VISHVESHWARAIAH TECHNOLOGICAL …files.spogel.com/projectsqa/qa-00135--cloud_computing...Vishveshwaraiah Technological University, Belgaum during the year 2009-10. The seminar report

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A seminar report on

Cloud Computing

Submitted by

Amar Shanbhag(2SD06CS004)

8th semester







Certified that the seminar work entitled “CLOUD COMPUTING” is a bonafide work

presented by (student name) bearing USN NO (usn) in a partial fulfillment for the award

of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING of the

Vishveshwaraiah Technological University, Belgaum during the year 2009-10. The

seminar report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements with respect to

seminar work presented for the Bachelor of Engineering Degree.

Staff in charge H.O.D CSE

Name: Amar Shanbhag


In this report there is a brief overview of cloud computing. Cloud computing is the latest of computing paradigms. It promises to change the way people use computing resources. Using Internet as the backbone, cloud computing asserts that it is possible to provide computing as a “utility” to end users “as and when needed” basis. Cloud computing has a potential to serve users of all kinds: individual users, institutions, industry at large. This report cover issues such nature and scope of cloud computing, its applications, business rationale etc.

1. Introduction The process and possibilities of business has been radically affected and hugely expanded by continuously changing technological advances. For instance, the invention of printing press and the consequent ability to produce books in large numbers created new business of publishing. This in turn helped in organizing education and determined the structure of university. The invention of steam engine led to creation of transportation industry and the invention of aero plane created aviation industry and computers created industry of information. Something similar is ushering in the field of computing.

Cloud computing is a business model that harnesses the web as the ultimate business platform. Cloud computing is impregnated with immense potential for array of practical applications. The model is expected make computing needs available via web on retail basis and is called cloud computing. Cloud computing intends to make the Internet the ultimate home of all computing resources- storage, computations, applications and allow end user to

available them in quantities of her choice, location of their preferences, for duration of their liking. In other world web become the provision store for all your computing needs.


Why do I buy a computer when I use it for only few hours a week? Why do I buy a printer when I need printing occasionally? Is it possible to avail computing on “need basis” as it is possible in case of “electricity” or “water? In other words, can I avail computing resources such as storage, application, and infrastructure as a “utility”?

The answer is yes. And the name of model which is expected make computing available on retail basis is called cloud computing. Cloud computing intends to make the Internet the ultimate home of all computing resources- storage, computations, applications and allow end user (both individuals and business) to avail these resources in quantities of her choice, location of their preferences, for duration of their liking. In other world web become the provision store for all your computing needs. A business model built on this paradigm offers these resources as services either on pay per use basis or rental basis.

Cloud computing is a term used to describe both a platform and type of application. A cloud computing platform dynamically provisions, configures, reconfigures, and deprovisions servers as needed. Servers in the cloud can be physical machines or virtual machines. Advanced clouds typically include other computing resources such as storage area networks (SANs), network equipment, firewall and other security devices.

3. Why cloud computing?

Cloud computing infrastructure accelerates and fosters the adoption of innovations. Cloud computing can enable innovations. It alleviates the need of innovators to find resources to develop, test, and make their innovations available to the user community. Innovators are free to focus on the innovation rather than the logistics of finding and managing resources that enable the innovation. Cloud computing helps leverage innovation as early as possible to deliver business value to a company and its customers.

Cloud computing infrastructure allows enterprises to achieve more efficient use of their IT hardware and software investments. Cloud computing can increase profitability by improving resource utilization. Pooling resources into large clouds drives down costs and increases utilization by delivering resources only for as long as those resources are needed. Cloud computing allows individuals, teams, and organizations to streamline procurement processes and eliminate the need to duplicate certain computer administrative skills related to setup, configuration, and support.

4. Cloud Computing: The Promise

Cloud computing is the newest paradigm in the history of computing. It is made possible by a unique combination of facts: exponentially grown world wide web, reliable and broadband connectivity, phenomenal increase in online population both individuals and businesses, commoditized storage and processing power and increasing migration of businesses on to web platform. Cloud computing proposes to harness these factors in establishing a new paradigm in computing. It is a new order of computing. Cloud computing paradigm claims that it is possible and beneficial to make Internet or web as the home of all computing resources and to provide these resources to consumers as "utilities" on retail basis. It asserts that by using cloud model small business can take advantage of cost reductions. By availing

cloud services, business can focus on its "core" issues. "The "cloud" represents the Internet: Instead of using software installed on your computer or saving data to your hard drive, you're working and storing stuff on the Web, in cyberspace. Data is kept on servers run by the service you're using, and tasks are performed in your browser using an interface provided by the service." Cloud Computing is the next step in the evolution of the Internet as a source of “services.” It’s those services that users are interested in, not the underlying technologies. While most people have become accustomed to using services such as emailing or searching or shopping on the Internet, by extension, it makes sense that business technologies should be accessible in the same way. In other words, instead of installing packaged software applications on their computers, people and businesses will use their browsers to access a wide range of cloud services available on-demand over the Internet. As this transition accelerates, the IT industry has an opportunity to drive a quantum-leap improvement in the user experience.

5. Examples of cloud computing. Although most of us use cloud computing in one or the other form, we are not usually aware of them. In this section we list some of the well known web services that are built using cloud infrastructure.

When Hotmail started offering free web-based email service in 1996, it represented first instance of cloud computing. Hotmail has all the features of cloud computing. The service is offered via web to the user, user data is stored in data centre and use remote servers; service is made available through a browser.

Popular networking sites such as facebook, orkut, flickr offer services based on cloud computing.

If all user want is to type a document and maybe include some basic formatting, you don't need all the power of a proprietary Microsoft Word you can simply log in to Google Docs another example of cloud computing in action.

So far we listed services aimed at general users. However, cloud computing has far reaching implications for business in general. It gives the ability to run a geophysical modeling application on the most powerful systems available anywhere. It can be the

ability to rent a virtual server, load software on it, turn it on and off at will, or clone it ten times to meet a sudden workload demand.

6. Cloud Computing is characteristics

Cloud computing is characterized by the following

* Dynamism It means that the system can expand and contact based on the needs of the application, at any point of time. It is this characteristic that allows cloud vendors to offer services in any degree of granularity. From the cloud consumer perspective becomes a "pay per use" model.

* Abstraction The actual implementation is always hidden. The programmer or even the end users need never to worry about how and when of the system. This abstraction is achieved through what is known as "virtualization". Every resource can be subjected to virtualization. Storage, Operating system, platform are some of resources that be "abstracted" or "virtualized". * Resource-Sharing The resources are designed in such a manner that it can be shared. It is this feature that allows cloud providers to build massive scale resource pools and operate them cost effectively. Data centers are one example. * Platform Almost every cloud computing is build on one of the platforms. It makes things program specific. Although end user and interfaces are abstracted, at lowest level applications have been implemented on specific platforms and environments.

7. Cloud technologies and services

Cloud paradigm has a huge potential. Cloud computing paradigm offers services broadly in the following categories.

1. Software as Service- Individuals and business can consumes applications such as CRM, Email, office work productivity applications that are offered as a “service” by a cloud vendor. Instead of buying software package in traditional form, individuals and businesses can buy software as a "service" as and when needed. For example, you may say one hour of Microsoft word time for preparing your documents or a company may buy it for a longer duration. It may be called as "retail" purchase of a service.


Free: Gmail

Commercial: Salesforce.com`s SFA services, Google Office productivity applications.

2. Platform as a service: One can avail a platform of choice such as windows or Linux as a service and host company and launch its services on and from it. A service consumer r such an individual or a business can rent or avail an entire application development environment as a service. The consumer may then use this environment to develop and deploy

applications. Example: Google App Engine, Application Server virtual images, Amazon Web Services, Boomi, Cast Iron, and Google App Engine.

3. Infrastructure as service: In this cloud vendor provides a complete infrastructure as needed by the consumer. This may include operating system environment, database system environment, and storage environment. The vendor takes responsibility for hosting and managing the infrastructure

Example: Amazon EC2, Amazon SimpleDB. IBM Blue House, VMWare, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure Platform, Sun ParaScale Cloud Storage, and more.

8. Implications of Cloud computing Cloud computing paradigm has practical as well as theoretical implications at all levels: individuals through institutions to society at large. It has implications for academics, enterprises as well as to government. Let us consider them.

1 Implications for individuals

Cloud computing 's idea of making web a central place to meet one's computing needs in "retail" formats opens up for an individual for a range of existing and upcoming services. Although now a common place free web based email services represents one of the earliest example of cloud computing service. This frees a common man from the clutches of institutional computing policies and helps him have life long digital presence on the web. Freely available but industrial strength services such on-line docs, emails already have put an ordinary person on par with a company in terms of access to products and services.

2. Implications for entrepreneurs

The Cloud opens a new world of entrepreneurial opportunities, not just to those in the industrialized world, but also to emerging economies across the globe, including three billion new capitalists from China, India, Brazil, and the former Soviet Union. Individuals will be able to use one of the world’s largest supercomputers, without having to house it, manage it, power it, administer it, provision it or buy it. So far businesses have oriented their services on a global basis. Cloud computing, because of its distributed nature of resources may help them consider "local" approaches.

3. Implications for business

Cloud computing heralds a new business opportunity for business in two distinct domains. The domains are service providing and service consumer. As a service provider on cloud platform business can extend the range of their services. For instance software service providers can extend their existing service portfolios or transform them into cloud consumers. For instance, a user who has bought MS Word package and is currently using it on her desktop may be allowed to upgrade it to newer version as a cloud service. On the other hand, a service consumer of cloud computing, a business can have cost advantages and also focus on "core" processes.

Cloud Computing makes it possible to create new “business operations platforms” that will allow companies to change their business models and collaborate in powerful new ways with their customers, suppliers and trading partners stuff that simply could not be done before.

4. Implications for academics and research

Cloud computing is a new environment. As such, it demands a new approach in almost all fronts. It needs a different kind of databases, security mechanism, algorithms locate widely scattered database and search within them.

9. Cloud computing models

The Cloud comprises three aspects:

Cloud computing a design pattern that enables self-service automation, scaling, flexing, variable costs, and rich data analytics;

Cloud Platforms, the tools, programming and information models, supporting software run-time components, and related technologies. Platforms facilitate implementing Cloud Services that depend on the Cloud Computing design pattern to meet their requirements, particularly those related to cost;

Cloud Services, a delivery model for information services.

10. Cloud computing architecture

Cloud computing paradigm like any other needs an infrastructure to build and deliver services. However, it is more an evolution than a revolution. Existing technologies such a grid computing, utility computing, adaptive computing constitute the infrastructure leading to cloud computing. Other technologies that underpin cloud computing include virtualization, data centre etc.

11. Advantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has a true potential to offer a series of benefits to both cloud vendors and cloud service consumers. Business needs as reason for using cloud services. Here is a brief list.

Today business systems contain a lot of technological components. Building and using technological components may drive business away from its "core" activities. Cloud computing comes as a rescue for such businesses that can define a set of technological components that can be availed as services.

1. Improve cost structures

Cost reduction remains the single most concern of any business. Cost reductions in building and running IT components form a major part of cost structure for any business. Meeting those IT needs via cloud service may come as a boon to many enterprises.

2. Dealing with change

Keeping in tune with rapid technological by way of regular up gradation poses serious challenges for business. Cloud vendors because of their scale of operations and wide client base always ensure that technological developments are integrated into their service portfolios at the earliest.

In addition to above, scalability, security etc which are constant concern of every business can be well managed by way of using cloud services

3. Focus on core

By availing cloud service in areas where it has not core value proposition, a company can keep its key personnel can focus more on producing value and innovation for the business.

12. Who can use Cloud computing?

Cloud computing paradigm and its range of services is potential enough to wide range of services and can meet the needs of business of all sizes and variety. Here are examples.

1. Cloud computing in start ups: Start up companies needs industrial strength and contemporary technological infrastructure to commence their service offerings. However, investing upfront for that infrastructure may be prohibitively expensive or even may be risky. Cloud vendors can provide them with minimal infrastructure set up and allow them to scale up as they go further.

2. Cloud computing in companies with existing IT infrastructure. A rapidly growing company may be stretching its current IT resources to the limit. Planning and procuring additional technologies cost in terms of time and investments. Cloud vendor can offer technology as well as software as service to the company in scalable fashion. This helps company to buy in required quantities and pay only for that.

13. Conclusions

In this presentation we provided a brief introduction to the emerging field of cloud computing. Cloud computing is way of provisioning computing resources on need basis. The paper showed the potential uses of cloud computing are many and every kind of user can benefits from it. Cloud computing needs to be explored further to extend its usefulness.

14. References

1. www.google.com

2. Cloud computing by Andy Bechtolsheim.

3.Cloud complete survey by F5 networks.

4. http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/

5. dastikop.blogspot.com