JOB PRINTING For letterheads, folders, circulars consult Times Job Printing Department, T H E AND THE SHORE TIMES T I M E S Buy only from responsible merchants. Consult Times advertising column for stored of proved integrity. VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory Day Celebration Special Evening Services At St. Paul’s And West Grove; Victory Announcement Over Auditorium Loud Speaker. Plans for the celebration of V-E day have been made in ; Neptune and Ocean Grove. The determination of;the day will be by official proclamation of the Allies. Churches, including St. Paul’s and West Grove, will be open for special services in the evening. The township offices, schools and stores will cIobc. The churches and the Auditorium, will be open for prayer during the day. At ^ meeting ■ of the Neptune township committee. Tuesday night Chairman Beck read the commit- tee’s plan for thc observation of the event. All businesses will; be asked to obsorvo closing rules simi- lar to those effected in neighboring municipalities. If the victory announcement is made before noon, offices and stores will close for the remainder of the day; if the announcement is after noon, places will close immediately and remain closed the following day. If there is no Victory in Eu- rope announcement before, noon on a Sunday, places will open the fol- lowing day, but if the aiinounce- All Wood Fighter Design Among Newest Army Products Holbrook Liberated From German Camp Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Holbrook, 81 Heck sivcnuc, received a V-mail letter Monday from their son, Pfc. Robert R. Holbrook, jr . telling of his liberation from a German prisoner of war camp and his ar- rival in England. Private Holbrook wrote that he was flown from Germany to Eng- land on April 25 and that he ex- pected to be moved to a general hospital “tomorrow.” ile also add- ed, “I expect to be home in a month or so." ' Private Holbrook had been miss- ing in action, since December 10, but it wasn’t until.'April 11 that his/family learned that he was tak- en captive and hold at the prisoner of war camp in Muhlenberg, Ger- many. He . was a member of tlie 106th infantry unit' trapped on the Aachen front liy the German army breaUthru the latter part of Dec- ember. -V —r- UUGES VICTORY GARDENS Still Plenty of Time tc t’lan Says Prof. Helyar of Rutgers There’s still plenty of time to nlan and plant u victory garden in New Jersey That fact was em phasized today by Prof. F. G. Hel- yar, director of resident instruc- tion at the N. J. College of Agri- culture and chairman of the State Victory Garden committee, follow- ing up urgent appeals by President Truman and Governor Edge for in- creased home vegetable produc- tion. ProfesBor Helyar said that many nutritious vegetables, sucli as to- matoes, snap beans, carrots, beets, rutabagas, chard, broccoli and cab- bage can be planted as late as June 10 in ail sections of the State in time to mature a crop. Free copies of a “Manual for New Jersey Homo Vegetable Gardeners" can be ob- tained from county agricultural agents or the College of Agricul- ture at New Brunswick. : ___ ,—v — Gray Lady Class Opens May 8 The new Red Cross gray lady day class to be trained for service in Monmouth Memorial and Fitkir. Memorial hospitals, will begin May 8, Mrs. 8ruco Berckmans, chairman ■ gray lady corps, Mon- mouth county chapter, American Red Cross announced today. Mrs, Berckmans said that the need for more gray ladies who will servo in civilian hospitals- ir. the county; during the day time,' is urgent. For interviews call Mrs. Berck- mans, Red Bank 3443 at the chap- . ter house. MOTHER’S DAY Cards at Openshaw’s, The Greeting Card Store”, 60 Main Ave;—Adv. ment is made after noon on a Sun- day, Monday will be a holiday. Schools have arranged appropri- ate exercises prior to early closing if the armistice is announced dur- ing school hours. If there is an armistice proclamation before 8 a. m. any day, there will be no ses- sions that day. The Victory day announcement will be carried over the loud speak- er system in the tower of the Audi- torium, according to Manager Thoma. The church bells and fire siren will also announce the event. A special Victory sign has been prepared by Artist Arch Griffith for erection in front of the Audi- torium, surmounted by a flag and eagle, commemorating the differ- ent branches of the armed services in which the sons and daughters of Ocean Grove and Neptune are serving. : ------—V—— ---- License Amendment Adopted By lownsfiip Ordinance Regarding Mercantile License Fee to Come Up For Final Passage on May 15. An amendment to the mercantile license' ordinance adding distribu- tors of magazines and other per- iodicals was adopted on first read- ing by the Neptune township Tues- day night. It sets si license fee of $35 and will come up for final pas- sage,on May 15. ' A complaint by. Mrs. Jane Wil- liams, Springwood' avenue, Ncp- i tune, and Glenn Hines, of the AVest Side Community center, against conditions :.n the neighborhood of Hampton Inn, inc.; Springwood and Drummond avenues, was heard by the committee. They said that girls had been annoyed by. sailors leav- ing the bar. The complaints were referred, to tho police department. In the course' of the discussion it Was pointed out by the members of the committee that strict sur- yeilmieb, of the few. bars existing in the Township was the constant , aim of the committee. There are j only.,13 licensed' places permitted j iii the township, iis. compared with 05 in Asbury Park. ' No licenses arc permitted tri be issued on Cor- iies avenue or South Main street A limited restaurant liquor license was given to Harry Strano, Robin road . and Asbury avenue, which ivas within the limit set. Charles Devonian, roads chair- man,. reported that Anclvc,. Leon- ard, Oxonia, Pharo and First ave- nues had been resurfaced. ----- —V- ------- ' This flight shot shows thc Bell Aircraft designed XP-77, an all wood fighter weighing less than 4000 pounds and capable of high speed, high alti- tude performance. t The ship is thc result of a successful engineering, experiment to set whether the trend toward heavier and heavier fighters could be reversed with- out sacrifice of high performance characteristics. Experiments such as thiY arc expected to facilitate future Army and industry developments of fighter aircraft. Grove Boys Hold Pacific Reunion Ensign Philip Bergen Relates Story of Get-Together With Ensign Edward Holi While on Active Dufy. Local Mustang Pilot Now First Lieutenant AN EIGHTH AIR FORCE FIGHTER STATION, ENGLAND —The promotion of Charles C. Cole, jr.,. of Ocean Grove, N; J., from second to first lieutenant has been announced recently at his Eighth Air Force fighter ’ station. The 22-year-old P-oi' Mustang pi - lot participates in strafing, dive- bombing and bomber-escort m is - sions spear-heading -the allied drives in Germany. Betrothal Told Of Doris F. Newbury Announcement has been made this week by Mrs. Florence Mac- Donald, 11G Abbott avenue, of the engagement of her daughter, Miss Doris Florence Newbury, to Clar- ence B, Lillo, son of Albert Henry Lillo, Oak Ridge, Tenn., and the late Mrs. Lillo. Tho wedding will take place June 16. The bride-elect is a graduate of Neptune high school and attended the; Shore Business school, Asbury Park. She is now employed nt the Evans signal laboratory, Belmar. Mr. Lillo is a graduate of the University of North Dakota and is a construction engineer with the J. A. Jones construction company, Oak Ridge, Tenn. . •_------ -V --------- May Party. For Senior Choir A covered dish supper and May day party will be given in St; Paul’s church. Saturday, May 5, for members of tho senior choir and others who have assisted dur- ing the year. Mrs. Bleecker Stir- ling and Mrs. Charles Rugge are in charge of arrangements. A spe- cial program has been arranged, following the>supper which, will be served.at 6:30. ! jr If you want an AUCTIONEER Call WETTUN, A. P. 1499 —15 tf. Charles C. Cole, Jr. Lt. Cole, a-member, of the'301st P-51 Mustang - Fighter • Group, wears the Air1 Medal for his meri- torious, service-oi; numerous com- bat missions over the Reich.1 He is the son of Chaplain and Mrs. Charles C. Cole, sr., of T>3 Main Ave., Ocean.Grove. His wife, Mrs. Mary Cole, lives at 1.11 Radford street, Yonkers, N. Y. • : ' ~ - ;V— Janet Connelly Has Third Birthday Party • .Janet Connelly, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Connelly, 70 Lake avenue, celebrated her third birth- day at a party Wednesday after- noon.. Games were played out on.the lawn after which refreshments were served. Children attending were Billy DuBois, Christine -Poole, Barbarn Lippincott,'Jean Lippincott, Diane Chafey, Judy Williamson, Dorothy Gillum, Mary Lot; Oliver, Dee De- Haven, Gloria Poznanski, Jackie Brace, Hal Jorgensen, Patricia Al- len, Gloria Emerson, and Carol Linda Brophy. —— V ------- . Lins-Salina Nuptials Told Announcement was made this week by Mr. and Mrs. Naldo Sa- lina, of Pittsburg, Kan., )f the marriage of their daughter. Miss Ruth Salinu, to Staff Sgt. William F. Lins, son of Mrs. Margaret B. Lins, 73 Benson avenuej this place. The ceremony took place on March 13 in the parsonage of the-First Methodist church, Pittsburg. Ser- geant Lins .recently returned from the China-Burma-India area where he was a gunner on a B-29. He is temporarily stationed at Bowman field, Ky. Nurses A nd Parents Guests A t !ea May 12 Affair Will Take Place at Red Cross Chapter House; Guest Speakers Listed. Nurses in class one, senior stu- dent nurses and their luirents' will be the guests of honoi ;it a tea to be given by the nurse recruitment committee of Monmouth and Ocean counties at the Shrewsbury head- quarters of tho Monmouth county chapter, American Red Cross, on the afternoon of May 12. The tea takes place on the birthday of Florence Nightingale and will be a tribute to the-women who are fol - lowing in her footsteps,' to serve tlie wounded soldiers' here aiid abroad. The entire senior i'Inss of 50. at the Monmouth Memorial hospital,' the four seniors at Pitkin Memorial hospital, their parents, and the 70 nurses listed ns cl.isls. one and tlveir families have been- invited to/this tea, of which Mrs.' John Bayer -of i Spring Lake, Co-idiairman .'of 'the mir::e recruitment committee, is/in charge. The iy.;o iguost speakers will lie 1st Lt. M arjorie Mirl;i;i. Procurement o.liii-ei of the' Army nurse corps, se-.'-nid service cimi- nia'nd and Lt/AHce Birk, chief nurse <11 ' the Brooklyn’.Naval lios-. pita!,- Brooklyn .. . . . I.tfy jiVimiiers oi th e . cpramittec who will net- us li',‘ .,tcssesnrcMrs. Robert Strunk, oi' Asbury Park, Mrs. ; Harry Inglmg of Freehold.. Mrs. ■Robert Topping of..1 Long Branch' and Mrs.' Howard -Hjggin-: son of Fair Haven. .. Mrs. Herbert J Wes.t of Keyporf will meet the speakers. The. canteen corps of,the chapter is to serve, the tea. Optometrlst-Optician Dr. Joseph F. Heine fir, George M, .McEneany 518 Cookman Ave., A. P, T et .154 Staff Sgt. Don Stratton Arrives . From Italy . Staff Sergeant Donald Stratton, top turret, gunner with the 15th Air Force in Italy, arrived .home Wednesday night to the surprise and pleasure .of his .parents, Mr, aiid Ills. H. W. Stratton, of the Quaker Inn, 37 Main avenue. - He landed at -Norfolk froni Italy and returned home 'iii Fort Dix for a 2G-day leave/- He expects, to report for duty' at Atlantic City and probably will remain in this country for -1 or 5 months training with B-29’s. ... -'• Sgt. Stratton has served in Italy since October last year. He has two brothers in service, both oversells. Captpin Robert Stratton is 8th Air Force statis- tical officer stationed in England and Edward, seaman, 1/c, is serv- ing on a destroyer tender in the South Pacific, Two Ocean Grove boys found the rare opportunity to talk about “the old home town" and swap stories of their present set-up .when they met recently in the Pacific.. They are Ensign Philip N. Bergen, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bergen, 87 Asbury avenue, and Ensign Ed- ward B. IIoll, son of Mr! and Mrs. Lee Holl, 19 Now York avenue. In a letter to his parents this week, Philip, who is-known to all his friends as “Pete", told thc story of how he and Ed managed their first reunion at sea. He’ writes:. “In your 18 Feb; let- ter, just yesterday received, you spoke of Frank and Ed. I saw Ed just a week, ago and he was. in high spirits. We had spotted each other’s ship 2 days prior, but we were too busy with the war. to get ir. Contact except by ; signalling. He saw us first, !i rilile away, and had one ot his signalmen send some-blinker lights to-us. . I gpt .his message, but by the time it was delivered to, me he.was out of sight behind, other, ships.. . "Two days later 1 ‘had,the deck1 (which means I was officer of the '.deck) from 2 a. tii. till 8 a. ni. -.We had had; two air raids-' th at. night and I-w as tired out when dawn came, so that when I. saw Ed’s ship come around our how I couldn’t believe it. They came' close-enough to us so that Ed and I could holler through megaphones.; I told .hint, then. that. I’d be over, to see' him. “I. got off; watch and asked ' our executive officer if I 'could go over to' see Ed. Ho granted-permission, and I got a boat not in use to; run md over. Ed saw me coming.'and had a ladder put over the side of the ship. “We talked of. what wti’il ‘('lone since last.summer—leave.in ’U.S.A.; combat,' Pearl Harbor, etc. For at least 2Ui lojirs -we grinned and swapped stories of .what, we’d done, it u;as a good do.-il -for both: of is to see sopieonc froni home, so .very. ; veiiy far- awayi ' It was a break that 1 .co.uld get to sc-fc him for we. were in coinbal tiit-'n' and ilieie was no t.iWe really lor such nctivi as . a'social call.. We y,'ill. meet; iigaiii no. doiibt' since the' fiinytions-', if otu':respective s|up:i..Uike '.is in tii combat at;tiie iam e tiihe; Ills, type ofisdiip' js' used to unload iitir's .after iiiitinl assault.” Knsigir 'liergeii'; wrbte;;jii:,'a' pre- .yipus.letter^.that, lie saw the famous dag-raising at, .'It, Sil.ribiichi thi'pugh binoculars; . '. - ■ . i’otli boys' have' been life-time buddies, Neptune high; 'School graduates, and former: Auditorium ushers;,.Ensign ' IIoll is-..also' a gi'sitluate 'of the Philadelphia Col^' lege of Pharmacy and Ensign Ber- gen was-graduated from Princeton university. —— V- ------- - Hannah-C rosman Ladies.'Auxiliary Plans First Birthday Celebration Members Of Post Will Be Guests At Anniversary Dinner May 17; Card Party And Bazaar Planned. Plans for the first birth; day party of the Ladies Aux- iliary to the Hannah-Cros- man Post, V.F.W., of Ocean Grove, were made last night at a meeting ;it the post headquarters an Pitman ave- nue The president, 'Mrs. Jean Marshall, presided. The celebration will take-place on Thursday, 'M.ay 17, at a dinner served at the Virginia' Tea Roonrt. An invitation has been extended to Red Point Shortage Causes Ticket Run Men’s Fellowship Plans Popular Dinner pn May 12 to Advance Their Community' Work. Advance.,sale of tickets for the Corned Beef Suppci to . lie served in St. Paul’s Church,; Saturday evening, May 12* by the Men’s Community Fellowship: has been riiuch greater than, iv'as anticipated. It is: feared that there will be in- sufficient food, to accommodate pa- IrpnS'.whb; iiaye not!.secured their tickets by; Saturday,' night. The corned beef., and, cabbage -'.’ill be served between 5,130 and ,S p..in, .. Original plans were made to. feed 150 . people.. Woi'tl of the dinner spread rapidly and .the Fellowship members were tittfckly contacted by friends interested iii'their work to make advance reservations.' EtTort oil. tlie part of the .supper' conimit-. tee succeeded .in obtaining suilicient food for .50 liiore gtiesls tlniu was originally planned-for or, enough to. servo only 200 perr.ons. , Cognizant iif tlie,fact that .many Grove residents' short oi( red points .may wisii to take .advim tage.-of. the popular>“Dtnly,. Moore-'tfppciiiltyVi tit',otK.havu;l)cen set asulo fot' thcif lise. ,Rcsei‘ya,tions may buj,made by (•Uijtii’c/tlng members.'of tlie suppci; conin'iittce. 0. Eniei'soii. (A:sintKy •. ;r,'!r-!5T7l:'.. !!. GiHiini 0j.\M ct:- (:!- ■ (j W. JolinVon i Asbury park members of the post to attend. The organization was instituted’ On May , IS, lfj-11 with a charter- membership of 32. A monioriaV service was observed last night as a tribute to the late Presicient Franklin D. Roosevelt. Plans ' are' underway for a ba- zaar. !o' be held jointly with the post in .August, date to be -an- nounced later- Committees were appointed, as follows: Mrs. Alice Lisle,1 fancy booth; . Mrs. Bessie Sandford, handkerchiefs; -Mrs! Na - omi Downing, white elephant; Mrs. Mary Jane White, food and Mrs. Ellen Paterson, aprons. A card party was also planned lo be held Friday night, .May 25, at. th e home- of Mrs, Marshall, 315 Fifth avenue, Bradley Beach. . Grove Wac Drafts Traffic Maps In Paris ' ; WITH,THE WA'CS IN PARIS— Private First. Class Doris Jean Perkins, 13-1. Clark A venue-, Ocean Grove, New .Jersey, draftsman for the' Army .ir, civilian life, is, now drawing the maps, /graphs and .Charts for; Planning arid Control Division ; of Transportation Corps headquarters in Paris which- are the basis for routing of all supply trallle : .going, to , Germany. Pfc. Perkins is a niembei’ of tlie recent- ly activated 2S)th Tralfic Regulat- ing Group. . ' ,.- ,.- ■ The, 29th' Traiiic ' Regulating Grbtip. coniposed tif."200 Transpor- tatioif Corps Wacs; who are statis- ticians,' adminsthitiye .bflice work- , ers, '- ' draftsmen, ..' stenographers, .swjitchboard- operators .aiid inter- pretefs'kih'elpf;^ regulate .traffic iii tlie .Military Railway Seir .vice,- iihMai b it Operatioi!;-,- and Mo- tor' T'rJin'fjwrt:;. throughout; the en- tjre European Tlientre. '. I'.fc.; JT’crkins • was ;a .ine.ehaiiical (irni'tiniiiii for t!ie;'S.igTi:il .f.'*i'jVs; a t f'Vin’ .- -J..' before slic 1 lt,Ik-ted;-. i;; the'.'v.W 'inien’s . . A rm y Augusta Gibbs Franke Weds Announcement has been made of. the marriage of. Miss Augusta Gibbs Franke, formerly of Occan Grove, and Rev. J. William Boyd, of Rosedale, L. I., N, Y. The cere- mony took place Thursday, April 28, in a Methodist church at Atlan- tic pity. Rev. George Jackson of- ficiated. The bride for irmny years made her home here, at 90 Mt. Zion Way, - - R uthHartnah liis tailed By Local Junior Club Miss Ruth. JRumalt was installed as president of the Ocean Grove Junior Woman’s club on Wednes- day night, succeeding Miss Evelyn Gant. A dinner preceded the eerc- nsony at the Carolina Tea Room. The club presented . Miss Gant with a past president’s; pin. Mrs. John Newbon, chief counsellor, and the new president each received a corsage bouquet. The slate of new officers follows: President, Ruth Hannah; first vice president, Janice Macaulay; second vice president, Lois Polhemus; re- cording secretary, Jane Severs; corresponding secretary, Ethel Trimmer; treasurer, Yvonne Mocli- ridge, and financial secretary, Doris Catley. Others attending. were Sluth McClelland, Frances Platt, Jane Reighton, Betty Shipman, Gertrude Sturni, Eleanor Borden and Mar- jorie Lippincott. Nagle’s Main Centra! Pharmacy Tasty, delicious sandwiches of all UinsU and light iunch' at. Nagle’s Soda Fountain, 43 Main Ave.—adv. AUCTIONEER B. G. Coats, Tel Lg; Er, Licensed and Bonded. —9 »?. 3599. G. IVm. Schwartzes Married 56 Yean Mr. : M r/ - (I. . William S.chvv.lrt:'., Emuitry avenue,' ccleljritted their odtli wedding,anni- versary oh'Wednesday! ,‘A -dinner party was held in the Coiijjs-iii-gfie ch:;,ie over.-e:;s.jn Apt il •!a»t.':yc'aV • anIw 'as.;'s;-'at;:irnil ’ iti ;I,6;itiiiit;, Where: she,flrew'^reffcrence 't'swl.Yor tj;'e';,ir,vtis;io:i, before. comitjgUo EiwiccV.1'' ; I'ahgiii'er'f'!' M r, and Mrs. \V, S. /'erk.inF of iicoan .G'i’.ovc, Pic;,-Per- ■ ;l-;i,n.< biis a- irr'()f!iei:,;:Lielilc^''iant W. ;.S.',l’ijrki!is,' serving with the Army Air ’Corps -ill l ar.ee. Hospital ll(jl(ts Open House '„k N u rs in g ;-.s ii -Var.ee; is ttnVjues- cveniitg. with Only meiiibci's ofrtln). tionabiy / p^nilar with the high" family attending. They lire Airs, i school g’ irl.s,.'1Last .v.;eek.' which was. Edna Rea; o f AllentownY Mr. aiid Mrs.. George ’.Vertz, Air. and Mrs, Harold L. Dey.- also of- Allentown, Miss Ruth Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs; William NV Schwartz, aiid Miss Mary 'Jane Schwartz; ' Mr.- .anil Mrs. .Schwaitz., were married in Camden and Have resid- ed in Ocean Grove.-for. more thair 50 years. .Mr.. Schwartz has 'been associated -with ■ E. , N. Woolston for the past 32 years. '. . The cards, C:idet Niirse Kecruitmer.t Week throughout. the ..'nati.On; the Mon- numth/Memorial Hospital .School o’' Nursing, held Open House on Thursday, afternoon' and invited Koine .10 high schools to send.girls intcrcstcd .i:: nursing-as- a career to the hospital with tiic.ir'faculty advisoi's. Over..bile hundred accept-' ed- the . invitation. The visitors toured fli.e hospital in groups, were entertained nt. tea ’in the Nurses’ couple • received numerous ] residence, and gathered in the Bor- gifts ainl eoiigratulatpoL,,<lcn_A.uditorium.for a question and messages- j answer period, 51 girls came from Key port; Star of the Sea sent 15; .Mrs. Robert Ehglo and Mrs. Dickerson brought 12 from Toms River; Mrs. Kathleen Shafto, R. N, came with li from Matawan and Miss Ruth ) eWail with 3 from Red Bank. Neptune, Long Branch and others were also represented. Miss Rowden Hostess; to Circle Circle E, W.S.C.S., Mrs. Claude Richmond leader, met at. the home of Miss Phcebe Rowden,. 50 Webb avenue. M iss Bertha Deen con- ducted ., the devotions, and Miss Cornelia/Farrington reviewed the last three chapters of the sttidy book, “Thc American Indian”. Those attending were Mrs. II. \V. Allen, Mrs. George Tompkins, Mrs. Neal Tompkins, Mrs Charles Bilnis, Mrs. Calvin Reed, Mrs. Jos- eph Patterson, Mrs. O. H. Hillman, Mrs. Mattie Eyres, M rs.' James Day, Mrs. J. Kuglcr, Miss Sarah R. Wise, Mrs. Richmond, Miss Far- rington, Miss Rowden, Miss Deen, Miss Elizabeth Rowden, Mrs. Wil- liam Gay and Mrs. Eashi, CARROLL H. FRANCIS M. D. U. S. Navy (Re!.) U. S. Vet. Bu. of Phy. Hrs. 4.to 7 P. M. 606 2nd Ave., Asbury Park —lOtf, Men Orderlies Trained The. first class of men volunteer orderlies has finished training at the Monmouth Memorial Hospital and has been .assigned to regular service in th at hospital. After an interview with the Director of Vol- unteer Service, accepted applicants will* enter a period of training -af - ter which they will be assigned to duty. Men of the’Volunteer-Or - derly. .'Corps just '. graduated in-, ilude: C, F. Cavanaugh, Long Branch; Paul Immo Gulden, Rum- stfn; William J. Hazelton, Atlantic Highlands; Robert Mcrtens, Lo- cust; Joseph F. Shanley, Rumson; n:d’ Arthur j; White, Red Bank.

VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4 ... · VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory

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Page 1: VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4 ... · VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory

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Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory Day Celebration

Special Evening Services A t St. Paul’s A n d W e s t G rove; V ictory A nnouncem ent O v e r Auditorium Loud Speaker.

Plans for the celebration of V-E day have been made in ; Neptune and Ocean Grove. The determination of;the day will be by official proclamation of the Allies.

Churches, including S t. P au l’s and W est Grove, will be open fo r special services in th e evening. The tow nship offices, schools and sto res will cIobc. The churches and the A udito rium , will be open fo rp ray e r during the day.

A t ^ m eeting ■ of th e N eptune tow nship com m ittee. Tuesday n ig h t Chairm an Beck read th e com m it­te e ’s plan fo r th c observation of the event. All businesses will; be asked to obsorvo closing ru les sim i­la r to those effected in neighboring m unicipalities.

If the victory announcem ent is m ade before noon, offices and sto re s w ill close fo r the rem ainder of the day; if th e announcem ent is a f te r noon, places will close im m ediately and rem ain closed the follow ing day. I f th e re is no V ictory in E u ­rope announcem ent before, noon on a Sunday, places w ill open the fo l­lowing day, b u t if the aiinounce-

All Wood Fighter Design Among Newest Army Products

Holbrook Liberated From German Camp

Mr. and M rs. R. R. Holbrook, 81 Heck sivcnuc, received a V-mail le tte r Monday from th e ir son, Pfc. Robert R. Holbrook, j r . te lling of h is liberation from a German prisoner of w ar cam p and h is a r ­r ival in England.

P riva te Holbrook w rote th a t he w as flown fro m G erm any to E n g ­land on A pril 25 and th a t he ex­pected to be moved to a general hospital “ tom orrow .” i le also add­ed, “ I expect to be home in a m onth or so." '

P riv a te Holbrook had been m iss­ing in action, since December 10, b u t i t w asn’t un til.'A pril 11 th a t his/fam ily learned th a t he w as ta k ­en captive and hold a t the prisoner of w ar cam p in M uhlenberg, Ger­many. He . w as a m em ber of tlie 106th in fan try unit' trapped on the Aachen f ro n t liy the Germ an arm y breaU thru the la t te r p a r t of Dec­ember.


Still P len ty of T im e tc t’lan Says P rof. H elyar of R utgers

T here’s still p lenty of tim e to nlan and p lan t u victory garden in New Je rsey T h a t fa c t w as em phasized today by P rof. F . G. Hel- yar, d irecto r of resident in struc­tion a t the N. J . College of A gri­cultu re and chairm an of the S ta te V ictory Garden com m ittee, follow­ing up u rg en t appeals by P residen t T rum an and Governor Edge fo r in­creased home vegetable produc­tion.

ProfesBor H elyar said th a t m any nu tritio u s vegetables, sucli as to ­m atoes, snap beans, carro ts , beets, ru tab ag as, chard, broccoli and cab­bage can be p lanted a s la te as June 10 in ail sections of th e S ta te in tim e to m atu re a crop. F ree copies of a “ M anual fo r New Je rsey Homo V egetable G ardeners" can be ob­ta in ed from county ag ricu ltu ra l ag en ts o r the College of A gricul­tu re a t New Brunswick.

: ___ ,— v — —

G ray Lady C lass Opens May 8 The new Red Cross g ray lady

day class to be tra in ed fo r service in Monmouth M emorial and Fitkir. M em orial hospitals, w ill begin M ay 8, M rs. 8ruco Berckm ans, chairm an ■ gray lady corps, Mon­m outh county chap ter, A m erican Red Cross announced today. Mrs, Berckm ans said th a t th e need fo r m ore g ray ladies who w ill servo in civilian hospitals- ir. th e county; d uring th e day tim e,' is u rgent. F o r interview s call Mrs. Berck­m ans, Red Bank 3443 a t th e chap-

. te r house.

M OTHER’S DAY C ards at O penshaw’s, T h e G reeting Card S tore”, 60 M ain Ave;—Adv.

m ent is made a f te r noon on a Sun­day, Monday will be a holiday.

Schools have a rranged appropri­a te exercises prior to early closing if the arm istice is announced d u r­ing school hours. I f th e re is an arm istice proclam ation before 8 a. m. any day, there will be no ses­sions th a t day.

The V ictory day announcem ent will be carried over the loud speak­e r system in the tow er of th e Audi­torium , according to M anager Thoma. T he church bells and fire s iren will also announce the event. A special V ictory sign has been p repared by A rtis t Arch Griffith fo r erection in fro n t of the A udi­torium , surm ounted by a flag and eagle, com m em orating th e differ­en t branches of the arm ed services in which th e sons and daughters of Ocean Grove and N eptune are serving.

: ------—V——----

License A m endm ent A d o p te d By lownsfiip

Ordinance Regarding M ercantile License Fee to Come Up For F inal P assage on M ay 15.

An am endm ent to the m ercantile license' ordinance adding d istribu ­to rs of m agazines and o ther p er­iodicals was adopted on firs t read ­ing by the N eptune tow nship T ues­day n ight. I t se ts si license fee of $35 and will come up fo r final p as­sage,on May 15. '

A com plaint by. Mrs. Ja n e W il­liams, S pringw ood ' avenue, Ncp-

i tune, and Glenn Hines, of the AVest Side Community center, against conditions :.n the neighborhood of H am pton Inn, inc.; Springwood and Drummond avenues, w as heard by the com m ittee. They said th a t g irls had been annoyed by. sailors leav­ing the bar. The com plaints were referred , to tho police departm ent.

In the course ' of the discussion it W as pointed out by the members of the com m ittee th a t s tr ic t sur- yeilmieb, o f the few. b ars ex isting in the Township w as the constan t

, aim of the com m ittee. T here are j only.,13 licensed ' places perm itted j iii the township, iis. com pared w ith

05 in A sbury Park . ' No licenses a rc perm itted tri be issued on Cor­iies avenue or South Main s t r e e t A limited re s ta u ra n t liquor license w as given to H a rry S trano , Robin road . and A sbury avenue, which ivas within the lim it set.

Charles Devonian, roads ch a ir­man,. reported th a t A nclvc,. Leon­ard, Oxonia, P haro and F irs t ave­nues had been resurfaced.

• ----- — V - ------- '

This flight shot shows thc Bell Aircraft designed XP-77, an all wood fighter weighing less than 4000 pounds and capable of high speed, high alti­tude performance. t

The ship is thc result of a successful engineering, experiment to set whether the trend toward heavier and heavier fighters could be reversed with­out sacrifice of high performance characteristics. Experiments such as thiY arc expected to facilitate future Army and industry developments of fighter aircraft.

Grove Boys Hold Pacific Reunion

Ensign Philip Bergen Relates S tory of G et-Together W ith Ensign Edw ard Holi W hile on Active Dufy.

Local Mustang Pilot Now First Lieutenant

AN EIG H TH AIR FORCE FIG H TER STATION, ENGLAND — The promotion o f Charles C. Cole, jr.,. of Ocean Grove, N; J., from second to first lieu tenan t has been announced recently a t his E ighth A ir Force fighter ’ sta tion . The 22-year-old P-oi' M ustang p i­lo t p artic ipa tes in strafing , dive- bombing and bom ber-escort m is ­sions spear-heading -the allied drives in Germany.

Betrothal Told O f Doris F. Newbury

A nnouncem ent has been made th is week by M rs. F lorence Mac­Donald, 11G A bbo tt avenue, of the engagem ent of h er daughter, Miss D oris Florence N ew bury, to C lar­ence B, Lillo, son of A lbert H enry Lillo, Oak Ridge, Tenn., and the la te Mrs. Lillo. Tho w edding will tak e place Ju n e 16.

The bride-elect is a g rad u a te o f N eptune h igh school and attended the; Shore Business school, A sbury P ark . She is now employed n t the E vans signal laboratory , Belmar.

Mr. Lillo is a g rad u a te o f the U niversity of N orth D akota and is a construction engineer w ith th e J. A. Jones construction company, Oak Ridge, Tenn.

. •_------ -V ---------May P a r ty . F o r Senior ChoirA covered dish supper and May

day p a r ty w ill be given in St; P au l’s church . Satu rday , May 5, fo r m em bers of th o senior choir and o thers who have assisted dur­ing th e year. M rs. Bleecker S tir­ling and Mrs. C harles Rugge are in charge of arrangem en ts. A spe­cial program has been arranged , follow ing the>supper which, will be se rv e d .a t 6:30.

! j r I f you w ant an A U C TIO N EER

Call W E T T U N , A . P. 1499 — 15 tf .

C harles C. Cole, J r .

L t. Cole, a-m em ber, of th e '3 0 1 s t P-51 M ustang - F ig h te r • Group, w ears the A ir1 Medal for his m eri­torious, service-oi; num erous com­b a t m issions over the R e ich .1 He is the son of Chaplain and Mrs. C harles C. Cole, sr., of T>3 Main Ave., Ocean.Grove. His wife, Mrs. M ary Cole, lives a t 1.11 R adford stree t, Yonkers, N. Y.

• : ' ~ - ;V— —

Janet Connelly Has Third Birthday Party• .Ja n e t Connelly, d augh ter of .Mr.

and M rs. Joseph Connelly, 70 Lake avenue, celebrated her th ird b ir th ­day a t a p a rty W ednesday a f te r ­noon ..

Games were played out o n .th e lawn a f te r which refreshm ents were served.

Children a ttend ing were Billy DuBois, C hristine -Poole, B arbarn L ip p in co tt,'Jean L ippincott, D iane Chafey, Judy W illiamson, Dorothy Gillum, M ary Lot; Oliver, Dee De- H aven, Gloria Poznanski, Jack ie Brace, Hal Jorgensen, P a tric ia A l­len, Gloria Em erson, and Carol L inda Brophy.

—— V-------—.Lins-Salina N up tia ls Told

Announcem ent w as m ade th is week by Mr. and Mrs. Naldo Sa- lina, of P ittsb u rg , Kan., )f the m arriag e of th e ir daughter. Miss Ruth Salinu, to Staff Sgt. W illiam F . Lins, son of Mrs. M arg are t B. Lins, 73 Benson avenuej th is place. The cerem ony took place on M arch 13 in the parsonage of th e -F ir s t M ethodist church, P ittsb u rg . S er­g e a n t Lins .recently re tu rned from the C hina-B urm a-India a re a w here he w as a gunner on a B-29. H e is tem porarily sta tioned a t Bowman field, Ky.

Nurses A n d Parents Guests A t !ea M ay 12

A ffair Will T ake Place a t RedCross C hapter House; GuestSpeakers Listed.

N urses in class one, senior s tu ­den t nurses and th e ir luirents' will be the guests o f honoi ;it a te a to be given by the nurse recruitm ent com m ittee of Monmouth and Ocean counties a t the Shrewsbury head­qu a rte rs of tho Monmouth county chapter, Am erican Red Cross, on the afternoon of May 12. The tea takes place on the birthday of Florence N ightingale and will be a tr ib u te to the-women who are fo l­lowing in h er footsteps,' to serve tlie wounded soldiers' here aiid abroad.

The en tire senior i'Inss of 50. a t the Monmouth Memorial hospital,' the four seniors a t P itkin M emorial hospital, their parents, and the 70 nurses listed ns cl.isls. one and tlveir fam ilies have been- invited to /th is tea, of which Mrs.' John Bayer - of i Spring Lake, Co-idiairman .'of 'the m ir::e recruitm ent com m ittee, is /in charge. The iy.;o iguost speakers will lie 1st Lt. M a rjo r ie M irl;i;i. Procurem ent o.liii-ei of th e ' Army nurse corps, se-.'-nid service cimi- nia'nd and L t/A H ce Birk, chief nurse <11' the Brooklyn’.N aval lios-. pita!,- B rooklyn.. . .. I.tfy jiVimiiers oi t h e . cpram ittec who will net- us li',‘.,tc s se s n rc M rs . Robert S trunk , oi' A sbury Park, Mrs. ; H arry Inglm g of Freehold.. Mrs. ■ Robert Topping of..1 Long B ranch ' and Mrs.' Howard -H jg g in -: son of F a ir Haven. .. Mrs. H erbert J Wes.t of Keyporf will m eet the speakers. The. canteen corps of,the chap ter is to serve, the tea.

O ptom etrlst-O ptician Dr. Joseph F . H eine

f ir, George M, .M cEneany 518 Cookman Ave., A. P , T e t .154

Staff Sgt. Don Stratton Arrives . From Italy. S taff Sergeant Donald S tra tton ,

top tu rre t, gunner w ith the 15th A ir Force in Italy, a rrived .home W ednesday night to the surprise and p leasure .of his .parents, Mr, aiid I l ls . H . W. S tra tton , of the Q uaker Inn, 37 Main avenue.- H e landed a t -Norfolk fron i Ita ly and retu rned home 'iii F o r t Dix fo r a 2G-day leave/- H e expects, to rep o rt fo r du ty ' a t A tlan tic City and probably will rem ain in th is country fo r -1 or 5 m onths tra in ing w ith B-29’s. . . .- '•

Sgt. S tra tto n has served in I ta ly since October las t year.

He has two bro thers in service, both oversells. Captpin Robert S tra tto n is 8th A ir Force s ta tis ­tical officer stationed in E ngland and Edw ard, seaman, 1/c, is se rv ­ing on a destroyer tender in the South Pacific,

Two Ocean Grove boys found the ra re opportunity to talk about “ the old home town" and sw ap sto ries of the ir presen t set-up .when they m et recently in the Pacific.. They are Ensign Philip N. Bergen, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bergen, 87 A sbury avenue, and Ensign Ed­ward B. IIoll, son of Mr! and M rs. Lee Holl, 19 Now York avenue.

In a le tte r to his p aren ts th is week, Philip, who is-know n to all his friends as “ Pete", told thc story of how he and Ed m anaged their first reunion a t sea.

He’ w rites:. “In your 18 Feb; le t­te r, ju s t yesterday received, you spoke of F rank and Ed. I saw Ed ju s t a week, ago and he was. in high sp irits. We had spotted each o ther’s ship 2 days prior, bu t we were too busy w ith the war. to get ir. Contact except by ; signalling. He saw us first, ! i rilile away, and had one ot his signalm en send som e-blinker ligh ts to -u s. . I gpt .his message, b u t by the tim e it was delivered to, me he .w as out of sig h t behind, other, ships... "Two days la te r 1 ‘h ad ,the deck1 (which m eans I was officer of the

'.deck) from 2 a. tii. till 8 a. ni. -.We had had; two a ir raids-' t h a t . n ight and I -w a s tired out when dawn came, so th a t when I. saw Ed’s ship come around our how I couldn’t believe it. They came' close-enough to us so th a t Ed and I could holler through megaphones.; I told .hint, then. that. I ’d be over, to see' him.

“ I. got off; watch and asked ' our executive officer if I 'could go over to ' see Ed. Ho granted-perm ission, and I got a boat not in use to; run md over. Ed saw me coming.'and had a ladder p u t over the side of the ship.

“W e talked of. w hat wti’il ‘('lone since last.sum m er—leave.in ’U.S.A.; combat,' P earl H arbor, etc. F o r a t least 2Ui lo jirs -we grinned and sw apped stories of .what, we’d done, i t u;as a good do.-il -for both: of is to see sopieonc froni home, so .very.

; veiiy far- awayi ' I t was a break th a t 1 .co.uld g e t to sc-fc him for w e. were in coinbal tiit-'n' and ilie ie was no t.iWe really lo r such nctivi as . a 's o c ia l call.. We y,'ill. meet; iigaiii no. doiibt' since the' fiinytions-', i f otu':respective s|up:i..Uike '.is in tii combat a t;t i ie ia m e tiihe; Ills, type ofisdiip' js' used to unload iitir's.after iiiitinl assau lt.”

Knsigir 'liergeii'; wrbte;;jii:,'a' pre- .yipus.letter^.that, lie saw th e fam ous dag-ra ising at, .'It, Sil.ribiichi thi'pugh binoculars; . '. - ■.

i’otli boys' have' been life-tim e buddies, N eptune high; 'School graduates, and former: Auditorium u sh e rs ; ,.E n s ig n ' IIoll is-..also ' a gi'sitluate 'of th e Philadelphia Col^' lege of Pharm acy and Ensign Ber­gen w as-graduated from Princeton university.

— — V-------- -

Hannah-C rosman Ladies.'Auxiliary Plans First Birthday Celebration

M embers Of Post W ill Be Guests A t Anniversary Dinner M ay 17; Card Party A n d Bazaar Planned.

Plans for the first birth; day party of the Ladies Aux­iliary to the Hannah-Cros- man Post, V.F.W., of Ocean Grove, were m ade last night a t a meeting ;it the post headquar te rs an Pitman ave­nue The president, 'Mrs. Jean Marshall, presided.

The celebration will tak e-p lace on Thursday, 'M.ay 17, a t a dinner served a t the V irginia ' Tea Roonrt. An invitation has been extended to

Red Point Shortage Causes Ticket Run

Men’s Fellowship Plans Popular D inner pn May 12 to Advance Their C om m unity ' Work.

Advance.,sale of tickets fo r the Corned Beef Suppci to . lie served in St. P au l’s Church,; Saturday evening, May 12* by the Men’s Community Fellowship: has been riiuch g rea te r than, iv'as anticipated. I t is: feared th a t there will be in­sufficient food, to accommodate pa-IrpnS'.whb; iiaye not!.secured their tickets by; Saturday,' n ight. The corned beef., and, cabbage -'.’ill be served between 5,130 and ,S p..in, ..

Original p lans were made to. feed 150 . people.. Woi'tl of the dinner spread rapid ly and .the Fellowship members were tittfckly contacted by friends interested iii 'th e ir work to make advance reservations.' EtTort oil. tlie p art of the .supper' conimit-. tee succeeded .in obtaining suilicient food fo r .50 liiore gtiesls tlniu w as o rig ina lly planned-for or, enough to. servo only 200 perr.ons. ,

C o g n izan t iif t l ie , f a c t th a t .m any G rove re s id en ts ' s h o r t oi( red p o in ts .m ay w isii to t a k e .advim tage.-of. t h e p o p u la r> “ Dtnly,. Moore-'t fppciiiltyVi tit',o tK .havu;l)cen s e t asu lo fo t' th c if lise. ,R csei‘ya,tions may buj,made by (•Uijtii’c/tlng m em b ers .'o f tlie suppci; conin 'iittce. 0 . E niei'soii. (A :sintKy •. ;r,'!r-!5T 7l:'.. !!. GiHiini 0 j.\M c t:- (:!- ■ (j W. JolinVon i A sb u ry p a rk

members of the post to attend .The organization w as in s titu ted ’

On May , IS, lfj-11 w ith a c h a r te r - m em bership of 32.

A monioriaV service was observed last n ight as a tribu te to the late Presicient F ranklin D. Roosevelt.

P lans ' a r e ' underw ay for a ba­z a a r . !o' be held jo in tly w ith the post in . A ugust, date to be -an­nounced later- Committees were appointed, as follows: Mrs. Alice L isle ,1 fancy booth; . Mrs. Bessie Sandford, handkerch iefs; -Mrs! N a­omi Downing, white e lephant; Mrs. M ary Jan e W hite, food and Mrs. Ellen Paterson , aprons.

A card p a rty w as also planned lo be held F riday night, .May 25, a t. t h e home- of Mrs, M arshall, 315 F ifth avenue, Bradley Beach. .

Grove Wac Drafts Traffic Maps In Paris

' ; W ITH ,TH E WA'CS IN PA RIS— P riv a te F irs t. Class Doris Jean Perkins, 13-1. Clark A venue-, Ocean Grove, New .Jersey, d raftsm an for the' A rm y .ir, civilian life, is, nowdraw ing the maps, /g rap h s and .Charts fo r; P lanning arid Control Division ; of T ran sp o rta tio n Corps headquarters in P aris w hich- a re the basis fo r routing of all supply trallle : .going, to , Germany. Pfc. Perkins is a niembei’ of tlie recen t­ly activated 2S)th Tralfic R egula t­ing Group. • . ' ,.- ,.- ■

The, 29th' Traiiic ' R egulating Grbtip. coniposed tif."200 T ranspor- ta tio if Corps Wacs; who are s ta tis ­tic ians,' adm insth itiye .bflice w ork- , ers, '- ' draftsm en, ..' s tenographers, .swjitchboard- operato rs .aiid inter- pretefs'kih'elpf;^ regu la te

.traffic iii tlie .Military R ailw ay Seir .vice,- iihMai b i t Operatioi!;-,- and Mo­tor' T'rJin'fjwrt:;. throughout; the en- tjre European Tlientre.

'. I '.fc .; JT’c r k i n s • w a s ;a . in e .e h a i i ic a l

( i r n i ' t i n i i i i i f o r t!ie ;'S .igT i:il .f.'*i'jVs; a t f 'V in ’.- -J..' b e f o r e s l i c 1

lt, I k-ted;-. i;; t h e '. 'v .W 'in i e n ’s . . A r m y

A ugusta Gibbs F ranke Weds Announcem ent has been made

of. the m arriage of. Miss A ugusta Gibbs F ranke, form erly o f Occan Grove, and Rev. J . W illiam Boyd, of Rosedale, L. I., N, Y. The cere ­m ony took place T hursday , A pril 28, in a M ethodist church a t A tlan ­tic p ity . Rev. George Jackson of­ficiated. The bride fo r irmny years made h er home h e re , a t 90 Mt. Zion W ay, - -

R uthHartnah liis tailed By Local Junior Club

Miss Ruth. JRum alt w as installed as president of the Ocean Grove Junior W oman’s club on W ednes­day night, succeeding Miss Evelyn Gant. A dinner preceded the eerc-nsony a t the Carolina Tea Room.

The club presented . Miss Gant with a p a s t presiden t’s; pin. Mrs. John Newbon, chief counsellor, and the new presiden t each received a corsage bouquet.

The sla te of new officers follows: President, Ruth H annah; firs t vice president, Janice M acaulay; second vice president, Lois Polhem us; re ­cording secre tary , Jan e Severs; corresponding secre tary , E thel Trim m er; treasu re r, Yvonne Mocli- ridge, and financial secre tary , Doris Catley.

O thers a t te n d in g . w ere Sluth McClelland, F rances P la tt, Jan e Reighton, B etty Shipman, G ertrude Sturni, E leanor Borden and M a r­jorie Lippincott.

N agle’s Main C entra! Pharm acy T asty , delicious sandwiches of all

UinsU and light iunch' a t. N agle’s Soda Fountain , 43 M ain Ave.—adv.

AU C TIO N EER B. G. Coats, Tel Lg; E r,

Licensed and Bonded.—9 »?.


G. IVm. Schwartzes Married 56 Yean

M r. : M r / - (I. . W illiam S.chvv.lrt:'., E m uitry avenue,'ccleljritted th e ir odtli w ed d in g ,a n n i­v e rsa ry oh 'W ed n esd ay !

,‘A -dinner party was held in the

Coiijjs-iii-gfie ch:;,ie over.-e:;s.jn Apt il •!a»t.':yc'aV • a n I w 'a s .; 's ; - 'a t ; : i r n i l ’ iti ;I,6;itiiiit;, W here: she,flrew '^reffcrence

't'swl.Yor tj;'e';,ir,vtis;io:i, b efo re . comitjgUo EiwiccV.1' ' ;

I 'ah g iii 'e r 'f '! ' M r, and M rs. \V, S. /'e rk .inF o f iicoan .G'i’.ovc, P ic ;,-P e r- ■

;l-;i,n.< biis a- irr'()f!iei:,;:Lielilc^''iant W . ;.S.',l’ijrki!is,' s e rv in g w ith th e A rm y A ir ’C orps -ill l ar.ee.

Hospital ll(jl(ts Open House'„k N u rs in g ;-.s ii -Var.ee; is ttnVjues-

cveniitg . w ith Only m eiiibci's o f rtln). t io n a b iy / p ^ n i la r w ith th e h ig h " fa m ily a t te n d in g . T h ey lire A irs , i school g ’irl.s,.'1 L a s t .v.;eek.' w hich was.Edna Rea; o f AllentownY Mr. aiid Mrs.. George ’.Vertz, A ir. and Mrs, H arold L. Dey.- also of- Allentown, M iss Ruth Schw artz, Mr. and Mrs; William NV Schwartz, aiid Miss Mary 'Jane Schw artz; '

Mr.- .anil Mrs. .Schw aitz., were m arried in Camden and Have resid ­ed in Ocean Grove.-for. more th a ir 50 years. .Mr.. Schw artz has 'been associated -with ■ E. , N. Woolston for the past 32 years. '.. The


C:idet Niirse Kecruitmer.t W eek th ro u g h o u t. the ..'nati.On; the Mon- num th/M em orial Hospital .School o’' N ursing, held Open House on T hursday, afternoon' and invited Koine .10 high schools to send .g irls in tcrcstcd .i:: nursing-as- a career to the hospital w ith tiic .ir'facu lty advisoi's. Over..bile hundred accept-' ed- the . invitation. The visitors toured fli.e hospital in groups, were en tertained nt. tea ’in the N urses’

couple • received num erous ] residence, and gathered in the Bor- g if ts ainl eoiigratulatpoL,,<lcn_A.uditorium.for a question and

messages- j answ er period, 51 g irls camefrom Key port; S ta r of the Sea sent 15; .Mrs. Robert Ehglo and Mrs. Dickerson brought 12 from Toms R iver; Mrs. K athleen Shafto, R. N, came with li from M atawan and Miss R uth ) eWail with 3 from Red Bank. Neptune, Long Branch and others were also represented.

Miss Rowden Hostess; to Circle Circle E , W.S.C.S., Mrs. Claude

Richmond leader, m et at. the home of Miss Phcebe Rowden,. 50 Webb avenue. M is s B ertha Deen con­ducted ., the devotions, and Miss C o rn e lia /F a rrin g to n reviewed the la s t three chap ters of the sttidy book, “Thc Am erican Indian”. Those attend ing were Mrs. II. \V. Allen, Mrs. George Tompkins, Mrs. Neal Tompkins, Mrs Charles Bilnis, Mrs. Calvin Reed, Mrs. Jo s ­eph Patterson , M rs. O. H. Hillman, Mrs. M attie E yres, M rs . ' Jam es Day, Mrs. J . K uglcr, Miss Sarah R. Wise, Mrs. Richmond, Miss F a r­rington, Miss Rowden, Miss Deen, Miss Elizabeth Rowden, Mrs. Wil­liam Gay and Mrs. Eashi,

CARROLL H. FRANCIS M. D. U. S. Navy (Re!.)

U. S. Vet. Bu. of Phy.H rs. 4 .to 7 P. M.

606 2nd Ave., A sbury P ark —lOtf,

Men O rderlies Trained The. first class of men volunteer

orderlies has finished tra in ing a t th e Monmouth Memorial H ospital and has been .assigned to reg u la r service in t h a t hospital. A fter an interview with th e D irector of Vol­unteer Service, accepted applicants will* en te r a period of tra in in g -af­te r which they will be assigned to duty. Men of th e ’ V olun teer-O r­derly. .'Corps ju s t '. graduated in-, ilude: C, F . C avanaugh, L ong Branch; Paul Immo Gulden, Rum- stfn; W illiam J . Hazelton, A tlan tic H ighlands; R obert M crtens, L o­cust; Joseph F . Shanley, Rum son; n:d’ A rth u r j ; W hite, Red Bank.

Page 2: VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4 ... · VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory

1* A Ci t& T W. 0 FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945

m i: .\N u u o V K M rjur i I i’ll i' i'll I

w in .* it; H. >1 orrin Hn J nimnl A mlerMitt '" C n rd u rr' l \ A Hi1*! , J u l iu s II.. A t S h lr lry K. A 'w h i n a i m « m»h ; " ,Jnrfc A yvn dian .lull 11 W. Itiiln, Jr.WI1I1:)in <5. .lin k er I.Vmt lturlo Kohrrt l«. U nrto 'Wiirn*r '.I. Urn t tie

- t . It. iuiin* ,lr.; • ltlch iin i .'I. IJeieher A rllin i’ 1». Hennett.<1 n inr *" Iti'ii ilr tl K ohrrt C. Hrrurtt ;

'. I*]!lllp N. . 1*1*TKl'll ■ - All-Ill 1*.* I 'i l l ' . -Jr. • HiTiriitit s . n llls i J r . . t i It **!••* rt IHneMnek ' ■Willhim H- n iiu iftia r .l v Ali'ri'd • 1*. HylMMU A ii«*ii iinr*ii‘« .H lihnrd >1. I* i*r*l‘‘» . W ill In in H rrnnrrkrt.jr . .foil il W . It ri! li ill’ll ^ • MiirituiTMr J» H rler lcy . j,c i't Urnniue. jr.I tin ill W. -Brown i t . Wiirri*n Hrnwn

H iT i.i rt It. H u sh . Jr. •Norninii f iin i|ih r ll V h lo.r I', fa r r le k W ilt la in A. C arrlrk ' A iiif it t'n tirv .T . 1 1 ml ford r n t lr y Hurry Thuinliorlii Kielinr.i 31. i l l l i i S in n try I., r la y to n . O rorur «*r .innu"* f n d r r •.— •C lifford T o lr .W illiu in J .V n lH er O rn rcr H anlrN lto h tr l 1 U n vN .Hlrhn rd He It ii rt • .II an it M Ur H ose KiMini'tlr !!•* 'taM* ■

T ii ii in u s J . I »«* % tin .TnrH llr tiilu sliw n iu i-.i t>HIW ulti r 1... D rill H um id i:. Itu nkrrley (h n r lr * I)nan A rthur 11. H letz. .If. .liui'i"; K. I'a^ lry, Jr. Stnnli'v KrhnrhrrH. A h in i:vor«*tt <;ronre r a il , nr r, ,lr. JitiiH'-i s . T n rr ls W Hll:iin .1. K ttzimlrlrfc Ki'iiiM't/i t ’|l /|* n tr lrk ■, Jftin I’nrhr*A lfi,*-l V‘«mrr’ t • .«;i-nruI- ■ F rlrk ’ f . i u ar h . K ii I tonITriu—lliii' - 11u in hie-(;. W.' C arrnhrnnl \ ' ,lutn» ' It. (inrriiiirjim lt / lii'iisrlu*! H;. H arw ood . m iio v . umi»io«i%.' ■ i: 1 1-n o r th ■>'. ‘•'If*. *: 1 »u til«-1 \ * i. iliun

• ltu i uioiid ,IJ rtii.'l<• : ■ ' • v ~ .tiltin''* I* 1 1* v ;* 1 1 • , >,4-'r Krik it. (liipiki*\V ill ill iii ■ ti l»)WilMa ni X , n » r ..(ir.iiil; .1. Hi* -i* rintt tt • / .|n-*-l'ii Uni:rrnmu,.. ;'•• I!nl..-rt- II a If IIM’r 11 . •; ’ W il'tl f ' 11II.M fin'll .

' J nil II tlni)i.‘i»\ ;A lli-ii It n li nullNMfinnit Iliinnuji I*) .' /.;It(il)i'r| UuiOi:itr

Jii nirs ltu riiililoll ltu ) in >i ii il llur^ailo ii

•- i ii 'lo it l la t x i in i ' . w. ill in in l ln ir ls II. .M.viiui ll;trri« ..

. .tnroll ilnu>*sliiiir. Uril • W iliiuin A'. I lr la tz . Jr.; .la iui'^ .'fln iilrlrksoH . v .lit iim'.s • 1 1 »• ri*i'_rf Itoiirrt 1 1 oil. rook; jr..

; Friink lio li. , .•.IMuitril it. t i o l l • - \ Iii.utiVl’J' Holt-',,

v ({Iriairir ll;»l/.W lllln i|i Uiml»i'*i.

■ ( liarlrH U\ 11 nut<*r . :31 iirfIn *11 i'irl«;y . *. ■

• itt* ir in ii hi H iirtry 'i:vim !•:. .lu inrs ? ; (Jr.oiri* It. .liin ii'S Jr.« .

. llnM urii .Inniounran,' Jr.- t lia^. W .'.I v fi rry .S m ith .. John W . .Ii‘ti;r ; '•A . . K. .Iiihii-iar.- •••': Jlnry Krliti' '•■' ■'

'Jo<r|ih. !•*.• Kn.Nrr y ■' Ciriirsrc. K rlrrr ; tl«iin ..K riilinty '•

I’lnil. V . Koinlin-. ;•••’.*W jlliiin r'r , h r i’fitrr Itfor.iitJiy- l l . - K niflrr ; tism itr Iviihor- .Hniiilolph I.u; H orn1 - : Haymiliiil M. I.an>ht|?c’r

• Itov - I.rvrr.’ ■A rlli nr ,V. I<lii'i {♦♦)* ,. W till;! ID l!r|lli»n •_ t.tlK.:.‘ Jl»'>l’|lh. It. l.orlin'fMlil ’W ii Iln rr • t r. I.ml « lif Hohr’rt ,l.ir^».oiiilM’ .Wit I hi ni I.yun. • ' (•'onion. Alarantny.- WII (hi in, ■•Mnrktiy.’

■. / ,>hi r W’lj hi i ir y . . J r .... •.1 ( 11 11*111; J in rW hln n cy

: l.'rorL'r It. 31 a e r r : • ttiifv».|! r , .Major ( • ) . . iiMitirliis it. M im lry .

Jo |m A* 3Inrtln .:ThoinsiH• W. M artin , Jr.

H otirrl JK’C lrlla iiil, Jr.. W illiam IK M rflr lliim l Ifahrrl ■ It. M rmlo Da vhl V. M rtz ,I r« In. .■>!!)Iiirnll Km nk M U U : . ■'■■ I .o n N .J : MKuril.o C ln n lirr. 3tnrrts /

’•JuiiH'S AUmtI ‘A larrh .W liltrr 'I:< M orrN AVIlllnm H. MrfrrH ..

. H ohrrl I*. . ;■..■*A rth u r J.’- M oil lit *Jo si-jii) Mnilllt ... ,WHIiaiii 3 lork rlilur llsi.'r.v '31 ii Ml I. rn- <•*»'

■ Ju cl. MulllliVh, ‘ . . l ll i lilt i tt I*;’. 'I uIIIkrn

.Jnjiii J . >1 urphv:31 a hr1. .■'it, V iilK -r' 'T . i/n ln l > «'Jf*iir:; : . v C hn i lr> ;w ; . >”rti.lMuah *

• .f*'hn ■V/ Nrvvroiuji. ; •'; N oi :ii;i{i. Nor.r.is .

liMii-jij njrlyh'r. . :* JhUof’l’n.rliMr

:.( 'l i '.I'iirhli'i *!' ;' •.. : . > oriim ii- l lv ’.P itriinril/ • " 11or U: . J . ' I' rrk I ^ .

• W i I * lu lli •'>. 1 * r I li 1 <1 :. / .7, Dljitrr A .■'.t,iriTV'.: ‘,‘-i ! i

: ■ I {«»\ < J t; H r f■ r r< .-•>':■■.•'■:: 1 •• ' Jol.llj- I'l’tl i l :

AV!il!:i« r \ ; 1 ’frUt‘rr : - : Ci\ irr’ivll • ; . I*.Ir rr 1* <- • .•

; Johii-I'lftri'r'*■ r .: s .. ; i , ? i:i-r ;A rt;: .•T ,. l:. 3ti*irhrl»Urfrr ; '-J IHi ri.ht W .. ltu J111*11 r ..

('hristn’i»h.rr I tr lt /r l .31 ill on ltlill:u ;iy K rnnrth l l . Itllry IV11 It rr II.' Itllcy W rslry Itllry Hi-rani'«l 'V, .ltlii« ‘

’ ■ Wu llr r I*. Itlrnr .• A Ifri’il ■ Hohln^oii. ;•/

11 mu 111 mi Unit In ml'» W l|llam J . Itom.rr

I hum hi 11. H ass .•: -Kit wii ril J . Ittnvla'tHl -

t l . i:‘|o.vil Uii^h, .*.V 111 In in Sn in pson • —

"IVIIUam r ...sa n ln irnti’. Aili'iiiii-.Srliiintz

. .iriii'inlarr Si’hln'^^lmrJi ■ . I* ran hi) 11 Sri;rr. . . *

II Diva nl Srm ons• IMinrtrs I.. SrviTS ( f) -

W ill hi m Sim Ur r.■•(Jiforur -Shlhlit- -

11.'A'lruliilii Sliltitpy. .. Trti-r J». ^hlhlr.V. sr.

i;nrtr- It. M S m ith {♦). . , K rinirtli .1. S m ith .1 tinier I*. Sm ltli

Itoiirrt A. S i ii lt ir it 111 h i:, sm ith .V rrnr L. Sm ith W nrrrn V . Sm ith

W i l l In 111 it; Sni fl It i l ’intl I), siilttlch iin sft

. .la rk I« Strln tirri; • O ttn <J. S ta ll. Jr.

: Itictinnl It; s to u t W llhtir S to u t .D ou gins S tlr lln « .

; A lhrrt. S Ir n ssh u r c o !- I*. J , s ir iih sh iiru rr ,• Jr.. 1 1 on 11 lil s tr u t tan Jtohrrt It. S tr a tto n , i:i|tvn n l W . St rat toil

- -Alfri'*! -,V. Sw t'iinrton J ohn ( i. S y m s, Jr. . C’rrll T n y lor .W notsry Thomji^on C ilunril T im m s 31 art In .I. Tohln

■ T r \ In tr T o /a 11 r . Itn ltirr fa n l T rim m er -

J o sr |iIr V iin ( ‘l i ' i i f ’ r r n lr r lr k V .i l 11 C lccf W u rrn i T . V asrl (♦) H o'iiillr A. Voltrt.‘fy iln r y T . 3Vnlton Itulph* V. W'ulvvortli W lli ill 111 S . 3Vur.l 31ai-mm 11 W a r n e r , • Sinn 11 i-l -W 'utson. Jr. ; " fii'nrw* W rM on . - (ir.orur II. W est err el t

. Iliirr*' W , - W hite A Ihert W liltr , r .v rrr tt .(*; AVhlte

. H iith It. W hitr (•Iorl(i. W h ltrh rm l'H ath AV hltfonl..

• 1 *; S lrjilirn . W lrllTt ;Th"iii:i- W le le r t . (•)

jiotKM t . W illiam ^ .• I in ) lil w i i 1 jn ui-!. Jr. ....

•m i tii w i l l In i*is • : ■ ■J«'tin r.. Ivillh itiison •|f«ili,-l;l'.■l'.l,i;, W . | l l « ' V -: jv i!ll;i i |i/ I V W h iter ' V i

>>or»nu'ti W o lro tl.. v t lr la i’rhl Wi>h-Olt .' .’HraVv. J .. W jmmI rf it :: John W .W o-.H vy . :’;Ktitnr .W.ri^li? • . , ,' -I\pisfi*.iif , W r lv ii iy • *,:.|uliji '.S.SVro'- . ; ■: Jit.hh V ' I I'. - Yoniitt.

|;<|)v1ii - Vo 11111; .v •.! 'it 11M*Jill Voilin?...'

MJiinui’i*^Ttj^hlrh.K ll:i r»i.|»' A Ih'ii • * . • *; AlfrrVI • Jitrfv Hull.' Jr.;. ItllTi a r It.. .HitII r.Ilus n . ISahrr., Jr. tln rr.v W." ItiiUrr'' "T - Itilw unl I’. Hit rto. ,31 r li In* t>.‘ I tr n u ell ; ;; H olaiiil ( i. 1*IiiIti* ’ • » • • ’ A rl »i ii r. I*. It I u m r 11 e h 111c ItiiniiM llnn irIm ltl • /

• Thom in* Ilra<llry KilwIn Itrrh lrn h u iir • : H ohrrl VI ltrvw 11.Irv in M. Itnrh . Jr. : ; , IIOUulus lllirrli • V:1

, HoitiMt cn m ri’tii •W ill iii 111. C ii i ia ; ;■ •-■■■ t o tu r lt W. < urr

. ito lirrf M. C a « ry H ohert S , r iu r r .• *. :- rii:irlr<4 f .o lr , Jr. -

C liiir l*’- f , ' i o l i \ :>r. l ir m ir th It. ( o n n o lly . H ohrrl H. ( ••nimlly ItotinM It. r o n n o lly A rth u r . W. ( n iirtn ry , Jr. T h on iii’i J.’o u rtu ry . . V l lo iiu h i 1'. ..Only . v . W rslry' Ilu \ r 11 port WIMinm It. Im vis r o iiu <*. p itw kin«. n c i in i lr s Urn Itlryk rr KHI-oii Urn. Itlryk rr ; H oiirrt • It. IHii*'irar...;v.. W illi nr " V lltnrirar^ J tu iitrr lllrliiirrr 3V ul|iT D o llr r u r jr h , Jr.. II11 rr Is nil K itivnnls •A nilrrw J . t.LMirr ->•••: H ohrrl M. r.lrhlm rn ,

. (Jrorirr T; . l-’r lek ' , v Itoto rt J . Fie*! 10r . V V 1 !

(tlm rlrs j | . j 'h ilir :;Urrhrrt-Jt. I'l.rtrrrick'1.' ' .ItIt.hitf'l l t . ;r i r . |r y ..V;' ,Jiii;irs' • 1 1 I .i i r|In 11 •••♦.:i t . f t r i n t;Viiiitii ■. ;

■ 1 1 Viti'r r r -v r - .t 1 n lir tt t/l e .l' U r i^ i ,. .1111 Hi 1 . tti’Kt l.t.nrl. < .illrrh si--:= -..y W in. l.h iro lii IIMl * Tli«ut|ii« ,T. Holme.HarohI II.; Holt 1 : 1 i i i ' t ,!.A. H oru s, jr. 'I’homii^ U ov.rll i ’h;irli'< Itljlirhr r iilir ir* A.' J a ‘Jlirth .Tii roil orr 1-’ K f i t I lit? Hun:!hi. K'rtrhu III .

; t ' h ii r I r s ; W . ' 1 jii in tie r t .A rlli hr I-.ii miierj* Jr. :

•I*run k I.trhty ...T . I.nnrln • 3 lil.rrh• •It; A. M nltheivV. Jr. I*i . I tr n i) 31 r \ r n l . . •Hn v h l: I,. Aln t t.hetvs / ,|n>.i‘fi|i f \ 3 lru iirr ..'II:iroM .M. Mr 11 lire • lirortrr ('. 3 |r n ilr r . * Hlrhnril ,1*. M ryer' . Frnuli. <). X n a lr . ;Jr. i

: W ar r n i ' t ’/ N a trie .W. W llHaiii \ u u lr •F.. I;. N r Nun. y I’liiiili •■.Nlrliols . : • ■- O. tV-.V trijrli*tr|ll.- Jr. '

■ |J<iiii,rt . .I ..N o r th. l ilAiiiii'l J . (irh lltrre 11 own r/p I'attrf^ oii. .Jr. Mrnr\c :I!'. I’rrlr.'.Jiv W ullrr n iltIs , : Ilrrt.ru 111 I'tttlr H rm llry O, .|*u(trr.

AViilirr -sv /r r o p e rt: JT?

'.I* ti a one Hti^rrw: - ; :'‘l.iriirtfii' riv Iti’^ers .

A ffi'n l 3 t. S r o tr • • . .: ‘ W1111:1 m . ( . S eott V; •• ihnvn'nl AV. S r lh y , Jr. ;-Tnrru” T r r s ^ iH i~ ” mr7j-•AVjillure .Slintiirrr , ’., tliiiite'ii >1. S h e r r a n l. Hil '

■".1ovj-|ih s . S lm iik fus;- .\ I fi'<'*|.; ( ':. S • an ** h 11 rj* • *' W in; Hi Stan.-.hnry H:i 1 M II. s t r v n i s ;; ..

i . lo .t i ! : J:. S trv i'iis , - * .'IfhHiiiril- It. Stlrllticr I'riinl; f . S troIN ky.I tn ih S tro llsk y

. v.*jii inm:-' 1 :.* s tu ff < ’ '. 'I,. I!, ‘fitIIIviin, Jr. .Hruitirr.f I*.'Sw ain n . n . sw a itk

: tt.Miirrt I’. Sw aiik .V id o r T. T h om n s . • It.; T h om pson; Jr.It. Tl.' T h om siin .

’ J oj 1 n.., T h 11 in tti 'U lrn ry H. T ruitt It. W llhnr T 1 1 11 Is1’ •

• hr.niictli 31;. IT in or - M aiiton I', r im e r l r n u k W. Van Xnnitt

, AV(lihrnt ■ A; Wntriier Hit roil) W"a rrliiu'tun . Filiriir W a«hiihn nplt;; H arry' AV. W'ntson •

• ItoloTt -T.. Wririrew i l l him ; i f . u . W eils . ;

, I ln rr;i W hrrtrr. • IVlMilini'i

. •hIii 11 try V. Woml* Jr. ItoNi-rt . W on.l . .. tip 1 lil .It. Z In ir tr

• .V lllM T N i:N ir ii ••Iii*' A l<Hi rr tii F riink Amnisinit A rth u r J . An»lrr-on • Klni«*r .11.. j\ lolrr-wi-(; 11 A n lo llin t • .A1 hr rt" S . A pirn'll I • Harol-I A. \p p le « a tc Ha Ipli • A p p lru a lr . , : W in .-S . 3 pjilri.Mle. Jr.. 31 Irhurl A rca n u rlo • Charit.'^ Artm nr ;.A lhrrt J . Ar-hiHna I 'r trr NnloHnn • •J iin ir s ( i, A n i l- t ro ll« T h o m n s Arncme W arrrti \< a y I,ran It. A sell

TM Wit ril I). VshtlcM T h o mis'! 3 1 . A sk lew .Jiatit Attnr»H I mi tie Ay hr s.A h raliam A zitlny A ir x a n <1 •• r Haron Fra nk w n t n e h ■ Joh n J . Itulknn r iir l I'. Ha 11 mm A lbert H nrnes A n th o n y H. Hnrono.Hr iija 111 In Hn rone . J o sep h 31. Ilurono T o n y Itiirojie P a ts y J . H nrono 3 Ia rtlh H urtotf F r n l Ifrhry. IHitior, Jr. jm v h l !•:. i le a tty K iltvlu H. Hehrona H en hen Hell l .e o A. H rlllssen K r n n rth H eniler P a u l Henonno

' P a u l U rn ew a y *A lh rrt f*. H on n eett A rtiolil L . Ttennett P o n n lil Hr ti nett E IwoimI H. Itrn n ott K arl C. H en n ett H erm an H eunott

, L e w is L . H en nott. O rorpe C. H en nett H oh^rt J . H rn n ett .Tnmrs H riinrtt JTnrvin H. H en n ett . . Rnnttiel J . l te n n e t t 3V nlter Ite iitr ll H ol/ert F„ Hllljt S tiin r t H. H ills - ; A rth u r JHake, Jr.H ohert F . HI no - ' Filirnr III ril •W ill la in Hoirel 3Villinm i f . Ilon.il D n vlil 11. H ow ers O llhert I.. H<iwers

. B trph rn I ttn iiy e lt , . Jr. ' H uth H otorff F ra n k H onlntitjer . . * H lr h a n l H rnee John L . H rn ly John K .-H n in n o n C h a rles H . H rauor A lh o rt Ilrotvn , Jr. .J ohn Hrown Jofloph 3VHIIam Brow n J osep h A . IJrown • N orm n n L. B row n

I' rnr>T A:.It'ru ce . .. f.i on '.I.:,Uriilm . ; ; • r in ir lr s 1 1 . Hry«le • l .n 'jik !»'• t'ai'UJi. Jr.. A n th on y F.. I>iimhrn>r'.•: li'oorvr* A, "Jiurilur • l.’r't: 111:1 1< f It. It ti nitre- ; I 11 ii i mM F. Itiirkr .'

■ Jo'-M. W ill lil Iii iliti-kr .WlJlluhi H...Hnrr- .111-rni ii 11. \ . Hu-r.h . .Ii v in i Hrikrr.Iliirohl O. |fr:iii*l ItMllilhl H. lth llork /.

W i ll In rn H ullork ■ Iliilort: l ir jtlo n , Ir.I.0 1 1H F: Hi ril W lln io t-U , FitHrmler I.rstrr, J . Fn tnphrjlVI* tnr J .'F u n ip h r ll. ,WIII lit m i :. 'CniiiHnnn A rlliur: J .C n p p a

. H ohrrl F jirliiirt .K.lnnrr H. .F iirnirh ‘ ' Ito ilrrlc lc- i:; "(‘nrtor: ;

. ( hitrlrs W . Fa's her Flinrlr>* A. Fhu m horln ln J ii ck H. tMiii rlli ton... WllMnm F lir i^ rm nn . Jin in -s'.n . Flurk W in la hi A. r in rk. Jr.. AVIIIIr Kiilirht F lnrr ltt

.:H r\ f l a y . Jr. 'F o n u n y T . F ln y • f i lm it; F lny Frril P . F ln y ton , Jr. f .ro ru r I;. Flstyfon Hlrhnril r tn y io h 'Frank H. r trv r ln iu l . Jo*.|'|ih It:. F offre F rn n rls Folr Kim rni*. J . - F ole H arry J’.. .Folrm nn fjro rcr •F on ih s,'«r .John I*. Com er V liter 1 11 F llffon l . • . W Illlii in K. C'onlnn- . H iiyiiioail f o n o v e r . T liroilore V .' Fook ‘ Alhrrt J . F orho . (!i-orL'r. II. Fortvln T u rn er H ..f ‘o ttretl ( la Irn io a | W . Cow an I.mrnn F. Cooper.S lh is 31 an roe. f ’oy F lth rlrs . Friilif .S nnnirl f r n lt r H rn ry . 1). .Frniik A ml re w J . C rlppen .. John F . Frlppon' a . Jnek F rosm an (*)

. F r n le r le k 71. Cross CJrnrirr‘It. ( frow.oil A lhrrl FiirciiruH o , • H uytuom l F iir lls JnM'ph F u rto Jo'senh. .C u rto . f2nil) Hniiiliilrtr F tilu n o • ' . Joh n J . F iiln 11 a '1 ’ilw a n l I.. Conklin f ie o r a c e 3V. C arhnrt. Frntilt Ita iiffler, Jr. I ,eroy S . H n n c lo r ; Jnmofi X . H n m ilello 3Iunz!o J . I>nniello ■ O corgc P n n ie ls

;. i tr u r y F. H anker (*?).Karl AV. H at h lson . .

; Joh n 31. H iit.i- •.HoloTt (•*.» H iiy . /It o tier I fl.’ Iinj 1Krilirrt. N . • Hrnno . .

. W iiltrr 'ir ; Hr- How :■JtiiljiJi' H* \ m h rovf . . .T lH iry F . H iinker ltr.emu.il I». H uhker • .

. M urjo i; . |i*|i«'iia - i-• . . •••”■ It ( in i ’ll. He Itoiv.- J r . .

( iia r lrs ..HrI.a venrne H oi I . H r I . ii.trrirno( fiit rles A. HM'litl f Inrlv W. HHIetF K enneth H ellrit

-W fl I In 111 X . i lr l lr t t -* AHirri VVUIhMu IteiifR Itoiirrt 1 ; , 1 H rulhati v I 'itj-y .H r S n r i i o , ,

‘ Sjiiin irl H IH .rrson John.-IL rile person

_ \Y i ll I ii u i__i Hr kr r’s 1 f n, Jr, S am Tln Siirno Joh n ■!’. ltli'hl Vrrnon S . Hor'emns .Mllrs l liv j iT

,-S ta n lry H lum onil ;I .ou ls H tehl ............A Ifre.J i f . Hoilil Frjirni „K. Hoi| i| . lrv lu L 'I ..I ) ls l» r a w - T h om n s, H N brow .(*)

: I,rr tV,' Holhotv H aynim ol - 3f. D orrcr A lfrn l D o w n s ,

. llrrh ia n w , H aw ns J n rk Hruni . iH rn ry 3V. Dii.erkes {♦*) Hohrrt J . H iirrk es K rn n rtlr J . Hntjan ' F ra n ces H 11 rkIn '

.W alter H lirkln J oh n W . Hutton J oh n D w y lrr Hn vhl X . D ront H ontih l. v . .iMllirnn D lrtrleli J . F tirrh a n lt W ilson J . F e d r s .

.11 m lolpli I’rkhurilt fJrorirr H .F iliH em a n Siiiu iir l Filelsrm ; 3 1 . l>,

, S ta n lry . ‘3f: FilW nrils J osep h F h rlrn h iteh . Jr.

. HmiaM P . .Klilrhlire- • t ’tarrn ee It. FlilrM ue w il l In in A. i:ii1rhlf:e

■ ■Carl K lllo lt. Jr. ;lionnM A. .Fanis f.'eor’M? F . Fm m n ns

■ I.eon' H. F.innmns Joh n J . F a n Is .W lllfniii f*. F rlek son Filjvln J . Frvlu H nrolil AV. IM In w

T la r r v H ass F.vuns W aller*T 'viin s, Jr.Hn yin anil I.. Fwlnsr P ierre J . F x n r h o s H en ry F a lte r J osep h F n rru u u lo Joh n Fnrrmrirln S n m iie lF n r r m n r lo 3rar{r«rrt 31. F n tiv er

. P a t s y C arl F erra ra

la n y Ferrara F r a u d s H. F esch n rek F reilrrlek * F eseha rrk K ru arth F.rst'harek W illiam J . F e th i Jrt Sam art F . ITniller • H anlel Farl Floro J ohn l.e r o y F ltzgerah l .1 ir»rph F . F liim in h i- I.n Hnr C. Flem it l .e - tr r Franklin .' Jr. W illia m ,.!, F ir n n n a T liom us I.. Fry • . ; . • A rthur N. tian ily* Churo’s Cii run

' Itoh rit A. lir o a k e tt . linvlil J . (Jarrh on • J u m rs H. ( ia rr lso n .

■ F ran k lin H a su rr .,Ju lia J . fias«i|iey.J iiiu es I,.' t?ntllintr . ite iila tn ln ■(Jlnslinn; Jr.'( Ilii'ln l F . tr ia ’cnn O orilon lo Urn ha m.3 !Illeril I. H rant

C J u ir ir s (Jrnvatt. , A lexa iu lrr . i '• in y • - John r . G ray. (Ti S tep lien ‘f» rii z In 110 H rynolil (5 rren .A lh e il A. tiro ss Albert O iih ito s i •J iin irs N. llittfirltiS; r iin r lr s W.‘ H ale •'II11 rotit C. HnII Johii Hiitum ouil I.i'H oy Ha 111 inoiu ls, Jr. W Instnii H aru reaye J a m es H urper .F rn est J . H a rris . F o rtu n e H a rris Halph -Iln r tra n ft ; K runeth O. H nn k ln s I’r tr r .1. lln rtltran •. J osrp li J . H urt lean W illiam I.. H art w ick

. Hmrrlns i l , H n yile ii .Ja mi's A, H a y es ' . •

‘ (Jeorire J , jHe.hlemark W illiam ( ’. I leh lem ark Freiterlrk 3T.Tt(>InrIch F reilerlek K, H eluht

’H m iahl 31. l le ltk a n ip ..H lrhnnl H. H eltkltntp

Frniik F . H rlm kn F reilrrlek I’. H en d rick s F rarer. I. II r 11 it r Irk son Jii..-, H. H em lrlrk son , Jr. Hjn.Iil F . H en ry F rank !!.' i lrrh er t - J o srp ir -V. I lrrlirrt M uUonl l l . I lrrh rrt

■ C h arles V. H rlz e l . Janir's' f;;*: l l lr k sV ernon lllK lry J a m es 1*. ll 111

*.Joh n II. H ollntiil ' (!noil w in J . H olm an . J osrn h O. IIniipn

W llfr r i l , H opw ooil, Jr. / K ilns H orner ;

: Hn.vnioinl S ., H o r n e r ,. Iln rolil F . IIor*icy.John I. 11 own ril I .r n n a n r W .IIu h n n il Hohrrt F . II ml'•on Joseph .Huifirlns Owetr In lltitthes

; J a m e s • i i . U n lc .John Arriohl l h t M in r f ; l lo « a n l ; I.I II ul**e J ohn T.- H iilsr % • Jo*»rph A.. Hul«e.W HIanl J . HtiKe

T h n rirs; J liim m rl ..W hi-lm v !,. H n rforil'. AHreil t'. l in r ir y .; A lton It.' H iir lry . f :n ;lttiu H urleyA H im . F ; H u s s e y0<*car II. ,7 ly rr .J o'in . Itrtrrain, Jr.. .I llc h u ril'lr o u '. .• / ' H ohrrl: l>; Iron s r.hireiii'c Jiirk^oii.’J o h i i ; 'V, -Jit rii Ii .Hrrun n l Jnrk"on •'1 lir*sri| :3f,; Jijeksnn.(• hil f tr 4 H, Jll r !i 0n.. Jr. Jii'irph. J'irkvoti Charles--V , J .un-N on’ . H unlrt. Hnrt|< .IiiiaKdli .10**11 t .. .J rtrt ;. ' ....

’-’WHMii«i’■ S. J ern ee Fihysm l li, JohM fotr. IMiViml JJ. Joh n son AUVr',1 31. Jolirv ;v

‘ \ Ji.iti 1 ;. J u lies ; • ■W llllnm J .;J u lie s '

•; Hoh^.r.t ■Norman . J o h rs - -HiiroltlT’S lirn i’-J o h ih iiii-ir . j n 1*1 i>v I., J nh •• «ioii . ' ■ •.fJi'or'rr. \ \ . . Jnli 1 1-on- .' " ij'a y .l John^'o*'. Jr. i1H ra «t for'1.. 1 *; 1 * ler^n 11..

Frm oil..K ; . lo u r s -. lliiw ai''! J 'iiirs- It iihrrt 11. v .ionrs . "

.Joh ii- 31', J o u r s \v ..J«it ll W . lCr5»ur- <*) fteo'ri'ii 3V. .H erfe \ rl»i 11 r. P . I f’i npe .

; John: J , K rrfr Am’retv 'Klr.frr.* Jr.'

;3 V f » i.,„ , s .. Kltiir '•/3Viil'lnin 'H u d so n K lrke '".A i’ii n Krtin’v- •. • . .

Prtrl lior»i. Ir. i r ' v i i ' s A. - if »*-!• n

t’li«ii|, i f , KruCei.ka ' WP.iliirV F . K r^sohkn . .

I'.i'neF Kt>rII>-1it tC ;Wii 11 err Kijr.lrhyk P f» ij lH . I.n»:•■»’. Ir. IV ’V’ii.Hn r - i.n nr

'W rliloh .3 * .-l.itlie', Jr.'Ilnroh l F . l.iin e ;

• ncorire I .iitsh n w f ;h |ir lrs i : T;nnr 1 • • lilchh ril f : .; i .u n rl'i ln 11 h i 1!. t .n sk o w sk l •-

; Jn ti'rs ■ F . I.li 11 trill lit . W illiam . I.ufiirhiia Itnhert T.lnrhnn*.

: 1‘verrtt T .aylon ■A Viiren L r Cohipto.

Noi-mjiii. Fpw retipo ..W.HMiim L . .I .ee . .

A lherf J; T,iiw «nn ; A?r\nin1rr. T.eplji'-ky Jtml 1 rp lnsky.T*»roi|orr • l.ep llisk y ,.Tlil‘■fin A K fo n -iI .ew is .Ken is el h H Irh u rl I. M r John Wrlu'hi I Isle F ilu a n l A . I .ip p iiico tt . >

* .Fhvoin! T . I .ip p iiico tt i Irvlnir-.I.Ipphieott

H rruiaii. l.o fto n l»'*iiiorn J .. I .n p e/, Jr. .

■ fjn illr I .o flm i.Jn in'! - H. l.o fto n .F ” o ,C. l ,o u r r n /o 'Houiihl 1 ‘r'itiin l.t in ila y 5 r la r r iir r I iirrh .C 'hlrriirivIt. I.vie

’.Friink'. H.. I .y o n s , Futrrur l.y n n s- H frtinn( P . I.yohs W illie T.yntjs ; ;I.i'ou 31u'ceunlco . . F r iie s |' .3 la r H em u in t H oiirrt Ti 3 ln r llrrn iitn t

. I’reii TrAiiii*'"Tii1 rni;Tnt ' Chiirtrij .^hifDniiiiiitIln unM -.IIu rD ow rllHohert .3 laeK en zIo . Stnntry. 3 laJor. Jr. - C h a iir s .r , 3 lnr lln N ick . 3Ia.rrnnIreo

' J ohn T . 3 fa rs lin |l 3»n‘«on H. -3Iarshall F.11 ireue 3Ia«on. Jr. Ijeortrr II; 3 tnrtln VJneeut A . 3111 rt In J osrp li T ifartusrelll Put 3 Ia r tu scr ill Snn inel S , 3InrtnsceIH

i.ra r^ e Ij. 3Intthow a t llch a r l .tlaiiKrri tt III hi 111 II. ..M aurer Joint T. 3IcA U lster . "Joseph 31. Flooil

Vrrnon I„ F on l T hrnilore Frankentlolil JinJi • 31am h •: *.• . K irhunl It. AleFitnfery Wii Iter 31 e ( liffrry , Jr,

.. Norm a 11 31 e C h esnry '■ Ilalph .Me: F!ir>nry.

U nrrv 3Ie C lirsnry , jr . F ilw u n l P, >le C arry Ju m rs 3 lelio tia h l .

•. T h om as J . Mri.'rnlh 31 lllnril H. 31 r3 lIlian

' W Hill ril I,: \Mc3l lliuii . SI nil ley Josrp li 3Iei|i1c '

W ill la 111 F . 3 leek s . l ’rv ln 3 leu lll

Hohert S .’ 31 rir III WII Hit 111 M c e il I, Jr. Fveri'tt w . 31 cuke Cttorue 31 cuk e, Jr. T h om its ; It. 3 !rn kr . flrorire A. .Metcnlf A lh rrt 3 lrek s A Ihert A . M etz ,Chh r les L , 31 Iller John W . 3IIIIer

. S peu err (.% A illler .IliumTe L . 31 UN

; Hnhrrt Ml.. M inor W illiam 31. 31II eh ell Ilcrm nn A.‘ 3IorrIs 31 lelinrl W. 31 orris P erry 3Iontirom erj't sr . <)ilyssey II. 3Iooro A n to n io .A . 3 'uzzl WllMnm 1 :. 31 orris

. H urry S . 3forris S p en eer II. 3 lorlon (Jeortre I). 3Ioser, Jr. . Hohert I'. 3 lo ser John II. 3Iaurrr .Ilnrolil C. 3lnrlll I le r l ir r t . F , 3Ie«III.H urry A , 31111s Frank .Mitchell A ru o lil/3 Io o re

‘W llloji* I,. 3 lo o rc "Clin r les F . 3lotint A lfon so H, 31 iiiilro ' F 11 ire tie ’IV .Myles 3f)ehiict N n rn yon sk l . John N iirayotisk i (teorire 31, N a y lo r (•) ('lirl N ea pol Hah ..Muleolin H; N esh ltt '

' H leilsor N r tt lr s : - Hohrrt -Ji N o v lllo - tillh ert J . N ew m an I.Ioyil *!■*. Nrw m il n tJrorcr II. N oh le ■

. IJeorire J . N orris- .• 3TlehneI W.- N iirrls "

.('iileh O ates t ■, 31 irh url J . O’Hrlrn

J a m es 0 * H onurtl T lion tiis F; o ’Hntrnn Frank P . O rlllrl

• T h om n s A, Orilir!W llhhr AVyt kfi.ff O rr.‘. Frnlrrlek'-1,; ( ifh o r ir . H nyniom l iM m m ; Jr. . I lo u a n i H. O’Slu-a F r e ilr r lik F . O tto • : C artrr I ., (hvi'iLi31 y ron A. Pahv|P irtro F . Pu.rrm

- i;rnr»r- S .- Pnlulst isrrui.l Pnliihi

. Huy P 11 In In i.eiin p alm rr

•Jnrk W.. I’ji tt I :i Iril . ru u I . Palmer.Frne.^f P u lin rr •K.iiffrH Piilniri-I . .

•C ilfto ii I’ark rr •. r . Fit w in P arlir i-.1'

H o»vnnl• S: P:irhef.-3V || I Iii ni I’a t lr i fViii

.p ert I’ m f'T / -... f-'harli>.-pcnrie. ;M llH ’ t' P.ein Ji?rioi|

.1 r .r r r -I • r.rc»• I!». : ^'rili'te ;,.l. J ’r r rr llu ...' T.p'ijs. J . I’errrlo - ... .

•M llvpli.ri1''I’rf eeflt ‘•S ii lli Prt 11!*' ' ' .. ,

; «:i<nrt'i- r ; I* *r Ml If • " Filnar.'l r r r r r l’a ' . »

: H oni'-r C.'..’ p e l»It ' •; r.Vlfri-n . 1 ’h n iie : ' ■ v.•'l|:irm»iii*f I’. IMrrce

F.ltrar MMiiMlpv, jr.• - J iifr iih . PJiiMlps... ;;

A'nr,;:irel ’I*..* Ivh*i> 1*.. •- W itl.'ony PN.iino

r ^ r u r tM I^ P h im n ir r v ■;'■ t~: .F irrrm . ]{, iMtiiumrr Hurt so n : P nlum l... • V.-

; Hnlirrt ..Pnlrs *C li!irlr*i;s,. Po|l*einns^ H oui'liif \ . P ol he in ns

. ,M :i\ P olliiek . t... John 11, .I'r lesflev

Hnhr.rr J ; I 'r li^ t le y - • l lr n r r r F; Ptillrti

.‘Vito: P |su m i '. 'SnlviU o'-r I’nr-Nl

Hohrrt C. P>li»Pnl*.)' 0 ini 111ra tio .John II. QuarlrH

'Jnsi'nh V. H nnios AVUllr IM w nnl H en veV A in lrn v . H erh str ln er ■ nroririi' A. H eeh strliter Cllfi'onl I| r n |•'I hr rl 3.r* H ry.ii olil s fJror'irr W . H ryuoM « Ilrrhert H arr H evn olits

. - I In ivm'iil. . \ , H''e v no III i .W illiam H oh rrls. Jr. : . >t!chncl HinnM I .

. VIp Hush ■P.rlrr J-. Hr hi ' fiillirrr-T . Hr.Iilen .1**1 iii HeiM i'h, Jr..

I .Itohrrl 13. H nt.lrn . Chn.rles H rr'i^ trlner ;

•Jiih.u A, HIrr iMinc H lr ltan lson

. F rri|i*rlrk . H lehardson . ir. Hoiiriiriirz

H en ry Hoehrrch •. A therl. (*. I lo u rr s .. . •. Alhrrt Ho*'ers. Jr. •

' J 11*111 i*s T.. T to’trrs"’ W nltrr-F,'-Mtntrrrs , K rn hi* th \ . Ho«r '

' C h a r lr s Hii^onvlrln .. John H 11 •ill Hl’thiiril , J , Hutli'ilifC

. F 1; kti I re' 11 . S u.hi iii h n r Jn'seph " Sn I u*i| roi J r.

|f'k• 'S jivso : W PI In III Schnlik . .. Frril J .. Si'hituck

H erm an AV. S eh n n r .. ' Friink S a n ta •

Jerry A. Srlrnppsi . ... ■' 'Inn .S«'nH1iorpe :

3*'! reu's T,; Sc'ln ra ppn A lton ' It.- Ser.TlnnaM C. S H o v rr . I.. I.yp it0 11 S r lo v rr

• HuroM 31, S ' .a f to ;•• Hnrithl F .'.S lia fto .

J osrp li A . S hn O o ;i*riiuk S h oe tank er '•

_ H nj* tn on il .S h ort, J r.^ ; ;- 'Ilhr'rv I„ S hurr

.F rn n k S ir llln no• ; O rnr SlelH nno

Jo«rp1i S lc llln n o . Snn inci p . S lcllln n o

S te v e SlelH nno •'F nrl S lrk lrr ,.Jr ,■I.eltov S lek ler Hohert O. S ick les Jn m es F r iin r ls SIlTor I’linrlrsM J.-S im p son Itenjuuiln S ln on sk y 3fnrrls S in rn sk y W Hhtir T . S locu m •H ohrrt Rm lilt

A rth u r B . Sm ltli A u stin J . Sm ith K rn est S m ith , Jr. .

Wii I In m Sm ith A shton O. Sm ith

, (H'orire A thert S m ith •l.eoru e A r th u r .sm ith G eo rtr e W \ S m ltli H n rr\ N. Sm ith *Joh n 1.. sm ith J nr Sill llhJn m i”. sm ith J o lu i s t i l e s Sm ith Josep h I*.-Smith I.loyd J . Sm llh W ill Iii 111 31. Sm ith O ftiiim IU s li'illn n o Dnnnid S o lo v lk o s . l.n n lf 'M floi ikos Frank 11. sp er ilt W ill him J . Sp itz

-Hohert N. S tark ;H eriiiin l A . M illiard Halph S . s ta r k Furl -.ll', S trh h ln s . Honnol H. S tev en so n

’■ '31 r it In - A. S tn tn r d Hohi'.rt II. S trw n rl Carl Jay* S tew a rt W a ller J . S tew a rt Ocort:c W. S tn te le Joseph I., S tra tto n Ivennrth ' .s ,‘.S |ro llm Joseph it. S turm Arthur. F . Sutton Frederick F . S u tton Ik e Schlossh neli.I.eroV Slocum Fm rcnc C. Slocum W ith ii r T . S locum Iicroy O. S locu m 'K lm er Sponenlierff E velyn Stout 31nrvln L. S io n t 'Oeorire P ..Strom ? Hozokinh • Snm m cra . F n r l S w ish er J o h n . It. T n utn m Sanford T allm nn fJeorire H. T a llm n n W a ller Turn so v is, Jr. Cecil 0 . T a y lo r Cln retire S . T n y lo r . Norm nn T n ylor .H lcliunl S . T a y lo r Sam u rl .1), T n y lo r D u d ley it . T erro tt, Jr. Hitrold Hl.von T errlo 31 n r 1.1 n C. T i'x tor A llen H.. T h o m n s- —F d wn rd 31. T h om ns H ohert H. T h om ns . Arnold F . T litim pson Itnrotd T hom pson'A rden F . T hom pson

■3Ielvln . ,T. • T ledeinn n 1'dwnrd S . T lrdem n n n M elvin J . TIrilem hn F v e r r it T ilton I.c Hoy .TIHon

J -ra n k S. T ln elll Hohert F; -T ro ttler Putrick. f ; T irrn ey , Jr,'

, Itnhrrt W.. Todd l .r w is F. T o rln r ie llo I .ou ls Trnversii John S. Trim hie Fm llu J , - Trip prill W Illlii in II. T run x . ..

. Sit 1 vatorr J . Trupin. .(*•) -I.i*Hoy T u rk rr F. ti tf •' u e F . Tn re h y 11 W ill In ni T iirehyn 3f lelinrl, T urrliyn Joh ii , T v 111 ii J a m es F. F ill tid W n ltrr .I’ liher, Jr.- •

;V h 'h iic l TIf rrh n ti'ik y t jifiiotiy j . V a ten le .

•F !I,!lii V n lente Jnseph J , Vnlrntr,: .A riinM .■-Vii.ta II Ke

; W endrl! ,’I-V A nn H lse •: F lw ond (*., Van X o te .; Hi‘ed Vnii I. in n nee

A lh rrl W. Van 3In1er Joh 11 . 1. Vn if, Nnlr'-'. Itn d n ick Van “N n't ft

.JosOph C. V rtriino D onilnlck Vrlrunii l*n 1 11■' J . . W i ratio •S fo v e F. .Vrfrimii V .C arnev V rtrnno 31 Irhurl A , ‘ V lt clllrt I .o ills V lfnlr A ntlinuy c . Vonn .DonnId V oorlirrs Ilrliry. II. \ ro*i«i .' . - ; C harles F . W alker K ertnll T . W nlkrr

- H tiKsrl I 1 1 ; • Wit 11 In (?“•';•.— -PhilJri -T. W iillott •A Mdrew 'W n llo ( • • ) " .;' M ti'iiarl W ii Ho' •:■Hi- hard O. W ardA ........ I W'ntson . .1 ii-e tie F . AVtilson : M’h t I W uritrn .H otnird. P . W 'nnlen

• Hay mom] F . AVanlon 'I van W orn lt« r W n r r e n •' irnrs MVrnver, n : X .V<’ voI H.-. W eh*ter

: Ha vld, F . 3V rs|rrvoIt F m ip ts O. -W hlto . t harle.s H. 3V es|co tt - F in e s t II. 3V fs|p lm l I.er O liver W h ite; f*) H arry 3V. W h lltv J r . J " - |’|ih 31. W hite {*) Itohrrl 3V.W 'hIte- 31 vron ir . 3Vhito .' ' itt'trd I/. 3Vhllew in i„ n, 1 1 , W h ite : I'homns II. 3V hlinker

J a m es X . 3VItrfuIl Irvl.ntr 3VHde .'1Hi’linlr D. WTIllnms*Jnlin W illiam s'™ »o W lllin m s

; N"jih F . TVIIIIiinis , I .h vIs 3T. 3VHIIs Hut ni mid r„ W ilson U-.hrrl 1*. 3Vills .Klchnrd F . W ilson Itohrrl. W ilson Josenh 3V III sh irr - •I/W hi H, iv iu s to n J'dm ■ F . 'AVIse I tn r vey W . W Ivon H rriuird (1, W olford . M an lry A. AVoodruff C,'iir lrs .T. AVonlridiro' H.Ieluiril K. ’ W nolrldirc Itnhort O. 3\>oIrli!tro Ha; mOild 'W nrtvlek. Thiiinns 3VomliomrlU' Jr. 3V|iilnm F . AVomhoutfli ICennrth AVoodlmusc

.P hillip W o rl'iy A rih u r <5. W rlirht • J a m es W . AVrlirht Ha rrv S . 3Vrittht .Hohrrt Tj, W rlerht - \V alter Ti. W’rhrlit J o se nil 3 'n ccn rln 6 ' • • : '\'. r.ee T n rn n li {♦♦) F m lly V nrrlm rton

. J n ines V . Ynrrluc-ton Howard A . Y ou nij Hm*cr .T. Vonttcf- H m /rr I;. Toum r . OrilSvltr Znpury— ..._P h llln Zarcnro 3|or!r.y • Zntrury Shlvn toro Znrcnro John 3V. Zervns

! • Killed In A ction • • |t r p o r fe ir 3 !lssln ir . *

.The Federal governm ent is still pay ing some of the pension cost of the W ar of. 1812, according to

; the New- Je rsey T axpayers Asso­ciation. Ah 87-year-old woman in IndepetHlenee, Orepron, the daugli-' te r o f a p riva te in the W ar of 1812,

is pensioned hy the governm ent. -•

$50. provides a sufficient num ber of Red Cross recreation w orkers in, a hospital overseas to cheer and com fort' 3,500 wounded men fo r a d a y .. •


This huge navy flying boat ran into trouble over Texas. There was no place to lend except a little lake in E l Paso. T he pilot got it down bu t I t w as believed impossible to salvage i t w itiiout dism antling and shipping to the Pacific ■ Coast for reassembly.

However, Captain W illiam Gore, tam ed M arine flyer, knew the answ er. H e attached four Ja lo (jet assisted tak e off) rockets, m ade by

The General T ire & Rubber Com­pany in Pasadena- California. Two w ere placed on e ith er side of the fdselage, as shown in in se t Each rocket provided 300 ex tra horse­power for a period of 12 seconds.

S tarting a t tlie extrem e, end of tlie lake Captain G or- tu rned on th e m otors and, w ith the je ts giv­ing him 1200 additional horsepower, sta rted off. Before he ,'iad half crosse.d tiie sm all 2500-foot body of w ate r the plane w as in th e a ir

and on its way to its homo po rt i f San Diego.

Sim ilar rockets aro being used or. flying boats doing rescue w ork u t sea, and tlie lives of m any aviators aro being saved because this we.-, born device makes, i t possible la take off in the roughest sea c? in

dead calm. In call", condition.; it is sometimes impossible to ge t boats not je t equipped off the w a te r be­cause of th e trem endous d rag on the bottom of the. flying boat.

HEW§®r®unMEN^ilVCMHEN' in y N g P M i

By Uncle 13111 Thomson

C|il. ,T. M. Ilerjren, 32889811 ll<l. :i07th jioml) llt|.. A 1*0. 71!) c /d I’M, San Ki'ancisco. Ca).

‘D ear Uncie Bill: Youv a ir mail arrived yesterday and gave me the filial iittla push to get a le tte r off to you aiid enclose one of our 13th Air. Force patches. A t tile presen t time our group, is . based : in. the Molucca Islands. AVe; move about w ith tiie p rogress of th e war; na­turally , and although I can’t tell you ail of the .places' .I’ve Been, .1 can . F a y I 've been on .New Cale­donia, the A dm iralty Islands and New Guinea. '

Our. group was aw arded a P re si­dential C itation fo r th e first .suc­cessful dayligh t raid on T ruk and has contributed- n a tu ra lly to the 'success-of o ther cam paigns in th is p a r t of tiie world. So fa r I have­n’t m et’ any of my friends .from Ocean Grove b u t .'have m et up w ith two of r,iy. friends over here. 1 should like noth ing b e tte r than to liaw i Ilill . K rcsge and Johii \Voi!..( drop in, 1 ha(] a p leasant experieoce a few weeks ago when one. of my fra't'oriiity b ro thers who happened :to be on the island t!ro]]])e(l .in to sce nic. I f .th e re are any . o ther, fo rm er 'Ocean Grovers who may be located npar me I’ll be glad to have them get- in touch with me.

.1 w as very so rry to learn of the destruction caused by ' tlie . h u rri­cane and hope tlie dam age can be repaired fo r .th e coming season. I expect to .spend the season in this tropical parad ise (? ? ? 7) w ad­ing. in the mild... Keep up tlie-good work there in tlie Grove. Best re ­gards, John .”

------------- .V ---------I’fc. Douglas Manley, 48081312 Co. B 68th Arm’d Inf. Bn.APO 114, c /o I’M, New York, N. Y.

“D ear Uncle Bill: I t has been a long time since I have had n.chance to -write. Been busy moving around, and getting settled in our new home. I t is a little b it like being home, because we arc billeted in an old French Chalet. I t is a very picturesque old place, made en tirely o f red brick,- • and field stone. I t is four sto ries high,' and tho roof is very steep, like all the roofs of the houses of F rance are. W hy they build them th is way, I ’ll never know. W e have a largo fire­place iii our room, which keeps, us warm.

Thero a rc a couple of .small towns nearby, and quite often, we go in a f te r supper. There . isn’t much to do there. Som etim es we go to the Cafe,’ and d rink , cider. T hat is the only beverage they seem to have around here. They

Thank's again fo r your le tte rs and my reg a rd s to all the fellows when you see them. Your Friend, Jim m y.” '

-V -

advertise many d iiferent drinks, hu t cider is the only one you-can' <jei.. F- saw. m y f.rst French movie, the o ther day. i t w as good, hut it can ’t com pare w ith: ours. Hope th is le tte r finds you well; Good lueirt'tf the seasdn th is year. Slay it be as successful as the last. As ever, Doug.”

■---------------v ---------M /Sgt: Jam es I lend rick son,

' 3207051.5 Ilq . Ill r y 517111 F A Hn.A I’O 17319c/o P ostm aster, New York, N. Y.

“D ear Uncle Hill: .My apology fo r being so long in w riting to you, bu t when you get trav e lin g around the world Uncle Sam sure can keep you busy. I am now stationed somewhere in -France and getting into the land,which y o u 'a re reading ab o u t every day back home. ■ 1 was .itist th inking .the firs t le tte r 1 w rote to you. was from tho H a­waiian Islands in Pacific and now J am w riting from tiie opposite side of the world, I- have received an education from traveling so fa r since being in the Army, b u t Ocean Grove sure will look good w hen’ it

.is all over.I arrived in England in time to

enjoy C hristinas there and gliid I didn’t have to spend it. on the sea. I was able to g e t quite a few passes in- E ngland and a chance lo see a good p a r t oi. the country. I en­joyed a few weekends in M anches­te r and Liverpool find Visited m any of the historical places of in te rest in each city. I had hoped to get a chance to-, v isit London - b u t -didn’t stny in E ngland long.

Conditions in F rance now are really tough and people will be a long tim e g e ttin g back or. the ir fee t again, I have seen the city of L ellav re and th e re isn ’t much le f t to w rite about it. People have very little to live on and the ir possessions a re jm th e ir backs. I t is a p itifu l sig h t when you pass th rough towns and villages and see them live. They still have a cheer­fu l hello fo r the Y anks however and will wave to you whenever you pass them . There a re lots of s to r­ies I would like to w rite about bu t censorship will not allow it. I t hardly seems possible I are on ground now w here h isto ry was be­ing. m ade such a sh o rt tim e ago.

Thanks so mufch fo r th e copy of the-Ocean Grove Tinies and I really do enjoy lead ing about home town. What. I do enjoy reading is the le t­te rs from th e . fellows and it is about the only way I can keep track of where a lot' of them are now. I t looks like the fellows are scattered all over - the world.

FIR E ALARMSWhen you discover fire, i;g

to the n eares t fire alarm box, break ,he glass, turn tlie key,, open the do.or, pull down the hook and le t go.. Remain a t, the box to dii-ecr. fire- mcn when they arrive. Do this ra th er rlinn telephone, as much vainable tim e is often lost by.phon­ing. .-, ALWAYS TURN IN THE -WEAKEST F IR E ALARM!

.......... Ocean . .Grove2 1 .. ..N e w Vork and Asbury. Aves.v!2............ , .Police H eadquarters<2<i................. ; ............ Surf iinil-Beachd i . . • . . . . ! . .■.'.'Embury-and Beach2 5 .... . .M ain and pilgrim Pathw ay 2G. .B roadw ay and F ilgrim Path 'y 27 Mt. .Tabor and Penn, Avenue

. . . . . . . . . vN orth End Pavilion

. . . . . . . ...McGUiitock and Beach................... South End Pavilion. ........... Clark tii!!! New Jersey. , . Benson imiS Mt. T ab o r W ay

. ' . .I-ieck and .Whitfield 35.........-...W ebb and Pennsylvania3 6 .... . .S u rf and Pilgrim P athw ay 3 7 . ....... .......... .Benson and F ranklin3 8 . . . ' . .Benson a n d . Abbott ■39.. . . ..N ew Y oik and Stockton‘11 ■ ............... iHeek aiid Lnwrenct-2................... Olin S tre e t Firchouse

4 3 . ....... ................ .... Main atnl BoacJjSpecial Taps

. .5—5—6 General Alarm. 1 W ire Trouble. 2-.F ire Out and Anibc- lance Call. 3 Time 7 a, m. nnd Chief’s Call, 4- W ashington E n ­gine 1.. C. Eagle Truck I. 7

] Stokes Engine 3. 8 ' Ju n io r-D ep t.


Neptune.M ain S tre e t and Main Avw. .M ain S treer and Corlies Ave.'

. . . .Unexcelled F ire House . . . . . . . iA tkins and Embuv.v

.......... ; P rospect r,nd Heck

. . . . . ; Ridge ^hnd Em bury . . . . . . - Stokes und S tra tfo rd

...............Corlies arid P.idge«<- • - • ............. .Corlies and Union81 . . . . . . . . . . Se -nti. and. Stokes§ 2 ....................... .R idge and E ighth8 5 . ...................... Tenth and. A tkins•®j............................S ixth and A tkins92 .-., . , . . . . . . .E igh th and Hamilton

Special Taps 0—G—G G eneral A larm .— 2 Am­

bulance Call. F ire Out, 3 Chief’s ' Call. Time 1 p. m. 1 Unexcelled. 2—2—2 Police.

Bradley Beach . . . . . . . Evergreen and Madison. . . . . . . . . . . ----- Cliff and K ent.

-----P a rk Place nnd Ocean.......... . . . .L a R c in e and Ocean. . . . . . . . . . .F o u rth and Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . .Second and Beach•.••••'.........N ew ark r nd Madison• Ocean P a rk and F letcher Lake

-----LaReine ami Central............... .......... F ifth and Centra!. .Ocean P ark and F letcher Lake-----LaReine and F letchcr Lake...........F ifth and F letcher Lake...........Third and F letcher Lake.........-Monmouth and A tlantic• ■ ...........Park. Place and Main• .McCabe and Main . . . . . . . . . . ,,B rin lev and Main........... • • , . ... .F o u rth and Main•'........... .- ..E verg reen and Main................. B urlington and Main


Page 3: VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4 ... · VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory

FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 P A G E T H R E E

B l B B i l E Ec H n R i i in F i

v 3. ’■oo^-I


v a a j fT ,,

i'M vzi i1 ^ > > T s 8 i p W B » W » H aP P Y GIRL—P re tty Dorothy WolfE. smiles as author-scicntist J . D. Rotchft au tographs her copy of his now book. “Yellow Magic—tlie S tory .of Penicil­lin," Why? Because penicillin restated, D orothy’s so ld ier-brother, M aster tV i - geant Raymond WollT, to health. « .

“Pertwhistle, Wortley, Bencon and Pottlebyj Inc. Mr. Pertwhistle’s, Mr. Wortley’s, Mr. Benson’s and

' Mr. Pottleby’s secretary speaking.”

B y d ’A Iessio

UllWMm u : , cm ■


ijEE.. '/t>T£ F»eX k I ts PESO S'

c?~* *L ■ ■/ AVA^~yr~-„

ENCHANTMENT—Sheila Ryan of Hollywood aptly illustra tes the word, don't you th ink?

MAKING MIRACLE DRUG—P a rt ot th e 3G,000. flasks of penicillin "broth" inoculated daily a t L ederle Laboratories w here B row n Instrum ent Co., deviccs m inutely control incubation tem pcia- tu res every m inute of the year. •

‘I think I 'll vote for him '.bnt—it’d serve him right to have to liv-. .'. ."-'ashington!”



Solution in Next Issue;

HORIZONTAL 1 Globe 4 Strokes.. , lightly; . .

18 Demoristra- live pronoun~

12 Northern* constellation

13 Danish m easure

14 P a r t in play15 To perm it16 Indecipher­

able18 L ater .20 To jump21 Note of scale22 Through23 Falsifier.27 High card 29 Feminine

» ; 2 1 oG NeUicr pro- ' J.7 j j noun

dckof-G old ' .37/Linear varl- : [: V’jiist Negroes atipn of color: Bitbylqr mn 33 Pure

deity 40 Satisfied.22 To fondle 41 Indian24 Exists mulberry25 Handle 43 P rin ter's

. 2C To harvest m easure27 European 44 Agreement

mountains 45 Roman road• • 20 Persian . 46 European

‘jarcllo 47 Pat/? Possesren 48 Portuguesel'» \ i?nn • .... v . money* of .

.32' r«» organs accountoi animals 49 Opening

33 Beam of light 50 Pen pointAnswer to Toxile No. 1.I Hll ' i l b m I A LITTLE.BOSS*•♦BUT I


CO N N IE? ■M -y v -- iP U T TO BED! |—- —V



Serif* K-l*


"M EIN CAM P"—Tho kam pf (b a ttle ) is over, now, for these dejec t­ed “superm en,’’ shown resting briefly before being m arched to their com pounds behind Y ank lines, 'o ... . . .



Honors Band Leader

Two Students Lead

Neptune Honor Roll. N ine Closely Follow W ith H on­

ors in F our Subjects F or F ifth . M arking Period. -

1 Helen L uttm an .and Jo h n Ven­tu ra atta ined : honors;; in a ll five subjects: a t the close of N eptune high school’s fifth m ark ing period,

. i t . w as ’ announced yesterday; by the school office.' ,.

H onors in fo u r subjects w ere won by L orraine Berinett, ’ Lois Candiano, J a n e t Holmes, Shirley Payne, M ary' Smith, A rdell W il­liam s, Joe Bennett, John McGarry, and H erbert. .Tiedemann,

O ther high - rank ing , students a re :

H onors in Three Subjects: Le- landa Boyd, Dorothy DeMidowitz, E sther Edw ards, John Ervin, John Gray, E thel Linehan, M arjorie Lip- pincott, Lucie M arazita, M arie M atthew s, Sam Nuzzi, Ruth Penn, Connie . Pisano, Dolores Rizas, P e a r lR o a c h , B arbara Wood.

H onors in .Two S ubjects: Dona Abram son, A udrey B arkalow , Bet­ty Barto, T yler Bills, Charles Blue, R uth Blume, Peggy C arlton, June Clayton, Jennie Conti, E lizabeth D angler, R obert Decker, W illiam

•DeMidowitz, George DeSarno, H ar­old Downs, N athaniel Duck, Doris E rvin, H arry Evans, Lula Evans, M a rg are t F iorentino , Ja n e t F irs t- brook, Lois Fulton , Evelyn Gant, Don Giles, Ruth H annah, Shirley H eight, V irginia H eight, F red H er­man, J im Holloway, Robert Jensen, W illiam Johnston, R ichard Kelly, L au ra Laflin,. W illiam Leefe, Quen­tin McCann, Dorothy McDaniel,

' 'Dorothy M acann. Phyllis M artin, H a rr ie tt Miner, R uth Miner, M ary

.-"Moore, David M orton, David Ober-. lander, Joe P ala ia , Anne Pascal, F ran k Pellcccia, Edithanhe Porter; B e tty Riley, Leon Robbins, Rich­ard Ross, .Toe Sapdford, E lsie Sculthorp'e, Al. Schneider, C ather­ine Shafto, M a ry Jane Shafto, G ladys Sickler, Richard Stacey, B a rbara Stubb, Rae V otrano, Shir-

. lev W est, M ary W illiam s, E dith W inograd, Jackie Wood.

H onors in One S ubject: Joe Av-.'. none, Alice Ashy, A nna Mae At-

ta rd i,-G race Behrens, LaUra Bish­op. Edith Burdge,- Jam es Burke, W illiam Burke, Elsie C am erer, Au­drey Candiano, Alary C arlton, Janice C arpenter, Doris Gat'.ey, M ary Cimino, Jeanne Clavk, Wi­nona Clayton, Dan. Cole', Ken. Cooper, M arie Crum pler, Car.mel

Curto, F red Denbigh, B etty De- Rose, H enry Dillenbeck, Dorothy D8r4mtre7 Dan. Edelson, Jacque­line. Edw ards; A rth u r-E h rig . R ay­mond Emmons, M arjorie Estelle, V irginia Faby.' Sam. Fauver, Blake Fendrich, Gloria Froelich, Donald Gant, Evelyn G arre tt, Jan e Gif­ford, Richmond Gooden, Daniel Gor-: man, Donald G raham , Carolyn G ravatt,‘-Ed, Guyer, Bob Hancock,. Lois Handley, R obert H ansen, Joan H artm an,- Lois- H arvey, Geneva H eight, Carolyn Hendrickson, J a n ­e t Ilew itson ,. .1 oyce Ilew itson, 'Ro­b e rta H iller, B e tty Horsey, Thom - asina House, Bob' Irons, V ina John­

son, W illiam Johnson, Helen John­son, Em m a Lou Jones, Gwen. Jones', Quentin Jones; Robert K atellien, Fannie 'Kelley,' Joyce Kennedy, V io la : Laflin, Bob Larris'on, E thel Lee, Joe L erteh , Jo a n . Lillagore, Shirley . Long, A udrey Ludwig, Dorothy McCann, Ruth McClelland, Ja n ic e M a c a u la y ,,;- H enry Malms, Carol-Manzi, Robert M arshall, .Em­m a M atthews, Marion M atthsw s, Bill M easure, Shirley Meeks, H ar­old Megill, J e r r y Mercier, Clyde Mjlleri; ’ Yvonne . Mockridge, Kay Moore, W ilton Moore, Rodman M.orrisj . S tella: ;N arayoski, Edwin

Natter', . .Robert , O’Neill', C arter

Defends Marauders

Not one member of Merrill’s Ma­rauder! was able to walk out of Burma after three months fighting the Japs, according to Captain Fred Lyons of Tampa, Fla., shown above as pictured in the January, issue of Cosmopolitan magazine, .who tells for the first time the actual, heart- rending story of the .Marauder’s ac­tivities in the Burma jungles.

1 A gold p in is aw ard ed to A ndre K oste lanetz , .conductor o f th e Sunday afternoon CBS p rogram , "T he P au se th a t R efreshes on the Air,” by N ew Y ork G irl Scouts. Mr. K oste lanetz w ill be a n active aiusic ad v iso r to th e g irls , v

rafftsposfe&ri to YchyoCT-3

{U. S. Marino Corpi Photos) 9 ‘•Hatloning” ol a fiirt has h it ever, out tn th e Marliinas, for while Marine Platoon Sgt. John T . Mills (left, top photo) of Augusta, Ga,, end Sgt. William H . J a c o b s o n of Oakland, Oii-, have a Jap sedan *nd Jap gasoline, there ju st isn’t anywhere to go on their island >jase. The Lcathcrnccks capturcd th is H itachi Six, slightly pcrfor- uted by shrapnel, soon after the invasion of the M arianas and put the car back Into running order. B u t they do their touring on the running .board. Seven sailors (lower photo) from a V. S. Navy repair vhlp succeeded In astonishing “shockproof” M arines by bringing oahore the first civilian automobile to land in the Marshalls, Tech­nical Sgt. Jam es H. Flynn (left) of Belmont, Mass., scratches his bt^ad In wonderment and is joined by Marine Capt. Leo J. Mctoskey »•- Monmouth, 111. The bluejackets said they w ant their own trans­portation "so we can see all the sights In Tokyo.’’

Advanced Training

(I) Fists, rifle butts and flying tacklcs were the means employed by a platoon of Marines studying field problems, without ammunition, when they captured five Japs on an island somewhere in the Central Pacific. The Incident occurred several weeks after tlie island was de­clared “aSCii; ed.” (2) Private F irst Class Edward F. McQuillan of Lynn, Mass., got the first Jap, siamming him between the shoulder

: (4) Corporal Jam es Miller or Metropolis, HI., crept behind naolher Jap and clicked liis*rifle bolt, as though tlie weapon waa loaded. W hen the Ja p sped off, Miller brought him down with a Wov /tom ‘th e ■ b u t t .of his ;M-1 rifle.:The Marino hod to. d ra g 'the enemy CO yards before he would “cooperate” and walk. (5) Private First Clahs Charles Fazio o f St. Louis; Mo.; found a Jap playing possum. How-! ever, when th e Marine smashed h im over the head with h is carbine, the Jap , no longer eager to play dead, fumbled for a grenade. Fazio

For LocalNews Read Th a Ocean Grove Tim^s


Owens, Susie Pascal, George P a te r­son, Ju a n ita Payne, . M ary Jane Pearson, Leroy Pemblet'on, Bob i Pem bleton,. John PetiHoi Carl P et- j ers; Robert Petzold, Joseph Pisano, Rose Pisano, Thomas P la tt, Do­lores Plum m eiy ..'Lois ; Polhenius; VMir i am P or t ^ r j ac cj it ei i n e .' P re to t, M arianna Purdy, . Eunice Reed, B etty Reid, Ed. Reidi Jane Reijfh- ton, Ja n e Rica,: Jean Rizast A rth u r’ Roc, K atherine Romer, Joan Roon­

ey, Jam es Schembri, Melvin- Ses- pedos, Jan a Severs, Dorothy .Slater, :M uriel; Smith, Ken,'; S tanford, Al Swolinsky, Burton Taylor, Dorothy Taylor, Evelyn Tcphford, C ath­erine .Thomia,, .VAutcust Thomas, Elaine Tozour,* . E thel Trim m er, E leanor T urner, Joe . Vecchione, Jeanne Walkh, C harles W eaver, R ichard Weldon, Florence W hite, Uos'* W hite ,.R u th W hite, Larraine Wriurht, Renee Zschiegher.,

People, Spots In The News ,

blades w ith his rifle butt. The Jap sprawled on his face and Mc­Quillan sr.t on him until the Jap was convinced rcsijtance.*vas use­less. (3) Private F irst Class IJonald H. Mills of Shawmit, R. I.,' brought his .lap down with a flying tackle. But when the enemy • reached for a jrrcnado.it was.ioo much for Mills. The Lcathcrncck pounded the Jap with Ills "bare fists until he was thoro jglily beaten.

■ continued liittini him nr,til the carbine broke Into three pieces. (6) PrlvUe First Class LeRoy Fowler of Miles, Mich., crawled behind another Ja p lying in the brush and staring a t three Ma­rines who beckoned him tr came out. Seeing Fowler, the Jap jumped up and pulled a grenade from his belt. Blit he m eant no harm , for he handed the grenade to the Marine as a token of surrender. The Japanese prisoners were sent back to camp under guard and the Leatherneck platoon went back to its interrupted field problems.


P ictured by MTSfJt. Vic D onahue from a C om bat R eport by Sf;t. C yril Q 'B ricn

pronoun30 Interm ediate31 Behold I32 Obese33 Ethiopian

■ title34 Symbol for

sam arium35 Lifts with

lever37 Mournful'38 Bottle top 33 To satisfy40 Pigpen41 Exclamation '

42 Shake’s; ear* onn vir.-i

■ 44 Checkin; £. pattern

47 South. .Arhi'r.'-- enn country

51 Music: as. written

52 F ruit53 Outstancilng

event54 Number55 Gratuities6C Something

owed57 Before

VERTICAL1 Spanish' cooking pot2 Chain of

. rocks lying near surface of water '

3 Glass con* tainer -

4 Two5 Everyone0 Bank em­

ployee7 Look of *

contempt8 Increases by

threefold9 P o rt of Are:

place10 Sick -

Page 4: VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4 ... · VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory
Page 5: VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4 ... · VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory



M iss Suzon Z iegler, o f G erm an­tow n, Pa., is v isiting h e r g rand­p aren ts , M r. and M rs. Paul J. S tra ssb u rg er, 42 P ilg rim P athw ay.

A fte r spending th e w in ter in New O rleans, La., T hom as Stanyon re tu rn ed th is week' to h is co ttage a t 97 Stockton avenue;

Com. Alex. M. D am on and M rs. Damon, who spen t th e w in ter in St. P e tersbu rg , F la ., th is week opened th e ir co ttage a t 85 Stockton avenue.

Mr. and M rs. J . Colem an T o tten re tu rn ed th is week to th e ir co ttage a t 82 Mt. P isg ah W ay, a f te r spend­ing th e w in ter in Rockledge, F la .

• Miss S ara Rothblum , of New Y ork City, spen t severa l days th is week w ith M r. an d M rs, Jacob B eutell, 98% E m bury avenue.

Mrs. F . E. M ackay, of E ast Or­ange’, and hfer daughter, M rs. F red ­erick C astle, re tu rn ed la s t week- end to p repare th e Broadview, 13 Broadw ay, fo r opening th is season.

• M rs. H elen O rrok, of .N eptune City, and her daughter, Miss Grace O rrok, on W ednesday took posses­sion of th e ir new ly-purchased cot­tag e a t 115 Broadway.

A fte r spending the w in ter in M cnands, A lbany, N. Yv, Dr. G eorge T . M oston th is week open­ed, h is co ttage a t 103 Vj M t. Tabor

W ay. ••• .. . . V; -: V ; , ' ’M r/a n d M rs. J . A . F e tzer, of A l­

lentow n, P a., re tu rn ed th is week a n d ’ a re p rep arin g the Im perial, 26 M ain avenue, f o r opening fo r th e season.

Mr. and M rs , E .'V an Ronk, a f te r spending th e w in te r in C oral Gab­les F la ., have re tu rn ed here and i r e p rep a rin g S unset Lodge, Cen­tra l and P itm a n avenues, fo r opcn-

•: iiig on S atu rday , M ay 26.M rs. S. B. C raw ford, of S h o rt

H ills, spen t a w eek; here v isitingh e r daughter, Mrs; R. C;;B ergen ,A sbury avenue, and grandson, 1 le. R obert Bergen, A rm y A ir Forces, lio m e o n f u r lo u g h . .; M iss F lossie M angam and h e r

motjker,- M rs. M angam , have openedth e ir sum m er home a t 20 E m bury avenue. M iss M angam is a teach ­e r in the Bayonne (N . J .) sc'100 system ; ;

A fte r spending th e w in te r w ithh e r son, Col. John S. E . Young,

fD e p u ty Chief ;of Staff, M arine A ir S tation , E l T oro , Cal;, M rs. E . D.S. Young re tu rn ed yesterday to herhome a t 100 W ebb avenue.

F ra n k Thorpe, W eehawken, ’new. owner o f . Stokes H all, 28 Ocean P athw ay, h a s arrived , here and is p rep arin g tho hotel oi opening on May 20 for. D ecoration Day. Mr. Thorpe w ill be assisted by h is son in the m anagem ent of th e hotel.

Circle IC, W.S.C.S., Mrs. James■Sullivan, leader, w ill m eet a t thehome of M rs. H a rry Mitchell, 1-17 F ran k lin avenue, T hursday even- ing, M ay 10, a t 8:00. M rs , CliffordDoHaven w ill review th e book, “ Tales o f S outheast A sia.”

- F ro m S t. P e te rsb u rg w here they have been p assing the w in ter, Mrs.Jenn ie N a c e ‘and h er sis ter, M rs.A nnie Sharp , w rite th a t t l ie jre x -

• pect to reach Ocean Grove .on Mon­day. They are leaving today and will spend the weekend in W il­mington, Del, .. . . . .

■ M rs. N orm an D eG root, 91 A s­bury avenue, en terta in ed recently a t a luncheon a t th e D eauville Inn Mrs. R. C. B ergen, M iss Shirley M iller, Miss Lucille DeGroot, and Mrs. E m ily G ebhardt and Miss R uth G ebhardt, o f W ilkes-B arre,

.P a . ■*; v - : - . : •;Bob W egge, storekeeper, 1 /e ^ U .

S ' N a v y rh a s arrived-liome after1% years’ dbsence- fo r a 30-day leave. P a r t of th e tim e h e and h is w ife D orothy will b e a t h is m oth­e r ’s, M rs. W illiam W egge, Jam aica, N Y., and la te r w ill v is it B o b sb ro th er and sister-in-law, Mr. andMrs. W illiam W egge, 43 A bbott avenue, th is place. Bob h a s been in th e South Pacific fo r th e p a s ty ea r and a half.

Capt. Geoi-ge Compton, A rm y A ir Forces, who fo r 25 m onths served as. a T hunderbolt p ilo t in E urope, has re tu rn ed to th e S ta tes and is now ‘ sta tioned a t D othan, Ala., w here he is resid ing w ith h is w ife, th e fo rm er Jean n e Dcegah. M rs Compton is tlio dau g h te r of M r.. an d M rs. W. D.eogan, of O r­ange, wlio fo r m any years resided

• here a t 87 Heck av en u e , Capt. Compton, thq son of M rs. George Compton of Pennington, lias been a sum m er residen t of Ocean Grove fo r a num ber of years. T he cpuple a re m aking th e ir homo a t 103AN o r t h P a rk avenue, D othan ,

M r.' and Mrs. H. D. W ebster, fo rm erly of 14 Ocean Pathw ay, have moved to Greenville, Pa.

Mr; and Mrs. Felix Soco, jr ., of Oceanside, N. Y., are spending a honeymoon in Ocean Grove, stop ­ping a t the S t , Elmo hotel.

M rs. Em m a Ellis, of In terlaken, form erly of Ocean Grove, is v is it­ing her son-in-law. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E, • A. Elm ore, of Corning, N. Y. . .

Mrs. M argare t A. Gough, of M ount Vernon, N. Y., will open her house a t 101 Cookman avenue, to ­m orrow fo r the season.

Mr. and Mrs. H arry . V. Leavitt, of Brooklyn, N. Y., have opened th e ir co ttage a t 106 Cookman ave­nue fo r th e season.

Mrs. Mae A, S trolisky, of B a ld ­win, L. I., N. Y., re tu rned th is week and is p reparing the M arie .Villa, 9 Main avenue, fo r the sea­son. .

Miss E. K, Shaw, proprietor, of the Ardmore-Summerfield, Ocean Pathw ay, has arrived from her home in U pper M ontclair and is p rep arin g her hotel fo r opening on May 25.

Mrs. G. F, D rake will open the A llenhurst, corner of P itn ian and Central avenues, on May 15 fo r the season on the Am erican ond E u ­ropean plan.

Corp. T. H adford Catley, of Am arillo, (Tex;) Army Air. Field, and Mrs. . Catley are v isiting Mr. and M rs, George Catley, 123 Ab­bo tt avenue. . . .

M ark O. P ren tiss , Public Rela­tions counsel, of New York City, has purchased the cottage front M rs.'G uy S egur a t 69 Mt. Hermon W ay and has re tired here fo r the sum m er, .

’-Mrs. George R. H aines , and. her daughter, Mrs. E dith H ankins, of Moores town, arrived th is week and a re p reparing the M ajestic hotel for opening .for Decoration Day,

Among the guests reg istered a t the S t .:Elnio hotel during the week a re Mrs. J. W. Robertson and son, Eugene, Palisades; . N. Y.; Miss Alice Cook ami Miss A nna Riddle, Astoria,' L; L',’N. Y.’j Mr. .and Mrs. J . A rcher T urner, Sw arthm ore, Pa.; M isses Susan and Lena Olmstead and M iss’Florence Bates, of Ridge-

j field, Conn.--------—V - — - • ■

Crusade GoesO ver

CHICAGO - Bishor J Ralph Magee (le ft1 chairman and director of the Methodist Crusade for Christ, receives news that the goal'.o f S25.000.000 for postwar rellel and re­construction has- been surpassed by more than a million dollars’

Dr J Manning Potts ivhc camc from Roanoke Va. to become Bishop Magee's associate presents lilm a summarj ol reports from the de- nomination'f 60C district superim tenacnts The- total is S26,040.749 Oi this amount 11 million is in cash, rcprcsenrec by.. pass’ books in tilt Bishop's nanri The rest is in pledges payable within the next nine months Tins is believed t r be tlie largest sum ever raised, by a ehurch for a comparable purpose

Emphasis will hov s./inp tc othei aspect; of the ’ four-year five-fold Crusade for Christ church school attendance stewardship, evangelism and support of International collab­oration

The N ew Je rse y Real E sta te Commission is ono s ta te agency th a t does not requ ire an expend! tu re of ta x dollars, po in ts out tho New Je rsey T axpayers Associa tion. The Commission is financed en tirely from license fees, penal ties nnd fines.■ ;.r:/vv.. ■ .v- " -iff i -x.'y■■:■ 'O B IT U A R Y

DAVID SOW ERS David Sowers, 35, fo rm erly of

th is place,, died W ednesday n igh t a t h is homo ill Philadelphia follow­ing a short illness. He is survived ■by his w ife, the ’fo rm er E dna R. T itm as, of Ocean Grove, and two children, Ju d ith Pauline and Mabel Penny. Funeral sei'viees will be held to n ig h t a t 0:00 from his la te home, 2930 W. G irard avenue, and burial will be m ade in Johnstow n, Pa,, on M onday....... _.


W ill L ecture a t Both Sunday Ser­vices a t Salvation Army

Services a t th e Salvation Army Citadel, 611 M attison avenue, As­bury P ark , on Sunday a t 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. will be conducted by M ajor John Bamford, of Manas- quan, assisted by members of the Retired Oflicers’ League.

Colonel David S titt will be tho guest speaker a t each of these se r­vices. In the m orning the Colonel w ill’ speak on “ A P lea from the C hrist”. In tlie evening his subject will bo “The Things th a t Make for Peace”,, • ■ ■ ’.

Colonel S tit t entered the work of the Salvation .Army in Belfast, Ireland, and served in G reat Bri­ta in p rio r to tra n sfe r to United S tates. He also served w ith the Am erican A rhiy of Occupation in Germany.

. :—_—v ---------PR IV A TE MOUNT TO WED

Bride-Elect is E leanor Jean Him- pelc, of W est A llenhurst

Announcem ent was made this w eek-by Mr. and Mrs. R obert J. Himpele, W est A llen h u rst, of the engagem ent of .their daughter, E lean o r Jean , to. P riv a te ,firs t class A rth u r J . Mount, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Mount, 148 F runklin ave­nue, th is place. The wedding will tak e place in June.

The bride-elect was graduated, from N eptune high school and is employed as a secre ta ry a t the E arle N aval Am munition Depot. P r iv a te M o u n t;. also a N eptune high school g raduate, is stationed a t W estoyer Field, Mass.


M rs. O. K oster, 127 C lark Ave., Recovering a t F itkin

Sirs. Oliver K oster, 34, o f 127 C lark avonue, is recovering a t F it- kin hospital a f te r being rendered unconscious by gas poisoning a t her lipme yesterday,’ She was saved from probable death b y .h e r husband w h en .lie ’ returned: from work yesterday m orning, about 10:00. ■

The f irs t-a id squad was called im m ediately. Oxygen w as .admin­istered to the victim , a f te r which she w as taken to the hospital in .the am bulance.

A Tree Grows in America

P h o n e A. P . 14G4-R



20 Y earn w ith H am ilton W atch Co 12G M ain Avenue, O cean G rovr

JOSEPH’S BEAUTY SALONA ll B ran ch es of


COLD PE R .'fA N J2N T WAVE IB 10 Corllea A ve, N ep tune , i i . ' J .


Have Your


C L E A N E DF o r. Complete F u rn a c e C leaning

S ervleo Call


Honor Roll Scroll Presented By Ushers

The reg u la r business m eeting of the U shers Union of. St. P aul’s church w as held Tuesday evening, w ith P residen t Cliff ICunckel pre­siding. .

William Lyon and Harold Blau- velt w ere received as new members.

The U shers Honor, Roll Scroll has been com pleted and was pre­sented by com m ittee member, Jos­eph Sandford, The scroll was de­signed by A rchie Griffith. I t was voted to send a le tte r of thanks to both Mr. Griffith and Howard Smith, the la tte r having furnished the fram e. The scroll will be placed jn the Sunday School audi­torium .

The guest speaker fo r the even­ing was Rev. Donald S. Stacey, of W est1. Grove M ethodist ehurch, whose topic was “ Fishermen I Have Known”.

R efreshm ents w ere served and there w ere 35 in attendance.


W ashington Com pany's Annual ' E lection Held L ast N ight

Jacob B atdorf w as elected presi­den t of . the W ashington fire com­pany, a t the annual election of of­ficers la s t n ight, preceded by a din­ner a t the Post Villa. •

O thers officers named were: vice president, Joseph 'M oore; secre­ta ry , Jam es B la ir; treasurer, L. B. M ulford; tru stee , S tew art B lair; captain, E dw ard C. Sweet; first lieutenant, W illiam Blown; second lieutenant, A rch Shaw; engineer of pum per, A lbert Catley; first a s ­s is ta n t ,: Clifford Cole; second as­sis tan t, H ow ard Sm ith; third a s­sis tan t, C harles W ilson; engineer of. emergency, W allace Reed; first a ssistan t, W illiam H erbert; -second assistan t, H erm an M etzger; Mon­m outh County F irem en’' associa­tion—trustee , J . T. Reid; delegates, David H. .O’Reilly, Wallace Reed, and Edw ard C. Sweet.

EDMUND L. THOMPSONE xterio r and Interior

• P ain ting E stim ates F u rn ls lin i ’.".

D8 Coohm an Ave<» Ocean (Jro re P hone AKbnrjr P a rk

Atlantic ServiceStockton and So. M ain S treetff It E A SI Xf>: TI It E « E 1»A I US OH, CH AN G E WAS H IM ;

1 /E E ‘ TIMES- J . W A ItH EX FULTO X, P ro p r.

Sub-District Rally Planned By W.S.C.S.

N ational S ecretaries GuestSpeakers a t A ffair H ere May 18;F u rth e r P lans fo r Annua! F a irDiscussed.

P lans fo r a sub-d istric t m eeting in St. P au l’s church on Friday , May 18 were announced a t a m eet­ing of the executive board of; the W om an’s Society of C hristian Ser­vice on Tuesday afternoon.

G uest speakers for- the m eeting will be Miss Alice Murdock, N a­tional Secretary of M issionary P er­sonnel and Mrs. E lo ise 'A . Wool- ever, N ational O rganization and Prom otion Secretary . Mrs. T. A. Pierce will havo charge of the music and Mrs. B. S. Cro\ycroft will conduct the devotional period.

A playlet, “ W hat Choice Shall I M ake”, in charge of Mrs. Bleecker S tirling will be. presented. The m eeting will open a t '10:00 follow­ed by a box luncheon.

F u rth e r plans fo r the annual fair.

S tam p 36 M ust L ast 4 M onths S ugar S tam p No. 36 in W ar Ra­

tion Book F o u r became good fo r five pounds o f suga r on May 1, the T renton Office of Price A dm inistra­tion announced th is week. The stam p: will rem ain good fo r use by consum ers through F riday , A ugust 31, 1945. S ugar S tam p: No. 35, which came into use on F ebruary 1,' jvilf be good through June 2, pro­viding an overlap of about one month during which S ugar Stam p No. 35 and Sugar Stam p N°. 36 m ay both he used.’ OPA pointed out, however, th a t there is serious doubt as to w hether ano ther stam p can be validated as early! as A ug­u st 1.

1 USED FURNITURE 1I We Buy and Sell JH Alm ost E veryth ing 5 1 A N TIQ U ES CURIOS 5I Cali P. 4640 i1 BLUME’S QUAINT SHOP 1, |: 69 South Main S tre e t |Tu |ii it>lci 1111111 'i i ii iirt ii i iiiiit n a ritut ji imif I nl msiiintti*?


Ji thought for the Week 6nd

Ocean Grove News Service NEWSPAPERS

5S Main Avenue. Tel. 528-i

Ocean Grove's Original C arrier . A rthu r W Rilny, P ro p r .,

I'lliifuiuiiiliiiiiiiiinttiliiliitiiKiliililtriniitiuiiiiriiit^| CHOW MEIN I5 TO TA K E HOM E 3

I NEW CANTON R E S T A U R A N T lI CniN ’E SE Uml 'A M ER IC A N FOOD ? - N eu r N cptnne H igh School 5 = 82 So. MnIii' S tree t O cean G ro re s r Telephone A , P . 9177 ' fj1 1 JiiiiijiiM iiiririM ii’i'iiiii-ii-iiui ii'ii !iiii>.r:iii?


“S e r v in g tho S h o re “ |


Acid IndigestionR e lie v e d in 5 m ln u le s o r d o u b le y o u r m o n e y b a c k

When excess 6tt»m.ich ociil painful, guffcx-ftt-inK eonr nm narh antj tu'anlium, d x to rj u^uallf prfscrlho tin) fastest-acting jnodlclnes known for lymptomatJc relief—wedlilnci. Ilk0 those In Bell-ana TaLlcJf. S o ljxailro. hrlnga comfort In aJiffy or double your taoney on return of bottlo to us. Djc at all UiucgUt),

A, M. A U STINC arpenter and Builder

W eather S tripping Estimate:- Given. Tel. Z37-M 86 Ileck Avenue, Ocean Grove

Funeral Home of Matthews, Francioni and Taylor

Exclusive But Inexpensive704 Seventh Avenue. Asbury Park, N. J Telephone 21

By Verne Leslie Sm ith, P asto r of S t. P aul’s Church

I.’’. . T H E TESTIM ONY OF KING GEORGE“And I said unto the man who stood a t th e ’g a te of the year: ‘Give

me a ligh t th a t I m ay tread sa fe ly into th e unknow n’.”And he replied:“ Go out into the darkness and pu t thine hand into the hand of God,

th a t shall be to thee b e tte r than light, and sa fe r th an a known w ay.”• “ So I w ent fo rth , and finding the hand of God, trod, bravely into

the n ight, And H e led me tow ard th e’hills, and the b reak ing of day in the lone E a st.”(These lfnes were quoted by K ing George VI in his C hristm as broad­

cas t la s t year, Think about them deeply, and save them fo r.y o u r scrap-book;) -

SUNDAY IN -ST . PA U L’S CHURCH 10: 55 A. V ictory Communion Service; serm on "P aths. To Peace” . 7:30 An evening w ith the Hym ns of Charles Wesley.O ther services—Church School a t 9:30, John G. Syms, 8u p tM As­

sembly Bible Class at. 2:45, Rev. B. S. Crowcroft, teacher, subject “G reat Bibic C haracters— Solomon’’.


Ju ly 10-20 w e re also discussed a t Tuesday’s board m eeting. The W esleyan Service Guild, of which H iss Ida Mason is president, will have charge of the sandwich table.

The regu lar m eeting of the so­ciety will be hold Tuesday evening, May 15, a t 7:30, w ith Miss Lulu E. W righ t .in charge of the program ,

The' S anctity o i the C hristian Home.’’ Special music will be re n ­dered by the Cecelian Choir, d irec t­ed by Miss Thelm a Mount. 1

T he nex t m eeting of th e execu­tive board, will be a t ’the home of Miss W right, Shelburne hotel,

I Be Sure You Attend the

1 Men's Community Fellowship

| C o r n e d B e e f

i : S i i f i p e r ~

I Saturday, May 12, Between 5:30-8 P. M.

1' ■ ■ at .. ' .! ST. PAUL'S CHURCH

FA LAC E. ItltA D I.K Y HE-.VCll

M AT. D A ILY 2::i0—KVK. 7 nnd » |Siit. nml S un . (?rmtlnnntis f ro m *2:SO i

l'R I,-SA T.> M nv. 1-:.— , * v“HERE COME

THE COEDS”A11HOTT \ <:o s r i : i . i . O and

. I 'E t .O V KV.AX • • s i : n t A iv :

• .fr;iiunl;ty • Miuimv* Only' :%

i i - ■ i B i i 9

! T C B . - W K D . f T t K 'l : : , -M nv S -i '- lO — l


I 'H I S t ’ *

Ocean P athw ay, on June 5.Those a tten d in g the board m eet­

ing were M rs. B. S. Crowcroft, Mrs. E. N. W oolston, Mrs. V iolet Gillan, Mrs. V erne L. Sm ith, Miss M yrtle Chapin, .. Mrs. Charles Bllms, Mrs. N eal Tompkins, M rs. George Tompkins, .M iss M arceline R ogers, Mr3. Lewis Mulford, Mrs. II. D. K resge, M rs. H enry H arley , Mrs. W ilbert W estcott, Mrs. Mar-" jorie M aeW hinney, Mrs. Thomas W. M artin,. Mrs. F ra n k V. H.’ P ru -’. den, M is. Jan ies Sullivan, Mrs. E l­lis P ierce and Mrs. R utherford T rim m er. ’•


| WOOLMAN’S J(Quality Market:1 125 Heck Avenue |“ Telephone 963 • | ; | Qcean Grove J .

S I'N .-M U X ./M ay 0-T—“SION OF THE CROSS”F i t i : i u u c ^ i a i u h «n«i k l i s s a


■-■sFIT 1.-3 AT;, M ay 11-12— .VH A N G O V E R „ S Q U A R E ” ! 1 :

CllCO.V K ti ml I. IX DA I l>A l( \ KM ,

: W e Have

W ilson’s

H ave you tried it?A ?judy builder, miiclc of ex­

tr a c t of beef. Stop in and get a booklet on its

‘ many; uses,

M ake gravy .o f it,, delicious on pan cakes.


Classified A dvertisem entsA tlvertl»cm cntH 'for those colum ns should be In tho ollice of MThe

T im es" NOT LA T E R TH A N 12 O 'CLOCK NOON T h u rsd ay of eachw eek.-' ’■


1 cen t per w ord. 2=5 w ords OR J.EPS ...

M ore th a n 25 w ords . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D ti;nes fo r the . price of four.

. Copy m ailed in, Riven, to rep resen ta tiv e o r b ro u g h t to office per* konnlly m u e t.b e accom panied by: ca sh o r s tam pa to cover coat. Copy acccpte’d. over phone a s a \c o u rteay and convenience ' to custom era. B ills due im m ediately upon p resen ta tio n .

FO R SALE—F u r h i s li a d. 16! rooms; bath $0500 25 1 oonis, hath, boat, good locations §1.2;000.’ -ti rooms, bath., steam , :S rooms’, lieat’. both, $5500..’ : Semojis; Agency, 12-1 Mt. ta b o r W av.— 1 8 - il’' . -V..-'

G 1H L':W A N TED : Weil „ trained

light .housekeeper—5 nfternuons

from H o'clock th rii .diimer. ..Small

cottage;, N'ear. Pdstoflice. Apply,

w riting giving plioiie i f one, and

w ages expected-1-’W rite P. O. Box'

•77, Ocean Grove.— 18?. : ’. .

FOR SALE— Six d in ing : room chairs riiuT dining room table. 53 E m bury Avenue.—‘10-20®

'.W ILL biiy eliih’a, gl'assi jew elry, silver, antiipie fu rn itu re , Best.prices paid for one piece or nijjnjv W rite • aiid I ’will call. Box 5,: Times- Of- lice.— 1,<-22"

:W ANTED— Small house or apt.,- furnished, ju iio 1 st to Sept.. th ree adu lts. v’E. W. Copeland, 131 L e- laiitl Ave., Plainfield, N. J .—18-19

FO R SA LE—Double house, 128 and 125.H: A bbott Ave. Owner, Mrs. -Stevens; 530T C harles St.', Philadelphia 2-1, Pn. Key a t. .53. Ileck • Ave.— 17-21'

F O R RENT— L arge second-floor, f ro n t room, .individual porch; four people. A dults only. ’ N'ear beach and restau ran ts . Month or season. Reply io S ox 14, Times oflice. -1 5 -1 9 ?

W ANTED—H ost' and hostess ■for medium, size house , in Oceaii Grove. Lodging and /sm all salary . Box 15, T im es Office.—15-11-

For .R eservations Telephone A. P. -1577-R

A dults 85c. Children Gac.

... .................................. ......................................

ROOFS of all kinds applied and repaired w ith m etal edge. E sti­mate-;' given. W illiam K rayer, 77M> Benson avenue, Ocear. Grove. Piione A. P. 4058-J,- -3*

W A N TED —Board with unfur­nished room for fall.arid winter by single -man. .- Have own furniture. Best of references. Address -Bos: 2, T im es Olllce.— 1-1-1S*

M U R R ^V ’S—“ The P an ts House of - A sbury P ark .” - 805-807 Lake avenue. Ju s t off Main St. ‘toys and Men’s needs supplied.—53 tf.

FO R SALE—House, G rooms, all imp., §4500; 10 room s, nicely fu r ­nished, all- im provem ents, oil heat, fine home and y early income; Bungalow , 5 rooms, $2200; 1". rooms, all imp., §8000, All nicely ■located, Can b e ,seen by appoint­m ent only. J . C. P e rry A gency, G9 Main avenue. Phone A . P , 8322 or residence, M iinasquah 3541— 15tf..

F O Ii SA LE—B ath Avenue, near ocean -front, 17 rooms.- - P a r tly heated by hot a ir heat. 'Also !>art- ly furnishedj §8,000, Also P erm a­nent :orner, all y ea r location, 7- rooni house, <1 room co ttage. Siinie fu rn itu re . Stove lieat. Good income. §4,000. B re w e r .* Sm ith, rea lto rs , 701’Bangs avenue, A sbury Park . Phone 250.— 17tf.

FO R SA LE—3G Rooms, 30 Bed­room s, R unning w ater, P a r tly fu r­nished, §15,000; H otel, 39 Rooms, 36 Bedrooms, R unning w ater, F u r­nished, §25,000; 14 Rooms Steanv heat, §5,000; 12 Rooms, §4,000; 13 Rooms, Oil lieat, §6,500; 11 Rooms, H ot a ir heat, §G,500; 10 Rooms, 2 B aths, H ot a ir heat, F u r. §5,5.00; Neptune, 8 rooms, h o t a ir heat, §3,500; 7 Room3,’ H ot a ir heat, §4,000; 7 Rooms, H o t a ir hea t, §4,500; Bungalow , 5. Rooms, bath , ho t w ate r heat, §1,750; Duplex 7 Rooms, each side, H ot a i r h e a t each side, §4,500; Duplex, 10 rooms, each side, H ot a ir h ea t each side, $5,500;. 7 Rooms, H o t w a te r hea t, $6,600; 6 Rooms, 2 -Baths, Oil heat, Ga­rag e , $4,500;. 10 ISc_oms, Bath, H eat, Facing Lako, $7,000. H einz R ealtor, 130 .'M ain .’Ave., Ocean Grovt.— 21*

Page 6: VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4 ... · VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory





BUSINESS DIRECTORY» » • • I ■ » , ■ « . « . !>•••.I.il.-ll-la .l-ia i.li.l. t l l lo l i l« « lil» |l lt l l l l l» ll |l l l l l |l l |) l l l l l l l l l l l l |t ' l l l l l l l '

WE TIMES advertisers need our trade and !■ friendship. When you need anything first »

Lil&i&'J try to buy it at-home. We are anxious io |? . see our home community the center of com- j| mercial and social activity. Communities' grow and || prosper through combined efforts. Cooperation a n d jr team work make for results. Trade at home. I5 . , - . .. M.5 ' • ' ' (. Zni»! IM 'it-'O 'ii'i > I Ii | -'t li »*i liiantni u I.'t( lii» i'» iiili|in ii»r|||irj|||||1(f


Of course you want tlie best and most reasonable., G et i t a t t h e .

G u t R a te C ro ck e ry C o m p an y ■K itchen E quipm ent and F u rn itu re ''

I louse Furnishings, Ho tel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies1 5 S o u t h M a i n S t r e e t TeWphona, Asbury- Park-1147

O pposite Main Avenue Gates


lliivt*' itiidhitory Clctfni’ii and ..ltephlmi Jieforo Klllim? Wltli- .Vutl«i'rcpzu

■ Repaired ' Nick Antich Finishingllra r Fnime*i»ml*:A,\li; slriilirfilciicr—Wlieul Alignment

iOUli:K iH S'r AVKNjLE; ASHURY PARK . . Telephone' 3172



Corner' Coriies'A venue and .Main S treo t ' N eptune, N. J.

I W I L B U R R . G U Y E R jSuccessor tn *


| PLUMBING AND I j HEATING ]I E stim ates Given *

i 61 Main Avenue, Oi-eon Grove J j Telephone 428 •

B. V E D D E S' . JE W E L E R ' ' 9 , r

Watch RepairingBEST. PRICES. .V,’


57 Main Avenue Ocean Grove

Post Office Building





4 3 0 ©N IG H T OR DAY

N e p t u n e T a x i S e r v i c e.9 South . Main S tree t Opposite

Ocean Grove G ates




Auto Repairing |RAY ELLIS I

Stockton nnd So. Main S t. | Ocean (»rov*. Tci. 7727 -• s

' O M E T a) D A Y l MVITAMIN ^ ssL .T A BLETS ^ $

* imum daily requirement* • o f A nnd D Vitnmina or of }i Complex Vitamhm. in one p leasan t tablet, . Remember the nnmo O N E -A -D A Y (brand) V itam in Tablets.


Reitz Model Bakery 47 Pilgrim Pathway


m m i m

DO T E N SE .nerves m ake you W akeful, Cranky, Rcsllcaa? Dr. Miles Nervino

holju to Ic^ c a N erv o u s. Tension. Get i t a t your drufr store. Rend directions ond use only as directed.


FABIO BATTAGLIAsiDKw.w us, c-ntns vs^tUKFLKHO.VU2111 m in e s AV enne, N ep tu n e , . \ . J .


C E S S P O O L S '. - •T elep hone A starry P a r k ,89:58,





R. C. BRITTON and SON, Inc.A sbury P ark 16«0-J. PHONE A lienhurst 126-1'

I H o w a rd L S m ith !I The Hardware Store1 7 . of Ocean Grove

Alka-Sefeerlcular Pains o r Simple

Neuralgia, Distress a fte r | Meals, Gas on Stomach, o r "M orninjr After.'* in te rfe re w ith your work o r spoil your fu n , try .A llta-SelU cr. pry


I PLUMBING I | t inning & Heating I I HARDWARE | 1 Paints and Oils 1I VICTORY GARDEN I g SUPPLIES |

Phone5100 Gallus gros.

_ . . . V i n i r - n A t t n C riTTT’

Let Us Dye For You


ftfftrn’ nnd F n rt» ry .A hIio it A venue »nd R ailroad , A sbnry l a r k .' i t , ; , 0 , 1 , ; tin StiirinnT) 10 P ilg rim P a th w a y ^ _____ __


Thompson Coal (CompanyF U E L OIL WOOD AND CHARCOALITT South Main S tree t, Nci»»une. N. J.

BLUE” COAL Phone 2300


All kinds Electrical Work Radio Repairing

F ra n k T e p h fo rd18 Abbott Avenue, Ocean Grove. Phone,- Asljurj- P a rk 7517

| 51 Main Avenue i | OCEAN GROVE, N. J. f i Phone 4741 |

HEATING~ l C O SD IT IO S IX fS VKX T il . ATKIN... ti I 'T T E H S 1.KA1.KU:,


S-TrtT.ES. WAl'tM- A l l l K f !! NAC'I.S S l f.'CESSOI) ' in A; L..

I i i K M jiriiy AVENI E I’lldNi: Sl’lll.vn tertKK stt#*;


Beware Coughsfrom common colds

That Hang OnChronic bronchitis may develop if

your cough,chest cold, or acute bron­chitis !s hot treated aud you cannot £ fiord to take a chmsce with any medi­cine less potent, th an Creomulsion which goes right to the seat ot thtf

; trouble to help loosen fcnd expel germ ; laden .phlegm arid aid nature to , soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed : bronchia! mucous membranes.

Creomulsion blends b eeeh w o o d creosote byspecial processwith other time tested medicine;; for coughs. I t contains no narcotics.

No m atter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist io sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with ’.he understanding-you m ust like the way it quickly allays the cough, per­mitting- rest and sleep; or you are to have your money back. (Adv.)

THE MEW NEPTUNE LAUNDRY, inc.ALL SERVICES*— W et Wash;' All F ia t,,S h ir ts by H and; W et and

l'la t . Finished, lilanketsPhone A; P. 1513 ' .

a S tokes Ave. Cor. Coriies, Intersection 11 'i-t and 3,~)



N E PT U N E , N . J . , ' - ; : Tel ephone 1916

TAYLOR DAIRY CO.Cntlcy; & WillluTiis, L’roprietorfl

MILK, CREAM, H U Tl’ERMILIv FROM MONMOUTH FARMS 142 Lawrence Avenue, Ocean Grove . - . Phone 1970


ELM’S DRAPERY. SHOP404 Main S tre e t ■ Bradley Beach, N . J .

CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS E lizabeth Sm ith _ _ _ _ _ . _ Phone A. P . 655fi

R A D I O — H O U S E H O L D A P P L I A N C E S

410 M ain S tree t, A sbury P ark , N . J. Telephone 5630ELECTR IC ROOM H EA TERS

§ C O T T S 2-Pow er E lectric P latea ' ~R ebuilt Console Radios



Ofllce: Blaln an d C en tra l A venues. H o m e : 61 H eck A venut

• Phone A. P. 619 M e r g a u g e y ' s T a x i

, Phone A. P. 9107

T elephone 818—D AT O E H IO H T- C ara fo r a ll O ccasions, nlf»o Local and Lom? D istance M oflng

C H A R T E R E D D U S S E S -F O R A LL OCCASIONS 111 S ou th M ain S tre e t, n o m e 87 M t. H erm on W ay, O cean OroTO

Why Thousands of Doctors Have Prescribed

FORA f f m m §§Jffmgk$

(DU TO O L D S ! &For years—thousands upon thousands of Doctors have proscribed Pertussin to promptly relieve bad coughs due tq. colds. Today you can get this same effective Pertussin a t any drugstore.

Pertussin—a famous herbal remedy — Is sclcntl/lcaHy prepared to v-ork Snterrially. I t acts' at oncc not only to relieve your coughing spell, but also lo loosen sticky phlegm:

Pertussin is sa/c and mighty effec­tive lor both old and young. Inoxpen- Blve. Pleasant tasting 1 . -

C Klnif Feature* Syndlctt* All IH*hU a v e r te d .

HOW PIHT1PUTSr e l ie v o c o u g h in g o f

•(“Hill eiUSVThcnovor tho Quintuplet3 catch cold— their chests, throats and backs arc rubbed with Mustorolc. So Mustcrolo must be just about tho best col d-relief you can buy!

I^listerolo helpa break up local con­gestion in upper bronchial tract, make3

■ breathing easier, promptly relieves cough­ing and tight, sore, aching chest muscles due to colds. In 3 Strengths: Children's Mild, Regular, and Extra Strong.

S o o t h e y o u r i r r i t a t e d e y e s

w i t h IVSurine

O rig ina ted by an eye physician, Ivlurinc b r in g s s o o th in g re lie f t o

eyes th.it a rc tired , b u rn in p o r sm art­ing . Just tw o d ro p s in cacb eve an d

M urine s ta rts a t o n c e to s o o th e an d refresh. M urine c o n ta in s seven in g re ­d ients . . . is used in thousands o f w a r

industries an d first-a id Icits. S a f e ; ; ; g en tle .* ,soo th ing . U se i t yourself.

‘l e t Me Get You Some> DR.MII.ES »


M ITII .YOUR responsibilities, can you afford t o l e t a Head*

ache, M uscular Pains, Functional Monthly Pains o r Simplo N eural­gia slow you down? D r. Miles A nti-Pain Pills have been b ring­ing relief from these common dia» comforts fo r n early s ix ty y ea rs .

■fCountlcsa A m erican housew ives: consider A nti-Pain P ills alm ost at! much o i a necessity in the medicino cabinet, a s is flour in th e kitchen cupboard. They have D r. Miles A nti-Pnin P ills in thohonse* m any of them c a rry these little p a in . relie.vers in purse o r hand­bag. They a re prepared fo r theso m inor aehey and pains th a t some­tim es occur in alm ost every fam ily —A RE Y OU? Dr. Miles Anti- P a in Pills aso p leasan t to tak e and do not upset tho stomach.

G et D r. Miles A nti-Pain P ills a t your d rug store. R egular package 25 -«blcts 251, Economy package 125 tab le ts $1.80. Read directions and use only a s direc­ted.

ti.K m a i J i ii«ni n i i i in in t n u t ii 11 j ti j ti n ■ j 11 n * ita 111 in 1 ii 11 a 11 i IH


UDITORIU1 : ' 1945 -‘ |

| Sum m er Season I

rili:iiiliilillii|ii|iiliilflliililIiiliililliiiiiiiitiliiiliiiiiiiiiH.SUNDAY SERMONS . i

10:30 A. M. nnd 7:30 I*. M. June 10—A. M.—Dr. George W.

HenSon, P resident, O c e a n Grove, N . J .1’. M.—Dr. Raymond I. Lind-

. quist, P asto r, The F irs t P re s­byterian Church, Orange, N. J.

June 17— A. M.— Dr. J . S. Ladd Thomas, Dean Temple School Theology.-P. M.— Dr. F rederick Brovyn H arris , Foundry M ethodist

■ Church, W ashington, D. C.June 24— A., • M.— Bishop Fred

. P ierce Corson, of file P hila­delphia area. •P. M.— Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, C hrist M ethodist Church, New

- ^;:Y6rki-;’ V >:rJu ly 1—A. JL— Dr. John W. Rus- ',. tin, Mf. Vernon I’lace' Metho­

d ist Church, W ashington,- D.; c , . '., V

P. - JI-— D.iv F red .W. Olei't, F irs t P resbyterian Church, D etro it, Mich. • ' • V

Ju ly H—A. M. and p . II;—D r. John ...-Brariscomb, .M ethodist.Church,

Orlando, F lorida. V-'.. ■'■ ■ Ju ly 15—A. M. and P. M.—Dr. E l­

m er G. H om righauson, P rince­ton Theological Seminary.

Ju ly 22— A. M.—'D r.' R. G. T u rn ­bull, Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, *

• P. M.— Dr.. G.' E. Thomas, ...M e th o d is t C hurch ,: Iladdon-

field. ■July . 29—A. M. and P. ‘M.— Mr. R.

G. LeTourneau, Fam ous Busi-• ness l la n in Christian Service.

Aug. 5—Salvation A rm y Day—A.—AL—T o be announced.

P- M.—Commissioner E rnest Pugm ire. ’

Aug. 12— A, M. ■ and P .; M.—Dr. W ilbur M. Sm ith, E ditor of Peloubet’s Notes.

Aug. 19—A. M. and P. JI.—D r. J . W. Hum ilton, P asto r Pasadena M ethodist Church, St. Peters-

- burg, Fla.Aug. 20—A. M.— Dr. Norm an Vin­

cent Peale, JIarb le Collegiate Church, New York.,P . M,—rBishop A rth u r J . Moore, A tlan ta A rea;

Sept. 2— A. M.— Bishop A rth u r J. Moore.P. M.—D r. N orm an Vincent Peale. - : 0 - ■

Sept. 9—A. M.— Dr. ;Edwin For- re s t Haim, P asto r M ethodist Church, Salem, N. J .P . .51,—D r. G eorge. G .' Dil-

I -worth, Am erican Bible So ciety. . ?

I Special F eatu resj Ju ly -1—10:30 A. M.—P atrio tic Ad- j • dress by Congressm an W alte r I II. Juflll, ; '.'| 7:30 P. M.— P atrio tic Concert. Ju ly (i—Moving . P ictures; “The

Glorious Southw est and Me.vi co,” D r. A rth u r C. Jam es.

Ju ly 10-12— W.C.T.-U. Auiiual Con­ference in the Temple,

Ju ly -13-14—Annual Bookalogues by Mrs. P aul Towner; in thb

!; Temple.Ju ly I -J-—7 :.'i0 P.'* M.—- Young' Peo-.

pie's Concert. ••Ju ly If*-18—M issionary Institu te .. Ju ly 21—8:15 P. . M.— St. ' P au l’s

•Church Concert, . ■Ju ly 23-28—Music Conference,' <11-

' reeled by M r.-W alte r D .-E d­dowes, assisted i*y noted A r­tists . Croat Climatic Concert

• on S aturday, 8:15 P. M.Ju ly ■ 27-29—Laym en’s - Conference. Ju ly 31— 7:30 P . M.—-Founders*

Day. Speaker, Theodore Roose­velt McKeldeh, M ayor of B al­tim ore.

A ug. 3—A. M.— Dr. M. II. Nichols of Philadelphia. -

Aug. 4-5— Salvation A rm y V isita­tio n .

A ug. fi-10^G ospel Rescue Mis­sions'.

Aug. l i — 7:30 P. M.— Concert. A ug, 12-17—Bible Conferenced. .• Aug. 18— 7:30 P. M.— Concert. Aug. 22— U shers’ Banquet, N orth

End Hotel.Aug. 23— Choir Concert, 8 P. M.

R A X iG > NRem inders

(This d igest of im portan t ra tion­ing inform ation is prepared fo r out readers by the New Je rsey office of p rice adm inistration .)

A . - 7 Fuel Oil .Period 1, 2, .3, 4 and 6 Coupons

all good fo r 10 gallons a unit; a re valid. Also valid are Per­iod 4 and 5 coupons and change coupons from 1943-'44 season.. All coupons .remain valid through A ugust 31, 1945.

Gasoline A-15i coupons becam e: valid

M arch 22 and rem ain good th rough Ju n e 21. New serially numbered B7 and C7 m ileage ration coupons are being issued, valued a t five gallons each. Bfi, and CG m ileage ration coupons rem ain valid, good fo r five g a llo n s . each. All earlie r coupons are invalid.

Y 7 . ’ S ugar. •S tam p 35, fo r 'f iv e pounds; ber

came good F ebruary 1, and re­m ains valid through Ju n e 2. Stam p 3G, good fo r five pounds, be­cam e valid May 1 and rem ains good through A ugust 31. S ugar fo r home canning..w ill be tig h te r this year-—there will be no g enera l’strtmp validation. Special coupons are now being issued on application to ra tio n in g boards— a llo w an ce 'is one pound .of su g a r for -each fou r q uarts to be canned, anti the to tal allowance m u st not exceed 20 pounds a ' lJerson o r 1G0 pounds a fam ily, v • . ..7 , '• M cal-IJu tter-Fat-C hccse; 7

Red Stam ps— Y5, Z5, A2, B2, C2, D2, validated Ja n u a ry 28, good throtigh Ju n e 2. *E2, F2, G2, H2, J2, validated M arch 4, good through June 30. K2, L2, M2, N2, P2, va lida ted .A pri 11, good through Ju ly 31. New stam ps, Q2, R2,\S2, T2f U2, became good May 1 and re ­main good through A ugust. 31. All stam ps a re good fo r ien points each. N ext stam ps a re due Ju n e 1.

Shoe R ationing A irplane stam ps 1, 2 and 3 (Book

3). . good indefinitely.5 A nother stam p; num ber to be announced la- ter, will be validated Aug. 1. •

Processed Food Blue S tam ps—H2, J2 , K2,

L2,. M2, validated F eb ru ary .1, good through Juny 2. S tam ps N2 P2, Q2, R2, S2, validated March 1,‘ good through June 30, . T2, U2, V2, W2, X2, validated A pril 1, good through Ju ly 31. New stam ps, Y2, Z2, A l, B l, C l, became valid May 1 and rem ain good th rough A ugust 31. All stam ps are. good fo r 10 p o in ts .. N ex t stam p’s are due Ju n e 1., . 7 ’

o f th e T o w n sh ip o f N e p tu n e .A n d y o u , Id a S . R ic h m o n d , a r e m a d e

d e fe n d a n t h ecn u n e . y o u h a v e o r m a y h a v e a n in te r e s t in th e p ro m i« es . a n d y o u .. M r. i t ic h m o n d , hUHband o f I d a .S. R ic h m o n d , m e m a d e a d e fe n d a n t h e - ra'iiK'o y o u a r e th e h u s b a n d , o f Id a ; S. R ic h m o n d a n d h a v e a n in c h o a te r ig h t o f c u r te s y in th e p rem isew . .

.S T O U T A N D '0*11 AO A N ,. S o l ic i to r s for. C o m p la in a n t,

• t Kloclric. Bldg.,A shury .Parit,. N . J .

D a te d : . A m i l ly .-liM n 17-20. . •

Danny Shows Up

By JO H N R A F T E R YM cCluro N e w sn rp c r Syndlcnto ,

WNU F e n tu re s .


N i/llfe o f S e tt li* in c u t o f : A c fo 'iin t

K s ta .te o f I d a K ills , d e c e a s e d .N o tic e is h e re b y g iv e n t h a t t h e a c ­

c o u n ts o f th e s u b s c r ib e r , a d m i n i s t r a ­t r i x o f th « c i t a to o f s a id d e c e a s e d w ill lie a u d ite d , a n d s ta t e d , b y th e S u r ro - >«tte o f tin* C o u n ty o f M o n m o u th a n d Y cp p rtcd foi: f e t t lo m e n t, to th e Orphan.H* C !o u rt; o f s a id , C o u n ty , o n T h u r s d a y , t!it‘ f o u r te e n th ( l a y o f J u n e , A ; D ., 111-13,. a t .1 0 :00 o’c lo ck a l in ., a t w h ic h

.ii»'n* u p p lic i ii io n w ill b o m a d e f o r tlie n llo w a tic o o f .* co m m issio n s a n d c o u n se l

.fci*s.: ... . > ■ ■ ;. . . D a t e d 'A p r i l 21, A . D . -1945.- • .

• IS f^ JjA R E T il K; A P P.L E G A T R ,'271 M o rr iso n -A venue ,'

' • , S a lem , N . ,T.- A d m in is t r a t r ix .

f J o o r p e 'S ; F r ie d n ia n , * ; •- * " 7 7107 ^ la r k e t S tre e t,- . ,S a lem , N . ,T.\ -

7 . P ro o to r .- 1 7 -2 1 ($5.20)



T O : ID A S . R IC H M O N D , a n d M R. R IC H M O N D , h u s b a n d o f Id f t S, R ic h m o n d .

B y v i r t u e o f a n o r d e r o f t h e C o u r t o f C h a n c e n y o f N e w J e r s e y m a d e o n th e d a y o f th e d a te h e re o f , in a c a u s e w h e re in T o w n sh ip , o f N e p tu n e , in th o C o u n ty o f M o n m o u th is c o m p la in a n t , a n d I d a S. R ic h m o n d , e t a l a ro d e ­fe n d a n ts , yo u a / e r e q u ir e d to a p p e a r a n d . a n s w e r -■ th e b i ll -ofv c o m p la in t .On. o r b e fo re th e 20th '. d a y o f J u n e , 1940,' o r t h e s a id b ill w il l b e t a k e n a s c o n - f c s s e d a g a in s t y o u . \

S a id b ill Is filed to fo re c lo se a c e r ­t a in c e r t if ic a te o f t a x s a le g iv en by. W a l t e r H . U r a v a t t , C o lle c to r o t T a x e s , to th e T o w n sh ip o f N e p tu n e , d a te d O c to b e r 9, 103H,- w h ic h c o v e rs l a n d s in th e T o w n sh ip o f N o p tu n o , C o u n ty o f M o n m o u th a n d S ta te o f ,N ew J e r s e y , k n o w n a n d d e s ig n a te d a s B lo c k Sec, 10, L o t 1 on th o T a x A s s e s sm e n t M a p

M onm outh County .Surrogate’s Ofllce

IN T /J I3 M A T T E R O F T 7 115 F S T A T lIj O F M I J d A N I. I3R K 5IIA M . D eceased .

. N o U ce to C re d ito r s to P re s e n t C la im s A g a in s t . .K s ta te

P u r s u a n t to- th e o r d e r o f D o rm a n M c F a ild ln , S u r ro g a te o f t h e ' C o u n ty o f M o n n io u tb , m a d e o n th o T w e n ty - n in th d a y o f J f a r c h , 104a, on th e a p ­p l ic a tio n o f D o r o t h e a . Ij . -.(Jould, a id - m ln i s t r ^ t r i x o f t h e e s ta t e o f L i l l ia n I. P .r tg h a m , d e c ea se d ; n o tic e - is h e re ­b y g iv en to the* c re « llto rs o f s a id d e ­c e a s e d to e x h ib i t to th e s u b s c r ib e r a d ­m in i s t r a t r ix . a s a fo r e s a id , • th e ir- d e b ts a n d d e m a n d s , a g a in s t t l ie s a id e s ta te , u n d e r o a th , w i t h i n . s ix m o n th s f ro m th e d a to o f , th o a fo r e s a id o rd e r , o r t h e r w lll _bo . f o re v e r ^ lm r r e d o f t l ie ir n o tio n s th e r e fo r e a g a in s t .. th e • s a id s u b s c r ib e r .

. D a te d , iF i te h o ld , N . J . , M a rc h 29, 1015. - .. ' • "V

. d o r o t f i h a L . C O U L D ,135 W o o d la n d A v e n u e ,

R id g e w o o d , N . J . C A R R Y & L A N E , E s q s .,2G J o u r n a l S q u a re ,J e r s e y C ity . C, N . J .

P ro c to rs . 14-18 (^10.00)

M onm outh C ounty S u r r o g a t e ^ Office

IN T H E M A T T E R "o F T H E E ST A T E O F • H A R R Y HAM M ELL, D eceased. N otice to C red ito rs to P re se n t C laim s

A go lnst E s ta te P u rs u a n t to th e o rd e r o f D orm an

M cFaddln , S u rro g a te o f the C ounty of M onm outh, m ade on th e E ig h tee n th d a y o t A pril,. 1945, on th e app lica tion o f . B e r th a B . H am m ell, Solo E x e cu ­trix , of th e e s ta te of H a r ry H am m ell, decoased, notice is hereby given to tho c red ito rs of sa id .deceased to ex h lb it to tho subsc ribe r Solo E x e cu trix , a s a fo resa id , th e ir deb ts a n d dem ands agalnB t th e sa id e s ta te , u n d e r oath , w ith in s ix m on ths from tho d a to of tho a fo re sa id o rder, o r they w ill be fo rever b a rred o f th e ir ac tions th e re ­fo r a g a in s t the sa id 'subscriber.

D ated , F reeho ld , N. J ., A pril 18th, 1945.. • .

. .B E R T H A ' B. H AM M ELL,88 L a k e Avenue, O cean Grovo, N . J .

ROSS R. BECIC, Esq,,C01 B an g s A venue,A sbu ry P a rk , N . J .

Proctor. •-1 6 -2 0 (*10.00) : •••* ' ' ‘

/VIDA sighed as she saw Dan come up thc path ju st as if he

had been shopping, instead of after an absence of six years.

Fay jumped up and ran out cry­ing “Uncle Dan! Uncle D an!” He lifted the child and carried her into thc house perched an his shoulder.

He grinned a t his sister, put down Fay a n d . said, "Both ; my girls are growing up, especially ! my big little sister Maida.”

Maida asked, "\yhere’s your lug­gage?" and tried to look like a wel­coming committee, but did not suc^ cccd. 7 '7 ; .7 : .. ;.•••■; .7

“At thc station. I had to find out if you could, put me up for a;w.hile/'

“O t course. Of course. You know you’re always welcome, Dan. Henry loves to have you here. You can take the guest room ." 7 7 . - 7

Dan sat drinking coffee in the kitchen,, telling Maida where he had . been, as he called it, ad interim . “Well, most of the time I was in Australia. I wanted to get back here so that I could cross to see Ellen in Ireland, but i t ’s quite.hard to travel by sea these days. I cam e quarter­m aster Sydney to Papeete, able sea-' man Papeete to Hilo, and bosun to San Francisco/* '

."Couldn’t you have written?” . Maida asked .. “Don’t* you know. we worry about y o u ,, you w orthless . scamp?'* 7

Fay was exercising all her eleven- year-old restraint, but’ it .finally' burst its bounds. “Did you see any Japs? Did you m eet any sub­m arines? Did you- sleep in a bun k . or 'in a hammock? Was it hot or cold where you were? Were there any palm trees?” '

“Wait g minute, baby. . One a t a tim e. Suppose I go over the thing In detail tonight?’’ A little la te r he

“ Uncle Dan! Uncle Dan1,

said, “ Guess I 'll go down and get my bags a t the station.” Fay begged to go with him and Maida nodded.

When they were on their way she called Henry a t the office. “ Oh, dear, dear, Henry, Danny showed up again this morning.” 7 .“ Swell. We’ll have a lot of fun

with the old boy. How’s he look?” “ I wish you had him in the kitchen

making coffee, fooling in the refrig­erator, ruining my discipline of Fay, leaving your books open, face down, all over the house!” 7

“Aw, don't mind that. I’ll bring him in tc the shop a couple of days. He and-the kid will., both .have.'.the time of their lives.” .

They came up - the path, Danny carrying two heavy English-looking bags plastered with labels all colors of the rainbow .. Fay was prancing around him, needing two steps for each one of his. To herself Maida. said, “ Broke again., No taxicab.”

Afterward Dan dressed up in a suit of battered but jaunty tweeds and cam e ■, out. to the kitchcn. “ M aida,” he said, “could, you’ lend m e a bit of change? Say a quarter for a packet of fags and maybe one of those cone things for the wee one?” 7 : t v. . •.

Henry solved the money problem next, morning. He slid five dollars in the door of Dan’s room.

Maida resolved to do her duty, “Danny;,” she said,' “how about get­ting you a job until, you find some way to get to Londonberry?” Fay leaked as if the heavens were about to open and take her favodte play- iTiate.away, forever. .—

Dan pursed his lips, thought for an extended interval and said,. “ You fenow it’s a point of, pride with me to got along without working, Maida

;dear.” ' - 7 •• *.When Maida was a t her w it's end

ofie day. the phone rang. She lifted the receiver. “This is the Depart- rtZent of State calling. Is there a man with you named Daniel Por­te r?” '• v.

“ Yes . . . Yes . . . What is it? “Have him stay in half an hour.

The Australian m inistry will call him .” This, she knew, was it. Al- tltough Dan had never been in trouble before, there w as always a fixst time.

She fluttered around the telephone until the call came through. Dan an­swered. “ Yes . . . Yes . . . . This is he . . . Yes, out in the bush. Of course they can have it. Two thou­sand pounds . , . ? I ’d be glnd .to give i t to the government. Tungsten on it . . . ? How rippingl I ’U send you the papers. Cheeriol” ^

To Maida he said, “Bit of all right. They want a piece of land X won in a game, - .Two thousand pounds! Old girl; w here's that m ort; gage you’ve always got the wind up about?” 7. .7* 7

Page 7: VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4 ... · VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory

FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 P A G E S E V E N


\ z o o K im•“* A S S A B

I by GEORGE S. BENSONPresident—HaciUug OUtge

Saitaj. JrUitsas ^5^1? ---.................. ................

Rabbit Boom

U. S. Nest-Egg. Grows

Jap'War Dog

China’s FutureFarm ers in tile United Stales

m ade up -72% of the. whole nation’s, population back ;in 1820. That was ju st half-way between the invention of the iron plow and the m echanical reaper for.sm all grain crops.. Only 23% of' our people live1 on farm s now. China still-has the ‘‘good old days” if* you like that kind. Some 80% of her people are farm ers even yet. • "... . ■ ■:

If an American farm er's hired m an earned 500 a 'd a y in 1820 he

• had to b e .a good one. The -farmer was not.to blame. In .o rder to pay better wages he had to - get better prices for. what his hired m an pro­duced, or m anage some way for the worker to produce more. Even, then both developments had begun. - The: plow and the reaper improved farm | Income and farm wages also.

Supply anti DemandUsing improved m achinery one

■ workman, .could do the work three ' had done w ith '’crude tools, so two

out of three farm hands eventually quit, the farm ; Some of them'-went to work a t . transportation, taking farm products to cities where there were quick m arkets. Others gpt jobs in factories making .desirable things’ to sell to the farm ers who, by this time, had quite a; little m oney to

. spend .'. '■ /.. The two farm workers out of three

■.who left the farm did not quit' using farm products. W herever they worked they bought, arid consumed farm produce* also m ade m ore prof­itable work for people in transpor­tation. This is , a simple outline of the growth of/American prosperity/ and ' i t ' is a rough sketch of what, m ust, take place.-in China, ■ starting

• . after the war, if China is to prosper.'/ A U n ifica tion P l a n .

' High-brow students of political economy talk about “social/political and economic unification of China,”.. Those are 35*cent words, trying to say that China is a ll broken up ond

■ needs_.tp.be m ade one. Nothing that is broken can be. welded again until the pieces are brought close together. China’s dismembered parts need to be brought close together; close in tim e; close in spirit. , .

China -already has everything needed to live well; livestock and grain, tim ber and .fiber, coal and oil, iron and copper. -China has-supply and demand also—450 million people

> anxious to earn more and live bet­ter. One trouble , is, there are 3G0 million farm ers when 12 million with good tools would, be. enough. There is much other work to do: ore to mine, tim ber to cut, rpads to build.

Hidden Treasures >; Roads will bring the empire’s far­-flung segments near in time. Busi- 'ness dealings will create m utual j confidence and make China’s rem ote tribes close in spirit. Therie is

| money in the Orient—m ost of ,it hid- jden, blit it’s there. More, much -m ore will come from other lands ,os soon as-investors learn of the em pire’s rich resources and great m arkets. Only fear of robbery and

. fraud can keep it away.| These fears can be removed by a strong central government, able to

. m aintain order and security tor In- j vestm ent at home, and able to com- •mand the respect of other world ; powers. Chiang Kai-Shek has'prom - ; ised these things for postwar years land Tebel ru icrs already are learn-■ ing to tru st him and work with him. The United States, should help him, for China is America’s n a tu ra la lly

: in the- East, ’for m utual profit in I tim e of peace and m utual protec*|tion^in time of war. ’

Demand- for. food brought about by the-war, and shorages- of beef, -pork, mutton and poul-. try for civilian consumption has resulted in an increase in the production of domestic ra b ­bits of from 200 to 300 per cent.

The tender, white - m eated flesh of the domestic rabb it has grown so in .p o p u la rity .th a t in southern California .13,000,000 pounds were produced in 1944.


Known as me -‘■‘most decorated" man in the Navy. Commander Nor­man M. Miller ot Winston-Salem, N. C„ Is shown above as pictured in Cosmppolltain magazine. He has been decorated 12 times, more than any other naval aviator, holds the Navy Cross, four DFC’s, tour air medals, two Letters of Commenda- tion ond tho Purple Heart, all awarded for heroism and extraor* dlnary nchiovements in aviation.

valuable* b ook le t that helps solve menu problem*

’ ’C H E E S E R E C IP E S FO R W A R T IM E M E A L S ’*

• Ilcrc arc 22 cxccllcnt recipes from tlio K raft K itchcn . . . rccipcs for m ain dishea th a t wiH be a big help with ra tion menus. T he book i? illustrat<kl; rccipca are printed

. in large, easy • to?read , type. F o r your free. / copy ju s t send order form below;

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ d u m im b m m n n h ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ n ■tK raft Home Economics K itchcn ,

.502-V PcBlitigb Court, Chicago, Illinois rieasc B e n d me a free copy of ' ; r , - 1 •'.. /

"Cheese Recipes fur Wartime Meah"

Advertise In The Times and Save lime

Victory (hmknmiHeSp keep your


■ in 1 9 4 5 5


9 Sure! O ur m en “ O ver T here” will get to ea t. B u t y o u V ictory G ardeners

a re th e o .n 'ly ones w ho can xnake i t contain th a t th e re 's p len ty o f food for tho borne f ro n t—and for yourselves. O ur farm ers ore despera te ly sh o r t ofcfaefp. N everT xforo Iw fo yo u r V ictory Gardrena been mort; I urgen tly needed th an nos'/ Even peace in E urope c a n 't end th e d ra in on o u r food sujpply.

P la n t enough fra >t an d vecpkrSles so you’ll bo sure to hav e p len ty o f them to cq ft T h e civilian supp ly o f com ­m ercially-canned vegetables is today a t a w artim e low. D ig now —iind y o u ’ll n o t have to d ig -so d«Q) ..ui yewr ra tio n book tliiti ■vinterS Y our coun ty agen t, y o u r gardon ctnb, V ictory G urden com m ittee, or S ta to A gricu ltu ral College w ill .be glad to give you h e lp . ' . ■

Dio r m v icro m t

* * * (*y.

| Decoration Pay or Season | | . Opening ; : |

I y W M A n n o u n c e m e n t s - - M M ; I


VERY hotel and rooming house has a list of former customers who could be profitably circularized at the open­

ing of the season.

This is an opportunity for new business that should not be neglected.

BATHING at the North and South End beaches as usual throughout the season.

The NEW BOARDWALK is expected to be ready for the 1945 Season.

W e will be g.Iaid to cooperate in th e p rep a ra tio n of your fo lders, sta tionery and announcem ents fo r 1945, and Have them rea d y fo r you a t opening tim e. W e offer p rom pt and ca re fu l'se rv ice .


Allied Forces Join in Smash on Nazis Vaunted Alpine Redoubt; Shape Postwar Security Body

. -Released by W estern N ewspaper Union, _arc «*P*esf»cd in tlicne colu nns. tliry arc (hose of

Wcs.crn NcwBpapcr Unions news analysts ami nut tieccssarl'.v of (his newspaper.)


Completely underground, this V-2 factory fell to U. S. 1st arm y troops at Kleinodungen, Gurmaiiy. Hocket bombs stand on assembly lino.

J o b P r i n t i n g D e p a r t m e n tThe Ocean GrOve Times ‘

Sixty-Four Main Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J.

EUROPE:Fortress Goal

Fires still burned hotly in Berlin as U. S., French and Russian forces, beat down, on Adolf^Hitler’s vaunted- Alpine fortress to sm_ash that last mountain redoubt where -Naziism. was- expected to put up .its dying stand. : • . .

Coming as other U. S. 'and Russian forces-reportedly joined hands in a historic junction on :the' Elbe river below Berlin, the steady reduction of the. German' capital and the drive on the Alpine retreat' signalled the fall of the great empire, the orice Austrian paperhangor .built, up only to lose as the U. S., for the second time in the 20th century, tipped the scale's of victory;' ;

Some of the /iercest fighting of the whole w ar raxed in rub­bled Berlin w here.the Germans; obeying Gauleiter Goebbols' or­der to resist to the end, offered ‘

. a. fanatical block to block, house . to house defense.. With the cap- .*♦ ital rcduceil to an inferno by m assed Soviet artillery and air- •, plane bombardment, Germans

, reportedly fought from house tops, from rooms;and from .basq-.' m ents in a desperate effort to stem the advance of over a mil-

. lion Russian troops. :Evdn in;BerIin’s dying hours, the

Germans,' reputedly, led. by Hitler l\imself, poured reinforcements . into tho city as the 1st White Russian and 1st Ukrainian arm ies gradually forged a ring oif steel around- the capital.' Signifying the .totality of the w ar between the two countries, the opposing arm ies employed wom­en in auxiliary front line, services.

No less than 350,000 U. S. and . French troops w ere engaged in tlie drive on the'Germ ans* last . Alpine fortress, with Lt. Gen. Patton’s 3rd arm y closing In

. on the northeast,. Lt. Gen. Patch 's 7th from the north and the Frcnch from the west. Birth­place of Naziism, Munich lay in the path of the advancing A llied.

. forces as they moved on the , foothills of the rugged mountains enclosing the enemy redoubt. .To the east, Russian forces drove

on . the redoubt.'from Austria, while farther north, U. S. and Red .troops also joined in a fight to clamp , a pinccv on the Germans’ last great arsenal.of Czechoslovakia.

\Vhilo fighting-raged' to - the north, Germ an■ forces -made a desperate scramble ' to . withdraw northward from the Po. valley - in Italy; with rearguards' seeking to slow up U. S. and British efforts‘to overtake; the main bbdy of enemy troops' and cut them" to- ribbons. ■' ‘ ’ '

PACIFIC:Clever Foe

Having; first displayed his ingenu; ify at. constructing dc/ensive forlifl- cations at Iwo Ji.mr;, the Japs gave another demonstration of thoir.abil- tty on Okinawa, where ti S. forces encountered bitter opposition in their drive to c l e a n up this stepping-stone,-

"325' m iles'from Tokyo.'Making use ol the hilly terrain o£

Okinawa in much, the-sam : fashion as on Iwo Jim a, the Japs built strong entrenchments in the slopes, with connecting tunnels perm itting the transfer of troops to endangered sites. Concealing ■ themselves In these, caves, the enemy frequently burst o u t 'a f te r Yank.?.had moved, past to -attack them from the rear.

With tlie Japs strongly holed ;up in the rolling countryside, big guns from the U. S. fleet were brought into play to help artillery and a ir­planes pound the hilly defensive.net­work and allow the. foot soldiers to pick their way forward through the battered foe,.


[ T he total public payroll—federal',- sta te and-municipal — and the total

i°nurhber of public- employees, has | more than doubled in 12 years, the ! National Civil Service league.claim's.

Since Pearl Harbor, the. league states} the federal, service has' -in- cioased by 153 per cent and its payroll by 233 per cent, while em ­ployment of sta te and munici­pal workers has decreased .3^ , per cent, with payroll up 10 per cent.'

SAN FRANCISCO : Security Parley,

Though 800 delegates from. 46 Unit­ed Nations took’ their, seats for-the momentous postwar.lsepurity parley, in San-Francisco, with strong resolve; to shape -an effective organization, to m aintain 'pea'ce, . the 'conferees faced no easy , ta s k . with need for reconciliation of: U. S. and Russian differences over the character of the new body4 ...■ . v.

As the delegates entered into their | historic deliberations, vthe 'R ussians, insisted upon the adoption of . the Dumbarton. 'Oaks plan,, along; with the 'Y alta agreem ent for three votes- for' the Soviet government to m atch Britain’s ‘ six, :.and, the righ t: o f .any; of .the m ajor powers on the perm a­nent Big Five - security,' council,to A'etq tbe use of force against It/

Though the American /delegation accepted Dumbarton1 Oaks as an adequate framework for building the postwar; security, council,, there Was some, sentiment for amendments to asstiro'.more safeguards for peace, particularly one.' empowering - the'' hew'.organization to alter any peace-

. Secretary of state , S(e((ini«s {left) ’ greets Uussian Foreicn Cuminlssair Moto-.' tnv (right) as'Rcd Amhassatlor'Andrei Gromyko looks oil. . ■

.making provision that m ight'lead to:, •future warfare. '. - ‘

With virtually all executive power lying -in. the hands ,of the security council dominatetT. b y . the; U. S., Britain, Russia^ France, arid China; ; sm aller nations indicated a ciesire. for, the jbroadeninff of their voice;in the formation '.of. decisions:. • Under • the Dumbarton .Oaks plan, six sm all- - e r‘countries would be-picked yearly ' to serve '.on th e . secu ritycouncil, while the others • woCild . cotislitute. an assembly for. discussion atid rec-. Ommendation. , - ; . .' - Even as the conference got. under - .way, Russia signed o '20-ycar treaty w ith.- the Moscow-sponsored Polish ; provisional government - looking to--, ward mutual assistance ih: the .event 1 of.future-w arfare.;.. , . . : • The -treaty accentuated th e . dif-:. ferences between the U. S..and B rit' .; •ain with Russia qver.the formation^ o f . the .fu ture • Polish governm ent with the. western Allies insisting on- the', inclusion of- various dem ocratic , elements, .in’■•.the present-, commu- . nist dominated Warsa.w regime.

ATROCITIES: 'Congress I io ik

Boiling over , revelations of Nazi -. atrocities, congressmen.- leaned to-^. ward the imposition of a hard peace . on G erm any,, while the Allies'

. warned the enemy that’ m istreat­ment of war. prisoners. would lead to , :

-punishment'for"thos'e7 fesp6hsibl6r “.''';Revulscd by stories of abuse and

starvation of American POWs and the brutal torture of deportees. in­side the Reich, ' congressmen ; de­clared that a harsh peace m ust bring; home to the Germans the enormity' of the 'cruelties and wipe out the, Nazi philosophy, *y ' With their vvarning • contained in leaflets showered upon the rapidly dwindling Reich,- , the Allies .vowed to - ruthlessly . pursue , any- person guilty of m altreating POWs until he is brought to punishment; Mean­while, the U, S. accepted Germ any’s offer to leave American POWs in cam ps in the path of the. advancing American armies.

EMPLOYMENT: ;Readjustm ent ' 1

•Laid off from high-paying war' jobs, discharged workers should realize, that a tapering off of. the \yar program necessitates their re ­turn to. I6 wer-paying; civilian Indus-'., tries, with early shifting; spelling a quicker restoration- of - the peace­time economy.

Deprived of manpower in favor of the metal and arm am ent indus- - tries early in the w ar effort, the log­ging and lum ber and textile indus­tries are. in need of 250,000 work-- ers, the W ar Production board, said, , with the government seeking to ; channel people back .into! these trades. ■ ' ' ■' ' - ; :/ .'

In concentrating on the return of workers to these fields, WPB s a id . that reemployment was. necessary to :assure the smooth operation o f . other civilian industries in. the. post- : w ar p e rio d ,. with automobile pro­duction; • for . instance,- dependent , upon textile supplies, and construc-';-; lion and’output of paper and package ing m aterials related to the lum ber business. <•'

LEND-LEASE: j . ' 'Soviet Pact

The extent of lend-lease assist­ance to Russia may well depend upon Moscow’s course in the w ar against Japan, i t was indicated, as: the U. S.. Britain and. Canada signed thtflr fourth m utual aid agreem ent with, the Reds for the year ending next July,.

in keeping lend-lease restricted to wartim e supplies, the new agree­m ent excluded iong-rangc heavy- duty goods for "which the Russians might pay later, as! provided in pnets betw een'the U. S. and British and French. Witli Russian partici­pation in the Pacific, .war, however; necessitating the use of heavy-duty goods, a similar, understanding; 'l ig h t bejreached with Moscow.

The decisive factor in Russia’s great comeback against Germany after; Nazi arm ies "nnd swept deep into the country to cripple agricul-. tu ral rind industrial, production, U: S. lend-lease assistance to! the.

-Reds totalled ;7‘.i billion dollar;; by ■ the end' of. 10>4.

With, total deposit:- of busi­nesses and.,individuals amount-.

■ ing to 00 biilion dollars at the end of the year, ancl ,with.heavy holdings of government bonds. .

• America, faces the immediate'.- . postwar'; period with a ’ strong ,

financial..structure. . .: " - ■ i •■ ■ ■ 'I 'J 'Of.the GG billion dollars in de-

•.posits,;; businesses owned 40H- billions;' individuals 21 l i billions,;. "trust' f un fl s ' l ^ b i 1 lions , n o'ri-p r of-: ' ■'.'it. associations'- 2 biilidns, a n d '

- . foreign; concerns ,8 0 0 millions./• Rebent trends;.'•however, 'have :: ’seen big6 er\busihpsse.s.investing

. more in U .1 S? securities^ while ’’ • sm aller .enterprises, and Individ-

-,,;ijals.have been, building up their ;■ .bank.balances. :V*

* Exceeding ; all- otlier records ' ' for a sim ilar period/ deposits ,in-

i’- creased almost G billion do llars., during;the last half of 1944, the 1 Federal Reserve' board report- •

■ ed, with ; farm ers -contributing ...' 700. miliion dollars’ of th e ’.total ■• amount, . : ' •. ' ;V ■

MEAT:New Program

Y Acting shortly after congressional hearings on the tight m eat situation, .'the Office- of Economic Stabilization;' working • .with - the Office of. P rice Administration, the W ar Food ad­m in istra tion ‘and : the w ar depart­ment, .devised a 'new program to bring ' about -a . more, ev en ' distribu­tion of m eat .throughout' the couri- .try and ' give packers • relief from- •close price policie'Si. -'

Also as par.f of 'th e : program , the governm ent agencies.-mnppe.d an all- otit 'd rive on black markets,- V\vith

• OPA enlarging its- investigative staff by 500 and intensifying its court ac­tion for triple dam ages on over-; charges, revocation of slaughtering perm its .and ^withholding of subsi-

;‘d i e s . •*.•. '• ■'•: - In attem pting - to obtain A '-more 1 equitable . .distribution. of : meat, ;the,'.■ government ?eeks (1) to divert'm ore cattlq -from .local 'slaughtering houses to federally.Inspected plants' which” can ship“ across~^tate lines;- and (2) persuade more local pack­ers', to apply, fo r• federal inspection and sell, to the arm y,, taking the load off'present suppliers, who have had to Cut their deliveries to civ­ilians accordingly.

To assure packers of more profit­able operations, the new program increases subsidies to slaughterers when live prices reach within tlje pealk of m arket ceilings; retains the

. present additional 50. cent payment- on all> grades, and boosts the m axi­mum charges on arm y beef. In addition, the government promised to pay-the difference between pack-- ers’ losses and costs to assure their' continued existence.

POSTWAR AIR:Big Future. Speaking before the Bond club in Chicago, Assistant Secretary : of Commerce William M; Burden pre­dicted the growth of civil aviation into a $2,000,000,000 industry em- ploying 400,000 people 10 years after the war. Because of the de­velopment of the airplane, .a ir lines will have attracted m ost of the first-class passenger traffic both for domestic and trans-Atlantic flight; Burden forecasts.

{U. S. Marine Corps Photo)Marine Pfc. Carl E. Bliss of East Syracuse, N. Y., Is shown with his canine charge, “Coy,” a captured Jap w ar dog seized on Guam and retrained for use in action against his former masters. The shepherd-collie is with the Sec­ond W ar Dog Platoon, now serv­ing with the Second Marine Di­vision somewhere !n the Pacific.

Page 8: VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4 ... · VOL. LVXV, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1945 FIVE CENTS Ocean Grove And Neptune Plan For Victory


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