The Vitality for Life Recipe Book 1 THE VITALITY 4 LIFE LIVING FOOD RECIPE BOOK Over 200 original Living Food Recipes Easy & quick to prepare with all Living Food Processors Or ordinary kitchen tools By Ragini Buffart

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The Vitality for Life Recipe Book



Over 200 original Living Food Recipes

Easy & quick to prepare with all Living Food Processors Or ordinary kitchen tools


Ragini Buffart

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The Vitality for Life Recipe Book



First and foremost I want to thank Roger Atkins, the Manager of Vitality 4 Life without whom

this book would not exist. Roger and Marcia introduced me to Vitality 4 Life and the products

and inspired me to take on the project to write a “Living Food Recipe Book”. Through Rogers

commitment the book could finally be published.

Also I want to thank Kris-Anne Birch who arrived with two important books to begin my

research with. I would also like to acknowledge her friendship and support of my own

interests at all times although they are quite different to hers.

I want to thank my friends who reminded me to keep on writing and made it easier for me

while I wasn’t around them so much anymore. Their love and genuine friendship beyond time

have given me a wonderful understanding of how beautiful you guys really are!

And thanks to all the people I met along the way that appreciated and approved the work I

was doing and kept me motivated and inspired. Thanks to all the compliments and kind

words and to Paul Werndly, a Perth Naturopath for allowing me to publish his Newspaper


Thanks to my mother who kept reminding me to stick to my writing schedule and not give up

on the work, and thanks to my father who supported me with lots of advice and courage.

In closing I would like to thank my sister and her partner for being so understanding about all

the paperwork over the house and for the time they had to spare while I was writing. I would

also like to thank Lawrence for inspiring me to complete the book, his never-ending help in

editing the complete book and for giving me space, shoulder massages and love whenever


The dearest thanks of all at last goes to the unseen creative force within us all that gave me

so many ideas and so much fun energy to write a book like this that will benefit so many

people on the whole planet. Never shall I cease wondering about this conscious intelligence

that works through me making me who I am.

May all that lives be well and happy,

Peace to the world,

Love Ragini

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Note to the reader: The advantages of eating Living Food and their healing properties

described in this book are presented for your information only. They are not intended as a

substitute for professional medical care, advice or treatment.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 7

WHAT ARE LIVING FOOD PROCESSORS? .........................................................................................................7 WHAT ARE LIVING FOOD AND LIVING JUICE ....................................................................................................9 WHY IS LIVING FOOD SO GOOD FOR YOU AND YOUR ENVIRONMENT? ............................................................13 HOW MUCH LIVING FOOD SHALL I HAVE AND HOW CAN I START?...................................................................15

OPERATING LIVING FOOD PROCESSORS........................................................................................... 19

OPERATING YOUR LIVING FOOD PROCESSOR................................................................................................19 MEASUREMENTS ...........................................................................................................................................26 RAW FOOD SHOPPING AND STORING TIPS AND TRICKS....................................................................................27 HOW TO SPROUT..........................................................................................................................................29 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ...............................................................................................................................32

CHAPTER ONE: FRESH JUICES.............................................................................................................. 35

CHAPTER TWO: SMOOTHIES, NUT MILKS & SLUSHES .......................................................................... 63

CHAPTER THREE: BREAK-YOUR-FAST................................................................................................... 86

CHAPTER FOUR: WHAT KIDS, INFANTS AND TODDLERS LIKE! ............................................................ 98

CHAPTER FIVE: SOUPS, SALADS & SEASONINGS ............................................................................. 111

CHAPTER SIX: BREADS, CRACKERS AND DIPS.................................................................................. 129

CHAPTER SEVEN: FISH, RICE, PASTA, MEAT ...................................................................................... 150

CHAPTER EIGHT: GOURMET DESERTS ................................................................................................ 160

CHAPTER NINE: ICE CREAMS AND SORBETS .................................................................................... 181

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................... 197

ABOUT THE AUTHOR ........................................................................................................................... 199

INGREDIENT GLOSSARY..................................................................................................................... 201

VITAMIN & MINERAL INDEX............................................................................................................... 205

AILMENTS INDEX................................................................................................................................. 211

RECOMMENDED READING................................................................................................................ 213

ORDER FORM...................................................................................................................................... 214

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� What are Living Food Processors?

� What is Living Food and Living Juice?

� Why is Living Food so good for you and your environment?

� How much Living Food shall I have and how can I start?

� Negative Symptoms can be positive.

What are Living Food Processors?

Living Food Processors are the latest revolutionary design in juicers/food processors.

Right now there are two types of Living Food Processors on the market fulfilling your needs 100 per cent, by guaranteeing 100 per cent living juice and 100 per cent living food processing. There is a ‘twin gear’ machine - the ’Hippocrates’, and a ‘single gear’ machine - the ‘Oscar Vital Max 900’. Living Food Processors operate with a patented low-speed stone mill mechanism that produces superior quality juice and food, one of the many reasons why they

have gained worldwide fame. A Living Food Processor is six machines in one!

You can...

� juice fruits and vegetables as well as all leafy greens such as wheat grass, parsley, spinach and pine needles;

� make delicious creamy frozen ice cream, smoothies, nut milks, slushes and sorbets from 100% fresh frozen fruit and ice cubes;

� mince and puree dips, sprouted grains, salad dressings, soups, fruit, custards, baby foods, fish and meat;

� make nut butters and nut balls, gourmet desserts and much more out of any combination of nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruits and spices;

� can make raw pasta from any flour such as spelt, buckwheat or quinoa;

� grind grains, coffee beans, dried peppercorns, nuts and chili pods;

� chop onions, ginger, herbs and garlic into seasonings;

� extract fresh oil from seeds, nuts and olives;

Beyond standard juicers

Living Food Processors, made in Korea, are known worldwide for producing superior quality juice and foods. They are functionally designed, constructed from stainless steel or tough polycarbonate and extremely quiet in operation. They have a 12 to 20 year warranty, are easy to handle for children and absolutely easy and quick to clean in running water only.

New juicing technology

Normal speed juicers and blenders destroy large numbers of life giving enzymes in the juice by sharp metal cutting blades and high speed centrifugal rotation which subjects them to heat. Living Food Processors work with a unique low speed rotation extraction process. The new squeeze and crush system prevents heat and physical shock to the Living produce. The

stone mill-like screw or two stainless steel gears operate slowly and gently without creating

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any heat. Vital Living enzymes, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are unlocked from the fruit or vegetable. In the same way dips, purees, ice cream and baby foods retain their original vitality at maximum content when being processed!

The auger rotates at 75-110 RPM (rotations per minute) as opposed to centrifugal juicers rotating between 1700-3250 RPM. Because of the low RPM, oxidation is slowed down, no harmful friction heat is created, a significantly higher volume (25% more juice) is produced and the juice and living food dishes contain 60% more nutrients than juices made in a commercial juicer or blender. Because of the high enzyme activity in the produce, the juice or processed food can be

stored for up to 48 hours in the refrigerator without loss of appearance, flavor or nutrients. In addition to the ‘single gear’ juicers, the ‘Greenpower Hippocrates’ utilizes bio-ceramic and magnetic technology, which helps add more positive ions to the juice and increases the food quality even more. The Hippocrates is the latest model available from Greenpower.

Some of the awards won by the’ Green Power’ and ‘Green Life’ Machines:

� Silver Medal 1999 in the category of Best Equipment from alive Award of Excellence;

� Grand Prize winner 1993 at the 9th International Invention/New Products Exhibition in

Pittsburgh, USA;

� Silver Medal winner 1993 at the International Exposition in Nuremberg, Germany;

� Winner 1993 of the Korean Presidents 1st Prize Invention Day;

� Silver Medal winner 1993 at the 20th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland;

Note: Living Food Processors can also be used to prepare cooked food for example, baby foods, pasta, rice cakes, yogurt ice cream, bread and cake

dough, hot soups and many more. You can use this machine like a common food processor with the advantage that you also have the ability to prepare true 100%

Living Food with it as well!

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What is Living Food and Living Juice

The Philosophy of Living Food Diets

Guy-Claude Burger states in his book “Die Rohkosttherapie” that the development of civilization diseases goes hand in hand with the use of fire. The first five civilization diseases known, developed within the first 450 000 years that fire was used by the prehistoric human. The art of cooking however is said to have started only about 10 000 years ago, (cooking

historically means the usage of pots, baking of breads and the consumption of processed dairy products); 10 000 years ago though is as well the exact point in time when the major and vast amount of civilization diseases suddenly appeared on the face of the planet for the very first time. This number continues to increase. Therefore it is not surprising that if his theory is correct and that by cooking food directly

relates to the development of diseases, then eating raw and natural foods (Living Food) would reverse this effect. Eating Living Foods like fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, sprouts, herbs, wild plants and pure water would then help the weakened or even sick body to heal and recover again, eliminate toxins, regain vitality and function normally until a very high age. ‘Let food be thy medicine’, are the insights of Hippocrates who already knew about the

importance of a healthy diet in the 4th century BC. Living Food

Living Food is the healthiest food available on the planet. It’s all that is fresh such as fruits, vegetables, sprouts, raw nuts and much more. Living Food is food that mankind ate before fire was used as a tool for cooking. It has not been cooked, boiled, fried, roasted or heated

over 50 degrees*, therefore it is the only food that still contains living enzymes **. The enzymes in food are destroyed at temperatures over 50 degrees. This consequently creates ‘dead food’. Enzymes are the vital element, the life principle in atoms and molecules that make fresh Living Food so easy to digest, immediately available to your body and give you vibrant health and well being. The quicker Living Food is eaten after being harvested the more Life Force (scientifically referred to as biophotons, spiritually referred to as ‘Prana’), enzymes and

nutrients it contains. There are no known side effects to eating Living Food. * All temperatures mentioned in this book are in centigrade ** See ingredient index The opposite of Living Food is food that has been heated, processed or refined, treated with

preservatives and pesticides, radiated or flavored. Such foods are fast foods, sugars, dairy products, grilled meats and fish, breads, pasta, basically all foods that our habitual diet contains. Genetically manipulated food can be Living Food but I am hesitant to trust such produce, cultivated over hundreds of years to be as beneficial as its predecessor, the natural wild and less cultivated version which contains more nutrients, less water and much more flavor.

Note: Cooked food still contains vitamins and minerals. All vitamins and minerals that are

sensitive to heat will be destroyed which is the reason why Living Food has 60% more nutrients than cooked food.

Amino acids change their molecular structure drastically when heated (see egg white being

boiled). Whether these structural changes and their assimilation play a role in the development of illnesses still needs to be scientifically researched. It has been suggested that the denaturation that occurs when food is being heated can be one of the reasons why the body gets sick and shows metabolic malfunctions. Studies have shown that mice that were fed with cooked food in comparison to mice that were fed with raw food, (their original diet),

developed cancer-like tumors, nervous disorders, died earlier and were much more aggressive than normal mice, even killing their own kind in stressful situations while the naturally fed mouse would not.

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Living Foods overall view *:

� fresh fruits � freshly made fruit juices **

� frozen fresh fruits � dried fruits � wild fruits and berries � fresh vegetables � fresh vegetable juices ** � frozen fresh vegetables

� dried vegetables � wild vegetables, leaves, branches

and grass � sprouts � wild sprouts

� nuts � seeds � wild seeds � edible flowers � herbs � spices

� sea salt � seaweed � raw fish � raw meat � grains � raw eggs

� carob � cocoa � cold-washed honey � cold-pressed oil � whole food vitamin supplements

with enzyme activity

� fresh, pure water

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* Please note that not all items listed above contain biophotons (the plants Life Force) as they

gradually diminish from the moment the fruit or vegetable is picked. Enzymes and nutrients stay alive even when the fruit has been frozen or dried. Enzymes die at temperatures over 50 degrees. The ideal temperature to dry or dehydrate fruits and vegetables to ensure maximum nutrient content altogether is 40 degrees and below. ** A fresh juice is only Living Food when made with a Living Food Processor. Any juice

extractor that uses high-speed blade or centrifuge extraction creates friction heat, which leads to the destruction of the enzymes and therefore makes ‘dead food’. Living Juice

Living Juice is a concentrated form of Living Food. Freshly squeezed Living Juices are multi-

vitamin pills because one glass of juice is made from much more fruit and vegetable than you could possibly eat at the same time. Juices contain less fiber, therefore you are absorbing this mass of nutrients quickly into the body where they are immediately utilized. This is the reason why Dr. Max Gerson has used Living Juices successfully in the treatment of cancer patients for over 30 years.

The benefits of consuming Living Juice were first introduced by Dr. Norman W. Walker D. Sc. (1874-1983) *. He states in his book ‘Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices’:

‘The lack of deficiency of certain elements, such as vital organic minerals and salts, and consequently of vitamins, from our customary diet is the primary cause of nearly every sickness and disease. How can we most readily furnish our body with the elements needed?’

His answer was to drink daily Fresh Living Juices.

* Dr. Norman Walker is recognized throughout the world as one of the most authoritative students of life, health and nutrition. For almost 70 years, Dr. Norman Walker has researched mans ability to live a longer and healthier life. He is his own example of achieving vibrant

health through proper thought, diet and body care.

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Here are some facts about the benefits of Living Juices:

� Fresh juices haven’t been treated with heat in any way and therefore contain the maximum content of nutrients and enzymes.

� Fresh juices make it possible to increase the intake of nutrients without having to eat more.

� Juicing releases more of the goodness locked in the fibers of fresh foods than the body can. Lots of fibers are expelled from the body in the digestive process without having been digested completely.

� You save the body a lot of digestive work, you save yourself energy.

� Fresh Juice is able to enter your bloodstream much quicker and therefore you feel the revitalizing effect almost immediately.

� Fresh juices are not filling, they don’t make you fat nor do they burden your body with toxins, saturated fats and preservatives.

� Compared to Living Food, Living Juice provides you with a concentrated form of all

vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements and enzymes needed for good health. Especially in our time where most fruits and vegetables available are grown on nutrient poor, exploited soil, treated with pesticides, sprayed and manipulated in their water content and flavor, we need to find a solution to reach the recommended daily intake of nutrients required for our well-being. That’s where Living Juices can be of major assistance. By having juices

and therefore more fruits and vegetables, you are able to increase your intake of necessary vitamins in that way.

� Bottled Juices, even if they are 100% organic and without any added sugar unfortunately lose most of their nutrients in the bottling process.

� Living Juice can restore your body to health.

� Living Juice is cheaper than expensive vitamin supplements and can be absorbed by

the body much more effectively.

� Juices can flush toxins from your system, are good for your weight, heart, circulation and overall wellbeing.

� Living Juices contain no saturated fats or added sodium and can be helpful in lowering your cholesterol.

� Fresh Living Juice tastes absolutely fantastic!

Note: The daily-recommended intake is at least 16 ounces of fresh juice every day. Fiber is

essential to health, so be sure to continue eating raw fruits, vegetables, sprouts, grains and legumes as usual unless you are following a particular Juice Cleanse. Drinking

Living Juices will give you increased energy, a glowing complexion, strengthen your immune system and bones and reduce the risk of disease.

With the selection of fresh juices in this recipe book it will be easy for you to get into a habit I call the “juicing ritual”. I’m not proclaiming a new religion, but if there was something like a

juicing religion I’m sure all their members would be vibrantly healthy and happy.

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Why is Living Food so good for you and your environment?

Living Food

� is full of living enzymes that make your food easily digestible and bioavailable;

� provides you with all the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates and fiber;

� is the best food to eat if you want to stay young, vital and healthy;

� won’t make your body use much of its own energy to assimilate food and therefore you will have more energy;

� provides you with Life Force energy or biophotons;

� makes you need less sleep;

� helps your body detoxify;

� will make you lose weight if you are overweight;

� strengthens the immune system;

� tones your body and your skin;

� you won’t need as many medications and will therefore suffer less negative side effects from the medication;

� has the highest nutritional value;

� doesn’t contain harmful additives, carcinogens, pesticides and colors

� is mostly alkaline-forming;

� balances body, mind and spirit;

� improves concentration;

� improves well-being;

� saves you money on medications and visits to physicians;

� contains mainly polyunsaturated fatty acids which are the healthiest form of fats;

� is the best preventative medicine for all kinds of food related illnesses;

� is unprocessed food;

� is high in fiber and water;

� offers greater resistance to illness and aging;

� has plenty of anti-oxidants;

� increases blood circulation;

� is a pure multi-vitamin pill;

� improves skin tone and complexion;

� removed excess water from the body;

� clears your eyes revealing their original brightness;

� contains so much fiber that you feel satisfied and won’t need to eat more than you


� controls low levels of blood sugar;

� evens mood swings and promotes renewed vitality;

� will be your best friend on the way to living a long and happy life;

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And your environment?

Because you will

� need hardly any dish washing detergent, everything is cleaned with running water immediately;

� support local farmers;

� support organic farming and therefore reduce the vast destruction of our Mother Nature;

� not have any excess fruit because all produce which has become too ripe can be frozen and kept for making natural ice creams, sorbets and smoothies;

� feel closer to nature than ever before;

� save yourself time by not having to cook anymore, everything is ready to be eaten;

� develop understanding of nature;

� use more and more natural products altogether;

� let your kids be a part of the preparation process;

� feel free because of your independence of supermarkets and doctors;

� inspire others with your health;

� spend more time in nature and your garden;

� feel good about everything you eat and what you offer your family and friends to eat;

� be a happier person and therefore increase the happiness around you;

� Living Food is great to bring along to parties, it’s quick and healthy and everyone will appreciate your healthy attitude.

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How much Living Food shall I have and how can I start?

‘Wisdom is knowing what to do, virtue is doing it.’

Chinese proverb

The great variety of Living Food recipes in this book will make it easy for you and

your family to eat much more Living Food. You can make it a reality to

regain your health and vitality, yes you can!

Most people know that they should eat more raw foods every day than they do, but they find it hard to adjust to the idea to chew on raw cabbage and broccoli instead of having

vegetable lasagna with plenty of melting cheese on top. If you give it a try and Living Food makes you feel better then Living Food is good for you.

No matter what your age, don’t give up too quickly. The easiest way to start

accommodating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet is through juicing.

Sixteen ounces a day is the recommended amount and you will be surprised how delicious a freshly squeezed juice is. Eventually you will start craving more and more juices simply because you feel how good it is for you. At this point your body has started to redevelop its fine and original sense of taste. If you have never had the experience of how your taste can change, try the salt experiment to understand how it works. Eat a salt-free diet for one week

and then go out and order a normal dish. You will find it far too salty. What has happened? You have become accustomed to the amounts of salt in your habitual diet and your taste buds have adjusted to the salty taste. By leaving the salt out of your meals your body can return to its original taste sensitivity and foods will appear over-salted. Taste habits adjust in the same way too much sugar, sweetened things and fats.

My own experience is, once this shift in taste has occurred the processed food becomes considerably unattractive. On the other hand when you start eating processed food again you may not enjoy the taste to begin with. However within one or two weeks your taste buds will adapt themselves to the processed food once again and you will have the old satisfaction back. Eventually you will also experience symptoms like fatigue, lack of stamina and low motivation due to the change of diet. You might have had these feelings before

and were not aware of them, as you had nothing to compare with. Once you have experienced the power of Living Juice every day, you will never forget its benefits, even when you change your diet again. That’s why I finally made peace with the idea to eat a healthy diet and to care for myself with awareness, creating a balanced diet and life style. It is recommended to start with a juice in the morning and see what happens. Take your time

to change your diet unless you are one of the few people who want to completely change overnight. Small positive changes will encourage you to continue and you will feel inspired to add more salads, more raw dishes and frozen ice creams to your normal diet. The better you feel, the more Living Food you will want to consume. Make changes when you are ready. Although your body will improve, your mind might not be ready and will still crave treats like

chocolate, soft drinks and cakes. And believe me, the mind is a powerful part of you and deserves understanding as well. When I first went on a 100% raw diet, I started feeling mentally unstable after a few months because I missed the food I was used to eating, although I was physically in the best shape I had ever been. So I allowed myself to make an exception and have a Pizza, and what a disappointment! After 4 months of Living Foods, the Pizza didn’t taste right anymore. I thought I was fulfilling my hearts desire yet I couldn’t get

even one slice of Pizza down my throat. What was going on? What I had been longing for were the pleasant emotions I remembered having when going out to have a Pizza. My mind

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had established a connection “Eating Pizza = Happy Emotions”. Now that my body was so sensitive, the Pizza tasted like the most inedible thing ever. Eating Pizza no longer meant happy emotions to me. This was a shock at first because the long learned conditioning and

gratification that came along with it was no longer in my life. Experiences like this can be challenging to the mind, the mind wants it, and the body does not. In my experience, addictions to particular cooked foods can only be replaced with either Living Food that feels like a treat to you or with things you can do that make you feel good. Give yourself time if you experience situations like this. If it is your wish to eat more Living Foods you will be able to. There is no right or wrong and you know what is really true for yourself. Such difficulties only

appear in the beginning when you change your diet. Once you have reached the percentage of Living Food you would like to eat in your diet, you will again get accustomed to that after a little while and feel just as complete and happy and probably much more healthier. I go through different periods myself. There are times when I eat totally raw and then it changes. I feel the physical changes but I am happy with my personal ‘Golden Middle’ and I have found that there are a lot of healthy cooked foods that I feel good to

include in my Living Food diet. Have you ever noticed how much more colorful raw food is? Cooking usually turns everything into a pale brown-grey while raw food has bright colors in many shades. One might consider that the colors with their vibration directly nourish us on a vibratory level and all the colors in our auric field! So enjoy eating with the awareness that the

many colors of Living Foods brings us something miraculous and special. Here’s a hint. If your toothpaste becomes too intense in flavor, you can thin it with water or use clay powder, preferably green clay and sea salt for brushing your teeth.

� * The auric field or aura refers to the energy body that surrounds the human body that

can be felt or seen by people with psychic abilities. The aura itself has various energy centers called ‘chakras’. Both the aura and chakras contain many vibrant colors that have particular meanings.

‘ A happy person is a healthy person.’


Here are examples of how different people integrate more Living Food into their lives:

� Some people have a juice in the morning and do one Living Food day a week and feel fine with that.

� Others go 100% raw straight away, maybe they have to if they have a serious physical imbalance, or they want to experience the benefits immediately.

� Others add more and more Living Food into their diet whenever they feel like it or they eat Living Food dishes along with their cooked food, for example a raw food salad with steamed potatoes.

� Some people eat their usual diet and then do a four-week-cleanse every year to help

the body eliminate toxins.

� Other people decide to have more Living Foods and at the same time reduce unhealthy foods in their diet. They increase healthier cooked foods in their diet that are easier to digest and have a higher nutrient density.

A healthy cooked diet can include, for example, a large variety of steamed vegetables, boiled rice, simple foods like whole meal breads, mashed potatoes and beans, muesli, soy products, whole meal products, yogurt, miso and a little salt, just to name a few.

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Whatever way you choose to eat, this Living Food Recipe Book will give you many ideas on how to make a huge variety of delicious Living Food dishes and how to integrate Living Foods into your life and the life of others. I find that preparing and decorating any dish you make

with love and attention keeps reminding me of the great value, benefits and pleasures of eating food.

There are as many paths to God as there are souls.

Ramakrishna (1834-1886)

Negative Symptoms can be positive

Negative Symptoms can be positive

Stop it at the start It is late for medicine to be prepared

when disease has grown strong

through long delays.

Ovid (43 BC- 17 AD)

Remedia Amoris, 91

People sometimes feel worse when they first start eating Living Foods. It can be challenging and one may begin to doubt whether they are on the right path if they are not informed of what is actually going on in their body. As Ovid states above, you are in a fortunate position to look after your body and eventually go through a bit of discomfort during this cleansing process, instead of already feeling the threat of being seriously ill.

The following article by Perths famous naturopath Paul Werndly, which was published in the West Australian Newspaper in August 1999, may help you to understand in detail why you might develop temporary negative symptoms when changing from a cooked food diet to a raw food diet. For over seven years Paul Werndly has lectured and written for the West Australian Newspaper.

Negative Symptoms can be positive

By Paul Werndly When we ingest a substance for health purposes, we can sometimes experience a reaction. But there is an important difference in the two types of reaction. A primary

reaction occurs when the body is directly sensitive or allergic to a substance or food. A secondary reaction is when symptoms arise from the cleansing or detoxification effects. Often it is difficult to distinguish between the two because symptoms can be quite similar but a competent natural health practitioner can recognize the difference.

Many people stop taking something because they think it is incompatible with their system and is making them feel a bit off color. But it is actually increased amounts of toxins, moving within their system that causes the problem. The toxic material needs to be moved before our elimination channels can remove it from the body. The symptoms that arise in the secondary reaction can be sore muscles,

headaches, light-headedness, visual disturbances, fatigue, diarrhea, to name just a few. All of theses are the body’s attempt to remove toxic encumbrances that may have existed for years. If the body harbors them for too long, disease will result from their negative effects on cellular health.

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So the body needs to go through a ‘sacrifice’ stage of feeling worse before getting better. Yet in rising to the next level of health and well-being, the challenge can prove

too great for some who have grown comfortable with, or even attached to, their present state of health. The substances that can produce a secondary reaction are usually the foods, herbs and natural medicines that have an anti-microbial or anti-parasitic action. When bacteria and parasites are dying, they release their toxins into the system. As the debris of their own cells breaks down our immune system and elimination systems are put under a much greater workload. Besides creating many secondary

symptoms, dead and dying organisms can also release their own viruses into our system, so we can also have flu-like symptoms during this phase. The flu serves a purpose however, because the increased temperature, mucus expulsion, rest and so forth give our body an added opportunity to eliminate and recuperate. It is a fine line but maybe our body is really in need of the things that may upset us. Raw

garlic is an excellent example because it often repeats on people but some need it if they are not feeling 100%. Garlic works on a broad front, killing off both bacterial and parasitic species. Cleansing the body may not always be a pleasant experience but sometimes it comes down to this choice or suffering continuing disease.

If you have any questions you would like to ask Paul Werndly personally, you can contact him by e-mail at [email protected]. I recommend being sufficiently informed before you change your diet and know about natural ways to lessen detoxification symptoms and support your cleansing process.

Note: Depending on the individual, you might encounter more or less negative symptoms or

none at all if the detoxification process happens very gradually. Another sign of detoxification is a feeling similar to hunger often mistaken with actual hunger. Drink a glass of water and if the hunger feeling leaves you it was a symptom that your body is

cleansing itself. There are various ways to speed up the detoxification process with herbs, clay * or colon cleanses ** for example. For more information please contact Paul, myself or your physician or naturopath.

* Look for details about the use of clay as a detoxifier in the ingredient glossary under


** There are many different colon cleanses on the market. A colon cleanse helps the body

to eliminate a lot of toxins in a short time by speeding up the internal clean up of the bowel with the help of herbs and sometimes colon irrigation. This is a very ancient, effective and rewarding health measurement.

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� Operating Living Food Processors

� How to use the Hippocrates and the Oscar or alternative utensils with this book

� Measurements

� Raw Food shopping and storing tips and tricks

� How to sprout

� Questions & Answers

This Living Food Recipe Book is written in a way that allows you to use any Living Food

Processor as well as with common kitchen tools. What you need is shown to you here: For any kind of preparation you will need a cutting board and a sharp knife. Some recipes require a peeler for waxed apples for example, a rolling pin and a whisk. Cookie cutters are great tools to make decorative foods for special events or when working with children. When using bowls, storage containers, plates and serving plates they should be preferably made

from glass, stainless steel or wood as these materials are food-friendly and they don’t give off chemicals that could pollute your natural healthy food. There are dishes that need to be dehydrated to attain the desired texture. For those dishes it is useful to have a dehydrator as they have many advantages on its own. Alternatively you can dry the food in the sun or in the oven at a low temperature. A dehydrator though is the quickest and safest way of drying food at an accurate temperature below 50 degrees.

Operating your Living Food Processor

Every Living Food Processor comes with an operation manual explaining how to use your machine. Read it carefully and contact your distributor if you have any questions. The machine instructions for each recipe in this book are written for the ‘single gear’ operated Oscar Living Food Processor. This section of the book will explain to you how to make the same recipes with a ‘twin gear’ operated Living Food Processor, or alternatively

with ordinary kitchen tools. There are some differences in the ‘single gear’ and the ‘twin gear’ living food processors in regards to what they can do. You will find further information in your product manual. Features & Parts of the Oscar Vital Max 900 ‘single gear’ Living Food Processor:

� Manual � Body � Drum � Hopper � Screw � Plunger

� 2 Bowls

� Cleaning Brush � Juicing strainer � Mincing Strainer � Drum cap * � Round Noodle Nozzle x 2 � Flat Noodle Nozzle x 2

� Bread Stick Nozzle x 2

* Put a bit of vegetable oil along the rim of the drum cap, it will come off much easier that way.

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Note: If you have an ‘Oscar’ Living Food Processor, you don’t need to read any further as all machine instructions in this book are written for the Oscar and you can simply follow the instructions. If you have another Living Food Processor other than the Oscar

or are using alternative utensils and would like to prepare food from this book, please read ahead to the section that applies to you.

Features & Parts of the Hipppocrates ‘twin gear’ Living Food Processor:

� Manual � Body

� Twin Gear Housing � Feeding Chute Cover (Lid) � Safety Tray � Twin Gear Screws � Wooden Plunger

� Plastic Plunger � 2 Bowls (Magnetic Juice Pitcher and Drip

Tray) � Strainer � Cleaning Brush � Fine Screen

� Coarse Screen � Rice Cake Guide

� Rice Cake Blank (Closed Blank) � Homogenizing Blank (Open Blank) � Outlet Adjusting Knob � Pasta Screen � Pasta Attachment

� Pasta Screw � Pasta Guide � Pasta Screen � Far Infra Red � Magnetic Technology

How to use ‘Galaxy’ Living Food Processor with this book:

The Galaxy Living Food Processor is also a ‘single gear’ model and works on the same principle as the Oscar. If you own a Galaxy you can follow all the recipe instructions as they are in the book. The only difference is that the Oscar has a Juicing and a Mincing Nozzle that can be adjusted to either Notch 1 (finer, softer fruits) or Notch 2 (more fibrous, coarser foods).

When you read Notch 1 or Notch 2, simply don’t pay attention to it and use either the Juicing or the Mincing Nozzle as instructed. How to use a ‘twin gear’ Living Food Processor with this book:

Each recipe in this book is divided into five sections:

� Title

� Ingredients

� Machine set up

� Preparation instructions

� Preparation hints

The only part you have to be aware of, if you have a ‘twin gear’ machine, is the “Machine

set up”. All the information given in the other sections stays the same. Juicing:

Machine set up ‘single gear’ in this book:

� Screw

� Juicing Strainer � Juicing Nozzle � Juicing Nozzle on Notch 1 or Notch 2 � (If Notch 0 is referred to in the set up and relates only to the starting position.

Notch 1 or 2 is used at all time for juicing and the Notch used will be referred to in the Preparation Instructions.)

� Sieve (optional)

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Machine set up for a ‘twin gear’ Living Processor:

� Twin Gears

� Fine Screen equals Juicing Nozzle on Notch 2

� Coarse Screen equals Juicing Nozzle on Notch 1

� Strainer (optional)

Mincing & Rice Cake making:

Machine set up ‘single gear’ in this book:

� Screw � Mincing Strainer � Mincing Nozzle � Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 or Notch 2

(If Notch 0 is referred to in the set up and relates only to the starting position. Notch 1 or 2 is used at all times for juicing and the Notch used will be referred to in the Preparation Instructions.)

Machine set up for your ‘twin gear’:

� Twin Gears � Rice Cake Blank equals Mincing Nozzle on Notch 2 � Homogenizing Blank equals Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 � Rice cake Guide � The Rice Cake attachment funnels the rice dough into a tubular shape. When making

rice cakes, cut the dough tubes into the desired length as it is coming out of the

outlet. Grinding:

Machine set up ‘single gear’ in this book:

� Screw � Mincing Strainer � Mincing Nozzle � Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 or Notch 2

(If Notch 0 is referred to in the set up and relates only to the starting position. Notch 1 or 2 is used at all times for grinding; Notch 1 grinds coarser Notch 2 grinds finer.)

Note: You can grind grains into flour and nuts, seeds and coffee beans into powder with this

feature. Machine set up for your ‘twin gear’:

� Twin Gears � Rice Cake Blank equals Mincing Nozzle on Notch 2 � Homogenizing Blank equals Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1

Ice Cream & Sorbet making:

Machine set up ‘single gear’ in this book:

� Screw � Mincing Strainer � Mincing Nozzle � Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 or 2

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Machine set up for your ‘twin gear’:

� Twin gears � Rice Cake Blank equals Mincing Nozzle on Notch 2

� Homogenizing Blank equals Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 � Rice Cake Guide

Smoothie & Slush making:

Machine set up ‘single gear’ in this book:

� Screw � Mincing Strainer � Mincing Nozzle � Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 or 2


� Juicing Strainer � Juicing Nozzle � Juicing Nozzle on Notch 1 or Notch 2

Machine set up for your ‘twin gear’:

� Twin gears

� Rice Cake Blank equals Mincing Nozzle on Notch 2 � Homogenizing Blank equals Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 � Rice Cake Guide

And � Fine Screen equals Juicing Nozzle on Notch 2 � Coarse Screen equals Juicing Nozzle on Notch 1

Pasta making:

Machine set up ‘single gear’ in this book:

� Screw

� Mincing Strainer � Round Pasta Nozzle on Notch 1

Or � Flat Pasta Nozzle on Notch 1

Machine set up for your ‘twin gear’:

� Pasta Guide � Pasta Screw � Pasta Screen � Pasta Output Attachment (Rotate to make the shape of pasta desired. The ‘Green

Power’ attachment makes three types of pasta; the ‘Green Life’ attachment makes

two types of pasta.) Using common kitchen utensils:

Tools needed when using common kitchen utensils:

� Common Juicer

� Wheat grass Juicing Mill � 1 Bowl � Sieve � Kitchen Whiz or Hand Blender

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Note: If you don’t have an Oscar Living Food Processor you will not be able to extract your own oil with the Oil Extractor. For salad dressing recipes use genuine cold-pressed oil of the same type. A common juicer usually can’t juice wheat grass, leaves or pine

needles. To do this you will need a wheatgrass Juicing Mill; otherwise you won’t be able to juice some of the ingredients. To make a proper frozen fruit ice cream with a common blender is difficult. Mashing the frozen fruit together with a potato masher is probably the best alternative solution there is for making yummy fruit sorbet instead. The Living Food Processors have special features to make pasta. In this case, prepare the pasta dough as you usually would and cut the pasta by hand into the shape you

like. Besides those few things that will vary, you will be able to make all recipes in this book with ordinary kitchen tools.

How to use ordinary kitchen utensils instead of a Living Food Processor in this book Each recipe in this book is divided into five sections:

� Title � Ingredients � Machine set up � Preparation instructions � Preparation hints

The only part you have to be aware of if you are using alternative utensils are the “Machine set up” part and the “Preparation instructions”. All the information given in any other section stays the same. Prepare the food with the suggested ordinary kitchen machine, as you would normally do.


Machine set up in this book:

� Screw � Juicing Strainer � Juicing Nozzle

� Juicing Nozzle on Notch 1 or Notch 2 (If Notch 0 is referred to in the set up it relates only to the starting position. Notch 1 or 2 is used at all times for juicing and the Notch used will in this case be referred to in the Preparation Instructions.)

Use alternatively:

� Use Common Juicer for fruit and vegetable juices; � Use Wheat grass Juicing Mill to juice wheat grass, leaves and pine needles;

Mincing & Rice Cake making:

Machine set up in this book:

� Screw � Mincing Strainer � Mincing Nozzle � Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 or Notch 2

(If Notch 0 is referred to in the set up it relates only to the starting position. Notch 1 or 2

is used at all times for juicing and the Notch used will be referred to in the Preparation Instructions.)

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Use alternatively:

� Kitchen Whiz Or

� Blender � Notch 1 equals coarser low speed blending � Notch 2 equals finer high speed blending � When you have the smooth rice dough, shape it into little cakes by hand or by using

cookie cutters.


Machine set up in this book:

� Screw � Mincing Strainer

� Mincing Nozzle � Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 or Notch 2

(If Notch 0 is referred to in the set up it relates only to the starting position. Notch 1 or 2 is used at all times for grinding; Notch 1 grinds coarser Notch 2 grinds finer.)

Use alternatively:

� Kitchen Whiz Or

� Blender � Notch 1 equals coarser at low speed and shorter grinding � Notch 2 equals finer at high speed and longer grinding

Ice Cream & Sorbet making:

Machine set up in this book:

� Screw

� Mincing Strainer � Mincing Nozzle � Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 or 2

Use alternatively:

� Kitchen Whiz

� Blender Or

� Potato Masher � Experiment with your own kitchen tools to achieve the desired result. � Notch 1 equals making a sorbet consistency

� Notch 2 equals making a smoother paste

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Smoothie & Slush making:

Machine set up in this book:

� Screw � Mincing Strainer � Mincing Nozzle � Mincing Nozzle on Notch 1 or 2

And � Juicing Strainer

� Juicing Nozzle � Juicing Nozzle on Notch 1 or Notch 2

Use alternatively:

� Common Juicer

� Kitchen Whiz Or

� Blender to blend the ice cubes into “snow” � Potato Masher to squash the frozen fruit into the fresh juice in order to make smoothies

Pasta making:

Machine set up in this book:

� Screw � Mincing Strainer � Round Pasta Nozzle on Notch 1


� Flat Pasta Nozzle on Notch 1 Use alternatively:

� Kitchen Whiz to make a smooth pasta dough � Roller Pin

� Knife to cut out pasta

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Common Measurements in comparison

The measurements given in this book are a recommended amount. As fresh food is a living entity and can vary in size, flavor and juiciness depending on the season or country, you can make slight changes to suit your own taste or to attain the wanted consistency.


Imperial/ Metric *:

1 ounce (oz)/ 30 gram (g) 6 oz/ 170g 8 oz (½ lb)/ 230g

16 oz (1 lb)/ 455g 10 lb/ 4.6 kilograms (kg), (4500g) 1 stone (14 lb)/ 6.5 kg

Liquid Weight:

Imperial/ Metric: ¼ teaspoon (tsp.)/ 1.25 milliliter (ml) ½ tsp./ 2.5 ml 1 tsp./ 5 ml

1 tablespoon (tbsp.)/ 20 ml 1 oz/ 30 ml 3 oz (1/3 cup)/ 80 ml 4 oz (1/2 cup)/ 120 ml

8 oz (1 cup)/ 240 ml 10 oz (1/2 pint)/ 300 ml 12 oz (1 ½ cups)/ 360 ml

16 oz (2 cups)/ 475 ml 20 oz (1 pint, 2 ½ cups)/ 600 ml 1 quart (4 cups)/ 1 liter (l), (1000 ml) 1 gallon (4 quarts)/ 4 l

Food Quantity Measurements:

The food quantity relates to 1 medium piece each. Apple: 1 cup chopped Avocado: 1 cup Banana: ¾ cup sliced

Broccoli: 2 cups (whole stalk) Carrot: ½ cup diced Celery: 2 cups (stalk and greens) Lemon: 4 tbsp., 1 tbsp. grated peel Mango: 1 cup cubed

Onion: 1/3 cup diced Orange: ½ cup juiced Parsley: ½ cup chopped (1 bunch)

Pear: ¾ cup chopped, 1 cup juiced

Pineapple: 2 ½ cups juiced Tomato: ½ cup diced


All temperatures in this book are in centigrade. 50 degrees Centigrade/ 122 degrees Fahrenheit 40 degrees Centigrade/ 105 degrees Fahrenheit

*Some measurements have been slightly rounded off.

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Raw Food shopping and storing tips and tricks

With a few tricks you can help yourself to feel relaxed about your healthy diet and finding all the things you need to buy and wish to eat. Before I go shopping I have a look at my self-made list of items to get inspired and to be reminded of the vast varieties of foods available. Then I write down what I want to buy, I grab a few shopping bags and a carton and go on my way. I also make sure to listen to my instinct while shopping for additional produce. My

self-made list of items is three pages long and has all the fruits, vegetables, spices and other products I like to buy in my town. Here are some things about shopping to consider: Enjoy the place where you shop:

It is important that you like the place you go to do your shopping. For example, I drive 45

minutes once a fortnight to go shopping in one of my favorite Health Food stores. When I am there I feel happy and relaxed because they offer a great range to choose from. I buy enough supplies for the fortnight and return happily to my home. To buy most of my fruits and vegetables, I visit the farmers markets. The produce may not always be organic but the variety is huge and I enjoy the busy markets and the bargains I can make whilst there. Shopping should be fun and you should feel fully satisfied when you get home!

Shall I buy organic or conventional food?

In general, I truly recommend buying organic produce as much as you can to get the best food quality possible and to support organic farming. Depending on where you live and what your circumstances are, that may not always be possible.

Firstly: Buy as much variety as possible, if your body craves mangoes but these are not available organically grown, please follow your instinct and buy them somewhere else.

Secondly: Eat as much ripe and fresh food as possible. The longer food sits in the shop, the more life force it loses. Fruits and vegetables that are harvested long before they are ripe and

eaten unripe can’t give the body the same taste sensation and therefore you will not experience the same deep satisfaction. Thirdly: When you have found a wide variety of fresh and ripe fruits and vegetables that you like to eat, you should consider getting that very same food organically grown. There is no point in feeling deprived of foods you love because you have made a commitment to only

buy organic produce. Neither should you throw your family into financial despair. Start gardening, find farmers, wild fruit trees and pick wild herbs in order to get the most natural food possible. Inspire others to do the same. If you feel happy buying only organic products and you don’t feel the need for any other foods, please follow your feelings and remember: ‘A happy person is a healthy person’.

Note: Whenever you are unable to use organic produce, make certain to wash or peel it thoroughly to remove any harmful waxes and pesticides. Under no circumstances should your food have been heated or treated with gas. You can’t wash that away!

Storing enough supplies:

It is a good idea to have enough storable supplies on hand at all times. You will feel relaxed that you have enough food at home and when you have a craving, instead of going out shopping and getting off track and returning home with blocks of chocolate, the immediate craving can be satisfied with dried apricots or honey straight away. Store nuts in an airtight container in the fridge. If you pick fresh nuts from a tree, the best place to store these is buried in the soil in your garden,

as squirrels do, for four to five months so they won’t lose any of their Life Force Energy. Store dried fruits, beans, seeds grains and spices in glass containers in a dark place. Store cold-pressed oils in the fridge.

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Store vegetables in the fridge for no longer than a week. Store potatoes, onions and garlic in a box in the cellar. Store fruits in the cellar preferably not below 5 degrees.

Store open fruits, fresh juices and living food in the fridge for 2 days. Whatever threatens to go bad eat it, give it away, dehydrate, juice or freeze it. My Shopping list:

� fresh, ripe fruits in season

� some tropic treats

� apples, oranges, grapefruit, banana and lemon as a basic daily supply at home

� fresh vegetables in season

� tomatoes, carrots, celery, onions and garlic as my basic supply at home

� seaweed in the form of kelp, nori sheets and wild blue-green algae

� green clay

� sprouts like sunflower seeds, alfalfa, mung beans and wheat grass

� raw olives (confirm with the producer if product is not marked ‘raw’)

� high quality cold pressed olive oil

� one high quality cold pressed nut oil (flax seed oil for example)

� grains such as oats, buckwheat, quinoa and millet

� sweeteners such as cold washed honey and stevia

� herbs such as chives, parsley, oregano, basil, coriander, rosemary, thyme, aloe vera from a home garden

� spices such Chinese five spice, pepper, sea salt, fresh ginger, soy seasoning (Bragg’s), nutmeg, cinnamon, mustard powder, caraway seeds, chilli, turmeric, curry powder and carob

� apple cider vinegar (unpasteurised brand, preferably with the ‘mother’ in it to retain

all nutrients)

� nuts in the shell or marked as raw like almonds, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and coconut shreds

� 100% natural dried foods such as dates, figs, apricots, plums, raisins, banana, tomato, capsicum and bee pollen

� frozen bananas, raspberries and mangoes in the freezer

Once you have done the first load of shopping and have set yourself up at home, you will see how complete and wonderfully equipped you are. There is everything for every need. Buying bulk saves you time and money and you have what you need at home for every unexpected


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How to Sprout

Sprouting a ‘super food’

Sprouts have the greatest nutrient activity of all raw foods because in effect, sprouts are still in the process of growing and therefore at the peak of their Life Force. Sprouts can be called a ‘super food’ as they contain enormous levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals,

chlorophyll pigments and enzymes. Scientific studies have shown that the nutrient content in sprouted food can rise from 50-2000 per cent! A study conducted at the Yale University found, for example, that B vitamins increase in sprouts by as much as 2000 per cent! Research at the University of Pennsylvania reported that the general average vitamin increase in sprouts lays at around 500 per cent. The body also absorbs nutrients more easily from sprouts and they are easily digested which

saves the body’s own energy reservoir. So sprout as much as you like and eat as many sprouts as you can. Add sprouts into juices and salads. Sprouting is easy and cheap and will help to maintain your perfect health along with fresh fruits and vegetables! How to sprout easily at home:

All you need is a large empty jam jar, a piece of cheesecloth, rubber band, fresh water and some dried seeds or beans. Alternatively you can purchase a sprouting tray kit* in a Garden Center or Health Food store. Sprouting kits are a little easier to use, especially if you are sprouting lots of sprouts at the same time.

*If you are using a sprouting tray system follow the instructions that come along with the kit. The four simple steps of sprouting:

Rinse the seeds well. Place them in the jar. Cover the seeds with 5 cm of cool filtered or boiled water. Cover the jar with the cheesecloth secured with the rubber band. Leave over night in a warm, dark place. Sprouts love humidity and warmth, 70% humidity and

temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees is the ideal environment for their growth. Next day: Empty the water and rinse the seeds with fresh water. Drain the seeds well and return them to their dark spot. Do this twice a day until the seeds start to sprout. Then tilt the jar 45 degrees facing downwards to allow the sprouts to grow up the jar more easily. Keep rinsing the sprouts with water twice a day and place them back into position. For

a few hours each day place your sprouts into the sunlight to give them an energy boost. When they are fully-grown store them in an airtight container in the fridge and eat them within 3 days to receive most of the vitality and life force they contain. Most seeds are ready within 24 hours. Others can take up to 5 days. It is not advisable to keep any sprouts more than 5-6 days as their roots will grow too long and often they develop a

bitter taste. You can sprout any seed, nut, grain and bean you wish. Most seeds are available at very cheap prices in Health Food stores. Some sprouts are tastier and easier to digest if the hulls are removed. When you rinse lentil or mung bean sprouts for the final time, put them into a large bowl. Then run water over them and squeeze the sprouts to remove the hulls. Soaking the sprouts in warm water for a while also helps to remove unwanted hulls.

Some Examples:

Seed: adzuki beans Soaking Time (hrs): 4-5 Sprouting Time (days): 3-5

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 2-3 cups Seed: alfalfa

Soaking Time (hrs): 4-6 Sprouting Time (days): 3-5 Quantity: 3 tbsp.

Yield: 3 cups Seed: barley Soaking Time (hrs): 8-10

Sprouting Time (days): 3-4 Quantity: ½ cup Yield: 1 cup

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Seed: most beans Soaking Time (hrs): 8-10

Sprouting Time (days): 3-5 Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 3-4 cups Seed: buckwheat Soaking Time (hrs): 4-6

Sprouting Time (days): 2-3 Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 2-4 cups Seed: chickpeas Soaking Time (hrs): 10-12

Sprouting Time (days): 3 Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 3 cups Seed: corn Soaking Time (hrs): 8-10

Sprouting Time (days): 2-3 Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 2 cups Seed: green peas Soaking Time (hrs): 10-12

Sprouting Time (days): 3 Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 2 cups Seed: lentils

Soaking Time (hrs): 6-8 Sprouting Time (days): 3 Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 3-4 cups

Seed: millet Soaking Time (hrs): 6-8 Sprouting Time (days): 3-4

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 1½ cup Seed: mung beans Soaking Time (hrs): 8-10 Sprouting Time (days): 3-5

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 3-4 cups Seed: most nuts * Soaking Time (hrs): 8-12 Sprouting Time (days): 3-5

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 1½ cup Seed: onion Soaking Time (hrs): 4-6 Sprouting Time (days): 2-3

Quantity: 1 tbsp. Yield: 1 cup Seed: pumpkinseeds Soaking Time (hrs): 6-8 Sprouting Time (days): 3

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 1½ cup Seed: quinoa Soaking Time (hrs): 4-6

Sprouting Time (days): 2-3 Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 2 ½ cups

Seed: rice Soaking Time (hrs): 8-10 Sprouting Time (days): 3-4

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 1½ cup Seed: rye Soaking Time (hrs): 8-10 Sprouting Time (days): 3-4

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 2 ½ cups Seed: sesame seeds Soaking Time (hrs): 4-6 Sprouting Time (days): 3

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 1½ cup Seed: sunflower seeds Soaking Time (hrs): 6-8 Sprouting Time (days): 1-3

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 1½ cup Seed: soybeans Soaking Time (hrs): 10-12 Sprouting Time (days): 4-6

Quantity: 1 cup Yield: 2 ½ cup*

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To sprout nuts you should soak them over night in water before beginning the sprouting process. Nuts only sprout if they have not been heated.

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Questions & Answers

Question: What can I do with all the pulp I get from juicing?

Answer: I often run the pulp through the machine again if I feel there is a lot of pulp left over. Vegetable pulp, especially carrots, can be used in raw bread and cracker making. Just add

the pulp into your dough and dry them as usual. Another way of utilizing the pulp is to add it to hot foods such as soups or strudel dough. You can put the pulp into your compost or feed this non-acidic pulp into your worm farm. Question: What’s wrong if not so much juice comes out of the machine as usual?

Answer: The reason for this generally will be the juicing screen is filled with too much pulp.

Stop the machine and give the screen a quick rinse in water and remove most of the pulp, then continue to juice. If that doesn’t help, check that you are using fresh and juicy fruits and vegetables. Old apples, for example, expel hardly any juice. Question: What’s wrong if the machine stops suddenly?

Answer: One reason can be that the engine is over heating and needs a short break. Doing hard work such as making frozen ice cream for a long time can exhaust the engine. Immediately switch the machine off and wait. Retry after 20 minutes or so when the engine should have definitely recovered. Another reason for a sudden switch off can be that some food is stuck in the guide, for example, the stone of a fruit. Immediately switch off the engine and press the reverse button. Remove the food if necessary and continue your work.

Question: What to do when the machine makes noises?

Answer: Check the situation, if lots of food is in the guide you might have entered too much at the same time. Remove some food with the reverse button. Sometimes the machine might not have been assembled properly and reassembling the parts will solve the problem.

Question: How long can I keep Living Food Dishes in the fridge?

Answer: As Living Food is full of living enzymes; its life is much longer than commonly processed raw food. You can keep a fresh juice up to three days in the fridge and other dishes such as dips up to one week.

Question: Can I refreeze frozen ice cream?

Answer: Yes you can. Question: How can I get rid of color stains on the juicer?

Answer: Color stains are not harmful at all. To get rid of them soak the parts to be cleaned over night in a white vine or apple vinegar/ water solution. Use at least 50 per cent vinegar, and increase the percentage for heavy stains, up to 100 per cent vinegar. Juicing a lot of honeydew or cantaloupe melons may lighten stains as well. Question: What is the best way to clean a Living Food Processor?

Answer: Clean the machine as quickly as possible after each use in running water to prevent the fruit or vegetable pulp drying on the parts. Remove the whole guide with all the parts at once and disassemble the parts in the sink. Then you simply have to wipe the engine and the workplace with a damp cloth. Dish washing detergent isn’t needed to clean your machine unless you have made a lot of oily foods in it. Additionally you can catch the water that you

rinse your Food Processor with and pour it over your plants. The vitamin, mineral and fiber enriched water is better off in your garden as a fertilizer rather than blocking your sink. When you have minced garlic and onion it is especially important to clean the features straight

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away because of the strong flavor that can stick to the parts for a little while after it has been washed. Cleaning these Living Food Processors is environmental, quick and easy. Question: What shall I do if I lost the original wooden plunger, plastic plunger or pusher?

Answer: Call your distributor and order a new original piece. This is very important because the plungers are made exactly to fit each juicer. If you use another plunger you might run the risk of entering it too deep into the guide and therefore creating so much pressure that you can break either the plunger or the screws. Question: I have heard that having a 100% raw food diet isn’t good for you, is that true?

Answer: Whenever someone asks me this question I answer in the same way; everyone is an individual. Try it out and if you feel good on a 100% raw food diet, stick to it. There are many sciences about eating such as Ayurveda, Macrobiotics and Food Combining to name a few. I feel that a 100% raw food diet can’t harm you if it is in balance. In the same way I have seen

many people that are happier if they eat only a part of their diet raw and are able to eat cooked food as well. It is different if you are sick and need to help yourself urgently. Then time is short and a quick and sometimes radical change in diet has helped many sick people. Question: Will I gain weight if I eat too many raw foods?

Answer: No. If you are eating raw foods your body is able to use its instinct and it tell you exactly what it needs and how much of it. You may eat 250g of honey in one sitting and eat a spoon full of carrot salad the next and feel completely satisfied. When you are on a raw food diet you don’t need to count calories, it doesn’t apply to the theory. The signs of the body to tell you that it had enough of a dish are clear because the body recognizes natural food immediately and can detect the amounts needed to fulfill its nutritional needs exactly.

Most people that think that they are in control of how much they eat and you are with cooked food to a greater extent. With raw foods your body is the specialist and it will tell you! It is natural to stop eating when definite signs occur. Signs that tell you that you have fulfilled your nutritional needs with that particular food can be:

� the dish doesn’t look so mouth-watering any longer � the dish suddenly starts tasting unpleasant

� you bite your tongue � something in the dish starts to irritate, like grape seeds for example � burning sensation on the lips � food sticks to your mouth � you drop your utensils or food

Question: Can I process hot foods with the machine?

Answer: I have never processed boiling hot foods in the machine but warm potatoes; rice and steamed vegetables can be processed without any problems. Question: What shall I do if I miss warm food?

Answer: The good news is that you can heat Living Food up. When you are having porridge, custard, a bun or a dip you can heat the dish up as long as the temperature doesn’t rise above 50 degrees within the dish. At 50 degrees all enzyme activity is destroyed until then you are still having Living Food and it can be warm. To retain maximum nutrient density, warm up or dehydrate food at a temperature of 40 degrees. If you would like to eat some warm food,

eat it straight out of the dehydrator, put them in the oven or into the sun. Tastes great. Question: Which Living Food Processor shall I buy?

Answer: All Living Food Processors are excellent machines. I like the ‘single gear’ model because it is really easy to clean and very affordable. I use it every day because I don’t get

sick of cleaning it. The ‘twin gear’ machine has the advantage of producing a finer juice quality with 15% more nutrients than the other models. It also has magnetic and far infrared

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technology installed to energize and increase the food quality even more. My suggestion is to look at the demonstration models and make your choice. Question: Whom can I contact if I have any problems or questions about Living Food or

Living Food Processors?

Answer: If you are not sure whom to contact, or you have lost the contact address of your distributor you can always contact the Author of this book at [email protected] or Vitality 4 Life at http://www.vitality4life.com. Question: Is there anything else I need to know?

Answer: Yes. You have made an excellent choice to use a Living Food Processor in your life. Thank you and congratulations on a healthy, environmental and loving attitude towards life.

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� Dracula’s Punch with apples, raspberries and black grapes

� Grasshopper with mandarins or oranges, pineapple and spinach

� Dandelion Juice with dandelion leaves, carrots, celery and pine needles

� Granny’s Apple Juice with apples, ginger, lemon, honey and cinnamon

� Fennel Juice with fennel, potato, carrot and apple

� Cocktail with coconuts, strawberries and oranges

� Cold Carrot Juice with carrots, basil, celery and tomatoes

� Kiwi Juice with kiwi fruit, strawberries and nectarines

� Wheat Grass Variation One with wheat grass, ginger and beetroot

� Wheat Grass Variation Two with wheat grass, parsley and lime

� Cleopatra’s Beauty Secret with aloe vera and cucumber

� Nefertiti’s Beauty Secret with aloe vera, orange, lemon and water

� Cupid’s Capsicum Shot with red capsicum, carrot, chilli and black pepper

� Spoil Yourself Juice with cherries, peaches and pineapple

� Rhubarb Juice with rhubarb, apple and pear;

� Snow-White with white radish, celery, cucumber and water

� Garden Juice with watercress, bok choy, carrots and onion

� Frog Pond with green capsicum, endives, parsley and sweet potato

� Lettuce Juice with Cos lettuce, mustard greens and snow pea sprouts

� Pina Colada with pineapple, coconut water and coconut pulp

� Mango Mania with mango, oranges and passion fruit

� Lemonade with plums, nutmeg and mineral water

� Summer kisses with watermelon, lime and wild honey

� Grab the Fruit with pink grapefruit, kiwifruit and mint leaves

� Vitamin C Thriller with yellow grapefruits, ginger, apples and lemon

� Miracle food Alfalfa with alfalfa, asparagus and cucumber

� Tommy Tomato with tomatoes, chives, macadamia nuts and red capsicum

� Juice Blues with pear, blueberries, hazelnuts and apricots

� Old Chinatown with white grapes and lychees

� Meine Mango with mango, papaya and orange

� Fine Nectarine Juice with nectarine, orange, rosemary and blackberries

� Anise with rock melon, strawberries and anise

� Kohlrabi with kohlrabi, cabbage and parsnip

� Nashi Goreng with nashis and star fruit

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This first chapter of the Living Food Recipe Book is all about juices. The art of juicing has become well known and juice bars serving exclusively freshly squeezed juices are becoming more and more popular as people begin to understand the benefits of juicing.

Money can be made where the promise of good health is sold and more and more people experience this to be true. Good health and vitality also leads to inner happiness and greater joy in life. The Juicing Function makes delicious juice out of any fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, wheat

grass, pine needles and leaves such as basil leaves or dandelion. Generally speaking, fruits and vegetables should be consumed separately, but there are some exceptions. Let yourself be guided by your own intuition. For example, I don’t feel any negative symptoms by juicing a fruit with some vegetables or vice versa. If you make your own juices, please note: Do not juice carrot or rhubarb greens because of

their toxicity. The skins of oranges and grapefruits also contain toxic substances and should not be juiced. However the white, pithy part just below the skin contains very valuable bioflavonoids and vitamin C, so leave that on. The darker leaves of celery are often bitter, so it is better to remove them. The skins of lemons and limes may be left on. Your Living Food Processor will also juice pineapple skin, seeds from lemons, limes, grapes and melons without any problems. Please remember that all pits and stones from stone fruits must be removed.

I only use raw fruits, vegetable and herbs in these recipes. There are dried spices, sea salt, nuts and honey in some recipes. Always make sure to choose unprocessed and 100% natural honey to receive its maximum benefits. It is delicious to thin juices with water to reduce sweetness and increase your fluid intake. In the contrary, one apple can be added to any vegetable juice for sweetening and to gain a much softer flavor.

Excess fruits do not need to be discarded. Peel, slice and freeze portions and use for frozen ice creams, smoothies or sorbets. Note: If you are juicing a lot of soft fruits at once, you might need to clean the strainer in

between if the machine begins to clog up. And don’t forget fresh fruits and vegetables make fresh juices! Organic fresh fruits and vegetables make organic fresh juices! Organic ripe fresh fruits and vegetables out of your own garden make the best fresh juices!

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Dracula’s Punch The dark red color is just as inviting as the exotic taste of this juice. Sweet and sour compliment each other in a delightful way and make this juice rather addictive. A natural high without having to drink blood! Ingredients:

� 2 apples � 1 cup of raspberries � 2 cups of black grapes

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Then attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap, turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet, in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the apples into 6 slices and remove the core � turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle to 1

� then juice the apples, alternating with the grapes and raspberries � make sure to keep 2 slices of apple until the end, they will clean out the softer

leftovers of the berries inside the drum Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Crisp apples juice much easier than over ripe apples. The best time to make fresh apple juices is when they are in when the apples are harvested totally fresh. The seeds of the raspberries don’t disturb the juice but you might want to consider using seedless grapes for this recipe if you are sensitive to finer tastes. Grapes with seeds are part of Mother Nature’s

original product and contain valuable phosphorus. The decision is up to you and you may change from day to day as your taste buds vary. To decorate your drink, hang two grapes from the rim of your glass. Nutritional information:

Apples are known to assist the body in building resistance to infection as they stimulate the digestion. They are also known to help with weight loss. Berries help to keep the blood alkaline.

Grasshopper This is one of my favorite juices and was one of the first I ever created. It got me so inspired that today I have a huge collection of more delicious recipes. Not only does this juice taste

terrific, it also has a consistency that is creamy, much like a yummy milk shake. Ingredients:

� 6 mandarins or 2 oranges � ½ pineapple � 6 spinach leaves

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Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap by turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� separate the mandarins into 3 parts and remove the peal � peal the pineapple and slice it into 5 long pieces, remove the hard middle core � juice a mix of oranges, pineapple and spinach on notch 2

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Some people like this recipe as natural as possible. If you don’t mind a very strong flavor just slice the pineapple into 5 long slices and juice it with the skin! I personally remove the skin and

the hard part in the middle. However, this does not change the flavor and can be put through the machine without any trouble. It is better to wrap the spinach around a slice of orange rather then juicing the leaves on its own. Pierce three pineapple leaves of different lengths with a tooth pick and place these on the rim of a cocktail glass to make a remarkable decoration.

Nutritional information:

Pineapples contain bromelain, a digestive enzyme that is helpful for good digestion. Pineapples are found to help the body detoxify in a very gentle way. Mandarins are rich in vitamin C, A, B1, B6 and calcium. They maintain healthy gums. Spinach is full of chlorophyll, zinc, iron and folic acid and assists in the relief of anaemia.

Dandelion Juice

Dandelion was used by our forefathers as a salad green and powerful healing herb. Its use has been reestablished once again and dandelion can now be found for free in parks and meadows or even in your back garden. The taste of Dandelion is rich and invigorating and your body will be thankful for this taste experience. Combine it with a clove of garlic and you’ll definitely be on the right track to boosting your health.


� 8 dandelion leaves, green and the roots � 6 carrots � ½ stalk celery � small bunch of pine needles

� ½ clove of garlic (optional) Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

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� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions

� cut the carrots into 4 long slices � turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle onto 1 � juice the carrot at the same time as the dandelion by wrapping it around the slices � juice the celery after the pine needles

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

When you pick your Dandelion be sure to give it a good rinse. The darker leaves are bitterer than the young ones. Bitterness is a taste that we can identify with our taste buds. I often

experience a yearning for bitter taste since I started eating and juicing herbs and find it a highly satisfying taste. Use the youngest pine needles from the top tips of the little branches. Nutritional information:

Carrots are known to have a lot of anti-oxidant properties and they assist in breaking down excessive fats. Dandelion strengthens the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties

and is a good kidney and liver cleanser.

Granny’s Apple Juice Imagine a cold winter evening, the smell of cinnamon in the house and a warm, sweet apple tea in front of the fire of granny’s living room. Well, in Living Food nutrition, miracles happen. It is an art to change ones’ food habit but it is not as hard as you think it would be!


� 6 apples � small piece of ginger � slice of lemon (remove the peel to get a sweeter flavor) � 1 tsp cold-washed, sugar-free honey � pinch of cinnamon powder (I suggest you grind your own cinnamon sticks into a fresh

powder with the Mincing Strainer on your machine before you change over to the juicing function)

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut each apple into 6 slices and remove the core � mix the honey and the cinnamon powder with the sliced apples � juice the mixture together on notch 2

� peal and juice the lemon together with the ginger into a separate container adding as much as you like into the apple juice for personal flavoring

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Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

I like to use apples with red skin in this recipe, especially the autumn season ones that are nice and sweet. If you really desire to have a warm drink don’t heat above 50 degrees. For decoration, let a small piece of cinnamon stick float in each glass like a piece of bark. Serve it in a teacup with a pot of honey on the table in case someone has a very sweet tooth that day. You could also use a cinnamon stick per glass for stirring. This juice is easy to store over

night. Nutritional information:

Apples are known to assist with building resistance to infection. Ginger has been documented as being used in China some 2500 years ago and is very helpful in preventing colds and flu.

Fennel Juice Fennel has an exotic taste and should be used within reason, as its taste is quite intense. For committed raw food eaters this can come as a welcome change. Ingredients:

� 1 small stalk of fennel � 4 medium carrots � 2 apples � 1 small potato

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut each apple into 6 slices and remove the core

� cut the carrots into long slices and slice the potato � juice the fruits and vegetables together on notch 2

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Wash the potato before juicing. Leave the skin on for extra nutrients. Please be aware that fennel has a very strong taste on it’s own. Start with little and then add more. You can also make this juice without fennel for people who don’t enjoy the taste unless it is being used as a remedy.

Nutritional information:

Fennel assists you as a mild sedative and in falling asleep. Fennel has been shown to reduce and control inflammation of arthritis. It also evens mood fluctuation and depressive states. Fennel has the rare nutrient called manganese, contains zinc and vitamin B complex, which makes it a very valuable choice for juicing.

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Cocktail Have you seen the movie “Cocktail”? This drink is best enjoyed on a paradise island overlooking the bay. If for some reason you find you have other commitments, having this drink chilled on your balcony will do just as well. It’s a delight, especially during strawberry season when you can pick the ripest, most delicious strawberries yourself.


� juice of 2 fresh coconuts � ½ cup of strawberries � 2 oranges

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� juice the oranges and the strawberries on notch 1

� then pour the fresh coconut water into your juice pitcher and stir the mix Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

This juice mix is very thin and for that reason I remove the pithy part of the oranges for this recipe to keep this thin consistency rather than a foamy one. I also use the sieve to remove all the fibers. The tiny and hard strawberries with a shiny skin are best to use and a whole strawberry with its green hat looks yummy as a decoration on the rim of the glass. Served chilled or with ice cubes, this drink makes a beautiful cocktail without the alcoholic side effects. Enjoy!

Nutritional information:

Scientifically, coconut water doesn’t have much nutritional value except potassium. It also has little fat and often when drinking this juice I think it must contain some wonderful ingredient that science hasn’t discovered yet. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C.

Cold Carrot Juice This juice is a little meal in itself. I love it and feel deeply satisfied when drinking it.


� 4 medium carrots � 4 tomatoes � 4 basil leaves

� 2 stalks celery � ½ a clove of garlic and some onion if desired

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

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Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� juice the basil leaves, celery, garlic and carrots on notch 2

� juice the tomatoes on notch 1 Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Garden tomatoes and garden basil are best. Nutritional information:

Carrots have carotene, which is a natural protection against sunburns. Celery is rich in vitamin C. Garlic defeats high blood pressure and cholesterol, to name but a few of its many benefits. Basil is rich in calcium and iron and has a delicious flavor.

Kiwi Juice

Thick juices like this one can be thinned with water easily without losing its quality and flavor! Ingredients:

� 8 kiwis � 4 nectarines � 2 cups of strawberries

� 1 cup of water Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the fruits an notch 1 Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Slowly juice the kiwi as it is a very soft fruit. If you have a lot of pulp left, put it through the juicer a second time. The pulp left from this juice tastes delicious and can be eaten with muesli or as soup.

Nutritional information:

Kiwi fruit has a lot of vitamin C, A, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Nectarines are a rich source of vitamin C, A, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, B2, B 3, sodium, carotene, flavonoids, iron and calcium.

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Wheat Grass Variation One Wheat grass is baby wheat. It contains no gluten and therefore doesn’t cause any allergic reactions. It is a highly effective way to help the body to eliminate waste and cleanses the blood. I have about 30 ml of wheat-grass juice every day mixed with other natural goodies for my ‘inner cleanse’. I highly recommend reading a very informative book exclusively on

the benefits by Dr. Anne Wigmore called ‘The Wheat grass Book.” Ingredients:

� 2 finger thick bunches of wheat grass � ½ beetroot

� small slice of ginger Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the wheat grass first on notch 2 � then juice the beetroot and the ginger

Preparation time: 4 min Yields: 30-50 ml

Preparation hints:

The Oscar Living Food Processor will pull the grass into the guide on its own. Juice the ginger and beetroot with the skin on. Drink the juice quickly if you don’t like the flavor and flush with water.

Nutritional information:

Wheat grass has anti-aging properties including vitamin A, B complex, C and E and a full spectrum of minerals and trace elements. It benefits blood cells, bones, glands, kidneys, liver, spleen and teeth. Beetroot is know as a liver and blood cleanser and compliments this juice in every way.

Wheat grass Variation Two

Try this variation with the super food parsley. Ingredients:

� 3 finger thick bunches of wheat grass � small bunch of parsley

� ½ lime Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 0.

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� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� let the machine juice the grass on notch 2 � juice the parsley and push it into the guide with the lime by using the small end of the


� add some water if you like Preparation time: 4 min Yields: 30-50 ml Preparation hints:

Leave the soil on the grass and the parsley as it contains trace elements and minerals. You can even leave the lime peal on, this juice is to be treated like a shooter. Nutritional information:

Wheat grass is very high in chlorophyll. These chlorophyll molecules resemble the hemoglobin found in our red blood cells. It has no starch, is low in protein and because it is a sprout and

growing until the moment you chop it to make juice, it is full enzymes. Lime has the same properties as lemon and is an immune system boost.

Cleopatra’s Beauty Secret It wouldn’t surprise me if the legend is true about Cleopatra drinking Aloe Vera juice every day. She also bathed in it to moisten her skin. If you want to add the aloe vera bath gel to your beauty care, make double the amount of juice and pour it into your bathtub or rub it into your skin before bathing. Slice some cucumber and place on your face to relax even

more; it is really worth a try. Ingredients:

� 1 inch long piece of fresh aloe vera � 1 cup cucumber � herbs

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions

� take a piece of aloe vera from your garden, cut a small chunk off preferably from the middle part and wash thoroughly

� cut the cucumber into long slices � take a small bunch of herbs you would like to juice, for example, parsley � turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle onto 1, and push the herbs and the aloe vera

into the guide first, then the cucumber � stir

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Preparation time: 5 min Yields: 50 ml

Preparation hints:

Aloe vera grows in great abundance in warmer countries and is easy to find. You can keep a leaf in the fridge for over a week and slice off a piece every day. The fresh juice is thick in consistency and some people don’t get used to it. Looked at it as a vitamin pill like wheat grass that you drink quickly. Nevertheless a two-week beauty fast with aloe vera juice in the morning as an additional step, gives your skin great nourishment. Cucumber is also a skin

cleanser. Leave the skin on to get the maximum nutrients that cucumber has to offer. Nutritional information:

Aloe vera is a natural healer, its use dating back more then 4000 years. Aloe has countless healing and protective powers and scientific research has shown that it acts as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-puritic, moisturizer, regenerator and detoxifier. In 1992, J.C.

Pittman found that aloe vera acts as a stimulant on the immune system. It seems too good to be true but consuming one glass of this juice daily can help prevent diseases and supports your well being enormously.

Nefertiti’s Beauty Secret Nefertiti was also an Egyptian queen maintaining an unlined face and youthful complexion until very old age. She bathed in aloe vera juice and drank it. However it was the Greek and

Romans that provided a more specific documentation on the healing properties of aloe vera. Try this variation of aloe vera juice to see if it might suit you better than the first one. Ingredients:

� 1 orange � 1 inch long piece of aloe vera

� small slice of ginger Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the aloe vera first on notch 1 � then juice the orange and the ginger on notch 2

Preparation time: 5 min

Yields: 50 ml Preparation hints:

Always juice the aloe vera first. Its consistency tends to stick to the screw and juicing the orange afterwards easily cleanses out any leftovers. If you like to change the taste at times, add a piece of celery to the juice.

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Nutritional information:

Medical practitioners, applying aloe juice externally on to patient’s insect bites, bruises, boils, and other skin abrasions, have also used aloe vera. Always consult your physician first if you

consider using aloe vera on any severe skin irritation.

Cupid’s Capsicum Shot

Red is the color of the heart, a color that the eye is highly sensitive to and a color that inspires appetite. Just as Cupid shoots his arrow into the heart of lovers, this capsicum juice will shoot its arrows of delicious taste into the heart of your taste buds. Red capsicum is one of my favorite vegetables because its flavor is outstanding and it can be used easily to create a wonderful taste sensation. This juice reminds me how simple and magnificent God’s creation

really is. Add a touch of chili to this juice and you are on fire with this delightful indulgence. Ingredients:

� 1 dark red fresh capsicums � 4 medium carrots � ¼ of a fresh chilli husk or a pinch of chilli powder

� pinch of black pepper powder Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the capsicum and the carrots on notch 2 � juice the chilli husk separately if you are not sure how much heat you can take � mix both together according to taste and sprinkle with black pepper powder

Preparation time: 5 min

Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

You can prepare this juice as an appetizer for a dinner party several hours before you serve it. Fill the juice in tall glasses and decorate the rim of the glass with a fresh chili husk by slicing it

open in the middle with a knife. Add one ice cube into each glass just before serving and sprinkle with black pepper. You can grind peppercorns yourself in your Living Food Processor. It’s going to get the party going! Nutritional information:

Red capsicum is rich in vitamin A, C, potassium and silicon. It reduces risk of cardiovascular

diseases by assisting in the prevention of blood clot formations. Chili is a stimulant for the whole system and is rumored to increase passion.

Spoil Yourself Juice This taste delight is almost a small meal on its own and tastes delicious on top of your morning muesli. Together with fresh fruit salad and nuts, this juice makes an ideal cold summer dish that no one will refuse. It’s great for European climates where cherries can be bought very reasonably when in season.

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� 2 peaches � 2 cups of pitted cherries

� ½ pineapple Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the fruits all together on notch 1 Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Make sure to get really fresh ingredients for this juice. While juicing, alternate between the pears and the peaches if they are not firm enough. This juice is very thick and melts down your throat. Please remove the stones from the cherries and if a stone gets stuck in the machine, immediately switch the ‘reverse’ button on top of the machine to prevent any damage. Decorate the glass with a pair of cherries hanging from the rim or one cherry

floating in the bottom of the juice. Nutritional information:

Cherries are a powerful blood alkalizes. They contain flavonoids, which are helpful in management of arthritic disorders because they prevent collagen in the body destroying

itself. Peaches are a good intestinal cleanser and are rich in vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, carotene and flavonoids.

Rhubarb Juice Although rhubarb is not one of the known vitamin hits, I feel if a fruit exists and you enjoy its taste it has fulfilled its function. Rhubarb has been cultivated for thousands of years in the East. Ingredients:

� 4 apples � 1 small stalk rhubarb � 2 pears

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, onto the screw. Attach the drum cap

onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the apples and pears into 6 slices and remove the core. � juice the rhubarb first on notch 2 and then the apples and pears

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Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Rhubarb is very sour so use the amounts with care. Don’t juice rhubarb leaves as they contain oxalic acid and are therefore quite toxic. Nutritional information:

Rhubarb is not particularly known for a great deal of vitamins and minerals. However rhubarb has been cultivated for thousands of years in the Himalayas for pharmaceutical properties, acting as a light laxative and astringent.

Snow-White This is a light drink, which is great after exercise or before going to a dance party. It is

wonderfully refreshing. Because radish salad is my favorite salad, I designed the much easier drinkable white radish drink for days when I don’t feel like having a salad or I am short on time. Ingredients:

� ½ white radish

� 1 small celery stalk if wanted � ½ cucumber

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, onto the screw. Attach the drum cap

onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the radish and the celery on notch 2 � juice the cucumber on notch 1 � stir

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Buy organic fresh radishes, as they are usually milder in flavor. Peal the cucumber if you want a very mild tasting juice or leave it on for more nutrients. Radish helps cleansing the body of

mucus from the lungs and sinuses and for this reason I prepare it just before I go to do a workout. Nutritional information:

Radish is high in potassium, sodium, magnesium and iron. It helps restore the mucus

membranes in the body. Celery is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, iron and sodium. Its natural combination of organic minerals is excellent to help the body restore to normalcy.

Garden Juice The combination of watercress, spinach and carrots makes an ideal drink to increase blood oxygenation.

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� handful watercress

� 4 leaves bok choy � slice of onion � 4-5 carrots

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum onto the screw. Attach the drum cap

onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle to 2 � then juice the carrots alternating with the bok choy and watercress � now juice the onion and stir mixture

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Preferably collect watercress in a stream close to your home. In other cases watercress is usually available in supermarkets with the herbs and sprouts. If you can’t find watercress, inspire the management of your local supermarket to start offering some. Watercress is also wonderful in salads, soups and on bread. Feed the carrots by the thin end first.

Nutritional information:

Watercress is exceedingly rich in sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine. It is a very good intestinal cleanser and is best not taken alone, as it is very acid forming. Bok choy is a very vital food for the stomach, duodenum and the small and large intestines. Raw bok choy acts as a cleanser

of the intestines as it reconstructs and regenerates the intestinal linings. It is rich in calcium, iron, folic acid, zinc, carotene and many more minerals.

Frog Pond This juice has so many benefits that it appears to me like a frog pond. Look at a healthy ecological little pond in perfect equilibrium and its stunning beauty. That’s how nature works in harmony and how man originally functions. Living juices are part of our nature making us

strong and healthy and which assists us in restoring our perfect equilibrium. Ingredients:

� 1 green capsicum � 7 endives � some parsley

� ½ sweet potato � ½ cup of water

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

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� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� slice the capsicum and remove the seeds � cut the endives into long slices � juice everything on notch 2 alternating with the parsley

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Juicing the herbs first, then the endive and then the capsicum for efficiency.

Nutritional information:

Green capsicum contains a lot of vitamin C, A, potassium and silicon. Silicon is good for nails and hair. It can relieve flatulence and excess wind. Parsley contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits. It is a high source of chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium and iron. The combination of the two is perfect as parsley supports loose stools, indigestion and malabsorption of foods.

Lettuce Juice Lettuce is a great base juice to be mixed with any other herb or green vegetable. The darker its color the higher nutritional value and the more chlorophyll is contained in the leaves. Mustard greens have similar benefits to watercress but their taste is due to the sharper mustard oil.


� ½ head lettuce � small bunch of snow pea sprouts � even smaller bunch of mustard or beetroot greens � water

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions

� cut lettuce into long slices

� turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle to 2 � juice the mustard greens at the same time with the snow pea sprouts and the lettuce

by slightly wrapping it around the sliced lettuce Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Mustard greens are also valuable in salads. Be careful with the burning sensation of the mustard oil when the greens are made into juice. To avoid irritation of any kind, never drink it

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on its own. Select firm and crisp lettuce such as Cos or Romaine to get a good amount of juice. Add as much water as you like to the juice.

Nutritional information:

Cos lettuce originated from the island of Cos in Greece and is rich in natural sodium, which makes it one of the most beneficial juices for conditions affecting the adrenal glands. Mustard greens are rich in sulfur and add to a normal regeneration of the blood. Fresh snow pea sprouts are high in living enzymes when consumed as soon as possible after harvesting.

Pina Colada

The pineapple is my favorite fruit. When I still drank a cocktail now and then, it had to be Pina Colada. Today the pleasure of having a cocktail have ceased and new pleasures have come along. Pina Colada is one of them. For fans of the effect of alcohol, this is a good cocktail base! Ingredients:

� ½ ripe pineapple � juice of 2 fresh coconuts

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the pineapple into 6 slices and remove the peal and core � use notch 2 for juicing the pineapple � then pour the fresh coconut juice into the pineapple juice � scoop the coconut and stir the sliced coconut meat into the juice

Preparation time: 6 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

A very ripe pineapple, almost overripe is most delicious for this recipe. Cut the coconut meat

into long, fine strings and let them float in the juice. A triangle chunk of pineapple squeezed onto the rim of the glass with a cocktail umbrella makes this summer drink a must. Nutritional information:

Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, chlorine, fruit acids and bromelain. It aids digestion and balances the body’s acidity and alkalinity homeostasis. Coconut meat provides vegetable

oil, fiber and when eaten fresh, the mainly saturated fats in the coconut do not harm the body in the way heated saturated fats do.

Mango Mania This is a richly flavored juice from the tropics. The ingredients are commonly sold in most countries over the world and the taste of the tropics is a taste of nature that our body craves. These fruits are the gourmet fruits on God’s dining table, designed to inspire the cells of our body to vibrate in the rich pulse-beat of the tropics.

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� 2 mangos � 4 oranges

� 2 passion fruits Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap, turning it counter clockwise onto notch

0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the mangos and the oranges on notch 1 � remove the passion fruit pulp and stir it well under the juice

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Choose firm mangos and mandarins if available during the same season to compliment the soft taste of the fruit. A fresh passion fruit has a very moist and juicy pulp, so choose one that is still firm on the outside. For the hardcore gourmet, a teaspoon of orange rind mixed into the juice or sprinkled on top as a decoration adds a mouthwatering bitterness to the tropical

sweetness of this juice. If you find the pulp too moist, let it run through the machine a second time. Nutritional information:

Mangos contain anti-oxidants and flavonoids, vitamin C, A and beta-carotene. They are a

strong support to a healthy immune system. Passion fruit is also high in vitamin C and A. Its other properties help to reduce eye infections.

Lemonade This is a fizzy drink.


� 6 plums � 4 cups of mineral water � tiny pinch of nutmeg powder

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the pitted plums on notch 2 � then add the mineral water and the nutmeg powder and stir well

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Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

This lemonade drink is very refreshing with ice. Only use mineral water that occurs naturally with gas in the soil. Spring water with added gas is not as natural and may irritate the stomach with air while drinking. You can grind your own nutmeg powder with the grinding function.

Nutritional information:

Plums are known to relieve constipation and reduce acidity in the colon. If you are very constipated, cover and soak 3-4 dried plums over night and make a puree. Mix with water and drink.

Summer Kisses Watermelon is a great juicing fruit that leaves hardly any pulp at all. It’s best consumed on its own as a starter in the morning, an hour before your first snack or before breakfast. Watermelon stimulates the appetite and due to the high natural fructose content it will get you moving immediately.


� ½ watermelon � slice of lime � ½ tsp cold-washed honey

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut the watermelon in long thick slices

� peal the lime � juice the watermelon with the lime on notch 2 � stir honey into the mixture

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Selecting the right watermelon requires a little practice. Usually a ripe watermelon is heavy for its size and when you hit it with your knuckles it makes a hollow sound. If you are not sure what to do, ask a shop assistant until you are an expert yourself. Using forest or wild bush honey with

a strong flavor can turn this juice into a taste sensation! Nutritional information:

Watermelon contains vitamin A, C, B1, B2, B3, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and many enzymes. It helps eliminate excessive uric acid and flushes the kidneys and bladder. Substances in honey act as natural antiseptics. Lime is a well-known source of

vitamin C.

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Grab the Fruit This is a very soothing, refreshing, vitalizing and rejuvenating combination. This juice puts a twinkle in your eye and gives you good looks and pleasantly fresh breath. A great drink before a dance party when you want to be fit and stunningly good looking.


� 3 pink grapefruits � a few mint leaves � 2 kiwifruits

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� peal the grapefruits and slice the kiwifruits in 4 pieces lengthwise

� turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle to 1 � juice the kiwifruits first and then the grapefruits � to get the maximum juice from the mint leaves, push them inside a slice of kiwifruit

and juice them together Preparation time: 10 min

Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Keep the white part of the grapefruit on if you wish to have a creamier juice, which is rich in bioflavonoids. You can juice the kiwi with the peal if you like. For decoration use a thin slice of kiwifruit with the peal and let it hang on the rim of your glass. Then roll a mint leave into a roll

and stick it into the kiwifruit slice. This decoration looks complicated but is really simple to make. Nutritional information:

Grapefruit is another vitamin C thriller. It also contains other goodies such as vitamin B

complex, vitamin E, biotin, folic acid, pectin, inositol and bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids assist in the vitamin C uptake and it is therefore useful to leave the white part on for the juicing of citrus fruits, rich in vitamin C. Kiwifruit is also rich in vitamin C and contains magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Vitamin C Thriller When you feel a cold is on the run, quickly grab yourself this juice twice a day! The best thing

is to feed the whole family and friends with this juice so their immune system gets a little help as well. Usually when your body needs a particular substance to stay healthy it will love the taste of the food containing that particular substance. It’s not uncommon to develop an urge to drink this juice when you feel a bit run down or stressed.

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� 2 yellow grapefruits � slice of ginger

� 2-3 green apples � slice of lemon

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the apples into 6 pieces and remove the core � peal the grapefruits and leave the pithy white part on � juice the fruits with the ginger going in first on notch 2

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

If you need to make a large amount of this juice you can juice 1-2 liters at once and keep it in the fridge for at least 24 hours without loosing any of its original flavors. If the screen gets

clogged while you are juicing, stop the machine, remove the strainer, rinse off the screen and keep on juicing. This hardly ever happens though, and you will notice it when the amount of juice coming from the juicing Outlet decreases. Nutritional information:

Grapefruits improve the permeability and strength of the capillary walls. It assists with the break down of mucus and fever in coughs, colds, flu and sore throats. Apples help to build resistance to infections. The pectin they contain absorbs toxins in the gut and helps with their elimination.

Miracle Food Alfalfa Alfalfa is a living miracle food. It is a sprout containing eight living enzymes. Alfalfa has

become so popular for many reasons and is now sold in most shops. It is great on salads and soups as well as a powerful component in juice. Try it yourself. Ingredients:

� 2 handfuls of alfalfa sprouts � 2 asparagus spears

� 1 ½ cucumbers Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions

� cut the cucumber into 4 slices � turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle onto 2 � juice the alfalfa at the same time as the asparagus by wrapping it around the spears � then juice the cucumber

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Sprouting alfalfa yourself is easy. Soak the seeds for six hours. Then sprout them in a jar for three to five days. One teaspoon of alfalfa makes one cup of sprouts, which is enough for 2-3

serves of juice. Nutritional information:

Alfalfa nourishes the blood and regulates the metabolism. It contains almost every nutrient that exists. It also helps to break down fats, cellulose and starch in the system. Asparagus contains chlorine, iron, calcium, vitamin B6, B2, B3, protein and sodium. Its alkalinity assists in

regulating the blood acidity.

Tommy Tomato Tomatoes have the yummiest taste. They are used all over the world to enhance the flavor of dishes. The tomato originated in the Andes in South America and was brought to Europe in the 16th century. Its eating qualities have been widely recognized since the early 19th century. Today the tomato is the second most consumed fruit and vegetable after the potato.


� 10 tomatoes � ½ red capsicum � 10 chives � ½ cup macadamia nuts

� pinch of sea salt and black pepper Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut each tomato into 4 pieces � juice the vegetables alternating with the herbs on notch 1 � grind the macadamia nuts with the mincing strainer and stir them into the juice � season with sea salt and black pepper

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses

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Preparation hints:

I prefer to use fleshy tomatoes, the ones you can use for cooking as well. For the best taste,

use Roma tomatoes. Tomatoes in general are hard to juice. The Oscar does it incredibly well compared to other juicers, which often can’t do it at all. Be patient and juice the pulp again if you find it is too moist. It is worth the effort, as a fresh tomato juice tastes so delicious. Season with salt and pepper and serve with a black straw on ice, yum. Nutritional information:

Tomatoes have vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, folic acid, calcium and sodium. They are known liver cleansers and assist in fatigue syndromes. Chives taste like a miniature onion and are a good source of iron, dietary fiber and vitamins. Eaten in such small amounts, the flavor is the most significant part of this herb. Pepper comes originally from India and is used mainly for its sharp bite, flavor and color. Sea salt in small quantities is a good source of sodium.

Juice Blues Getting the blues with your juice can happen, especially with this one. Whilst making this juice you may get blue stained fingers and lips from the juicing and drinking, so be careful in your preparation. Ingredients:

� 4 pears � 2 cups blueberries � 7-8 apricots � ½ cup hazelnuts � add some water

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� slice the pineapple into 5 thin slices

� slice the pear into 4 parts � wash blueberries thoroughly � then juice the pear on notch 1 � then juice the pineapple and the blueberries on notch 2 � grind the nuts in the mincer on notch 2 and add them to the mixture

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Be careful with blueberry stains. Use a hard pear and juice it with the seeds and peal. Select a ripe pineapple that smells sweet on the outside. Decorate with a cranberry or a strawberry

at the rim, as the color matches well.

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Nutritional information:

Pears have a lot of carbohydrates, sulfur, pectin, calcium and many more vitamins. They

have a cleansing effect on the skin and can act as a very light laxative. Blueberries are a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Old Chinatown The lychee, also spelled ‘litchee’, ‘lichi’ or ‘lichee’ grows on an evergreen tree that has been

cultivated in China for thousands of years. They are mouthwatering to taste and unfortunately in most countries their price is high but affordable for special occasions. Ingredients:

� 6 cups white grapes � 2 cups lychees

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� peal the lychees and remove the seeds � then juice lychees and grapes on notch 2 � remove left-over liquid in the drum by slowly opening the drum cap while holding a

container underneath Preparation time: 12 min

Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

This juice is very sweet and contains a lot of natural fruit sugar. It is great for afternoon tea to boost yourself for the rest of the day. You can also use longan or rambutan instead of lychee fruits. Rambutans are not as juicy but their seed is very easy to remove. Use grapes with seeds

as they also contain valuable nutrients. I tend to buy organic grapes where possible as non-organic are usually heavily sprayed and require a very good washing. Nutritional information:

Lychees are an excellent source of vitamin C and also provide small quantities of dietary fiber. White Grapes contain rare key elements such as copper, fluorine, manganese,

phosphorus, calcium, tartaric acid and flavonoids. The seeds of grapes contain phosphorus and should therefore be eaten or juiced. Seedless grapes miss out on the benefits of the seeds.

Meine Mango

Mangoes have one big advantage; they have a great and strong taste. Mangoes can be quite expensive, but the good news is that one mango is more than enough for a good juice. There are at least twenty-two different types of mangos with the most exquisite taste. Usually we are lucky to be able to purchase one or two different variations during the stone fruit season. On your next holidays in the tropics have a look for them.

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� 1 mango

� 1 papaya � 4 oranges

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the oranges, papaya and mango on notch 1 Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

For this juice I remove the pithy part of the oranges, as it doesn’t go too well with the exotic consistency of this tropical juice. A colorful flower pierced on the rim of the glass makes you immediately relax to slow down to enjoy this juice. Choose a sweet mango for this juice. In some countries the seeds of the papaya are swallowed as they are meant to contain the greatest amount of papain. I usually swallow one or two soupspoons full of these seeds and

really enjoy the taste and benefits. Nutritional information:

Mango supports the immune system and helps to maintain the collagen in our body. It is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and A. Papaya is rich in vitamin C, A, carotene, flavonoids,

silicon, papain and magnesium. Papain is a protein that aids in the digestion. Papaya also has anti-inflammatory properties. Oranges contain an essential oil called ‘limonene' and they are said to have anti-carcinogenic properties.

Fine Nectarine Juice This is an early autumn juice that will keep you going. The combination gives a rich variety of

taste sensations and is like a “little steak”. Ingredients:

� 4 oranges � 1 nectarine � ½ cup blackberries

� leaves of one stem of rosemary Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions:

� juice the blackberries with the rosemary first on notch 2

� then juice the oranges and the nectarine on notch 1 Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Plant a bush of rosemary and pick it for juice yourself. Also, go for a day out to pick the blackberries yourself. This can be great fun and the juice is the reward after a day in the bushes. Nutritional information:

Rosemary is very energizing and acts as an aphrodisiac and generally enhances ones’ mood.

Blackberries contain vitamin C and vitamin E. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C and the pithy part under the peal is found to contain the very valuable bioflavonoids, so put it through your juicer and make sure you don’t peal it away. It also gives the juice its creamy consistency. Nectarines are a peristaltic stimulant and may assist in morning sickness of pregnant women.


This juice reminds me of wandering along the streets of Paris. Paris is a beautiful city that has managed to keep its attraction for me even though I usually prefer a quite landscape. This juice has the taste of Paris, the richness, the secretiveness and the fullness of its streets and hidden corners. Ingredients:

� 1 cup strawberries � 1 rockmelon � 2 anise stalks

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum, then onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the strawberries first on notch 2 � then juice the melon on notch 1

� lastly, juice the anise stalks tasting the juice after each half stalk in order to find the right sweetness for your own taste

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Peal the melon finely and use very ripe, almost overripe strawberries with a very round flavor. For decoration, pierce a strawberry on the rim of the glass and cut 2-3 small chunks of melon

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into the juice. This juice is great chilled so have the fruits in the fridge for a couple of hours before you start juicing. Nutritional information:

Melons have a remarkably high content of vitamin C. Rock melons with a darker orange flesh are also a good source of carotene. Apart from its unique flavor, Anise is said to increase ones sexual drive and reduce flatulence.

Kohlrabi This is another great juice for those people looking for new ideas and flavors. Ingredients:

� 3 kohlrabi � ½ cabbage � 2 parsnip � water if needed

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� juice everything on notch 2 Preparation time: 5 min

Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Try adding some kelp, green clay or spirulina powder to this drink to make a miracle juice out of it.

Nutritional information:

Parsnip has 3g fruit sugar in 100g vegetable, much more than normal vegetables. They are a good source of potassium and easily included in a weight loss diet. Kohlrabi has a lot of vitamin C, potassium, iron and dietary fiber and is easy to grow in the garden.

Nashi Goreng The ‘nashi’ is known as the Japanese pear. It is best juiced when fully ripe and gives even more juice than apples. It tastes in between an apple and a pear. Ingredients:

� 5 nashi apples

� 2 star fruit � some nutmeg

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 0. � Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the

machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pulp.

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� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the nashis and the star fruit on notch 2 � add some nutmeg and stir

Preparation time: 5 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

This is an easy juice to prepare, just wash and slice the fruits and start. Decorate with a slice of the star fruit. Nutritional information:

Star fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. Nashi is a very good source of dietary fiber.

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� Mango-Banana Thick Shake with banana sorbet and mango

� Blackout Smoothie with frozen blackberries, banana sorbet, orange and five spice

� Straw me with a Strawberry Smoothie with strawberry sorbet, nectarines, watermelon and vanilla

� Pineapple Smoothie with pineapple, raspberry sorbet and dates

� Date’n Fig Thick Shake with dried white figs, dates and banana sorbet

� Nutty Smoothie with macadamias, banana sorbet and apricots

� BAKI Smoothie with banana and cherries

� Paw-Paw Smoothie with nectarine sorbet, paw-paw and mango

� Tropicana Smoothie with rock melon and papaya sorbet

� Orange Punch Smoothie with oranges and blueberry sorbet

� Banana Blitz Smoothie with apples, strawberries and banana sorbet

� Hawaiian Breeze Smoothie with oranges, mangoes, pineapple sorbet and passion fruit sorbet

� Blue Whip Smoothie with grapefruit, blueberries, honey and lemon sorbet

� Frosty Bite Smoothie with apples, frozen peaches and frozen strawberries

� Apple Spider with apples, raspberry sorbet, banana sorbet and lemon sorbet

� Pineapple Blend Thick shake with orange, pineapple, pineapple sorbet and banana sorbet

� Mango Tango Smoothie with mango, nectarines and mango sorbet

� Blueberry Spider with oranges and blueberry sorbet

� Granita Slush with orange and ice

� Frosty Grape Slush with white grapes and ice

� AOL Slush with apple, orange, ice and lemon

� Pineapple-Raspberry Slush with pineapple, raspberries and ice

� Mango Pineapple Slush with mango sorbet, pineapple and ice

� Blueberry Slush with oranges, ice and blueberry

� Nut Milk with nuts and pure water

� Nutty Milkshakes with nut-milk and fresh juice

� Papaya Nut Milk Milkshake with almonds and papaya

� Sweet potato Nut Milk with brazil nuts and sweet potato

� Frozen Nut Milk Smoothies with frozen fruits and nut milk

� Frozen Strawberry Nut Milk Smoothie with frozen strawberries and hazelnut nut milk

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Living Food Smoothies are not blended and therefore will be thicker than milk made smoothies. To make the smoothie thinner you can add some pure water or fresh thin juice such as orange, alternatively run the frozen and fresh fruit through the machine a couple of

times to get a finer paste. A Living Fruit smoothie is a whole meal in itself and serves as a perfect breakfast on hot summer days. The slushes and smoothies made with a Living food Processor are just as icy as commercial slushes but they taste even better because they contain 100% fresh fruit juice and all the vitamins important for your health.

This chapter details how to make nut milk and frozen nut milks. It is so easy and quick to make and can replace cows milk in a lot of dishes. Its nutty and oily flavor gives you the impression that you are drinking pure milk. For anyone that doesn’t consume dairy products for reasons such as health, allergies or ethical reasons, nut milks and what you can create with them will replace what you once liked about milk.

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Mango-Banana Thick Shake This smoothie is ideal for a beach party or a mothers day breakfast and best served with some ice cubes or chilled. Ingredients:

� 1 frozen banana � 3 mangoes � water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� take the frozen banana and let it run through the guide twice � then juice the mangoes with the juicing function by simply exchanging the mincing

strainer and nozzle � catch the juice in a bowl with the banana paste and give the mixture a good twirl

with an eggbeater Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

This smoothie is nice and creamy. To make it thinner you can add some freshly squeezed orange juice or even ½ cup of water, which will not diminish the fine taste. Serve with ice cubes.

Blackout Smoothie This dark black smoothie makes your mouth water.


• juice of 4 oranges, ‘blood’ oranges if possible • 1 frozen banana • ½ tsp. five spice • 1 cup frozen blackberries

Machine set up:

First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine but do as follows: Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

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Place a big bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet to catch the paste. Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

• juice the oranges with the juicing strainer • then mix the frozen banana chunks, the frozen blackberries and the five spice • now let this mixture run through the guide with the mincing strainer on notch 2 • lastly, mix the juice into the smoothie and stir well with a whisk

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Don’t forget to freeze your bananas pealed and in chunks for a smoothie. Freezing for 4 hours

prior use is sufficient.

Straw me with a Strawberry Smoothie This lush drink is a lush treat from Mother Nature’s garden. It is said that any melon should be eaten on it’s own. I have had any trouble with this mixture myself but if you do, leave out the watermelon or replace it with another fruit such as any berry. Ingredients:

� 1 cup frozen strawberries � 3 nectarines � 2 cups watermelon � pinch of fresh vanilla out of the pod

Machine set up:

First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2. When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2. Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste. Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the

machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� first juice the watermelon and the nectarines on notch 1 � exchange the juicing strainer into the mincing strainer � now take your frozen strawberries and run them through the guide

� mix the juice with the mashed fruit smoothie � sprinkle some black vanilla pods on top of each drink

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

To decorate these smoothies you can place a fresh strawberry on the rim of each glass. If you love a more chilly drink, freeze the strawberries and make the smoothie with the rest of the fruits.

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Pinned Pineapple Smoothie Raspberry is a member of the rose family, a native in Europe but can be found now in most countries. They are considered to be the best tasting of all fruits and are rich in vitamin C. Ingredients:

� 1 cup frozen raspberries

� 1 pineapple � 4 pitted dates

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap

onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw and attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the pineapple � then cut the dates into small pieces and let them run through the mincing function 2-3

times � do this again and add the frozen raspberries to the paste and run the mixture through

the guide another time � stir together with an eggbeater

Preparation time: 10 min

Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Choose a ripe pineapple and preferably ‘Medjool’ dates. Serve with ice cubes.

Date’ n Fig Thick Shake Another amazing and filling drink is the Date’n Fig Smoothie. It will make you feel full with lots of energy.


� 1 frozen bananas � 5 apples � 2 pitted dates

� 2 dried figs � 1 cup water

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

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Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch

2. � Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch

the paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� first remove the hard stem on the figs � then cut the figs, apples and dates into slices � juice the apples � now take all the other ingredients and let them run through the guide together several


� during the last run through, add 1 cup of water while you are filling the guide with the paste

� stir everything together well so the fig merges with the fluid and serve Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

You can serve this smoothie in small muesli bowls and sip it like the French sip their hot chocolate.

Nutty Smoothie This is a very delightful smoothie. It is soft in color and taste, soothing for the heart and

calming when feeling stressed. For this reason, I choose not to make it so cold so I can slurp away on the sofa. Ingredients:

� 6 ripe apricots

� 1 frozen bananas � 4 oranges � ½ cup macadamia nuts � 1 tsp. honey � juice of ½ lemon

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in

between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw and attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

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screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch

the paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� juice the oranges

� let all the other ingredients run through the guide � then mix all together with the honey and lemon juice

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2-3 glasses

Preparation hints:

Feel free to only use 1 fresh banana if it is a cold winters day.

Baki Smoothie Baki is the drink from my teenage years. I was never into alcoholic drinks so when I went to a club I would take 100% orange juice mixed with soda water. When my friends and I would go to the pub, the only fashionable non-alcoholic drink was ‘Baki’, a mixture of banana and cherry juice. Drinking ‘Baki’ was considered cool, so I was lucky to adore it and at the same

time be totally ‘in’! Ingredients:

� 1 banana � 4 cups black cherries � water

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw and attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� Put the pitted cherries through the juicing strainer onto notch 2 � let the banana run through the mincing strainer � mix both together with an eggbeater � serve with ice cubes

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

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Preparation hints:

To decorate this delight, pop a pair of cherries over the rim and a slice of banana, yummy!!!

Paw-Paw Smoothie Who said your Living Food Processor can’t do exotic juices? Of course it can. It can do just about anything you can imagine. Check this one out:


� 3 frozen nectarines � 1 mango � 1 small paw-paw

� water Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw and attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� peal the paw-paw and the mangoes � juice both � let the frozen fruit run through the guide � add some water and stir everything well

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Choose a hard but ripe paw-paw and a juicy mango. Keep the fruit in the fridge for one hour prior to juicing.

Tropicana Smoothie Another version of an exotic tropical flavor is this melon-based smoothie. Ingredients:

� ½ frozen papaya

� 1 rock melon Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

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When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw and attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the melon in slices and juice � then run the papaya through the guide

� give the smoothie a good stir with an eggbeater to it frothy Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Take frozen fruit out of the freezer first. Then prepare the melon. When you have finished preparing the melon, the frozen fruits will have warmed up a bit and be perfect to make a smoothie. Enjoy this healthy drink through your whole day.

Orange Punch Smoothie Orange season offers bulk produce at cheap rates. If your body feels like it, you can literally get drunk of oranges. If you have difficulty with blood acidity you may need to be careful with your intake and consult a health professional.


4 oranges ½ cup frozen blueberries Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in

between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw and attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� first juice the oranges � then take the blueberries and let them run through the guide � catch them in a bowl, mix them with the juice

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Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

To change the texture of this smoothie, leave some peal on the oranges and create a great flavor on a totally natural basis.

Banana Blitz Smoothie Aren’t we lucky to have bananas? Bananas are great and available the world over. What would we do without them? You’ll remember the wonder of bananas when you have this delicious banana smoothie.


� 5 apples � 1 frozen bananas � 1 cup strawberries

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in

between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the apples and the strawberries with the juicing strainer � now let the banana run through the guide with the mincing strainer on notch 2 a

couple of times � mix the juice with the banana

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

There is also the possibility to pour the apple juice into the guide while you are running the frozen fruit through it. It is a good way to clear out the machine.

Hawaiian Breeze Smoothie

This traditional smoothie will blow away anyone lucky enough to be served with it. The mixture of mango, orange, pineapple and passion fruit is so powerful, passionately energizing and juicy that it makes you want to jump up and dance. Celebrate your life with the delicious and healthy food. Ingredients:

� 2 mangoes

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� 4 oranges � ¼ frozen pineapple � ½ cup frozen passion fruit pulp

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in

between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw and attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� first juice the oranges and mangoes on notch 1 � then change from the juicing strainer to the mincing strainer � now take your frozen fruits together and run them through the guide � mix the orange juice with the mashed fruit paste

Preparation time: 8 min

Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

To decorate this smoothie, you need 4 toothpicks and 12 pineapple leaves. Pierce 3 of them onto one toothpick choosing 3 different sizes. Cut 4 small triangular pineapple pieces and

make a slice into the fleshy part. Now pierce the toothpick into the pineapple skin of the piece and push it onto the rim of your glass where the prior cut has been made. Your creation should look like the head of a paradise bird. Good luck.

Blue Whip Smoothie This smoothie is so refreshing. It’s quite unusual to use frozen lemons in raw foods but I find that traditional drinks use lemon flavor as a base for almost all kinds of fancy drinks and punches. Lemons are tasty, cheap and a great source of vitamin C. In my home country of Australia,

many people have their own lemon tree in the garden. Ingredients:

� 1 cup frozen blueberries � 1 frozen lemon � 3 grapefruits

� 2 tsp honey Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

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� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch

2. � Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch

the paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� first juice the grapefruits � then let the frozen blueberries and the frozen lemon run through the mincing function

twice � now add the grapefruit juice to the paste and stir gently with a cocktail spoon

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

For decoration try a frozen lemon section in your glass instead of ice cubes. Freeze the lemon

already pealed, in slices and without the pips. When peeling, try to remove the fine skin, as it tends to be very rough in lemons and tastes quite strong.

Frosty Bite Smoothie Find the sweetest strawberries you can as this ‘frosty’ smoothie is one where a part of the ice cream is separately pasted onto the bottom of the glass and therefore needs to be perfectly yummy on its own.


� 1/3 cup frozen strawberries � 1 cup frozen peaches � 3-4 apples

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw and attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch

2. � Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch

the paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the apples first � then let the frozen peaches run through the guide on notch 2 � mix the apple juice with the peach sorbet by stirring it firmly

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� put the strawberries through the guide on their own � take the frozen strawberry ice cream and paste it onto the bottom of smoothie


� now pour the smoothie on top of the ice cream in your glasses � serve with a long spoon

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

It is fine to freeze frozen fruits that are on the edge of being over-ripe. Freezing fruits is a great alternative to throwing out fruits when your household can’t manage to eat them. It is an environmental idea and leaves you with enough stock to make ice creams or smoothies


Apple Spider I called this drink the “Apple Spider” because it works like a ‘Spider’. It’s like having a scoop of ice cream in your soft drink but this natural version is just as much fun, especially for kids! Ingredients:

� 3-4 apples � ¾ cup frozen raspberries � 1 slice frozen lemon � ½ frozen banana

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap

onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw and attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch

the paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� juice the apples first

� then insert the mincing strainer � let all the frozen fruits run through the guide together � pour the apple juice into the glasses � now form 2 scoops from your frozen fruit ice cream and carefully place them into the

juice � serve with a straw and spoon

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses

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Preparation hints:

You need to make sure to place the ice scoop slowly into the glasses unless you want a foamy performance from the glass onto the table.

Pineapple Blend Thick Shake This smoothie is a rich and thick smoothie for those who love their smoothies extra creamy.


� ¼ frozen pineapple � 1 pineapple � 1 orange

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch

2. � Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch

the paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� first juice the orange and the pineapple � then mince the frozen fruit � stir the mixture a couple of times with a whisk and it’s ready

Preparation time: 8 min

Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

This thick shake can be made up to 2 hours before serving. You can keep it in the freezer and bring it out about 5-10 min before it is served. Stir the shake once again before you serve it

and add some ice cubes and a slice of lemon.

Mango Tango Smoothie

Mango is the most admired fruit of fruits. It’s the fruit that drives people crazy and to far away countries just to indulge in its taste and flesh. The Mango Tango Smoothie has it all right here. Ingredients:

� 2 frozen mangoes

� 2 mangoes � 3 nectarines � 2 oranges

Machine set up:

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� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then

screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the mangoes, oranges and nectarines � then let all the frozen mango run through the guide � stir together well � ready

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Choosing ripe fruits is the key to this sensational smoothie and will make you long for more.

You can also use peaches instead of nectarines to make “Mango Tango.”

Blueberry Spider This ‘spider’ is a magnificent fusion of color. Serve it to a group of people at a time, as the color variation is magnetic. Ingredients:

� 3 oranges

� ¾ cup frozen blueberries � ½ frozen banana

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap

onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

When you change over to the mincing function you don’t have to clean the machine in between just do as follows:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Now place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

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� juice the oranges and fill 2 glasses � then make a blueberry-banana ice cream by letting the frozen fruit run through the

mincing function twice

� make 2 ice cream scoops with a spoon and place them gently into the orange juice � serve immediately

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

If you are catering to a bigger group of people, make a jug of orange juice and a smaller bowl of the frozen blueberry ice cream. Your guests can help themselves and make their own ‘spiders’ which is a lot of fun! Ice cubes and fresh blueberries can be floating in the orange juice as a great little extra.

Granita Slush People know this drink as Slush Puppy, Granita or Slush and it is possible to magically make it

with the Living Food Processors. It is easy, quick and 100% fruit. Ingredients:

� 12 ice cubes � 3-4 oranges

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Don’t attach any Nozzle onto the drum cap.

� Place a bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice powder.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

� Then place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

Preparation instructions:

� run the ice cubes through the Mincing Function � peal the oranges and juice them with the Juicing Strainer � fill the ‘ice snow’ into 2 glasses

� pour the juice on top � serve immediately

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Serve with a straw and decorate with a slice of orange.

Frosty Grape Slush Mouthwatering! Ingredients:

� 12 ice cubes

� 2 cups white grapes

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Don’t attach any Nozzle onto the drum cap.

� Place a bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice powder. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. � Then place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� You are now ready to make the juice needed. Preparation instructions:

� run the ice cubes through the Mincing Function � juice the grapes with the Juicing Strainer � fill the ‘ice snow’ into 2 glasses � pour the juice on top � serve immediately

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

It is fine to use grapes with seeds in these juicers. Use a whole bag of cheap grapes from the markets, just make sure to give them a good rinse if not organic.

AOL Slush

A tangy Slush….refreshing citrus ice. Ingredients:

� 12 ice cubes � 1 lemon � 1 apples

� 3 oranges Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Don’t attach any Nozzle onto the drum cap. � Place a bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice powder. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. � Then place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� You are now ready to make the juice needed. Preparation instructions:

� run the ice cubes through the Mincing Function

� peal the oranges and the lemon � slice all the fruits � juice all the fruits in the Juicing Strainer � fill the ‘ice snow’ into 2 glasses

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� pour the juice on top � serve immediately

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Juice the oranges first, and then the lemon and the apples last to get minimum pulp from the apples. You can also use the sieve to reduce the pulp, which is better for this recipe.

Pineapple-Raspberry Slush

Pineapple and raspberry are both rather sour fruits with an underlying sweetness. This drink turns out to be a pleasant surprise in taste and color. A cleansing and alkalizing juice.


� 12 ice cubes � ½ pineapple � ½ cup raspberries

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Don’t attach any Nozzle onto the drum cap.

� Place a bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice powder. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. � Then place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� You are now ready to make the juice needed. Preparation instructions:

� run the ice cubes through the Mincing Function � juice the pineapple and the raspberries with the Juicing Strainer � fill the ‘ice snow’ into 2 glasses � pour the juice on top � serve immediately

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Peal the pineapple but don’t remove the hard middle bit as it can be easily juiced. When

juicing, alternate between the two fruits and keep some pineapple to juice last to expel all the raspberries. Use a sieve to strain the juice. For color variation, make the pineapple juice and pour it into the glass and then pour the red raspberry juice on top. It looks incredible.

Mango-Pineapple Slush This tropical slush is ideal to get you started for a hot summer morning, or as an energy boost on a balmy summer nights.


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� 12 ice cubes � ½ cup frozen mango � ½ pineapple

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Don’t attach any Nozzle onto the drum cap.

� Place a bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice powder.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

� Then place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� You are now ready to make the juice needed. Preparation instructions:

� run the ice cubes through the Mincing Function � then run the frozen mango through the Mincing Strainer with the nozzle on Notch 2 � now juice the pineapple with the Juicing Strainer

� stir the juice and mango sorbet well � then fill the ‘ice snow’ into 2 glasses � pour the juice on top � serve immediately

Preparation time: 8 min

Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Another idea is to make a pineapple slush and have the frozen pieces of mango in the glass like ice cubes. They are easy and yummy to eat with a cocktail spoon.

Blueberry Slush A simple and quick gift from Mother Nature, isn’t she wonderful?


� 12 ice cubes � 2 oranges � ½ cup blueberries

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Don’t attach any Nozzle onto the drum cap.

� Place a bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice

powder. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. � Then place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 2. � You are now ready to make the juice needed.

Preparation instructions:

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� run the ice cubes through the Mincing Function � peal and slice the oranges � juice the oranges and the blueberries with the Juicing Strainer

� fill the ‘ice snow’ into 2 glasses � pour the juice on top � serve immediately

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

For a special effect, pour the orange juice first and the blueberry juice on top. They mix so well together.

Lemon Slush Very refreshing! Ingredients:

� 12 ice cubes � 2 lemons

� water Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Don’t attach any Nozzle onto the drum cap.

� Place a bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice powder. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. � Then place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 2. � You are now ready to make the juice needed.

Preparation instructions:

� run the ice cubes through the Mincing Function

� juice the lemons with the juicing strainer � fill the ‘ice snow’ into 2 glasses � pour the juice on top with some water

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 glasses

Preparation hints:

Add some honey to sweeten the drink.

Nut Milk Nut milks can be made out of any nut or seed. It is a very nutritional drink that can be used as a base to make ‘milkshakes’ (see chapter two) or to be put into muesli. Its creamy consistency is remarkable. Here, I am using almond nut milk.

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� 1 ½ cups soaked almonds � 3 cups of drinking water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place your pitcher under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the almond paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� soak the almonds for 3 hours in warm water, preferably over night � on notch 2, grind the almonds and then put the paste through another 3 times � mix the almond paste with the water and stir well � let the mixture stand for ½ an hour if possible � then pour the mixture into the sieve � get out all the liquid from the leftover by putting into cheesecloth and squeezing

Preparation time: 5 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

It’s best to make this recipe in large quantities to save yourself time. You can keep the

almond milk refrigerated for several days. If you like sweet milk, add honey or vanilla into the milk. I love almond milk on muesli for breakfast or as a base for ‘milkshakes’. The left over paste is very tasty and can be eaten or used for a crust recipe (see the Gourmet desert section). You can use any type of nut to make nut milk. The longer you soak the nut paste in the water, the stronger the flavor of the milk will be. You only need to do it for a half hour if

you haven’t more time to wait. Nut milk tastes great with ice cubes.

Nutty Milkshakes

Make the nut milk as described above and add any fresh juice you’d like. It is a refreshing and creamy drink. Here I am making macadamia nut milk with nectarine juice. Ingredients:

� 1 ½ cups macadamia nuts

� 5 nectarines � 3 cups water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Don’t attach any Nozzle onto the drum cap. � Place a bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. � Then place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� You are now ready to make the juice needed.

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Preparation instructions:

� soak the macadamias for 3 hours in warm water � grind the nuts on notch 2 several times or until you have a very fine paste

� mix the paste with water and stir frequently, soak for ½ hour � then pour the mixture onto the sieve and squeeze it through a cheesecloth � juice the nectarines � mix the juice with the milk � ready

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 glasses Preparation hints:

Here are other combinations that taste absolutely:

Papaya Nut Milk Milkshake

� Make the nut milk with sunflower seeds as described above and add 1 papaya to it. Peal the papaya and let it run through the guide using the mincing function, then stir the papaya paste and nut milk together.

Sweet Potato Nut Milk

� Make the nut milk with brazil nuts as described above and add the juice of ½ sweet potato. The sweet potato juice should be ½ cup of juice.

Frozen Nut Milk Smoothies Preparation instructions:

� make 3 cups of nut milk as described above � take 1 ½ cup frozen fruit of your choice � let the frozen fruit run through the mincer � stir the milk and the frozen sorbet together with a whisk � ready

Frozen Strawberry Nut Milk Smoothie

� Take 1 ½ cups frozen strawberries and use hazelnuts to make the nut milk. Make the

nut milk smoothie as described above. Yum.

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� Ragini’s Birchermuesli with special muesli mix, millet, avocado, apple and pear

� Berry- Bircher with muesli mix, hazelnuts, amaranth, coconut and berries

� Bircher “Sun” with dried fruits, nuts, apple and sprouted wheat

� Exotic Birchermuesli with muesli mix, pecan nuts, dried dark figs, dried mango and orange

� Fresh & Light Delight Muesli with grapes, pineapple, oats, nectarines and oranges

� Sunny Sunflower Sun Muesli with sunflower sprouts, nashis, oats and honey

� Nutcracker Soup with fresh or soaked nuts, tamarillo and pink grapefruits

� Fruity Lychee Soup with lychees, peaches, ginger, kiwi and honeydew melon

� Slurp the Bloody Plum Soup with plums, almonds, cinnamon and pear

� Custard Soup with custard apple, cherries, vanilla and pear

� New Zealand’s Kiwi Soup with kiwi, muscatels, maple syrup, persimmons and lemon

� Gin Gin Soup with celery, ginger, apple and cashews

� Banana Soup with bananas, nuts, raisins and mango

� Banana Porridge with oat groats, banana, papaya, ginger and raisins

� Berry Porridge with oat groats, hazelnuts, almonds, raspberries, blueberries and


Breakfast is the first meal of the day and ‘breaks’ the ‘fast’ you had over night. The twelve hours you fast is the period in which your body renews itself. All the available energy can be used for cleansing and cell renewal because no energy is needed to digest any food. The

longer this break is - the better. The correct way to break your fast is important as anyone who has fasted before knows. In fact, ‘the breaking of a fast’ is one of the most crucial moments of the fast. When you wake up stretch yourself and have a glass of warm water to wake up your intestines. This action lets them know that a new day has dawned and to get ready for action. In general, it is assumed that cows milk is the perfect food to have for breakfast. I

grew up with the belief that having a glass of milk every morning with my breakfast and another one at school was the best thing I could do for myself. Today I have changed my mind completely and avoid dairy products as much as possible. I get strong negative reactions like rashes, burning sensations and irritability if I introduce too many dairy products into my diet.


Milk is the most mucus forming food in the human diet, contributing to the causes of flu, colds, bronchial conditions, asthma, hay fever, pneumonia, and tuberculosis and sinus troubles. Studies show that omitting cow’s milk from the diet of children or adults can bring incredible improvement to these symptoms mentioned above. Because nature intended cows milk and

its composition to be the perfect food for a baby cows growth, it is understandable that feeding cows milk to human babies may result in problems. Cow’s milk contains 300% more casein than human milk, more calcium and 50% more phosphorus, which is an acid forming

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element. The truth is that the contents of cow’s milk are so out of balance in relation to human milk that they virtually destroy what benefits might have otherwise occurred. Fermented dairy products such as yogurt, goats or sheep milk seem to have a less negative

effect on human health. Homemade cottage and feta cheese is probably the least mucus forming variety. The stronger the cheese, the more acid forming effects it has in addition to the large amounts of salt it contains. There is no species in the animal kingdom that uses milk as food, why should we?

Start your day with a nourishing meal. Sprouted grains, fruits and nuts will give you plenty of energy and will not be too hard on your system. Many people today follow their natural instinct and have hardly any breakfast at all. For most people this is a very good idea, as it is not actually needed. Our closest relative the Bonobo Chimpanzee gets up around 11am, as they don’t have an eight-hour working day as we do. Our natural clock is happy to serve us the first meal around 11 am as well. All the dishes presented in this chapter are great to start

your day with and if you want your breakfast even lighter, make yourself a freshly squeezed juice, drink a nut milk milkshake or a smoothie (chapter two). Note: If you like milky muesli, add nut milk to any of these dishes. Do you hunger for sprouts or edible flowers? No problem. Add them to your morning muesli, they all taste great and you can eat as many as you like.

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Ragini’s Bircher Muesli The Bircher Muesli originated in Europe and I like to take it along to any country I visit. It leaves endless spaces for variation and is always a delight. It is filling and light at the same time and the way I make it is almost completely.


� ½ cup millet hulls � 1 cup rolled oats � ½ cup nut mix including: brazil nuts, raisins, sunflower seeds, pepitas and almonds � 4-5 dried apricots

� 1 apple � 1 pear � 1 avocado � for sweetening if needed use 1 teaspoon of honey

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

remember to keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� first let the sliced apples and pears run through the guide � then let ¾ of a cup nut mix run through and catch it in the same bowl � now cut up the apricots and the avocado into small pieces

� then mix the fruit mash, the nutty paste, the remaining nut-mix, oats and millet together with the cut fruit

� stir well and let it soak for 10 min � eat

Preparation time: 8 min

Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

After making the fruit mash, you don’t have to clean the machine before making the nutty paste. After making the nutty paste, I do the following: open the machine step by step, first

the nozzle then pull out the strainer. By doing this I catch the left over juice into my bowl which is great for soaking the muesli. Bircher muesli can be soaked over night to really give this dish the impression of fresh nuts and grains as well as making the unique tastes really come out.

Berry Bircher Berry Bircher is great if you soak it over night or make an extra portion for the next morning. Mind you, My Berry Bircher muesli has never made it to the next day. Usually it seduces just

about everyone and instead of making lunch and dinner, Berry Bircher will do quite nicely! Ingredients:

� 1 cups rolled oats � ½ cup amaranth � ½ cup fresh coconut

� 1 ½ cups of berries (raspberries and blackberries)

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� water � ¼ cup raisins � ¼ cup hazelnuts

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� first let the berries run through the guide � then mix them well with the oats and the amaranth before you do anything else (if

you feel you need to), moisten the mixture more with a little bit of water � now let the coconut meat run through the guide � finally mix the hazelnuts, the raisins, the coconut mash and the berry and muesli

mixture together and enjoy

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

You can soak the hazelnuts and the raisins for an hour or so before you make the muesli

which makes them much smoother.

Bircher Sun Bircher sun is of high nutritional value because of the dried fruits and sprouts. It is great for winter days when you want to start the day with something more substantial. Ingredients:

� 1 cups rolled oats � ½ cup almonds � ½ cup dried figs � ½ cup of sprouted wheat � ½ cup raisins

� ½ cup hazelnuts � ½ cup dried pineapple � 1 apple

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions:

� soak all the dried fruits and nuts over night � then let the soaked fruit run through the guide together with the sprouts and the

apple Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

Another way of preparing this muesli is to add the soaked nuts into the paste at the end instead of mincing them as well.

Exotic Bircher Muesli Ingredients:

� ½ cup rolled oats � ½ cup barley soaked over night � ½ cup dark figs

� ½ cup dried mango � ½ cup pecan nuts � 1 orange � ½ banana

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� first set the machine up for the juicing function � then juice the orange and pour over the soaked barley-oats mixture

� now put the mincing strainer on and take the bananas, pecan nuts and the figs and let them run through the guide

� cut the dried mango into fine pieces � now mix everything together and let the muesli sit for another 15 min before you eat � wow

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Use ripe, not overripe ones because they create a funny taste with the barley. Use 2 oranges

if you haven’t got enough juice.

Fresh & Light Delight Muesli The Fresh & Delight Muesli is very refreshing. It’s great to have it really juicy, the juice replaces the commonly used milk. Ingredients:

� ¼ pineapple

� 2 oranges

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� 2 nectarines � 1 cup oats � ½ cup of white muscatel grapes

� some raisins Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 1. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� first juice the pineapple and 2 oranges � then let the nectarines and the raisins run through the guide together � mix everything together with the grapes � Done

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Add pine nuts to this dish for a taste sensation.

Sunny Sunflower Sun Muesli This is a fine combination of fresh sprouts, nuts and fruit.


� 1 cup sprouted sunflower sprouts � ½ cups rolled oats � 2 tbsp honey � ¼ cup sunflower kernels

� 2 nashis � ½ cup dried prunes � water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the nashis, dried prunes and sunflower sprouts run through the guide alternating until you have a smooth paste

� then add ½ cup warm water to the honey and mix the honey-water into the oats � now mix the fruit mixture and the sunflower kernels with the soaked oats and stir

Preparation time: 10 min

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Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

This dish is very filling and fulfilling.

Nutcracker Soup

This soup is great to slurp all day long when you have a craving for nuts. Feel free to combine nuts according to your favorites of the moment. Ingredients:

� 2 cups nut mix consisting of almonds, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, hazelnuts and pine

nuts � 2 pink grapefruits � 5-6 tamarillos

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� first juice the grapefruits with the juicing strainer � then insert the mincing strainer � let the pealed tamarillos run through the guide first

� now let half of the nut mixture run through the guide � mix everything together into a nutty soup and slurp away

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves

Preparation hints:

You can soak the nuts before hand to get a fresher taste. If possible, buy nuts which haven’t been heat-treated so you have a truly raw nut soup.

Fruity Lychee Soup Lychees have the most exotic taste that reminds me the perfumes of beautiful flowers. If you can’t find fresh lychees use rambutans instead.


� 1 small honeydew melon � 12 lychees � 1 peach � 1 kiwi

� 1 small slice ginger Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 2.

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� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� peal the lychees, the melon and the kiwis and remove the stones of the peaches � slice the melon into lengthwise and let all the fruit and ginger run through the guide

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

If the ginger is too strong for you, leave it out and replace it with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Slurp the Bloody Plum Soup

Did you know that plums are a member of the rose family and that the ‘blood plum’ is one of the largest and Australian’s best eating plum? In the right season you can get them very cheap to enjoy in all kinds of dishes. Ingredients:

� 3 cups dark red plums

� ½ cup almonds � 2 medium pears � pinch of cinnamon

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

produce. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� remove the stones of the plums � let the plums and the pear run through the guide together � stir the cinnamon into the soup � let the almonds run through the guide and sprinkle them on top

Preparation time: 8 min

Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

You can keep the plums in the fridge before you use them to create a chilled soup. To make it even finer for special occasions only, remove the skin.

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Custard Soup This is a rich and creamy soup that you can serve as a full meal. Ingredients:

� 2 custard apples � 2 cups black cherries

� 1 pear � pinch of vanilla, ¼ pod

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the soup.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut the custard apples in half � scoop out the middle and remove the pips � wash the cherries and remove the stones

� clean the pear and cut it into slices � now mix the custard apple, the vanilla and the pear together and let them run

through the guide � serve into 2 soup plates � now let the cherries run through the guide twice and catch them separately � pour the cherry soup on top of the custard apple soup in order to create a colorful

top layer Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Decorate this soup with cherry leaves. Pour the cherry soup on top and use a small utensil to create a swirl. .

New Zealand’s Kiwi Soup

Kiwis, pears, custard apples and bananas are great for soups as well as all stone fruits. They add the creamy taste just by themselves and with such a high content of natural sugars and carbohydrates they make one feel happy and satisfied. Ingredients:

� 8 kiwis

� 2 persimmons � juice of ½ small lemon � some muscatels � 1 tbsp maple syrup

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

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� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the soup.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� alternate putting the kiwis, persimmons and the lemon juice through the machine � add the maple syrup to the soup � decorate with muscatels and serve chilled

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

For special occasions decorate the soup with a kiwi slice and position the muscatels around it

to make it look like a flower.

Gin Gin Soup This is something for folks who like the idea of an exotic seduction. In my experience raw food eaters jump straight into this soup, but for beginners it is hard to imagine the taste. I can reassure you that this is only a matter of trying the wonderful taste and you will be convinced. We are all humans with similar nutritional needs and instincts.


� ½ celery stalk � slice of ginger � 6 apples � ½ cup cashew nuts

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� first use the juicing strainer to juice the ginger with the celery � then exchange the strainers and use the mining strainer to mash your sliced apples � crush the cashews in a towel by kneading them with your hands � then stir the soup together adding all ingredients

Preparation time: 10 min

Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints: Some people like a bit of white pepper in this dish.

Banana Soup This soup is a great base for any fruit soup. Bananas are easy to mix with any seasonal fruit such as pears, persimmons or apples. Kids also enjoy the taste of banana soup especially if

you mix in their favorite fruit.

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� 2 bananas

� 2 mangoes � ¼ cup pecan nuts � ¼ cup raisins

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� let the bananas and the mangoes run through the guide � catch them in a bowl and give it a good twirl with the eggbeater � then put the nuts and raisins on top of the soup

� ready Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 bowls Preparation hints:

To crush up the pecan nuts let them run through the guide once before you do anything else. The bananas and the mangoes are both very soft fruits and you don’t have to chop them up in order to put them into the guide. Just squash the whole fruit in or the big chunks: very quick, very easy!

Banana Porridge Porridge reminds us of cold winter days, a hearty meal and an open fire. Oats sustain in the cold and the choice of fruit to add is yours to make.


� 1 ½ cups oat grouts � 1 banana � slice of ginger

� 4-5 dried apricots � 3 tbsp raisins � for sweetening if needed use 2 tsp honey

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� soak the oats for 5 hours then rinse them

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� alternate putting the oats, the slice of ginger, banana and papaya through the guide � pour into bowls and garnish with raisins and honey

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Be careful with the ginger. Start with a really small slice, you may even juice the ginger separately and use the juice as a seasoning. The ginger adds a wonderfully spicy taste to the

dish when you find your own taste. You can warm up the porridge if it’s particularly chilly outside by putting it in the oven at 40 degrees for ½ hour.

Berry Porridge Berries have a very strong flavor in general. They are very healthy as they help blood to stay alkaline. In Europe, berries are picked in the forests by people out walking which makes these fruits cheap to eat and a pleasure to acquire.


� 1 cup oat groats � 1cup of raspberries, cherries and blueberries � ¼ cup almonds � ¼ cup hazelnuts

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� first soak the oats for 1 hour

� soak the almonds and hazelnuts together for 1 hour � then let the berries with the oats run through the guide together � then add the nuts and stir the paste � ready

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Be sure to remove the stones of the cherries before you put them into the machine. You can also use one cup of soaked barley with the oats and a teaspoon of honey if you would like to play with the taste a little.

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� Fairy Tinkerbell with tomato, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and cauliflower

� Mister Hedgehog with pears, raisins, almond sticks and green apples

� Berry- Bears with raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and honey

� Moon and Sun are having Fun with hazelnuts, passion fruit and dried prunes

� Banana Bees with bananas, carob cream and raisins

� Arielle’s Spearmint Smoothie with peppermint leaves, bananas and orange

� Clown’s Pizza face with barley, avocado, tomato, black olives and spinach

� Cucumber Sailing Boats with cucumbers, tomato, and carrot

� Come let’s build a Snowman! with walnuts, pine nuts, coconut, dried pears, lemon

and raisins

� Birdie’s Bird nest with macadamias, almonds, orange rind and dried apple

� Where is Fred the Frog? with lettuce, avocado, parsley and mushrooms

� Misses Apple belly with apple, apricot, blueberries, almonds and grapes

� Peanut Bars with peanuts, honey, sesame seeds and dates

� Chocolate Custard with bananas, dates, sweet carob, vanilla, water and cashews

� Tiny Tots a) with organic carrot, broccoli and fresh peas

� Tiny Tots b) with banana, apricot and peach

Many mothers have trouble getting their children to eat enough Living Foods. The dishes in this chapter are specifically designed to taste and look great to children and will be a hit at parties. Encourage children to participate and they’ll be more tempted to eat the end product. I don’t have my own children yet but my mother fed me healthy food until I started

developing my own will for what I liked. I believe the way she fed me influences they way I eat today. It feels normal for me to eat greens and fresh things while other children who weren’t encouraged to eat these basic health foods have trouble staying away from chips and fast foods. Instilling positive eating habits in your children is a very important role of parenting.

Little kids snack:

Freeze orange and mango wedges to serve to your children. The little ones will particularly love it. The older ones are fond of lemon, lime, grapefruit and orange juices frozen in ice cube trays. The Living Food Processor also processes cooked food wonderfully. If you don’t have a 100%

raw food diet please make the most of your machine and use it for preparing cooked foods as well. It is very easy to process baby foods with a Living Food Processor. Steamed vegetables, potatoes and other cooked vegetables are processed in the most careful way.

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Fairy Tinkerbell A child enjoys the idea of fairies and their little activities. This dish is a filled tomato and you feed your child’s imagination by telling them it’s Tinkerbells house. Ingredients:

� 4 dark red tomatoes with green leaves � 4 tbsp pumpkinseeds � 4 tbsp sunflower seeds � 1 small piece of fresh cauliflower

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise until it reaches notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut off the upper part of the tomato and keep it for a lid

� take out the insides of the tomato with a teaspoon � mix the inside of the tomato with cauliflower and the seeds � run the mixture through the guide once � fill the paste into the tomato houses and close the lid � ready

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 4 kids’ serves Preparation hints:

This meal is best eaten among nature…. on the grass in the garden.

Mister Hedgehog This is a lovely dish for kids’ birthday parties.


� 3 pears � 8 raisins � 4 blueberries � 20 almonds

� ½ cup almond sticks � 2 green apples

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions:

� cut 2 pears in halves and remove seeds

� cut the apples and 1 pear into small slices and remove the seeds � run the apples and pear through the guide together and catch the fine puree � divide the puree into 4 equal amounts and spread onto 4 plates � now stick the almond sticks into the pear halves as if they were the spikes � make 4 feet using the almonds and one as a tale in the back � place the bodies on top of the ‘green apple grass’

� now make a nose using a blueberry on the pointy end � carve little holes into the pear in order to place the raisins as eyes

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 kids’ serves

Preparation hints:

Make sure you place the pear half onto the plate with apple puree, once you have already stacked all the almonds in. Otherwise the pears and apple puree may slip off the plates. Very ripe pears are best for this dish.

Berry - Bears I like to think the name ‘berry’ really originated from bears that loved to pick them from the trees. I imagine stone-age people watching those bears ‘berry picking’ and thought to

themselves they would call them small ‘berries.’ Ingredients:

� 1 cup raspberries � 2 cups strawberries � 2 cups blueberries

� 2 tbsp honey Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� take half of the mixed berries and run them through the guide � put the paste in 4 bowls � put the remaining mix of berries in the 4 bowls with a big drop of honey on top

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 4 kids’ serves Preparation hints:

While you prepare this dish, tell your kids the bear story and make bear sounds as you begin to eat. Tell kids that honey is very good for you and that bears knew it along. They stole honey

from the bees although they would get stung.

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Moon and Sun are having Fun Moon and sun are continuously playing hide and seek. When one is awake the other is asleep. I tell them that the sun has to take a rest sometimes because he is so busy warming up the earth. To create a peaceful relationship between them, they are playing together and building a sandcastle to eat.


� 1 ½ cup dried prunes without stones � 3 cups hazelnuts � 4 passion fruits

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� first let ½ cup hazelnuts run through the guide and catch the powder separately

� then let the rest of the hazelnuts and the prunes run through the guide together � form 4 pond-shaped castles on 4 plates � open the passion fruits and pour them into the castles � sprinkle now the hazelnut powder on top

Preparation time: 10 min

Yields: 4 kids’ serves Preparation hints:

Let your kids make the castle themselves and tell them the story of the moon and sun building the castle together.

Banana Bees As kids we were fond of chocolate-coated bananas. I am sure every kid will love the taste of

these and they contain no sugar or dairy products! Ingredients:

� 4 bananas � 8 raisins � 4 heaped tsp carob

� 2 tsp honey � 4 tsp water � ½ cup hazelnuts � ½ cup sunflower seeds

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the


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� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� peal all bananas � cut 3 fine slices of each banana to serve as wings later � mix the carob, honey and 4 tsp of water � make 2 deep cuts on top of each banana where you will place the wings � then coat the banana in brown stripes like a bee’s body

� use raisins as eyes in the front � stick the wings into the banana bee and make sure the bees don’t fly away! � now take the nuts and let them run through the guide on notch 1 � take the nutty powder and place each bee on top of the nutty plate

Preparation time: 12 min

Yields: 4 kid’s serves Preparation hints:

Use a small brush to paint the stripes on the banana.

Arielle’s Spearmint Smoothie Kids love the taste of spearmint but most common spearmint shakes have an unreasonable amount of sugar. Give this a try:


� 4 oranges � 2 bananas � 4-5 peppermint leaves

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� first use the juicing function on notch 2 and juice the oranges and spearmint leaves � then run the bananas through the mincing guide several times � now mix the juice and banana paste with a whisk until you have a frothy smoothie

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 4 glasses

Preparation hints:

Make the juices first so you don’t have to clean out the machine when you start with the bananas. The bananas need to run through the guide several times in order to break down their thick consistency.

Clown’s Pizza face Mothers often ask me how they can encourage their kids to eat raw savory dishes. My

personal experience is that kids naturally love to eat raw vegetables but it is we grown ups

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who have difficulty in seeing this as normal. Eating raw will be fun for you and your kids as they look at these funny faces.


� ½ cup barley, soaked overnight � 1 ½ cup sunflower seeds, soaked over night � 4 black pitted olives � ½ tomato � 2 avocados

� 2 carrots � 4 cherry tomatoes

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� turn the mincing nozzle to notch 2 � slice the carrots and run them through the machine � then let the avocado run through the guide and catch them in another bowl � now mix the barley with the sunflower seeds and a pinch of sea salt � let this mixture run through the guide separately

� now divide the barley paste into 4 parts and form round loafs � spread a thin layer of avocado cream on top � cut an olive in half for the eyes � make the nose from a cherry tomato � slice a tomato in a moon shape for a mouth

� make funny hair from the minced carrots Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 4 pizza faces Preparation hints:

Play around with the hairstyles using the carrot. Make ponytails for the girls and short curls for the boys. Try edible flowers from the garden as well.

Cucumber Sailing Boats You don’t really need a Living Food Processor to make these boats except for the tomato paste. The recipe is so great for kids that I really wanted to include it. Ingredients:

� 1 cucumber � 1 thin carrot � 2 tomatoes

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

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� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� slice the cucumber in the middle and cut it in halves again to get 4 pieces � cut a thin slice from each piece of cucumber � slice the carrot into 4 long slices � cut each slice in two, with one slightly longer then the other one and both with a tip � you should now have 8 pieces, 4 longer ones and 4 shorter ones

� run tomatoes through on notch 2 � now make the sailing boats by piercing the carrot stick into the cucumber body,

make a tiny hole into the cucumber with a knife where you want to stick them in � a long one on one end and a short one on the other end � then spread the tomato paste on top of the body around the carrots � to make the sails now cut the thin slices of cucumber into a triangular shape and stick

it onto the carrot � ready

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 boats

Preparation hints:

You can also peal your cucumber and use this to create the appearance of water by laying it around the boat.

Come let’s build a Snowman! This is a lovely dish to make at Christmas time. Snow fascinates children even if they have never seen it. Tell your children a fairy tale set in the snow then make these treats and they will love them.


� 2 cups walnuts � 1 cup currants � ½ cup dried pears � 4 pine nuts

� ½ cup fine coconut shreds � 2 tbsp lemon juice

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise to notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� make a paste from the walnuts, lemon juice, raisins and dried pears � leave 12 raisins for decoration � form 8 balls in 2 different sizes from the paste

� roll the balls in coconut shreds and ‘build a snowman’ � make eyes using the pine nuts and use raisins for the eyes and coat buttons

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Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 kid’s serves

Preparation hints:

We make snowmen with hats and brooms where I come from. A half walnut shell will make a great hat while a broom can be made from a garden twig with a piece of dried pear at the end.

Birdie’s Bird nest This is a particularly nice recipe for the little ones because it is like making mud or sand cakes but without the muddy mess.


� 2 cups macadamia nuts � 1 cup almonds � ½ cup dried apples � 1 tbsp orange rind

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� put a mix of nuts and dried apples through the machine, keeping 12 macadamias aside

� add the orange rind to the paste � form 8 little eggs the size of an olive � from the rest of the paste make 4 bird nests and put the little eggs and macadamia

nuts in them

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 nests and 20 eggs Preparation hints:

Serve the bird nests on spinach or roll the eggs in cinnamon or sweet carob for a colorful variation.

Where is Fred the Frog? We can’t find him because he is hiding among the foliage around the pond. With the liveliness of a child’s imagination, don’t be surprised if one of the kids find Fred anyway. Ingredients:

� 8 cup like lettuce leaves � 3 avocados � 8-10 mushrooms � bunch of parsley � chives if wanted � bunch of spinach

� ½ cup of water

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� 4 dandelion flowers � small bunch dandelion leaves � 4 green olives

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� run the mushrooms and avocados through the guide � add water to the mixture and chives if you wish � form a pond using two lettuce leaves and pour the soup into the middle � cut the olives and throw them into the pond � let a dandelion flower float on top � decorate the surrounds of the pond with parsley, dandelion and spinach leaves

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 4 ponds Preparation hints:

Use cucumber and broccoli instead of the herbs around the pond. Dark green leaves and

vegetables are an important source of iron and other minerals and we should all get accustomed to eating these on a regular basis.

Misses Apple Belly Misses Apple belly is a great dish for any season. Apples are always in reasonable supply and I suggest the addition of grapes and apricots, but any other fruit of the season will taste great as well.


� 5 colorful apples � 12 apricots � ½ cup almonds (soaked for 1 hour) � bunch of black and white grapes

� tooth picks � 1 cup blueberries � cinnamon

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions:

� make a paste from the apricots, almonds and an apple � sprinkle cinnamon into the paste and stir well

� take the toothpicks and stick them on top of the apple � pierce grapes of different colors and shapes onto the toothpicks to create a funky

hair style � with the help of toothpicks, make eyes from the blueberries and a small grape for the

nose � now place each apple on top of a plate with a mashed fruit mixture

� sprinkle remaining blueberries and begin your meal Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 4 kid’s serves Preparation hints:

To give Misses Apple belly a mouth, simply carve a mouth-like bow into the apple. You can make different face expressions for the different apples.

Peanut Bars Peanut bars are a great source of vitamin E, vitamin B complex, protein, zinc and iron. Ideal for a child’s lunchbox. Ingredients:

� 2 cups of peanuts � 1 cup sesame seeds � 4 dates � 2 tbsp cold-washed honey � juice of ½ small orange

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� put the peanuts, dates, honey and ½ cup sesame seeds through the guide together � then add ¼ cup of sesame seeds to the paste � make a flat bottom and cut into 12 square bars � dip one side of the bars into the sesame seeds

Preparation time: 10 min

Yields: 12 bars Preparation hints:

Use a knife to lift the peanut bars from your preparation board. Add crushed peanuts to the paste to make them crunchier.

Chocolate Custard This custard is high in fiber, potassium and zinc and is therefore a valuable source of food for

kids. Finally they can enjoy a dish that is usually only served as a dessert. I was told a story

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about a boy who couldn’t understand why he could only eat a small amount of dessert, which he loved, while he had to force down his main meal. When he came to practicing raw food nutrition later in his life, he said he finally reached the point where every meal tasted like

a dessert to him and he could eat as much as he liked because all the food is healthy. Ingredients:

� bananas � 1 cup of cashew nuts � 4 heaped tbsp sweet carob

� 1 vanilla pod � 8 dates � 2 tbsp water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� peal the bananas and cut them into several big chunks � remove the date pits and shop them quite small � let the whole mixture run through the guide together

� now mix the carob with the water and mix the liquid into the custard Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 4 kid’s serves

Preparation hints:

To decorate and bring some variation to the custard, add sliced banana, raisins, nuts or even honey if you having a particularly sweet tooth. Put it into the fridge for ½ an hour and serve chilled. Hmmm.

Tiny Tots a)

Carrot, broccoli and peas are 3 common vegetables that digest well together. These foods are high in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals that your child will benefit from. Ingredients:

� 2 baby carrots � ½ cup fresh peas

� 1 small piece of broccoli Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions:

� wash the vegetables thoroughly and cut into chunks � feed all the vegetables together through the guide twice

Preparation time: 3 min Yields: 1 toddler serve Preparation hints:

I really recommend using organic produce for infants. Buy everything as fresh as possible and

use it as soon as possible so your child receives the maximum nutritional benefits. Serve the food at room temperature.

Tiny Tots b) Like ‘Tiny Tots a)’ ‘Tiny Tots b)’ is also only a recommendation. You know what fruits or vegetables your child needs most. Use organic produce in season. Whatever you eat raw,

your child can too. Ingredients:

� 1 banana � 2 apricots � ½ peach

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� peal the bananas and cut them into several big chunks � wash the stone fruits thoroughly, remove the pits and chop � let the whole mixture run through the guide together

Preparation time: 3 min

Yields: 1 toddler serve Preparation hints:

Use ripe fruits for this dish, as apricots can be quite sour if they are not fully matured. Feel inspired by this dish and prepare your entire baby food mixtures with your Living Food Processor for the health and happiness of your children. It is so easy.

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� Field Mushroom Soup with field mushrooms, peanuts and parsley

� Soup of the Day with tomato, basil, oregano, black pepper and lemon flowers

� Japanese Seaweed Soup with seaweed, avocado and macadamia nuts

� Fairy Soup with honeydew melon, pistachio nuts, onion, spinach and nasturtium flowers

� Garden Herbal Delight Soup with peas, broccoli, carrot and water

� Mom’s Radish Salad with white radish, mayonnaise, fresh pepper and lemon

� Sweet & Sour Corn Salad with red cabbage, corn, pineapple and Braggs

� North African Cucumber Salad with cucumber, onion, garlic and radish

� Carrot-Orange Salad with carrot, orange, raisins and honey

� Do Me Doolittle Dandelion Salad with dandelion, dandelion flowers, Cos lettuce, alfalfa sprouts and zucchini

� German Picnic Salad with apple, celery tuber, beetroot, white cabbage and muscatel grapes

� Green Cabbage Salad with cabbage, apple cider vinegar, hibiscus and borage flowers

� Coleslaw with cabbage, carrots, onion and mayonnaise

� Capsicum Salad on Lettuce Leaves with caraway, anise, red, green and yellow capsicum

� Burgundy Salad Mix with a large variety of different lettuce leaves, marinated

mushrooms, green olives, cherry tomatoes, cauliflower and fresh coriander

� Chick Chicory Salad with chicory, kohlrabi, banana, onion and pineapple

� Italian Dressing with olive oil, black olives, red capsicum and semi sun-dried tomatoes

� Walnut Dressing with walnuts, nettle seeds, celery and avocado

� Master Mustard Dressing with mustard powder, mango, lemon and olive oil

� Rosemary’s Herbal Dressing with watercress, flaxseed oil, borage and rosemary

� Sound Sesame Dressing with sesame oil, sesame seeds, chilli and pepper

� Earth Wise Dressing with avocado, chives, parsley and pumpkin seeds

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Whenever you mince anything with a Living Food Processor you should scrape out the leftovers from the parts when you open the machine so you don’t waste any food. When you prepare dishes like the soups you can mince several things after another and you don’t need

to clean the machine as everything will be mixed together as a soup. A little salad preparation trick: Place an inverted saucer on the bottom of the salad bowl to stop the dressing forming a pool and making the salad soggy. It is best to eat salad immediately after you have dressed it but using a saucer in the bowl keeps the salad crispy throughout the night.

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Field Mushroom Soup This is a delicious little soup, try it. Ingredients:

� 1 ½ cups water

� 2 cups field mushrooms � ¾ cup fresh peanuts � a couple of parsley leaves � sea salt

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

produce. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� Slice 1 mushroom, cut the rest into cubes

� then chop the parsley and slice ½ mushroom into small pieces � make a paste from the peanuts by running them through the machine twice � mix the peanuts with water until a creamy liquid is made � let the mushrooms run through the guide twice � then mix them into the peanut soup together with some salt � decorate with parsley and mushroom slices

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Pick you own mushrooms for an exciting taste and a great Sunday morning hobby. Just be

aware that many field mushrooms are toxic, some even have hallucinogenic qualities, which might lead to a huge drama at the dinner table. Add to the soup as many herbs as you wish. Nutritional information:

Mushrooms have served as food for humans for over 3500 years. They are one source of

vitamin B12 for a vegan or vegetarian diet. Mushrooms also contain as much niacin as meat, and are very filling.

Soup of the Day Tomatoes have also been called “Love-apples”. Love is a great think to feel every day so that’s is why I’ve named this the Soup of the Day. Love every day as if it’s your last. Express all the gratitude and celebrate the creation around you.


� 8 tomatoes � pinch of sea salt � pinch of black pepper � 1 tsp fresh dill weeds � 2-3 basil leaves

� 2 carrots

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� 1 tsp olive oil � handful lemon flowers

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 0.

� Place your Juice Pitcher under the Juice Outlet and place the other pitcher under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the carrots and tomatoes into slices � mix all ingredients in a bowl together

� run everything through the Juicing Function together on notch 2 � decorate the soup with lemon flowers

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves

Preparation hints:

Tomatoes are more difficult to juice due to their liquid consistency. Juice the mixture one time on nozzle 1 and on notch 3 if the pulp is still too mushy. Try mixing the pulp back into the soup for more fiber.

Japanese Seaweed Soup This soup can be used as base for any other soup and transformed by using different seasonings.


� 2-3 avocados � 2 cups of water � ½ sheet seaweed � ¼ cup macadamias

� handful sprouted sunflower seeds � 2 tsp olive oil � 5 chives

Machine set up:

• First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

• Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

• Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� chop the chives finely � let the seaweed, macadamia nuts and avocados run through the guide together

until you get a smooth paste � mix oil and water into this paste � sprinkle with chopped chives and sunflower seed sprouts

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Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves

Preparation hints:

Seaweed has an intense taste. Many people take their time to get used to it but please persevere if you are one of these people because it is an ideal natural food supplement. Start with a small amount if the taste doesn’t appeal to you in the beginning. If you like Japanese Sushi you’ll probably like this soup as well.

Fairy Soup This is a soup of contrast and one of my favorites using exotic honeydew melon, pistachio

nuts and spring onions. Ingredients:

� 1 ripe honeydew melon � ¼ cup of pistachio nuts � 1 tsp honey

� ½ avocado � 1 spring onion � ½ garlic clove � small bunch of spinach leaves � 3-4 nasturtium flowers

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

produce. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� blend the melon, garlic, spring onion and avocado with the mincing function

� change over to the juicing function � juice the spinach � mix the spinach juice with the soup � crush the pistachios roughly and roll in the honey � then sprinkle them onto the soup together with the nasturtium flowers

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Use this honeydew slices from a melon that has been stored at room temperature. You can

decorate the table with dandelion blossoms and leaves. If you prefer a thinner soup just add some water to the mixture before you decorate it and stir well.

Garden Herbal Delight Soup One of my favorite’s! Ingredients:

� 1 cup peas

� ½ cup broccoli

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� 4 carrots � 6 snow peas � handful of green lentil sprouts

� ¼ onion � sea salt � water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� blend the peas and broccoli with the mincing function � change to the juicing function � juice the carrots and onion

� stir the juice into the paste � season with salt and sprinkle the sprouts on top

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves

Preparation hints:

Decorate the table with dandelion blossoms and leaves. If you prefer a thinner soup, add some water to the mixture before you decorate it and stir well.

Mom’s Radish Salad My mom used to make this radish salad when I was a kid, using cream instead of mayonnaise. I invented a recipe that tastes almost identical but is free of dairy products.


• 1 white radish • juice of ½ lemon • 1 tsp sea salt • 1 tbsp mayonnaise

• 2 tbsp of water Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

produce. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the radish run through the guide � sprinkle the sea salt on top and let it soak while you make the mayonnaise � make mayonnaise ( see mayonnaise recipe)

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� mix the mayonnaise with lemon juice and water � then stir into the salad

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

If you want a milder taste, soak the radish with the salt. This salad is so juicy and tasty that it often feels sufficient as a meal on its own.

Nutritional information:

Radish is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber and will certainly never make you fat. It cleanses the skin and is good for the liver and gallbladder.

Sweet & Sour Corn Salad The popularity of sweet and sour dishes grew when Asian cuisine entered Western culture. Sweet and Sour dishes are easy to achieve with raw foods.


� 2 cups fresh corn kernels � 2 cups finely chopped red cabbage � ½ red onion


� ¼ pineapple � 1 slice of lemon � 3 tsp Bragg’s � 1 small clove garlic

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� let the cabbage and onion run through the guide on notch 1 � cut the corn kernels off the corn

� mix them in a bowl together � change the machine set up to the juicing function � use the Juicing Strainer and the Juicing Nozzle on notch 2 � peal the pineapple and lemon � make a juice from the pineapple, lemon and garlic � spice with the Bragg’s

� then mix under the salad Preparation time: 15 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

The finer the cabbage is chopped, the finer the taste becomes. The taste and color combination of this salad is magnificent and can be further enhanced by placing lettuce leaves inside your salad bowl as a bed for this salad. It is ideal for a dinner party.

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North African Cucumber Salad This salad is what you would want to eat in the heat of an Arabian country, sitting under a nomad’s tent somewhere in the stillness of a dessert. Ingredients:

• 2 cucumbers

• bunch of radish • ¼ onion • 1 clove garlic • pinch of salt

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� run the cucumbers and ½ of the radishes through the mincer

� mince the onion and the garlic with a pinch of salt � finely slice the remaining radishes � serve the salad a plate, then paste the onion-garlic mixture on top � decorate with the radish slices

Preparation time: 8 min

Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

The dish is wonderful if you don’t peal the cucumbers. It is a light delight that serves well with uncooked pizza bread.

Carrot-Orange Salad This recipe comes from my mother’s explorative cooking.


� 4 medium carrots � ½ cup raisins, soaked for ½ hour � 1-2 tsp of honey � 2 oranges

� juice of ½ lemon � ½ cup sunflower sprouts � Braggs

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

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� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until your finished.

Preparation instructions:

� wash and cut the carrots into long slices � mince them coarsely on notch 1 � peal the oranges and cut them into small squares � now mix the honey with the lemon juice and some Braggs until you have a spicy


� mix now the salad with raisins, oranges and the dressing � scatter sunflower sprouts on top

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves

Preparation hints:

Use sunflower seeds instead of the sprouts, and soak them with the raisins for a fresher taste.

“Do Me Doolittle Dandelion Salad Dandelion is the forgotten herb with lots of healing properties. You can find it almost anywhere. There is some evidence of anti-tumor benefits, as well as relief from the pain of rheumatism.


� 1 small Cos lettuce � 1 large zucchini � thick bunch of dandelion � bunch of alfalfa � olive oil

� lemon juice � salad herbs mixture � 4 dandelion flowers

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� wash the lettuce and cut into small stripes � keep 4 large leaves at the side � slice the zucchini and together with the dandelion and the alfalfa let it run through

the guide � make a seasoning from the lemon juice, olive oil and salad herbs � mix the zucchini with the cut up lettuce and place the mixture into the 4 lettuce

leaves � pour the dressing over it and sprinkle dandelion petals on top

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves

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Preparation hints:

I pick salad herbs fresh from my garden depending on the season. Parsley with coriander and basil are my favorite. Only a small amount is needed to refine the soft taste of zucchini.

German Picnic Salad Germany is renown for Sausages and ‘Sauerkraut’. These meals are usually accompanied by

a sweet salad, a traditional recipe of the farming community. My own grandmother would prepare a salad similar to this recipe to go along with barbecues. I invite you to be apart of this old tradition. Ingredients:

� 3 golden delicious apples � 1 celery tuber � 1 beetroots � ¼ white cabbage � juice of ½ lemon � 1 tsp honey

� 1 cup white grapes Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 1. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let apples, cabbage, carrots and celery run through the guide � then mix the honey with the lemon and grapes � stir with the salad and enjoy.

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

I use muscatel grapes for this recipe, preferably seedless ones. It is important to choose a

fresh celery tuber and to peal it well for a creamy flavor. Don’t forget to remove the pips from the apples before grinding as they contain toxic substances when eaten in high quantities.

Green Cabbage Salad The Japanese for many reasons uses green cabbage. Cabbage is a most useful vegetable, rich in vitamin C, minerals, dietary fiber, vitamins and potassium. Cabbage is tasty, available throughout the year and reasonably priced.


� ½ green cabbage � apple cider vinegar � 2 tbsp Bragg’s � pinch of sea salt

� a couple of borage flowers

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� 4 hibiscus flowers � honey � 1 tbsp olive oil

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the cabbage run through the guide � then soak it in the vinegar overnight � drain the liquid from the cabbage the following morning and add the Bragg’s, the oil

and the flowers � stir and finish up with a pinch of salt and some honey

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

This version is like a ‘pickled’ salad. It is also possible to make the salad straight away. Instead of soaking the cabbage over night, simply make a salad dressing from vinegar, oil and the

Bragg’s and serve immediately. If those flowers are not in season they are interchangeable with any edible flower mentioned in the ingredient glossary.

Coleslaw Coleslaw can also be a living salad if you use a raw homemade mayonnaise. Ingredients:

� ¼ green cabbage

� 1 medium carrot � ½ onion � ‘Homemade Mayonnaise’ � pinch of sea salt � a couple of nasturtium flowers

� tsp honey Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 1. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the cabbage, the onion and the carrots run through the guide � then make the ‘Homemade Mayonnaise’ from chapter six � stir 4 tbsp of the mayonnaise into the salad and add a pinch of salt & ½ tsp honey

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Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 2-3 serves

Preparation hints:

Add an extra tablespoon of lemon juice into the mayonnaise for this recipe.

Capsicum Salad on Lettuce Leaves Summer is a time of vibrant, fresh foods. To brighten up a gloomy winter’s day, use those bright gifts of nature, the capsicum that are usually available throughout the year.


� 1-2 green capsicums � 1-2 red capsicums � 1-2 yellow capsicums � caraway seeds � anise

� pepper � 2 tbsp lemon juice � 2 tbsp olive oil

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� wash and slice the capsicum � spread a mix of all the spices and oil around and spread the capsicum � then let the capsicum run through the guide adding the rest of the oil and lemon juice

while the machine is turning

� run the different colored capsicums through separately then combine to create a brilliant mix of colors

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves

Preparation hints:

You may find it hard to imagine running the capsicum and all the spices through the machine together. When I first started working with the Living Food Processors it amazed me how evenly the taste spreads through salads if I put it all in together with the dressing. This is especially important when using seeds such as mustard, caraway or anise. They are ground

into the vegetable and their uncooked potential unfolds.

Burgundy Salad Mix The actual ingredients become the dressing in this recipe. Raw foods should be eaten with completely whole and unprocessed foods. A cold pressed olive oil is still raw and I don’t mind using it, although in nature we would not get such a high concentration of oil by eating the olives or nuts on their own.

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� 250g salad mix (cos, iceberg, rocket, mizuna and beetroot leaves) � ½ cup field mushrooms

� ½ cup green olives � 2 branches fresh coriander � ¼ cauliflower � 8 cherry tomatoes � 2 Roma tomatoes

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� Run the coriander, mushrooms, olives and Roma tomatoes through the nachine

several times until you get a smooth paste � cut the cherry tomatoes in half � cut the cauliflower into small chunks � now mix the paste with the cherry tomatoes and the cauliflower � place this on a green leafy mix

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Use whatever lettuce mix you prefer or try spinach for a change. I can tell my body is deeply

satisfied with a strong flavored leafy mix.

Chick Chicory Salad

Chicory is a fine lettuce that is very earthy and juicy with much more substance than common lettuces. I’m sure you will be surprised by the wonderful flavor of chicory and kohlrabi root. Ingredients:

� 2 kohlrabi � 6 chicory � 1 banana � ½ small red onion � ¼ pineapple � grapeseed oil

� salt and pepper Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the


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� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the chicory into fine slices and pull it apart � run the kohlrabi, onion and banana through the guide � cut the pineapple into small chunks � now mix everything together

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Serve chilled.

Italian Dressing Fresh lettuce leaves drizzled with a quality olive oil makes your mouth water. This is a delicious

seasoning for a fresh summer salad, served on the terrace by candlelight. Ingredients:

� ½ cup black olives � 3 tbsp olive oil � ¼ cup semi sun-dried tomatoes

� ¼ red capsicum � juice of 1 lemon � basil

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2. Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� run the tomatoes, olives, capsicum and basil through the mincer on notch 2 � mix the paste with the lemon juice and olive oil � ready

Preparation time: 5 min Yields: for 1 bowl of salad Preparation hints:

Do not forget to pit the olives before putting them through the mincer.

Walnut Dressing

Walnut dressing tastes great on spinach salad, rocket, deep green leafy vegetables and vegetables with strong flavors. Ingredients:

� 1 cup walnuts � 2 tbsp walnut oil

� 1 small piece celery tuber

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� ½ avocado � 2 tbsp lemon juice � water

� pinch of sea salt Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� run the walnuts, avocado and celery through the mincing strainer on notch 2 � mix the oil and lemon juice into the paste and season with a pinch of sea salt and

water according to your taste. Preparation time: 7 min

Yields: for 1 bowl of salad Preparation hints:

Instead of using walnut oil, run another ½ cup of walnuts through the mincer on notch 2 a couple of times. You will get a very fine nut butter, which makes a great base for this dressing, and you’ll only need to add a bit more water to make the seasoning perfect.

Master Mustard Dressing

Mustard is one of the true taste sensations of nature. It’s so spicy without being salty and can transform any dish into an incredible taste experience. It can be strong for those wanting to give their taste buds a shakeup, or toned down for those sensitive souls. Ingredients:

� 4 tbsp olive oil

� ½ cup fresh green pitted olives � 1 tsp mustard powder � juice of ½ lemon or ¼ cup apple cider vinegar � water � ½ tsp honey

� ½ mango Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� put all the ingredients into a bowl together � pour the mixture slowly into the guide and catch the ready to eat dressing

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Preparation time: 8 min Yields: for 1 bowl of salad

Preparation hints:

When you let the dressing run through the guide, switch off the machine and keep the bowl under the outlet. Remove the drum cap slowly and catch the rest of the dressing into your container.

Rosemary’s Herb Dressing Herbs inspire us and their scent makes us feel good inside and out. They not only taste fantastic but also smell wonderful. Rosemary is said to have aphrodisiac, mood enhancing

and energizing properties. Ingredients:

� 1 tsp rosemary leaves � 1 borage leaf � small bunch watercress

� juice of ½ lemon � 2 tbsp flaxseed oil � water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� mince the watercress and the borage finely � mix the paste with the oil, lemon juice, water and the herbs

Preparation time: 7 min Yields: for 1 bowl of salad Preparation hints:

Rosemary picked fresh from the garden is best!

Sound Sesame Dressing

A fine dressing for a fresh spinach salad with mango. Ingredients:

� ½ cup sesame seeds � 2 tbsp sesame oil

� 1 tsp pepper seeds � 1 small dried chili husk or a pinch of chili powder � juice of ½ lemon � pinch of salt

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� put the pepper seeds and the chili husk through the mincing function � mix this powder with the lemon juice, oil, sesame seeds and some salt

Preparation time: 5 min

Yields: for 1 bowl of salad Preparation hints:

This is a hot dressing. It goes well on top of mushroom salads, lettuce and avocado. Enjoy it.

Earth Wise Dressing Mother Earth is wise in her repeated gifts that make us rejoice in taste, looks, great health and vitality. A Living Food Processor assures a totally natural way of food preparation – Alive and

Whole. Ingredients:

� 1 avocado � ¼ cup pumpkin seeds � juice of ½ lemon

� ½ cup green pitted olives � 3 tbsp olive oil � 1 small chili husk � small bunch of parsley � 5-7 long chives � water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 1. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

produce. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� on notch 1, mince the chives, chili husk, parsley, avocado and pumpkin seeds � mix the paste with the oil, lemon juice and olives � add some water

Preparation time: 8 min

Yields: for 1 bowl of salad Preparation hints:

You can keep this salad dressing in the fridge for 4-5 days.

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� Pesto Pesto with basil, parsley, garlic and pine nuts

� Coriander Pesto with coriander, parsley and walnuts

� Homemade Mayonnaise with fresh free-range farm eggs, olive oil and lemon

� Vegan Mayonnaise with avocado, lemon and olive oil

� Avocado Dip with avocado, nasturtium leaves, flowers and kelp

� Beetroot Dip with beetroot, avocado, coriander, thyme and oregano

� Toscanny Dip with tomatoes, avocados, basil and salt

� Nutty Dip with hazelnuts, chili, tomatoes and honey

� Homemade Hommus with sprouted chickpeas, garlic, lemon and kelp

� Sweet Avocado Dip with avocado, dried pear and honey

� Olive Paste with green or black olives, chili and garlic

� Raspberry Jam with raspberries and honey

� Blackberry Jam with blackberries and honey

� Nut Butter using any soaked nut of your choice

� LSA Nut Mix with sunflower seeds, linseeds and almonds

� Sunflower Syrup with sunflower sprouts, maple syrup and calendula or dandelion flowers

� Creamed Cheese with avocado, sunflower seeds, mustard powder and olive oil

� Herbal Cheese Dip with sunflower seeds, olive oil, lemon and capsicum

� Gemma Gemstone’s Carrot Dip with alfalfa sprouts, carrots, lemon, olive oil and coriander

� Plain Rye Cracker with rye, sunflower sprouts and water

� Sprouted Bread with onion, sunflower sprouts and sprouted wheat

� Corn Flat Loaf with corn, olive oil, thyme and barley

� Warm Walnut-Champignon Buns with champignons, caraway and buckwheat

� Pizza Bread with sprouted white wheat and vegetable salt

� Quinoa-Seaweed Crackers with quinoa, sesame seeds and seaweed

� Garlic-Herb Crackers with sprout mixture, basil, almonds and garlic

� My Sister’s Barley-Carrot Sticks with sprouted barley, flax seeds, onion, carrot and cumin

� Sweet Cinnamon Snails with sprouted wheat, raisins and cinnamon

Think ahead when making dips, breads, crackers and grinding flours. Dried breads and crackers can be stored easily for two weeks in a dry, airtight container so make more than you need for one meal and you will always have something available to eat with salads, dips or on their own any time you feel hungry. Flour can be kept in an airtight container for much longer so make as much as you like. Dips can be kept in the fridge for 2-3 days and most of

the time develops an even greater flavor when they are a day old. Enjoy the remaining left over portions over the next few days and save yourself some work.

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Whenever you mash anything with a Living Food Processor to make dips you should scrape the strainer and the screw for leftovers so you don’t waste anything.

Note: Wheat, rising agents, gluten and yeast are hidden allergens and many people suffer with food intolerances. Most wheat allergies are due to the gluten found in the wheat berry. Sprouted wheat doesn’t yet contain a grain berry and therefore has no gluten. Nor does Living Food contain rising agents and isn’t made with yeast. Most dishes that contain hidden allergens are not part of a Living Food diet and people with allergies can enjoy most of the Living Food. Allergies have also shown to disappear when the body was able to eliminate

vast amounts of toxins after having living Food for a while. You may be able to eat raw wheat or sprouted wheat without getting an allergy from it if you are not sure with any of the dishes that may contain an allergen for you please be careful and in serious cases I advice you to consult your physician. Preparation hints for making breads and crackers

There are several ways of drying breads and crackers. One is to leave them for around 12 hours in the sun or covered with a towel inside. In these cases, I suggest you make the bread the day before you want to use it to assure the dough is fully dried. Another way to dry bread is with a dehydrator or in the oven below 40 degrees. Depending on your own dehydrator there should be a suggested time to dry grains in your instruction manual, usually 4- 14 hours are needed to dry breads. Check the dough and take the bread out when it is the way you

like it, the advantage here is that you can enjoy your bread warm!

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Pesto Pesto Pesto Pesto is the quickest pesto you’ll ever make. Its natural flavor is a real appetizer and stimulant. Ingredients:

� 1 ½ cups basil � finger thick bunch of parsley � 1 clove of garlic � 1 cup pine nuts � juice of ½ lemon

� 2 tsp olive oil � Bragg’s

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� Run the basil, parsley, garlic and pine nuts run through the guide together until you get a smooth paste

� mix the oil and lemon juice into the paste until smooth � spice with Bragg’s

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 1 bowl Preparation hints:

Let the machine pull the herbs through and throw the pine nuts in gradually. Keep in the

fridge for a harder paste. Nutritional information:

Pine nuts are a good source of vitamin E and a range of minerals. They add a delicious cheesy flavor to all savory dishes.

Coriander Pesto If you love coriander, you’ll love coriander pesto. It tastes great on pasta, crackers and fresh

vegetables. Ingredients:

� 1 cup coriander � ½ cup parsley

� juice of ½ lemon � 1 clove garlic � 1 cup walnuts � 2 tsp olive oil � pinch of sea salt

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the coriander, parsley, garlic and walnuts run through the guide together until you get a smooth paste

� then mix the oil and the lemon juice into the paste � spice with salt if needed only

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 1 bowl Preparation hints:

Try this recipe with only a touch of lemon and no salt to get a greener taste. It’s particularly

wonderful if you’re using coriander from your own garden. I recommend this sauce for a special dinner for two. Nutritional information:

Coriander is a cleanser, enhances the mood and promises aphrodisiac properties. It is also effective against indigestion.

Homemade Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is a creamy and rich base for many dressings and seasonings. It has a special taste and is very enjoyable. This mayonnaise is wheat and dairy free and a great base for all kinds of flavoring. Ingredients:

� ½ small egg yellow

� 1 tsp of apple vinegar or lemon juice � 1 cup of olive oil

Set up:

� bowl, whisk, teaspoon, cup

Preparation instructions:

� stir the egg yellow with the vinegar � when you have a homogeneous liquid, start dropping in the oil while you keep stirring

as quickly as possible (it’s best is to have one person stirring and the other person dropping in the oil)

� add only a few more drops of oil after the it has turned to a solid mass for the perfect consistency

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 1 bowl

Preparation hints:

It’s important not to get discouraged if you can’t get a firm mayonnaise the first time you try it. It is an art and once you can do it, it starts to become fun and you’ll be able to create the most amazing textures. Making a successful mayonnaise is easier if you use fresh eggs which

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have been refrigerated. This recipe makes quite a large amount, so half the ingredients if you are unlikely to use it in a couple of days. Olive oil has a strong flavor so use a vegetable oil for a milder taste.

Nutritional information:

Eggs are a good source of protein. Four eggs a week is suitable for everyone. Don’t consume eggs if you are sensitive to dietary cholesterol. Eating eggs raw is a different story altogether and you can totally trust your natural instinct how many eggs you want to consume.

Vegan Mayonnaise Many people follow a vegan diet and this is great mayonnaise for those who don’t eat eggs.

It can be seasoned with any variety of herbs and spices depending on what you are using it with. Ingredients:

� 1-2 avocados � 2 tsp lemon juice

� 1 tsp olive oil Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

produce. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the avocado run through the guide � then stir in the oil and lemon

Preparation time: 5 min Yields: 1 bowl

Preparation hints:

Use a type of avocado that stays firm even when fully ripened to get a firmer mayonnaise. Keep refrigerated.

Nutritional information:

Avocado is a fruit. They contain a high level of mono-unsaturated fats, which makes them so creamy and rich. They are not likely to make you fat, as the total content of kilojoules is not much higher than other fruits or vegetables. Avocado also contains vitamin B6 and riboflavin.

Avocado Dip Avocado dip is generally liked and appreciated by most people. Try the ‘sweet avocado dip’ in this chapter.


� 2 large avocados � salt � pepper � bunch of nasturtium leaves and flowers

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the avocados in halves and scoop out the flesh � let the avocados and nasturtium leaves and flowers run through the guide until you

have a smooth mash � season with salt and pepper

� decorate with nasturtium leaves Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 1 bowl Preparation hints:

Choose young nasturtium leaves as they taste milder but are still delicious. Chop the leaves into small pieces before mashing them to produce a less fibrous dip.

Beetroot Dip This dip tastes like a cream-cheese dip due to the avocado. The brilliant color of this dip serves well with purple sweet potato chips.


� 1 avocado � 3 medium beetroots � 1 small bunch of chopped fresh coriander, thyme and oregano

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

produce. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut the beetroot in several long strips

� feed the beetroot, avocado and coriander through the guide � decorate with fresh coriander

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 1 bowl

Preparation hints:

Leave the peal on if you are using organic beetroots. For a creamier dip, add the other half of the avocado. This dip looks sensational served in a yellow bowl.

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Nutritional information:

Beetroot is rich in dietary fiber, which aids digestion. The ancient Greeks and Romans used red beets as a remedy for fever complaints.

Toscanny Dip Welcome to the Toscana, the romantic landscape of Italy. This highly addictive dip is best

eaten with dried sweet potato chips from the whole food store. Ingredients:

� 3 large tomatoes � 1 avocado

� 10 leaves basil � pinch of sea salt if wanted

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce. Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the tomato and basil run through together twice � add the avocado and let the paste run through the machine a third time

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 1 bowl

Preparation hints:

Use ripe but firm tomatoes such as the Roma variety. Keep this dip in the fridge for a couple of days for a richer taste.

Nutty Dip This is a hot and spicy dip but also pleasantly soothing and crunchy. This is best served with crackers or dehydrated potato chips.


� 2 cups hazelnuts, soaked for ½ hour � 1 tomato � 1 tbsp honey � ½ tsp chili powder

� 1 tbsp of a fine oil like almond oil Machine set up:

� Place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Don’t use any Mincing Nozzle for this dip it should stay as coarse as possible. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

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� Run 1 ½ cups hazelnuts, chopped tomato and chili powder through the machine using no drum cap at all so you get the correct texture

� take the remaining hazelnuts, wrap them in a kitchen towel and squeeze with the

palms of your hands until they crack roughly � now mix the two pastes together, honey and stir well

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 1 bowl

Preparation hints:

Use chili depending on your tastes. Olive oil will give the dip a richer flavor and assists in making a smoother paste.

Homemade Hommus Homemade Hommus is made from fresh sprouts and therefore is Living Food at its greatest potential. Thanks to my friend and client Peter who taught me this recipe.


� 1 ½ cups sprouted chickpeas � 1 clove of garlic � 1 flat tbsp kelp � 2 tbsp olive oil � juice of ½ lemon

� ¼ of an onion Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� mix all ingredients in a bowl � then let them run several times through the machine until you get a fine paste � ready

Preparation time: 5 min Yields: 1 bowl Preparation hints: For a delicious herbal taste variation, use chives or a spring onion instead of the onion. If the kelp is too strong use a pinch of salt instead.

Sweet Avocado Dip This dip is creamy and very fresh.


� 2 large avocados � 2 tsp honey � ¾ cup dried pears � 2 tbsp lemon juice

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the avocados in halves and scoop the flesh out � let the avocados and pears run through the guide until you have a smooth mash � season with honey and lemon juice � decorate with lemon flowers

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 1 bowl Preparation hints:

Easy and tasty.

Olive Paste

Olive pastes are a great appetizer and are really easy to make. Use marinated olives if you are comfortable with how they have been done. Otherwise, buy plain olives and add the marinade yourself to make a good paste. Ingredients:

� 2 cups green or black pitted olives

� ½ clove of garlic � 1 small hot chili pod

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste. Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the three ingredients run through the guide together Preparation time: 2 min Yields: 1 bowl

Preparation hints:

Serve the olive paste as an appetizer with the ‘Warm Champignon Buns’.

Raspberry Jam The only difference between this jam and normal jams is that you can’t keep it very long. But how often do you see a 100% fruit jam….not very often. Enjoy.

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� 2 cups raspberries � 2 tsp honey

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the jam. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� mix the honey with the raspberries and let them run through the guide

Preparation time: 2 min Yields: 1 bowl Preparation hints:

Raspberries can be very watery at times. Add 2-3 teaspoons of wheat bran to the jam and let

the mixture stand for 10 min. Eat raspberry jam on raw food crackers, yummy!

Blackberry Jam Raspberries and blackberries are a great base for any jam. Serve them with raw bread such as the delicious “Plain Rye Crackers” recipe from the bread chapter. Ingredients:

� 2 cups blackberries � 2 tsp honey

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the jam. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the berries and honey run through the guide Preparation time: 2 min Yields: 1 bowl

Preparation hints:

Add a teaspoon of wheat bran for a thicker jam. Enjoy!

Nut Butter These Living Food Processors make a smooth Living Nut Butter. Commercial nut butters contain roasted nuts. I love Living Nut Butter and enjoy it on crackers or as a dip:


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� 2 cups nuts of your choice � 6 tsp of fine cold-pressed nut oil such as almond or macadamia

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the nut

butter. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� soak the nuts for 3 hours in warm water

� pour off the water and mix the oil with the nuts � feed this mix into the guide � put the paste through the machine another 3 times or so until the consistency is to

your liking � stir until you have a smooth nut paste

Preparation time: 5 min Yields: 1 bowl Preparation hints:

Add more oil to the paste if you are using a dry nut such as an almond in comparison with a cashew nut. Don’t use olive oil because it has a strong taste and may over power the subtle

nut flavor. You can season nut butters with honey if you prefer and all nut butters should be kept in an airtight glass jar in the fridge.

LSA Nut Mix Even one spoonful of this mix is high in nutritional value. Ingredients:

� 1 cup linseeds

� 1 cup sunflower seeds � 1 cup almonds

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� take all 3 ingredients and slowly drop them into the guide � catch the fine powder-like paste and eat it on its own or add to fruit mixtures

Preparation time: 4 min Yields: 1 bowl

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Preparation hints:

This is a great food, rich in protein for infants. Mix the produce with a banana for a great breakfast ready to go. Store a grounded mix in the pantry.

Nutritional information:

Almonds have more calcium than any other nut and are therefore very beneficial for women and children. They also contain iron; zinc and vitamin E. Sunflower seeds are high in protein, minerals and iron. Linseeds are high in protein and the richest source of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in perfect balance. They support the immune system and help

to regulate weight and regular bowel function. ‘LSA’ is a great treat for your kids, toddlers and yourself.

Sunflower Syrup Find out how about edible flowers in the ingredients glossary of this book. They can be used as a decoration and also as a main ingredient. If you can get hold of a flower- eat it. Ingredients:

� 1-2 cups sprouted sunflower seeds � 10 dandelion or calendula flowers � ½ cup maple syrup

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� peal the flower petals from the flower � mix the syrup, sunflower seeds and petals and run them through the guide

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 1 bowl Preparation hints:

Tastes delicious on sprouted bread.

Creamed Cheese The taste of cheese is reproducible in raw foods. In my opinion, cheese is one of the most

saturated foods we can eat but its taste is so delicious. Raw food cheese, give it a go! Ingredients:

� 2 cups sunflower seeds, soaked for 2 hours prior � 2 tbsp cold-pressed olive oil

� juice of ½ small lemon � 1 bunch fresh parsley, oregano and chives � pinch of sea salt � nutmeg and five spice

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the herbs into fine slices � mix the sunflower seeds, oil and lemon juice together � season this mix with nutmeg, five spice and salt � feed the above two ingredients through the guide together

� then form 3-4 cheese loafs and roll them in the herbs Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 serves Preparation hints:

I find it delicious and decorative at the same time to drop lemon juice on top of the cheese loafs and season with fresh pepper.

Herbal Cream Dip This gourmet dip will leave you yearning for more. There is nothing more satisfying for me than to hang out in the herb garden and chew on different leaves, selecting my 5 different “herbs of the day” and then transforming them into a herbal dip delight for dinner.


� 1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked for 2 hours � ½ cup sunflower sprouts � 1 tsp finely chopped thyme � 1 tsp finely chopped borage � 1 tsp finely chopped capers

� 1 tsp finely chopped lemon balm � 1 tsp finely chopped Italian parsley � 1 tsp olive oil � 4 tbsp water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� make a paste from all the ingredients

� keep some herbs to the side � mix the chopped herbs through the paste and sprinkle some on top for decoration

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Preparation time: 5 min Yields: 1 bowl

Preparation hints:

This dip serves well with the ‘Corn Flat Loaf’ as the two flavors compliment each other very much.

Gemma Gemstone’s Carrot Dip This is a great hit for all summer garden parties. It is a great appetizer; nice and savory while playfully sour.


� 1 ½ cups carrots � 1 tbsp apple vinegar or lemon juice � 1 tbsp olive oil � small bunch of coriander � 1 handful of alfalfa sprouts

� 5 tbsp pine nuts � salt � pepper

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut the carrots into long slices � mix the oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper into a seasoning � whilst you let the carrots, alfalfa and coriander run through the guide, pour the

seasoning over them for a great tasting dip

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 1 bowl

Preparation hints:

By adding ½ avocado to the mixture you will get a creamier dip.

Plain Rye Cracker It is important to be able to make a plain bread or cracker. These plain rye crackers taste wonderful with homemade raw jams. Ingredients:

� ½ cup sprouted sunflower seeds � 1 cup sprouted rye � pinch of sea salt � 1 tbsp sunflower oil � 5 tbsp oat meal � water

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the dough.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� take the sprouts and let them run through the guide � now mix the flour, oil, oats and salt with the paste � add water if needed and let the paste run through the guide again � form the dough into thin crackers

� let the crackers dry in the sun or in the room for about 12 hours Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 20 crackers Preparation hints:

Be careful with adding water, less is better than too much!

Sprouted Bread Ingredients:

� 1 cup sprouted sunflower seeds � 1 cup sprouted soft white spring wheat � 4 tbsp cold-pressed olive oil � ½ onion

� pinch of sea salt Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 1. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

dough. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� take all the sprouted ingredients, salt, oil and onion and let them run through the guide

� form the dough into a bread loaf approximately 3 cm thick � dry the loaf

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 1bread loaf, serves 4

Preparation hints: Try garnishing this loaf with onion rings and sunflower seeds.

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Corn Flat Loaf This corn bread is similar in taste to polenta. It goes really well with the ‘Toscanny Dip’ or the ‘Creamed Cheese’. Ingredients:

� 1 ½ cups fresh corn kernels

� 1 cup barley, soaked in warm water for 5 hours � 1 tsp fresh thyme and oregano � pinch of sea salt � 1 tsp cold-pressed olive oil

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

dough. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� let the corn kernels, barley, herbs and salt run through the guide

� then make 4 flat loafs � let the loafs dry in the sun or dehydrator

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 flat loafs, serves 4

Preparation hints:

The flat loafs are great when you dry them completely in the dehydrator.

Warm Walnut-Champignon Buns Experiment with different shapes like round rolls, baguette buns or even pretzels. Serve the buns straight from the oven when they are still warm. It is a real Sunday brunch treat. Ingredients:

� 1 cup buckwheat sprouts � ½ cup walnuts � ½ cup champignons � 1 tsp caraway seeds (soak for 8 hours) � vegetable salt

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the dough.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions:

� If the champignons are big, cut them in halves � mix all ingredients together in a bowl

� let them run through the guide together � form different shaped buns from the dough � place the buns into the dehydrator

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 8 buns

Preparation hints:

If you find the dough too humid, add a bit more flour. For a special treat serve the fresh buns together with a lovely salad and an olive oil, garlic and onion dip. Don’t forget you can make your own flour with your Living Food Processor.

Pizza Bread This is an ideal base for raw food pizzas. Make the bases first and keep them in a plastic bag.

When you feel hungry top it up with whatever you find in the fridge. Ingredients:

� ¼ cup wheat bran � 1 cup sprouted wheat � ½ cup millet, soaked over night

� 1 tbsp cold-pressed olive oil � vegetable salt

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the dough.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� make a dough from the wheat, wheat bran, millet, oil and salt with the mincing strainer on notch 2

� form 4 pizza bases and dry them in the dehydrator

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 4 pizzas, serves 4 Preparation hints:

I suggest making a couple more bases to store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for a couple

of days. One of my favorite pizza toppings is olives, red capsicum, and onions with a tomato base including basil and oregano.

Quinoa Seaweed Crackers Quinoa is one of the miracle foods for us. It is referred to as the most powerful protein, more usable by the body than meat protein while it also contains all the essential amino acids.

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� ½ sheet of seaweed � 1 cup soaked quinoa

� ¼ cup sesame seeds � ¼ cup sunflower seeds

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the dough.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� soak the quinoa over night � soak the seaweed in water before you use it � mix the soaked quinoa, sesame seeds, salt and sunflower seeds with the seaweed � let the mixture run through the guide once

� form crackers the size of rice crackers as the dough comes out of the machine � sprinkle sesame seeds on the crackers � dry the crackers in the oven, dehydrator or sun

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 20 crackers

Preparation hints:

The seaweed for sushi or wakame goes well with quinoa. It will take about 12 hours if you dry them in the sun or about 1½ hours if you put them on a tray in the oven below 50 degrees.

Garlic-Herb Crackers These crackers are close to the sensation of fresh garlic bread. Serve them as an entrée with garlic butter made from fresh garlic, olive oil and salt.


� 1-2 cups sprout mixture (lentil, chickpea, mung beans etc.) � fresh basil � Italian parsley

� ½ cup almonds � 1 cloves garlic � sea salt

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the dough.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions:

� stir all the ingredients together � slowly spoon the mix into the running machine

� catch the dough sticks and cut them with scissors into small squares � press the squares into a flat cracker shape and place onto a tray � dry them either by dehydration, in the sunlight or in the oven

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 15 crackers

Preparation hints:

It works well to make crackers with your kids or with a friend. One person feeds the machine and the other person catches the dough and cuts it immediately into little pieces. You will find this to be a lot of fun and a much quicker procedure.

My Sister’s Barley-Carrot Sticks This recipe utilizes carrot pulp from a previously made juice. If you don’t any leftover pulp use

a whole carrot and run it through the mincer once. My sister made this recipe one night and filled the carrot sticks with spinach so I recommend serving the sticks with a big bowl of spinach salad. Ingredients:

� 1 cup soaked barley

� 1 cup carrot pulp or 1 carrot � 1 tsp cumin seeds � ¼ onion � 2 tsp Bragg’s � ¼ cup flax seeds

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

dough. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� soak the barley and flax seeds for 12 hours � then take the barley, flax seeds, onion, carrot or the pulp, the cumin and the Bragg’s

and mix them all in a bowl � slowly let them run through the guide several times until you get a fine dough � as the dough runs through the final time, pinch the bread sticks at the desired length

as they come out the Discharge Outlet

� round the ends off and they are ready to put in the dehydrator Preparation time: 10 min Yields: serves 4, makes as many bread sticks as you wish Preparation hints:

Bread sticks and crackers dry quite quickly so keep a check on them while they are in the oven or dehydrator.

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Sweet Cinnamon Snails Your imagination is never ending. Grains go well with sweet or savory flavoring. Try these raisin rolls that are especially lovely with fresh raspberry jam. Ingredients:

� 1 cup sprouted wheat

� 1 cup raisins � 2 tsp cinnamon � pinch of Five Spice � 1 slice of ginger � 2 tsp honey

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the dough.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� mix the sprouted grains, ¾ cup raisins, the Five Spice, 2 tsp cinnamon and 1 tsp honey in a bowl

� let this mix run through the guide � form 8 snails with the dough � press the raisins into the snail spiral � dry in the dehydrator

� when the snails are ready, do as follows: � juice a slice of ginger and mix this with a teaspoon of honey � paint a thin layer of sauce on top of each snail � then sprinkle a fine layer cinnamon on top of the wet snail to get a sticky sugary icing

Preparation time: 15 min

Yields: 8 snails Preparation hints:

If you don’t like to use wheat, use rye or barley instead. Cinnamon snails are wonderful on hiking trips or excursions when you want to have something special to nibble. I hope you will

enjoy this nutritious snack as much as I do.

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� Fish Salad with snapper, capsicum and corn

� Sea Lion’s Feast with salmon, capers and cucumber

� Greenfinger’s Sushi with seaweed, zucchini and sun-dried tomatoes and tuna

� Sushi Rolls with rice, avocado and bamboo shoots

� Warm Sweet Rice with rice, dried prunes, apricots and apricot kernels

� Filled Tomato with tomatoes, broccoli, pecan nuts and celery

� Filled Mushrooms with champignons, avocado and radishes

� Marinated Mushroom Roll Ups with field mushrooms, marinated grape leaves and palm heart

� Pink Panther Barley Noodles with barley, beetroot and spices

� The Gladiator with minced organic beef, chives, egg and onion

� Carpacio with Garlic Butter with fine organic beef, garlic and apple cider vinegar

In Japan, fish is largely eaten raw and this trend has flowed to the Western world. Italy is famous for eating a lean raw beef called ‘carpacio’. If you simply can’t imagine eating raw fish or meat, then please don’t. You can live just as well without animal products if this is your preference. People who follow a 100% raw food may only include raw meat a few times a year only. However, the taste of raw meats when you’re in the mood is an absolute delight. I want to tell you a story of one of my students I will never forget. While teaching my four-week

raw food course, I included a raw meat dish as usual. One woman found the idea of eating raw meat so revolting that I had difficultly explaining to her why anyone would. While she wasn’t a vegetarian, I had trouble convincing her to try a small amount. She watched how courageously the other students were in trying the dish, made a move and tried a tiny teaspoon of the ’Gladiator’. And then the unbelievable happened. This woman ate half a bowl full of raw beef mince without stopping. She was overjoyed while eating, had no

negative reactions and felt her life had completely changed in an instant. I have seen many miracles happen when people encounter living food for the first time but this will stay in my memory for a very long time. Feel free to prepare smaller amounts when trying raw meats and see if you like them if your body wants them. It is particularly important to know that the meat you buy is fresh and organic. Go without meat if you can’t get the best quality when eating raw.

Some people also dehydrate fish and meat, which they may find more pleasant to eat. You can dehydrate it in a dehydrator or in the sun. If I need meat I buy the raw fresh flesh and eat it straight away rather than keeping the meat in storage. I find it important to listen to yourself and if you really need meat, don’t forget the animal spirit that died so as to nourish you. Eat it with gratitude and awareness.

Some other dishes in this chapter are made with cooked food like rice for example. The Living Food Processor does of course process cooked food wonderfully and if you don’t have a 100% raw food diet please make the most out of your machine.

Fish Salad My father is an extraordinary cook who taught me this recipe. Although he mainly makes cooked meals, his fish salad is entirely raw and very addictive.

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� 200g pink snapper fillets (soak for 1 hour)

� 1 cup fresh corn kernels � 1 red capsicum � 1 green capsicum � 1 yellow capsicum � ½ onion � ½ clove garlic

� juice of 4 lemons � small bunch of Italian parsley � pinch of sea salt and white pepper

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the mince.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� first cut the fish into small pieces the size of a chickpea or small grape � then juice the lemon � place the fish in a plate and pour the lemon juice on top

� let the fish soak for 1 hour turning it once or twice � clean the capsicum while the fish is soaking � slice it and let it run through the machine � do the same with the parsley, the onion and the garlic � now pour the unabsorbed lemon juice into a cup

� then mix the fish with all the other ingredients in a salad bowl � season with salt, pepper and the remaining lemon juice

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 2 serves

Preparation hints:

I have found tuna, salmon and snapper to be the most suitable varieties of fish for raw use, but many other fish are just as healthy when eaten raw. Some people prefer the fish to soak for only 5-10 min; in that case, the original fish flavor stays stronger. Always try to buy fresh and unpolluted fish for a raw fish dish as the quality of the fish plays a major role in taste and safety when eaten raw.

Sea Lion’s Feast

This truly is a gourmet meal. I have known people who swear they have never liked fish, raw or cooked and who have changed their minds after tasting this feast to everyone’s surprise. If you are one of these people, I am confident you could change your mind after trying the ‘Sea Lion’s Feast’. Ingredients:

� 4 extra thin salmon fillets approx. 200g � 1 tbsp of capers � juice of 3 lemons

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� ¼ scarol lettuce � bunch of rocket lettuce

� 6 cherry tomatoes � 8 fresh snow peas


� Use ½ cup of “Homemade Mayonnaise” (chapter six) as a base for your garnish which you add at the end

� 2 tbsp of capers

� juice of ½ lemon � small bunch of fresh coriander � pepper corns � salt

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut 4 or 8 thin salmon fillets and soak in the lemon juice for 10-30 min � while they are soaking, make the mayonnaise using only half of the amounts

suggested in the “Homemade Mayonnaise” recipe � when you have a firm mayonnaise, place the bowl into the fridge � then let 2 tbsp of capers, part of the coriander and the pepper corns run through the

guide � before serving, take the paste and mix it with the mayonnaise. Season it to finish with

salt and lemon juice � wash the lettuce and prepare a salad with the snow peas, rocket lettuce and cherry

tomatoes � now remove the salmon from the lemon juice � place 1-2 filets of salmon in the center of a bed of salad � then pour the garnish in circles over the salad and fish

� lastly decorate with the remaining coriander Preparation time: 20 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

I prefer the salmon fillets cut very fine. I usually buy 4 thin filets and slice each filet another 3 times for each person. On other days a ‘big chunk’ of fish is just right and I will buy a swordfish and keep it as a steak.

Greenfinger’s Raw Sushi Seaweed is an excellent source of calcium, iron and iodine. Sushi seaweed sheets are usually made from Nori seaweed. The tradition of eating Sushi originated in Japan and has become popular worldwide for its fine taste and valuable food contents.


� 3 sushi seaweed sheets � ½ zucchini

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� 2 avocados � ½ cup sun-dried tomatoes � Bragg’s

� 75g raw tuna � ½ cup sunflower seeds � 2 cups alfalfa sprouts

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� let the avocado, zucchini and sunflower seeds run through the guide together � mix the paste with the alfalfa sprouts and the dried tomatoes � cut the tuna into long slices

� take one sushi sheet and spread water on it � then paste the filling on top with the tuna fish across the middle � roll up the nori sheet and stick the ends with water � after you have made all three rolls, cut into 7 pieces � pour some Bragg’s into a bowl and use it as a dip

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

Serve the sushi with salad. You can buy bamboo shoots and bamboo mats to roll the

seaweed on from Chinese supermarkets or health food shops.

Sushi Rolls

If you are a 100% raw food eater and don’t like to use rice, use a vegetable like carrot. This is a most delicious way to use leftover rice. Ingredients:

� 3 sheets of seaweed

� 1 cup rice or 3-4 cups boiled rice � 1 tsp cold-pressed oil � 1 avocado � ½ cup bamboo shoots � salt � water

� 6 spinach leaves � Bragg’s Amino Acid

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

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� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� boil the rice or use leftover rice � put some salt into the rice and a teaspoon of oil � feed the spinach leaves and rice into the machine � catch the dough in a bowl � divide the dough into 3 and spread on the seaweed sheets

� cut the avocado in slices and place it and the bamboo shoots on the rice � roll the sheet up and use water if you need to close the sheet firmly � cut the rolls neatly into 7 pieces, using a knife which has been dipped in warm water

before each cut � pour some Bragg’s into a bowl for a dipping sauce

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

The best way to work the rice is to stir oil into the rice before putting it through the machine. The rice won’t stick to the machine while it will remain sticky enough to make the roll. Moisten

the seaweed sheets by dipping you fingers in water and running them over the sheet before you put the mixture on it.

Sticky Warm Sweet Rice The Living Food Processor makes the loveliest dumplings from sweet rice. Apart from the boiled rice, this dish is raw and easy to digest. Ingredients:

� 3 cups boiled rice � 6 apricots � 1 cup dried prunes � pinch of salt � 1 tbsp honey � 1 cup apricot kernels or almonds

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto

notch 1. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� pit the prunes and apricots � mix the warm rice with the fruits, a pinch of salt and honey � run the rice fruit mix through the guide � then mix the apricot kernels into the mixture � form little dumplings from the dough and serve immediately

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2 serves

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Preparation hints:

Apricot kernels are of high nutritional value and are still prescribed by naturopaths as a supportive food of high value for cancer patients. When you eat apricots keep the kernels

and crack them with a nutcracker. Store them to dry. If you don’t have apricot kernels use almonds and soak them at least two hours prior to use. Make sweet rice dishes throughout the year with cinnamon, lemon, vanilla, nutmeg and five spices with fruits in season.

Filled Tomato Filled tomatoes look lovely and are deceptively easy to make. You can be endlessly creative by surrounding the tomatoes with nuts, lettuce leaves and a fine salad dressing. Dinner is ready, lets eat!


� 4 large garden tomatoes � 1 cup broccoli � ½ cup celery root � 1 cup pecan nuts � 2 tsp red miso

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the upper half of the tomato open and remove the inside flesh with a spoon � take the broccoli, nuts and celery and let it run through the guide together with the

miso � take the paste and mix with half of the tomato flesh you removed � spoon the filling into the tomatoes and close the lid

� sit each tomato on a lettuce leaf in the center of a plate and decorate Preparation time: 15 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

In order not to waste any leftovers, I serve the leftover flesh in a salad to go with the dish or keep the pulp and put it onto my next raw pizza, juice or salad.

Filled Mushrooms Ingredients:

� 20 small champignons

� 2 avocados � 15 radishes

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

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Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� remove the middle part of the champignons with a knife so you have hollow heads

� take the radishes and let them run through the guide � then run the avocados through the guide � now fill the mushrooms with the avocado cream � make a salad dressing from lemon juice, oil and salt � place the radish and dressing on top of each of the mushrooms

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

Make it easy for yourself by simply washing the radishes and putting them through the guide.

Pink Panther Barley Noodles The Living Food Processors have a Pasta Outlet. You can make rice noodles, barley or wheat

noodles. Even buckwheat is possible. If you intend to cook the noodles, any normal dough can be made with the machine and then processed into noodles. Barley noodles can be eaten raw. For a variation, use any other sprouted or soaked grain. Ingredients:

� 1 ½ cups barley

� 2 tbsp olive oil � ¼ cup beetroot and basil juice � 2 tsp veggie salt

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Pasta making Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big plate under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the pasta.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� soak the barley for 6 hours � stir all the ingredients together in a bowl and let them run through the guide

� for a spaghetti shaped pasta use the round pasta nozzle, for a fettuccini shaped pasta use the flat pasta nozzle

� it is best to keep feeding the machine continuously in order not to interrupt the pasta coming from the outlet

� serve fresh or straight from the dehydrator

Preparation time: 15 min Yields: 2 serves

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Preparation hints:

When the noodles come out of the outlet, catch them on a plate and cut them into the preferred length. It is best to make noodles with 2 people. If you find the noodles sticky when

they come from the machine, put them directly into the water you want to use to boil them in. Another way is to semi dry these noodles in a dehydrator for 3-4 hours at 35 degrees. To make your pasta colorful and more nutritious, add beetroot, carrot, spinach or and herb juice to the dough.

The Gladiator When it comes to eating raw meat many people are confronted with a very deep conditioning. I can assure you that it is not poisonous, but if you feel unsure or have a

particular heath condition please consult your doctor. I have eaten a lot of raw meat myself and this dish was actually cultivated in my family. Be sure to buy organic and fresh meat from a reputable seller. Ingredients:

� 250g beef

� 1 small egg � 3-4 tsp mixture of black pepper, salt and paprika to season � 2 tsp mustard � 2 tsp capers � ¼ onion � small bunch of chives and parsley

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� Run the meat through the guide � then take the fine mince and mix it with the other ingredients except the capers and

fresh herbs � put it through the guide again � chop the chives and the parsley

� now add the capers and chopped herbs � form into 8 meat balls � serve with bread sticks from the bread section and/or a salad

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2-3 serves

Preparation hints:

Invest in the leanest cut of meat available.

Carpacio with Garlic Butter Carpacio originally comes from Italy. It is the finest slices of lean beef marinated in vinegar and onions. It is a gourmet food and is traditionally eaten raw.

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� 150g beef � apple cider vinegar

� ½ onion Garlic Butter:

� 1 cloves of garlic � 2 tbsp olive oil

Cucumber salad:

� 1 small cucumber

� juice of 1 lemon � salt � 1 tsp fresh oregano � dill seeds � 1 tbsp olive oil

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� slice the beef as thinly as possible

� let the onion run through the mincing strainer � marinate the beef for around 3 hours in vinegar, salt and the minced onion � slice the cucumber and let it run through the guide with the dill seeds � season the salad with the lemon, finely chopped oregano, dill, salt, and oil � mince the garlic on notch 2 and mix with olive oil

� position the marinated beef and salad on a plate � season the beef with the garlic butter as you wish

Preparation time: 20 min Yields: 2-3 serves

Preparation hints:

When you remove the beef from the marinade, scrape off some of the onion and leave it in the marinade. The beef keeps for days in the marinade, and a lean fillet steak is the best choice of meat.

Marinated Mushroom Roll Ups The savory taste of grape leaves is a unique pleasure. Buy a jar of grape leaves or marinate your own grape leaves in vinegar and salt. Surprise your friends and yourself with the wonders

you can create in a raw food kitchen. Ingredients:

� 1 jar grape leaves � 3 cups of field mushrooms � 1 cup of palm heart

� juice of 3 lemons � fresh coriander and thyme � salt � ½ cup walnuts

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� let the fresh herbs run through the guide � then cut the mushrooms into small pieces and marinate over night in lemon juice and

the mashed coriander and thyme

� when you make the filling, take the mushrooms and walnuts and let them run through the guide

� season with salt � slice the palm heart � take the grape leaves and fill them with the paste and the palm heart � roll up the leaves and hold them closed with a toothpick

� decorate the plates with fresh watercress and mizuna which are fine tasting lettuce greens

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 2-3 serves

Preparation hints:

Marinating food is a special area and I always plan ahead. It normally takes a couple of days for the marinating to really work. So why not make it in advance and use it over the next couple of days? It will always get eaten!!!

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� Granny’s Carrot Cake with carrots, walnuts and maple syrup

� Passion Whip with passion fruit, beaten egg white and banana

� Pecan Pie with pecan nuts, dates and honey

� Icy Raspberry Tart with frozen raspberries, walnuts and cocoa

� Apricot Ice Cream Cake with frozen apricots, fresh apricots and dried apricots

� Gingerbread Man with ginger, sultanas and pecan nuts

� Durian with durian, banana and macadamias

� Apple Pie with apples, dried figs and spices

� Christmas Bakery 1 with hazelnuts, orange and dried apricots

� Christmas Bakery 2 with almonds, carob, coffee and dates

� Peppermint Boats with fresh peppermint, macadamias and passion fruit

� Halvah with almonds, tahini and sesame seeds

� 101 Dalmatians with cashew nuts, psyllium husks and dates

� Light Love with watermelon, dried peaches and nut mix

� Custard Apple Custard with custard apple, and oranges

� Walnut Torte with walnuts, black cherries and lemon

� Ragini’s Fruit Salad with kiwi, rambutan, bee pollen and currants

� Babu’s Fruit Salad with avocado, papaya and banana

� Ginger Custard with persimmons, nashis, ginger and prunes

� Coated Chocolate Almonds with figs, almonds and love

� Tamarillo Jam Crepe with tamarillo, banana and black figs

� Crepes with Applesauce with apples, cinnamon and lemon

� Fruit Flan with mandarins, strawberries and coconut

� Coconut Hats with coconut flakes, almond extract and banana

� Apricot Balls with fresh apricots, poppy seeds and cashew nuts

� Sesame Balls with sesame seeds and brazil nuts

Desserts are sweet and the reason for this is the huge amount of sugar they contain. Nobody would eat cakes, cookies and chocolates if they weren’t sweetened. The story of sugar cane is not a pleasant one and considering that sugar contains absolutely nothing needed for human health it would be nice if we could just erase it and simply live again without sugar,

using natural sweeteners as we once did. Around 500 BC, the technique of pressing out the cane sugar and boiling it down to allow the dark crystals to form was developed. In the 14th century, sugar crystals were shipped to England to be used as flavoring in medicines. The consumption was very small sugar was still rare and very expensive. By the 16th century, the Spanish introduced sugar plantations into Central America. The work on the plantations was so physically demanding that the Spanish

didn’t want to do it themselves nor were there enough indigenous people to do the work. The slave trade was born as enormous profit could be made by the land owners manufacturing sugar and making liquor from its unwanted by-products.

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In the 17th century the popularity of coffee, tea and chocolate increased as they were sweetened by sugar. Sugar has certainly claimed its position in our lives with over 80% of sugar used is in processed foods and soft drinks where we don’t see it. There are many studies on

the harmful effects of sugar on our health such as tooth decay, diabetes, hyperactivity, weakening the immune system, tongue cancer, low concentration and inflamed joints. These dessert recipes don’t contain any sugar. Honey, dried fruits and stevia are great sweeteners. We can eat a lot of refined sugar because it is a concentrated form, while our bodies will not allow us to overload on a fruit containing natural sugars.

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Granny’s Carrot Cake This is a real carrot cake although you don’t have to bake it in the oven. Although it may be hard to believe I find the original flavors actually come out better in this raw version. It’s a real birthday stunner and so yummy.



� 2 cups of walnuts or pecan nuts � ½ cup raisins � ½ cup dried apricots

� 5-6 carrots � 1 cup coconut shreds � pinch of nutmeg � pinch of clove � ½ tsp Chinese five-spice powder � ½ tsp cinnamon powder


� 1 cup macadamia nuts � 2 tsp maple syrup � 1 tsp of psyllium husks � ¼ cup of water � pinch of vanilla

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� first let the macadamia nuts run through the guide several times until you get a fine powder

� mix the water, maple syrup and vanilla in a bowl � stir the macadamia nut powder into the liquid until you get a smooth paste � now cut carrots into small pieces

� mix all ingredients for the dough in a big bowl together � then let them run through the guide � take the paste and form a cake shape � spread the icing on top of the cake and around sides with a knife

Preparation time: 12 min

Yields: 4 serves Preparation hints:

You can do many variations of the carrot cake. You can use more carrots or more nuts according to you tastes. As long as you include the spices, it will always taste like a carrot cake. I usually fill the paste into a brownie cake tin and serve it in squares. For decoration,

walnut halves look great on top of the icing. Some carrot cakes are quite coarse inside and if you like it this way, keep half of the ingredients except the carrots and cut them into small chunks. Mix them with the paste and you will get the coarse effect. Even dried figs go well inside the dough.

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Passion Whip Food is my passion. It’s one of those things that gives me endless pleasure and allows me to express my creativity. Sometimes an extraordinary dish will materialize which has the perfect taste, consistency, smell and appearance. Passion Whip is one of dishes. All ingredients are

pure and raw and remind me of our ecstatic and creative nature. Try this one. Ingredients:

� 2 bananas � 3-4 egg whites

� 1 cup passion fruit pulp � pinch of vanilla � 2 tsp lemon juice � 1 tbsp currants

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the bananas run through the guide until you have a fine paste � mix the lemon juice and the vanilla into the banana paste

� now beat the egg whites with a traditional blender until they become stiff � mix the passion fruit pulp into the stiff egg whites � you have now two separate masses � stir the stiff egg whites into the banana mash with a spoon to create a spiral � pop the currants on top as tongue tinglers � yummy!

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 serves Preparation hints:

Use always free-range eggs. It will make you feel better to be eating eggs from chickens that are treated humanely but in my opinion, positive energy is transmitted when food comes from a good source.

Pecan Pie I was very lucky to work in a great restaurant where I learnt the recipe for a good pecan pie. This is a traditional pecan pie in the raw!



� ½ cup of brazil nuts � 2 tsp honey � 2 cups dried figs � ½ cup carrot juice

� 2 tbsp lemon juice

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� 3 cups pecan nuts � 5 tsp honey


� 2 tbsp honey Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the figs into small pieces � mix all the ingredients for the crust in a bowl � run the mixture through the guide � press the dough into a pie plate and make a rim

� now take 2 cups of the pecan nuts and let them run through the guide � add 2 tsp honey to the nut paste � put the paste into the pie crust � then decorate the top with remaining pecan nuts � drip honey over the pie � keep in the fridge before serving

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: one 9 by 10 inch pie Preparation hints:

Make 4 smaller pies if you prefer.

Icy Raspberry Tart

Raspberries are my favorite type of berry. They never cease to amaze me in beauty and taste. Whether I use them in muesli, fruit salad or a pie they always steal the show. Ingredients:


� 1 ½ cups walnuts � ½ cup raisins � 2 tsp cocoa powder


� 2 ½ cups frozen raspberries � 12 fresh raspberries

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream and the crust.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions:

� let the walnuts, cocoa powder and raisins run through the guide together

� form a crust � now let the frozen raspberries run through the guide � put this raspberry ice cream on top of the crust � place the 12 raspberries on top � serve immediately or keep in the freezer

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: one pie Preparation hints:

Instead of a pie, make 12 raspberry squares.

Apricot Ice Cream Cake

This is a wonderful combination of dried, fresh and frozen apricots. Ingredients:


� 1 cup walnuts � ½ cup hazelnuts

� ¼ cup fresh coconut � 4 dates � ¼ cup dried apricots


� 2 cups frozen apricots � 2 fresh apricots

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always make sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the walnuts, dates, coconut and dried apricots run through the guide together twice

� then press the paste into a pie dish � peal the apricots and cut into small pieces � then let the frozen fruit run through the guide

� spread this paste into the pie crust and place the fresh apricots on top Preparation time: 12 min Yields: one pie Preparation hints:

Wash the apricots, remove the stones and cut into quarters before you freeze them. I prefer to use unbleached dried apricots that have more of the original flavor. Instead of cutting the apricots into small pieces you can also make a paste with them and sprinkle coconut shreds on top. Serve quickly or freeze again.

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Gingerbread Man Ginger has been used as a spice in many ancient cultures in both sweet and savory dishes. It is widely used in China and first documented about 2500 years ago. Ingredients:

� ½ cup peanuts � ½ cup almonds � ½ cup pecan nuts � 3 fine slices of fresh ginger � ½ cup sultanas

� 6 dates Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the ginger with the juicing function � let 3 dates and a couple of drops of ginger run through the guide with the mincing

function until you have a smooth paste � then let the nuts, sultanas and the rest of the ginger run through the guide � when the paste comes out, immediately cut with scissors into 2 inch long pieces

� form little patties and put some of the date paste onto each of them � serve chilled

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 15-20 patties

Preparation hints:

Some people appreciate a strong ginger taste while others can’t. Be sure to taste the paste before you add all of the ginger juice into it. A few drops is usually enough to create a wonderful taste.

Durian Durians are one of the most fascinating fruits I have encountered. Durians have been

cultivated in Asia and are said to date back to Dinosaur times. The largest Durian ever found weighed 60 kg. Today durians are available in some markets and shops, so keep an eye out. The creamy flesh has a very distinctive odor but don’t let this scare you away. I’ve witnessed many people fall under the spell of the durian.


� ½ durian or 3 ½ cups � ¼ cup macadamia nuts

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

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Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� remove the stones of the durian

� let the durian run through the guide � put the macadamia nuts inside a towel and coarsely crush with a stone � fill the custard like paste into bowls and sprinkle the crushed nuts on top

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 4 serves

Preparation hints:

When you buy durian for the first time get some advice from the shopkeeper about its ripeness. The outside of the fruit doesn’t change when the durian is ripe and only the smell will guide you. I have noticed that when I am really longing for durian, the smell becomes like a sweet perfume to me.

Apple Pie

This apple pie is sweet and spicy for a winter day. Ingredients:


� 1 cup of dried figs � 2 cups pecan nuts


� 2 cups apples � pinch of cinnamon � pinch of nutmeg � pinch of Chinese five spice powder � 6 dates

� 2 tsp lemon juice Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� make a paste from the figs, lemon juice and pecan nuts � press the dough into a 9 by 10 inch pie plate � then make a paste from the apples and dates � spice to taste with the cinnamon, nutmeg and Chinese five spice powder

� spread paste on top of the crust Preparation time: 12 min Yields: one 9 by 10 inch pie

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Preparation hints:

Decorate this pie with pecan nuts halves. You can leave the crust or the whole pie in the sun

or in a dehydrator for a couple of hours to warm it and make it crunchy.

Christmas Bakery Christmas can still be a magnificent culinary celebration when using raw food. Try this recipe and taste for yourself. Ingredients:

� 2 cups hazelnuts � 1 cup shredded coconut � ½ cup dried apricots � juice of half an orange � 2 tbsp orange rind

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� alternate the nuts, apricots, half of the coconut shreds and the orange juice through

the machine � add the orange rind to the paste � put the other coconut shreds into a bowl � roll the dough into balls and roll them in the coconut shreds

Preparation time: 10 min

Yields: 20-25 balls Preparation hints:

Ask the kids to help you make these cookies. Shape the dough into Christmas shapes such as stars or hearts and sprinkle with coconut.

Christmas Bakery 2

This is a color variation of Christmas Bakery 1 and serves well with the previous recipe. If you don’t like the taste of coffee, don’t use it. Only use a small amount of coffee powder for flavoring. Ingredients:

� 2 cups of almonds � 2 tsp sweet carob powder � 1 tsp organic coffee powder � 1 tsp honey � 2 dates � 1 cup shredded coconut

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� grind the almonds with the dates � mix the carob, the coffee and half the coconut shreds with the honey � then form small balls and roll them in the coconut shreds

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 20-25 balls Preparation hints:

To get a different consistency, try soaking the almonds overnight before you use them. If you haven’t soaked the almonds and find the dough a bit dry, just add some water. Buy a

handful of organic coffee beans and break up slightly by crushing with a teaspoon before dropping the beans into the turning guide. It is important that the machine is dry when you grind coffee so do this first. Note: coffee beans are usually heated over 40 degrees and therefore may not fit into you raw diet so use cocoa instead.

Peppermint Boats This is a mouth watering dessert which is ideal for a dinner party, or a special dinner for two.


� 24 peppermint leaves � 1 cup macadamia nuts � 6 dates � 3 tbsp cocoa powder

� 6 to 12 passion fruits depending on your preference Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� make a paste from the macadamias and half the peppermint leaves � form 12 oval balls � roll the balls in the cocoa powder � place on a serving plate press with your thumb into the middle of each ball to flatten

� fill the thumb made hollow with the passion fruit pulp � decorate by placing a peppermint leaf in each to resemble a sail

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Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 12 balls

Preparation hints:

This dish looks absolutely fantastic because of the bright colors. Decorate the serving plate with peppermint leaves and passion fruit halves.

Halvah Raw Halvah tastes just like its original version but contains no sugar.


� 1 ½ cups almonds � ½ cup tahini � 3 tsp honey � ½ vanilla pod � 2 tsp sesame seeds

� 1 tsp carob Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the almonds run through the guide � then mix almond paste with tahini and honey � divide the paste in two � mix one half with the carob � mix the other half with the vanilla and sesame seeds

� now flatten the pastes � cut the pastes into triangular shapes and place a light one on top of each dark one

Preparation time: 15 min Yields: 4 serves

Preparation hints:

Use a tray to spread the pastes so as to achieve uniform triangles.

101 Dalmatians This lush desert will melt in your mouth.


� 1 ½ cups cashew nuts � 1½ banana � 1 tbsp pshyllium husk � 3 tsp carob powder � ¼ cup raisins

� 2 dates

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� let the cashews with ½ banana run through the guide � stir the pshyllium husks into this mix � form 15 biscuits and let them dry in the sun for a couple of hours

� then cut the banana into slices and combine with the carob, raisins and chopped dates

� run the mixture through the guide � drop a big dollop of chocolate custard on top of each cookie

Preparation time: 15 min

Yields: 15 cookies Preparation hints:

To decorate these cookies you can place a cashew nut on top. Another variation is to put whole raisins on the cookies before you drop the custard on.

Light Love Light love is red with nuts and seeds and sprouts. It has a refreshing taste, a soft smell and an

exciting consistency. Ingredients:

� 1 cup nut mix � ½ banana or ½ mango � ½ cup dried peaches

� handful sunflower sprouts � ¼ watermelon � 3 tsp lemon juice � 8 white grapes � 8 wooden cocktail sticks, cut into half

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� blend the nuts together with the lemon juice, banana and peaches � cut the watermelon into squares, ½ inch high, 1 inch long and wide � make a layer of the paste on top of the watermelon � place ½ grape facing downwards on top and pierce through with a wooden stick

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Preparation time: 18 min Yields: 4 serves

Preparation hints:

Choose a ripe watermelon and big seedless grapes. Use a mango instead of the banana when the season is right.

Custard Apple Custard Custard apples are also known as cherimoyas. The creamy flesh is ideal to make custard from

and the taste is said to be a mix of pineapple and strawberry. Ingredients:

� 2 custard apples � 4 large oranges

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� Use a spoon to scrape out the white flesh of the custard apple

� remove the black seeds � let the flesh run through the guide once � cut of the top third of the oranges and keep the peal to be used as a lid � using a knife and spoon, scoop out the oranges without destroying the orange peal � now let the orange flesh run through the guide and pour the orange sauce on 4

serving plates

� fill the orange bowls with the custard apple mixture and close them with the lid � place the oranges onto the plates which are covered in the orange flesh � decorate with edible flowers such as nasturtium

Preparation time: 10 min

Yields: 4 serves Preparation hints:

Leaves of an orange tree are also a beautiful decoration for this dish. Serve with cocktail umbrellas for a party.

Walnut Torte Walnut Torte is my favorite birthday or celebration surprise. It is delight in itself and I seen many

speechless people who couldn’t believe the torte was made from purely raw ingredients. Ingredients:

Filling 1:

� 3 cups walnuts � 2 cups raisins

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Filling 2:

� ¼ cup hazelnuts � ½ cup black cherries


� ½ cup pitted dates � juice of 1 lemon � 2 tsp lemon rind � some water if needed


� 6 walnut halves � 4 cherries

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the hazelnuts run through the guide until finely ground � let the cherries run through the guide once without the mincing nozzle on � squeeze the cherry pulp in your hands, over a cup, to remove any excess fluid � let the walnuts run through the guide alternating with the raisins and the cherry excess

fluid � take half of the paste and make a torte base about 10 inches in diameter � mix the hazelnuts with the cherries and place them on the base � take the second half of paste and place it on top of the layers � now let the dates run through the guide twice

� scrape 2 teaspoons of lemon rind before you squeeze the lemon � mix the juice with the date paste and stir until you get a smooth paste � you might need to add a spoon of water � frost the entire outside of the cake � sprinkle the lemon rind on top and decorate with walnut and cherry halves � put one cherry in the middle with the stem

Preparation time: 20 min Yields: 6 serves Preparation hints:

Although this recipe may look complicated it is very easy to make. Play around with the

fillings as you become confident with making the torte by using strawberries, blackberries or any other fruit you wish. Even without a filling, this torte is absolutely wonderful.

Ragini’s Fruit Salad The color and smell of food brings me great enjoyment. Sharing food with others can make you feel good if you are feeling blue as it gives energy and life. The bee pollen used in this recipe is for taste. The pollen is the main source of protein for bees and is rich in trace


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� 3 bananas � 2 kiwi fruits

� 12 rambutans � 8 dried prunes � a handful finely sliced almonds � 2 tbsp currants � 2 tbsp pine nuts � 12 strawberries

� 1 passion fruit � 1 orange � 2 tbsp bee pollen

Machine set up:

� First place the Juicing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap

onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then attach the Juicing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place one bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always make sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� soak the prunes for 3 hours before you start � peal the orange and ¼ of a lemon � juice the orange, lemon and 6 strawberries together

� cut all the fruits and prunes into small pieces � mix everything together � pour the orange juice mix on top � sprinkle the bee pollen on top to finish

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 serves Preparation hints:

The finer you cut the fruits, the more delicious the flavor will be. If you can’t find rambutans, use lychees which taste similar. Enjoy.

Babu’s Fruit Salad Babu is an old friend of mine from the Philippines. We would wander around the Philippine markets for hours buying fruits and vegetables. He was a specialist when it came to natural cuisine. Of course exotic produce is impossible to buy in all countries. This recipe reminds me of a lot of our fresh Philippine breakfasts.


� 2 avocados � 2 bananas � 1 large papaya � 2 oranges � 2 tbsp sunflower seeds

� 2 tbsp pepitas � handful hazelnuts � 2 tsp linseeds

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. You don’t need to attach the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap, as we want the nuts as coarse as possible.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the produce.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� Put one orange through the machine � make a paste from all the nuts by running them through the guide together � cut the other fruits into big chunks

� roll the fruit in the ground nuts and linseeds � pour the orange juice over the mixture and enjoy

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 serves

Preparation hints:

Soak the linseeds before you use them to make them more digestible.

Ginger Custard Ginger is excellent to for dishes which may be two sweet. The flavors are sensational and you can eat as much as you like because its healthy.


� 5 persimmons � 2 ripe nashis � 1 small slice of ginger � ¼ cup of soaked raisins

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� mince the ginger � soak the raisins for at least 3 hours � remove the pits from the nashis � peal the persimmons and remove their stones � let persimmons and pears run through the guide together � mix the raisins and the grated ginger underneath

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 4 serves

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Preparation hints:

To give this dish a more exotic flavor, add five spice and cinnamon powder. Decorate with

nasturtium flowers.

Coated Chocolate Almonds It doesn’t get any better than this. Ingredients:

� 10 figs

� 20 soaked almonds � 5 tsp sweet carob powder � 1 tsp cocoa powder � ¼ cup raisins � water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut the figs in halves and place 4 halves on each desert plate

� soak the almond for three hours � let the raisins run through the guide until you get a fine paste � mix the raisin paste with the carob powder and add little water to get a firm paste � coat the almonds with the paste and roll them in the cocoa � stick one almond in each fig half

Preparation time: 15 min Yields: 6 serves Preparation hints:

This desert has a lot of fine work to be done by hand but it is worth it and fun. Green figs look

best with this dish. Before you place the filled fig halves on the plates, sprinkle the edges with cocoa, which looks great on white plates.

Tamarillo Jam Crepe Tamarillos are also known as tree tomatoes. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and carotene. Their taste is sour but sweet at the same time, excellent for jams and fillings.


� 1 ½ cups dried black mission figs � ½ cup oat meal � 1 tbsp honey � 2 bananas � 3 tamarillos

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� let the figs run through the guide with 1 banana � mix the oats and honey with this paste � form 2 crepes from the paste

� put the crepes into the sun for a couple of hours or use straight away � cut the tamarillos in half � scoop out the pulp and let it run through the guide � cut the ½ banana into long pieces � fill the crepes with the tamarillo jam and banana pieces and roll them together

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 crepes Preparation hints:

It’s worthwhile drying the crepes if you plan to have an afternoon tea snack. Fill the crepes with any fruit you desire.

Crepes with Applesauce Another variation ideal for kids as well. Ingredients:

� 1 ½ cup golden raisins � ¼ cup dried cranberries

� ½ cup oat meal � 1 banana � 2 apples � 1 tsp honey � pinch of cinnamon

� 2 tsp lemon juice Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 1. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the

paste. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� make a paste out of the raisins, cranberries, oat meal and banana � make 2 crepes and dry them if you like

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� remove the seeds of the apples and put them into the mincer for a smooth apple sauce

� spice the apple sauce with the honey and cinnamon

� now spread the lemon juice on top of the crepes � pour the apple sauce on top and roll up quickly

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 2 crepes

Preparation hints:

If you would like to serve warmed crepes it is possible to heat them up as long as the temperature doesn’t exceed 40 degrees.

Fruit Flan Yes you can make Fruit Flans from raw ingredients and they are wonderful. Ingredients:


� ½ cup dried figs � 3 dates � 1 cup almonds � 2 tbsp orange juice

� ½ cup fresh coconut meat Sauce:

� ½ banana � ½ cup honeydew melon


� 2 mandarins

� ½ kiwi � 4 strawberries � ½ cup blueberries

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� mince all the ingredients of the crust together until you have a smooth paste � form 4 fruit flan crusts with a rim

� let the banana with the honeydew melon run through the guide � spoon the paste into the crust � cut up the fruit for the topping and spread it onto the fruit flans

Preparation time: 15 min Yields: 2 or 4 fruit flans

Preparation hints:

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You can keep the flans in the fridge, which will make the sauce spread stiffer. Depending on the season, change the topping and filling. Papaya sauce with banana is also a good variation.

Coconut Hats

A fine praline for gourmet lovers! Ingredients:

� 2 cups coconut flakes � 1 banana

� 1 tsp almond extract � 1 cup hazelnuts

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� make a paste from the coconut flakes, almonds, almond extract and banana � keep a handful of flakes to the side � form 25 macaroon shaped balls and dip them into the coconut flakes

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 25 macaroons Preparation hints:

Cover the macaroon hats entirely so in coconut shreds so all you can see are the white coconut flakes.

Apricot Balls My sister taught me this recipe whilst experimenting with our Oscar. I have to say the taste is simple and enticing if you only use a few ingredients. Living Food is so aromatic in itself that you don’t need to use a lot of seasoning and spices. Ingredients:

� 2 cups cashew nuts � ¼ cup poppy seeds � 6 apricots

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

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� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� run the cashew nuts and the apricots through the guide � knead the poppy seeds into the paste � form 20 small balls

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 20 balls Preparation hints:

You can add a tablespoon lemon juice to the mix for a sharper flavor.

Sesame Balls

These treats are an ideal party food for any age group. Ingredients:

� 1 cup brazil nuts � ½ cup sesame seeds � 1 tbsp carob

� ½ cup almonds � ½ cup sunflower seeds � ½ cup raisins

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the paste.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� run the mixture through the guide � ready!

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 30 balls Preparation hints:

You can make these balls out of sprouted nuts as well. (see sprouting section)

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� Passion with frozen banana, lemon and passionfruit

� Paradise Ice Cream with frozen banana, frozen strawberries, cashew nuts and honey

� Black Forest with frozen banana, frozen cherries, cherries, honey and cocoa

� Gnocchi Napoli with frozen banana, vanilla essence, almonds and raspberries

� Raspberry Rush with frozen bananas and raspberries, raspberries and honey

� Nutty with frozen bananas, mango and hazelnut

� Minty with frozen bananas, mint leaves and frozen nectarines

� Anna Apricot with frozen bananas, apricots and dried apricots

� Rum Raisins with frozen bananas, frozen raisins and honey

� I got the Bluesberries with frozen bananas and blueberries, lemon and walnuts

� The Orange People with frozen bananas and persimmons, persimmons and sunflower


� Marble Cake with frozen bananas, cocoa, frozen dates and dried pineapple

� Heart of Hearts with frozen bananas, raspberries, blackberries and frozen strawberries

� Peach Panther with frozen bananas and peaches, peaches and dried cranberries

� My own Bounty Version with frozen bananas, frozen coconut, fresh coconut and carob

� Midsummer Night’s Ice Dream Cake with frozen bananas, figs and vanilla essence

� The Knight Mare with frozen bananas, frozen papaya and prickly pears;

� Yogurt-Ice Cream * with frozen yogurt, frozen and dried fruits of your choice and honey

� Soy-Ice Cream ** with frozen soy-yogurt, frozen mango and frozen raisins

This last chapter of the Living Food Recipe Book contains ice creams and sorbets. Most people love ice cream, especially kids. Eating mainly raw foods the love for ice cream certainly hasn’t left me either. Although I would have to say that I prefer ice cream nowadays that is not as cold anymore. The ‘ice cream making function’ of the Living Food Processors is one of the best inventions I’ve come across in the food industry. It allows me to create the

most amazing and creamiest ice creams but none of them contain any artificial flavors, dairy products, refined sugars, saturated fats or preservatives. It’s hard to believe and you will need to try it before you believe it but the ice creams that you can make with the Living Food Processors are actually even better than any ice cream you can buy somewhere. The flavor of the fruits is 100% natural and strong, the consistence is

creamy and the colors are wonderful. The only ingredient you use to make frozen ice cream is frozen fruit, which the Food Processor will mash into a creamy, smooth and tasty ice cream. The frozen fruit used in the ice cream does not lose its nutritional value as it would if it was heated or cooked. It maintains its nutritional value. Another advantage is that freezing

preserves ripe fruit in a harmless way and ripe fruit kept in the freezer doesn’t need to perish

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like overripe fruit would outside. Freezing fruits guarantees you all the nutritional benefits that a fresh fruit can offer.

Kids have a lot of fun and there is no danger involved at all if they make the ice cream themselves with the Living Food Processor. Give them some frozen fruit and let them do the whole job themselves. Let them have as much ice cream as they like it is simply made out of fresh frozen fruits, an ice cream vitamin pill. People that avoid dairy products in their diet or who’ve developed allergic reactions to them

can now really enjoy themselves in this chapter. Many raw food eaters or people with a healthy diet that exclude lots of sugars and fats will be pleased to discover a new alternative food to consume and feel 100% good about it. Usually ice cream is mainly made out of milk, cream and sugar. Let us have a look what those things do to our body and why avoiding them for only a month makes us feel so much better.


(see chapter three for details about the effects of milk in our diet)


While milk is a concentrated protein cream is purely fat. The digestion of milk and cream is

therefore entirely different. Cream is less mucus forming than milk and should not be pasteurised. All animal fats are acid forming and when heated or fried are likely to cause liver, gallbladder and pancreas disturbances. (Check under ‘fats’ in the Ingredient Glossary what fats are essential for you and what foods contain them)

Manufactured sugars:

When we eat refined sugars it ferments in our system and turns into acetic acid. This acid is so strong that it can burn the skin, and that is exactly what it is doing inside our body. The whole digestive system will be affected, the pancreas and the teeth and gums. Sugar can cause illnesses such as diabetes. The only sugars that are good for us are the natural ones in

unheated form: fruit sugar and honey. And those two only we use in our ice creams combined with natural flavors like vanilla, lemon juice, carob and cocoa. Living Frozen Fruit ice cream won’t harm you and I can offer it to you and your children from the depth of my heart.

Note: The main component in all ice creams is frozen banana. It is the greatest and creamiest base to be mixed with other flavors. If you are allergic to bananas make all recipes without them and simply replace the amount of bananas used by the fruit it is combined with. If you usually don’t like the taste of bananas give it a try, frozen banana tastes quite different than fresh banana. Bananas is a good source of dietary fiber and they are one of the few fruits that contain

complex carbohydrates, That’s why they are very nourishing but contrary to popular beliefs not fattening. Bananas are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. Bananas are a high-energy food, a bowl regulator with a soothing effect on gastrointestinal disorders.

The ICE CREAM MAKING FUNCTION makes ice cream out of any frozen fruit, dried fruit and ice cubes. Note: Always freeze your fruits in slices, peeled and stoned. Cutting and peeling the whole

fruit when it is frozen can be a lot of trouble. Freeze the fruits over night to ensure that it is

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completely frozen. I recommend storing some frozen fruits in the freezer so you can immediately get started when the urge for a creamy ice cream suddenly overcomes you.

Almost all the ice cream recipes come with a sauce that compliments them. Feel free to exchange the sauces in between the recipes or to leave them away if you want to eat only the pure ice cream. * Some people have yogurt as part of their diet. The Living Food Processors make an extraordinary ice cream out of frozen yogurt. You can mix fresh fruits into natural yogurt and

freeze it together in a container, or you can freeze fruit yogurt as it is. Yogurt should be frozen at least over night to be completely frozen. ** Other people eat soy products as part of their diet. You can buy soy yogurt or soy ice cream and freeze it. Then add frozen or fresh fruits and let them together run through the machine. Delicious!

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Passion Passion is a sorbet. The combination of sweet and sour awakens the passion in you. This dairy and sugar free dessert is a must for chocolate lovers. Ingredients:

� 2 frozen bananas � ½ cup passion fruit pulp � juice of 1\2 lemon � 2 tsp of carob powder � 1 tsp honey

� 2 tbsp of water Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 1. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice

cream. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� mix the honey with the carob powder and some water until you get a sauce � mix the lemon with the passion fruit pulp � pour the mixture over your bowl with the sliced frozen bananas � then let the bananas and the passion fruit run through the guide together � fill into dessert bowls and pour the chocolate sauce on top

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

You can juice the lemon by hand or quickly run it through the machine with the Juicing

Strainer and the Juicing Nozzle on notch 2. Then change back into the ice cream making function. “Passion” needs to be eaten immediately as it is a sorbet and only half-frozen. To decorate this fantastic dessert place half a teaspoon of passion fruit pulp on top of your sorbet.

Paradise Ice Cream Welcome to paradise. When you first make these ice creams you will most probably find

them much tastier then common ice creams. There is no end to the variations you can create and it’s cheap and quick. Ingredients:

� 2 frozen bananas

� 1 cup frozen strawberries � ½ cup cashew nuts � 6 large fresh strawberries � juice of ½ lemon � 2 tsp of honey

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� mix the honey with the lemon juice � let the fresh strawberries run through the guide � pour the mixture of lemon and honey together with the strawberry sauce and mix until

it forms a homogeneous sauce

� then let the bananas, cashew nuts and frozen strawberries run through the guide together

� fill into dessert bowls and pour the strawberry sauce on top Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2-3 serves

Preparation hints:

For decoration you can throw a couple of cashew nuts into the guide before you start making the ice cream. Catch the ground nuts and sprinkle them over your dessert. Yum.

Black Forest Everyone gets an impression when they hear the name Black Forest. This Black Forest ice

cream won’t disappoint you and it’s so healthy that you can eat as much as you like. Ingredients:

� 2 frozen bananas � 1 cup frozen black cherries � 3 tsp sweet carob powder

� 1 tsp honey � 2 tsp cocoa powder � 1 cup fresh black cherries

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� mix the honey with the carob powder and 1 tsp water � remove the cherry stones and cut them into small pieces

� then roll them in the cocoa powder � then mix the carob paste around the frozen fruit � then let the bananas and the cherries run through the guide together alternating the


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� put the ice cream onto a plate and place the fresh cherries on top Preparation time: 10 min

Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

Cut big cherries into 4 pieces small cherries into two halves. The best cherries are the really black ones that are totally sweet. I choose a light honey for this recipe that doesn’t override the taste of the cherries. This dessert is never going to let you down.

Gnocchi Napoli As a kid we used to love ‘Spaghetti ice cream’. ‘Gnocchi Napoli’ is the latest health conscious version for kids and adults. Ingredients:

� 3 frozen bananas

� ½ vanilla pod � 1 cup raspberries � 3 tsp. almonds

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� make the raspberries into a paste � put them into a pot and warm them up under 40 degrees � grind the almonds

� scrape ½ teaspoon of vanilla from the pod � distribute on the bananas � then let the bananas run through the guide and catch onto a board � cut them in 1 inch long chunks � put into dessert bowls and pour the warm raspberry sauce on top

� decorate with almond sprinkles Preparation time: 10 min Yields: at least 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

Heat the raspberries while you make the ice cream, then serve immediately.

Raspberry Rush Raspberries are my favorite berries if not my favorite fruit altogether. Check this out if you are a raspberry fan as well.

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� 2 frozen bananas � 1 cup frozen raspberries

� 1 tsp honey � 1 banana

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� cut the banana into thin slices � mix the honey with the banana � then let the bananas and raspberries run through the guide together in alternating


� stir the ice cream with the banana until you get ‘a soft serve’ � serve in dessert bowls and munch away

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2-3 serves

Preparation hints:

The raspberry ice cream is fantastic on its own as well.

Nutty This sorbet has a great consistency. It’s a gourmet desert that melts on the tongue straight away.


� 2 frozen bananas � 1 large mango � ½ cup hazelnuts

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice

cream. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut your mango into slices

� let the hazelnuts, mango and banana run through the guide together � pour into a glass and serve with a long spoon

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Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2-3 serves

Preparation hints:

Use a ripe mango that melts on the tongue or even starts to become overripe to give this sorbet a ‘champagne effect’.

Minty This ice cream is a gourmet food, the fresh mint juice used in the ice cream makes it a wonderful finale to an extraordinary dinner.


� 1-2 frozen bananas � 4 frozen mango � 1brunch fresh mint � 2 tsp honey � ½ cup water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� juice the mint with the juicing function � let the bananas and nectarines run through the mincing function together � then stir the mint juice into the mixture and let the paste run through the guide again � fill into a cocktail glass and serve with a long spoon, a mint leaf and a honey-water


Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2 serves Preparation hints:

Prepare it and eat it- it is delicious.

Anna Apricot Apricots are a warm and nourishing food full of carbohydrates. They contain the pro-vitamin

A beta-carotene, and not heated they keep containing such in this ice cream sorbet. Ingredients:

� 2 frozen bananas � ½ cup apricots

� ¼ cup dried apricots Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 1.

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� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� remove the stones of the fresh apricots and cut them into small pieces � then cut the dried apricots into small pieces as well and mix them together � then let the bananas and the apricot mixture run through the guide together

alternating them � do this twice � fill into desert bowls

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2-3 serves

Preparation hints:

If you want to have ice cream instead of sorbet just freeze the apricots as well in small chunks.

Rum Raisins This dish doesn’t need any rum to make you happy.


� 3 which have been frozen with honey around them � ½ cup frozen raisins

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the honey-bananas run through the guide together with the raisins

� make bowls and fill the ice cream into desert bowls Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

This is a fairly complicated recipe compared to the others. Freeze your raisins. When you freeze your banana chunks roll them in honey and freeze them together. In this way you get a sticky honeycomb effect in your ice cream.

I got the Blues-Berries Bluesberries have been grown for thousands of years in the hidden Himalayas. You can buy them in shops today known as ‘Blueberries’. Their original name is Bluesberry and has the

hidden powers when consumed to give you the blues baby and there is no stopping…

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� 1 frozen bananas

� 2 cups frozen blueberries � juice of ¼ lemon � ¼ cup walnuts

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� mix the lemon juice with the walnuts � then mix all other ingredients together � mince the bananas and the other fruits at the same time

� put into dessert bowls and decorate with crushed walnuts and lemon rind Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

For a special taste experience, soak the walnuts for a couple of hours in water before use. They will taste as if they have been picked freshly from the tree.

The Orange People Welcome to paradise. When you first make these ice creams you will most probably find them much tastier than common ice creams. There is no end to the flavor combinations.


� 2 frozen bananas � 2 frozen persimmons � 2 fresh persimmons � 2 tbsp sunflower seeds

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� let the frozen fruit run through the guide separately � place the frozen bananas in the bottom of your dessert bowl � then paste the frozen persimmon ice cream on top � in the end peal the fresh persimmons

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� mix them with the sunflower seeds and pour them like a sauce on top of the ice cream

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

Freeze the persimmons without the skin; just the delicious flesh in a plastic container. Remove the seeds as well. You can also use the nutty tasting sunflower sprouts in this dish instead of

the sunflower seeds.

Marble Cake This is a very playful creation. The two colors invite you to create different designs every time you make this ice cream. Ingredients:

� 3-4 frozen bananas � 3 frozen dates � ½ cup dried pineapple � 2-3 tsp cocoa powder

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� take half of the frozen bananas and dried pineapple � let them run through the guide alternating a couple of times

� then mix cocoa powder, dates and the other half of bananas � let this mixture run through the guide 2-3 times until you get a stable brown color � catch both mixtures in separate bowls � fill into dessert bowls

Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

You can play around with this dessert and be creative. For example stir the two colored ice creams into each other like a swirl. Or make two long rolls of a different color. Braid them into

each other.

Heart of Hearts This is a lovely dessert for all special occasions. For a birthday, Mother’s day, Father’s day or anything you feel like celebrating.

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� 1 frozen bananas � 1 cup frozen raspberries, blackberries and strawberries

� ½ cup fresh blackberries Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto

notch 2. � Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice

cream. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� make the fresh blackberries into a paste by running them through the mincing strainer, keep 4 blueberries for decorative purposes

� then let the frozen banana and the frozen berry mix run through the guide twice � fill the mix into 4 heart-shaped cookie cutters on a dessert plate � paste the blueberry paste on top of each heart and pull of the cookie cutter

� decorate with a blueberry each Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 4 hearts, 2 or 4 serves Preparation hints:

Serve this dish with a big smile and lots of love. If you don’t serve it straight away leave the cookie cutter on the plate and keep the hearts in the freezer. Always pull the cookie cutters off just before serving this delicious dish.

Peach Panther Peaches have a mild taste and a soft color. In this dessert the peach flavor comes out in a natural way and is conserved in its magic.


� 1 frozen bananas � 1 cup frozen peaches � ½ cup fresh peaches

� 1 tsp honey � 2 tsp dried cranberries � 2 tbsp of water

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished.

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Preparation instructions:

� cut the fresh peaches into small squares � soak them in honey and water while you prepare the ice cream

� let the bananas and the frozen peaches run through the guide together � stir the ice cream until you get ‘a soft serve’ � fill into dessert bowls and pour the peach squares on top � decorate with the cranberries and enjoy

Preparation time: 10 min

Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

Make sure to choose really ripe peaches for the topping. Remove the peal and, for a thicker sauce, mash half of the peach into a paste and soak this paste together with the honey and the water. Keep the peaches stored at room temperature in order to let their flavor unfold


My own Bounty Version This sorbet-bar has a great consistency. It’s sticky and sweet with lots of coconut and chocolate. Ingredients:

� 2 frozen bananas

� 2 cups frozen coconut meat (approximately ¼ coconut) � 2 tbsp of dark carob powder or cocoa

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� make a coconut ice cream from the frozen bananas and frozen coconut meat � form 4 bounty bars � sprinkle these bars with carob on all 4 sides and place them on the dessert plate

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 4 bars, 2-4 serves Preparation hints:

The best way of serving this dish is on a large plate. Let the people on the table take their little

bounty from the serving plate, or pass the plate around. It’s great for a kid’s birthday party.

Midsummer Night’s Dream Ice Cream Cake A real dream in the middle of summer. Ingredients:

� 3-4 frozen bananas � 10 fresh figs, either blue or green ones

� 1 vanilla pod

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Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum

cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 1.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� first cut off the stems from the figs � then make a paste from 7 figs by running them through the guide once � then slice the other 3 figs into thin slices

� cut the vanilla pod in half, then scrape the vanilla essence from the pod with a knife � now let the frozen bananas and the vanilla essence run through the guide together so

that the vanilla gets well spread � put the mashed figs in the middle of your serving plate � now make a plum pudding like cake around the fig paste from the ice cream, using

your hands

� quickly place the fig slices on top of the cake and around the sides � serve like an ice cream cake

Preparation time: 12 min Yields: 3-4 serves

Preparation hints:

Both green and blue figs are great for this recipe. The tricky part is to bring the cake into shape. I use my washed hands to do the beginning and a knife for the finishing touch to get a smooth surface. Then when you cut the cake into serves, dip your cutting knife into hot water before cutting in order to get a clear cut. Eat straight away.

The Knight Mare This dish can turn into a nightmare if you don’t follow the instructions properly. If you do follow

the instructions properly, this dish will appear to you as the most beautiful knight on a mare taking you to the kingdom of good tastes. Ingredients:

� 1 frozen bananas

� ½ frozen papaya � 2 prickly pears

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and keep the machine running until finished.

Preparation instructions:

� pay attention with these prickly pears � do not touch them but take a fork and stick into the body of the prickly pear

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� cut off outside and ends � then make a straight cut along the longest side � use a second fork to peal off the prickly peal by rolling it either way

� throw the skin in the garbage straight away and put the prickly pear in a separate bowl before start on the other pears

� cut the prickly pears in half along the short side � place the 4 prickly pear halves on 4 plates, the wider side up � then make the papaya-banana ice cream � surround the round prickly pear centers with the ice cream, forming a ring

� use a knife to give the ice cream rings a proper shape Preparation time: 10 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

As you can see the trickiest part of this recipe is to avoid getting any splints into your fingers and lips. They are so fine that simply touching a prickly pear can be quite uncomfortable. Nevertheless if you have a splint in your finger, do not worry. The body removes it within a day or two. The taste of prickly pears is individual. I love it especially if they are really ripe. Italian supermarkets usually sell them in season very cheaply. The seeds don’t need to be chewed because they are easy to swallow and stimulate digestion. Enjoy this dish.

Yogurt-Ice Cream

This yogurt ice cream is only for people who enjoy dairy products. You can use any yogurt you feel comfortable with. Yogurt ice cream tastes absolutely great and in the ‘Preparation Hints’ I am give you more ideas on how to be creative with frozen yogurt. Ingredients:

� 300g natural yogurt

� 1 cup frozen raspberries � 3 tsp honey

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counter clockwise until you feel it sits firmly.

Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counter clockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice cream.

� Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� cut the frozen yogurt into pieces and pour honey over it � then let the yogurt pieces and the raspberries run through the guide together in

alternating motion

Preparation time: 8 min Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

Note: Some yogurts freeze better than others. Generally, natural yogurt freezes well. It is good

to freeze the yogurt over night to make sure it is probably frozen. Now you can freeze a ready made fruit yogurt and make ice cream from this. Or you can add fresh fruits into the yogurt and freeze it together as one mass. Dried fruits turn out really great in ice cream; just add them into the yogurt before you freeze it.

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Soy-Ice Cream Soy ice cream is easily made from soy yogurt. You can use soymilk although it won’t develop the creamy consistency of the frozen yogurt. Ingredients:

� 300g frozen soy yogurt � 1 large frozen mango in pieces � ½ cup frozen raisins � ½ cup almonds

Machine set up:

� First place the Mincing Strainer into the drum and onto the screw. Attach the drum cap onto the end of the drum by turning it counterclockwise until you feel it sits firmly. Then screw the Mincing Nozzle onto the drum cap turning it counterclockwise onto notch 2.

� Place a big bowl under the machines Pulp Discharge Outlet in order to catch the ice

cream. � Always be sure to start the machine before you enter anything into the Guide and

keep the machine running until finished. Preparation instructions:

� peal the mango and cut it into small chunks

� freeze the yogurt with the raisins and the mango together in one container � when you want to make the ice cream, cut the frozen yogurt into pieces � then let the frozen chunks run through the guide together � ready to serve

Preparation time: 5 min

Yields: 2-3 serves Preparation hints:

Freeze a container of yogurt with fruits. The moment you want to have some ice cream you will only need to pull it out and in 5 min the best yogurt ice cream is ready. You can add to your yogurt base any kind of fruit, honey and raisins, dried fruit or nuts, enjoy.

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B IBL IOGRAPHY Markowitz, E. 1997, Living with Greenpower, Alive Books, Canada

Holzer-Sprenger, M. L. 1998, Die Natur, Dein Irdischer Lebensquell, Werkstaette fuer Behinderte Gmbh, Germany Stanton, R. 1999, Complete Book of Food and Nutrition, Simon & Schuster, Australia

Straten van, M. 2000, Super Herbs, Octopus Publishing Group Limited, Great Britain Hartley, H. 2000, Juice Power, Hartrade Pty Ltd, Australia Dr. Walker, N.W. 1995, Become Younger, Norwalk Press, USA

Dr. McKeith, G. 1998, Living Food for Health, Piatkus Publishers, Great Britain Gursche, S. 1996, Healing with Herbal Juices, alive books, Canada Polunin, M. 1999, Healing Food, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London

Reavley N. 1998, Vitamins etc., Bookman Press Pty Ltd, Australia Burger G.-C. 1997, Die Rohkosttherapie, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag Gmbh & Co.KG., Germany Konz, F. 1999, ‘Der grosse Gesundheits Konz’, Universitas Verlag, Munich

Dr. Sc. Walker, N.W. 1978, ‘Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices’, Norwalk Press, USA Waal de F. & Lanting F. 1997, ‘Bonobo, the Forgotten Ape’, University of California Press Ltd., London

Maddison P. 2000, ‘Healing with Clay’, Wildwood Sanctuary, Australia Werndly, P. 1999, ’Negative symptoms can be positive’, West Australian, Monday 23rd of August 1999

Simonsohn, B., ‘AFA, Spirulina, Chlorella’, (online), Available: http://www.rohmachtfroh.de, update 7th of November, 2001 ‘Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar’, (online), Available: http://www.ezlinks.com ‘Apple Cider Vinegar, Facts and Information’ (online), Available: http://www.go-

symmetry.com ‘The truth about Apple Cider Vinegar’ (online), Available: http://www.living-food.com ‘Bee Healthy-Bee Natural-Eat like a Bee!’, (online), Available: http://www.dancingbeeacres.com, update 7th of January, 2002

‘Apricots Pits… A Cancer treatment that works’, (online), Available: http://www.zianet.com ‘Results for Enzymes’, (online), Available: http://www.encyclopedia.com ‘What I could do against cancer’, (online), Available: http://www.exel.net.com

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Marion Ragini Buffart, born 1976 is the author of the “Living Food Recipe Book”. Due to a

severe eating disorder that started when she was 13 years of age only she was brought onto the path of food and nutrition. Accumulating all knowledge possible on health, nutrition and diet she came across raw food nutrition in 1996. In 1997 she decided to move to an instinctive raw food commune and research centre in France in order to start a live-in exploration of raw foods. Instinctive Nutrition means that everything is eaten raw and chosen through smelling. It

is believed that fruits and vegetables should be eaten as natural as possible and not be prepared or mixed in any way in order not to confuse the eating instinct. Although experiencing the wanted health recovery and witnessing many food-related miracles through instinctive raw food nutrition she left France knowing that food preparation and the joy of human creativity was an important part in herself which was not to be

neglected. Ragini travelled for a long time around the world, studying food, nutrition and other healing arts. When settling in Australia in 1999 she started to teach her first raw food ‘cooking’ classes that she called ‘Raw Food Aesthetics’. In these classes she teaches her students about the benefits of raw food nutrition and together, a range of dishes are prepared, decorated and

eaten. She loves teaching and to creating new recipes. Ragini loves to play, taste and decorate her dishes; as for her it is like giving a blessing to the great kingdom of fruits and vegetables when using them to create new, wonderful and delicious dishes. She is currently still living in Australia, writing her next two revolutionary books about food and

nutrition. Ragini is planning to go overseas soon and give more workshops with the Living Food Processors teaching people all over the world about the wonderful world of raw food nutrition. For any question you may have or for further information, the Author is happy to be of help; be it about your diet, your juicer and how to use this book, workshop timetables, courses

overseas, catering services, vitamin supplements, water filters or anything else not mentioned above. You can contact Ragini personally at [email protected].

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INGREDIENT GLOSSARY Some foods throughout this book may be unfamiliar to you. Here are some products listed for

an easy reference: Aloe Vera: repairs damaged tissues, assists digestion, reduces inflammation, promotes free flow of energy through all meridians, can be used externally to help with burns, sunburn, bites, skin care and eczema;

Apple Cider Vinegar: an unpasteurised brand, preferably with the ‘mother’ in it, contains lots of nutritional components like potassium, supports weight loss, helps to fight osteoporosis and arthritis, relieves sore throats, cleanses and detoxifies body tissues and joint from remaining waste products, helps to retain a healthy skin, increases metabolism, helps preventing dandruff, itching scale and baldness, soothes sunburns, regulates blood pressure, flushes the

gall bladder; ‘Apple Cider Vinegar is the Number One food recommended for maintaining the body’s vital acid-alkaline balance.’ Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Author of ‘Conscious eating’

Apricot Kernels: have a high value to our diet as they contain a rarely found vitamin called B 17, which is claimed to be a cure for cancer and an important vitamin to maintain good health, whenever you eat an apricot hold on to the kernels, whenever you want to eat one, crack them with the nutcracker, store kernels dry, apricot kernel oil is rich in vitamin E. One tbsp. would more than sufficiently supply ones daily requirements. Seven apricot kernels a day is the daily recommendation cancer patients should take. You can buy apricot kernels

also in bulk from special suppliers, and can find a list of other foods that contain vitamin B 17 in the ‘ Ailments Index’. Bee Pollen: 2 level tsp. per day before breakfast is the recommended daily intake of this miracle food. It contains most vitamins, minerals, enzymes and proteins. Bee Pollen has been shown to be helpful to decrease stress, depression, nervous disorders, alcoholism, resistance

to illness, and has immediate benefits to the blood, rejuvenation of body cells as well as restoring strength and vitality. Intake is highly recommended; however, please consult your doctor if you are prone to allergic reaction. Blue-green Algae: names like AFA-Klamath, Chlorella or Spirulina are potent algae that stand

in connection with this name. They are extraordinary super foods, containing up to 3 times more vitamin B12 than cows liver, which is a significant amount especially for vegans and vegetarians. They also contain vitamin B complex, beta-carotene, anti-oxidants, zinc, chlorophyll, enzymes, all eight essential amino acids, calcium, selenium, and magnesium. In America, the blue-green algae is claimed to be a super food and has become one of the number one sales in the Health Food industry, for more information or any questions about

algae please contact [email protected] Bragg’s: made from soybeans and water is a healthy replacement for common soy seasonings. It contains sixteen amino acids and is not fermented or heated. I highly recommend this product.

Carob: there is sweet and dark carob, it usually comes in powdered form and is used as a chocolate alternative. It can be mixed into water, fruit or nut pastes; Clay: The eating and drinking of clay, particularly of green clay (Montmorillonite) has been practiced all around the world for ages. It has unique healing powers that energize weak organs and help to detoxify the entire system by eliminating wastes and toxins. White clay

(Kaolinite) is also very effective in the case of intestinal disorders. Clay can be used as superb

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toothpaste as well. In some countries clay is taken as a mineral supplement, and it probably is the first supplement humans used.

How to make a clay drink:

Mix the clay powder into a glass of water and let it sit over night. Stir and drink the next morning, half an hour before breakfast. Even better: Mix the clay powder into fresh coconut juice instead of water. Dosage per day for a three-week clay cure: Adults: 1heaped tsp.

Children under 10 years: ½ tsp. Under 5years: ¼ tsp. If you feel strong reactions occurring, take smaller dosages. Clay can be eaten regularly as long as you feel it benefits you. It can be added to savory dishes or sprinkled on top of mueslis and soups.

Cocoa: a concentrated powder made from the seeds of the cacao tree, rich in protein, iron, potassium, zinc and vitamin B complex, used as an alternative to chocolate flavors, with a strong to bitter aroma; Dried fruit: very nutritious, but has a high sugar content. Buy unsulphured dried fruit, since treated fruit can cause side effects. Ideally, buy sun-dried dried fruit or dehydrate it yourself.

Durian: a large fruit cultivated in Asia but now available in most countries. It has a delicious creamy flesh with a distinctive odour. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and when you are in the mood for it durian, it is the finest and complete meal you can find. Eggs are very nutritious and contain every vitamin except vitamin C. They are rich in protein

and minerals. An intake of four raw eggs a week is suitable for everyone. Eggs coming from a free range hen or duck are recommended out of humanitarian reasons, and research has shown that it is the level of saturated fat in the diet which is responsible for blood cholesterol, rather than the level of dietary cholesterol. Eggs do contain dietary cholesterol; even people with high cholesterol can eat one egg a day if they follow a low-fat diet.

Enzymes: E. Howell discovered enzymes in 1940; they are a protein by nature and can be called the biological catalysts of the body. Deficiencies can cause metabolic malfunctions that also lead to quicker aging, enzymes need an optimal range of pH, temperatures between 30-40 degrees and coenzyme molecules to function efficiently, that is why Living Food is so effective: it hasn’t been heated up over 50 degrees, the temperature that

completely destroys the enzymes and it contains the right pH and coenzyme molecules to assure optimal enzyme activity. Wild animals all live of Living Foods and don’t experience degenerative illnesses like we do. However, animals in Zoos die much earlier due to the lack of Living Foods in their diet, enzymes are the elements of life in us and in everything else that lives, the more we consume them the more alive we stay and the healthier we become.

Fats: a low-fat diet is desirable as high fat intake have been proven to be linked to many diseases such as obesity, certain types of cancer, non-insulin dependant diabetes and coronary heart diseases. Some fat is needed in a diet because fats do fulfil their role as a nutrient in our body. Fats are often described as ‘saturated’, ‘mono-unsaturated’ and ‘polyunsaturated’, most food contain a mixture of all three but particular types are predominant in certain foods:

Eat as little as possible saturated fats (mainly animal fats, coconut, and coconut oil). Eat reasonable amounts mono-unsaturated fats (olives, olive oil, avocados, almonds, eggs, hazelnuts, peanuts, and peanut oil). Eat most polyunsaturated fats (fish, vegetable oils, walnuts, brazil nuts, safflower seeds, sunflower seeds, soy beans, cottonseed, corn oils).

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Note: The two essential fatty acids necessary for health are omega-6 fatty acid (found in safflower, sunflower and corn oils) and omega-3 fatty acid (found in fish and oils such as flaxseed oil). Both are polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Flowers: The flowers of certain plants taste delicious and can be eaten. They add a beautiful touch to dishes like salads, drinks, and breads or can be used as a garnish. Using edible flowers shows people around you how much you are in touch with nature and aware of natural foods. Edible flowers include the flowers of the following: Nasturtium, apple, carnation, chrysanthemum, geranium, gladiolus, hibiscus, hollyhock, honeysuckle, jasmine, lavender,

lemon, lilac, marigold, pansy, rose, tulip, violet, daisy, dandelion, elderberry, rocket, radish, salvia, cabbage, Chinese broccoli, camomile, thyme, borage, calendula, day lily, and basil. The nutritional value of flowers is yet to be researched, but therapies using flower essences and aromatic oils point into the direction that flowers have a complex value yet to be fully understood.

Frozen Foods: freezing foods does not destroy the Life Force in Living Food. It doesn’t destroy the nutrient value of the food in any way, even sub-zero freezing does not destroy the enzymes while cooking at temperatures over 50 degrees does. Grains: a large variety should be included in your diet to obtain as many nutrients as possible. Buckwheat, quinoa and millet have been shown to be particularly nutritious and less likely to

cause allergies. In case of allergies, all grains can be sprouted and they then usually loose their allergen. Sprouted grains are the most nutritious form to eat. Herbs: herbs have healing properties and should be part of our daily health care. Simply by eating them in juices, salads and as seasonings. The healing art of the herbalist is as ancient as man and many herbs are readily available in supermarkets. Herbs enhance the natural

flavor of foods and are loved for their aromatic tastes. Parsley has been claimed to be one of the most valuable herbs full of antioxidants, vitamin B12, beta-carotene, chlorophyll, calcium, and has more vitamin C than citrus fruits. It also claims to be a mood-enhancer and a body cleanser.

Honey: a delicious and most nutritious food ideal for sweetening, rich in potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, niacin, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. Scientific evidence suggests that honey calms the fire in your belly if you have stomach ulcers, and its antibacterial properties are an effective treatment for burns. In comparison to sugar, which has no nutrients or ant-oxidants, I recommend to use honey as a sweetener. Make sure the honey you buy is cold washed, wild bush honeys are

darker and more nutritious than commercial honeys. Kelp: seaweed that comes usually in granules is a rich source of iodine and minerals. It can be taken daily as a food supplement or is fantastic to be used for seasoning instead of salt. Available in all good Health food stores.

Nuts: make sure to confirm with the shop assistant that you are buying raw nuts, most nuts are nowadays roasted, heated and salted and therefore have lost what they are meant to be good for: a dense source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates, almonds are regarded as most nutritious. An almond a day keeps the doctor away, pine nuts are delicious in taste and are used to make pesto. Apricot kernels are not well known as edible but when the stone is cracked, the nut inside tastes delicious (see ingredient glossary under

apricot kernels). If you get fresh nuts from a tree, the best place to store them is buried in the soil of your garden, for four to five months. They won’t lose any of their Life Force Energy if stored this way. Oils: avoid treated oils for the same reason as above, buy high-quality cold pressed oils and

use them in small quantities at a time.

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Sea salt: is made up of sodium and chlorine, both essential minerals. Too much salt can be harmful and increases blood pressure. The craving for salt is learned craving so use it sparingly, it takes about three weeks to get off salt cravings if you have stopped salting your

food. Tribal societies often eat no salt apart from the natural salts presented in foods. Sea salt can also be used to brush your teeth. Seaweed: there are several varieties, all of them are very nutritious including vitamin B12, B complex, A, C, D, E, and K. They are also rich in trace elements, iodine, and contain a maximum of 2% fat. Soaking and rinsing can reduce the high sodium content. Seaweed is

the most highly digestible source of minerals known to mankind; it alkalizes the blood, removes acid, atoxic material, and activates enzyme activity. Spirulina and blue-green algae are two of the most potent sea vegetables known. Seeds: excellent source of proteins and essential fatty acids, best consumed sprouted. Sesame seeds are richer in calcium than cow’s milk and much easier assimilated.

Sprouts: a living super food, sprouts are alive with the greatest level of nutritional and bioavailability vitality, for details see sprouting section. Stevia: contains protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates and vitamins, and regulates and balances blood sugar levels. It is a sweet tasting leaf that helps to curb the cravings and

lessen hunger pangs, a must in every raw food kitchen. The dried leaves can be soaked in warm water and the water can be used to sweeten drinks and dishes. Tahini: a paste made from sesame seeds, highly versatile food for sweet and savory dishes, very nutritious.

Water: tap water supplies usually has a number of harmful chemicals, only drink distilled or filtered water. Rainwater or fresh water is a special treat if you can rely on its purity, two liters a day of pure water is the recommended minimum intake for an adult. Wild vegetables and fruits: the vitamin and mineral content of wild herbs and plants are

much higher than cultivated foods. For example, nettles contain 333mg vitamin C per 100g while 100g lettuce contain 13g vitamin C, there are lots of wild plants that are edible but unknown as we do not get to buy them in a supermarket. Out of your own interest you should become curious about local wild plants you can eat and include them into your diet. Wheat grass: wheat grass can be chewed or juiced. It increases vitality, cleanses the blood,

helps eliminating toxins and heavy metals. It contains anti-aging properties, vitamin A, B complex, C, E, a full spectrum of minerals and trace elements, and chlorophyll. Wheat grass is a living sprout full of enzymes, and contains no gluten and therefore becomes an excellent addition to the diet of a person with allergies. Vanilla pod: the pod of a climbing orchid native to South America. The unripe pods are dried

over several months and the black vanilla is scraped out with a knife and used to flavor sweet dishes and drinks, rich, sweet aroma, a real treat. Vitamin Supplements: are only recommended if the supplement guarantees to maintain enzyme activity and if the formula is made from nutrients extracted from whole foods. Research suggests that the body can only absorb a few percent of vitamin supplements

manufactured synthetically: products like Dr. Gillian McKeith’s ‘Living Food Energy Powder’ fulfill those criteria’s along with a few other vitamin supplement manufacturers. (You can find more information about vitamins and minerals in the ‘Vitamin & Mineral index). For more information about genuine vitamin and mineral supplements you can contact the Author of this book at [email protected] or Vitality 4 Life at www.vitality4life.com.au;

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V ITAMIN & M INERAL INDEX Vitamins and minerals are as important for your body to function properly and your wellbeing.

Eating a balanced diet with lots of Living Food, Living Juice and a high-quality vitamin and mineral supplement * made from organic produce is the best, safest and also most enjoyable way to greater vitality and a good health.

There are 13 vitamins recognized as essential for humans. They are classified into two groups, fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body’s fat deposits; those stores protect us against short-term shortages. Water-soluble vitamins are flushed out with the urine and therefore need to be replenished frequently. The body manufactures very few vitamins but they are not made in sufficient quantities to sustain optimum vitality.

Minerals can be grouped into two groups, into major minerals required in the diet greater than 100mg a day, and minor minerals or trace elements required in the diet lesser that 100mg a day. The body cannot make any minerals therefore these must be obtained from plants, meats and water. About 20 minerals are known to be essential for humans but there is many more still to be researched, which is why a balanced diet is so important.

Taken in excessive amounts some vitamins and minerals can be harmful or even disturb or prevent the absorption of another nutrients. When eating fresh Living Food you usually don’t have to worry about such excesses because your body will naturally guide you in having a balanced diet and will protect you instinctively from harm. I have not put any RDIs (Daily Recommended Intakes) into this section. Trust in the natural intelligence of your body to

guide you. However, I am giving you a helpful, general guideline of which natural foods are particularly high in one or the other nutrient to support you along the way to natural health. Lacking any vitamin or mineral signs of deficiencies. Help yourself and add more of the foods that contain the needed nutrient to your diet to improve your condition. If you are seriously ill this will only support your healing process and

your doctor needs to be consulted. * A high-quality vitamin or mineral supplement is a supplement made from 100% organic produce. It has to be made out of a combination of extracted Living Foods providing the essential so called co-factors for 100 per cent successful absorption into the system. These

conditions need to be met otherwise the effect of the product is reduced to a big part and money and health are wasted. Vitamin C for example, needs 22 co-factors to be absorbed properly into the system. Drinking fresh lemon juice will fulfil those requirements while eating a synthetically manufactured vitamin or mineral pills cannot provide those requirements. The reason for this is because the vitamin or mineral is isolated out of its original environment that used to provide all factors needed to absorb the nutrients completely.

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Vitamin C

Found in: guava, pawpaw, orange, kiwi, rambutan, strawberries, grapefruit, melon, mango, loquat, lemon, custard apple, mandarin, star fruit, pineapple, banana, persimmon, prickly pear, apricots, tamarillo, capsicum, brussel sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower, cabbage, peas, leek, potato, turnip, tomato, watercress, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, chilli, asparagus, onion, parsley, oysters, blackcurrants, green leafy vegetables, breast milk, wheat

grass, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: fatigue, reduced gum health, joint pain, poor sleep, poor mood and poor recovery from wounds.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Found in: wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, oats, wheat bran, fish, meat, oysters, peas, asparagus, rhubarb, brazil nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, nori,

wheat grass, bee pollen, sprouted quinoa; Possible symptoms of deficiency: irritability, concentration difficulty, depression, poor sleep, loss of appetite, general malaise, loss of limb function, muscle weakness, loss of memory, loss of appetite, double-vision.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Found in: oats, egg, meat, fish, oysters, broccoli, peas, spinach, avocado, prunes, almonds, pumpkin seeds, wholemeal grains and sprouts, wheat grass, bee pollen, sprouted quinoa; Possible symptoms of deficiency: sore cracks at the corners of the mouth, eczema around the chin, nose and genitals, itchy eyes, general malaise, increased risk of certain types of cancer, shiny sore red tongue.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Found in: wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, meat, fish, egg, mushrooms, potato, peas, avocado, broccoli, peach, passionfruit, apricot, prunes, peanuts, almonds, green leafy

vegetables, asparagus, nori, wheat grass, bee pollen, sprouted quinoa; Possible symptoms of deficiency: deficiency is unlikely, symptoms can be lack of energy, skin rash, mild depression, muscular weakness, fatigue, rough skin, anorexia, large doses of more than 1g a day are inadvisable as they cause the blood vessels to open causing flushing and rashes.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Found in: oats, wholemeal grain and sprouted grains, meat, fish, egg, oysters, mushrooms, broccoli, sweet potato, peas, sweet corn, watermelon, pears, apricot, dates, avocado, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, wheat grass, bee pollen, sprouted quinoa;

Possible symptoms of deficiency: deficiency is rare and often combined with other vitamin deficiencies, can be symptoms like cramps in the legs, pins and needles, abdominal pains, numbness, headaches, restlessness, dizziness, fatigue, tingling sensations.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Found in: oats, meat, fish, sprouted lentils, brussel sprouts, leeks, sweet corn, broccoli, capsicum, carrot, cauliflower, peas, potato, sweet potato, tomato, mushrooms, spinach, banana, avocado, raisins, melon, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, peppers, watercress, wheat grass, bee pollen, sprouted quinoa; Possible symptoms of deficiency: deficiency is not very likely unless you are taking certain

drugs for rheumatism, tuberculosis or high blood pressure. Then symptoms can be sore mouth, irritability, depression, eczema, and inflammation of a nerve causing pain. If you have concerns please consult your physician; other symptoms can be depression, anaemia,

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smooth sore tongue, weight loss; large doses like 200mg a day can cause impaired sensations in the hands and feet.

Vitamin B12

Found in: egg, meat, oysters, fish, mushrooms, seaweed, sprouted quinoa, wheat grass, bee pollen, and comfrey, Possible symptoms of deficiency: anaemia, tiredness, loss of resistance to infection, damage

of the nervous system; deficiency usually occurs because the vitamin is not absorbed properly or the person has a very restricted diet excluding vitamin B12 products.


Found in: oats, wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, mushrooms, nuts, egg, meat, fish, avocado, vegetables in general, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: biotin is manufactured in the body, the only people at risk are people that eat 1-2 raw egg whites a day which prevents the absorption of biotin, then symptoms can be nervous disturbances.

Folacin (Folic Acid)

Found in: oats, wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, endive, broccoli, spring greens, spinach, okra, beetroot, brussel sprouts, cabbage, peas, sweet corn, sweet potato, cauliflower, tomato, chickpea sprouts, sprouted lentils, mushrooms, avocado, orange, melon,

strawberries, banana, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, watercress, parsley, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: anemia, mouth sores, sore tongue, appetite loss, general unwellness, poor growth in children, mental deterioration; women planning to conceive a baby should watch their levels of folacin as low levels carry a higher risk to cause spina bifida in the baby; probably the most common vitamin deficiency worldwide.


Vitamin A

Found in: oil, egg, meat, fish, oysters, carrots, spinach, sweet potato, spring greens, pumpkin, broccoli, red capsicum, endive, tomato, watercress, lettuce, asparagus, leek, brussel sprouts, green beans, sweet corn, parsley, peas, green cabbage, mango, rockmelon, apricot, pawpaw, jackfruit, peach, tamarillo, persimmon, guava, passionfruit, avocado, orange, green leafy vegetables, red pepper, nori, wheat grass, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: the deficiency might show in well-nourished people only

after one year or so. Symptoms can be poor sight in low light, dry skin, dry hair, reduced resistance to infection especially in the lungs, dry tear ducts and ulceration of the cornea which can lead to blindness.

Vitamin D

Found in: fish, egg, sunlight, and bee pollen, Possible symptoms of deficiency: mainly manufactured in the body when exposed to direct sunlight, 10 minutes a day is the recommended average needed. Symptoms can be low bone growth, muscle weakness, anaemia, and respiratory infections, softening of bone causing pain, higher risk for fractures. Without vitamin D calcium can’t be absorbed which

leads to problems of a calcium deficiency, excessive intake of a vitamin D supplement is dangerous as too much calcium gets stored in soft tissues like the kidneys and spleen.

Vitamin E

Found in: oils, especially wheat germ, sunflower, safflower, palm kernel, corn, soy bean and olive oil; Be sure to use high quality oils that are cold-pressed! Nuts, seeds especially sunflower

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seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, oats, avocados, wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, fish, asparagus, egg, sprouted quinoa, wheat grass, bee pollen;

Possible symptoms of deficiency: low levels of vitamin E increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as strokes and heart attacks, other symptoms can affect the eyes, nervous system, muscles, anaemia and increase the risks for some cancers.

Vitamin K

Found in: soy bean sprouts, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, peas, carrots, and bee pollen, Possible symptoms of deficiency: around half of the recommended daily need is manufactured by the body a shortage is therefore unlikely, symptoms can be haemorrhages, bleeding.



Found in: fish eaten with bones, green leafy vegetables, watercress, spinach, okra, almonds, hard water, sesame seeds, orange, broccoli, cabbage, most vegetables and fruits contain a small amount of calcium (10-35g per piece), cereals, tahini, parsley, wheat grass, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: long-term calcium deficiency may increase the risk of bone problems such as osteoporosis in the old age; women need more calcium during lactation, after menopause, during pregnancy.


Found in: salt, meat, and egg, Possible symptoms of deficiency: deficiency is very unlikely unless person is vomiting and

sweating heavily.


Found in: wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, seeds, apricot, oats, meat, fish, sprouted

chickpeas, spinach, banana, dried fruit, avocado, brazil nuts, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, coconut milk, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, broccoli, sprouted millet, parsley, wheat grass, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: poor nerve-muscle interaction, lethargy, depression, and irritability, in extreme cases heart attack, apathy.


Found in: oats, meat, fish, egg, wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, sprouted lentils, sweet corn, mushrooms, peas, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, potato,

brazil nut, walnut, peanut, almond, coconut, sesame seeds, sprouted quinoa, wheat grass, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: deficiency only occurs after an overuse of antacids, excessive intake decreases the calcium absorption.


Found in: notably in dried fruits, bananas, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, potato, coffee, sprouted chickpeas, fish, meat, egg, wholemeal grain and sprouted grains, sweet corn, spinach, kohlrabi, pumpkin, avocado, mushrooms, snow peas, parsley, prunes, tomato, rhubarb, melon, apricot, apple, nuts, cocoa, wheat grass, bee pollen;

Possible symptoms of deficiency: symptoms occur immediately as potassium cannot be stored in the body: feeling weak, thirsty, confused, tired, high blood pressure, alteration of the heart rhythm.

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Found in: salt, water, beetroot, carrot, celery, endive, silver beet, spinach, egg, wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, peanuts, meat, fish, seafood, wheat grass, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: deficiency is unlikely can occur in hot weather and show in thirst, muscle weakness or cramps, excessive intake can lead to fluid retention and high blood pressure and is more likely to happen.


Found in: mustard, beans, seafood, egg, meat, nuts, and bee pollen, Possible symptoms of deficiency: there is no known sulphur deficiency.



Found in: brazil nuts, wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, sunflower seeds, seaweed, seafood, meat, egg, almonds, wheat grass; Possible symptoms of deficiency: reduced fertility, Keshan congestive heart disease mainly occurring in China where the soil is low in selenium; excess can be toxic (1000mg) Zinc

Found in: oysters, lean meat, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, oats, egg, fish, peas, cocoa, brazil nuts, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazel nuts, wheat grass, bee pollen;

Possible symptoms of deficiency: loss of appetite, impaired sense of taste and smell, slow wound healing, poor hair growth, dermatitis, low resistance to illness, complications during pregnancy, weak nails, reduced sperm count; women require more zinc during pregnancy and lactation; excessive amounts can be toxic and cause dehydration, diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pains, dizziness, lethargy.


Found in: wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, nuts, seafood, egg yolk, fish, meat, potato, oysters; Possible symptoms of deficiency: poor glucose tolerance increased blood cholesterol; excess

intake is harmful self-medication is not advisable.


Found in: wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, oysters, brazil nuts, peanuts, dried apricots,

cocoa, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: adult deficiency is rarely recognized; excess is toxic so one should avoid the use of copper cooking utensils.


Found in: seaweed, iodized salt, seafood, fish, kelp, vegetables, wheat grass, and bee pollen, Possible symptoms of deficiency: swelling of the thyroid gland, metabolic rate slows down, weight gain, thick neck, dry hair, mental deterioration, low intelligence in babies


Found in: green leafy vegetables, fish, meat, pulses, prunes, dandelion, game, apricots, molasses, egg, wholemeal grains and sprouts, sprouted millet, sprouted quinoa, parsley, wheat grass, bee pollen;

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Possible symptoms of deficiency: anaemia, resistance against infection, moody behavior, low performance, weakness, washed-out, shortness of breath, palpitations, pins and needles, difficulty in swallowing. Women need more iron while menstruating due to the blood loss, so if

you are feeling washed-out during your period increase your intake of food containing iron.


Found in: wholemeal grain and sprouted grain, pine nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts,

walnuts, green leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits and vegetables in general, dulse, wheat grass, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: there is no recognized deficiency in humans.


Found in: avocado, bee pollen, prunes, chickpeas, dried peaches, hazelnuts, raisins, red grapes, pear, plum, almond, dates, peanut butter, brazil nuts, orange, apple, kiwi, currants, sultanas; Possible symptoms of deficiency: boron deficiency may lead to osteoporosis and arthritis; toxic effects appear at excess intakes.


Found in: wheat grass, bee pollen, oats, rice, lettuce, cucumbers, avocado, and strawberries, Possible symptoms of deficiency: causes weak and malformed bones and leads to atherosclerotic lesions due to its roll in artery wall formation in animals, thus silicon may play a

role in cardiovascular diseases.


Found in: green leafy vegetables, fish, meat, pulses, prunes, dandelion, game, apricots,

molasses, egg, wholemeal grains and sprouts, sprouted millet, sprouted quinoa, parsley, wheat grass, bee pollen; Possible symptoms of deficiency: it is possible that deficiency leads to high cholesterol and increased susceptibility to heart disease, but proper research has not yet been described in man, deficiency in animals causes infertility, anaemia and poor bone, tooth and cartilage formation.


Found in: oats, bee pollen, peas, sprouted rice and beans, pineapple, eggs, banana, corn, cabbage;

Possible symptoms of deficiency: deficiency is very rare and only seen in people with genetic inability to use molybdenum or people who are on long term intravenous feeding.

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A ILMENTS INDEX ‘Many people died while the herbs that could have cured them grow on their graves.’

Father Kneipp, Herbalist

Regularly drinking raw fruit and vegetable juices is both preventative and curative. It is not only healthy and tasty but it can also assist in quick recovery and disease management. Of

course, having certain fruits or vegetables is not to be treated as a prescribed drug. However certain fruits and vegetables have shown to be particularly helpful with certain illnesses. If you have any of the conditions listed on the following pages, eat foods that will support your recovery and seek medical advice if symptoms persist. ACNE

* Spinach, green capsicum, parsley, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, celery, carrot, green apple, watermelon, pineapple, ginger root, mint


* Spinach, capsicum, broccoli, carrot, tomato, parsley, garlic, apricot, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, cherry, orange, pawpaw, plum, prune, rockmelon, watermelon


* Fennel, orange, cranberry, apple, beetroot greens, garlic, spinach, green capsicum, parsley, broccoli, cucumber, carrot, pineapple, ginger


* Tomato, banana, orange, pawpaw, strawberry, pear, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, celery, carrot, apple


* Pear, banana, peach, nectarine, lemon, pineapple, grape, pawpaw, rockmelon, watermelon


* Spinach, broccoli, celery, carrot, beetroot, garlic, onion, ginger, apple, blueberry, grape,

watermelon, pineapple


* Cranberry, blackcurrant, pawpaw, lemon, rockmelon, passionfruit, spinach, green capsicum, parsley, broccoli, carrot, ginger


* Celery, tomato, lime, orange, berries, lemon, garlic, spinach, red or green capsicum, parsley, broccoli, carrot, pineapple, ginger


* Vitamin B 17 seems to play an important role in the cure of cancer as it kills cancer cells. All foods listed here contain vitamin B 17 and therefore are beneficial to be eaten in your daily diet additionally to your cancer treatment: lentils, lima beans, mung bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, some peas, vicia fava, buckwheat, barley, chickpeas, millet, all berries especially black raspberries, currants, red grapes with seeds and apricot kernels which contain the

highest amount of Vitamin B 17(see ingredient glossary)


* Asparagus, cabbage, celery, tomato, orange, apple, beetroot, garlic, spinach, green capsicum, parsley, broccoli, carrot, ginger, rockmelon, watermelon, berries, grapefruit


* Lettuce, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, beetroot, beetroot greens, sprouts, dandelion, asparagus, carrot, potato, capsicum, parsley, garlic, onion, ginger, citrus fruits, pawpaw, grape, apple, berries, rockmelon, kiwi

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* Onion, spinach, broccoli, dandelion, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, parsley, garlic


* Tomato, broccoli, carrot, parsley, spinach, red and green capsicum, garlic, ginger, citrus

fruits, berries, pawpaw, apricot, kiwi


* Spinach, cabbage, beetroot, dandelion, celery, garlic, prune, pear, apple, watermelon, grape, peach, plum, pawpaw, strawberry, banana, pineapple, mango, mint


* Fennel, ginger, garlic, peppermint, apple, banana, pawpaw, orange


* Dandelion, asparagus, beetroot, carrot, wheat grass, blueberry, apple, orange


* Cauliflower, broccoli, green and red capsicum, spinach, potato, carrot, celery, parsley, ginger, garlic, pineapple, strawberries, rockmelon


*Garlic, cucumber, lettuce, broccoli, carrot, celery, spinach, capsicum, parsley, watermelon, grape, rockmelon, cranberry, strawberry, honeydew melon


* Cabbage, celery, fennel, carrot, garlic, ginger, blackberry, banana, apple, rockmelon


* Spinach, carrot, beetroot, celery, tomato, sweet potato, garlic, apple, berry, banana, rockmelon, orange


* Garlic, cabbage, celery, carrot, red capsicum, tomato, spinach, parsley, apple, grape, pineapple, blueberry, blackcurrant


* Cabbage, carrot, green capsicum, tomato, spinach, asparagus, parsley, celery, dandelion,

blackberry, kiwi, pineapple, orange, grapefruit, ginger


* Celery, fennel, parsley, carrot, tomato, pineapple, ginger, coconut milk


* Ginger, apple, carrot, watermelon, orange, kiwi, pineapple, mint, fennel


* Celery, carrot, red capsicum, cucumber, tomato prune, apple, pear


* Carrot, green capsicum, cabbage, parsley, spinach, celery, tomato, sweet potato,

cucumber, lettuce, red grape, blueberry, blackberry


* Cabbage, tomato, carrot, broccoli, celery, thyme, rosemary, parsley, garlic, pineapple, orange, lemon, honey, ginger


* Broccoli, red capsicum, cabbage, carrot, spinach, parsley, ginger, garlic, rockmelon, banana, strawberry


* Pineapple, orange, rockmelon, strawberry, banana, grapefruit


* Beans, cranberry, grape, pineapple, cucumber, celery

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