Vocabulary List #5 1. Hypertonic Solution- a solution that has more solute in it than a cell. 2. Hypotonic Solution- a solution that has less solute in it than a cell. 3. Isotonic Solution- a solution that has the same solute concentration as a cell. 4. Passive transport- process of moving substances into/out of the cell that requires no energy. 5. Mitochondria- organelle that produces energy for the cell. 6. Concentration gradient- the difference in concentrations between two areas. 7. Selectively Permeable- term used to describe the cell membrane only allowing some things to enter/exit the cell. 8. Homeostasis – the ability of the cell/body to maintain a constant environment. I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Vocabulary List #5

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Vocabulary List #5. 1. Hypertonic Solution- a solution that has more solute in it than a cell. 2. Hypotonic Solution- a solution that has less solute in it than a cell. 3. Isotonic Solution- a solution that has the same solute concentration as a cell. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Vocabulary List #51. Hypertonic Solution- a solution that has more solute in it than

a cell.2. Hypotonic Solution- a solution that has less solute in it than a

cell.3. Isotonic Solution- a solution that has the same solute

concentration as a cell.4. Passive transport- process of moving substances into/out of

the cell that requires no energy.5. Mitochondria- organelle that produces energy for the cell.6. Concentration gradient- the difference in concentrations

between two areas.7. Selectively Permeable- term used to describe the cell

membrane only allowing some things to enter/exit the cell.8. Homeostasis – the ability of the cell/body to maintain a

constant environment.

Page 2: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Bellringer 10-17-121. What does the cell membrane do?

Page 3: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Level 3

Page 4: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Identify as many organic compounds as possible in this structure.

Page 5: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

1. Phospholipid- phosphate head (hydrophillic) fatty acid tails (hydrophobic)

2. Glycoproteins- protein + carbohydrate3. Glycolipids- lipid + carbohydrate4. Integral protein= embedded5. Peripheral protein= on surface6. Cholesterol

Page 6: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Cell Membrane

Cell membrane a.k.a. ______ ________Phospholipid bilayerFunctions: _______________, controls

what ________ & ____________ the cell, and maintains________________.

Page 7: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Diffusion Lab1. Fill a beaker with ½ full with water and add 10

drops of iodine to it.2. Get a dialysis tube, fill it with 10mL of water-

starch soln.3. Mass your bag.3. Submerge the bag in the beaker of iodine water.

The bag is like a ____________. (simile)If particles of iodine move, the process would be

______.Initial mass of bag_______Final mass of bag______Name the process you observed.

Page 8: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Question of the DayBetween each point of the triangle, state the

relationship between the words. (Not everyone’s will be the same)

Cell Membrane

CellSubstance trying to

enter the cell.

Page 9: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

A Tale of 2 Demonstrations…Febreeze


Page 10: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.



Page 11: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Passive Transport1. Movement of particles into and

out of the cell, with no energy being used

2. Always going from high to low concentration.

3. Always trying to reach equilibrium.

Page 12: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Four Types of Passive TransportDiffusionOsmosisFiltrationFacilitated


Page 13: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Analyze the chart , which term describes what the particles are trying to achieve when the divider is removed? (B.1.f, DOK2)

A. equilibrium B. equality C. equation D. equinox

Page 14: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

DiffusionDiffusion- movement

of particles from areas of high to low concentration.

The particles move because of kinetic energy, not energy used by the cell.

diffusion animation

Page 15: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

DiffusionEquilibrium- when

the number of particles is the same in a given area.

Even at equilibrium the particles will NEVER stop moving.

Page 16: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Calculating SpeedSpeed= Distance (m) Time (s)

In the car we do not measure in m/s, we measure in ___.

Page 17: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Speed GraphCalculate speed of a toy tractor 10 times.

Graph all 10 trials as points on the graph.

Draw a Line of Best Fit.

Page 18: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

OsmosisOsmosis- movement of

water into and out of the cell with no energy expenditure.

The cell membrane is selectively permeable to water.

Like particles in diffusion water wants to achieve equilibrium inside and outside the cell.

Page 19: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

OsmosisThere are three

different types of solutions that will cause water to move into and out of the cell.

Isotonic solutions -Hyper tonic

solutions -Hypotonic solutions


osmosis animation

Page 20: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Osmosis #1Isotonic solutions-the

same amount of solute exists inside and outside the cell.

Water moves INTO / OUT OF the cell at the SAME rate.

Page 21: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Osmosis #2Hypertonic

solutions- have more solutes in solution than inside the cell.

Water moves OUT of the cell to achieve equilibrium.

Page 22: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Osmosis #3Hypotonic solutions-

have less solutes in them than inside the cell.

Water ENTERS the cell to try and achieve equilibrium.

Page 23: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Vocabulary List #61. Hypertonic Solution- a solution that has more solute in it

than a cell.2. Hypotonic Solution- a solution that has less solute in it

than a cell.3. Isotonic Solution- a solution that has the same solute

concentration as a cell.4. Diffusion- movement of particles from high to low

concentration that requires no energy.5. Osmosis- movement of water from an area of high to low

water concentration that requires no energy.6. ATP- form of energy used by the cell.7. Filtration- pressure driven process that uses no energy.8. Facilitated Diffusion – the process of diffusion using a cell

membrane protein.

Page 24: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Bellringer 10-23-12

1. ___ If a cell were placed in pure water, predict the most likely consequence if left untouched for 12 hours? (B.1.e,DOK3)

A. the cell would shrink B. the cell would burst C. the cell would maintain its size

and shape D. the cell would alternate in size:

growing and shrinking

Page 25: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

2. ___ A person sets sail across the Atlantic Ocean, but forgets to bring any water; therefore, they are forced to drink salt water. Infer from your knowledge of passive transport what is most likely going to occur in the next few days? (B.1.e,B.1.g, DOK3)

A. death from osmosis; drinking a hypertonic solution

B. death from diffusion; drinking a hypertonic solution

C. death from osmosis; drinking a hypotonic solution

D. death from diffusion; drinking a hypotonic solution


Page 26: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Question of the DayWhat are the three

types of osmotic solutions we learned about yesterday?

What is the type of energy that moves particles in diffusion?A. cellular energyB. kinetic energy

Page 27: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Bellringer 10-24-13 Level 2

Page 28: Vocabulary List #5


Page 29: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.


Page 30: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

FiltrationFiltration- pressure

driven system that pushes water and nutrients across cell membranes.

This is how urine is produced

Does not require energy.

Page 32: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Flip Chart/ Cube Assignment 20 pts.

Title: Passive Transport1. Requires no energy2. Moving from high to

low concentration.DiffusionOsmosis-Hypertonic


solutionsOsmosis-Isotonic solutionsFacilitated diffusionFiltration

1. Definition2. Diagram labeled:

Cell membraneSoluteWater or Particles

3. Example of when this occurs on the cell

4. Easy way to remember the process (pictures are okay for this

Page 33: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Page 34: Vocabulary List #5
Page 35: Vocabulary List #5
Page 36: Vocabulary List #5
Page 37: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Concentration gradientConcentration gradient- the difference

between concentrations in a given area.

Serial Dilution- diluting multiple solutions the same way.

Water will always try to move to ________ the concentration of solutes between 2 areas.

Page 38: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Lab Report for Serial Dilution LabI. PurposeII. MaterialsIII. Procedure- do this as a numbered listIV. Results

V. Conclusion- did the results confirm/refute your hypothesis?

Solution Mass- Day I

Length Day


Mass-Day 2

Length- Day





Page 39: Vocabulary List #5

Group AssignmentChoose a passive transport process from the

hat.You will be presenting this to the class in 10

minutes.Define the processGive an example of the processGive a memorable drawingGive a memorable/funny way to remember

this process

While you do this, I will grade conference.I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Page 40: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Three Categories of Active TransportCellular PumpsVesicular TransportCell Ingestion

Page 41: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Vesicular TransportProcess that substances enter/exit the cell.1. Endocytosis- substances are brought into

the cell.2. Exocytosis- substances exit the cell.

Page 42: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

QOD1. How many age ranges are shown in this

graph?2. What are they?

Page 43: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Bellringer 10-30-131. What are two commonalities among all

passive transport systems?2. Describe what this graph is depicting


Page 44: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Active Transport=Needs Energy

Processes that use energy (ATP). Go from regions of lesser to greater


Page 45: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Cellular PumpsCell membrane

proteins that pump substances through the cell membrane.

Cellular Pump ICellular Pump II

Page 46: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Endocytosis- 3 Types1. Phagocytosis- process by which cells eat

other cells or large materials.

2. Pinocytosis-process by which cells consume fluid

3. Receptor mediated endocytosis-receptors on the cell membrane attach to needed particles and pull them into the cell.

Page 47: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

ExocytosisThe removal of

things from your cell.

Leave through a vesicle that fuses with the cell membrane.

Page 48: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

11-5-12 L2

Page 49: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.


Page 50: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.


Page 51: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.


Page 52: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

11-7-12 L2

Page 53: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

L2, L1

Page 54: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.


Page 55: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.


Page 56: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Anticipatory Set 10-19-11 Level 2 1. Ebola virus is a potentially deadly virus in the blood

which causes Ebola fever. Ebola virus is often spread by monkeys. Scientists used 2 groups of monkey kidney cells in an experiment to confirm the first human case of Ebola fever. The scientists inoculated cells in Group 1 with samples of the Ebola virus taken from a human with Ebola fever. They did not inoculate the cells in Group 2.

What was the control group in the experiment?A. The Ebola virusB. All of the monkey kidney cellsC. Monkey kidney cells in Group 1D. Monkey kidney cells in Group 2 

Page 57: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Model Me… Use 2 colorsPassive Transport Active TransportDiffusionOsmosis-

HypertonicOsmosis-HypotonicOsmosis- IsotonicFiltrationFacilitated


Cell PumpPhagocytosisPinocytosisReceptor

Mediated Endocytosis


Page 58: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Question of the Day 1-31-111. What is the highest health cost related to obesity?2. What is a “cost burden?”

Page 59: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

AS 10-24-11 Ebola virus is a potentially deadly virus in the blood which

causes Ebola fever. Ebola virus is often spread by monkeys. Scientists used 2 groups of monkey kidney cells in an experiment to confirm

the first human case of Ebola fever. The scientists inoculated cells in Group 1 with samples of the Ebola virus taken from a human with Ebola fever. They did not inoculate the cells in Group 2.

What was the control group in the experiment?A. The Ebola virusB. All of the monkey kidney cellsC. Monkey kidney cells in Group 1D. Monkey kidney cells in Group 2 

Page 60: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

QOD 2-2-11TEST TODAY: Clear your desk and get a


Game Time after Test…Vocabulary Hangman

Page 61: Vocabulary List #5

I can describe the 6 processes of passive transport.

Anticipatory Set 9-22-11 Level 3