Chesed...the path of loving-KI ndness THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN OF REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL & THE MEYERS LIBRARY Shalom VO LUM E 127 N UM B E R 1 FA L L 2021 5782 — 2021 Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year e Inclusion Quilt that hangs in the KI lobby

VOLUME 127 Shalom

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04-00067-N-3563.jdfChesed...the path of loving-KIndness
T H E Q U A R T E R L Y B U L L E T I N O F R E F O R M C O N G R E G A T I O N K E N E S E T H I S R A E L & T H E M E Y E R S L I B R A R Y
Shalom V O L U M E 1 2 7
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5782 — 2021 Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year
The Inclusion Quilt that hangs in the KI lobby
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From KI Leadership
President’s Message
Janice Schwartz-Donahue, President
A Year Overflowing With Kindness… Beyond KI’s physical spaces,
I believe that KI contains a spirit all its own. The first two years of my Presidency were represented by the themes of Tikkun Olam and Tikkun HaNefesh, which helped lay the foundation for my third and final year as your President. The year ahead will be filled with the spirt of Chesed, or Kindness.
In my first year as President, I recognized that as Reform Jews we must speak out for those who are vulnerable. Our Tikkun Olam banner looms large in our lobby, the bright yellow color announcing our belief in the importance of
Repairing the World. Our KI members are prepared to take up issues of social action and social justice to safeguard those who may be at a disadvantage in our community. Our programs and volunteers are held in high esteem!
In my second year as President, Tikkun HaNefesh was our theme. I promised myself that I would reflect more deeply and not allow a world-wide “pandemic” to hold me back. I was determined to find new ways to move forward, even as the world almost came to a halt. I led Zoom meetings from my home and for the safety of our community, our staff and Clergy took extraordinary measures to keep KI moving along. Our entry
doors were closed, our fobs deactivated, however our hearts remained open. In my annual report, I shared that by combining weekly Shabbat Services, Adult Education, Rabbi Talks, Torah Study, and spectacular fundraising events, KI members invested in hundreds of hours on Zoom, Facebook, and StreamSpot.
When Rabbi Sussman brought up the idea of Chesed as our theme for this year, I felt a sigh of relief, thinking of the many ways the theme, the spirit of Kindness, would naturally flow throughout the months ahead. Rabbi has announced his retirement and much of the coming year will be spent celebrating his tenure at KI. With this news also comes a search for our next Senior Rabbi. Our efforts will focus on “Building Our Legacy, Ensuring the Future.”
In preparation, I have learned that Chesed is not merely an emotion or feeling but, just like Tikkun Olam, Chesed involves action on behalf of someone who is in need. Chesed inspires in us a sense of love and loyalty that requires merciful and compassionate behavior towards another person. This theme simply amplifies all we have done over the last two years.
My third and final year as President of this congregation has arrived. I look forward to celebrating with you, learning with you, praying with you, and searching and securing KI’s future with you. This will be a year when hugs may become conventional again and our hearts will overflow with Chesed.
Shanah Tovah, Janice
RIGHT: “Seven Species Mosaic,” gifted by Evonne and Isaak Kruger, created by artists Ricki Lent and Robyn Miller. The dedication for the mosaic, as well as the Inclusion Quilt and Shabbat lamps will be Sunday, September 26, 2021. More information to follow.
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From the Bimah
Rabbi’s Message
Rabbi Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D.
One More Time: My Final High Holy Days at KI This year, the High Holy Days are early. Rosh
Hashanah, 5782, begins on the evening of Labor Day, Monday, September 6, 2021. It will be my last set of holidays at KI. Last spring, I announced my retirement from the pulpit, which will begin on July 1, 2022. My hope is to remain part of the KI community along with Liz, as I look forward to becoming Rabbi Emeritus. My plan is to continue providing a modicum of pastoral, life cycle and educational support to the congregation in tandem with the next Senior Rabbi of the congregation. Meanwhile, we have lots of work to do for the holidays and the New Year, 5782.
Our theme for the New Year will be Chesed or Lovingkindness. Two years ago, we focused on Tikkun Olam or ‘repair of the world’ (Social Justice). Last year our theme was Tikkun HaNefesh or ‘repair of the soul’ (Self Care). Chesed is a Biblical term variously translated as love, kindness, mercy, charity and lovingkindness. Chesed is a foundational value in Judaism and according to Simon the Just in Pirkei Avot 1:2, the core ethical value in our tradition. He wrote, “…the world rests on Torah, service to God and deeds of Chesed or, again, lovingkindness.
The term Chesed appears 249 times in the Hebrew Bible. It can refer to God’s love for the Jewish people, the Jewish people’s love of God and mutual benevolence between people. It is found most frequently in the Book of Psalms (23x) and as a value, is strongly associated with the Book of Hosea. It is related to the derivative Christian idea of Agape and plays a major role in Jewish mysticism. In the Sefirot, Kabbalah’s Tree of Life, it is the first of the attributes of action. Many charitable Jewish organizations include the term Chesed in their names.
Of the many values, which inform the Jewish tradition such as Tzedek ( Justice), Emet (Truth) or Shalom (Peace), Chesed is the most important to me. “Deeds of lovingkindness” constitute the foundation of Jewish life, ethics and education.
What is it that we want to teach our kids in our school program? To be good people and proud Jews. To be ethical and to be devoted to our tradition. The house of Judaism rests on both pillars. Together, they provide a powerful system for us to forge our identities as individuals and as a community.
Chesed is the root of the term Hasid or ‘pious one’, which is closely associated with the Hasidic branch of Orthodox Judaism. In this application, piety is the dominant meaning of Chesed. However, the Hasidim do not have a monopoly on Chesed. All of us need to be “zealous” in the enactment of Chesed in our lives.
Although a nuanced term, Chesed ultimately is tied to the idea of love. Love is both simple and complex as an idea and a set of emotions. In popular culture in America, there is a widespread idea that God is love. That is, God is not a person or a thing, it is a reality, which both transcends and permeates all of existence. Many people have serious intellectual issues with the idea of God. Few, if any, deny the possibility and importance of love in the human experience. For many of us, embracing the idea that God is love is a path to belief stripped of the challenges of divine power, retribution and afterlife. It is simple, necessary and hard to refute. Even if you reject God as an idea, what would life be without love?
This year for the holidays and beyond, we will explore the theme of Chesed together. I think it is a good way to conclude my career on the pulpit and a pathway for all of us in the future. I look forward to teaching and learning about Chesed this year for you.
May the New Year, 5782, be a good year, a sweet year, a healthy year for all of you and your loved ones. May it be a year of Chesed for all of us.
Shana Tova, Rabbi Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D.
Special Rabbi’s Talk: Kristallnacht
On Tuesday, November 9, Rabbi Sussman will lead this program with his sister, Marcelle Fischler. The program will start at 7:30 PM.
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Join us for Shabopera! In honor of our yearlong celebration of
Rabbi Sussman, we present to you a Shabbat full of Opera — “Shabopera!” — on Friday, Dec. 10 at 7:00 p.m. This Shabbat, sponsored by the King David Harp Society, which sustains the legacy and history of Jewish music at Keneseth Israel.
Jews and Judaism have been part of the world of opera since it first emerged at the end of the 16th century. Whether providing Biblical or religious themes for operas, serving as composers or librettists, musicologists or opera house managers or as patrons and, most of all, devotees of the opera, Jews and Judaism have been a vital part of what Diane Paulus of the American Repertory Theater at Harvard calls “the ultimate art form.”
Both Rabbi Sussman and I were literally raised on opera. Rabbi Sussman listened to the Metropolitan Broadcast on Saturday afternoons, and home opera quizzes of Vox Boxes (remember them?) as birthday presents during his teen years.
Opera also informed Rabbi’s understanding of and relationship with, the music of the synagogue and its adaptation of Bel canto in Jewish worship.
From “Rachel, quand du Seigneur” in HaLevy’s La Juive to the “Hebrew Chorus” (Va, pensiero) in Verdi’s Nabucco, opera has been part of his soul’s repertoire.
As a teenager, my father used to drive me to Omaha, Nebraska for seasons of Opera Omaha. My father, who got us front row seats, introduced me to the greatest works in opera, and the level of singing and beauty found a way into my heart. I studied voice at the University of Kansas. My Jewish vocal coach in college trained me in Bel Canto singing, and I learned and sang classic opera arias throughout my undergraduate training. She also taught me the relationship between Hebrew diction and Italian diction, and encouraged my voice to soar on Jewish Liturgical Classics.
On Friday, December 10, at 7:00 p.m., Shir KI, led by Hazzan Tilman; Andrew Senn on organ and piano; cantorial student, Sierra Fox; our very own Lee Slobotkin; and our professional singer, Jennifer Smith, will join me.
I eagerly look forward to Shabopera and having you join us, for what will be, an amazing evening of music.
Cantor’s Message
From the Bimah
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We are so excited to introduce our new Education Director, Deb Rosen! Dear KI Community,
On behalf of KI Leadership, our Parent Leadership Committee, and KI Clergy, we are excited to introduce our next Education Director, Deborah Rosen.
Deb may be familiar to many of you. A child of KI, Deb Rosen had her Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, wedding, and son’s Bar Mitzvah here. She has also been an educator at KI for over 35 years, beginning at the age of 14 when she became a Madricha. Over the years, Deb has taught Grades 2–9, and this year, on Zoom, she taught our 4th Graders, and Quest Noar’s 8th and 9th Grade,
as well as supporting programming and curriculum development.
During the pandemic Deb was able to rely on her skills and training as a project manager for a tech company to use technology to its fullest extent. She used the Zoom white board functionality, tutored Hebrew one on one, and successfully utilized online teaching.
Her educational philosophy stresses the importance of a strong nurturing environment. Deb is well-versed in multiple methodologies and is open to collaboration with our Clergy team. She is aware of our special needs students, has visionary programming ideas, and is familiar with our faculty and culture.
Deb has excellent organizational, communication, and management skills. We look forward to her energy and ideas as we begin this next chapter of Jewish education at KI.
Deb wanted us to share that she is thrilled to continue her relationship with KI’s JQuest and Quest Noar programs as Education Director and looks forward to an exciting and joyful year. She would like every child to feel that KI is their second home, just as she felt growing up. Do not hesitate to reach out to her at [email protected] with any questions, concerns, ideas, or just to say “Hello!”
Cantor Amy E. Levy
Liz Z. Sussman, M.Ed., Director of Early Childhood Education
A New Year June 14, 2021 was a highly
anticipated date in the preschool world. The first day back after closing because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even with our masks on you could feel the smiles, love and happiness of being back!
The summer was wonderful. We implemented our new COVID-19 protocol, sang our song about wearing our masks and then it was preschool as usual.
We have a wonderful combi- nation of our old families and new, creating our KI Preschool Family. Our school year began with our teacher in-service week where
training began with a brand new session on our “new normal.” Even with being closed for a year and a half, we have a
full house. We have all of our same classes from the infant room to pre-K. The children are enjoying everything from music, to Hebrew, to visits from the Amazing Athletes, Nature Jack, and library time, and of course, our very own Art Gallery.
This fall we will finally get together to dedicate our Infant playground “Daisy’s Garden.” This addition has been such an added bonus to the preschool, a special place for the infants to explore and grow. This gift, from our congregants, the Solis- Cohen Family, in memory of their granddaughter, will truly add beauty and opportunity for growth at the preschool, and is a huge attraction for new families who are bringing infants here for the first time.
In September we open the year with our High Holy Day learning and celebrations as we ready our shofars to welcome the New Year and to reflect on how we will all move forward together as individuals, and as a community.
This year, even more than others, we will continue to work hard to connect families in their combined efforts of raising kind, peaceful, and considerate children, in our preschool world and beyond. The importance of everyone working together in our preschool, our staff, children and families is paramount in making the world a better place.
We are so excited to be back together as a preschool community. We wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous 5782, as we look forward to all our up-coming preschool programing.
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Youth and Education
Danielle Carlin, KIFTY Advisor
KIFTY Fun I am so happy to announce the KIFTY Board for the 2021–2022 year! Mazel Tov to the following members: Alexa Rhodes, President and 12th Grade representative Laina Snellenburg, President and 12th Grade representative Tracy Reich, President Maya Green, 12th Grade representative Samara Brookman, SAVP & 11th Grade representative Sophie Taylor, CVP & 11th Grade representative Jane Rosenthal, FVP Emily Eisenman, PVP Jacob Goldin, MVP Mia Zucker, RCVP
Ben Bruskin, 10th Grade representative Zach Goldin, 10th Grade representative Maya Schwartz, 10th Grade representative Lauren Markowitz, QN representative and 10th Grade representative Jacob Reibstein, 10th Grade representative Amelia Goode, Club KIFTY liaison and 9th Grade representative Sarah Sklar, Club KIFTY liaison and 9th Grade representative Zoe Cohen, QN representative and 9th Grade representative Freedy Kelman, 9th Grade representative Lucas Golluber, NFTY Par representative
Save e Date! May 20 & 21, 2022 When we will celebrate
Rabbi Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D.
for more than two decades of dedicated service to KI.
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The Year of KIndness Like most of you, I am so excited to be back
in person at our beloved KI. While I have been lucky enough to be working in the building for a while now, it is not the same without the hustle and bustle of our congregants coming and going for the many activities that usually take place in the building. There is also a great comfort in being in our sanctuary for the High Holy Days and other services.
When we were planning the upcoming year and deciding on a theme, Rabbi Sussman quickly came up with Chesed, KIndness, and we all agreed. After the last year and a half, we could all use a little kindness. Most of us teach the children in our lives to be kind to others, but often we do not practice enough kindness ourselves. We are quick to judge and gossip without thinking of what the other person might be going through. Our political leaders, whichever side you are on, set very poor examples for us. They lie and say truly awful things about their political rivals.
Social media also makes treating people with kindness more challenging. People feel emboldened to be cruel because they can hide behind a screen, but the damage is done.
My hope for this year, for this congregation, is that we can all treat
each other with true kindness. Take an extra minute to talk to someone you do not know and don’t just introduce yourself, but also connect with that person. Really get to know new people
and include them. You might make a difference in someone’s life, or you
might make a friend. All of our actions have consequences so let us make them
positive. Be a good example for someone. We have so many wonderful events planned
for the upcoming year as we say goodbye to Rabbi Sussman. Everyone will have opportunities to participate in different events with him to show your appreciation for all that he has done for KI.
I am looking forward to seeing you all back in the building or online for a safe, happy, healthy 5782!
be kind
The Women of KI & Adult Education invite you to a joint Brunch Honoring Rabbi Lance Sussman ~ This is Your Life!
Sunday, November 7, 2021 ~ Noon Brunch & 1:00 PM Program
Come and Join us in Honoring Rabbi Lance! We will have a delicious brunch and then share wonderful memories of our dear Rabbi. This program is for everyone who wishes to Celebrate Rabbi Sussman!
RSVP HERE: kenesethisrael.org/wki or your check for $18, written out to WKI, is your RSVP.
If you would like to be part of this program, contact: Lynore Eisman at (215) 676-1812 or [email protected]
or Caryl Levin at (215) 680-1985 or [email protected]
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KI Adult Education Update By Caryl Levin
Our community of learners has enjoyed a vast array of speakers on varied and interesting topics throughout the summer. The program continues weekly throughout the year. If you missed the summer programs, you can join the KI Adult Education program at any time. You will always have lively topics of conversation.
The Power of Stories to Engage Our Emotions and to Inspire Our Conduct, with Rabbi Fred Davidow Thursday, September at 11:30 a.m. In modern parlance, we can call stories “page-turners” because they catch the attention of listeners, arouse curiosity, and engage the emotions of the listeners. A set of abstract ideas and a code of laws may very well express concepts and rules with which we wholly agree but we are unlikely to live by them just because they are written down. A Hasidic proverb says, “Give people a fact and you enlighten their minds; tell them a story and you touch their souls.” If any conduct of ours is inspired by something we learn in a story, then that story is true for us. In this program, Rabbi Davidow will present a dramatic script adapted from the short story “If Not Higher” by Isaac Leib Peretz (1852–1915). Peretz was a compassionate man who saw great moral beauty in the lives of the poor and pious Jews of Eastern Europe.
Conspiracy Theories, with Natalie Isser Thursday, September 9 at 11:30 a.m. This lecture will examine conspiracy theories that have evolved in most societies, both past and present. The most notable characteristic of these phenomena is the psychological satisfaction that these provide. They offer comforting answers to those
encumbered by social fear, frustration, resentment, and anger. Their signifi- cance rests on the prevalence of political and international upheavals and the nature of communication that leads to many perverse behaviors, resulting in dangerous and immoral policies and laws. Although many were discarded eventually as ineffectual or insane, too often they have persisted from one generation to another with deleterious results. Generously sponsored by Claire Tuckman.
Surrealism: The Boundless Human Imagination, with Baila Miller Thursday, Setember 23 at 11:30 a.m. Surrealist artists confuse viewers by systematically discrediting the world of reality. They transform the real world into a surprising, magical, mystical, confusing reality. Consequently, exploring their work is an intellectual pursuit worth having. The practitioners of this genre were exceedingly intelligent and insightful. Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, and many others contributed an extra- ordinary oeuvre to the history of art.
The Genius Belt, with Kathleen Abbrogi, docent Michener Museum Thursday, September 30 at 11:30 a.m. This Art Talk travels through Bucks County’s “Genius Belt,” an area with a rich and extensive artistic tradition. The story begins with the 19th century’s best-known primitive painter, Edward Hicks, and continues to a turn-of- the-century Impressionist art colony establishing itself in the New Hope area along the Delaware River. Such notables as Daniel Garber and Edward Redfield were among a group of more than eighty artists in the area who
would come to be known as the Penn- sylvania Impressionists. They were followed by Studio Craftspeople, such as George Nakashima and Phillip Lloyd Powell, and Modernist painters like Lloyd Ney. Literary and theatrical figures — including Pearl Buck, James Michener, and Oscar Hammerstein — added new energy as the area began to flourish as a cultural destination. The Bucks County Playhouse played an important part in the process by bringing New York to New Hope, enhancing the “Golden Years” of this creative hub nestled in an idyllic setting. Join us for a journey through art and history, as our remarkable story unfolds, enhanced by images from The Michener Art Museum’s extensive collection of regional art.
Mary Cassatt— American Impressionist, with Sylvia Laudien-Meo Monday, October 4 at 11:30 a.m. Mary Cassatt is amongst the most important and innovative American Impressionist painters who lived as an ex-pat in Paris, working closely with Edgar Degas and other leading artists of the time, exploring new modern techniques in printing techniques and the use of pastel. She also played a leading role in the creation of American art collections like that of the Havemayer family, now part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. While her work is extremely beautiful and relatable in its depiction of women and children, her approach was quite progressive and even feminist in many ways and she even contributed to the women’s building at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893!
Lifelong Learning
(See Adult Education on P. 9)
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Lifelong Learning Meyers Library Update By Linda Roth, Director of Library Services
The Meyers Library is adopting a hybrid model for its programming. That is, we will offer some of our programming in an in-person, face-to-face mode, and some programming will continue to be offered in Zoom format. Hopefully, we will benefit from this best-of-both-worlds strategy. We are planning a wonderful line-up for this fall.
On September 30 at 1:00 p.m., we will open up the season with our first in-person program. As part of our returning Jewish Film Series, we will show Tel Aviv on Fire (2018) in the library. This Israeli film, presented in Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles, is a comedy (not incendiary at all). “Salam, an inexperienced young Palestinian man, [who] becomes a writer on a popular [Palestinian] soap opera after a chance meeting with an Israeli soldier. His creative career is on the rise — until the soldier and the show’s financial backers disagree about how the show should end, and Salam is caught in the middle.” The film won 11 awards among 13 nominations, including the Asia Pacific Screen Award for Best Screenplay by Dan Kleinman and Sameh Zoabi. Our own volunteer, Rebecca Landau, friend of the writer Dan Kleinman, will be here to introduce the film and provide some background information about the writing of the movie.
We will have two excellent Author Visits. On Thursday, October 21 at 7:00 p.m., Pam Jenoff will join us via Zoom to discuss her book The Woman with the Blue Star and other works. Library Director Emerita, Ellen Tillman, will introduce and interview Pam. Pam Jenoff is an American author, lawyer, and professor of law at Rutgers University. She writes both love stories and historical novels, some of which have been nominated for awards and many of which have been bestsellers.
Then, on Monday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m., Amy Meyerson will join us in person! Amy Meyerson, originally from Philadelphia, is a bestselling author. She has been published in numerous literary magazines and teaches in the writing department at the University of Southern California, where she completed her graduate work in creative writing. She is the author of The Bookshop of Yesterdays and The Imperfects.
Please join us as the Adult Book Discussion Group will meet in person on Thursday, December 23 at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the book The Cellist by Daniel Silva.
New Books We continue to acquire new books in Contemporary
Fiction and Current Events, New and Favorite Authors, etc. Give us a call and let us know about books you are interested in borrowing. For more information, email me at library@ kenesethisrael.org or call 215.887.8700, x 417.
I Want My Mummy!, with Dr. Stephen Phillips Monday, October 11 at 11:30 a.m. In an effort to better understand why ancient Egyptian mummies hold such a fascination in popular culture, this lecture presents a history of Western civilization’s centuries- long interaction with ancient Egypt’s human remains, how attitudes regarding those mummies changed through time, and how mummy-related folklore still influences the modern world. This talk includes unpublished images of the actual mummies of several of Egypt’s most famous pharaohs, as well as behind-the-scenes images of 4,500-year-old mummies as they emerged from the sands during Dr. Phillips’ own recent archaeological excavations in the cemeteries adjacent to the Great Pyramids at Giza, Egypt.
The Pity of It All, with Dr. Dick Weiss Monday, October 18 at 11:30 a.m. This will be a review of a portrait of the German-Jewish epoch, which began in 1742 when Moses Mendelssohn entered Berlin and ended when Adolph Hitler became the German chancellor in 1933.
(Adult Education Continued from P. 8)
The KI/Lowell School Connection is still strong, though in-school tutoring will probably be on hold again in the fall. We will pivot to helping the Lowell Scholastic’s Community in a more creative but still very needed manner.
Think: Adopting a Class, Supporting Student Incentive and Perfect Attendance awards; providing much needed materials, wipe-off boards, school supplies, earphones, books, etc.).
Hoping that this challenging time will help build the connection to a School Community that has truly struggled during this most difficult time.
Contact Toby Grubman at 215.663.0657 or [email protected] to explore ways that you can get involved.
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By Rita Rosen Poley
This season it seems more than appropriate that we a embrace the traditions of our religion as we approach the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, 5782. Together we have come through a difficult eighteen months, making this time of communal prayer and personal rededication feel especially relevant. While the Temple Judea Museum did not shut down — our exhibitions continued and we even started a YouTube channel — we are excited that the KI building is now open and our exhibitions can, once again, draw unlimited, in-person visitors.
As summer ends, we are currently revisiting the departing season with our exhibition, “The Geography of Summer” which now fills our gallery and lobby showcases. Drawing from the museum’s Anne and Dick Brown Collection of Jewish Camping (supplemented by other objects, photographs, and artwork), this look at the ways we experience summer is an example of a specific, discreet, collection-based exhibition.
The Temple Judea Museum’s permanent collection consists of two classifications of objects. One is separate and individual: a Hanukkah menorah, spice box, tallit, etc. The other is a collection of objects, gifted to us as a unit with a unique history. In addition to the Brown Jewish Camping Collection, among these wonderful treasures are those of the Silver Family WWII Home Front, Alvin Gilens’ Israel Immigration Photographs, Labron Schuman Documents, the Hasiner Cemetery Association, Israel Ephemera, the Jacob Landau Archives and a collection of Women’ League pins from Ellen Tilman.
Having the opportunity to display these collections is only one way we share them with our community. In an ongoing effort, our TJM volunteers: Maxine Schwartz, Marlene Adler, Lynne Bloom, and Norma Meshkov work continually to accession, photograph and upload our collections and separate objects to our online display at TempleJudeaMuseum@pastperfectonline.
As many of you know, the Temple Judea Museum has built a targeted collection of Press Photographs purchased over the years from eBay. The museum’s purpose in building this collection is to preserve Jewish photographic stories that appear once in a newspaper and then disappear from view and — too often — from our consciousness.
Such is the story of Jaimie Greinstein whose 1935 murder was captured in a news photograph, but whose tragic story is little known. After I purchased the photograph of Jaimie in prison, awaiting execution, I Googled his story. To my amazement, only one online entry, by his brother, appeared. His story is too important to forget. I am proud that it will live on in our collection and in our pastperfect online exhibition. May the memory of Jaimie Greinstein be for a blessing.
From a 2011 Post on the Website “Repeating Islands”: Following the 1933 revolution in Cuba, the military
government of Fulgencio Batista executed a 19-year-old man. It was the first and only time in the island’s history that a Cuban Jew had been summarily tried by a military tribunal and executed. Although accused of terrorist activities, Jaime Greinstein’s only crime was to oppose the corrupt, unscrupulous, terroristic Batista military regime, as Jaime Suchlicki of the University of Miami reported in an article for The Miami Herald.
“Like many of his generation, Jaime became captivated by the “Revolution of 1933.” Although short-lived (1933–34), the revolution had a tremendous impact. It gave university students a taste of power and catapulted them into the mainstream of politics. It created an awareness among the students and the populations at large of the need, as well as the possibility, for rapid and drastic change.
The Batista regime reacted brutally to student demonstrations. Students were persecuted and arrested. Jaime tried to escape but was captured by Cuba’s military. Intending to make an example and squash opposition, a military tribunal sentenced him to death. No appeal. He was executed on April 11, 1935.
Jaime belonged to a Jewish family that had migrated from Poland to Buenos Aires at the turn of the century. Hoping to perhaps come to the United States, they moved to Cuba in 1909. Cuba was hospitable to foreigners and immigration was encouraged. There, two boys and two girls were born.
Restless, idealistic, he loved his Cuban homeland and felt a commitment to bettering its life. On February 13, 1935, he wrote to his father: “Neither Cuba nor the revolution will ever be able to complain about men like myself. … I have suffered hunger, persecution, jail, but that is the price we have to pay.”
For more information, contact the museum at [email protected] or 215.887.8700, ext 416.
Temple Judea Museum
Art by Rhea Dennis for “The Geography of Summer” exhibition.
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Letter from a Forgotten Jew, by David Harris, in the Times of Israel, is a moving essay about the approximately 900,000 Jews who lived in Arab countries in 1948, and are now fewer than 4,000. Many of them went to Israel, and others resettled in the U.S., Canada, Europe, etc. Wherever they settled, they put their shoulders to the wheel and created new lives… “We had something more to sustain us through the difficult process of adjustment and acculturation: our immeasurable pride as Jews, our deeply rooted faith, our cherished rabbis and customs, and our commitment to Israel’s survival and well-being.”
Harris states: “I may be a forgotten Jew, but my voice will not remain silent. I will speak out because I will not allow the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be defined unfairly through the prism of one refugee population only, the Palestinian…I will speak out because I refuse to be a forgotten Jew.”
To read the article in its entirety, please go to the AJC/Global Voice website (www.ajc.org/globalvoice).
I will appreciate any reader comments or suggestions.
In Our Community
1 in 2 Jews is at risk for being a carrier for 101 preventable Jewish genetic diseases. Screenings are affordable, accessible, and safe.
Prepare for the future and make informed health decisions
Einstein.edu/JHRC | 1.800.Einstein
Dr. Chani Yondorf, OB/GYN, provides women’s healthcare that honors the traditions of the Jewish community, while advocating for the screening of Jewish genetic diseases.
Preventing Jewish Genetic Diseases is a program of the Jewish Health Resource Center at Einstein
Music Arts Committee By Ellen & Bob Bildersee, Chairs, KI Music Arts Committee
We’re Back! The Community Family Concert Series/Virtuoso Series launches its 22nd year of presenting fabulous concerts. This past April, we resumed our Virtuosi concerts with pianist Natalie Zhu and violinist Juliette Kang playing a brilliant program of Nature welcoming Spring by featuring works by Beethoven, Cesar Franck, Elgar, and Lili Boulanger. This program, sponsored by Art and Carol Silverman, was the Cheryl Beth Silverman Memorial Concert.
In May, the Music Arts Committee presented The DePue Brothers Band
welcoming Spring with music of Appalachia as well as Blue Grassical, classical, and pop in a family concert, The Ruth G. Kahn Memorial Concert. If you would like to see these concerts, contact KI office to purchase a ticket to watch the programs.
Music Arts Community Family and Virtuosi Concerts continues its 22nd season with The Main Line Symphony Orchestra and special guest artist, world-renown clarinetist Ricardo Morales, soloist, on Sunday, November 14, 2021. The concert and supper will be from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The second concert is Sunday, December 12: DePue Brothers Band Holiday Concert. Look for more infor- mation in the fall. As more world-class artists become available, the Music Arts Committee will alert you!
The KI Music Arts Committee welcomes new members. We develop concert themes, suggest dinner/supper menus, which accompany our concerts, suggest music groups and artists for concerts, develop sponsor ideas, develop publicity, share knowledge about genres of music, and enjoy socializing! Come join us!
Israel Committee William Schur, Chair KI Israel Committee
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In Our Community
Women of KI By Lynore Eisman, President, Women of KI
Dear Women of KI, Women of KI had fun, and powerful programing during
the 2020/2021 year. Cantor Amy, we love you and thank you for all you did for us and for KI. Cantor, thank you for learning so much about computer technology and Zooming. We want to thank everyone that helped us continue to have fun and raise funds for our Women of KI Sisterhood. Thank you for supporting us!
During the pandemic, we connected by Zoom, streaming and emails. I want you to know how much it meant to me to hear from so many of you. Some were first time responders to my many emails. That truly made my day!
For many of us, we are beginning to feel unrestricted and willing to leave our homes for entertainment and shopping. I hope those of you who have responded to my emails will attend some of our programs in person this coming year. Our first program will take place outside, in our “Tent of Meeting,” on Sunday, September 19 at 12:00 p.m. with our own Artist in Residence, Marlene Adler, as our guest speaker. See our upcoming events below for details.
We will continue to use Zoom for our programs for those of you who chose. There will be other programs inside KI during the year. We will follow the guidelines of KI and the CDC, as directed by our administrator and the KI Board.
The High Holy Days are early this year. Many of us will be in person in the sanctuary. How wonderful, to get back to “normal.” Services will still be available by streaming and Zoom. During the High Holy days, I wish with God’s mercy, to offer my hand in sincere apology, friendship, and caring during this time of year. We hope that we can free ourselves from harboring anger, regret, and sadness toward others and ourselves.
Our KI Mitzvah Garden continues to flourish. This year with the help of our amazing group of KI members and volunteers. We have planted, weeded and watered our vegetables. Please come and visit the garden to see our beautiful tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants and string beans growing on the vine. We give our vegetables to HaMotzi Dinner and to Cook for a Friend at KleinLife.
Women of KI wants you know that we are here for you even if we cannot be together in person. Let us know how you and your family are doing; wishing you and your family well. Please feel free to contact me, Lynore at 215.676.1812 or [email protected].
Have a Happy and Healthy New Year, 5781!
Women of KI Calendar of Upcoming Events
Marlene D’Orazio Adler, Artist in Residence Sunday, September 19; Brunch at 12:00 p.m.; program at 1:00 p.m. Come and enjoy a hands-on program with our own Artist in Residence, Marlene D’Orazio Adler. This unique and inspiring event will take place under our “Tent of Meeting,” a perfect atmosphere for Judaic papermaking. Your check for $18, payable to WKI, is your RSVP. Send it to 8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027 for questions or additional information, contact Sue Fried at 215.327.8065 (call or text) [email protected].
Wine and Cupcake Pairing Sunday, October 10 at 1:00 p.m. More information to follow. Your check for $18 is your RSVP. For any questions, contact Mindi Glachman at 215.694.4891 or mindi@[email protected].
Honoring Rabbi Lance J. Sussman: “This is Your Life” Sunday, November 7 at Brunch at 12:00 p.m.; program at 1:00 p.m. Join Women of KI and Adult Education, in Honoring Rabbi Sussman. We will have a delicious brunch and then hear all the wonderful memories about our dear Rabbi. This program is for everyone who wishes to celebrate Rabbi Sussman. Your check for $18 is your RSVP. If you would like to be part of this program and share your memories about your love, admiration and respect for Rabbi, contact Lynore Eisman at 215.676.1812 or [email protected] or Caryl Levin at 215.680.1985 or [email protected].
Women of KI Sisterhood Board Meetings Mondays at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom: September 13; October 11; November 15, 2021
HaMotzi Dinners Drive-Thru Sundays at 3:00 p.m.: September 26; October 24, November 21, 2021
Join with us and become a part of “the nurturing soul
of our KI Community.”
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In Our Community HaMotzi Update By Sue Fried ([email protected]) & Paulette Sterman- Soroko ([email protected]), HaMotzi Dinner Chairs
Happy Rosh Hashanah to all KI members from the HaMotzi Committee. Our fantastic volunteers have been working hard over the summer, continuing to feed 150 to 200 people per month using a drive-through, contact-free procedure. Each month we have observed that more of our guests seem to live in their cars and we spoke with many who have downsized to renting a room to live in. To date, after five plus years in existence, we have served over 6,000 meals. Both of us are in awe of the dedication and commitment of our volunteers.
Volunteers of HaMotzi are of all ages and a variety of houses of worship. Our volunteers are greeted by our guests with warmth, notes of gratitude, and smiles. There is a “kibitz corner” for guests to park at a safe distance from each other and chat with volunteers and other guests. A significant bond has formed between our guests and volunteers.
KI has so many generous donors and we appreciate how you provide the support for HaMotzi to continue. Your help plays an important part of HaMotzi, as food insecurity is an ongoing epidemic. We need volunteers! In addition, donations of non-perishable food, cooking for a dinner, donating to the KI Sharing is Caring Fund (HaMotzi in memo) and gift cards, and writing welcoming letters all make a difference in our guest’s lives. As the New Year begins, please consider sponsoring an entire HaMotzi Dinner for $1,000. It is a most meaningful way to honor or remember loved ones. You are always welcome to be a part of the HaMotzi team. Contact us, or the KI office at 215.887.8700, if you have any questions.
L’Shana Tovah!
RSVP HERE: kenesethisrael.org/wki or your check for $18, written out to WKI, is your RSVP. 8337 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027.  Questions? Contact Sue Fried at 215-327-8065 (call or text) or [email protected]
Come and enjoy a hands-on program! This unique and inspiring event will take place under the KI Sukkah,
a perfect atmosphere to Explore Printmaking with Mixed Media Collage!
The Women of KI invite you to our Artist in Residence ~ Opening Brunch with Marlene Adler!
Sunday, September 19, 2021 ~ Noon Brunch & 1:00 PM Program
The Women of KI invite you to a Wine & Chocolate Pairing!
Sunday, October 10, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.
RSVP HERE: kenesethisrael.org/wki or your check for $18, written out to WKI, is your RSVP.
More information to follow. Questions? Contact Mindi Glachman:
215-694-4891 or [email protected]
Inclusion Committee By Ellen Sklaroff, Chair, Inclusion Committee
Dear fellow congregants, I hope this finds you happy and healthy. I spent most of
August developing plans for this year’s Inclusion Committee. I do hope you have followed the experiences of Inclusion at KI during the past months: the LGBT+ Pride Shabbat, the ADD Shabbat, the panels on COVID-19, on Mental Health, and the Conversations with the Cantor.
This past year I attended ZOOM meetings offered by the Jewish Learning Venture. They include Inclusion and the Hearing Impaired, Mental Health, and Inclusion of
Community in the Congregation. Now that we will be meeting again, I have much to share with you about them.
If you have been a member of the Inclusion committee, or if you would like to become a member, please contact me at [email protected].
If you have ideas for topics we can discuss through panels or speakers, include them in your email. Focusing on topics that are significant to members of the congregation will make KI even more inclusive.
Looking forward to hearing from all!
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In Our Community Social Justice Committee: Please Join Us! By Arlene B. Holtz, Ph.D., Chair, and Barbara A. McNeil
The season of High Holy Days lends itself to reflection on the purpose of prayer, fasting, and study. The Yom Kippur Haftarah of Isaiah 58 points to an understanding of our most sacred day telling us:
Is not this the fast I desire— To break the bonds of injustice and remove the heavy yoke… Is it not to share your bread with the hungry And take the homeless poor into your home…?
How can we respond to Isaiah’s call when we face existential threats to our democracy, racism, and antisemitism in our communities, and wanton gun violence throughout our country? Complexity is the hallmark of our world. The Social Justice Committee responds to Isaiah’s call in two ways: education and actions.
• Education. Simple explanations no longer provide the kind of deep understanding needed to address the society’s challenges. From the For the People Act (H.R. 1) to white supremacy, from the filibuster to budget reconciliation, from the 2nd Amendment to gun violence prevention, there’s a lot to learn before we can effectively take action. So, a major effort of our committee is to bring educational programs to the congregation and the community. We read and discuss books and articles about current issues. We listen to podcasts, watch videos, and invite in scholars and activists to help us learn about the issues. This is an essential component to effective social justice work because we can’t work on changing laws and policies if we don’t know and understand the impact of what currently is in place.
• Actions. After learning about an issue, we engage in actions. Some actions can take place in your own home such as writing letters, postcards and emails to political leaders. While others involve showing up to lobby elected officials or protest with others. Our actions take place in conjunction with other social justice groups including our Eastern MontCo Interfaith Coalition because we are stronger when we work together.
Join Us So this is an invitation to each of you to join us. Isaiah’s call resonates
throughout the year. Our first meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 13, 2021 when we will decide what to read and the contents of programs to present, and consider actions we might take. Please join us at [email protected].
Mazal Tov to Our B’nai Mitzvah My name is Emerson Rose Schwartz and my Bat Mitzvah is October 9, 2021. For my Mitzvah project, I helped the children at Lowell school by doing one on one interactions, playing and tutoring. I also raised money for Charity Water,
a nonprofit that builds water systems to bring clean, safe drinking water to people who live in developing nations. In September I will be attending Bala Cynwyd Middle School. My hobbies include dance, gymnastics, and staying safe from COVID. My sports are track and gymnastics. I am the daughter of Lisa R. Schwartz.
My name is Addison Michelle Rhodes and I like to be called Addie. My Bat Mitzvah is October 16, 2021. For my Mitzvah project, I continued my work with the HaMotzi program. I have been volunteering with HaMotzi for the last four
years. Before COVID, I helped set up and serve the guests, purchase groceries, and work in the food pantry. When COVID hit, I made personalized masks and necklaces and donated the money to HaMotzi to purchase groceries. I miss the in-person dinners and look forward to being back in the KG serving dinner to the guests. I attend Springside Chestnut Hill Academy and I’m in 8th grade. My hobbies include painting, baking, cooking, and everything and anything related to art and doing yoga. I also love to garden, enjoy listening to music, hanging out with my friends, and spending time with my brother Justin and sister Alexa. My parents are Sharon and Michael Rhodes.
My name is Brady Chris- topher Manser and my Bar Mitzvah is November 6, 2021. For my Mitzvah Project, my grandmother, Ann Weinblatt, and I made face masks and donated them to the Laurel House. I attend Sandy Run Middle
Life Cycles
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School; my hobbies include building Legos, reading, and spending time outside. I swim for the Upper Dublin Aquatic Club. I also enjoy biking and running. My parents are Chris and Abby Manser.
My name is Ava Madison Moriconi and my Bat Mitzvah is November 13, 2021. For my Mitzvah Project, I read to a first- grader named Kylie at Cheltenham Elementary School. I would read age- appropriate books to her
on Zoom on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, my project was cut short due to the pandemic. I attend Sandy Run Middle School. My hobbies include playing softball, swimming, hanging out with friends, and painting. I played softball for Upper Dublin Township in the spring, and will play volleyball on my school team this fall. I also like to play tennis, golf, and soccer. My parents are Shira and Justin Moriconi.
Life Cycles Mazal Tov to the following congregants on their Special Simchas…
Birth of… Hudson Leo Brookman, son of Lauren and Doug Brookman, nephew of our members Jody and Andrew Brookman Alden Meyer Skalina, son of our members Molly and Ben Skalina, and grandson of our members Rhea and Robert Dennis Noah Reid Poley, son of Xhemile and Stephen Poley, grandson of our members Bruce and Sarah-Jane Poley, great-grandson of our member Rita Poley, and great-nephew of our members Nomi and Aleister Saunders Terran Sol Magister, son of Christine and Eli Magister, grandson of our member Eve Maslin, great-grandson of our members Judith and Simeon Maslin, and great-nephew of our members Naomi and Doron Godel Zoe Hannah Abt, daughter of Sarah and Steven Abt; granddaughter of our members Marci and Richard Abt; niece of
our members Allison and Evan Barenbaum, Jennifer and Andrew Eimer, and Jaimie and Kevin Shmelzer Matthias Benjamin Reichstein, son of Bianca and Michael Reichstein, and grandson of our member Rosalind Reichstein
Adoption of… Alfred Jarvis Hallenbeck, son of our members Lauren and Chris Hallenbeck
Engagement of… Sydney Hannah Treiman and Michael Steven Janas. Steven is the son of our members Barbara and Frank Janas, Jr.
Marriage of… Selene DeAlba and David Hecht. David is the son of our members Meredith and Stephen Hecht. Our members, Ashley DeVoe and Joshua Salinger. Josh is the son of our members Phyllis and Charles Salinger.
We mark with sorrow the passing of… Charles H. Greenbaum, our member and companion of our member Connie Gottlieb Joseph A. Klein, son-in-law of our members Marilyn and Yale Bobrin Kenneth J. Forman, our member and husband of our member Barbara Forman Irving Markowitz, brother of our member Jack Markowitz Lee Maimon, our member and husband of our member Barbara Maimon Freda S. Sussman, our member and mother of our rabbi Lance (Liz) Sussman; and grandmother of our members, Benjamin (Kelly) Sussman, Josh (Sheri) Sussman, Judah Sussman, and Chana Sussman Norman Fox, husband of our member Barbara Fox Paul S. Schor, our member and husband of our member Doris Schor Maxwell Kushner, brother of our member Marlene (Max) Wald
Irving Rubin, brother of our member Flossy (William) Clyman and uncle of our member Melanie (Anthony) D’Orazio Alvan Rosenberg, brother-in-law of our members Marcia and Walter Rosen and uncle of our member Lynn Rose Eleanor Reale, mother of our member Matthew (Laura) Reale Ethel S. Gershman, our member Jane C. Schwartz, our member and mother of our member Carey (Robert) Roseman Eve Glassberg, our member and mother of our member Harriet (Larry) Weiss Ilse H. Cowan, sister of our members Eve Mennies and Renate Elgart Martin Howard Field, son of our member Annette Field Larry Hofmann, dear friend of our member Bruce (Sandy) Muchnick
Ronna B. Silverman, mother of our member, Marc (Randi) Silverman
Mazel Tov to KI’s Diller Teen Fellows! The following applicants from KI were offered Fellowships as part of this year’s Diller Teen Fellows program: We are extremely proud of our phenomenal teens! Above, from left to right:
• Jordyn Mira Kelman, daughter of Kenneth and Bonnye Kelman
• Sophie Faye Taylor, daughter of Andrew Taylor and Elizabeth Kaufman Taylor
• Emily Rebecca Eisenman, daughter of Noah and Lauren Eisenman
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21st CENTURY FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Marc & Andy Brookman .....................................................................Jane C. Schwartz Katherine Doherty/McSheffrey ............................................................ Freda Sussman Rhoda Hershman .......................................................................... Charles Greenbaum Brian & Jacqueline Kovach ...........................................................................Paul Schor Ronald & Harriet Lassin ..........................................................................Howard Asher Murray & Anita Madnick ....................................................................Jane C. Schwartz Louis & Ruth Palitz Trust ..................................................................Louis & Ruth Palitz Jerry & Lois Rosenau ............................................................................ Freda Sussman Bud Rothschild .............................................................................. Charles Greenbaum Philip & Ruth Spergel ...................................................................................Paul Schor DONOR IN HONOR OF Myrna Asher ......................................................................................... Keneseth Israel Marc & Andy Brookman ..................... Marily & Stuart Bleznak’s new great grandchild Hildegarde Goodstein ............................................ KI’s wonderful administrative staff and Passover Seder bag Daniel Jonas & Alexandra Epsilanty ...................................................... Keneseth Israel Congregation Kol Ami .......................................................................... Keneseth Israel
ADULT EDUCATION FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF James & Joanne Adler ............................................................................... Norman Fox Alene Alper ............................................................................................Howard Asher Myrna Asher .......................................................................................... Jane Schwartz Joanne Beck ...........................................................................................Howard Asher Bobbie Forman .............................................................................................Paul Schor Paul & Ruthie Frank ................................................................................... Norman Fox Charles & Norma Golden ........................................................................Howard Asher Elaine Kieserman ...................................................................................... Gary Snyder Mike & Caryl Levin ................................Ken Forman; Eve Glassberg; Josh Kastenbaum; Joe Klein; Michael Novik;Paul Schor; Freda Sussman Doris Schor ...................................................................................................Paul Schor Dick & Bobbi Weiss .................................................................................Howard Asher DONOR IN HONOR OF Maxine Dalsemer ......................................Wedding Anniversary of Caryl & Mike Levin Harriet Sigel ................................................................... The Adult Education program Claire Tuckman ............................................................... The Adult Education Program
JUDITH ALTMAN MUSEUM FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Irv Matusow & Barbara Rudnick ...................................................................Paul Schor DONOR IN HONOR OF Meryl Fisher ............................................................................................ Lise Marlowe
ARCHIVES FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Ruth Schoenberg................................................................................. Ethel Gershman
JUDGE MYRNA FIELD BAUM FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Harris Baum .................................................................................. Charles Greenbaum
CANTOR’S PHILANTHROPIC FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Robert Greenbaum & fFamily ........................................................ Charles Greenbaum DONOR IN HONOR OF Elaine Breslow ........................................................................ Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Merrill & Judith Brown ........................................................... Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Robert Greenbaum & Family .......................................................... Cantor Amy E. Levy Meira Greenwald .................................................................... Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Marc & Ellen Grossman ........................................................... Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Babe Hernes ........................................................................... Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Irv Matusow & Barbara Rudnick ............................................. Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Arnold & Norma Meshkov ...................................................... Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Robert & Carey Roseman ........................................................ Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Charles & Phyllis Salinger ........................ Marriage of Joshua Salinger & Ashley Devoe Alan & Carol Schwartz ............................................................ Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Sidney & Frances Schwartz ..................................................... Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Natalie Shamberg .................................................................. Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Rochelle Wolf ......................................................................... Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Barry & Merle Wolf ................................................................. Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Women of KI ......................................................................................Cantor Amy Levy Michael & Sondra Zukerman .................................................. Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy
EDUCATOR’S PHILANTHROPIC FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Alan & Carol Prushan ..............................................................................Harry Gottlieb Adele Roda ................................................................................................. Sandy Labe
GENERAL FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Richard & Gerry Adelman ................................................................ Ethel S. Gershman Jack Adler & Adelaide Beacham .............................................................Howard Asher Phyllis Allen ......................................................................................... Freda Sussman Andrew Altman & Leon Chudzinski ...................................................... Freda Sussman Jerry & Ann Altus ............................................................................... Howard B. Asher Myrna Asher ......................................................................................... Freda Sussman Herb & Rochelle Bass.................................. Norman Fox; Joseph Klein: Freda Sussman Hannah Berger ..................................................................................... Freda Sussman Philip & Marilyn Blackman .................................................. Fay Kaplan; Ruth Salzman Yale & Marilyn Bobrin ........................................................................... Freda Sussman Marlene Bookbinder .............................. Howard Asher; Gertrude Kreisler; Paul Schor; Jane C. Schwartz; Freda Sussman Elaine Breslow ...................................................................................... Freda Sussman Barbara Bronstein ................................................................................ Freda Sussman Dick & Anne Brown .............................................................................. Freda Sussman Merrill & Judith Brown ......................................................................... Freda Sussman Fredlyn Brown ...................................................................................... Freda Sussman Robert Burwinkle ...................................................................................Howard Asher Marc Cohen & Margie Curtis-Cohen ...................................................... Freda Sussman Emil & Lois Cohn .........................................Lee Maimon; Howard Asher; Herbert Stein Joseph & Amy Davidson ....................................................................... Freda Sussman Adam & Andrea Denish ........................................................................ Freda Sussman Adam Dickstein & Amy Levitan ............................................................ Freda Sussman The Eisenman Family ........................................................................... Freda Sussman
Contributions All listings indicate donor first, followed by the honor or memorial.
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Contributions All listings indicate donor first, followed by the honor or memorial.
Elliot & Lynore Eisman ....................................................... Paul Schor ; Freda Sussman Renate Elgart ....................................................................................... Freda Sussman Rachel Esserman .................................................................................. Freda Sussman Jack & Vickie Farber ................................................................................Howard Asher Chuck Feldman & Paula Weiss .............................................................. Freda Sussman Stephen & Eileen Feldman ................................................................... Freda Sussman Jeffrey & Caren Fogel ............................................................................ Freda Sussman Barbara Forman ................................................................................... Freda Sussman Stephen & Karen Franklin ............................................. Jane Schwartz; Freda Sussman Sam & Carol Frieder ...................................................................................Lee Maimon Marc Furman & Robin Fine-Furman ..................................................... Freda Sussman Joel Glassman & Judi Metz ................................................................... Freda Sussman Barbara Goldenberg .............................................................................. Jane Schwartz Shelley Goldin .................................................................. Rose Goldin; Freda Sussman Ricki Gordon ......................................................................................... Freda Sussman Connie Gottlieb .................................................................................... Freda Sussman Howard & Emily Greenberg .................................................................. Freda Sussman Meira Greenwald .................................................................................. Freda Sussman Marc & Ellen Grossman ......................................................................... Freda Sussman Carol Halpern ....................................................................................... Freda Sussman Susan Hamberg .................................................................................... Freda Sussman Carl & Edith Hanzelik ............................................................................ Freda Sussman Lewis & Jean Hecht .............................................................................. Freda Sussman Babe Hernes .........................................................Charles Greenbaum; Freda Sussman Rhoda Hershman ................................................................................. Freda Sussman The Red Hat Society ............................................................................ Ethel Gershman Susan Jaffe ........................................................................................... Freda Sussman Larry & Rosalind Kagel ......................................................................... Freda Sussman Robert Kahn & family ................................................. Alan Honigman; Freda Sussman Sonnie Katz ...................................................................Howard Asher; Freda Sussman Gerald King .......................................................................................... Freda Sussman Marvin & Louise Kleinman .........................................Ethel Gershman; Freda Sussman Steven & Marcy Klugman .......................................................................Howard Asher Judy Langsfeld ..................................................................................... Freda Sussman Jill Levine & Cindy Goodman ................................................................ Freda Sussman Leon & Fran Levy .................................................................................. Freda Sussman Rick, Addie & Jude Lupert ................................................................... Ethel Gershman Anita & Murray Madnick ...................................................................... Freda Sussman Richard & Paula Mandel ....................................................................... Freda Sussman Eve Mennies ......................................................................................... Freda Sussman Alan & Lois Meyers ............................................................................... Freda Sussman Jeff Miller & Sandy Gever ..................................................................... Freda Sussman Larry & Diane Mitnick ........................................................................... Freda Sussman Rick & Sarah Morrison .......................................................................... Freda Sussman Jack & Laurie Myers .............................................................................. Freda Sussman Lynn Neigut.......................................................................................... Freda Sussman Michael & Barbara Payne and Dorrice Fisher ........................................ Freda Sussman Stuart & Estelle Price ............................................................................ Freda Sussman Richard Rake ........................................................................................ Freda Sussman Adele Roda ........................................................................................... Freda Sussman
Robert & Carey Roseman ...................................................................... Freda Sussman Dave & Sandy Rosenthal ...................................................................... Freda Sussman Bill & Eileen Rosner .............................................................................. Freda Sussman Chuck & Ellie Rosner ...............................................................................Howard Asher Bill & Deborah Rubinsohn .................................................................... Freda Sussman Lois Rudnick ......................................................................................... Freda Sussman Audrey Brodsky Salon .......................................................................... Freda Sussman Rob & Pam Saltzburg ........................................................................... Freda Sussman Mike & Lois Schaffer ...............................................................................Howard Asher Bernie & Sara Schonbach .................................................................... Ethel Gershman Bill Schur .............................................................................................. Freda Sussman Ed & Claire Schweriner ......................................................................... Freda Sussman Fredda Segal ........................................................................................ Freda Sussman Amy Seidman ..................................................................... Paul Schor; Freda Sussman Leonard & Joan Shore........................................................................... Freda Sussman Richard & JoAnn Simon ........................................................................ Freda Sussman Stan & Lois Singer ................................................................................ Freda Sussman Jim & Ellen Slavin ...................................................................................Howard Asher Mickey & Susie Snellenburg & Ken Crysler...........................................Mitchell Kramer Peter & Denise Soloff ................................................ Jane Schwartz; Freda S. Sussman Andrew & Liz Taylor .............................................................................. Freda Sussman Dick & Bobbi Weiss .......................................................... Joseph Klein; Freda Sussman Donald & Judith Weiss ..................................................................................Paul Schor Michael Winheld ........................................................................................ Sally Rosen Donald & Bonnie Wittenberg ............................................................... Freda Sussman Barry & Merle Wolf ............................................................................... Freda Sussman Rochelle Wolf ....................................................................................... Freda Sussman Frank & Nancy Wurman ....................................................................... Freda Sussman Michael & Michele Yarnoff .................................................................... Freda Sussman Andrew & Debbie Zlotnick.................................................................... Freda Sussman Michael & Sondra Zukerman ................................................................ Freda Sussman DONOR IN HONOR OF Harriet Allan ...................................................................... KI’s Passover Seder in a bag Shirley Blank & Nadine Charlap .......................................... KI’s Covid vaccination clinic Mary Gainer ......................................................................................... Keneseth Israel Mindi Glachman .............................................................................Passover Seder bag Robert Kahn ..................................................................Rabbi Sussman’s Book Release Allan Lisse & Iris Schweon .................................................................... Keneseth Israel Marge Maurer .....................................................The Covid clinic and Hamotzi dinners Toni Montague .................................................................Bat Mitzvah of Alyssa Cohen Rick & Sarah Morrison ..............................................................KI’s Passover Seder Bag Jack & Laurie Myers ................................................................ Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Joe Donahue & Janice Schwartz-Donahue ........................................... Keneseth Israel Fredda Segal ............................................................................KI’s Passover Seder Bag Ellen Teplick ................................................................... Rabbi Sussman’s good health Joanetta Willis ...................................................................................... Keneseth Israel Michael Winheld .................................................................................. Rabbi Sussman
PHYLLIS K. GOLDSMITH ORGAN FUND DONOR IN HONOR OF Sonnie Katz ..................................Lois & Jeremy Rosenau’s support of a lovely concert Mark & Judy Schwartz .............................................................. Lois and Jerry Rosenau
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Contributions All listings indicate donor first, followed by the honor or memorial.
HAMOTZI DINNER FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Phyllis Allen ........................................................................................Cheryl Rasansky Drew & Jody Brookman ..........................................................................Mickey Ufberg Les Cooperson & Robyn Miller ............................................................. Ethel Gershman Marc Furman & Robin Fine-Furman ........................................... Martin “Marty” Rosen Sherri Lilienfeld ..........................................................................................Debra Knee Jonelle & Janice ..................................................................................... Bob Lenenfeld Eve Mennies ...........................................................................................Harry Gottlieb Jonathan & Linda Roth .......................................................................Jane C. Schwartz Paulette Sterman-Soroko & Clifford Soroko ............................................Margie Jacoby Bob & Helene Wagman ................................................... Paul Schor; Jane C. Schwartz Rochelle Wolf .....................................................................................Jane C. Schwartz DONOR ..................................................................... IN HONOR OF Phyllis Allen ........................................................................... Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Flora Becker .........................................................Confirmation of Henry Becker Rubin Sandra Blumberg ................................... Isabella Maja Rose Plaut and KI Confirmands Marc & Andy Brookman .................................. Samara Brookman and KI Confirmands Timothy Christian & Michele Plaut ..............................Isabella Plaut & KI Confirmands Kenneth & Elva Davis.................................................................. KI’s Hamotzi program Elliot & Lynore Eisman .................................................................KI Confirmation Class Suzanne Feld ..........................................................Confirmation of Samara Brookman Michael & Jill Freiman ............................................ Confirmation of Matthew Freiman David Freiman & Maria Demarco ............................ Confirmation of Matthew Freiman Joan & Roy Freiman................................................ Confirmation of Matthew Freiman David & Beth Galinsky ................................................................ KI’s Hamotzi program Ann & Gordon Gelfond ........................................................... Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Solomon Gezari & Anna Bakis ..........................................Confirmation of Henri Heath Marlene Glass ............................................................... KI’s Confirmation Class of 5781 Susan Glauser........................................................................................Steven Glauser Nat & Ann Greenfield .................................... Samara Brookman and KI’s Confirmands Beth Hackett ...................................................................................... Hamotzi dinners Jackie & Murray Saltzman ........................................... Confirmation of Jordan Kelman Grateful Covid vaccination receivers ................................... KI’s Covid vaccination clinic Elaine Kline ........................................................ Paulette Sterman Soroko & Sue Fried Ronald Langberg ................................................................Confirmation of Bella Plaut Joshua, Lisa, Kaitlin & Alexis Langberg .................. Isabella Plaut and KI’s Confirmands Daniel & Nancy Langberg ...................................... Isabella Plaut and KI’s Confirmands Rick & Sarah Morrison ......................................... Bat Mitzvah of Ruthie King Tornberg Lynn Neigut................................................................................ KI’s Hamotzi program Jeffrey & Ellen Plaut ................................................ Isabella Plaut and KI Confirmands Jeffrey & Judith Rosenblum........................................................ KI’s Hamotzi program Alan & Carol Schwartz ................................................................The Hamotzi program Fredda Segal .............................................................................. KI’s Hamotzi program Judith Slagoff ............................................................................. KI’s Hamotzi program The Taylor Family .......................................................................KI’s Confirmation Class Bob & Helene Wagman .......................................College Graduation of Mikayla Black; Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy Richard & Eileen Weinberg .....................................Confirmation of Samara Brookman Adam Weinberg .............................................. Samara Brookman and KI Confirmands Joanetta Willis ............................................................................ KI’s Hamotzi program
Rochelle Wolf ............................................................................. KI’s Hamotzi program The Zaslow Family ........................................... Samara Brookman and KI Confirmands
HAZAK FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Scott & Robin Duretz ............................................................................ Freda Sussman Yoni, Tracy & Omari Greenbaum ........................................................... Freda Sussman The Zeller Family .................................................................................. Freda Sussman DONOR IN HONOR OF The Brenner Family .............................................................................. Rabbi Sussman Ann Stolinsky ....................................................................................... Rabbi Sussman
KESHER FUND DONOR IN HONOR OF Adam & Andrea Denish .............................................................................Our children Ken & Ellen Finkelstein ........................................................................ Our college kids Aaron Krauss & Rhonda McKitten .................................................. Our college Student Steven & Heidi Mikels .................................................................... Our college student Benjamin & Susan Myerov ............................................................ Our college student Craig & Reesa Ostroff ..................................................................... Our college student Steffi Polin........................................................................................... Our college kids Matt & Laura Reale....................................................................................Our children Aaron Rubin & Susan Becker ......................................................... Our college student Vince & Missy Wardle .................................................................... Our college Student Susan, Robert, Lauren & Daniel Zaslow ........................... Graduation of Rachel Zaslow from Clark University
KING DAVID HARP SOCIETY DONOR IN MEMORY OF Frank & Ellen Abrahams ..................... Gustave Abrahams; Regina F. Stein; Betty Stern Sonnie Katz .......................................................................................... Joseph A. Klein DONOR IN HONOR OF Sonnie Katz ............................................................................ Bat Mitzvah of Aria Levy
CLARENCE L. & ESTELLE S. MEYERS LIBRARY FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Barry & Linda Braun ...........................................................................Kenneth Forman Renate Elgart ..........................................Adolph Schonwetter; Margaret Schonwetter Connie Gottlieb ...............................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Babe Hernes .................................................................... Paul Schor; Jane C. Schwartz Roseann Hirshman ..........................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Bozhena Maciocha ..........................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Alan & Lois Meyers ..........................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Richard & Bonnie Moses ..................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Mitchell & Sandra Pinsly .................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Randi & Rick Podel ..........................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Dave & Sandy Rosenthal .................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Doris (Paul z”l) Schor .......................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Richard & JoAnn Simon ...................................................................Kenneth J. Forman Zipfs Candies, Paula, Pat, Deb & Nick ...............................................Kenneth J. Forman DONOR IN HONOR OF Robert Shannon .......................................................................................... KI’s Library
DAVID I. MITCHELL FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Connie Gottlieb ............................................................................................Paul Schor
S H A L O M K I 1 9S U P P O R T K I C a l l 2 1 5 . 8 8 7 . 8 7 0 0 o r v i s i t w w w . k e n e s e t h i s r a e l . o r g . T h a n k y o u ! 
MUSIC ARTS FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Ronald Friedman & Harriette Mishkin ....................................... Charles H. Greenbaum Brian & Jacqueline Kovach ........................................................ Charles H. Greenbaum DONOR IN HONOR OF Darlene Gilbert ...................................................Marriage of Elizabeth & William Klein
CHARLOTTE AND JERRY NEW STREAMING FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Myrna Asher .................................................................................. Charles Greenbaum Joanne Beck .......................................................................Norman Fox; Eve Glassberg Jan C. Finkelman .............................. Rose Kramer Finkelman; Nora Rodman Marymor Judith Monheit.......................................................................................... Gary Snyder Richard Peel ...........................................................................................Richard J. Peel Rob & Pam Saltzburg ................ Howard Asher; Charles Greenbaum; Jane C. Schwartz DONOR IN HONOR OF Murray & Anita Madnick ...........................Shayna Saltzburg’s high school graduation; New home of Rabbi & Liz Sussman
PRAYER BOOK FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Joel & Julia Helfman ...................................................................... Charles Greenbaum Robert Kahn, Marc & Adrienne, Ryan & Alec ............................................. Mollie Kahn
RABBI’S PHILANTHROPIC FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Harris Baum ......................................................................................... Freda Sussman Susan Becker ..................................................................................... Edward R. Becker The Brantz and Bedrick families ........................................................... Freda Sussman Elsa Behrend ..........................................................................................Howard Asher Harry & Ruth Boonin .............................................................. Irving Rubin; Paul Schor Barbara Bronstein ...........................................................Harry Gottlieb; Edwin Snyder Drew & Jody Brookman ...........................................................................Eve Glassberg David Foler & Rabbi Amy Memis-Foler ................................................. Freda Sussman Barbara (Kenneth z”l) Forman ...................................................... Charles Greenbaum Barbara Forman .................................................................................Kenneth Forman Gary & Sue Fried ................................................................................... Freda Sussman Connie Gottlieb ............................................................................. Charles Greenbaum Robert Greenbaum & Family ......................................................... Charles Greenbaum Mark & Janet Hershey ................................................................................. Elma Davis Elaine Kieserman ............................................................................ Rachelle Rutkofski Steven & Marcy Klugman ..............................................Howard Asher; Freda Sussman Alan & Lois Meyers ........................................................................ Charles Greenbaum Peter & Stacy Rigler .............................................................................. Freda Sussman Jonathan & Linda Roth ......................................................................Freda S. Sussman Ruth Schoenberg............................................................Howard Asher; Harry Gottlieb Seth & Joyce Schulman ........................................................................ Freda Sussman Alan Jay & Carol M. Schwartz ............................................................... Freda Sussman Eddie & Rhonda Shapson ................................................................ Ethel S. Gershman Leonard & Joan Shore............................................ Howard Asher; Charles Greenbaum Peter & Caitlin Sklar.............................................................................. Freda Sussman Steven & Beth Stein ............................................................................. Freda Sussman Jochanan Taytelbaum........................................................................... Freda Sussman
DONOR IN HONOR OF Hannah Berger ................................ Rabbi Sussman and Cantor Levy’s beautiful Seder Susan Chace ................................................ Continued good health of Rabbi Sussman David Ehrlich ...................................................... Rabbi Sussman leading Shiva service Mary Elfman ......................................................................KI’s Covid vaccination clinic Barbara Forman ................................................................................... Rabbi Sussman Connie Gottlieb .................................................................................... Rabbi Sussman Robert Greenbaum & family ................................................................ Rabbi Sussman Carol Halpern ....................................................................................... R