ia 'n o t a t a ll nn ImmeValon, b aomethlng roaembliti}' n sp la tte r — 1

    .exem plification, perhaps, o f th a t ty; o f n rtlatic p a tn t brusli wor^ which wi

    • L -^m ployed ao effectively by tho flgh tlt foreea in the la to wnr.

    IN SU LTIN O OB B1DIOUI.OU87. Cniididate Oox ani{, hla aupport»^ huve failed u tte rly Id cnch and ovei Instance to prJvo the ir churgea of " c o ru p tion” In connection w ltb the B publican campaign fund, and ye t Cm dldnto Cox and his ilk continue to ii au({ the intelllf^nco and dif(ni{y o f th A m cricau publie by frcqueui rrpetitio uf the ir absurd accusation tb n t t'lo U< pulilicans arc lr.Min;j to ‘'b u y * ' the ol-.'t 'tiun.

    I f i t were nnt such a a irious ninlto: involving the lntej;Tlty of every Amei ican voter, i t would be InterratinK, poi haps, to in

    ' T W I N F A l i s W l

    ‘othica or, th a t corruptl'ba or inteo ^ cbrniptldn has' had nay p a r t in coa;

    iio n -with I^poW ieaa plona.I t ia timo fo r Cox to provo hia cha

    ‘y. i f ho ean..^ ' •' ‘ .ire la pu tting bimaolf in a poall

    whoro tlio. Amorlcon publio w ill bo posed to lough liim o ff tho atogo.

    lAS . ' __________________

    . OAMPAZqN obN T B X B tm O N Sii. Ciunpuign coatributioDB nnd c

    palgn exp'onditoroa oro-propor vubj< bo fo r discuaaion. Tbo aourco o f the fui on the am ouat o t iadlyJduol ^ontrjbu tl ty nnd thu purpoaea fo r whioh apont, y - have a iicaring up o n 'th o eharaetor to p arty control, and management. Th or is no i>oaaibiU»y, howovor, th a t a p r go dont of tho U nited S tatea, o f whato t ; pnrty , w ill bc aubject to tho infloo no of tiny, mnn bccausu ho Iiuh mado a c Jo tribution of '»l,ODO or oVon of «5,000

    ■ tlio enmpalKii* Tho am ount la rolat! w* ly so small thn t neither tbo contribv JO* nor fho jKtwoo oJoctcd to o tllco veo n-, eonsldor thn t i t cnrricd, w ith i t a r i nd 111 demand spcclnl recognition or c

    sitlcratioii i>n thu t account. M r. < ite ruflects upon thu iDtolllgunce.of tho Jill iiriran voter, Ihtiroforc, when he In iea uatcs tiin f underholt^ ' upon od guverumcnt of tho U nited Statoa by ] >• sons who aro contributing not to ozc ho $1,000 each. A *1,000 contribution i w« totnl o f $3,000,000 would • bo lout tf* s/Kfif.n* .Mr.-Cox is in 11 poiiriiuii tu know t: *1' larKi' cnmpnlcn contrllm tlon? uru Ilk •0- to ciirry witb tlicm. nn oh lig n tb n ti ly culls for roitn,vincnt tlirimgU offi( lo- favor. Ho in u prom inent member JO tho p a r ty townrd whose succl'Sb in 1!

    tlivru wiTo n nunibor of notorlou id large contributions. Mr. Cox la fu rn uwnro tlult .lames W. Gorurd, o f N ta Yfirk, c?mi|ribufod *KI,000 nnd wns mr id nml)nn.«jnlor fo Qcnnan.u H e n ry 'a tll gu-nthau, nU6 o f^ 'o tv Y ork, coittrlbul I- *^0,000 nnd wus mndu nmbassador t- Turkey^ Frederick Peufle ld contrib10 ed *22,000 and was mado ambnsaador y Austria. Thomna D. Jonca, o f OUcn, 1- contributed to tho extent o f *20,000 n

    wns offered u place on the fcdorul 0* aerve bonrd but ibo’ public pro test v n so great' th a t ho finally doellnod a It relieved Prosidont Wilaon of tho c a l>urraasmcnt. ' Bernard B aruch, thu 1 n torlous " b e n r ” in W all S treet, c!iB, tUrougli In tbo f irs t Wilnon compnl ). w ith *12,500, oind woa tho dom inant fi

    tor ia tho w ar industries board, a sd ,lO the second W ilaoo'campaign he waa < t, prlnclpnl flnundor. Ho woa long r t. oguired ns one o f President, r. cloaesl advisors, Boger Sullivan, 1 LB 'Chicago bos?, ^contributed l i b ^ l l y J. thp prenom ination camptdgu, a^l'H i

    tho eam eat eapport o t Freaidinit WiJj fo r thu U nited Btatea aeaatorys I.tti

    i than the aaaoaaeem eat oC the aocr : la ry o f a ta ie th a t W b iiak rr a n i l u t i I had fUed fonnal aotico o f tho ir purpoi , not to be considered a ) t.andidat-.n «

    any p a r ty o r polftlcal o r^ n '. t t t lo a otl ^ r thao the 2>emocr«{ie iJarty

    Persona who look to th e Idaho Lea. c r ^ tbe only nadefilcd nnd simoa-pni

    S E K L Y N E W S , T W I N F ;

    dc4 aourco o f in fo n n a tb a , a a d 'w h o >.piiu IOC* no eredoneo In laform .itlon ootiM o li

    columns, neeeasarily 'm tu t ti'oUevff thi r^o, W hitaker and B ates nro >.1111 tho cai

    d ldates o f t h o ‘ 'in d o p e a d rn ^ ’ ';t'jn OtWjr poraojfs, howovor, ^vh» glea diii- their inform ation from th a iudepoad-iz

    press, and who, porhapa, re v c r Mo tli LeaHoF, m ay have gaiaod impro. aion thirt W hitaker a a d B ates bavo .ct

    im- aociallstie ̂a f f lib

    ist> .idn. l>cople aro fjimilli

    with tho facta th a t bo th W hitaker an ^11 Bates, boforo thoy woro nom inated k Qf tho “ indcpondonta” a t Nampa, apoclfii

    tro ni’y agreed to " a t l e k " w ith the “ li depm dontaC unto tlio b it te r bnd,/im th a t thoroaftor both communicated t (he N ampa convontlon' tbeir approcii tion of tho honor cooforrod upon thor u t ita handa.

    Fow of the “ indepondoflta’ '—and fo all thn t thO 'Loader haa done—nono 0 them are fam iliar w ith tho deal pallo off n t Idnho F ails whero tho vigoronal assorted claima of W hitaker and Bate

    J-« c"»P'cd w ith th o t pooullar brand o f p< lltlcnl m aneuvering employed by Joh

    im* brought about tho Deij-.ocra'tho endorsement o f these* two nontinr

    tious p u t-fo rw nrd by tho *'indcpoii>

    .s a ' '1 a ailuntlon, probably, could bs bei

    teV to fho lik ing o f tlio two-faced W hi nkcr nnd fho doublo-vlaagcd Bates.

    Unless secret Inatructiona have gon ,.,y out to the ‘■‘Jnd^pendonts” to tho ci , t c t l M in i'W lilin te r nna u n lc . aro n

    longer to be co'nsidered na ''“ Indopon.l e n t” candidates no tw ithstanding th

    112 ai>P‘''‘'‘nneo of their Jinnies jn tho Lond Jly e r ’s ticket, tho s tra tegy of tho wily Nii

    gent townrd corrallng of tho aoc-.ulis vote for tlio Democratio lle ito t in Idah' would seem to liavo gone fo r imughi, nni h js .effo rls fo have rosultcd almpJy i,

    p j enriim bering tbo ticke t w ilh tho nanit jQ of two enndldntea who will draw ihl

    uf. "iippoft fo r thcmaelv.ea anil fo fj^one u ,llu‘ others on tbo Democratic tir:kct.

    I t la early jjot, h b w o « r, to guess, a „,l tlie next developme^nt in thia aituation

    M eantime, I t will bo w atched-w ith : •4 s Roo'i deal o f in terest on tho p a r t o

    Idaho voters generally.

    ”" 1 B E R G E RV., ■ ■ i

    le* . i i i i i i—In HKRQER — Miss Josib Pn rro t< ^M »

    Tiios.lay In T w in .F alls .Mrs. T. A. SnnJrraon o f Twin I'nTI!

    w visited Mrs. B. Olavin nnd o ther frlendi I ’e nenr Berger the p ast week.

    Mra. Max Smith la nblo to bo arount .. ngnln n fte r being couflncd fo hor hom«

    «o ,.«vern l weeks witb n broken-ankle, ^ r n n k nnd Minnie Porrlboom of Hoi lister were Herger viaitora Thursday.

    J(rs. R. K. I 'u rk c ft and daughter, wfi, A Imvo lieeii v isiting n t the home n f Mr

    nnd Mrs. Philo Hilla tho post two wook- retum od to Ituport Tuesdav ovoning.

    in- Miss M lllan M rOregor Wns o Twir Fnlls viaitor Friday.

    Clifford Thomas of Twin Fnlls wa- '• n Berger v isito r Monday,

    id- Miss Qladya Regner of South Dnkot-j ' arrived Sntunlnv to tako up her s'chool , dutlea.

    Thcro was no' Riindny «chool 8undn% il*i on nccobnt b f tho to rn up condition 01 ^ tbo school rooms. Tho enrpcnti?ra had

    To’ finlah up tho work for Iho openinc o f aehool Mondnv morning. . •

    on M rs. L ula Conover nnd sister. Mia? J- Grace Roper, are moving to Twin Fnlln ' tl.1. w tc l.- , ^

    -n- School opened Mondny morning wit}, if,, n good enrollm ent niid moro piiplla t«i

    _ enter next w-uek. Miss I jiu ra Flood, “ )ir>neipnl. Miss i’nulinc. Bipley hn-

    ebargo of the inteniiedlale gradiij, and (.„ Mliia Oladya Begncr the prim ary grades

    / • l I lT E S l l i iS r FiayDECiOEflflN• Dates bnve finallv be/-n agreed upon

    for tbe iMldlng of jo iiit hearings on lg tbe npplieatlon of tho Idaho Central

    Bailrond eompany fo r a C ertificate of puhJIe eonvcnlrnec and necessity to eonstruct a ra.ll line from ' Bogerson.

    ly Idaho, and Wells, Nov. The hcarinjn will bo held aa follows:

    A t Wella and Contaet, Nev.. on Sep fember 20 and Septem ber 21, and a t

    e- Twin Falla, Idabo, on Septem ber 2^. All S.Ibo confereneea will be convened n t

    JO o ’clock a. m.• This inform ation is rontained In n

    le tte r reeelved by the secretory o f tbe •loeal chamber o f commerce from C. J Callahan, aecretar.v of the I. * .10 Under the direction of the t^di-n poat,

    American Legion, nsslsied bv ^ ^ I d Fnlls post, funeral servlees wc’re^edn

    " dueled fo r A rthur KhicMs Wednesday g nffernoo)! in J . >1. DeW lft undertakini;

    chapel, the regular m ilitary funeral eeremony Ix in g used. \ f ir ing squad,

    1. ronsis tin g -o f American Legion mem- bers a ttended the servlre^ a t the grave. Burial was. In Twin F alls eomclcry.

    ^ Funeral sA penoJt cover ,„4 conatrnctioa o t a *7000 building 1

    been iAaubd to H a rry E a toa 'b y lin* c ity clerk: . •

    la r V isito rs from Colorado—M r. and i! ^ f Charles M. Ponlk o f Greeley,- Colo^

    vlaltioj; n t tho B. D. S tovor homo by a fow dnya.

    •)®' Plalali Oolortdo V Is lt-M ra . G.lu- Hnll ond sona re turned F riday fr nd Bocky Ford , CWo.. whoro th o y /h i

    beon viaiting friends for'aom e time.

    Ia- On m ta U n g Trip—M r. and Jfn i. Tl {UQ te r DnfroBQO and Mr. and M rs. 3 .

    K eater have gone to Stanley Baalo >*0 try fo r a fow wooka' hunting trip ,

    for ' . ■of H o a e from OaUfomla—Mra. Aa!

    . B. W ilson, daughter P a tric ia and Infi jton a rriv ed F rid ay from Long Ben

    j1j< Cal., where they s fc n t tho Bummor

    To B » M te r ' School—Misa Lo Nt !*«• Hrockonrldgo le f t Thuradny mom: hti for SL Charlos, Mo., whoro abo will

    sumo her atudlea n t Lindenwood t ^ logc.

    in- ■ . J . m„ l Low Orontod D ivorce—Judge W., - B abcoi^ has ordered-a docroo iasuo

    favor o f John Lowe who, askod divo' ct- frnm Gerfrudo Low, tbo charge bo .it- • .

    Snsb T rial S e t.—..Trin] o f WJlIl no Buah, nccuscd nf complicity, in an oi < stealing cnao, has boon BOt fo r Sopt<

    bor ,23 In tho probato court. Bush out W ball o f «500.

    td- • - *------Back' to Bolae—Misa Buth Milli

    nnd Frnnkio M attison, wjio hovo b< id- v iaiting friends in Twin' Polls fo r I ri,j past th ree , weoka. returned fo th 1st ’ ' ' i B from a nwin(’ In which sbo was playl)

    Vla'.tors from M ic lilg ao -M r. ' a f*f Mrs. F . T. B entty arrived F rid

    from T hreo ’Bivors, Miehigon, and ^ remain for somo timo looking a f thc ir oxtenaivo holdlngAjnround Tr

    .n. Kails.

    ^ From Portlaod-^M rs. E. A. Bradl and small son nrrived F riday f r ro rtlnn il, Ore. fo r a v isit o f two mont w ith Mriv Bradloy’a paroata, M r. o Mrs. .Tosoph Walkington, th reo ml

    ^ west o f TwhTFoIIs.

    I B uilding P e im it^ P e rm ita hnvo bc / Issued to P . L. Shonobergor nod Jn ^ Yost eovorinR eonatruetion o f gam ^ buildtnga. To the M ountain Sto: ■ jj^ o lcphone and Telcgrnph company I P jjiermit baa b.>en irronted for tho ci ds atruction of an addition to th u n c a c

    telophono exchange b u l ld ln g i^ Bl )d ahono atroot north,' the coat w be (

    proiitpo tely *3800. ' . 1

    , 1. B lrtb-^B orn, to Mr. nrid Mrs. Ben ' mill Holl, west o f tbe eity .. ou M(

    dny morhlitg, Sepfember J.'i,' a soo.

    ki! To S n te r S U te 'N o n n al—M iss Bcbi Vn Bonwell left -Mondny for Albit

    in whore sbo will attend tho s ta te norn scbool.

    - j Oono to U tah—Mrs. K ato Tnber n t-l daughter, Mlsx Corrlne, le ft Saturd 0 ! morning fo r Soil Lako whero they n

    v is it fo r several days,

    n i . *ILlc0M0d to Wed—A m arriage llcer1,1 wTiS'isaucd Saturday evening to Har )rr H. Boborson, aged 27^ and Lula. .Macaw, 21, holh o f Filer.

    lA B o to m from Ctfoat—M r.. and M Hugh Amsbary returned S.-iturday fr(

    tj. 1.08 Angeles, Col., ond will again m o to tbeir homo In Twin I ^ l l i d, • '—[(. 'UnlveiAlty W orker Bere—Mias Ar {. «^ueBncll.-^ln lias beea v isiting his b rother. Archill left Saturday for bis homo in. Scarln>f N. D. Mr. Quesncll intends fo ,retui0 here in tlm a|>ring to locate.

    :a ' VAcaUons Piniabed-^M r. - and Oeorge F. Sprague nnd children Geori

    > nn.l .lean, rc tunied Siindnv. Mi ‘t Sprague and the children speot tl 11 summer nt the home of Mr*. Spraguo ‘t mother in flrg inJn , and Mr. Snragi

    hns been a t Tokeland. Wash. ' n ,e To H o n t D e e r -D r . Chorfes Wcthe ̂ bee le ft Monday for tbe Buwssl.i c John ranger atation w h ire he wiU jo!

    F red Bamaay on a deer hunt, M rs. Bar a a r returned to tho atation with-.hi

    f a ffe r spending aome tim e here, no Mra. B. T. Haxrlird returned tq Hail*

    j. i posed of bia in terests in thia c l t r ao ;■ left .Kui.day fnr Snn Luis Ob,i*p

    Cal. Tliere he will join Mr*. Bom«1 and tako up a residence.

    Aaks C b u c * o f Vena e A ttorae K eith Ferguaon of Jerom e, ac ting f t A. P. Yooogblood- Jo on aetioa brongt

    - by the Conaolldated Wagon A M aekls r compaay, baa appealed to the d i ^ «- eou rt o f Tw in F a lb for a e h a a r t e f plaeo o f trioL I t ia urged th a t the a< a tioa eome to tria l ia Jerom e. T he eai i ia based oa an alleged unpaid accoon

    ICotbar B«:0reTlnc—Mra. K. L . Ma< 1 Tlcar re turned S a tn n la r from Pneblc

    Colo^ w here ahe -was called b r tbe aer

    DA-y'^EPTEIilBEiR 16, ions.U iiien -.ot b e r ^mother, Mrs.. Hele Lewia. :M rs.'Lew is troderwent on opei a tioa from- w hieh sKo .ntade a rem ail able racoverr and has gone to Ohio t apend t&e w in te r w ith a danghtor.

    Blxtb—Bom. to Mi-, aad M rs. Benji J” min Howoll, a aoa on. M onday, Septonlo- ber 13.

    Gons to b ragon—W’. P . Guthrie loi ng Sunday evening to r VaJo, 0 /f t , on lpg<

    bualncts. ho - . ;

    To Oonsnlt S podalls t—Cnptnin an , Mra. W.’ S . Cnmpbcir lo ft Tuesda

    n for Chicogo whoro thoy w ill spend tw LTO >' tl>too montha.'- M r. C ^p t> e ll wl ’o r (onioU aa eye ^ e c ln l ls t while tbere.

    To A ttend F arm l£eetinjr~ .M . JIf, Thomefz le f t M oaday nlj^ht fo r Pocatc ,R, Id fo attend n m eetlng 'of crccutlvo eon vrt mitteo of tKe s ta te farm bureau orgat


    ol. - Aela jQ dgoieat—In t}>e d is tric t rooi p , Monday Edw ard E . H alo ' has inst ,n. toted an action n g a in st'L .'E . M asterso

    ftaklrig judgm ont on a promlaaory not for *1089. Thla am ount ia alleged to b

    ,or ^ ,.5̂ ̂ . Fraser Boslgns—W , A. Fraaer, wh ' ' boa beon head o f 'the dry gooda dopnn

    mont of tho Idaho D epartm ent storo lh M past two years, has resigned thb pos

    tion. Ho boa n o t ye t decldod upon perinouent location.

    Conclado V isit—M rs. T. P.- Warnc h a s ' rofumed from Jcromo whoro ah vislteil w ith b e r 'f i s tc r a M rs. L. (

    I Thomp^ion and ^ i s s Carrl^ Bawaoi ^ Miss Ilawaon hos ju s t re tu rned from

    visit of sovornl weeks In lowo.

    Attending M asonic Lodge— C. tGrcpn. principal officer o f Twin Fall fudge No. -f.7, A. F. S; A. M.. le ft Mot\ diij- fnr Boise, -whoro ho will roproson the loenl lodgo a t lbe sta to Ornni

    *“ I.oilg,' mctriing, boing held th is week.

    , Moke T rip b y Auto—^Ira. J . !• ril White who b n ' been v is iting her daugb pn Icr. Mrs. U. H. A tklnsnn, le ft Mondn; I*** for lior bomo n t Blaekfoot. goin; ' i ' by onto w ith her son-ln lnw, • F red ,S

    lialn who ban been* transac ting b'usi ness on tho Tw in F alls tract.

    ra- ___r«. Oon# B ast—Mr. nnd M rs. Tnvln

    Ciihimfns le f t M onday m orning for Sid no.v. 0 ., 'whoro they w-ill v isit re lative

    B' from there thoy grf to Cloveland, O, whero Mr. Cummina will a ttend th

    ^d Ameriean. Legion convention. They wil jy also spend som6 tim e in Now Y ork CH.’S

    Cf Hero from Oklahomo—Mrs. B. Ora; in of HoJJlstor, Okln;, ia. V isiting hor sii

    ler, Mrs. J . B. Luse, near Hnusen.

    S.V Birth—Born lo Mr. ond Mrs. II. G. Av in cry of Jerome, a dnngbfor,' on Tuesday h i September 14.

    c" • Birth—Born to 'J f r . nnd Mra. P . P Osliorno o n ' M ondny, Septem ber 13, t Bon. ^ ’

    sn • — ■ ■in - Eetoms from V isit—Mr*. CVA. Bal JO relnrned M onday from .n two montha Of visit nt 'Gooding w ith her daughtera lM ’’*'-Pn«l

    nt dSum roca te llo—H. C. Hazel returnc< u TiiAdny from Pocniollo where he hai p. been In'nt^tcnftnuec n t .tho aUprem.

    a- - After B ig Oomo:—L. U Brcekenridgl> I). Sidney Ornvos and Clinrlos Bulica lof;

    ^V ÎlB '̂»|lfly m orning for n liUHflng frlj• ill till' mniintains. •( ,

    Blr^ctors to M eet—The board of di _i rectors of tbe F ederated Bnrnl clulji

    will meet n t the farm bureau room's or Sntunloy, Scpl/{«»- C. E. Duke, M rs. Utn. !• nerly, Mm. W . B. H oag, nnd Mra. A “ (^ Wood.. A bo^t aiafty mombora wore in

    ntlenilnnce. . ‘ ; C ,, l)r, nnd J lrs . F. 1?. McAtcc'i-u*. jrU in-

    eil nt dinner Inat rvcnlng comp1i

  • TW]

    E « P f l l N C F 5 i S I I S l l l S • ONREDMEIlllCE”

    Max of Baden Says Present Military Operations Minor P art of World-Wide Offensive as '

    ;v;, ,Plw ned by Soviet' S iA N N iiE lM , O orm ny, (ff)—'iT h o preseo t m ilitary operatlonn ora only a ve ry m inor p a rt o i a world-,wide o f^ n - Tl•lv e-n b tcb loviot Bussln U ao ir'ao ttin ir -In m oU on," doclared PrJneo M a* of Clar Baden in tbe cour*o o f a len jrth r Inter- C lar view which appear* todpy in th s Boden tho Btato O aiottc. Askod w hether bo saw Oeoi n woy out o f tho prdaont dilemma for ^ e in Germany, P rince Max, aceordlne to the he inroport, u i d : ccasi

    , " T h e ro -is only ono very slender o f I liopo; U conBlflte in an uncon.lltlonal imkr mointennnco o f our neu tra lity both' to knottho oast and th e west, and In ono la n crsoideaporato e ffo rt to ' effoct n devJslon fendo f the VorsalUcs w aeo tToaty." here'

    PHnco Max believes th a t w bat he beenra ils tho German reslstanco to the moral Cojirinvnslon of BolBhovism is linUnd to o f tlrrum blo down If tho'checklnfT precsuro Couufrom tho west is f tc p t tip. iiamt

    “ I t would bo doinjj scant jiisHciJ to rceicI.»in>'

    - • ' ' Twh



    BXBOWnOJT .I ’ tlio 'D lstH et Coort o f tho Fourth Ja Jie id a i D istrie t o f tho S ta to o f Idaho, for ti md for Tw ia’FalU Countyi Roi'odor an d .b y v irtua « f a W rit o f Ex- M ay Uon'issued o u t o f t^e D ia trie t Coort mpoa tbe S U to -o f Idaho, io and fo r th e Th< n ty of T w in on th e f i ra t day to KiBeptember, 3920, lo tbo abovo enil^ defos I action, wherein tho Twin Falla Yo ik A T ru st Company, a corporation, Pw*" jloiaU ff, and M rs. B. J . Thompaon 5

    D. W . B runk ore de fe sd aa ts , tbo vo namod p la in tiff ob tiiao d a judg* ̂it on .tho 31st day o f A oguit, 1020»Inst tho aald defendants, Mra. B. J . mpson and D. W. B m nk, In tho aom .v IW7.01, together w ith IntenJst thoro- . It th a r a to o f soven (7) per cont por fA .,„ um from tho S ls t day o f August,D, and the fu rth er aum o f $24.40 imles :a, which jndgm ent is recorded in cbmp gm ent Book No. t! o f aaid D istric t elflec: r t a t pago flSS, I am commanded to ngniii th a t te r tn ln lo t, piece o r parcel o f plnim

    1 s ituated in tho County o f Twin Thi Is, Stnto o f Idaho, and bounded and of nn ;rlbed as follows, to-w it: N ortheast from rte r (N E 2-4) o f Scctlon F o u r (4),' #ertIo rnship Tliirtocn, (13) South, Bango :een (10) Eaat, Boiao M eridian, *o- tbo v icr w ith fho wnter rig h t appurten- Jjic^reto as repTesontod b y 160 ,

    res o f stock in tho Twin F alls Sal- i.Hiver Canal Companyi J®*”*.otico Is hereby given, .th a t on liio I dnjv of Septomber, 1D20, a t tho t . „ r o f e leven‘o 'clock n. m. df said dav, lie east f ro n t door o f tlio court houin „ ho C ity of Twin Fnlls, County of n Falls, I will, in obcdioucu to said t, soil nil tbo right, tit le nnd inter- of tho snid dcfendnntH, MA. M . J . In tl: mpson and D. W. B runk, In nnd to Jud said abovi] 'described property ami . L w ater rii;ht appurtuniiivt tUoroto, o t t . . ■ inch-thereof a s mny be neccaanry to ifii tbo p ln ln tlff 'a judginent w ith ti rest thereon and ousts,.nnd opcruiug i,: K, to tlio highest bidder for* casli,•ul money of tho Unitod ‘States. . )„Ucd a t Twill Falls, Idaho, th is fira t F of fleptombor,' 1020. «

    A^ N. SPRAGUE, Sheriff. 8i• BUN .r. Doputy. ' Tho

    ■ . lo : T-:------------------------:----- BreWL-

    TIO B 'O F S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON .UnkntEXECUTION. . Ibi'cca

    Oio D istric t Oourt o f tb e FourfJi id ldal D istric t o f th o 'S U to of r"!.'*** 'M aho, In and fo r 'T w ta F alls ■

    O oun ty . . 1 l ' '“ ' ' ’tid o r n n d l .y v ir tu e o f a w r i t o f ‘ 'r . u tio n insued iiiil 'o f t h e . D ia trie t •I o f th e S t a t e o f M nho, in n n d f o r ." 'V ’ C ounly o f .T w in 'F a l ls , on th e f i r s t f o f S e p to m b o r ,.1 0 '> 0 ,Jn th o nl.oyo led nc lion . w hore in . t W. B a ile y .'is ' " “

    lliC f a n d .Tohn F . H a n k d e fe n d a n t . “ ’.‘I , ? '’ nl)ov.> nnm ed p lu ln t if f o b t a in e d 'o ■ment on tb o '.n s t d a v o f A uguBt,. ngainst th e said dofondant, Joliir " lank in tho mim of *2400.00, to- f cr w itb in terest thereon a t ^he rnto *, , ovon (7) per oont per annum from 31st day of August, 1020, and the lier sum o f *23.00 costs, which judg- ^I. is reoorded in Judgm ent Book No.

    said D istrict CourW it poge 5S0 I IL •omninndod to sell thnt corlain lots, I .1“ ‘s or pnrrels n f Innd' s ituated In 1" ,V’* Connty of Twin Falls, S tn to ' of C ‘J . ?0, nnd bounded nud described a^WH, to-wit-. I ^ t s numbw' Twenty; ?' (2-;), Twenty-six (2(1) and Twen-

    von (27), in Blnck numbered0 (.-I), niiio I..nkoH Addition lo tho ' ■, o f Twin .Falls. ', '7 1

    'Hoo is b. reby given, th a t on tho day of Scpiembor 1020, a t tho of 11 o ’clock A. M. o f said day. '

    10 east fron t door of tho courthouse , i v,i10 City of Twiu Falls, Couhtv of 'w u1 F a lls ,,! wlll, in obodienco fo said i , sell all the righ t, tltlo ond in te r ' »in.ii« of. tbo said defendant, Johp F.l(. 01 nud to snid above described erty . n '-* ooessnry to satisfy the p la in tif f ’s ’d, mon( witJi interoat thereon and ' a,,.„1. and neon,ing oosts, to . the. Wgh- Mddor fo r oash, lawful monox* of I'n itod Stntos. ' .ilo,| a t Twin Falls, fdnbo,' th is 1st ------of Scptombor, 1020. OTtDB

    A. N. SPRAGUE. PlS heriff. 01

    ti'JV .T. B noW N , Ti •. Doputy. No. .19-4^

    KOTIOB J [ 0 OSEDITOBS.ho P robato '^conrt o f Twin F a lb .lu?,},

    C o uaty .'S ta te o f jdaho . j^i^orlie M atte r o f tJ,o Hslafo o f Antoo cationr,. Anderson, r>ocd. N otice to real eiPrpditors: ' On iilioo Is horoby given, th n t Iho on- John iiKnoiI, w lm iuistrntrix o f thc^ es- guardi

    Anton L Anderson, deceased. Hamilin> iToditors of .ind all persons hav- on |c rolainin agninst tho said decoasod longin;xhibit them with tho neeeasarv ni,d p, hers w ithin fonr months n fte r tho I t iipublication of th is notice to said of kin

    n ia tta trix , a t the offieo of Jam es sons i.'ise. Room S, Twin Fnlls B ank an'l poar It Companv Building. City, o f Twin «th daI, County o f Twin F alls, S ta te of A. M.,0, th is being tho place fixed for o t thiransaelion o f f h o buslneas of said Twin0 . show «.to(t this, the-05 th day o f August, gran ie

    Andn iL i f A ANDERSON. oopy o

    . \dm in is tra trlx o f tho E sta to of threeAnton L Anderstm, pocoased d av of

    M-42. a no-w------- --------------------------------------- ----- s.ild C

    NOTICE TO CRBDITOBa te ond answer said perp la in t w ith in tho timo tbcrein apo- doy:d, tho p la in tiff w ill tako judgm ent yRiiist you os proyed fo r ia said com- c t" t . . , ‘ ' Hlfhnt the ob jcct ond general purposi* jowlaid action is to proenro a divorco l1 dofendnnt on tho grounda oC do- cnuion nnd abandonm ent w ithout auf- nor;nt cnuso nud excuse and ogolns: ...inwill and consdnt of tbo p la in tif f hVii

    'In- cnsi’itni*ss my band nnd seal o f tho said y»lric t Court this 12tb day. o f August, p

    ll) - C. C. SIGGINS, r't']• Clerk. ,i„v

    lines Jr. Wise, A ltornev fo r Plnin- ca„ residoiico nud offieo, Twin F a lls „»ii

    10. . . N o .'37-42 flor-------------------- ------------------------------ - led

    ALIA S SUMMONS. ' ' nnd Uie D ln r ic t Oonrt o f tho Fourth Idlcial D istric t o f tho S tato o f , ‘ I Idaho. O ouirty-of Twin FaUa. „?;j, Devercaiix Mortgago Compnny, a hnv.

    oorporailon, • P ln in tiff vs. Thomnt D ir. B rew er nnd. Clydn M. Brower, 102( bis w ife; O. P. Batos, and tho Uu- itnowii H oirs nnd D cviscis o f Rc bocoii .T. B ales,-decensed; W illiam Uy F. Cox, Tw in Folls-Cannl Compan.v, u corjiorai.ion. D efendants. Alin* Summons. / ; •10 s ta to o f Idnho sonds^ greetings 'v Thoir.ns H. lirewor and Clyda M. .•or bis Arife; O. P. B ates and tbo w w n Hoira nnd boviaecs' o f Ro- I J . B a tts , deceased. W illiam P.Twill Fnlla Coani Company, a cor

    >11 nro hereby notified th a t a com. it has been -filed againat you in l>lM/rIcl court o f fho Fourth Judi- D istrlct-fTJ-the Stuto of Idaho,. In. ‘"'V f()> lho County of Twin Falla, by 8 “ “ ibovo nnmod p ln in tiff nnd you oro >v dirootvd to nppenr nnd nnswor said oompinint w ithin 20 dftya of lervjoe of th is summona if sorved In Iho .liidioial D istrict, nnd wlthlir • 'vl^ys If served elsowlioroi and ' n rc . fu r th r r n o ticed th a t unlesa i ' ' ’- so nppenr. and answer said com-

    it w ithin tbo tlmo specified, tho „ I t i f f will tnko judgm ent againat ns praj’od in said complaint. ^IU nro fu r th e r no tified th o t th s ‘ 'K” rnl naturo of tbia action la to foro- i a m ortgage given bv Thomaa H tho i-er nnd Clyda M. Brower) hia w ife , ' InfT lie Devereoux M ortgage Company, to i 10 f i r s t day of D ecember, 1917. aad vou( ■ded In book 45 n t page 200, of ecorda nf M ortgagea of Twin P a lls »n‘d itv, Idaho, on tbo 1-ltb doy o f Jan - Uaz , 1018; o t 0 o ’clock' A. M. The Tw i mortgago -covering tho following tbn

    -ibed lands in Twin F alls Coudty. the0. . . Hie soutbwoHl quortin- o f the south'- (Sigquarte r (SW 1-4 of SW 1-4) of No.

    on £>. Towuship 10 South, Rang'- -----lust o f tbo Boiiw M eridian. 'tness mv hand nnd- tlie seal o f KslsD istric t' Court thia 4tb day of N

    ist, 102i\ signC. C. SIGOINS, • csia

    13 ' . . • ̂ ClOTk. iViOC. L. BOWEN, .lo ii

    Deputy. cxhi•nns.iii & Tydeman, n itom eya for ors,tif f . Rosidence: Po.catello. Idaho, nubl

    No. 30-41 oxecJ------------------— ----------------------------- Kin-BB TO SHOW OAUSB O N ^ P . ?LIOATION OB OUABDIAN FO E3BDEE O P SALE OF B EA L ES- J FATE.

    10 P roba te Oourt o f tho Oounty of *̂o-TNrln F alls, S ta to o t Idaho. ------ :

    Iho nin ltor of tho ostate and guai'' ihjp o f Cromwoll Hamilton Bpsve.r. O rder to show cause on nppli- NoU D o f gunrdinn for order oY snio ol esto te : . N>reading and filing Iho pclitlon of m. oSorieral and Beatrice Scuccnl, Iho nt 1

    Hans of tho esta te o f Cromwoll S tatilton Bnsvp. minor, p raving fo r nn Clerl■ of sale o f oorlain r-'«l ostate be- sn'bnng lo th e ir said w anl, fo r tbo uses clalpurposes therein se t fo rth : the 'is herobv nrdcK'd, Ibat the next cordin nf tho said wnrd, iind all p r r of IintorralcJl,..Oi.th.> la id estato, np- by tbofnro tb is Court oh l'd

    tico is hereby given b y tho under- Id Bradley 8- B rainard, ndniinistrn- >*iif tb e esta te o f Carlton L. Brnih- dorsJcceaaed, to Ihe ereditors o f and nil istrans having elaima against the raid consiscd, to .ex h ib it them w ith the nrc- sonay voucher*, w ithin four montha of- ceashe fira t.pub lica tion of tbi* notice, *arye ta id adm ifllstrator, a t the office te r :V. Laraen, Tw in Fnlls, C ouo tr o f to tFalls, S ta to o f Idaho ,.Ih is bein^' Coui

    >laco fixed for tbo transaction of bein>usinesa o f aaid estate . tionlod Septem ber 13. 1920. P:

    BRADLEY S. BRAINARD.I l - i f A dm lnistrato ,. No.

    » T E M B e W i 6 , 1 ^ .


    Ju d i'. Sanger, P la in tiff , va. L ester Ulce, Iq a,Lola ^ Hiee, Oameron B. AUum £.and - a J . Jonklns, And H . ^o a s , E . 1Defoadaot*. , • / W rit y ’v irtn e -o f an exooutioft iai/ued outhe D iatrie t Court o f the F o u rth J u tcnrtal D istrict o f tlio S ^ t e of Idaho momllid fo r tbo Couoty ̂ of Tw ia Folia, Hodid Ju ly 30th, 1020,-̂ wberola J . 0 a tta igor, aa p la in tiff, recovered ' judg, nom't in aaid D iatriet Court ogainet n s g(cr U lee, Lola L. Hlco, H. Vosa. inloroo B. A llen and E. J . Jonkina, ifo* > indanta, oo tbo UOtU day * f July,

    fo r tho anm of Twenty-ono Huu- / o . . 1 Tw enty ond no-lOO dollar* amitlio fu rther su m 'o f Sixteen aad 80- t>, dollora coata and 'd labursem cnts,

    I in te rest thereon oL tho ra te o f 7 - ,ccn t per annum frotfi tbo sold 30Ih x- of Ju lv , 1020, I bovo loviod upon

    tho righ t, t itle , in terest and claim bo dofendanta L ester n ice , Lois L.J and n . Voss, of. in nnd to Uio fol- 'a g deseribed real property, to-w lt; J"' ho &6uthoaat quarte r o t th e north-

    q uarte r o f A c tio n Fourteen ; Ibo ^hw est ouarter o f tbo northeaat ^•ter o f Seotion Nino, oil in Toivu- N'

    Eleven South, Range Soventeen, lho ]o f Iho Bolao Mflrldlan in Twin ors,

    9 t 'ounty , Stati.* o f Idaho. tlojviiblic notlco la hereby given, tb n t I Mur

    (in tbo -lib doy o f October, 1H20. scntiho hour of 11 o ’clock A. M. o f aald siom

    n t . tb o -e a a t fro n t door o f the ibo 1rthouao of tho County of Twin Fnlla oVlna t publie nuction to tho highest bid- ,H.iitfo r caah ,'law ful monoy of thu U»i inH.S tates, all fho rlgh't,' tltlp , in te rest wi,icclaim of th e defendants, Ix-ster ,,,

    ', Lois -L. n ie o n n d j i Vosa of. iif 'to tbo real ostato rf?mvo described, • o,.itlafy p la ln tiff.’s jiilgm ont togotbor k,,,,,i

    All costs nn Ited ' t h i s flth dny of Soptembor.-

    A. N. SPJIAOUE. .S h eriff.

    UKN J . BROWN, Deputy* ■■ :,7 -

    NOTIOB TO OBEDITOBS.le o f Charles L. Groon. Deceased: Snull ilico is hereby given by thd nnder- 8oi ul adm inistra tor o f tl,o eatato of 12 K '17, 11 iBt tho said dcccoBcd, to exhibit 28,'i’l

    ,w ith tbo nocessury 'voueben ship in;t(-n montba nfto r tbo f ira t pub- ' ion o f th is 'n o tice ; to tbo aaid nd- IJ ft rtratoV o t tbo offlco of E. L. Aah- 8ei Twin Foils, County o£ TT>-ia ftills , n i, ;i » of Idaho, tbia being tho ploco UnnuI fo r tbo .tranaactioR of tho-buaiof snld catnto. - ' • • Unnuted A ugust 28, 1020. • aii

    - J . S. K EEL, A dm iniatrator o f the E sta te of

    .Charles L. Green, Deceased. i„ . ._ • Sn

    NOTIOB TO OBEDITOBS; I""'®to o f John B. K err, Deceased. itice Is horoby given by tbo under- ,•ll J . S. K err..odm inialrtttor of-tlie e dT John B. K err, deceased to "Pf." eriMlltors of ond all persons hav ^ claim s ngainst fho said deeeosed, _ xbilrtl them with th® noceaaory hers, w ithin fou r months a f te r Iho publicolion o f thla notico. to tho ndm inlstrntor, a t tho -offices o f No- ■>

    II & Bonolt, Tw in FoUa, County of ----- ^I Falla, Static o f Idoho, th is boing NC |)loco fixed.^for tbo transaction of juslness of said esta te . Inled Seplem bor 3rd 1020. Jud itled ) . .r. S. K ERR, in n n10-43 • A dm inistrator. Ha

    N O n O E TO OBEDITOBS. ^os'tcto o f H. P. Poison; Dcoon»ed „ame tico is horoby given by tbo undor- d F . C. Groves, executor o f tho0 of n . P. Poison, tlo ioased , to red ito ra of nnd nil person* hnVlng IB aga inst tbo said dooeaaod, lo)It thom w ith llio noecssary vouch 7 - ,, ,. w ithin four mlnco fixed fo r tho transaction of f f r r. luainess o f soid oatute.,

    J * . O. GRAVES,lO-J.l Executor.

    r o n O E FO B F U B L IO A nO N . • Pr:I Plain

    ;o o f P roo f o f J ^ U c a t lo a o f W ator to Beneficial Uao.

    tin - is horoby given th a t o t 10 a.1 the 27th dny of Septem ber, 1020, win Falls. Countv of Twin P alls. ^. 'o f Idoho, beforo C. C. Sigglns. Juu if : o f D istric t Court, proof w ill bo m nn ittod o f tho application to benefi- ISO of O.l cubic foet por second of Jnok ^•alera -imnd and tho seal o f thia Court I t h day o f Septem ber. 1020. - •

    C. a SIGGINS.Clork o t tho D iatrie t Court.

    O. L. BOW EN Deputy, ink L . Stopban, A ttorney for t i f f Twin Fnlla,' Idnho.1-43 .


    tbo D istric t C ourt o f 'th o F o u r th - Ial D istric t o f tbo Stoto of Idalio, d fo r tho C oun ty o f Twin Foils.•othy W hite, P la in tif f , va. A udry W hilo. Dofeudant.—Allaa Sum- ' fo r Publication.

    > S lalo o f Idnbo sends greeting to y Jock Wliile, th e nbovo named dnnt.t nro boreby notified th a t a eoin- : hns l«>en filed aga inst you in tho irt Courl of th e Fourth Judicial Id o f tho Stnto o f Idnho, in and '«vIt« Fnlls Countv, by tho aboroll pl.-iintiff. nnd jp u orn hereby cd to appear nnd answ er said eom- L w ith in tw enty dnys of Iho'serv-' f th is summons i f served within liidioial P is tr ic t, and w ithin fo rty if s

  • v ' : ,' EIOHT

    I r a i SB O lF W N S i i

    WiUiom SUvers’ Eed Helf .Takes Third Bilibon in Op*

    en Competition.WiHinm 'sUvi'm in onJy a boy—ju

    , a »ml of the MurtaiiRh (llalrlct but Ue an onthUflloBtlc Shorthorn ^‘ m a a " ai oxprrti* in cattlo brecil" doelaro thia.‘ciitiitisinnm,-and an ioborh ten cncy towar tho most promislui; oonilag cattlo rai

    ' '

    ^ Catholic Ladiea .---- - Serve Dinner j to

    Many at the Faij>omand for Food is Met in Ac

    pie Stylo by Twin Falls Women

    SucoesB of a hljcUly g ra lify ing ord r hnn n ttended 'tho e ffo rts o fA h e Cathol

    Indies, who^ have talii'n charge, fo r tl iiccond tim e, n f tho djuing-haU a t tl county fa ir . Y esterday tho tadics scr cd d inner to moro thaa .'lOtt persons, at on the cpenlng d ay of ^ ,^ * p o « i t i t d id proportionately wetl;*-

    Toda.v, being Tw in P alls day. a Btl larger demand fo^r food is exported a t

    • prep&ratlonB wcro made oarly fo r t* Ing carp of a record crowd during tl: dav. Tho food, In the main, Ts cook* in the kitchen o f 'th e moln dining ha fron ting oa the prlur.ipal htroct o f tli cneloBurc.. A compotont cook and ci te rie of serv ing ladlei) aro In chorf n f 4 h e -h a ll.'..... - 7

    School Closing ia Ordered for

    Friday at FatAuthorities Take Steps to In

    snre Opportunity for Kiddles X* to Seo Fair

    Por ■Friday, which Is C liildrcn 's da, .nt tho county fa ir , a ll c ity schools 0 T w in Falla w ill bo closed.' Tliero wU be no sessioas o r claascs of any sot n f te r th e la s t boll rings th is a ltom ooi

    This annoiineomcnt is made oa ac •. tho rity o f H al 0 . Blue, suporintoadon ' o f c ity schools. Mr. B lue says a r ra a p

    m ents woro completed early In the wee fo r declaring P r id a y 'f t c ity school hoi day. • .

    ^ C O M R A D E S P A Y T R IB U T E

    T O F O R M E R S E R V I C E M A f

    r i ia a d s aod K slg libo ts o f L a to A rtba a . ABMmbla a t Ftm eral


    Piinoral services fo r the la te Arthu (7. Shields, who died here M onday froc Injuries suffered in an accident Frida; nt his home nenr Eden, were held oi W ednesday afternoon from the DoWlt ohapel, w ith bu rial in fhe Twin Fall ccmefcry. The chapel was' filled w ld friends and neighbors who gathorod' U

    , pny the final tr ib u te fo tho mcmorj of ono whose passing ia.w idely mourned nnd • flom l.,u>fferinis were m any am beautiful. The burial service was ros( liy the Rev. W. A. Moore• M embers of th e One Hiindred gp rty six th field- a rtillc fy ' n-gim ent w itl wbleh the deceased served during the

    ^world wnr. composed n firing sqnad al -the cem etery, and J . O. Thorpo, loadei o f tho One H(M$dred F o rty siZth regl m enial band, nounded t a p r a t the grave Members o f lh'(« Odd Fellows lodge act ed as pnll bearer.

    Children’s Dag ia on Friday at

    Sth County Fair'B an d concert.Ralt Lake O pera cd from the machine and cached bohii » a fence a { m fe e t from tho car. i If tho in form ation given out by tl i sh e riff is eorroct tho car driven I

    U nv ille and occupied by Bush erashi . into a fa rm er’s rig , which was dem< ; Ished, the collision causing the autom . bile to overfum . L lnv lile 's coaditio I It is re la ted , was considered of 0 su . f rc ien tl^ serio u s na tu re to w arran t su

    gical atten tion , and ho was. hasteni to a hospital early a fto r tho accldei

    ' WOMEN OEMONSTRATf ' : HOUSE MANAGEMEN' Extraordinary Interest is_ Dii ! played in Classes by Ladies

    • at FairIIouBo management, in all o f i

    phnsen, from sweeping and moppiag tl floors .to disbursing lb e household li como to tho bcA advan tage, is taugl in the W omen’s building a t 't h e count fa ir.

    The building, togetbcr w itb all o f i< features, is in charge of M iss E dna It la d w ig . 'dem onstration agen t o f tli local bureau.

    Vcstcrdav Mrs. J . M. P ierce ia cre< ited w ith g iving one o f tho best dec oustrations o f bread baking over give a t a county fa ir , o r even a sta to f a i ia Idaho. M rs. IMerce used a patcc mixer and baked tho dough in an elei tr ie oven^bring ing fn r tk a product sai to be of prixo quality.

    OTjIs afteraoon , from 2 to 3 o ’cloc Mrs. S . B. Bough, o f iU m bcrly, was i charge of the domon^tration depan ntent, ahowing the operation, by pra< tlcal uac. of the steam pressure cooke: MeaU. ^ e ro prepared .by th is systei a n d ''w c re coasumed w ith relish b tbose fo rtuna te to ge t them.

    ->Tom»|«^IT F a ir toniglit a lia P riday . in tb e ^II. south end d f th e sU te , is th e . as guess,'w ith ra in s again p red icted

    ■ fo r the north , end.ep eum m or c o n a tio n s p rev a lU d :

    fp r yesto rday ’e sho w in g -a t tLe ' agricn ltum l fa ir . The .n Ig h t’s ' ‘ bJwcst waa 43. . ' '


    Tho Twin Skills Cnnol company is. aw arded a decision in the ‘ f in d in g of Judge F . S. IMetrlch, o f th e federa l ' d is trie t court, against F ra n k B. Dam- ' mnn, who sought to' compel' tbo com-

    1* pany |o perm it him to d iv ert w ater from its -ir r ig a tio n system fo r nse on land-owned by him. .' I n his- decision Judge D ietrich bolds th a t th e company Is n o t . requ ired to m eet p a m m aa'a demands.. • ,

    Dr. J . P. M eyers bas changed his offiee to the Tw in lU l s cllnle bnilding over th f Unlt«d S torea—adv. <


    H a v e y o u r f u r s c l e a n e d b y ~

    l ^ | | | ^ C u u u n M e CW.

    PEAGHKare ripe at tho CO-bP< EBATIVE OBCa&BDS, 6 miles sonth and 2 east of Twin i'alls. Some good' “Seconds’’ for canning at lo'w price. Bring yonr baskets.

    LCIEO.H!SLflPM anager

    - V s ̂ I

    O c c a s i o n

    1* Vw I* 7! • / •

    k I* I .■ i« - /• •]*• L -

    S H I I*i H l * 'J^HI* BBW

    Ml* \tV * V r

    tw ear be flawlessly co rrec t

    OHN KELLY footwear yon th a t the stylo is r ig h t '

    instinctiTcly th a t dullnr for epresehta the utm ost in shop

    are fashioned with paiustnk- nen from the bost of Icatliors . • them stands the reputation. xperienee in the making