Oct. - Dec. 2006 Vol. 7 No. 4 The Christmas Puzzle The Christmas Puzzle C hristmas started with a puzzle. Centuries after, the world has not come to grips with its reality. Even as Christians, the world over, celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this season, some people are still buried in puzzles over His virgin birth, status and mission. In the year 734 B.C. King Ahaz was given a sign by God: “A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). Mary, a virgin, was given a message by Angel Gabriel: “And, behold, thou shall conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS” ((Luke 1:31). As the angel's voice rang with authority, Mary was enraptured in A ll Heaven was astir that night when the Saviour was born; nor has the celebration yet ceased; there is great rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God, when a sinner is born into His kingdom, and Christ's great mission is fulfilled in that individual's life. In the fullness of time, JESUS was born in Bethlehem and an angel came to announce His birth: “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10, 11). A multitude of angels also celebrated the birth: “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:13, 14). The Apostolic Faith puzzlement. To reassure her, Angel Gabriel said unto her: “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David(Luke 1:32). Puzzled still, Mary asked with a tinge of fear: “How shall this be, seeing I know not a Christmas in The Apostolic Faith (Continued on page 3) l The virgin birth l Christ’s position in the Trinity l Christ as Son of God l His role as Lord and Saviour l His passion for souls l Salvation through His name The Gospel on the move in Akowonjo Pg. 4 God conquered my self-conceit Pg. 5 (Continued on page 2) It is no secret what God can do Pg. 7 The prophets saw Him coming Pg. 3

VOL. 7 NO. 4 - Apostolic Faith Church · LikeAbraham of old, the wise men arose and followed the star, not knowing where they were going. Determined they were, to get to the end of

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Page 1: VOL. 7 NO. 4 - Apostolic Faith Church · LikeAbraham of old, the wise men arose and followed the star, not knowing where they were going. Determined they were, to get to the end of

Oct. - Dec. 2006 Vol. 7 No. 4

The Christmas PuzzleThe Christmas Puzzle

Christmas started with a puzzle. Centuries after, the world has not come to grips with its

reality. Even as Christians, the world over, celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this season, some people are still buried in puzzles over His virginbirth, status and mission.

In the year 734 B.C. King Ahazwas given a sign by God: “A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).

Mary, a virgin,w a s g i v e n a message by AngelGabriel:

“And, behold, t h o u s h a l l conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS” ((Luke 1:31).

As the angel's voice rang with authority, Mary was enraptured in

All Heaven was astir that night when the Saviour

was born; nor has the celebration yet ceased; there is great rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God, when a sinner is born into His kingdom, and Christ's great mission is fulfilled in that individual's life.

In the fullness of time, JESUS was born in Bethlehem and an angel came to announce His birth:

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10, 11).

A multitude of angels also celebrated the birth:

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:13, 14).

T h e A p o s t o l i c F a i t h

puzzlement. To reassure her, Angel Gabriel said unto her:

“He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall

give unto him the throne of his father David”(Luke 1:32).

Puzzled still, Mary asked with a tinge of fear: “How shall this be, seeing I know not a

Christmas inThe Apostolic Faith

(Continued on page 3)

� The virgin birth

� Christ’s position in the Trinity

� Christ as Son of God

� His role as Lord and Saviour

� His passion for souls

� Salvation through His name

TheGospel on the moveinAkowonjoPg. 4 God conquered my

self-conceit Pg. 5

(Continued on page 2)

It is no secret what God can do Pg. 7



saw Him


Pg. 3

Page 2: VOL. 7 NO. 4 - Apostolic Faith Church · LikeAbraham of old, the wise men arose and followed the star, not knowing where they were going. Determined they were, to get to the end of

Attending Sunday school c h i l d r e n ' s C h r i s t m a s programmes has always been inspiring to me. The little children innocently relive the Wonderful Story of Love in a

touchy way, that brings tears to the eyes.Not many people think about Christmas as

profoundly as these little ones. And there lies the point! Christmas is a time for sober reflection – a time to ponder on God's Best Gift to humanity.

Since love is reciprocal, we can only give God our best in appreciation of His immense love. What else can be our best, but our heart? Even when that is done, we have not done God any favour! Still, God will naturally reciprocate by making our lives beautiful: another sign of His love!

Unfortunately, many people think of Christmas as a time of eating, drinking, dancing and singing only. They have got it all wrong.

Christmas presents us the opportunity to ask ourselves if we are qualified for God's PreciousGift. Such an insight will draw us closer to God, as we realise that we have not given God the desired honour.

Blessings will accrue to those who realise that the abundant life God is offering the world is strictly for men and women, who call on His name in repentance. Have you?

P. O. Akazue

Page 2 Gospel News In Africa


man?” The angel answered and said unto her:

“The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

“For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:35, 37).

Since the angelic declaration, the world has remained confounded, forgetting the last strand of the message that withGod nothing shall be impossible .

The gentleman Joseph, to whom Mary was espoused, was at first terrified and puzzled, and was planning to drop the maiden privily, until the angel of God explained to him in a dream saying:

“Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:20, 21).

That was the purpose of the Almighty God in sending His Son into the world. Jesus is to deliver as many people as shall call on Him for mercy, from their sins.

An edict of Caesar Augustus from Rome to tax the world may seem far removed from the plan of God, but was the means God used to bring about the fulfilment of prophecy.Obedience to the decree of their ruler brought the parents of Jesus from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born.

The humble birth was another puzzle to the world. Since then, humanity has continued to wonder why the Inn was full, and there was no room elsewhere to give Jesus a kingly birth. “Impossible,” many cry when they learn for the first time that, when the Saviour was born the only room the world could offerHim was a manger. For His company were ewes, lambs and kids.

Where were the priests, the kings, the nobles and the rich when the angel that heralded the birth of Jesus headed for the Judean Hills? Is it not a puzzle that the news was first broadcast to shepherds as they watched their flocks by night in the field?

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10,11).

The heavenly host soon joined the chorus singing: “Gloryto God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” The shepherds did not doubt the wondrous declaration, for they saw the attendant glory. They came to the city with haste. They found Mary, and the Babe, lying in a manger, just as the angel has said.

Like Abraham of old, the wise men arose and followed the star, not knowing where they were going. Determined they were, to get to the end of the journey. They initially thought, “Oh, Jesus should be born in the palace of Herod.” They

GOSPEL NEWS INAFRICA is a quarterly publication ofTHE APOSTOLIC FAITH,Africa Headquarters,Anthony Village,

Lagos, NIGERIA. Telephone: 234 -1- 4963883.E-mail: [email protected] ISSN 1596-0412

(Continued from page 1)

(Continued on page 3)

Wishing You a Merry Xmasand a Happy New Year

The Most Precious Gift

Page 3: VOL. 7 NO. 4 - Apostolic Faith Church · LikeAbraham of old, the wise men arose and followed the star, not knowing where they were going. Determined they were, to get to the end of

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missed it. Herod himself was not in the know. The scribes who knew the place of His birth did not seek Jesus. Thank God, as the Wise Men made to depart, the beautiful star patiently glowed in the horizon again. They rediscovered the star, and fastening their gaze on it; it led the way to the place where Jesus was.

God does not leave anyone groping alone in the dark, who wants to see Jesus. He will send the Light to guide such to the truth.

Israel was at a low ebb spiritually when Jesus was born. God, nevertheless, had those to whom He could give the heavenly message. The Shepherds were in the same country; Simeon and Anna were in the Temple; the Wise Men were in the East; it matters not where an honest heart may be, God will lead him in contact with His Son, Jesus Christ.

It is for this purpose that His name was called Wonderful, so wonderful that at His name, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Him as supreme. He is also known as Counsellor, the source of wisdom to all the redeemed. He is the Mighty God, having absolute power on all things. He is the Everlasting Father, the God that was before the beginning of all things and shall be when things shall be no more. He is the Prince of Peace, Who has come to reconcile all humanity unto God.

Doubting should be out of it. Thepuzzle here is that anyone who cared to take a look could have seen the unusual star, and could have followed it to the Saviour. Jesus once asked the disciples: “Who do men say that I the son of man am?” This is a puzzle identified by Jesus Himself. He asked the question, recognising that the eternal state of man could be determined by the answer one gives.

Contrary to what many think, Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He did not have His beginning at the time of His birth in Bethlehem.Although, He began His life as the Son of Man at Bethlehem, He has existed as the Son of God from “the beginning.”

“IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

The story of the birth of Jesus is beautiful, but more wonderful than that beauty, is the fact that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and set captive souls at liberty. Has He done that in your life? Has He saved you from your sins? “For he shall save his people fromtheir sins.”

celebrates Jesus' birth too by praising God and being at peace and good will with all men. TheChurch celebrates the birth of Jesus in carols, exchange of gifts, and Bible studies.

C h r i s t m a sconcerts are held in all the state headquarters of t h e C h u r c h . Dignitaries from all walks of life, including foreign diplomats, attend the concerts and share goodwill. The children are not left out either,a s C h i l d r e n ' s C h r i s t m a s Programmes are held in all branch churches. The children depict the Christmas story in songs and drama. It is usually an

exciting time for them, as they learn to give of their time and talents to God, right from their tender age. Many children who do not attend TheApostolic Faith Sunday school yet, as well as their parents, are invited to partake in the joy of the season as the programmes are staged.

A t t h e A f r i c aHeadquarters in Lagos and m a n y o f t h e s t a t e headquarters, retreats are h e l d t o s h o w t h e significance of the coming of the Son of God to the world. The Association ofVi s i t i ng Sec re t a r i e s (Campus) holds its rally at the Faith City during which programmes such as Bible study, film show,

drama, outreach and music, feature prominently. It is always a preparatory period for most of the children toward future challenges.

Christmas Celebration

(Continued from page 1)

I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the ch i ld ren o f She th . Numbers 24:17

But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be l i t t l e a m o n g t h e thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been f rom of o ld , f rom everlasting.Micah 5:2

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virginshall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. Isaiah 11:1-5

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sin.Matthew 1:21

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be

upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Them i g h t y G o d , T h eeverlasting Father, ThePrince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

AND there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the

Prophecies Concerning the Birth of Jesus Christ

Volume 7 No. 4

Page 4: VOL. 7 NO. 4 - Apostolic Faith Church · LikeAbraham of old, the wise men arose and followed the star, not knowing where they were going. Determined they were, to get to the end of

Page 4 Gospel News In Africa

very day, at about 2.15pm, the Spirit of God convicted the man to the extent that he could no longer remain at home but came to the

C h u r c h . H edetermined to retrace his steps to God and serve Him.

At Betem, God has specially blessed the congregation through the devotional services a n d t h e c h i l d r e n services. Throughprayer, a pregnant w o m a n w a s

miraculously delivered after a hard labour.

At Calabar, God confirmed His Wordwith signs and wonders, as people were saved, revived and healed. On a Sunday, a boy possessed by an unclean spirit was completely healed. During the prayer meeting, a woman, who was attending for the first time, was also healed. She had suffered from diabetes and high blood pressure which had defied all medication for several years.

Enugu District

God visited the little flock at John's Village in Konshisha LGA of Benue State in a wonderful way on April 23, 2006. Seven souls were saved, and two sanctified.

The change of pulpit resulted in revival across other branch churches. A total of 135 blessings were recorded during the exercise.

At Afikpo, after 11-day revival meetings a little flock was established. Ten souls were saved, six sanctified, one filled with the Holy Ghost and two healed. A woman had a mysterious object in her throat for a long time but when she prayed in faith, that day,God performed a miracle. This encouraged her to pray for her child who was almost paralysed. As she prayed, Jesus stretched forth His hand, touched the child, and she was healed immediately. The child started to move about.

The District Overseer visited some stations from May 21 - July 9, 2006. Numerous blessings were recorded in each station from Amechi, John's Village, Gboko, Nsukka and Nara. A total of 61 souls were saved, 25 sanctified, 7 filled with the Holy Ghost and 9 healed.

Ondo DistrictWe experienced a great visitation of the

Holy Spirit through the week-long prayer meeting and the change of pulpit programme.

From Akure, Okuta Elerinla, Alayere to Idanre, the attendance rose.

Miraculous healings were recorded in all our churches. A man was healed in the course of a service. He was so thrilled that he went home to invite his friend who also had a protracted illness.

At Idanre, a brother testified of how his cocoa plantation was engulfed in flames. He reminded God of his faithfulness in paying tithes and offerings, and God wonderfully quenched the fire and sent rain.

At Ondo, 25 souls were blessed. In addition to this, a sister testified that her daughter, who was bitten by a snake, was wonderfully healed of the poison by the Blood of Jesus. A little girl who fell into a deep well was brought out by the power of God.

A sister from our church at Ajue, testified of miraculous healing from tuberculosis. She had been under intensive care for many years to no avail before she met the Great Physician Who took care of her.

A total of 161 souls were saved, 96 sanctified, 33 baptised and 7 healed.

Ogun DistrictGod manifested His presence among the

saints. At Oke Abetu, The Apostolic FaithSecondary School took off on September 23, 2006, with 27 students. It was a joyous occasion to have the students worship in Church for the first time. Five of them later prayed through to salvation.

A sister, who had been bedridden for over 5 months testified to the healing power of God. Another lady was healed of ulcer,saved, sanctified and baptised with the Holy Ghost.

At Sagamu, God answered prayers and surprised a poultry farmer. He had been encouraged to go to Church and pray when he was found by the road side depressed. His farm was attacked by a disease that killed his birds. He testified at the evening service that God answered his prayers.

At Mowe, God provided a 14-seater bus for evangelism and many residents of the surrounding villages are being conveyed to Church. There is also remarkable progress on the construction of the Church auditorium.

A new Church was established on Sunday, July 16, 2006 at Obafemi. This was a 48-year battle won by Jesus. The Gospel reached the area through Brother E. O. Ainain 1958, and the group had been worshipping at Abeokuta. At the inauguralservice, one soul was saved, and two sanctified. One backslider was restored to the faith.

A centenarian who was converted earlier made further restitutions by surrendering all her remaining idols for destruction. She became a great evangelist bringing people in the village to Church, including her former clients.

Lagos District

Brethren in Lagos District had cause to

celebrate recently as two new branch churches

were dedicated same day at Akowonjo and

Ijoko- Otta respectively.

Akowonjo Church started as a small group

some years back in Brother Anthony Salako’s

sitting room. The group grew into a full-

fledged church pastored by him. God blessed

the members with a befitting edifice for His

worship and adoration. The current pastor,

Brother Johnson Madojutimi, confessed that

he was overwhelmed that God considered

them worthy of the 'gift'.

Brother Frederick Akinmerese, the pastor

of the new branch Church at Ijoko-Otta and

the brethren were highly elated when the

opportunity to have a full-fledged Church

came their way.

At both locations, the dedications were

followed by a week-long revival with every

meeting recording the outpouring of the

blessings of God.

At Ikolaje, a woman who had problem

getting pregnant was blessed with a baby.

At the Africa Headquarters Church,

Anthony, the 2006 Youth Rally featured Bible

Study and a drama titled “Crossroads,” on

October 2. The Bible study was held in the

morning and the session was rounded off with

testimonies. A final year student of The

Apostolic Faith Secondary School testified to

the power of God to save a sinner even at a

tender age. God opened his understanding and

made him one of the best students in the class.

The drama illustrated that whatever a man

acquires by sinning or compromising can only

serve as a stepping stone to perdition except he


Cross River

God continues to revive the Church

through songs, testimonies, sermons, prayers

and devotional services.One day, the saints at Akamkpa prayed for

God's intervention for a sister who was harassed by her backslidden husband. That

The new Church at Akowonjo

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ucked in the southern end of The Apostolic Faith Africa Headquarters, Anthony Village, Lagos is the carpentry department. The departmental building has T

stood the test of time, having weathered many storms since the department was first established in 1966.

Small and seemingly unattractive as it is, the building houses major tools any modern carpentry workshop could boast of, ranging from electrically controlled jigsaw to borers. Thedepartment has accomplished great deeds including the construction of the first wooden tabernacle at Anthony Village,Lagos, the dormitories, the General Office, the building that houses the printing press, the unique pews and pulpits used in all The Apostolic Faith Churches. The department has helped in the woodwork aspect of Apostolic Faith Churches in many states of Nigeria and some West African countries such as Republic of Benin, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire and Cameroun. Recently, a lot of work has also been done at Faith City, the new campground.

One attraction of the workshop is its neatness. Ordinarily,not many people work there; members are summoned from branch churches whenever the need arises. The present head of the department, Brother Julius Seidu, attributed the success of the department to unity, understanding and the love of God among the carpenters. According to him, the department has been blessed tremendously. He said with a smile that the roofing and interior decoration of the gigantic

Tabernacle of The Apostolic Faith at Anthony Village, was the handiwork of dedicated children of God. He added, “We have come a long way since the days of Bro. T,” pointing to the wooden cabins on the campground as evidence of the department's taste and finesse. Many of these buildings have been erected more than 30 years ago.

Brother Seidu paid glowing tributes to his predecessors whom he said envisioned a glorious future for the department. “Since the days of the first head, Brother M. F.Ajayi, the department has made much progress. He was a committed worker and a devout Christian. He laid down his sword at the feet of Jesus, doing what he knew best to do – carpentry. When he passed on in 1981, he was succeeded by Brother Amos Adesanya who tried his best to encourage young professionals to join the team.”

By 1993, when Brother Adesanya died, the department was already well established. Naturally, the incumbent head stepped into the shoes of his predecessors.

“We have continued to march on. This is our own niche and we have promised God to do our best till Jesus calls us Home” - Brother Seidu said.

He, however, noted that the challenges before the department were enormous and that on daily basis, more hands are needed from the branch churches.

He boldly concluded, ”Our confidence is that we will never fail. It is God's work being done by God's children.”

Have You Ever WonderedHave You Ever Wondered

first came into the Gospel in 1954 when my brother invited me to The Apostolic Faith I

Church at Simpson Street. My stay was however short-lived because I found the services too long. I went back to Islam and became very committed, even to the point of counting myself among the superior worshippers. Fortunately, in 1958, I got acquainted with Brother Samuel Ogunfowomu and we soon became bosom friends.

In 1961, my friend was invited to The Apostolic Faith meetings. I encouraged him to go and he started to attend the services. One day, he told me he would no longer eat with me since I did not want to seek salvation. The challenge struck me because I did not want to lose his friendship. I told him that everybody on the street knew that I was a Muslim. However, I promised to go to church if I could relocate to

another place. Shortly after, God provided a house for me at Makoko.

My friend visited and reminded me of my promise. I told him I would keep the vow if I got a copy of the Bible. The following week, he bought me a Bible and I therefore ran out of excuses. On Saturday, December 7, 1962, I gave out my rosary and on Sunday, I was in the Church. It is amazing that God saved and sanctified me. He baptised me with the Holy Ghost and fire.

I had learnt the carpentry trade before my conversion, and God has helped me to contribute my quota whenever the need arises. In 1992, I started giving more of my time in the carpentry department. WhenBrother Amos Adesanya, the thenhead of department went to be with the Lord, it pleased God to make me the head.

In the carpentry department, God has been wonderful to us, and

personally, God has really blessed me. It is to His glory that I have never collected a kobo for the little I am able to do in His service. Surely,like Job, I can say that, ‘He knows the way that I tread.’ He has really made a difference in my life and I want to praise Him for digging me out of the miry clay of self- righteousness into a life of salvation and absolute dependence on God.

Brother Julius Sansaliu Seidu, a minister of The Apostolic Faith Church in Anthony

Village, Lagos, is the Head of the Carpentry Department

How the Carpentry Department Functions in The Apostolic Faith?

From Self Conceit to True Worship

Volume 7 No. 4

Page 6: VOL. 7 NO. 4 - Apostolic Faith Church · LikeAbraham of old, the wise men arose and followed the star, not knowing where they were going. Determined they were, to get to the end of

Page 6 Gospel News In Africa

God Did it For Me was born into a family where nominal christianity was practised. From my tender years, God gave me the understanding that the greatest thing a man can I

ever attain in life is to make Heaven. This understanding was deeply engraved in me, as the gruesome fear of hell frightened me. This triggered in me an incomparable desire for Heaven, and to achieve this goal, I thought that I should become a priest. As a result, I planned to enrol in a seminary for formal training. My determination to do this was made known and my lovely mum would oftentimes jokingly mock me by calling me 'Father Apuge.'

Despite all this, as I grew up, I started doing some of the bad things that children are prone to, but the Spirit of God kept on dealing with me. That desire for Heaven and the fear of being punished in hell continued to linger in my mind. Unfortunately, I did not know exactly how to come out of this situation. It did not occur to me to talk to anybody about my experience; I stayed with it and made an independent effort to be upright. I recall times when I tried to restrain myself from sinning, but the incessant pressure to sin was so strong that I always yielded to it, even in the most dramatic way. I gradually became worse off in character. My dad even disowned me when I was in the second grade in the secondary school. I was indeed an unrestrained truant. I wanted my own way.After some time, the fear of God left me. I sinned without condemnation. My parents feared greatly for my life especially as I was their only boy-child. My dad even took me to a sorcerer to find out whether I was bewitched to behave the way I did. No one had bewitched me; it was Satan who had taken over and was ruling me.

The tides turned for me in 1990 when my friend, who was sitting with me in class, prayed through to the experience of salvation. His life was changed. He told me that he was saved. I did not understand him immediately and I doubted it for a while, but I noticed that his life was different. God started dealing with my heart: heavy conviction weighed down on me. I remember leaving the class stealthily to pray behind the building. That childhood love for Heaven and fear of hell returned. I was happy to know that the way out of sin was to confess my sins to God and forsake them.

As I kept on asking God to pardon me, on December 2, 1990, God forgave my sins. It was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. That was the most wonderful and

glorious day in my life. It seemed as if a black veil was pulled off my face. I was different, rapturous and singing. What a great change! I experienced wonderful joy in my soul. I started to preach to others, including one of my ex-lovers. My younger sister started to broadcast that I was mad, because the change was radical indeed. The experience was not common in our community, especially among the young people at the time. In school, I used to be a stubborn rascal before Jesuschanged my heart. Thereafter, I was noticeably quiet in class. A classmate once wondered whether I was sick. My response was 'No.' It was not sickness; rather, it was the radical change that the mighty God of Jacob wrought in my life.

When news of my conversion got to my parents, trouble started. My father asked me to choose between serving God

and continuing with my education. I gave him an instant response that I would serve God. This caused tension in the family for a while, and he opted to stop sponsoring me. After some time, he realised that my life was really changed: I became an obedient and good child in an unprecedented manner.He continued to sponsor me, and when I graduated from high school, a party was thrown for me. My brethren were invited and in the course of the party,my dad declared the goodness of God and offered me to the Church. My dad saw the hand of God in my life and in his family.

Since then, God has been good to me. He made me live a victorious Christian life in secondary school and in the university. After I obtained the Masters degree, I was blessed with a teaching job in the university. Another great thing that God did for me is that He gave me a wonderful, God-fearing and an understanding wife, who is also a mother to me. Our marriage has been blessed with a healthy baby boy. However,it has not always been rosy; there have really been difficultmoments. These include trials, financial reverses, and ill health. But, even in such times, God has been a wonderful Support, Healer and Provider. I was once involved in a ghastly road accident, where I was badly injured. God spared my life miraculously. It is great to note that God healed me completely from the effects of the accident. God is a mighty Healer! I have every reason to praise God for healing and providing for my family all these years.

My desire is not to disappoint God for this precious gift of salvation to me. In fact, I will not exchange this pearl for even a billion worlds; instead, I promise to give God the balance of my life.

Michael Etuge ApugeCameroon.

I used to be a

stubborn rascal

before Jesus

changed my


Page 7: VOL. 7 NO. 4 - Apostolic Faith Church · LikeAbraham of old, the wise men arose and followed the star, not knowing where they were going. Determined they were, to get to the end of

Page 7Volume 7 No. 4

n 1978, I was given a Federal Government scholarship to study Chemical Engineering in IMoscow. There, I continued to live a reckless

life of drinking, smoking and disturbing the peace of the society. The school authorities, police, and the KGB (the secret intelligence arm of the Soviet Government) gave me series of warnings to behave myself, but the warnings fell on deaf ears. This led to my expulsion from the school in 1984.

The Nigerian Students’ Union in Moscow did their best for my reinstatement, but it did not yield any positive result. The Nigerian ambassador to Soviet Union in Moscow also pleaded for my reinstatement, but to no avail. So, I finally came to Nigeria in February 1985, when all efforts to reinstate me failed.

When my mother heard of my expulsion from the university, she lamented that she expected me to bring honour to the family, and not shame. She later asked me to go and see one of my friends, who had recently become a Christian. On hearing of my expulsion, my friend commented that only Jesus could solve my problem, and he asked me to pray.In my friend's sitting room, he read some portions of the Bible to me and I started to pray from about 3.00pm till 8.00pm. At the end of my prayer, I knew my heart had been changed and felt a great joy. Thatwas on April 12, 1985.

I was given a Bible to read. I read the Bible voraciously and constantly as I used to read novels. I also prayed that God would restore me to my

former school. The Spirit of God directed me to write a letter for reinstatement to my former school, which I did. The reply came in 1986 and I was reinstated.

There was a new government in the Soviet Union at the time I wrote my reinstatement letter. This new Government appointed my former Vice-Chancellor,the Minister for Education, and my former Dean was made the Foreign Students' attaché in the same Ministry of Education. These were the two people who effected my expulsion, and they were the ones God used to accelerate my reinstatement. This is a miracle !

God helped me to take my stand as a Christian in the former communist country. My room that used to be a drinking spot turned to a prayer centre for students. One of the students, who used to come for prayer meetings organised in my room, gave me one Apostolic Faith tract which so much helped me.

When I got back to Nigeria at the end of my course, I located the Church at Anthony Village,Lagos, and started to worship with them.

The Lord sanctified me and also baptised me with the Holy Ghost. Later, in 1992, God gave me a wife and blessed us with children.

God has healed me many times. I used to pray regularly that God would deliver me from road accidents, knowing the recklessness of the drivers on our roads. Of recent, while driving my own car, I had a head-on collision with another. The two cars were seriously damaged but I did not sustain any injury.

On my return to Nigeria, with a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering, I looked for a lucrative job but could not get any, so I decided to organise private lessons for primary school pupils. This later extended to secondary school students and then to candidates for University Matriculation Examinations. Thiswas what I engaged myself in until one of the students that I taught in the matriculation examination class, who got admission into Federal University of Technology, Minna, advised me to apply for a lecturing appointment in that university.Although, I thought I did not do well in the interviewconducted, I was given the appointment. This is another miracle!

In God's vineyard, He made me an usher and a Sunday school teacher. I will serve this God faithfully all the days of my life.

Duncan Aloko Ogbomoso

It is no secret

what God can do

It is no secret

what God can do

It is no secret

what God can do

It is no secret

what God can do

Page 8: VOL. 7 NO. 4 - Apostolic Faith Church · LikeAbraham of old, the wise men arose and followed the star, not knowing where they were going. Determined they were, to get to the end of

From the QuarterliesFrom the Quarterlies

e are living near the close of the day that we refer to as the Day of His Preparation. God W

has sent His Holy Spirit into the world to seek out a Bride for His Son, and the Bridegroom is about to appear. The day does not refer to a 24-hour day, but a length of time, the period preceding the second coming of Christ. The present time, while Jesus tarries, is the day of His preparation and man's opportunity to be saved. It is sometimes called “theaccepted time” and “the day of salvation.”

Almost 2000 years ago, God the Father sent Jesus Christ His Son to the earth. We know the Christmas story of the Baby Who was born in Bethlehem. After fulfilling His mission on earth, Jesus went back to Heaven; but He is returning very soon to take His people unto Himself. The second coming of Jesus Christ is very imminent, as we observe that all the prophecies and signs, which will herald His Second Advent, have been fulfilled.

We have witnessed the literal fulfillment of Nahum's prophecy:

“The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken.

“The chariots shall rage in the streets,they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings” (Nahum 2:3,4).

The forests are becoming fewer every year because of large logging operations, in spite of the afforestationprogrammes embarked upon by different governments of many nations. The fir trees are indeed being “terriblyshaken.” Our express roads are a striking picture of what Nahum predicted would come to pass. Thespeed of highway travel, the terrible accidents with the great loss of life, all too completely tell us that the chariots are jostling “one against another in the broad ways.” Who would have dreamt, a few years ago, of the highway system that we have today? More is happening now in a week, than happened in a year a

The Day of His Preparation and the Day of His Comingfew generations ago.

“Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Daniel 12:4).

People are running to and fro, and knowledge i s be ing inc reased . Knowledge is increasing at such a rate that few of us can comprehend what we read in t h e d a i l y n e w s p a p e r s ,r e g a r d i n gs c i e n t i f i cd e v e l o p m e n t .The advent of c o m p u t e r s ,internet facilities and hand-held p h o n e s i s stunning!

S u r e l y ,k n o w l e d g e i s

increasing, but man seems never to be able to come to the knowledge of the Truth (2 Timothy 3:7). But those who are preparing to meet the Lord when He comes, use the things they see around them as stimuli to being watchful and prayerful, so that they might be found prepared, when He comes back for His Own.

In Matthew 24:12, we read:

“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”

In these last days, iniquity abounds everywhere. Almost all authorities agree that the incidence of crime of every kind, as well as juvenile delinquency, is on the increase. Much of it is blamed on the breakdown of moral standards in the home. Many of the things that were thought of as vulgar or indecent a few years ago, are accepted now or considered funny. The movies and television are bringing before the people things that can do nothing but tear down their resistance to that which is sensual and devilish. Thetrue Christian, who stands against such inroads that the devil is making these

days, is counted by many as old-fashioned or hopelessly obsolete. In the very days when men should be doing everything possible to make preparation for the Lord's coming, Satan has turned many people's hearts away from a real hunger for God. This, we see as a proof of the fact that because iniquity is abounding, the love of many is waxing cold. But it is the duty of the true child of God to take a definite stand against sin, both in living and in preaching.

It takes prayer, self-denial and the aligning of our lives to the plain teachings of the Word of God.

Another sign that we are nearing the coming of the Lord is that false prophets abound in the land. However, true ministers of the Gospel are careful to preach a positive Gospel, which shows up sin under any cloak.

At the close of the day of His preparation is the day of His coming. We believe that all prophecies to be fulfilled preceding Christ’s coming have been fulfilled, and the Rapture is at hand. The question is asked:

“But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap” (Malachi 3:2).

The Great Tribulation of the Jews (their refining) and that of the world will come after the Bride of Christ is translated to Heaven, but the tribulations of the saints of God (their refining) are taking place in their lives today. Jesus suffered before He was glorified, and His saints must take the way He trod. We will never have a glorified body with Him unless we suffer with Him (2 Timothy 2:12).

But remember that “Now (before the great day of the Lord comes) is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation”(2 Corinthians 6:2).

Let us purpose in our heart that whatever comes or goes, we will put forth every effort to be among those who shall “abidethe day of his coming” and “stand when he appeareth.”

“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke21:36).