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Volunteers and Visitors in School Policy2010

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Page 1: Volunteers and Visitors in  School Policy2010

Priestthorpe Primary School

Volunteers and Visitors

in SchoolPolicy

March 2010


Page 2: Volunteers and Visitors in  School Policy2010

Priestthorpe Primary School

Volunteers and Visitors in School

At Priestthorpe we aim to develop links in the community by inviting and encouraging visitors to school. We aim to widen the children’s experiences and develop and enhance the curriculum. Visitors are an important part of school life.

Parents in School/Adults Helping in Classrooms

At Priestthorpe we recognise the value of additional help. We welcome parents to work in school supporting the learning of our children or using their talents to benefit the school. All parents working within school must have an enhanced CRB check. It is felt to be more beneficial for all if parents work in classes other than that of their children.

It is the responsibility of all adults working in school to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils.

Duty of Care

Everyone has a duty to keep pupils safe and protect them from sexual, physical and emotional harm.


Volunteers may have access to confidential, sensitive or private information. This confidential or personal information should never be used for personal gain, shared with others or used in any way to intimidate, humiliate or embarrass the pupil.Confidential information about a pupil should never be used casually in conversation or shared with any person other than on a need to know basis. However, the exception is when abuse is alleged or suspected. In such cases, this information needs to be passed on to those with designated child protection responsibilities. They are:

Kathryn SpraggGillian Manthorp

Propriety and Behaviour

All adults are expected to adopt high standards of personal conduct in order to maintain confidence and respect.There may be time when a volunteer’s personal life, due to their behaviour may come under scrutiny. For example, the misuse of drugs, alcohol or acts of violence.

Dress and Appearance

Adults when in school should dress in ways which are appropriate and this may need to be different to how they dress when they are not in school.

Gifts, Rewards and Favouritism

Rewarding pupils/giving gifts should follow the rewards of positive behaviour as stated in the school’s behaviour policy.


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Communication with Pupils

When using information technology with pupils, volunteers must ensure that safe and responsible online behaviours are established.All communication between pupils and adults should take place within clear professional boundaries; including the use of mobile phones text messaging, emails, digital cameras, videos, web cams, websites and blogs. Sharing of personal information is prohibited.Social Contact

All social contact should be easily recognised and openly acknowledged in order to prevent misinterpretation.

Physical Contact

Physical contact with pupils this should be avoided at all times.In all circumstances, when a child initiates inappropriate physical contact, it is the responsibility of the adult to sensitively deter the child and help them understand the importance of personal boundaries. Such circumstances should be reported to the Head.

First Aid

Please seek the help and advice of a qualified First Aid trained and named individual. They are:

Sara DruryClaire Haddesley

One to One Situations

In almost all situations you will work alongside a member of staff. There may be an occasion when you are working alone with a child i.e. hearing them read. This should be in one of the main areas of school i.e. the library. In these situations, carefully consider the needs and circumstances of the child.

Always report any situation when a child becomes distressed or angry to a senior member of staff. Procedure

All visitors and volunteers to school must enter through the main door and sign in and out at the office. They will be given a visitor’s badge to wear for the duration of their visit. Volunteers, LEA representatives, inspectors and visiting speakers must all have an enhanced CRB check. All visitors must sign out when leaving the building. Carers who are know to the administrator are admitted without badges for school assemblies

Signed: …………………………………….. (Headteacher) Date: ……………………….

Signed: …………………………………….. (Governor) Date: ……………………….


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