Thomas Hedstrom September 14, 2010

Visual vocabulary

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Page 1: Visual vocabulary

Thomas Hedstrom September 14, 2010

Page 2: Visual vocabulary

Definition: Ideology is defined as; a body of ideas that reflects beliefs, interests or wants of a nation or political system.

Example: a nation or country.


Page 3: Visual vocabulary

Definition: a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual. It is also defined as the action or principle of asserting one's independence and individuality.

Example: the declaration of independence is a good example of individualism because it states the values and the freedom of individuals that fall under its rights.


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Definition: a way of thinking where values and the goals of the group are more important then any individual in the group.

Example: a group of students or a military squad are good examples of collectivism. They all have individual goals but they are not as important as the primary goal.


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Definition: a collection of ideologies purely committed to the dignity and freedom of individuals as the foundation for their society.

Example: an example of liberalism is elections. As part of the community, country or province, we are eligible to vote for who we feel fit to lead us.


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Definition: taking opportunities or advances without thinking about the consequences or better interests of others.

Example: in businesses, people will work harder for a chance to be promoted, hence furthering their own career. This is an example of self-interest.


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Definition: when two people or parties try to complete a common interest before the other.

Example: in business, there will always be competition unless you own a monopoly. This competition will make you lower your prices in order to get more customers.


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Definition: the ability to do or say what you want to when you want to, as long as these things are within the boundaries set be the collective people.

Example: People in Canada are free to do what we want to do as long as it falls in our local and provincial laws. We also have freedom of speech which allows us to say what we want to.


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Definition: a principle in government that states the equality of all people towards how they are all subject to law.

Example: all citizen in the country are all subject to the rule of law set in Canada. No one is above the rule of law.


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Definition: property that is owned by someone. This property includes land, possessions and anything that is on their land.

Example: an acreage owned by an individual can be classified as private property. Other examples are cars and houses.


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Definition: the responsibility of individuals in a group. The whole group is responsible for each persons actions.

Example: The BP oil spill caused millions of dollars worth of damage and it is was the executive’s of BP who were responsible.


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Definition: an interest that is shared and is common by a group of people. These interests become the common interests and goals are set to achieve them.



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Definition: working together to accomplish a common set goal.

Example: co-workers and students that work in groups all require the cooperation of everyone in the team to be successful.


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Definition: this definition depends on the person and their views, but generally this means governmental taxes and other policies that allow everyone to earn similar wages and work.

Example: when workers go on strike it is because they feel that they are not being treated fairly or equal by the government. The writers strike was an example of economic equality.


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Definition: something that the general public finds or accepts as normal.

Example: in large cities, large structures and lots of traffic is normal and known by the public.


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Definition: property and or possessions that belong to everyone in the public.

Example: parks in the local community and or recreational places are almost always owned by the town and are generally always open to the public.


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Definition: these are important aspects of individuals that affect on their behavior, how they act and how they view the world around them.

Example: people who worship at church’s or at monuments have beliefs and these beliefs affect how people act and influence what they do.


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Definition: an important belief that influences how and why people act in the way that they do.


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Definition: identity that defines who you are by your race, religion, values, personality, like and dislikes and beliefs.

Example: every single person has their own unique identity that defines who they are.


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Definition: the identity that is shared with people in similar places or with similar beliefs and values.

Example: The Canadian Flag displays our nation. Our nation is proud to be multy-ethnic and have such a diverse background of people.
