W E L C O M E Henley fulham Uniting church News sheet Morning Tea can be enjoyed at Temple at 10:00am before the Discovery Service And after the Traditional Worship Service at Fulham. Today - Sunday - 9th July, 2017 - Pentecost 5 : 9:15am Traditional Service - Fulham Rev. Malcolm Rawlings 10:30am Discovery Service - Temple Rev. Malcolm Rawlings Lectionary Readings : Gn. 24 : 34-38, 42-49, Ps. 45 : 10-17 Rom. 7: 15-25a 58-67 or Song 2 : 8-13 Mt. 11 : 16-19, 25-30 Next Sunday - 16th July, 2017 - Pentecost 6 : 9:15am Traditional Service - Fulham Rev. Malcolm Rawlings 10:30am Discovery Service - Temple Mr. Ross Bouchier Lectionary Readings : Gn. 25 : 19-34, Ps. 119 : 105-112, Rom. 8 : 1-11, Mt. 13 : 1-9, 18-23 Messy Church - Temple - 4.157pm (Further details within) P r a y e r : God of mystery, draw us near to you. God of relationship, draw us near to each other. God in Trinity, draw us into deeper understanding through your gift of faith and the outpouring of your love. A m e n. ….Joy Tetley

W E L C O M E Henley fulham Uniting church - henfuluc.orghenfuluc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/NS170709.pdf · W E L C O M E Henley – fulham Uniting church ... as the strug- gles

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Henley – fulham

Uniting church

News sheet

Morning Tea can be enjoyed at Temple at 10:00am before the Discovery Service And after the Traditional Worship Service at Fulham.

Today - Sunday - 9th July, 2017 - Pentecost 5 : 9:15am Traditional Service - Fulham Rev. Malcolm Rawlings 10:30am Discovery Service - Temple Rev. Malcolm Rawlings Lectionary Readings : Gn. 24 : 34-38, 42-49, Ps. 45 : 10-17 Rom. 7: 15-25a 58-67 or Song 2 : 8-13 Mt. 11 : 16-19, 25-30

Next Sunday - 16th July, 2017 - Pentecost 6 : 9:15am Traditional Service - Fulham Rev. Malcolm Rawlings 10:30am Discovery Service - Temple Mr. Ross Bouchier Lectionary Readings : Gn. 25 : 19-34, Ps. 119 : 105-112, Rom. 8 : 1-11, Mt. 13 : 1-9, 18-23 Messy Church - Temple - 4.15—7pm (Further details within)

P r a y e r : God of mystery, draw us near to you. God of relationship, draw us near to each other. God in Trinity, draw us into deeper understanding through your gift of faith and the outpouring of your love. A m e n. ….Joy Tetley

A reminder that there will be a shared Luncheon at Temple TODAY Sunday, 9th July after the morning Service. All Welcome.

South Pacific Mission $ Update

Our total to 29th June is $3,201.45

‘CHRISTMAS IN JULY’ - Time Out Group are once again hosting this on Saturday July 22nd at 6.45pm at Temple. The cost is $25 per head and this year we invite you to BYO drinks (alcohol or soft). Proceeds from this event will be shared between our South Pacific Mis-sion project and a local Women’s shelter. For catering purposes we need to know who is attending by NEXT Sun-day July 16th. Please RSVP to Faye Spence at Fulham and Christine Fuss at Temple.

Reminder Messy Church is on again next Sunday 16th July from 4:15 - 7pm at Temple …. Come along and explore the story of John the Baptist. I am also in need of some helpers for the kitchen to help Cook dinner which will be chicken salad wraps and for Dessert fruit salad and ice cream. If you are able to help Please in the kitchen or on a table please contact me, Joan Bourn on 9403793871 or [email protected].

Looking for something to entertain grandchildren? Lefevre Uniting Church are holding a

HOLIDAY FUN DAY on Wednesday, 19th July from 10:30am to 12:30pm

Christmas in July for children 2 to 12 yo. Please refer to CON Newsletter on noticeboard for

more details

Circle of Friends - Monday, 17th July

The next Circle of Friends café morning will be at Fulham Worship Centre on Monday 17th July - 10am to approximately 11.15am. We can assure a friendly welcome! Please let Faye know if you are coming (Ph. 8356 4613). Volunteers on duty that day are Faye Spence, Noriel Noble and Michelle Peake. Our Circle grew to 22 people at La Vita Café in June, and there was lots of chatting and smiles. In July we will enjoy the usual camaraderie, as well as having a dis-cussion about the future format for our get togethers - whether this will be Café, or Church and Café, etc. We hope our regulars will come and have input into this decision.

The aims of our group are : • While not an actual ‘support group’, the aim is to be supportive in

providing a social opportunity for both participants and companions to prevent isolation - particularly because of memory problems.

• To show care for our older congregation (and others) as the strug-

gles of ageing begin to appear. • To provide an opportunity for people to interact and to recognise

each person’s potential to continue to engage socially and in general life activities as we age, (including volunteering).

Presbytery and Synod Meeting

Friday 23rd June and Saturday 24th June 2017

Faye Spence kindly attended with me on Friday evening, as it was my first time. An enjoyable evening for our 40th birthday. There were quite a few very interesting presentations and the order of business was outlined. Two proposals were involved to ordain two new ministers of the word in the Uniting Church. On Saturday, the main order of business was to resolve the changing of UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide from Incorporated to Limited. With my committee work in “Human Services” regarding funding, I had no qualms about voting “yes”. I understand their concerns very well. An Aboriginal man, Uncle Nelson? sang one of his own songs for us. He had a beautiful voice and it was a pleasure. The presentation by Mediacom was very informative. While it would be impossible to continue with everything that occurred in such a short report, I was really impressed to see the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes. I was aware that a lot did, but this was really impres-sive. Also, the catering and volunteers for the business at hand were wonderful. The report from young people was very encouraging. A prayer for the “survival” of the tree presented to us was in commemo-ration of the 40 years and the hope of “planting” four new churches in the coming four years (a new term for me) would be great. If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. With the Lord’s (and your) support, I would be pleased to carry on. Blessings to you all.

Bev Freeling

Do not fear, for I am with you,

Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you.

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41 : 10 (New International Version of Bible)

Seaside Praise is an evening Service for those who enjoy a more casual Ser-vice, where all are welcome and we have a variety of prayers, The Message given by a variety of Ministers and Lay persons and we sing an assortment of songs from hymns to modern Hill’s Songs. The Service is attended with people from Grange, Henley/Fulham, Croydon Park, The Grove, Adelaide West and we also have visitors come to the Service. At 5.45pm we have a shared evening—bring a plate meal, where we share the meal together and talk about a variety of subjects.

At 6.30pm the Service starts.

To me (Paul Whittam) the whole purpose of Seaside Praise, is to re-dedicate ourselves to The Lord, and find ourselves immersed in His presence, through the medium of songs, prayers and in the Message. Over the winter months we Play a DVD—this year the Movie is called Life’s Story 2. In a wildlife program unlike any other seen before, you will take a journey to discover the story of life itself and examine the long held beliefs that have un-derpinned the whole understanding of natural selection for more than one hun-dred and fifty years. How much can animals change? Why do so many species depend on one another to survive? Where does instinct and intelligence come from? And what do the designs of creatures alive today re-veal about their history? Filmed and researched over a five-year period in more than ten different coun-tries, “Life’s Story” explores all these issues and many more in one of the most visually stunning and informative independent wildlife productions available today. Learn about the abilities of Parrott fish, dolphins, the habits of ostriches and Wildebeest, and the skills of African mammals like the cheetahs, giraffes and lions. Seaside Praise is held at Grange Uniting Church, 5 Beach Street : This evening—July 9th Introduction + Part 1 Symbiosis July 23rd Part 2 Changes + Part 3 Movement July 30th—Holy Communion—Rev. Mark Boyce (Reminders will appear in the News Sheet when the DVD continues.)

Church Postal Address : P.O. Box 108 Henley Beach 5022 Minister : 8235.2460 (Manse office) Rev.Malcolm Rawlings M. 0431 329 607 Church Website : www.henfuluc.org Church/Malcolm’s email address : [email protected] News Sheet items : Please email June Swan at [email protected] OR PHONE 8356.9019 by Thursday evening (Leave name & number if unanswered and your call will be returned a.s.a.p.) Fulham Worship Centre bookings – Graeme Bond 7226 5983 ** Temple Worship Centre bookings – Bob Fuss 040171 4031

ROSTERS: July 15 & 16, 2017 Greeters: Welcome / Sharing: Bible Reader: O/H Data: Off. Stwds: P.A. Monitor: Morning Tea: Cleaning: Vestry: Watering & Weeding:


Lee Ward, Mavis Ross Jean Tomlin Barbara Schunke Kaye Paull Graham Smith, Jim Wallace Peter Grenville Noriel Noble, Jean Tomlin Eileen and John Squire Shirley Webster Neville Miller


Helen Simons Elaine Pederick Penny Wheeler Bruce Sincock

Margaret and Murray Zanker Murray Zanker

Penny Wheeler, Jan Lister Penny Wheeler, Beth Williams

Julie Young

** Fulham Site Bookings : If you wish to book any part of the Fulham site between now and Saturday 22nd July, please contact Neville Miller on 8356 5013.

God of grace, you have freed me from the chains of sin;

open me to the inspiration of the Spirit to live in openness and generosity to others.

Pray that the world’s leaders will seek truth

and peace without violence