
VI&VA-Interface ViVa-Interface.pdf · VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09 VI&VA-Interface 8 3.2. Standard Financial Accounting 3.2.1. Technology This section

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Page 1: VI&VA-Interface ViVa-Interface.pdf · VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09 VI&VA-Interface 8 3.2. Standard Financial Accounting 3.2.1. Technology This section


Page 2: VI&VA-Interface ViVa-Interface.pdf · VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09 VI&VA-Interface 8 3.2. Standard Financial Accounting 3.2.1. Technology This section

Introduction Content



1. Introduction 3 2. History 3 3. VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09 3 4. VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.11 13 5. VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2014 and higher 24 6. Contact 33

Document no: D#39832

Version: 4/16/2014

Page 3: VI&VA-Interface ViVa-Interface.pdf · VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09 VI&VA-Interface 8 3.2. Standard Financial Accounting 3.2.1. Technology This section

VI&VA-Interface Introduction



1. Introduction

This document describes the implementation of the VI&VA interface. The implementation depends on the version of CodX PostOffice.

2. History Version Date Changes

1.0 16.1.2014 Initial edition

1.1 27.1.2014 Unsupported fields in SEPA mandate export in V2013.06 and V2013.09 re-moved.

1.2 14.4.2014 Changes in pdf file name

3. VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09

3.1. Standard SEPA mandate import/export

3.1.1. Technology

This section gives an overview how this interface is available.

Module MS Access Import/Export Server

3.1.2. Basis for the Data Transfer

The individual pieces of data are exchanged using semicolon-separated value (csv) files. General rules for CSV files

The file based data transfer takes place per the following rules: Record separator: CR/LF Field separator: Semicolon (;) Character set: as defined in transformation rule (default is UTF-8) Header: Export with header; Import without header

3.1.3. Field Types

Strings: In quotes ("). If the string contains quotes, these must be entered twice ("").Multiple fields within one text field (e.g. address) are to be separat-ed by \n In parentheses the maximum allowed amount of characters is provided.

Date: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD Year.Month.Day

Time: Without quotes ("). Format is HH:MM:SS Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Date / time: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS Year.Month.Day Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Money: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXXX. Period is used as decimal separa-tor. Always 4 decimal places

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VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09 VI&VA-Interface


Float: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXX. Period is used as decimal separator. No thousands separator. Decimal places variable.

Integer: Without quotes ("). Format XXXXXXX. Only the numbers 0 through 9 are permitted.

3.1.4. File Names

Any file name can be used, but the extension must be .csv. The desired file names can be defined in the job engine.

For the import, there is a single attribute for the file path and name. For the export, there are two attributes. One for the path and one for the file name. The file

name is packed into a query (DataSQL) and may be changed there. But if you do so, please make sure, you do not change the sense of the query. If you are unsure, please contact our Support.

3.1.5. Interface Description

With the KV module, CodX PostOffice offers the option of editing and generating mandate. This document describes the standard CodX PostOffice interfaces. In case the mandates are administered in the financial accounting, the can be imported into CodX PostOffice. If they are administered in CodX PostOffice, they can be exported for the financial ac-counting.

3.1.6. Import

The following rules apply for the import: Only data that has been imported or are marked as imported or undefined will be overwrit-

ten or deleted SEPAMandatereference is the unique key for the import.

Using this identifier, existing information will be updated. Per day and customer, only one mandate is allowed. In case of missing or invalid information for a MUST attribute (i.e. SEPAType, Status), the ac-

cording data record will not be imported. The same will happen, if none of the following at-tributes is given: CustomerUPOC, CustomerNr or CustomerExtNr.

In case of missing information in the parameter PreNotificationDeadline, this will not be up-dated or – if it is a new data record – set to the default value (14). This value must not be higher than 14 days.

At the end of the import, only those mandates will be deleted, that are marked as imported but have not been updated/imported again.

The state may be set to any valid value. LastUsed Date will only be updated if it is younger. DtMandateStart will be updated in any case. The setting SEPA (in the "Invoice Definitions" tab of KV) are also updated for customers with

imported SEPA mandates. Parameter for SEPA mandate Import

No. Column Field name Type Content / comment Must1

1 A SEPAMandaterefer-ence

String (254)

Mandate reference (unique key)


2 B CreditorID String (254)

Creditor ID Yes

1 This column indicates which data is definitely present in CodX PostOffice. If more than this data must be ac-

quired in CodX PostOffice, the customer must be trained to do so.

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VI&VA-Interface VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09


No. Column Field name Type Content / comment Must1

3 C CreditorName1 String (254)

Creditor Name1 Yes

4 D CreditorName2 String (254)

Creditor Name2 No

5 E CreditorStreet String (254)

Creditor Street Yes

6 F CreditorPostCode String (254)

Creditor Postcode Yes

7 G CreditorCity String (254)

Creditor City Yes

8 H CreditorCountry String (254)

Creditor Country Yes

9 I SEPAType String (254)

SEPA Type: -CORE -B2B (business) -(COR1 in the future)


10 J DebitorName1 String (254)

Debitor Name1 Yes

11 K DebitorName2 String (254)

Debitor Name2 No

12 L DebitorStreet String (254)

Debitor Street Yes

13 M DebitorPostcode String (254)

Debitor Postcode Yes

14 N DebitorCity String (254)

Debitor City Yes

15 O DebitorCountry String (254)

Debitor Country Yes

16 P DebitorBankName String (254)

Debitor Bank Name Yes

17 Q DebitorBIC String (254)

Debitor BIC Yes

18 R DebitorIBAN String (254)

Debitor IBAN Yes

19 S MandateStart Date Valid From (signed on) Yes

20 T MandateEnd Date Valid until No

21 U PreNotifica-tionDeadline

Integer The prenotification must been sent to the debitor X days before the due date (Default: 14days)


22 V Status Integer The mandate can have 3 status: 0: the mandate is not active 1: the mandate is new and not yet used (like FRST) 2: the mandate was already used (like RCUR)


23 W CustomerUPOC String (16)

Customer UPOC X

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VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09 VI&VA-Interface


No. Column Field name Type Content / comment Must1

24 X CustomerNr String (254)

Customer number X

25 Y CustomerExtNr String (254)

Customer external number X

26 Z LastUsed Date / Time

Last Due Date Yes

27 AA Comment String (254)

Comment No

X: The customer may be defined by the Customer UPOC, customer number or customer external number. One of these values must be given


4700000230;DE99ZZZ05678901234;Muster GMBH;;Rosenweg

2;00000;Irgendwo;Deutschland;CORE;Firma XY;;Hauptstr.

6;00000;Irgendwo;Deutschland;BANK OF ;12345678;DE82539098584567987400;

2013.01.16;9999.01.01;14;2;;1067;;2013.01.15 15:35:22;Bemerkung

Errors occur during the import in the userlog. Possible Error during SEPA-Mandate import:


Record with the same SEPA-mandate reference is already exists in the file

Customer data are empty! (Nr, UPOC & ExtNr)

Customer not found! (not existing or not unique)

The customer is not active (validity date)!

Empty or invalid attribute exists! (Certain attributes must be available; see AdminDok)

The SEPA Mandatereference is already exists for a SEPA mandate that was not imported!

The SEPA Mandatereference has already used for another customer!

There already exists a SEPA mandate for the customer and day!

The SEPA-Mandatereference is not an UPOC of type customer document (47)!

3.1.7. Export

All mandates that are documented in CodX PostOffice will be exported. Parameter for SEPA mandate Export

No. Column Field name Type Content / comment

1 A SEPAMandaterefer-ence

String (254)

Mandate reference (unique key)

2 B CreditorID String (254)

Creditor ID

3 C CreditorName1 String (254)

Creditor Name1

4 D CreditorName2 String (254)

Creditor Name2

5 E CreditorStreet String (254)

Creditor Street

6 F CreditorPostCode String (254)

Creditor Postcode

7 G CreditorCity String (254)

Creditor City

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VI&VA-Interface VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09


No. Column Field name Type Content / comment

8 H CreditorCountry String (254)

Creditor Country

9 I SEPAType String (254)

SEPA Type: -CORE -B2B (business) -(COR1 in the future)

10 J DebitorName1 String (254)

Debitor Name1

11 K DebitorName2 String (254)

Debitor Name2

12 L DebitorStreet String (254)

Debitor Street

13 M DebitorPostcode String (254)

Debitor Postcode

14 N DebitorCity String (254)

Debitor City

15 O DebitorCountry String (254)

Debitor Country

16 P DebitorBankName String (254)

Debitor Bank Name

17 Q DebitorBIC String (254)

Debitor BIC

18 R DebitorIBAN String (254)

Debitor IBAN

19 S MandateStart Date Valid From (signed on)

20 T MandateEnd Date Valid until

21 U PreNotifica-tionDeadline

Integer The prenotification must been sent to the debitor X days before the due date (Default: 14days)

22 V Status Integer The mandate can have 3 status: 0: the mandate is not active 1: the mandate is new and not yet used (like FRST) 2: the mandate was already used (like RCUR)

23 W CustomerUPOC String (16)

Customer UPOC

24 X CustomerNr String (254)

Customer number

25 Y CustomerExtNr String (254)

Customer external number

26 Z CustomerDebitorNo String (254)

Customer debitor number

27 AA LastUsed Date / Time

Last Due Date

28 AB Comment String (254)


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VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09 VI&VA-Interface


3.2. Standard Financial Accounting

3.2.1. Technology

This section gives an overview how this interface is available.

Module MS Access Import/Export Server

3.2.2. Basis for the Data Transfer

The individual pieces of data are exchanged using semicolon-separated value (csv) files. General rules for CSV files

The file based data transfer takes place per the following rules: Record separator: CR/LF Field separator: Semicolon (;) Character set: as defined in transformation rule (default is UTF-8) Header: With header

3.2.3. Field Types

Strings: In quotes ("). If the string contains quotes, these must be entered twice ("").Multiple fields within one text field (e.g. address) are to be separat-ed by \n In parentheses the maximum allowed amount of characters is provided.

Date: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD Year.Month.Day

Time: Without quotes ("). Format is HH:MM:SS Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Date / time: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS Year.Month.Day Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Money: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXXX. Period is used as decimal separa-tor. Always 4 decimal places

Float: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXX. Period is used as decimal separator. No thousands separator. Decimal places variable.

Integer: Without quotes ("). Format XXXXXXX. Only the numbers 0 through 9 are permitted.

3.2.4. File Names

Any file name can be used, but the extension must be .csv. The desired file name can be defined in the job engine.

For the export, there are two attributes. One for the path and one for the file name. The file name is packed into a query (DataSQL) and may be changed there. But if you do so, please make sure, you do not change the sense of the query. If you are unsure, please contact our Support.

3.2.5. Interface Description

All invoices that are terminated but not yet exported will be exported. Afterwards they will be marked as exported. The export will contain all of the parameters listed below.

3.2.6. Parameter for FIBU Export

No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

1 A InvoiceID RechnungID Integer PostOffice internal invoice ID

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VI&VA-Interface VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09


No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

2 B InvoiceNo RechnungNr String (254)

Invoice number

3 C Type RechnungTyp Integer Type of invoice: 0: Invoice 1: Cancellation 2: Credit note

4 D Date RechnungDatum Date / time

Date the invoice was generated by the invoice run in PostOffice

5 E FromDate RechnungVon Date / time

Start date of the settlement period

6 F ToDate RechnungBis Date / time

End date of the settlement period

7 G SumBeforeDiscount RechnungBetrag-VorRabatt

Money Unrounded total amount before reductions from discounts

8 H SumBefore-DiscountRound


Money Rounded total amount before re-ductions from discounts

9 I SumBefore-DiscountDiff


Money Rounding difference of the amount before discount

10 J TotalDiscountPercent RechnungGesamt-RabattProzent


Percentage rate of the total dis-count

11 K TotalDiscount-Amount


Money Unrounded amount of the total discount

12 L TotalDiscount-AmountRound


Money Rounded amount of the total dis-count

13 M TotalDiscount-AmountDiff


Money Rounding difference of the dis-count amount

14 N TotalVATAmount RechnungTotal-MwstBetrag

Money Unrounded total amount of all VAT rates

15 O TotalVATAmount-Round


Money Rounded total amount of all VAT rates

16 P TotalVATAmountDiff RechnungTotal-MwstBetragDiff

Money Rounding difference of the total amount of all VAT rates

17 Q EndSum RechnungEndBetrag Money Unrounded total amount

18 R EndSumRound RechnungEnd-BetragRound

Money Rounded total amount

19 S EndSumDiff RechnungEndBetrag-Diff

Money Rounding difference of the total amount

20 T PaymentPeriodNet RechnungZahlungs-fristNetto

Integer Payment period for net amount in days

21 U PaymentPeriod-Allowance1


Integer Payment period for Allowance1 in days

22 V PaymentPeriod-PercentAllowance1

RechnungSatzSkonto1 Deci-mal

Allowance1 percentage rate

23 W SumAllowance1 RechnungBetrag-Skonto1

Money Unrounded Allowance1 amount

24 X SumAllowance1-Round


Money Rounded Allowance1 amount

25 Y SumAllowance1Diff RechnungBetrag-Skonto1Diff

Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance1 amount

26 Z PaymentPeriod-Allowance2


Integer Payment period for Allowance2 in days

27 AA PaymentPeriod-PercentAllowance2

RechnungSatzSkonto2 Deci-mal

Allowance2 percentage rate

28 AB SumAllowance2 RechnungBetrag- Money Unrounded Allowance2 amount

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VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.06 and V2013.09 VI&VA-Interface


No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment


29 AC SumAllowance2-Round


Money Rounded Allowance2 amount

30 AD SumAllowance2Diff RechnungBetrag-Skonto2Diff

Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance2 amount

31 AE VATRate MwstSatz Deci-mal

VAT percentage rate

32 AF VATName MwstBez String (254)

Name of the VAT

33 AG VATAccountNo MwstKontoNr String (254)

VAT account number

34 AH VATTaxKey MwstSteuerschluessel String (254)

VAT tax key

35 AI VATNetSum MwstNettoSumme Money Sum of the net amounts of articles for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

36 AJ VATAmount MwstBetrag Money Unrounded VAT amount for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

37 AK VATAmountRound MwstBetragRound Money Rounded VAT amount for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

38 AL VATAmountDiff MwstBetragDiff Money Rounding difference of the VAT amount for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

39 AM CustomerNo KundeNr String (254)

Customer number (for customer data, see Customer export, Cus-tomer no.)

40 AN CustomerExtNo KundeExtNr String (254)

External Customer number

41 AO CustomerUPOC KundeUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the customer

42 AP CustomerName KundenName String (762)

Name of the customer (Name1 + Name2 + Name3)

43 AQ VATExempt MWStBefreit Integer Flag for VAT-exempt companies 0 = Not VAT-exempt 1 = VAT-exempt

44 AR CustomerDebitorNo KundeDebitorenNr String (254)

Debitor number of the customer

45 AS BillingType BillingType Integer Invoice is paid with 0: With Bill 1: With LSV (direct debit) 2: With SEPA

46 AT SEPAMandate-Reference


String (254)

Unique SEPA mandate reference which is communicated to the debitor

47 AU DebitorAddress DebitorAddress String (254)

Address of the debitor

48 AV DebitorBankName DebitorBankName String (254)

Name of the customer’s bank

49 AW DebitorBIC DebitorBIC String (254)

Bank Identifiaction Code for SEPA or Routing number of the customers bank for LSV

50 AX DebitorBank-AccountNo

DebitorBankKontoNr String (254)

Bank account number of the cus-tomer IBAN for SEPA or account number for LSV

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

51 AY CreditorID CreditorID String (254)

Creditor identification

52 AZ Creditor CreditorAddress String (254)

Address of the creditor

53 BA DueDate DueDate Date / time

Due date of the invoice

54 BB SEPATransaction-CutOffTime


Date / time

SEPA transaction cut-off time It is calculated by DueDate (At-tribut 53) – CutOffTime (depending on SEPAType, Attribut 9 in SEPA mandate Import/Export). Only working days are taken into ac-count

55 BC SEPAPreNotification-Date


Date / time

Date until the bill is send to the customer

56 BD SEPAType SEPAType String (254)

CORE, B2B, (in the future COR1)

57 BE SEPASequenceType SEPASequenceType String (254)

FRST (First bill), RCUR (following bill), FNAL (last bill)

58 BF SEPAComment SEPAComment String (254)

Comment of SEPA mandate

59 BG MandateStart MandateStart Date / time

Mandate is valid since (signed on date)

60 BH StatisticFactor RechnungStatistik-Faktor

Integer Factor for the calculation of statis-tics: For invoice: +1 For canceled invoice: -1 For credit note: -1 For canceled credit note: +1

61 BI OrgInvoiceNo OriginalRechnung-Nummer

String (254)

Invoice number of the original invoice for cancellations and in-voice copies. The value 0 is passed for the other invoice types.

62 BJ FAInvoiceMandantID FARechnungsmandan-tID

Integer InternalKey for filtering the bill

63 BK FAInvoiceMandant-Name


String (254)

64 BL OrderDate Auftragsdatum Date / time

Date of the order

65 BM CostCenterNo KostenstelleNr String (254)

Number of the cost center

66 BN CostCenterExtNo KostenstelleExtNr String (254)

External number of the cost center

67 BO CostCenterUPOC KostenstelleUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the cost center

68 BP CostCenterAddress KostenstelleAdresse String (254)

Address of the cost center

69 BQ ServiceName Leistungsbezeichnung String (254)

Name of the service as it stands in the invoice line. This can be modi-fied from the OriginalLeistungsbez-eichung by the user

70 BR ServiceUPOC LeistungUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the service

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

71 BS ArticleName Artikelbezeichnung String (254)

Name of the article as it stands in the invoice line. This can be modi-fied from the OriginalArtikelbez-eichnung by the user

72 BT ArticleShortName ArtikelKurzbezeichung String (254)

Short name of the article

73 BU ArticleNo Artikelnummer String (254)

Article number

74 BV ArticleUPOC ArtikelUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the article

75 BW ArticlePrice ArtikelPreis Money Price of an article

76 BX CostUnitNo KostenträgerNummer String (254)

Number of the cost unit

77 BY CostUnitName Kostenträger-Bezeichnung

String (254)

Name of the cost unit

78 BZ CostUnitRemark KostenträgerBe-merkung

String (254)

Comment on the cost unit

79 CA ProductCategory Warengruppe String (254)

Name of the product category

80 CB Quantity Menge Deci-mal

Article quantity of this invoice line

81 CC Unit Unit String (254)


82 CD PositionDiscount Postitionsrabatt Deci-mal

Discount to this line in %

83 CE PositionRemark Postitionsbemerkung String (1024)

Comment on this line

84 CF PositionSumNet PositionsSummeNetto Money Unrounded sum of the lines minus discount (Quantity * ArticlePrice * (100 - PositionDiscount) / 100)

85 CG PositionSumNet-Round


Money Rounded sum of the lines minus discount (Quantity * ArticlePrice * (100 - PositionDiscount) / 100)

86 CH PositionSumNetDiff PositionsSumme-NettoDiff

Money Rounding difference of the sum of the lines

87 CI VATPositionAmount MwstPositionsBetrag Money Unrounded amount of the VAT for the line

88 CJ VATPositionAmount-Round


Money Rounded amount of the VAT for the line

89 CK VATPositionAmount-Diff


Money Rounding difference of the amount of the VAT for the line

90 CL PositionAmount-Allowance1


Money Unrounded Allowance1 amount for the line

91 CM PositionAmount-Allowance1Round


Money Rounded Allowance1 amount for the line

92 CN PositionAmount-Allowance1Diff


Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance1 amount for the line

93 CO PositionAmount-Allowance2


Money Unrounded Allowance2 amount for the line

94 CP PositionAmount-Allowance2Round


Money Rounded Allowance2 amount for the line

95 CQ PositionAmount-Allowance2Diff


Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance2 amount for the line

96 CR RoundingDifference Rundungsdifferenz Money Rounding difference between the final total of the invoice and the

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

sum of the individual lines

3.2.7. Export of PDF

The PDF is also exported. The path is defined in the parameter “ExportPfadPDF”. To deactivate this function set the parameter “Aktiv” to 0 in transformation rule (Tag FileExport). When you leave the parameter blank without deactivation the PDFs are saved in the installation path of CodX PostOffice. The file name: [IN-DEX]_[QUELLBUCHUNGSKREIS]_[ARCHIV]_[RECHNUNGSART]_[MANDANT]_[BUCHUNGSKREIS]_[VIVA]_[JAHRAUSRECHNUNGSDATUM]_[RECHNUNGSNUMMER]_[RECHNUNGSDATUM]_[DEBITORENNR]_[GPNR].pdf e.g. Index1_VGM0167_AD_RA_001_0167_05_2014_0000730004_23012014_1009632_001.pdf

INDEX: Constant: index1 QUELLBUCHUNGSKREIS: Value of the CustField “strVIVAQuellBuchungskreis”. ARCHIV: Constant: AD RECHNUNGSART: Constant: RA MANDANT: Value of the CustField “strVIVAMandant”. BUCHUNGSKREIS: Value of the CustField “strVIVABuchungskreis”. VIVA: Value of the CustField “strVIVAKennzeichen” (default is “05”). JAHRAUSRECHNUNGSDATUM: The year exeprted from date of the invoice. RECHNUNGSNUMMER: The number of the invoice. RECHNUNGSDATUM: The date of the invoice. Format: DDMMYYYY DEBITORENNR: The first 7 characters of the customer debitor number. GPNR: The last 3 characters of the customer debitor number.

The CustFields are in table id (entity) 1033.

4. VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2013.11

4.1. Standard SEPA mandate import/export

4.1.1. Technology

This section gives an overview how this interface is available.

Module MS Access Import/Export Server

4.1.2. Basis for the Data Transfer

The individual pieces of data are exchanged using semicolon-separated value (csv) files. General rules for CSV files

The file based data transfer takes place per the following rules: Record separator: CR/LF Field separator: Semicolon (;) Character set: as defined in transformation rule (default is UTF-8) Header: Export with header; Import without header

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4.1.3. Field Types

Strings: In quotes ("). If the string contains quotes, these must be entered twice ("").Multiple fields within one text field (e.g. address) are to be separat-ed by \n In parentheses the maximum allowed amount of characters is provided.

Date: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD Year.Month.Day

Time: Without quotes ("). Format is HH:MM:SS Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Date / time: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS Year.Month.Day Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Money: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXXX. Period is used as decimal separa-tor. Always 4 decimal places

Float: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXX. Period is used as decimal separator. No thousands separator. Decimal places variable.

Integer: Without quotes ("). Format XXXXXXX. Only the numbers 0 through 9 are permitted.

4.1.4. File Names

Any file name can be used, but the extension must be .csv. The desired file names can be defined in the job engine.

For the import, there is a single attribute for the file path and name. For the export, there are two attributes. One for the path and one for the file name. The file

name is packed into a query (DataSQL) and may be changed there. But if you do so, please make sure, you do not change the sense of the query. If you are unsure, please contact our Support.

4.1.5. Interface Description

With the KV module, CodX PostOffice offers the option of editing and generating mandate. This document describes the standard CodX PostOffice interfaces. In case the mandates are administered in the financial accounting, the can be imported into CodX PostOffice. If they are administered in CodX PostOffice, they can be exported for the financial ac-counting.

4.1.6. Import

The following rules apply for the import: Only data that has been imported or are marked as imported or undefined will be overwrit-

ten or deleted SEPAMandatereference is the unique key for the import.

Using this identifier, existing information will be updated. Per day and customer, only one mandate is allowed. In case of missing or invalid information for a MUST attribute (i.e. SEPAType, Status), the ac-

cording data record will not be imported. The same will happen, if none of the following at-tributes is given: CustomerUPOC, CustomerNr or CustomerExtNr.

In case of missing information in the parameter PreNotificationDeadline, this will not be up-dated or – if it is a new data record – set to the default value (14). This value must not be higher than 14 days.

At the end of the import, only those mandates will be deleted, that are marked as imported but have not been updated/imported again.

The state may be set to any valid value. LastUsed Date will only be updated if it is younger.

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DtMandateStart will be updated in any case. The setting SEPA (in the "Invoice Definitions" tab of KV) are also updated for customers with

imported SEPA mandates. Parameter for SEPA mandate Import

No. Column Field name Type Content / comment Must2

1 A SEPAMandaterefer-ence

String (254)

Mandate reference (unique key)


2 B CreditorID String (254)

Creditor ID Yes

3 C CreditorName1 String (254)

Creditor Name1 Yes

4 D CreditorName2 String (254)

Creditor Name2 No

5 E CreditorStreet String (254)

Creditor Street Yes

6 F CreditorPostCode String (254)

Creditor Postcode Yes

7 G CreditorCity String (254)

Creditor City Yes

8 H CreditorCountry String (254)

Creditor Country Yes

9 I SEPAType String (254)

SEPA Type: -CORE -B2B (business) -(COR1 in the future)


10 J DebitorName1 String (254)

Debitor Name1 Yes

11 K DebitorName2 String (254)

Debitor Name2 No

12 L DebitorStreet String (254)

Debitor Street Yes

13 M DebitorPostcode String (254)

Debitor Postcode Yes

14 N DebitorCity String (254)

Debitor City Yes

15 O DebitorCountry String (254)

Debitor Country Yes

16 P DebitorBankName String (254)

Debitor Bank Name Yes

17 Q DebitorBIC String (254)

Debitor BIC Yes

18 R DebitorIBAN String (254)

Debitor IBAN Yes

19 S MandateStart Date Valid From (signed on) Yes

20 T MandateEnd Date Valid until No

2 This column indicates which data is definitely present in CodX PostOffice. If more than this data must be ac-quired in CodX PostOffice, the customer must be trained to do so.

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No. Column Field name Type Content / comment Must2

21 U PreNotifica-tionDeadline

Integer The prenotification must been sent to the debitor X days before the due date (Default: 14days)


22 V Status Integer The mandate can have 3 status: 0: the mandate is not active 1: the mandate is new and not yet used (like FRST) 2: the mandate was already used (like RCUR)


23 W CustomerUPOC String (16)

Customer UPOC X

24 X CustomerNr String (254)

Customer number X

25 Y CustomerExtNr String (254)

Customer external number X

26 Z LastUsed Date / Time

Last Due Date Yes

27 AA Comment String (254)

Comment No

28 AB Signing Date Date Contract was signed on Export: 1.1.9999 by for no signing date Import: if empty the date 1.1.9999 will be set


29 AC SignatoryName1 String (254)

Contract has been signed by: Signa-tory Name1


30 AD SignatoryName2 String (254)

Signatory Name2 No

31 AE SignatoryStreet String (254)

Signatory Street No

32 AF SignatoryPostcode String (254)

Signatory Postcode No

33 AG SignatoryCity String (254)

Signatory City No

34 AH SignatoryCountry String (254)

Signatory Country No

X: The customer may be defined by the Customer UPOC, customer number or customer external number. One of these values must be given


4700000230;DE99ZZZ05678901234;Muster GMBH;;Rosenweg

2;00000;Irgendwo;Deutschland;CORE;Firma XY;;Hauptstr.

6;00000;Irgendwo;Deutschland;BANK OF ;12345678;DE82539098584567987400;



Errors occur during the import in the userlog. Possible Error during SEPA-Mandate import:


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Record with the same SEPA-mandate reference is already exists in the file

Customer data are empty! (Nr, UPOC & ExtNr)

Customer not found! (not existing or not unique)

The customer is not active (validity date)!

Empty or invalid attribute exists! (Certain attributes must be available; see AdminDok)

The SEPA Mandatereference is already exists for a SEPA mandate that was not imported!

The SEPA Mandatereference has already used for another customer!

There already exists a SEPA mandate for the customer and day!

The SEPA-Mandatereference is not an UPOC of type customer document (47)!

4.1.7. Export

All mandates that are documented in CodX PostOffice will be exported. Parameter for SEPA mandate Export

No. Column Field name Type Content / comment

1 A SEPAMandaterefer-ence

String (254)

Mandate reference (unique key)

2 B CreditorID String (254)

Creditor ID

3 C CreditorName1 String (254)

Creditor Name1

4 D CreditorName2 String (254)

Creditor Name2

5 E CreditorStreet String (254)

Creditor Street

6 F CreditorPostCode String (254)

Creditor Postcode

7 G CreditorCity String (254)

Creditor City

8 H CreditorCountry String (254)

Creditor Country

9 I SEPAType String (254)

SEPA Type: -CORE -B2B (business) -(COR1 in the future)

10 J DebitorName1 String (254)

Debitor Name1

11 K DebitorName2 String (254)

Debitor Name2

12 L DebitorStreet String (254)

Debitor Street

13 M DebitorPostcode String (254)

Debitor Postcode

14 N DebitorCity String (254)

Debitor City

15 O DebitorCountry String (254)

Debitor Country

16 P DebitorBankName String (254)

Debitor Bank Name

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No. Column Field name Type Content / comment

17 Q DebitorBIC String (254)

Debitor BIC

18 R DebitorIBAN String (254)

Debitor IBAN

19 S MandateStart Date Valid From (signed on)

20 T MandateEnd Date Valid until

21 U PreNotifica-tionDeadline

Integer The prenotification must been sent to the debitor X days before the due date (Default: 14days)

22 V Status Integer The mandate can have 3 status: 0: the mandate is not active 1: the mandate is new and not yet used (like FRST) 2: the mandate was already used (like RCUR)

23 W CustomerUPOC String (16)

Customer UPOC

24 X CustomerNr String (254)

Customer number

25 Y CustomerExtNr String (254)

Customer external number

26 Z CustomerDebitorNo String (254)

Customer debitor number

27 AA LastUsed Date / Time

Last Due Date

28 AB Comment String (254)


29 AC Signing Date Date Contract was signed on Export: 1.1.9999 by for no signing date Import: if empty the date 1.1.9999 will be set

30 AD SignatoryName1 String (254)

Contract has been signed by: Signa-tory Name1

31 AE SignatoryName2 String (254)

Signatory Name2

32 AF SignatoryStreet String (254)

Signatory Street

33 AG SignatoryPostcode String (254)

Signatory Postcode

34 AH SignatoryCity String (254)

Signatory City

35 AI SignatoryCountry String (254)

Signatory Country

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4.2. Standard Financial Accounting

4.2.1. Technology

This section gives an overview how this interface is available.

Module MS Access Import/Export Server

4.2.2. Basis for the Data Transfer

The individual pieces of data are exchanged using semicolon-separated value (csv) files. General rules for CSV files

The file based data transfer takes place per the following rules: Record separator: CR/LF Field separator: Semicolon (;) Character set: as defined in transformation rule (default is UTF-8) Header: With header

4.2.3. Field Types

Strings: In quotes ("). If the string contains quotes, these must be entered twice ("").Multiple fields within one text field (e.g. address) are to be separat-ed by \n In parentheses the maximum allowed amount of characters is provided.

Date: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD Year.Month.Day

Time: Without quotes ("). Format is HH:MM:SS Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Date / time: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS Year.Month.Day Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Money: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXXX. Period is used as decimal separa-tor. Always 4 decimal places

Float: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXX. Period is used as decimal separator. No thousands separator. Decimal places variable.

Integer: Without quotes ("). Format XXXXXXX. Only the numbers 0 through 9 are permitted.

4.2.4. File Names

Any file name can be used, but the extension must be .csv. The desired file name can be defined in the job engine.

For the export, there are two attributes. One for the path and one for the file name. The file name is packed into a query (DataSQL) and may be changed there. But if you do so, please make sure, you do not change the sense of the query. If you are unsure, please contact our Support.

4.2.5. Interface Description

All invoices that are terminated but not yet exported will be exported. Afterwards they will be marked as exported. The export will contain all of the parameters listed below.

4.2.6. Parameter for FIBU Export

No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

1 A InvoiceID RechnungID Integer PostOffice internal invoice ID

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

2 B InvoiceNo RechnungNr String (254)

Invoice number

3 C Type RechnungTyp Integer Type of invoice: 0: Invoice 1: Cancellation 2: Credit note

4 D Date RechnungDatum Date / time

Date the invoice was generated by the invoice run in PostOffice

5 E FromDate RechnungVon Date / time

Start date of the settlement period

6 F ToDate RechnungBis Date / time

End date of the settlement period

7 G SumBeforeDiscount RechnungBetrag-VorRabatt

Money Unrounded total amount before reductions from discounts

8 H SumBefore-DiscountRound


Money Rounded total amount before re-ductions from discounts

9 I SumBefore-DiscountDiff


Money Rounding difference of the amount before discount

10 J TotalDiscountPercent RechnungGesamt-RabattProzent


Percentage rate of the total dis-count

11 K TotalDiscount-Amount


Money Unrounded amount of the total discount

12 L TotalDiscount-AmountRound


Money Rounded amount of the total dis-count

13 M TotalDiscount-AmountDiff


Money Rounding difference of the dis-count amount

14 N TotalVATAmount RechnungTotal-MwstBetrag

Money Unrounded total amount of all VAT rates

15 O TotalVATAmount-Round


Money Rounded total amount of all VAT rates

16 P TotalVATAmountDiff RechnungTotal-MwstBetragDiff

Money Rounding difference of the total amount of all VAT rates

17 Q EndSum RechnungEndBetrag Money Unrounded total amount

18 R EndSumRound RechnungEnd-BetragRound

Money Rounded total amount

19 S EndSumDiff RechnungEndBetrag-Diff

Money Rounding difference of the total amount

20 T PaymentPeriodNet RechnungZahlungs-fristNetto

Integer Payment period for net amount in days

21 U PaymentPeriod-Allowance1


Integer Payment period for Allowance1 in days

22 V PaymentPeriod-PercentAllowance1

RechnungSatzSkonto1 Deci-mal

Allowance1 percentage rate

23 W SumAllowance1 RechnungBetrag-Skonto1

Money Unrounded Allowance1 amount

24 X SumAllowance1-Round


Money Rounded Allowance1 amount

25 Y SumAllowance1Diff RechnungBetrag-Skonto1Diff

Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance1 amount

26 Z PaymentPeriod-Allowance2


Integer Payment period for Allowance2 in days

27 AA PaymentPeriod-PercentAllowance2

RechnungSatzSkonto2 Deci-mal

Allowance2 percentage rate

28 AB SumAllowance2 RechnungBetrag- Money Unrounded Allowance2 amount

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment


29 AC SumAllowance2-Round


Money Rounded Allowance2 amount

30 AD SumAllowance2Diff RechnungBetrag-Skonto2Diff

Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance2 amount

31 AE VATRate MwstSatz Deci-mal

VAT percentage rate

32 AF VATName MwstBez String (254)

Name of the VAT

33 AG VATAccountNo MwstKontoNr String (254)

VAT account number

34 AH VATTaxKey MwstSteuerschluessel String (254)

VAT tax key

35 AI VATNetSum MwstNettoSumme Money Sum of the net amounts of articles for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

36 AJ VATAmount MwstBetrag Money Unrounded VAT amount for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

37 AK VATAmountRound MwstBetragRound Money Rounded VAT amount for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

38 AL VATAmountDiff MwstBetragDiff Money Rounding difference of the VAT amount for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

39 AM CustomerNo KundeNr String (254)

Customer number (for customer data, see Customer export, Cus-tomer no.)

40 AN CustomerExtNo KundeExtNr String (254)

External Customer number

41 AO CustomerUPOC KundeUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the customer

42 AP CustomerName KundenName String (762)

Name of the customer (Name1 + Name2 + Name3)

43 AQ VATExempt MWStBefreit Integer Flag for VAT-exempt companies 0 = Not VAT-exempt 1 = VAT-exempt

44 AR CustomerDebitorNo KundeDebitorenNr String (254)

Debitor number of the customer

45 AS BillingType BillingType Integer Invoice is paid with 0: With Bill 1: With LSV (direct debit) 2: With SEPA

46 AT SEPAMandate-Reference


String (254)

Unique SEPA mandate reference which is communicated to the debitor

47 AU DebitorAddress DebitorAddress String (254)

Address of the debitor

48 AV DebitorBankName DebitorBankName String (254)

Name of the customer’s bank

49 AW DebitorBIC DebitorBIC String (254)

Bank Identifiaction Code for SEPA or Routing number of the customers bank for LSV

50 AX DebitorBank-AccountNo

DebitorBankKontoNr String (254)

Bank account number of the cus-tomer IBAN for SEPA or account number for LSV

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

51 AY CreditorID CreditorID String (254)

Creditor identification

52 AZ Creditor CreditorAddress String (254)

Address of the creditor

53 BA DueDate DueDate Date / time

Due date of the invoice

54 BB SEPATransaction-CutOffTime


Date / time

SEPA transaction cut-off time It is calculated by DueDate (At-tribut 53) – CutOffTime (depending on SEPAType, Attribut 9 in SEPA mandate Import/Export). Only working days are taken into ac-count

55 BC SEPAPreNotification-Date


Date / time

Date until the bill is send to the customer

56 BD SEPAType SEPAType String (254)

CORE, B2B, (in the future COR1)

57 BE SEPASequenceType SEPASequenceType String (254)

FRST (First bill), RCUR (following bill), FNAL (last bill)

58 BF SEPAComment SEPAComment String (254)

Comment of SEPA mandate

59 BG MandateStart MandateStart Date / time

Mandate is valid since (signed on date)

60 BH StatisticFactor RechnungStatistik-Faktor

Integer Factor for the calculation of statis-tics: For invoice: +1 For canceled invoice: -1 For credit note: -1 For canceled credit note: +1

61 BI OrgInvoiceNo OriginalRechnung-Nummer

String (254)

Invoice number of the original invoice for cancellations and in-voice copies. The value 0 is passed for the other invoice types.

62 BJ FAInvoiceMandantID FARechnungsmandan-tID

Integer InternalKey for filtering the bill

63 BK FAInvoiceMandant-Name


String (254)

64 BL OrderDate Auftragsdatum Date / time

Date of the order

65 BM CostCenterNo KostenstelleNr String (254)

Number of the cost center

66 BN CostCenterExtNo KostenstelleExtNr String (254)

External number of the cost center

67 BO CostCenterUPOC KostenstelleUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the cost center

68 BP CostCenterAddress KostenstelleAdresse String (254)

Address of the cost center

69 BQ ServiceName Leistungsbezeichnung String (254)

Name of the service as it stands in the invoice line. This can be modi-fied from the OriginalLeistungsbez-eichung by the user

70 BR ServiceUPOC LeistungUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the service

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

71 BS ArticleName Artikelbezeichnung String (254)

Name of the article as it stands in the invoice line. This can be modi-fied from the OriginalArtikelbez-eichnung by the user

72 BT ArticleShortName ArtikelKurzbezeichung String (254)

Short name of the article

73 BU ArticleNo Artikelnummer String (254)

Article number

74 BV ArticleUPOC ArtikelUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the article

75 BW ArticlePrice ArtikelPreis Money Price of an article

76 BX CostUnitNo KostenträgerNummer String (254)

Number of the cost unit

77 BY CostUnitName Kostenträger-Bezeichnung

String (254)

Name of the cost unit

78 BZ CostUnitRemark KostenträgerBe-merkung

String (254)

Comment on the cost unit

79 CA ProductCategory Warengruppe String (254)

Name of the product category

80 CB Quantity Menge Deci-mal

Article quantity of this invoice line

81 CC Unit Unit String (254)


82 CD PositionDiscount Postitionsrabatt Deci-mal

Discount to this line in %

83 CE PositionRemark Postitionsbemerkung String (1024)

Comment on this line

84 CF PositionSumNet PositionsSummeNetto Money Unrounded sum of the lines minus discount (Quantity * ArticlePrice * (100 - PositionDiscount) / 100)

85 CG PositionSumNet-Round


Money Rounded sum of the lines minus discount (Quantity * ArticlePrice * (100 - PositionDiscount) / 100)

86 CH PositionSumNetDiff PositionsSumme-NettoDiff

Money Rounding difference of the sum of the lines

87 CI VATPositionAmount MwstPositionsBetrag Money Unrounded amount of the VAT for the line

88 CJ VATPositionAmount-Round


Money Rounded amount of the VAT for the line

89 CK VATPositionAmount-Diff


Money Rounding difference of the amount of the VAT for the line

90 CL PositionAmount-Allowance1


Money Unrounded Allowance1 amount for the line

91 CM PositionAmount-Allowance1Round


Money Rounded Allowance1 amount for the line

92 CN PositionAmount-Allowance1Diff


Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance1 amount for the line

93 CO PositionAmount-Allowance2


Money Unrounded Allowance2 amount for the line

94 CP PositionAmount-Allowance2Round


Money Rounded Allowance2 amount for the line

95 CQ PositionAmount-Allowance2Diff


Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance2 amount for the line

96 CR RoundingDifference Rundungsdifferenz Money Rounding difference between the final total of the invoice and the

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

sum of the individual lines

4.2.7. Export of PDF

The PDF is also exported. The path is defined in the parameter “ExportPfadPDF”. To deactivate this function set the parameter “Aktiv” to 0 in transformation rule (Tag FileExport). When you leave the parameter blank without deactivation the PDFs are saved in the installation path of CodX PostOffice. The file name: [IN-DEX]_[QUELLBUCHUNGSKREIS]_[ARCHIV]_[RECHNUNGSART]_[MANDANT]_[BUCHUNGSKREIS]_[VIVA]_[JAHRAUSRECHNUNGSDATUM]_[RECHNUNGSNUMMER]_[RECHNUNGSDATUM]_[DEBITORENNR]_[GPNR].pdf e.g. Index1_VGM0167_AD_RA_001_0167_05_2014_0000730004_23012014_1009632_001.pdf

INDEX: Constant: index1 QUELLBUCHUNGSKREIS: Value of the CustField “strVIVAQuellBuchungskreis”. ARCHIV: Constant: AD RECHNUNGSART: Constant: RA MANDANT: Value of the CustField “strVIVAMandant”. BUCHUNGSKREIS: Value of the CustField “strVIVABuchungskreis”. VIVA: Value of the CustField “strVIVAKennzeichen” (default is “05”). JAHRAUSRECHNUNGSDATUM: The year exeprted from date of the invoice. RECHNUNGSNUMMER: The number of the invoice. RECHNUNGSDATUM: The date of the invoice. Format: DDMMYYYY DEBITORENNR: The first 7 characters of the customer debitor number. GPNR: The last 3 characters of the customer debitor number.

The CustFields are in table id (entity) 1033.

5. VI&VA-Interface for CodX PostOffice V2014 and higher

5.1. Standard SEPA mandate import/export

5.1.1. Technology

This section gives an overview how this interface is available.

Module MS Access Import/Export Server

5.1.2. Basis for the Data Transfer

The individual pieces of data are exchanged using semicolon-separated value (csv) files. General rules for CSV files

The file based data transfer takes place per the following rules: Record separator: CR/LF Field separator: Semicolon (;) Character set: as defined in transformation rule (default is UTF-8) Header: Export with header; Import without header

5.1.3. Field Types

Strings: In quotes ("). If the string contains quotes, these must be entered twice ("").Multiple fields within one text field (e.g. address) are to be separat-

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ed by \n In parentheses the maximum allowed amount of characters is provided.

Date: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD Year.Month.Day

Time: Without quotes ("). Format is HH:MM:SS Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Date / time: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS Year.Month.Day Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Money: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXXX. Period is used as decimal separa-tor. Always 4 decimal places

Float: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXX. Period is used as decimal separator. No thousands separator. Decimal places variable.

Integer: Without quotes ("). Format XXXXXXX. Only the numbers 0 through 9 are permitted.

5.1.4. File Names

Any file name can be used, but the extension must be .csv. The desired file names can be defined in the job engine.

For the import, there is a single attribute for the file path and name. For the export, there are two attributes. One for the path and one for the file name. The file

name is packed into a query (DataSQL) and may be changed there. But if you do so, please make sure, you do not change the sense of the query. If you are unsure, please contact our Support.

5.1.5. Interface Description

With the KV module, CodX PostOffice offers the option of editing and generating mandate. This document describes the standard CodX PostOffice interfaces. In case the mandates are administered in the financial accounting, the can be imported into CodX PostOffice. If they are administered in CodX PostOffice, they can be exported for the financial ac-counting.

5.1.6. Import

The following rules apply for the import: Only data that has been imported or are marked as imported or undefined will be overwrit-

ten or deleted SEPAMandatereference is the unique key for the import.

Using this identifier, existing information will be updated. Per day and customer, only one mandate is allowed. In case of missing or invalid information for a MUST attribute (i.e. SEPAType, Status), the ac-

cording data record will not be imported. The same will happen, if none of the following at-tributes is given: CustomerUPOC, CustomerNr or CustomerExtNr.

In case of missing information in the parameter PreNotificationDeadline, this will not be up-dated or – if it is a new data record – set to the default value (14). This value must not be higher than 14 days.

At the end of the import, only those mandates will be deleted, that are marked as imported but have not been updated/imported again.

The state may be set to any valid value. LastUsed Date will only be updated if it is younger. DtMandateStart will be updated in any case. The setting SEPA (in the "Invoice Definitions" tab of KV) are also updated for customers with

imported SEPA mandates.

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5.1.7. Export

All mandates that are documented in CodX PostOffice will be exported.

5.1.8. Parameter for SEPA mandate Import/Export

No. Column Field name Type Content / comment Must3

1 A SEPAMandaterefer-ence

String (254)

Mandate reference (unique key)


2 B CreditorID String (254)

Creditor ID Yes

3 C CreditorName1 String (254)

Creditor Name1 Yes

4 D CreditorName2 String (254)

Creditor Name2 No

5 E CreditorStreet String (254)

Creditor Street Yes

6 F CreditorPostCode String (254)

Creditor Postcode Yes

7 G CreditorCity String (254)

Creditor City Yes

8 H CreditorCountry String (254)

Creditor Country Yes

9 I SEPAType String (254)

SEPA Type: -CORE -B2B (business) -(COR1 in the future)


10 J DebitorName1 String (254)

Debitor Name1 Yes

11 K DebitorName2 String (254)

Debitor Name2 No

12 L DebitorStreet String (254)

Debitor Street Yes

13 M DebitorPostcode String (254)

Debitor Postcode Yes

14 N DebitorCity String (254)

Debitor City Yes

15 O DebitorCountry String (254)

Debitor Country Yes

16 P DebitorBankName String (254)

Debitor Bank Name Yes

17 Q DebitorBIC String (254)

Debitor BIC Yes

18 R DebitorIBAN String (254)

Debitor IBAN Yes

19 S MandateStart Date Valid From (signed on) Yes

20 T MandateEnd Date Valid until No

21 U PreNotifica- Integer The prenotification must been sent No

3 This column indicates which data is definitely present in PostOffice. If more than this data must be acquired in PostOffice, the customer must be trained to do so.

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No. Column Field name Type Content / comment Must3

tionDeadline to the debitor X days before the due date (Default: 14days)

22 V Status Integer The mandate can have 3 status: 0: the mandate is not active 1: the mandate is new and not yet used (like FRST) 2: the mandate was already used (like RCUR)


23 W CustomerUPOC String (16)

Customer UPOC X

24 X CustomerNr String (254)

Customer number X

25 Y CustomerExtNr String (254)

Customer external number X

26 Z CustomerDebitorNo String (254)

Customer debitor number X

27 AA LastUsed Date / Time

Last Due Date Yes

28 AB Comment String (254)

Comment No

29 AC Signing Date Date Contract was signed on Export: 1.1.9999 by for no signing date Import: if empty the date 1.1.9999 will be set


30 AD SignatoryName1 String (254)

Contract has been signed by: Signa-tory Name1


31 AE SignatoryName2 String (254)

Signatory Name2 No

32 AF SignatoryStreet String (254)

Signatory Street No

33 AG SignatoryPostcode String (254)

Signatory Postcode No

34 AH SignatoryCity String (254)

Signatory City No

35 AI SignatoryCountry String (254)

Signatory Country No

X: The customer may be defined by the Customer UPOC, customer number, customer external num-ber or customer debitor number. One of these values must be given and it must be unique.


4700000230;DE99ZZZ05678901234;Muster GMBH;;Rosenweg

2;00000;Irgendwo;Deutschland;CORE;Firma XY;;Hauptstr.

6;00000;Irgendwo;Deutschland;BANK OF ;12345678;DE82539098584567987400;



Errors occur during the import in the userlog. Possible Error during SEPA-Mandate import:

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Record with the same SEPA-mandate reference is already exists in the file

Customer data are empty! (Nr, UPOC & ExtNr)

Customer not found! (not existing or not unique)

The customer is not active (validity date)!

Empty or invalid attribute exists! (Certain attributes must be available; see AdminDok)

The SEPA Mandatereference is already exists for a SEPA mandate that was not imported!

The SEPA Mandatereference has already used for another customer!

There already exists a SEPA mandate for the customer and day!

The SEPA-Mandatereference is not an UPOC of type customer document (47)!

5.2. Standard Financial Accounting

5.2.1. Technology

This section gives an overview how this interface is available.

Module MS Access Import/Export Server

5.2.2. Basis for the Data Transfer

The individual pieces of data are exchanged using semicolon-separated value (csv) files. General rules for CSV files

The file based data transfer takes place per the following rules: Record separator: CR/LF Field separator: Semicolon (;) Character set: as defined in transformation rule (default is UTF-8) Header: With header

5.2.3. Field Types

Strings: In quotes ("). If the string contains quotes, these must be entered twice ("").Multiple fields within one text field (e.g. address) are to be separat-ed by \n In parentheses the maximum allowed amount of characters is provided.

Date: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD Year.Month.Day

Time: Without quotes ("). Format is HH:MM:SS Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Date / time: Without quotes ("). Format is YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS Year.Month.Day Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Money: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXXX. Period is used as decimal separa-tor. Always 4 decimal places

Float: Without quotes ("). Format XX.XXX. Period is used as decimal separator. No thousands separator. Decimal places variable.

Integer: Without quotes ("). Format XXXXXXX. Only the numbers 0 through 9 are permitted.

5.2.4. File Names

Any file name can be used, but the extension must be .csv. The desired file name can be defined in the job engine.

For the export, there are two attributes. One for the path and one for the file name. The file name is packed into a query (DataSQL) and may be changed there. But if you do so, please

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make sure, you do not change the sense of the query. If you are unsure, please contact our Support.

5.2.5. Interface Description

All invoices that are terminated but not yet exported will be exported. Afterwards they will be marked as exported. The export will contain all of the parameters listed below.

5.2.6. Parameter for FIBU Export

No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

1 A InvoiceID RechnungID Integer PostOffice internal invoice ID

2 B InvoiceNo RechnungNr String (254)

Invoice number

3 C Type RechnungTyp Integer Type of invoice: 0: Invoice 1: Cancellation 2: Credit note

4 D Date RechnungDatum Date / time

Date the invoice was generated by the invoice run in PostOffice

5 E FromDate RechnungVon Date / time

Start date of the settlement period

6 F ToDate RechnungBis Date / time

End date of the settlement period

7 G SumBeforeDiscount RechnungBetrag-VorRabatt

Money Unrounded total amount before reductions from discounts

8 H SumBefore-DiscountRound


Money Rounded total amount before re-ductions from discounts

9 I SumBefore-DiscountDiff


Money Rounding difference of the amount before discount

10 J TotalDiscountPercent RechnungGesamt-RabattProzent


Percentage rate of the total dis-count

11 K TotalDiscount-Amount


Money Unrounded amount of the total discount

12 L TotalDiscount-AmountRound


Money Rounded amount of the total dis-count

13 M TotalDiscount-AmountDiff


Money Rounding difference of the dis-count amount

14 N TotalVATAmount RechnungTotal-MwstBetrag

Money Unrounded total amount of all VAT rates

15 O TotalVATAmount-Round


Money Rounded total amount of all VAT rates

16 P TotalVATAmountDiff RechnungTotal-MwstBetragDiff

Money Rounding difference of the total amount of all VAT rates

17 Q EndSum RechnungEndBetrag Money Unrounded total amount

18 R EndSumRound RechnungEnd-BetragRound

Money Rounded total amount

19 S EndSumDiff RechnungEndBetrag-Diff

Money Rounding difference of the total amount

20 T PaymentPeriodNet RechnungZahlungs-fristNetto

Integer Payment period for net amount in days

21 U PaymentPeriod-Allowance1


Integer Payment period for Allowance1 in days

22 V PaymentPeriod-PercentAllowance1

RechnungSatzSkonto1 Deci-mal

Allowance1 percentage rate

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

23 W SumAllowance1 RechnungBetrag-Skonto1

Money Unrounded Allowance1 amount

24 X SumAllowance1-Round


Money Rounded Allowance1 amount

25 Y SumAllowance1Diff RechnungBetrag-Skonto1Diff

Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance1 amount

26 Z PaymentPeriod-Allowance2


Integer Payment period for Allowance2 in days

27 AA PaymentPeriod-PercentAllowance2

RechnungSatzSkonto2 Deci-mal

Allowance2 percentage rate

28 AB SumAllowance2 RechnungBetrag-Skonto2

Money Unrounded Allowance2 amount

29 AC SumAllowance2-Round


Money Rounded Allowance2 amount

30 AD SumAllowance2Diff RechnungBetrag-Skonto2Diff

Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance2 amount

31 AE VATRate MwstSatz Deci-mal

VAT percentage rate

32 AF VATName MwstBez String (254)

Name of the VAT

33 AG VATAccountNo MwstKontoNr String (254)

VAT account number

34 AH VATTaxKey MwstSteuerschluessel String (254)

VAT tax key

35 AI VATNetSum MwstNettoSumme Money Sum of the net amounts of articles for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

36 AJ VATAmount MwstBetrag Money Unrounded VAT amount for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

37 AK VATAmountRound MwstBetragRound Money Rounded VAT amount for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

38 AL VATAmountDiff MwstBetragDiff Money Rounding difference of the VAT amount for a VAT rate (field name VATrate)

39 AM CustomerNo KundeNr String (254)

Customer number (for customer data, see Customer export, Cus-tomer no.)

40 AN CustomerExtNo KundeExtNr String (254)

External Customer number

41 AO CustomerUPOC KundeUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the customer

42 AP CustomerName KundenName String (762)

Name of the customer (Name1 + Name2 + Name3)

43 AQ VATExempt MWStBefreit Integer Flag for VAT-exempt companies 0 = Not VAT-exempt 1 = VAT-exempt

44 AR CustomerDebitorNo KundeDebitorenNr String (254)

Debitor number of the customer

45 AS BillingType BillingType Integer Invoice is paid with 0: With Bill 1: With LSV (direct debit) 2: With SEPA

46 AT SEPAMandate-Reference


String (254)

Unique SEPA mandate reference which is communicated to the debitor

47 AU DebitorAddress DebitorAddress String Address of the debitor

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment


48 AV DebitorBankName DebitorBankName String (254)

Name of the customer’s bank

49 AW DebitorBIC DebitorBIC String (254)

Bank Identifiaction Code for SEPA or Routing number of the customers bank for LSV

50 AX DebitorBank-AccountNo

DebitorBankKontoNr String (254)

Bank account number of the cus-tomer IBAN for SEPA or account number for LSV

51 AY CreditorID CreditorID String (254)

Creditor identification

52 AZ Creditor CreditorAddress String (254)

Address of the creditor

53 BA DueDate DueDate Date / time

Due date of the invoice

54 BB SEPATransaction-CutOffTime


Date / time

SEPA transaction cut-off time It is calculated by DueDate (At-tribut 53) – CutOffTime (depending on SEPAType, Attribut 9 in SEPA mandate Import/Export). Only working days are taken into ac-count

55 BC SEPAPreNotification-Date


Date / time

Date until the bill is send to the customer

56 BD SEPAType SEPAType String (254)

CORE, B2B, (in the future COR1)

57 BE SEPASequenceType SEPASequenceType String (254)

FRST (First bill), RCUR (following bill), FNAL (last bill)

58 BF SEPAComment SEPAComment String (254)

Comment of SEPA mandate

59 BG MandateStart MandateStart Date / time

Mandate is valid since (signed on date)

60 BH StatisticFactor RechnungStatistik-Faktor

Integer Factor for the calculation of statis-tics: For invoice: +1 For canceled invoice: -1 For credit note: -1 For canceled credit note: +1

61 BI OrgInvoiceNo OriginalRechnung-Nummer

String (254)

Invoice number of the original invoice for cancellations and in-voice copies. The value 0 is passed for the other invoice types.

62 BJ FAInvoiceMandantID FARechnungsmandan-tID

Integer InternalKey for filtering the bill

63 BK FAInvoiceMandant-Name


String (254)

64 BL OrderDate Auftragsdatum Date / time

Date of the order

65 BM CostCenterNo KostenstelleNr String (254)

Number of the cost center

66 BN CostCenterExtNo KostenstelleExtNr String External number of the cost center

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment


67 BO CostCenterUPOC KostenstelleUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the cost center

68 BP CostCenterAddress KostenstelleAdresse String (254)

Address of the cost center

69 BQ ServiceName Leistungsbezeichnung String (254)

Name of the service as it stands in the invoice line. This can be modi-fied from the OriginalLeistungsbez-eichung by the user

70 BR ServiceUPOC LeistungUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the service

71 BS ArticleName Artikelbezeichnung String (254)

Name of the article as it stands in the invoice line. This can be modi-fied from the OriginalArtikelbez-eichnung by the user

72 BT ArticleShortName ArtikelKurzbezeichung String (254)

Short name of the article

73 BU ArticleNo Artikelnummer String (254)

Article number

74 BV ArticleUPOC ArtikelUPOC String (16)

UPOC of the article

75 BW ArticlePrice ArtikelPreis Money Price of an article

76 BX CostUnitNo KostenträgerNummer String (254)

Number of the cost unit

77 BY CostUnitName Kostenträger-Bezeichnung

String (254)

Name of the cost unit

78 BZ CostUnitRemark KostenträgerBe-merkung

String (254)

Comment on the cost unit

79 CA ProductCategory Warengruppe String (254)

Name of the product category

80 CB Quantity Menge Deci-mal

Article quantity of this invoice line

81 CC Unit Unit String (254)


82 CD PositionDiscount Postitionsrabatt Deci-mal

Discount to this line in %

83 CE PositionRemark Postitionsbemerkung String (1024)

Comment on this line

84 CF PositionSumNet PositionsSummeNetto Money Unrounded sum of the lines minus discount (Quantity * ArticlePrice * (100 - PositionDiscount) / 100)

85 CG PositionSumNet-Round


Money Rounded sum of the lines minus discount (Quantity * ArticlePrice * (100 - PositionDiscount) / 100)

86 CH PositionSumNetDiff PositionsSumme-NettoDiff

Money Rounding difference of the sum of the lines

87 CI VATPositionAmount MwstPositionsBetrag Money Unrounded amount of the VAT for the line

88 CJ VATPositionAmount-Round


Money Rounded amount of the VAT for the line

89 CK VATPositionAmount-Diff


Money Rounding difference of the amount of the VAT for the line

90 CL PositionAmount-Allowance1


Money Unrounded Allowance1 amount for the line

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No. Col. Field name Field name (DE) Type Content / comment

91 CM PositionAmount-Allowance1Round


Money Rounded Allowance1 amount for the line

92 CN PositionAmount-Allowance1Diff


Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance1 amount for the line

93 CO PositionAmount-Allowance2


Money Unrounded Allowance2 amount for the line

94 CP PositionAmount-Allowance2Round


Money Rounded Allowance2 amount for the line

95 CQ PositionAmount-Allowance2Diff


Money Invoice difference of the Allow-ance2 amount for the line

96 CR RoundingDifference Rundungsdifferenz Money Rounding difference between the final total of the invoice and the sum of the individual lines

5.2.7. Export of PDF

The PDF is also exported. The path is defined in the parameter “ExportPfadPDF”. To deactivate this function set the parameter “Aktiv” to 0 in transformation rule (Tag FileExport). When you leave the parameter blank without deactivation the PDFs are saved in the installation path of CodX PostOffice. The file name: [IN-DEX]_[QUELLBUCHUNGSKREIS]_[ARCHIV]_[RECHNUNGSART]_[MANDANT]_[BUCHUNGSKREIS]_[VIVA]_[JAHRAUSRECHNUNGSDATUM]_[RECHNUNGSNUMMER]_[RECHNUNGSDATUM]_[DEBITORENNR]_[GPNR].pdf e.g. Index1_VGM0167_AD_RA_001_0167_05_2014_0000730004_23012014_1009632_001.pdf

INDEX: Constant: index1 QUELLBUCHUNGSKREIS: Value of the CustField “strVIVAQuellBuchungskreis”. ARCHIV: Constant: AD RECHNUNGSART: Constant: RA MANDANT: Value of the CustField “strVIVAMandant”. BUCHUNGSKREIS: Value of the CustField “strVIVABuchungskreis”. VIVA: Value of the CustField “strVIVAKennzeichen” (default is “05”). JAHRAUSRECHNUNGSDATUM: The year exeprted from date of the invoice. RECHNUNGSNUMMER: The number of the invoice. RECHNUNGSDATUM: The date of the invoice. Format: DDMMYYYY DEBITORENNR: The first 7 characters of the customer debitor number. GPNR: The last 3 characters of the customer debitor number.

The CustFields are in table id (entity) 1033.

6. Contact CodX Software AG Sinserstrasse 47 6330 Cham Schweiz

+41 41 798 11 22 [email protected] www.codx.ch