VOLUME XIX. FARM BUREAU OPENS ANNUAL i FARM AND HOME WEEK HERE Fl'R. 'ISHES CO:\'TRACT OF AGRI CULTU RAL COLLEGE WITH :llE:-i A:-iD WO.\IE:-i FROM F.\RMS OF STATE -PROGRAM LASTS U 'TIL FRIDAY Three Basketball Games This Week BOZEMAN, MONTANA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1928 ::\u:\IBER 13 LATE REGISTRATIOC\ PEES GIVEN BASKETBALL TEAM A late registration fee of two I ABSENCE LEAVn dollar, will be charged all students RescrYed seat tickets for the PLAYS PHILLIPS U TODA" registered last quarter whn did not game this aflernoon with Phillips 0 l register for the winter ')uarte l' or 1 Univers ity at 3:00 o'clock can be who deferred payment l)f fees .JOHN I\lcGOUGH TO CQ_\Cll purchased at the ticket office be- without securing the pl'rmi.ssion of fore the game, the athletic mana- the treasurer, A. A. Cameron, FOOTBALL TEAM-DYCHE gement announces. The •ingle d'l•asurer of the college announces. TO HAVE BASKETBALL seats will be sold for twenty-five :llATI;-.;EE GA:IIE AT :3:00 O'CLOCK-SECO. 'D CO:\TEST \VILL BE PLAYED TO:llORROW EVE. L '(; 0. A. ('. HERE S.\'fl:RDA Y I All registration for this quarter cent::; each while the season re- --------------- was to have been completed by G Ott Romne\' head ( the phy--i book can be purchased 1 l' <l H k I December lG at five o'clock. cal .education c1C1»artmen°t and ior $2.00, no reduction having been IDAHO HOOPSTERS 'I \ic 1'l int.rn 1 tlt ( a .. OGAARD RE s I G N s I Student$ who secured permission of athletics at :\1ontana State c-ollegc, made. iu ( n crern 1i..unp I ' \\Ith a con\·cntion of tne '..\lontan.i has been granted a leave of absence pla)' two of their h •.<: t gnt;_ Fatnl Bureau. Featuri1 Ir the f.irst day EFFECTIVE I to dder paymert of fees until re- cf one y(al' September, are quite a number of LOSE TO BOBCATS I. IL'. n when thh Lt ' APRIL 1 turning to thi-; <uartcr IH:?"\, it was annourn:ed from the seats reserved for which no season L neJ:-Jt\" o >k a oma h. t.: ""L\ ha\·e been until ChanC"c11or's office, Der. 2-1. ,John reservation has been rnade as yet, 4 aml :).· th re h.l l>tc b n \\. L. kton oi Clarkston. : t r ' 1 k h . I Gou_l!h of \Vhitehall was recommend-I ' it: ai UIH td n the gymnn iut . a 1ve o c oc · to complete i c:;1r as football coach and Schubert according to those in charge oi the . , . I\\ ednc.>sdny !..'\ cnin,:: he lirst tmt..• t.f thl' morning and afternoon was --- registration. After that date a D\· he a,.; actircr head of the tleparl- sale. Although the front row seats l\hner - Lose "htle \ andals '' h Phillips "l ·• \\ill beg n . tak<•n p 111 counl) and ;late ufficcr;' Work of Extension Agronomist 0 Th Recognized n.v Seed late registration fee of two dollars I :m_·nt and basketball coach. on the sides in the balcony are Take Single Gan1e . •Hit .u1sda) lOr t:" w 1' llu1·"au had lon<ia)· to I will be imposed. :'.\Ir. Romnev has made no announce- fairly well sold out, there are still Out of Three I t the iebular time ail oth1 r "°" Association ment as to where he will be located I •an 1 e.:., ti m. but other meetings and '! The charges for add and drop next year, other than that he expects some of the choice seats un- __ Phillip:-; l niv rsitv \\a defc<-1h!•l I rogrnm. on Tuesday and cards will be made beginning 1\1011- to go cast where he can take aclvance<l reserved. The Bobcats played their fit-st home at the ·'at ii 1 a: .\. · .. \. l llt;l la \\ ll l·ontinue until 'atunlay. A. J. Ogaaid, extension agronomist I day, January 9. The fee then will work in physical education and teach The single reservations will be i.:,ame of the season again:st college yea b:\ t e flJllj ti ' t-u 1 arai 1 he Ii w\ :-;tock program opened on at )J. S. C., has resigned to be-I be one dollar for each card. Th e=-'e and coa· h part time. sold before each game during the -cm petition De·cember l'; . They de-1 h!!' a ds a_'-.g-rc ration has pi.1c- .. fees will be increased later, as has )lc Gcugh Experienced season , as long as any are avail - ic.ated the State School of )linl!s by theh t.clam 1 J lat The selection of .John illcGough, a fair marg-in in a rather poorly play- ave . a1 era> e c.n· Y .ea- \ is1tin1t tarm women had their fir:-;t t1at1u1. !\lr. Ogaard's selection for been the rule previously. Whitt'hall attorney 1 to coach football able. The reserved seat!-l include cd t!ame. The }[ineb, evidently in- on expencnn· th1 yl•ar. Thcretor1 h\'h:"ol.:'st"s the first two rows of the balcony ... \H'te ccntinued on that <lay, with the of lhe organiz'ltion held at )fr. has had \\ide and first three on the main floor, chcir e1fort:; on defense. Thi!i de- . ..,t.ltes .\mate •:r i"fo c·lc'l'tion of oflicer:'i and ban- Chicago n.u.mtly. His resig-nation RETURNS FROM C'XJ erien e as a coach sinee his ..,.radu- excepting the row placed en the fense, led b:i,· t.Iatlock, was well di- 1'he > ., •• lla,_t·. i's u11 JUl't in the from the E.xtt"nsion Service bec:omes ation from Col•"'ate University in floor for capacity crowds. The iec:ted at times but the sorL that l Ln:H•t:-1ty te.rn1 \\ill bl' the subject oi dil'-cus- effct·ti\'e April 1, at which time he 1910. He attend:CI the Universit"· of entire balcony has been reserved tends to make a rouj!h game and de· ag-greg-atwn o.f basketball 1_la:re1 siun in Jin•:.;tuck met'tings today. ,nil take up his new work with head - California summer sessions for four stray the finer pomb of basketbal1. "ho are a:-. OU• tandn g 111· \-ll'!llbt::?r of tht' .:\lontana Potato Im· quarter:-< at Chicago. His successor N s F A MEETING vears before his location at Montana for the University game, howevt'r. . Take T" o o[ Three ,.· asth: Stf;: hij?h , rue-Iams will be continued through ! h I d t th h I f '11 e n A G R LEADS MEN D b 22 ,. d " l h f' t ' f b csult of his outstandir.g work as ex-1 --- se oo an. a e. c . 00 0 u' n s 1 ecem er'·. :.d an :.-t. n t e trs 1a1ty 1s carom :-hots. •·Tuffie'' he ilay. Ttactor wheat arming su - i.-ension ag-ronumist in :\Iontana dur- , . Butt_e workmc- 1n Montana. He ;.:ame the Bobcat:s showed a very \. n,.., a ,t. 'l in. vuanl, wa fiicked J ·cces will come up on a >f>ecial pro- N S F A Holds Meetmg At I I d f LLB f Gon h · f · th t · rast seven years. Under his . . . recel\N o. rom - mu..: 1111Jll"U\'el .form O\'er a m ll the sc, or:d all .Anwnran team a .. iirecllon there has been developed in L1nc0Jn, Neb .• Before Christ- zaga Unl\ers:1ty m 1917. ! IN FALL GRADES the Mines game and won In an easy h" A .. ·\, t .·meet \'ear In ad- 5tatc a crop improvement pro- mas Holidays D:- che manner by a large margin. All mem· lit ion to his !!Uanlingo he i Program.:; for livestock men inter:- iram which recognized as a model I The work of the physical cduca- ber:s oi the squad who were here got rn exteptiunallv good Ion:; :snot ar- in hor:se:s and beef cattle, for for western states. The stan- . --- . tion department and basketball coach-) a to anJ. it _look_s_ H st "::\locn" :ilullill!<, all :s:ate c.:en- ,,·omen interested in foods and nutri- larchzation of crops, the production I ll enn· Gardmer, president of the ire: will be handled by Schubert Dyche the.re t:> J!OO<l Je .• ma- t: of Oklahoma last vear, i.';I •'- lmr<l ion, 1or potato growus !ind for trac- of pure seed of standard varieties A. 8. l\1. S. C' . and to the who been assisting Romney with Al ha 0 First Amon Sororities! tenal hand year. . ·iJ:hter. floor m;n, and a '"ery ur wheat farmers will be continued and the active co-optration fo grow- annual conventio!1 ol the Na- the basketball team th is year. There P g . t evening- \ andals .oori shot. He is nl,.;o G ft. 3 in. in n 1 hursdav anrl a cattle breeders -.rs. dealers and educational in!ititu- tional Students Federation of Amer- being- no freshmen bas ketball team, - Many Changes No heed t:\ idently become acchmate<l,. accus- height. hort cour:-.e. will start that day. ions are the main factors in the crop I ica held at Lincoln, Nebraska Decem- Dvche has devoted his attention thi" tomed to the floor.• or somethmg- had Leonard S <lbrook, another boy who On Friday there will be special ·mp·o\•ement plan. bcr 15, 16 and 17, reports the meet- winter to the var..:i y swimming and happened. At any rate they could :-. over the . Ix loot mark, is an ex- rogram5 on the subjc .. ts of land extension agronomist Mr. ing a success despite the late start basketball teams. hardly recogmzed as the :same ·ellent dribbler an<l passes. lie is al- Jtilizatiun. tre11tment of :sterility in 0.c:aard has been closelv associate:<l due to a change of officers in mid· .. team which had ?pposed. the Bobcats .a):. well 1,;p in the scoring columns. ·atth, dai1yinJ? and <laity cattle and with the )-Iontana Seed Growers' As- I term. in tile quarter's grades with an av- the_previous evemr.g, so impi·oved was haskel Elam, the southpaw of the t l·ortinuation of the special program so.iation, which org-ani:r.ation works i Over two hundred from "HEZ To (' J.. PTAJN erage 01 4 . 397 . A. 0. Pi led the the1r f.mm. '!'hey defeated the Bob- .. quacl. plays either guard or forward here will he a consignment sale of Cc-llege in the of standard legc in the country were in attend- llelta 1 came second 111 Third Game Thriller pntmt.mt oi the game . Ralph Shidler or women. On Saturday afternoon close co-operation with the State I practically every university and <.:o l- \,, I \,,i\ \:'ith an <:>f cats 4ti to -H ir: a \\l'll played game. well and knows ncry de- ffolslein tattle . adapted variet_ie.s, in .the establishment ante.. Repre::;ertatives from the ni- I '28 FOOTBALL TEAM average with 80 · 88 1. Pi Beta pavh_i The third o-ame wa::. the tht 1ller of is n dl'T endable <k•fe1 si\·e game I f d d U secon(t in the sororities with an \ h d' · Eat·h day from Tuesday to Friday cf l'U es for mspect10ns and other• ,._ers1ty o on an the ntver- 1 the serie.;. 1he Bobtats had a slight w u 11ei.:ts his attention to ·pecial a!'i-;-;emblies ha\"e been planned work related to crop J s1ty of Hawa11 at Honolulu were c.r!!,t!e of 79 · 68 1. th edge in the first half, but in the sec- ball ft om the backboard and \·h€re all visitors will meet to hear )fr. been. secretary of this. present. large number of their gr;S:s tabulation of e ond period Jda no came back strong the oppom:nts a few tri ks -;onw di:;cussion by an outstanding or,crnnizat1on since its establishment I reprcsentahve3 were women, several Succeeds Joe Dobeus \Yho \\'as De - and _the st:ore was fir:st in fa\'or of with his hook pass. er:son. Speakers on. Tuesday were in 1922. of the leading eastern colleges for I 1 ed 1 r "bl F Sororities one team and then the other. "Cat" Ha\'e Feline Forward A.ding Pnsi<lent Linf1eld of :\1. S. C.; The Montana was. _in women ser.ding a number of dele- 1 car ne igi . e or A. 0. Pi .............................. 80.234 Thompson made a long. one in tht.:! '1 the members \1. L agricdtural e..:onomist; thare-e of s gram exhibits I gates. Anothe r Season l-'i Beta Phi ·····-···················79.681 last seconds of play to give the Bub- 01 t.1e squad ls Ralph, a reg· oclay, Chancellor :\I. A. Brannon of. 3• the In ternatior.al Grain and Hay . .Ha..-e Grou 1> Dis<?U-ssions I __ Alpha Gamma Delta .......... 78.95-! u1ts a .J5 to 4-1 \"ictory. ular fonnu<l who 14 points Jn Thursday, talks by Glenn A. Smith, nder his direct10n was developed the !\fr. Gardiner said, the work IS 1 banciul'l c:iven m of th.e I l'h1 Omega ........................ 75.843 \Vard and the Ic.laho l'enter were tak- · .. ll' greatcs.·t 111 t bas· he Greater t.;ni\·ersity of .)Iontana; Show for six years and I "As.1de .from a. . r' . . 1 Kappa Delta -·-···· .................. 77.126 Early in the fhst period .Frank j l r game last j"e:'.ll" .. He .1s rated as f;f;istant di:>trict fol·esler, and by inte1e.;t in exhibitions of this kind i-it..d en by group discussions, special foo;bal! FQuad iust prevwu::> to ex· Fraternities en out uf the game thev dio kc ball. It \\lll be interesting to c·om- rof. H. ,\ .. \'aughan of )I. s. C.; on whic'ri has )lontana an interna- being- gi.ven c:onsideration at amrnation last. AJ h G Rh 8 I not confine thc1.-. competitiou ·l·!ose 1 rare pe1fo11!1at l'C with that uf our talks by Gudrun Carl- tional reputation as a producer of meetmgs. ome of the elec:te(! to. Do I a 1' amma 0 enough to ba:;kethall l·ules to satisfy 1 .,,,.n forward, .1homp:-.on. who has .al- ;on of the American )!eat Packers quality grain. topics discussed were: the honor sys- beus, tccently dl'claied m_eligible for lJ<: ta au ····-· ····· ·· · tht.:! rl:!ferce . Early in the second peri- 1 -o won a feline mckname for hun- lssociation and by Robert \\"il son of i\l r. Ogaanl was recognized in a Item, frate1·r:itie8, student government, ar.othcr son of play, 111 the cap-. .. -.......... ad an excited Idaho who I self. he noithern Great Plains Field Sta- nati{ nal wa'.\' by being- elected to the and outside . tarncy of the 9 28 Bobcat football I L bd Ph" ,...20 I had just entered the caged a After the i.rame.- a.nd ! ·on ". '. Dak. presidency of the International Crop . "There was a noticeable d1ff_ erence team-_ . . am a 1 .. · .. rn. field goal in th,· Bobcat ba>ket, de. Thursnay th Bobcab will ha' e only ' •' 1 th t f t l d b \Vh I k l o t 1 t f lt J Kappa Sigma ············-·-········· 76 · 671 J f t l f t h Bozeman re arcd to welcome an Improvement As!'ociation in 1H25 am rn e amoun o con ro Y 1 e reen c 1-;app !n.n.t:n lS e S. A. E . ...... ......... 75.846 spite the excited cries of his team- t11..• lay o _res 1 C ore mee lI!'" t e . 11 , 1 ,P. P b . f ·i·'ting ie-dccted in HJ2G, the onlv instance the g-overnments rn western jcYer the de.Jaret! mehg1b1hty o[ D?- Si).{ma Chi ............. 75 _ 5 o 2 This nm.,.· or nu1,- nut have Urcgon who are on their • nu.sua :\ a1ge num et .s1 dis , in the history of the 01."ganizalion schools in comparison with those of beu!', a great (!t al of confidence is 0. B. .72.858 been a decisive factor in the game, hoiue froltl a succe:-;sful bartstCJ11111ng arm dmen. an ah ) t th -: when ar. indh idual has held this of. (Continued on Page Four) bel'.aust the \'a1.dals immediately 1 ip throu).!"h the Ea::.t. Thi;:; gume fitl' for .more than une. year. has made tyo quick fit'ld for them " 11 1 e at 8 o'c oek rve- tt d 4 f . th fi1 t t 'O days also been chairman of the ;\ational FOURTEEN CHOSEN BY I tieh es before the amused Bobcat:-: nin, .. ;. of heav:,: Agrono.my Confere!1ce for POSITIONS REPORTED I tnuld their . . - The ... of the rows. an in re;scd <lue the pa:st year:;. At the_ first an- f 1 It \\as a good ;...anH.· ... · .. I- . ·t d nual meelln,I! of the Ame11"an Seed PHI KAPPA PHI FRAT und the sho\\ed t:Mt ronl!es. tcam.:-5 in the Pacific Coast o late a1n\a IS expcc e . Council in Chicago last November, FOR 1927 GRADUATES are rapidlv whipping into therr lo.st i,nlt'rt'm.·e, wUch i::. the same confer- The cun\·entlC_!I uf. the )-luntana )Ir. Ogaarcl was elected president. I l season form when they \\on the encc in\\ irh the Idaho Yanda!'=' pla:,·. brmg O_gaard became extension I --- I R_o<-'ky. )-L?untair_ 1 Conference fhey nw:..} 1att's t1.:am of DcnHr an<.l l\e!:i from county of the state ·tgrc·nomisi in 1919. Previou s to that Elect Members From Highest One p10nsh1p from lulorado l'ollege. 1hc -lt•fl<.lted them by one point margin, .nd m1:-'etlnf!s .of the potato grow_- ht: had been county agent at large I Suney By Hegistrar Shows , : , . !lew member:-; th1..• bccom- while thl· Bobcats defeated thl• same rs will .:note than 100 in the ::.;ta:e for two He Fa,•or ab l. Em lo ed-Se..-eral 1 J l'nt.h of Senior Class- tt-:g more then· team- tta:n b) ix points. Howe\ er, the potato kmg-s to Bozeman. Spe_c1.al studied at .:\orth Dakota State Col- l P Y r I Select Next Tenth I mateti' pl.iy, while the ol It..' o1 thl• Bobtnt game much ates.are allo.wcd all )lunta!1a tlegP and the University of I In Advanced "ork year';:; a1c ag-am h1ttmg lcr L>r than the othl•r one. \\hich in- ·oads for this of meetings at j and superintendent of the _gov- ___ . . . . then· former stride under the able d calt. tha the On .. gon team has a h(• State College rn Bozeman. . ernn:Pnt drY land experiment stat ion I ... 1 . • _ • h . _ • Phi Phi,. natwnal honorary diredion of Captain "Brkk'' Breeden. tr 1 ·nl! Jefrnse but thut their much An information booth will be mam- , . t H tt . ge'.°r X orth Dakota for five 'V. H. Cal , 1 c:g1sti ar1 as I $l'holarsh1p fraternity, has honored 14 nraiscd ·•pc-rt·enage'' svstem of offense aincd in Agricultural Hall on the ... e .111_ ' •• 1in to tana pared a of the_ memb-:rs of t e men and women of the Class of 1928 I i a\' rot U :;:.o effe,ti\·e. ·est side oi the campus and visiting )e.u:-. hefore con go n · o.f 1027 :-;h?wmg. thell" IThb npresents the upper one-tenth CONVENTION DELEGATE 1.)t.•cat."e ol tht>ir inter-c nfe.renl'e ai:m ·ml'n and womt..n go direct I The 1_1st. fa':'or-' cf this class . The second tenth of I in er-est anrl opportunitv for compari- this booth to obtain programs, no- .ADDISO CLARI{, '08, '\ ' ITH ably .'\1th class will be elected during I 1 '1 of :'treng-th, this week's bnskct· of s >eeial tnl•etings, etc. NE\' 'D • MINT G COlVIP :\.NY show1r:ig 1:riany m achanced wo1k 1t1 first week of the next quarter, all or REPORTS OF MEETINGS ball game:-; houl1l bl• of ntt•r- It . 1 ll . the buildings ad· --- ll1 1.rnsme.!s and profess10nal work at 111itiated at the same time. 1ese thn·e gamcg \\ill undoubtc·dly - f tht ing:s will be held itl Agri- : 1 £ ""'- £'"'- 1 .. r as as the many I newly chosen to be " .to all follr1\\ crs th'-' ,,port. a to it 01 Addison Cl.ark, 'O:J, was editor o( r:rc:)ent. The list in.eludes: Following is a li st of those electeJ -- Ul'r1ish :-;unw of the be<::t ba:-.ki:otba_ll · i·ne of the first college papers Axtel_l, teach- to Phi Kappa Phi during the autumn Jo O'Conner :\lortar Board o h." on the local flour this. ---- --- hshed at M S. C. After a season rn jet, :'.\11ssout1 h1g-h st.:hool , Missoula, quarter: Chapter at .\nnual Sectional u.;:or. and thcv \!.:'.J. (ertainl put. ) M MERRILL RESIGNS I Ydlow,lone Park he went to the :-lonlana. I E . W I" bb f L' I h< arnf ., on Hohc it stren!'tl1. \ 1 \Veste in Electric Company in Chica_go, Adolph Hartwi g, Sniith- in '\r\l: Conference ! 'tay!ng there five years gom!l' 1 teacher m Red Lodge high school, CAPT. F RED CHEZ saYI, E.i' Fuller of Helena, )!elv111 Bar- MONTANAN PICTURE" ROM COLLEGE STAFF to xork as editor 0 r Hu he5 in- hour of Butte, Robert \Veils of Great ).fr.;:-. Jo O'Connu·. who WH:-> the ., j ncermg d Fr.om "Y rk t .f 0 . i C County- 1 placed in the n ·wly elected !cadet ·J Falls, Edwm \:Vmkler of Bozeman and dt..legatt• tr(ltn )lontana Stat\.' college SENT TO ENGRAVER 11. 8. C Graduate To 'fake Q, ·er \I ork For The Winter Quart.er Annount..C'llll nt of the resignation of obert )lcrrill. assistant professor of j:.l'icultural cngiiwerintr at )_lontana tatt: colle)?t, wa!-> made the hristmas :\lernll has ·cepted an apoointment with th_e nited Rtatl'S Depnrtmcnt of Agri- lture and will be located at Tole.do, bin when· he will continue workmg the field of engineer- will be sutcceded temporarily .,. Ralph Kt:nrk. a g-raduate of . na State- college in 192:1. henck a!'. been teaching' at Gallatm County igh sl·houl and will return to the i).!"h school work exclusively at the ·nclusion of the work of the he balance nf the work then will be one bY other mernbers of the depart- ent, lo Prof. ead of the- department. The:e are bout thirty-six students registered Agricultural Enginoering classes. )lontana . . L hez vl:l: _illg his .. for Benjamin of Roundup to the wes.l!rn-central cor.n·ntion of in'" the \\"orld \Var he was captain of I Frederick Long-, Smith-Hughes .111- i_:ig Agriculture: Le, onard Thomp.son of )!ortitr Hoard, national honorary so- ,... v N" h D k t h h "l ent.rc o "e \..CG uc :,; e F b d 11 d Bowen of Wor c-ien· fur wumcn 1 W<b held at the l'ni- Eng--ineers finishing railway regu- structor, elva. - ort a 0 a, ig . · t ' tate ' I rom erg an ' oy - \"Cl';itv llf Xebraska, Lincoln, lating and liasion in charge l school. . · aabilitv Chez has c en. . . . · · ka durin " tht week irece<ling exam- of all movements of ra1lway-mou.nted Ralph .Mowery, dll- been recognized wherever the blue and App!ied :scien:e: Swi!1- infltion heH• la!t ouarter, had artillery, both French and Amencan, reclor, Sunms, high · Id t 1 ·ed th"s ·ear His gle, Helen Crozier and :\11ss Mil- 1 1 ._ 1 • _ ·t· f ... ti .. the 8chedull· of .\ppointments for Balance of Organization:-. To Be Posted Soon h h t h V d t" Robert Tootell Smith-Hughes 111· go eam .as I, a;:, 1 :\ dred Cameron all of Bozeman. . lne l J::.dl c ion P ieptesen ng. t roug o.u t e . er un sec ion. t . D . L' d,. !\I tana hi h uncxcclled f1ghl uncanny football . .. . . . 1 most nmote thapter .. gwg-raphica_lly, lie wnle:s: "Smee great quarrel ee1 o ge, on i g ''ser.se'· was one· of the g-reat factors .Household. and ' Atts: a ll ll call oi the dC'lt:'gatcs showc(I. The 1'12).i 'lont:1.11a11 rap1dh tnl;. been the . Clark sc Smith . Hughes in last season: Miss 0 Conno1l ,?f .\::. part l!f th<.• of the con- inR"" onn a11d with t.:!Vetf ctay l icw fC'rtunc:s a!l<l trying to ra1s;. with the irstructor Harri son• Nebraska high l• red Chez is p ·csidcnt of Junior :\11ss :\lmtha H er e\l of Re \'Pntic·n. pre"_l·nted. a mere pa es are c<•mpk·e{l fr he expe.rt a!iRIStance of_ ! rm.a Kirk. c;;_1arh. o:.·.chool . ' ' ' class as w.ell letter man 1t1 foot- odge. 1 paper .on a topl.l' which printer, ac ordin to Bue \\or hin.,,, 1 th th l ttl cittzen'-i b II Jl 1 0 d Ut h l 1 th I th on, 1t:litor-in-<"hief of the yeurhook. (tlell" . 1110 er-, tee 1 ;e b. I John Travis advertising manager 3 c J\cs n gen, 3 · •• .., wa:::. _dis u:.;se( at 1.:ng e .Jut befon• \a<·ution a large ':iii 1men who I hope, each make a .1gger Dailv Leader 1 Great Falls, Montana. Ii\Jl RED BY meeting(;. As a result i:if. the d1sc,u:i- . dent tr. th_e world has old L(e1·bert \\"1'nner Sm1'tf1-Hughe•. ,·n- PURDl'E 1•1L\ISES TE.\.:\1 Gee. Da\·enport, a. local residen.t, sum. a rcsolut,on requtrmC" a high of p1.turcs wa,;; i;e1' t11 the en" R er II cl th the ,. · .., 1 1 h an I another h1pmtnt is now rnady man. , .._ 1 . up WI _ structor, Cascade, l\fontana 1 - -- was irjured about the by a I :'-t.'holastic star1 nr1 among- t e go ward. s mdustt)\ mm_ fchool. In n recent letter to Ott Romney, the gun used by the hl'r .... selede(I \\l.l.s .. A nnn 1 - week and nPxt will prac- and mc1denta1IJ. Bernard Williams, Smith -Hughes oach at 11. S. C. Pre s ident.. E. C. timekeeper m of the. basketball\ a.\erage ot pe1. cen_t _or ti<"aliy :di of the organization fJi ·tur i!meer ol . min. .., teacher . Dak., hi)'.!h school. of u'niversity and heTe dunni.t holidays .. The its_lqui\'allnt .wa asked 111 ,h,.. ·: cdulerl. It very essential, tho Compai:iy <?f Nnada, anc a\e I Har old Kohls. fellowship in mer chancellor o( the Universit · of mjury was rather pamful, but did lution . . editm wain. that e\eryone follow a healthful mvig- rrnn Statt:'- College, East Lansing, :\[C'rtana wrote· "The visit of} the disable :\Ir. Da\·enport, although it 01..:luss I c:r ... onal "ork as P• -..1ble the chC'dulrrl ap- Ltrating- offices m a!1 Francisco. Let team to the Purdue campus necessitated medical treatment. :\Ir. In a talk un the work of , intnH nt ir orc.h•r that these pk me extend my greetmgs to al!, and ('r11·l A.lbl'echt assistant at the U .. ·a· real event T would that you I Davenport is an ardent follower or -:'lforbr Board, }lean Hapner of the ture•· can hP sent to the cng1a\l·1·s b, 'vho d of S. Range ·Miles City, :\Ion- valiant team mig-ht hear athletic. aften acting- l-niversity of )..'t.:b1 emphasizetl .January 11 on the back. yon er tan a. the illunv exnressions of raise cur- as m important the \ l'llue of a life mterest t.o the The s h Jule rof pictures \\ill b 111 1900-01-02; like\\lse. td I.l arkv :\lcFerran, ranching at rent around .the and com - 1 was entirely accidental. lollegt' student. To her. she f'f' tcd on t"e bulletin br1ard an the _ faculty of. the anc1ent !\lontana. munitv coon erning vour skillful and it cla1med. rl'r·onal W£?rk hnd .nls puhlishul in the ExponPnt. ai:ram. wishes to Y 011 f he Harold Barnum, fellowship at l\Iich- hnrd-fig-hting- youngmen. It is cer- I than tha_t _it riJ..?irl s hedule will bf• fotlo\\('d an who name igan State. East Lansir:ig. Michigan 1 1 tain lhat the colleg_e and the state j . Clayton Farnum, .ex-'29 .. of Miles .a nc_her hft: . 111 mi..-:sioJ lit the. "".c .ions \\tll. b 0 address i.s Glenn Sands . supermtendent of I added to its reputation by the game 1 C1tv has resumed his at the I whate(c' er _s phedel1.; ap girl Tmhu?h h\e, due to laxity in tulfilhngo appoint San Francisco. j (Continued on page two.) here on October 2l!." college. ontmu on ai:e ree) j ments, the students are advised.

VOLUME XIX. -~ ROMNEY · 2016. 6. 15. · volume xix. farm bureau opens annual i farm and home week here fl'r. 'ishes co:\'tract of agri cultu ral college with :lle:-i a:-id wo.\ie:-i

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Page 1: VOLUME XIX. -~ ROMNEY · 2016. 6. 15. · volume xix. farm bureau opens annual i farm and home week here fl'r. 'ishes co:\'tract of agri cultu ral college with :lle:-i a:-id wo.\ie:-i






Three Basketball Games This Week



A late registration fee of two I ABSENCE LEAVn dollar, will be charged all students ~ RescrYed seat tickets for the PLAYS PHILLIPS U TODA" registered last quarter whn did not game this aflernoon with Phillips 0 l register for the winter ')uarte l' or 1 University at 3:00 o'clock can be who deferred payment l)f fees .JOHN I\lcGOUGH TO CQ_\Cll purchased at the ticket office be-without securing the pl'rmi.ssion of fore the game, the athletic mana-the treasurer, ~Ir. A. A. Cameron, FOOTBALL TEAM-DYCHE gement announces. The •ingle d'l•asurer of the college announces. TO HAVE BASKETBALL seats will be sold for twenty-five


0. A. ('. HERE S.\'fl:RDA Y I All registration for this quarter cent::; each while the season re-

--------------- was to have been completed by G Ott Romne\' head ( the phy--i ~en•ation book can be purchased 1 l' <l H k I December lG at five o'clock. cal .education c1C1»artmen°t and coa~1; ior $2.00, no reduction having been IDAHO HOOPSTERS 'I \ic 1'l int.rn

1 • tlt ( p[,~~·d a a~"'·\i.. ~~m('~t .. hc.rcuu~~o~.t~:j: OGAARD RE s I G N s I Student$ who secured permission of athletics at :\1ontana State c-ollegc, made. \l(.unt~ iu ( n crern 1i..unp I ' \\Ith a con\·cntion of tne '..\lontan.i has been granted a leave of absence pla)' two of their h •.<: t gnt;_ Fatnl Bureau. Featuri1 Ir the f.irst day EFFECTIVE I to dder paymert of fees until re- cf one y(al' he~inning September, Ther~ are quite a number of LOSE TO BOBCATS I. IL'. -~ea n when thh .· Lt ' APRIL 1 turning to ~chool thi-; <uartcr IH:?"\, it was annourn:ed from the seats reserved for which no season L neJ:-Jt\" o >k a oma h. t.: ~1l;et~~in~:1'~11 1~1~e1~~a~J.)co~~e~l~~~d::t~ ""L\ ~ ha\·e been all~wed until .Ja~uary·9 ChanC"c11or's office, Der. 2-1. ,John ~k- reservation has been rnade as yet, 4

aml :).· • th re h.l l>tc b n \\. L. ~to kton oi Clarkston. )lo~t' : t r ' 1 k h . I Gou_l!h of \Vhitehall was recommend-I ' it: ai UIH td n the gymnn iut . a 1ve o c oc · to complete i c:;1r t~I as football coach and Schubert according to those in charge oi the . • , . ~ I\\ ednc.>sdny !..'\ cnin,:: he lirst tmt..• t.f thl' morning and afternoon was --- registration. After that date a D\· he a,.; actircr head of the tleparl- sale. Although the front row seats l\hner - Lose "htle \ andals '' h Phillips "l ·• \\ill beg n . tak<•n p 111 counl) and ;late ufficcr;' Work of Extension Agronomist 0

Th Recognized n.v Seed late registration fee of two dollars I :m_·nt and basketball coach. on the sides in the balcony are Take Single Gan1e . •Hit t11~ .u1sda) lOr t:" w 1' ll'TJ1ohr,~---l'a1·111 llu1·"au had ~. lon<ia)· to I will be imposed. :'.\Ir. Romnev has made no announce- fairly well sold out, there are still Out of Three I t the iebular time ~ ail oth1 r "°" Association ment as to where he will be located I •an1e.:., ti P· m. thL·m~eh·c~ but other meetings and '! The charges for add and drop next year, other than that he expects some of the choice seats un- __ Phillip:-; l niv rsitv \\a defc<-1h!•l I rogrnm. :;tart~d on Tuesday and cards will be made beginning 1\1011- to go cast where he can take aclvance<l reserved. The Bobcats played their fit-st home at the ·'at ii 1a: .\. · .. \. l llt;l la \\ ll l·ontinue until 'atunlay. A. J. Ogaaid, extension agronomist I day, January 9. The fee then will work in physical education and teach The single reservations will be i.:,ame of the season again:st college yea b:\ t e flJllj ti ' .~ t-u 1 arai 1 he Ii w\ :-;tock program opened on at )J. S. C., has resigned to be-I be one dollar for each card. The=-'e and coa· h part time. sold before each game during the -cm petition De·cember l'; . They de-1 h!!' I~tll.) a ds a_'-.g-rc ration has pi.1c-1to·uct~W~1y ,,·11t1~~t cl~~~1:tn~~i:.~~ti~er.i~~J~i~~\~~e: \~.·~~.eles!~e .. G~~\:~ S~~~[e6~iiers~t As~~~ fees will be increased later, as has )lcGcug h Experienced season , as long as any are avail- ic.ated the State School of )linl!s by t1cill~ theh ~,l·rnw t.clam 1 J lat ~cnr The selection of .John illcGough, a fair marg-in in a rather poorly play- ~IH ave . a1 con~H era> e c.n· Y .ea-\ is1tin1t tarm women had their fir:-;t t1at1u1. !\lr. Ogaard's selection for been the rule previously. Whitt'hall attorney1

to coach football able. The reserved seat!-l include cd t!ame. The }[ineb, evidently in- on expencnn· th1 yl•ar. Thcretor1 1 11 ,;;~~~·:1 .~/'t~~~~~·;;;a'~',~';~~1 "i\':,~~~ ~~'~:i~!o~;~~~j~~ P~~e~h;a;;0~:-ddeor<li~ ~~~,:~u a:o~e~esd~tri~fl! h\'h:"ol.:'st"s t~:~ the first two rows of the balcony ~~~~gu~~;1 ak1~~;~g .~~~e,B~~~~:~11f~~~d ~~~ , 1~:•.bca~,0~~~~1'j;!~nmg ih~~ne i° ni\~<l ... \H'te ccntinued on that <lay, with the rector~ of lhe organiz'ltion held at season~. )fr. ~l<:Gcugh has had \\ide and first three on the main floor, chcir e1fort:; on defense. Thi!i de- . ..,t.ltes .\mate •:r ha~ket.ball i"fo • c·lc'l'tion of oflicer:'i and annu~l ban- Chicago n.u.mtly. His resig-nation RETURNS FROM C'XJ erien e as a coach sinee his ..,.radu- excepting the row placed en the fense, led b:i,· t.Iatlock, was well di- 1'he > ., •• lla,_t·. St~1~~ i's u11 JUl't in the ~\'ening. from the E.xtt"nsion Service bec:omes ation from Col•"'ate University in floor for capacity crowds. The iec:ted at times but the sorL that l ~11 1 .1r Ln:H•t:-1ty te.rn1 Shee~· \\ill bl' the subject oi dil'-cus- effct·ti\'e April 1, at which time he 1910. He attend:CI the Universit"· of entire balcony has been reserved tends to make a rouj!h game and de· ag-greg-atwn o.f basketball 1_la:re1 ~ siun in Jin•:.;tuck met'tings today. ,nil take up his new work with head- California summer sessions for four stray the finer pomb of basketbal1. "ho are r~cog-111ze~l a:-. OU• tandn g 111· \-ll'!llbt::?r of tht' .:\lontana Potato Im· quarter:-< at Chicago. His successor N s F A MEETING vears before his location at Montana for the University game, howevt'r. . Take T" o o[ Three ,.· itl~Ue~;ls ~~1\~;er~~~~~~!~1 '~~~\~~~~f ~~~1~-[~~~~·:~~:~Ln;~":~~~~ti~~d ,'~~\vo 1~1~~1i'~ 1

:£\r~~r~~i!:?rcnf:~~~~~~~::,esby asth: Stf;: ~~~e~:a~hcJ9 ;4 -1 ~allatin hij?h I<lI~: ,B:;~::: i~1": ;~~eeu~~~~~·~t:,.,~! \~.~t c,:'~'.'.~~,i;:~; 11 ;0 ,~~°,~~ ~:no~~ , rue-Iams will be continued through ! h I d t th ~ h I f '11 e n A G R LEADS MEN D b 22 ,. d " l h f' t .,~ ' f b csult of his outstandir.g work as ex-1 --- se oo an. a e. • c .00 0 u' n s 1 ecem er'·. :.d an :.-t. n t e trs 1a1ty 1s carom :-hots. •·Tuffie'' he ilay. Ttactor wheat arming su - i.-ension ag-ronumist in :\Iontana dur- , . Butt_e wh1~e workmc- 1n Montana. He ;.:ame the Bobcat:s showed a very \. n,.., a ~ ,t. 'l in. vuanl, wa fiicked J·cces will come up on a >f>ecial pro- N S F A Holds Meetmg At I I d f LLB f Gon • • • h · f · th t · ~ i~g t~e rast seven years. Under his . . . • • • recel\N .1~~ ~g-r~e o. rom - mu..: 1111Jll"U\'el .form O\'er a m ll the sc, or:d all .Anwnran team a .. ~·:1r~ \~~it b'~m~hed~~;maTh·~fune\.£:~i~-~ iirecllon there has been developed in L1nc0Jn, Neb .• Before Christ- zaga Unl\ers:1ty m 1917. ! IN FALL GRADES the Mines game and won In an easy h" A .. ·\, t .·meet Ia~t \'ear In ad-thi~ 5tatc a crop improvement pro- mas Holidays D:- che A~~istant. manner by a large margin. All mem· lit ion to his !!Uanlingo ;_~bilitil• he i Program.:; for livestock men inter:- iram which b~ recognized as a model I The work of the physical cduca- ber:s oi the squad who were here got rn exteptiunallv good Ion:; :snot ar-~ted in hor:se:s and beef cattle, for for ~he. western states. The stan- . --- . tion department and basketball coach-) a cha~~e to p~ay anJ. it _look_s_ a~ H st "::\locn" :ilullill!<, all :s:ate c.:en-,,·omen interested in foods and nutri- larchzation of crops, the production I ll enn· Gardmer, president of the ire: will be handled by Schubert Dyche the.re t:> plera~ o~ J!OO<l Je .• ~l\e ma- t: of Oklahoma last vear, i.';I •'- lmr<l ion, 1or potato growus !ind for trac- of pure seed of standard varieties A. 8. l\1. S. C' . and ~elegate to the who ha~ been assisting Romney with Al ha 0 First Amon Sororities! tenal ~t hand thi.~ year. . ·iJ:hter. ~ood floor m;n, and a '"ery ur wheat farmers will be continued and the active co-optration fo grow- f~urth annual conventio!1 ol the Na- the basketball team this year. There P g . t ~he ~ec·ond evening- t~e \ andals ha~<l .oori shot. He is nl,.;o G ft. 3 in. in n 1 hursdav anrl a cattle breeders -.rs. dealers and educational in!ititu- tional Students Federation of Amer- being- no freshmen basketball team, - Many Changes No heed t:\ idently become acchmate<l,. accus- height. hort cour:-.e. will start that day. ions are the main factors in the crop I ica held at Lincoln, Nebraska Decem- Dvche has devoted his attention thi" tomed to the floor.• or somethmg- had Leonard S <lbrook, another boy who On Friday there will be special ·mp·o\•ement plan. bcr 15, 16 and 17, reports the meet- winter to the var..:i y swimming and happened. At any rate they could :-. over the . Ix loot mark, is an ex-rogram5 on the subjc .. ts of land A~ extension agronomist Mr. ing a success despite the late start basketball teams. le~~htt!'a1';1~~:r!~i~::.fraa~~rn!~~o~t~~~ hardly b~ recogmzed as the :same ·ellent dribbler an<l passes. lie is al-Jtilizatiun. tre11tment of :sterility in 0.c:aard has been closelv associate:<l due to a change of officers in mid· .. team which had ?pposed. the Bobcats .a):. well 1,;p in the scoring columns. ·atth, dai1yinJ? and <laity cattle and with the )-Iontana Seed Growers' As- I term. in tile quarter's grades with an av- the_previous evemr.g, so impi·oved was haskel Elam, the southpaw of the t l·ortinuation of the special program so.iation, which org-ani:r.ation works i Over two hundred dele~ates from "HEZ To (' J.. PTAJN erage 01 4.397. A. 0. Pi led the the1r f.mm. '!'hey defeated the Bob- .. quacl. plays either guard or forward here will he a consignment sale of Cc-llege in the ~election of standard legc in the country were in attend- llelta 1 au~ came second 111 men~ Third Game Thriller pntmt.mt oi the game. Ralph Shidler

or women. On Saturday afternoon i· close co-operation with the State I practically every university and <.:o l- \,, I \,,i\ sor"riti.~s \:'ith an a~,e~age <:>f 80.23~: cats 4ti to -H ir: a \\l'll played game. ~uually well and knows ncry de-ffolslein tattle . adapted variet_ie.s, in .the establishment ante.. Repre::;ertatives from the .· ni- I '28 FOOTBALL TEAM average with


1. Pi Beta pavh_i The third o-ame wa::. the tht 1ller of is n dl'T endable <k•fe1 si\·e game I f d d U secon(t in the sororities with an \ ~ h d' · Eat·h day from Tuesday to Friday cf l'U es for mspect10ns and other• ,._ers1ty o L~n on an the ntver-1

the serie.;. 1he Bobtats had a slight w u 11ei.:ts his attention to ~aking-·pecial a!'i-;-;emblies ha\"e been planned work related to crop improvemen~ . J s1ty of Hawa11 at Honolulu were al~o c.r!!,t!e of 79


1. th edge in the first half, but in the sec- tht~ ball ft om the backboard and \·h€re all visitors will meet to hear )fr. O~aa:d ha~ been. secretary of this. present. -~ large number of their gr;S:s f~:J~~~le tabulation of e ond period Jda no came back strong s~owin~ the oppom:nts a few tri ks -;onw di:;cussion by an outstanding or,crnnizat1on since its establishment I reprcsentahve3 were women, several Succeeds Joe Dobeus \Yho \\'as De - and _the st:ore was fir:st in fa\'or of with his hook pass. er:son. Speakers on. Tuesday were in 1922. of the leading eastern colleges for I 1 ed 1 r "bl F Sororities one team and then the other. "Cat" Ha\'e Feline Forward A.ding Pnsi<lent Linf1eld of :\1. S. C.; The Montana agr~nomis~ was. _in women ser.ding a number of dele- 1 car ne igi . e or A. 0. Pi .............................. 80.234 Thompson made a long. one in tht.:! '1 _U~1e ~f the ~i~~1es: .~,uuted members \1. L \\"il~on, agricdtural e..:onomist; thare-e of ~1ontana s gram exhibits I gates. Another Season l-'i Beta Phi ·····-···················79.681 last seconds of play to give the Bub- 01 t.1e squad ls Pu~s Ralph, a reg· oclay, Chancellor :\I. A. Brannon of. 3• the Internatior.al Grain and Hay . .Ha..-e Grou 1> Dis<?U-ssions I __ Alpha Gamma Delta .......... 78.95-! u1ts a .J5 to 4-1 \"ictory. ular fonnu<l who a\erage~l 14 points Jn Thursday, talks by Glenn A. Smith, nder his direct10n was developed the !\fr. Gardiner said, the work IS c~r- ~t •1 banciul'l c:iven m ~ono1 of th.e I l'h1 Omega ........................ 75.843 \Vard and the Ic.laho l'enter were tak- · .. ll' greatcs.·t ~o.n\ard 111 nu~·we t bas·

he Greater t.;ni\·ersity of .)Iontana; Show a~ C~iea~o for six years and I "As.1de .from a. sp,~akmg pro~ram" . • r' . . 1 Kappa Delta -·-···· .................. 77.126 Early in the fhst period .Frank j ~ l r game last j"e:'.ll" .. He .1s rated as f;f;istant di:>trict fol·esler, and by inte1e.;t in exhibitions of this kind i-it..d en by group discussions, special foo;bal! FQuad iust prevwu::> to ex· Fraternities en out uf the game becau~e thev dio kc ball. It \\lll be interesting to c·om-rof. H. ,\ .. \'aughan of )I. s. C.; on whic'ri has ~iven )lontana an interna- ~op~c~ being- gi.ven c:onsideration at amrnation we~k last. q~artcr. Fr~ AJ h G Rh 8 39~ I not confine thc1.-. competitiou ·l·!ose 1 rare hi~ pe1fo11!1at l'C with that uf our ~riday, talks by ~lbs Gudrun Carl- tional reputation as a producer of md~\'1du~l meetmgs. ome of the Che~ '~as elec:te(! to. suc~ee~ ~oe Do I • 1~ a 1' amma

0 ·-············8~·~~i enough to ba:;kethall l·ules to satisfy 1

.,,,.n forward, .1homp:-.on. who has .al-;on of the American )!eat Packers quality grain. topics discussed were: the honor sys- beus, tccently dl'claied m_eligible for lJ<: ta au ····-· ····· ·· · tht.:! rl:!ferce. Early in the second peri- 1 -o won a feline mckname for hun-lssociation and by Robert \\"ilson of i\l r. Ogaanl was recognized in a Item, frate1·r:itie8, student government, ar.othcr ~ea son of play, 111 the cap-. !·mtg~ .. -.......... ··-··:::ii~~~~ ad an excited Idaho sub~titute who I self. he noithern Great Plains Field Sta- nati{ nal wa'.\' by being- elected to the and outside activitie~. . tarncy of the 928 Bobcat football I L bd Ph" ,...20 I had just entered the ~ame caged a After the i.rame.- \\·c~nesday a.nd !·on ~Iandan ". '. Dak. presidency of the International Crop . "There was a noticeable d1ff_ erence team-_ . . am a

1 .. · .. rn. i· field goal in th,· Bobcat ba>ket, de. Thursnay th Bobcab will ha' e only ' • •' 1 th t f t l d b \Vh I k l o t 1 t f lt J Kappa Sigma ············-·-·········76·671

J f t l f t h Bozeman re arcd to welcome an Improvement As!'ociation in 1H25 am rn e amoun o con ro e~erc1sc Y 1 e reen c 1-;app !n.n.t:n lS e S. A. E . ...... . ........ 75.846 spite the excited cries of his team- t11..• lay o _res

1C ore mee lI!'" t e .


1,P. P b . f ·i·'ting ie-dccted in HJ2G, the onlv instance the ~ludent g-overnments rn western jcYer the de.Jaret! mehg1b1hty o[ D?- Si).{ma Chi ............. 75_5o2 mate.~. This nm.,.· or nu1,- nut have Urcgon .--\·.,.~ies who are on their '~ay • nu.sua :\ a1ge num et ~ l~ .s1 dis , in the history of the 01."ganizalion schools in comparison with those of beu!', a great (!t al of confidence is 0. B. .72.858 been a decisive factor in the game, hoiue froltl a succe:-;sful bartstCJ11111ng arm dmen. an w_omen~ ah ) t th - : when ar. indh idual has held this of. (Continued on Page Four) bel'.aust the \'a1.dals immediately 1 ip throu).!"h the Ea::.t. Thi;:; gume ~1t~~tai~n~\~~a:e~~1cJuub{~~7'e~t~d th~ fitl' for .more than une. year. H~ has made tyo quick fit'ld !!"Oal~ for them " 11


e at 8 o'c oek Saturda~ rve-tt d 4 f . th fi1 t t 'O days also been chairman of the ;\ational FOURTEEN CHOSEN BY I tieh es before the amused Bobcat:-: nin, .. ;. ~·i~h1 ta~:c:1e:rincr ~wa~~ of ~l1e heav:,: E~tension Agrono.my Confere!1ce for POSITIONS REPORTED I tnuld ~·cco\·er their P?i~e. . . - The g~ ... ~~n(':\~·;i:~ ·;1~\,~t~1~~· of the rows. an in re;scd ~ttendance <lue the pa:st t~vo year:;. At the_ first an- f

1 It \\as a good th1e~ ;...anH.· ~e1 c~ • ... · .. I- . ·t d nual meelln,I! of the Ame11"an Seed PHI KAPPA PHI FRAT und the Bob~·ats sho\\ed t:Mt the~ ronl!es. tcam.:-5 in the Pacific Coast o late a1n\a ~ IS expcc e . Council in Chicago last November, FOR 1927 GRADUATES are rapidlv whipping into therr lo.st i,nlt'rt'm.·e, wUch i::. the same confer-~ The cun\·entlC_!I uf. the )-luntana )Ir. Ogaarcl was elected president. I l season form when they \\on the encc in\\ irh the Idaho Yanda!'=' pla:,·. ~r1:1 Burc~a~ ~v1ll. brmg rcpr~s:nta- ~Ir. O_gaard became extension I --- I R_o<-'ky. )-L?untair_1 Conference ch~1.in- fhey nw:..} 1att's t1.:am of DcnHr an<.l l\e!:i from <•'_el~ county of the state ·tgrc·nomisi in 1919. Previous to that Elect Members From Highest One p10nsh1p from lulorado l'ollege. 1hc -lt•fl<.lted them by one point margin, .nd t~e m1:-'etlnf!s .of the potato grow_- ht: had been county agent at large I Suney By Hegistrar Shows !\'umlH~r , : , . ~ !lew member:-; ~f. th1..• s~iuad ar~· bccom- while thl· Bobcats defeated thl• same rs will b~mj! .:note than 100 :\I~r.t~!1a in the ::.;ta:e for two year~. He Fa,•orabl . Em lo ed-Se..-eral 1 J l'nt.h of Senior Class- tt-:g more famili<~r ,~·ith then· team- tta:n b) ix points. Howe\ er, the potato kmg-s to Bozeman. Spe_c1.al studied at .:\orth Dakota State Col- l P Y r I Select Next Tenth I mateti' pl.iy, while the m~m"e!s. ol It..' o1 thl• Bobtnt game \\R~ much ates.are allo.wcd ~.n all )lunta!1a ~ail- tlegP and the University of ~Iinnesota I In Advanced "ork las~ year';:; :;qua\~ a1c ag-am h1ttmg lcr L>r than the othl•r one. \\hich in-·oads for this se11~:s of meetings at j and wa~ superintendent of the _gov- ___ . . . . then· former stride under the able d calt. tha the On .. gon team has a h(• State College rn Bozeman. . ernn:Pnt drY land experiment station I ...

1 . • _ • h . _ • Phi K~ppa Phi,. natwnal honorary diredion of Captain "Brkk'' Breeden. tr

1·nl! Jefrnse but thut their much An information booth will be mam- , . t H tt . ge'.°r X orth Dakota for five 'V. H. ~le.: Cal , 1 c:g1sti ar1 as P 1~ I $l'holarsh1p fraternity, has honored 14 nraiscd ·•pc-rt·enage'' svstem of offense aincd in Agricultural Hall on the ~ ... e .111_ ' •• 1in to ~fo tana pared a li~t of the_ memb-:rs of t e men and women of the Class of 1928 I i a\' rot U :;:.o effe,ti\·e. ·est side oi the campus and visiting )e.u:-. hefore con go n · cla~s. o.f 1027 :-;h?wmg. thell" present~ IThb npresents the upper one-tenth CONVENTION DELEGATE 1.)t.•cat."e ol tht>ir inter-c nfe.renl'e ai:m ·ml'n and womt..n sh~ul<l go direct I ros1llo1~s. The 1_1st. compare~. fa':'or-' cf this class. The second tenth of I in er-est anrl opportunitv for compari-this booth to obtain programs, no- .ADDISO CLARI{, '08, '\' ITH ably .'\1th ~ny ~1m~lar c~assi.f1c~:10!1, t~1e class will be elected during th~ I 1 '1 of :'treng-th, this week's bnskct· 'ce~ of s >eeial tnl•etings, etc. ~1ost NE\' 'D • MINT G COlVIP :\.NY show1r:ig 1:riany m achanced wo1k 1t1 first week of the next quarter, all or REPORTS OF MEETINGS ball game:-; houl1l bl• of Kr~at ntt•r-

It . 1

H· ll . the buildings ad· --- ll1 1.rnsme.!s and profess10nal work at 111itiated at the same time. 1ese thn·e gamcg \\ill undoubtc·dly

- f tht m~~ ing:s will be held itl Agri- : 1 £""'- £'"'- 1 .. r ~ther _1.nst~~utton s as we~~ as the many I ~h~~e newly chosen m~mbers to be " .to all follr1\\ crs l~f th'-' ,,port. ~ e~~ a to it 01 Addison Cl.ark, 'O:J, was editor o( r:rc:)ent. The list in.eludes: Following is a list of those electeJ -- Ul'r1ish :-;unw of the be<::t ba:-.ki:otba_ll · i·ne of the first college papers pu~-1 Han~ld Axtel_l, Snuth-Hughe~ teach- to Phi Kappa Phi during the autumn Jo O'Conner Repre:,~nts :\lortar Board o h." ~C'eH on the local flour this. ---- --- hshed at M S. C. After a season rn jet, :'.\11ssout1 h1g-h st.:hool , Missoula, quarter: Chapter at .\nnual Sectional u.;:or. and thcv \!.:'.J. (ertainl put. ) M MERRILL RESIGNS I Ydlow,lone Park he went to the :-lonlana. I E . W I" bb f L' I h< arnf ., on Hohc it stren!'tl1. \

1 \Veste in Electric Company in Chica_go, Adolph Hartwig, Sniith- H~ghes in s~~:1

1 c~·:.~\~~r 1;~1~~n;t~n e0 ~ '\r\l: Conference • • ! 'tay!ng there five years b~foie gom!l' 1 teacher m Red Lodge high school, CAPT. FRED CHEZ saYI, E.i' Fuller of Helena, )!elv111 Bar- MONTANAN PICTURE"

ROM COLLEGE STAFF to ~ew xork as editor •0 r th;o;.t_ng~; R~d ~J~~1S?j~:;~~~anS;nith Hu he5 in- hour of Butte, Robert \Veils of Great ).fr.;:-. Jo O'Connu·. who WH:-> the ., j ncermg ~e.ws. d Fr.om i\.e'~ "Y rk t .f0 . i C ~te; County- hi~ s~houl 1 placed in the n ·wly elected !cadet ·J Falls, Edwm \:Vmkler of Bozeman and dt..legatt• tr(ltn )lontana Stat\.' college SENT TO ENGRAVER 11. 8. C Graduate To 'fake Q,·er

\I ork For The Winter Quart.er

Annount..C'llll nt of the resignation of obert )lcrrill. assistant professor of j:.l'icultural cngiiwerintr at )_lontana tatt: colle)?t, wa!-> made dun~~ the hristmas holiday~. ~lr. :\lernll has ·cepted an apoointment with th_e nited Rtatl'S Depnrtmcnt of Agri­lture and will be located at Tole.do,

bin when· he will continue workmg the field of a~ricultural engineer-


~e will be sutcceded temporarily .,. Ralph Kt:nrk. a g-raduate of ~fon­. na State- college in 192:1. ~Ir. henck a!'. been teaching' at Gallatm County igh sl·houl and will return to the i).!"h school work exclusively at the ·nclusion of the work of the qu~rter. he balance nf the work then will be one bY other mernbers of the depart­ent, ·a~·C'ording lo Prof. ~furdock,

ead of the- department. The:e are bout thirty-six students registered

Agricultural Enginoering classes.

~~-~~~e ~oe ~~~·~n:n\~d, ~~11~~-fo. wDur~ ~tr~~ile1s Cit}~ )lontana . . L hez wit~ b~ vl:l: _illg his ~ast ~eat .. for \\• 1111a~n Benjamin of Roundup to the wes.l!rn-central cor.n·ntion of in'" the \\"orld \Var he was captain of I Frederick Long-, Smith-Hughes .111- t~.ethBC?bca~s .cl"1'1 i_:ig ll]la~t·el:ko·neb yfeo"1·c~ Agriculture: Le, onard Thomp.son of )!ortitr Hoard, national honorary so-,... v N" h D k t h h "l ent.rc o "e \..CG uc :,; e F b d 11 d Bowen of Wor c-ien· fur wumcn 1 W<b held at the l'ni-Eng--ineers finishing a~ railway regu- structor, elva. - ort a 0 a, ig . · t ~l t· 1~ ' tate ' I rom erg an ' oy - \"Cl';itv llf Xebraska, Lincoln, >."cbra~-lating and liasion offi~er in charge l school. . · c:o~~i~g c1e0re'n~i~·l:1

aabilitv ~( Chez has c en. . ~ . . · · ka durin " tht week irece<ling exam-of all movements of ra1lway-mou.nted Ralph .Mowery, Snuth-~ugh~~ dll- been recognized wherever the blue and App!ied :scien:e: ~hss Edit)~ Swi!1- infltion \\~ek heH• la!t ouarter, had artillery, both French and Amencan, reclor, Sunms, :\1onta~a. high sdH~.o · Id t h · 1• ·ed th"s ·ear His gle, ~I1s:-1 Helen Crozier and :\11ss Mil- 1 • 1._ 1 • _ ·t· f ... ti .. the

8chedull· of .\ppointments for Balance of Organization:-. To Be

Posted Soon h

h t h V d t" Robert Tootell Smith-Hughes 111· go eam .as I, a;:, 1 :\ • ~ dred Cameron all of Bozeman. . lne l J::.dl c ion P ieptesen ng. t roug o.u t e . er un sec ion. t . D . L' d,. !\I tana hi h uncxcclled f1ghl an~ uncanny football . .. . . . 1 most nmote thapter .. gwg-raphica_lly, lie wnle:s: "Smee t~e great quarrel s~h~~lo1, ee1 o ge, ~ on i g ''ser.se'· was one· of the g-reat factors .Household. and ' Indus~r1ctl Atts: a ll ll call oi the dC'lt:'gatcs showc(I. The 1'12).i 'lont:1.11a11 rap1dh tnl;. l'n~ been recon~tructmg. the . Clark sc Orl~ndo Patter~on Smith . Hughes in ~he Bob~n~~· ck•f~nse last season: Miss J~seph1ne. 0 Conno1l ,?f Butt~ • .\::. part l!f th<.• pro~ram of the con- inR"" onn a11d with t.:!Vetf ctay l icw fC'rtunc:s a!l<l trying to ra1s;. with the irstructor Harrison• Nebraska high l• red Chez is p ·csidcnt of th~ Junior ~nd :\11ss :\lmtha Her e\l of Re \'Pntic·n. '.\li~s O'l'or:in.~r pre"_l·nted. a mere pa es are c<•mpk·e{l fr he expe.rt a!iRIStance of_ ! rm.a Kirk. c;;_1arh. o:.·.chool . ' ' ' class as w.ell a~ letter man 1t1 foot- odge.


paper .on ··Scholar~h1p a topl.l' which printer, ac ordin to Bue \\or hin.,,, 1 th th l ttl cittzen'-i b II Jl 1 0 d Ut h l 1 th I th on, 1t:litor-in-<"hief of the yeurhook. (tlell" .1110 er-, tee 1 ;e b. I John Travis advertising manager 3 • c J\cs n gen, 3 · •• .., • wa:::. _dis u:.;se( at 1.:ng curm~ e .Jut befon• \a<·ution a large ':iii 1men who \~·ill, I hope, each make a .1gger Dailv Leader 1 Great Falls, Montana. Ii\Jl RED BY GU~ meeting(;. As a result i:if. the d1sc,u:i- . dent tr. th_e world ~han has t~e1r old L(e1·bert \\"1'nner Sm1'tf1-Hughe•. ,·n- PURDl'E 1•1L\ISES TE.\.:\1 Gee. Da\·enport, a. local residen.t, sum. a rcsolut,on requtrmC" a high of p1.turcs wa,;; i;e1' t11 the en" R er ~t II cl th the ,. · ..,

1 1 h an I another h1pmtnt is now rnady t· man. , .._ 1 a~1 m1~~ . up WI • _ structor, Cascade, l\fontana1 hi~h - -- was irjured about the le~ by a dis~ I :'-t.'holastic star1 nr1 among- t e 111~11"!- go ~ ward. ~\·orld s c~eu~1est ba~1c mdustt)\ mm_ fchool. In n recent letter to Ott Romney, c~arge fron~ the gun used by the hl'r .... selede(I \\l.l.s ~dopted . . A nnn1- Thi~ week and nPxt will ~re prac-1~g, and mc1denta1IJ. ~m assoc1~t ~n"'' Bernard Williams, Smith -Hughes oach at 11. S. C. Pres ident.. E. C. timekeeper m ~ne of the. basketball\ ~1,um a.\erage ot C'lg'~ty pe1. cen_t _or ti<"aliy :di of the organization fJi ·tur i!meer ol th~ ~uckmg~a~l . min . .., teacher. Grafton,~. Dak., hi)'.!h school. ~Hiott of Purdu1~ u'niversity and for~ \ga.me~ heTe dunni.t t~e holidays .. The its_lqui\'allnt .wa asked 111

,h,.. te~o- ·: cdulerl. It i~ very essential, tho Compai:iy <?f Nnada, anc a\e .m.~te I Harold Kohls. fellowship in :\1ichi~ mer chancellor o( the Universit · of mjury was rather pamful, but did n~t lution. . • • editm wain. that e\eryone follow a aest~etlc (1~ les~ healthful a~d mvig- rrnn Statt:'- College, East Lansing, :\[C'rtana wrote· "The visit of} the disable :\Ir. Da\·enport, although it 01..:luss I c:r ... onal "ork do~d)- as P• -..1ble the chC'dulrrl ap-Ltrating- offices m a!1 Francisco. Let Mi ~higan. ~lontana team to the Purdue campus necessitated medical treatment. :\Ir. In a talk un the per~onal work of , intnH nt ir orc.h•r that these pk me extend my greetmgs to al!, and ('r11·l A.lbl'echt assistant at the U .. ·a· real event T would that you I Davenport is an ardent follower or -:'lforbr Board, }lean Hapner of the ture•· can hP sent to the cng1a\l·1·s b, se~·era.1. 'vho we~e,, conlempo1~anes d of S. Range Stati~n, ·Miles City, :\Ion- ~vnJ ~-our valiant team mig-ht hear Bob~at athletic. t~ams, aften acting- l-niversity of )..'t.:b1 a~ka, emphasizetl .January 11 • ~me on the h1~l. ~~1ay back. yon er tan a. the illunv exnressions of raise cur- as t11~1e~eeper m important c~ntesb. the \ l'llue of a life mterest t.o the The s h Jule rof pictures \\ill b 111 1900-01-02; like\\lse. greehn~s. td I.larkv :\lcFerran, ranching at rent around .the Unh·ersit;:,-~ and com - 1 ~h~ lllJ~ry was entirely accidental. lollegt' student. To her. she ~aui. ~he f'f' tcd on t"e bulletin br1ard an the _faculty of. the anc1ent er~~n,1~r!Boves , !\lontana. munitv coon erning vour skillful and it i~ cla1med. rl'r·onal W£?rk hnd ~larger meamn~ .nls puhlishul in the ExponPnt. ai:ram. ~ood wishes to th~ Y011

f he Harold Barnum, fellowship at l\Iich- hnrd-fig-hting- youngmen. It is cer- I than \'OC~tional guida~ce, tha_t _it riJ..?irl s hedule will bf• fotlo\\('d an g-~r.e_i:a.tion who ~ofa~h~a;~{red name igan State. East Lansir:ig. Michigan 11 tain lhat the colleg_e and the state j . Clayton Farnum, .ex-'29 .. of Miles n~eans .a nc_her ~:ei;arat_ion f~r hft: .111 mi..-:sioJ lit f~om. the. "".c .ions \\tll. b act 1~ 11 t 1 e8s aCn'~ u~l 0 ~lark' address i.s Glenn Sands. supermtendent of I added to its reputation by the game 1

C1tv has resumed his stud1e~ at the I whate(c' er _sphedel1.; ap girl Tmhu?h h\e, due to laxity in tulfilhngo appoint ~~2 · l\filf~ BuOain~, San Francisco. j (Continued on page two.) here on October 2l!." college. ontmu on ai:e ree) j ments, the students are advised.

Page 2: VOLUME XIX. -~ ROMNEY · 2016. 6. 15. · volume xix. farm bureau opens annual i farm and home week here fl'r. 'ishes co:\'tract of agri cultu ral college with :lle:-i a:-id wo.\ie:-i


'rip~ 11lcck1~ sxµnn.cnt Published t\"ery Tuesdar of the College year by the Staff chosen from

stud~nts of llontana ,'tate College of the lJnin~rsity of .Montana,

Bozen1an. l\1ontana. Subscription Rate: , 2.00 peT school year


, POSITi?c: l~::~~l~~ATES GILBERT-RIEK NUPTIALS BRING THAT LADDER! r i- - - - - ---.---------------,,

menu{~~~~~1~;d ;:i::, ~~-::m:7.~~ Pol-, I CELEBRA T_ED DEC. 26TH Or )la) be ll-• '"~" '"'"'" 11 If IT IS .f .L~~'~RT~!~ WANT I Acceptance for mailing at special rate of po:;.tage pro,·ided for in Section

llO:i, Act of October 3, 1!)27, authorized February 171


so~;r~'~i:"{:'~"..'n, taking gradu3te work Popular Student of ;l!untanu State 1 His On 11 Fire Dqrnrtmcut t Home Grown - Fresh Stock :

at ~!. S . Cil I t ranching at Wise i Co llege Becomes Bride of Th~ lad stood on the burning pwch, ' t Ri;'.'~;~.n~~~ont~~",.


"' 1 Graduate 1926 clad in scant attire. The flames f M, LANf.OUR, FLORIST Don::i1d ,,.eydemeser. r::mchmg atl -- n.round him rose and j~ll lt so hnp-1 U If

Sut.>:-cnher to thE:' Xe\\ Student Jntercollegrate ~e\\S Suqce c:overmg the Fortme. I\lonlana. !\. sim lle but prett\· \\1,;dding took P.ene~ that thc1e \V~s tnc~ thnl n1d1t : t

happening• of all American college, and uru,·c1»1t1es. Ralph Cushing-. emplo)cd as an ar- I· M1ndav ·1fte1noon December le• 1t was" H'al fue. 'le>. .rnd the 19 East i.\Iain Phone 95

h1tc<.:L m San Fi ancisco. I~:'°•, th~ «;·~lo'ck t the· Kappa Del- boy "as on the poi ch. The yuunq t EDITOR

-Il\-CB!EF EDWIN BECRAFT, '29 R R. Esgar. working- for master's ~~,s~iont;:'°house. \\~len lldmoie Riek lady -she would be a ies~ucr. a sa- ------------~--------.....i

• degree dt Ifonard Unl\er>1ty. arni ~ 11 ,, \'n-gmia Gilbert \\ere united nor. n herome-ad,anccd "'th a bbn,: ,...·------~ ------------~-,.-E-\\-.-5-5-T-.-,-1,-:1,------------ Stanle\· Hodg-son. with the county b, Lh..! RcL H. G. K.lemmC>. pastor o[ ket lt1 keep the 1 ... ) t:h11! ol t.he e\t:! ------=-=---:====---=:-=======

J ' sun'e)or, Bozeman, :.\fontana It~" p·isln--teiian chul'ch. Attendants mng air from the sliJ!ht. b~d) oi the

ASSOCIATE EDITOR JO O'CO.N'NOR, '28 LeRoy Anderson, 1"8tl('h at ConTacl, \\e~l' ~;l~s· Ruth Glenn, a Kappa Delta f,(JOr ~htvcr11:g- boy. ) OU '\\Ill temem-

FRA::\K llU:NSAXER ""'9 :\Iontana. oritv ·ister of the budl.! and Ed- her that there was a fll'e that ni~ht

;\lA!\AGI;-\G ElJITOR. -.. -il'l\! BENJ<\Mn/ ,;8 · ~\'esley B<lss. research depa1tment,, s<:r 1 <'o• et ,

1 Lambda Phi fraler- and he wns in it. The 111tense glate


.. ~- .i: _, .: ..\ .. t' :\I Ct}., G1ent Palls, illont. ~1;~l brot"";fe, 10f the groom of the tl.rn1cs dnzzled her e~es. She

A:;SISTA, T EDITOR .. . . ESTHER !:lTOCKTO!\, .~o . Cano} Doran. a~sisrnn.t in chem .\ftoi dmnei· an clabornt~ wedding- 'ould nut see \\Cll There \~as. n _lnll

\SSIST \l\T EDfTOR . . . . ..... ROBERT DULL, .30 istn· "~lshmgton ~Late lollegc, Pull- dmner \\Rs seived lfi bemg seated. 111 the fue. The g11 I blu~hcd ~md

' ' · _ · · MARY i\kCOY '30 nan. \\'aslnngtoon · In 11 ,.. th· bud/s parents. ~Ir. and turned away. And then a plamtHe

SOCIETY EDITOR ·.. · · · .... .... ' ' Ten 1 Hat\ eldt. Ion" lines depa1·t- ~'" ' 1'( \\" Gilbei t of Pas·idena cr:v sill) ed her. The pm pose oi her np-

Soc1ety Assistants, Francis Fogler, Florence .Johnsoi~IGBT ,.,8 ment o.f the A T & T. Co .. SL. Louis~/ c._-..: 1tJronnn ~dio carne for the• wed: p1.oach supert·ed~d all othc1 thoughts

R . ~I. 1. P. CORRESPOXDEXT. . ... · ELOI~E 'y ~ .' ,~ l\Io. . . " dt~ll! and· the groom·~ mot.her, who and ~he tine\\ the Ola11ket about the

FEATURE EDITOR... . . M . ..\RGAREr DE WE)., _9, ~ l'aul He1~lelman. "cstein Electric/ hv~s rn Bozeman. The clecmations pov1 u1llo1 Lunate and led h1111 to t'Hfe-

r . t . \V leis l\hu ,. Uale Bet·nwce Crane James l\foirison ft o. "&1st P1tt~burgh, Penn. comhm~·d the fratetnlt\ ~lnJ soronty tv. He ''as duly grateful, but what

, :"'




., • ' ' J.UlES LOO!\EY, '28 Bu~nett Hubba"!· (Jenera! Electric I colors. old rose. !!'reen and white. The is the idea o.( b11ng111g- tbat, up? .

SPORTS EDITOR .. · · .. · · ... • , .. 30 (\>, S<hc1 ectady. ::\. 1. bride \\'IS attired 111

a ll'etty dress of Then tho !l!omen came. flwy are

ASSIST.\,'T SPORTS EDITOR. . · ... L~LE GA;'ELY,, rarl Jrish, l\est111ghouse Electric lc1i1 ros~ ncpc de rhm'e. mid wore a an odd _bunch Another hl<_I \\US

ASSitiTAXT SPORTS EDITOR . . .. \"\ ILLIS '' O~D, 1~0 Co ... East Pittsburgh, Penn. , ! t• it-ai.u;• of 1.oscs a Pd forget.mc--nots. / s.tand1.ng 111 a . .;:;eto.nd ~tor~ \\rndo" .

. ~lE~·s ATHLETJCS 21IARJORIE SPAULDING, 28 ..., Cail .rohn"on, .:\lontana Po"e1 Co. Tlw biid~sm~tid woie a blue ciepe de11he tuemen ah'a:\s "il)mJ:r to hdp

V.:Q, • L L.re.1l Falls, Montana. h n die '1nd ., corsa~c of ruses cxiencled the f11endlv ofiei- of a lud-

Staff Artist: Margaret <mmon Clarence Kcrke. Darby, ~lontana._ " ', 1~~ br~de <ha; bern ; student ~f der to him. _Eager!_); he sti-etched his

Reporters . F1·~nk G-. Lamb.~ G~11('ral Elecrr1c .:\Jnntanu State college. making her te~t toward .1t but 1t muRt hase been

. r I to.,. ti~henectac!)~, .:-\. 'Y: jhorne at Kappa Delta house. The a ~olw 011 h11n for the ladder needed

Leonard Wing, Chet Paisley. Albe1·t Greiner. Ruth Asbury, Patricia "10

"' es, \\ alte~· Lund. ?ilountam States Tele- groom was g:rauuated in .Tune from ad.1n.<tment and h3d been remoYed as

;-\orma Beck, Ruth Duciley, F .. r. 1\facCormick, J\ImT Williams, Charles Ille, phtn;.• .co .. u.;Iena. }Iontana, .Jontana State college. is a member he stretched c~gerlv fo1: it. After a

N~dra Geer, Mary Simpson, Ruth Woodward, Flora DaVls, Hazel Mellon. ''di.mm 1,nkala.. \Vestm~house id the Lambda Phi fraternity, an<l is ( hw nn~rnte~ ot e-xhi:ius.t111g eft~)rt hl!

BRUNSWICK RECORD NO. 123 You'll Like It!

HAUSEMAN & M'CALL "The Down-Town Student Supply Shop''

'"Student Supplies"

.( East Main Street Elcc.tnc C'o., 1'...ast. P1ttsbura-h, ~cnn. Smith-Hug-hes instru.C' tor in agricu1-


. drew himself ba. k 1r.to the window. \.\

BUSL'iESS ST.\FF :\I1ke Pohlod. }\ester~ Elech,c Co., tu1·e in thi:- hi~h schonl at Browning-. At the ~am~ moment the ladder \vas

lhlwthori'c _Station, Ch.1CaJl"<l, ~Ill. ~!nntann. Tht' youn~ couple Iert on 1Lpl~H_ed. 1hc poor bO\' loo~ed, r~b- ------- - ----------------========:1

BUSI!\'ESS )Iill"'\AGER......... HARDY THARP, JR.. '28 _Burt\ln _R1Yers, \Vestmdlou>e Elec-1 the a[ternoon train for a brief wed- hcd hH e)'('s and _lotlkod •Fain . res ----------------------------..! ADVERTISIXG liIANAGER...... . .......... FRED A. MORTO.N", '29 n1c Co .. East Pittsburgh, Penn. cling- trip before ..,.oin.ir to Browning- I it was there ul~ ni::ht b~t 1t_ was. odd I

Assistants in ~.\dvertising, Len Robbins, FJ·ank Ceserani, Leonard Johnson Rerold Shoemukeri Bozeman, }lon- where they will r;;ake their home.- th:.~t lw had fa1le~l to fmd 1t. \Yell, I v, x ·ox '"9 :nna. . . Bo;~cman Chronicle J he wtJultl tn· agam. Hut alas, whut

CIRCULA'rlO~ 1\IA~AGER ................ -.......... - ..... CLIFFORD S ~A- S · ' - SamuL'l Thompson, mathemnt1rs. m-1 · · 1· a bitter disappointment. There was

Assistants in Circulation, Sid Hollingsworth and Ruth Grush ·ti uctor at !\lontana State col_I(lge. 1

110 ladder there. The firemen were I CLERICAL ~IAN AGER.................... .... . .... ~IARTHA FLYNN, '30 Stewart A\·ery. in business m Boze- )[ontura. high S<hool. piayin':' with hin;, that was all. A

l Rao READERS HERBERT LYNN EARL RUDBERG man, 1Jontann. II ·b . D nohu Ce!lowshi, ., t 1 oGr ume for Juking. ho thought. It j 1

' •· · ·· .................. ' ,.Den Ben~ett. Nor~hwe_stern J\Jutual Waslii~1 t<>n State e~ulle,,e, P;ill~inn: that was their idea of humor he

Courier Print~ Bo<eman,


° Clarnnce Gttillot. state highway ~a': t 1i · S C · g dred miles away that sheltered surh



Prompt. Reliable Service - Careful, Courteous Drivers 1t t. I· ire Ins .. :Seattle, "ashtngton; c .·J Fm: worki•I;. for mastcr"s I knew a phH·e not much over a hun- I .on~m1ssio11 . Jlele11a, 1\Iontana. _ de~,~~ltc~· St~n]~,-. ·assis.t.ant en ·omol- ! Pl~opll'. Ile would tell them what he

THE NE\Y ALUMNI COl'iSTITUTION l arroll Eolloway. H. A. Pen•e Co .. o~ist. Ex icrime1it Station , KnoX\·i!le. ihuught. After all that "'"' the only

Bozeman, :\Iontnna. T-nn 1

wa\· h~ c:ould get 1·esults. Hm·mg ._1----------------------'i Robert Stockton1 Bozeman, Mon- e L\.il;in . .\Jhrecht, at home . Bozeman. re;!ained the '':ind ow ng~in he cah~1Jy

The proposed change to be made in the structu•·e of the Alumni tana. Esthe. ~sburv in•tructor in ph,«i- 1 roce<·ded t" d11wt the Job, and alter

d t 'I t .Os.car Cutting-. stute hig-hway com- c.:al ~dlH~a ·h:n, l\·l~n ti;na Stale collt.~;e. a_bout haIF un hour, during which

Association organization vital!)' affects e\•ery stu ent a l\ on :ma nusnon, Helena. "Iont3na. tune the firemen got the ladder hope- 1 '-~~~'-~~'-'-~'-'-~'-'-'-'-'-~~X«-~'-.~'-'-'-'-~

PHONE 3-1-4-W

State college. E\·eryone of you who are here today \\ill auto- John ~Ioni>un, instructor civil en- . - -- --, • , le>sl)· tan,ded "·ith tho hose and had ~ dneering .. Montann State college. 0=' I~ THREE GRJD .UE~ 0~ }! C wet the whole L'OUrtrsside with ky ~

matically become eligible for the association upon SeYerance of Edwa1·d Jones, )[ontana Power Co, llAShETll \LL SQl .\D SELECJED I water he managed to reach the ~ ncth·e connection with the college through failure to return to Great Falls, ~lontana. --- ground. ~

· t' · th \Yilliam .Ennis. ~i\~·mstrong f 0 rk Lo::. Angclei:;1

Dec. IL - Basketb11ll !o thi~ dav no one kf1:ows just .how )1

school for any cause. Since the present orgamza !On JS ra er and [l'Slli11t10n Co .. P1ttsburg-h._ I enn .• ea son at the l'ni\·c1 -itv of Southern till• feat was accomplished. llany ;!

remote from the acth·e student body some means of di.reel con- Borgh1ld Ander~on, teacher 111 Op- California became • , ·alit,- when head claim that it was no Cault of the fire-; 1

F ·1· "t - 'th th . ·, t' · th f' ·st heim, Montana high scl~ool. I l'Oach Ll'o Calland ~e-le:tecl sixteen men. and it probably wasn't. It is

tact must be taken. anu 1a11 J Wl e orgamza !On 18

e 11

Bernice Berthot, work.•ng for !''"'· men for hi< squad. ~ ooint of inter- g·encrall)' ccncedcd however that the

step. Clip the published constitution for your files. [ '.!'r's de_"ree ot 'IY~>hm"t(ln State est in the basketball squad chosen is chill of the' niy:ht air froze a column

ollege. Pullman. '' ashi_n~ton. thnl nnly three foo11'all men were of wntt>r anti he managed LO esL·ape

Margaret Booth, teach111g at Van- nominated. Critics .!l'"" of the opinion hy slitlin~ down on the ire. It is one

\\'ELCO.ME BACK nda . ~Iontana. . . that a better basketl all team ran be o( lht man_,. unsoh'ed mysteries that

Eh-a Budd. teachmg- at Trail Creek. built around men "·hn have not gon.e ad1 rn the police records. ~

:\lont_ana . . through the e.xtensh -~ football strain It was a l"eal fire while it las!e-d-: ,~ Home is a comfortable place and college work is strenuous. It

is no fun to spend the best part of your youth in such rigid fashion

as attending school. No one ran be here for long, however, with­

out realizing the advantages of higher education. We then have

one more common foothold and can say, "Welcome back, brother."


Lois ;\~cCoy, teadm.11t at Cus.lCl" :ind that iu .... t as Jr• od material can r ard by the wa, the phonograph rec-

County h11!l1 school, :\I1les Cit~'. Mon- he found 1 ff the g-1 'cl. ord:; arc still mi!';~int?". tana.

Helen Solberg. teacher in Darby.

~~~1,g ~l::'.::~::~~:::::t~:t ~:id:::~ 1.-~'~TIL~~L~,o~,u>.lr~r~,~, N"1''AUN~n'RY~co'''~i an;-. Fnfrersity of Michigan. Ann a " Arbor.

~ )1

Kennoth Dozois, teacher in Fit-th, ~ ~

We're Glad You're


The Mai11 Cate While the most of us were enjoying the winter vacation the

basketball team remained here for some intensi\•e training and

then a holiday trip into Colorado. In addition to sacrificing their

Yacation, the boys brought new laurels to the school, by defeating

the Mines, ldaho U two out of three games, and all of their op­

ponents on the trip. It is an impressive record.

Id~he~:fol~·e s"£i~~is, state laboratory, EXPERT DRY CLEANERS I ~ Helera. Montana.


Sara Kendall, at home in Bozeman. ~ A. L. Kerlee. workin"' in tick lab- c,_1

Phone 79 orator)·. Hamilton. Montana. ,.,._,.

8 ' 1<,4~


Frank Wisner. student at Yale uni- ..,., Cl.~ ~~~'-'-'-~'~""°~~'-'-'-"-'-'-~'-~'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-~~~'-'-'-'-~

\'ersitr. ~ ---------==--==----======,========~ Rnth CnRO)'. with A. C. JIL Co .. Ana-1~~,~~~'-~'-~~~'-~~~ /

This week the team will go up against two of the strongest

teams eyer to play on the Bobcat floor, if prediction of followers

are accurate. The Philips Unfrersity team comes highly touted,

and only slightly less the Oregon Agricultural College squad of

players. The games with these two teams promise to be head­

liners in entertainment for local fans.

conda. l\Jontana. ,,;;============================================::::l

Irene Da\"ldson. teacher in Tow-n-1 send. ~fontona. high school. lll:H;I-<XHO'<l<HlH:H:H:H:H:l-lll:!-l:H:H:li:H:l-lll:!<Hlfll<H:Ho-t><HlH:H:HlOJXH:IPc~


Gertrude DA\\'<'~. teacher in Elg-in, Ot'et!on. hig-h s··hool.

Yerne. Dusenborry, teacher in Cul­bert~on. 'Montana.

l\f~~~~~- Kinds(•hy teacher in Moore, I .Joe Ottcnheimer, m business m

Provo. Utah. I



THE SUfiAR BOWL • Ab i I \jl , The Horne of Homemade Candies



The annual Farm and Home Week at Montana State College

has, as a rule, very little interest for the students in other than I agricultural or home economics classes, and therefore little atten­

t ion is generally gh·en the event. Direct interest, howe1·er, is

A Bri~hter Year Through Our l:>l:>JX'<X>'O-i:H:>'l·~~~~ Glasses ... Are you groping Rose Garden

ot the essential thing to the aYerage student; it is the importance

f the ' 'en t from a public relations standpoint that should be ecognized.

After all, one of the major functions of l\Iontana State College 1

·s the agricultural extension department and this is one of their

ib m·ents. Here in these conferences a thirst for knowledge is I

atisfied to some extent. That is the importance of the week

rom the educational sta11dpoi11t.

through life in semi-darkness as

a result of weak, indistinct vis­

ion. If so, wear a pair of our g lasses and get a new grip on

sight happiness and eye com. fort.

LESLIE E. GAGE JEWELER & MFG. OPTICIAN Broken lenses repaired same day

20 S. Black A "e. Phone 925-11'

But these people who Yisit us will reflect the impressions left §~~~§ fB ~§~§f§~ ·ith them. That feature, too, is rnluable in its way, but cannot =-------- c--====== e controlled by a single act.

Some one at home is going to ask the student of M. S. C. about

e Farm and Home Week held there. From the educational,

1preg~ion, and public relations standpoints a definite answer

ontaining more information than "Oh yes, there was some such

hing up there" will do a great deal of good for the college.

Funeral Home

-.-Funeral Directors

1 and Embalmers


The sports \niters over the state tell us that a close race for

e state basketball title this year is to be expected with an un- -.- ~

ual number of contenders, judging from the defeat handed the PHONE 122-W .

1 nh-crsity by the :\liners. ~~~~,x~


YOUR PERSONAL STATIONERY 100 Sheets Paper - 100 Envelopes to match

'" ith your name and address for :f.1.25

LEATHER BRIEF CASES S l.50 to $12.00

COLLEfiE INN -for­




OPEN ~~~~r:;s AND




Can now be affected on all yo~· per:ional

war !robe alld home requirements

while the


Are In Progress


r l\Iusic By


ADllllSSIO:\' 75c COUPLE ii

f 'r~~""'~'"°"'~ f ~ Montan.~,m~t:~~. College i

I ~ ~

A school thai has built and maintained standards of

scholarship. Offering cour~cs in the following divisions:

College of Engineering College of Agriculture College of Applied Science

College of Household and Industrial Art.s g. i i ~ Each course leads to the degree Bachelor of Science

CERTIFIED lt4Luu § i For Information Write to


i:H:f'Q-(HX>(>(H)i;!i)~~wi:Hll:ICIX>i:H:>l~)'IXH;>J;l-OQ-OJ:><~)i:KK><?~ ~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~

Page 3: VOLUME XIX. -~ ROMNEY · 2016. 6. 15. · volume xix. farm bureau opens annual i farm and home week here fl'r. 'ishes co:\'tract of agri cultu ral college with :lle:-i a:-id wo.\ie:-i





And His



Parson's Gh es Cr edi t. T o Bobcats But Loses Pred ict ion

The Bobc:HL; have sent. home a peT­fec.:t 1·ecord irom thetr holidav barn­:ilor ming trip. The fir:;t e,·cniiig they ddeattd the Billings All Star:; ~3-38 and an independent team at Hardin lU to 8, then Den\·er University 5i­~-1. twi! e from Colorado Teachers 43-27, -10-:Jl, and from Pratt's Bookstore of Den\'el', 48--l2 .

Orange Basketeers

. The ~ports writers of Billings say tnat the Bob1:at:> look better than they did last year \\·hen playing an c~h1bition g-ame in Billir.gs after win­nmg the conference championship. l'h<• Denver Post pre-,·iew of the game with Pratt's predicted that the Bobcats' winning streak would be stopped, also that it was certain that , th£:rc would be r.o 40 or more point I score. :\evertheless the Bobcats came through with a 48 to 42 score. Iu tht:.. write up of this game Mr. Par- I sons doe:;; not ('Ommit himself as to <.ne po::>sibility of a l"epeatcd confer- [ c.nec championship victory for Mon­~ana State, but thi:;; severe critic of I uut teams say:s that the Bobcats per~

Bill burr Jim Pinkerton

1 ormcd as champions should. I

B ob Hager Coach


Th~ l.xperience on this trip should <lo mu .. h toward improving the de-1 fer sive game of the Bobcats and when thl:y meet Phillips ··U'1 here January

Jaclr Savory Hube Mathew1 Don H artun11:

-1 und :; they should be functioning J BOX SCORES Hmn: GAMES- I Idaho U. (46) a::-. a well balanced organization.

:llontana :\lines ( 16) Fg Ft Tot. I tSecond i<ame)


CONYENTION DELEGATE lyJ;1~h-.<. .'..'.'.'.'. t ~ ~ ~J~~~~iia~· .... : ... REPORTS OF MEETINGS I sK,_igJ,·1~ •. ·.·.... . ........... 0 0 0 Burgher....... .. ... 5

(Continued from Page One)

I 1ather than in its resll;cted meaning

f larnin~ a livelihood. .. \\·c ha\'1! lirtle trouble with girls

whu know ror what purpose they are n the C ni\'er::>ity, who have a spe..:ial

objective for their life. Personal '' ork, l have found, serves as a lever \..i c:ondud. a <lc\'eloper and promoter o sc.-holar~hip. ·•

Luca! Insta lled Last Year

, ......... 3 1 7 Thornhill ...... . ...... 0 :llatlock .g O 4 4 Jacoby .................... 1 Bullwinkle ... o 1 1 Greene . .. 0 \\'heh\n ..... o 1 1 Canine ..... 4

:>fontana Slate Thompson 0. Ward ..... .. ~!cFarland .. .. Sadler F. Ward Anderson Browning \.Yorden . Worthington Buzzetti


(37) Fg 4 1 0

.... '2 ..... 5

0 ........... 1

0 ... 0


8 16 20

Ft 'fol. 3 11 0 2 1 1 1 5 3 1:i 0 0 0 2 0 0

Mont State (41) Fg. Thompson . . ....... 4 Sadler ....... .. 1 MeFarland .. 3 0. \\'arc! 0 F. Ward ... 7 Breeden .. 1 W'orden ......... 0 \Vorthington ···-··· 1

0 0 1 3 17

l'l. Pf.

1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 4 0 0 1 3

Ft. Pf. 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 1


11 10 11

l 4 0 9


Tot. 11

2 6 0

16 4 0 2


ow Booking Engagements

Twenty official delegates were present at the convention. The dele­gate from the University of Montana , .. ·as unable to attend the meeting. At the banquet which closed the conven­tion, fortv acti\·e and alumnae mem- 1 14 37 Idaho U. (44)

(Third game)

Fg. Ft. Pf. Tot. for Parties and Dances


~~~~ of the organization were p1·es-1 The :l!ontana State college chapte1 I Idaho U (28) l'g Ft Pf Tot. Stowell .......

Drummond. 2 0

2 l of jJortar Board was installed last (First me) year and is the outgrowth of Cap and ga

njoy the Fun of Dancing Ge" n "hich filled the 'ame place on towell ........ 2 the campus in a local wav inev10usly. Dawald 1

to a Real Collegiate The present members are : Jo O'Con- ~lc:l1illan .. 2

D e Band nel', Ruth Rutledge, Ruby Gill, and Drummond o anc I Thelma Gaylord. The members are I Burgher .. O

chosen from the Junior class at the Thornhill 2 ~ I I I I I I I C I I I I I I I f I I I I I I i dc<o:c of the year. Greene ................ 0

Jaeob,- 3 Canine ......... . .... ., Steilman ... . 0 1 1 11111111111 1 1111111 ·111 .111 1 111 111 1 1 u -1 1 1 11 11 u1 11 1 :1 1 11 111 11 1u 111 1!l1_!!


i 13

~ Mont State (57) Fi< ~ I Thompson ... 7 ~ :Gardner ...... 0

WEST SIDE fiROCERY Quality Groceries

~ I MeFarland ......... 4 ~ Sadler .............. 0 ;; DeFrate .... 0

C . ~ · 0. Ward .. l

Phone 266 - 410 W. urtISS E F. Ward . 8 ~ I Worth1111<ton 1

I • I • I I I •• I • I I I • I I I I I I I I I •• 111 I Ul ll l UI HI Ul lU ll ll ll 111 Ll ll 11l l ll ll 1111 111 111 1111 11 111 111 11 i .4.nderson 0


-:;::=====--===-================== ~:~:~1: ·:·: ~ 24


0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0


Ft. 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0

1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 1

Pf. 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

4 2 5 0 l 4 0 6 6 0

i\!e;l-!illan ..... . ... 7 Dawald ..... 1 Burgher ................ 0 Thornhill ........ 3 Greene Canine Jacoby

..... 2 ... 1 .. 3

Mont State (45)



28 .


Thompson .... 7 0 . Ward.. .. ..... 6

Tot. F. Ward .. . ......... 0

18 Browning .. 0 0 Breeden .... 1

10 Gardner .. . .. .... O 0 Worden ................ 4 o Dawald (Ida). .. .. 1 2

16 3 0 4 4


0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1


1 5 0 0 1 0 0



l 0 0 0 1 0 3 3



3 3 0 3 1 0 2


American and English .Made

Priced Right

6 0

16 2 0 7 4 2 7



15 17

0 0 3 0 8 2


Holloway's I during the last ten yea1·s DuTing

1925 Mr. Ronne carried more than 3,500 passem;ers on short pleasure Kleinschmidt Co.


Suits, O vercoats


I flights . During the war he was in the American aviation service. .- ..-------- - - J".""J'"W" --·~"""

Sheer VelYet and Crepe Satin

Th ese two fa brics lead the mode and here a re t wo charm­ing new models es­pecia lly designed fo r their developmen t .


With P ictorial Printed Pat­terns vou c;an cut into expen­sive fabrics without fea r or failure. Simplr lar out rour pattern according to the P ic­tograf and put your dress to-

Fu rnl• sh1• ngs ! ;:~~:;d" i ~;;~:::~o~;·';:c!::~ piece 0£ the pattern. Your frock is sure to have :lll t he smartnt"c:s of the orivinal model.

A t Greatly ~ .

Reduced Prices ! @.M,.~~]t!J~s~!R© ......... ~ ................ - .................. ~--.. ----------.. ---..................... wl"J" •• - ..... ...........,.., I ~~""~,.~~~

After it is all said and done--


You Owe It to Yourself

Sunday, :Monday and Tuesday





The Hub Ed and Lou Howard

Walk-Over Shoes Stetson Hats

t::tttt• 1 11 1111 11 ii I 1::1 1:1:::::--":ttt:tttt:ttm!rtttt:.ttt'

PRINCE ALBERT is the kind of a smoke you get clubby with, right off the bat. You'll be calling each other by your first names after the very first pipe-load. It is so gen­uinely friendly, m spirit and in fact.

P.A. treats your tongue and throat as gently as a mother handles a new-born baby. Never a bitl'. Never a parch. These are details, of course. The thing you'll i·emember longest is that wonder­ful taste! So cool, so sweet, so soothing.

Nobby c.,. I ij

I! ll II II l!l!! ll!I




No matter how hard you hit it up, this long-burning tobacco never hits back. You can go to i~ before classes, and right through to Lights Out. Get yourself a tidy red tin of Prince Albert today. The School oi Experience has never produced a greater smoke than good old P.A.

P. A. i1 1nld et1•t"•

i.>llM'<" in 1i,fl- rt•d tin • f'<>:Hld ,111J /i.slf·/JOlmJ hn l111P1<idorr, .zod /11>1111d rr·,,t<1l·&l<Js lum1iJor1 •i1l1 sPO•I ::-• • mniH·ncr top Arid cl»·a I •a·ith (')"l•ry bit of l>ir.- 4nJ f><Jrc/1 Ti'· 1110~.-d l•l' 1/,.. Prine.::

.4/bcrt pruceH.

l>RINGE ALBERT - n o oth er tobac co ts like i t !

(!') 192 7, R. J. Re,•nnldt T obu:ro Comp<1.ny, W iru1on.Salcm, N. C.

Page 4: VOLUME XIX. -~ ROMNEY · 2016. 6. 15. · volume xix. farm bureau opens annual i farm and home week here fl'r. 'ishes co:\'tract of agri cultu ral college with :lle:-i a:-id wo.\ie:-i


PAGEFOUR --- - ---- ----- -- - . - . I

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CONSIDERS I 8~~~~d ;:·~\~._;~me ~li~isif~e~fd~~~nt=~ci I ~:y1~u~~~~.~~r a~~d~.,,,~~e~~~~,~u~~~~~!~i VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR DOES SO ME ADDING \"ice-President are ex-officio mom- from _dues : but,_


ADOPTING A NEW CONSTITUTION l>ers of the;~~;~~-~ ~Oard. 1:~r.~:~h1t:~~;~=~Q~rr~:;~:~:\3~L:ii"d~t~~: \I

(om nutlccs Tl . 1 d · • go to the suppod ---

. Alumni J..oi~n l~und; The Ma~\~~~.~ of th~ ·~,~~~:nt ~~~ds of t~e As~oci~t- Donald l\intz of :nu~i<' l)('pnrtment J'n•"'iclent Cand~ Firm Take$ Liberties

With Sc1hny Statistics

Proposed Changes Will Include Approximately Fifteen Thousand Eligible Graduates and Ex-Students. Want

o1 tht>fAllum£1 _L~a1.1. FuBnd. -~he Cd th~ rion. T he li fe membersh ips paid m Offers 'Yal t.z Uallnd ''Dancing m~n _o . t.1e xec~tne. ou1 , an .. ~ llllll!l sum, or by mstallme1_1 ts, shall T1easu1e1 shall co~1st1tuLe .,,the Dnec he J_>latecl in their entirety 111 n pcr-J '\Yith 1 ou''

Full Time Clerk tors of t he Alumni L?an J•un~ . ~l~c ni:\n<.•nt endo,qnent fund, the principal Jlc.na_g-<:!r shal~ be t•ha1n11an ex-off1c10 of which is invioi!lble. interest only

of .this ~omm1ttre. . ,. . beinl" used. Except on payment of Stand1r;_g- . Committee~: \\ 1~hm _n <:adt insrnllment of the $50.0Q life

reasonable t.m\e 1 not to exceed r5 da)s ber'h ip ~2 00 j;;, deducted f or A new constitution and Sl!t of by-laws wlrich, ii ratified by the present af~er election, the .Presiden t ~ha.11 ap- ~1~~·~·~nt ~XJ)ens~s : and ~the other $8.0U

active members of the Alumni Association, will widen the ~cope of the pornt. .~rom the 1l;cl1n~ .membership the is placed in the pcrm:i1 ent endowment

01 ... _ .. nnization to such an e>.."tent as to include nea.rly 15,000 members. and follo\\ lllf! con~mlttees. . · , fund. This cndowmc-nt fund may Uc

,.,, J. The .. -\d,· 1sor:y Counc:I of not less used for loans to worth)· student~ perfect an administration to take care o.f the busine~s, the com~uttee thnn l O, nor ~nore .than 1:1. The_ mE-n~-1 h\· purchash

1..,. sh:ll't!S in the .Alumm

selected at the meeting last :.;;pring has announced in then· r eJJOrt which is hers to consist of .~rndunte at:d .ex- L·a.an Fund, Or for irveslments as dt-

bt!ing mailed to all the members of ihe association . student me.m~ers of. t.hc Association. lt.'c<1.~1l by t.he Exen1ti\·e Board.

A preliminary referendum was taken on the question by _mail l~st fall Hnd the maJonty of either group shall L Honorary membe-rs arc exempt

,·ho'''•d •• i·a'"'o of b"tter than 10 to 1 in fa,,·or of U1e expansion poltcy. It 110.; ex~eed tw~.. · . . from Jl:l:)mtnt of dues but do not re-

.,. ... ,,. .. . ~. 1 he uuchtmg committee cons1:st- c~i\"e tlw official 1rnper. unless t~e~·

is e.-xpertcd that the new organization would be far more effective in its 111g uf three members. . . remit the subsrri}ltiou µrlce as <le~ng-ultimute aim, "to promote the welfare of Montana State College," if the :3. Any otlw_r comm1tte('s. which natetl by the E:-..t:cuti\e Board each J

proposed chat1ge were to be made. ~i~1~~~ ~cem acl\"ls.able from tnne to yea.r. /

William Edsal_l of Bo_ston, ~lass ..• is, att ;·ote. h Id ff e' A_ J ARTICLE VI AR_li~~;y!, II o . o _ 1ce, or re~ ive :-- Dut it>s of Offictr:s and Commltl<'e~ All officer!'. of the A::::.3c1ciution, ex- I

lht! present pres1dsnt o1 the orgnmz~-1 scciation pubilcat1ons. Act1v~ men~- 1. The Presidenl shall be eXC(.'.U- <'ept the ~fanager of lhe Alumni L~a-1 tion anu IL!::. Morris of the extonsotn hers are those who ha;·c paid their I live officer of the Association, and Fuml, shall be 110111inatcd by the eEx-

f~fi"[j~:~~enci~rek"i~0~~;~l~~~~i"~~r1-.i?a'l: cu~~:':~o~·e~~·s d.:~~;nni Loan . Fu11d ;l~~:~l~cor~;'~~i ~~~l; ~~}\~~." get0et·ally ,•,~·it~t,.i\'~o~coa~f aildth~L~~~veb~11~nf~~1~~ the correspondence nf th~ association. :l!embership. All)' person el1g1ble to 2. The Yico-President shall a"i<t rnotin,, voles. The ~Ianag-er ~f the

membership in the Associat1011 who the P1·c$ideni in the perfol'mante of Alumni Lvan f'und ~hall bt• nommated the rur<.•hases one or more shnres in ~he his clutie$, nnd shnll pl'Pside in turn hv the Director::; ;:id elected l>y a ma­

.\lumni Loan Fund becomes an ad1n~ during- his 3bst'n:.l". .it;rity \'ote of the stock issued and

member thereof. and is entitled to ail/ :t The Exenniw~ Board shall ho•d , oted, either jn per~on or by. pru~y the pri\'ile~es of this fund, as desig- iegubr monthly meeting~ at the t:all Each share o.f stock held by md1nd-

Co-ns titution and By-Laws or Alumni .Aasiociation

.i\lontana State College of the l ' niYersi tJ of ~lontana

I nated by the BL)ard of Directors. c( the chairman, and :shall t.rausad unls beinp: entitled tu one \"otc. E~ch CO:\STITUTION ARTICLE III any business for the weJfarc of the o.ficcr ~hall hold office ~or a pe1:100

.ARTICLE I .Meetings As~ociation. T~1ey shall elect fr~m of t\"t.> ,·ears. beYinning ·wnh rhe first

~ec·tion J. The name o[ the ~rgan- ., . . . . i r of their membership u pc_;-manent chair- dav "of :1u\v and C'ndinl? \\ ith the lhir~ ization ~ha11 be Alumni Asso.:iatmn of h Th~1 e sh.all.be a~l a?nualtleet 11 ~ _,man and a treasurer. 'lhe member l'e- tic.th day of Jur.e two years there­

thc l\lontann ~tate College of the Uni - t e ;;sokation . uring d 1 omn~e ~C' 11.·eidng the hi,ghest number of votes after1

or until u suc~.essor !Ms been/

\-Orsit\· of M~ntana. nwnt ee ·; nt a _time. an if ac~ c e¥~: at the election becomes the tempor- ele.ted and qualified ior office. Th; I · b' natcd by t.1e E.xeeuthc ?aH · e I an· 1.hairmnn of the Board, and shall Presidl'nt. \'ice-Pl·t.'~ident. and Alumm

, . 0 Jed . President may can a meeting at an)' eail a B<>ard meeting within ~W days Loan Fund Mana.oer constituting one 1 ~ec~1011 II. The obJec:.·t of this. As-_ time w1tho_ut ~r_c\'1ous n. otu:e.. :liter he is el.ected. ,_~ t" B l on

soc1~t1on shnll be to promote b) or The E.xecutl\e Bo~rd shdll h~ld Thl' Executn~e Board shall act upon grm:;p. aJ.d the r .. :-.;eru l\'e oart 1.· -

g:mtze<l effort the welfm·e of Monlana reg-ular monthly meetings. and spec~al all bills presented to the Association .stituting the second groupi shall be

State C~lle~e. an? to encourage go.od meetings at the eall by the Chmr for pavment. t;h:cte<.i in alternate yeurs..

fellowship and mterest amon~ . ~ts man. . . .J. it shall be the dutv of the ad- Ballnts shall be $ent to each ae-

members, and _through the actint~es _The Advisors c .. ounc:1l sha11 m.eet visori• Couticil to ,·issi"'t 't!te oUicei·s li\·e member at his last known ad-

Al L F d t t h I E t B d ] ... dre$s by April 15th of eacl1 year, anJ

Copies of the lute::-t publirati(lll of Don Kmtz, vtnlin instructor and or­C'hc~trn leader at '.\lontana :Stntc eo.1-legc. h:wc ju~t been ret•f'in•d th1s week. The comnosition is a wnltz ballad cntitletl "Dan1.:ing With You·' and hug been publi~hed by the Frank Harding- (Olll'eTn of Nl'w York City.

:\1r. Kintz ha:; '' riUl"'n several other wnltz hallad~. among- them "~loon-

l'hinu:ro, Ill.. Dec. ;)l -B~st Xew Year's re;;olution any Dnd could m?kc b: :n dvt• his :'On a eollcge educnt1on.

l'oliegc cduration i~ ''orth ~i2,000. Thi~ i$. a profit of 1.'.:!00 per c~t~t on an oriJ!inal inve~tmLnt of 8ti,Or0tl, \\ hich is th<.· averagL' total cost 01.. a 'our vea1 s' course in college.

Del-iuctinl!" the t•ost of the cdu\;ation it:-clf. the studE>nt adtls to his iuture llll'\lme ut the rntl' of approximately

I 1,000 a \'t!li r during th~· lime ht:- JS i1 t.:olleg-e.

\,.; t'las~t·s are ht:ld oniy five days a \Hd,, thi~ menr:s 1)t,1tent1nl carnmgs ~ ( ::;10 :-1 day ti1 tlw studEnt. for each

I day ::.pt•n · in lht' dnss room. 'fhl'.Sl' s!all·lllt.'llls \.ere m:\dc by

Utto y. !:'<.·hncrin:, Prl'~idcnt of l~e

Bain Ruth Candy Company, who 1.s

4111 ~lumnus 01 tht• l'nivt:r~ily ut Ch1-1..a~o. in ::n ndurt.~.,g hcr1...

"A e1.Jlh•zt• edu,ation i:; 1.wt vnly 't'1 ,. essential in modl•l n hus:nc;..~ but

11id1Iy ~'llot1:ablc. if 1 tl~e ~~?dcu.t

lH:!lltis hi:-. timt• ill n:a. :stmb, l\lc ! Sl:hnl:':rini.; ~.uid. ··The arnunl ~l\trn~e •

11l·ome t f ;: bii!h st:hool graduate IS

.~.~tlO und that of a collt:>gc ~ratlu;i.te ::;ti.t.'llll. T1.tal earn.ng-~ vf the two

lassc:-> lli men up to the a~c of tiO ~~I l' approxinrnlclv ph1ct'.d at ~71:'1 .000 •rnd ~·t:}ll,11 •0. Thi:; dves t.he collcg-e

1 aduatt.• c w1d of :;;!~.000 O\"Cr the 11il'..!h St" d( \ l uth.

"Thh; 1s th..:: fi!!C of ~pe{,·ifiliz11tion nnd s. ientiik mana~cmcnt i1 busi­

' ne~~. in '' hiL"h a collci:u f>dtll'Utinn is bt·nm1ine- ulmo::.t an :.lbsolute ntc:e~-., .


~ - $. F . . \. ::\-IEETING

of the umm oan •un . o ass1s wit tle xecu ''"" oar < urmg in an ndvison way in the atter of bHllc1ts arc to be i·ounted .Tune 1st by

worthy students and alunmi. I Comme1~cement \Veeks at t)1e call .of/ pclil'J', but it.~ is not empowered to the Exel'llli,·e Bo:inl and the ru;.ults

ARTICLE II /the Chnu:man of the Executive .Boa'.~ commit the Association in any man- till' ca~tcn: part of the c·ountry.

'lembershi .... The Directors of the Alumm Loa.i i:et'. annour ed. . time' and "l la1;'t Forg<•t You, Il<'<ir.' C<tltiurniu scuned to lead the other

· P 1 Fund ~hall meet at an~.,. tune at the - I h II b th I t f th ARTllLE III Co1)ics nf these can bt.· ~en1rl'd in · 1·t t. t 11" ·J ci·e1·i·

Section I. The Association shall be I '·all of' the illana~er. ' . •'> ••• t s a . c e <. u Y _ o c


Payme_n t of Off_icers.. . tll:' 1 u 1011~. con ro 1ng nca1 v -

{Continued .from I1aze One) DON KINTZ

composed of all graduates and former tc- • ·~ud1t1!1g Committee to see t~at the The A!'(sol'iation may1

if it so de- Bozeman through thP Orton :'llusic thing. :\Ion: faculty conti·ol ·was evi-

students of l\lontana State College:>, ARTICLE l\ f1nanc:1nl records of the Alu mm 'l'rens- sires, n.•muncrnte officers of the As- h\_;u~c. dt:nl'e<l bv th(' n: ports from the east-

and such honorary members as mav Officers urer. ?l~a~1a.geT of the Loan .F'und, a~1J 1 sodatit1n not comwcted with the :.\Ion- Third Yc<lr Here tn dele~ate:-:."

he elected from time to time. The officers of the Association Alumm Secret:try are properly audit- tana State Collccc, an<l may meet }fr. Kin.z <·amc tu }lor.ta11a Stat• To Tr) C<>nlral Office

Section II. Honorary members shall be a President, \"ice-President, ed each year by a ccrtifted P~tbhc ac- an,· tral"el expet sc necessary for the college a, \ tolin insn-uctor in rho mu- The prinl"ipal work of the cc>ngress

"'rominent in meetings of students etl'intions l1eltl in Eurooe last

lll(' " whfrh should l:!h'e him ari1 qualiikatior.-s a~ a capable e.: utin~."

The Ex~-·utive Board whith subt ennilidate:s for offic:t.':s. others bt nnminnted from the floor. consist . l!lt• offie<.•rs of the foderation nnd, H·s~nturivt.?~ from sectional distr: The dele~nk from Oregon Agri tulal c-0llqrn will represent the w inn dbtrict the t.'oming year.

ll o~lulu \\·ants ConH?ntion The c om·ention of the federa

will be held nt Columbus, 1\lisso next year, il was decided at n~cting.;;:, l nYitntions were exten from Columbia, the University Cincinnati, ard a hogt of other s. lcll'g:::ite from the Univel'sity of

waii ex:tended an invitation to fcde1·ation to l10Jd their ronvent io1 1 !1:!n at Horolulu. Xo action tak~n un the ~uggestion however.

Tht• ~ational Students Federa· of Amc.•riC'a ii; an outi;rowth of nwetinJ! of renre~entnti\"fS of fc een {,·olicJ,!e~ which met at Prin J

eni\·('1·~ilv in Ut:!.J. Representa ti I

of ~·10 colleges ratified the pr-0 P< I !o r·onstitUlP the fedt:.•ration .


, els - Tubes - Parts Batteries

D. H. B U D D CO., Plumbing, Heating, Electrical t

and Sheet ~fetal Work

Phone 300 30 W. Main'


Champion Shoe Sho~I GIVES

10% Discount TO ALL STUDENTS

shall be such person~ as may be elec- }Janager of the .~ltmmi L-Oan Fund, countana, or some other quahftcd ac- cumrldinn of its program. I stc department under Joseph Adam. ; sofor as perfecting- the or.o:arnzn- I ted hy the Association because of and :rn Exe<'util·e Board consisting of co~ntant . ARTI CLE IV. 1 lte has been here th1c". Y<•ars. Last tton was the pt·oposal to establish a

their interest ir, or sen ice to, Mon- three members . The ~lanager of the G. 1t >hall be the duti of the ~Ian - Order of Business ; oar h" pla;ed first Ytolm 111 the )Jon- enc:·al ofCie. Th" lack was folt par-1 1

t<tna St>lte College. 'Alumni Loan Fund and two members ager of the Alumm _Loan Fund to m- The order of bi sincss of the Asso- ,1n<1 "ymphony Orl'he,trn under the :tl'ularly in reJ'ard to details furnish- '---- ---------- II

Section III. Only active members of the Executh·e Board shall be con- l~;,;:"f ;~m ~~is ~~~~!'~~~s ,01 :,~';J,~;.\:~ ciation >hall be n h:n·mony "ith the eadc1 'hin of ,Joseph .\dam. cd d<'.le;rntes before tho actual meet- I ___ _ Opposite Woolworth's

nil loans or other e~pen:.-c~ \\ ith the Plll pose nf the rnt l'lrng,.bbut i111 ~e~- - --- 1111!1'·;1·'.1tl1.~oenrn,,1fs. <>fft",.,,.,,r-.· for· the "01ii1·r..~ ~~~ ~ - - ~ •llJHO\<l] of the maJoiitv ~f Lhc Dt- e111.l sh,1ll be lhat p_rcscn ell >J o ~ . ..: . ....... ... ... ':! i

R I f Ordt?l 1rcdo11t\.· of the \ ull'$ H'i..:eiYt•d must · I F A s H I 0 N

1ectors of the Loan Fund I er~ u <.•-.: 0 1 .. · r ~ i.:ar and :-;election <.\fa mcct111g pace

ART LLE \ b~ wr the amL1ndmcnt. .-\.mencl1m.:nts · · 1 7. The Alumr t 8ecretarv <::.hall be Q lll<l\ he pi O}losed bv a majonty Yote f n· !'ext ve:ir furnb~ed the pr111c1pa

employed by the ExecutI\<.> ~Board. ~t (l) Twent,- 111~~~~~ of the Associ- at the anmt.tl bu,. 110,, nieetinc: , or by in_i;.•ne_ bt~'lne~s dur'."" the elosm: t sh.ti! ge the duty of the Alumni Sec- at1on at the anr.ual meetmK. or a a pcl1ti1·n <>[ twenl\-fi,e .ict•ve mem· , , w1i- o. the <onfeier.ce, the dele 6 BARBER SHOP ietary t~, ·., . . . I meettn<r call•d by the President, shall bers nf the As<ocmt1<>n: They must ~a'·' repurt.. , • _ '

ta) 01 gamze and daect the Alumm I constitute a quorum. h<> filed "·ith the Alum111 Secretary at 0 •• \. ( , Repre .... nts \\est. A

<;fforts for the welfare of ~Iontana / ('ll A majority of the Directors of 1 least 20 da)·_s before the YOto is. tak- · < >ff1ceb ar" 1ho,cn 1rom amon" 1 ,

Sta~~ ~f,llege: . f "bl t the Alumni Loan Fund shall const1- en, an! publ1sh<'d 111 at least one issue till' delegate, ,1t the convention, it ~ I . ~ ·d · a:nt~ln 1

.ndso ar as! pls~t ~I Lute a quorum. 1 of the Association pa11er. 1 . .o::<.•1. nwd.'' G.\l line_r --~1id. ''.The J_Jrc.si- '

1eco1 s ot ~ gin uates a!1t 01me1 ARTICLE YI ___ __ __ dt :it for the t:Olllifl!! year 1s a $emor

I fi~~~~ents, with addresses o1 all those I ~mendments .... ' . . I.. ".is.~inl!"tnr. and ,Tefferson uniwr-

111111111111111111111111111111111111:111 111111111111




THE BUNfiALOW'S and Beauty Shoppe

J. B. NEIL, Proprietor .M \.LTED ]\JILK I .g. . . . . . . · These By-Laws may be amended by Doan I'. B. Lmf•c•td >pL·nt the [·It\' thi< war. but J'lans to attend



l -~t:)lu 11~ •. ~~ei t]1 tlte Ti.edS~rei .. 0~ a referendum vote by mail of the :1c- Ch1i,:tmas varntion i:e1iud in Caliior- Iia:·,nrd next ye:ir for post graduate

tic : ssocta rnn a mo~e)S tecel\e tive members of the Association. A nia on a Yisit, J "otk. Th<• man ehosrn was also ., I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~.'ha~~an~~n~h~f 11~~1~~/io:~;a1j;~nau~;

from other :::our1.:es, taking his rec·eipt therefore, and to make all disburse--

Baths Phone 461-J


NELSON CAB Oldest and Most Reliable


Office 26 East .Main

I• I ments authorized by the Executive

I ~h~nr~l ~~~d:.~~c~~.r a~fu1~1~~~:;:~~~en~~ authorized by th~ ~lanager of the Alumni Loan Fund by \'OUcher coun­tersigne:d by the Treasurer.

{d) To keep acrurute accounts of aJI in(•o111e and JbbuTsen1ents;

I e) 1'o help or~anize, inform and

I assist .\lumni L'lubs, and be respon-1 sible .to Alum~1i for Homeeoming and Reunion o.:cas1ons;

(f} To attend, ha\'e a voice in, anti

~ keep records of all meetiugs of the

- , _ Alunmi Association, Execu_t i\"e Bonr<l I •• •• .-..-.- • .. ••• J"w -~ • •• "' .,. ..... .,,,_.. .... ._.,..,.,,,., •• ,,. • .,.., • .,,..,. ....... ,.,.,,.,-,,..,,.,,, • .,,...--...-.,,..,.,.,.,."'"_ or· direcLors of the Alumni Loan Fund.

although he shull haH!· no voting pow 1111 111 11 1 r , er in :said meetings. ~ l I .: 1 , 1 11 1 I I I •• 1 ·1 1 11 I ll 1 1111 1 •••• I I I I •• I. I l " I I I I I 11 I I 11 I I •• 1 11 1~ (g) To perform such other duties

i::---;;-;~~~ ORTHAEOABReaNNt1·rOui. N2umBIObelrRg OS. • ~~~?::~:i;~~~i~:~~-;ri:B~z~~~i;~~:B~~I:i I cider, and approv~ 1'.01· faithful pcr­foi rnaihe of his duties. He shall re-/

Ee~~~11srvl~h B~~~~l s~~~l1i ed~~.~~~~ as the

ARTICLE nr / Am endmen ts

• This nlllstitution may b!' amended I bv a referendum vote h\' mail of the

11 1 . 1 1· •

1•1 1: 111 1 .: 1 · n •· • • • 111 1 11 . • 1111 • 11 1 11.11: u a·• 1 11 1111 1 11 1111 111 111 111111111: 111 1 111 u 1 1 111 111 111111 11 rn1 111u 1 1 11i actiYe tnen1bers of the Association.

Two-thir<ls of the Yotes received must be for the amendment. Amendments

..._._. ._. ..-.-. .. -.-.w..-..-..-_.._-.1-.....-....-........-,.,..,._........_ ............ ._.._ ....... .,,. ..... ......._ •••• -... may be }l1:oposcd by the a~tual busi -~ ness nw~l1ng, o~· by a petition of



(Adjustable to any Position)


The Montana

Power Company

,,.; twenty-fwe active members of the \I Association. They must be fJ)pd with ~ the Alumni Secretary at least 30 \ days before the \"Ote is taken, an..! ~ JJllblished in at ]east one issue of lhe ~ Association paper.

~~ By-I.aws of the Alumni Assotiation of ilfontana State College

of the Universitv of Montana

~ BY-L.\WS


1 Dues :ind A~scssn1 ents )I The)e shall be imposed upon each 1 ~ member of the Association a iei:rular

'l a--:~csgment, payable on any one or the I


\ tdat~s named !1erein. Pro,·id.et!, how- /

;~:1i i!;a<.~Ul~~l~ti~:~ular assessment j I. General m~mbeTship $~.00 ~

?·t•ar .. Thi.~ entitles holders 'o u vot­ing. v~1ce rn Ass()('ialion affairs; sub­srnptam to the designated offiC'ial paper; and to such other privilc·i:res a::i

~ my be named from time to time->. l 2. A!-!sociatf' membership ~1.00 a

I yuw. This .in~ludcs all pt·i'"ilt•gt?s ex-

!\ t·ept to rc<.·cn,·e a copy of the Associ­

:ition pu1~1ic:~tions.. This type or!

I membership 1s 1t\·a1lable to a H·(·oud membe~ of the family li\;ng- in a hoo5:c in whi<.·h lhel·e is alrea,lv one ~n ~er~l membe-rshil?· · I

\ j ,.,, Ltfc :11embersh1p $40.00 ill ll lum1> ~ ~um ol' ~i>0.00 p:.lid in instnllme>nt~ of '. ~I 0.00 each. This includes all priv­\ ile~e;; and a hfe sub:scription to the

._,.,,,.._ .. _.._~.....,,...._. .... ..,._.,..._ ........................ ._.._.._.._..._.._._ ........... ~~,.off1cial papel'. /

Any member who pays his dues con ~

Movie of a Man Formulating His New Year's Resolutions By BRIGGS

l"rv\ GOtNG To SPGNl) MO RE F\FTE.Q..1"-J..ooN.s A-r "Tlie OFPl<:E NE)(.T SUMMER •• • .tve- WAS<Eu Too MUCH liME

..gN GOLt=='1

GOI NG; To CUT .Dow10

Ou Ht:S .S/V\e>K'tN'

TH 15 'r'E; A."R"





11 AND 1·M Tm•ou GH



0 D Tfte Smoother and Better Cigarette

, not a cough in a carload

11 \ 'M GO<NG To .STAY

HOME ""'~ TrlE '-"'<l="E: MoRE: NtGHT.S, ... BUT I :Do!V'T .SEE WHY .SHE HAD To Go To THAT


" AND tF Yov ST/Cf< To OLD GoLD S THEY CA1,,'T HUR.• You.'. .. NOT A.



~~ ~