Volvo ShipIT Automated Platform – Frequently asked Questions (FAQ) 30/06/2020

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ShipIT Automated Platform – Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)


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Contents 1 General questions ........................................................................................ 3

1.1 When transport request proposals are visible in ShipIT? ....................... 3

1.2 What if I am missing a call off in ShipIT Automated? ........................... 3

1.3 How can I refresh data in the application and what is the recommended

browser? ......................................................................................................... 3

1.4 What if I see old not confirmed transport requests? ............................... 5

1.5 Can I still book in Atlas? ...................................................................... 5

1.6 Do I still have to use the LES system? .................................................. 5

1.7 Will EDI schedules be still sent? ........................................................... 5

1.8 I am sending spare parts to Volvo. Should I use ShipIT Automated to book

them? 6

1.9 Can I create partial transport request manually? .................................... 6

1.10 Is this the final version of ShipIT ? ....................................................... 6

2 Transport request functionality questions ..................................................... 6

2.1 When I split lines in the transport request, does the system adjust the

quantities automatically? ................................................................................. 6

2.2 Can I delete or change a transport request already confirmed? .............. 6

2.3 What do I need to do if the volume or weight in the transport request is

too high for a single trailer load? ..................................................................... 7

2.4 What if I have split and want do undo this? ........................................... 7

2.5 Can I change the Pick-up date of a transport request already confirmed?


2.6 Is it possible to sort transport request on part number level?.................. 7

2.7 Can I correct mistakes I made during the creation of the transport request?


2.8 If I add a part line to the TR do I need to provide the purchase order

number? .......................................................................................................... 8

2.9 If I cannot deliver the requested quantity, can I change the quantity in

ShipIT? ........................................................................................................... 8

2.10 Can I add extra parts for shipment with a different part numbers than

visible in a prepared transport request? ............................................................ 8

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2.11 Are there constraints on part numbers? ................................................. 8

2.12 What if my collection day coincides with a public holiday? .................. 9

2.13 What if one of my part number should be sent from a different location?


2.14 Why I cannot see a packaging type for my part number?....................... 9

2.15 How can I use MIX PARTS functionality? ......................................... 10

3 Packaging and transport handling Unit Questions ...................................... 10

3.1 What is PACKIT? ............................................................................... 10

3.2 Can I change the Transport Handling Unit (THU)? ............................. 10

3.3 Can I use the new THU name also when I book in Atlas? ................... 11

3.4 Is the Transport Handling Unit (THU) mandatory? ............................. 11

3.5 What if the THU weight / volume is not aligned with my data? .......... 11

3.6 How is the packaging information translated in ShipIT application? ... 11

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1 General questions

1.1 When transport request proposals are visible in ShipIT?

Transport requests should be available from the collection date we expect you to

start using the SHIPIT application. The only request you see are those which have

received firm call offs. In the ShipIT application you should see the call offs five

days in advance before a collection date.

1.2 What if I am missing a call off in ShipIT Automated?

It is possible that there is no firmed call off for the next coming collection days or

you do not have a valid relation in ShipIT Automated with a specific suffix. You

need to contact Atlas Helpdesk to clarify the issue.

1.3 How can I refresh data in the application and what is the recommended browser?

It is possible that you may not see all the data after first logging in (ex. like in the

picture below) or call offs in the application.

There is a way to clean the cache in the ShipIT application to try to fix it. You

need to close all tabs except ShipIT and in right upper corner click your name.

Then go to settings and clean both: “Most used” and “Local data”, see below:

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After that clean the browsing data in your browser, example of Google Chrome

below. Click “…”in right upper corner in a browser, then “More Tools” and

“Clear browsing data”.

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Choose “Advanced” tab, choose all possible options and set the time range “all

time”. Click “Clear Data”. Close Chrome (all tabs) and start again. It should help.

Please note, that we recommend using the recent version of Google Chrome

browser. Using other Internet browser may cause technical issues with the


1.4 What if I see old not confirmed transport requests?

If you see transport requests with collection date in the past, you have most

probably already booked those in Atlas/ShipIT Manual. Please use the “do not

deliver” function on those and delete them permanently.

This should only occur during transition period.

1.5 Can I still book in Atlas?

YES. You will have to book in Atlas only when automatic or manual SHIPIT will

experience some disturbances. All material users will be able to confirm call offs

based on transport request and the manual booking in Atlas/SHIPIT will be a

backup solution.

1.6 Do I still have to use the LES system?

YES, LES system is not connected with ShipIT yet what means you still need to

order packaging manually in LES. The process has not changed.

1.7 Will EDI schedules be still sent?

YES, you will still receive EDI schedules.

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1.8 I am sending spare parts to Volvo. Should I use ShipIT Automated to book them?

No, spare parts are not included in One Information Chain project as for now.

1.9 Can I create partial transport request manually?

Technically this is possible but it’s not recommended. If you create a booking in

manual SHIPIT or in Atlas for some of the parts, you must indicate “do not deliver”

on that lines in the automatic call off. Otherwise system will plan a transport for

doubled parts.

1.10 Is this the final version of ShipIT ?

NO, SHIPIT application will be fine-tuned and developed during deployment

based on need.

2 Transport request functionality questions

2.1 When I split lines in the transport request, does the system adjust the quantities automatically?

NO, the line is simply copied; you need to manually modify the quantities for the

parts numbers for each line according to what you will ship.

2.2 Can I delete or change a transport request already confirmed?

YES, is it possible to delete the confirmed transport request by using delete button

in the confirmed booking. After deleting the transport request will appear in

“Create Transport Requests” again, then you can make necessary changes. Please

note that all the changes need to be agreed with your material controller. If you will

receive any kind of error message while trying to delete a transport, please contact

Support Team. Re-confirming a call off is only possible before the deadline.

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2.3 What do I need to do if the volume or weight in the transport request is too high for a single trailer load?

In this case you need to split the load in separate transport requests and divide the

capacity accordingly. There are two ways to split the call off (ref manual split


2.4 What if I have split and want do undo this?

At this time we do not have a functionality to undo or merge the split transport

again. You can always delete the split transport request and edit the original

transport request.

2.5 Can I change the Pick-up date of a transport request already confirmed?

Before the deadline you may use the “delete from Atlas” option. The transport will

appear back in “Create transport request” and you will be able to change the pickup

date and confirm the order once again with the correct date.

2.6 Is it possible to sort transport request on part number level?

YES, it is possible. You may sort the part numbers in your transport request by

item number, sub-handling THU or mix.

2.7 Can I correct mistakes I made during the creation of the transport request?

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YES, you can correct and modify if it is needed as long as it is done before the

deadline, even if your transport request was already confirmed. You need to send

the transport back to status “created” by using the button “Delete from Atlas”. Then

you will be able to make necessary changes and confirm it once again.

2.8 If I add a part line to the TR do I need to provide the purchase order number?

YES, this field is mandatory, so you need to provide a purchase order number. If

you do not know the PO number, please fill in ‘not known‘. You cannot leave the

field blank.

2.9 If I cannot deliver the requested quantity, can I change the quantity in ShipIT?

YES, it is even mandatory to do so. The QTY confirmed in the transport request

needs to reflect the actuals that will be shipped.

2.10 Can I add extra parts for shipment with a different part numbers than visible in a prepared transport request?

YES, you can do this by using the functionality “Add line”, as long as the unload

point you want to send the extra material to, is a part of the original transport


If this is not the case, please check with your material controller what unload point

can be used. If you have no transport request at all planned for that day, please

create transport booking manually in ShipIT.

2.11 Are there constraints on part numbers?

NO, but keep in mind that you should use a correct part number, there is no content

verification in ShipIT for this.

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2.12 What if my collection day coincides with a public holiday?

The process has not changed. You need to arrange a collection of a booking one

working day before the holiday. The date can be changed in ShipIT with the

“Change pick up day” function (calendar icon).

2.13 Will removed parts be added automatically to next


SHIPIT automated is not equal to MRP system and does not add removed parts to

next call-off. You have to add removed part manually. For any actions taken on

part numbers, please contact your Material Controller.

2.13 What if one of my part number should be sent from a different location?

If you have more than one Ship From location, you can change the pickup place

location by using the “Change Ship From” button in the call off. Please note that

this change cannot be done without prior consent from Volvo.

The Original Consignor has the right to manage the master data Supplier Settings,

where it is possible to assign part numbers to a correct Ship From location.

However, any changes made in the supplier’s master data have to be confirmed

with Volvo purchasing, following the PPCN (Product Process Change

Notification) process which can be found on Supplier Portal under Library >

Quality > Serial Production.

In case you have to change the Ship From location in the call off OR in the master

data settings, you need to inform your material controller about changing the

pickup location as well.

2.14 Why I cannot see a packaging type for my part number?

If there is weight and packaging type missing in a call off it probably means there

is no valid Packaging Instruction for this part in PackIT. You need to contact your

packaging engineer from Volvo or Atlas Helpdesk for the assistance.

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2.15 How can I use MIX PARTS functionality?

Mixing parts is only possible when system suggests mix, then the mix button is

visible in the application. There are some rules when it comes to mixing parts: parts

have to have the same sub handling THU, each part has to be packed on one layer,

you can mix parts with maximum 4 layers.

3 Packaging and transport handling Unit Questions

3.1 What is PACKIT?

PackIT is a free of charge Volvo owned application for viewing current packaging

instructions, provide feedback and approving new packaging instructions.

Packaging instructions active and approved in PackIT will be used in the transport

of materials and parts and will be visible in other Volvo applications (e.g. ShipIT).

Original Suppliers can request for access to PackIT by contacting Support Team.

3.2 Can I change the Transport Handling Unit (THU)?

YES but it is not recommended. Change of THU should only be performed if the

pre-defined packaging material is not available. The Pre-defined THU based on the

packaging instructions is generated automatically.

If you need to change the type of pallet, please remember to adjust the unit load in

the system (the quantity of parts that will be loaded on one pallet).

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3.3 Can I use the new THU name also when I book in Atlas?

Atlas may not allow to use new THU names. If you get an error message while

creating a booking in Atlas, try again providing old THU naming.

3.4 Is the Transport Handling Unit (THU) mandatory?

YES, the transport request cannot be confirmed if there is no THU connected.

3.5 What if the THU weight / volume is not aligned with my data?

Weight that is connected with a transport request is based on the Master Data from

the packaging catalogue. In case of deviations, you should contact the material

packaging engineer who can do the necessary master data updates.

3.6 How is the packaging information translated in ShipIT application?

1. Active PI (Packaging Instruction) allows to generate automatic call-offs with the

right volume and weight for respective part numbers. Goods should be packed and

shipped according to PI.

2. Original Suppliers will get an access to the PackIT application via the ShipIT

Platform where all PI connected with the user will be visible.