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Vol. V, Issue 12, Page 1 December 2010

Est. 2007 Salinas Scandal Sheet

August 2013 Vol VIII, Issue 8

Pretty Ms. Isabella Farias & her parents, Gonzalo & Susy, & handsome brothers Rafael, Enrique & Hec-tor, outside of Christ the King Church in Laredo on April 27th, where her First Communion was held!

Enjoying the reception at La Posada Hotel after the service were Norma Hagy & Bella’s grandmoms, Judith Flores & Diana Farias!

Also present were Bella’s aunt Veronica Rossini, uncle Leo & Tania Flores, along w/grand-mom Judith & Judith’s sister, Aurora Gonzalez.

Grandmom Diana dances w/son ‘Zalo!

Uncle Hugo & Bibi Flores & kids, Hugo Jr. & Allegra, pose w/Bella!

The Younger Crowd waits for


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Singer & guitar player Monica Swisher recently submitted an audio Audition to NBC’s THE VOICE talent show! Is she a chip off the old block, or what? (Her parents are Lillian & Ross)!

Best of luck, Monica! Here’s something different: Painting with a Twist! Cassie Reddam & nephew Jesse (bottom right) & other guests at friend Bonnie’s birthday party (left), all Special Needs folks, tried their hand at painting & did quite well!!

Is just looking cute considered a talent? If so, Lane, Evelyn Landis’ great-grand-son in N. Dakota, sure qualifies, as do Jeff & Karen Varnon’s girls, Rebecca, Sarah & Christina, over in Knoxville, Tennessee!

Giuliana Galli & baby sister, Amelie, really enjoy playing together! Mom & Dad, Mindy & Bruno, couldn’t be prouder! Such cuties!

And now, great photos of that new baby of Uri & Susie Druker’s: Noah Benjamin, a super-sweet baby boy…..!

Congrats to Lilli & Chris Coffin, who just celebrated 21 years of wedded bliss! WOW!

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Celebrating recent 80+ birthdays was a snap for beautiful ladies—Anita, Rosamaria & June! And of course, there’s Ms. Adela Franko, who is 90.5 & going strong! Adela recently greeted her latest great-grandson, Noah Benjamin Druker, & participated in a traditional Brit Milah (Jewish circumcision) w/his folks, Susie & Uri Druker, & Uri’s mom (Adela’s daughter), Linda Frank!

Over in College Station , June Graesser (far right) hit that 80th mile-stone & celebrated w/hubby Don, daughters Dr. Anne & husband Michael Coleman, Barb & Keith Holm, Susan Wright, & granddaugh-ter Rachel Wright & her friend, Stephen Sondet! (Don is 80+)!

Meanwhile, Rosamaria Swisher was surrounded by love &

some of her 9 children! Ross, Paul, Hettie, Bill, & Jessica

Diez Barroso helped her eat a birthday cake made by

Ross’s wife, Lillian! Yum yum!

Cousin Anita Salinas had a great time celebrating her 89th & dancing w/her grandson Efrain Gutierrez!

(Daughter Irma’s son)

Also turning 80 recently was Raymond Burt, who lives in College Station,

too! Sure wish all these special folks the very best!

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Daniel Wright w/aunts Dana Williams & Barbara Holm in Mainz by SinnLeffers, a Ger-man on-line Fashion shop!

Far from Texas & in front of the Paris Opera House were Violet Henney Marlowe & Shawn Wright Langford, who posed for a pix taken by friend Nancy Hrncir Johnson.

Little Jesse Reddam has been vacationing in Texas for a few weeks! He & grandmom Lisa & aunt Cassie visited the Witte Museum in San Antonio. He saw the Dinosaur exhibit & even tried a little rock-climbing! He keeps in touch w/mom & dad & little brother Jax, via FACE TIME!

Maria & Danny Salinas vacationed in Bosque Mágico in Monterrey, MX. Maria even took a Zip flight in N. Laredo, like Aric Hagy did some years ago somewhere in Central America! Brave souls, both!!

Destin Island, Florida, was the destination of the Gonzalo Farias family, along w/Drake DeWall!..... ...And a good time was had by all!

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So sorry to hear of the passing of Carmen Ramirez Rendon, Laredo! A very sweet lady, & a Swisher relative, she will be missed by many! R.I.P.!

A nice wedding service offici-ated by Pastor Pieter Van Dyk was held recently in the Lang-ford’s garden! Good friends of Joshua’s & Chanel’s, Michael Mayer & Mickey Romero, were wed in a casual setting. Best wishes & Congratulations!

Tessa & Pieter Van Dyk

What a crowd….

when the Landis’

visited the Ridg-

ley’s! I’m hold-

ing Natalie Rose,

& then there’s

Jake, E.T. w/little

Robert, Elise,

Victoria, & even

Arie was there! Oh, yes, that’s Mari, Ali & Ana in back!!

The Ceremony

Violet Marlowe & Nancy Johnson, by the Moulin Rouge, Paris (pix by Shawn). Rod & Josie Henney & I (& the Hrncirs) were glad to have the gals back in the U.S.! (Col. Rod was Laredo AFB Closure Offi-cer & I was the Secretary, once upon a time)!

Still another medical profes-sional in the family whom I forgot to mention before is Tammy Treviño, Memo’s wife, who is a Nurse Practitioner in Laredo! (Memo, w/siblings, Diana Garcia, Beto & Kiko, runs various businesses in Laredo.)



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It’s not the size of the catch, but the fishing itself that’s fun—right?!

I think Damon Swisher’s “trophy” might have been thrown back, but Rachel Wright’s Trout (?) probably made for good eating!

A beauty of a Sailfish was caught by Will Post (far right) off the Florida keys! (A true “trophy,” but he threw it back!)

....And last but not least,

Alexa DeWall, brother Luke

(front), & cousins Jake &

Elise Ridgley received a

lesson in Fishing last year

& were thrilled with their

one catch! Way to go, kids!

At Aransas Pass, (or is it Port Aran-sas?), Chuck Vela caught several Reds, while his cousins Joe Flores & Robbie Peña did OK, too! Joe’s was a really big King fish!

Zach McElvany caught a huge Redfish in Aransas Pass, too! That must be the place to go!

Or is maybe Destin Island, Florida, the place to get BIG ones, like Hector Farias did!??

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SO very glad that Drake DeWall & a friend were NOT hurt in a recent Mitsubishi roll-over in San Antonio! Drake was not the driver, & thankfully, he & his friend are OK, as reported by his mom, Diana Alicia! (We won’t confirm, but was texting a factor?)

Joining the ranks of small plane pilots was Matt Wright, out in Pen-sacola, Florida! Con-gratulations on having soloed, Matthew!

Maybe he’ll meet up in some airport one day w/cousin Bud Reed, who flies w/the CAP over in Tampa !!

Matt’s brother, Daniel, & dad, Mike, are all qualified pilots, while sis, Rachel, who can also fly a plane, instead likes free-falling & parachuting!!?? The Wrights & Mike’s uncle, Meme Salinas, are all former Aggies! Bud attended San Diego State University in California!

Meme belonged to the Navy Flying Club while stationed in Monterrey, CA. He & Mike (who was based at Merced, CA) often flew Cessnas & Cherokees all over California & Nevada!

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u G U S T A

Salinas Scandal Sheet Staff:

Alice Reed—Riverside, CA

Diana Farias—Laredo

Norma Hagy—Laredo

Meme Salinas—Asst. Editor, Laredo

Lily Wright—Editor, Bulverde

04-Ian Stoltz 05-Gonzalo Farias

05-Zach McElvany

08-Isabella Farias

18-James Swisher

20-Don Graesser 22-Maria Salinas

22-William Post

23-Julie Langford 23-Alexa DeWall

26-Diana DeWall

26-Perry “Bud” Reed

All kin is invited to send photos or info of interest to Yours Truly!

17-Steve Wright