VITA MICHAEL A. DIAMOND, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Public Affairs and Organization Studies Director Emeritus, Center for the Study of Organizational Change Editor, book series, Advancing Organizational Psychodynamics University of Missouri, Columbia HOME: 172 79 th Street 11F New York, New York 10024 (573) 268-8811 (Mobile) EDUCATION 1981: Ph.D., University of Maryland, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Government (Political Psychology, Political Philosophy, Psychoanalytic Theory and Organizational Behavior). Dissertation Title: "Bureaucracy as Juvenile Society: An Application of Harry Stack Sullivan's Interpersonal Psychiatry to the Study of Bureaucratic Behavior." l978: M.A., University of Maryland, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Government: Areas of concentration: Social and political philosophy, political psychology, social and political theory, philosophy of science. M.A. thesis: “Dialectical Methods.” l976: B.A., cum laude, University of Maryland, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Government (major), Philosophy (minor). AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Organizational Analysis and Change Organizational Diagnosis Organizational Learning Organizational Culture Organizational Psychodynamics Organizational/Systems Consultation Contemporary Psychoanalysis (Object Relations, Self Psychology, Relational) Organization and Group Psychology Conflict Resolution and Mediation

VITA MICHAEL A. DIAMOND, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus … 2007-2011: ... Diamond, M.A. “Psychodynamic Approach,” Handbook of the ... 1997: Diamond, M.A. and Allcorn, S., Narcissistic

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Page 1: VITA MICHAEL A. DIAMOND, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus … 2007-2011: ... Diamond, M.A. “Psychodynamic Approach,” Handbook of the ... 1997: Diamond, M.A. and Allcorn, S., Narcissistic

VITA MICHAEL A. DIAMOND, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Public Affairs and Organization Studies Director Emeritus, Center for the Study of Organizational Change Editor, book series, Advancing Organizational Psychodynamics University of Missouri, Columbia HOME: 172 79th Street 11F New York, New York 10024 (573) 268-8811 (Mobile) EDUCATION 1981: Ph.D., University of Maryland, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Government (Political Psychology, Political Philosophy, Psychoanalytic Theory and Organizational Behavior). Dissertation Title: "Bureaucracy as Juvenile Society: An Application of Harry Stack Sullivan's Interpersonal Psychiatry to the Study of Bureaucratic Behavior." l978: M.A., University of Maryland, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Government: Areas of concentration: Social and political philosophy, political psychology, social and political theory, philosophy of science. M.A. thesis: “Dialectical Methods.” l976: B.A., cum laude, University of Maryland, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Government (major), Philosophy (minor). AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Organizational Analysis and Change Organizational Diagnosis Organizational Learning Organizational Culture Organizational Psychodynamics Organizational/Systems Consultation Contemporary Psychoanalysis (Object Relations, Self Psychology, Relational) Organization and Group Psychology Conflict Resolution and Mediation

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Group Psychology of Terrorism Political Psychology and Leadership

HONORS AND AWARDS: 2017: Steering Committee member of the L.J. Gould Center for Systems-Psychoanalytic Studies of the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR) in New York, NY. 2016 September 1: Professor Emeritus of Public Affairs and Organization Studies, Director Emeritus, Center for the Study of Organizational Change 2014-present: Editor-in-chief, Book Series on Advances in Organizational Psychodynamics, University of Missouri Press. 2013 November: Keynote address OPUS, London, England. 2013: Courtesy Faculty appointment, School of Journalism, University of Missouri 2005: Faculty - Alumni Award, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. 2001-present: Faculty, INSEAD-HEC International Diploma Program in Consulting and Coaching for Change, Fontainebleau Cedex, France. 2000-present: Faculty member, Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, Program in Organization Development and Consultation, New York City, New York. 1999 William T. Kemper Fellow for Excellence in Teaching, University of Missouri-Columbia 1997-2000: Stephen Furbacher Professorship of Organizational Change and Director of the Center for the Study of Organizational Change, College of Business and Public Administration, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. 1994 Levinson Award for Excellence in Consulting awarded by the American Psychological Association, American Psychological Foundation Division (13) Consulting Psychology. 1987 Harry Hall Trice Faculty Research Award, College of Business and Public Administration, University of Missouri-Columbia 1989-: Senior Fellow, Center for Dispute Resolution, School of Law University of Missouri-Columbia

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1991-1993: President, International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT: September 1, 2016: Emeritus Professor of Public Affairs and Organization Studies December 2000-2016: Professor and Director, Center for the Study of Organizational Change, Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs, University of Missouri. Fall 2013: Courtesy Faculty Appointment, Missouri School of Journalism, University of Missouri, Columbia. December 2007-2011: Associate Director for Academic Programs, Truman School of Public Affairs, University of Missouri. Fall 2009-2011: Executive and Curriculum Committee the Master of Public Health Program, University of Missouri. March 1996-2001: Furbacher Professorship of Organizational Change and Director of the Center for the Study of Organizational Change, University of Missouri. August 1999-2001: Professor, Graduate School of Public Affairs at the University of Missouri-Columbia. August 1991: Professor, Department of Public Administration at the University of Missouri-Columbia. 1991-1995: Chair, Department of Public Administration, University of Missouri, Columbia 1987-1991: Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Public Administration, University of Missouri-Columbia. 1981-1987: Assistant Professor of Public Administration at the University of Missouri-Columbia. 1986-1988: Director of Graduate Studies, Master of Public Administration Program, Department of Public Administration, University of Missouri-Columbia 1981-present: Courses taught at the University of Missouri-Columbia: Logics of inquiry in public affairs (doctoral seminar)

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Organization studies in public affairs (doctoral seminar) Readings in Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theory (doctoral seminar) Practicum in organizational consultation Organizational Change in a Community and Global Context Organizational Analysis and Change Group Dynamics and Conflict Resolution Organizational Dynamics and Leadership Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement Leadership in Public Organizations Political Psychology (Honors College) Organization Change and Development Career Development in Public Organizations Action Skills in Public Organizations Social Psychology of Organizing (Honors College) Administrative Organization Theory Scope and Theory of Public Administration Managing the Public Sector Seminar for M.P.A. Interns 1979-l98l: Lecturer, University of Maryland at College Park, Department of Government and Politics. Courses taught include: Introduction to Political Behavior, Introduction to Government, Modern and Recent Political Theory, Introduction to Public Administration and Public Policy. 1977-81: Teaching Assistant, Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, with Professor James M. Glass (summer term), Course on: Films, Politics, and Culture 1979-80: Member of course-writing team in Technology and Management of Business-Government Relations for Open University, University College, University of Maryland 1978-79: Research Assistant, Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland, to Professor Ronald J. Terchek (literature search, data analysis, lecturer) l978-79: Research Assistant, Maryland Technical Advisory Service, University of Maryland, Data Collection and Survey Analysis for Maryland Municipal Salary Survey, and policy evaluation research. PUBLICATIONS BOOKS 2017: Diamond, M.A., Discovering Organizational Identity: Dynamics of Relational Attachment, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, MO.

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2009: Diamond, M.A. and S. Allcorn, Private Selves in Public Organizations: The Psychodynamics of Organizational Diagnosis and Change, Palgrave Macmillan, New York and London. 1997: Allcorn, S., and Diamond, M.A. Managing People during Stressful Times: The Psychologically Defensive Workplace, Quorum Books, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, CT. 1996: Allcorn, S., Baum, H.S., Diamond, M.A. Stein, H. The Human Costs of Downsizing: A Management Failure at General Hospital, Quorum Books, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, CT. 1993: Diamond, M.A. The Unconscious Life of Organizations: Interpreting Organizational Identity, 1993, Quorum Books, Greenwood Publishing Group. Westport, CT. BOOK CHAPTER 2017: Diamond, M.A. “Winnicott at work: Potentiality and the facilitating organization.” Bowker, Matthew and Amy Buzby editors, Winnicott and Political Theory. New York: Palgrave. 2014: Diamond, M.A. “Reflections on the Meaning and Experience of Public Space: A Critical Psychoanalytic Perspective.” Boros, Diana and James M. Glass editors, Reimagining Public Space: The Frankfurt School in the 21st Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2013: Diamond, M.A. “Psychodynamic Approach,” Handbook of the Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring, ed., Passmore, J., Wiley-Blackwell, UK. 2010: Diamond, M.A. “Organizational Immersion and Diagnosis,” Bearding the Lion that Roared: The Levinson Legacy, Ann M. O’Roark (Ed.) 2009: Diamond, M.A. “The Social Character of Bureaucracy” in Psychoanalytic Studies of Organizations, ed. Sievers, Burkard, et al, Karnac Books, London, England. 2009: Diamond, M. and S. Allcorn, “The cornerstone of psychoanalytic organizational analysis: Psychological reality, transference and counter-transference,” Chapter Two, Smaranda Boros, editor, Exploring Organizational Dynamics, London: Sage Publications. 2002: Diamond, M.A., “The Group Psychology of Terrorism,” Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2002: Diamond, M.A., “Adapting to Chaos and Complexity: Organizing the Potential Space,” Rethinking Administrative Theory, Praeger, Greenwood Publishing Group.

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1993: Diamond, M.A. "Bureaucracy as Externalized Self-System: A View from the Psychological Interior," reprinted in Larry Hirschhorn, (ed.), The Psychodynamics of Organizations, Temple University Press, 1993). 1991: Diamond, M.A. "Stresses of Group Membership: Balancing the Needs for Independence and Belonging," Organizations on the Couch, ed. by M.F.R. Kets de Vries, Jossey Bass, Publishers. 1987: Diamond, M.A. "The Psychological Dilemma of Bureaucratic Self-Integrity," in R.P. Hummel's 3rd. Ed. of The Bureaucratic Experience, St. Martin's Press, New York. l982: Diamond, M.A. "Organization Psychiatry," in Ralph P. Hummel's (2nd Edition) The Bureaucratic Experience, St. Martin's Press, Inc., New York. ARTICLES 2014: Diamond, M.A., “Metaphoric processes and organizational change: A contemporary psychoanalytic perspective,” Organisational and Social Dynamics, 14 (1): 104-129. 2013: Diamond, M.A., “Repetition and the Compulsion to Repeat: Psychodynamic Challenges in Organizational Learning and Change,” Administration & Society, Vol. 45 (5): 499-521 July 2013. 2011: Diamond, M.A., “The Symbiotic Lure: Organizations as Defective Containers,” Funzione Gamma Journal, (reprinted and translated in Italian and English), (2011). 2008: Diamond, M.A., “Telling Them What They Know,” The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 44: 2008. 2007: Diamond, M.A., “Organizational Change and the Analytic Third,” Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 12, 142-164. 2006: Diamond, M.A. and S. Allcorn, “Surfacing Perversions of Democracy in the Workplace: A Contemporary Psychoanalytic Project,” Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, Vol.11, 54-73. 2005: Diamond, M.A. and S. Allcorn, “The Cornerstone of Psychoanalytic Organizational Analysis…,” (republished upon request) Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2004: Diamond, M.A. and S. Allcorn, “Moral Violence in Organizations: Hierarchic Dominance and the Absence of Potential Space,” Organisational and Social Dynamics, Vol. 4, 22-45.

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2004: Diamond, M.A., Allcorn, S., and H.F. Stein, “The Surface of Organizational Boundaries: A View from Psychoanalytic Object Relations Theory,” Human Relations, Vol. 57, 31-53. 2003: Diamond, M.A., “Organizational Immersion and Diagnosis: The Work of Harry Levinson,” Organisational and Social Dynamics, 3(1): 1-18. 2003: Diamond, M.A. and S. Allcorn, “The Cornerstone of Psychoanalytic Organizational Analysis: Psychological Reality, Transference and Counter-Transference,” Human Relations, Vol.56, No.4: 491-514. 2002: Diamond, M.A., Stein, H.F., and S. Allcorn, “Organizational Silos: Horizontal Organizational Fragmentation,” Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, Fall 2002, Vol.7, No.2: 280-296. 1999: Diamond, M.A., Embracing Organized Disorder: The Future of Organizational Membership. Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol.21, No.4, 1999: 433-440. 1999: Diamond, M.A. and Adams, G.B., Introduction: Psychodynamic Perspectives on Organizations: Identity, Politics, and Change. American Behavioral Scientist, Vol.43, No.2, October 221-224. 1999: Diamond, M.A. and Adams, G.B., “The Psychodynamics of Ethical Behavior in Organizations,” American Behavioral Scientist, Vol.43, No.2, October 245-263. 1998: Diamond, M.A., “The Symbiotic Lure: Organizations as Defective Containers,” Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol.20, No.3, September 315-325. 1998: Diamond, M.A., special editor, An Introduction to the Symposium on Organizational Dynamics. Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol.20, No.3, September 298-299. 1998: Diamond, M.A., Organizational and Personal Vicissitudes of Change. Public Productivity and Management Review, Vol.21, No.4, June. 1997: Diamond, M.A., Administrative Assault: A Contemporary Psychoanalytic View of Violence and Aggression in the Workplace. American Review of Public Administration, Vol.27, no.3, September 228-247. 1997: Diamond, M.A. and Allcorn, S., Narcissistic Processes and Consulting to Organizational Change: A Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspective. Administrative Theory and Praxis, Vol.19, No.2: 225-237. 1996: Diamond, M.A. Innovation and Diffusion of Technology: A Human Process. Consulting

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Psychology Journal, Vol.48, No.4. 1993 Sept. /Oct.: Diamond, M.A. "Commentary for Haven's Case." Harvard Business Review, case commentary, September. 1992: Diamond, M.A. "Hobbesian and Rousseauian Identities: The Psychodynamics of Organizational Leadership and Change," Administration & Society, Vol. 24, No.3 November 267-289. 1992: Diamond, M.A. "Treating the Parataxic Organization: A Case Example of Intervention Strategy." Administration & Society, Vol.24, No.1 May 61-80. 1991: Diamond, M.A. "Managing Stress and Anxiety in Clinical Laboratories," (with Seth Allcorn), Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences, permission granted to reprint CLMA (December 1991, Vol. 5 (2). 1991: Diamond, M.A. "Managing Stress and Anxiety in Clinical Laboratories," (with Seth Allcorn), Clinical Laboratory Management Review, May/June, 1991. 1991: Diamond, M.A. "Dimensions of Organizational Culture and Beyond," Political Psychology Fall 1991. 1990: Diamond, M.A. "The Freudian Factor," with Seth Allcorn, Personnel Journal, March 1990. 1990: Diamond, M.A. "Some Reflections on the Concept of Control as a Central Notion in Social and Behavioral Studies," The Social Science Journal, January 1990. 1990: Diamond, M.A. "Psychoanalytic Phenomenology and Organizational Analysis," Public Administration Quarterly Spring 1990. 1989: Diamond, M.A., book review, The Invisible Bureaucracy, by Howell S. Baum and The Workplace Within, by Larry Hirschhorn, Political Psychology, Vol.10, No.1, 169-172. 1988: Diamond, M.A. "Organizational Identity: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Organizational Meaning," Administration and Society, Volume 20, No. 2, August 1988, 166-190. 1987: Diamond, M.A. "The Psychodynamics of Regression in Work Groups," with Seth Allcorn. Human Relations, Vol. 40, No.8, 525-543. 1987: Diamond, M.A., book review, Strategy, Change and Defensive Routines by Chris Argyris, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 32, No.1, March 1987.

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1986: Diamond, M.A. "Role Formation as Defensive Activity in Bureaucratic Organizations" with Seth Allcorn. Political Psychology, Vol. 7, No. 4, December 1986. 1986: Diamond, M.A. "Resistance to Change: A Psychoanalytic Critique of Argyris and Schon's Contributions to Organization Theory and Intervention," Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 23, No. 5, September, 1986. 1986: Diamond, M.A., book reviews of Political Ensembles: A Psychosocial Approach to Politics and Leadership, by G. Little; and, Leadership: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, edited by B. Kellerman. Political Psychology, Vol.7, No. 3 September. 1985: Diamond, M.A. "The Social Character of Bureaucracy: Anxiety and Ritualistic Defense." Political Psychology, Vol. 6, No. 4 December, 1985. 1985: Diamond, M.A. "Psychological Dimensions of Role Use in Bureaucratic Organizations," with Seth Allcorn. Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 14, No. 1, Summer 1985, pp. 35-59. l985: Diamond, M.A. "Psychological Responses to Stress in Complex Organizations," (with Seth Allcorn) Administration and Society, Vol. 17, No. 2, August 1985, pp. 217-239. l985: Diamond, M.A. "Psychological Dimensions of Personal Responsibility for Public Management: An Object Relations Approach," Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 22, No. 6. l984: Diamond, M.A. "Psychological Barriers to Personal Responsibility." with Seth Allcorn, Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 12, No. 4, Spring 1984, pp. 66-77. l984: Diamond, M.A. "Bureaucracy as Externalized Self-System: A View from the Psychological Interior," Administration and Society, Vol. 16, No. 2, August 1984, pp. 195-214. BOOK FOREWORDS: 2016: The Dysfunctional Workplace by Seth Allcorn and Howard F. Stein, Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press. 2002: Psychodynamics of the Workplace by Seth Allcorn, Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. 1994: Listening Deeply: An Approach to Understanding and Consulting in Organizational Culture by Howard F. Stein, Boulder, CO.: Westview Press.

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1994: Understanding Anger and Aggression in the Workplace by Seth Allcorn, Westport, CT.: Quorum Books. MONOGRAPHS: "Organizational Change as Human Process, Not Technique" National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), NIDA Technical Review on Reviewing the Behavioral Science Knowledge Base on Technology Transfer, 1994. PROCEEDINGS: "Psychoanalytic Bases of Organizational Conflict: Theory and Intervention," Fourth Annual Symposium of International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, May 1990. CURRENT RESEARCH: “One foot in, one foot out: the paradox of participant observation” (co-authored under review) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2017-present: Member, steering committee, L.J. Gould Center for Systems-Psychoanalytic Studies, Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR), New York. 2015-present: Chief Editor, (book series) Advances in Organizational Psychodynamics, University of Missouri Press. 2012-13 CSOC Best Paper Award 2007 CSOC Colloquium Chair: Organizational Psychodynamics in the 21st Century: Exploring and Defining the Field. September 28-29, 2007, UM-Columbia, MO 2006 CSOC Colloquium Chair: Advancing Psychoanalytically Informed Organization Theory and Research. October 2006, UM-Columbia, MO 2005 CSOC Colloquium Chair: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Organizations and Organizational Consultation: Contributions and Limitations. October 2005, UM-Columbia, MO 2004-2006: Committee (one of three) APSA Robert E. Lane Book Award in Political Psychology (reviewed over 15 books in making the overall selection of the best book in the field of political psychology), American Political Science Association, section on Political Psychology.

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2004-2005: Planning committee, International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, annual symposium, reviewed paper presentation proposals. 2002-present: Associate editor Psychoanalysis, Culture &Society, (formerly the Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society). 1999-present: Associate editor, Organisational and Social Dynamics: An International Journal Integrating Psychoanalysis, Systems Theory, and Group Relations Perspectives. 2001-present: Faculty associate INSEAD-HEC diploma program in Coaching and Consulting for Change, Paris, France. 2000-present: Faculty associate, IPTAR, Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, Program in Organizational Consultation, New York, New York. 2001-present: MU National Terrorism Center proposal collaborator and participant. 1999-present: Hewlett Foundation Grant, collaboration with the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution, MU School of Law, and the Center for the Study of Organizational Change, TSPA, MU. 2000-present: Nuclear Engineering course offering “Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism” co-teach winter and fall semesters. 1998-99: Co-editor with Guy B. Adams, Special issue: “Power Ideology and Change: The Psychodynamics and Politics of Organizational Identity,” The American Behavioral Scientist. 1997-98: Special Editor, Symposium on Organizational Psychodynamics, Administrative Theory & Praxis. 1987-1995: Coeditor-in-chief, American Review of Public Administration 1986-1998: Editorial Board Member, Political Psychology 1988-present: Editorial Board Member, Administration & Society. 1994-2002: Editorial Board Member, Administrative Theory and Praxis. 1996-2002: Editorial Board Member, Consulting Psychology Journal. 2000-present: Associate editor, Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society

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2001-present: Associate editor, Organisational and Social Dynamics 1994-: Past-president, Board of Directors International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Regular reviewer of manuscripts for Human Relations, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Organization Studies, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Administration & Society, American Review of Public Administration, Consulting Psychology Journal, Organisational and Social Dynamics. PRESENTATIONS 2017 February 22: Invited presentation: “Discovering Organizational Identity” IPTAR (Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research), L.J. Gould Center on Systems-Psychoanalytic Studies, Monthly Case Conference, New York, NY. 2013 (November 22-23) Invited keynote address and paper presentation to OPUS (Organisation for the Promotion of Understanding Society) London, England 2013 February: Invited presentation at Harry Levinson Memorial, Society for Consulting Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia. 2012 November: Invited paper presentation: “Borders, Crossings, and Potential Space: A psychoanalytic perspective on metaphoric processes, imagination, and organizational change,” American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. 2012 April: Panelist Contemporary Political Theory, Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL 2011 September: Presentation on teaching organizational diagnosis practicum, National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration. 2008 April: Managing Organizational Change in the Newsroom, National Press Building, Committee for Concerned Journalists, Washington, D.C. 2006 October: Organizational Change and the Analytic Third--CSOC 2006 Colloquium, UM-Columbia. 2005 October: Treating Organizations Experientially and Perceptually: Identification, Containment, and Applied Object Relations--CSOC 2005 Colloquium, UM-Columbia. 2005 September: Presentation on “Executive Coaching in Context” for Division 13, American

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Psychological Association, teleconference. 2005 September: Paper presentation on “Surfacing Perversions of Democracy in the Workplace,” American Political Science Association, Foundations of Political Theory section, panel: Freud or Foucault, annual conference, Washington, D.C. 2005 June: Two-day workshop (with K. Poulin), “The Interpretive Paradigm in Organizational Diagnosis and Consultation: Psychoanalytic Principles and Qualitative Research in the Service of Organizational Change,” International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, annual professional development workshops and symposium, Baltimore, Maryland. 2005 April: Keynote ACUP (Association Colleges and Universities Printing), Dynamics of Organizational Change, Columbia, MO., annual meetings. 2004 August: Keynote and Best Practices Faculty, Dynamics of Organizational Change, Addiction Studies Center, ATTC, NIDA, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire. 2003 November: “Dimensions of Individual and Organizational Change” the National Addiction Technology Transfer Center, National Institutes for Drug Abuse (NIDA), NIH. 2003 July: “Moral Violence in Organizations,” International Society of Political Psychology, Boston, MA (annual meetings). 2002 June: “The Cornerstone of Psychoanalytic Organizational Analysis: Psychological Reality, Transference and Counter-Transference in the Workplace”, presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Chicago, IL. 2002 April: CSOC Organizational Change Methodology: Critique of Employment Discrimination Case, CSDR-CSOC Colloquium on Mediation and Consultation, MU School of Law. 2002 January: “Beyond Organizational Defenses” at the INSEAD-HEC diploma program in Coaching and Consulting for Change, Paris, France. 2001 November: “Conflict Resolution at Work” presentations and workshops, University of Houston. 2001 November: “Organizational Silos” Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 2001 October: “Conflict Theory: A Dynamic Consultation Model” University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Law, Center for Dispute Resolution, LLM program.

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2001 June: “Adapting to the Speed of Organizational Change: Dialectical Interplay Between Destructive and Constructive Processes” International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, Annual Meetings, Paris, France. 2001 February: Institutional Learning and the EU. Policies and Institutions of the EU (invited presentation). 2000-present: “The Group Psychology of Terrorism.” Nuclear Engineering (NE 301) “Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism” College of Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia 2000 October: “Managing Change” University of Missouri System Accountants, Administrators, Program Coordinators at Lake of the Ozarks, MO. 2000 March: “Organizational Consultation: A Methodology for Systemic Change,” L.L.M. Workshop in Dispute Resolution, MU School of Law 2000 February: “Overcoming Silos of the Organizational Mind,” Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions, Invited Guest Speaker, Winter Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona. 2000 February: “Overcoming Silos of the Organizational Mind.” State Farm Insurance Companies, Leadership Council, Lake of the Ozarks, State of Missouri Regional Offices. 2000 January: “Institutional Learning and Strategic Thinking in a Global Context. Policies and Institutions of the European Union,” MU Campus 1999 October: “Organizational Learning and Effective Strategic Planning,” State Farm Insurance Companies, Lake of the Ozarks. 1999 September: Transcending and Overcoming Silos of the Organizational Mind University of Missouri System-wide, Administration and Finance Officers at Lake of the Ozarks, MO. 1999 February 28: “Transcending and Overcoming Silos of the Organizational Mind: Reconstructing Universities as Genuine Systems of Learning” Invited Guest Speaker, Council of Alumni Association Executives (CAAE), Carefree, Arizona. 1999 January 18-19: “The Changing Environment in Higher Education: Introduction to Organizational Change” Case District VI Conference, Senior Management Track, External Relations, Council of Alumni Association. 1998 October 5: Invited speaker, University of Delaware, “Transforming Self and Organization: Perspectives on Organizational Change.” 1998 June-July: Presentation: “Dilemmas in Psychoanalytic Organizational Research” Hebrew

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University, Sigmund Freud Center, Mt. Scopus, Israel. Also, discussant at International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, Annual Meetings, Hyatt Regency, Jerusalem, Israel. 1998 May 15-17: Invited Presentation: “Fundamentals of Organizational Culture and Social Character for Effective Teamwork” Center for Interdisciplinary Geriatric Assessment Summer Institute, Columbia, MO. 1998 May 28: Keynote Address: “How Technology Changes the Workplace: Keeping Grounded in Human Process” Boone County Related Agencies Association, A Human Services Network, 1998 Spring Conference in Columbia, MO. 1998 May 11-13: Keynote Address: “De-constructing Silos of the Organizational Mind” Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Division of Comprehensive Psychiatric Services. 1997 November: Paper presentation: “Administrative Assault: A Contemporary Psychoanalytic View of Violence and Aggression in the Workplace” Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, Annual Conference, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 1997 October: Presentation: “Contemporary Organizational Life: Present and Future Challenges for Individuals, Groups, and Systems” Women’s Network of Columbia and The Central Missouri Chapter of the American Society of Training and Development, Columbia, MO. 1997 August: Paper and panel presentation, “Diagnosis, Leadership, and Organizational Change: A Symposium in Celebration of Harry Levinson’s 75th Birthday” (co-sponsored Div.13 Consulting Psychology and Div.39 Psychoanalysis). Paper entitled: “Leadership, Psychological Defensiveness and the Assumption of Personal Responsibility: Two Case Examples of Organizational Diagnosis and Change” American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. 1997 July: Presentation and workshop on “Diagnosing Organizational Culture for Productive Change” to the U.S. Department of Labor, Park City, Utah. 1997 June: Paper presentation, “Homicides in Workplace: A Case Presentation” International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, Philadelphia, PA. 1997 March: Keynote Address, Quality and Continuous Improvement Institute for the U.S. Department of Labor and the Missouri Training Institute. 1997 January: Keynote Presentation, Quality and Continuous Improvement Institute for Trainers, U.S. Department of Labor and the Missouri Training Institute.

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1995 October: Invited Presentations, "The Psychodynamics of Organizational Change" University of Oklahoma, Norman and "The Human Costs of Downsizing Hospitals in the Era of Managed Care: Thoughtful Management or Knee-Jerk Response," University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, College of Health and Public Affairs, and the School of Medicine. 1995 September/October: Invited Presentation, "Technology Transfer and Organizational Culture," Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), SIGDOC Conference, Savannah, Georgia. 1995 August: Invited Address, �The Psychology of Organizational Change,� Division 13 (Consulting Psychology), Levinson Award Address, American Psychological Association, Annual Meetings, New York, New York. 1994 July: "Agencies in Transition: The Political Psychodynamics of Reinventing Government," presented at the annual scientific meetings of the International Society of Political Psychology, Santiago, Spain. 1994 July: Chairman of the 1993 Nevitt Sanford Awards in Political Psychology, Awards Banquet, International Society of Political Psychology, Santiago, Spain. 1994 June: "Case-based Organizational Research and Consultation" presented to the members of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL. 1993 November: Invited research paper presentation, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, topic: Successful Approaches to Organizational and Behavioral Change for Technology Transfer in Drug Abuse Prevention Programs, Rockville, Maryland. 1993 October: NASPPA Representative, National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration annual meetings, Orlando, Florida. 1993 October: Invited speaker, Loyola University Chicago, Medical Center, topic: "The Psychological Side of Managing Organizational Change." 1993-94 Chair: The Nevitt Sanford Award Committee in Political Psychology 1993 February: Invited Guest Lecturer and Case Presenter, The William Alanson White Institute Of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology, Two Year Professional Program in Organizational Development and Consultation, New York City, New York. 1992 June: Paper Presentation, "The Impact of Conflict Avoidance on Managerial Roles: A Case Study," to the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, New York City, NY.

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1992 April: Paper Presentation to the PA Theory Network, Chicago, IL. "Conflicted Organizational Identity" 1992 February: Presentation, "The Psychodynamics of Organizational Systems," to the Psychiatry Colloquium, Grand Rounds, University of Missouri-Columbia Veterans Administration Auditorium. 1991 October 31: Psychoanalytic Theory and Clinical Practice in History and Hysteria, A Lacan Symposium, sponsored by the Newsletter of the Freudian Field, University of Missouri-Columbia. Presentation on "Interpreting the Unconscious Life of Formal Organizations" 1991 August 28-September 1: American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Washington, D.C. 1991-1993: President, the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. 1991 May: Fifth Annual Meetings of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, "Psychoanalysis, the Family, and the Family in Business: Reality and Metaphor," Boston College Carroll School of Management, Boston, MA. 1990 August: Invited panel discussant, "Personality Revisited: A Clinical Psychologist's Perspective on Conflict" Academy of Management Annual Meetings, San Francisco, CA. 1990 June: Paper presentation, "Monkey Business: Taking Humor at Work Seriously" The International Society of Political Psychology, Annual Meetings, Washington, D.C. 1990 May: Paper presentation, "Psychoanalytic Bases of Conflict in Organizations" The International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, Annual Meetings, University of Montreal, HEC, Montreal, Quebec. 1990 March: Paper presentation on "Psychoanalytic Organization Theory" to the International Conference on Socio-Economics, Washington D.C. Panel with Richard Schott, LBJ School, U.Texas-Austin, Harry Levinson, Harvard Medical School and The Levinson Institute, and Michael Maccoby, JFK School of Government, Harvard University. 1989 September: Paper presentation: "Psychoanalysis and Organizations: A Critical Perspective," American Political Science Association, Annual Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia. 1989 April: Convener and paper presentation, "The Psychology of Administration" Workshop on Public Administration Theory, Annual Meetings of the American Society for Public Administration, Miami, FL.

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1988 November: Paper presentation on "The Psychodynamics of Language, Communication, and Group Development in Organizational Change" at the Third Annual Meetings of The International Society For The Psychoanalytic Study Of Organizations, William Alanson White Institute, New York City, New York. 1988 November: Presentation of work in progress, Intercampus Colloquium on Conflict Resolution, University of Missouri, James T. Bush Center for Law, Social Change, and Conflict Resolution, U.M. - St. Louis and The Center for Dispute Resolution, U.M. - Columbia, held at St. Louis campus. 1988 October: Invited speaker on "Employee Relations and Motivation" at the annual meeting of The American Public Works Association, Jefferson City, Missouri. 1988 October: Keynote speaker, "Becoming a Change Agent," at the Mid-Management Symposium III, Employee Training and Development, Office of Administration, Division of Personnel, State of Missouri. 1988 September: Paper presentation on "Role Analysis and Organizational Change," and panel chair, American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Public Administration Section, Washington, D.C. 1988 July: Paper presentation on "Semiotic Skill and the Psychodynamics of Organizational Change," chair of two panels, and publications committee chair, International Society of Political Psychology Annual Meetings, Secaucus, New Jersey. 1988 May: Chapter Program presentation, "Administrative and Managerial Restructuring under Reduced Resources," Central Missouri Chapter, American Society for Public Administration. l988 April: Pre-conference Colloquium presentation, "Self Integrity and the Image of Public Administrators: Interpretations from Organizational Consultation," PA Theory Network, American Society for Public Administration, Portland, Oregon. 1988 March: Presentation, "Psychological Conflict Resolution in Organizations: The Role of Consultant," Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution, University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Law. 1987 December: Invited Presentation, "Psychodynamic Problems in Organizations," American Psychoanalytic Association Annual Meetings, Waldorf Astoria, New York City. 1987 October: Program Chair, International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, ISPSO Annual Symposium in New York City. 1987 September: Paper presentation, "Contemporary Organizational

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Analysis: Implications for Personality and Politics," also, discussant for panel on the "Psychology of Administration," American Political Science Association, Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL 1987 June: Section Coordinator, "Psychoanalysis and Political Psychology" section, Annual Scientific Meetings, International Society of Political Psychology, San Francisco. Paper Presentation: "Conflict in Organizations: A Psychoanalytic View." 1987 June: Staff member Conflict and Cooperation between Groups: An Experiential Workshop in the Tavistock Tradition with Margaret Rioch, Ph.D., Jerrold Post, M.D. and Arthur Colman, M.D. 1987 April: Panel chair and convener, "The Psychology of Administrative Politics," American Society for Public Administration, Annual Conference Boston, MA. 1986 November: Paper presentation, "Psychoanalytic Phenomenology and Organization Analysis," International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, New York City, NY 1986 June-July: Experiential Workshop Co-director and staff member on "Conflict Resolution and Cooperation Among Groups in the Tavistock Tradition with Jerrold Post, Margaret Rioch, and Arthur Colman for the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) Annual Scientific Meetings at Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1986 June-July: Paper presentation at ISPP conference: "Psychoanalytic Perspectives of Political Theory and Organization Theory" 1986 April: Paper presentation, "Personal Adjustment and Adaptation to Administrative Change," American Society for Public Administration, annual conference in Anaheim, CA. 1986 January: Meeting of the Governing Council for the International Society of Political Psychology in Cambridge, MA. l985 December: Invited speaker Psychiatry Colloquium, University of Missouri Columbia - Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine l985 October: Invited speaker Cornell University, School of Industrial & Labor Relations. 1985 September: A.K. Rice Institute and the Washington School of Psychiatry workshop with Elliott Jaques on "Organization Structure and Social Relationships." 1985 August 29 - Sept. 1: Paper presentations at the American Political Science Association, Annual Conference in New Orleans section on Public Administration: "On Jobs: Quality

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Management of Interpersonal Relations and Job Design," and "Understanding and Explaining Group Phenomena in the Complex Organization." 1985 June: Panel Chair section on Political Aspects of Psychoanalytic Theory, panel entitled "The Unconscious Politics of the Organization," for the International Society of Political Psychology, Eighth Annual Scientific Meetings, Washington, D.C. 1985 March 1, 2, 3: Organizational Systems Conference, A.K. Rice Institute, Central States Center, participant working conference. 1985 Feb. 28: Workshop on Organization and Small Group Consulting. Sponsored by A.K. Rice Institute, Central States Center, facilitated by Ken Eisold of the New York Center of the A.K. Rice Institute. 1984 Fall: Honorary Speaker--Presentation: "Dimensions of Personal Responsibility: A Psychoanalytic Object Relations Approach." Presented to: the Central States Center of the A.K. Rice Institute. l984 Fall: Paper presentation: "Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Organization Theory," American Political Science Association, Annual Meetings, Washington, D.C. Panel: Frontiers of Organization Theory, Section on Public Administration, Organizations, and Executives. l984 Spring: Participant. Organizational Systems Conference, Central States Center, A.K. Rice Institute at the University of Missouri-Columbia. l984 Spring: Paper presentation: "Psychological Barriers to Personal Responsibility: An Action Model for Management," at the American Society for Public Administration annual meetings in Denver, Colorado. Panel: Stress Management and the Public Manager. l984 Summer: Panel Chair and paper presentation for the International Society of Political Psychology, Seventh Annual Scientific Meetings in Toronto, Canada. Panel Chair: "Organizational Leadership: The Psycho-dynamics of Organizing." Presentation: "Organizational Anxiety and Ritualistic Defense" on panel entitled: "Organization Membership: Integrity or Psychopathology." l983 Fall: Presentation on "A Psycho-dynamic Perspective of Organization and Change" to the Committee for the Honorable Advancement of Organizational Science, at the College of Business and Public Administration, University of Missouri-Columbia. l983 Fall: Workshop Participant: the First Cornell Symposium on the Psycho-dynamics of Organizational Behavior and Experience, New York City Industrial and Labor Relations Conference Center, October l-2, l983.

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l983 Fall: Panel chair and paper presentation, Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association at Chicago, Illinois, panel topic: "Action Theory and Organizational Change." Paper presentation: "Bureaucratization and Resistance to Change." l983 Spring: Paper presentation, American Society of Public Administration, Annual Conference at New York City, New York. Panel: "The Implications of Phenomenology and Psychoanalytic Thought for Public Management Education." Paper presentation: "Interpersonal and Psychoanalytic Contributions to the Education of Personal Responsibility for Public Management." l983 Summer: Panel chair and paper presentation, The International Society of Political Psychology, Sixth Annual Scientific Meetings at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, Oxford, England. Panel on “Institutionalization: Interpersonal and Psychoanalytic Approaches" Paper presentation with Seth Allcorn: "Anxiety, Psychological Defensiveness, and Personal Responsibility: An Action Model of Dilemma in Modern Bureaucracy." l982 Fall: Attended-conference: Public Personnel Administration: The Next Hundred Years. October l982, Albany, New York. l982 Fall: Paper-presentation: "Organization Psychiatry, Neo-Humanism, and the Action Science Model: A Sullivanian View of Argyris' Contributions to Organization Theory," American Political Science Association, sub-field in Administration, Organization and Executives, Denver, Colorado. l982 Summer: Panel Chair and paper-presentation: "Bureaucracy as Externalized Self-System: A View From the Psychological Interior," International Society for Political Psychology, Fifth Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Panel: The Psychological Costs of Working in a Bureaucracy. l982 Fall: Workshop Participant on "Psychoanalytic Applications of Political Psychology," International Society of Political Psychology Fifth Annual Scientific Meetings, Washington, DC (with Lawrence Freedman, M.D.). l982 Spring: Conference attended: Fifth National Conference on Teaching Public Administration, Suffolk University, School of Management Beacon Hill, Boston, Massachusetts. l98l Spring: Panelist, "The Organization, the Group and Processes of Disintegration," Fifth Scientific Meeting, A.K. Rice Institute, Washington, D.C. l98l: Fall: Conference-attended: Public Policy and Regulation of Human Resources Management, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. l98l Fall: Co-Chair Panel with Charles H. Levine: "What is Public Management?" Sub-fields in

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Administration Organization and Executives at the American Political Science Association Annual Conference, New York, New York. l98l Fall: Paper-presentation: "Organizational Behavior and the Psychology of Gestalt: A Descriptive Analysis of Argyris' Theory. American Political Science Association Annual Conference. Panel: The Political Implications of Neo-Humanistic Organization Theory. l98l Spring: Paper presentation: "Interpersonal Competence or Interpersonal Security in Organization Behavior," National Capital Area Political Science Association, Mt. Vernon College, Washington, D.C. Panel: Political Meaning in Humanism Psychology and the Concept of Self-Actualization." l98l Spring: Paper-presentation: American Political Science Association Annual Meetings in Washington, D.C., Fall l980. Paper title: "Psychoanalysis and Organization: Regression and Adaptation." Foundations of Political Theory Roundtable on "The Concept of Human Needs in Political Science Research." l979 Spring: Discussant: Midwest Political Science Association Convention in Chicago, Illinois. l979 Fall: Workshop participant, "Psycho-pathology and Bureaucracy," at The Washington School of Psychiatry with Michael Maccoby and Douglas LaBier. CONSULTING ACTIVITIES 2013 to present: State University of New York, Fashion Institute of Technology 2013: MU School of Law 2010-12: Missouri College Advisory Corp (MCAC), Organizational diagnosis and intervention, sponsored by a federal grant from NCAC. 2007-2008: Missouri Lottery Consultation, CSOC. 2007-08: Supervision, Student Health Center Consultation, CSOC. 2006: Columbia Police Department, Columbia, Missouri 2005-2006: Missouri Lottery, Organizational Diagnosis and Intervention. 2004: State of Missouri, Office of Administration, Organizational Diagnosis and Intervention. 2004: San Diego Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Organizational Consultation, Diagnosis

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and Intervention. 2004: New England Addiction Technology Transfer Centers. 2003: Health and Human Services (HHS), Division of Family Services (DFS), Human Development Corporation (HDC), Executive Coaching and Organizational Consultation, Diagnosis and Intervention. 2002-present: Missouri Division of Family Services (CSBG), Human Development Corporation of Metropolitan St. Louis (CAA), Organizational Diagnosis and Intervention. 1998-2001: State Farm Mutual Insurance Companies, Executive Consultant. 2001-2002: University of Florida, College of Health Professions Gainesville, FL. 2001: University of Houston, Office of the President, Houston, TX. 2000-2001: University of Florida, College of Medicine Gainesville, FL. 2000-: University of Missouri Healthcare, Executive Coaching with Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs. 2000-: University of Missouri, School of Medicine, Office of the Dean. 1999-2000: Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions. 1999-2000: Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia, Organizational Diagnosis and Change. 1999-2000: Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia, Organizational Diagnosis and Change. 1998-1999: Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia, Organizational Diagnosis and Change. 1998-99: University of Missouri Alumni Relations, Strategic Planning. 1997: 3M Electronic Products Division and its corporate affiliates, Hewlett Packard and Tamarack Scientific, Inc. Organizational Diagnosis and Change. 1996-1997: Police Department, University of Missouri, Organizational Diagnosis and Assessment, Intervention and Planned Change.

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1996-1997: College of Engineering, University of Missouri, Organizational Diagnosis and Assessment, Intervention and Planned Change. 1996-: Division of Child Support Enforcement, State of Missouri, Supervision of Organizational Assessment and Strategic Planning. 1996-: Missouri Lottery Commission, Strategic Planning. 1996-: Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Mason Eye Institute, University of Missouri, Strategic Planning. 1995-: Project Manager and Consultant for the State of Missouri, Statewide Strategic Planning. 1995-: Office of Information Technology, State of Missouri Information Technology Planning. 1995-: Division of Medical Services, Department of Social Services, State of Missouri, Organizational Assessment and Diagnosis, Strategic Planning. 1995-: Organizational Diagnosis and Assessment for the Missouri Human Rights Commission, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, State of Missouri. 1995-: Organizational Consultation with Kimberly-Clark, New Milford Infant Care Plant, involves organizational assessment, strategic planning, restructuring and culture change. 1994: Organizational Consultation for two Medical Practices in Hartford, Connecticut. (Provide assistance in evaluating and planning a merger of several clinical practices). 1994: Organizational Diagnosis and Assessment for the Department of Economic Development, Division of Professional Registration, Chiropractic Board. 1994: Organizational Diagnosis and Assessment for the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Consult to the Director and consolidation plan: assessment and planning, diagnosis, intervention and follow-up. 1994: Organizational Diagnosis and Assessment for Division of Family Services, Department of Social Services, State of Missouri, Organizational Assessment and Planning. Coordination of “Futures Program” (Welfare-to-work) with Children's Services and Income Maintenance programs. 1993: Organizational Consultant to Show-me Health Reform, Department of Health, Department of Social Services, State of Missouri. Facilitate coordination and consensus building among stakeholders in health care reform for the state of Missouri.

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1993: Organizational Consultant for the Department of Social Services, Division of Family Services, FUTURES program, advance managerial and organizational approaches, improve leadership, team-building. 1993-present: Organizational Consultant for Data Processing Managers Group, Office of Administration, State of Missouri, facilitate teamwork and collaboration among departments throughout state government. 1993 August: Organizational Consultant to the Department of Mental Health, State of Missouri Workshop on "reinventing government." 1993: Organizational Consultant to the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, School of Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia. Assist in establishing a viable department following a merger of Psychiatry and Neurology, help to develop vision, effective leadership, planning, organizational structure and productive, collaborative working relationships across the two disciplines. 1986-present: Organization Consultant to the Office of Administration, State of Missouri. Provide Assessment of Organizational Planning, Reorganization, Change and Development, Organizational Diagnosis. 1992: Organizational Consultant (diagnosis and intervention) to Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG previously RCA), Fulfillment Center, Indianapolis, Indiana. 1992: Organizational Consultant (diagnosis and intervention) to Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG previously RCA), RCA records, ARISTA, ARIOLA, ZOO entertainment, Direct Marketing Inc., New York City, New York. 1991: "Group and Organizational Learning" training session for General Electric, Princeton, N.J. 1990: Organization Consultant to the Department of Economic Development, State of Missouri, Organizational diagnosis, intervention, and planned change. 1990: Organization Consultant to the Department of Social Services, Director, Division Directors, Deputies, and their Assistants, State of Missouri. Provide partial interventions and retreat. 1989-90: Organization Consultant to Telecommunications Services, Division of Telecommunications and Data Processing, State of Missouri. Provide organizational diagnosis and partial intervention.

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1989-90: Organization Consultant to the Division of Medical Services, Department of Social Services, State of Missouri. Provide partial intervention and consultation. 1989: Organization Consultant to the Division of Data Processing and Telecommunications, and the Division of Accounting, Office of Administration, State of Missouri. Provide organizational diagnosis and partial intervention. 1989 Summer: Organization Consultant to Office of Administration, State of Missouri, Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, and Division Directors (Facilitate leadership transition, team-building, clarification of future mission and objectives). 1989 Summer: Organization Consultant to Job Council, Lake of the Ozarks, Job Training and Partnership Act, Executives State of Missouri -- teambuilding. 1988 (Winter): Organization Consultant to the Division of Aging, State of Missouri. Provide organizational diagnosis, partial interventions, and team building. 1985-1990: Organization Consultant to the Missouri State Training Unit of the Division of Personnel. P ongoing consultations, interventions, and team building. 1985 May: Workshop for State of Missouri Personnel Division, State Training Office on "Managing Change." 1985: Organization Consultant, involving diagnosis and partial intervention for the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Missouri-Columbia. 1984-85: Organization Consultant, Contract with the State Training Office, Division of Personnel, State of Missouri. Purpose of the intervention is to train and educate state trainers in organization development and group process skills. 1984: Workshop on "Managing Change" for State Training Office, Division of Personnel, State of Missouri. Workshops held during months of May, August and November 1984. 1982-83 (Spring): Consultant, M.P.A. Interns, Department of Political Science, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Edwin O. Stein Graduate Program in Public Administration. 1982: Workshop/Consult on "Managing Conflict and Team-Building" for ALMSA Unit of the United States Department of Defense in St. Louis, Missouri. 1980-81: Specialist, Organizational Assessment of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. Graduate School of Administration and Public Policy Research Organization, University of California-Irvine with Professors James L. Perry and Lyman W. Porter, contract from Office of Personnel Management.

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UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES 2015-present: Editor-in-Chief, Advances in Organizational Psychodynamics (book series), University of Missouri Press 2013: Chair, TSPA Faculty Recruitment Committee 2013-2014 Committee on Research Responsibility and Misconduct (2012-present) TSPA Personnel Committee (2011-2012) Chair, Campus Committee on Innovation, MU (2011-2015) TSPA PhD Committee (2010-2012) TSPA Policy Committee (2007-2011) Associate Director for Academic Programs, TSPA, MU (1996-present) Director, Center for the Study of Organizational Change, TSPA, MU (2009-2011) Chair, PhD committee TSPA, MU (2008-2011) Member, executive committee and curriculum committee, Master of Public Health Program, MU (2007-2009) Chair, MPA committee TSPA, MU (2007-2010) Faculty Council, Academic Committee (member), MU Chair, (2006-2007) ad hoc Ph.D. committee TSPA Chair (October 2005) CSOC fall colloquium, MU Member/Fellow, (1990-present) Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution Committee, University of Missouri, School of Law Chair (2005) Faculty recruitment committee (two faculty positions) TSPA, MU Chair (2004-05), Committee on Campus Mediation Services, University of Missouri Director, (2004-05) Organizational Leadership Programs, H.S. Truman School of Public Affairs

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Member, Ph.D. committee TSPA Member, Campus Mediation Oversight Board, University of Missouri Member, (1996-2001) Professional Advisory Board, Center for the Study of Organizational Change Chair, Academic Advisory Committee (1996-2001), Center for the Study of Organizational Change Member, Executive Committee, Truman School of Public Affairs (TSPA), 2000-present Chair, Promotion & Tenure Committee, Truman School of Public Affairs, 2001-2010 Cabinet member, European Union Center, 2000-2006 Member, Informatics Search Committee, GSPA, 2000-2001 Member, Public Policy Search Committee, GSPA, 2000 Chair, Peer Teaching Advisory Committee, GSPA 2000 Member, Director Search Committee, Truman School of Public Affairs, 1999-2000 Member, Health Management & Informatics Faculty Search, 1999-2001 Chair, Faculty Recruitment Committee, Graduate School of Public Affairs, (1999-2000) Member, Director’s Recruitment Committee, Graduate School of Public Affairs (1999-2000) Member, MU Recruitment Committee for Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs (1998-99) Member, Committee on Organization of Health Sciences Center (1998) Member, Cabinet of the MU European Union Member, College of B&PA Strategic Planning (1998-99) Member, UM System-wide Public Policy Analysis Task Force Chairman, College of B&PA Niche Committee and Strategic Initiative

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Member, College of B&PA Staff Awards Committee Member, College of B&PA Promotion and Tenure Committee (1991-present) Chairman, Department of PA, Promotion and Tenure Committee (1991-present) Chairman, Department of PA, Peer Teaching Review Committee College of B&PA Executive Committee (1991-1995) Chairman, College of B&PA Promotion and Tenure Committee (1993-1994) Strategic Planning Committee, College of B & PA (1990-1992) Member, Dean's Search Committee (1989-1990) Member, Dean's Search Committee (1988-89) Departmental Applications Committee (1986-present) Director of Graduate Studies, Master of Public Administration Program (Academic years: 1986-1988) Member of Doctoral Faculty and Graduate School Faculty, University of Missouri Counseling Services Professional Standards Review Panel, Counseling Services, University of Missouri Honors College Faculty Scholarship Committee (1981-2) Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee (1982-3) Committee of the Whole (Department of Public Administration) Library Representative (1983-present) B&PA Marketing Task Force (1981-2) Beta Gamma Sigma Organization (1981-2) Dean's Faculty Advisory Committee (1984-86), Chair 1 year term. B&PA Tenure and Promotion Policy Committee (1993-1994).

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B&PA Niche Committee (1995) Chair B&PA Data Collection Committee (1994-95) B&PA By-laws Committee (1994-95) MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS / OFFICES HELD AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION Member (expired) Conflict Processes Political Psychology THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDY OF ORGANIZATIONS (Member 1985 to present) Founding Member, 1987-1991 Steering Committee Member and Chair of the Charter Committee 1985-86, Program Chair, 1987, Chair of the By-Laws and Constitutional Committee, 1989-90, Nominated President-elect, President from 1991-1993, Past-President 1993-1994, Board of Directors (1994-96). THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY Member, 1981- 2011 Member, Governing Council 1985-1987 Member, Editorial Board of Political Psychology (1986-1997) ASSOCIATION FOR THE PSYCHOANALYSIS OF CULTURE AND SOCIETY Association Member and member of committee on Organizations Associate editor (editorial board), Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (1988 to 1999) Division 13: Consulting Psychology (2012-13) Division 39: Psychoanalysis (1988-1999) AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (2012-13) Psychological Anthropology Medical Anthropology REFERENCES Dr. Chris Argyris (deceased)

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Professor Emeritus Harvard Graduate School of Business Harvard University Boston, MA. Dr. Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries Professor INSEAD Boulevard de Constance 773305 Fontainebleau FRANCE 16 072 4000 Dr. Howell S. Baum Professor Department of Urban Studies and Planning University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD Dr. Harry Levinson (deceased) Professor Emeritus of Psychology Department of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School Cambridge, MA Dr. Robert B. Denhardt Professor University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Leopold Gruenfeld Professor of Organizational Behavior Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations Ithaca, New York Dr. Howard F. Stein Professor Emeritus Department of Family and Preventive Medicine University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Oklahoma City, OK (405) 271-8000 ext.32211