1. Comprehensive = including many, most, or all things 2. Adj. customary = traditional 3. Magnificent = impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant; striking, very good; excellent 4. Versatile = having many different skills or uses 5. Pertinent = relevant 6. Germane = Pertinent, relevant, connected 7. Conservative = adj. resisting change; desiring to preserve traditions; cautious 1. Counter = adv. against; in contrast to 2. Forward = adv. ahead; to the front 3. Minutely = adv. meticulously; exactingly; scrupulously; diligently; thoroughly 4. Meticulous = telitisekali, jelimet 5. Comparatively = adv. Relatively 6. Tight = adv. in a close-fitting manner; firmly 1. Respect = n. honor; esteem; high regard; consideration; attention 2. Acquaintance = n. person that you have met but do not know well; knowledge of something; familiarity 3. Kindly = adj. nicely; thoughtfully; graciously; considerately; sympathetically 4. Stake = n. wager; bet; investment; share 5. Feasibility = n. capability of being carried out; capability of being achieved; likelihood; probability 6. Probably = adv. almost certainly; very likely; apparently; in all likelihood 7. Close = adj. near; adjacent; careful 8. Adept = very skilled or proficient at something, a person who is skilled or proficient at something 9. Steadfast = resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering 10. Liable = responsible by law; legally answerable., likely to do or to be something


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English vocabulary

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1. Comprehensive = including many, most, or all things2. Adj. customary = traditional3. Magnificent = impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant; striking, very good; excellent4. Versatile = having many different skills or uses5. Pertinent = relevant6. Germane = Pertinent, relevant, connected7. Conservative = adj. resisting change; desiring to preserve traditions; cautious

1. Counter = adv. against; in contrast to2. Forward = adv. ahead; to the front3. Minutely = adv. meticulously; exactingly; scrupulously; diligently; thoroughly4. Meticulous = telitisekali, jelimet5. Comparatively = adv. Relatively6. Tight = adv. in a close-fitting manner; firmly

1. Respect = n. honor; esteem; high regard; consideration; attention2. Acquaintance = n. person that you have met but do not know well; knowledge of something; familiarity3. Kindly = adj. nicely; thoughtfully; graciously; considerately; sympathetically4. Stake = n. wager; bet; investment; share5. Feasibility = n. capability of being carried out; capability of being achieved; likelihood; probability6. Probably = adv. almost certainly; very likely; apparently; in all likelihood7. Close = adj. near; adjacent; careful8. Adept = very skilled or proficient at something, a person who is skilled or proficient at something9. Steadfast = resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering10. Liable = responsible by law; legally answerable., likely to do or to be something

1. Irritated = adj. annoyed; aggravated; exasperated2. Suspect = adj. doubtful; dubious3. Dubious = hesitating or doubting, not to be relied upon; suspect4. Resolute = adj. determined; firm; steadfast5. Perishable = adj. expendable; spoils rapidly; likely to spoil; mortal

1. Misgiving = a feeling of doubt or apprehension about the outcome or consequences of something.2. Apprehension = anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen, understanding; grasp.3. Caption = a title or brief explanation appended to an article, illustration, cartoon, or poster, provide (an illustration) with a title or explanation.4. Manner = n. mode; fashion; style; behavior; way; type5. Automobile = n. car; vehicle; ride6. Mobilize = v. to move; to circulate; to draft; to assemble for action (especially armed reserves)7. Affinity = n. attraction; closeness; liking; likeness8. Underline =n. caption beneath an illustration

1. Strap = Ikat (pinggang)2. Founder = v. to fill with water and sink; to fall; to fail; to stumble; to cause to sink3. Board = v. to accommodate; to house; to enter (a plane, ship, bus, etc.)4. Locate = v. to situate; to place; to identify; to find; to settle5. Pick Up =v. to choose; to select; to pull out; to tear out; to peck6. Should = v. must (indicating duty or obligation); would (softening the statement)

1. C.O.O = abbr. head manager of a company or large organization2. C.F.O = abbr. treasurer; person who is responsible for all financial aspects of a company3. Etc. = abbr. Latin for and so on; and so forth4. i.e. = abbr. Latin for and so on; and so forth5. C.I.O = abbr. Chief Information Officer; person who is responsible for a company's internal information systems6. PR = abbr. actions of promoting goodwill and distributing information for a company or organization7. A.O.B. = abbr. used at the end of the list of subjects to be discussed at a meeting or conference

1. Within = prep. During2. Apart = prep. besides; but; excluding3. Considering = prep. taking into account; in light of4. Save = prep. except; besides; but5. Outside = prep. besides; aside from6. Except = prep. but; besides

1. Pretty =adv. moderately; quite; rather; to some extent2. Miserably = adv. without pleasure or happiness; wretchedly; poorly3. Conscientiously = adv. without pleasure or happiness; wretchedly; poorly4. Rather = adv. very quite; to a degree; somewhat; slightly; a bit; might as well5. Courteously = adv. politely; respectfully; graciously6. Weight = v. to load; to oppress; to burden; to regard; to esteem7. Back = adv. to the rear; to the past

1. Array = susunan2. Oppress = menindih3. Accommodation = n. housing; residence; lodging; arrangement; adjustment4. Honor = n. esteem; respect; integrity; honesty; award; privilege5. Recommendation = n. endorsement; approval; letter of reference; suggestion; advice6. Interim = adj. temporary; provisional7. Array = n. display; layout; clothing; menu8. Stress = v. to emphasize; to accentuate9. Accentuate = Menekankan

1. Paramount = Terpenting, mahapenting, paling berkuasa2. Comprise = meliputi3. Resolute = tegang, tegas, pasti4. Obsolete = using, kuno, lapuk, ketinggalanjaman5. Renowned = terkenal6. Becoming = adj. appropriate; noble7. Including = adj. comprising; containing; embracing8. Imaginary =fanciful9. Interior = adj. inner; inside; inland; of a country's domestic affairs; of an individual's inner life10. Temporary = adj. passing; brief11. Inalienable =adj. non-transferable12. Rear = adj. back; hind13. Approved List =n. inventory of legal investments for savings banks and trust funds

1. Consignment = n. delivery; dispatch; conveyance2. Liberal = adj. in favor of reform; supporting a progressive philosophy; tolerant; open-minded3. File = n. dossier; collection of documents on a subject; tool for smoothing surfaces; line; queue4. Liability = n. financial obligation; debt; responsibility; obligation5. Harness = Memanfaatkan, perlengkapan

1. Carry Out = melaksanakan2. Funnel = menyalurkan, menyiarkan3. Impede = v. to delay; to obstruct; to hinder; to prevent; to thwart4. Franchise = v. to grant a license to an individual or group; to grant the right to vote5. Sustain = v. to support; to provide for; to finance; to assist; to encourage6. Funnel =v. to channel; to centralize7. Prolong =v. to extend; to lengthen

1. N/A = abbr. describing something that can be left out isn't required2. C.O.D = abbr. cash payment to be made upon receipt of products or goods3. Ltd. = abbr. firm, company that is organized in such a way as to give its owners limited liability4. Attn.. = abbr. directed to a particular person (generally used when addressing a letter or message) or issue5. C.C. = abbr. secondary email address; copy of a document, message, or email that is sent to a third party

1. Pertain = berkenaan, mengenai, menyinggung2. Consequently = adv. as a result; therefore3. Apparently = adv. evidently; obviously; allegedly; seemingly4. Barely = adv. hardly; scarcely5. Downtown = adj. pertaining to the commercial center of a city6. Plain = adv. simply; in an unembellished manner; clearly7. Last = adv. after all others; finally; at the end; most recently8. Firm = adv. sturdily; steadily; assertively; in a determined manner9.