The Pulse The Pulse The Pulse The Pulse A Newsletter by and for the Employees of Charles County Emergency Medical Services VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2010 A MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF BY: CHIEF FILER Inside This Issue: Inside This Issue: Inside This Issue: Inside This Issue: Health and Safety Health and Safety Health and Safety Health and Safety pg. 2 On the Street On the Street On the Street On the Street pg. 3 Birthdays Birthdays Birthdays Birthdays pg. 4 Christmas Party Christmas Party Christmas Party Christmas Party pg. 5 Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations pg. 7 Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar pg. 9 The holidays bless each of us an op- portunity to reflect our accomplish- ments of the past year and cherish time with our families and friends. It is also a time to look forward to a new year of opportunities, both col- lectively and individually. In previous years our Department has faced difficult challenges and we re- sponded admirably. As a Depart- ment, we have overcome tight fiscal constraints in a tough economy and renewed our focus on stewardship, accountability, efficiency and reliabil- ity. Many of us have also overcome the same challenges in our personal lives. There have been many new additions and faces to our profes- sional family as well as ones in our private. These are the hallmarks of our core values -- integrity, service and excellence. Each and every one of you is vitally important to this De- partment and no good deed goes un- noticed (seriously, sometimes you just need a little patience). Your pro- fessional accomplishments are re- flected in each and every one of us and the joy of your personal accom- plished encouraged and shared by all. Our role as trustworthy partners in serving the Department’s mission depends on your day-to-day contri- butions. I could not be more proud of all of you for demonstrating that the Charles County Department of Emer- gency Services is "all in" and devoted to serving this great community while preparing for tomorrow's challenges. During this holiday season, you can reflect with pride that you are the strength of our Department and its greatest asset. It is my privilege to serve with you all, and I am grateful for the support you and your families so faithfully provide. Steve and I recognize your service requires great sacrifice. While many of us will enjoy time with our families this holiday season, some of us will be separated from loved ones because of their self- less service. For this I thank you, your service and your families who share in your sacrifice. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! “Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our child- hood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!” Charles Dickens Charles Dickens Charles Dickens Charles Dickens

Vol 4 issue 12 - Charles County, Maryland dec.pdf · VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2010 A MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF BY: CHIEF FILER ... Charles County Sheriff Rex W. Coffey

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T h e P u l s eT h e P u l s eT h e P u l s eT h e P u l s e A Newsletter by and for the Employees of Charles County Emergency Medical Services



Inside This Issue:Inside This Issue:Inside This Issue:Inside This Issue:

Health and Safety Health and Safety Health and Safety Health and Safety pg. 2

On the StreetOn the StreetOn the StreetOn the Street pg. 3

BirthdaysBirthdaysBirthdaysBirthdays pg. 4

Christmas PartyChristmas PartyChristmas PartyChristmas Party pg. 5

CongratulationsCongratulationsCongratulationsCongratulations pg. 7

Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar pg. 9

The holidays bless each of us an op-

portunity to reflect our accomplish-

ments of the past year and cherish

time with our families and friends. It

is also a time to look forward to a

new year of opportunities, both col-

l e c t i v e l y a nd i nd i v i d u a l l y .

In previous years our Department has

faced difficult challenges and we re-

sponded admirably. As a Depart-

ment, we have overcome tight fiscal

constraints in a tough economy and

renewed our focus on stewardship,

accountability, efficiency and reliabil-

ity. Many of us have also overcome

the same challenges in our personal

lives. There have been many new

additions and faces to our profes-

sional family as well as ones in our

private. These are the hallmarks of

our core values -- integrity, service

and excellence. Each and every one

of you is vitally important to this De-

partment and no good deed goes un-

noticed (seriously, sometimes you

just need a little patience). Your pro-

fessional accomplishments are re-

flected in each and every one of us

and the joy of your personal accom-

plished encouraged and shared by

all. Our role as trustworthy partners

in serving the Department’s mission

depends on your day-to-day contri-

butions. I could not be more proud of

all of you for demonstrating that the

Charles County Department of Emer-

gency Services is "all in" and devoted

to serving this great community while

preparing for tomorrow's challenges.

During this holiday season, you can

reflect with pride that you are the

strength of our Department and its

greatest asset. It is my privilege to

serve with you all, and I am grateful

for the support you and your families

so faithfully provide. Steve and I

recognize your service requires great

sacrifice. While many of us will enjoy

time with our families this holiday

season, some of us will be separated

from loved ones because of their self-

less service. For this I thank you,

your service and your families who

share in your sacrifice.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

“Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our child-hood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the

traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!”

Charles DickensCharles DickensCharles DickensCharles Dickens

Quality of Care Through Excellence in Service Page 2


From the Office of Health and


Here is a holiday reminder from Diane Richardson, Press Secretary for Charles County Sheriff's Office:

Your Trash Could Lead a Thief to Your Treasures!

This and Additional Safety Messages from the Charles County Sheriff’s Office

Charles County Sheriff Rex W. Coffey said safety and crime prevention top his list this holiday

season. While officers patrol neighborhoods, shopping centers and business districts, Sheriff

Coffey is urging residents to keep in mind the everyday tips such as locking doors and windows

but also consider these crime prevention tips as well:

• Before you throw your trash out, pay attention to what you’re leaving curbside. Did you

know thieves drive around neighborhoods looking at what you throw away? If you pur-

chased a new TV, game system, computer or anything else of value and you toss the box

out with your trash, you’re making your house a target. Don’t advertise outside what you

have inside. Simply break the box down, cut it up, break it into to smaller pieces and put it

inside a garbage bag to conceal the contents. Don’t let your trash lead a thief to your treas-


If you’re traveling out of town, ask a neighbor to watch your house. Do the same for them.

Know who lives in your neighborhood and pay attention to anyone who doesn’t. They may

not have any criminal intent, but keep an eye on what they do.

Today’s criminal is not always so sneaky. Sometimes thieves approach a house as if they

belong there. For instance, they park their car in the driveway, walk up and force open the

front door. It doesn’t seem like they would be that bold, but they are. Watch for it and call


If you see something suspicious, say something and call police right away. The Charles

County Sheriff’s Office will respond to check it out. “We would rather come to your call

for suspicious activity than return for a reported crime,” said Sheriff Coffey.

For other safety tips, visit the Charles County Sheriff’s Office web site at www.ccso.us.

Charles County Crime Solvers offers rewards of up to $1,000 for information about a crime in

Charles County that leads to an arrest or indictment. Anyone with information about a crime

may contact Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS or Text CHARLES + your tip to CRIMES or

visit WWW.CCSO.US to submit a web tip. All callers remain anonymous.

Quality of Care Through Excellence in Service Page 3


Ft. Washington Hospital

Per MIEMSS Ft. Washington is NO

LONGER a medical consultation base sta-

tion. You must bring up another hospital for

orders when transporting to Ft. Washington.

….on the street….



Quality of Care Through Excellence in Service Page 4


Meghan Hiponia 12-01

Heidi Quinn 12-01

Craig Parton 12-07

Paul Lenharr 12-12

John Filer 12-12

Lori Cherry 12-15

Kelley Smith 12-16

Ben Sanders 12-16

Nick Ellis 12-18

Tina Hagens 12-20

Stephanie Walden 12-26


General Orders 10-01 and 10-02 were distributed 12-22-10. What do these

orders state?

Quality of Care Through Excellence in Service Page 5


CCES Holiday Party 2010

Quality of Care Through Excellence in Service Page 6


Quality of Care Through Excellence in Service Page 7



Tracey Fillman and

RJ Kellner on your


Congratulations Kelley Smith

and Anthony Cooper on your wed-

Quality of Care Through Excellence in Service Page 8




Aiden Filer and Isabella

Giampetroni caught with

ALL the candy….

Michelle Mycka and Cheryl Rosch

Positive feedback from a patient via the quality assurance on the website-Nov 2010

Michelle Mycka, Cheryl Rosch, Meghan Hiponia

Save! A patient in cardiac arrest-Dec 5, 2010


General Order 10-01, requires all patient care reporting to be completed prior to the

conclusion of your shift. This really is no change from current policy except it no

longer allows for any exceptions other than times when the state reporting system is


General Order 10-02, requires you to check your email.

Quality of Care Through Excellence in Service Page 9



1 New Years Day

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PALS St Marys

9 PALS St Marys

10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 MLK Day

18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

Mark Your Calendars….


1 2 Ground-hog Day

3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 Presi-dents Day

18 19 ACLS Renewal St Marys

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28

Quality of Care Through Excellence in Service Page 10


Charles County Department

of Emergency Services

P.O. Box 2150

LaPlata, MD 20646

Questions or Newsletter Submissions:

E. Campbell, EMS Lt.

Phone: 301-399-8156

E-mail: [email protected]

Mission Statement

The mission of Charles County Government is to provide our citizens the highest quality service possible in a timely, efficient, and cour-

teous manner. To achieve this goal, our government must be operated in an open and accessible atmosphere, be based on comprehensive

long- and short-term planning, and have an appropriate managerial organization tempered by fiscal responsibility.

Vision Statement

Charles County is a place where all people thrive and businesses grow and prosper; where the preservation of our heritage and environ-

ment is paramount; where government services to its citizens are provided at the highest level of excellence; and where the quality of

life is the best in the nation.

Mission Statement CCEMS

It is the mission of the Charles County Department of Emergency Services, EMS Division to provide superior quality emergency medical

support to the citizens of Charles County, Maryland and requesting jurisdictions.

Vision Statement CCEMS

With well-trained, capable and professional personnel; The Charles County Department of Emergency Services, EMS Division will pro-vide the best premium quality of preventative and emergency care in the fastest, most efficient and cost effective manor possible to the

citizens of Charles County, Maryland and requesting jurisdictions. It is the goal of the Charles County Emergency Services, EMS Divi-

sion to be at the vanguard of pre-hospital emergency care.


Candice Quinn-Kelly, President

Reuben B Collins II, Esq., Vice President

Ken Robinson

Debra M Davis, Esq.

Bobby Rucci