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Volume 06


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2 Coleção Estudo



- L


a In


aFrente A

21 3 Reported SpeechAutor: Bruno Porcaro

22 13 Phrasal Verbs and False CognatesAutor: Bruno Porcaro

23 27 Causative Verbs and Use of Gerund and InfinitiveAutor: Bruno Porcaro

24 37 Special DifficultiesAutor: Bruno Porcaro

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3Editora Bernoulli


Reported Speech é o relato de atos de comunicação, ou seja, é uma forma de se referir a falas e pensamentos de outras pessoas ou de si mesmo. Os relatos ainda podem representar pensamentos não ditos e deduções sobre pensamentos de outros. Existem duas categorias de Reported Speech: Direct Speech (discurso direto) e Indirect Speech (discurso indireto). No primeiro caso, as palavras são reproduzidas exatamente como foram ditas ou escritas, e, no segundo, é reproduzido o conteúdo dessas palavras, sem repeti-las na íntegra, isto é, o foco não é a forma exata do discurso, mas sim seu significado.


– Discurso direto: She says: “He is talking now”.

– Discurso indireto: She said he was talking then.

Quando as falas ou pensamentos de alguém são relatados por meio do discurso indireto, os pronomes, tempos verbais, modos verbais, etc. mudam para refletir o momento de fala original e demonstrar o distanciamento daquele que reporta em relação ao fato reportado.

Mudança nos tempos verbais

Discurso direto Discurso indireto

Simple Present Simple Past

Present Continuous Past Continuous

Simple Past Past Perfect

Present Perfect Past Perfect

Past Perfect Past Perfect

Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

Simple Future (Will) Would

Future Perfect Conditional Perfect

Can Could

May Might

Must Had to

Shall Should

Mudança nos determinantes e advérbios

this that

these those

here there

now then, at the moment

ago before

today that day


the next day

the day after

the following day

yesterdaythe day before

the previous day

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He said, He said (that)...

“I live here.” Simple Present he lived there. Simple Past

“I am studying now.” Present Continuous he was studying then. Past Continuous

“I lived here in 1980.” Simple Past he had lived there in 1980. Past Perfect

“I have studied this.” Present Perfect he had studied that. Past Perfect

“I had studied this before.” Past Perfect he had studied that before. Past Perfect

“I was studying this.” Past Continuous he had been studying that. Past Perfect

“I will study here.” Simple Future (Will) he would study there. Would

“I will have studied this.” Future Perfect he would have studied that. Conditional Perfect

“You can go now.” Can I could go then. Could

“I may start a new course.” May he might start a new course. Might

“You must study French.” Must I had to study French. Had to

“You shall go.” Shall I should go. Should

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4 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 21


Há uma situação específica na utilização

do Reported Speech em que não é necessário mudar 

o tempo verbal da frase que está no discurso direto 

quando nos reportamos a ela utilizando discurso 

indireto.  Isso ocorre quando o que o  falante diz 

é uma verdade universal, algo que não mudará. 

Veja o exemplo a seguir.


– Gagarin: “The Earth is blue.” (Direct Speech)

– Gagarin said that the Earth is blue. (Indirect Speech)


01. CHANGE the following sentences to Indirect Speech.

A) He said, “I will be here at noon.”

He said that he would be there at noon.

B) Mary said, “The train will probably arrive on time.”


C)  He said, “I have to finish this report by five o’clock.”


D)  The doctor said, “Mr. Smith will improve quickly.”


E) William said, “I am leaving in the morning.”


Reported Speech: questions and exclamations in Indirect Speech • Wh-questions e sentenças exclamativas:


– Discurso direto: John asked, “Where does Mark live?”

– Discurso indireto: John asked where Mark lived.

– Discurso direto: She remarked, “What a beautiful house!”

– Discurso indireto: She remarked what a beautiful house it was.

• Yes-no questions e perguntas alternativas:


– Discurso direto: John asked, “Does Mark live here?”

– Discurso indireto: John asked if / whether Mark lived there.

– Discurso direto: I asked her, “Are you full-time or just part-time?”

– Discurso indireto: I asked her if / whether she was full-time or just part-time.

CONSOLIDATION II01. CHANGE the following sentences to Indirect Speech.

A)  I asked the clerk, “How much does this cost?”


B)  Mr. Smith asked me, “Where are you going?”


C)  Mary asked, “Are you going to eat in the cafeteria?”


D)  John asked, “Did you mail the letter for me?”


Reported Speech: request, advice, order

Faz-se o discurso indireto do imperativo com o verbo no infinitivo (com to, para a forma positiva, e not to, para a negativa). Os verbos podem ser:


tell / order (dizer, ordenar)

request (pedir)

ask (pedir)

beg (implorar)

advise (aconselhar)

warn (advertir)


– Discurso direto: John requested his son, “Drive the car.”

– Discurso indireto: John requested his son to drive the car.

– Discurso direto: John said to his son, “Don’t close the window!”

– Discurso indireto: John told / asked his son not to close the window.

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5Editora Bernoulli

Reported Speech


Say versus tell

Os verbos say e tell têm funções diferentes em Reported Speech.

1) Tell foca o conteúdo da mensagem transmitida, enquanto say especifica mais as palavras que alguém falou.


– She told him they were going on holiday.

– She said, "we are going on holiday".

2) Say pode introduzir discurso direto e discurso indireto, mas tell, normalmente, só é usado em discurso indireto.


– Tim said: “I’m not paying $50 for that.”

– Tim told: “I’m not paying $50 for that.”

3) Say e tell exigem complementos diferentes. Say tem como complementos um object pronoun ou um substantivo antecedidos por to, sendo estes opcionais, e um objeto (que é a sentença reportada). Já tell, normalmente, exige um object pronoun, ou um substantivo, sem to, e um objeto direto (a sentença reportada).


– She said (to me) she didn’t know anything about it.

– She told me she didn’t know anything about it.

CONSOLIDATION III01. CHANGE the following sentences to Indirect Speech.

A)  “Don’t smoke while you’re here.”

  She asked me _____________________________

B) “Open your mouth.”

  The dentist asked me _______________________

C)  “Don’t worry about me.”

He told him _______________________________

D) “Please turn off the lights before you leave.”

  He asked us ______________________________

PROPOSED EXERCISES01. (FMU-SP) A forma CORRETA de linguagem indireta da

sentença They said to John, “Do you think you lead a good life here?” corresponde a:

They ___________ him if he ____________ he _______ a good life ______________.

A) asked - thought - led - there

B) told - thought - leads - here

C) said - thinks - leads - there

D) ask - thought - lead - here

E) asked - thinks - led - there

02. (UFOP-MG) Give the Indirect Speech transformation: He said, “Yes, I believe in fortune-tellers, especially after what happened today.”

A) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what had happened that day.

B) He said he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what happened that day.

C) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what had happened today.

D) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what happened today.

E) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what has happened this day.

03. (UFU-MG) The Indirect Speech transformation of “I will come and see you tonight” is:

A) Harry said he would have come and see us tonight.

B) Harry said he will come and see us tonight.

C) Harry said he came and saw us tonight.

D) Harry said he would come and see us tonight.

E) Harry says he comes and sees us tonight.

04. (FCMSC-SP) He said, “Where does she live?”. No discurso

indireto, teremos:

A) He said where does she live.

B) He asked where she lived.

C) He asked where does she live.

D) He said where she lives.

05. (PUC-Campinas-SP) Qual destas frases está CORRETA?

John said to Mary: “Will you bring me the books?”

A) John said to Mary if she will bring her the books.

B) John told Mary that she would bring him the books.

C) John asked Mary if she would bring him the books.

D) John said to Mary that he would bring her the books.

06. (UnB-DF) Can you tell me

A)  where the library is?  

B)  where is the library?

C)  where do the library is?

D)  where was the library?

07. (Cesgranrio) The wolf asked where her grandmother lived [...]

A forma direta é:

A) Where does your grandmother live?

B) Where does her grandmother live?

C) Where will your grandmother live?

D) Where did her grandmother live?

E) Where did your grandmother live?

08. (ITA-SP) I told him _____________ about what had happened.

A) not to have worried

B) not to worry

C)  didn’t worry 

D)  don’t worry     

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6 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 21

09.  (UFU-MG) Mark the alternative with the CORRECT form of Indirect Speech.

Direct Speech: “I went to the movies.”

A) He said that he went to the movies.

B) He said that he goes to the movies.

C) He said that he had gone to the movies.

D) He said that he had went to the movies.

E) He said that he has gone to the movies.

10.  (Una-MG) The doctor said to him: “Don’t take any more medicine.”

In Indirect Speech, this becomes:

A)  The doctor told him take any more medicine.

B)  The doctor told him not to take any more medicine.

C)  The doctor told him not to be taken any more medicine.

D)  The doctor told him don’t take any more medicine.

E)  The doctor told him doesn’t to take any more medicine.

11.  (FCMMG)  Sherman  to  Bill:  “I’ve  seen  cyclists  rely  too heavily on this period but the window won’t do it all.”

A)  He’d seen cyclists rely too heavily on that period but the window would not do it all.

B)  He’d seen cyclists rely too heavily on this period but the window would not do it all.

C)  He’d better saw cyclists rely too heavily on that period but the window would not do it all.

D) He saw cyclists rely too heavily on that period but the window would do it all.

12. (FCMMG) “I got very upset and started to cry”. Das Dores said thatA)  she’s got very upset and started to cry. B) she was got very upset started to cry.C) she had got very upset and starting to cry.D) she had got very upset and had started to cry. E) she had gotten very upset and has started to cry.

13.  (FCMMG) Robert Russell to the readers: “Don’t substitute meat for beans.” He told themA) to substitute meat for beans.B) to not substitute meat for beans. C) not to substitute meat for beans.

D) do not substitute meat for beans.

14.  (Una-MG) Then Mary asked, “How far away is the nearest post-office?”A)  She asked how far away were the nearest post-office.B)  She asked how far away is the nearest post-office.C)  She asked how far away was the nearest post-office.D)  She asked how far was away the post-office.E)  She asked how far away the nearest post-office was.

15.  (PUC Minas)  The  Indirect  Speech  of  “I’ve  some  good  news” is:

A) He said he had some good news.

B) He said he can have some good.

C) He said he is having some good news.

D) He said he has some good news.

E) He said he will have some good news.

16. (PUC Minas) The Indirect Speech transformation of “The bad news is that I don’t know where we are going” is:

A)  He said the bad news was that he didn’t know where they were going.

B)  He said the bad news was that he know where they are going.

C)  He said the bad news was that he hadn’t known where they were going.

D)  He said the bad news was that he won’t know where they were going.

E)  He said the bad news  is that knew where he were going.

17. (Milton Campos-MG) Cheryl said: “If it happens again, I’ll get fined.” The CORRECT Reported (Indirect) Speech transformation of the sentence above is:

A)  Cheryl said that  it will happen again and she’ll get fined.

B)  Cheryl said what will happen again if she gets fined.

C)  Cheryl said that it happened again if she got fined.

D)  Cheryl  told us  that  if  it happened again, she’d get fined.

E)  Cheryl told us that if she got fined, it’d happen again.

18. (UPE–2011) Put the statement “My wife said to me, ‘I want

you to travel with me to Europe.’” into Reported Speech.

A)  My wife told me she would like me to travel with her to Europe.

B) My wife told me she wanted me to travel with her to Europe.

C) My wife said to me she wants me to travel with her to Europe.

D) My wife said she wanted to travel to Europe with me.

E) My wife told she wanted to travel to Europe with me.


IME-RJ–2011  Recently, I was looking for something online, or probably 

browsing aimlessly, when I happened on a name I hadn’t 

thought of since I was a child: Alfred P. Morgan. Someone

had uploaded a digitized version of The Boy Electrician.

I was instantly swept back more than half a century to 

my local library. In my mind I saw the familiar metal

shelving and the blue-gray binding of my favorite book, 

also written – and illustrated – by Morgan: The Boys’

First Book of Radio and Electronics.

01. What is known about Alfred P. Morgan?

A)  He is fond of digitalized versions of books.

B) He is an old friend of the writer of the text.

C)  He digitalized his own books to the net.

D)  He is fifty years old.

E)  He is an author of books on electricity and electronics.

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7Editora Bernoulli

Reported Speech

02. Which of the following expressions is a synonym for

“aimlessly” on the second line of the text?

A) with less objective

B) with no special purpose

C) short in time

D) with minor interest

E) out of thoughts



Teens’ online safety improved by education,

research shows

New research shows that teens’ online safety is improved 

by education. Researchers from the University at Buffalo

and University of Maryland surveyed 285 preteens and

early teenagers, both male and female, to determine

05 how important they thought it was to protect their privacy

online and whether those beliefs affected what actions

they took to protect that privacy.

    Students were  asked whether  they  protected  their 

personal information on the Internet, whether they

10  opened e-mails from unknown senders, and whether they 

downloaded files from unknown people or websites.

The researchers found that preteens and early teenagers

who were educated on the importance of Internet privacy

through school, parents, or the media were more likely 

15  to  practice  online  safety  than  those  who  weren’t. 

Among teachers, peers, and parents, parents were the

most influential in delivering that education, according 

to respondents.

A surprising result of the study was that experiencing

20  a privacy breach online didn’t cause teens to improve 

their online safety practices, according to one of the

researchers, H.R. Rao, professor of management science

and systems in Buffalo’s School of Management.

“Students who experience Internet privacy breaches

25 or computer security problems show less protective

behavior on the Internet,” said Rao. “This increases the

chances that they will be victims again in the future.”

The study also showed that girls tend to practice

more protective behavior on the Web than boys. The

30 researchers said they believe this is because girls

consider online privacy more important than boys do.

The study was supported by a National Science

Foundation grant.

SCHARFHAUSER, Dian. Available at: <http://www.thejournal.com/articles/23646>.

Accessed: March 12, 2009.

01. To protect your privacy on the Internet, you should

A)  open  e-mai ls   f rom  unknown  senders  and advertisements.

B)  know the source of the e-mails and files you receive.

C) avoid antivirus protection and safety instructions.

D)  download any kind of files and general pictures.

02. In terms of Internet privacy education, the research shows

that students are more likely to be influenced by their

A) teachers. C) parents.

B) brothers. D) peers.

03. Mark the option that is NOT correct in terms of grammatical

and meaning construction.

A) Research on education shows signs of improvement on teens’ online safety.

B) Online safety of teens was shown improvement by education of research.

C)  According to specific research, teens’ online safety is improved by education.

D)  Research shows that teens’ online safety has been improved by education.

04. “Researchers from the University at Buffalo and University of

Maryland surveyed 285 preteens and early teenagers […]”

(lines 2-4). The word underlined in the sentence above


A) interviewed. C) mentioned.

B)  pointed.          D)  looked at.

05. Mark each statement with T (True) or F (False).

( ) Students who have experienced safety problems on the Internet are now more worried about online protection.

( ) Researchers found out that preteens and early teenagers who have received information on the importance of Internet privacy are more concerned with online safety practices.

( )  Girls  are  less  likely  to  protect  themselves  on  the Internet than boys are.

The CORRECT sequence is:

A) T – F – F C) F – T – F

B) T – F – T D) T – T – F

06. The research shows that educated students tend to

A)  open  e-mails  from  known  senders,  protect  their personal information on the Internet and download files from strangers as well as unknown websites.

B)  download files from people and websites they know, open e-mails from known senders and protect their personal information on the Internet.

C) protect their personal information on the Internet, download files from unknown people or websites and open e-mails from unknown senders.

D)  run risks on the Internet, only download files from family members and open e-mails from friends.

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8 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 21



Skinny Barbie blamed over eating disorders


Barbie dolls may contribute to eating disorders in

adolescence, according to new research. The study

found that the Barbie dolls, which are far thinner than

traditional shapes, particularly at the waist, make girls 

want to be unrealistically slim when they grow up.

The researchers from two British universities claim

Barbie  dolls  could  promote  girls’  insecurity  about 

their image, which in turn may contribute indirectly to

insecurity and eating disorders later in life.

    “These ultra-thin images not only lowered young girls’ 

body esteem but also decreased their satisfaction with

their actual body size, making them desire a thinner body.”

Dr. Margaret Ashwell, science consultant and former

director of the British Nutrition Foundation, said:

“These results are very important and show that children

can be influenced at a very early age. We need to be

aware of that and take the appropriate action.”

    The  researchers  say  their  findings  suggest  schools 

should educate the youngest children, as well as

adolescents, about the risks of being too worried about 

having an “ideally” thin body shape. “Such programmes

need to make girls aware that the thin beauty ideal is 

unattainable and unhealthy”, adds the study.

In the study, reported in the journal Developmental

Psychology, the researchers from Sussex and the

University of the West of England looked at the effects 

of images of two dolls on almost 200 primary school-age

girls aged five to eight.

    They were shown images of different figures, including 

Barbie and Emme, a new American doll whose body

proportions represent a larger body shape. After they

had been  shown  the  images,  the girls were asked  to 

pick figures that represented their actual body shape, 

the body shape they ideally desired and their ideal body

shape as an adult woman.

The difference between the shape girls thought they

had and the shape they wanted was then analysed.

The results showed that girls aged five to six were more 

dissatisfied with their shape and wanted more extreme 

thinness after seeing Barbie doll images than after seeing

other pictures. For those aged six to seven the negative

effects were even stronger.

    A spokesman for Mattel, which manufactures Barbie, 

said: “Barbie allows girls to dream that they can be

anything they want to be when they grow up. Barbie is

not modelled in human scale and we will continue to talk 

to girls and mums and monitor their opinions.”

SPEAK UP. São Paulo: Editora Peixes, ano XIX, n. 234, Nov. 2006, p. 45. (Adapted).

01. O objetivo principal desse texto é

A) mostrar como a Barbie pode ser prejudicial às meninas.

B)  expor as causas dos distúrbios alimentares que afetam as garotas.

C)  alertar para o consumismo que se inicia ainda na infância.

D)  avaliar até que ponto a Barbie influencia positivamente as meninas.

02.  O texto mostra que há uma preocupação no sentido deA)  a boneca ser criada num modelo que não explore a 

forma física, o que ocorre com relação a outras bonecas.

B)  as escolas instruírem as garotas sobre o perigo que está por trás da tentativa do corpo ideal.

C) a boneca ser feita com mais segurança, considerando que é usada por crianças pequenas.

D)  as mães pararem de alimentar nas filhas a expectativa de que terão um corpo como o da Barbie.

03.  O texto revela que a boneca BarbieA)  tem induzido as adolescentes a questionarem o atual 

padrão de beleza, o qual escraviza a mulher.

B) tem interferido negativamente no comportamento das garotas, quando o assunto é a aparência.

C)  tem reforçado o que a mídia prioriza: um corpo escultural.

D) tem disseminado o preconceito ao enfatizar a já existente aversão às bonecas mais rechonchudas.

04. Mattel, a fabricante da Barbie,

A) abre espaço para a criação de bonecas Barbie menos magras.

B)  assegura que as garotas poderão ter um corpo como o da Barbie, se assim o desejarem.

C)  explora o sonho das garotas, fazendo-as crer que são tão perfeitas quanto a Barbie.

D)  diz que essa boneca dá às garotas a possibilidade de idealizarem o seu futuro.

05. “We need to be aware of that and take the appropriate

action.”A expressão of that, em destaque acima, faz menção, de acordo com o contexto,

A) às vantagens da alimentação saudável para o corpo.

B) aos resultados da ação dos nutricionistas.

C) aos efeitos obtidos com a intervenção das escolas.

D)  à influência da Barbie sobre as garotas.

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9Editora Bernoulli

Reported Speech


UFOP-MG–2010Text I

School problems

School  constitutes  a  large  part  of  an  adolescent’s 

existence.  Difficulties  in  almost  any  area  of  life  often 

manifest as school problems.

Particular school problems include

• fear of going to school,

• absenteeism without permission (truancy),

• dropping out,

• academic underachievement.

School problems during the adolescent years may be

the result of

• rebellion and a need for independence (most common),

• mental health disorders, such as anxiety or depression,

• substance use,

•  family conflict.

Sometimes, inappropriate academic placement –

particularly in adolescents with a learning disability or

mild intellectual disability that was not recognized early

in life – causes school problems.

Problems that developed earlier in childhood, such

as attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 

learning disorders, may continue to cause school problems

for adolescents.

Between 1% and 5% of adolescents develop fear of

going to school. This fear may be generalized or related

to a particular person (a teacher or another student)

or event at school (such as physical education class).

The adolescent may develop physical symptoms, such

as abdominal pain, or may simply refuse to go to school.

Adolescents who are repeatedly truant or drop out

of school have made a conscious decision to miss

school. These adolescents generally have poor academic

achievement and have had little success or satisfaction

from school-related activities. They often have engaged

in high-risk behaviors, such as having unprotected sex, 

taking  drugs,  and  engaging  in  violence.  Adolescents 

at  risk  of  dropping  out  should  be  made  aware  of 

other educational options, such as vocational training

and alternative programs. Changes in the learning

environment and sometimes drug therapy can also be of

great help to struggling adolescents.

LEVY, Sharon. Available at: <www.merck.com/mmhe/sec23/- ch269/ch269a.html>. Accessed: Apr. 08, 2010. (Adapted).

01. The purpose of the text is to discuss

in adolescence.

A) school dropping out

B)  students’ difficulties 

C) academic activities

D)  learning deficit

02. School problems can have the following causes, EXCEPT

A) learning disorders.

B) inappropriate placement.

C) fear of going to school.

D)  family conflicts.

03. The information presented in the text is that

A) most students develop a school problem.

B)  school is the biggest problem in adolescents’ lives.

C) bad academic results are seen as a school problem.

D)  nearly any difficulties at school can become a fear.

04. It is INCORRECT to say that some students are afraid

of going to school because of

A) a teacher or classmate.

B)  drug taking at school.  

C) multiple causes.

D)  a specific class.

Text II

Cartoon A






Available at: <http://progressiveboink.com/archive/calvinhobbes.htm>. Accessed: Apr. 13, 2010.

05. The MAIN aim of the text is to

A) congratulate teachers on their job.

B) criticize the education system.

C) show how memory can be helpful.

D) teach students how to answer tests.

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10 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 21

06. The word congratulations is used to

A) blame the teacher for the way learning is treated at school.

B)  congratulate  the  teacher  for  the  students’ achievements.

C) disapprove the way the teacher manipulates the system.

D)  encourage  the  teacher  to  keep  teaching  the way  he / she does.

07. Consider the following cartoon:

Cartoon B

Available at: <http://www.insidehighered.com/views/tm/prof_momedited_jpg>. Accessed: Apr. 14, 2010.

Cartoon B is related to Cartoon A in the sense that both

A)  condemn teachers’ choices.

B)  enrich teachers’ social roles.

C) illustrate teaching methods.

D) satirize teaching rewards.

Text III



Available at: <http://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/-2009/12/04/>. Accessed: Apr. 12, 2010.

08. A problem commonly related to school and illustrated by the cartoon is the

A)  lack of real-life related studies.

B) scarce means of transportation.

C)  students’ fear of going to school.

D)  teens’ need of independence.

ENEM EXERCISESTexto para as questões 01 e 02





Theatrical release poster

Directed by Larry Clark

Produced by

Christine Vachon

Gus Van Sant

Cathy Konrad

Cary Woods

Written by Harmony Korine


Leo Fitzpatrick

Justin Pierce

Chloë Sevigny

Rosario Dawson

Music by Lou Barlow

Cinematography Eric Edwards

Editing by Christopher Tellefsen

Distributed by Lionsgate

Release date(s) July 28, 1995

Running time 91 minutes

Country United States

Language English

Budget $1.5 million

Gross revenue $20,000,000

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11Editora Bernoulli

Reported Speech

Kids is a 1995 American drama film written by Harmony Korine  and  directed  by  Larry  Clark.  The  film  features Chloё Sevigny, Leo Fitzpatrick, Justin Pierce, and Rosario Dawson, all of them in their debut performances. The film is centered on a day in the life of a group of sexually active teenagers in New York City and their unrestrained behavior towards sex and substance abuse (alcohol and illegal drugs) during the era of HIV in the mid-1990s.

Available at: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_(film)>. Accessed: Feb. 1st, 2011.

01.  De acordo com o anúncio anterior, o filme Kids

A) custou mais de 20 milhões de dólares para ser produzido.

B) foi produzido e dirigido pela mesma pessoa.

C) foi produzido em 91 minutos.

D) arrecadou 1,5 milhão de dólares.

E) foi lançado em 1995 pela Lionsgate.

02. O filme trata de

A) jovens alcoólatras e homossexuais.

B) um grupo de viciados em sexo.

C) adolescentes lutando contra o HIV.

D) jovens libertinos na era do HIV.

E) polêmica da discriminação da Aids.

HAVING FUNRight and left-hand traffic history

Some historians believed that ancient travellers on horseback generally rode on the left side of the road. As more people are right-handed, a horseman would thus be able to hold the reins with his left hand and keep his right hand free – to offer in friendship to passing riders or to defend himself with a sword, if necessary.

  The  first  legal  reference  in  Britain  to  an  order  for traffic  to  remain  on  the  left  was  in  1756 with  regard to  London Bridge.  The Highway Act  1773  contained  a recommendation that horse traffic should remain on the left.

Countries that became part of the British Empire adopted the British keep-left rule, although some have since changed. In Canada, the Maritime Provinces and British Columbia initially drove on the left, but changed to the right to make border crossings to and from other provinces easier.

Countries driving on the left or right



/ C





Safety factors

Research showed countries driving on the left have a lower collision rate than countries driving on the right. It has been suggested this is partly because humans are more commonly right-eye dominant than left-eye dominant. In left-hand traffic, the predominantly better-performing right eye is used to monitor oncoming traffic and the driver’s wing mirror. In right-hand traffic, oncoming traffic and the driver’s wing mirror are handled by the predominantly weaker left eye. In addition, it has been argued that left–sided driving is safer for elderly people given the likelihood of their having visual attention deficits on the left side and the need at intersections to watch out for vehicles approaching on the near-side lane. Furthermore, in a RHD car with manual transmission, the driver has his right (i.e. in the majority of people, dominant) hand on the steering wheel at all times and uses his left hand to change gear.

Available at: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_and_left-hand_

traffic>. Accessed: Jan. 31st, 2011.

GLOSSARY• Advise (verb) = aconselhar (advise – advised – advised)

•  Ask (verb) = perguntar, pedir (ask – asked – asked)

• Beg (verb) = implorar (beg – begged – begged)

• Earth = planeta Terra



d P


and V


/ C





• Noon = meio-dia

•  Remark (verb) = fazer um comentário, enfatizar, notar  

(remark – remarked – remarked)

•  Request (verb) = pedir (request – requested – requested)

• Tell (verb) = dizer (tell – told – told)

• Warn (verb) = advertir (warn – warned – warned)


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12 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 21

Text I01. E

02. B

Text II01. B

02. C

03. B

04. A

05. C

06. B

Text III01. A

02. B

03. B

04. D

05. D

Text IV01. B

02. C

03. C

04. B

05. B

06. A

07.  D

08. A

Enem Exercises01. E 02. D


Consolidation IB) Mary said (that) the train would probably arrive

on time.

C)  He said (that) he had to finish that report by five 


D) The doctor said (that) Mr. Smith would improve


E) William said (that) he was leaving in the morning.

Consolidation IIA)  I asked the clerk how much that cost. 

B)  Mr. Smith asked me where I was going. 

C)  Mary  asked  if  /  whether  I  was  going  to  eat  in 

the cafeteria.

D)  John asked  if  / whether  I  had mailed  the  letter 

for him.

Consolidation IIIA)  She asked me not to smoke while I was there. 

B)  The dentist asked me to open my mouth. 

C) He told him not to worry about him.

D)  He asked us to turn off the lights before we left.

Proposed Exercises

01. A 10. B

02. A 11. A

03. D 12. D

04. B 13. C

05. C 14. E

06. A 15. A

07.  A  16.  A

08.  B  17.  D

09. C 18. B

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13Editora Bernoulli

MÓDULOLÍNGUA INGLESAPhrasal Verbs andFalse Cognates


São verbos formados por um verbo e um advérbio /

preposição. Essa combinação funciona como uma única

unidade de sentido, a qual geralmente tem um significado 

idiomático que não poderia ser entendido pela análise do 

verbo e do advérbio / preposição separados.

Entre os vários Phrasal Verbs da língua inglesa, destacam-se

os mais comuns:

Account for = explicar

Back down = voltar atrás

Back up = dar apoio

Bail out = pagar fiança

Bear with = ter paciência

Beat up = bater em alguém

Blow out = apagar (por meio de sopro)

Blow up = explodir

Break down = quebrar / encrencar

Break in = arrombar / entrar à força

Bring on = provocar / causar

Burn down = queimar totalmente

Call for = exigir / pedir / encomendar / solicitar

Call in = consultar / pedir retorno

Call off = cancelar / parar

Call on = visitar

Call out / cry out = gritar / invocar

Call up = telefonar

Carry away = empolgar

Carry on = continuar / prosseguir

Carry out = executar / realizar

Clear out = sair / abandonar / remover

Come about = acontecer

Come across = encontrar por acaso

Come along = acompanhar

Come out = publicar / aparecer

Come to = perceber

Count on = contar com / depender de

Cut away = remover / separar

Cut down = derrubar / diminuir

Cut out = parar / omitir / deletar

Cheer up = incentivar / alegrar

Drop in = visitar / pingar

Drop off = diminuir / adormecer

Drop out = abandonar

Fade away = desaparecer

Feel like = sentir vontade de

Figure out = entender

Fill in = preencher

Find out = descobrir

Get along = entender-se bem / relacionar-se bem

Get away = partir / fugir / escapar

Get in = entrar

Get on = subir / embarcar

Get off (leave) = sair / desembarcar

Get over = recorrer / recuperar-se

Get rid of = livrar-se de

Get up = levantar-se

Give away = dar de graça / revelar-se / desfazer-se

Give back = devolver / retornar

Give off = emitir

Give oneself up = entregar-se

Give up = desistir

Go after = perseguir

Go away (leave) = ir embora / partir

Go on = continuar / manter

Go off = partir / estragar

Go down = afundar / abaixar / descer

Grow up = crescer

Keep back = reprimir / impedir

Keep up = acompanhar / manter

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14 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 22

Keep off = manter distância

Look after = cuidar de

Look back = relembrar / olhar para trás

Look down on = desprezar

Look for (try to find) = procurar

Look forward to = esperar ansiosamente por

Look into = examinar / investigar

Make fun of = rir-se de

Make out = decifrar / compreender / namorar

Make something up = inventar algo

Make up = fazer as pazes

Make up one’s mind (decide) = decidir

Pick up = pegar / colher

Put aside = pôr de lado

Put away (save) = guardar / economizar

Put back = recolocar

Put down = abafar / inscrever

Put off (postpone) = postergar / adiar

Put out (extinguish) = extinguir / eliminar

Put up with (to bear / cope) = tolerar / suportar

Run after (chase) = correr atrás de / perseguir

Run into = encontrar

Run out of (lack) = ausência de / falta de / acabar

Run over / knock down = atropelar / bater

Sell off / out = vender tudo / esgotar

Set up = estabelecer

Show off = exibir

Stand for = representar

Take after = copiar / agir como

Take away = remover

Take in = enganar

Take off = decolar

Try on = experimentar

Try out = testar

Turn down (refuse) = recusar

Turn on / off – switch on / off = ligar / desligar

Turn out = revelar-se

Work out = resolver / fazer exercício físico


É  importante  lembrar  que  o  uso  dos Phrasal Verbs se dá com maior frequência na modalidade informal da Língua Inglesa. Quando é preciso utilizar um sinônimo formal para eles, geralmente se escolhe um verbo de origem latina. Observe o que ocorre com os exemplos a seguir.


– to make up (a story) = to invent

– to talk into = to convince; to persuade

– to blow up = to explode

– to call off = to cancel

– to carry on = to continue

– to cut away = to remove; to separate

– to turn out = to reveal; to result

Exemplos dos principais verbos que compõem Phrasal Verbs


• Blow up = explodir

– The car was blown up into pieces in Bosnia.


• Bring about = alcançar / causar

– They will bring about a quarrel.

– Extreme poverty in Brazil is bringing about some social changes.

• Bring back = trazer à memória / devolver

– Pegg brought the book back this morning.

– His story has brought back our happy childhood memories.

• Bring down = diminuir / destruir

– Small incomes in Brazil have brought down the standard of living.

– A war will bring the country down.

• Bring in = apresentar / introduzir / trazer

– The Government will bring in new measures very soon.

• Bring out = revelar / publicar

– This will bring out very good news.

– Penguin Books will bring out 15 new books next


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15Editora Bernoulli

Phrasal Verbs and False Cognates

• Bring up = educar / vomitar / mencionar

– Their children were brought up in the United States.

– The little kid brought up suddenly.

– We need to bring up this subject in our next meeting.


• Call down = repreender

– The student was called down by the principal.

• Call for = solicitar

– I had to call for another car.

• Call in = pedir o retorno / consultar

– The librarian has called in all the books that were borrowed.

– Call in a doctor right away!

• Call off = parar / cancelar

– They will call off the show owing to the bad weather.

– His dog rushed at the woman, but Mark called him off.

• Call on = requerer / visitar

– I intend to call on you very soon.

• Call up = telefonar

– I need to call her up as soon as possible.

• Call upon = ordenar / exigir / requisitar

– He called upon her to tell the truth.


• Carry away = ser levado / carregar

– The wounded soldiers were carried away.

– He was carried away by his emotion.

• Carry on = continuar

– Carry on with your work, please!

• Carry out = colocar em prática / finalizar

– Carry out your plan because it’s very good.

– The mission was carried out successfully.


• Come about = acontecer

– How has all this come about?

• Come across = encontrar por acaso

– I came across my friend at the mall last weekend.

• Come back = retornar

– He went there and came back in an hour.

• Come in = chegar

– The new clothes are coming in tomorrow.

• Come into = herdar

– Larry came into millions of dollars when his father died.

• Come off = acontecer

– Your party has to come off.

• Come out = aparecer

– She came out all at once at the entrance.

• Come through = sobreviver

– I can’t understand how they could come through all this time in the desert.

• Come up = acontecer

– What comes up here?

• Come up with = pensar, ter uma ideia

– I need to come up with a good idea quickly.


• Cut down = derrubar

– They have already cut down 80% of that forest.

• Cut down on = reduzir

– You need to cut down on your expenses and save.

• Cut off = cortar fora

– The man had his head cut off!

• Cut off = desligar, interromper

– The woman had her electricity cut off.

• Cut up = cortar em pedaços

– You need to cut up the meat for the barbecue!


• Get along = progredir

– In fact, no one can get along without money.

– In order to get along, you have to work hard!

• Get along with = relacionar-se bem

– They get along with each other very well.

• Get away = fugir, partir

– The prisoners were able to get away.

• Get back = voltar

– When did you get back from the USA?

• Get by = passar

– Please, let me get by.

• Get down = descer

– He was told to get down from his horse.

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16 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 22

• Get in = entrar

– He has got in his brand new car in front of the building.

• Get off = desembarcar

– We have to get off the bus soon.

• Get on = embarcar

– I’ll have to get on that bus.

• Get out = sair

– He had to get out of the car immediately.

– Get out of here!

• Get over = recuperar-se

– I’m sure he will get over for he’s very young and strong.

• Get rid of = livrar-se de

– They have got rid of each other.

• Get through = passar

– Were you able to get through your exam?

• Get up = levantar

– What time do you get up every day?



• Give away = revelar / distribuir (de graça)

– Don’t give your secrets away.

– They usually give away gifts at Christmas.

• Give back = devolver

– Please, give me back my book as soon as possible.

• Give in = render-se

– The soldiers had to give in all at once to the police.

• Give up = desistir / parar

– He must not give up now.

– You must give up smoking, my dear fellow!

• Give way = recuar

– Don’t give way now. You have to be resistant.


• Go about = cuidar de

– I have to go about the things of life.

• Go away = partir / ir embora

– I have to ask you not to go away!

• Go back = retornar

– Mr. John will go back to the USA in a few days.

• Go by = passar

– He likes to watch the girls going by.

• Go down = cair / diminuir

– The Euro to Dollar exchange rate is going down.

• Go off = partir / explodir

– The actor went off the stage after his performance.

– The bomb was set to go off by 4:00 a.m.

• Go on = acontecer / continuar

– What is going on here?

– You ought to go on this way.

• Go out = sair / apagar

– They had to go out as soon as they saw it was dark.

– All the lights went out and we had a blackout.


• Keep away = manter afastado

– Intelligent people keep away from drugs.

• Keep off = afastar-se

– Keep off! Otherwise I shoot you!

• Keep on = continuar

– Keep straight on until you get to the library.

• Keep up = manter

– He is a very good worker. If he keeps up the good work, he’ll be promoted.



• Look after = cuidar, tomar conta

– Who will look after the children?

• Look down on = desprezar

– Please, don’t look down on me!

• Look for = procurar

– They need to look for a new car to buy.

• Look forward to = esperar ansiosamente

– I look forward to meeting you again, my dear!

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17Editora Bernoulli

Phrasal Verbs and False Cognates

• Look into = investigar / examinar

– The detectives have to look into that murder.

– You have to look into these documents better.

• Look on = acompanhar, observar

– Tedtooknopartinthefight:hesimplystoodandlooked on.

– I have forgotten my book. May I look on with you?

• Look out = tomar cuidado

– Look out! The road is wet.

• Look over = examinar / reconsiderar

– Will you look this matter over?

– If I were you, my friend, I would look it over. She loves you.

• Look up = procurar algo em lista

– She will have to look this word up in the dictionary.

• Look upon = considerar

– Please, look upon this before you make a decision.

• Look up to = respeitar, admirar

– In fact, I look up to him very much!


• Make off = escapar, fugir

– The burglars were able to make off across the back garden.

• Make out = entender

– I can’t make you out!

• Make up = inventar / fazer as pazes / maquiar

– That little girl likes to make up stories. Don’t believe her.

– They had had a quarrel but now they have made it up.

– Please, don’t make up, my love. I like your natural beauty!

• Make up for = compensar

– I’m sure that this will make up for your concerns.

• Make up one’s mind = decidir

– She has made up her mind to go to the USA.


• Put away = economizar

– Put away your money! You never know about your future.

• Put off = adiar / apagar

– The game had to be put off due to the heavy rain.

– Put off the light!

• Put on = vestir

– Put on heavy clothes! It’s very cold outside.

• Put out = apagar (fogo)

– Thefiremenwereableto put outthefirequickly.

• Put up = construir

– The building was put up in 2 years.


• Run across = encontrar por acaso

– I ran across Carol at school the other day.

• Run after = perseguir

– They had to run after him for many blocks.

• Run away = fugir

– They ran away as soon as they saw the police.

• Run into = encontrar por acaso

– I ran into my aunt at the mall last weekend.

• Run out of = ficar sem, falta de

– We ran out of gas before getting into town.

• Run over = atropelar

– The poor fellow was run over by an old car.



• Take down = demolir / anotar

– The old building had to be taken down.

– I will have to take down his words.

• Take in = entender / receber / enganar

– You have to take in his lecture.

– We usually take in many guests here!

– Don’t be taken in by his promises.

• Take off = decolar / despir / remover

– The plane will take off in a few minutes.

– You must take off all your clothes before having a shower.

– This stain must be taken off.

• Take on = assumir / empregar

– He will take on this extra job.

– We will have to take on extra workers.

• Take to = simpatizar

– I took to John immediately.

• Take up = ocupar

– As a matter of fact, this work takes up too much time.

• Take up = adotar como hobby

– I took up tennis when I was young.

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18 Coleção Estudo

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• Turn away = recusar / desviar

– She has turned away the employees.

– He turned his eyes away when she looked at him.

• Turn down = abaixar / recusar

– He turned the volume down.

– I can’t believe that you have turned down such an invitation!

• Turn off = desligar

– Please, turn off the light as you go.

• Turn on = ligar

– Please, turn on the light for it’s very dark here.

• Turn out = desligar / resultar

– Turn out the gas before you get into bed.

– The situation has turned out good.

• Turn over = virar de cabeça para baixo

– The heavy truck had turned over after skidding on the road.

• Turn up = aparecer / aumentar

– That wonderful woman turned up suddenly and everybody became fascinated.

– Please, turn up the TV.


01. Look at the following selection of Phrasal Verbs formed 

with take and their meanings:

Take after - resemble an older relative

Take in - understand / grasp

Take in   - make narrower

Take in - deceive

Take off - imitate in an amusing or satirical manner

Take on - accept (responsibility, etc.)

Take out   - obtain something officially issued

Take over  - take control of

Take to   - like instinctively

Take up - adopt as a hobby

Take up - shorten

Take up - challenge

Now CHOOSE the appropriate Phrasal Verb to complete the following sentences using the appropriate form and tense.

A) He only ______________ golf because his doctor told

him he would have to get more exercise.

B)  When I first heard the announcement, I was too busy 

cooking to ____________ it __________ properly.

C)  Our local pub hasn’t had the same atmosphere since 

it was ____________ by one of the big breweries.

D)  He’s a marvellous mimic. You should see the way he 

____________ the Prime Minister – it’s hilarious!

E)  The  jacket  fits  you  very well  round  the waist,  sir, 

but if you feel it’s too long, we can easily arrange for 

it to be _____________.

F)  My  daughter’s  not  a  bit  like me.  She  seems  to 

_____________ her father in the way she acts.

G)  Don’t let him ____________ you ____________ with 

his hard luck stories. The truth is that he’s never done 

an honest day’s work in his life!

H)  When our  in-laws first met they ____________ each 

other immediately and they’ve been friends ever since.

I)  Thank  you  for  that  explanation  of  union  views  but 

there  is  one  point  I’d  like  to  ___________  you 

____________ on, if I may. Is it really true to say…?

J) Do you have trouble obtaining your copy of Teacher’s

Weekly? Why not ____________ a regular subscription 

and be sure of receiving each edition as soon as it’s 


K)  The problem with  losing weight,  I  think,  is  that all 

your clothes need to be ____________.

02. FILL IN the gaps with the suitable Phrasal Verbs found

in the boxes using the the appropriate form and tense.

A) come across - look down on - get away -

run out of - take off

1. Unfortunately, we ______________ gas when we

were almost getting there.

2. We ________________ Lucy the moment we went

into the movies.

3. The defendant was able to _____________ from the

police when he was being taken to court.

4.  The little kid was ashamed of _______________ his 

clothes in order to swim.

5.  Don’t _______________ me please! I love you so.

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19Editora Bernoulli

Phrasal Verbs and False Cognates

B) get through - carry on - look over - put up with - cut down on

1. They have to ___________ their expenses for they don’t get the money they used to.

2. I do hope all of you will __________________ the examination very easily.

3.  She said that she couldn’t _______________ this any longer.

4. George has decided to ________________ with the work he had been doing.

5.  Could  you  _____________  it  _______________?  I promise I will never do that again.

C) turn down - put up with - look forward to - get rid of - give up

1. In fact, she ____________ to the day she will meet him again.

2.  If I were you I would _______________ smoking; it’s awfully hazardous to your health.

3. He had to ________________ such a good job for he wasn’t able to move from his hometown.

4.  You have to ____________ this car at once. It’s very old.

5.  In fact, I can’t ______________ all this situation any more. I’ll have to leave.

D) bring down - make off - look up to - give away - come about

1.  But, how could all that __________________?

2.  The way he talked had __________________ all the listeners.

3.  I can’t understand how the robbers could _______.

4. That businessman is used to __________ gifts to the poor at Easter.

5.  Young kids have to _____________ the elderly.

FALSE COGNATESQuando uma palavra em Inglês é semelhante a uma

existente em Português, de mesma origem, principalmente latina, essas palavras são denominadas “cognatas”, isto é, possuem significados paralelos. A grande maioria das palavras de origem latina existentes em Inglês possui os mesmos significados em Português, sendo, portanto, “cognatas”.

Entretanto, há um percentual muito pequeno de palavras existentes  em  Inglês,  de  origem  latina,  que  possuem significados  diferentes  daqueles  que  se  poderiam  supor, comparando-se  suas  significações  às  existentes  na  Língua Portuguesa. Tais palavras são chamadas “falsos cognatos” ou “falsos amigos”. Em Inglês, False Cognates ou False Friends.

Veja a seguir a listagem dos principais:

False Cognates

abuse = ofender abusar = abuse (*)

actual = real atual = present

actually = na verdade atualmente = at present

adept = hábil adepto = follower

advise = aconselhar avisar = warn

anthem = hino antena = aerial, antenna

appoint = escolher apontar = point at

appointment = compromisso apontamento = note

argue = discutir arguir = question

argument = discussão argumento = argument (*),

arrest = prender arrastar = drag

assume = supor, presumir assumir = assume (*)

attend = assistir a atender = answer

beef = carne bovina bife = steak

candid = franco, sincero cândido = pure, innocent

cigar = charuto cigarro = cigarette

collar = colarinho colar = necklace

college = faculdade colégio = school

compass = bússola compasso = compasses

comprehensive = completo compreensivo = understanding

compromise = acordo compromisso = commitment

costume = fantasia costume = custom, habit

deception = engano, fraude decepção = disappointment

directory = lista telefônica diretor = director

disgust = nojo desgosto = grief

educated = instruído, culto bem-educado = polite

estate = bens imóveis estado = state

eventually = finalmente eventualmente = occasionally

exit = saída êxito = success

expert = perito esperto = smart

exquisite = refinado esquisito = odd, weird

fabric = tecido fábrica = factory

genial = jovial, cordial genial = brilliant

guitar = violão guitarra = electric guitar

hazard = perigo azar = bad luck

injury = ferida injúria = insult

ingenious = criativo ingênuo = ingenuous, naive

ingenuity = criatividade ingenuidade = naivety, naiveté

inhabited = habitada inabitada = uninhabited

large = grande largo = wide

lecture = conferência leitura = reading

library = biblioteca livraria = bookstore

magazine = revista loja = store, shop

malice = rancor malícia = mischief

malicious = maldoso malicioso = mischievous

mayor = prefeito maior = bigger, greater

miserable = muito infeliz mesquinho = stingy, mean

misery = aflição miséria = misery (*)

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20 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 22

False Cognates

morose = taciturno moroso = slow

notice = aviso notícia = news

novel = romance novela = soap opera

operator = telefonista operador = surgeon, operator (*)

ordinary = comum ordinário = low, vulgar

ore = minério ouro = gold

parents = pais parentes = relatives

particular = específico particular = private

petrol = gasolina petróleo = petroleum, oil

physician = médico físico = physicist

plant = usina, fábrica planta = plant (*)

prejudice = preconceito prejuízo = damage, loss

presently (*) = em breve atualmente = at present

policy = linha política polícia = police

pretend = fingir pretender = intend

prospect = perspectiva prospecto = leaflet

push = empurrar puxar = pull

realize = perceber realizar = carry out, realize (*)

resume = recomeçar resumir = summarize

scholar = erudito escolar = school bus

sensible = sensato sensível = sensitive

silicon = silício silicone = silicone

sort = tipo sorte = luck

stranger = estranho estrangeiro = foreigner

succeed = ter sucesso suceder = succeed (*)

support = apoiar suportar = bear, stand

sympathize = solidarizar-se simpatizar = like

sympathy = compaixão simpatia = liking

tenant = inquilino tenente = lieutenant


O asterisco (*) que aparece após algumas palavras indica 

que  elas  possuem  dupla  significação,  sendo,  portanto, 

“falsos cognatos” apenas parcialmente.


Essential Expressions

at onceright away


– She had to be sent to the hospital at once.– She had to be sent to the hospital right away.– She had to be sent to the hospital immediately.

at lastat length



– You have arrived at last. I was very worried!– You have arrived at length. I was very worried!– You have arrived eventually. I was very worried!

at leastin the

minimumpelo menos

– At least, five students will get the best grade.– In the minimum, five students will get the best grade.

all of a suddensuddenly


– All of a sudden, he opened the door.– Suddenly, he opened the door.– Unexpectedly, he opened the door.

as a matter of fact

matter-of-factlyin fact

na verdade

– As a matter of fact, I’ve had the intention to go to Europe.– Matter-of-factly, I can’t live without you.– In fact, I’ve decided to buy a brand new car.

by the way a propósito – By the way, have you bought the CD?

by all means doubtlesslycertainly

com toda certeza

– By all means, she will be here tonight!– Doubtlessly, she will be here tonight!– Certainly, she will be here tonight!

by chanceby accidentaccidentally

por acaso

– Penicilin was discovered by chance.– Penicilin was discovered by accident.– Penicilin was discovered accidentally.

by heartby memory de cor

– I know that song by heart.– I know that song by memory.

at presentnowadaysthese days



– At present, things are not so easy!– Nowadays, things are not so easy!– These days, things are not so easy!– Today, things are not so easy!

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21Editora Bernoulli

Phrasal Verbs and False Cognates

Essential Expressions

actuallyreally realmente

– Do you actually want to go?– Do you really want to go?

presentlysoon logo

– I’m sure they’re going to arrive presently!– I’m sure they’re going to arrive soon!

latelyrecently recentemente

– Have you seen Judy lately?– Have you seen Judy recently?

fortunatelyluckily felizmente

– Fortunately, the accident wasn’t so awful.– Luckily, the accident wasn’t so awful.

once in a while

now and thennow and again

de vez em quando

– Yes, I like to go there once in a while.– Yes, I like to go there now and then.– Yes, I like to go there now and again.

time and againagain and



– She says the same things time and again.– She says the same things again and again.– She says the same things repeatedly.

on time na hora – The plane always leaves on time.

in time a tempo – Don’t forget! You must be at the airport in time!

CONSOLIDATION II01. FILL IN  the  blanks  with  the  following  adverbs  or 

expressions: right away, eventually, actually, by all means, now and then.

A)  I  like  to  go  there  _________________________.  It’s very nice there.

B) After a long research, he _________________ found the cure for the disease.

C) She _______________________ is very beautiful. You’re very lucky!

D) ______________________, she will be here tonight. I have no doubt!

E) He had to go home ______________________. He couldn’t be there.

02. FILL IN  the  blanks  with  the  following  adverbs  or expressions: at least, by the way, by chance, nowadays, luckily.

A)  _________________, have you bought the book?

B) _____________, there was a good doctor nearby.

C)  _______________ four students will be flunked.

D) _________________ it is hard to live honestly!

E) I have met her ____________________.

03. FILL IN  the  blanks  with  the  proper  adverbs  or expressions: at length, now and again, lately, all of a sudden, on time.

A) She appeared here _________, I became amazed.

B) __________ the game is over. I was very nervous.

C)  Have you been to the movies __________?

D)  ___________ I like to go to the theater.

E) You have to be there ______________.

PROPOSED EXERCISES01. (UEMA) A baby-sitter is someone who

A)  takes care of children.  

B) has a baby.

C) loves babies.

D) has a baby sister.

E) never had a baby.

02. (UFMA) “I did the test all over again” means:

A) Destroyed it

B) Undid it

C) Did it repeatedly

D) Redid it

03. (FCM-RJ) “[…] to make us realize” significa 

A) para nos fazer realizar.

B) para nos tornar realizados.

C) para nos fazer entender.

D) para nós nos realizarmos.

04. (UFF-RJ) Em “It is not intended to justify independence [...]”,

”It is not intended” corresponde a

A) não se entende.

B) não se pretende.

C) não se entendia.

D) não se sugere.

05. (PUC-SP) “If a terrestrial plant is deprived of water, it will eventually die.” Uma planta terrestre deixada sem água

A) às vezes sobrevive.

B) poderá eventualmente morrer.

C) acaba por morrer.

D) eventualmente morre.

06. (UERJ) “[...] he realized that something was wrong with the car [...]” means:

A) He did something wrong when driving the car.

B)  He noticed  that he had made a mistake  in driving  the car.

C)  He understood that the car wasn’t all right.

D) He saw that he was driving the car in the wrong way.

07. (FMU/FIAM-SP) “He’d better resume the lecture”. Seria melhor ele

A) resumir a conferência.

B) recomeçar a leitura.

C) resumir a leitura.

D) recomeçar a conferência.

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22 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 22

08.  (ITA-SP) Dadas as afirmações de que em português:1. Scholar significa letrado.

2. Sensible significa sensato.

3. Fabric significa tecido.

Constatamos que está(ão) CORRETA(s)

A)  apenas a afirmação nº 1.

B)  apenas a afirmação nº 2.

C)  apenas a afirmação no 3.

D)  apenas as afirmações nos 1 e 2.

E)  todas as afirmações.

09.  (ITA-SP) Dadas as afirmações de que em português:1. Exit pode significar sucesso.

2. Commodity pode significar comodidade.

3. Character pode significar personagem.

Constatamos que está(estão) CORRETA(S)

A)  apenas a afirmação nº 1.

B)  apenas a afirmação nº 2.

C)  apenas a afirmação nº 3.

D)  apenas as afirmações nos 1 e 2.

E)  todas as afirmações.


USP–2010United States

America receives more immigrants than any other country. But its system for dealing with them is a model of dysfunctionality, with 11.9 m illegally present in 2008, up 42% since 2000. Past efforts at reform have failed

05  dismally. In 2006 protesters filled city streets after the House of Representatives passed a bill making  illegal immigration a felony; but the proposal failed to pass muster in the Senate. The Senate’s own effort in 2007 fared even worse. Police clashed with a crowd in Los

10 Angeles. Opponents of reform barraged senators with so many calls that their phone system crashed. The Senate’s bill, designed to please all sides, ended up pleasing no one.

Now Washington may try again. With a wretched economy and long to-do list, it hardly seems an

15 opportune moment. Advocates contend that bringing immigrants’ shadow economy into the light will  fatten tax rolls, end the abuse of illegal workers, improve wages for all and spur economic growth. Historically, however, downturns have prompted Americans to shun foreigners,

20 not welcome them.

THE ECONOMIST, Apr. 18-24, 2009, p. 27. (Adapted).

01.  O texto informa que A) a imigração ilegal tem sido tema de discussão no Senado

e na Câmara americana nos últimos anos. 

B) os Estados Unidos recebem um número grande de imigrantes, sobretudo em Los Angeles.

C) alguns países possuem modelos de imigração mais funcionais do que os Estados Unidos. 

D) as reformas relativas à imigração nos Estados Unidos têm sido apresentadas em número suficiente. 

E) os pedidos de imigração para os Estados Unidos ultrapassam o máximo oficialmente autorizado pelo Senado.

02. Segundo o texto, a proposta de controle de imigração ilegal apresentada pelo Senado em 2007 

A)  não foi aprovada pela Câmara dos Deputados. 

B)  foi questionada por órgãos públicos, como a polícia.

C)  não foi aprovada por qualificar como crime a imigração ilegal.

D) foi rejeitada por todos, reformistas, opositores e outras autoridades.

E) teve apoio de vários políticos do partido no poder, mas não dos opositores.

03.  De acordo com o texto, discutir a questão da imigração agora 

A) limita a possibilidade de propostas oportunistas.

B) é uma boa tentativa para resolver o problema.

C) não parece muito oportuno.

D)  não impede que discussões mais detalhadas ocorram no futuro.

E)  minimiza as críticas que Washington teme receber.

04. De acordo com o texto, para os defensores da reforma,

A) os Estados Unidos só têm a ganhar em termos políticos, econômicos e sociais com a regulamentação da imigração.

B) as perdas possíveis com a reforma limitam-se ao aumento de pedidos de imigração.

C) a regularização dos imigrantes ajudará os Estados Unidos a enfrentar a  crise econômica porque mais impostos serão pagos.

D) o crescimento econômico do país depende, na atual conjuntura, do trabalho dos imigrantes.

E) a legalização dos imigrantes já contribuiu para a melhoria de salários e de condições trabalhistas para todos.

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23Editora Bernoulli

Phrasal Verbs and False Cognates

05. O pronome their, na sentença “Opponents of reform

barraged senators with so many calls that their phone

system crashed.” (linhas 10-11), refere-se a

A) policiais.

B) senadores.

C) opositores da reforma.

D) reformistas.

E) deputados.


UFMGMigration: A force of history

Historically, the net effect of migration has been a benign one

I was born in one continent, moved to a second

and settled in a third. Asia, Africa and Europe; Sri

Lanka, Ghana and Britain. They are stepping stones 

to a better life, landmarks along the journey of one 

05 migrant family.

Our motivation for leaving the land of our birth

over 40 years ago was no different to the reason

so  many  make  similar  journeys  today.  The  fact 

that  these  latter-day  migrants  are  willing  to  risk 

10 so much underlines a fundamental truth about

migration – the movement of people from poor and

failing states to rich and stable ones is as inevitable as

water running downhill. If water is a force of nature,

then migration is a force of history. The challenge is

15 not to try to stop it but how to manage it. Historically,

the net effect of migration has been a benign one.

Where would America be without the unparalleled

movement of Irish people in the mid-to-late 19th

century? Where would modern  Australia  be  if  it  had 

20  continued to rely solely on the flow of people from the 

“mother” country?

When I discuss migration with people who have

a  rather  different  take  on  it,  there  is  always  that 

comical moment when they realise that – despite my

25 English tones – I am an immigrant. An embarrassed

“oh but you are different” is the best they can offer to

hide their prejudice. My answer is always the same.

There is just as much chance that the timid Kosovan

child who enrols in a school today will one day go on to

30 read the news on the BBC. I am where I am because

I’ve been able to take advantage of the opportunities 

offered by a Britain at its best – a land of hope that

is  open  and  confident.  To  deny  these  chances  to  a 

new generation of migrants would be an injustice to

35 the individuals concerned but, more important, it would

mark a profound loss of faith in our nation’s place in this 

new century of globalisation.

ALAGIAH, George. Available at: <http://www.bbc.co.uk>. (Adapted).

01. The author compares migration to running water because

both are

A) occasionally controlled.

B) historical processes.

C) impossible to stop.

D) stable movements.

02. Alagiah says that migration has a positive effect. To prove

his point, he

A)  questions the help the Irish immigrants gave America in the past.

B) contrasts Australian and American immigrants who left for Europe.

C)  mentions  two  well-known  historical  migration movements.

D) tells his own family story in order to give readers an example.

03.  According  to  the  author,  the  quote  “oh  but  you  are different” (line 26) reflects people’s

A) prejudices. C) origins.

B) hopes. D) realizations.

04. The author compares himself to a Kosovan child to imply

that he

A) suffered no prejudice on the part of the BBC.

B) believes schools today are as good as before.

C) is not at all different from other immigrants.

D)  was also timid when he first got to Britain.

05. According to the text, which place does the author seem

to consider his nation?

A) Ghana. C) Britain.

B)  Australia.        D)  Sri Lanka.

06.  People  who  “have  a  rather  different  take  on  it” (lines 22-23) have a different

A) occupation. C) culture.

B) birthplace. D) opinion.

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King Of Pop1958-2009

    American superstar Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958 and entertained audiences nearly his entire life. A musical prodigy, Michael’s singing and dancing talents were amazingly mature and he soon became the dominant voice and focus of The Jackson 5.

    As The Jackson 5, they became a cutting-edge example of black crossover artists. “You basically had five working-class black  boys  with  Afros  and  bell  bottoms,  and  they really  didn’t  have  to  trade  any  of  that  stuff  in  order to  become mainstream  stars.  Young Michael  Jackson was  the  first  black  ‘bubblegum  teen  star’.  He  became one of  the first African-Americans  to be a global  icon”, said Mark Anthony Neal,  a  professor  of  black  popular culture at Duke University’s Department of African and  African-American Studies.

Solo success for Michael was inevitable, and by the 1980s he had become infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, Thriller, in 1982. From his precocious abilities as a young singer  in  The  Jackson 5  to  his  legendary  “moon-walk” dance,  Jackson  continued  as  a  pioneer  in  the  black culture when  he  broke  barriers  by  appearing  on MTV and had much better  luck with elaborate music videos.  The  former president  of CBS Records, Walter  Yetnikoff, remembered with scorn that MTV would not play “Billie Jean” or “Beat It” because it billed itself as a rock station.

    Michael Jackson co-wrote with Lionel Richie, “We Are the World,” a 1985 charity single that raised an estimated $50 million for famine relief in Africa, ushered in Live Aid and the era of celebrity philanthropy. Michael Jackson was the supreme showman who had an unrivalled knack of grabbing headlines.

    Michael Jackson made culture accept a person of color way before Tiger Woods, way before Oprah Winfrey, way before Barack Obama. Michael did with music what they later did in sports and in politics and in television.

And no controversy will erase the historic impact. He also influenced a new generation of black musicians, including Usher, Ne-Yo and Kanye West.

    Jackson’s  changing physical  appearance  in  the past two decades led to criticism that he was trying to be less black. But during a 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Jackson shot down rumors that he was dying his skin to make it lighter. He told the talk show host that he had vitiligo, a disorder that destroyed his skin pigmentation. 

Total worldwide sales of more than 350 million records over his 40-year career give just a hint of the adoration there was for the “King of Pop”. On June 25, 2009, with his sudden death at age 50 of a cardiac arrest just as he was just coming out of a four-year reclusive period and rehearsing for a sold-out London concert in July seems uncommonly cruel and tragic. Millions of dedicated fans will remember where they were “the day Michael died” and he will be remembered as a musical hero – but also a man with human flaws.

CNN.com and The Internet Movie Database.com. (Adapted).

01.  All the statements below refer to Michael Jackson’s life, EXCEPT

A) He was an amazing singer and dancer.

B) He changed his physical appearance in the past two decades.

C) He was afraid of himself.

D) He entertained audiences nearly his entire life.

02.  In “[...] they became a cutting-edge example of black crossover artists”, the expression cutting-edge means


A)  The  Jackson  5’s music  style was  considered  to  be old-fashioned in the music business.

B)  The Jackson 5’s music style was considered to be a vanguard in the music business.

C)  The  Jackson  5’s music  style was  considered  to  be blocking other black artists’ music style.

D)  The  Jackson  5’s music  style was  considered  to  be imitating other music styles.

03. In the sentence “Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, Thriller, in 1982,” the biggest is

A) a comparative. C) an adverb.

B) a superlative. D) none of the above.

04.  According  to  CBS  Records  president Walter  Yetnikoff, MTV would not play Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” and  “Beat it” videos in the early 1980s at first, because

A) the videos were considered too violent for the viewers.

B)  the videos were not as elaborate as the other artists’ at the time.

C)  Michael Jackson was too young for the MTV audience.

D)  MTV was not promoted as a black music channel.

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25Editora Bernoulli

Phrasal Verbs and False Cognates

05. According to the text, in the 1990s there were rumors

that he was dying his skin. The rumors were saying that

A)  he was killing his skin cells.

B)  his skin cells were not functioning well.

C)  he was changing the color of his skin.

D)  he developed skin cancer.

06. The title “King of Pop” was given from Elizabeth Taylor

to Michael Jackson. According to the text, King of Pop

is a true nickname to Jackson due to 

A) the amount of records he has sold throughout the world so far.

B) the fact that he spent most of his life inside a castle.

C)  the fact that England’s royal family was going to see his first show of the tour in London.

D) the title of his compilation CD released in 2008.



Clocks in your head

Many of us look forward to sleep as a respite from the 

worries of the day. But it is not as free from care as we

might hope, according to Jan Born, a neuroendocrinologist

at the University of Luebeck in Germany. Even as we doze, 

our brains somehow keep track of our daily schedule and 

signal the release of a stress hormone one hour before

we have to get up. By then, hitting the snooze button is

just fighting the inevitable.

BORN, Jah. Available at: <http://www.discover.com>.

01. Jan Born states that

A)  a nap after work can be very stressful.

B)  while awake, the brain knows how to control our daily 


C) people occasionally get up one hour before the

scheduled hour.

D)  sleeping won’t set you free from your problems.

E)  as soon as people wake up, they hit the snooze button.

02.  In which  sentence  is  the  expression  “look  forward  to” CORRECTLY used?

A)  She looks forward to moving abroad before long.

B)  I’ll look forward the applications and pick out the best.

C)  They wanted a financial controller to look forward the 

city’s accounts.

D)  Shall we look forward the cathedral this afternoon?

E)  They must look forward to their defense.

ENEM EXERCISESTexto para as questões 01 e 02



e Com



Ain’t no sunshine

[Spoken Intro:]

You ever want something

That you know you shouldn’t have 

The more you know you shouldn’t have it, 

The more you want it

And then one day you get it,

It’s so good too 

But it’s just like my girl 

When she’s around me 

I just feel so good, so good

But right now I just feel cold, so cold

Right down to my bones

‘Cause ooh...

Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone 

It’s not warm when she’s away 

Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone 

And she’s always gone too long 

Anytime she goes away

[…]Composition: Bill Withers

01. O trecho anterior, retirado de uma canção interpretada por Michael Jackson, tem como tema

A) a paz entre os povos.

B)  o amor por uma garota que se foi.

C) o apelo ao perdão.

D) um amor não correspondido.

E) um caso de amor correspondido.

02. O fragmento “Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone […]” pode ser interpretado como:

A)  Não existe Sol quando ela se vai.

B)  A vida fica triste quando ela está longe.   

C)  O mundo é melhor quando ela não está por perto.

D)  O Sol brilha toda vez que ela se vai.

E)  O Sol brilha mais forte quando ela não está presente.

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26 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 22

GLOSSARY•  Awful = horrível

• Burglar = ladrão

•  Childhood = infância


• Income = rendimento, salário

• Murder = assassinato

• Poverty = pobreza

• Quarrel = briga, discussão

•  Skid (verb) = derrapar (skid – skidded – skidded)

• Wounded = ferido, machucado

Consolidation II01. A) now and then

B) eventually

C) by all means

D) Actually

E) right away

02. A) By the way

  B)  Luckily

C) At least

D) Nowadays

E) by chance

03. A) all of a sudden

B) At length

C) lately

D) Now and again

E) on time

Proposed Exercises01.  A  04.  B  07.  D

02. D 05. C 08. E

03. C 06. C 09. C

Text I01. A

02. D

03. C

04. A

05. B

Text II01. C

02. C

03. A

04. C

05. C

06. D

Text III01. C

02. B

03. B

04. D

05. C

06. A

Text IV01. D

02. A

Enem Exercises01. B

02. B

ANSWER KEYConsolidation I

01.  A)  took up  B)  take it in  C)  taken over  D)  takes off   E)  taken up  F)  take after  G)  take you in  H)  took to  I)  take you in  J)  taking out  K)  taken up

02. A) 1. ran out of 2. came across 3. get away    4.  taking off    5.  look down on

B) 1. cut down on

2. get through

3. put up with

4. carry on

    5.  look it over

  C)  1.  is looking forward

2. give up

3. turn down

4. get rid of

5. put up with

D) 1. come about

2. brought down

    3.  make off

4. giving away

    5.  look up to

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27Editora Bernoulli

MÓDULOLÍNGUA INGLESACausative Verbs and Useof Gerund and Infinitive


O causativo é uma estrutura comum no Inglês. Ele é usado quando uma coisa ou pessoa faz com que outra coisa ou pessoa realize algo. Existem duas estruturas possíveis de serem usadas na composição dos causativos: a voz ativa e a voz passiva.

Exemplos com o verbo have:

– I had Mark fix my car. (I arranged for the car to be fixed 

by Mark. / I caused him to fix it.)

– Ihadthecarfixed. (I arranged for the car to be fixed 

by someone. As we don’t know who,  this  is  like a 





/ C





The active causative structureNa forma ativa, o agente da ação é mencionado. Segue a

estrutura básica dessa forma:

Subject Causative verb Object Action

verb Object

Mark had his sister do her task

The paramedics had the

victim stop his car

We had the plumber fix our tap

The passive causative structureNa forma passiva, usualmente, não há agente. O verbo

da ação fica no particípio passado e o objeto vem antes dele.

Subject Causative verb Object Action verb

(past participle)

We had our cell phone stolen

Alice had her hair cut

Troy had the windows cleaned

Other causative verbsPodemos usar outros verbos como causativos.

Verbs Meaning Examples

Make force, compel

The police made us lie on the mattress.

Get have She got her hair cut.

Let allow I’ll let you borrow my car.

CONSOLIDATION I01. COMPLETE the causative sentences by filling in the gaps.

You can use have or get.

A) I think the carpenter should fix my window.

  I’ll ____________ my window ___________.

B) I think the cleaner should wash my car.

  I’ll ____________ my car _______________.

C) I think the builder should fix my house.

  I’ll ____________ my house _____________.

02. USE the following verbs in the appropriate tense to fill in the blanks.

  a) let    b) make    c) have     d) get

A)  Tom  really wanted  a  cat,  but  his  parents wouldn’t ______________ him have it.

B)  I ____________ the courier take one book over to my friend last week.

C)  How did you __________ the doctor to make a house call?

D) The teacher _______ the students do the exercises.

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28 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 23


Uso do gerúndioHá certos verbos em Inglês que pedem, obrigatoriamente, 

o verbo seguinte no gerúndio, valendo, em significado, pela forma infinitiva.

São eles:

admit - advise - avoid - consider - delay - deny -

detest  -  dislike  -  endure  -  enjoy  -  escape  -  excuse 

- fancy - finish - forbid - imagine - keep - mind - miss - 

postpone - practice - risk - stop - suggest - understand

Verb Meaning

admit admitir

advise aconselhar

avoid evitar

consider considerar

delay demorar

deny negar

detest detestar

dislike não gostar

endure suportar

enjoy desfrutar

escape escapar

excuse desculpar

fancy fantasiar / apreciar

finish terminar

forbid proibir

imagine imaginar

keep manter

mind importar-se

miss faltar / sentir falta

postpone adiar

practice praticar

risk arriscar

stop parar

suggest sugerir

understand compreender


– Mark and Grace avoid going there.

– Lucy dislikes studying German so much.

– Bob doesn’t imagine having such a nice car.

– Please, keep writing your book.

– Don’t risk going there so soon.

Há  certas  expressões  idiomáticas  que  pedem, obrigatoriamente, o verbo seguinte no gerúndio.

São elas:

it’s no good - be used to - can’t help - can’t stop - 

it needs - it wants - it’s no use - look forward to - 

there is no - worth - worth while

Expression Meaning

it’s no good não ser bom

be used to ser acostumado a

can’t help não poder evitar

can’t stop não poder parar

it needsnecessita de

it wants

it’s no use não resolve

look forward to esperar ansiosamente por

there is no não há

it’s worth (it) vale a pena

it’s worth while vale a pena


– It’s no good working so much.

– Peggy is used to studying very hard.

– Joe can’t help loving her.

– I can’t stop loving you.

– It needs repairing.

– It wants repairing.

– As a matter of fact, it’s no use going there.

– Is it worth buying such an expensive car?

Uso opcional do gerúndio ou do infinitivo com toHá  certos  verbos  que  pedem,  opcionalmente,  o  verbo 

seguinte no gerúndio ou no infinitivo com to.

São eles:

attempt - begin - cease - continue - dread - forget -

hate - intend - learn - like - love - need - neglect - omit 

- prefer - propose - regret - remember - start - try

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29Editora Bernoulli

Causative Verbs and Use of Gerund and Infinitive

Verb Meaning

attempt tentar

begin começar

cease cessar

continue continuar

dread recear

forget esquecer

hate odiar

intend pretender

learn aprender

like gostar de

love amar

need precisar

neglect negligenciar

omit omitir

prefer preferir

propose propor

regret lamentar

remember lembrar-se

start começar

try tentar


– They continue working very hard.

They continue to work very hard.

– Matheus hates speaking Spanish here.

Matheus hates to speak Spanish here.

– They like teaching at the Institute.

They like to teach at the Institute.

– She loves studying English very much.

She loves to study English very much.

– Please, don’t prefer going there.

Please, don’t prefer to go there.

– I remember doing this very well.

I remember to do this very well.

No caso da expressão can’t bear – que significa “não poder 

suportar” –, pode-se usar o verbo seguinte no gerúndio ou

em forma infinitiva com to.


– In fact, she can’t bear staying there any more.

In fact, she can’t bear to stay there any more.


É preciso ficar atento ao uso do gerúndio ou do 

infinitivo com to para verbos que não seguem 

as regras citadas anteriormente. Para esses

verbos,  o  uso  de  gerúndio  ou  infinitivo  com 

to acarretará mudança no sentido da frase.


– I stopped smoking. (A ideia veiculada é a

de mudança de hábito.)

– I stopped to smoke. (A ideia veiculada

é a de motivo, razão.)

Em  casos  como  esse,  é  essencial  que 

o  contexto  em  que  a  frase  se  encontra  seja 


Uso do infinitivo sem to (bare infinitive ou plain infinitive)Para os verbos que indicam percepção ou que denotam 

as funções dos sentidos em Inglês, se aparecerem em estruturação de voz ativa, emprega-se o infinitivo sem to ou o gerúndio, opcionalmente.

São eles:

feel - hear - notice - observe - see - smell - taste - watch

Verb Meaning

feel sentir

hear ouvir

notice notar

observe observar

see ver

smell cheirar

taste ter paladar / provar

watch observar


– I can hear him playing the piano.

– I can hear him play the piano.

– Bill observes them playing cards.

– Bill observes them play cards.

– I can see them studying very hard.

– I can see them study very hard.

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30 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 23

Entretanto, se esses verbos aparecerem em estruturas frasais na voz passiva, emprega-se, obrigatoriamente, o infinitivo com to.


– Judy was heard to scream.

– The thief was seen to rob the car.

– That man was observed to enter here.

– Lucy was noticed to take the book.

Os verbos let e make, quando aparecem em estruturas frasais na voz ativa, são seguidos de infinitivo sem to.


– He will let you go.

– She will make you study hard.

– Please, let me know about everything.

– Oh, don’t make me laugh!

No entanto, se os verbos let e make aparecem em estruturas frasais na voz passiva, são seguidos, obrigatoriamente, pela forma infinitiva com to.


– This student was made to write a composition.

– The girl was let to read the magazine.

– The old man was made to run quickly.

– I was let to go.

Há certas expressões que são, obrigatoriamente, seguidas de verbos na forma infinitiva sem to.

São elas:

had better - had rather - would rather - had sooner -

need hardly - need scarcely - cannot but

Verb Meaning

had better seria melhor

had rather preferiria

would rather preferiria

had sooner preferiria

need hardly precisar muito

need scarcely precisar pouco

cannot but não poder senão


– You had better go to the movies.

– They’d rather study English.

– She had sooner be at that building.

– I cannot but study very hard.

– She needs scarcely buy a new car.


01. (FUVEST-SP / Adaptado) COMPLETE com a forma verbal


A) They want __________________ (buy) a new house

before __________________ (sell) the old one.

B) “One shouldn’t start _____________________

(try) __________________ (drive) cars before one

has finished __________________ (have) lessons

in __________________ (drive).”

C) Excuse my __________________ (arrive) late

and not __________________ (be) on time again.

I had to stop in order __________________ (see)

a sick friend.

D) Do you feel like __________ (go) ______________

(visit) her?

E) He denied __________________ (drink) so much


02. (FUVEST-SP) TRANSCREVA, transformando as orações

com a anteposição de “would you mind [...]”

A) Please mail this letter for me.



B) Wait outside a few minutes.




01. (Fatec-SP / Adaptado) Observe o uso (função gramatical)

da forma -ing nas frases seguintes:

I. For several years, a British energy company, British

Gas, has been quietly drilling in the Mediterranean.

II. Instead, Sharon is leaning toward [...]

III. [...] for their resource [...] wouldendupfinancing

terrorist attacks [...]

O uso dessa forma é igual ao que se encontra em Despite

losing a Likud Party vote [...], EXCETO na(s) frase(s)

A) I e II.

B) I e III.

C) II e III.

D) I.


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31Editora Bernoulli

Causative Verbs and Use of Gerund and Infinitive

02.  (Mackenzie-SP)  Indicate  the  alternative  that BEST

completes the following sentence.

“I had hoped my letter.”

A) her answer D) that she would answer

B) her answering E) to her answer

C) that she answer

03.  (Mackenzie-SP)  Indicate  the  alternative  that BEST

completes the following sentence.

“ is a dangerous sport.”

A) Parachuted D) Parachute

B) Parachuteneer E) Parachuting

C) Parachuter

04. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa CORRETA.

Both Mary and Roger enjoy ________ tennis.

A) plays D) playing

B) play E) played

C) to playing

05. (ITA-SP) A MELHOR forma de concluir a sentença a seguir é:

Although personal appearance is of great importance

when going to an interview for a job, the candidate

should be careful

A) to not overdress. D) do not overdress.

B) to do not overdress. E) not overdress.

C) not to overdress.


UFMG–2010Text I

After capitalism

The era of transition that we are entering will be disruptive

– but it may bring a world where markets are servants,

not masters.

To understand what capitalism might become, we

first have to understand what it is. This is not so simple. 

Capitalism  includes  a market  economy,  but many 

traditional market  economies  are  not  capitalistic.

05 It includes trade, but trade, too, long precedes

capitalism. It includes capital – but Egyptian pharaohs

and fascist dictators commanded surpluses too.

The French historian Fernand Braudel offered

perhaps the best description of capitalism when

10 he wrote of it as a series of layers built on top

of the everyday market economy of onions and wood, 

plumbing and cooking. These layers, local, regional, 

national and global, are characterised by ever

greater abstraction, until at the top sits disembodied

15  finance, seeking returns anywhere, uncommitted to 

any particular place or industry, and commodifying

anything and everything.

Only a few decades ago there was great interest

in what would supersede capitalism. The answers

20 ranged from communism to managerialism, and

from hopes of a golden age of leisure to dreams

of a return to community and ecological harmony.

Today these utopias can be found in the movements

around the World Social Forum, on the edges of all of

25 the major religions, in the radical sub-cultures that

surround the net, and in moderated form in thousands

of civic ventures across the world.

MULGAN, Geoff. Available at: <http://www.prospect-


Accessed: Jun. 17th, 2009.

01. The introduction to the text implies that, at present, the

capitalist system

A) guides transitions.

B) rules the world.

C)  serves the market. 

D) teaches governors.

02. The BEST topic for the first paragraph is that

A)  capitalism includes market economy. 

B)  it is not very easy to define capitalism. 

C) the elements in capitalism are traditional.

D) we cannot tell the future of capitalism.

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32 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 23

03. According to the text, market economy, trade and

capital (1st paragraph) are

A) alternatives to ancient policies.

B) byproducts of new capitalism.

C)  insufficient to define capitalism. 

D) theories of economic systems.

04. Braudel suggests that capitalism is

A)  mostly defined by agriculture. 

B) moving towards immateriality.

C)  oriented towards local finance. 

D) related to specialized industry.

05. The word disembodied (line 14) can be BEST

understood as

A) foreign.

B)  marketed.

C) nearby.

D) vague.

06. Communism and managerialism (line 20) are

mentioned in the text as systems that

A) are considered unwanted utopias nowadays.

B) could have been alternatives to capitalism.

C) managed to supersede globalized capitalism.

D) were commonly considered the golden ages.

07.  We can say that the author of the text thinks that religion A) can be seen as sub-culture.

B) is a radical way of living.

C) allows for utopian ideals.

D) induces civic engagement.

Text II

Study this cartoon:

Available at: <http://www.cartoonstock.com>. 

Accessed: Jun. 17th, 2009.

08. We can infer that the cartoon above says that socialism

A)  interested few workers.

B) found hope in capitalism.

C) scared people in the US.

D) surprised most politicians.



Ralph, it’s megrimm, whereare you?

I’m hidingout in thewoods withmy analogTV.

now thatcongress hasswitched allTVs to digital,is your analogstill working?

Yeah, butnow it’s onlypicking upold 50’sand 60’sTV shows.Well, I’mgoing tosleep now.




Night, John boy

Night, Johnboy

Available at: <http://www.cartoonistgroup.com/store/add.php?iid=30224>. Accessed: Sept. 12th, 2009.

01.  This comic strip shows that  it  is difficult to reduce the number of old TV sets or their toxic materials sent to

recycling hubs because some decisions go beyond the

choices made by

A) environmentalists.

B) administrators.

C) broadcasters.

D) consumers.

E) politicians.


UFTM-MG–2008Literacy crucial to promoting better health

conditions worldwide

    Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s 

message for International Literacy day, observed

8 September:

    The  theme  of  this  year’s  International  Literacy 

Day – health and literacy – highlights the crucial

role of literacy in promoting better health conditions


    There are many important links between literacy 

and health. Literacy skills and practices are powerful 

instruments enabling women and men to develop

the  necessary  capacities  and  self-confidence  for 

improved health. Children have more opportunities

to grow up healthy and to receive an education when

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33Editora Bernoulli

Causative Verbs and Use of Gerund and Infinitive

they are raised by literate mothers. Literacy thus benefits the health not only of individuals, but also of families and whole communities.

Health care and educational opportunities can be promoted at one and the same time. For example, paediatric practices have proved to be useful for providing guidance on literacy and for helping parents prepare their children for schooling. Literacy programmes with a health dimension can play a critical part in creating and sustaining a healthier world, as can health initiatives with a literacy component.

    This year marks  the halfway point  in  the United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012). Yet today, there are an estimated 774 million illiterate adults, two thirds of whom are women. More than 72 million children are not in school. These figures remind us how much remains to be done to ensure that people’s rights to education and literacy are fulfilled.

This year is also the midpoint in our race to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. One of the goals is to achieve universal primary schooling – where literacy begins. Higher literacy rates, in turn, would advance our efforts to improve maternal and child health, combat HIV / Aids, malaria and other diseases, and reach the other Millennium Development goals. Overall, literacy sustains development. It helps eradicate extreme poverty and increases opportunities while promoting gender equality and environmental sustainability.

Available at: <http://www.un.org/news/press/docs/

2007/sgsm1131.doc.htm>. (Adapted).

01. Segundo o texto,

A)  cerca  de  774 milhões  de mulheres  e  crianças  são analfabetas no mundo.

B) atualmente, as mulheres são a maioria dos adultos analfabetos no mundo.

C) as mulheres são as primeiras responsáveis pela alfabetização dos filhos.

D)  por virem de famílias de analfabetos, 72 milhões de crianças estão fora da escola.

E) há, nas Nações Unidas, comunidades e famílias inteiras sem acesso à educação e à saúde.

02. O texto menciona uma Meta de Desenvolvimento do

Milênio que  levaria a outros desenvolvimentos. Qual é 

essa meta?

A) Melhorar a saúde infantil e a materna.

B) Sustentar o desenvolvimento por meio do letramento materno.

C) Combater o HIV / Aids.

D) Universalizar a educação primária.

E) Erradicar a pobreza extrema.

03.  (Adaptado) No  trecho  do  quinto  parágrafo  do  texto  – “Yet today, there are an estimated 774 million illiterate

adults […]” –, o termo yet significa, em português,

A) ainda.

B) sempre.

C) também.

D) portanto.

04.  No texto, argumenta-se que

A) a educação depende das condições de saúde da

população mundial,  que,  por  sua  vez,  depende da 


B) a alfabetização e a educação em geral promovem

melhores condições de saúde da população.

C) o direito à saúde e à educação é garantido por lei e

será implementado pela ONU em uma década.

D) a saúde promove o desenvolvimento humano e a

igualdade de gênero entre mulheres e homens.

E) o desenvolvimento econômico, a saúde e a educação

estão contemplados na United Nations Literacy




Gangland Dublin: deadly spree of violence

leaves a “carefree” city looking into abyss

The image of Dublin as a prosperous, carefree

city has been dealt a series of blows by a surge of

gangland violence that has led to a record number

of murders and created a security crisis for Bertie

Ahern’s Government. Ten years after, the murder of 

Veronica Guerin, the investigative journalist, triggered

a  public  outcry  over  the  country’s  power-thirsty

drug dealers, an escalating new feud has illuminated

the dark underbelly of the Irish capital. 

Police launched a murder investigation yesterday

after a 28-year-old man became the latest victim of

the violence. He was shot in the early hours of the

morning as he slept on a sofa in a house in the north

inner-city district of Dublin.

Named locally as Stephen Ledden, a father of one

and a convicted robber, he was believed to have

been targeted in retaliation for the murder of a rival

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34 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 23

criminal outside a supermarket in Dublin two weeks 

ago. Mr. Ledden was killed by a gunman who entered 

the house  through  the unlocked  front door before 

shooting him once in the back of the head. 

The murder of Mr. Ledden was the 63rd violent

death in the Irish Republic this year, including 27 gun 

killings, the highest level in almost a decade. They 

include the murders this month of Dublin’s “Mr. Big”, 

the drugs baron Martin “Marlo” Hyland, and Anthony

Campbell, 20, an apprentice plumber, who was in the

house at the time and was shot to stop him identifying

the killer. 

LISTER, David. The Sunday Times,

Jun. 10, 2007. 

01. The city of Dublin has been seen up to now as

A) critic and dangerous.

B) prosperous and carefree.

C) murderous and sly.

D) violent and secure.

02. The text states that Veronica Guerin was

A) the chief of a feud between gangs.

B) a dangerous Irish drug dealer.

C) a reporter murdered ten years ago.

D) the Mayor of the capital of Ireland.

03. The following statements are true about the latest victim

of violence in Dublin, EXCEPT

A) He was sleeping in the police station.

B) He was reported to have been 28 years old.

C) He was in an inner-city district of the capital.

D) He was murdered with a fire shot. 

04. Stephen Ledden, the victim referred to by the article,

A) was killed by his wife. 

B) had a large family of children.

C) had been a gunman before.

D) was a criminal himself.

05. In the Irish Republic this year there have already been

A) 63 violent deaths.

B) 27 gang murders. 

C) 20 murderers’ identifications. 

D) one drug related death.


Texto para as questões 01 e 02





01. The G8, a group composed of the most powerful countries

in the world, makes decisions that can affect people’s lives 

all over the world. Due to that, it is highly observed and

often criticized. By the cartoon we can infer that

A)  the G8 politicians will increase 50% of their deficits 

by 2013.

B) the G8 politicians are very popular.

C)  2013 will be the year of a 50% cut in their deficits.

D) 2013 will be a year of economic improvement.

E)  G8 politicians don’t usually keep their promises.  

02. We can conclude that the leaders of the G8 are gathering

in vain because

A) they are not going to do what they say.

B) they need to change the world.

C)  they are very powerful and don’t make mistakes.

D)  they try to make things better.

E) of their effortless approach.

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35Editora Bernoulli

Causative Verbs and Use of Gerund and Infinitive

Texto para questão 03

Available at: <http://andrill.org/iceberg/postcards/index.html> Accessed: Apr. 18, 2011 (Adapted).

03. (Enem–2010) Os cartões-postais costumam ser utilizados

por viajantes que desejam enviar notícias dos  lugares 

que visitam a parentes e amigos. Publicado no site do

projeto Andrill, o texto em formato de cartão-postal tem

o propósito de

A) comunicar o endereço da nova sede do projeto nos

Estados Unidos.

B) convidar colecionadores de cartões-postais a se

reunirem em um evento.

C) anunciar uma nova coleção de selos para angariar

fundos para a Antártica.

D) divulgar às pessoas a possibilidade de receberem um

cartão-postal da Antártica.

E)  solicitar que as pessoas visitem o site do mencionado

projeto com maior frequência.

HAVING FUNAmerican political parties

The modern political party system in the United

States is a two-party system dominated by the

Democratic Party and the Republican Party. These

two parties have won every United States presidential

election since 1852 and have controlled the United

States Congress since at least 1856. Several other

third parties from time to time achieve relatively

minor representation at the national and state levels.

Among the two major parties, the Democratic

Party generally positions itself as left-of-center and

supports an American liberalism platform, while the

Republican Party generally positions itself as right-

of-center and supports an American conservatism


Available at: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_the_


Accessed: Feb. 3rd, 2011.

One of the most appreciated topics when it comes to

making jokes and critics is the subject of politics, and 

the American two-party system is never forgotten.

Here is a funny (and highly critical) way of differring

each one of them:

You might be a Democrat if...

  You’ve ever referred to someone as a “bigot or Nazi”.

  You’ve ever tried to prove Jesus was a married man.

You oppose the death penalty, but support abortion.

You support diversity, as long as others agree with


  You’ve ever uttered the phrase, “you hypocrite”.

You support PETA and Green Peace, but still eat beef,

fish, lamb, and wear leather garments.

  You agree that all the world’s problems can be traced 

back to white Anglo-Saxon men taking advantage of 


  When people say “Marx,” you think, “to bad his idea 

didn’t work”.

You argue that you need 300 laws to control guns.

  You really think that guns kill people. Not people kill 


  You’ve ever said “reduce paper, save a tree”.

You justify lying cheating Democrats because

Republicans lie and cheat.

You ever start or end an argument on the phrase,

“you are closed-minded”.

Available at: <http://www.jokesaboutpolitics.com/politics_

joke_456.html>. Accessed: Feb. 3rd, 2011.

You might be a Republican if...

  You think “proletariat” is a type of cheese.

  You’ve ever referred to someone as “my (insert racial 

or ethnic minority here) friend”.

  You’ve ever tried to prove Jesus was a capitalist and 

opposed to welfare.

  You’re a pro-lifer, but support the death penalty.

  You once broke loose at a party and removed your 

neck tie.

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36 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 23

  You’ve ever uttered the phrase, “Why don’t we just 

throw a bomb at them.”

  You don’t think “The Simpsons” is all that funny, but 

you watch it because that Flanders fellow makes a 

lot of sense.

  You don’t let your kids watch “Sesame Street” because 

you accuse Bert and Ernie of “sexual deviance.”

  You’ve ever yelled, “Hey hippie, get a haircut.”

  You think Birkenstock was that radical rock concert 

in 1969.

You argue that you need 300 handguns, in case a

bear ever attacks your home.

  You’ve ever called education a luxury.

You confuse Lenin with Lennon.

Available at: <http://www.jokesaboutpolitics.com/politics_

joke_456.html>. Accessed: Feb. 3rd, 2011.

GLOSSARY•  Fix (verb) = consertar (fix – fixed – fixed)

• Laugh (verb) = rir (laugh – laughed – laughed)


• Repairing = conserto, reparo

02. A) let

B) had

C) get

D) made

Consolidation II01. A) to buy / selling

B) to try / driving / having / driving

C) arriving / to be / to see

D) going / to visit

  E)  drinking

02. A) Would you mind mailing this letter for me,


B) Would you mind waiting outside a few


Proposed Exercises01. A 04. D

02. D 05. C

03. E

Text I01. C 05. D

02. B 06. B

03.  C      07.  C

04. B 08. B

Text II01. D

Text III01. B 03. A

02. D 04. B

Text IV01. B 04. D

02. C 05. A

03. A

Enem Exercises01. E

02. A

03. D


Consolidation I01.  A)  have – fixed

B) get – washed

  C)  have – fixed

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37Editora Bernoulli


Assim como no Português, existem, no Inglês, algumas

peculiaridades  com  relação  ao  vocabulário  que merecem 

atenção. São elas:

• ACCEPT – aceitar

• EXCEPT – exceto (equivale a but)


– He didn’t accept my offer.

–Nobodywenttotheoffice,except George.

• ADVICE – conselho

• ADVISE – aconselhar


– Let me give you some advice.

– He advised me not to go out alone at night.

• EITHER – qualquer um (entre dois)

• ANY – qualquer um (entre vários)

• NEITHER – nenhum (entre dois)

• NONE – nenhum (entre vários)


– “Which of these two books would you like to read?”

Either of them.

– Please, give me any of these cards.

– They offered me two books but I wanted neither.

– Lucy gave me a lot of presents but I wanted none.

• FALL – cair (cuja forma no Simple Past é FELL)

• FEEL – sentir

• FILL – encher


– The snow is falling now.


– I feel happy today.

– We filled the closet with books.

• FEWER – menos (antes de countable nouns no plural)

• LESS – menos (antes de uncountable nouns e também para formar o comparativo de inferioridade)


– You should take fewer pens to school.

– We’ve got less money than you.

– Lucy is less beautiful than her sister.

• HAD BETTER – é melhor que, seria melhor

• WOULD RATHER – preferir


– I had better go home now.

– I would rather have “feijoada”.

• LATER – mais tarde

• THE LATTER – o segundo (de dois elementos citados)


– He’s going to talk to you later.

– Alice and Tom are brothers. The former is a teacher and the latter is a lawyer.

• ALREADY – já

• ALL READY – todos prontos


– I’ve already seen that show.

– The players were all ready for the game.

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38 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 24

• ALSO – também (antes do verbo principal ou depois do verbo to be, em orações afirmativas ou interrogativas)

• EITHER – também (no final de orações negativas)

• TOO – também (no final de orações afirmativas ou interrogativas)

•  AS WELL – também (no final de orações afirmativas ou interrogativas)


– Tom studies French. His sister also studies French.

– I’m from Brazil. My parents are also from Brazil.

– I’m not a dentist. You aren’t a dentist either.

– I did the exercise. My classmates did it as well.

– Did Lucy do the homework, too?

• BEAT – bater; derrotar (o adversário)

• WIN – vencer (jogo, competição)


– Brazil beated Argentina in 1995.

– Brazil won the World Cup in 1994.

• BESIDE – ao lado de

• BESIDES – além de; além disso


– You must sit beside this girl today.

– Besides English, they speak German and French.

• LEND – emprestar (para alguém)

• BORROW – tomar emprestado (de alguém)


– My father will lend you some money.

– May I borrow your pen, Mary?

• LOSE – perder (algo ou alguém)

• MISS – perder (ônibus, etc.); faltar (à aula, etc.); sentir falta de


– I lost my car downtown.

– He lost his son in the war.

– Hurry up or you’ll miss the plane.

– They miss their parents a lot.

• AFFECT – afetar

• EFFECT – efeito


– She was deeply affected by the news.

– This drug has a very strong effect.

• AS – como (na função de)

• LIKE – como (semelhante a; como se fosse)

• HOW – como (de que maneira)


– Mr. Tom is working as a teacher. (Neste caso, observe  que Mr.  Tom  é  um professor;  essa  é  sua profissão.)

– That man works like a slave. (Neste caso, observe que aquele homem não é um escravo, mas trabalha tanto quanto um escravo.)

– How could you get such a low grade?

• ROB – roubar (pessoa ou lugar)

• STEAL – roubar (coisa)

• MUG – assaltar


– The thieves robbed me. They stole all the money I had.

• TALL – alto (pessoas, edifícios e árvores)

• HIGH – alto (coisas em geral)

• LOUD – alto (som)


– What a tall man!

– The Everest is very high.

– They spoke in a loud voice.

• TAUGHT – passado e particípio passado de to teach (ensinar)

• THOROUGH – cuidadoso; rigoroso

• THOUGH / ALTHOUGH – embora (conjunção)

• THOUGHT – pensamento; passado e particípio passado de to think (pensar)

• THROUGH – através de

• THROUGHOUT – por toda extensão; em toda parte

• TOUGH – duro; rígido


– Mr. Stanford taught me how to play tennis.

– The doctor gave my sister a thorough examination.

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39Editora Bernoulli

Special Difficulties

– Thoughthebookisdifficulttounderstand,it’sverygood.

– I thought she had come yesterday.

– I’m avoiding this kind of thought.

– They saw you through the glass of the window.

– There’s a lot of injustice throughout the world.

– The meat is too tough.

• VERY – muito (usado com adjetivos e advérbios)

• MUCH – muito (usado com uncountable nouns e adjetivos no comparativo)


– This is a very slow car.

– She spoke very slowly.

– There isn’t much money for you today.

– She’s much smarter than her mother.

Existe ainda a forma very much,  que  aparece modificando um verbo ou um adjetivo no grau comparativo.


– I like you very much.

– She feels very much better.

• WATCH – assistir a (TV, espetáculo, etc.)

• ATTEND – assistir a (aula, reunião, etc.)

• ASSIST – prestar assistência; ajudar


– We were watching an excellent program on TV.

– Luís is sick. That’s why he’s not attending classes these days.

– The scientist was assisting us during the experiments.

• WEAR – usar (no corpo); vestir

• USE – usar; utilizar


– I was wearing a yellow watch last night.

– Can I useyourpentofillinmyexercise?

• MORE – mais (antes de substantivos e também antes de alguns adjetivos para formar o comparativo de superioridade)

• ELSE – mais (depois de pronomes interrogativos ou indefinidos)


– Would you like more money?

– She’s more beautiful than the other girls.

– Would you like anything else?

– Roger didn’t say anything else.

• PULL – puxar


• PUSH – empurrar


– Tom pulled his sister’s hair.

– Liz pushed me, and I fell into the pool.

• RAISE – levantar, erguer (algo)

• RISE – levantar-se; subir


– They are raising the curtains now.

– Look! The sun is rising.

• REMEMBER – lembrar(-se)

• REMIND – fazer (alguém) lembrar


– I really don’t remember that girl.

– That house reminds me of the one in which I was born.


Aprender o vocabulário de uma nova língua é  algo  que  requer  tempo  e  persistência. Além  disso,  requer  o  máximo  de  contato possível com a língua. Uma ideia interessante para  assimilar  novas  palavras  que  lhe  serão apresentadas é fazer um dicionário de figuras –  um Picture Dictionary.

Você pode, por exemplo, dividir um caderno em seções com cada letra do alfabeto, escrever as palavras à medida que aprendê-las e recortar ou desenhar figuras que o façam lembrar desse vocabulário.

O aspecto visual do dicionário poderá te ajudar a memorizar as palavras mais rapidamente e de forma divertida.

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40 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 24

CONSOLIDATION01. COMPLETE with the right word according to each


Taught, thought, though, throughout, tough, through

A) He _____________ me how to drive.

B) This is a _____________ decision to make.

C) He traveled _____________ the world.

D) She glanced at me _____________ the window.

E) _____________ he didn’t study, he got _____________ the exam.

F) I _____________ I was going to die.

PROPOSED EXERCISES01.  (ITA-SP)  “Scientists have been  talking about producing 

better foods (I) genetic engineering ever since the technology first became available more than 20 years ago. Now, after decades of biotech setbacks and controversy, American consumers finally have something they can sink their teeth into. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week endorsed as safe  the first genetically altered food to be sold to consumers – a tomato called the Flavr Savr and billed as offering ‘summer taste’ all year long.  The biotech industry immediately hailed the government decision as the breakthrough it had been waiting for. ‘This is a real shot in the arm’, says Roger Salquist, Calgene’s chief executive officer. ‘It validates the company’s science.’

But the new tomato is also a fat target for critics of biotechnology. [...] ‘The middle class is moving in the  direction  of  organic,  healthy  foods’,  says  Rifkin,  ‘The last thing they want to hear about is gene-spliced tomatoes.’”

TIME, May 30, 1994. (Adapted).

A preposição que preenche a lacuna I CORRETAMENTE é

A) by. C) over. E) with.

B) for. D) through.

02.  (UFRGS) Fill in the blank below with the BEST alternative.

Political corruption and civil unrest are ___________ Mexico’s modern problems.

A) because D) among

B) between E) although

C) throughout

03. (Cesgranrio) The sentence “Though overshoppers later

experience  considerable  remorse,  they  find  shopping 

exciting” contains an idea of

A) addition. C) cause. E) contrast.

B) alternative. D) condition.

04.  (Fatec-SP) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma afirmativa do trecho: “Engineers didn’t think [...]”

A) Engineers thought [...]

B) Engineers though [...]

C) Engineers through [...]

D) Engineers thru [...]

E) Engineers throw [...]


CEFET-MG–2010 / AdaptadoStudy suggests toads can detect coming


British study says toads hopped away from breeding

site days before deadly Italian earthquake

iStockphoto / Alasdair Thomson

Common toad, bufo bufo.

    When  it  comes  to  predicting  earthquakes,  toads  – 

warts and all – may be an asset. British researchers said

recently that they observed a mass exodus of toads from

a breeding site in Italy five days before a major tremor 

struck, suggesting the amphibians may be able to sense

environmental changes, imperceptible to humans, that

foretell a coming quake.

    Since  ancient  times,  anecdotes  and  folklore  have 

linked unusual  animal  behavior  to  cataclysmic  events 

like earthquakes, but hard evidence has been scarce. 

A new study by researchers from the Open University

is one of the first to document animal behavior before, 

during  and  after  an  earthquake.  The  scientists were 

studying the common toad – bufo bufo – at a breeding

colony in central Italy when they noticed a sharp

decline in the number of animals at the site. Days later,

a  6.3-magnitude  earthquake hit,  killing  hundreds  of 

people and badly  damaging  the  town  of  L’Aquila. 

Researcher Rachel Grant said the findings suggested that 

toads are able to detect pre-seismic cues such as the

release of gases and charged particles, and use these

as a form of earthquake early warning system.

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Initially  puzzled  by  the  toads’  disappearance  in  the 

middle  of  the  breeding  season,  the  scientists  tracked 

the population in the days that followed and found that

96 percent of males, who vastly outnumber females

at breeding spots, abandoned  the  site  74  kilometers 

from the quake’s epicenter, five days before  it struck

on April 6, 2009. The number of toads at the site fell to

zero three days before the quake, according to the study, 

published in the Zoological Society of London’s Journal

of Zoology. Dr. Grant, the report’s lead author, explained 

that a day after the earthquake, they all started coming

back.  The  numbers were  still  lower  than  normal  and 

remained low until after the last aftershock. She added 

that one possibility is that the animals sensed a change

in the amount of radon emitted by the Earth because of

the buildup of pressure prior to a quake.

Scientists also have surmised that animals may be

able to detect minor tremors imperceptible to humans, or

that they sense electrical signals emitted by rocks under 

stress before an earthquake. According to Dr. Grant, the 

sense may be the result of millions of years of evolution,

a trigger that tells the toads to move to safer ground. She

also said that an earthquake could wipe out a population

in that area and a landslide or flood could kill virtually

100 percent of the males, and quite a lot of the females.

Several countries have sought to use changes in

nature, mostly animal behavior, as an early warning sign,

without much success. The city of Tokyo spent years in 

the 1990s researching whether catfish behavior could be 

used to predict earthquakes, but abandoned the study 

as inconclusive.

Roger Musson, a seismologist with the British

Geological Survey, said that the problem of studies like 

the Italian toad research lay in proving the connection

between the animal behavior and the quake. According 

to him what happens is that somebody observes some

strange animal behavior  then there  is an earthquake, 

so they  link the two. He also observed that there are 

probably plenty of cases in which there is strange animal

behavior and no earthquake. Musson added that the new 

study was “another bit of data in the large pile that has

been accumulating over the years. But  it’s not  in any 

shape or form a breakthrough.”

Available at: <http://abcnews.go.com/international/wirestory?id=10247369&page=1>. 

Accessed: Apr. 10, 2010. (Adapted).

01. The word that functions as an adjective in the text is

A) deadly (headline). D) virtually (paragraph 4).

B) badly (paragraph 2). E) recently (paragraph 1).

C) vastly (paragraph 3).

02. The INCORRECT correlation between the following

pronouns and their referents in the text is

A)  it (paragraph 3) – quake.

B) they (paragraph 3) – toads.

C) who (paragraph 3) – males.

D) these (paragraph 2) – cues.

E) which (paragraph 6) – animal.

03. In paragraphs 1 and 4, the word may was used to

A) express wish. D) indicate purpose.

B)  make requests.        E)  give suggestions.

C) show possibility.

04. In the text, there is NOT a correlation between the

meanings of the terms in:

A)  struck (paragraph 3) → hit (paragraph 2)

B) wipe out (paragraph 4) → kill (paragraph 4)

C) foretell (paragraph 1) → predict (paragraph 5)

D) change (paragraph 3) → breakthrough (paragraph 6)

E) hopped away (headline) → abandoned (paragraph 3)

05.  Dr. Grant’s MAIN goal was the study of

A) pre-seismic cues.

B)  major tremor strucks.

C)  toads’ mating migrations.

D)  bufo bufo’s breeding colonies.

E)  earthquake prediction systems.

06.  Roger Musson considers Dr. Grant’s study resultsA)  beneficial.    C)  incomplete.    E)  predictable.

B) innovative. D) pioneering.

07.  Concerning the earthquake warning signs in the text, the following expressions are presented:

I.  flood disaster

II. gas release

III. landslide catastrophe

IV. electrical charge

V. animal behavior

The CORRECT warning signs are

A) I and II. C) I, III and IV. E) II, IV and V.

B) II and III. D) I, III and V.

08. According to the text, it can be concluded that

A) amphibian behaviour is actually a pre-seismic cue.

B)  coming  earthquakes  are  still  impossible  to  be predicted.

C) animal response to natural disasters has evolved over the years.

D) breeding seasons change drastically when animals sense tremors.

E)  clear connections between toad exodus and quakes were proved.

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42 Coleção Estudo

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Diabetes: A “disease of poverty”?

  Diabetes kills as many as Aids, and is a big problem in poor countries. Dr. Martin Silink, head of the International Diabetes  Federation,  spoke  with  Mary  Carmichael.  I thought diabetes was a “disease of affluence”. Not anymore – 70 percent of cases are in the developing world. When  people  there move  to  cities,  their  risk doubles.  They’re  less  active  and  they  eat  fewer  fruits and vegetables. The numbers are especially bad in Asia. Why? Economic development there is uncovering a genetic tendency towards diabetes. For a person of European background, the risk rises at a body-mass index of 26.  But for people in Asia, it starts at 22 because they put on fat in the abdominal area. That body shape is linked to insulin resistance. How do we stop this? We can encourage healthy eating and rebuild walking and bike paths. For the 246 million who are already sick, we have to improve care to avoid complications. In the poorest countries, old-fashioned drugs are still 80 to 90 percent effective.

NEWSWEEK, July 2-9, 2007, p. 75.

01.  In poor countries, diabetes killsA) the same number of people as Aids.

B) more people than Aids.

C) less people than Aids.

D) only people with Aids.

02.  The expression “disease of affluence” meansA) a disease of modern people.

B) a disease of old people.

C) a disease of rich people.

D) a disease of poor people.

03.  What can be done to avoid diabetes?A)  To provide better working facilities.

B) To encourage healthier eating habits.

C) To move to cities and be more active.

D) To double the effective drugs being used.

Text II

Fact or fiction Do you really need seven hours of sleep?

Yep, you do. Although people do vary in how much sleep they need, the differences are slight, and the vast majority of us (including seniors) need seven to eight hours. Most people who regularly get less than seven hours of rest are simply unaware of the damage that fatigue and sleepiness is doing to their bodies. Chronic “short-sleepers,” as scientists call them, have forgotten what it feels like to be well-rested, says Robert Rosenberg, medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center of Prescott Valley, in Arizona.

The evidence indicates that a person who regularly

sleeps less than seven hours a night functions as

badly as someone who hasn’t slept for one to three 

days, according to a research review published in

the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine last year.

Furthermore, the largest current longitudinal studies

(one involving 21,268 people and another 10,308)

showed that sleep-deprivation increased mortality:

the chance of dying younger than people of the

same  age,  gender  and  health-risk  factors.  In  the 

larger study researchers at the Finnish Institute of

Occupational Health assessed the sleep habits of the

group  in  1975  and  1981  and  then  checked  to  see 

who was still alive on Dec. 31, 2003. After comparing

subjects’ survival rates to the average for people of 

the same age (and adjusting for other known death 

risks,  like  smoking),  the  researchers  concluded 

that  lack  of  sleep  increased mortality  in  the  study 

participants by 26 percent for men and 21 percent

for women. The cause of death might be accidents,

or diseases exacerbated by sleep-deprivation.

Other  current  research  indicates  that  lack  of  sleep 

affects  the  body’s  hormones,  immune  system  and 

metabolism; hence, it can be a risk factor for obesity, 

diabetes and heart disease.


Available at: <http://www.newsweek.com/id/113270>. 

Accessed: Feb. 20, 2008. (Adapted).

04. Researchers concluded that sleep-deprivation

A) must be recommended for old people.

B) may cause no impact in death rates.

C)  improves the quality of life of everyone.

D)  can be riskier for men than for women.

05. The information we can infer from the text is that

A) the research reviews discussed are incomplete.

B) the larger research involved just a group of women.

C) the studies involved over thirty thousand people.

D)  the stated results have no scientific basis.

06. Seven to eight hours of sleep a night is

A) too much for students.

B) the least for most people.

C) very little for children.

D) a lot for old people.

07. “Short-sleepers” are people who sleep

A)  less than 7 hours a night.

B)  during the work.

C) just at night.

D) all the time.

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Environmental health Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments.  This  definition  excludes  behaviour  not related to environment, as well as behaviour related to the social and cultural environment, and genetics.

The environment and health for children and their mothers

The issues

  More than three million children under five die each year from environment-related causes and conditions. This makes  the  environment  one  of  the most  critical contributors to the global toll of more than ten million child deaths annually – as well as a very important factor in the health and well-being of their mothers.

Polluted indoor and outdoor air, contaminated water, lack of adequate sanitation, toxic hazards, disease vectors, ultraviolet radiation, and degraded ecosystems are all important  environmental  risk  factors  for  children,  and in most cases for their mothers as well. Particularly in developing countries, environmental hazards and pollution are a major contributor to childhood deaths, illnesses and disability from acute respiratory disease, diarrhoeal diseases, physical injuries, poisonings, insect-borne diseases and perinatal infections. Childhood death and illness from causes such as poverty and malnutrition are also associated with unsustainable patterns of development and degraded urban or rural environments.

Major environment-related killers in children under five years of age

•  Diarrhoea kills an estimated 1.6 million children each year, caused mainly by unsafe water and poor sanitation.

• Indoor air pollution associated with the still-widespread use of biomass fuels kills nearly one million children annually, mostly as a result of acute respiratory infections. Mothers,  in  charge of  cooking or  resting close to the hearth after having given birth, are most at risk of developing chronic respiratory disease.

• Malaria, which may be exacerbated as a result of poor water management  and  storage,  inadequate housing, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, kills an estimated one million children under five annually, mostly in Africa.

• Unintentional physical injuries, which may be related to household or community environmental hazards, kill nearly 300,000 children annually: 60,000 are attributed to drowning; 40,000 to fires; 16,000 to falls; 16,000 to poisonings; 50,000 to road traffic incidents; and over 100,000 are due to other unintentional injuries.

  Health-damaging  exposure  to  environmental  risks can begin before birth. Lead in air, mercury in food and other chemicals can result in long-term, often irreversible effects, such as infertility, miscarriage, and birth defects.

Women’s  exposure  to  pesticides,  32  solvents  and persistent organic pollutants may potentially affect the health of the fetus. Additionally, while the overall benefits of breastfeeding are recognized, the health of the newborn may be affected by high levels of contaminants in breast milk. Small children, whose bodies are rapidly developing, are particularly susceptible – and in some instances the health impacts may only emerge later in life.  Furthermore,  children  as  young  as  five  years  old sometimes work in hazardous settings. Pregnant women living and working in hazardous environments and poor mothers and their children are at a higher risk, as they are exposed to the most degraded environments, are often unaware of the health implications, and lack access to information on potential solutions.  Improving children and mothers’ environmental health by addressing and tackling  issues affecting their health presents an essential contribution towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Available at: <http://www.who.int/ mediacentre/factsheets/fs284/en/index.htm>.

01. Environmental health has to do with

A) factors external to a person.

B) physical condition of a person.

C) related behaviourism.

D) the chemistry of nature.

02. Mark the statement that is NOT TRUE about environmental health.

A) It controls health-affecting environmental factors.

B) It creates health-supportive environments.

C) It supports genetic control over humans.

D) It tries to prevent diseases.

03. Environment-related problems bring about

A) a sense of well-being to mothers and children.

B)  healthy children to take advantage of the environment. 

C)  mothers that take care of their children’s health. 

D) the death of millions of children each year.

04. Of the children that die in consequence of environment-related causes,

A)  more than ten million don’t have a mother. 

B)  over five million could not be saved. 

C) over three million are under 5 years of age.

D)  under five million are usually very healthy.

05. Of the children discussed in the text,

A) more than half a million are drowned.

B)  nearly two million die in consequence of malaria. 

C)  not  less  than  a million  are  involved  in  road  traffic incidents.

D) over one million and a half die of diarrhea.

06. Environmental risk factors for children include all of the following, EXCEPT

A) adequate sanitation.       C) polluted air. 

B) contaminated water. D) ultraviolet radiation.

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44 Coleção Estudo

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07. Environmental hazards and pollution are contributors for

children’s deaths

A) especially in developing countries.

B) in countries where malaria exists.

C) mainly in the United States.

D) only in African countries.

08. The risk of exposure to health damage

A) cannot affect breastfeeding.

B) depends on solvents and pollutants.

C) has proved to have irreversible effects.

D) may start before the child is born.

09. One of the great problems of mothers living in hazardous

settings is

A) that, although they are aware of the implications, they do it anyway.

B)  that they like to live and work in that environment. 

C) the fact that they are always pregnant and have small children.

D)  the lack of access to information on potential solutions.

10. In the sentence ”It encompasses the assessment and

control of those environmental factors that can potentially

affect  health”,  in  the  first  paragraph,  the  pronoun  it

refers to

A) biological factor.

B) chemical factor.

C) environmental health.

D) physical factor.


FAME-MG–2010 Chronic conditions crank up health costs

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Raymond Harris is only

54, but he already has gone through three kidneys.

    Like most people, Harris was born with  two working kidneys. He lost one at age 8 because of a fall. He lost the second to high blood pressure at 42. He lost the third – donated by his wife – at age 48, because of a rare reaction to a dye that doctors used to view the blockages in his arteries. And while Harris gets a lot of health care, he isn’t exactly healthy. He has had three back surgeries and six heart attacks and depends on dialysis to survive. If medications fail to clear his arteries, he may need open-heart surgery. And less than one month after his latest heart attack, Harris is back in the emergency room at the University of Virginia Medical Center with chest pain.

    While Harris’ health problems may seem extraordinary, doctors say that many Americans today appear destined

to share his fate. Nearly half of Americans have a chronic condition, and 75% of the $2.6 trillion spent annually on health care goes to treat patients with long-term health problems, says Kenneth Thorpe, a professor at Atlanta’s Emory University and head of the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease. In the Medicare program, which pays for Harris’ care because of his kidney failure, 95% of spending is linked to a chronic disease. “All of these diseases are accumulations of what’s happened before in a person’s life,” says Barbara Starfield, professor of public policy at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. “We have to think about keeping people as healthy as possible so they don’t get these diseases.”

    Doctors  say  Harris’  story  is  filled  with  missed opportunities to avoid disease, but also illustrates possibilities for change – both through healthier lifestyles and more coordinated primary care – that could reduce suffering and unnecessary costs. “It would have been nice to catch him in his 20s and get him to stop smoking,” says Robert O’Connor, professor and chair of emergency medicine at the University of Virginia, who treated Harris in the ER. “I suspect he had high blood pressure back then.  […]  I  can’t  help but wonder  if  that would have provided a better outcome for him.”

    Although  health  officials  have  exhorted  Americans for years to get in shape, two thirds of adults today are overweight. But insurance plans could help in other  ways,  such  as  by  covering  smoking-cessation classes and other services with well-documented health benefits, says Ted Epperly, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Harris gave up tobacco on his own last month after his last heart attack, after smoking a pack a day for decades. Now, he puts $5 a day in a jar – the amount he used to spend on cigarettes – and will use the savings to help pay his mortgage. “It would save a lot of money,” he says. “These health problems are going to cost them way more than the classes.”

Primary care shortage

Harris has lots of company in the ER this day. Doctors will have seen nearly 200 patients before it’s over. When the ER runs out of rooms, doctors will treat patients on gurneys in the hallway. “We don’t have a robust primary care system, so  that we can’t get all of  these people taken care of in the right place at the right time by the right type of doctor,” Epperly says.

    Uninsured patients aren’t the only ones using the ER for non-urgent care. With too few primary care doctors to go around, many patients turn to the ER when they can’t get an appointment with their regular physician, says Sandra Schneider, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians.

In some ways, insurance payments contribute to the shortage, Epperly says, by discouraging physicians from going into primary care. Medicare, which covers people over 65, pays doctors far more to perform procedures than  to monitor  a  patient’s  overall  health,  Epperly says. In the past decade, only 10% of new doctors – who graduate from medical school with an average of

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$140,000 in student loans — have gone into primary care, Epperly says. “We have a terribly perverse incentive system,” says Stuart Butler, a health analyst and vice-president for domestic research with the Heritage Foundation in Washington.

Patients with chronic conditions may see specialists who each treat a different symptom or deteriorating organ. But these doctors may rarely if ever get together to talk about the patient’s overall health, Starfield says. […]

Medicaid, which covers poor children and the disabled, also discourages doctors from taking on new patients. The federal program, which is run by the states, pays doctors an average of 28% less than Medicare, says David Tayloe, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics. So many doctors refuse to treat patients on Medicaid. […]

A program that works

Successful regional programs could serve as models for national health care reform, says Tayloe, who practices in rural Goldsboro, N.C. North Carolina, for example, saves $150 million a year through a “visionary” Medicaid program, he says.

The plan encourages doctors to accept Medicaid patients by  paying  extra monthly  fees  that  reflect  the  level  of sickness of their patients, Tayloe says. A community health network gets an extra fee to coordinate patient care and make sure that kids stay healthy.

In the Seattle area, Group Health Cooperative experimented with a “patient-centered medical home,” which allows doctors to see fewer patients but spend more time coordinating their care. Patients in the new program had 29% fewer ER visits and 11% fewer hospitalizations, according to a study published in the American Journal of Managed Care last  week.  The program paid for itself within a year. [...]

Several proposals for health reform could help, too, Tayloe says. A bill in the House of Representatives would improve payment for primary care doctors who see Medicare and Medicaid patients, raising Medicaid rates even more significantly so that they equal those in Medicare.

Other proposals in Congress would establish a pilot program to test more “medical home” models like the one at Group Health and fund a study on ways to balance the supply of specialists and primary-care providers. Doctors on “community health teams” would be paid to oversee patients’ care. The teams would include nurse practitioners and physician assistants – who can handle many primary care needs more cheaply than doctors – as well as dietitians, mental health counselors and others.

    Such  programs  don’t  always  save  money.  But transforming primary care could help the country to spend its money more wisely, says Ann O’Malley of the Center for Studying Health System Change in Washington. Right now, she says, Americans spend far more on health care than most other Western countries, but have “much, much worse outcomes.” “The goal,” she says, “is to get better value for the health care dollars we’re already spending.”

SZABO, Liz. Available at: <http://www.usatoday.com/news/healt/2009-09-08-emergency-roomchronic>.

Accessed: Sep. 10th, 2009. (Adapted).

01. According to the text,

A) Harris had to pay for the medical support in order to be able to do a surgery.

B)  Harris’ working kidneys had to be substituted for his sister’s in a surgery.

C) Harris was born healthy and as time went by he turned out to lose his condition.

D) Harris was facing the surgeries nicely but he had a heart attack in the ER.

02. The next step for the health programs is to

A)  make worth each penny that might be necessary to cost them.

B)  raise the paid value so as to make the programs more effective.

C) treat the patients in their houses and then in the ERs of the USA hospitals.

D) change the conceptions ER doctors might have about what a chronic patient is.

03. “Primary care shortage” means the

A)  insurance companies make the assistance.

B) system is going under considerable decrease nowadays.

C) government of the USA is trying to enhance the primary care attention.

D) patients in the USA hospitals have to be short age to access the primary care.

04. “The federal program, which is run by the states, pays

doctors an average of 28% less than Medicare, says David

Tayloe”. The underlined word means

A) something that happens fast.

B) a fact that the states decide.

C) “applied”.

D) “placed”.

05.  “Harris’ story is filled with missed opportunities to avoid disease” means

A) Harris did not catch the opportunities to get the diseases and use Medicare.

B) Harris could avoid the diseases and now he cannot use Medicaid as a support.

C) many possibilities could be noticed to prevent some diseases from happening.

D) this story showed Harris regretted the opportunities for suffering from diseases.

06.  “What’s  happened  before  in  a  person’s  life”.  The  verb tense of this excerpt is

A) Simple Past tense.

B) Present Perfect tense.

C) Regular Simple Past tense.

D) Irregular Simple Past tense.

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46 Coleção Estudo

Frente A Módulo 24





Available at: <http://www.freefunnypixs.com/funny-signs.php>. Accessed: Feb. 28, 2011.

01. O uso de placas como meio de trazer informação

à população é uma prática milenar no mundo todo. Embora

sejam eminentemente um instrumento de informação,

as placas podem ser utilizadas de forma bastante diversa,

para  fins  igualmente  diversos,  podendo  nelas  haver 

toques de humor, ironia, ou até mesmo contar histórias, 

configurando,  portanto,  uma  transgressão  de  gêneros 

textuais. No caso da placa apresentada, as expectativas

iniciais do leitor são contrariadas, uma vez que

A)  a  informação  de  que  há  baratas  com  câncer é irrelevante, podendo esta ser suprimida sem que haja alteração no efeito do texto.

B)  a informação de que baratas estão doentes de câncer não pode ser relacionada com o fato de pessoas jogarem cigarros no chão.

C) a preocupação com a saúde das baratas não é esperada, já que esses animais são tradicionalmente relacionados à insalubridade.

D)  o argumento de que há baratas com câncer não é esperado  como uma  justificativa  para  o  pedido  de não se jogarem cigarros no chão.

E)  a informação de que baratas desenvolvem câncer pelo contato com o cigarro subverte a ideia pré-concebida de que estes são animais resistentes.

02. A relação existente entre a primeira frase “Don´t

throwyourcigaretteendsonthefloor” e a frase “The

cockroaches are getting cancer” é de

A) contraste.

B) comparação.

C) contradição.

D) consequência. 

E) simultaneidade.

GLOSSARY• Avoid (verb) = evitar (avoid - avoided - avoided)

• Slave = escravo

• Hurry up = (phrasal verb) apressar (hurry up – hurried up – hurried up)



l /



e Com


ANSWER KEYConsolidation

A) Taught = past tense and past participle of “to teach”.

B) Tough = effortful, exhausting, troublesome.

C) Throughout = around, completely, everywhere.

D) Through = beyond, past, over.

E) Though = although, nevertheless, whereas. Get through = to bear, survive, to succeed, to complete.

F) Thought = past tense and past participle of “to think”.

Proposed Exercises01. D 02. D 03. E 04. A

Text I01. A 05. D

02. E 06. C

03.  C  07.  E

04. D 08. B

Text II01. A 05. C

02. C 06. B

03.  B  07.  A

04. D

Text III01. A 06. A

02.  C  07.  A 

03. D 08. D

04. C 09. D

05. D 10. C

Text IV01. C 03. B 05. C

02. A 04. C 06. B

Enem Exercises01. D 02. D

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to accuse accused accused acusar

to allow allowed allowed permitir

to annoy annoyed annoyed incomodar

to appear appeared appeared aparecer

to arrange arranged arranged arranjar

to avoid avoided avoided evitar


to beg begged begged suplicar

to behave behaved behaved comportar-se

to believe believed believed acreditar

to belong belonged belonged pertencer

to betray betrayed betrayed trair

to borrow borrowed borrowed pedir emprestado

to breathe breathed breathed respirar

to bury buried buried enterrar


to care cared cared importar-se

to claim claimed claimed reivindicar

to complain complained complained reclamar


to defeat defeated defeated derrotar

to delay delayed delayed atrasar

to deny denied denied negar

to deserve deserved deserved merecer

to desire desired desired desejar

to distinguish distinguished distinguished distinguir

to drop dropped dropped derrubar


to encourage encouraged encouraged encorajar

to envy envied envied invejar

to excuse excused excused desculpar


to fear feared feared temer

to fetch fetched fetched ir buscar

to fill filled filled encher

to fire fired fired despedir, disparar

to frighten frightened frightened assustar


to happen happened happened acontecer

to hate hated hated odiar

to help helped helped ajudar

to hurry hurried hurried apressar-se


to inhabit inhabited inhabited habitar

to insult insulted insulted insultar


to joke joked joked brincar

to jugde jugded jugded julgar

to jump jumped jumped pular


to knock knocked knocked bater


to land landed landed aterrisar

to laugh laughed laughed rir


to marry married married casar-se

to murder murdered murdered matar


to obey obeyed obeyed obedecer

to omit omitted omitted omitir

to order ordered ordered ordenar, pedir

to owe owed owed dever

to own owned owned ter, possuir



to permit permitted permitted permitir

to persuade persuaded persuaded persuadir

to place placed placed colocar

to prefer preferred preferred preferir

to prevent prevented prevented evitar, impedir

to pronounce pronounced pronounced pronunciar


to quarrel quarreled quarreled discutir, brigar


to raise raised raised levantar

to refuse refused refused recusar

to reply replied replied responder


to seem seemed seemed parecer

to shout shouted shouted gritar

to struggle struggled struggled esforçar-se

to succeed succeeded succeeded ter sucesso


to taste tasted tasted provar (alimentos, bebidas)


to warn warned warned advertir

to waste wasted wasted desperdiçar

to wonder wondered wondered querer saber, imaginar

to wreck wrecked wrecked colidir, chocar



to arise arose arisen surgir, erguer-se

to awake awoke awoken despertar, acordar


to be was, were been ser, estar

to bear bore born, borne suportar, dar à luz

to beat beat beaten bater, espancar

to become became become tornar-se

to befall befell befallen acontecer

to beget begot begotten, begot procriar, gerar

to begin began begun começar, iniciar

to behold beheld beheld contemplar

to bend bent bent curvar, dobrar

to bet bet bet apostar

to bid bid bid oferecer, concorrer

to bind bound bound unir, encadernar

to bite bit bitten morder, engolir a isca

to bleed bled bled sangrar, ter hemorragia

to blow blew blown (as)soprar, estourar

to break broke broken quebrar, romper

to breed bred bred procriar, reproduzir

to bring brought brought trazer

to broadcast broadcast broadcast irradiar, transmitir

to build built built construir, edificar

to burst burst burst arrebentar, estourar

to buy bought bought comprar


to cast cast cast arremessar, lançar

to catch caught caught pegar, capturar

to choose chose chosen escolher

to cling clung clung aderir, segurar-se

to come came come vir

to cost cost cost custar

to creep crept crept rastejar, engatinhar

to cut cut cut cortar, reduzir

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to deal dealt dealt negociar, tratar

to dig dug dug cavar, cavoucar

to do did done fazer

to draw drew drawn sacar, desenhar

to drink drank drunk beber

to drive drove driven dirigir, ir de carro

to dwell dwelt dwelt morar


to eat ate eaten comer


to fall fell fallen cair

to feed fed fed alimentar, nutrir

to feel felt felt sentir, sentir-se

to fight fought fought lutar, batalhar

to find found found achar, encontrar

to flee fled fled fugir, escapar

to fling flung flung arremessar

to fly flew flown voar, pilotar

to forbid forbade forbidden proibir

to forget forgot forgotten esquecer

to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar

to freeze froze frozen congelar, paralisar


to get got gotten, got obter, conseguir

to give gave given dar, conceder

to go went gone ir

to grind ground ground moer

to grow grew grown crescer, cultivar


to have had had ter, beber, comer

to hear heard heard ouvir, escutar

to hide hid hidden, hid esconder

to hit hit hit bater, ferir

to hold held held segurar

to hurt hurt hurt machucar, ferir


to keep kept kept guardar, manter

to know knew known saber, conhecer

to knell knelt knelt ajoelhar-se


to lay laid laid pôr (ovos)

to lead led led liderar, guiar

to leave left left deixar, partir

to lend lent lent dar emprestado

to let let let deixar, alugar

to lie lay lain deitar(-se)

to lose lost lost perder, extraviar


to make made made fazer, fabricar

to mean meant meant significar

to meet met met encontrar, conhecer


to overcome overcame overcome superar

to overtake overtook overtaken alcançar, surpreender


to pay paid paid pagar

to put put put colocar, pôr


to quit quit quit abandonar, largar de


to read read read ler

to ride rode ridden andar, cavalgar


to ring rang rung tocar (campainha)

to rise rose risen subir, erguer-se

to run ran run correr, concorrer


to saw sawed sawn serrar

to say said said dizer

to see saw seen ver, entender

to seek sought sought procurar

to sell sold sold vender

to send sent sent mandar, enviar

to set set set pôr, colocar, ajustar

to shake shook shaken sacudir, tremer

to shed shed shed derramar, deixar cair

to shine shone shone brilhar, reluzir

to shoot shot shot atirar, alvejar

to show showed shown mostrar, exibir

to shrink shrank shrunk encolher, contrair

to shut shut shut fechar, cerrar

to sing sang sung cantar

to sink sank sunk afundar, submergir

to sit sat sat sentar

to slay slew slain matar, assassinar

to sleep slept slept dormir

to slide slid slid deslizar, escorregar

to sling slung slung atirar, arremessar

to speak spoke spoken falar

to spend spent spent gastar, passar (tempo)

to spin spun spun girar, rodopiar

to spit spit, spat spit, spat cuspir

to spread spread spread espalhar, difundir

to spring sprang sprung saltar, pular

to stand stood stood ficar de pé, aguentar

to steal stole stolen roubar, furtar

to stick stuck stuck cravar, fincar, enfiar

to sting stung stung picar c/ ferrão (inseto)

to stink stank stunk cheirar mal, feder

to strike struck struck golpear, bater

to string strung strung encordoar, amarrar

to strive strove striven esforçar-se, lutar

to swear swore sworn jurar, prometer

to sweep swept swept varrer

to swim swam swum nadar

to swing swang, swung swung balançar, alternar


to take took taken tomar, pegar, aceitar

to teach taught taught ensinar, dar aula

to tear tore torn rasgar, despedaçar

to tell told told contar (uma história)

to think thought thought pensar

to throw threw thrown atirar, arremessar

to tread trod trodden pisar, trilhar, seguir


to undergo underwent undergone submeter-se a, suportar

to understand understood understood entender, compreender

to uphold upheld upheld sustentar, apoiar

to upset upset upset perturbar, preocupar


to wear wore worn vestir, usar, desgastar

to win won won vencer, ganhar

to wind wound wound enrolar, dar corda

to write wrote written escrever, redigir

to weep wept wept chorar