Vision to Action

Vision to Action

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Vision to Action. Beyond the Bake Sale. Strengthening Family-School Partnerships Ben Gilpin. Let's KaHoot. GetKahoot.com Go to kahoot.it. Family Engagement. What does Family Engagement look like? Feel like? http://youtu.be/xEt5dEOcW0I. Alarming Numbers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vision to Action

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Beyond the Bake SaleStrengthening Family-School Partnerships

Ben Gilpin

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Let's KaHootGetKahoot.comGo to kahoot.it

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Family Engagement

What does Family Engagement look like? Feel like?


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Alarming Numbers

29 million children in this country are growing up in low income families

81% of these families have at least one working parent

80% of Chicago Public School students whose parents were involved for six years or more graduated from high school...compared to 38% of students whose parents were not involved.

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What do the numbers tell us?

Public Engagement goes beyond Positive PR

Most parents are doing the best they can.

Families have dreams for their kids.

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Communication is key...

What do visitors say about the climate or feel of the building?

Do parents feel connected or disconnected to the school? (Tech N' Taco)

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4 Core Beliefs1 - Parents have dreams for their children and want the best for them.

2 - All parents have the capacity to support their children's learning.

3 - Parents and Staff should be equal partners.

4 - The responsibility for building partnerships between school and home rests primarily with school staff...especially school leaders.

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Come On, Team! Let’s Do the Blue Star Summer Challenge!

Hamilton Community Schools

Prepared By Teisha Kothe

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How Do We Address the “Summer Loss?”

Team Project to collaborate

Let kids be kids…and be scholars too!

Each grade submitted ideas

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Blue (Read)1

Star (Write)2

Summer (Math)3

Challenge (Science & Social Studies)



Take the Summer Challenge!

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Come See Me.Take a sample and make it your own!

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creating a culture of community


Jennifer Mayes

Manchester Community Schools

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Where did the idea of Respect Circles come from?

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What are Respect Circles?

Teaching explicit lessons to all students, such as:• Specific behavior expectations for various locations the

building• How to “self-monitor” (ie – practice self-control)• The use of appropriate words and tone to handle

difficult situations with peers.

Recognizing students who either display exemplary skills or making great strides in meeting behavior standards.



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Why do Respect Circles?Can no longer assume that students come to school with appropriate skills or problem-solving strategies.

Student behaviors often can and do significantly interfere with• daily lessons• instructional leadership• parent / community perceptions

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Teacher Buy-In

• Teachers were tired of being disrespected by “8 year olds”

• Building principal offered to teach the lessons so that it wasn’t “one more thing” for them to do• When implemented in 2012-2013, the district was

implementing a new writing program, an updated math program, and a bully prevention program

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How does it work?

At Klager Elementary:• Weekly lessons • Delivered in 25 minute sessions• One grade level at a time• Teaches 3-5 building-wide expectations for different areas of

the school • Common Vocabulary

• Covers 9-12 different topics • Repeats each marking period

• Lesson ends with teachers recognizing at least one student in his/her class who was “caught being good” or who was “doing the right thing”

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What is self-monitoring?

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Possible Topics

• Cafeteria• Buses• Playground• Guest Teachers• Bathrooms

Think of any “hot spot” or area that needs to be addressed and turn it into a lesson!

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What about the students who struggle with the expectations?


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What are the results?

2011-2012 2012-2013 (Y1) 2013-2014 (Y2)

Number of students receiving behavior reports

90(244 reports)

68(231 reports)

39(78 reports*)

Biggest gains came from students who were not identified as Tier 3 or special education students due to social / emotional issues.

From 2011-2012 to 2012-2013 school year, there was a 31% decrease in the number of “non-identified” students receiving behavior reports.

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2012-2013 (Y1) 2013-2014 (Y2)

Number of office referrals during the months of September & October 55 14

2011-2012 2012-2013 (Y1) 2013-2014 (Y2)

Number of office referrals during May & June 50 35 15

2012-2013 (Y1) 2013-2014 (Y2)

Number of remediation lessons delivered

408(62 students)

260(55 students)

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Other Positive Dividends Students see the principal as

a teacher / instructional leader

Get to interact with all students on a regular basis

Elementary students “fill your cup”

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The Process, in Greater Detail

Stay tuned… further information to come during “table talks”

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Project Based LearningMark Morawski



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Maximizing Potential with Peer Coaching

The most successful leaders succeed by bringing out greatness in others.

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Looking for something different?

Too often teacher feedback is vague, not prescriptive

Opportunity to knock down teacher ‘silos’

Professionals grow through real dialogue

Capitalize on our biggest strength…STAFF Fine tuning of skills are more easily

accomplished than new skills (Joyce and Showers 1980)

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Interactive Process

Input = Output…What about the teachers that ‘mail it in’?

Peer Coaching In a Nutshell Plan, Observe, Discuss, Reflect, Refine


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Getting Started

Start Small Invitation to Get Out And Learn (GOAL)

days with sub or principal coverage Build time in for discussion between

staff Ask for discussion/feedback during staff

meeting Keep it on the agenda

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How one school structured Peer Coaching

Peer coaching partner-selection by teacher

Have pre-coaching meeting to discuss 3-5 areas of focus & discuss lesson plan

Visit- Minimum of 45 min (or one class period)

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Details (cont.)

Refine, clean up notes from visit before meeting for post conference

Meet with peer to review notes; if not using a substitute post meeting occurs within two days of visit

Complete peer reflection sheet and submit to administrator

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Why Peer Coaching?

“The top performing school systems recognize that the only way to improve outcomes is to improve instruction…which interventions are effective in achieving this-coaching classroom practice, moving teacher training to the classroom, developing stronger school leaders, and enabling teachers to learn from each other.” McKinsey and Company (2007); How the World’s Best Performing Schools Come Out on Top

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