http :// elt - primaria . wikispaces . com / FOOD breakfast - desayuno lunch - comida dinner / supper - cena snack - merienda, tentempié dessert - postre glass – vaso spoon – cuchara fork - tenedor knife – chuchillo napkin – servilleta tablecloth - mantel dairy products - productos lácteos butter mantequilla cheese - queso yoghurt - yogur egg - huevo milk - leche shake - batido Contributions to http://elt-primaria.wikispaces.com/ are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share - Alike 3.0 License.

Vocabulary Food 0312

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FOOD pear - pera

pineapple - piña

strawberry - fresa

tangerine - mandarina

watermelon - sandía

vegetables - verduras

beans - judías

chickpeas – garbanzos

lentils - lentejas

salad - ensalada

carrot - zanahoria

cucumber - pepino

garlic - ajo

lettuce - lechuga

mushroom - champiñón

onion - cebolla

peas - guisantes

pepper - pimiento

potatoe - patata

rice - arroz

tomatoe - tomate

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