VLE for Free

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  • 8/6/2019 VLE for Free


    Making a VLE

    for FREE!

    VLEs provide a vast number of functions. The main ones include:

    Sharing resources in a secure area - both for students and teachers

    Protected online discussions / blogs Email

    Hand-in functions for students to submit work to teachers

    Class / faculty areas

    This document deals with how you can achieve each function for free using Web2.0

    products. I have tried to give a number of options for each function. The list is not

    comprehensive and instead is a reflection on my experience this year, the Web is

    changing on a daily basis so this will only be up to date on its date of publication

    and probably not even then!

    If you want to do this you will need 2 important things:

    1. An SLT who are brave enough to unblock key websites

    2. A few keen staff who can act as pioneers

    Good luck!

  • 8/6/2019 VLE for Free


    FUNCTION 1: Sharing resources in a secure area -

    both for students and teachers

    Option 1: Google

    GoogleApps for Education provides a free suite of applications. One of these is

    GoogleSites. Very easily sites can be created that allow you to upload documents for

    others to see. The web-based software is designed for ease of use, for some ICT-

    literate people this is a restrictive function but for most you will be surprised at how

    quickly you can make something thats effective. This is so simple my mother has

    now even created her own site for a social club she runs!

    Uploading documents is particularly easy using the Filing Cabinet page type as you

    can literally click on the Upload button and find your file to upload. For those of youconcerned about the appearance of your page, you can make something look a bit

    prettier by uploading files to GoogleDocs and then creating links to these on your

    GoogleSites (see previous blog).

    Once your sites is created change the Share settings to something appropriate. If

    you have copyrighted material (you probably do) share it only amongst your

    workplace, if you arent worried about this share it with the world!

    Option 2: @LiveEdu

    Similar to Google, Microsoft also provide a free cloud-based service for schools. This

    isnt as advanced as GoogleApps as the collaboration is more limited, however, it

    does give you the option of storing files on the Microsoft SKyDrive so anyone can

    access. This might be preferable to some as it does mean that the files stay in a

    Microsoft format rather than trying to convert to a GoogleDoc.

  • 8/6/2019 VLE for Free


    FUNCTION 2: Protected online discussions / blogs

    Option 1: Twitter

    Although this is not a protected discussion, Twitter is a brilliant format to hold adiscussion as its using a social network that the students will be familiar with.

    Students will need logins but this takes minutes. Additionally this is probably a

    better option than Facebook as it is more difficult to comment on others. Once

    the logins are ready just give the kids an appropriate hashtag, e.g. #StalinWW2 or

    something similar and then let them go. Use either the search function in Twitter or

    something like Twitterfall to show it on the board. Probably best for a synchronous

    discussion. My colleague blogged about this here.

    Option 2: GoogleGroups

    Another function of GoogleApps for Education is GoogleGroups where you can hold a

    discussion and is very easy to set up. It is a bit clunky in appearance though and can

    mean a plethora of emails are sent to you informing you of posts. However, this can

    be managed by changing the Email Settings of the group. This can be totally

    protected and is probably best for asynchronous discussions. The only downside is

    how long it will take to set up the groups, but once its done its done!

    Option 3: GoogleDocs

    GoogleDocs can also provide a very quick and easy online discussion that is

    protected or shared to only those who you wish. Simply create a blank document

    with a key question and share it with your students. This is stupidly easy but one

    downside is that edit rights also mean delete rights so you have to explain to the

    students the boundaries of the activity. I have blogged about this here.

  • 8/6/2019 VLE for Free


    FUNCTION 3: Email

    Probably the easiest VLE function to fill. All of the following provide free email that

    is secure and has a vast storage facility. For those of you who have restrictions this

    is a whole new world where you dont have to delete emails as the attachments aretoo large and can actually save them!




    GMail is additionally one of the features of GoogleApps for Education and can be

    managed on a whole school level. Ive not personally used it but I understand that

    @LiveEdu does the same thing.

  • 8/6/2019 VLE for Free


    FUNCTION 4: Hand-in functions for students to submit

    work to teachers

    One of the trickier functions to emulate for free, this may take time to set up. But

    its still possible and free!

    Option 1: Edmodo

    Edmodo is a free social networking site for schools. It looks very similar to Facebook

    and Google+ allowing you to post messages, links and the like to classes, students or

    whole school. Additionally it has an Assignment function within it. You can set

    assignments with due dates and students can then attach work and send it back to

    you for grading. For free! Full details on how to do this are available here.

    Option 2: GoogleSites

    My school have gone GoogleSites crazy so I have been considering how to build in a

    hand-in function with this system. I have come up with two solutions. On your

    faculty site link to a separate sub-site for each class. Within this site include a

    Filing Cabinet page and allow your students to be editors of the site. This way

    they can upload their work and it will be sent to you. Another solution could be to

    use GoogleForms. On your site embed a form with entry boxes for name, class, date

    and then link. Get the students to either add a link to their GoogleDoc (if thats how

    they did it) OR DropBox or similar cloud-serving website. If done correctly the form

    will then collect all this information into one neat spreadsheet for you with all the

    names and links. This is not the easiest process and students will need to taught

    about saving their work in a cloud, however, as with the other bits above once

    youve done it once its done.

  • 8/6/2019 VLE for Free


    FUNCTION 5: Class / faculty areas

    One of the functions of a VLE that is loved by many teachers is that you can have a

    class or faculty area where you can host resources or blogs or learning journeys. This

    is a very easy thing to reproduce for free.

    Option 1: GoogleSites

    As mentioned in the Function 1 section you can set up a GoogleSite easily and this

    can serve all your needs in terms of building in resources and things unique to your

    class. The only downside is that you may not want all your students to have access

    to your site so either create your class area as a sub-site or try one of the options

    below. Again as mentioned above this can then be protected by changing the Share


    Option 2: Blog

    To emulate the learning journey or blog element of a VLE the best option is to set

    up a blog. Numerous websites offer free blogging space. Wordpress is probably the

    prettiest and most flexible but is not protected, however you can choose to be an

    editor and approve any posts from your students. Blogger on the other hand can be

    made private to only people you choose and is therefore one of the best options as

    you can set up your whole class and give each student a week in which they have to

    blog. You can attach resources, link to video or embed Web 2.0 products, theoptions are vast.
